The consequences of sildenafil. Vardenafil or sildenafil which is better

One or two misfires in bed do not make you impotent. At the same time, problems that last for three or more months require the participation of doctors. According to statistics, today almost half of men over the age of 50 are faced with potency problems. But every year the disease becomes younger, and today even young guys are faced with weak erections. Of course, you can find medicine at the pharmacy that will help cope with the problem. But it is better to contact doctors and seek treatment together with them.

Taking medications on your own without consulting a doctor may not bring the desired result.

Medical achievement

Viagra was the first drug to appear on the market. Today, in addition to the original product, you can find analogues or generics with the same active ingredient and a similar effect. Their important advantage is the price, which is significantly lower than the original. In addition, the generic is often much easier to tolerate. In order for everyone to existing tablets to choose the most suitable ones, it is enough to understand the main active component, which is sildenafil.

For elimination erectile dysfunction it is important to influence the enzymes responsible for the condition of the cavernous bodies. Their expansion occurs under the influence of an enzyme or cGMP. The release of this substance is ensured by the fact that the walls of blood vessels produce nitric oxide. This guarantees a stable erection. IN certain moment The production of type 5 PDE begins. As a result, the enzyme responsible for the expansion of the corpora cavernosa is destroyed. Due to this, ejaculation occurs and erection decreases.

Sildenafil acts suppressively on PDE type 5, which allows you to prolong a persistent erection and thereby increase the duration of the act. Other drugs act in a similar way, for example, Cialis and its analogues with the active ingredient tadalafil.

One of the popular and effective drugs Viagra is used to increase potency

Sildenafil tablets were the first drug to increase potency and treat erectile dysfunction.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug

All drugs used to increase erection act particularly quickly. Both tadalafil and sildenafil have an effect within 40-60 minutes. Moreover, the higher the dosage, the earlier the body’s response is noted. The effect appears in all men without exception.

It is important to emphasize that men with diabetes mellitus, as well as in the state after removal prostate gland, no significant changes are noted. The same applies to patients with psychogenic disorders. At the same time, Viagra and its analogues begin to act only if there is stimulation.

For men who choose sildenafil, the instructions for this drug may give a large number of useful information. All of it is confirmed by clinical studies involving volunteers. Thus, it has been proven that not a single generic Viagra causes changes ECG results. A decrease in pressure is noted by no more than 8.4 mm Hg. Art., and the most pronounced effect is noticeable in the first hours after taking the tablet. This is not regarded as side effects, but as a vasodilating effect of the substance.

If the drug is taken with a fatty meal, it will take a delay to act

Sildenafil, like tadalafil, is particularly rapidly absorbed. The product reaches its maximum concentration after 30-100 minutes. At the same time, the substance was detected in semen 1.5 hours after the pill was taken. Before proceeding with application, it is important to consider that active ingredient slows down absorption when taken simultaneously with fatty foods. It is excreted primarily through the intestines and only a little more than 10% in the urine.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients 65-75 years old should be carried out taking into account the fact that sildenafil is excreted much more slowly in them.

Also special conditions is available when carrying out therapy in men with kidney pathologies. With a single use against the background lung pathologies and moderate severity, no significant changes are observed. At serious illnesses kidneys and liver, the maximum concentration of the substance and the time of elimination from the body almost doubles.

The spermogram picture does not change when using sildenafil

In addition to the above, the following advantages of the substance sildenafil citrate have been identified:

  • long-term use does not cause a carcinogenic effect;
  • increasing the dose did not provoke changes in fertility;
  • two-year use of the substance sildenafil citrate did not cause changes in the chromosome number;
  • Viagra and its analogues do not cause teratogenic or fetotoxic effects;
  • no matter what dose the generic contains active substance, there were no changes in sperm motility.

Range of drugs

Sildenafil was originally created specifically to increase potency. Later, certain tablets were created based on it. Viagra has one main advantage: it is the first drug used to treat erectile dysfunction. Over the years of its existence, the drug has undergone many tests, as a result of which it has been proven that, if the dosage is observed, it is one hundred percent safe.

One of the effective generics of Viagra is Conegra

Viagra is available in dosages of 25-100 milligrams, which makes it much easier to select the most appropriate dosage.

The only downside of Viagra is its price. That is why its analogues are more popular today. Scientists from India were the first to produce them. This is how generic Conegra appeared. Later from similar composition Kamagra and Maxigra were created. For those who think that domestic drugs better, you can offer Sildenafil Vertex and Sildenafil SZ. These medications have also passed all kinds of tests and, along with others, are used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. At the same time, they are much cheaper in price and, just like Viagra and its analogues, if the dosage is observed, they do not cause side effects.

All of these drugs are indicated for use in cases of impaired potency in order to increase erection. If for some reason a man lacks arousal and desire, there will be no effect from the drug, since the substance begins to act only in response to sexual stimulation. Tadalafil works in a similar way. For this reason, before starting treatment for erectile dysfunction, it is important to see a doctor and rule out serious abnormalities. endocrine organs and nervous system. Only after this will it be possible to choose the original drug or its generic.

