Winter injuries: how to avoid slipping and what to do if you do fall. Hard drive fell and doesn't work

Hoping for the best - not to fall even once during the winter, nevertheless, we will calculate in advance all the not so good best options to be able to quickly navigate a dangerous situation.

Obstetric and gynecological consequences

If, as a result of a fall, a push or blow falls on the stomach, the expectant mother should not panic, because the baby in the mother’s womb is surrounded by amniotic fluid, which absorb shock. In addition, warm winter clothes will also soften the blow. So with an ordinary fall, tragic consequences for the fetus are unlikely.

A serious cause for concern may be the appearance bloody discharge from the genital tract, which should be a reason for immediate appeal See your doctor, as this symptom may indicate placental abruption. In addition, as a result of a blow or fall on the stomach, the amniotic sac may be injured, and then water will leak from the genital tract. In this case, you should also not postpone your visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist.

In general, in case of any fall, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since even in the absence visible violations A fall may have serious consequences, which a doctor can determine - for example, a decrease in the intensity of movements or, conversely, their increase, which may indicate a change in the baby’s well-being. Special studies- listening to the heartbeat, ultrasound, Doppler examination, cardiotocography - will help determine the presence of possible problems.

In addition, do not forget about negative impact caused by a drop in stress on the body of a pregnant woman, so a visit to the doctor is necessary in any case.


The consequences of a fall can be a sprain, bruise, dislocation, or fracture. How to distinguish one from the other and what to do in each specific case?

Stretching characterized by damage to ligaments, muscles, tendons and other tissues without violating their anatomical integrity. Most often, sprains occur in the ankle or knee joint.

With a sprain, there is pain in the joint during movement, but it is still possible to bend and straighten the bruised leg or arm.

What to do?

It is necessary to apply ice (or something cold) to the damaged area and fix the joint elastic bandage. For pain relief you can take BARALGIN. If the pain is severe, then you should not endure and be afraid of taking the pill, as strong painful sensations in the area of ​​damage can lead to contractions of the uterine muscles, threatening miscarriage. All these measures must be taken if you are unable to see a doctor immediately. If there is one, the doctor will diagnose you and prescribe the correct treatment.

At bruise at the site of injury, the skin temperature rises, pain, swelling, redness, and bruising appear. If an arm or leg is bruised, its mobility is most often limited.

What to do?

Ice should be applied to the injury site. Then it is necessary to create rest for the injured part of the body by applying a bandage so that the leg or arm is calm, without tension, in comfortable position was fixed.

If there is damage skin(wound, abrasion), it is necessary to treat it with hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green. It should be remembered that the wound itself should not be treated with iodine, as it has a cauterizing effect, as a result of which healing is slower.

At dislocation There is a displacement of the contacting articular ends of the bones with the exit of one of them from the joint cavity. Symptoms of dislocation are pain in the limb, sharp deformation (retraction) of the joint area, lack of active and impossibility of passive movements in the joint, fixation of the limbs in an unnatural position, change in the length of the limb, more often - its shortening.

What to do?

You need to take a painkiller, then apply a fixative gauze bandage(so that the injured limb remains in the position it assumed after the injury) and immediately go to the doctor, otherwise it will be impossible to do without surgical intervention.

Attention! Reduction of dislocation- medical procedure. You should not try to do this yourself, as it is sometimes difficult to determine whether it is a dislocation or a fracture, especially since dislocations can be accompanied by cracks and broken bones.

Fracture characterized by deformation of the organ, disruption of its function, abnormal mobility, shortening of the limb and bone crunching. When nerve trunks are injured by bone fragments and large hematomas (bleeds) develop, the pain can be very severe, especially during movement, and decreases with rest. Even gentle palpation causes severe pain in the area of ​​the fracture.

When providing first aid to a victim with open fracture the main task is to prevent infection. For this purpose, apply an aseptic bandage, which can be replaced with a clean handkerchief. With closed fractures, it is important to prevent displacement of bone fragments and injury to surrounding tissues. To do this, a splint is placed on the arm or leg, fixing the injured limb in the position it assumed after the fracture. Removing shoes and clothing from the injured limb causes severe pain, so it is recommended to cut them at the seam.

If you hope for quick medical assistance, then in any case, the first aid measures will be maximum rest for the injured limb and ice applied to the injured area. You should not try to apply a splint if you or those around you have no idea how to do it, it is better to dial “03” as quickly as possible.

How to protect yourself?

Of course, there are no 100% reliable ways to protect yourself from falling. However, general safety recommendations can be given.

Remember that keeping your hands in your pockets while walking is dangerous. When moving on slippery sidewalks, swing your arms evenly, like a tightrope walker - this will help you maintain your balance. It is better not to straighten your legs completely - it is safer to walk on a slippery road with your knees slightly bent, preferably in small steps.

