How to increase life expectancy: scientific research. Factors that increase life expectancy

Secret " eternal youth“has not yet been reliably solved, but now there is a set of rules that will help increase the duration of your life. Let's read.

Be rich

It's no secret that if you have a lot of money, you can afford food. good quality, best treatment and sports activities with qualified trainers. British scientists have found that rich people have a level hormone DHEA-S(dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) is higher than that of citizens with average or low income. This hormone reduces the risk cardiovascular diseases, memory improves and life expectancy increases.

Conduct more time with women

According to statistics, men who are surrounded by many women die later. By the way, thanks to the large number of women, a man’s chance of finding a suitable partner for marriage increases. And marriage, as has been proven many times, improves and prolongs life.

Get married

Men especially benefit from being married. An analysis of 500 million men revealed that family men live 10 years longer than bachelors. Married ladies On average, they live only 4 years longer than unmarried people.

Ancestral health

The study found that the grandchildren of rats that were fed fatty foods, breast cancer was 30% more likely to develop. Feeding the grandchildren special influence had no effect on statistics. So, eat right for the sake of future generations.

Drink red wine.

Resveratrol, contained in the skin of red grapes, protects the body from aging, heart disease, strokes, and diabetes mellitus second type.

Have more sex

Among thousands of middle-aged men studied, those who had frequent orgasms had a life expectancy that was almost twice as long as those who had infrequent sex.

Use dental floss.

It's surprising, but flossing reduces your risk of heart disease. This procedure helps prevent gum disease, which often leads to inflammation and infections that cause harmful bacteria can enter the bloodstream and cause a risk of cardiovascular disease.

Sing often

Singers visit doctors less often, are less depressed and feel healthier than those in the test group who do not sing. Singing promotes the production of endorphins, relieves stress and provides mini-workouts for the heart, abdominal cavity, back and lungs.

Allow yourself to get angry.

Men who don't hide their anger are 50% less likely to die from heart disease.

Gain some extra weight.

Scientists studied 11 thousand adults for 12 years and found that those who were overweight were 17% less likely to die than those who were of normal weight.

Do household chores.

Moderate physical exercise from homework are effective form prevention of breast cancer.

Get a cat.

Cats relieve stress and anxiety, potentially reducing risk heart attack by 30%. And it's not easy cat love. Purring produces vibrations at frequencies that are used to relieve pain, heal wounds, and grow muscles.

Use the European menu.

Mediterranean diet based on fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat and olive oil has already proven its advantage. People aged 55-80 who switched to this diet reduced their risk of heart disease and stroke by 30%.

Live in the city.

85% of American centenarians who crossed the threshold of 100 years lived in cities. This is due to the fact that in the city there is more opportunity for mental stimulation, more social support and more doctors who can provide medical assistance on time.

Take vitamin D.

This vitamin helps in calcium absorption and helps bones stay strong. Elderly people who took nutritional supplements with calcium and vitamin D were 9% less likely to die. Vitamin D can be obtained naturally, thanks to sunbathing and milk.

Live in Greece

The island of Ikaria in the Aegean Sea is an island of centenarians. Almost a third of the island's population is over 90 years old. Researchers suggest that this longevity is explained by the lifestyle of its inhabitants. Ikaria has many mountains that force physical activity and healthy eating.

Run more

Just 2.5 hours of running per week increases life expectancy in women by 5.2 years and in men by 6.2. Running improves oxygen absorption, reduces blood pressure, prevents obesity and improves immunity.

In our time average duration human life increases. All this is due to the fact that work has become easier, medicine has made great progress and people have finally begun to care about how to increase life expectancy.

But on average, a person in Russia lives 14 years less than in the USA or Europe. Russians often have chronic diseases or a large number of diseases.

Due to the development of scientific and technological progress and industrialization, human life has become several dozen times better than in the last century. Almost everyone is provided with a warm home, with amenities, hot and cold water, products are sold without interruption in the nearest store. You no longer need to go to the river to fetch water, heat it, or take care of big amount livestock and a huge vegetable garden to feed themselves in the winter on homemade products. Human life has become much more comfortable and safer. Almost all the work is done by technology. Compared to the last century, modern people do almost nothing, but for some reason they do not live much longer. What is the reason for short life?


Stress in modern world arises due to many aspects: constant rush, running around, eternal delays, traffic jams. People don't get enough sleep to get everything done at work, family and personal matters. There is often discord and quarrels in families, and there is also a lot at work. stressful situations, and there are also personal stresses - due to low self-esteem, uncertainty, missed opportunities, their future and children, etc. People are constantly surrounded by problems that need to be solved in a short time, which adversely affects nervous system. Financial questions - main reason stress of modern man. The whole world revolves around money, because this is what allows you to live with dignity. And so often there aren’t enough of them, you have to go into debt, take out a mortgage, and live with constant feeling debt that weighs over your head and prevents you from relaxing. People are constantly stressed, not realizing how much it affects their health.

