Temporary stop of bleeding. Ways to stop arterial bleeding

Bleeding is the leakage of blood from vessels that are damaged due to injury. In some cases, bleeding does not occur traumatic nature, and corrosion of blood vessels at the site of an existing painful focus (ulcers, cancer, tuberculosis).

Stopping any bleeding should occur thanks to an important natural property of blood, which is the main way to stop it - its coagulability, which makes it possible to clog the hole in the vessel formed as a result of a wound with the help of a blood clot.

With poor coagulability, even after a minor injury, blood loss may be incompatible with human life. Stopping blood loss in different ways should be used depending on the severity and nature of the hemorrhage.

For this reason, it is important for everyone to remember the basic rules on how to stop venous bleeding, as well as arterial if it occurs, as well as what types of blood loss exist and ways to stop bleeding.

Types of bleeding

The danger of an open wound appearing on the human body, leading to blood loss, exists both at work and at home. If the threat is ignored, infection of the vascular bed and subsequent infection of the body may occur. There are several types of bleeding, to stop which different methods are used:

  1. Capillary. It is distinguished by a slow and uniform release of scarlet-colored blood. With normal clotting, the blood stops on its own.
  2. Venous. It is distinguished by the uniformity of the outpouring of a continuous flow of dark-colored blood.
  3. Arterial. The flowing stream pulsates in jerks. It has a scarlet color. The volume of blood loss can be very large. The danger of arterial bleeding is death in cases of damage to large arteries.
  4. Mixed type, which occurs with extensive damage. Accompanied by heavy blood loss.

In practice, several types of vessels are often injured at once because they are located very close. For this reason, bleeding is divided into types according to the strength of the jet.:

  1. Weak. The final stop of which occurs during wound treatment.
  2. Strong. Blood flows out of the wound very quickly, so first they try to stop it completely, and only then treat the wound. Long duration of blood loss can cause death.

Temporary and permanent methods of stopping bleeding

Temporary methods are used in the first minutes of wound formation before the arrival of specialists, as well as during transportation of the victim. Temporary methods include:

  • Applying a pressure bandage;
  • Giving a body part an elevated position;
  • Maximum bending of the joint to compress the blood vessels;
  • Pressing blood vessels with fingers;
  • Applying a tourniquet;
  • Applying clamps to a bleeding vessel.

Ways to stop bleeding temporarily

In order to correctly provide assistance to a victim in case of blood loss in an emergency situation, you need to firmly remember the algorithm of necessary actions and methods for its implementation, given in the Table below.

Types of external bleeding and first aid methods

ViewSignsMethod for stopping blood loss
CapillaryBlood flows out of superficial vessels in slow dropsTo stop it is necessary to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. Fast way consists of applying a bandage using any available means - a handkerchief, bandage or gauze, maintaining moderate compression of the damaged area. When processing, you can use cotton wool, but do not leave it inside the bandage.
VenousA deep wound is formed as a result of injury from a piercing or cutting object. The volume of blood flowing out is large, the color is dark red, while the victim has pale skinStopping venous bleeding in case of limb injury is achieved by giving an elevated position. When using this method, the wound is treated with peroxide and a napkin is applied, which is tightly bandaged. If the bleeding is severe, someone will need help to apply pressure on the wound or just below it (in case of a limb injury).
ArterialA deep wound occurs when exposed to piercing or cutting objects. Can be chopped. The flowing stream often pulsates and has a scarlet color. The victim turns pale and may lose consciousness.You can stop arterial bleeding with the help of a bandage, during the preparation of which the bleeding vessel is pressed with your fingers or palm slightly above the wound. To prepare the bundles, use various materials available at hand. This method requires precision, so be sure to place a note under the tourniquet with a note about the time of application. The bandage is applied in several layers, allowing the vessels to be tamponed. For wounds in the neck and groin area, the temporary bandage can become very wet, so keep your fingers on the damaged vessels until the doctors arrive.
MixedIt is the result of extensive external damage, accompanied by heavy blood loss.A temporary stop can be attempted in several ways, which were listed above.
For temporary dressing, the use of cold in the form of a heating pad with ice or another object is effective.. Soldering the victim with water is used to partial compensation fluid loss. A tourniquet is used as the main method to temporarily stop bleeding.

Photos of stopping different types of bleeding

When applying it, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. More often, a tourniquet is used for arterial bleeding.
  2. Tourniquets are most effective when applied to a limb b, having only one bone (shoulder or thigh). When applied to the forearm or lower leg, only the veins are compressed.
  3. A support is required for the harness to avoid pinching the skin.
  4. The tourniquet can only be applied to the upper or middle third of the thigh or shoulder to prevent pinching of nerves (sciatic or ulnar).
  5. The maximum period for applying a tourniquet is 2 hours. IN winter period The limb should be additionally insulated to prevent frostbite.
  6. The tourniquet needs to be loosened from time to time, pressing the vessels with your fingers at this moment. IN summer period this should be done every hour, in winter - twice as often.
  7. When the tourniquet is applied correctly skin turn pale. The tourniquet stops the pulsation of the arteries in the area below.
  8. Use a clamp to stop bleeding, requiring mandatory transport immobilization followed by a final stop of bleeding in the hospital.