Do not hold onto a bag hanging on your shoulder with your hands - this also does not help maintain balance. Find a bag that doesn't require constant support to keep your hands free. Or let there be a small bag in your hand - swinging it, you can also maintain your balance.

Requirements for winter shoes for expectant mother must be extremely strict. None high heels- on a slippery road it is impossible to stand on them, not just walk!

There are no “platforms” - in such shoes the foot almost does not bend when walking. Winter shoes must have a thick grooved sole made of non-slip materials. The deeper the groove, the less you will slide. The material from which the sole is made is also important. The most practical is thermoplastic elastomer. It is elastic (rubber-like), so it has grip on the surface. The best way to prevent slipping is with treaded or microporous soles.

Among the available home remedies to prevent boots from slipping, you can glue a piece of foam rubber to the heel or cross-seal the heel and sole with electrical tape on a fabric base, wiping it with sand - enough for two to three days. Some experienced lovers of Russian winter glue waterproof sandpaper to the sole or rub the sole with this paper.

Take a closer look at your winter clothes: it is advisable that your stomach be surrounded by a multi-layered soft layer with air, which will not only warm you up, but also be able to soften the blow if you fall.

Even with all these precautions, try not to go outside in icy conditions without a reliable companion to hold on to.

In icy conditions you need to walk slowly, trying to do as much as possible. dangerous places step on the entire sole, bending slightly so that the center of gravity moves forward.

With all these precautions, it is better to learn how to fall in advance. When you feel that you are slipping and falling is inevitable, try to group yourself and sit down, because falling from your height is more painful. Try doing a few deep squats before leaving the house - your muscles will remember the movement. A simple warm-up can save you from injury. At the moment of falling, you need to shrink, it’s better to fall either on your buttocks or forward sideways, trying to land on your thigh, protecting your stomach with your hands, and not putting them forward - if you support your whole body on your hands, a fracture of the forearms is possible.

Throw your bag, try to cling to something - maybe even one of the passers-by - a pregnant woman, first of all, in this situation should think not about decency, but about her own safety.

If you do get injured, try to get passers-by to help. The victim should not jump on one leg or step (even lightly) on the injured limb. It is absolutely unacceptable to keep an injured leg or arm warm, you cannot wait for time - you need to go to the emergency room as soon as possible.

Lawyers advise taking the coordinates of two witnesses to the fall, and then at the trauma center taking a certificate of injury, which should indicate the time and place of the accident. You have the right to sue, demanding compensation for damage caused, in accordance with Article 459 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The defendants will be the owners of the territories who did not clear the ice on the roads on which the accident occurred.

The occurrence of back or neck pain after a fall is an unpleasant, but quite common situation. This is very dangerous and should not be ignored similar symptoms it is forbidden.

Unsuccessful “landing”, ending with even mild pain in the cervical spine or the lower back can lead to irreversible damage to the spinal cord, so you should not delay a visit to a traumatologist.

How does damage appear?

A situation where a person falls on his back and injures his neck may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

Particularly dangerous are situations where a fall occurs swipe head. In this case, a concussion may occur. Manifestations:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • blurred vision;
  • severe weakness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • irregular heartbeat;
  • it hurts to move your eyeballs;
  • the appearance of bruises under the eyes;

Unpleasant sensations may not appear immediately, but after some time. Therefore, you need to immediately contact a traumatologist.

Symptoms of lower back injury after a fall:

  • intense pain in the lower back;
  • weakness in the legs;
  • pain that intensifies with any movement (turning, bending);

Common consequences of falling on your back are:

  • displacement of the vertebrae (dislocation or subluxation, pinched nerve endings);
  • spine fracture;
  • persistent muscle pain;
  • altered breathing (too fast or rare);
  • gait disturbances (eg, unsteadiness);
  • painful sensations that occur when inhaling or exhaling;
  • the appearance of a hematoma at the site of the injury;
  • decreased sensitivity below the site of injury.

You need to seek help from a specialist urgently, even if it has become much easier.

All such injuries, depending on the location, can be divided into:

  • cervical region;
  • thoracic region;
  • chest;
  • lumbar region;
  • sacral region;
  • bruise or fracture of the tailbone;

Any, even the most minor spinal bruise requires professional treatment. A situation where the lower back hurts periodically for months, and the person does not see a doctor, relieving the consequences with painkillers and folk remedies, very dangerous.

Neglected injury is fraught with serious complications:

  • complete loss of sensitivity in one or more areas of the skin;
  • serious violations motor function– paresis or paralysis.

First aid

What to do when someone has a bad fall? Algorithm of actions:

  1. Keep the person in a stationary position. Any movement can significantly aggravate the situation, leading to serious consequences such as spinal cord compression and paralysis.
  2. Call an ambulance.
  3. If your neck is damaged, you need to apply a homemade “orthopedic collar” made of cotton wool and a bandage.
  4. No breathing - need to start immediately cardiopulmonary resuscitation, keeping the victim immobile.
  5. If possible, immediately apply cold to the affected area for 15 minutes. This will help significantly reduce swelling.

