How to treat warts in intimate places. Causes and methods of treating warts in intimate places

A person can manifest himself anywhere. Warts on the genitals are one such manifestation. These are small benign formations of epithelial and mucous cells of the skin. Warts, that is, papillomas, protrude above the skin and vary in shape and appearance.

Types of intimate warts

Warts on the genitals can have 3 forms:

  • flat formations;
  • pointed formations.

The location of intimate warts is the female and male genital organs. But, in addition, they can form around the urethra, anus and rectum. Neoplasms grow rapidly, but do not affect the deeper layers of the skin.

Methods of infection

Warts on the genitals are called genital warts. They rarely appear one at a time, usually in group clusters. Due to the large number of folds, papillomas can become wet and covered with a whitish coating. This leads to inflammation and accumulation of pus, accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

The human papillomavirus is transmitted through sexual contact and contact. Intimate warts form in places of active friction and injury during sexual intercourse. There are factors that increase the risk of genital warts:

  • urogenital infections - gonorrhea, chlamydia and Trichomonella infection;
  • HIV infection;
  • diabetes;
  • stressful situations;
  • hormonal abnormalities;
  • weakened immunity;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • difficult production conditions;
  • pregnancy.

In addition to sexual and household methods, HPV infection can occur during the passage of the birth canal. This is a vertical method of transmission of papillomas from mother to newborn.

Warts on the genitals in women

Intimate warts can cause a lot of trouble for a woman, since they are not just cosmetic defects. They appear on the labia, which leads to injury during sex or when wearing uncomfortable underwear. Often condylomas form in the vagina and on the cervix, which can provoke inflammation and bleeding. Warts that appear on the skin of the perineum are torn off by clothing and grow. Neoplasms around the anus and in the rectum interfere with bowel movements and cause erosions, and in the area of ​​the urethra they impede the outflow of urine and cause infections of the bladder and kidneys.

Papillomas cannot be ignored, as they can give impetus to the development of cancer. Particularly dangerous in this case are cervical and vaginal condylomas, which degenerate more often than others.

Why are intimate warts dangerous in men?

Warts on a man's genitals are also not harmless. The usual place for their localization is the glans penis, foreskin and urethra. But they can appear on the scrotum, skin folds in the groin area and around the anus.

Warts on the penis can look like nodules of varying sizes or flat, grooved conglomerates. Their color varies from pink to brown. They cause discomfort and trauma to neoplasms often occurs, which stimulates inflammatory processes and an increase in the number of condylomas.

Over time, an ordinary wart in a man's intimate area can develop into a malignant tumor.

What warts can cause cancer?

HPV has a huge number of varieties. Therefore, condylomas, like other papillomas, can carry:

  • non-oncogenic in nature - this refers to the virus of type 1, 2, 4, 10;
  • weakly oncogenic nature, that is, HPV types 6, 11, 30;
  • highly oncogenic - virus types 16, 18, 30, 39, 45, 51, 56, 68.

The oncological danger of condyloma does not depend on its size, although larger warts are more likely to be injured. Before prescribing treatment or removal of warts on the genitals, the doctor always finds out what type of wart this is.


To detect intimate warts, doctors examine the patient. In this case, the anogenital area should be examined in good lighting so as not to miss small condylomas. For women, cervical examination is mandatory.

If warts are found at the external opening of the urethra, then urethroscopy is performed. Before biopsy or surgical removal, a vinegar test is done to determine the boundaries of the affected area.

For diagnosis, colposcopy is performed, cytology is performed, and this is aimed at identifying oncological condylomas.


Removing warts on the genitals requires additional tests. This is a survey smear, analysis for hepatitis, reaction to syphilis and HIV. In addition, they are tested for bacterial flora.

Treatment of warts on the genitals is carried out using the following methods:

  • removal using radio wave surgery;
  • laser removal of condylomas;
  • destructive therapy;
  • cauterization with liquid nitrogen;
  • medication prescriptions;
  • folk practices.

Treatment of intimate warts with medication can be difficult, since the patient is not always able to independently apply the drug to the affected area. Most often, a solution is prescribed as a treatment. This remedy causes cell necrosis, but is accompanied by pain and burning sensation.

In addition, restoration of the immune system and a course of antiviral drugs may be required.

Preventive measures

Today, people quite often notice warts on the genitals. What to treat depends on the doctor’s decision, but protection against HPV is an important task for every person.

To minimize the risk of contracting HPV, including intimate condylomas, a person should lead a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system and play sports or exercise. It is advisable not to become addicted to smoking, and if a person is already susceptible to this harmful habit, then quit. Smoking increases the risk of wart recurrence and complicates treatment.

Women need to undergo regular gynecological examinations in order to detect the appearance of tumors as early as possible and remove them, preventing them from degenerating into oncology.

One of the important preventive measures is vaccination against HPV types 6 and 11. But in the post-Soviet space this vaccine is not very popular.