Ecological situation in cities leaves much to be desired. This applies to the water we drink, the food we eat, and even the air. Smog often hangs over cities, which you have to breathe for several days; industrial plants deal a big blow to the body of residents of nearby settlements. In addition, gas pollution from cars finishes off the remaining fresh air.

Poor quality artificial products

Our food is filled harmful substances. Animal meat contains great amount antibiotics fed to animals for rapid growth and their health. Chicken is primarily raised on hormones. Vegetables and fruits that magically last for months contain a lot of... heavy metals and nitrates. Besides modern man consumes large amounts of genetically modified soy products. And if you use similar products too often, cancer, immune or nervous diseases may develop.

Obesity and overeating

In the modern pace of life it is difficult to follow all the rules proper nutrition. The diet is disrupted, snacks on the run replace lunches, and in addition, many people like to eat snacks at the computer. While working, without being noticed by themselves, people can eat large amounts of harmful products. In addition, eating fast foods, spicy, fatty, and sweet foods leads to excess weight gain, and ultimately to obesity. After all, consuming a large amount of calories, people do not waste them - sitting at the computer all day, driving a car, watching TV.

Obesity - serious illness modern society

When overweight everything goes over acceptable standards, all organs of the body change their functioning. First of all, this affects the cardiovascular system. In addition to this, fat people diabetes appears very often (10 times more often than in people of normal weight). If a person’s weight is 20% higher than normal, his life on average can be shortened by 10-15 years.

Alcohol and smoking

Such bad habits include daily life modern people. IN Lately All more people refuse these bad habits to stick to healthy image life. Smokers lose on average 10 years of their life. Together with cigarette smoke they receive a huge amount of malicious chemical substances: nicotine, hydrocyanic acid, formaldehyde, arsenic, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. As a result, smokers often develop cancer of the larynx or lungs.

It is also very harmful to use alcoholic drinks. On average, a Russian consumes 15-17 liters ethyl alcohol. The worst thing is that the line between “sometimes drinking” and “alcoholism” is so thin that a person does not notice how he begins to drink too much and turns into an alcoholic. And if a person drinks too much alcohol, over time he may develop pancreatic necrosis, cirrhosis of the liver, as well as others dangerous diseases.

In addition, accidents involving alcoholics are not uncommon. After all, they are more likely than others to get into accidents, die under the wheels of cars, freeze on the street or die in drunken fights.

1. Choose a place to live in an environmentally friendly area. If you try, you can find appropriate place, where the environment is not spoiled by industrial plants and other sources of environmental pollution.

2. Eat right. Try to eat foods without foreign additives. You can grow them yourself, or purchase them from trusted people.

3. Remove excess weight. If your weight is above normal, be sure to review your diet and start exercising.

4. Move more. Walk, prefer stairs, take a walk after work. Try to do exercises or warm-ups if you work at the computer for a long time.

5. Stop smoking. Simply quitting smoking will help increase your life expectancy and also improve your well-being.

6. Reduce your alcohol intake. You can drink alcoholic beverages in small quantities, but know the limits and don’t go overboard.

7. Go regularly preventive examinations to the doctor. Monitor your blood sugar and cholesterol, blood pressure, get tested, monitor your health. Do not ignore feeling unwell; if symptoms appear, consult a doctor. It's easier to heal on initial stage diseases.

Often people give up on health on their own without giving it of great importance. Girls abandon him for beautiful figure and appearance, adhering to questionable diets, refusing proper nutrition and doing dangerous surgical operations for breast enhancement or wrinkles. Don't forget that the most important thing is health, the rest is secondary.

Men give up their health when they spare no effort to earn money. Working overtime, in difficult conditions, with constant stress and nerves, they gradually lose their health.

It is better to think about your health and longevity from a young age. Only constant adherence to the above tips and the absence of stress will help you live a long and healthy life.

Declines in mortality from infectious and cardiovascular diseases over two decades have meant that people around the world are living much longer. Researchers say this after analyzing data on mortality from specific diseases in 188 countries.

The leading causes of death vary by country, but globally the proportion of deaths due to drug use disorders has increased. chronic diseases kidney and some types of cancer, including pancreatic cancer and kidney cancer. Mortality from measles has decreased significantly (by 83%) and gastrointestinal diseases(by 51%) from 1990 to 2013.

Worldwide, three factors - coronary heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - together account for 32% of all deaths.

Published in the magazine The Lancet December 18 study “Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the The Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 was conducted by an international consortium of more than 700 experts led by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington.