After this, you need to wait for the arrival of specialists. It is prohibited to get to the emergency room on your own or take the victim there.

How is the treatment carried out?

Inpatient treatment includes:

  • prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (additionally used to relieve inflammation);
  • use of cooling and warming ointments (during the rehabilitation period);
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

For severe injuries, surgical therapy is used, after which the wearing of a special corset is prescribed.

What you should absolutely not do

The basic principle when helping yourself or others is to do no harm.
In case of injury, it is prohibited:

  1. drink yourself or give the victim medications other than painkillers;
  2. give painkillers or water if the ability to swallow is impaired;
  3. go to the emergency room yourself or carry the victim in your arms or blanket;
  4. place the person on a soft surface;
  5. sit on a chair or armchair;
  6. put on your feet, help you walk;
  7. straighten dislocations or give an unnatural curve of the body a “comfortable” position;
  8. apply any traditional methods without the permission of the attending physician.


Every problem is easier to prevent than to treat later. What can you do to avoid spinal injury?

How to behave after a fall. – When the devil wants to draw someone into a great sin, then, on the one hand, he belittles the importance of sin, and on the other, he assures that God is merciful and will forgive every sin, therefore it is not at all dangerous to experience the pleasure of sin, and after several experiences you can repent. And when the enemy manages to draw him into sin, he does the opposite, that is, on the one hand, he increases the severity of sin, and on the other, he presents God as excessively strict and unmerciful, in order to plunge the sinner into despair, which is spiritual suicide, often accompanied by physical suicide. suicide and leads to eternal destruction.

Saint Climacus says that the invisible representative of fornication, this inhuman enemy, suggests that God is a lover of mankind and that He grants generous forgiveness to this passion, as natural. But if we begin to observe the cunning of demons, we will find that after committing a sin, they present God to us as a righteous Judge and unforgiving. First they make such a suggestion in order to draw us into sin, and then they suggest another in order to plunge us into despair. When sadness and despair intensify in us, then we can neither reproach ourselves nor take revenge on ourselves for sins by repentance. And when grief and despair have faded away, then again this tormentor of souls begins to teach us the doctrine of God’s mercy, so that we may fall again. With the assurance of God's mercy and the promise of forgiveness, the devil draws from one fall to another with the goal that from frequent falls the conscience will be drowned, the soul will become hardened, the heart will become coarse, become insensitive, incapable of contrition and repentance, all the more likely to lead to hardening in sins and to the point of complete despair.

Therefore, one must be afraid to remain careless after the Fall and, in false hope of God’s mercy and forgiveness of sins, move from one sin to another, so as not to reach insensibility, bitterness and become incapable of repentance.

We will not grieve, says Saint Isaac the Syrian, when we creep in something, but when we become rigid in the same thing, because creep often happens to the perfect, and to become rigid in the same is complete deadness. The sadness that we feel at our attempts is imputed to us by grace instead of pure work. Whoever, in the hope of repentance, crawls a second time, deals with God deceitfully; death unexpectedly attacks him, and he does not reach the time in which he hoped to fulfill the deeds of virtue. But after unintentional sins, committed out of darkness and distraction from passions, we should not give in to despair, into which the devil tries to plunge him in order to completely destroy the sinner, but we must encourage ourselves with hope in God’s mercy.

Saint Isaac the Syrian says that whoever clearly belongs to the number of sinners, when he falls, let him not forget the love of his Heavenly Father; but if it happens to him to fall into many different sins, let him not cease to strive for good, let him not stop in his course, but let the conquered one again rise up to fight with his opponents and daily begin to lay the foundation for the destroyed building, until his very departure from the world having in my mouth the word of the prophet: “Do not rejoice in me, my adversary, because I have fallen, for I will rise again. If I sit in darkness, the Lord will give me light” (see Micah 7:8). And he never stops fighting until his death; and while there is breath in him, let him not give up his soul to be overcome, even during the very defeat. But if every day his boat is broken and the whole cargo is wrecked, let him not cease to take care, stock up, even borrow, transfer to other ships and sail with hope, until the Lord, having looked upon his feat and having mercy on his contrition, sends him His mercy and will not give him strong urges to meet and endure the kindled arrows of the enemy. This is the wisdom given from God; such is the wise patient who does not lose his hope. It is better for us to be condemned for some things, and not for abandoning everything.

