Health benefits of cilantro and its contraindications. Application in cosmetology

Cilantro or coriander is a very useful herbaceous plant that has a specific smell. By appearance it resembles parsley, but has a refined taste and aroma. Coriander was first mentioned in the Eberian Papyrus, which dates back to 1550 BC. e. Archaeologists found plant seeds while excavating ancient Egyptian tombs. They write about this greenery in the Old Testament. In addition to being used in cooking, it is added to soap and cosmetics. Coriander blooms in June, and in August the seeds already ripen; they can retain their properties for up to 3 years and have a strong, pleasant aroma. The flowers are white or white-pink in the form of umbrella inflorescences. The fruits look like yellowish-brown balls. Cilantro is a magnificent honey plant.

Coriander soup

Take 1 potato, 4 carrots, cut. Gently rinse half a glass of lentils several times, changing the water. Place all this in a saucepan, add water so that it covers the ingredients.

Bring to a boil, then reduce heat. Place 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground coriander, salt and juice from 2 lemons. Cook until the lentils are cooked, and at the end add 3 bunches of chopped spinach and vegetable oil.

Salad with sprouted soybeans

Cut the cucumber and zucchini into thin slices, into small pieces 60 g chicken fillet. Add 80 g of sprouted soybeans. Add 10 ml vegetable oil, 5 g coriander, 10 g each of ketchup and sugar, and fry a little in a frying pan. Fill with 10 g oil dressing, 20 ml soy sauce, a clove of garlic and 5 g of chili.

The herb goes well with fennel, anise, basil, dill, onion, and cumin.

The seasoning is added to liqueurs, beer, marinades and sauerkraut. It is included in the mixture of khmeli-suneli, curry, and adjika.

Green grass gives dishes a specific aroma and exquisite taste. It is put in salads, fish and meat dishes, and also in soup - directly into the plate or 5 minutes before removing from heat. It can be sprinkled on sandwiches.

Coriander is a herbaceous spicy plant used in the most various fields since ancient times. It has been grown all over the world for more than 3 thousand years, and the first mentions of this spice appeared in the chronicles of the ancient Indians and in the Old Testament.

The main areas in which coriander is used to this day are: medicine (including alternative) and aromatherapy, cooking and liqueur production, cosmetology and perfume production, as well as light industry. It is worth noting that not only coriander seeds have beneficial properties, but also roots, as well as greens called cilantro (leaves and stems).

In Georgian cuisine, cilantro is the main seasoning for many dishes. Borodino bread is famous for its coriander seeds, which give the product a special, unique taste. Many cuisines' sauces eastern peoples also contain cilantro. Concerning traditional medicine, then many recipes for the treatment of various diseases contain coriander in one form or another.

The plant is also used in cosmetology and perfumery: coriander extract is added to perfume, deodorants, soap and other body and face care products. The pleasant coriander aroma can be found in shampoos and shower gels, lotions and other cosmetic products.


Coriander contains a considerable amount of valuable and beneficial human body substances. These are vitamins, micro- and macroelements that are important for humans. organic compounds and acids essential oils And alimentary fiber.

Let's find out what coriander fruits contain:

  • Pectin, sterols, and starch. These substances are needed to maintain normal exchange substances.
  • Tannins and fats that have an astringent effect.
  • Fructose, sucrose and glucose. They supply organic microelements important for the body.
  • Alkaloids imparting biological activity.

It is impossible not to note the complex various vitamins, included in the composition of coriander: both in the fruit and other parts of this amazing plant. Vitamins A and C, B (riboflavin) and PP (including niacin equivalent this vitamin). In addition, the spice contains folic and pantothenic acid, choline, phylloquinone, pyridoxine and tocopherol.

Macro- and microelements (per 100 g of product):

  • potassium – 260 mg,
  • zinc – 0.5 mg
  • iodine – 9 mcg,
  • iron – 1.77 mg,
  • phosphorus – 50 mg,
  • manganese – 426 mcg,
  • sodium – 70 mg,
  • calcium – 40 mg,
  • copper – 225 mcg,
  • magnesium – 30 mg,
  • selenium – 0.9 mcg

Spicy fatty oils consist of various acids(oleic, linoleic, stearic), which is why the product is constantly used in light industry and perfume production. All of the above substances in coriander give it great value, due to which it is used in wide areas: medicine, cosmetology, cooking, textile industry, etc.