Can a twist be used instead of a hemostatic tourniquet? The answer to this is positive. In most cases, only a high-quality bandage is required, while a tourniquet should only be used for arterial bleeding.

Methods to finally stop bleeding

To the ways final stop blood includes:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Thermal.
  3. Chemical.
  4. Biological.

The characteristics of each of them are presented below. Types of bleeding and ways to stop them completely

ViewActionsIndications for use
MechanicalLigation of blood vessels, application of vascular sutures, pressure bandages, tamponing, use of vascular prostheses (shunts)Vessel ligation is used for injuries of small and medium vessels, excluding main ones.
ChemicalThe use of drugs that constrict blood vessels and increase blood clotting (adrenaline, ergot preparations, calcium chloride etc.)The method is used for internal bleeding that excludes other measures. Used as necessary help with uterine bleeding, as well as loss of blood from the lung, stomach
Biological1.Tampons from animal tissues rich in thrombokinase (omentum, adipose tissue and so on.).The method is used in various situations when varying degrees severity of bleeding
2. Local use of blood products (thrombin, hemostatic sponge etc.).
3. Blood transfusion with the use of drugs that increase blood clotting (plasma, fibrinogen, platelet mass, etc.) depending on the degree of blood loss.
4.Introduction of vitamins (C, K in the form of vikasol), which increase blood clotting.
5. Intramuscular injection of human or animal blood serum for a hemostatic effect.

Stopping bleeding from a small wound in the face or head

When a wound forms on the skin of the face or head, blood appears on the forehead or from the nose, it can cause quite severe bleeding due to the fact that this is where many blood vessels are located close to the surface.

In most cases, such bleeding can be easily eliminated at home, even if it seems very dangerous.

To do this, you need to have a good understanding of the difference between wounds that are subject to self-treatment, know how to stop them, and those whose treatment requires emergency medical care. For cases requiring emergency assistance relate:

  • Deformations of the skull, the appearance of sunken areas, visible bone fragments or exposure of the brain;
  • Eye injuries;
  • Appearance clear liquid flowing from the nose or ears.

If necessary, stop bleeding from small wound The following rules must be observed:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling;
  • Help another person put on latex gloves. If they are absent, you can use plastic bag or a clean cloth folded in several layers;
  • Place the victim on his back;
  • Remove any visible objects from the wound, but do not attempt to clean it;
  • Apply firm pressure to the wound with gauze, a clean cloth, or other clean material. If there is an object remaining in the wound that cannot be removed, try not to touch it;
  • Apply pressure to the wound for a quarter of an hour, checking the time on the clock, without lifting the tissue during this period. If blood has soaked the material, apply a new one;
  • If after 15 minutes of continuous pressure blood continues to flow, you need to apply pressure to the wound for another 15 minutes. This method can be repeated up to 3 times;
  • If bleeding continues, continue to apply pressure and call an ambulance;
  • The appearance of anxiety, confusion, signs of fear, superficial and rapid breathing It should be remembered that all of them may indicate the onset of a state of shock, which is also life-threatening and requires emergency medical care.


Briefly about other types of bleeding and ways to stop it

Pleural bleeding

Occurs with rib fractures and chest injuries. You can assume the presence of bleeding based on the following signs:

  • Increasing pallor;
  • Acute pain in chest;
  • Difficulty breathing.

Methods to stop bleeding are only possible with hospital treatment.

Pulmonary hemorrhage

Blood coming from the pulmonary vessels begins to accumulate in the bronchi, causing reflex cough. It can be distinguished by the foamy nature of the sputum coughed up. Elimination of such bleeding at home is impossible. The main method is hospitalization. Before the doctor arrives, you should:

  • Leave the patient in sitting position;
  • Give a Codterpine tablet to relieve cough;
  • Place a cold compress on your chest;
  • If the patient has tuberculosis, provide saturated fluids saline solution(a spoonful of salt per glass of water);
  • Mandatory transportation to a medical facility.

Bleeding from the stomach or intestines

To acute bleeding internal organs can lead to a stomach or intestinal ulcer, in which the disintegration of the tumor damages the blood vessels.

The effusion may occur in the form of dark-colored vomit or appear as loose stool. The patient should not be given food or drink. On top part a cold compress should be applied to the abdomen.

Methods to stop bleeding are available only to specialists, so transportation to a hospital must be ensured.

There are 4 types of external bleeding depending on the type of damaged vessel - arterial, venous, capillary and mixed. Timely and competent stopping of arterial bleeding is particularly difficult, since the threat fatal outcome With this type of blood loss is very high.