If every day we constantly receive thousands of blows from demons, then let us not be faint-hearted and let us not stop in the flow of the field, because in one unimportant case we can delight in victory and receive a crown. Therefore, let no man remain in despair. Let’s just not neglect prayer and don’t be too lazy to ask for help from the Lord. One monk, at the slander of an enemy, fell into carnal sin, and after the Fall, the enemy tried to plunge him into despair and remove him from his desert cell into the world. But the monk, as skilled in spiritual warfare, said to the enemy: “I have not sinned, I tell you, I have not sinned.” He returned to his cell and through the works of repentance, sorrow and humility made amends for his sin. Saint Climacus says that one should not despair, even if someone falls every day. Since despair comes from many sins, and sometimes from pride,10 in order not to reach despair, immediately after the fall one must stand up, repent, clear one’s conscience by confessing to a priest, and in the latter case one must humble oneself and not condemn anyone. Saint Climacus says that even if someone has fallen into all the pits of sin, if he humbles himself, then let him be content. In times of despair, the thought of God’s mercy is also useful12. In sorrow over sins, drawn to despair, let us not cease to remember that the Lord commanded the Apostle Peter to forgive the sinner seventy times sevenfold (see Matt. 18:22), and whoever gave such a commandment to another will, without a doubt, do incomparably more .

Weep, says Saint Isaac the Syrian, and shed tears, and fall down at the memory of your sins during the time of remission, in order to thereby get rid of your sins and acquire humility through that. However, do not despair and in thoughts of humility, make your sins forgivable by propitiation. Humility and doing nothing makes many sins forgivable. On the contrary, without humility, deeds are useless, they even prepare a lot of bad things for us (namely, they can lead to conceit, vanity, which is followed by a fall). What salt is to all food, humility is to all virtue; it can break the strength of many sins. To acquire it, it is necessary to constantly grieve in thought with humiliation and rational sadness. And if we acquire it, it will make us sons of God and present us to God without good deeds, because without humility all our deeds, all virtues and all deeds are in vain. Finally, God wants a change in thought. Thought makes us both better and obscene. She alone is enough to bring us powerless before God, and she speaks for us14. The enemy attacks a person especially strongly before death; with the memory of sins committed during life, he tries to lead him into confusion, despondency and despair. At this time, with all the strength of faith, one must take hold of God, with humility, repentance, and heartfelt contrition for sins, beg God for forgiveness and encourage oneself with the hope of God’s immeasurable mercy, according to which God forgave the greatest sinners without any merit; according to the expression of church prayers (see the fourth and seventh prayers for communion), there is no sin that overcomes God’s mercy. God Himself, even with an oath, assures that He does not want the sinner to perish. You say this: “Our crimes and our sins are upon us, and we melt away in them: how can we live?” Tell them: as I live, that is, I swear by My life, says the Lord God: I do not want the sinner to die, but that the sinner should turn from his way and live (Ezek. 33:10-11; see also Ezek. 18:23; Jer. 8, 4). The wicked Jewish king Manasseh forgot his God and surpassed even the pagans in his abominations and atrocities. But when in Babylonian captivity he came to his senses, humbled himself, turned to God with contrition of heart, and began to beg His mercy, God forgave him without any merit and delivered him from captivity (see: 2 Chronicles 33, 12-13)15. The publican was justified only for the fact that he recognized himself as a sinner, lamented his sins and humbly asked God for mercy (see Luke 18:13). The thief, captured in crime and crucified on the cross with the Savior, received forgiveness without any merit of his own and entered heaven only for the fact that, hanging on the cross, he humbled himself, recognized himself as worthy of punishment, lamented his sins and asked for mercy from the Son of God (see . OK. 23, 40-43).

The prodigal son, by his own will, separated from his father, squandered all his property and went from debauchery to extreme angry, did nothing good to make amends for his guilt, but only, having come to his senses, humbled himself, began to repent of his sins, decided to leave his depraved life, return to his father’s house and asked for forgiveness. But the loving father, without waiting for him to arrive at the house, came out to meet him, rejoiced at his return, accepted him into the arms of his love, restored him to the rights of a son and heir, and even made a sumptuous feast for the joy of his salvation (see Luke 15). , 11-24). Likewise, God and the angels in heaven rejoice over the conversion of every sinner and do not want anyone to perish (see Matt. 18:14).