Compared to the previous Global Burden of Disease Study, scientists from more than 100 countries provided additional data on mortality and specific features specific countries. So, in such countries with low level incomes like Bolivia, Nepal and Niger, life expectancy has also increased, but local health problems and challenges remain different from those facing countries with high level income - USA, Japan, Spain. Middle-income countries (China, Brazil) are already facing problems typical of rich countries.

The average age at death increased from 46.7 years in 1990 to 59.3 years in 2013 as a result of declining fertility and the subsequent demographic shift to older ages. Due in part to global population growth, the number of deaths in all age groups of both sexes increased from 47.5 million to 54.9 million.

The number of people dying from certain causes, such as heart disease, has increased as the population has increased. But mortality in specific age groups from these causes is decreasing, and this is a sign of progress.

Death rates for most cancers, including breast cancer, cervical cancer and colon cancer, have decreased. However, mortality rates from pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma have increased.

Globally, life expectancy for both sexes increased from 65.3 years in 1990 to 71.5 years in 2013. Women are ahead of men. Life expectancy for women increased by 6.6 years, for men - by 5.8 years. If the trends of the last 23 years continue, by 2030 women's life expectancy will be 85.3 years, and men's life expectancy will be 78.1 years.

Differences persist across both age groups and countries. In all age groups except those 80 and older, mortality fell more in women than in men. Men aged 30-39 and over 80 showed the smallest reduction in mortality. The gender gap in mortality rates for adults aged 20 to 44 is widening. For this age group The most common causes of death are HIV/AIDS, interpersonal violence, road traffic injuries, birth injuries. For children under 5 years of age, risk factors include gastrointestinal diseases, infections of the lower respiratory tract, neonatal disorders and malaria, which remains one of the main causes of death.

Given India's population and the projection that it could soon become the most populous country in the world, mortality trends there are global consequences. In 2013, India accounted for 19% or 10.2 million deaths. The country has made great strides in reducing both child and adult mortality. Since 1990, the average annual rate of decline in mortality has been 3.7% per year for children and 1.3% per year for adults. Between 1990 and 2013, life expectancy at birth increased from 57.3 years to 64.2 years for men and from 58.2 years to 68.5 years for women.

The increase in life expectancy in sub-Saharan Africa has been achieved mainly due to reductions in mortality from gastrointestinal diseases, lower respiratory tract infections, and neonatal diseases. Reducing mortality from cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancer, transport injuries and chronic respiratory diseases have also led to increased life expectancy in high-income regions.

Share negative factors, reducing life expectancy, also has regional specifics. Diabetes, others endocrine disorders, chronic illness kidney disease worsen the situation in a number of regions, including the central Latin America; mental disorders provide negative impact in several regions, especially in North America; Intentional injuries increase mortality in South Asia, high-income countries of the Asia-Pacific region, and southern sub-Saharan Africa. IN Eastern Europe and Central Asia there is a high proportion of cirrhosis. HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death in South Africa south of the Sahara, to a lesser extent in Western and East Africa south of the Sahara.

Overall, global mortality rates have increased significantly for very few diseases. This list includes diabetes, HIV/AIDS, hypertonic disease heart disease, chronic kidney disease and Alzheimer's disease.

But the proportion of diseases such as stomach cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma, rheumatic heart disease, peptic ulcer, appendicitis and schizophrenia, has decreased by more than one third since 1990.

Mortality rates from some types of cancer fell (lung cancer by 9%, breast cancer by 18%, leukemia by 20%). Global death rates fell by more than a fifth for coronary disease heart and stroke.

Leading causes of death globally and number of deaths


  1. Coronary heart disease (8,139,900)
  2. Stroke (6,446,900)
  3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2,931,200)
  4. Pneumonia (2,652,600)
  5. Alzheimer's disease (1,655,100)
  6. Lung cancer (1,639,600)
  7. Road accidents (1,395,800)
  8. HIV/AIDS (1,341,000)
  9. Diabetes mellitus (1,299,400)
  10. Tuberculosis (1,290,300)


  1. Coronary heart disease (5,737,500)
  2. Stroke (4,584,800)
  3. Pneumonia (3,420,700)
  4. Gastrointestinal diseases (2,578,700)
  5. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2,421,300)
  6. Tuberculosis (1,786,100)
  7. Neonatal complications premature birth (1 570 500)
  8. Road accidents (1,058,400)
  9. Lung cancer (1,050,000)
  10. Malaria (888,100)

To understand and comprehend the concepts of what death is, it is necessary to know that the matter that we have attracted to ourselves and organized will always be with us, since it is we who organized it for life, manifestation and we feed it with our entire being. This matter or clot of energy can be modified into other matter, but energetically it will be an equivalent product.