What is arterial bleeding

The most dangerous looking is arterial, since when arteries are damaged, their walls do not collapse, blood is actively ejected in a pulsating stream, and blood loss increases very quickly, up to hemorrhagic shock and death. Arterial bleeding is called bleeding in which the vascular wall of the artery is damaged and scarlet, oxygen-enriched blood flows out. Extensive bleeding can occur with injuries, cuts, and taking certain medications.


Distinguish arterial bleeding By external signs not difficult. Difficulty in diagnosis can be mixed, which can combine signs of capillary, venous and/or arterial. Main characteristics of external bleeding:





Color of flowing blood

Dark red, burgundy

Dark red

Blood flow rate

Depends on the size and location of the vessel. Can be high or low.

Jet characteristics

Pulsating, blood fountaining

Voluntary, constant flow of blood without pulsation

Over the entire surface of the wound

Why is it dangerous?

Arterial bleeding is considered the most dangerous because due to high speed blood loss without timely proper medical care has a high risk of death. Untimely and/or incorrectly provided first medical aid (PHA) can worsen the patient’s condition and provoke situations such as:

  • hemorrhagic shock;
  • wound infection;
  • compression of limbs and tissue necrosis;
  • blood aspiration;
  • coma;
  • fatal outcome.

Temporary stopping of arterial bleeding using finger pressure at any location of the damaged vessel, with the exception of the head and neck, is carried out above the wound to the bone along which the artery runs. Points of finger pressure of arteries:


Subjacent bone

External landmarks

Above the ear or in temporal region



1 cm above and anterior to the outer ear canal

Lower jaw

2 cm anterior to the corner lower jaw

Upper and middle neck, face and submandibular area

General sleepiness

Transverse process of the fourth cervical vertebra(carotid tubercle)

In the middle of the inner edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle at the level of the upper edge thyroid cartilage

Shoulder joint, upper third of the shoulder, subclavian and axillary area


First rib

On the back of the collarbone middle third

Upper limb


Head of humerus

Along the anterior border of hair growth in the armpit


Inner surface of the humerus

Along the inner edge of the biceps


Upper third ulna

On the front surface of the forearm on the side of the 5th finger (little finger)

In the lower third radius

At the pulse detection point

Lower limb


Horizontal ramus of the pubis

In the middle inguinal fold


Rear surface tibia

At the top of the popliteal fossa

Posterior tibial

Posterior surface of the medial malleolus of the tibia

On the inner surface of the shin

Artery of the dorsum of the foot

Along the anterior surface of the tarsal bones of the foot outward from the extensor thumb feet

Midway between ankles

Pelvic area and iliac arteries

Abdominal part aorta

Lumbar spine

Pressing a fist to the left of the navel

Ways to stop arterial bleeding

Hemostasis is biological system body, which ensures the liquid state of blood during normal conditions and stopping bleeding if integrity is violated vascular wall. With capillary and venous, spontaneous hemostasis occurs, that is, stopping blood loss internal forces body.

In cases where hemostasis does not occur independently, methods of temporary and permanent bleeding stop are used. A permanent stop can only be made in a hospital setting, and a temporary stop is used as emergency first aid. Methods for temporarily stopping arterial bleeding:

  • finger pressure arteries;
  • fixed limb flexion;
  • application of a tourniquet.

Finger pressing of arteries

The finger pressure method is used in cases where it is necessary to stop mild bleeding. At the same time, they are guided by the “3D” rule - push-ten-ten. This means that you need to use all 10 fingers of both hands to press the vessel against the bone along which it runs for 10 minutes. For profuse (extensive) bleeding, this method is ineffective or ineffective.

Application of a tourniquet

The most effective way is the application of a tourniquet. In the absence of a special medical tourniquet, improvised means are used. In this case, it is worth remembering that the tourniquet must be wide. Applying a tourniquet for arterial bleeding is performed according to the following rules:

  1. It is applied above the wound to clothing or to fabric wrapped around a limb, since applying it directly to the skin causes trauma to the underlying tissues.
  2. The tourniquet is stretched and made 2-3 turns around the limb. The next turns are applied with tension.
  3. After application, the pulsation of the arteries below the wound is checked. The application is performed correctly if the pulsation is absent or poorly defined.
  4. The tourniquet should always be visible.
  5. The tourniquet is applied for 30 minutes at winter time, for 60 minutes in summer, since with more long-term compression processes of necrosis begin in the limb. During long-term transportation, the tourniquet is removed for 10 minutes while simultaneously pressing the artery to restore blood circulation in the limb.
  6. A note is always attached indicating the exact time the tourniquet is applied.

Fixed limb flexion

A method of temporarily stopping external arterial bleeding by fixed flexion of the limb is considered effective for wounds of the forearm, hand, leg or foot. When using this technique, it is worth considering that the flexion of the limb should be maximum, and a fabric roll should be placed in the elbow bend or popliteal fossa.

