The baby does not sleep at night, what should I do? A complete list of reasons why a child does not sleep at night

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 01/20/2017

New parents very often face the problem of a baby’s lack of sleep at night. The mother’s frayed nerves can make themselves felt by a decrease, or even loss of lactation. And the baby perfectly feels the change in the mother’s mood. Therefore, you need to calm down and understand the reasons why the newborn does not sleep at night.

How long does a newborn sleep?

First you need to figure out how much time a child should sleep per day. It is this indicator that serves as a sign of the baby’s health. Naturally, if a child does not get enough sleep, there is a reason for this phenomenon. And perhaps it is more serious than we think.

  • A baby up to 3 months spends almost all of its time sleeping. With breaks for feedings good sleep is up to 20 hours. Every month the need for such rest decreases. Right now there is big risk that the child will confuse day with night.
  • After the 3 month mark and up to six months, the child should sleep about 15 hours a day. The duration of a night's rest without waking up can be up to 6 hours. But often babies still wake up after 3 hours to be fed breast milk or formula. However, after the meal they must go back to sleep. Re-installing them is not difficult.
  • By the age of one year, the total duration of sleep decreases. As a rule, infants sleep no more than 14 hours.

Of course, these indicators are templates. Each child has his own schedule and his own ways of falling asleep. Some people simply cannot be put to sleep without a lullaby or rocking in their arms. Although, there is an opinion among doctors that infants are able to fall asleep on their own after birth. All additions in the form of quiet humming and stroking are the initiative of the parents, so that the baby falls asleep faster. And then, when the child grows up, it can be difficult to teach him to fall asleep on his own. And it’s one thing when he asks you to sing to him, and another thing when you rock him in your arms.

But in any case, the baby needs a full-fledged night rest. He will not regain his strength with a daytime nap. This is why it is necessary to analyze the reasons that prompted night wakefulness.


The quality and duration of a baby's sleep depends on many factors. Among them is even the character of the baby. Phlegmatic people are much calmer than their sanguine friends. As a rule, among these there are few children with sleep disorders. The more inquisitive the baby is, the less he wants to sleep. And often by the age of two they begin to do without daytime sleep. But the reasons for being awake at night often arise for other reasons. Among them:

  • Intestinal colic.
  • Neurology. Today, a neurologist is one of the mandatory visits. Among newborns large percentage kids with various diseases. Very often this is caused by a lack of oxygen in the womb. As a result, hypoxia, increased or decreased tone. What affects the behavior of the baby. Such babies sleep very little, day and night. Constant screaming should alert parents. Experienced doctor will definitely appoint good treatment in combination with massage. In most cases, such disorders are completely cured within a year.
  • The child confused the parts of the day. This is also a very common reason. It is not difficult to distinguish it from others. During the day, the little one sleeps soundly, and at night begins to play. If he is not allowed to rest in daytime, hysterics and intense crying occur. It can be very difficult to teach such children to do everything according to the rules. But there is only one consolation here: this is not a disease.
  • One-time lack of sleep at night conceals the cause of the baby’s discomfort. Most likely he has an overfilled diaper or uncomfortable clothes. Check that nothing interferes with your comfortable sleep.
  • Hunger. Many kids let you know they are hungry by screaming. But if he ate 40 minutes ago, then the mother will not even think that her baby is hungry. However, this can also happen. Check if you have enough milk. It may no longer be nutritious. Drop a few drops onto a white saucer, if the color begins to take on a bluish tint, so be it.
  • Uncomfortable family environment. The mood of the parents, especially the mother, is transmitted to the newborn. It is necessary to try to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the family where the baby was born.
  • Excessive dryness or heat in the room. There should be a thermometer hanging in the room where the child sleeps. And the most optimal temperature air 23 degrees. This indicator needs to be controlled.
  • Overexcitement. When an excess of information is received during the day or the daily routine is disrupted, this can overwhelm the baby.

To understand how to help you sleep, you need a clear analysis of all the reasons.

How to help a child?