Original drugs and their generics act only in the presence of natural stimulation

Mode of application

The use of drugs should be approached individually. For healthy men To increase potency, a dosage of 100 milligrams is sufficient. If there are abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys or liver, treatment should begin with a dose of 25 milligrams. To achieve the effect, you should take the drug an hour before intimacy. Within the next six hours must be noted increased sensitivity and a persistent erection in response to arousal.

Maximum daily dose is 100 milligrams. It is prohibited to exceed it even in the absence of a pronounced effect.

At the same time, you need to remember that each analogue has its own properties and sometimes even the same dosage of the active component has different effect. For this reason, you should be especially careful when changing medications, and when using a new drug, you should start taking it with a minimum dose.

It is also necessary to take into account that the absence of a pronounced effect does not indicate that all sildenafil-based drugs are not suitable for you and you need to purchase tadalafil or another substance. Sometimes it is enough to choose a different generic and achieve a stable erection with its help.

Any drug must be taken in strict dosages

The effect of alcohols on the substance

It is especially important to consider how sildenafil behaves when combined with strong drinks. This is explained by the fact that romantic evenings very often take place with the use of alcohol. In such a situation, a man has to choose between the effect of increasing potency and the pleasant stage of relaxation caused by strong drinks. Please note that in the official instructions for use there are no special instructions There are no related to this issue. Therefore, we will rely on the opinion of doctors:

  • When sildenafil and alcohols enter the stomach simultaneously, the absorption of the former is slowed down, which delays the achievement of a stable erection.
  • Alcohol itself has an effect on nervous system and in large quantities may cause a lack of sexual desire. In such a situation, even the most powerful drugs and their analogues have no effect.
  • Alcohol also has a negative effect on the function of the genital organs. For this reason, more high doses drug, which may cause side effects. Therefore, any treatment involves giving up alcoholic beverages.
  • With periodic intake of alcohol, its breakdown products accumulate in the testicles. This leads not only to a disruption of the spermogram picture, but also to a deterioration in the functions of the germ cells. In such a situation, it is the erection that will suffer first.

Drinking alcohol in itself has a detrimental effect on potency, and when taken together with drugs, it can inhibit their effect and cause negative reactions.

  • Any generic drug taken simultaneously with strong drinks increases the load on the liver. The kidneys also suffer. This not only causes side effects, but can also cause serious complications.
  • Alcohol affects the condition of blood vessels. Considering that Viagra and its analogues also affect the condition vascular wall, one can easily conclude that such a combination may be dangerous for the functioning of the heart. Therefore it is better from them simultaneous use refuse.

Thus, even though the manufacturers do not say anything about this combination, you should be very careful when using alcohol with tablets containing sildenafil and tadalafil. First of all, you need to limit your consumption of strong drinks. In addition, it is recommended to reduce the dose and take the selected generic or Viagra in a dose of no more than 25 milligrams.

In the presence of pathologies internal organs Combining alcoholic drinks and drugs to increase potency is strictly prohibited.

Possible complications

Almost all means used to treat erectile dysfunction have a similar list of side effects. For this reason, both sildenafil and tadalafil should be started at the lowest dosage. Only if there are no deviations can the dose be increased. But it is better to choose tablets that, even at low concentrations of the active substance, will provide desired effect increasing potency.

Reception similar drugs may affect heart function

Any generic, as well as original Viagra, can cause the following side effects:

  • severe dizziness, headaches and sleep disturbances;
  • a change in color perception, most often manifested in a change from green to blue;
  • surges in blood pressure, increased heart rate, and in combination with strong drinks, these symptoms are especially pronounced;
  • dry mouth, nausea, severe thirst;
  • changes in kidney function, which manifests itself in an increased urge to urinate;
  • sweating, as well as a possible rush of blood to the skin of the face, which manifests itself as redness;
  • allergic reaction in the form of itching, rashes, swelling of tissues.

It is important to remember that treatment of erectile dysfunction with the use of drugs containing sildenafil and tadalafil cannot be carried out if there is a tendency to priapism. There are also other contraindications that should be excluded before proceeding to the use of drugs such as Viagra. The same applies to the situation when a generic drug with a similar composition is used.

Drugs like Viagra can cause nausea

special instructions

Despite the fact that all of the listed drugs, if the dosage is observed, do not have negative influence, it is important to exclude possible contraindications and only after that proceed to application. First of all, it is prohibited to combine drugs to increase potency with drugs containing nitrogen. This may lead to sharp fall pressure. In addition, there are other precautions:

  • Viagra is contraindicated for men in the first six months after suffered a heart attack, and in the future, treatment for erectile dysfunction can only be started using a dose of no more than 25 milligrams;
  • both sildenafil and tadalafil are contraindicated when blood pressure drops below 90/50 mmHg;
  • Tablet and capsule forms should be avoided during exacerbation of ulcers or gastritis, but gels and lozenges would be more appropriate;
  • It is prohibited to use drugs for severe abnormalities in kidney function;

If a man experiences exacerbations of ulcers or gastritis, he should avoid drugs in the form of tablets

  • increasing potency is prohibited in cases where a man is contraindicated sexual arousal due to cardiac dysfunction;
  • Before you start using tablets, it is important to exclude individual intolerance components;
  • You should not use such drugs if you are prone to bleeding.

In addition to the above, all drugs containing sildenafil or tadalafil should not be taken simultaneously with antibiotics, as this significantly slows down the removal of active substances from the body and may increase the likelihood of developing side symptoms.

With the right choice, every man can choose a drug for himself with which he can treat erectile dysfunction without the risk of complications and with achieving a pronounced effect. You just need to carefully read the instructions and only then proceed to using the tablets.

About how to fix sex life, will be discussed in the video below:

Contains 70.24 mg sildenafil citrate , which is equivalent to 50 mg of sildenafil, or 140.48 mg sildenafil citrate , which is equivalent to 100 mg of sildenafil. Excipients: lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide macrogol, indigo carmine.

Release form

Film-coated tablets in blister packs of 1 or 4 tablets.

pharmachologic effect

A drug that increases erection.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The drug restores the lost response to sexual arousal. Normal erection is impossible without the release of nitric oxide in corpus cavernosum penis, which activates guanylate cyclase . Activation of this enzyme leads to an increase in the level of a specific nucleotide - cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This nucleotide is necessary to relax the muscles of the corpus cavernosum, resulting in increased blood flow in the penis. Sildenafil - selective inhibitor phosphodiesterase 5, under the influence of which cGMP breaks down. Thus, Sildenafil citrate increases blood flow in the penis. In studies, 72% of patients had complete sexual intercourse. The effect of this medicine begins after 1 hour and lasts 3-4 hours.


Suction: is rapidly absorbed, bioavailability is 41%. Maximum plasma concentrations are observed on average 1 hour after administration on an empty stomach. Drinking alcohol and fatty foods slows down absorption.

Distribution: s binds to plasma proteins and penetrates evenly into tissues.

: metabolized by liver enzymes. The main ones are metabolized further, and their half-life is 4 hours.

Removal: metabolites are mainly excreted in feces (80%) and urine (13%).

Indications for use

Erection disorders of various origins (psychogenic, organic or mixed).


  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • deformation of the penis;
  • simultaneous treatment with nitrates;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • severe form hypo- and hypertension ;
  • unstable;
  • or (first 6 months);

Side effects

Possible adverse reactions listed by frequency of occurrence.

  • , hot flashes to the face ;
  • visual impairment;
  • nasal congestion;
  • cutaneous rash ;
  • urinary tract infections;

Among the others side effects you can note: fainting, sleep disturbance, ringing in the ears, photophobia, hypotension, seizures, increased cough, increased sputum, dry mouth, thirst, rectal bleeding, frequent urination, genital organs, myalgia,. In studies, these reactions were observed when taking sildenafil 100 mg.

Instructions for use of Sildenafil (Method and dosage)

The tablets are taken orally one hour before sexual intercourse. For adults single dose- 50 mg per day. Taking into account the tolerability and effectiveness of the drug, the dose can be reduced to 25 mg or increased to 100 mg, which is the maximum single dose. For elderly people, there is no need to change the standard dosage.

Instructions for the use of Sildenafil for different categories of patients

If kidney function is impaired: in the presence of renal failure light and medium degree severity, the dose does not change. Heavy renal failure needs to reduce the dose to 25 mg.

In case of liver dysfunction: at cirrhosis The use of the drug begins with a dose of 25 mg.

When using other medicines: when applied CYP3A4 inhibitors the dose is 25 mg. The exception is ritonavir , joint reception with which it is not recommended.

When used by patients alpha-adrenergic blockers dose - 25 mg, since there is a risk of developing orthostatic hypotension .

The drug is not indicated for patients under 18 years of age. For elderly patients, the dose does not change.


In case of overdose, side effects are more obvious. The 200 mg dose is not more effective, but the incidence of reactions is higher. Taking the drug by volunteers at a dose of 800 mg led to an increase in the incidence of adverse reactions and their severity. Symptomatic therapy is used in treatment.


, and cimetidine reduce the excretion of sildenafil with an increase in its content in the blood. Together with nitroprusside sodium intensifies antiplatelet effect the last one.

When combined with organic nitrates their hypotensive effect , which can be fatal.

Contraindicated simultaneous administration With hypoglycemic drugs And beta blockers , which can also pose a danger to life.

Terms of sale

Dispensed by prescription.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place. Storage temperature is not higher than 25°-300C.

Best before date

Shelf life: 2 years.

Sildenafil for women

For women, the drug is produced under the following brands: Ladygra, Womenra, Femalegra . The active component of the tablets is also sildenafil citrate, equivalent to 50 mg or 100 mg of sildenafil.

Used to increase sexual activity and sensitivity during sexual intercourse. 50 mg tablets are taken one hour before planned sexual intercourse. Taking into account the effectiveness, the dose is increased (100 mg per dose) or decreased (25 mg). In this case, the maximum dose is 100 mg.

Possible adverse reactions when taking the drug: headache, dizziness, nausea, nasal congestion, photophobia, blurred vision .

It must be taken into account that the drug has negative impact for uterine fibroids. In this connection, the gynecologist decides on its use.

Sildenafil analogs

Matches by ATX code 4th level:

, Vigrande, Vizarsin, . Analogues have the same composition: in terms of sildenafil - 25.0 mg, 50.0 mg or 100.0 mg.

Reviews of Sildenafil

Reviews of Sildenafil indicate that the use of the drug is highly reliable. The drug is generally well tolerated. It is noted that transient adverse reactions occur when taking a dose of 100 mg. Most patients taking the drug had mild symptoms: facial flushing, headache, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, changes in color vision . Very rarely they were the reason for discontinuation of the drug.

It is noted that the drug is effective in erectile dysfunction , which arose against the background of spinal injuries and spinal cord, after prostatectomy and at diabetes mellitus .

One of the disadvantages of the drug is that it cannot be taken with certain medications, for example, organic nitrates. This point is important, since erectile dysfunction is often combined with heart disease in men.

Sildenafil price, where to buy

You can buy Sildenafil in pharmacies in Moscow and other cities of Russia. The price of Sildenafil in pharmacies depends on the dosage of the drug. The cost of 50 mg tablets ranges from 251 rubles. up to 490 rubles, 100 mg tablets from 412 rubles. up to 728 rub.

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Author-compiler:- doctor, medical journalist Speciality:Epidemiology, Hygiene, Infectious diseases

Education: Graduated from the Sverdlovsk Medical School (1968 - 1971) with a degree in Paramedic. Graduated from Donetsk medical school(1975 - 1981) with a degree in “Epidemiologist, Hygienist”. He completed his postgraduate studies at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology in Moscow (1986 - 1989). Academic degree - candidate medical sciences(degree awarded in 1989, defense - Central Research Institute epidemiology, Moscow). Completed numerous advanced training courses in epidemiology and infectious diseases.

Experience: Work as head of the department of disinfection and sterilization 1981 - 1992. Working as a department head dangerous infections 1992 - 2010 Teaching activity at the Medical Institute 2010 - 2013

NOTE! Information about medications on the site is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using the drug Sildenafil, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Vladimir | 0:32 | 13.11.2017

I agree that sildenafil is one of the safest substances for erection, it’s good that now you can choose the drug for yourself based on the price, I buy Viatile, 50 mg is the optimal dose for me at a time. By the way, anyone who thinks that they will take these pills and their penis will stand up on its own is very mistaken; it won’t work without a woman’s affection.

Nikolay | 21:32 | 22.10.2017

Sildenafil is fine, it works. But suddenly, if you took it, but there was no sex, the hard-on will torture you for a day))) Normal drug. At first I used Dynamico, but then they recommended an analogue, ours. There are more tablets, but the price is several times cheaper. And you need to trust ours!!!

The drug Sildenafil is widely used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. different manufacturers. Chemical compound, which is the active ingredient of the drug, has high activity and can affect the functioning of other organs and systems. Therefore, the instructions for use contained in the article should be studied before starting treatment. Current prices, reviews from doctors and patients, as well as analogs of Sildenafil in Russia that can replace the drug will complement patients’ understanding of the drug.


The drug contains Sildenafil (Sildenafilum - this is in Latin international name) contains the active substance Sildenafil citrate in dosages of 25, 50 or 100 mg.

Auxiliary components used by manufacturers are cellulose, povidones, dyes, macrogols, Mg stearates, Ti oxides.

Release form

The medication is available in the form of film-coated tablets intended for oral administration. blue color. Each tablet has oval shape. On one side there are engravings indicating the dose of Sildenafil.

Packages are produced that contain 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 14 or 20 tablets, as well as official instructions on the use of the medicine.

pharmachologic effect

Sildenafil is a representative pharmacological groups drugs intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on enhancing the synthesis of NO. Thanks to this, the following types of pharmacological action are achieved:

  • relaxation of vascular walls;
  • increased blood supply to the penis;
  • slowing down the reverse flow of blood from the penis;
  • decrease in pressure in blood vessels. It is important to use with caution in patients being treated for hypertension, including pulmonary hypertension;
  • Helps maintain an erection throughout sexual intercourse.

Important! Sildenafil is used to cause an erection and begins to act only in the event of sexual stimulation.

Indications for use

The following deviations and conditions are given as indications for use:

  • lack of ability to achieve an erection;
  • inability to save normal erection all sexual intercourse.


Sildenafil is not prescribed if there is the following pathologies and conditions that are contraindications for use:

  • allergy to medicine;
  • permanent or temporary intake of nitrates;
  • diseases for which it is recommended to limit sexual activity;
  • children under 18 years of age. Sildenafil is not used in childhood;
  • women. Treatment with Sildenafil is not carried out in women, as well as during breastfeeding (lactation) and pregnancy;
  • severe liver disease;
  • stroke or heart attack diagnosed in the last six months;
  • congenital retinal abnormalities;
  • defects in the formation of the penis (congenital and acquired);
  • loss of vision due to ischemia.

Before prescribing the drug, it is important to exclude these contraindications.

Instructions for use

It is important to remember that sexual arousal is required for the drug to be effective.

Mode of application:

The tablet is taken only orally, washed down with a small amount clean water. According to the manufacturers' description, the medicine is more effective if taken before meals. Food, especially fatty foods, significantly slows down the onset of the drug’s effect. The drug is taken 40-60 minutes before the planned contact at any time of the day - in the evening (after lunch), during the day or in the morning (before lunch).

Important! Maximum dose per day - 100 mg.

Potency pills do not have a clear course of treatment. Take only as needed, but not more than once every 24 hours. The duration of administration, subject to the recommended regimen, is selected by the doctor according to the patient’s condition.

The duration of action of Sildenafil is up to four hours. The first effects appear half an hour after application.


The consequences of a drug overdose (according to the manufacturers' instructions) may be an increase in the frequency of side effects and their severity. Assistance to the victim is only symptomatic.

Side effects

Side effects when taking Sildenafil develop quite often. Select a row adverse reactions, which are more severe, but develop much less frequently.

Frequent adverse reactions:

  • headache;
  • swelling of the face;
  • hot flashes (redness of the face, feeling of heat);
  • dizziness;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx, resulting in nasal congestion;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • digestive disorders;
  • color perception disorders.

If such abnormalities develop, contacting a doctor is required only in severe cases.

Rare side effects:

  • erection that does not go away for a long time;
  • painful erection;
  • chest pain;
  • inflammation and muscle soreness.

As a rule, such disorders are observed when the dosage regimen is not followed and the dose is exceeded. An important way prevention of these complications is the absence of self-medication and compliance with the recommended rules for taking and dosing Sildenafil. Addiction to the drug does not develop.

Interaction with other tools

When taking nitrate medications, treatment with Sildenafil is contraindicated. When they are combined, the effects of the drugs are enhanced.

Sildenafil enhances the effectiveness of blood pressure-lowering drugs. If these drugs are compatible, severe hypotension may develop.

The combination with the following drugs leads to an increase in the level of Sildenafil in the blood, an increase in its toxicity and the frequency of side effects:

  • Cimetidine;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Ketoconazole (in tablet form);
  • Itraconazole (tablets);
  • Antiviral agents;
  • Nicorandil;
  • antiparkinsonian (Vertinex, Levodopa).

During pregnancy and lactation

Sildenafil is not used in women, as well as in breastfeeding(GW) and during the period of bearing a child.

With alcohol

When Sildenafil interacts with alcohol, no dangerous adverse reactions develop. In any case, during treatment with Sildenafil, it is recommended to limit alcohol consumption, despite normal level compatibility not to provide increased load on the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys.


Substitutes are any medicines based on Sildenafil - original drugs and generics. The list of such means is as follows:

Sildenafil differs from these drugs only by the manufacturer. In all other respects there is no difference or difference. These are equivalent means of domestic or foreign production that have a sufficient level clinical trials on efficiency and safety.

Important! Replacement of the drug with synonyms should only be carried out by the attending physician.

If necessary, Sildenafil can be replaced with products that are produced on the basis of other active substances from the same group of drugs:

Among such products, you can select cheaper analogues from Russian and other manufacturers.

Best before date

Sildenafil is suitable for use only for 3 years from the date of issue. After the specified expiration date has expired, the drug should not be taken.

Terms of sale and storage

Sildenafil should be stored in original packaging subject to the following conditions:

  • temperature no more than 30⁰С;
  • dry place;
  • away from children;
  • away from direct rays.

The drug is sold in pharmacies according to prescriptions from a doctor, who must prescribe them in Latin.

special instructions

Because the medicine causes dizziness and disturbances visual functions, it is important to find out your reaction before driving and operating other mechanisms that require precision and increased concentration.

Many patients over 60 years of age are recommended to start treatment with a dose of Sildenafil 25 mg.

For patients with concomitant serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys, the recommended initial dose is 25 mg. If well tolerated, the dose can be increased to 50 or 100 mg (rarely).

Sildenafil is used only in adult men.


Sildenafil produced by North Star is cheaper. The cost of the same drug from other manufacturers is slightly more expensive. Sildenafil can be bought in pharmacies at the following price:

  • 25 mg No. 1 - from 52 rubles;
  • 25 mg No. 4 - from 110 rubles;
  • 25 mg No. 20 - from 319 rubles;
  • 50 mg No. 1 - from 65 rubles;
  • 50 mg No. 2 - from 110 rubles;
  • 50 mg No. 4 - from 160 rubles;
  • 50 mg No. 10 - from 363 rubles;
  • 50 mg No. 14 - from 400 rubles;
  • 100 mg No. 1 - from 65 rubles;
  • 100 mg No. 2 - from 200 rubles;
  • 100 mg No. 4 - from 240 rubles;
  • 100 mg No. 8 - from 365 rubles;
  • 100 mg No. 10 - from 400 rubles;
  • 100 mg No. 20 - from 678 rub.

The problem of erectile dysfunction occurs in many men. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different: from psychological to medicinal. But how can you restore intimacy with your spouse or girlfriend if an erection does not occur? In this case, the drug “Sildenafil” will come to the rescue, in which the active element is a substance with the same name - sildenafil. The use of this medication, its cost, detailed composition - all this will be discussed in the article. We will also find out what analogues this drug has.


Sildenafil contains the following components:

Active ingredient: 25, 50 or 100 mg of sildenafil citrate.

Auxiliary components: lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon dioxide, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, hyprolose.

This medication is available in 25, 50 and 100 mg.


It is advisable to take Sildenafil 1 hour before the planned sex. The effect of this medication begins only with sexual arousal, so there is no need to be afraid of its untimely effect. If sexual desire no, then an erection will not occur either, so this saves the person from any awkward situations.

The initial dose of the drug should be 25-50 mg once a day. If necessary, the doctor can increase the intake to a maximum of 100 mg per day. The exposure time is 5 hours.

The medicine is effective throughout intimacy. After 5 hours of exposure to the product, the erection goes away naturally. If you want to make love again, then sexual arousal occurs again, and no additional pills are required.

Patented drug "Viagra"

This drug was the first medicine to contain sildenafil as an active ingredient. "Viagra" - a drug international standard, still produced today, but the cost original tablet 2 or even 4 times higher than that of generics (products sold under the international proprietary name, but different from the brand name of the drug manufacturer). All pills that contain sildenafil as an active element are considered to be some kind of copies of the original. This also happened with the drug to which the article is devoted. Generic Sildenafil, a medicine that differs from the famous Viagra in the composition of auxiliary components, is called by many pharmacists a “dirty” medicine. This is due to the fact that for its production substances are taken that have not been scrupulously purified from impurities. The same cannot be said about Viagra tablets.

The drug "Sildenafil": use in medicine

This remedy helps to cope with the inability to maintain an erection sufficient for high-quality, satisfactory sex. The reasons for its violation can be different: organic, psychogenic, mixed. The drug will also be effective for impotence. The action of the product will give positive result only in combination with sexual stimulation.


The drug "Sildenafil", analogues of which have different prices, can be purchased at any pharmacy. This is a widely used remedy that helps men restore their sex life. The price of this medication is not fixed, since it depends on several criteria: the number of tablets in the package, the dosage of the pills, the location of the pharmacy and its markup. On average, the cost of 10 pills of 50 mg will cost 550 rubles. If you buy tablets in the same quantity, but 100 mg each, then the drug will cost more: the price will be about 830 rubles. And for 4 pills of 25 mg each you will need to pay approximately 280 rubles.

The drug "Sildenafil": analogues

Oddly enough, although this drug is a copy of Viagra, it also has drugs that are similar in action. Today there is sufficient quantity drugs that can replace generic Sildenafil, a drug for erectile dysfunction. So, its analogues are the following drugs: “Cialis”, “Levitra”, “Impaza”, “Sealex”, “Tribestan”, “Laveron”, “Viardot Forte”, etc. Although these drugs have different composition, however, have a similar effect as Sildenafil tablets.

The drug "Cialis"

Although this medication is considered an analogue of the drug Sildenafil, its composition is different. Thus, Cialis tablets consist of the following elements: active substance- tadalafil, auxiliary components- lactose monohydrate, hyprolose, MCC, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate.

This drug helps men cope with erectile dysfunction, as well as get rid of symptoms of lower urinary tract in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Cialis tablets must be taken orally. Men who make love more than 2 times a week are recommended to take 1 5 mg pill once a day, at the same time. If representatives of the stronger sex have sex less often than 2 times a week, then it is advisable to swallow a tablet in a dose of 20 mg immediately before intimacy.

The cost of Cialis may vary and depends on the number of pills in the package. So, on average, for 10 tablets of 20 mg you need to pay 1,500 rubles. It turns out that one pill costs 150 rubles. If you buy 100 tablets, then the price will be 7,000 rubles. It turns out that in this case 1 pill will cost 70 rubles. This is 2 times cheaper than purchasing a package containing 10 tablets.

The drug "Impaza"

This is another medicine that can be a good competitor to Sildenafil. Analogues of this drug, as already indicated, may have a completely different composition, but the effect may be identical. This is what happens with the drug Impaza. This homeopathic remedy, which is prescribed to men with erectile dysfunction.

Impaza is also available in tablets. One pill contains the following components: active substances - antibodies to endothelial NO synthase, auxiliary elements - lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate.

You need to take 1 tablet per day before or after meals. You cannot bite or swallow the pill; it must be kept in your mouth until completely dissolved. To stabilize potency, it is recommended to carry out a treatment and prophylactic course of at least 12 weeks. The doctor, together with the patient, can subsequently change the frequency of taking pills. He may even prescribe Impaza tablets to the man every other day. For occasional stimulation of erection, the drug is used 2 tablets 1 or 2 hours before intimacy.

Exciting drugs for women

Not only men can suffer from the fair sex, disorders can also overtake them sex life. Medicines containing sildenafil will also come to the aid of women. Female version The medicine is capable of accomplishing the following tasks:

Enhance sexual desire and increase libido (including in older ladies).

Reduce the time required for strong sexual arousal.

Increase sensitivity.

Improve blood flow in the pelvic organs.

Increase vaginal lubrication.

Increase stamina during lovemaking.

Eliminate frigidity.

Sildenafil for women is produced under the following brands: Womenra, Ladygra, Cenforce FM, Femalegra.

Womenra tablets: description

The composition of these pills is as follows: the active ingredient is sildenafil citrate in doses of 50 and 100 mg. Additional items: croscarmellose sodium, calcium hydrogen phosphate, opadry rosea, microcrystalline cellulose.

These tablets must be taken orally. The initial dose should be 50 mg per day. You need to take the pill approximately 1 hour before the start of sexual activity. Subsequently, the dose can be increased with the doctor’s permission to 100 mg or, conversely, reduced to 25 mg (that is, half a tablet).

The cost of Womenra tablets may vary. The price depends on the dosage of pills and their total quantity in the package. So, on average, for 4 tablets of 50 mg you need to pay about 500 rubles.

Now you know basic information about the drug “Sildenafil”: analogues of this medication, its composition, scope of application. We found out that it is a generic version of the famous drug Viagra. However, the drug “Sildenafil” is several times cheaper than the original, which is why it is used more often.

When men have difficulty getting an erection, everyone reacts to the problem differently. Some people become isolated and ignore this fact, thinking that over time everything will work out on its own. Others rush to specialists, relying on medicine and pharmacology. Still others collect information on the Internet, or by asking friends for it. All three types are right in their research, and sooner or later everyone decides to try drugs to improve erectile function. Medicines of this type are sold without a prescription, which allows you to experiment with such indicators as price and speed. The most popular drug was and remains Viagra (the active substance is sildenafil). Therefore, we will answer the most common questions: what kind of drug is this, what dosages are considered normal and really help, how much does sildenafil cost, and how good are its analogs. It is important to find out what sildenafil reviews cause in men. Let's talk about all this right now.

How the drug appeared and its main effect

Almost any man can take sildenafil, regardless of age. The main effect is the fight against any manifestation of erectile dysfunction. Having a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs, the medicine makes it possible to fully engage in sexual intercourse. Penis hardness, renewed and increased desire, extraordinary brightness of sensations, increased friction and a powerful orgasm - all this will be provided by a small tablet. Sildenafil is effective even in cases where dysfunction is caused by spinal injuries, diabetes mellitus and hormonal disorders. How did this remedy, unique in its action, come about?

  • The end of the 70s of the last century - American scientists began experiments and research to create a drug that expands blood vessels. The goal was for the drug to act simultaneously in the brain, lung tissue and heart;
  • Early 90s - during testing, a side effect was noted (improved erection and quality of sexual sensations in experimental subjects);
  • 1998 – researchers are awarded Nobel Prize, the drug Viagra appears, and men all over the world get the opportunity to show their best side in sex.

In fact, sildenafil as an active substance stimulates the reaction male body for excitement. This component acts as a kind of intermediary in natural processes body. The action is due to the following relationships:

  • During sexual arousal, nitric oxide is released;
  • It dilates blood vessels and increases blood circulation in the cavernous bodies of the penis;
  • The oxide, in turn, activates the creation of cyclic GMP molecules;
  • Sildenafil destroys the natural enzyme that negatively affects these molecules, which allows the blood vessels to remain dilated longer;
  • This entire interconnected structure allows the penis to remain erect longer.

It can be argued that the drug enhances the body's natural reactions. Men often ask the question “is sildenafil harmful?”, and in what quantities can it be taken? The answer is the reviews of doctors; we will talk about these aspects further.

Indications, contraindications and other medical recommendations

In addition to stimulating erectile function, the drug has an effect on the pulmonary blood vessels and arterial pressure. This important factor for men suffering from shortness of breath or other pathologies pulmonary system. Taking the pill improves quality of life and improves self-esteem. Some doctors insist that by taking sildenafil too often, a man creates psychological dependence from the drug. But other types of dependencies were not found in clinical trials. Let's move on to listing the advantages of the active substance.


A drug is needed to eliminate erectile dysfunction. The reasons for violations can be different, for example:

  • Organic – associated with diseases (recurrent and chronic) occurring in the body, or with dysfunction of the hormonal, nervous and genitourinary systems;
  • Psychogenic – associated with uncomfortable psychological state men. This condition is caused by overwork, stress, workload, conflicts in couples, unfulfilled sexual desires;
  • Mixed - against the background of developing diseases or infections, observed psychological trauma or decreased self-esteem, depression.

Sildenafil also helps with injuries spinal column, for obesity and diabetes, problems with the prostate and nervous reactions. Therefore, to the question “is sildenafil harmful?” many experts answer in the negative, and do so based on the results of treating real patients.


You should not take the drug for stimulation if:

  • At this time, you are prescribed nitrates or nitrites (for example, vasotropin or nitrosorbide);
  • Other inhibitors must be taken;
  • Reception prescribed medicines for the lungs;
  • Recently had a heart attack or stroke;
  • Eat congenital pathologies retina;
  • Diagnosed in the body serious illness liver;
  • An allergic reaction to the active substance was detected.

In some cases, taking the drug is not prohibited, but this must be done with caution, monitoring your own reaction and not exceeding the recommended dose. So, careful use of sildenafil is recommended:

  • With Peyronie's disease;
  • For myeloma and leukemia;
  • With a reduced level of platelets (red blood cells);
  • For deformities of the genital organ, congenital or acquired due to injury;
  • For pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, namely gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Sildenafil instructions for use, side effects

In order for the effect of the drug to be pleasant and controllable, it is necessary to answer the following questions:

  • How to take it correctly medicine to increase potency?;
  • Is sildenafil harmful in case of overdose, and is it possible in principle?;
  • How long does the drug last?;
  • What does the drug allow you to do, and how long does it take for pharmacokinetics (absorption of the active substance into the blood)?

Therefore, let's move on to a more detailed discussion of this popular and known remedy, to restore erectile function.

  • Firstly, dosage form drug - tablets of 25, 50 and 100 mg.
  • Secondly, it is the average that is considered standard. Already 25 mg are prescribed for use together with other drugs, and 100 mg is the maximum permissible dose per day.
  • The original Viagra tablet is taken with a glass of water, approximately an hour before the intended sexual intercourse. For some men, this time may be reduced due to individual characteristics body.
  • It is advisable to take the tablet on an empty stomach, since eating food lengthens the interval between administration and the onset of action. You should not drink it, it may neutralize the effect of the inhibitor. It is within an hour that the medicine is completely digestible and absorbed.
  • An overdose can have a bad effect on general health. For example, lead to sinus congestion, soreness and tearing, shortness of breath and skin rashes. Only the consequences can be eliminated; it is not possible to remove the drug from the blood until the end of the pharmacological action.

“Side effects” can be expressed in different ways:

  • Headaches and dizziness appear;
  • An erection may be too long and therefore painful;
  • The sensitivity of the skin increases;
  • There is a rush of blood to the face.

It is these individual factors that force men to answer positively the question “is sildenafil harmful?” But oh medical opinion we already informed readers earlier.

Cost of the drug

How much does sildenafil cost on the Russian pharmacological market? It is difficult to answer unequivocally; the following factors play a role in this question:

  • Who is the manufacturer of the drug;
  • How many tablets are in the package;
  • The original drug is offered for sale or only a generic version.

The original American drug Viagra costs about 1,000 rubles per tablet. Quality can be checked by the batch number, or by asking the pharmacy for product certificates. How much does generic sildenafil cost? In fact, three times less. This is due to the presence of cheaper additional ingredients in the tablet (but the active substance is necessarily present in the right quantity), and the absence of costs for developing and testing the drug before obtaining a production patent. Effect of original drug(and from generics) lasts at least 4-6 hours after oral administration inside. According to reviews, generics give more side effects than the original, but they are easily tolerated against the backdrop of a direct, pleasant result. Let's list several analogues of Viagra:

  • Cialis, Levitra, Impaza;
  • Tribestan, viardot, ali caps;
  • Yohimbe, Laveron, Sealex;
  • Furongbao super and himcolin.


Already 3 years in European pharmaceutical market a miracle drug for restoring potency Semental appeared. It is several times more effective than Viagra - it not only gives an instant erection immediately after taking it, but also restores natural potency in men. At the same time, it has absolutely no side effects and costs 8 (!) times less. One of the most important advantages of Semental is that it not only does not harm the body, but also further improves its health. Also contains more than 10 potent natural ingredients, among which is L-arginine, for the discovery of which in 1998 three American scientists (Robert Farchgott, Louis Ignarro and Ferid Murad) received the Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology (strengthens the heart and blood vessels).



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