First aid for arterial bleeding

The first step to take when providing first aid is to call an ambulance. Hemostasis is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Raise the limb and give it an elevated position.
  2. Perform digital pressure on the artery.
  3. Apply a tourniquet above the wound while simultaneously pressing the artery.
  4. Check the pulse below the wound and attach a note with the time of application of the tourniquet.
  5. Apply an aseptic bandage to the wound.

In the face and neck area

For wounds in the neck and head, it must be remembered that finger pressure must be applied below the wound. Stopping bleeding from the carotid artery is done using a tourniquet:

  1. A roller is applied to the wound.
  2. The arm on the healthy side is placed so that the shoulder touches the side of the face and neck.
  3. A tourniquet is applied around the neck and shoulder.

Upper limbs

For hemostasis in the upper extremities, starting from the middle third of the shoulder, applying a tourniquet is effective. It can only be applied to the upper or lower third of the shoulder. If damaged subclavian artery a tight tamponade is used.

Bleeding is the leakage of blood from blood vessels, most often occurring as a result of their damage. Wherein we're talking about about traumatic bleeding (Training to stop traumatic bleeding is usually carried out in a medical setting, using pads that simulate various wounds and lesions, bleeding). Bleeding can also occur when a vessel is corroded by a painful lesion (tuberculosis, cancer, ulcer). Thus, non-traumatic bleeding occurs.

Traumatic bleeding is one of the main signs of every wound. A blow, cut, or injection breaks the walls of blood vessels, causing blood to flow out of them. Blood clotting. Blood has an important protective property - clotting; Thanks to the ability of blood to clot, any small, mainly capillary bleeding spontaneously stops. A clot of coagulated blood clogs the opening of the vessel caused by injury. In some cases, bleeding stops as a result of compression of the vessel.

Bleeding. With insufficient coagulation, manifested by disproportionately long, slow coagulation, bleeding occurs. Persons suffering from this disease may lose significant amount blood when bleeding from small vessels, small wounds, and death can even occur.

Consequences of bleeding. For bleeding main danger associated with the occurrence of acute insufficient blood supply to tissues, blood loss, which, causing an insufficient supply of oxygen to organs, causes disruption of their activity; First of all, this concerns the brain, heart and lungs.

Types of bleeding.

Bleeding in which blood flows out from a wound or natural orifices of the body is usually called external bleeding. Bleeding in which blood accumulates in body cavities is called internal bleeding. External bleeding is divided into:

  1. Capillary - occurs with superficial wounds; blood flows out drop by drop from the wound;
  2. Venous - occurs when more deep wounds, as, for example, cut, stabbed; with this type of bleeding, there is a profuse flow of dark red blood;
  3. Arterial - occurs with deep chopped, puncture wounds; arterial blood a bright red color jets out from damaged arteries, in which it is under high pressure;
  4. Mixed bleeding occurs when veins and arteries bleed simultaneously in a wound.


The first goal when treating any significantly bleeding wound is to stop the bleeding. In this case, you should act quickly and purposefully, since significant blood loss during injury weakens the victim and even poses a threat to his life. If you can prevent major blood loss, this will make it much easier to treat the wound and special treatment the victim, will reduce the consequences of injury and injury.


With capillary bleeding, blood loss is relatively small. This bleeding can be quickly stopped by placing clean gauze over the bleeding area. A layer of cotton wool is placed on top of the gauze and the wound is bandaged. If you have no gauze or bandage at your disposal, you can bandage the bleeding area with a clean handkerchief. It is impossible to apply shaggy fabric directly to the wound, since its villi contain a large number of 6 bacteria that cause wound infection. For the same reason, directly on open wound You can’t apply cotton wool either.


A dangerous aspect of venous bleeding, along with a significant amount of lost blood, is that when the veins are wounded, especially the cervical ones, air can be sucked into the vessels through the areas damaged by the wounds. The air that has entered the vessel can then enter the heart. In such cases, a fatal condition occurs - air embolism.

Venous bleeding is best controlled with a pressure bandage. Apply clean gauze to the bleeding area, on top of it an unrolled bandage or gauze folded several times, in as a last resort- folded clean handkerchief. Means used in this way act as a pressure factor that presses the gaping ends of damaged vessels. When such a pressing object is pressed against the wound with a bandage, the lumens of the blood vessels are compressed and the bleeding stops.

If the person providing assistance does not have a pressure bandage at hand, and the victim is bleeding heavily from a damaged vein, then the bleeding area should be immediately pressed with your fingers. When bleeding from a vein upper limb in some cases, simply raising your hand is enough. In both cases, a pressure bandage should be applied to the wound after this.

The most convenient for these purposes is a pocket pressure bandage, an individual package that is sold in pharmacies.


Arterial bleeding is the most dangerous of all types of bleeding, since it can quickly lead to complete bleeding of the victim.