God most clearly demonstrated His love for people and desire for their salvation by sending His beloved Son into the world to save people, and not only sent, but also gave them up to death to redeem them instead of punishing the people themselves, and, moreover, then, when they not only did not deserve God’s favor in any way, but, according to the apostle, they were sinners and enemies of God, worthy of punishment. Of the people, says the apostle, hardly anyone will agree to sacrifice his life for the salvation of a righteous person - an honest person, perhaps someone will decide to die for a benefactor. But God proves His love for us by the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Much more therefore now, having been justified by His blood, we will be saved from wrath by Him. For if, being enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we will be saved by His life (Rom. 5:6-10). If God did not spare His Son, but gave Him up for us all, how can He not also give us everything with Him? Who will accuse God's elect? God justifies them. Who is judging? Christ Jesus died, but also rose again: He is also at the right hand of God, and He intercedes for us, for all sinners (Rom. 8:32-34). God, in the words of Saint Isaac the Syrian, requires from us only a change of thoughts and all spiritual dispositions for the better, which is accomplished with the assistance of grace, humility - awareness of one’s sinfulness, repentance, contrition of heart, regret for allowing sins, decisive aversion from everything sinful and conversion of all souls with love for God. Humility, by its nature, destroys all passion in the soul, opens into it the entrance of grace, which completes the work of conversion and salvation of the sinner. If, according to Saint Climacus, pride alone cast Satan out of heaven and destroyed him, then there is no reason to doubt that humility alone can save a repentant sinner. God is an infinite sea of ​​goodness. Whoever plunges into this sea needs only to open his mouth to drink the water of grace, wash away all spiritual impurities with it and quench the thirst of the soul - satisfy all spiritual needs. And the entrance of grace into the soul is opened only by humility, without which there can be no acceptance of grace - without it a person dies spiritually.

This is confirmed by many examples of repentant sinners who were pardoned by God only for one humble repentance. One virgin in the Solunsky monastery could not bear the demonic temptation, left the monastery into the world, and indulged in debauchery for several years. Then, having come to her senses and repented, she decided to leave her vicious life and return to the monastery for feats of repentance. But as soon as she reached the gates of the monastery, she suddenly fell and died. God revealed to one bishop about her death, and he saw that the holy angels came and took her soul, and the demons followed them and argued with them. The holy angels said that for so many years she served us, our soul. And the demons said that she entered the monastery out of laziness, so how can you say that she repented? The angels answered that God saw how she bowed to good with all her thoughts and heart, and therefore accepted her repentance. Repentance depended on her good will, and God owns life. The demons left in shame. The maiden Paisia, left an orphan, due to poverty reached the point where she began to make a living in debauchery. The fathers, the ascetics of the Egyptian desert, who had previously found shelter in her house, heard about her bad life, and sent Elder John Kolov to save her. According to the conviction of the holy elder, Paisia ​​decided to leave her vicious life and her home, and asked to be taken somewhere to repent. When they arrived in the desert, evening came. Abba made a small head of sand for the girl and, crossing it, said to her: “Sleep here.” At a short distance from her, he made the same head for himself and, having finished his prayers, fell asleep. Waking up at midnight, he sees a bright path stretching from heaven to the maiden herself, and sees the angels who lifted up her soul. Getting up, he approached the girl and, having learned that she had died, he threw himself face down on the ground and prayed to God. And a voice came to him that one hour of her repentance was accepted better than the repentance of many who repent for a long time, but do not show such ardor in repentance.

When a sinner has decided to leave his vices, has hated his sins and clings to God with all his soul, then God forgives him for his previous sins. Someone was asked, says Saint Isaac the Syrian, when will a person know that he has received remission of his sins? The person asked answered that when he feels in his soul that he has completely, with all his heart, hated sins, and when he clearly gives himself a direction opposite to the previous one; such a one hopes that he has received from God remission of sins as having already hated sin according to the testimony of his conscience; an uncondemned conscience is its own witness. Saint Barsanuphius the Great says that the sign of forgiveness of sins is to hate them and do no more. And when a person thinks about them and his heart delights in them or he actually commits them, then this is a sign that his sins have not yet been forgiven him, but he is still accused of them. And although sinful sweetness comes to mind for someone, but who does not allow the actions of the sweet, but contradicts and strives against it, his previous sins are forgiven. However, although previous sins have been forgiven, the battle against them continues, for a person needs a feat.

The Monk Peter of Damascus says that one should not despair, although many people sin. The bad thing is that you, a man, have sinned; but there is no need to despair. Why do you anger God by foolishly considering Him weak? Is it possible that He who created the world as you see cannot save your soul? If you say that this, as His condescension, will serve more to your condemnation, then repent, and He will accept your repentance as a prodigal and a harlot. If you cannot do this, but out of habit you sin in something that you would not want, then have humility, like the publican (see Luke 18:13), and it will be enough for you to be saved. For whoever sins repentantly (without correction) and does not despair, he involuntarily considers himself the worst of all creation and does not dare to condemn or reproach any person, but, on the contrary, is amazed at God’s love for mankind (that God endures and does not destroy him for his sins, but also gives him everything he needs for life and salvation), is grateful to God for that and may have other good feelings. In sin, although he submitted to the devil, out of fear of God he again resists the enemy, forcing him to despair. And therefore he is a part of God, having prudence, thanksgiving, patience, fear of God, does not condemn anyone, for which he himself will not be condemned24. If you fall, stand up; if you fall again, rise again and do not despair of your salvation; no matter what happens to you, do not voluntarily surrender to the enemy, and this patience of yours with self-reproach will be enough for your salvation. Do not despair, not knowing God's help, because He can do whatever He wants. Trust in Him, and He will do something that will either bring about your correction through some temptations, or accept your patience and humility instead of exploits, or in another way, as He Himself knows, will lead you to salvation25. To despair is much worse than to sin26. I have sinned before the Lord, the once blessed humility cried out to God, after being convicted of adultery and murder, and immediately heard: The Lord has taken away your sin from you (2 Samuel 12, 13)27. So we too will not give in to despair, but in the hope of the Savior’s priceless merits and intercession for us, we cry out to God from the depths of a contrite soul with humility and repentance of ourselves: “Lord, have mercy on me, for I am weak; heal my soul, as You healed the money-loving soul of Zacchaeus the tax collector, cleanse my sins, as You cleansed the sins of the harlot. My joy! Deliver me from the evils that surround me (see Ps. 31:7); Hide not Thy face from Thy servant, for I am grieved; hear me soon; draw near to my soul, deliver it (Ps. 68, 18-19). Although I am a sinner, I am not Your enemy, but a weak creature and Your servant; have mercy on me, O God!”

Showing the way to salvation
Bishop Peter.

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A fall from a height can occur as in ordinary life, and in production. Therefore, any person should be able to provide first aid in this situation. The most dangerous thing is a fall from a great height, when a person receives severe, sometimes life-threatening injuries. What to do if you fall from a height and how to provide first aid? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Providing first aid for a fall from a small height

Most often, a person falls from his own height, or while being at a short distance from the floor (ground). In this case, the patient is most often conscious.

Providing first aid in case of a fall from a height:

  • First of all After a fall, it is necessary to assess the damage and condition of the victim. To do this it is necessary to carry out visual inspection and reveal everything open wounds, swelling, hematomas and changes in the contours of bones and joints. After which you need to ask the person to identify his complaints (for example, headache, dizziness, pain at the site of the injury, and so on);
  • If the damage is minor(abrasions, small wounds, small hematomas), then contact medical care not necessary. In this case, you can handle it yourself. If there is a suspicion of ligament damage, fractures, dislocations, then it is necessary to call an ambulance or independently deliver the victim to a trauma center;
  • Treat wounds and abrasions antiseptic solutions and apply a bandage to prevent infection from penetrating the wound surface;
  • Apply cold to the injury site. This will help relieve pain and swelling;
  • Apply a tight bandage to the site of the injury. This is especially important if the joint is damaged (for example, elbow, knee, ankle, etc.).

First aid for falling from a great height

Falling from a great height can cause serious injury, so medical attention should be provided as soon as possible. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to call an ambulance and be sure to inform the dispatcher that the person has fallen from a considerable height.

After this, you need to start providing first aid if you fall from a great height.:

  • Assess the patient's condition. Determine consciousness, pulse, breathing. Identify the presence of open wounds, fractures and dislocations;
  • In the presence of dislocations and fractures, it is necessary to immobilize the limb using splints made from available materials (boards, plywood, umbrellas, canes, and so on);
  • Treat open wounds and apply aseptic dressings. If there is bleeding, stop it;
  • With strong pain syndrome give an analgesic if the patient is conscious and there is no damage to the abdominal organs;
  • If you suspect a spinal fracture, do not move the victim. It must be laid carefully on a hard and flat surface on its back;
  • If the person is unconscious, then turn his head to the side to prevent aspiration of vomit and blood;
  • If a person has no pulse or breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation is performed.

Actions in case of cardiac arrest

If there is no pulse, then resuscitation measures are carried out immediately. For this, the patient is placed on a flat and hard surface. If the person providing assistance does not know how to do artificial respiration, That modern standards Only indirect cardiac massage is allowed.

Algorithm of actions in case of cardiac and respiratory arrest:

  • If artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage are performed, then first begin artificial ventilation mouth to mouth, mouth to nose or mouth to mouth and nose. It is necessary to make 2 injections, checking that they are performed correctly;
  • Get started indirect massage hearts. The rescuer places his hands on lower third sternum and performs compression (pressure) on chest. The force of pressing should be sufficient to push through the chest by 4 centimeters;
  • It is necessary to perform 2 inflations and 15 compressions.

How to stop heavy bleeding

With intense arterial or venous bleeding measures must be taken to stop it. First of all, it is necessary to determine what type of bleeding the patient is experiencing.:

  • With venous bleeding, the blood is dark burgundy in color and flows out in an even stream;
  • At arterial bleeding the blood is bright scarlet, the stream is pulsating.

Algorithm for providing assistance with severe bleeding:

  • In case of arterial bleeding, first carry out finger pressure artery to the nearby bone, then apply an arterial tourniquet.

    After applying the tourniquet, you need to write a note with the time of this manipulation and place it behind the tourniquet.

    This is necessary in order to control the time, since the tourniquet cannot be left on the limb for more than 30 minutes;

  • For venous bleeding, apply pressure bandage or venous tourniquet;
  • Treat the edges of the wound with an antiseptic and apply an aseptic bandage.

What not to do when treating a wound

When treating a wound, it is necessary to follow the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. But there are a number of actions that cannot be performed, as they will lead to negative consequences. When treating a wound, the following actions should not be performed:

  • Wash the wound with water. This may contribute to wound infection;
  • Treat the wound inside with alcohol-containing antiseptics. This will cause a burn;
  • Cannot be removed from deep wound bone fragments and foreign objects. Do not put your hands into the wound cavity. Since bleeding may increase and infection may enter the bloodstream;
  • Place in a wound without consulting a specialist medicines(ointments and powders);

When dressing and processing, you should not use cotton wool, as its particles will get into the wound and lead to suppuration.

Emergency assistance to the victim

First aid for prehospital stage turns out to be emergency medical personnel. Algorithm of actions for providing first aid to the victim:

  • Assessment of the patient’s condition (determining pulse, respiration, blood pressure);
  • For fractures, pain is treated with analgesics and a splint is applied;
  • For dislocations large joints novocaine blockade is used;
  • In the presence of intense pain, as well as symptoms of shock, intravenous narcotic analgesics are indicated;
  • Stop bleeding and treat the wound;
  • Symptomatic therapy. For example, with traumatic brain injury (TBI), nausea and vomiting are often observed, so antiemetics (Cerucal) are administered intramuscularly. In case of cardiac arrest, Strophanthin or Corglicon, Adrenaline is administered intravenously;
  • In case of bleeding and shock it is carried out infusion therapy (Saline, Reopoliglyukin, Poliglyukin, Trisol, Kvartasol and others);
  • Hospitalization of the patient in a surgical hospital. The hospital department depends on the type of injury. In case of TBI, hospitalization is carried out in neurosurgical department, for fractures - to traumatology, for extensive wounds to general surgery.

Types of injury

The injuries that a patient can receive when falling from a height are varied, they differ in:

  • Heaviness;
  • Localizations;
  • Intensity of manifestation;
  • Symptoms.

The severity and type of injury depends on the height from which the person fell.

Types of injuries that a patient can receive when falling from a height:

  • Bruises and dislocations. This is the most minor injury which usually occurs when falling from a small height;
  • Open wounds various localizations, depth and area;
  • Fractures of the bones of the limbs, pelvis, ribs, spine;
  • Blunt abdominal trauma;
  • Lung rupture;
  • Gap parenchymal organs(liver and spleen);
  • Internal bleeding;
  • Hematomas - accumulation of blood in soft tissues;
  • Dislocations;
  • Traumatic brain injuries (open and closed): concussion and contusion of the brain, fracture of the skull bones; swelling of the brain due to skull trauma.

Fall from a child's height

Children often fall from small heights, especially when learning to walk or climb onto a sofa or bed. In this case, it should be noted that the fall ends well for the baby. This is due to the features child's body. Nature provides that the child does not receive a TBI.

When falling small child from a small height, only his fear occurs, so he begins to cry a lot.

Fractures at this age also occur extremely rarely. This is due to the fact that the child’s bones are soft (like a young tree branch).

How smaller child, the longer his chances of surviving a fall from a great height. Since he falls in a relaxed state, because he does not understand the seriousness of what is happening. This is also one of the defense mechanisms.

If after a fall the child experiences following symptoms, then you need to consult a doctor:

  • Sudden drowsiness;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Convulsions;
  • Dizziness and headache.

To prevent a child from falling, it is necessary:

  • Protect its environment;
  • Don't leave him alone for a long time in the room;
  • Do not leave the window open;
  • Have locks on the windows so that the child cannot open it on his own;
  • Keep a close eye on your child on the playground and in public places.

The consequences of winter pranks on the skating rink and snow slide, ballet classes and figure skating, hobbies for cyclocross and equestrian sports, simple carelessness leading to landing on the “fifth point”, a tailbone injury occurs.

An adult and a child can become a victim of a fall. Women with bruises and fractures in the sacrococcygeal area are more likely to end up in the emergency room than men. How much does it take for a lady to fall on her tailbone? No, the first snowball and high heels are enough. But for her to see a doctor, she would need severe pain and the inability to sit, stand or lie normally.


A fall on the buttocks, depending on the force of the impact, can lead to:


*dislocation/subluxation anteriorly;

*rupture of the sacrococcygeal ligaments;


Each injury causes sharp pain, but is characterized varying degrees and the nature of the damage to the lower part of the spine.


When injured, the first person to suffer is soft fabrics And nerve endings. Impact causes rupture blood vessels and hematoma formation.

Even if there was no bruising, the skin, muscles, ligaments, nerve bundles and endings were sharply compressed. This can cause inflammation and swelling.


After a fall, especially if it happens not for the first time, the tailbone may bend anteriorly. In this case, in addition to all the troubles of a bruise, displacement is added articular surface coccyx segment relative to the articular surface of the sacrum and stretching ligamentous apparatus lower section spine.


Rupture of the sacrococcygeal ligaments is more serious consequence falls, when the ligaments are not just stretched, but torn. At this stage, other troubles are observed: bruise and dislocation.


A strong blow, weak bones, or both factors together are the cause of a fracture. In this case, displacements may be observed. Due to the location of the organ, this type of injury is extremely rare and is typical for older people.


What will help a person who has fallen on his tailbone? First of all - cold compress. Outdoors, it can be built from snow and ice by filling plastic bag or a glove, and at home make it from ice cubes or any frozen foods stored in the freezer. If the victim can walk, it is better to go in the direction of the emergency room or home.

If it cannot, then you should call ambulance. In the ambulance or at home, lay him on his stomach and continue applying cold. From this position you can roll over onto your side, but not onto your back.

At severe pain the doctor will prescribe an analgesic or perform novocaine blockade. It is not recommended to give painkiller injections on your own.


To convince patients, they have a number of arguments:

*consequences of a fall may be chronic pain(post-traumatic coccydynia);

*ligament rupture, dislocation and fracture negatively affect the well-being of the entire spine, especially the sacrococcygeal joint;

*any blow can cause degenerative and dystrophic processes in the sacrococcygeal spine due to its displacement;

*trauma negatively affects spinal cord, can lead to pinched roots in any area along the entire length of the spine;

*a blow to the coccyx area may cause compression fracture in any vertebra;

*even a bruise can cause headaches.

Hematomas pose a separate danger. Inflammation, suppuration and fistulas can develop in them. The most severe cases are when the fistula opens not into the skin, but into the rectum.

Assess the extent of damage and install accurate diagnosis after a fall on the tailbone, only a traumatologist can.


All coccyx injuries are accompanied by similar symptoms:

*pain; swelling;

*formation of hematomas.

Old bruises can make themselves felt years later.

You can distinguish the degree of damage after palpating the sore spot, rectal examination coccyx and taking x-rays in two projections.

IN in rare cases enjoy computed tomography(CT).

A rectal examination makes it possible to distinguish a bruise from a dislocation and a fracture. X-ray clarifies the diagnosis.


If a woman hits her tailbone, she often does not feel comfortable seeking medical help. Ladies are embarrassed when they are greeted by a male traumatologist or orthopedist at an appointment. However, a trip to the doctor in this case is necessary.

Even a banal bruise requires proper treatment. Doctors warn against applying heat, rubbing the sore spot with warming rubs and ointments, and massage. All these measures will be useful only after 1-2 weeks.

A variety of cooling methods will not only prevent swelling and relieve pain, but also speed up recovery. If ice compresses are recommended on the first day after a fall, then later external use of chlorethyl will be sufficient. The solution quickly evaporates and cools the sore spot.

Such injuries can be treated with folk remedies, such as juice or puree of fresh wormwood, onion, arnica or calendula. The products are applied externally as a compress.

Severe, prolonged pain is relieved with medication.

Ointments and gels are intended for this:





"Traumeel S".

In exceptional cases, they resort to prescribing and taking NSAIDs orally. Pain in the coccyx area is relieved with novocaine blockades.

IN Dislocations and fractures of the last vertebrae are reduced rectally. However, this method is controversial and causes protests among proctologists. They believe that the procedure increases the risk of injury and fistula formation in the colon. Before deciding on rectal reduction of the coccyx, the advantages and disadvantages of the technique should be weighed.

If the choice is made in favor of reduction, then after the manipulation the patient should fix the area in correct position. To do this, a large-diameter drainage tube is inserted into the anus, and an adhesive plaster is applied to the tailbone area. The patient is prescribed bed rest and forced defecation for 3-5 days.

The list of treatment methods for coccyx bruises includes UHF, infrared radiation, electro- and magnetic therapy. It makes sense to contact chiropractic specialists only months after the injury.

G. Ivanichev, K. Levit and A. Sitel write about the role of massage in the treatment of coccydynia.

If the pain in the tailbone does not go away for a long time, then it is suggested surgery– resection. Sometimes it does not give the desired relief from pain. But then the scars are a concern.

As a rehabilitation after falling on the tailbone in subacute period experts advise doing special exercises to strengthen the gluteal muscles and those surrounding the sacrum.

No one is immune from falls, but basic awareness at every moment will reduce the chances. Athletes are recommended to train and perform in special equipment. But we still hope that we won’t see figure skaters and ballerinas wearing shorts that protect them from bruises.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs