If a pregnant woman smokes, what will happen to the child? What are the consequences of smoking during pregnancy?

Smoking definitely cannot be called good habit. Absolute majority medical specialists speaks of it as a dangerous activity with a completely predictable result. The habit entails weakening of the immune system and illness.

The main difficulty for smokers is dependence on nicotine. A person cannot fully control himself; it is quite difficult for him to give up a cigarette without fully understanding the problem. Women expecting a baby find themselves in an even more vulnerable position. It is quite logical that they are very concerned about the question of whether it is possible to smoke during pregnancy? If you don't quit, will it affect the baby? Will it get worse if you quit nicotine abruptly? How exactly to say goodbye to this habit forever, given your special physical condition?

Disappointing statistics

IN last years All over the world there is an increase in the number of smoking representatives of the fair sex. And about 40% of them are unable to quit even when pregnant!

Expectant mothers cannot be blamed for this. It is a well-known fact that it is quite difficult to get rid of such a strong psychological dependence by a simple effort of will. Few people can quit smoking the second the test shows two coveted lines, or the gynecologist reports the fact of pregnancy.

What do the doctor's say?

Gynecologists and neonatologists are unanimous in their opinion - regular contact with nicotine is the biggest mistake pregnant women make. These doctors conducted long-term observations of the process of pregnancy and childbirth, the development of the child in the womb and his well-being immediately after birth. If in the case of non-smoking women all these stages proceeded quite normally, then in the case of the majority of those with harmful addictions, various complications arose.

The consequences of this habit are quite obvious. Smoking constantly affects the baby.

  • First trimester

From the first to the third month, all organs and systems develop. The presence of nicotine doubles the risk of miscarriage and fetal death. Moreover, it cannot be ruled out pathological development nervous system, for example, a tube defect.

  • Second trimester

It is characterized by the baby being fed through the placenta - this organ is already functioning fully, which contributes to an increase in the concentration of nicotine in the placental blood. As a result, the baby does not receive enough oxygen, and he develops chronic hypoxia.

  • Third trimester

The aging of the placenta is noticeably accelerated. The risk increases accordingly premature birth. The placenta cannot withstand the unnatural load - nicotine constricts blood vessels, and this most important “pump” for the child nutrients becomes thinner. As a result, the baby is born prematurely or has underweight, even being born at nine months old.

According to statistics, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day has a 35 percent chance of stillbirth. There are also risks for the mother herself. If she is prone to thrombosis, cigarettes will accelerate this pathological process. Will get worse and natural history childbirth: possible bleeding, weak contraction of the uterine muscles.

Insidious consequences

The particular danger of cigarettes lies in the prolonged effects of nicotine.. If a child was born fully viable and well developed, this does not mean that everything worked out.

Threat sudden stop Heart rate up to the age of one year increases markedly if there is a history of maternal smoking. Children are also prone to pulmonary ailments: pneumonia, bronchitis, asthmatic attacks.

And mothers who never found the strength to quit cigarettes experience weak lactation. Little milk is produced, the function of the mammary glands is unstable. Doctors note that nicotine gives it a bitter taste. For obvious reasons, infants do not experience any particular craving for such food of questionable quality and refuse to breastfeed.

Psychologists have noticed that children born to women who smoke are significantly delayed in development. There are exceptions to this rule, but most intelligence tests do not reveal much good results. Children have problems with logic; they begin to read later and count worse.

Is it possible not to quit?

Many heavy smokers are sure that reducing the daily dosage is already a favorable fact for the child. This is partly true, since the concentration of nicotine in the mother’s blood depends on the number of cigarettes. The higher it is, the stronger risks. But even two cigarettes a day are undoubtedly harmful. In addition, so-called light cigarettes are no less dangerous than regular brands.

Some doctors, taking into account the mother’s condition, recommend exclusively gradually reducing the dosage. After all, women are afraid that they will not be able to cope with the additional stress, and their body will suffer greatly when giving up nicotine.

In fact, a slow reduction in nicotine levels is in some cases more painful than abrupt refusal. Psychologically, a woman strives for action that is familiar to her. Everyday life. The situation is in many ways reminiscent of trying to follow a diet - first you bite off “just one piece”, and then the entire refrigerator is emptied. It is extremely difficult to resist an extra cigarette!