Calorie content

Talking about nutritional value coriander, several useful substances should be noted here. First of all, carbohydrates: the spice contains approximately 5 g per 100 g of product. After them come mono- and disaccharides (4 g), proteins (1.5 g) and ash (1 g). There are also organic acids and dietary fiber in small quantities.

It is noteworthy that in fresh coriander is low in calories - 23 kcal per 100 g of product. However, in dried form, the calorie content reaches 215 kcal.

Beneficial features

Let's list the most common beneficial features coriander. The thing is that the scope of its application is very impressive and to describe all the ways of its use, you will need to write a huge treatise. Among the main positive properties let's celebrate the beneficial therapeutic effect, the use of coriander in for cosmetic purposes, as well as in cooking.

WITH medical point point of view, the spice is of great interest because it has a number of medicinal properties: analgesic, diuretic and expectorant, antibacterial and antiseptic. Medicines based on coriander have choleretic, wound-healing, anthelmintic and decongestant effects.

If you constantly eat cilantro, a person’s appetite increases and the effect improves digestive tract and also returns to normal general tone body. Cilantro helps with insomnia, increased blood pressure and vascular and heart diseases. Coriander extracts remove waste and toxins, normalizing metabolism. If cilantro is consumed together with fruits containing starch, the food will be easier to digest by the body. Coriander will also benefit from the following diseases: diarrhea, anemia, conjunctivitis, diabetes.

The essential oil of this plant will help get rid of depression and nervous disorders, calms the nervous system and relieves irritability. Coriander will also improve memory and mental activity.

Use in medicine

Coriander was first used in ancient times. Modern medicine has preparations from this spicy plant, which are used in the following cases:

  • for cystitis
  • against worms
  • for hemorrhoids
  • for constipation, diarrhea
  • for eye diseases
  • for diseases of the stomach, liver, gall bladder
  • for arthritis and rheumatism
  • to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol
  • for viral diseases
  • for the treatment of respiratory diseases

Traditional medicine also does not lag behind traditional medicine. For example, if you need to relieve puffiness, drink cilantro tea (pour some of the finely chopped leaves with four parts of boiling water). An infusion of coriander, cumin and fennel helps relieve heaviness in the stomach. You need to mix these ingredients and pour in big amount boiling water Let it brew for a while and then drink the infusion. If you have stomach pain, just chew it fresh leaves cilantro.

For eye diseases, wash them with coriander infusion (seeds). Ground coriander is useful as a wound healing agent. For colds and sore throats, finely chop cilantro leaves and prepare an infusion for gargling. Thanks to this method, a sore throat will disappear in a couple of days.

As you can see, coriander helps in many cases, it healing properties varied, and the action is very effective.

Application in cosmetology

The methods of using spices in cosmetology, in particular at home, are very diverse. How effective cosmetic product, coriander is used in the following cases:

  • For rejuvenation and beauty maintenance
  • Add to masks for face, body and hair
  • For peeling skin and inflammation
  • As a whitening agent
  • To relieve puffiness or bags under the eyes
  • To eliminate pimples or blackheads

By adding this spice to hair masks, you will thereby prevent the appearance of gray hair. Coriander is especially useful if your hair is oily - it normalizes the work sebaceous glands and will also eliminate dandruff. Masks with coriander nourish hair from roots to ends and strengthen damaged and thin hair.

A tonic made from coriander (cilantro) leaves is good for the face. Grind the leaves and pour boiling water (250 ml) over them, wait about 20-25 minutes and the tonic is ready! Wipe your face with it every morning and evening.

Tea made from cilantro leaves helps with acne. Pour a couple of tablespoons into a glass of boiling water and take internally for about 14 days. In addition to clearing up acne, this tea will also help relieve itchy skin and allergies.

Coriander for weight loss

Despite the abundance of useful substances in coriander (cilantro), it is unlikely to be used as a means of losing weight, since this product only increases appetite when consumed. So it will be very difficult to follow a diet with it, even despite the fact that this spice has beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. However, nothing prevents you from consuming the product by adding it as a seasoning to salads and other dishes. The main thing is to know when to stop!


As a medicinal product and food product, coriander is contraindicated in some cases:

  • For hypertension and thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction and coronary disease hearts
  • At kidney diseases, liver diseases, gastritis and stomach ulcers
  • For diabetes

If you use coriander (cilantro) in a huge number, then this will lead to insomnia, as well as female and men's diseases(menstrual irregularities, impotence).

Useful information

  • Daily intake of cilantro: 35 g of fresh herbs and 3-4 g of roots.
  • In the production of coriander extract, plant waste is an excellent feed for poultry and livestock, as it contains a large amount of vitamins and valuable nutrients.
  • Essential oil, in turn, is used in cooking and even in esotericism!
  • In hot weather, coriander seeds mixed with acetic acid, allow you to maintain the freshness of any meat
  • By adding seeds to vodka or any other strong alcoholic drink, you can slightly neutralize the alcohol contained in it - a person will not get very drunk from such a drink.
  • Animal hair is treated with coriander oil.
  • Honey obtained by bees from coriander nectar has an aromatic, subtle taste.
  • For elimination bad smell Coriander seeds in sugar are used from the mouth.

Coriander has countless beneficial properties. However, as you already understood, it is absolutely not suitable for weight loss. However, this does not prevent you from eating it in moderation.

  • 1 What is coriander?
  • 2 Useful properties of coriander
  • 3 What diseases does it help with?
  • 4 Benefits for men
  • 5 Useful properties for women
  • 6 Coriander essential oil – benefits
  • 7 Application of seeds, fruits
  • 8 Benefits of coriander tea
  • 9 Coriander honey: What's the benefit?
  • 10 Use in cooking
  • 11 Contraindications

If coriander is just a seasoning for you, you know nothing about it. This plant is very often used in medicine. The beneficial properties of coriander are widely known, however, there are also contraindications that you must know before using the plant.

What is coriander?

Coriander is an annual herb belonging to the genus Coriander in the Apiaceae family. It has a spindle-shaped root and a tall, bare, straight stem (can reach a height of up to seventy centimeters).

Has small white or Pink colour flowers, which are arranged in the form of complex umbrellas in the form of three to five rays.

Flowering time: June – July. Fruit ripening occurs in the southern regions during July, and in the northern regions at the end of August or beginning of September.

Useful properties of coriander

The beneficial properties of this plant were known back in the second millennium BC. This spice has since been widely used to treat many diseases. But this seasoning not only heals, but also has many other benefits.

In addition to being added to baked goods and confectionery, meat or fish, and liquid dishes, decoctions and infusions are made from it that effectively treat various diseases.

Coriander contains many organic acids, trace elements and vitamin substances(for example, vitamins A, B, C, PP), a lot of calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper. There is also a significant share of the required daily value selenium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine.

And all this is easily absorbed by the human body.

What diseases does it help with?

This aromatic spice helps lower blood pressure, which is a necessary condition treatment of hypertension. On the other hand, when using medicines from coriander, patients improve the tone of the heart muscle and blood vessels. For the same purpose similar drugs used in ophthalmology - the tone of the eye muscles increases, which makes it possible to combat visual impairment.

Due to the fact that coriander increases vascular tone, it is used to stop bleeding, including from the gums.

The plant helps fight edema, which often occurs with pathologies of the cardiac and urinary systems. Its effect is soft and gradual, which is very convenient for practical use.

Since ancient times, the seeds of the plant have been used to stimulate work digestive system. They increase appetite and allow food to be better absorbed, which is very important when peptic ulcers digestive tract and after procedures carried out on it surgical interventions. Coriander also helps with flatulence.

Widely used medicines based on coriander for the treatment of liver and gall bladder diseases. Such medications are prescribed for cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, the presence of torsion or narrowing of the biliary tract, hypomotor dysfunction of the gallbladder.

Due to the fact that the plant has the property of enhancing secretion gastric juice, it is used for the treatment of hypoacid diseases of the stomach, with deterioration of its motor function.

Also, after consuming drugs based on coriander, metabolic processes are enhanced, which makes it possible to treat many diseases, ranging from poisoning to obesity.

It is recommended to use coriander-based medicines for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. Since this plant helps reduce blood sugar levels. That is main goal therapy of the disease.

Due to its pronounced diaphoretic effect, the plant is used to detoxify the body and in the cosmetics industry.

In ancient times, coriander was used to treat skin damage and diseases. Crushed leaves help speedy healing of wounds, and the juice, which has antibacterial properties, prevents their infection.

A decoction of the seeds of the plant is used as a sedative and anticonvulsant.

In the course of research, it was noted that the well-known spice improves the functioning of the immune system.

Benefits for men

Ancient people noted the benefits of coriander for men's health. This grass is natural aphrodisiac– a substance that enhances sexual desire.

Thanks to its effect on blood vessels, coriander helps eliminate potency problems. Its use is indicated in the treatment of prostatitis, again due to its effect on the vascular system.

Due to the fact that heart attacks are more common among men than among women, it would be a good idea to regularly consume this spicy plant. After all, it can reduce arterial pressure. A hypertonic diseasemain reason heart attack and stroke. It has been proven that people who regularly consume this spice with food have improved performance of cardio-vascular system higher than those who do not eat coriander.

Useful properties for women

This herb helps normalize menstrual cycle. Due to the peculiarities of the effect on muscle and nervous system, coriander relieves pain and reduces cramps during menstruation. Gynecological doctors also recommend consuming cilantro for women who experience severe premenstrual syndrome. Fresh herbs and tea from this plant make it easier to endure menopause.

Due to the peculiarities of its effect on metabolic processes, the use of coriander is indicated for women with dysmetabolic manifestations (including those who want to lose weight).

Since the plant has a calming effect, it is recommended for use by women prone to stress. For the same reason, it is used to eliminate insomnia and normalize sleep. Drinking tea with this herb allows you to quickly fall asleep and have a good night's sleep, providing you with a vigorous wake-up.

Also noted positive influence eating greens for your mood.

Since ancient times, coriander has been used to combat headaches.

Coriander essential oil – benefits

The oil from this plant, in addition to medicine, is widely used in cosmetology and aromatherapy.

Application of seeds, fruits

Coriander seeds are an excellent raw material in perfumery. They give perfumes a subtle and soft aroma, and also combine well with other aromatic substances.

It should be noted that the seeds of the plant are used in medicine so that the medicine has pleasant taste, but not bitter.

Coriander seed paste has antiseptic and bactericidal properties, so it can be used to treat wounds and skin diseases.

Decoctions and infusions from seeds improve blood circulation, have an invigorating effect, improve brain and heart activity, and increase appetite. They can be used to relieve mild seizures.

In addition, the seeds of the plant help eliminate the smell of alcohol and slow down intoxication and alleviate hangovers.

Essential oils, infusions, tinctures and decoctions are made from the fruits.

Benefits of coriander tea

Coriander produces aromatic and pleasant, although specific in taste, tea. With its help you can fight stress, hypertension, edema.

A cup of this tea before bed provides falling asleep quickly, deep sleep and easy rise in the morning.

Coriander honey: what are the benefits?

Coriander is an excellent honey plant. Coriander honey is rich in microelements. It contains a lot of iron, copper, manganese.

This honey has a wide range of properties:

  • Choleretic;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Mildly stimulating;
  • Painkiller;
  • Bronchodilator;
  • Antiarrhythmic;
  • Secretory;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Expectorant;
  • Stimulates the immune system.

Use in cooking

The fruits of the plant are widely used as a spice. It imparts a pleasant aroma to sausages, cheeses, canned milk and fish, marinades, pickles and liqueurs. This spice is often used in baking. The famous “Borodinsky” bread must have coriander.

In small quantities this seasoning gives a pleasant taste. confectionery products. It is added to cakes and pastries, cookies, muffins, etc.

And the leaves of a young plant of certain varieties can be eaten fresh.

This spice gives a special taste to meat, especially pork.


Despite all the benefits, coriander can be harmful to health. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly who can use it and who cannot.

The use of coriander and preparations made from it is contraindicated for pregnant women.

It is taken with caution when peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum about exacerbation of cholecystitis. For such patients, it is better to exclude coriander from their food.

In all other cases, there are no contraindications for use.

You need to know that as a product with high content mineral and vitamin substances, this plant has excessive consumption may cause poisoning.

As you know, many spices not only add a special taste and aroma to food, but are also intended for medicinal purposes. One such spice is coriander, whose beneficial properties have been used thousands of years ago.

IN medicinal purposes The fruits and leaves of the plant are harvested, the product can also be consumed in the form of seeds, and coriander oil is used as an analgesic and choleretic agent.

Coriander is widely used by those people who want to lose overweight and look beautiful. The fruits of the plant have low calorie content, due to which they are used in diet menu. This plant indispensable in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, so it is in great demand and popularity.

Coriander: beneficial properties

The leaves of the plant contain carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamins B1 and B2. Essential oils, amino acids, useful material, microelements. It is especially worth highlighting the presence of alkaloids, starch, tannins, which have a positive effect on the functioning of almost all human organs.

The beneficial properties of coriander can be listed for a very long time, and all of them have proven their effectiveness in practice.

How is coriander useful during illnesses?

  1. In case of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, you should consume the fruits of the plant, which enhance the production of gastric juice and restore metabolic processes in organism.
  2. Healing infusions and decoctions based on coriander have choleretic and antimicrobial properties.
  3. Coriander: the beneficial properties of the product also help get rid of excess freckles. Coriander oil is used for this.
  4. For stomach ulcers, it is recommended to consume coriander fruits along with dried sea buckthorn.

Is coriander good for weight loss? There can be no doubt about it, although the product increases a person's appetite, it does not contain many calories. In addition, it normalizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach, which promotes rapid digestion of food in the body.

In other words, the benefits of coriander can be seen in almost everything: in cooking, medicine, cosmetology and even for weight loss.

Coriander: contraindications

Every person knows that abuse of any product can lead to undesirable consequences. This plant was no exception, because coriander can only be harmful if you consume it in unlimited quantities.

The contraindications of coriander are as follows:

  • should not be used by people who have increased coagulability blood;
  • It is contraindicated to apply coriander-based preparations to bleeding wounds;
  • during pregnancy it is worth minimizing the use of the product;
  • You should avoid the product if you have hypertension, thrombosis and some cardiovascular diseases.

Now you know why coriander is harmful, and in what cases you should not lose weight with its help. In any case, check this question with your attending physician, who has seen your blood tests and knows all the features of your body.

Coriander and weight loss

This unique grass also suitable for weight loss. Many women, wanting to look slimmer and more beautiful, go on exhausting diets and spend hours in the gym. However, not everyone knows about wonderful properties coriander, which can help you lose a few extra pounds in a fairly short period of time.

Coriander for weight loss is important because:

  • it speeds up the digestion process, stimulates the functioning of the entire digestive system;
  • helps digest food easier;
  • despite the fact that it initially increases appetite, then it completely saturates the body, nourishing it useful vitamins and elements;
  • improves metabolism, which promotes rapid weight loss.

You can lose weight by 10-15 kg in 1 month with the help of coriander. During this time, you will have to give up some foods (sugar, flour, fatty foods) and add the fruits of this versatile plant to your diet. However, the result will not keep you waiting long, because the loss of such large quantity losing extra pounds in the first month is already a significant achievement.

How to lose weight with coriander?

The daily intake looks like in the following way: 4 g coriander seeds and 35 g if you consume the product in herbal form. This is enough for you to start losing excess weight every day.

Coriander can also be used as a seasoning for many dishes, including vegetable salads, soups, cereals, etc.

Methods and amounts of coriander use

  1. You can prepare spicy salted mackerel. To do this, take 1 mackerel, cut off the fins and remove the entrails, cut off the head and prepare a container in which you will salt the fish. Pour 1 glass of water into a saucepan and place on fire, boil for 2 minutes. At this time, add spices and salt. Besides pepper bay leaf and cloves, you should add 10 g of coriander, which will add a refined taste and aroma to the finished dish. Cool the resulting brine, pour it over the fish and refrigerate for 2 days.
  2. Coriander roots can be added to broths or baked with vegetables.
  3. Ground grains of the plant are added to marinades and baked goods.

Coriander during pregnancy

Is coriander safe for pregnant women? This question interests many expectant mothers, because you can often hear that spices of any type are prohibited during pregnancy.

Indeed, many spices have a negative impact on the health of some women, but coriander does not have a strong pronounced properties, especially if you use it ground as a seasoning for salads and soups.

Coriander during pregnancy eliminates heartburn, normalizes the digestion process and removes unnecessary substances from the body. Therefore, in small quantities it is absolutely safe for a pregnant woman and her unborn child. Know in moderation in everything - that's it main principle, with which you should eat this and other foods.



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