Both the newborn and his parents need proper rest. It's good to create a clear schedule. Then the baby’s body will know when it needs to go to bed. It is also recommended to do the same procedures every day before going to bed at night, a ritual, so to speak. For very small children, this option would be: feeding, bathing, sleeping. The sequence of actions will help teach the child to fall asleep in certain time.

After about 2 weeks from birth, the baby begins to suffer from intestinal colic. Tummy pain can occur every day at a certain time. And this time often becomes night. How can I help my baby calm down and put him to sleep? For such cases you need to have ready special drugs prescribed by a doctor. It’s good to put a warm diaper on the tummy or just hold the baby close to you. Many experts recommend doing an enema or installing a gas tube. But this is for the case when the baby does not go to the toilet at all, and the tummy is swollen from gases.

A very good measure is considered to be daily preventive laying on the tummy, with the legs bent at the knees. This pose will help better discharge gases And by the evening the tummy will not be so swollen. Experts are still divided on why intestinal pain occurs. But screams for this reason can continue for several hours in a row. It is extremely difficult to put the baby to bed in this situation.

But it’s even more difficult to put a child to bed when he has mixed up the parts of the day. Why is this happening? Once a baby is born, it sleeps a lot. And it can be difficult to differentiate between day and night. Moreover, during the day, many mothers try to ensure complete silence. And when the need for sleep becomes less, the baby is not always able to distinguish night time. All family members will have to be involved to help.

  • During the day, there is no need to close the curtains and create the illusion of night. Maintaining complete silence is also contraindicated.
  • At night, on the contrary, you need to talk to the baby in a whisper.
  • If you need to approach him, do not rush to turn on the light. A dim night light will be enough.
  • Many mothers take their baby to sleep in their bed. But it’s better to just move your child’s cradle towards your sleeping place. Presence loved one will help a tired baby fall asleep faster.

Some mothers try to teach their child to sleep at night using swaddling. But it is worth remembering that the approach to each child is purely individual. The main thing is to understand exactly why the newborn does not fall asleep. But one piece of advice is the same for all children without exception: parental love and patience. And over time, you will definitely be able to train even the most capricious little one.

At night. For some children this happens occasionally - occasionally, for others - systematically over a long period of time.

Don't worry ahead of time. Observe what mood your baby is in while he is awake and whether he has a good appetite. If all this is normal, then you have nothing to worry about. All children's relationship with sleep is individual, and there is no need to compare your child with the children of friends or neighbors. If, with a normal appetite, good weight gain and no worries during the day, the baby sleeps less at night than his peers, it means that this is exactly how much sleep his body requires.

In the case when the baby does this most of the daytime, you shouldn’t be upset either, this is with time will pass. Kids tend to confuse the time of day. Such little children generally don’t care whether it’s day or night. Another thing is that at night the mother wants to sleep, but she has to rock the baby to sleep. In other words, his regime does not coincide with the regime of adults. In this case, you can advise parents to use every suitable moment for rest during the day in order to be at ease. good mood and well-being.

Most likely, your baby will sleep worse when he begins to have tummy pain, due to discomfort from wet diapers, if he is hungry or thirsty, or simply requires some attention.

If a child wakes up in the middle of the night and begins to cry, do not turn on the light, do not make noise, and do not immediately run to him. If the crying does not subside after a minute or two, take the baby in your arms, rock him, caress him. All this must be done quietly, without sudden movements and in the dark.

For colic, gently massage the tummy clockwise, and if the baby does not resist, you can put him to sleep on his tummy. Even today there is no remedy that will completely relieve a child from intestinal colic(as well as from sore gums when the first teeth appear). So let's give it to the baby Herb tea, which the doctor recommends, just carry it in your arms, pressing your tummy towards you, massage.

If the reason for refusing to sleep is thirst or the desire to eat, give the child something to drink and feed. Small children are mostly clean people, so don't let them lie on wet diapers, change diapers more often.

Measure the temperature in the room where the child sleeps. It should not exceed 20 degrees and be clean. Keep carpets and large stuffed animals to a minimum to avoid dust accumulation.

Let your baby get used to sleeping in his own crib from birth. If from infancy a child does not sleep alone at night, but goes to bed with his parents, then it will be difficult to wean him off.

