Summer food. Principles, menu and drinking regime

The desire to lose extra pounds always intensifies during warm summer days. Holidays at the seaside, short skirts, shorts and swimsuits require a beautiful body and sculpted muscles. But it is not always possible to make it in time for the first sunny days. In this case, summer nutrition for weight loss helps.

The main advantage of the fight against excess body weight in the spring and summer is a large selection of vegetables and fruits. In order to normalize your weight, you won’t have to purchase natural dietary elements of dubious quality from supermarkets, imported into our country from other continents. Everything you need for weight loss grows in literally every garden or greenhouse.

What products should you pay attention to first?

Many people make the unfortunate mistake of creating their menu entirely from assorted vegetables and fruits and salads. This is the wrong approach to diet. The diet should be balanced and consist of foods rich in all essential vitamins, minerals and other trace elements.

Cereals. Buckwheat, pearl barley porridge, muesli, oatmeal, wholemeal bread - this is the best start to the day. The slow carbohydrates contained in these elements of the diet will help overcome morning weakness and energize the body at breakfast. But it is better to refuse rich pastries. Flour will not bring any benefit, but it will definitely affect your figure.

Fruits and vegetables. The range of natural foods in summer is certainly large. The main thing is to make an informed choice and learn how to cook them correctly. Avoid frying or other heat treatment using concentrated fats. The best option is steam or cooking. Barbecue vegetables and fruits with low-fat sour cream and fermented baked milk are very healthy.

Meat and fish. Despite the seasonal nature, proteins, calcium and phosphorus should not be excluded from the menu under any circumstances. Without these important elements, the development of bone tissue and the building of muscle mass is impossible. Chicken, beef, veal, offal (liver, kidneys), seafood in any form are allowed.

Liquid. Any diet requires a person to drink a lot. Dehydration of the body due to stress and refusal of certain types of nutrition can provoke unpleasant diseases and nervous breakdowns. It is believed that summer meals for weight loss should include at least 2-2.5 liters of regular boiled water without gas.

Simple rules for summer nutrition

In order to avoid ending up in a gastroenterology emergency department or becoming dependent on the home toilet, it is necessary to strictly monitor the quality of products. In the summer heat, many nutrients quickly deteriorate and, if consumed, can cause an infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dietary features during the holiday season:

  • Try to fill your diet with foods that are easy to digest. Heavy energy products are necessary in winter, when the body spends part of its energy to generate heat. In the summer, these calories will end up on your sides and thighs.
  • Observe time intervals. Despite the desire to spend as much time as possible on the beach or river bank, it is necessary to monitor your daily routine. Optimally, eat five meals a day in small portions.
  • Stock up on vitamins. Eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables, preferably ones that grow in your climate zone. This will allow the body to get the maximum benefit from this diet.

Nutritionists recommend replacing the side dish of pasta or potatoes with fresh vegetables. Cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, and cucumbers are perfect. Also, don't forget about fresh herbs. Parsley, basil, and cilantro can be good alternatives to salt, pepper and other seasonings.

Child's diet

Separately, it is necessary to mention the proper summer nutrition of little people. The baby is growing and needs energy. It is not recommended to limit a child’s menu during active outdoor play. On the contrary, at this time it is better to increase caloric intake by 10-15%.

The best solution is a hearty breakfast (fish, meat, slow carbohydrates), lunch of easily digestible foods (salads, fruits, fermented milk) and dinner no later than 18 hours.

Example of a daily menu for adults and children:

  • Breakfast - whole grain porridge cooked with low-fat milk, tea and honey.
  • Snack - any fresh berries and fruits or in a salad dressed with olive oil.
  • Lunch - steamed vegetables and protein food (meat, fish).
  • Afternoon snack - a glass of milk and unsweetened fruit.
  • Dinner - vegetable broth soup, cottage cheese or natural yogurt.

Summer is a great time to lose weight. No need to worry that you didn't have time for your vacation. But when you return from an interesting trip, or go back to work after a short break, you can show off your new figure and beautiful waist. The main thing is not to be lazy and control your diet.

Everyone has long known that in the summer there are very often high air temperatures, as a result of which many people face various diseases. This is why many doctors recommend monitoring your diet. And a properly designed diet will even help those who need it so much to lose weight.

Hot summer days force every person to make changes to their lifestyle. In the summer, the day lengthens, sleep time decreases, and immediately a shift in the eating schedule occurs. Scientists conducted research and found out that when air temperatures rise by ten degrees, chemical reactions accelerate by an order of magnitude. In addition, at high temperatures, oxygen is better absorbed and energy costs are reduced. Accordingly, in summer the body needs less food.

Basic principles of summer nutrition

Due to the fact that in the heat the body requires less energy, food should not contain many calories. It is this indicator that forces residents of other countries to exclude high-calorie foods in the summer heat, while they limit their consumption of meat, replacing it with fish and other seafood products. They give particular preference to food of plant origin, which is rich in all the vitamins and elements necessary for the body.

Summer food requires a special regime of food consumption, which is that the body should receive about thirty percent fat, about sixty percent protein and about twenty percent carbohydrates per day.

It would be good to exclude meals during the hottest summer hours, and it is recommended to transfer full meals to breakfast or dinner; in the sultry heat, you should give more preference to fruits, vegetables and various liquids.

In the summer, it is recommended to have breakfast at six or seven o’clock in the morning, preferably have lunch before twelve o’clock in the afternoon, and move dinner to six o’clock in the evening. Those who like to have a snack at night can indulge in a small portion of a light dish until nine o'clock in the evening.

The calorie content of foods consumed for breakfast should be thirty-five percent, lunch and dinner - twenty-five, and a night snack should not exceed fifteen percent.

Summer nutrition: necessary drinking regime

In the sultry heat, the body quickly loses fluid and needs constant replenishment. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the correct drinking regime.

The best way to quickly quench your thirst is water or tea. When the temperature outside is above twenty degrees, you need to drink a glass of liquid every hour. People with heart problems, obesity, and hypertension are exceptions, since they are contraindicated from drinking a lot of fluids.

Frequent drinking in hot weather will help not only maintain water balance, but also remove salts. At temperatures up to twenty degrees you need to drink two and a half liters of water per day, at temperatures above twenty degrees you need to drink three and a half liters. Doctors advise drinking little by little, but often.

It is advisable to drink still water without salt, and juices should only be freshly squeezed, without containing various additives, including glucose. It is not recommended to drink water at a very low temperature in hot weather; liquids at room temperature are optimal. Herbal teas made from mint, lemon balm or oregano will be of great benefit; these teas will help overcome thirst and become a source of useful substances.

The following foods will help quench your thirst: cucumbers, tomatoes, melon, strawberries, grapefruit, orange and papaya. In addition to quenching thirst, the products will replenish your reserves of useful minerals and vitamins.

Summer food should be fortified

In extreme heat, a person sweats intensely; along with sweat, not only liquid comes out, but also various microelements and vitamins that dissolve in H2O. Ultimately, vitamin deficiency, lethargy, weakened immunity, and ultimately various diseases may occur.

That is why summer food should consist of fresh fruits, vegetables and berries rich in vitamins. Along with this, you need to drink fresh juices, compotes, kvass, fruit drinks and various cocktails.

Humanity has come up with many different recipes for delicious dishes that help get rid of overheating, among them are okroshka, cold vegetable soups and borscht.

In the summer, it is advisable to cook okroshka with homemade kvass or kefir. It is not advisable to eat food that is too cold, as it can cause a cold. The dish should not be cooled to a temperature below 10 degrees.

As already stated above, summer food It should not be excessively high in calories, but at the same time it should be light and low-fat, which is why you need to eat a lot of vegetables, berries and fruits. An ideal summer dish would be a vegetable or fruit salad seasoned with yogurt, cream or vegetable oil. It is better to eat fruits for breakfast, it will be easier for the body to process them during the day than to eat them at night, because this can cause many different stomach problems.

People who control their calories should avoid eating melon, bananas and other fruits at night as they are high in calories.

It is not advisable to consume a lot of salt in hot weather. Sweet berries will contain a lot of sugar, in a word - a lot of calories.

For breakfast in the summer, it is advisable to eat porridge, which allows you to balance your diet and charge your body with energy for the whole day. At the same time, you can add fruits, honey, nuts or cheese to the porridge. Porridge contains a lot of components necessary for the body, which are involved in building the body and maintaining its health.

As for lunch, everything is quite simple: you need to give preference to vegetable soups, including spinach, parsley, sorrel, or eat cold okroshka. You can eat a small piece of meat or fish for lunch. It is advisable to bake, stew, boil or steam meat or fish. It is necessary to carefully select products and carry out heat treatment on them so as not to get poisoned, since on hot summer days all products have the ability to quickly deteriorate.

Dinner will be healthy if your diet includes low-fat foods. These can include fermented milk products or dietary dishes.

Summer food must necessarily include greens, which are rich in many essential vitamins.

What would warm summer days be without aromatic and traditional meat on the fire - barbecue? If you want to make this dish not only tasty, but also healthy, you need to eat meat together with herbs and vegetables, and marinate without vinegar, preferably in tomato juice or kefir.

Summer is the most wonderful time of the year, and a balanced summer food will help you stay in good shape even in the sultry heat.

Summer diets

Nevertheless, the summer season serves as the most favorable period, helping to normalize your body weight, since only during the hot period the body easily burns fat and allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight.

Most people lose weight unnoticed at this time of year, but in order to do everything according to the rules, you need to make the necessary summer food, and adhere to every point.

The diet indicated below requires more time and is effective only during the hot period, because it is in the summer that the desire to eat something decreases and for many it is easier to limit food intake. This diet contains three options, and you can add rye bread or raw vegetables to them. After six o'clock in the evening you can eat one apple, pear or orange. You can drink still mineral water or green tea, but no more than two liters per day.

The following options can be used for morning meals:

  1. One glass of milk and a couple of sandwiches with butter, use black bread.
  2. Coffee without sugar with milk and a couple of pieces of grain bread with butter.
  3. Green tea, one banana and vegetables, seasoned with one spoon of sour cream.

For the second meal, pear, apple, orange are suitable. The following options are available for lunch:

  1. Sorrel cabbage soup with egg, seasoned with a spoon of sour cream.
  2. Mashed potatoes – 300 g, and vegetables.
  3. Lean meat, boiled, or 150 g of fish with raw vegetables of your choice.

For an afternoon snack, you can eat a vegetable salad. For dinner you can choose the following:

  1. Lenten cottage cheese, one hundred grams.
  2. Low-fat varieties of cheese, fifty grams.
  3. One boiled egg.
  4. Two boiled potatoes.

This simple and fairly affordable diet will allow you to regulate your weight. It can be consumed throughout the summer.

What you shouldn't eat in summer

In summer, it is not recommended to eat flour baked goods, fatty dishes that are difficult for the body, fast foods, various snacks, sushi, meat and fish salads with the addition of mayonnaise. And summer cold soups should be eaten immediately after preparation, since, after standing for some time, they can harm the body.

At high temperatures, sometimes you don’t feel like eating at all, but in the evening the temperature drops, and everyone immediately digs into food, this is not bad, but you need to not overdo it with the amount of food, especially at night.

We all look forward to the summer season, because it is in the summer that we allow ourselves a long-awaited vacation. We are distracted from our daily routine, go on trips, change our usual lifestyle, so during such a period our body requires special attention. First of all, we must take care of how to eat properly in the summer, because with the onset of heat, our usual needs change.

If in winter the body spends a lot of energy on warming, then in summer it spends on cooling, while metabolism accelerates, we want to drink more, and appetite, as a rule, is dulled. Summer is considered the best period for diets, weight loss and fasting days, because the body itself requires light food. Proper nutrition in the summer is very important for a woman, so it is necessary to control the diet, making it not only dietary and low-calorie, but also as balanced and healthy as possible.

During extreme heat, we usually eat almost nothing, the body needs more water, so all we allow ourselves during the day is water, some fruit and sandwiches, and in the evening, when the heat subsides, we often have a good appetite. This approach is not entirely correct, because we can cause severe harm to the stomach and gain several extra pounds, which is why we should stick to a healthy diet menu in the summer.

First of all, we need to remember about timely meals and try not to skip them. A proper summer nutrition menu should be such that breakfast accounts for the majority of all calories, and dinner is light and dietary. It is best to have breakfast no later than eight in the morning, have lunch before noon, and have dinner around 18:00. Throughout the day, remember to drink as much fluid as possible. Avoid dehydration by drinking at least a small glass of water every hour.

Various herbal decoctions of mint, rose hips and chilled green tea are also good quenchers of thirst. But it is better not to drink sweet juices, carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol. You can fight thirst with the help of juicy fruits and vegetables: for example, tomatoes, peaches, apples and, of course, watermelon, which will cope with this function in the best possible way. You can add a little ginger and lemon juice to the water. They refresh well, quench thirst and improve the digestion process.

Menu for proper nutrition in summer. What's better to eat?

As we have already found out, proper nutrition in the summer should be low-calorie, light and low-fat, so first of all, eat fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, as the main source of vitamins and minerals. Prepare light fruit and vegetable salads seasoned with oil, citrus juice or sour cream, stews, cold soups and okroshka, bake, stew and steam. Also, don’t forget about greens, add them whenever possible to all dishes, especially meat. How to eat healthy in the summer for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

The best option for a nutritious and healthy breakfast may be porridge. It is ideal for starting an active day and energizes you for a long time, because it contains essential nutrients and slow carbohydrates. Porridges can be either sweet (with the addition of fresh or dried fruits and honey) or savory (with nuts and cheese). You can also safely add fermented milk products to your breakfast, for example, kefir or yogurt with fresh fruits and berries.

As for lunch, everything is simple here - vegetable soups with spinach, parsley, sorrel and cilantro, as well as okroshka and other cold soups. Don't forget also about meat, fish and seafood, but eat them in small quantities and avoid frying. Such products must be carefully selected and subjected to careful heat treatment to avoid poisoning, because they tend to spoil quickly, especially in the summer. It is better to bake meat and fish, steam it, stew it, and boil it.

Proper nutrition for a woman in summer involves a light, low-fat dinner. These can be either fermented milk products or dietary main courses. But it is better to exclude berries and fruits in the evening, as they can cause fermentation and discomfort in the stomach. If you cannot sleep on an empty stomach, then you can have a small evening snack a few hours before bed using nuts and dried fruits.

Proper summer nutrition and diets

The summer period is the most favorable for bringing your weight back to normal, because in the heat it is easier for the body to cope with fat and extra pounds. Most often, on hot days we lose weight without noticing it, but in order to do this correctly and with maximum benefit for the body, it is necessary to organize proper nutrition in the summer, adhering to a special diet.

This diet is designed for a long term; it is most effective in the hot season, because during this period we experience a decrease in appetite and it is easier for us to limit ourselves in food. The diet is made up of several options, and you can independently add 1 piece of black rye bread or any raw vegetables in an amount of up to 300 grams to its main dishes. Also, after 18:00, you can eat 1 apple, pear or orange of your choice as a snack. Allowed drinks include still mineral water and green tea, but not more than 2 liters per day.

So, breakfast can be chosen among these 3 options:

  • 1 glass of milk and 2 slices of black bread with butter;
  • Coffee with milk, but without sugar and 2 grain breads with butter;
  • Green tea, vegetables with 1 spoon of sour cream, 1 banana.

For a second breakfast there can be 1 apple, pear or orange.

Take the test and find out your ideal way to lose weight!

In the summer you want to enjoy fresh fruit, eat ice cream and cold okroshka.
But don't rush! First read our tips, how to eat in summer so that your mood is not overshadowed by health problems.
How to eat in summer— In the summer, many people notice a loss of appetite.
At elevated air temperatures, cells absorb oxygen better and the body's energy expenditure decreases.
This means that in the hot season the body requires less food.
So say goodbye to sausages and pasta, cutlets and potatoes. Switch to separate meals: eat proteins and fast carbohydrates at different times.
Meat - only with salads or stewed vegetables (or better yet, partially replace it with fish and seafood).
Potatoes - unaccompanied by animal protein.
A couple of radishes before meals can awaken your appetite.
And if you want to take advantage of the situation and lose weight, start your lunch with a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage: fiber saturates well and stimulates the intestines.

  • How to eat in summer— ALLERGY

There is a myth that you need to eat as many berries as possible over the summer, then you won’t get sick all year.
Alas, it is impossible to stock up on vitamins for future use.
But it’s quite possible to become covered in red spots after eating a kilogram of strawberries. Therefore, do not overload on berries.
The maximum you can eat on a summer day is 400-500 g of berries, and preferably no more than 200 g.

  • How to eat in summer- lethargy and apathy

Hot weather speeds up your metabolism.
Proteins are also consumed faster. To avoid lethargy and apathy, you should not completely exclude meat from your diet.
You can only use a lighter variety: chicken or turkey.
Don't forget about eggs, dairy products, sea fish, legumes - these are suppliers of high-quality protein.
Weakness can also occur due to dehydration.
With sweat, we lose a lot of moisture, and with it the mineral salts our body needs. Therefore, you need to drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day. Doctors don’t recommend any more: the kidneys may not be able to cope with the load.
It is best to drink still water. And to restore
salt balance, drink mineral water.

  • COLD

Getting sick is always bad. And in the heat it’s also a shame!
Most often in summer people get colds due to drinking cold drinks and ice cream.
Sharp cooling of the pharynx and larynx activates dormant bacteria and viruses in the body.
And now you see all the beauty of summer through a veil of tears that clouds your eyes when you sneeze.
To prevent this from happening, when buying water, ask the seller to give you a bottle that is not from the refrigerator.
Do not greedily pounce on ice-cold mineral water or ice cream.
Drink the water slowly, and bite off the sweetness in small pieces, warming them in your mouth.


The last time you ate pies and buns was on Easter, but your weight is growing?
This could be for various reasons.
For example, due to a violation of the diet.
When it’s hot, you don’t feel like eating, but as soon as the sun goes down, you wake up hungry.
And in the evening you eat everything you should have eaten during the day.
To prevent this from happening, you need to eat 4 times a day.
Have breakfast as early as possible, before the heat sets in, and eat protein foods. For lunch, take chilled soup, salads, and cereal dishes.
At about 6 pm you can eat a piece of lean meat or fish.
And at night - fermented milk products.
Staying in all-inclusive hotels also contributes to weight gain.
There we forget about diets and promises made to ourselves.
And then at home we want to eat all the time: our stomach is stretched. To bring it back to normal, do not allow yourself to feel hungry.
Gradually reduce portions: in the first week - by a fifth or sixth part, in the second - by the same amount.
And so on until you reduce the amount of food by half.

Other difficulties


Occurs due to salt imbalance.
A lot of sodium enters the body - it retains water. Therefore, try to avoid salty foods, as well as those that contain hidden salt: sauces, fast food, semi-finished products.


If you still can’t resist lightly salted cucumbers, a decoction of rose hips, a couple of apples, a few raisins or strawberries will remove the excess liquid. But diuretics must be used carefully: they can lead to dehydration.


The cause may be poorly washed vegetables and fruits. Grains of earth remain on the food, which causes illness. Vegetables and fruits should be placed in a bowl and rinsed several times under the tap. Then add water and leave for 7 minutes.


Sometimes the stomach rebels because most of the year we eat few vegetables, and in the summer we greedily pounce on them. The intestines react to excess fiber and fruit acids with indigestion. Therefore, introduce vegetables and fruits into your diet gradually.

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In the hot summer months, when you really want to spend more time outdoors, there is absolutely no desire to stand at the stove, especially since most of us do not have as active an appetite in the summer as in the cold season. Here it would seem to be harmony, but that’s not the case! Refusing hot food, we give preference to quick but absolutely unhealthy snacks, sweets and soft drinks. That is, a diet that will not make us slimmer or healthier.

Distinctive features of nutrition in summer

Not only that, in the summer we often stop adhering to any diet at all, waking up for breakfast, having lunch on the go and having dinner only after darkness drives us away from the beach. In summer, our basic eating habits change. Even if you are not a supporter of fast food, in the summer you can still afford a snack on the go with french fries, a hot dog or ice cream.

Moreover, it is during the warm season that we often allow ourselves to visit restaurants and cafes. Not to mention the fact that during the holidays, everyone considers it their duty to try exotic dishes of foreign cuisine. Even without going anywhere, we try to spend more time in nature, which means we also eat in nature, having picnics with barbecues, grills and kebabs.

And few of us think that such changes are a huge stress for the body, which often cannot withstand the pressure from the outside and makes itself felt with digestive problems. The picture can only be completed by regular non-compliance with sanitary standards and improper drinking regime.

However, not everything is so bleak, because summer is the time for vegetables and fruits, which are most useful in their raw form, and from which it is easy to prepare light and tasty salads, desserts or even soups. After all, it is in the summer that fruits and vegetables are most useful, especially those that grow in the area where you live.

How to do it summer food not only tasty and light, but also healthy, so that not during the period of general fun you do not suffer from problems with the stomach or intestines, but, upon arriving from vacation, you do not discover the presence of extra pounds in the hips and waist.

Breakfast lunch and dinner

It is in the summer that we have the opportunity to replace our usual meat dishes with dishes made from vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins, fiber and valuable microelements that help strengthen the body's defense mechanisms. Moreover, the fruit and vegetable menu is easier and faster to digest, helping you to always be active and not miss anything interesting.

Summer breakfast

The most favorable period for eating vegetables and fruits is the morning, since by consuming them on a full stomach or before bed, we provoke the fermentation process in the body.

However, there are some restrictions here that apply primarily to those who want to lose weight. It is important to remember that some fruits are particularly high in sugar, which can contribute to weight gain. These fruits include pears, bananas, melons, grapes and other sweet fruits.

However, it is very useful to add any fruit to porridge; a breakfast of baked pears or apples will also be good. By preparing a cottage cheese casserole with pieces of fruit or berries in the morning, instead of sandwiches with sausage, you will do your body a huge favor.

When relaxing at the dacha, be original and have a barbecue right in the morning, but instead of meat, string fruits (apricots, apples or even strawberries) onto skewers. Continuing to surprise your loved ones, prepare an easy and very tasty dessert from fresh cherries (pitted), baked in the oven with egg whites whipped with sugar.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with vegetables and fruits, when you can afford it in the summer.

Summer lunch

We usually get the first, second and third courses for lunch in a restaurant, but at home we often have only the second or first course.

In the summer, you don’t really want hot and greasy cabbage soup or rich borscht. In hot weather, cold soups go very well, which are essentially salads seasoned with kefir or kvass. If you are not sure that your stomach is ready for such a first course, then do not pour liquid over the vegetables, but first drink kefir (kvass), then eat the salad. This way, you can satisfy both your hunger and thirst without the risk of stomach upset.

Summer dinner

On a warm summer evening you don’t really want to have dinner at home, so a picnic in nature is a pleasant solution. Here, again, taking care of your health, you can give preference to vegetable kebabs or fruit on skewers. Moreover, you can diversify the menu with the help of various sauces (both salty and sweet). Grilled vegetables can also be a great addition to meat or fish, such as eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, corn or bell peppers.

Speaking of meat, in the summer, of course, it is advisable to reduce its consumption to a minimum, giving preference to seasonal vegetables and fruits. However, for most of us, kebab is, first of all, marinated meat. And it is worth remembering that soaking meat in vinegar is not only a matter of taste, but also the destruction of pathogenic microbes. Natural antiseptics also include salt, onion and garlic.

We must not forget that marinated meat must be stored in the refrigerator. Also in the summer you should give up rare meat in favor of well-fried dishes.

If possible, in nature, you should not chop vegetables into salads; they will bring more benefits if they are cut into large pieces. Moreover, dishes seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise absolutely cannot be stored, but must be eaten immediately.

When relaxing in the forest or at the dacha, do not forget that water from natural reservoirs for the most part is not suitable for drinking or for washing hands or food. Therefore, make sure to bring clean bottled water with you in advance.

No matter how much you talk about the dangers of alcohol, the kebab still appeals. However, wine, especially red and dry, will be most useful in this case.

What about compote?

Proper drinking regime is simply a vital necessity for a person, especially in the hot summer period, when the body very quickly loses fluid along with sweat. To ensure that water reserves, and with it important microelements and vitamins, do not deplete, you should drink at least 200 ml of liquid per hour. That is, a glass of water drunk every hour will help not only maintain the water-salt balance, but also eat less without gaining extra pounds.

However, it is better to completely avoid carbonated drinks, replacing them with drinking water, herbal teas or compotes. Instead of sugar, it will be useful to add a little honey to your drink.

We ate, we can have a snack...

If in winter you can still control yourself and confidently walk past “fast food restaurants,” then in summer it is much more difficult to do this. A hamburger, ice cream, milkshake or a can of beer – who can deny themselves the pleasure? And the point is not only in dirty hands (both yours and perhaps those who put the sausages on the buns), but also the fact that in the heat the prepared dish immediately begins to deteriorate. Moreover, it is not known how many hours the same sausage spent in the open air before becoming a component of your hot dog.

A separate topic for conversation is ice cream, which is eaten in huge quantities in the summer. And you should not think that this product is absolutely safe, because neither the packaging, nor the stick holder, nor the cold can protect you from poisoning if for some reason this delicacy has already been defrosted once or was transported incorrectly. In addition, ice cream contains a lot of sugar and animal fat, contributing to excess weight gain and provoking thirst. Another danger lurking in ice cream is the high likelihood of developing a sore throat or other cold.

Despite all the dangers, summer is a wonderful time of year when you can and should strengthen your immune system by strengthening your body and eating right.

Romanchukevich Tatyana

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