What time does bedtime occur in kindergarten? Sleeping in kindergarten

Distinctive feature Each preschool institution has a routine. Daily routine in kindergarten compiled according to a clear schedule, down to the minute. Any delay can lead to the child falling behind the established schedule. Many parents may doubt the advisability of such strict adherence to the procedure, considering it a kind of restriction of freedom for the baby, but experts, including pediatricians, neurologists and nutritionists, insist on the obvious benefits of such a regime, supporting their position with various facts.

Classes in kindergarten are held strictly according to the schedule

Why should you follow the regime?

According to doctors, the regime in kindergarten, which consists of daily repetition of actions at the same time, contributes to the formation of stable mental and physiological health. For example, one of the main reasons that doctors associate with the appearance of rickets or scarlet fever is precisely a violation of the regime. A disrupted schedule, in turn, leads to deviations in the flow of metabolic processes in the body and reduce its resistance to infections.

All mothers are familiar with the situation when the child does not want to go to bed during the day. However, such a missed day's rest can provoke various kinds nervous disorders. While the baby sleeps, his brain cells are restored and perception improves. new information. If the baby didn’t get enough sleep, was overloaded with homework, or had a significant emotional incident, all this can cause the development of hyperactivity and various tics.

In addition, nutritionists and nutrition specialists from the University of Chicago concluded that failure to follow the sequence of actions and their time frame in kindergarten and at home is fraught with obesity. As a result, due to lack of sleep, improper distribution of hormones such as ghrelin and leptin occurs, which increases the child’s appetite.

The only specialists who are not supporters of the daily routine in a kindergarten are psychologists. In their opinion, if you force and impose someone else's will on a child, this will only suppress his individuality.

Scientists have concluded that lack of sleep and lack of a daily routine provoke obesity in children.

However, even with psychological point From view, you can find facts in favor of the regime. For example, thanks to its observance, the child is systematized and accustomed to order, which helps him adapt more quickly to kindergarten. When a child finds himself in new conditions, performing the same actions according to a schedule, he becomes more relaxed, because he knows that after lunch there will be sleep, followed by classes, after which one of the relatives will come.

Features of the regime in kindergarten

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Naturally, children cannot immediately adapt to the unusual regime that is followed in kindergarten, so parents are advised to teach their child to follow the appropriate schedule at home even before entering the chosen institution. You can get acquainted with it on the website of the future preschool educational institution or in its educational program. The standard schedule of all preschool educational institutions is calculated for 12 hours, which the child spends in a preschool institution. Sometimes the manager may make certain small adjustments to the schedule in accordance with geographical location and climate. However, the basic provisions regarding the time boundaries of sleep, activity and wakefulness remain the same as they are specified in the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN - 10.

The main nuances of the schedule in kindergartens are listed below:

  • Accounting age characteristics children for their harmonious development. Active activities for children aged 3 to 7 years, the duration should not exceed 5.5-6 hours, up to 3 years - according to medical prescriptions.

The period of activity in the kindergarten corresponds to age standards kids
  • The permissible educational load per week for preschoolers, which also includes additional classes: for junior groups attended by children under 4 years old - the volume is a maximum of 11 lessons, in middle groups with children under 5 years old - 12, in older groups with five-year-olds - 15, and in preparatory groups with children under 7 years old - 17 lessons.
  • Season. There are two separate modes for the warm and cold seasons. The main difference between them is that when it’s warm outside, the teachers welcome the kids to fresh air, not indoors, and most of the waking hours and physical activity also takes place on the street.

Diet in the garden

Kindergarten workers who are responsible for the meal schedule are faced with next task: preparing food, arranging plates with hot dishes in advance so that they cool down, and then serving the second and third dishes without delay.

The table shows what the meal schedule looks like in most preschool institutions:

Food in the kindergarten makes up for the lack of vitamins and minerals, it energy value precisely calculated

Approximate daily routine in a regular preschool educational institution

The daily routine in kindergarten consists of:

  • diet, namely the time and number of meals;
  • daytime sleep;
  • walks;
  • children's reception time;
  • games and activities.

Teachers accept children to the kindergarten from the moment it starts working until 8 o'clock in the morning. The period while the reception lasts is a time for independent games in the group room or on the playground in the warm season. Before breakfast, time from 8.00 to 8.20/8.30 is allocated for morning exercises with a teacher or physical worker and for preparing for breakfast.

Morning classes

Starting from 9.00, classes are held for children aimed at helping them learn the world, developed their speech skills and became familiar with the basics of mathematics. Teachers are responsible for conducting classes. They must prescribe an activity plan in advance in order to meet the allotted time. In addition to the teacher, a music worker and a physical educator can also work with the kids.

In the first half of the day, children can have music classes or physical exercise.

In addition to regular group classes, children can visit the pool 2 times a week, if available. In senior and preparatory groups, additional classes with a speech therapy focus are also organized, in which children train their speech. Only a speech therapist teacher is required to conduct them.

The duration and number of classes depends on age. For preschoolers younger age There are 2 classes a day, one before bed, the other after. IN middle group The teacher works with the kids twice a day for a total of 10 hours. For older preschoolers, the number of classes increases to three, and their duration also increases.

Between classes there should be mandatory breaks when the children rest and move. This is the only way to stay active and cognitive ability child throughout the day.

Walks and naps

After classes are over and the children have had their second breakfast, it's time for a walk. In the nursery, the walk begins earlier than in other groups, and therefore also ends earlier; the children in them are the very first to have lunch. Since in nursery group Children walk at 2-3 years old, given the characteristics of a small body, waking time is reduced, and daytime sleep, on the contrary, becomes longer.

With age, the child’s period of activity increases, thereby the baby’s body gradually prepares for school and the regime in it. In the middle group, walks usually last until 11.30-11.50, and in the preparatory group - up to 12.15-12.30. After returning from the street, the children will have lunch and a nap. The room where children sleep should be ventilated in advance, and the beds should be prepared for bed. The youngest go to bed at 12.30, the oldest at 13.00-13.15.

Daytime nap helps to restore the child's strength


The rising time in kindergarten is the same for all groups. The children are woken up at 15.00, followed by washing, changing clothes and an afternoon snack. IN junior groups After this, a second general education lesson is held; in middle and high school, the time comes for children to play independently, read, cartoons, or attend clubs that are available in the institution.

Evening meal times may vary depending on the schedule. After dinner, the kids usually go out for a walk again, where their parents gradually begin to come for them. IN winter period the second walk does not last long, so the children are taken home to the group premises.

To ensure that the child’s adaptation to kindergarten is quick and painless, parents should prepare their child some time before the start of preschool visits. educational institution. The daily routine plays a huge influence on how a child will feel in a new environment. It is known that Every kindergarten has a daily routine. Sleeping, playing, eating and activities in kindergarten are carried out at strictly defined hours. Before sending your child to kindergarten, parents should arrange the daily routine at home in such a way that bedtime and mealtimes fall at the same hours as in kindergarten. To do this, fathers and mothers need to know what the daily routine is in kindergarten.

The work schedule in kindergarten is organized in such a way that children, depending on their age, have enough time for active games, activities and relaxation. The regime for a child in kindergarten may be different, but every preschool educational institution adheres to the same general rules.

Approximate kindergarten regime:

  • from 7:00 to 8:00 – admission of children to the group, free activities;
  • from 8:00 to 8:20 – breakfast;
  • from 8:20 to 8:30 – free activity;
  • from 8:30 to 9:00 – classes with children in groups;
  • from 9:00 to 9:20 – preparation for the walk;
  • from 9:20 to 11:20 – walk in the fresh air;
  • from 11:20 to 11:45 – return from a walk, free activity;
  • from 11:45 to 12:20 – lunch time;
  • from 12:20 to 12:45 – quiet games, preparation for daytime sleep;
  • from 12:45 to 15:00 – quiet time;
  • from 15:00 to 15:30 – rise, afternoon snack;
  • from 15:30 to 15:45 – free activity;
  • from 15:45 to 16:15 – classes with children in groups;
  • from 16:15 to 16:30 – preparation for the evening walk;
  • from 16:30 – walk in the fresh air.

Free activity time during the day in kindergarten is provided for independent play. Also, children play with each other while walking in the fresh air. If the weather is bad outside, then instead of going for a walk, children spend time in a group. Summer mode in kindergarten is somewhat different from other periods - at this time children go on excursions, visit theaters, the zoo and other interesting places.

Meal times are the same in almost all kindergartens. Some changes are found in a private kindergarten - in addition to breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea, there is a second breakfast and dinner. The second breakfast, as a rule, consists of fruits, fortified foods and sweets. Children have dinner from 18:30 to 19:00.

Not only the timing of meals, but also the composition of the dishes plays a huge role in the daily routine in kindergarten. Approximate menu V mandatory should include: dairy products, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish products, bread. Parents can ask in advance what their children are fed in a particular kindergarten.

During quiet time all the children are resting. Even if the child does not want to sleep during the day, he simply lies on the bed. Typically, nap time is 2 to 3 hours.

Consultation on the topic: “Daytime sleep for children in kindergarten.”

Sleep is protection for nervous system, the possibility of development, growth, accumulation of strength, their restoration, an indispensable condition of life, as necessary as water and food.

The child does not sleep during the day not because he does not want to, does not fall asleep well in the evening not because he is not tired, but because the conditions for sleep have not been created (wakefulness, nutrition, daily regimen; uncomfortable bed, clothes, etc.). But children, just like adults, vary in their sleep needs. You should know about your children which of them like to sleep and which on the contrary, and regulate the organization of sleep in the group.

During the day, the child receives many impressions from the world around him; his active nature requires increased movement, a variety of games, and activities. All this leads to rapid fatigue nerve cells cerebral cortex. Therefore, the child needs rest not only at night, but also in between intensive activity in the middle of the day.

During the day, children 3 years old need to sleep 14-16 hours; 4-5 years - 13 hours; 5-7 years old - 12 hours. During the day, children 3-4 years old sleep 2 hours, 5-7 years old - 1 - 1.5 hours.

In kindergarten, beds should be placed at some distance from each other so that the teacher can approach each child, cover him or adjust the blanket, and help him get into a comfortable position.

In winter, beds should be arranged so that children do not lie with their heads close to the windows or heating appliances. For children under 3 years old, cribs are placed 120 cm long and 60 cm wide; the height of the bed above the floor is variable - 30 and 50 cm. For children from 3 to 7 years old, cribs have the following dimensions: length 140 cm, width 60 cm, height of the bed from the floor - 30 cm. It is very important that the child’s bed is comfortable, so that the mattress or the bedding corresponded to the size of the bed, and the pillow was narrow enough to fit the child's head, not the body, and its width corresponded to the width of the bed. (During the daytime sleep, it is advisable to lay out a thin bedding for children rather than a mattress; blankets should also be light enough.)

Bed linen is changed once a week. Before going to bed, children put their clothes on chairs located at a distance from their cribs so that the teacher, if necessary, can approach each of them and help them undress.

If there is no separate bedroom, cribs for daytime rest are placed in the group room before lunch and must be removed after the children get up. First of all, it is necessary to clear the part of the room where the toys are located from the beds, so that the children, after getting dressed, have the opportunity to start playing.

The manager, observing the sleep process, Special attention draws attention to the following:

How the children's beds are prepared (the condition of the bed of each crib, the cleanliness of the bed linen);

Do children know how to undress and dress independently and consistently; do they help each other, do they fold their clothes correctly;

Adult assistance and teacher guidance in this process;

How long does it take to undress before bed and get dressed after it?

Is the room where the children sleep well ventilated?

Do the teacher and nanny care about the health of children;

Children's mood before bedtime; How long did it take for the children to fall asleep? did they sleep peacefully? how many children woke up earlier than expected;

Does the teacher take into account individual characteristics children, whether they are raised gradually.

If any problems are found, the manager accepts necessary measures, gives orders to the caretaker and teachers.

Personal hygiene of a preschooler consists mainly of maintaining cleanliness of the skin and hairline, oral hygiene, maintaining cleanliness and neatness in clothing, maintaining a clean bed, order in the workplace, in the toy closet. It is necessary to teach preschoolers to wash their face, neck, ears every day in the morning and evening, and their hands several times a day as needed: before meals or when they are dirty (after cleaning the play corner, washing flowers, modeling clay, playing with sand, using the toilet).

It is necessary to create conditions so that children can wash themselves comfortably and pleasantly: the height of the washbasins should correspond to the height of the children (the height of the water jet above the level of the arm lowered and bent at the elbow is about 10 cm). If children have to raise their hands high when washing, water flows into their sleeves.

The piece of soap should be such that the child can easily take it with his hand; Each washbasin must have two soap dishes. The length of children's towels does not exceed 100 cm.

The teacher must organize washing so that there is no queue. He reminds children not to forget to roll up their sleeves and unbutton the collars of their dresses or shirts. It is imperative to ensure that children wash themselves thoroughly and dry themselves.

Checking the washing process, the head of the kindergarten notes:

Is everything prepared for washing: is there soap in place, do all children have towels, is water poured into the washbasins (if there is no running water);

What are children doing who are waiting to wash or have already washed;

Do children wash themselves thoroughly, dry their hands well, do adults help them and with what?

Duration of washing.

After naps, children are raised gradually. Those who fall asleep later than others (the weak or those who have had an illness) are woken up last, given the opportunity to sleep longer, but not kept in bed for more than the allotted time. The teacher makes sure that the children put on their clothes in a certain order, so that everyone has their hair done. The dressing process should not take much time: for older children - no more than 15 minutes, for children - 20-25 minutes. Older children make or clean their own beds. Preparing children for bed and waking up is used by the teacher to develop their cultural and hygienic skills and develop independence.

Tips for organizing daytime sleep.

Calm, quiet and soothing music, or reading a good book, helps you fall asleep easily.

In order for preschoolers to go to bed in a timely manner, the teacher must strictly adhere to the daily routine in the group. This contributes to the development of physiological habits in children. The body of preschool children gets used to a certain sequence regime moments. The moment it's time for quiet time, children's body already ready for a day's rest. Deviation from the daily routine is unacceptable, as this will negatively affect physiological state kids.

Before putting children to bed, they need to be calmed down. Organize quiet games (for example, board games, nursery rhyme games, etc.). Read a book to the children. Calm views activities will allow children to make a smooth transition from active games to relaxation.

Pay attention to the light in the bedroom. It should be muted, the curtains closed if possible.

The color of the walls, ceilings, and window curtains (or blinds) in the bedroom is of great importance. Colors should not be bright, so as not to excite the unstable psyche of children. Use pastel, calm colors to decorate your bedroom.

Play calming music for your children (for example, lullabies, classical pieces). It will allow children to calm down and relax. In addition, listening to music will contribute to the aesthetic education of preschoolers.

Do relaxation exercises with your children. These exercises allow some children to relieve tension, others - to concentrate their attention and relieve excitement.

Exercises to relax facial muscles.

"Naughty cheeks."

Take in air, puffing out your cheeks strongly. Hold your breath, slowly exhale the air, as if blowing out a candle. Relax your cheeks. Then close your lips with a tube, inhale the air, sucking it in. The cheeks are drawn in. Then relax your cheeks and lips.

Exercise to relax the arm muscles.


What a wonderful day today! We will drive away melancholy and laziness. They shook their hands. Here we are healthy and cheerful.

"Lazy cat"

Raise your arms up, then stretch them forward, stretching like a cat. Feel the body stretch. Then sharply lower your hands down, pronouncing the sound “a”.

Relaxation exercise focusing on breathing.

"Blow out the candle."

Take a deep breath, drawing as much air into your lungs as possible. Then, stretching out your lips with a tube, slowly exhale, as if blowing on a candle, while pronouncing the sound “u” for a long time.


Place your feet firmly, then imagine yourself as an elephant. Slowly shift your body weight onto one leg, raise the other high and lower it to the floor with a “roar.” Move around the room, alternately raising each leg and lowering it with the foot hitting the floor. As you exhale, say “Wow!”

Exercise to relax the leg muscles.

An exercise to relax the whole body.


Children imagine that they are little birds. They fly through the fragrant summer forest, inhale its aromas and admire its beauty. So they sat down on a beautiful wildflower and inhaled its light aroma, and now they flew to the tallest linden tree, sat on its top and felt the sweet smell of a flowering tree. But a warm summer breeze blew, and the birds, along with its gust, rushed to the babbling forest stream. Sitting on the edge of the stream, they cleaned their feathers with their beaks, drank clean, cool water, splashed around and rose up again. Now let’s land in the coziest nest in a forest clearing.

Exercises to relax the neck muscles.

"Curious Barabara".

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight. Turn your head as far as possible to the left, then to the right. Inhale - you exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Curious Barabara

Looks left, looks right.

And then forward again -

Take a little rest here.

Raise your head up and look at the ceiling for as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

And Varvara looks up

Coming back -

Relaxation is nice!

Slowly lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Now let's look down -

The neck muscles are tense!

Let's go back -

Relaxation is nice!

Organization of sleep in kindergarten

Sleep, restoring the body's performance, has great importance to maintain health. Normal sleep is especially important for young children. Child preschool age plays a lot, moves around, gets tired quickly. To restore the functioning of nerve cells and expended energy, as well as for growth and development, he needs properly organized, sufficiently long sleep.

From the first days of kindergarten, it is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards sleep in children. The calm state the baby needs before falling asleep is created by the teacher at the end of the walk and maintained during lunch and getting ready for bed. When children fall asleep, noise, loud music and conversations should not be allowed; the room should not be brightly lit. However, there is no need for complete silence, as children can get used to such an environment and will be sensitive to the slightest rustle.

Putting children to bed at specific hours develops the habit of falling asleep quickly. The baby should sleep in a well-ventilated room, where fresh air continuously flows.

The teacher first of all helps weak children who especially need daytime rest to get ready for bed. Babies lie in bed on their right or left side (as is comfortable for them). But they should not be allowed to lie on their stomachs or cower, picking up their knees, since an incorrect position impedes blood circulation, breathing and affects the formation of posture. The teacher makes sure that the children's hands are on top of the blanket. During the entire sleep period, he remains in the bedroom and watches the children. Sometimes one needs to straighten the blanket, another needs to be dressed, a third needs to correct his posture, etc. Babies who fall asleep later can wake up other children in the absence of adults.

After naps, children are raised gradually. Those who fall asleep later than others (the weak or those who have had an illness) are woken up last, given the opportunity to sleep longer, but not kept in bed for more than the allotted time. The teacher makes sure that the children put on their clothes in a certain order, so that everyone has their hair done. The dressing process should not take much time: for older children - no more than 15 minutes, for children - 20-25 minutes. Older children make or clean their own beds. Preparing children for bed and waking up is used by the teacher to develop their cultural and hygienic skills and develop independence.

In a kindergarten with night groups or around the clock, the teacher organizes the preparation of children for night sleep. Having returned from a walk, children wash themselves, have dinner, play quiet games, and look at books. The teacher can tell the children anything at their request. When putting the children to bed, the teacher will show special sensitivity to them: he will approach everyone and carefully cover them, since at this time children usually remember home and loved ones. He then hands over duty to the night nanny.

The next day, having learned how the children slept and wished them good morning, the teacher begins to rise. Then you should do morning exercises, washing, after which the children begin to get dressed. To establish continuity in the work of the kindergarten and the family, the teacher tells parents about the proper organization of sleep at home. It is important to clarify that for a strong, calm and healthy sleep the child needs an individual bed, fresh air and certain bedtimes. It's good to take him for a walk before bed. It is necessary to convince parents that it is harmful to overfeed children in the evening, give them strong tea, coffee or cocoa; You cannot tell scary tales, play noisy outdoor games, or overload with television programs. You should not give a lot of liquid at night.

This institution is familiar to almost everyone - some personally visited it in childhood, some now take their children to kindergarten, and some stand in a long line in the hope of taking a vacant seat. Kindergarten has become a part of our lives, and therefore it is not surprising that it haunts many parents day and night. But we dream about kindergarten not because we deliver our children there every morning; the reasons often lie within ourselves, in our experiences, dreams and lifestyle.

Kindergarten in dreams and in reality

Most common cause Dream books call this kind of dream the imminent birth of a child. But we dream of different kindergartens - ours, others’, new, destroyed, with kind teachers and cheerful children or strict guards and little prisoners of circumstances.

If you see yourself as a child playing in kindergarten, it means you have not yet realized yourself as an adult. self-sufficient person. You are still being manipulated by your family, colleagues and even casual acquaintances. You are still bothered by problems from childhood, for example, indecision, uncertainty, overprotectiveness of your beloved mother. The latter is relevant, as a rule, for men.

We saw a kindergarten teacher in a dream. Expect well-deserved condemnation from your family or a reprimand from your boss. Don’t count on forgiveness or help; you will have to correct your mistakes yourself.

Felomena's dream book interprets this dream differently. You will have problems with children, whether your own or someone else's. The conflict of generations will manifest itself in full.

An empty kindergarten, as a rule, is dreamed of by calm, even melancholic people. You may not consider yourself in this category, but in the near future you will have to, for some reason, part with your emotions and lead a very calm lifestyle that is unusual for you. The reasons may be different - malaise or an attempt to hide from someone and evade responsibility.

A crowded kindergarten in a dream promises many surprises in reality. Just keep in mind that not all surprises will be pleasant. After such a dream, a woman can count on long-awaited pregnancy. People often dream of large groups of children trying to cope with a dozen things at once. They say that Caesar could do this, but you should shift some of your responsibilities onto some other people's shoulders.

“Vova, Klava, Mishenka - these are not cherries for you!”

Children's behavior is an important component of your sleep. Try to remember what the children were doing and how they behaved.

Children playing calmly are a guarantee of a quiet life without stress and surprises. The same can be said if kindergarteners help adults. But if the kids are naughty, don’t expect a quiet life. Minor troubles at work and unexpected obstacles in everyday affairs will make you forget about carelessness for a long time.

But it's worse if you dreamed crying baby. In this case, you will not get away with minor troubles. We'll have to decide serious problems to keep a business afloat or maintain material wealth.

The dream of a lonely child with whom children do not play is you yourself in life. Even if there are people swirling around you, there is no one among whom you would want to completely open up.

You dreamed of a baby eating. The better his appetite, the better your business will be. Well, if a whole group of kindergarteners rattles their spoons together, a white streak has come in life. Make deals, make big purchases, make new friends. Any undertaking you undertake during this period will be fruitful.

This is not your home!

I dreamed of a holiday in kindergarten. If you are attending a holiday concert, please wait pleasant surprises, but if you take part in a festive feast with your kindergarteners, force majeure will definitely happen at work, and you risk losing your job.

You dreamed that you drank a glass of cocoa in kindergarten - the dream book warns that someone from your inner circle is abusing your trust. But if instead of cocoa there is milk, the desired business trips and successful deals are ahead.

Things are scattered around the kindergarten. This is very good dream. You will have some kind of grand idea that will bring huge profits. The main thing is not to discard it as unnecessary, since at first glance it is a pure gamble.

Brightly decorated walls of a kindergarten are seen in dreams by creative individuals. And if you haven’t written a single book or painting yet, perhaps you are ruining your talent. Try to create something. It is possible that something masterpiece will turn out.

Children's cots standing close together are friends rushing to the rescue. No matter what happens in the near future, you will not be left with the problem alone.

You work in a kindergarten. Felomena's dream book predicts an early meeting with an antisocial person. Be reasonable and try to avoid conflict.

If you take your child to kindergarten in a dream, it means you are not fully coping with parental responsibilities. Subconsciously, at least in a dream, you want to shift the care of the baby to other people. The dream book is sure that by sending a child to kindergarten in a dream, a woman in reality will have the opportunity to pay more attention to herself. It’s not very clear, however, why your baby may have simply grown up.

Often a dream about a kindergarten symbolizes your attempt to escape from reality. What for some reason is impossible in reality can be easily solved in a dream.

Many of the interpretations directly indicate fatigue and a desire to escape from everyday life. Family dream book insists that it’s time for you to go on vacation. You are sucked in by gray everyday life, and in order not to lose faith in a bright future, listen to this advice. Good luck, and always be cheerful and active!



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