The transition from one energy to another occurs through a transition point, which changes the movement of time. It's almost like hourglass When a grain of sand disappears in one bowl and appears in another, it turns out that in the upper bowl there is one less grain of sand; in the lower bowl, on the contrary, there is one more grain of sand.

The energy reserve in both bowls remains unchanged, time simply flows from one dimension to another. If we now take our life, which is equal to the reserve of time in the upper bowl of the scales, then after we are born we develop and grow, which speaks of the influx and accumulation of time from the upper, Heavenly bowl to us, so the cosmos leads us through life.

What is interesting during the transition is that the matter that took place in our world will no longer be matter in another dimension but will be psychic energy, which, depending on the desire of the new individual, can turn into any matter. So our life is divided into two stages.

The first stage is receiving cosmic energy and forming one’s concept of life and the world, organizing space and time, and assimilating incoming energy. And the second stage, when the source of income has almost dried up, we must re-assimilate the matter that is, we revise the values ​​of life and let some of the matter go, we replace other things with new, more beautiful and economical ones.

This is how matter is transformed in time, while the energy component either increases if it is a growing civilization or the energy component decreases and a civilization without visible reasons is falling into disrepair. It turns out that this depends on the ability to timely convert energy and transform it.

As we have already said, the first period of growth of any organism, including civilization as a whole, is divided into a period of active influx of energy from outside from another dimension. This period is commemorated as the slave period Heavenly Angel patron. Having reached full development, the Angel leaves us, giving us the opportunity to continue to use what we have.

The flow of energy from outside stops and we live as we know how or as we have learned to live. This is the period of growing up and gaining the wings of the angelic rank. There are several options for continued existence here.

The first or sunset type of people who are accustomed to the fact that energy is constantly given to them from above and they actively spend it by recycling it in various acquisitions of clothes, real estate, and various junk. These people live easily and at ease and every day is not development, but a waste of life and a thoughtless waste of time, vanity of vanities.

These people are usually very social and cannot exist without their surroundings and companies. They are the soul of society, activists, favorites of the team, and the secret of this soulfulness is the exchange of energies and the transition to horizontal energy consumption. They think the energy has no smell and steal it from their friends and loved ones.

The most interesting thing is that this energy has its own parent and it knows its owner; after death and inversion, it leaves the vampire and returns to the owner. Therefore, after death, a vampire is left with nothing, his energy reserve is halved, which means the period of his future life is also shortened, he can be reborn.

So only after passing through the circles of hell, where all his acts of theft will be pulled out of the body like iron wires with great pain and suffering. This torment will last thousands of years until complete cleansing of a given vampire from energies alien to him. But the most unacceptable thing for a vampire is that after removing all these wires, the vampire as an entity will disappear, it will be an entity more in tune with life, born again, not remembering itself, its Self.

The second type of people is when, in the first period of life, while there was an influx of energy, they awakened and began to become interested in spiritual practices, discovered new spatial structures in themselves and began to extract energy from these wells. In the second period of life, along with partial physical decline, their spiritual uplift increases.

By the time of transition, the energy reserve increases to such an extent that they are able to overcome enormous distances and spatial shells and penetrate the worlds according to the mindset of their mind and heart. Figuratively speaking in the language of astrology, at the end of the period, Sagittarius pulls the bowstring, loading the arrow with the grain of the human spirit, and during the period of dying, a tunnel of transition and arrival in new world person.

The power of energy embedded in the bowstring is the volume of accumulated energy before death, will influence how far the grain of the spirit will fly and fertilize a new space in a new time. A lot of energy means the world of the future will be very different from the previous one and will be more energy-intensive with greater opportunities.

And vice versa, if you use up energy, the arrow will fly backwards spiritual world, she will be subject to gravitational laws, the laws of Darkness, and the presence of such a person will now be in the deep past where there has not yet been the development of high technologies and energies.

In space, everything happens according to laws; people are given prophets or signs indicating the direction of movement. Before a person is put to the test, he is prescribed the path so that he can turn away in time and only the one who disobeys falls into the abyss due to his stupidity. Sighted people can see all the twists of fate and the transition to dead-end branches.

Why does someone's life end so quickly - he just took the wrong path. A child’s choice of path often occurs with parents who can illuminate everything for him. life paths and guide you on the path of truth. The Gospel describes many examples of such an attitude towards the accumulation of energy and opening up space for people who have a reserve of this energy. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to raising your child

Chapter 25 Gospel of Matthew. Verse 2. Of them, five were wise and five were foolish. Verse 3. The foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them; Verse 4: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. This refers to the accumulated energy in one's vessels, which is here called oil for lamps.

And as we see further, this energy contributes to entering a new space in certain time, at other times it is impossible to open this space even with energy. Therefore, I urge you to be wise and accumulate energy for the sake of your future.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs