The body needs ballast substances from food. Ballast substances: eat and lose weight

Ballast substances, contrary to their name, are the key to our health and slimness.

What is it?

Ballast substances are plant fibers that are part of some foods and are not absorbed by the body. But, despite this property, they are good for your figure and health, because these substances are responsible for cleansing the body of all kinds of poisons and toxins.
Ballast substances include fiber, cellulose and pectin. They are contained in products plant origin: cabbage, radishes, carrots, apples, legumes.

Improve digestion

Cereals and legumes contain insoluble ballast substances, which, swelling in our stomach, push food further and thereby stimulate intestinal function. In addition, they promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in it, which improve the digestion process.
But to help ballast substances fully perform this function, you need to drink a lot of water (1.5-2 liters per day) and chew food well.

Helps you lose weight

Ballast substances swell in the body, filling the stomach. Therefore, by supplementing the main dish with foods rich in plant fiber, we eat up with a much smaller portion and stay full longer. Ballast substances have one more thing useful property- they remove excess complex carbohydrates from the body. Usually such carbohydrates give us energy, but if there are too many of them, they are stored on the sides.

How much should you eat?

On average, we consume about 18-20 g of ballast substances per day. Experts say this is not enough. Daily norm- 25 g. However, if you have consumed too little ballast substances for a long time, you should increase their volume in the diet very slowly. Otherwise, it may lead to constipation.
If you are unable to consume food required quantity ballast substances, consult your doctor. He may recommend that you take them separately.

Reduce cholesterol levels

Soluble ballast substances regulate blood sugar and reduce cholesterol levels. It goes away along with excess bile acid, which is removed by plant fibers. Plus they reduce the risk of stomach cancer and gallstones. Soluble ballast substances are found mainly in vegetables and fruits.

To extract from ballast substances greatest benefit, foods rich in them are best consumed raw. After all beneficial influence of these substances is reduced if vegetables or fruits have been heat treated.

Not long ago, the term “ballast substance” was introduced into science. These words denoted those food components that could not be absorbed by the human body. For quite a long time, scientists even recommended avoiding such food, since there was no benefit from it anyway. But thanks to many studies, the scientific world has learned that ballast substances (cellulose, fiber, etc.) not only do not harm, but are also beneficial, helping to solve a lot of problems, including digestive disorders. Today data food components are widely used for the prevention of diseases of the digestive tract, as well as for weight loss.

What is ballast material?

IN modern world food products have been studied inside and out. And until recently, it was customary to release nutrients and ballast substances. The group of nutritional components included proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, in short, everything that was used in the further life of the body.

Substances that were not digested in the human digestive tract due to the lack of appropriate enzymes were called ballast. It was believed that such components were useless and could even cause harm. That is why they were considered to be ballast. Some scientists have advised limiting the amount of certain food groups in the diet.

However, during the research it was noticed that people who refused food with ballast substances were more likely to experience digestive disorders. Moreover, they became prone to obesity and diabetes mellitus. Such data forced scientists to once again conduct tests and reconsider their opinion about food components that the body is not able to digest. Thus a huge discovery was made: these substances were not actually ballast, they provided normal functioning digestive system and more.

Basic ballasts

As is known, plant foods contain greatest number ballast substances. These components include:

  • Fiber (found in cereals, vegetables and fruits).
  • Cellulose, which, however, can be classified as dietary fiber (present in grains, vegetables and fruits).
  • Pectins (some vegetables and fruits, especially apples).
  • Lingnin (contains grains, fruit seeds, vegetables).
  • Alginates (algae are rich in these substances).

How do these food components affect the human body?

In fact, ballast substances are very beneficial for the human body. Already after getting into oral cavity they have a positive effect, because plant foods are hard, they need to be chewed for a long time and thoroughly, during this a natural massage of the gums occurs, which improves blood circulation in the tissues and prevents the development of periodontitis.

Fiber is a physical stimulator of intestinal motility. Availability in the diet sufficient quantity holds similar food smooth muscles the digestive tract is in good shape. This affects the digestive processes and the patient’s well-being. In addition, ballast substances contribute to the formation of normal feces. People who refuse to eat plant-based foods often experience chronic constipation.

Coarse fibers in the human intestine swell and act like a sponge, absorbing excess liquid and removing toxins from the body. Moreover, ballast substances bind bile acids, thereby reducing blood cholesterol levels.

Plant foods are digested slowly. That's why nutrients, in particular glucose, enter the bloodstream slowly and steadily.

Ballast substances are not absorbed by the human body, which cannot be said about the beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines. This is a good feed for microflora. That is why eating foods rich in the components described above is an excellent prevention of dysbacteriosis.

Is there a possibility of a negative impact?

In theory, plant foods containing these same ballast components, may harm the body. Microorganisms in the human intestine can partially digest fiber and other substances of plant origin, releasing gases. Their excess can lead to swelling and damage to epithelial tissues intestinal wall. In turn, the result will be a violation of the absorption of zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium. TO possible consequences include intestinal volvulus as a result of its overcrowding.

But it is worth noting that the probability similar phenomenon is reduced to a minimum, since for this a person would have to absorb enormous quantities of plant food, which is practically impossible.

Contraindications to the use of ballast components

We have already dealt with the question of whether ballast material is dangerous. The benefits of these components for the body are simply invaluable. On the other hand, there are situations in which it is contraindicated to consume plant foods rich in fiber.

It should be excluded from the diet if you have gastritis or peptic ulcer intestines, stomach. Of course we're talking about only about periods of exacerbation. Immediately upon completion of treatment, it must be entered into the menu again. It has been proven that within a few weeks after refusing food rich in ballast substances, the intestinal walls become sluggish, the patient develops constipation, and then dysbiosis.

Ballast substances and weight loss

This group of substances is also useful in dietetics, as it helps fight overweight. As already mentioned, coarse fibers have a positive effect on intestinal function, improve digestion processes, and affect blood sugar levels.

In addition, plant foods are usually low in calories and do not contain large quantity unhealthy fats. These products also allow you to achieve a feeling of fullness, as the fibers in the intestines swell. Of course, in addition to ballast substances, plant products are rich in minerals and vitamins, which the human body simply needs when losing weight. For example, the benefits of lentils for the body during a diet have long been proven, since with this product a person receives not only dietary fiber, but also proteins.

What products contain these components?

The ballast substance, despite the name, is extremely beneficial for the body. That is why the diet must contain food products containing these components. Their list includes oatmeal and wheat bran. Legumes, in particular peas, are also rich in them. white beans and others. The benefits of lentils for the human body, for example, are enormous, since, in addition to fiber, it contains proteins, huge amount vitamins and minerals.

Dried fruits, for example, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, will be useful. Should be included in the diet fresh fruit and vegetables, especially cabbage and carrots. You can diversify your menu with whole grain pasta. As you can see, ballast fibers are found in many foods; you should never give them up.

The word “ballast” usually means something useless, superfluous, unnecessary. But such a definition in no way applies to ballast substances that play vital role in our diet and have a huge impact on our health.

Ballast substances are food components contained in plant foods and cannot be digested in the human body. The supply of these substances to the body is guaranteed if we eat a lot fresh vegetables and fruits, that is, those that are not cooked.

The main ballast substances are dietary fibers that are found in any plant; fiber is their main representative. Dietary fiber, in turn, is multi-structured polysaccharides with huge macromolecules. There are bacteria that can break down such compounds with unprecedented ease, but human enzymes cannot do this.

Previously, it was believed that ballast substances were useless for the body, because digestive juices do not contain enzymes that could break down these substances. However, it was simply not known that some of the ballast substances are digested by enzymes of microorganisms living in the large intestine. At the same time, in addition to gases, fatty acids that a person can digest.

Ballast substances are divided into the following types:

  1. Lignin (grains, vegetables, fruit seeds).
  2. Alginates (agar-agar (algae)).
  3. Pectin (vegetables and fruits, especially apples).
  4. Cellulose (vegetables, fruits, grains).
  5. Fiber (cereals, fruits and vegetables).

What is the role of ballast substances?

Positive influence of ballast substances

The positive effect of ballast substances is that they give a feeling of satiety for a long time, and also bind and remove bile acids, thereby reducing cholesterol levels. In addition, they provide normal stool and prevent chronic diseases intestines. Slow down the rate of digestion, which is important aspect in terms of nutrient utilization. The slow supply of nutrients prevents the release of large amounts of carbohydrates into the blood. With slow absorption of nutrients, their influx occurs constantly along with the blood. Also, ballast substances cover nutrients, protecting them, and activate blood circulation in the gums, since they have to be chewed longer. Ballast substances have no calories.

Ballast substances are most important source recharge intestinal microflora, the appropriate composition of which determines the full functioning of our body. Bacterial flora actually destroys numerous toxins, carrying out the synthesis of vitamins, fats, carbohydrates and amino acids, including essential ones. Therefore, the use of ballast substances is an excellent prevention of dysbacteriosis.

In addition, ballast substances are excellent sorbents that actively absorb unwanted compounds with their micropores. Medicine uses artificial sorbents, for example, activated carbon. Dozens of diseases requiring their use have been identified: various poisonings, kidney diseases, biliary tract, liver, pancreatitis. Also, “artificial ballast substances” help in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therapeutic effect ballast substances is due to direct absorption capacity. Under the influence of ballast substances, the elimination of many toxic and excess metabolic products occurs - cholesterol, urea, various allergens and others. At the same time, the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins improves, lipid metabolism normalizes, in other words, a rejuvenating effect on the body is observed.

By the way, ballast substances also fight against excess weight, because they inhibit the digestion of fat in a person by binding some of the fat to themselves, and in this form the body removes them out. In addition, they slow down the breakdown of so-called complex carbohydrates from cereals, legumes, soybean sprouts, potatoes or nuts. This inhibits the production of insulin, and as a result, clogged arteries and strokes do not occur.

There are more than twenty different types ballast substances, which mostly have long foreign names and are hidden in fruits, vegetables, salads, legumes, potatoes, nuts and whole grain products. For example, cellulose and pectin, glycogen and hemicellulose, dextrin and starch. Ballast substances are generally divided into two large groups, which are equally important for health: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble ones most often retain water. They are good for digestion. Soluble ballast substances, on the contrary, serve as food for important bacteria and have great value for health: they protect against cancer and stomach stones, regulate blood sugar and lower cholesterol.

Negative influence of ballast substances.

Microorganisms produce gases, and this can lead to bloating, damage to the epithelium (the lining of the intestinal tissue), binding of calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, due to which the body does not receive these substances, as well as volvulus due to intestinal overcrowding. However, such a danger is unlikely. Much more dangerous risk diseases caused by insufficient consumption of ballast substances.

What products contain ballast substances, and in what form should they be consumed?

Ballast substances are contained only in plant products, especially in grain products coarse, legumes, vegetables, salads, plant shoots and fruits: oranges, cherries, strawberries, apricots, cranberries, gooseberries, apples, plums, peaches, eggplants, radishes, pumpkin, beets, rye bread, cereals, tomatoes, zucchini, lettuce, potatoes.

In order for the body to work “like a clock,” you should consume at least 30-35 g of ballast substances per day. Of these, 15-20 g should be coarse grain products, the rest should be vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to eat apples (with peels rich in ballast substances), dried fruits, bananas, carrots, kiwi, raspberries, broccoli, and nuts. Once a week you need to include a dish with beans or lentils in your diet.

But if before, food rich in ballast substances was not given enough attention, introduce it into the menu gradually. In this case, you need to remember two basic rules - chew your food thoroughly and drink plenty of liquid, then there will be no problems with the intestines.

Of course, with some diseases (for example, with a peptic ulcer in the acute stage, acute gastritis etc.) rough products are contraindicated. But only during exacerbations! Our digestive tract cannot maintain a “soft diet” for a long time. After just a few weeks of eating purified foods, intestinal lethargy develops, accompanied by dysbiosis. Science has thus finally recognized an ancient and seemingly obvious truth. Simple, “living” food, rich in “ballast”, means health and longevity. Refined, complexly prepared food means decrepitude, illness and early old age.

In order to be completely sure that the above-mentioned products are indeed rich in ballast substances that have a beneficial effect on our body, we will consider some of them.

Below is the content of ballast substances per 100 g of product:

  1. Oat flakes – 10 g
  2. Wheat - 17.7 g
  3. Wheat bran- 45.4 g
  4. Rice - 4.5 g
  5. Rye bread - 14 g
  6. Peas - 16.6 g
  7. Corn - 9.7 g
  8. Lentils – 17 g
  9. Soybeans - 21.9 g
  10. White beans - 23.2 g
  11. Greencolle cabbage - 4.2 g
  12. Cauliflower— 26.3 g
  13. Carrots - 12.1 g
  14. Prunes - 5.0 g
  15. Whole grain pasta - 8.0 g
  16. Wholemeal bread with bran - 8.3 g

Another option for using these products is also possible!

This is a method of drying food. A world-famous company, Hydraflow Industries Limited, has many years of experience in the production of EZIDRI brand dryers. The Hydraflow quality seal guarantees the high reliability of EZIDRI dryers, thanks to the directed warm air flow system, which ensures the highest standards of natural, tasty dried products without the use of preservatives and various additives. EZIDRI brand dryers allow you to easily configure the desired temperature regime, as well as other conditions for drying products. These dryers help preserve food all year round with a natural taste, and most importantly, thanks to its technical specifications, these dryers have the property of preserving enzymes and various ballast substances unchanged.

List of used literature:

  1. Sapin M. R. Human Anatomy, 1993
  2. Novikov A. F. Fiber is a magic sponge, 2001
  3. Gaivoronsky I. V. Functional anatomy digestive system, 2006
  4. Krylova. N. A. Human anatomy in diagrams and drawings, 2006

Vegetables and fruits - as often as possible

If you stick to the rules good nutrition, then you can provide yourself with all the vital substances. The higher the proportion of plant foods in the diet, the better! This food contains many biologically active substances, protecting against diseases and even healing. According to the recommendations of American cancer societies Each main and intermediate meal should include vegetables and fruits, i.e. they should be consumed five times a day. Why?

Only plants contain ballast substances

Along with excess fat consumption, the lack of ballast substances in the diet of a civilized person is one of the risk factors (and not only for cancer). The fiber found in vegetables, fruits and grains is not digestible, but it is very valuable. They stimulate digestion because, by swelling in the intestines, they increase the volume of feces, thereby ensuring regular bowel movements. They speed up the passage of gruel through the intestines, therefore irritating and harmful substances cause less damage.

Fig.7. Healthy and other food products

More than 10 g of ballast substances per 100 g of product contain: wheat bran, whole grains, wholemeal flour, white beans, dried fruits, flaxseed

From 5 to 10 g of ballast substances but 100 g of product contain. unground grain flakes, dry rye bread, bran bread, peas, spinach, berries, raisins

From 1 to 5 g of ballast substances per 100 g of product contain: bread made from different types of flour, lentils, nuts, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, apples, pears, bananas

Note: Additional intake of bran or flaxseed should be accompanied by an increase in fluid intake.

Ballast substances, like a sponge, absorb harmful food components, including carcinogens such as bile acids or heavy metals, as well as cholesterol, and naturally remove them from the body. The neutralizing power of ballast substances is supported by starch, which is found primarily in potatoes, grain products and not too ripe bananas.

Ballast substances are activated in the intestines beneficial bacteria and crowd out harmful ones. In this way they strengthen protective system, because healthy intestinal flora- premise effective activities immune system(See also “Intestines and the Immune System”).

You should consume 30 to 40 g of ballast substances daily. Standard diet a city dweller includes 15-20 g. Our ancestors consumed up to 100 g.

Plants contain essential vitamins

The importance of the role that vitamins play in protecting against cancer has been repeatedly emphasized. With the exception of vitamin A, almost all vitamins, especially those needed in this case, are found in plant foods. The need for vitamin A can also be met with plant foods, provided that the body itself produces this vitamin from its precursor, beta-carotene. In order to optimally supply the body with vitamins, you should adhere to certain principles of food selection and preparation.

Carotenes: Raw carrots provide little benefit

Carotenes, like vitamin A, are fat-soluble substances. Therefore, the food should contain some fat, for example a little sour cream or vegetable oil in the salad.

Carotenes do not easily leave the cellular structure. Consuming raw carrots, you get no more than 10% of the beta-carotene it contains. It is much better to lightly stew fibrous vegetables like carrots and cabbage, flavor them with juice and cook using a mixer
mousse. If you add a little fat to it, up to 70% of the vitamins will be absorbed. Carotenes are almost not destroyed when heated.

Additional vitamin intake should be carried out in several small doses. The body is unable to absorb disposable large doses. The drugs produced mainly contain beta-carotene.

It takes about 10 days to saturate the blood with vitamins. Therefore, you should take care of taking vitamins in advance if you are going to undergo a course of therapy that involves heavy loads.

Side effects there is no need to be afraid. Harmless jaundice can occur when daily consumption 30-40 mg of carotene and disappears when the dose is reduced.

Table 6. Content of carotenes

The scientific name for vitamin C is ascorbic acid. IN lately question about him daily requirement again became controversial. For years, all regulatory tables included limits of 50-75 mg. Based on the latest research, and especially the role of vitamin C as a free radical scavenger, more high doses. The new tables contain a limit of 150 mg, and American researchers even claim that the optimal dose is 200 mg.

Vitamin C is very sensitive to temperature increases and is destroyed by oxygen. This means that during hot processing of food and its storage, losses are inevitable. Therefore, vegetables and salads should be prepared immediately before consumption, preference should be given raw vegetables, and if cooking is necessary, minimize heat exposure.

If an additional dose is needed, for example, in conditions of therapy that creates additional stress on the body, you can resort to pure ascorbic acid, sold in pharmacies in the form of powders, which is cheaper vitamin preparations. Should be taken a little at a time several times a day.

Normal and even increased need can be well satisfied by foods, since vitamin C is found in almost all fruits and vegetables. The following products are especially rich in it.

Approximate content of vitamin C in foods (mg per 100 g)

Measured currants - 300

Parsley - 190

Paprika - 130

Broccoli - 120

Cauliflower - 70

Spinach - 60

Strawberries - 60

Lemon juice - 50

Oranges - 10

Grapefruits - 40

Vitamin E protects cells

Most vitamin E is found in plants from which oils are obtained. This substance prevents oils from going rancid, i.e. it protects them from exposure to oxygen. Such antioxidants are also needed human body, so it consumes tocopherols, as vitamin E and some other natural compounds are collectively called. For example, vitamin E protects dietary fatty acids from oxidation by oxygen radicals, and it provides the same protection to fat molecules, in large number part of cell walls.

The normal need for the vitamin can be met by food. But for many " normal people"For example, in smokers, this requirement may be higher than the average, estimated at 12 mg per day. Therefore, you should constantly strive to satisfy at least the basic need for this vitamin through a nutritious diet. Foods containing vitamin E are listed in the following table:

Approximate content of vitamin E in foods (mg per 100 g)

Vegetable oils - 50

Herring, mackerel - 10

Legumes - 13

Wheat sprouts - 8

The richest in vitamin E are soybean oils, as well as sunflower, palm, flaxseed and wheat germ oils. Olive oil contains half less vitamin E, the health-improving effect of this product is associated primarily with the content of unsaturated fatty acids in it.

Natural or synthetic?

Most of the vitamins included in the preparations are fully or partially synthesized. Many consumers ask the question: is the effect of substances released from the retort comparable to natural products, because in the first case there are no naturally accompanying substances?

In principle, synthesized vitamins are in no way inferior to natural ones. But it should be borne in mind that food products, along with vitamins, contain a number of vital important substances. Latest research confirmed that such accompanying substances are also very important in the process of protection against cancer. This group includes the so-called secondary plant matter. Ballast substances and unsaturated fatty acids play their role. It seems that such accompanying substances, in addition to their direct effect, also affect the process of vitamin reinforcement protective forces body. For at least partial use of related substances, vitamins are taken with meals or washed down with appropriate drinks: carotene - carrot juice, and vitamin E is added to muesli with nuts.

Professor at the University of Hohenheim Bezalski emphasizes that in the process of providing the body with vitamins, it is important not so much to comply with quantitative requirements as to consume “leading substances.” In this case, groups are defined food products, especially rich in vitamins.

Leading substances


250 g vegetables or 400 ml vegetable juices

absorbed on average 4-10 mg

Vitamin C

250 g fruit or 200 ml fruit juice

absorbed on average 75-150 mg

Vitamin E

about g wheat germ oil, 20 g nuts

absorbed on average 10-30 mg


250 g wholemeal bread, fish regularly

absorbed on average 50-100 mcg

Daily consumption of appropriate food products satisfies the basic need for vitamins and protective substances of plant origin. The most preferable in this sense are dark green and orange vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, citrus fruits or apricots, as well as dried fruits.

Dietrich Beiersdorff

The word “ballast” usually means something useless, superfluous, unnecessary. But this definition in no way applies to ballast substances, which play a vital role in our nutrition and have a huge impact on our health.

Ballast substances are food components contained in plant foods and cannot be digested in the human body. The supply of these substances to the body is guaranteed if we eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, that is, those that are not cooked.

The main ballast substances are dietary fibers that are found in any plant; fiber is their main representative. Dietary fiber, in turn, is multi-structured polysaccharides with huge macromolecules. There are bacteria that can break down such compounds with unprecedented ease, but human enzymes cannot do this.

Previously, it was believed that ballast substances were useless for the body, since digestive juices did not contain enzymes that could break down these substances. However, it was simply not known that some of the ballast substances are digested by enzymes of microorganisms living in the large intestine. At the same time, in addition to gases, fatty acids are released, which a person can digest.

Ballast substances are divided into the following types:

  1. Lignin (grains, vegetables, fruit seeds).
  2. Alginates (agar-agar (algae)).
  3. Pectin (vegetables and fruits, especially apples).
  4. Cellulose (vegetables, fruits, grains).
  5. Fiber (cereals, fruits and vegetables).

What is the role of ballast substances?

Positive influence of ballast substances

The positive effect of ballast substances is that they give a feeling of satiety for a long time, and also bind and remove bile acids, thereby reducing cholesterol levels. In addition, they ensure normal bowel movements and prevent chronic intestinal diseases. Slow down the rate of digestion, which is an important aspect in terms of nutrient utilization. The slow supply of nutrients prevents the release of large amounts of carbohydrates into the blood. With slow absorption of nutrients, their influx occurs constantly along with the blood. Also, ballast substances cover nutrients, protecting them, and activate blood circulation in the gums, since they have to be chewed longer. Ballast substances have no calories.

Ballast substances are the most important source of nutrition for intestinal microflora, the appropriate composition of which determines the full functioning of our body. Bacterial flora actually destroys numerous toxins, carrying out the synthesis of vitamins, fats, carbohydrates and amino acids, including essential ones. Therefore, the use of ballast substances is an excellent prevention of dysbacteriosis.

In addition, ballast substances are excellent sorbents that actively absorb unwanted compounds with their micropores. Medicine uses artificial sorbents, for example, activated carbon. Dozens of diseases requiring their use have been identified: various poisonings, kidney diseases, biliary tract diseases, liver diseases, pancreatitis. Also, “artificial ballast substances” help in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The therapeutic effect of ballast substances is due to their direct absorption capacity. Under the influence of ballast substances, the elimination of many toxic and excess metabolic products occurs - cholesterol, urea, various allergens and others. At the same time, the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins improves, lipid metabolism normalizes, in other words, a rejuvenating effect on the body is observed.

By the way, ballast substances also fight against excess weight, because they inhibit the digestion of fat in a person by binding some of the fat to themselves, and in this form the body removes them out. In addition, they slow down the breakdown of so-called complex carbohydrates from cereals, legumes, soybeans, potatoes or nuts. This inhibits the production of insulin, and as a result, clogged arteries and strokes do not occur.

There are more than twenty different types of ballast substances, most of which have long foreign names and are hidden in fruits, vegetables, salads, legumes, potatoes, nuts and whole grains. For example, cellulose and pectin, glycogen and hemicellulose, dextrin and starch. Ballast substances are generally divided into two large groups, which are equally important for health: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble ones most often retain water. They are good for digestion. Soluble fibers, on the other hand, feed important bacteria and have great health benefits: they protect against cancer and stomach stones, regulate blood sugar and lower cholesterol.

Negative influence of ballast substances.

Microorganisms produce gases, and this can lead to bloating, damage to the epithelium (the lining of the intestinal tissue), binding of calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, due to which the body does not receive these substances, as well as volvulus due to intestinal overcrowding. However, such a danger is unlikely. Much more dangerous is the risk of diseases caused by insufficient consumption of ballast substances.

What products contain ballast substances, and in what form should they be consumed?

Ballast substances are contained only in plant products, especially in products made from whole grains, legumes, vegetables, salads, plant shoots and fruits: oranges, cherries, strawberries, apricots, cranberries, gooseberries, apples, plums, peaches, eggplants, radishes, pumpkin , beets, rye bread, cereals, tomatoes, zucchini, lettuce, potatoes.

In order for the body to work “like a clock,” you should consume at least 30-35 g of ballast substances per day. Of these, 15-20 g should be coarse grain products, the rest should be vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to eat apples (with peels rich in ballast substances), dried fruits, bananas, carrots, kiwi, raspberries, broccoli, and nuts. Once a week you need to include a dish with beans or lentils in your diet.

But if before, food rich in ballast substances was not given enough attention, introduce it into the menu gradually. In this case, you need to remember two basic rules - chew your food thoroughly and drink plenty of liquid, then there will be no problems with the intestines.

Of course, for some diseases (for example, peptic ulcers in the acute stage, acute gastritis, etc.), roughage products are contraindicated. But only during exacerbations! Our digestive tract cannot withstand a “soft diet” for a long time. After just a few weeks of eating purified foods, intestinal lethargy develops, accompanied by dysbiosis. Science has thus finally recognized an ancient and seemingly obvious truth. Simple, “living” food, rich in “ballast”, means health and longevity. Refined, complexly prepared food means decrepitude, illness and early old age.

In order to be completely sure that the above-mentioned products are indeed rich in ballast substances that have a beneficial effect on our body, we will consider some of them.

Below is the content of ballast substances per 100 g of product:

  1. Oat flakes – 10 g
  2. Wheat - 17.7 g
  3. Wheat bran - 45.4 g
  4. Rice - 4.5 g
  5. Rye bread - 14 g
  6. Peas - 16.6 g
  7. Corn - 9.7 g
  8. Lentils – 17 g
  9. Soybeans - 21.9 g
  10. White beans - 23.2 g
  11. Greencolle cabbage - 4.2 g
  12. Cauliflower - 26.3 g
  13. Carrots - 12.1 g
  14. Prunes - 5.0 g
  15. Whole grain pasta - 8.0 g
  16. Wholemeal bread with bran - 8.3 g

Another option for using these products is also possible!

This is a method of drying food. A world-famous company, Hydraflow Industries Limited, has many years of experience in the production of EZIDRI brand dryers. The Hydraflow quality mark guarantees the high reliability of EZIDRI dryers, thanks to the directed warm air flow system, which ensures the highest standards of natural, tasty dried products without the use of preservatives or various additives. EZIDRI brand dryers allow you to easily set the desired temperature, as well as other conditions for drying products. These dryers help preserve food all year round with a natural taste, and most importantly, thanks to their technical characteristics, these dryers have the property of preserving enzymes and various ballast substances unchanged.

List of used literature:

  1. Sapin M. R. Human Anatomy, 1993
  2. Novikov A. F. Fiber is a magic sponge, 2001
  3. Gaivoronsky I. V. Functional anatomy of the digestive system, 2006
  4. Krylova. N. A. Human anatomy in diagrams and drawings, 2006



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