To prevent infection, it is necessary to observe personal hygiene measures, not to engage in promiscuous sexual intercourse, and to use condoms for personal protection.

In addition, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes and eat well - this affects the state of the immune system. Do not expose yourself to stressful situations and get quality rest so that the body does not experience excessive stress. All this prevents the weakening of protective functions and reduces the risk of contracting papillomas.

Papillomas are caused human papillomavirus(HPV). The incidence rate is equal in men and women. In an inactive state, HPV remains in the body for a long time. The transition to the active form, when it multiplies and spreads, begins with a change in the state of the immune system.

In the intimate area, the skin is thinner and easily injured, due to this the virus easily penetrates the epithelium and takes hold in it.

Transmission routes:

  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • household contact: household items of an HPV carrier;
  • through injured skin;
  • from mother to child during passage through the birth canal.

What is papillomatosis?

Papillomatosis- This is a lesion of the epithelium that occurs in the area of ​​introduction of the papilloma virus. If the skin is affected, warts are formed, and if the mucous membranes are affected, condylomas are formed.

Types of papillomas

There are the following types of papillomas:

An ultra-active spray against all types of papillomas and warts has already helped many of my patients. The composition contains unique, natural components. Silver nanoparticles, active oxygen and silver ions kill the HPV virus, regardless of the depth of localization.

Therefore, there is simply no point in doubting the effectiveness of the product; I have recommended it and will continue to recommend it to all patients.

Features of papillomas in the intimate area

These neoplasms are characterized by the following:

  1. Highly contagious: if a sexual partner has pathological formations, the risk of infection increases to 100%.
  2. Development of malignant neoplasms: in the presence of papillomas, women often develop cervical cancer.
  3. Rapid growth: single papillomas merge together to form a large lesion within a few hours.
  4. Recurrent course.


Provoking factors for the appearance of papillomas:

  • Hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency;
  • Overwork;
  • Nervous-emotional stress;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Harmful factors: smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs;
  • Long-term use of contraceptives containing hormones (pills, IUDs, vaginal ring);
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Early onset of sexual activity;
  • Promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • sex without using barrier methods of contraception;

Get rid of papillomas, moles and warts!

Many women, having seen warts, papillomas, and moles on themselves, want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

We dream of being beautiful, but often moles and warts cause discomfort, undermining self-confidence.

In such cases, our readers recommend using the latest invention - a portable device for laser removal, Mole Removal.

It has the following properties:

  • Without harming the skin, instantly removes age spots, moles, freckles, age spots, scars, tattoos
  • Does not require special training
  • Easy to carry, lasts more than five hours on a single charge
  • We use 3 different levels for different purposes
  • The set includes 5 thin and 1 large attachment - ideal for removing tattoos, age spots, freckles

Papillomas have a pointed or flat shape and look like growths that are easily injured.


Papillomas in the intimate area look like multiple clusters of pink or flesh-colored resemble cauliflower or cockscomb.

They are located on the labia, around the entrance to the vagina, on the cervix, glans penis, foreskin and urethra.

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"For a long time I experienced discomfort from dandruff and hair loss. Standard shampoos helped, but the effect was short-term. But this complex was recommended by a friend who used it herself. An excellent product!

The skin stopped itching, the hair combed well and was not so greasy. The loss stopped fairly quickly. I couldn’t even dream of such an effect! I recommend."

Symptoms of papillomas

Most often, patients of any gender present the following complaints:

  • The appearance of pointed-shaped neoplasms on the genitals and in the perianal area at the onset of the disease. Over time, when papillomas grow, they take on the appearance of cauliflower.
  • Burning and itching sensation in the groin and anus.

In men

Males are characterized by:

  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  • Bleeding due to frequent trauma to papillomas.

Among women

Women are most often concerned about:

  • Pain and bleeding during intercourse.
  • The appearance of a foul odor if an infection occurs.

Stories from our readers!
“Last year, soft growths appeared on my neck, which were often injured by clothing. The doctor said that these were papillomas and advised them to be removed surgically.

I found this spray on the Internet and decided to try it. The drug helped. After a month, the formations dried out and fell off. I hope they don't pop out again."

Diagnosis of papillomas

Methods for diagnosing papillomas:

  1. Visual inspection;
  2. Examination of the cervix in a speculum;
  3. Pap test: to detect atypical cells;
  4. PCR: detection of the virus in the body and determination of its type;
  5. Biopsy: histological examination of material to exclude malignancy.

Treatment at home

To treat tumors at home, agents with different mechanisms of action are used:

  • Agents with a necrotizing effect: Vartek cream, Condilin solution, Podophyllin, Podophyllotoxin.
  • Locally - Epigen antiviral spray. It is also used in the treatment of other viral diseases on the genitals. Look at here.
  • Immunomodulators: Genferon, Panavir, Imiquimod.
  • Multivitamin complexes.

Ointments for papillomas

Ointments for the treatment of papillomas:

  • Ointments with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. For rapid action, combination therapy is prescribed, combining both actions. Thus, the activity of the virus fades, and the immune system is strengthened. They are applied in a thin layer 4-5 times a day to damaged tissue. These ointments include:
    • Viferon,
    • Ganferon,
    • Oxolinic ointment,
    • Panavir,
    • Imiquimod.
  • With regenerating effect: Salicylic ointment, Vishnevsky ointment. They have a softening, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. They are used to quickly heal tumors; they are ineffective against the virus itself. You can read more here.
  • With necrotizing effect: Vartek

Treatment in a gynecological office

Against the background of HPV carriage, not only pathological formations and erosion of the cervix are formed, but also cervical cancer. In 100% of cases of this malignant neoplasm, this virus is detected. In addition, HPV can be associated with sexually transmitted infections (Trichomonas, gonococci, mycoplasmas).

In a gynecological office, papillomas are removed using the following methods:

  • Diathermocoagulation – to destroy tumors in the cervical area;
  • Chemical method - to eliminate single growths;
  • Cryocoagulation - exposure to pathological formations with liquid nitrogen;
  • Laser coagulation – removal of papillomas that are difficult to treat with drugs;
  • Surgical method: traditional removal of single growths with a scalpel.

Hardware removal of papillomas

Treatment of neoplasms in the intimate area is carried out using several methods. The doctor chooses it individually for each patient in accordance with the stage of papillomas and the presence of concomitant diseases.


Destruction of neoplasms liquid nitrogen, having an ultra-low boiling point (-196ᵒ C). Today it is one of the most popular and safe methods of removing papillomas.


  • simplicity and speed of the procedure;
  • does not require additional preparation;
  • safety and absence of complications;
  • After removal, the patient goes home and leads a normal life.


  • It is impossible to control the penetration depth of liquid nitrogen.
  • limited use in the case of large formations and multiple papillomas due to the risk of damage to healthy tissue.

New growths are removed quickly and painlessly. When damaged tissue is treated with liquid nitrogen, the papillomas are instantly cooled and frozen. As a result, the pathological formation is destroyed. When removing papillomas, a “thawing-freezing” scheme is used, which maintains a balance of ultra-low and normal temperatures. This is necessary to destroy growths and protect unaffected tissue.

Indications for use of this method:

  • Papillomas cause discomfort and pain;
  • The tumor grows too quickly and changes color or shape.

The procedure is performed in 2 ways:

  1. Hardware (uses a cryodestructor with an attachment)
  2. Manual (performed with an applicator, the end of which is wrapped in cotton wool soaked in liquid nitrogen).

After cryodestruction, the skin becomes pinkish-white, and the next day a bubble filled with liquid forms. After some time, the bubble dries out, a crust appears, under which healthy tissue forms.

Laser treatment

Destruction of growths surgical laser. After the procedure, there are no scars or bleeding; a dimple is formed, which disappears after a few weeks.


  1. Quick removal of papillomas within a few minutes.
  2. Effective and safe destruction of formations.
  3. There is no contact of the instrument with the skin during the procedure, which eliminates the possibility of infection.
  4. The laser penetration depth is adjusted to the depth of papilloma penetration.
  5. The procedure allows the destruction of pathological formations on any part of the body.
  6. Bleeding is eliminated, as the blood vessels are sealed.
  7. Fast recovery.


  • Localization of papilloma in that area of ​​the body in which the neoplasm can be damaged with a high degree of probability.
  • The appearance of pain in the area of ​​the tumor.
  • Growth of pathological formation.

Folk remedies for papillomas in the intimate area

Traditional recipes for the treatment of papillomas:

  • Celandine. The juice is squeezed out from the fresh stems of the plant. Gauze is moistened with celandine juice and applied to the affected areas. The procedure is performed twice a day for 2 weeks.
  • Potato juice. The tuber is wiped and wrung out with gauze. Drink the resulting juice 0.5 cups for 2 months, half an hour before meals.
  • Garlic:
    • A couple of garlic cloves are put through a garlic press. Then mix 1 tsp. gruel of this plant with 2 tbsp. l. any cream. The resulting mixture is spread on a bandage and fixed to the neoplasm. After 5 hours, wash off.
    • Take a couple of cloves of garlic and crush them. Add lemon crushed in a food processor and 0.5 cups of apple juice. Then the resulting mixture is poured with red wine (half a glass) and infused for several hours. After time, the infusion is filtered. Drink on an empty stomach once a day.
  • Kalanchoe. Take the leaves of this plant and grind them. Then they make a compress 2 times a day for 5 hours.
  • Egg white. Using a cotton swab, scrape the raw whites from the walls of the eggshell. They generously lubricate the papillomas and wait until the egg white dries, keeping it for at least 3 hours. This procedure is performed at least 6-7 times a day until the tumors disappear.
  • Chamomile and St. John's wort. Take chamomile and St. John's wort in equal parts, mix them and pour boiling water over them. After this, infuse for 1 day and filter. Then the infusion is heated to 37ᵒ C and daily baths are made lasting up to 10-15 minutes.

Photo: Papillomas in intimate places in women

The appearance of formations on the mucous membranes causes a lot of unpleasant sensations. Papillomas in intimate areas in women can occur for a variety of reasons. Formations come in different shapes and sizes. Growths on the mucous membrane have their own characteristics and require specific treatment.

There are several types of formations:

  • vulgar warts - look like hard nodules and are covered with a stratum corneum;
  • flat warts – similar to flat moles;
  • filamentous - papillary growths, formed from several cones;
  • genital warts - formed on the mucous membranes and resemble cauliflower in appearance;
  • plantar – localized on the soles of the feet;
  • Juvenile papillomas are caused by a virus during the birth of a child, which is transmitted from the mother.

Vulgar, filiform, flat warts and genital papillomas appear on the female genitalia. Depending on the type of growth, treatment is prescribed.

The main reason for the formation of a growth is contact with a person who is a carrier of HPV - papillomavirus. The disease is characterized by a long latent period. It takes a long time from infection to the appearance of the first symptoms - from several months to 2 years.

Papillomas in the groin areas are among ten common diseases that are sexually transmitted. According to existing statistics, about 40% of people are carriers of papillomavirus. It can cause warts to appear on the female genitalia. Many types of papillomas are considered harmless, but others have a huge risk and can develop into cancer. Initially, any growth is a benign tumor on the skin surface. The manifestation of the virus has an extremely negative effect on the appearance of intimate areas, as well as on sexual life itself.

Probable causes of the appearance of warts on the perineum and mucous membranes:

Typically, skin formations are benign, but in 5% of cases they can degenerate into a malignant tumor. It is important to know that it is almost impossible to completely rid the body of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Therapy only eliminates formations and increases the body's resistance to the disease by increasing immunity. Moreover, the disease does not go away on its own, without the use of appropriate treatment.

Photo: Papillomas and warts on the genitals

Papillomas and warts on the genitals differ from others in the high degree of transmission from one person to another. A person can easily infect their sexual partner.

It is also dangerous that such papillomas can transform into a malignant formation. Very often, the presence of papilloma in a woman’s intimate area can lead to cervical cancer.

Typically, the neoplasm protrudes above the surface of healthy skin. The wart may bleed and cause severe discomfort.

Main symptoms:

  • localization of the growth on the labia minora;
  • the appearance of papilloma on the vaginal mucosa;
  • localization of the growth on the cervix;
  • the appearance of a growth near the anus;
  • bleeding of the wart;
  • growths on the genitals may be covered with a stratum corneum;
  • appearance may resemble cauliflower;
  • flesh-colored and light brown formations;
  • severe discomfort;
  • pain and bleeding may occur after sexual intercourse;
  • pseudo-erosion of the cervix;
  • When an infection occurs, an unpleasant odor is observed.

Against the background of these pathologies, malignant formations also develop on the skin of the female genital organs. The most serious diseases are vaginal cancer and uterine cancer.

In a situation where papillomas have arisen in an intimate place in women, photos of the formations will help determine a benign growth. You can see what papillomas and warts on the genitals that require immediate treatment or removal look like on the Internet.

To identify an accurate diagnosis, you must undergo a mandatory examination by a qualified doctor. The disease manifests itself in the characteristic form of a wart. The growth protrudes above the mucosa or epithelium.

The need for laboratory diagnostics arises if it is necessary to determine which type of virus the pathogen belongs to - highly oncogenic or low oncogenic strains. Laboratory tests determine the composition of tissue microflora and the presence of infection in the genitals.

After detecting papilloma on the outer labia, the doctor examines the cervix. Additionally, a PAP test is prescribed for the presence of atypical cells and a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test. Tests help determine the type of virus in a woman’s body, its type, and prescribe the correct therapy.

Treatment of papillomas in intimate places in women

Usually the doctor prescribes medication that eliminates the wart and the symptoms of the virus. It is also necessary to take immunomodulating agents to strengthen the body's defenses. Antiviral drugs with interferon may be prescribed.


The most effective medications in the fight against papillomas are:

Papillomas can be removed using safe modern means. A very effective drug. It can be safely used on the labia. The drug has a complex effect and destroys wart cells. Actively fights precancerous conditions of the cervix.

The medicine contains only natural ingredients: Rhododendron adamsii, Caragana jubata, garlic, propolis, Jerusalem artichoke, red pepper, propolis. The product very carefully eliminates papilloma and effectively eliminates the virus.

The natural substances included in the preparation activate the cells of the basal layer of the epidermis. The components relieve pain well, eliminate the virus and prevent further spread of infection. These natural antiseptics quickly remove growths and disinfect the affected area. The product penetrates the wart and destroys it.

The drug perfectly destroys papillomavirus and actively destroys tumor cells. After just a few days of use, no trace of the growth remains, and the skin becomes smooth. There are no scars after treatment, the product is completely safe and is very gentle on the skin.

Local immunity blocks and destroys the virus. Prevents the development of infection, provides protection against cancer. The drug is a biogenic three-phase concentrate from extracts of medicinal plants.

Their active components enhance the work of immunocompetent cells in the basal layer of the skin. The product destroys protein shells and neutralizes the virus. Has a regenerating effect after eliminating papilloma.

  1. Papillock

Excellent for eliminating warts, genital warts and papillomas. Does not cause any side effects. The composition of the product includes perlite oil, sodium hydroxide, carbolic acid, potassium hydroxide. All components are selected by the drug developers in the required proportions.

The drug is highly active against virus strains and destroys cells of formation. The package includes two bottles “Removal” and “Regeneration”.

The drops must be applied evenly to the growths. After just a few weeks, warts completely disappear from the epidermis. The tissue dissolves and dries out. This process begins on the 3rd day of using the medicine.

Acid preparations that contain nitric and triacetic acid are also used in the treatment of papillomas. They can be applied to the vulva. A good drug for treating growths is Solcoderm.

It is quickly absorbed in places where the formations are localized, mummifies the wart tissue, and cauterizes them. After a few days, the papilloma dries out and is eliminated. The product needs to be applied only to the growth.

The solution contains the following components: nitric acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, lactic acid, copper nitrate. The drug can be used to eliminate not only papillomas, condylomas, but also non-cellular nevus. Use the product externally on the wart. Using a special applicator, the solution is applied directly to the skin formation.

Refers to effective means that increase immunity. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of genital warts, papillomas, and warts. It effectively eliminates plaques of various sizes and benign growths. It is also prescribed for keratosis.

Apply externally 3 times a week. The product is applied to papillomas at night. May cause some side effects - local skin reaction, slight burning and itching. Treatment with medication should be carried out until the formation on the genitals completely disappears. The course of therapy should not exceed 16 weeks.

Removal of papillomas in intimate places in women can be carried out using hardware destruction.

  1. Cryodestruction - involves cauterization of formations with liquid nitrogen. The skin after this procedure is restored after 2 weeks. However, this method is not suitable if papillomas are located in the uterus or vagina.
  2. Radio waves. This surgical method involves performing an operation using a sound wave of the desired frequency. The removal method is quite safe and does not cause any complications.
  3. Electrocoagulation . The method involves cauterizing the growths with an electric current. As a result, the protein coagulates, and the wart tissue quickly breaks down and dries out. Papillomas disappear completely after a few days.
  4. Laser . very common. This is a fairly safe way to eliminate formations. It can even be prescribed to pregnant women.
  5. Surgical intervention . Removal is carried out by a doctor using a scalpel. The method may cause scar formation. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.

The prescription of various treatment methods depends on the location of the papillomas and their nature. If the formations are located on the cervix, in the cervical canal, a method is chosen that does not leave a scar. Then during the next birth the cervix can open easily.

Treatment can also be carried out on a healthy partner. During the entire course of therapy, it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse.

Various traditional medicines, which have been used by our ancestors since ancient times, are very good at cauterizing and mummifying warts and other formations. The following effective recipes for traditional treatment have survived to this day:

Preventive measures

In order to avoid becoming infected with the human papillomavirus, it is necessary to adhere to regular general hygiene and avoid sexual relations with a large number of sexual partners. It is important to use various methods of protection against sexually transmitted infections.

When visiting public baths, saunas, or solariums, it is important to use only personal hygiene items and be careful.

Children can receive a special vaccination, which will subsequently prevent HPV and the development of cervical cancer.

If a virus infection occurs, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system with healthy foods and vitamins. Increasing immunity is the main way to protect against further development of the virus. It is also necessary to cure all chronic diseases of the genital organs.

During the entire course of treatment, it is important to avoid sexual contact and maintain personal hygiene. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor. Genital warts are a serious disease that is fraught with dangerous complications. It must be treated in various effective ways.

Dangerous symptoms for women - genital papillomas

In intimate places, quite common. Researchers note that one of the reasons for the appearance of such benign growths is viruses, including the human papillomavirus. It is transmitted through sexual contact and through shared objects. The main danger of such formations is transformation from benign to malignant.

Types and causes of appearance

Condylomas are papillomatous or warty growths that appear in intimate areas. They can be localized on the skin or mucous membranes of intimate areas, as well as in the anal area. They are caused by HPV - human papillomavirus. It's highly contagious. There are more than 110 strains of human papillomavirus. They affect the skin and mucous membranes, causing increased and uncontrolled growth of the epithelial or mucous layer. On the epidermis, the virus provokes the formation of warts, and if on the mucous membrane, genital warts.