When understanding why a child does not sleep at night, one cannot help but talk about more serious causes of sleep disturbance. Some children have such problems from birth, for many they are a consequence of stress, and sometimes the cause is almost impossible to identify. It is the most important component of health. Systematic sleep disturbances cannot be tolerated, because if you do not pay attention to them, the problems will only get worse. Moreover, constant lack of sleep can cause certain diseases: dysfunction immune system, violation normal operation Central nervous system, and, as a result, neuroses. Sleep disorders do not appear on their own, without a reason. Sleep problems can be experienced from birth if the baby’s health condition is to blame, and appear almost suddenly - most likely the reason is a change in the child’s routine or lifestyle. Consult your doctor to rule out any medical conditions that require treatment.

Ventilate your child’s room when you go for a walk, or you can leave a draft at home to fill it with fresh air. The humidity in the room where children sleep should be in the range of 50-70%

The question of why a child sleeps poorly often worries parents: “The baby is a month old, he sleeps poorly. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? or “The baby is almost a year old and still has trouble sleeping at night. When will the baby finally start sleeping through the night?”

I have to answer questions like this quite often. Therefore, we prepared and conducted a webinar on the topic of sleep of a child in the first year of life. Thanks to everyone who took part in the webinar. Today we are publishing a recording of this webinar.

Video: What to do if your child doesn’t sleep well?

To watch the webinar recording in full, use our bot assistant in Telegram.
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Why does my child sleep poorly?

Very often, expectant young mothers are captivated by illusions, believing that they are sleeping. And I was no exception to this. However, my experience as a mother and professional has shown that children who sleep well from birth are, in fact, the exception to the rule. And the rule is that babies don't sleep like adults. We expect from them the sleep that we ourselves are accustomed to: we went to bed in the evening, fell asleep, and woke up in the morning. Children sleep completely differently; their sleep is fundamentally structured differently.

At all human dream- this is the alternation of two dreams of different quality: fast and slow. During slow sleep the person sleeps very deeply, he does not dream, he is relaxed, his body is motionless. In adults, this sleep takes up most of the night or day, if you fall asleep during the day. REM sleep lasts a short time. Then the person sleeps superficially, he dreams, he often turns over from side to side, changes position, under closed eyelids they can move eyeballs, and just during this period it is very easy to wake him up. It is more typical for infants REM sleep, they have very little slow-wave sleep. This fact must be taken into account and understand that you should not expect from your child the sleep that you yourself sleep.

In addition, it is important to know that for any person sleep is an anxious time. At night I have dreams, and these dreams are not always pleasant. In a dream, a person loses control over himself, over his life, over what is happening around him, in the house and the world around him, that is, falling into sleep is a process associated with anxiety.

By the way, sleep problems occur not only in children, but also in certain age, and in adults. In adolescence and youth, a person, as a rule, sleeps well, but then the stress accumulated due to stress takes its toll, and he faces difficulties. In general, the main reason for sleep problems lies in the fact that any person is simply afraid to fall asleep. And a baby in this regard is more vulnerable than an adult, since the latter can count sheep or, closing his eyes, imagine some pictures, he can lull and calm himself down. The child does not yet know how to do all this. He thinks that the world around him disappears when you close your eyes; for him, the moment of falling asleep is like dying. Therefore, it is very important for us, adults, to take into account this feature of children’s worldview, and at the moment of falling asleep they must be helped.

Parents should also accept and realize another significant point: when, they should not worry too much that this will definitely somehow affect him. nervous system or health. Of course, I don’t urge you not to worry or care about his sleep at all. You just need to moderate your fears and anxieties.

Don’t forget, the more worried you are, the more fixated on the problem of sleep, the more you worry your child (children are very sensitive to their mother’s condition), the worse he will sleep. Try to take everything more simply and believe that as the baby grows up, he will sleep better and better, since it is the mother who, in the first six to twelve months, invests the baby with basic trust in the world. When mom is calm and calmly worries about him bad dream or some kind of ailment, she thereby, in essence, seems to be saying: “Baby, you can cope with everything! The world is not so scary, you don’t have to control it, it greets you with joy!” Such a message will calm the child, and he will no longer be afraid to fall asleep, he will begin to gain the experience of waking up and understanding that the world has not disappeared anywhere during sleep. Waking up every morning or after a nap, talking to him, he will slowly stop worrying and over time he will sleep better and more soundly.

Your child sleeps poorly - is this really true?

Very often, parents only think that they are... Consider this situation: the baby closed his eyes while feeding, and it seems to you that he is suckling, but, in fact, he is sleeping. Many mothers claim that the baby sleeps during the day for only about forty minutes. As a rule, they mean the period of time that passed after he was put off the breast, and completely do not take into account the previous forty minutes of feeding, when he was dozing. And this was also a dream. Therefore, it is worth observing your baby carefully and monitoring whether he is actually awake as you think.

The child does not sleep well, although he slept well before

Young parents often ask why in infancy the child slept well and woke up at night quite rarely (this applies to children who are in bed), but as he got closer to one year he began to wake up more often. I think this is often due to the fact that a very interesting period is beginning. At this time, the child becomes more mobile, he already knows how to roll over quite well from his back to his stomach, crawl on his belly, on all fours - a whole world opens up for him. And if mothers carefully watch the baby, they will notice: during the day he simply does not eat enough, he has no time. This is the first. And second, no less important, he simply gets overtired in the evening. There are so many experiences, unfamiliar objects that the child can now reach on his own, new tastes and sensations because the mother introduces them at this time... By the evening, fatigue accumulates from all this, and that is why the baby wakes up very often at night. In addition, during night awakenings, the child eats, thus picking up what he did not eat during the day.

How to put an overtired child to sleep?

I think in this article it is worth touching on the problem of evening crying, when the child clearly wants to, but cannot, fall asleep. This is also associated with overwork. You are faced with similar phenomenon? This means that the inhibitory systems (those that put the child to sleep on time - an independent ability) have not yet manifested in your baby, and you will have to work for them for some time. With such children, it is very important to maintain a daily routine, measure their impressions, carefully monitor whether the computer and TV are turned on, and regulate visits to guests and activities.

If bedtime suddenly changes in the evening, if for some reason you miss the moment without noticing the first signs of overtiredness, then, of course, it will be more difficult to put your child to bed. But don't be afraid of it. In this case, he needs to be rocked, breastfed, maybe even swaddled or washed cold water, wash in the shower.

If your baby doesn't sleep well, will swaddling help?

Question about swaddling - in modern world controversial issue. Previously, in Rus', mothers always took their children to bed, but one should not think that one year old child swaddled from morning to evening. He was only swaddled for up to a year and a half (his arms were swaddled) at the time of falling asleep. In this way, the mother helped the child, she immobilized him and gave him the opportunity to rest from his body.

Now they swaddle very little. For modern women their child doesn't seem to like it. For some reason, they regard the fact that the baby pulls his hands out of the diaper as a reluctance to be swaddled. But this is not a protest at all. The baby is not yet able to understand what is good for him and what is harmful. He simply moves in a free mode, he is guided by unconscious instincts, fears, anxieties. His body does a large number of chaotic movements, because the child does not yet trust the support, since he has just left the womb, where he felt confident and reliable. And it is precisely these unconscious movements that young mothers regard as a manifestation of dissatisfaction, refuse swaddling and thereby only increase the child’s tendency to become overexcited and, therefore, to the inability to fall asleep on time and well.

If a child does not sleep well, should he be rocked to sleep?

So, you need to be prepared for the fact that in the first year you will inevitably have to calm the baby down, make sure he doesn’t get overexcited, and rock him to sleep.

A newborn baby needs your hugs! As you fall asleep, you either hold him, pressing him tightly to you, or lay him on your body and hug him with your arms, thereby giving him a feeling of protection. The space in which the child is located should be cramped and warm, reminiscent of the baby's intrauterine conditions.

In addition, you need to take into account that, while in the mother’s womb, the baby was rocked by her body. And he still really needs this motion sickness in the first time after birth. Having been born, a child finds himself in a completely different world, and the more the world in which he lived is present in the new one, the more calm down baby adapts to it. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid to rock him if rocking helps him. Don't worry that you'll have to rock him forever or that it might somehow harm his health in the future. At all times, children were rocked, and you can safely use this practice. It is more correct, of course, to rock not in a cradle, not in a stroller, but holding the baby in your arms, since he gets to know your body, plasticity, and gait very well - this way the baby gets into his intrauterine experiences, this calms him down, and he falls asleep easier.

I would also like to note that I am very respectful of them, because all mothers, at all times, have always sung them, accompanying the child to sleep. The mother’s voice and the melody of the lullaby, traditionally meditative and soothing, also help the child fall asleep.

Will co-sleeping help when your baby has trouble sleeping at night?

Co-sleeping at one age is a huge help for a mother, but at another it can turn into a disaster for a growing child. When in the first six months of life, this is good. Because this way you save your energy (you don’t have to get up at night), the baby sleeps much more peacefully, you can just move him closer to you and breastfeed.

However, situations when a child sleeps with his mother until he is six, eight, or nine years old is already a pathology, and we can say that in such a family there is serious problems. The child needs to be put away from you. He needs his own crib. And the question naturally arises: at what age should this be done? For the first six months you don't have to worry. The newborn is still too closely connected to you; its separate boundaries do not yet exist. He perceives his mother as a part of himself, and therefore, when he is put off for a separate sleep, he often experiences stress. But after six months you can already postpone it for nap and for the first half of the night in the crib, and only in the second half of the night (when your fatigue increases and the child sleeps less and less soundly) put it next to you. The final separation, laying in one's own crib, should occur together with weaning.

When will my baby start sleeping well at night?

The most pressing question asked by parents who ask: “When will he finally start to fall asleep well and sleep soundly?”

As a rule, the first breakthrough in this sense occurs during the period when (in a year, in a year and a half). If she does this without replacing the breast with a nipple or bottle (especially a bottle with milk, formula, kefir, etc.), then the baby’s sleep usually improves noticeably. This happens because now nothing distracts the child in his sleep, he is not awakened by the intestines, which work, digest food, and bladder who needs to defecate.

Some say that by the age of two, the child begins to sleep even better. However, there are children whose sleep is first disturbed at two years old and a little later. terrible dreams, since by this age the psyche matures in order to be afraid. How is anxiety different from fear? It has no specific source, and when we are afraid, we are always afraid of something specific. A newborn baby is anxious, and anxiety does not allow him to fall asleep, and an older child knows how to fall asleep well, but at the same time may wake up from sleep. bad dream and come running to your bed. But this is a topic for another, separate article.

The child does not sleep at night - a site for mothers, the site understands perfectly well that this is a real headache for any parent. The reasons and methods for correcting the situation will vary depending on age and individual characteristics.

Let's start small - from infancy. When a baby is born, he establishes his own sleep and wakefulness patterns. Many mothers simply get used to the fact that their child does not sleep well day and night, so sleepless days, replacing each other, seem to be the norm. But that's not true.

Why doesn't my child sleep at night? infancy– the reasons may be the following:

  • tortured
  • dirty diaper,
  • wants to eat
  • emotionally overstimulated
  • people around are talking loudly,
  • The TV or computer works all day long.

Sometimes children don't sleep well at night because congenital ailments, for example, central nervous system disorders. In this case, it is important to consult a neurologist.

An infant does not sleep at night: what to do?

It is very important to establish correct mode day, clearly organize the care of the baby, make sure that all conditions contribute to a relaxing rest.


In the first months of life, you should not skimp on the quality of these products. It is important that they retain moisture well and do not provoke moisture. Change diapers promptly.

Do not put the baby down without checking that the bottom is really dry and clean, then change it again when the baby starts tossing and turning and groaning.


Colic is not so scary if you recognize it in time! Observe your baby's behavior. Even during the daytime he will sleep little, have trouble sleeping, be capricious, and bend his legs.


It must be followed! Frequent night awakenings should only be done correctly when the child is very small.

Gradually increase the intervals between meals so that both your baby and you sleep longer without waking up.

"Weather in the house

Literally! May it always be Fresh air. To do this, systematically ventilate the room (and not only in hot weather).

In addition, normal humidity is important, so it is advisable to buy and periodically turn on a humidifier.

Daily regime

Little child doesn't want to sleep at night? Sometimes the problem lies in what we have already briefly mentioned above. About the rhythm of the day, conditions, routine. By the way, this recommendation is also true for older children (not only when he is a few days or months old, but also 2-3-4 years old, for example).

The recommendation is simple, but sometimes difficult to implement - after all, young parents need to accustom themselves to this, live (work/rest), focusing on the baby’s routine. Namely, carry out all skin care procedures before going to bed: bathing, cleansing and moisturizing the skin. If you do all this immediately before bed, the child will have the mindset that he will then go to bed.

Does your child sleep during the day and not sleep at night? Not surprising!

There are standards baby sleep. If the baby sleeps a lot during the day, then he meets all his needs, but does not want to sleep at night. And this is precisely the problem - he does not need to sleep when he has already had enough sleep.

To prevent this from happening, during the day the child should have sufficient activity, positive and vivid impressions.

Be sure to always go to bed at the same time every day. quiet time" Then your night's rest will be hassle-free.

The child does not sleep at night, cries if the mother is not around

This is especially true for children born through... From the very first days of life, it is important for them to feel their mother’s warmth in order to feel calm and serenity.

You need to gradually teach your child to sleep separately. One careless movement, a sharp noise - the child wakes up and begins to whine if he does not feel his mother nearby.

Consequences of a bad night's sleep

A child who does not get a good night's rest does not look tired, but he is irritable and restless. His psyche is overexcited.

The baby experiences sudden mood swings, some aggression, and is constantly upset.

If Small child wakes up at night and does not sleep, and this situation continues long time, there is a risk that at an older age he may be tormented by nightmares. In the future, problems will arise in communicating with peers and learning.

I would also like to cite the comments of practitioner Luule Viilma on the issue of poor children's sleep.

The specialist says that problems with a baby’s night rest can be a “wake-up call” for parents. You need to pay attention to the child - he lacks affection and care. This is a signal that means: “Parent, stop, stop running and fussing so much!”

Usually, those who are busy with their careers or their relationships have children who suffer. For example, a child does not sleep at night, although the most expensive air humidifier has been purchased, and the room is literally buried in toys.

Ask any parent of a newborn, and they'll probably tell you that long, deep, peaceful sleep isn't on the list of things their family has to offer.

And that's usually okay. Newborns should not sleep for many hours at a time at night. Their little bodies are simply not designed to function that way. But sometimes newborn insomnia may seem abnormal and pathological.

Children and adults alike all wake up during the night as they transition through sleep phases. Many of us simply roll over, adjust the pillow and go back to sleep, but babies can have sleep associations. This means that if the baby falls asleep in his mother's arms and then wakes up alone in the cradle, he will most likely become upset and want to return to his arms to fall asleep again. Or if babies fall asleep while breastfeeding, they will need those same sensations to get back to sleep.

Indeed, there are so many facts about newborn sleep habits that parents should know, since they are different from adults.

It is necessary to understand the reasons and find solutions that will help you overcome the problem of sleep in a newborn baby.

Newborn sleeps little

This may be a normal sleep pattern for an infant.

Remember that newborns must wake up frequently to feed.

Indeed, newborn sleep patterns are nothing like adults. Newborn sleep follows a cycle: the baby wakes up, eats, maybe stays awake for a bit, and then goes back to sleep anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 to 3 hours.

The following sleep and feeding schedule for a newborn (with breastfeeding baby) illustrates this cyclical sleep pattern well:

Why doesn't my baby sleep?

As a result, expect your newborn to wake up frequently. But if the baby has trouble falling asleep and looks tired and becomes increasingly moody, you need to accurately determine the cause of the newborn’s insomnia and provide appropriate help.

An infant does not sleep because he is hungry

This is the most common reason why a newborn does not sleep well. An infant fed formula or breast milk requires feeding every 4 or even 2 to 3 hours. Baby may get hungry before it's time. next feeding and he will wake up for the same reason at night. Because newborn babies have small stomachs, they need small and frequent appointments food. Breast milk will be digested faster, so if you are breastfeeding, your baby will be hungry more often.

You can schedule feeding times to occur just before bed. If your newborn doesn't sleep after feeding, his stomach is likely full and he's having trouble falling asleep. Continue to feed your baby more often in the evening, perhaps every 1 to 2 hours. Another option is to wake up your baby for feeding before going to bed.

An infant does not sleep well because he is overstimulated

A newborn needs a lot of sleep. He can only stay awake for a few hours. Infants younger than 6 months usually need short sleep after 2 - 3 hours of wakefulness. And this is in best case scenario. Some parents may assume that the more tired the child is, the easier he will fall asleep. In reality, everything is exactly the opposite.

Even a simple throw in the air can make your baby excited. More mature children may become hyperactive due to any exposure to noise, toys or environment. When a baby is overworked or overstressed, he feels irritable, and as a result, the baby does not sleep day and night.

Create a calm environment that will help your child relax. Gently massage it and sing a lullaby. A relaxing bath, dim light and skin contact are all... useful methods to calm the baby. Parents should also pay attention to their mood, as children feel it very subtly.

The child does not sleep well during the day or at night, as he is accustomed to motion sickness

This is a common reason why one month old baby not sleeping. If your baby is used to being rocked in your arms until he falls asleep, then when he wakes up an hour later, you will have to rock him again. This process can continue over and over again!

If your 1-month-old baby is sleeping little for this reason, then to help him develop the ability to fall asleep in his crib, provide a safe object, such as soft toy or a blanket. The child will touch the object, which will mean safety and comfort for him. This method is quite effective when a month-old baby does not sleep during the day.

Newborn baby sleeps poorly due to Moro reflex

The Moro reflex often makes it impossible to fall asleep without problems. You've probably already observed this. The child begins to fall asleep, and then suddenly flaps his arms, thereby frightening himself.

Try swaddling your baby so that he does not disturb himself with sudden movements and can fall asleep deeply.

The baby does not sleep all day and all night due to pain or poor health

Another reason why a baby does not sleep well during the day or at night. Babies are very sensitive. Teething, abdominal pain, acid reflux, colds and coughs, as well as many diseases cause discomfort for the child.

Don't forget that kids can't tell us that they have a headache or a sore throat. And when the baby is restless, there is a reason for it. Try to find out the specific reason and provide appropriate help.

The newborn does not sleep at night because he did this a lot during the day.

It is normal if the baby sleeps a lot during the day and therefore does not want to sleep at night. In such cases, they say that the child has confused day and night. This can happen when the baby sees little daylight. Babies need to develop a sleep cycle.

Exposure to light during the day will help your baby learn the right time, A quiet games during daytime wakefulness will allow you to “work up” your night sleep.

Find a sunny spot in your home. Going for a morning walk with a child is also good idea. Be sure to dim the lights in the nursery before bedtime. The child will logically associate light with activity time, and darkness with sleep time.

The newborn has trouble falling asleep because he experiences discomfort.

It can be difficult to figure out why a child does not sleep during the day or at night. If you cannot identify the reason why your baby is crying and not sleeping, pay attention to comfort. Check your newborn's diaper. It may be wet or dirty. Maybe the child is too wrapped up or, on the contrary, undressed.

Being a parent to a newborn is both the most challenging and wonderful thing. But we all know first-hand how exhausting it can be to try to help a baby fall asleep soundly. Yes, newborns should wake up to feed around the clock, but parents should gently encourage more deep dream child at night.

In most cases in the early months of life, the newborn remains awake at night for short periods time. This may seem like an eternity, especially if parents are tired and chronic lack of sleep. Fortunately, this period only lasts a few weeks. It's also likely that most of the reasons your baby stays awake at night are temporary and not emergencies.

There is a growing call in the medical community for pediatricians to pay attention to parents when they say their babies aren't sleeping. If you think your child is suffering from an undiagnosed illness or allergy, tell the doctor. This may be the key to giving you and your little one some much-needed rest.



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