Signs of thin blood in women. Liquid blood causes consequences

Realizing the likelihood of impending thrombosis, followed by a stroke or heart attack, many people are forced to take blood thinners daily. This is extremely necessary to do to prevent the occurrence of these diseases. If you are familiar with these problems firsthand, then you need to take measures to make your blood more fluid. First of all, you must continue to take the medications prescribed by your doctor. In addition, you will have to reconsider your lifestyle and make the necessary changes. You will also need to see your doctor regularly. All this will help you stay healthy.


Use of prescription medications

    Take coumarin-based anti-clotting medications. If you have a condition that causes your blood to be very thick, your doctor will likely prescribe anticoagulants, drugs that affect blood clotting. This may be a coumarin-based drug, such as Coumadin or warfarin. The action of these drugs is to reduce the formation of vitamin K-dependent factors. These drugs are usually taken orally once a day, at the same time every day, with or without food.

    Learn about the side effects of warfarin. If you are being treated with warfarin, be careful as this drug may cause internal bleeding. You should have your blood tested weekly so your doctor can adjust your dose based on your results.

    Take other blood thinners. Your doctor may prescribe other oral anticoagulants for you. The advantage of these is that you do not need to undergo weekly blood testing. Additionally, vitamin K intake does not affect their effectiveness. However, some doctors refuse to prescribe these drugs because they cannot objectively assess the patient's condition. In addition, if bleeding occurs, it is not possible to stop it using vitamin K-based medications.

    Using other methods

    1. Take baby aspirin. If you have had a heart attack or stroke or have certain risk factors, your doctor may prescribe you to take aspirin every day. Aspirin thins the blood and prevents the sticking of blood clot-forming cells in the blood vessels. Please note that use of aspirin increases the risk gastrointestinal bleeding and hemorrhagic stroke.

      Follow physical exercise. Exercise helps reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Although it is sometimes not possible to fully recover from a heart attack or stroke, you can prevent further complications by exercising. Doctors recommend setting aside 150 minutes a week for exercise, which should be divided into 30-minute intervals per day. Include it in your weekly schedule aerobic exercise moderate intensity, such as brisk walking.

      • Try to avoid exercises that could cause serious injury, complications, or internal bleeding. Ask your doctor to recommend exercise based on your medical history.
    2. Make adjustments to your diet. The diet helps prevent further heart problems. In addition, by adjusting your diet, you may be able to go without medications and still feel well. Watch your portion size. Eat small meals and watch what you eat at each meal. One serving of meat should be 50-80 g. Eat more fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. Try to eat whole grain bread rather than white flour. Include healthy fats found in nuts and fatty fish such as tuna or salmon. Low-fat dairy products and lean meats - great options for a healthy diet.

      Drink more water. Recent studies have shown that water is the best blood thinner. Dehydration makes the blood thicker. Drink more water to keep your blood thinner and feel better.

    Seeking medical help

      Consult your doctor. Blood clots, embolism pulmonary artery, heart attack, atrial fibrillation and stroke -dangerous conditions for human life and health. If these diseases are not treated properly, serious consequences can arise. These diseases require regular medical examination. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment and an appropriate diet that will help thin the blood.

      • Although some foods may thin the blood, do not self-medicate by relying solely on diet.
    1. Do not self-medicate. If you have a history of heart problems or have had a stroke, do not try to thin your blood yourself. Diet and other home remedies alone will not prevent heart attacks. Diet and exercise help prevent heart disease early stage. If you have heart disease, changes to your diet or exercise schedule will not be enough to prevent a stroke or heart attack.

      • Follow your doctor's recommendations for diet and treatment.
    2. Pay attention to signs of bleeding. If you are currently taking anticoagulants, contact your doctor or get medical care immediately if you notice signs of bleeding. These could also be symptoms internal bleeding, hemorrhage, or other type of hidden bleeding.


    • Always follow your doctor's recommendations regarding medications and dietary supplements.
    • Do not take herbal supplements without consulting your doctor. There are currently no herbal supplements that can effectively thin the blood. If you are taking any supplements, be sure to tell your doctor. Supplements may interfere with the effectiveness of blood thinners.

How to be treated if doctors have diagnosed thrombocytopenia (thin blood)?

Thrombocytopenia is characterized not only by a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, but also by increased bleeding. Thrombocytopenia can develop either independently (isolated disorder) or in combination with anemia and leukopenia.

A comment

Olga VERSHININA, hematologist, Moscow inpatient clinic:

- In principle, every person should know not only the name of his disease, but also the causes of its occurrence. And even more so - the prognosis for the future, its treatment. For example, the doctor told you that, according to the analysis, your blood is thin. Despite the apparent harmlessness of the formulation, this is a very serious disease.

Symptoms IN clinical practice The most common is autoimmune thrombocytopenia. Patients complain that, without any reason, many bruises and hemorrhages of various sizes and shapes appear on the body. Then, as a rule, increased bleeding appears and begins to develop. Most often, bleeding comes from the nose, but it is worse if gastrointestinal, uterine or renal bleeding develops. Sometimes abundant. Bleeding occurs after bruises and even without any reason. Fortunately, brain hemorrhages are quite rare.

But in abdominal cavity at ultrasound examination An enlarged spleen is often detected. In this case, patients are worried about weakness, tinnitus, and decreased blood pressure. And very often against this background, chronic iron deficiency anemia of varying severity occurs. This is already a complication of thrombocytopenia due to liquid blood.

Causes. It is not always possible to detect a clear cause of the disease. Doctors say that idiopathic thrombocytopenia has developed. It occurs most often in children and young people. Again, a deviation in the functioning of the spleen is simultaneously diagnosed. Doctors may even suggest removing the spleen, which in principle will help normalize platelet levels. The cause of thrombocytopenia, especially its rare forms, as researchers confirm, in our time can be blood cancer, or damage bone marrow as a result of exposure to radiation, or strong medications.

Diagnostics. The hematologist must examine the patient very carefully, inquire about his lifestyle, find out about his living conditions and about his other diseases. What medications did the patient take, since some medications can lead to a decrease in platelet levels in the blood. And prescribe special tests, including a general blood and urine test, as well as a bone marrow test (bone marrow puncture from the sternum).

Treatment. If the disease is advanced and the patient is in serious condition, he should be hospitalized so that a specialist can prescribe treatment and monitor the condition. The patient also requires adequate nutrition. Vitamin therapy (for example, ascorbic acid in injections), etc. will also help you get rid of the disease faster. This is necessary to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall.

And to normalize the number of platelets, glucocorticoid hormones will be required, in particular, prednisolone at the rate of 1 mg/kg, followed by a dose reduction and discontinuation of the drug after their normalization. If the patient loses a lot of blood, a transfusion is necessary. But in severe cases, the spleen is still removed, after which the platelet count in the blood increases significantly and bleeding decreases. It happens that these treatments do not provide relief or have any effect, then immunosuppressants are prescribed.

Forecast and prevention.

“But in any case,” Olga Nikolaevna concludes, “it is necessary, if possible, to eliminate all the reasons, all possible impacts, which can provoke or increase bleeding. With this disease, you should absolutely not drink alcohol. The diet also needs adjustment: it is advisable to exclude foods containing vinegar from the diet. Peanuts are good for you. Vitamins A, C and P are required.

During treatment concomitant diseases drugs that somehow affect platelet function should be avoided. Salicylates, indirect anticoagulants, and fibrinolytics are especially dangerous. If you are bleeding from the nose, you should not plug it with tampons for a long time, as the bleeding may only intensify afterwards. At this time, operations associated with blood loss are also undesirable.

And against this background, chronic iron deficiency anemia may develop.

The fact is that with thrombocytopenia, the volume of platelets in the blood is much lower than normal, so the blood has increased fluidity. (if the platelet count is increased, this may already be thrombocytosis, in which case the blood is thickened).

Both thin and thick blood are bad for the body

If we consider liquid blood to be a normal state, then of course it’s bad. Such blood stops for a very long time in cases of cuts and wounds. There is a threat of dying from blood loss if severely wounded, although with normal blood the patient would have endured such a wound with less blood loss.

Liquid blood- This poor clotting blood. I think it’s not difficult to guess what the threat of poor clotting is. A man cut his finger and that’s it, off to the next world. When it’s very thick it’s also bad. It's better to have a normal one.

Why liquid blood?

  • nasal,
  • menstrual of unknown origin,
  • from the gums, prolonged bleeding after tooth extraction,
  • due to cuts,
  • during pregnancy.

Symptoms and causes

Liquid blood in pregnant women


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Please answer quickly, my pelemyanik has liquid blood, doctors said there is no treatment

Liquid fabric. What is blood and how to prevent its diseases

According to Chinese medicine, blood is separate body who may feel well or may become ill and require therapeutic measures. According to western medicine, blood is a flowing tissue that must have a certain composition and quality, otherwise the entire body will suffer due to its “wrong” state.

What does blood look like? scientific point vision? This is plasma (the liquid part of the blood), in which the so-called “ shaped elements blood": red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets. Plasma consists of 60% water, the remaining components of plasma are proteins (albumin, globulins, etc.) and some others organic compounds. For blood transfusions, it is blood plasma that is taken from donors, since whole blood (with the exception of rare cases) do not overfill.

As for the formed elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets), they must be kept in balance in the blood. Any deviation may indicate a particular disease.

White blood cells: infection or cancer?

Leukocytes are guard cells whose task is to detect pathogenic agents in the body (for example, bacteria) and destroy them. Accordingly, an increased level of leukocytes may signal that the body is fighting bacteria or viruses - that is, there is inflammation. In the case of a cold, it is easy to detect the source of inflammation (throat, nose, etc.), but there are cases when there is inflammation somewhere, but it is asymptomatic. For example, pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) can occur against a background of mild nagging pain in the lower back, to which the patient is accustomed and does not notice.

A reduced level of leukocytes may indicate a successful infection: in battles with bacteria or viruses, leukocytes won, but lost many “fighters”. In addition, a decrease in leukocytes is typical, for example, after poisoning.

However, a strong increase in the level of leukocytes, as well as a sharp decrease, may indicate a malignant process occurring in the body. Unfortunately, these processes can also be asymptomatic for several months, and preventive annual testing can save lives.

Platelets: a lot, a little, just right

The main function of platelets is to protect the body from blood loss. By binding to plasma proteins, platelets “seal” blood vessels in case of damage. It is thanks to platelets that our cuts and abrasions heal quickly enough. Accordingly, a lack of platelets is dangerous to life and health: without them, a blood clot does not form and bleeding does not stop. When platelet levels are low, there is a risk of internal bleeding, possible nosebleeds, and bleeding gums.

An excess of platelets is dangerous because blood particles can stick together inside the vessel and form a blood clot, which can clog the vessel. If the artery supplying the heart is blocked, myocardial infarction occurs. You may have heard that the cause of a heart attack is cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, but, as a rule, only cholesterol plaques not enough: they narrow the lumen of the vessel, and the “last straw” is a blood clot that settles on the problem area and blocks blood flow.

Fluctuations in platelet counts can be caused by infectious diseases or exposure to toxic substances, so cancer blood. There are simpler reasons: taking antidepressants (removes fluid from the body, “thickening” the blood and increasing platelet levels) or regular use of aspirin (this drug thins the blood, worsening clotting rates).

Where is the hemoglobin?

Red blood cells are the most numerous part of the formed elements of blood. It is erythrocytes - red blood cells - that color the blood of all mammals on the planet red. Mature red blood cells store the iron-containing protein hemoglobin. Why do we need it?

Thanks to it, blood performs its main function: it carries oxygen throughout the body, nourishing tissues with it. In the pulmonary alveoli, hemoglobin binds coming from external environment oxygen and turns into oxyhemoglobin - that is, hemoglobin enriched with oxygen. This blood has a bright red hue, and it flows through the arteries. Venous blood is darker in color due to the fact that hemoglobin has already given up oxygen and the red blood cells have “faded.” In addition, hemoglobin has the ability to bind a certain amount of carbon dioxide, take it from tissues and transport it to the lungs, from where a person can exhale it.

Expert commentary

Dmitry Peregudov, hematologist at the Meditsina clinic:

An increase in platelet levels is called "thrombocytosis", and in women this may be due to, for example, a lesion chronic infection or with an increase in the level of male sex hormones. In old age high level platelets may signal a malignant blood disease. In addition, both an increase and a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood can be associated with previous infection. An increased level of platelets in the blood may result in thrombosis. A low level of platelets can be signaled by the appearance of bruises in places that were not injured: that is, the person did not hurt himself, but there is a bruise. In addition, when sharp decline platelets may appear hemorrhagic rash- as a rule, it appears in the area of ​​the legs, does not turn pale when pressed and is not felt during palpation.

Anemia is a group of diseases, the common point of which is a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. There are many different anemias. However, this problem is most pressing for women who lose blood every month, and if the body does not recover, a feeling of weakness, lethargy, pallor appears, dizziness is possible, and nails and hair become brittle. Many women adapt to this condition, considering it normal. In addition, heavy menstruation is possible due to endometriosis or other gynecological diseases, as a result of which serious blood loss occurs monthly and anemia develops more rapidly.

Anemia may be associated with other problems, such as prolonged blood loss due to peptic ulcer. The patient may endure regular abdominal pain for years, attributing it to gastritis. Meanwhile, the body loses blood, because the ulcer is constantly bleeding in the stomach or intestines. Plus, a decrease in hemoglobin levels may be associated with a previous infection. As for the increased level of hemoglobin, it is typical for young men who lead active image life involved in sports. For them, 18 g/dl (or 180 g/l) is within the normal range. If such an indicator is registered in a woman or an elderly man, it is necessary to do a bone marrow test to exclude the possibility of malignant diseases.

Bad analysis: what to do?

What is the order of interaction with doctors:

  • first you receive a referral for a blood test from your GP;
  • Having donated blood, after a few days you return to the same therapist. If there are abnormalities in the analysis, the therapist will send you to a hematologist - a doctor who specializes in blood diseases;
  • the hematologist may prescribe other tests (from an extended blood test to a bone marrow test) to exclude malignant blood diseases;
  • Based on the results of additional tests, the patient will either remain for treatment with a hematologist, or the hematologist will not detect blood diseases and will refer the person to another specialist (for example, an infectious disease specialist or an endocrinologist - a specialist in hormones that may be causing a malfunction in the body).

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Why liquid blood?

Why liquid blood?

The causes of thin blood can be either hereditary or acquired, in both cases it is associated with white blood dysfunction blood platelets(platelets) contained in plasma (this is the liquid part of the blood). Their defects and, as a consequence, disruption (the main function of platelets is to prevent blood loss in the event of vascular injury) lead to blood thinning and disruption of its clotting process.

For women during pregnancy, this poses a particular danger, since large blood loss can cause the most disastrous consequences for both the mother and the fetus, including death.

If the analysis revealed that a person’s blood is liquid, he is diagnosed with thrombocytopenia (a condition characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets and their qualitative inferiority, which leads to increased bleeding that is difficult to stop). Appear various kinds bleeding, most often:

The most dangerous bleedings are gastrointestinal, renal, retinal, brain and its membranes. This is often accompanied by symptoms such as an enlarged spleen and low blood pressure, and the causes of bleeding are usually completely unclear.

Against this background, chronic iron deficiency anemia can develop (a group of clinical syndromes caused by a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood), which is especially dangerous for women during pregnancy, so its treatment should be immediate.

People with thin blood should consult a doctor for any injury, even a seemingly minor one. But if you have such a problem, it is best to avoid injuries altogether, as well as enemas, rectal examinations and intramuscular injections. When choosing a toothbrush, you should make sure that its bristles are not too hard. As for dental floss and straight razors, they should be completely eliminated from everyday use. You should not use medications that suppress platelet function. For example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Acetylsalicylic acid and other drugs based on it, which pose a particular danger to women during pregnancy.

Symptoms and causes.

Liquid blood may have hereditary causes. They lead in frequency, occupying 36% among total number sick.

This may also be a consequence of a decrease in platelet production and their increased destruction in peripheral arteries and veins.

The reasons may also lie in problems with the immune system, when platelets die under the influence of antibodies. In other words, in the patient’s body, the patient’s own platelets are perceived as foreign, the body refuses to recognize them, and then the active immune system instantly produces antiplatelet antibodies against its unrecognized platelets, which is a disease that occurs in people who were previously completely healthy.

Blood thinning can be caused by:

  1. preeclampsia (a pathology that occurs during pregnancy, when blood pressure rises so high that there is a threat to life for the mother and child);
  2. severe form of nephropathy (a disease manifested in impaired kidney function);
  3. disorders of the blood clotting mechanism; bleeding during childbirth;
  4. antiphospholipid syndrome (a disease with many manifestations, characterized by a large number of produced antibodies to phospholipids - the elements that make up the parts of the cell);
  5. systemic lupus erythematosus (a connective tissue disease with vascular damage);
  6. folate deficiency (lack of folic acid in the blood serum);
  7. taking blood thinning medications; allergic reaction, viral infection.

Liquid blood in a patient manifests itself through symptoms in the form of minor hemorrhages and bruises. Hemorrhagic syndrome(bleeding due to changes in hemostasis) is much more pronounced in children, adolescents and women. For the latter, the biggest problem is prolonged uterine bleeding, which results in the loss of a very large volume of blood (which is especially dangerous during pregnancy) and, as a consequence, severe form anemia and hemorrhagic collapse (acute fall vascular tone and a decrease in circulating blood volume due to massive blood loss).

Liquid blood in pregnant women.

During pregnancy, a woman repeatedly has to donate blood for analysis, which reports the slightest problems in the body. If your health is not strong, you have to take it much more often, determining the level of red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes, etc., as well as their quality.

In the processes of blood coagulation, the main role is played by its formed elements, platelets, and they are also responsible for the reactions of nonspecific resistance of the body. Platelet formation occurs in the bone marrow, and they are determined by taking general analysis blood.

Often during pregnancy, the level of platelets in a woman’s body changes ambiguously and is largely influenced by individual characteristics. U healthy woman during pregnancy, the number of platelets may decrease slightly, the reason for which is their low life expectancy and increased consumption in peripheral circulation. This is caused by the fact that during pregnancy the liquid part of the blood in the body increases in volume.

A severe decrease in the number of platelets produced, their increased destruction or consumption cause blood thinning. Characteristic symptoms in this case, bleeding and the appearance of small bruises.

Insufficient platelet production in a woman during pregnancy may be due to her poor nutrition. In addition, low platelet levels can be caused by chronic bleeding or immune system disorders. In these cases, platelets are either produced in insufficient quantities, or have a defective structure.

To identify bleeding disorders during pregnancy, the patient is prescribed a coagulogram (a test showing the effectiveness of the system responsible for blood clotting) and, if necessary, appropriate treatment is provided.

Low platelet levels during pregnancy increase the risk of bleeding during labor. However, it should be mentioned that it only exists if the platelet count does not exceed at the time of delivery. During spontaneous birth, the risk of internal bleeding in a child with immune thrombocytopenia increases sharply. Of particular concern is the risk of cerebral hemorrhage. In such cases, a caesarean section is performed to be on the safe side. But it also carries the risk of causing bleeding in the mother.


If the analysis shows liquid blood, such a patient is treated by a hematologist. He prescribes blood and urine tests, and, if necessary, a bone marrow puncture from the sternum.

With abundant uterine bleeding, nasal, etc. A five percent solution of aminocaproic acid is prescribed intravenously. The drugs Adroxon and adenosine triphosphate are injected intramuscularly, normalizing platelets. Medicines such as Pamba, Emosint, Dicynon and tranexamic acid are also used.

Treatment with glucocorticosteroids is one of the main methods. These hormones prevent the destruction of platelets by weakening the effect of antibodies on them. In addition, glucocorticosteroids inhibit the destruction of platelets in the spleen, thereby increasing their number in the blood. After it has risen to the normal level, the prescribed dose is gradually reduced. The duration of the course of glucocorticosteroid therapy is from 4 to 6 weeks.

If treatment with hormones is ineffective, therapy with non-hormonal immunosuppressants is carried out. At the same time, the body’s production of antibodies hostile to its own platelets is inhibited, as a result of which the degree of platelet destruction decreases and their lifespan increases. Drugs used: Azathioprine, Vincristine, Azathioprine and Cyclophosphamide. They are used for several weeks, accompanied by regular monitoring of blood tests.

Treatment with Danazol is very effective when taken for a long time, gradually increasing the presence of platelets in the blood. This treatment is most effective for patients over 45 years of age.

Severe cases require platelet transfusion, as well as new treatment modern technologies in the form of bone marrow and stem cell transplantation.

Treatment should not contain drugs that affect platelet activity and help reduce their number. The group of such medications includes: fibrinolytics, indirect anticoagulants and salicylates. These are: aspirin, Butadione, furosemide, antidepressants, Indomethacin, penicillin antibiotics.

Drug treatment must certainly be accompanied by the correct good nutrition, replete with vitamins C, A and P. To increase blood clotting, in daily diet Nuts (especially peanuts and almonds), parsley and green tea should be included.

Effective treatment can also be provided by medicinal plants, a wide range of which helps improve blood clotting. Nettle has proven itself best for this purpose. No less effective treatment have lingonberry and grape leaves, cinquefoil, Linden blossom, horsetail, burnet root, oak bark, water pepper, shepherd's purse and etc.

Liquid blood is an alarming sign that requires compulsory treatment, especially in women during pregnancy, since in this case not one life, but two, are at risk. However, with a variety of therapy methods, a positive effect is guaranteed.

But in any case, the reasons lie in the malfunction of the platelets that are in the plasma. It is these blood cells white responsible for blood clotting, which helps stop bleeding from injuries blood vessels. If platelets do not perform their function, the blood begins to gradually thin out, which requires certain treatment.

This phenomenon is especially dangerous for women during pregnancy. Serious blood loss can result severe consequences both for the mother and her unborn child. It may even lead to death.

Blood composition: features

The composition of blood includes two groups of main components: the liquid component, which is called plasma, and the formed elements, which include various blood cells. Specific gravity plasma is about 60%, and 40% is allocated to blood cells. This ratio is called hematocrit.

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which binds oxygen and delivers it to various cells and organs. And on the way back they carry carbon dioxide to the respiratory organs.

As for leukocytes, they protect the body from various poisons, fungi, microbes, infections and other foreign objects.

Platelets are responsible for blood clotting, so when bleeding occurs, the platelets form a crust around the wound and block the release of blood fluid.

The composition of plasma includes water (90%) and dry residues, which are divided into organic and inorganic compounds. Among the organic ones, proteins are distinguished (albumin, fibrinogen and globulins). The inorganic component includes anions and cations.

Reasons for the development of the disease

For some people, the blood becomes excessively thin. In 36% of all cases with similar disease the reasons are in the patient's genes. In such cases, deviations in the number of platelets, or their ability to be destroyed more quickly in the veins and arteries of the peripheral type, are inherited. The reason is the whole complex interconnected processes in the human body. Most often, this is influenced by immunity, because. platelets begin to die under the influence of antibodies. In other words, the body begins to perceive its own platelets as foreign objects and sends a signal to immune cells, which begin to produce antibodies to suppress platelets.

Preeclampsia can cause symptoms of this disease. This is a pathological change in a woman’s body during pregnancy, when her blood pressure rises so high that it can threaten the life of both the child and the mother. In addition, nephropathy leads to this. This is a disease in which disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys appear. When hemorrhaging during childbirth, the blood can also thin out. It is also fraught with side effects and diseases that disrupt the blood clotting process.

Some people are diagnosed with antiphospholipid syndrome. It ultimately leads to blood thinning. U antiphospholipid syndrome there are many manifestations, but the general mechanism of this disease boils down to the fact that a large number of antibodies are produced in human blood that react against phospholipids. Namely, parts of blood cells consist of them.

In addition, systemic lupus erythematosus causes a similar by-effect, because This is exactly the disease in which connective tissues with nearby vessels are affected.

If there is a lack of folate in the blood fluid, the patient's blood may also become thinner. This is caused by folic acid deficiency.

In addition, certain types of blood thinning can cause medicines, so you should consult your doctor before choosing them. The same applies to various viral infections Therefore, it is imperative to diagnose and begin treatment. For some people similar phenomenon signals an allergic reaction of the human body to various irritants.

Symptoms of the disease

Doctors must perform various tests to make a diagnosis. If the diagnosis shows that the patient has liquid blood, then a diagnosis of thrombocytopenia is made. This is a condition in which there are either not enough platelets in the blood to normal functioning of the whole organism, or their quantity is normal, but they lose their properties and do not perform functions. This defective blood condition leads to frequent bleeding, and it is very difficult to stop them. Most often, the patient suffers from bleeding from the nose and gums. Various cuts bleed. Women experience menstrual hemorrhages, and their nature is unclear. Similar problems can appear during pregnancy. But the most dangerous are hemorrhages in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, brain and retina. At the same time, the spleen may enlarge and blood pressure may decrease. The causes of such bleeding are almost impossible to find out.

In addition, patients develop iron deficiency anemia. This is a condition that is characterized by a number of syndromes that are associated with a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. This disease progresses to chronic form. Treatment similar illness must be urgent. If a person's blood is too thin, then any scratch can cause hemorrhage that cannot be stopped. It is imperative to consult a doctor.

As a result, people with similar processes constantly bleed small wounds, and bruises appear from any touch. In women, children and adolescents, hemorrhagic syndrome is more pronounced. This is a phenomenon that causes bleeding due to changes in homeostasis. Moreover, it is worst for women to cope with the disease of liquid blood, because... they constantly suffer from uterine bleeding. This leads to the woman developing anemia, which very quickly progresses to severe form. In addition, hemorrhagic collapse appears - this is a syndrome in which there is a decrease in the tone of blood vessels, as well as a decrease in the volume of blood that should circulate through the vessels. This occurs because the person has lost a large amount of blood fluid.

Treatment of the disease

A hematologist should treat such a disease. Aminocaproic acid is used, as well as the drug Adroxon, which helps normalize platelet function. The use of glucocorticosteroids is the main method of treatment. If they do not help, then you need to switch to non-hormonal immunosuppressants. In severe cases, a mass transfusion with platelets must be performed.

But it is best to carry out prevention and avoid any injuries. The same applies to the ban on rectal examinations, enemas and any injections. The toothbrush should not be hard, because... when pressed hard, it damages the gum, which begins to bleed. You should completely avoid flossing.

This also applies to straight razors, because... they are easy to cut.

It is prohibited to use medications that suppress platelet function.

These cells are already excessively weakened, and their suppression will completely prevent the blood from thickening. In addition, such medications will not stop bleeding. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most striking example is acetylsalicylic acid and all products that contain it. They are especially dangerous for women during pregnancy.

  • Hemoglobin
  • Glucose (sugar)
  • Blood type
  • Leukocytes
  • Platelets
  • Red blood cells

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Is liquid blood good or bad? And why?

If a person has thin blood, doctors diagnose thrombocytopenia, which is included in special group diseases caused by abnormal changes in platelets, and the disease is already bad: the blood clots very poorly, increased bleeding occurs (more often it manifests itself as nosebleeds, and gastrointestinal or renal bleeding is especially dangerous), the spleen is often enlarged, arterial blood decreases pressure, and bleeding sometimes occurs for no apparent reason (even cerebral hemorrhages, although this is quite rare). And against this background, chronic iron deficiency anemia may develop.

The fact is that with thrombocytopenia, the volume of platelets in the blood is much lower than normal, so the blood has increased fluidity. (if the platelet count is increased, this may already be thrombocytosis, in which case the blood is thickened).

Both thin and thick blood are bad for the body

If we consider liquid blood to be a normal state, then of course it’s bad. Such blood stops for a very long time in cases of cuts and wounds. There is a threat of dying from blood loss if severely wounded, although with normal blood the patient would have endured such a wound with less blood loss.

Liquid blood means poor blood clotting. I think it’s not difficult to guess what the threat of poor clotting is. A man cut his finger and that’s it, off to the next world. When it’s very thick it’s also bad. It's better to have a normal one.

Why liquid blood?

  • nasal,
  • menstrual of unknown origin,
  • from the gums, prolonged bleeding after tooth extraction,
  • due to cuts,
  • during pregnancy.

Symptoms and causes

Liquid blood in pregnant women


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If the blood is thin

How to be treated if doctors have diagnosed thrombocytopenia (thin blood)?

Olga VERSHININA, hematologist, Moscow inpatient clinic:

In principle, every person should know not only the name of his disease, but also the causes of its occurrence. And even more so - the prognosis for the future, its treatment. For example, the doctor told you that, according to the analysis, your blood is thin. Despite the apparent harmlessness of the formulation, this is a very serious disease.

Symptoms In clinical practice, autoimmune thrombocytopenia is the most common. Patients complain that, without any reason, many bruises and hemorrhages of various sizes and shapes appear on the body. Then, as a rule, increased bleeding appears and begins to develop. Most often, bleeding comes from the nose, but it is worse if gastrointestinal, uterine or renal bleeding develops. Sometimes abundant. Bleeding occurs after bruises and even without any reason. Fortunately, brain hemorrhages are quite rare.

But in the abdominal cavity, ultrasound examination often reveals an enlarged spleen. In this case, patients are worried about weakness, tinnitus, and decreased blood pressure. And very often against this background, chronic iron deficiency anemia of varying severity occurs. This is already a complication of thrombocytopenia due to liquid blood.

Causes. It is not always possible to detect a clear cause of the disease. Doctors say that idiopathic thrombocytopenia has developed. It occurs most often in children and young people. Again, a deviation in the functioning of the spleen is simultaneously diagnosed. Doctors may even suggest removing the spleen, which in principle will help normalize platelet levels. The cause of thrombocytopenia, especially its rare forms, as researchers confirm, in our time can be blood cancer, or damage to the bone marrow as a result of exposure to radiation, or strong medications.

Diagnostics. The hematologist must examine the patient very carefully, inquire about his lifestyle, find out about his living conditions and about his other diseases. What medications did the patient take, since some medications can lead to a decrease in platelet levels in the blood. And prescribe special tests, including a general blood and urine test, as well as a bone marrow test (bone marrow puncture from the sternum).

Treatment. If the disease is advanced and the patient is in serious condition, he should be hospitalized so that a specialist can prescribe treatment and monitor the condition. The patient also requires adequate nutrition. Vitamin therapy (for example, ascorbic acid in injections), etc. will also help you get rid of the disease faster. This is necessary to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall.

And to normalize the number of platelets, glucocorticoid hormones will be required, in particular, prednisolone at the rate of 1 mg/kg, followed by a dose reduction and discontinuation of the drug after their normalization. If the patient loses a lot of blood, a transfusion is necessary. But in severe cases, the spleen is still removed, after which the platelet count in the blood increases significantly and bleeding decreases. It happens that these treatments do not provide relief or have any effect, then immunosuppressants are prescribed.

But in any case, Olga Nikolaevna concludes, it is necessary, if possible, to eliminate all causes, all possible influences that can provoke or intensify bleeding. With this disease, you should absolutely not drink alcohol. The diet also needs adjustment: it is advisable to exclude foods containing vinegar from the diet. Peanuts are good for you. Vitamins A, C and P are required.

When treating concomitant diseases, drugs that somehow affect platelet function should be avoided. Salicylates, indirect anticoagulants, and fibrinolytics are especially dangerous. If you are bleeding from the nose, you should not plug it with tampons for a long time, as the bleeding may only intensify afterwards. At this time, operations associated with blood loss are also undesirable.




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Why liquid blood?

Why liquid blood?

The causes of thin blood can be either hereditary or acquired, in both cases it is associated with dysfunction of the white blood platelets (platelets) contained in the plasma (this is the liquid part of the blood). Their defects and, as a consequence, disruption (the main function of platelets is to prevent blood loss in the event of vascular injury) lead to blood thinning and disruption of its clotting process.

For women during pregnancy, this poses a particular danger, since large blood loss can cause the most disastrous consequences for both the mother and the fetus, including death.

If the analysis revealed that a person’s blood is liquid, he is diagnosed with thrombocytopenia (a condition characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets and their qualitative inferiority, which leads to increased bleeding that is difficult to stop). Various types of bleeding appear, most often:

The most dangerous bleedings are gastrointestinal, renal, retinal, brain and its membranes. This is often accompanied by symptoms such as an enlarged spleen and low blood pressure, and the causes of bleeding are usually completely unclear.

Against this background, chronic iron deficiency anemia can develop (a group of clinical syndromes caused by a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood), which is especially dangerous for women during pregnancy, so its treatment should be immediate.

People with thin blood should consult a doctor for any injury, even a seemingly minor one. But if you have such a problem, it is best to avoid injuries altogether, as well as enemas, rectal examinations and intramuscular injections. When choosing a toothbrush, you should make sure that its bristles are not too hard. As for dental floss and straight razors, they should be completely eliminated from everyday use. You should not use medications that suppress platelet function. For example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Acetylsalicylic acid and other drugs based on it, which pose a particular danger to women during pregnancy.

Symptoms and causes.

Liquid blood may have hereditary causes. They lead in frequency, occupying 36% of the total number of patients.

This may also be a consequence of decreased platelet production and their increased destruction in peripheral arteries and veins.

The reasons may also lie in problems with the immune system, when platelets die under the influence of antibodies. In other words, in the patient’s body, the patient’s own platelets are perceived as foreign, the body refuses to recognize them, and then the active immune system instantly produces antiplatelet antibodies against its unrecognized platelets, which is a disease that occurs in people who were previously completely healthy.

Blood thinning can be caused by:

  1. preeclampsia (a pathology that occurs during pregnancy, when blood pressure rises so high that there is a threat to life for the mother and child);
  2. severe form of nephropathy (a disease manifested in impaired kidney function);
  3. disorders of the blood clotting mechanism; bleeding during childbirth;
  4. antiphospholipid syndrome (a disease with many manifestations, characterized by a large number of produced antibodies to phospholipids - the elements that make up the parts of the cell);
  5. systemic lupus erythematosus (a connective tissue disease with vascular damage);
  6. folate deficiency (lack of folic acid in the blood serum);
  7. taking blood thinning medications; allergic reaction, viral infection.

Liquid blood in a patient manifests itself through symptoms in the form of minor hemorrhages and bruises. Hemorrhagic syndrome (bleeding due to changes in hemostasis) is much more pronounced in children, adolescents and women. For the latter, the biggest problem is prolonged uterine bleeding, which results in the loss of a very large volume of blood (which is especially dangerous during pregnancy) and, as a consequence, severe anemia and hemorrhagic collapse (an acute drop in vascular tone and a decrease in circulating blood volume due to massive blood loss).

Liquid blood in pregnant women.

During pregnancy, a woman repeatedly has to donate blood for analysis, which reports the slightest problems in the body. If your health is not strong, you have to take it much more often, determining the level of red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes, etc., as well as their quality.

In the processes of blood coagulation, the main role is played by its formed elements, platelets, and they are also responsible for the reactions of nonspecific resistance of the body. Platelet formation occurs in the bone marrow, and they are determined by taking a general blood test.

Often during pregnancy, the level of platelets in a woman’s body changes ambiguously and is largely influenced by individual characteristics. In a healthy woman during pregnancy, the number of platelets may decrease slightly, which is caused by their low life expectancy and increased consumption in the peripheral circulation. This is caused by the fact that during pregnancy the liquid part of the blood in the body increases in volume.

A severe decrease in the number of platelets produced, their increased destruction or consumption cause blood thinning. Characteristic symptoms are bleeding and the appearance of small bruises.

Insufficient platelet production in a woman during pregnancy may be a consequence of her poor diet. In addition, low platelet levels can be caused by chronic bleeding or immune system disorders. In these cases, platelets are either produced in insufficient quantities or have a defective structure.

To identify bleeding disorders during pregnancy, the patient is prescribed a coagulogram (a test showing the effectiveness of the system responsible for blood clotting) and, if necessary, appropriate treatment is provided.

Low platelet levels during pregnancy increase the risk of bleeding during labor. However, it should be mentioned that it only exists if the platelet count does not exceed at the time of delivery. During spontaneous birth, the risk of internal bleeding in a child with immune thrombocytopenia increases sharply. Of particular concern is the risk of cerebral hemorrhage. In such cases, a caesarean section is performed to be on the safe side. But it also carries the risk of causing bleeding in the mother.


If the analysis shows liquid blood, such a patient is treated by a hematologist. He prescribes blood and urine tests, and, if necessary, a bone marrow puncture from the sternum.

For heavy uterine bleeding, nosebleeds, etc., a five percent solution of aminocaproic acid is prescribed intravenously. The drugs Adroxon and adenosine triphosphate are injected intramuscularly, normalizing platelets. Medicines such as Pamba, Emosint, Dicynon and tranexamic acid are also used.

Treatment with glucocorticosteroids is one of the main methods. These hormones prevent the destruction of platelets by weakening the effect of antibodies on them. In addition, glucocorticosteroids inhibit the destruction of platelets in the spleen, thereby increasing their number in the blood. After it has risen to the normal level, the prescribed dose is gradually reduced. The duration of the course of glucocorticosteroid therapy is from 4 to 6 weeks.

If treatment with hormones is ineffective, therapy with non-hormonal immunosuppressants is carried out. At the same time, the body’s production of antibodies hostile to its own platelets is inhibited, as a result of which the degree of platelet destruction decreases and their lifespan increases. Drugs used: Azathioprine, Vincristine, Azathioprine and Cyclophosphamide. They are used for several weeks, accompanied by regular monitoring of blood tests.

Treatment with Danazol is very effective when taken for a long time, gradually increasing the presence of platelets in the blood. This treatment is most effective for patients over 45 years of age.

Severe cases require platelet transfusion, as well as treatment using new modern technologies in the form of bone marrow and stem cell transplantation.

Treatment should not contain drugs that affect platelet activity and help reduce their number. The group of such medications includes: fibrinolytics, indirect anticoagulants and salicylates. These are: aspirin, Butadione, furosemide, antidepressants, Indomethacin, penicillin antibiotics.

Drug treatment must certainly be accompanied by proper nutrition, rich in vitamins C, A and P. To increase blood clotting, nuts (especially peanuts and almonds), parsley and green tea should be included in the daily diet.

Effective treatment can also be provided by medicinal plants, a wide range of which helps improve blood clotting. Nettle has proven itself best for this purpose. No less effective treatment is provided by lingonberry and grape leaves, cinquefoil, linden blossom, horsetail, burnet root, oak bark, water pepper, shepherd's purse, etc.

Liquid blood is an alarming sign that requires mandatory treatment, especially in women during pregnancy, since in this case not one life, but two, are at risk. However, with a variety of therapy methods, a positive effect is guaranteed.



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