Condylomas are not harmless; some strains are precancerous forms that can transform into a malignant formation.

It has been proven that the formation of condylomas on the cervix increases the likelihood of developing cancer by 50 times.

There are two forms of genital (genital) warts:

  • Pointed condyloma or exophytic (external) - small single or conglomerate growths on the upper layer of the skin or mucous membranes, in intimate places, on a thin or wide stalk. They resemble cauliflower, 1-5 ml in size, in some cases reaching several centimeters;
  • Flat condyloma is a papillary growth that is located deep in the epithelial layer and is almost invisible. This type of condyloma is called endophytic or internal. These growths are secondary manifestations of syphilis. They are caused by Treponema.

More often, condylomas appear on the outer surface of the genital organs. They cause discomfort, respectively, problems in sexual life, and, as a result, psychological inconvenience. If condyloma is injured, microbes can enter it and cause discharge with an unpleasant putrid odor, itching and pain. The virus can be episomal, that is, benign, and introsomal, which is a malignant growth. The incubation period of the disease ranges from 1 to 12 months, averaging 3 months.

In women, such warts are located:

  • On the labia minora;
  • In the vagina;
  • On the cervix;
  • At the mouth of the urethra;
  • On the clitoris;
  • In the crotch;
  • In the oral cavity;
  • In the anus area and nearby skin.

In men, venereal warts are localized:

  • On the head of the penis;
  • On the foreskin;
  • In the scrotum;
  • In the urinary canal;
  • In the anal area;
  • In the crotch;
  • In the mouth.

The main causes of genital warts include:

  • Sexual contacts with an infected person of a vaginal, oral and anal nature (the virus penetrates during the formation of microcracks and wounds during sexual intercourse);
  • It can get into the vagina with peeling scales of condylomas or when using a tampon on the outside of the labia;
  • Transmitted from an infected mother to a child in utero or during childbirth;
  • Weak immunity, both general protective functions and local ones;
  • The influence of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and urethra;
  • Previously suffered STDs;
  • Violation of the vaginal microflora;
  • More than one sexual partner.

A condom is not able to protect against HPV, since the virus can develop in the upper layer of the skin of the intimate areas, located behind the scrotum, which during sexual intercourse comes into contact with the skin of the woman’s genital organs and infects it.

In addition to venereal, there are other types of genital warts:

  • Papular warts are dark red, smooth, and dome-shaped. Localized on the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • Keratotic warts look like cauliflower. Localized on the shaft of the penis, scrotum, labia;
  • Giant condyloma - more common in women during the perinatal period and in people with weak immunity;
  • Endourethral condylomas are localized in the urethral opening, mainly in men.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Most often the disease is asymptomatic. In carriers, the presence of the virus does not cause significant growth, or does not manifest itself at all. Carriers may not get genital warts.

External symptoms include:

  • Visual or tactile detection of tissue growths in intimate areas;
  • Itching or burning;
  • Long, painful cracks in the cervix or perineum;
  • After sexual intercourse, if women have condylomas on the cervix, spotting may appear.

With this problem, women turn to a gynecologist, and men to a urologist. After interviewing the patient and visual examination, an in-depth diagnosis is prescribed. It includes several stages of examination, diagnosis and treatment:

  • Gynecological or urological examination, since other diseases are often mistaken for the appearance of condylomas. To establish all external changes and determine the area of ​​growth, the growth is stained with a solution of acetic acid or Lugol;
  • Colposcopy, urethroscopy to exclude endourethral condylomas;
  • Cytology to rule out cervical cancer;
  • Histological examination to identify the type of tumor;
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing to determine the type of virus;
  • Anoscopy to identify condylomas in the anal area;
  • An immunological test to determine the presence of antibodies to HPV in the blood;
  • Screening for other concomitant STDs.

Unfortunately, today there is no way to completely cure the human papillomavirus. After treatment with any of the methods, condylomas may reappear.

Treatment of warts

After detecting neoplasms in the form of condylomas, you should immediately seek advice and help from a doctor. Treatment aims to relieve the patient of aesthetic and painful symptoms, reduce the risk of infecting a partner and developing a malignant neoplasm. The doctor chooses the method of eliminating condylomas based on the location of the condyloma. Methods include:

  • Chemical therapy- these are various pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations in the form of creams or solutions that corrode neoplasms;
  • Surgical removal— growths are cut out under local or general anesthesia;
  • Cosmetic procedures— laser removal, cryotherapy (nitrogen freezing), electric current;
  • Radio wave removal— impact on the tumor with high-frequency destructive waves.

After the growths are removed from the intimate areas, doctors give special instructions for lifestyle correction and prescribe immuno-strengthening and antiviral drugs.

Pharmacy drugs

Pharmaceutical treatment includes medications in the form of ointments, creams and solutions. Based on the location of genital warts, it is not very advisable to use such drugs, but if the doctor allows, cytotoxic drugs are used.

Solutions and ointments for condylomas “Vartek”, “Kondilin”, “Kondiline Nycomed”, “Superchistotel” prescribed by a doctor, depending on the patient’s condition. The active substance is podophyllotoxin, which is extracted from the roots of the Podophyllum thyroid plant. Such drugs cause necrotic processes of condylomas after cauterization. You can carry out treatment yourself, but after consultation with a doctor and an accurate diagnosis.

Trichloroacetic acid (80% solution)- causes decomposition of condyloma tissue. The medicine is used with extreme caution, as it can cause serious chemical burns in intimate areas. To prevent this from happening, you should treat the skin with Vaseline or a greasy cream.

Solcoderm ointment or cream helps in the treatment of condylomas. The composition includes components that burn condylomas - lactic, acetic, nitric and oxalic acid and copper nitrate.

Folk remedies

You can also get rid of genital warts using traditional methods. But, it should be remembered that the process will take longer and may be ineffective. It is better to consult with your doctor before starting treatment.

A popular method from traditional medicine for getting rid of condylomas and other warts remains celandine juice. Squeeze the juice from a freshly harvested plant and smear it on the wart. Celandine juice is toxic, so you need to be careful when using it. Its synthetic analogue can be purchased at the pharmacy. It's called “Super Clean”.

Treatment is also considered effective fresh potato juice or fir oil. In general, traditional healers suggest alternating juice and oil every other day. They should be applied to the condyloma twice a day for a month.

You can make compresses from the pulp Kalanchoe, if localization allows. They should be applied to the affected area for 6-8 hours. Followers of alternative medicine turn to propolis tincture. It is applied to genital warts three times a day for two to three weeks.

Most types of HPV do not cause problems and are not visible. Or, the emerging condyloma goes away on its own after 2-3 months or 2-3 years without any treatment.

Wart removal

If the examination does not reveal HPV types, then the diagnosis is incorrect and removal is not required. A new examination is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis. Also, if internal condylomas on the cervix do not cause any particular problems, you should undergo cytology and, if everything is normal, then there is nothing to worry about.

Experts resort to removing growths in intimate areas when there are serious aesthetic defects. For example, the appearance of conglomerates of condylomas, which can even block the urethral or anal opening, as well as pain and other symptoms that cause discomfort.

If the neoplasm is small in size, laser removal, removal with nitrogen or electric current is prescribed. Large growths are removed surgically.

Home methods

Of course, there are ways to treat venereal warts at home, but their effectiveness is 20% if you do not seek medical help, and sometimes even 0%. Treatment at home can take a long time from several weeks to several months.

Methods for treating condylomas at home include:

  • Using products containing salicylic acid, which softens warts. This ointment should be applied at night and covered with gauze so that it does not rub off;
  • Paste of baking soda and castor oil. It is recommended to make a paste from the indicated ingredients, moisten a cotton ball and apply to the affected area three times a day, covering it with a band-aid;
  • You can turn to tea tree oil. It is used in the same way as a paste of soda and castor oil. A soaked cotton swab is applied to the affected area for 12 hours, with three changes and used until it disappears completely;
  • Apple cider vinegar can help get rid of genital warts, but it should be used with great caution as it can cause serious burns. The moistened cotton swab should be applied for as long as is comfortable for you, as it can cause an unbearable burning sensation.

Salon treatments

Procedures that can effectively help get rid of condylomas are cosmetic procedures. They are able to eliminate the external manifestations of warts in one or several procedures. These include:

  • Laser therapy. The procedure is painless as it is performed under local anesthesia, which is injected under the skin. The laser beam is directed at the condyloma and burns it out. The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the size and number of growths. After removal, a thin crust forms;
  • Radio wave method. This method is not used often, since after its use a wound that does not heal for a long time remains. Exposure of cells to a high-frequency radio wave beam leads to destruction;
  • Cryodestruction method or removal with liquid nitrogen. This is the most popular technique. But the method is painful, because after using nitrogen, a painful bubble appears at the site of the wart. Gradually, the blister hardens and falls off, and new skin appears underneath;
  • Electrocoagulation. The method is highly effective, but quite painful. It involves cauterization with a heated current. Thermal exposure leads to the coagulation of protein substances. The condyloma dries up and falls off.


The most reliable and effective precaution against HPV disease is vaccination. There is a vaccine that is administered in three stages. You can learn about it from your urologist or gynecologist. It refers to paid vaccines.

Naturally, recommendations for avoiding the risk of condyloma infection include maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You should not expose yourself to various stresses. It is recommended to strengthen the immune system with vitamin supplements, wholesome and healthy foods, and exercise.

In medicine, we mean specific benign formations on the skin and mucous membranes that look like cauliflower. They can be single, multiple, or spread over a large area. Most often, their favorite localization is the hands and feet. But, often, these warty elements are also found in intimate places - on the genitals, around the anus, in the inguinal folds, around the genitals. The appearance of these growths causes a lot of inconvenience and frightens patients.

Causes of warts in intimate places

The most common “culprit” for the growth of warty growths is. Therefore, in medical terminology, warts caused by this pathogen are called , and the disease papillomatosis. On the body, warts appear as: ordinary(vulgar), flat(youthful), senile.

One of the wart varieties grows in intimate places - . Upon examination, this formation is pinkish in color, resembling a papillary nodule on a stalk. Has a tendency to merge. Appears after a virus enters the body. It penetrates through the skin surface and mucous membranes. It can remain in a “hidden” form for a long time, without making itself felt by any manifestations.


The development of condylomas begins against the background of immunity problems in the carrier of the virus.

How does the papillomatosis virus become infected?

In practical dermatology, it is customary to distinguish the following routes of infection with “intimate warts”:

  • Sexual. The virus can penetrate from a sick person or a carrier during sexual intercourse. The pathogen invades microtraumatic injuries and “takes root” in the new “host”.
  • Contact. General use of household supplies (washcloths, towels, clothes, bath furniture) in damp and warm conditions of baths, saunas, showers and bathrooms. These places have optimal conditions for transmission of infection.
  • Childbirth. If a woman giving birth is a carrier of this virus, then during childbirth, which is accompanied by trauma for both her and the baby, favorable conditions are created for infection with papillomatosis.
  • Reinfection (self-infection). Scratching warts can lead to the transfer of infectious agents to healthy areas of the skin and mucous membranes.

Factors contributing to the development of intimate warts

After infection, condylomas may not appear for a long time. But a number of factors can lead to a weakening of the protective immune properties and then the virus becomes more active. The growth of these formations begins.

Weakening of the immune system contributes to:

Characteristic complaints and manifestations of warts on the genitals

Primary symptoms of the presence and development of condylomas often pass without specific complaints. A person does not notice or feel them in any way. Most often they are accidentally discovered during examination or palpation. The patient notices the presence of growths that were not there before.

When rubbing with rough linen, bruises, thermal effects and other factors, the following may appear:

  • redness of the skin around the wart,
  • abnormal discharge, including bleeding,
  • itchy sensations leading to traumatic scratching,
  • specific smell (when condylomas are localized in the vagina),
  • pain (during and/or after sexual intercourse), during bowel movements (if warts are localized around the anus).

The development of intimate warts can be complicated by secondary infection and malignancy.

Diagnostic methods

Detection of condylomas is carried out by examining open areas of the intimate areas t. In the vagina, these growths are detected during a gynecological examination with mirrors and a colposcope. In the urethra, condylomatous formations are determined by a urethroscope. The anus is examined with an anoscope and, if necessary, supplemented with sigmoidoscopy, which gives a complete picture of the problems in the rectum.

The nature of the formations is determined using a dermatoscope.

If necessary, biomaterial is collected () for histological analysis.

Treatment and removal of warts in intimate places

Condylomas may disappear on their own. This occurs when immune processes in the body are normalized. But, if there is an increase in them, additional complaints, discomfort, and also to prevent oncological degeneration, treatment should be completed.


All cases of self-medication are strictly unacceptable. Warts should only be examined and treated by a doctor (dermatologist, gynecologist, surgeon, urologist, andrologist).

The same warning applies to traditional medicine methods. The choice of treatment method should only be recommended by a specialist.

Before using radical methods of disposal, in some cases it makes sense to use general antiviral agents combined with the administration of immunomodulators.

The most effective use:

  • Laser and radiotherapy(especially in case of complications with the presence of inflammation).
  • Cryotherapy(freezing warty nodules with liquid nitrogen).
  • Electrocoagulation– using high-frequency currents to destroy condyloma tissue.
  • Application to pathological nodules liquid and crystalline acids, which lead to their destruction. The most practically applicable are salicylic and triacetic acids, Feresol.
  • Surgical removal(curettage of condylomas with a sharp Volkmann spoon), using agents that cause local anesthesia, especially in cases of recurrent condylomatosis.
  • Kondilina(external remedy), Solcoderm.

After any type of wart removal, it is necessary to treat the remaining wound surfaces with antiseptics. The most suitable drug for these purposes is a solution of methylene blue (1% aqueous pyoctanin).

Traditional medicine methods

In some cases, your doctor may prescribe one of the home remedies.

For these purposes the following is used:

  • Preparations and natural juice, aloe (caution is required, since celandine can damage the surrounding skin).
  • Finely grated garlic, mixed in equal proportions with oil and applied to the warts overnight.
  • Young potato juice, moisten napkins with it and then apply it to the areas affected by condylomas.
  • Fir and castor oil, both separately and in an equal mixture.
  • A tincture with cauterizing properties.

Treatment of intimate warts during pregnancy

Drug treatment in this case is not recommended. The safest treatment option for women preparing for motherhood is the use of electrocoagulation.



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