Arterial bleeding can be stopped with a pressure bandage. If there is bleeding from a large artery, you should immediately stop the blood flow to the damaged area by pressing the artery with your finger above the wound site. However, this measure is only temporary. The artery is pressed with a finger until a pressure bandage is prepared and applied.

When bleeding from femoral artery Applying a pressure bandage alone is sometimes insufficient. In such cases, you have to apply a loop, a tourniquet, or an improvised tourniquet.

If the person providing assistance does not have a standard loop or tourniquet at hand, then instead you can use a scarf, handkerchief, tie, or suspenders. A tourniquet or loop is placed on the limb immediately above the bleeding site. For these purposes, a pocket bandage (individual package) is very convenient, acting simultaneously as both a covering and a pressure bandage. The area where the tourniquet or loop is applied is covered with a layer of gauze to avoid damaging the skin and nerves. The applied tourniquet completely stops the flow of blood into the limb, but if the loop or tourniquet is left on the limb long time, then it may even die. Therefore, to stop bleeding, they are used only in exceptional cases, namely on the shoulder and thigh (when part of a limb is torn off, during amputations).

When applying a loop or tourniquet to a victim for two hours in mandatory should be taken to a medical facility for special surgical treatment.

Bleeding of the upper limb can be stopped with a bag of bandage placed in the elbow or armpit, while simultaneously tightening the limb with a tourniquet. In case of bleeding of the lower limb, proceed in a similar way, placing a wedge in the popliteal fossa. True, this method of stopping bleeding is used only occasionally.

When bleeding from the main cervical artery- sleepy - you should immediately compress the wound with your fingers or fist; after that the wound is stuffed big amount clean gauze. This method of stopping bleeding is called packing.

After bandaging (using) the victim’s bleeding vessels, the victim should be given some kind of drink soft drinks and transported to a medical facility as soon as possible.


Bleeding in abdominal cavity. This type of bleeding occurs when there is a blow to the stomach; in most cases, rupture of the liver and spleen is observed. In women, intra-abdominal bleeding occurs during ectopic pregnancy. Intra-abdominal bleeding is characterized by severe bleeding and pain in the abdominal area. The victim falls into state of shock or loses consciousness. He is placed in a semi-sitting position with his knees bent, and a cold compress is placed on the abdominal area. The victim should not be given anything to drink or eat. It is necessary to ensure his immediate transportation to a medical facility.

Bleeding into the pleural cavity. This type of bleeding occurs when there is a blow or injury to the chest. Blood accumulates in the pleural cavity and in the affected half compresses the lungs, thereby preventing their normal activity. The victim breathes with difficulty, and with significant bleeding even suffocates. He is placed in a sitting position on the floor with his lower limbs bent, and a cold compress is placed on his chest. It is necessary to ensure immediate transportation of the victim to a medical facility.


Acute anemia occurs when the body loses a significant amount of blood. Losing even one and a half liters of blood represents great danger for the life of the victim.

In acute anemia, the victim complains of weakness, there is pallor, sunken eyes, the pulse is weak and rapid, the patient looks haggard, apathetic, there is a protrusion on his forehead. cold sweat. Sometimes involuntary urination and stool leakage occurs. In short, shock occurs due to acute anemia caused by loss of blood. Finally the victim collapses and loses consciousness.


As a result of a decrease in blood volume in circulatory system body organs suffer due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body; most of all this affects the activity of the brain and general exchange substances. Despite whole line adaptive defense mechanisms, brain and hormonal system unable to balance the pathological changes occurring in the body. If in this phase the victim is not provided with appropriate assistance, then as a result of paralysis of those located in medulla oblongata respiratory and circulatory centers due to lack of oxygen, the patient’s death occurs.

First aid. A patient who has lost a significant amount of blood can be saved, but this requires urgent first aid measures. First of all, it is necessary to stop the bleeding, if it has not yet stopped spontaneously as a result of loss of vascular tone, which is observed with significant blood loss. Even if the bleeding has stopped, a pressure bandage should still be applied to the wound. Then the victim’s dress and collar are unbuttoned; while maintaining consciousness and no injuries digestive tract the patient should be given tea. Giving black coffee in such cases is not recommended. Then the victim is placed on his back with his head slightly lowered, his arms and legs are raised and even suspended. This position promotes blood supply to the brain and thereby supports its activity. After this, the victim must be urgently transported to a medical facility.

→ Ways to stop bleeding


The article describes types and methods of stopping external bleeding. External or external bleeding is visible to the eye during diagnosis and occurs from damaged vessels in open injuries and wounds.

Types of bleeding.

Depending on the type of damaged vessel, there are capillary, venous And arterial bleeding.

  • Arterial bleeding: scarlet blood flows out of the wound in a jerky or pulsating stream, through a very short period Over time, a person loses a lot of blood. Bleeding from large arteries is especially dangerous.
  • At venous bleeding the blood is dark and pours out in a continuous, uniform stream.
  • At capillary bleeding blood is slowly released evenly from the entire wound (like from a sponge). The color of blood is scarlet. With normal blood clotting, such bleeding stops on its own.

In practice, however, it can be very difficult to determine the type of bleeding, since the arteries, veins and capillaries are mostly located next to each other and are therefore most often injured at the same time. Thus, when providing first aid, it is advisable to distinguish weak or strong bleeding. Bleeding is considered weak in cases where it stops when the wound is treated. With severe bleeding, rapid blood loss occurs, so the main thing is to stop it immediately and then begin treating the wound.

Remember: stop heavy bleeding is priority, since every major blood loss can become a threat to the life of the victim.

Keep in mind:

  • a loss of 250-400 ml of blood is not dangerous for an adult and has almost no effect on his well-being, but a loss of more than 1000 ml of blood is life-threatening.
  • loss of 250 ml of blood is dangerous for a one-year-old child.
  • how faster loss blood, the more dangerous the bleeding. For example, if bleeding is very rapid, the victim may die after losing less than one-third of the blood. With chronic bleeding, the patient may feel quite satisfactory, having lost more than two-thirds of all blood. The fact is that thanks to the regulatory function of the central nervous system the cardiovascular system adapts to reduced blood volume. With rapid blood flow, the cardiovascular system cannot quickly adapt to the reduced blood mass, as a result of which the amount of fluid in the vessels sharply decreases. Because of this it falls blood pressure, blood circulation in the body slows down and the brain centers become depleted of blood and oxygen. As a result, collapse and shock may develop.

+ First aid for bleeding

First aid is to immediately stop the bleeding by any means. Measures taken for this:

  • elevated position of the bleeding area;
  • applying a pressure bandage (for capillary or venous bleeding);
  • artery compression;
  • maximum flexion of the limb at the joint;
  • application of a tourniquet or twist for severe bleeding on the extremities.

Then a sterile bandage must be applied to the wound.

Light bleeding decreases very quickly, as the blood itself clogs the smallest vessels(this process is called blood clotting). Bleeding can also be stopped by applying an aseptic (if possible) dressing. Most often when slight bleeding Applying a temporary bandage, or just a bandage, is often enough. After this, the limb should remain motionless for some time, since movement increases blood flow in all tissues.

Pressure bandage.

In case of severe bleeding, you need to elevate the injured part of the body. This way, blood flows faster towards the heart, and new masses of blood enter the elevated limb more slowly. Then you should immediately apply a pressure bandage. She squeezes at the same time blood vessels, and prevents further flow of blood from the wound. For a pressure bandage, it is best to use an individual dressing package (IPP-1), since this ensures the sterility of the wound.

For a pressure bandage, you can also use a handkerchief folded in several layers, a scarf, etc. If blood seeps through the bandage very quickly (in less than 15 minutes), then another pressure bandage should be applied on top of it, if possible tighter than the first.


  • Almost all bleeding can be stopped by applying direct pressure to the source of the bleeding. If blood leaks through the pressure bandage, the bandage is too loose.
  • On the other hand, it is important to ensure that the bandage is not too tight. If you notice one of the following signs in a bandaged limb:
      • numbness and tingling in the fingers,
      • inability to move fingers;
      • feeling of coldness in the fingers;
      • blue or pale nails;
      • weakening of the pulse below the bandage,

    then the bandage should be removed and applied more loosely.

Pressure of the arteries.

If blood still continues to seep through several layers of tightly placed pressure bandages, you can try to stop the bleeding by pressing on special points located above the main arteries. These points are located in places where the artery can be pressed against the bone that lies directly underneath it. By pressing one or both hands on the artery in the place closest to the wound, we stop the access of blood to the wound.

Remember well the points at which you can press the arteries. Find these points in yourself or another person. The pulse beats are felt at these points.

(Figure: Pressure points of arteries)

To find the correct point where you need to press the artery, remember that it is located between the heart and the wound; above the site of injury when extremities are injured and below the site of injury when the neck and head are injured.

Ways to press the artery:

It is better to press the artery to the bone with your thumb using the 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers.

The figure shows stopping bleeding in the peripheral parts of the arm by pressing brachial artery to the humerus.

(Figure: Stopping bleeding by pressing the brachial artery)

Place your hand under the victim's arm and press your fingers firmly against the bone.

The femoral artery can be pressed against the pelvic bones high on the inner surface of the leg. It is necessary to lay the victim down and bend his injured leg at the knee. Next, press on the center of the inguinal fold thumbs both hands placed on top of each other. Your arms should be extended to make it easier to press on the artery with all your weight.

Hemostatic tourniquet.

Very severe bleeding is stopped by applying a hemostatic tourniquet. It can only be applied to the limbs and only in cases where the bleeding does not stop after applying pressure bandages. The application of a hemostatic tourniquet is also necessary when transporting a victim with very severe bleeding that cannot be stopped with tight pressure bandages.

A hemostatic tourniquet is applied, if possible, above the wound, directly on the clothing. The injured limb is raised. Then the tourniquet is stretched and applied to the limb in two or three turns, with the first turn being the tightest. The ends of the harness are secured with a hook and chain or tied with a knot.

If there is no tourniquet, use twists from any auxiliary material: a tie, a scarf folded into a tie, a large handkerchief, a scarf, etc. They are applied in the form of a wide loop around the injured limb and tied with a double free knot. A short stick or two wooden spatulas, a ruler, etc. are inserted into the loop. and twist the limb until the bleeding stops completely. In this case, the damaged limb becomes more pale color, and below the place where the tourniquet is applied, the pulse ceases to be palpable. Strengthen the stick, ruler, etc. with a gauze bandage or scarf. so that it doesn't weaken.

For twisting, you cannot use rope, wire, or shoe laces, as when tightened tightly they will “cut” into the skin.

Before applying a bandage from the wound, it is advisable to remove loosely lying there foreign objects. Do not under any circumstances try to pull it out by force. foreign bodies sticking out of the wound - this can increase bleeding.

It is better to treat the wound and its edges with hydrogen peroxide.


  • When using a tourniquet or twist, be sure to put a note under it, indicating exactly the time on the clock when it was applied, so that medical worker knew how much time had passed since the bleeding stopped. To avoid gangrene, a tourniquet or twist cannot be kept on a limb for more than 1.5 - 2 hours. After this period, the tourniquet must be loosened. When the bandage gets wet, the tourniquet should be tightened again until the bleeding stops.

Described here ways to temporarily stop external bleeding. The final stop of severe bleeding is carried out in medical institution, for which the victim must be taken to surgery department for examination by a doctor.

Anyone can experience bleeding in everyday life and at work. Blood loss is life threatening. In addition, with external bleeding, this is an open access for infection to vascular bed followed by infection. Therefore, the health of the victim depends on how to stop bleeding effectively and quickly.

Theory and practice

First aid for cuts and bleeding injuries is taught at school and is included in the camping preparation program. Teaching methods using pictures and posters provide a theoretical understanding of how to stop bleeding.

When actually meeting an injured person, not everyone can stand the sight of blood. Even adults are confused at the sight of a serious condition. Therefore, when preparing, it is important to remember the algorithm for providing assistance.

Children learn more carefully than adults

The table below shows the types of external bleeding and methods of providing first aid for them.

View Symptoms Ways to stop bleeding
Capillary the wound is superficial, blood flows out in slow drops treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide, apply a bandage of bandage, gauze or a regular handkerchief with moderate pressure on the damaged area. You can use cotton wool to treat the wound, but you should not bandage it.
Venous usually the wound is deep, caused by a cutting or stabbing object, a lot of blood flows out, the color is dark red, the victim is pale in case of a limb injury, give an elevated position, treat the wound with peroxide, put a napkin on it and bandage it tightly; in case of massive bleeding, the assistant should press on the wound or lower (if the limb is injured)
Arterial the wound is always deep, the result of the action of cutting, piercing means, it can be chopped, blood flows out in a stream, pulsation can be seen, the color is scarlet, the victim is pale, loss of consciousness is possible While the bandage is being prepared, press the bleeding vessel with your fingers (or palm) above the wound, a tourniquet can be made from available material, a note should be placed under the tourniquet indicating the time of application, the bandage should consist of several layers of gauze in order not only to apply, but to tamponate the vessels; if the injury is in the neck, groin area and the bandage gets very wet, then finger pressure should be continued until the ambulance doctors arrive.
Mixed result of extensive damage, profuse blood loss any of the above methods are applicable

Most suitable means to close wound surface followed by application different ways A bandage from an individual package is used to temporarily stop bleeding. You can buy it at the pharmacy and keep it just in case. Emergency at home, in the country, or take on a tourist trip.

The rules for applying a tourniquet and using available materials can be found on our website in the article

If possible, apply a heating pad with ice or something cold to the bandage. The victim should be constantly given water to drink. This partially compensates for the loss of fluid.

The table shows places of possible compression of blood vessels

What is the danger of bleeding

It must be remembered that if bleeding from a finger, a common type of childhood and “kitchen” injuries, can be dealt with independently, then to eliminate more complex species you need to call an ambulance and not overestimate your knowledge and skills.

When the neck and other large veins are injured, air may be sucked into the vessel. This is how a “bubble” is formed and flows into the right side of the heart. At a volume of about 10 ml, complete atrial tamponade and death occurs.

If a person has a defect in the form of cleft interatrial or interventricular septum, then the air embolus will move to the left side of the heart. Further along the aorta, even being very small, it is able to reach cerebral vessels and cause cerebrovascular accident.

Delay in stopping arterial bleeding causes acute anemia. With a blood loss of 1.5 liters, there is a danger to life. Blood carries oxygen to cells. A sharp decrease in oxygen supply (hypoxia) primarily affects brain function. The victim turns pale, the pulse becomes weak and frequent, and sticky cold sweat appears on the forehead. This condition is called shock.

It significantly complicates the recovery period after injuries. Without timely first aid, it leads to death.

Scope of medical care

Treatment of bleeding begins at the First Aid stage. Here the doctor is able to assess the severity of the patient’s condition and use available medications.

The patient must be placed in a supine position. Intravenous drips of saline are started to replace fluid loss and combat shock.

The patient is put on a mask and allowed to breathe an oxygen mixture.

To stop venous bleeding, the doctor removes the primary bandage and tourniquet, reapplies thick sterile gauze and tightly bandages the wound. If bleeding continues, the tourniquet is reapplied. If the site of injury does not allow compression, then transportation to the hospital is carried out under constant pressure by the doctor’s hand.

Drugs with hemostatic properties are administered intravenously (emergency tablets are not applicable): Dicynone, Calcium chloride, Aminocaproic acid, Vicasol. Not all drugs act quickly enough, but during the patient’s delivery to the hospital they will help to thrombose the blood vessels.

In case of massive arterial bleeding, the doctor must clamp the vessel in the wound with a clamp.

The last resort to finally stop bleeding can be emergency surgical intervention in a surgical hospital with revision of the wound, search for the damaged vessel and its dressing.

Features of stopping bleeding

There are features of providing assistance depending on the location.

If your nose bleeds

The victim must be placed in comfortable position. You don't have to tilt your head back. Tampons (turundas) soaked in hydrogen peroxide should be tightly inserted into the nasal passages. Place a cold compress on the bridge of your nose. Tampons can be changed as soon as they get wet. The patient should spit out any blood that flows down the back wall throats.

For frequent recurrent bleeding, Vikasol tablets are prescribed. An examination is carried out by an otolaryngologist. It may be necessary to use electrocoagulation of blood vessels.

If bleeding does not stop from the hole for a long time after tooth extraction

At prolonged bleeding you should contact the place of removal again. Perhaps there are fragments of bone and roots left in the wound.

Before the proposed extirpation operation, it is necessary to stop taking all blood thinning tablets (containing Aspirin, Warfarin, Analgin).

If blood comes from the ear

You can only inspect external sink. If there are no external injuries, you should put a swab in the ear canal and call an ambulance. The patient should maintain a supine position. The fact is that the symptom of ear bleeding occurs with head injuries and skull fractures. The patient must be examined by a specialist.

In this case, the outer part of the ear is damaged

For pulmonary hemorrhage

If the blood comes from the pulmonary vessels. then it accumulates in the bronchi and causes a reflex cough. For the pulmonary type, foamy blood and coughed up sputum are typical. The patient should be in a sitting position. To relieve cough, you can give a Codterpine tablet. A cold compress is applied to the chest. Patients with pulmonary tuberculosis practice drinking a saturated saline solution (a spoonful of salt per glass of water). The patient must be taken to the hospital to understand the cause of the bleeding.

If the blood comes from the stomach or intestines

Ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines, disintegrating tumors cause damage to blood vessels with acute bleeding. It can “pouring out” in the form of vomit in a dark mass or manifested by liquid black stool.

The patient should not be given anything to drink or eat. As first aid, a cold compress may be applied to the upper abdomen. Urgent transportation to hospital is required.

Hemorrhoidal bleeding from the venous ring of vessels located around the anus is accompanied by other symptoms of hemorrhoids (pain, burning) and is associated with the act of defecation. It is rarely abundant, but lasts for a long time. Used in treatment rectal suppositories with hemostatic agents.

Uterine bleeding

In girls and women, bleeding from the uterus is associated with impaired hormonal balance, tumor, heavy menstruation, ectopic pregnancy. Accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. The woman should be laid down and a rubber heating pad with ice should be placed on her stomach. Dicinon and Vikasol are prescribed internally in courses. Required " Ambulance"and delivery to the hospital to identify the cause.

Cold causes spasm of uterine vessels and increases thrombosis

Pleural bleeding

Blood leakage into the pleural cavity is possible with rib fractures or chest trauma. No blood comes out. The condition can be suspected by increasing pallor, acute pain in the chest, difficulty breathing. The victim must be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Is it possible to use folk remedies?

Known folk remedies, increasing blood clotting. But they don't provide emergency action which is required to stop bleeding. Therefore, use them for quick therapeutic effect useless. In the treatment of chronic bleeding, it is recommended to take a decoction of nettle leaves, mint, shepherd's purse. They are indicated for uterine, hemorrhoidal, and nosebleeds.

Any use of medications or methods in the treatment of bleeding should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.



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