It is almost impossible to cope with the problem by willpower alone. More often one of the well-known ones helps psychological techniques(for example, the popular way of weaning according to Allen Carr). A woman must be able to change her life. And, most importantly, want it! If this did not happen before conceiving a child, then quitting smoking after learning about imminent motherhood is the most correct decision.

How to overcome yourself?

Change process own life and giving up the habit of regularly reaching for a cigarette begins with the realization that this is just a ritual that actually has no special significance for the body. The body does not gain anything from this. It doesn't receive useful substances, does not train.

Psychologists advise switching all thoughts to the life emerging within. Any woman wants a healthy and strong baby. Inherent in her very nature is the desire to preserve the life of a child at any cost. And if you use this natural desire as a starting point for a new and completely healthy existence, everything will work out.

Ideally, you should quit cigarettes a year before the desired pregnancy occurs.“Withdrawal” takes no more than five days. It is during this period that one can weaken psychological desire take a cigarette in your hands. It is important to immediately abandon the already familiar ritual, after giving yourself correct installation. At the same time, a woman can constantly remind herself why and for whom she makes such “sacrifices.”

Pregnancy does not always allow you to quit smoking abruptly - when you quit nicotine, your heart rate decreases, and at the same time the tone of the uterus increases. This does not happen in all cases, but the possibility of complications is still present. Therefore, it is important to consult a gynecologist who is observing the woman. Usually, if you can't quit smoking in a second, medical recommendations boil down to the following:

  • reducing the dosage by half in the first week;
  • not smoking each cigarette until the end of the second (several puffs are taken to “bring down hunger”);
  • smoking in in rare cases in the third week (if it gets bad, it changes heartbeat, very dizzy).

The nicotine cessation regimen is selected individually in each case. Much depends on the determination of the expectant mother and her positive psychological attitude.

Of course, whether you can smoke during pregnancy or not is up to each woman to decide for herself. But we should not forget about the conclusions official medicine, which by no means welcomes the friendship of expectant mothers with nicotine. Quitting this habit will always be easier than bearing a long-term burden of moral responsibility and pain for the damaged health or death of a child.

Questions regarding smoking during pregnancy appear on the Mama.ru forum from time to time. Many women are interested in whether they should quit smoking immediately as soon as the fact of pregnancy is confirmed, or will it be a lot of stress for the body and for the unborn baby? We decided to answer this and other questions by debunking several myths about smoking during pregnancy.

1. Quitting smoking suddenly can have a negative impact on your child.

Previously, it was believed that abruptly giving up cigarettes when two lines appeared on the test could harm the fetus. However, there is currently no scientific evidence to support this opinion. On the contrary, the sooner the expectant mother quits smoking, the lower the risk of spontaneous abortion and premature birth.

Another thing is that quitting smoking overnight can be difficult for the woman herself. Then she needs to consult not only her gynecologist, but also a therapist who will help choose the least safe way for the mother and child to get rid of nicotine addiction.

2. Smoking less reduces the risk of pregnancy complications

It's not true: it doesn't exist safe dose nicotine for the expectant mother and fetus. Of course, reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke during the first months of pregnancy is a good start, but this strategy is not suitable for the entire period of pregnancy. The ultimate goal pregnant smoker should be complete failure from nicotine as soon as possible. You should not smoke either during pregnancy or after - cigarettes harm both the baby in the womb and the child already born.

3. Light cigarettes are not that harmful

Any cigarette is a mixture hazardous substances, which harm both the woman and her unborn child. Regardless of the type, brand, length and thickness of cigarettes, they all pose a risk of placental abruption, low birth weight baby, premature birth and other complications and problems during pregnancy. According to statistics, the likelihood of an unfavorable development and completion of pregnancy in a smoker is twice as high as in a woman who does not smoke or has given up cigarettes at the planning stage.

4. It’s easier for smokers to give birth because they don’t have large babies.

This clean water artifice. A smoker can give birth to either a low birth weight baby or a child with overweight bodies. In any case, underweight or overweight for a baby is a serious risk. Such kids various reasons more often end up in the department intensive care: some are born unable to support constant temperature body, while others are diagnosed with low (or, conversely, high) blood glucose levels.

5. I am healthy, my older children are healthy - there is nothing terrible about smoking

Perhaps your mother smoked when she was pregnant with you, and you were born healthy. Or maybe your friend smoked and gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby. Or you yourself smoked when you were carrying your eldest child - and he was born completely normal. However, you and your friends are not the most objective statistics. No one knows exactly how and how seriously it will affect a particular child. bad habit his mother. The fact remains: nicotine addiction can cause malformations of the fetus and often causes poor health of the child, because nicotine and other dangerous (including radioactive) substances cross the placental barrier. Why risk the baby’s well-being once again?

6. The pregnancy is already long, so there is no point in quitting.

Of course, there is always a meaning - it doesn’t matter whether you are in the fourth or 30th week of pregnancy. Quitting nicotine will allow your baby to receive more oxygen, be better prepared for birth (after all, this will take him a lot of strength and energy) and will reduce the amount of harmful substances reaching him through the placenta. In addition, if you quit smoking even a week before giving birth, it will be much easier for you to endure contractions and, most importantly, to breathe, which is important during this crucial period.

Smoking increases the likelihood of miscarriages by 1.5 times, and the risk of stillbirths by 1.3 times. Hypoxia caused by nicotine leads to children with severe genetic disorders. But even with a successful pregnancy, the birth of a healthy, cheerful baby, it is possible long-term consequences in his adult life.

Consequences of smoking during pregnancy

A woman who smokes may well be born with an outwardly completely healthy baby. But by the age of 3-4, such children often have problems with the kidneys, heart, lymphatic and circulatory systems.

What are the consequences of smoking during pregnancy? First of all, nicotine addiction affects the health of children. They become hyperactive, suffer more often from lung diseases, and have weak immunity.

Smoking mom

A dangerous consequence is the birth of children with insufficient birth weight. With a norm of 2500 g or more, a smoker is 8 times more likely to give birth to children weighing 1500 - 2500 g.

The likelihood of having underweight children increases in older smokers, as well as in women with a long history of smoking.

Children with underweight often die in the first hours of life, and in adulthood they suffer:

  • lung diseases;
  • asthma;
  • diseases of the liver, urinary system;
  • tumors of different localization;
  • hypertension, heart defects;
  • metabolic pathologies leading to obesity, type 2 diabetes.

Increased likelihood of lymphoma by 2.3 times, risk diabetes mellitus 4.5 times - what smoking in the first trimester leads to. If a mother smokes, her baby suffers more from colic than the baby of a non-smoking parent.

The risk of infant death increases even if only one parent smokes and the baby is breastfed.

Father smoking

A non-smoking mother, inhaling smoky air, receives a portion of toxins that is dangerous for the baby. Boys are especially affected. Their genotype is less resistant to mutations, which leads to genetic disorders.

Fathers who smoked before conception harm their unborn children. at the chromosome level. It does not disrupt their sequence, but changes the biochemistry of gene interaction. Incorrect operation genes, as proven by the new branch of genetics epigenetics, are inherited.

Taking a drag from a cigarette, the parents call in the cages child's body mutations leading in subsequent generations to autism, schizophrenia, cancer, and hematopoietic disorders.

Smoking causes changes in any cells of the body, but the cells of actively working organs - lungs, heart, liver, brain - are especially affected. So, in lung cells heavy smoker 600 genes were found to be altered by smoking.

When quitting tobacco, most of the malfunctioning genes are restored, but some of them remain and continue to function with disturbances. Mutations of germ cells are especially dangerous.

Disorders may not appear in children, but may arise as a congenital genetic disease over a generation.

Smoking by the father before conception is the cause of cancer in children in 14% of cases, which is explained by the damaging effects of nicotine on sperm DNA.

The result of the influence of tobacco addiction is:

  • increase in tumors in children by 1.7 times;
  • formation of brain tumors - 1.22 times more often;
  • formation of lymphoma – 2 times more often.

Pathologies of the genital organs are transmitted through the male line, subsequently leading to infertility.

Video lecture about the consequences of smoking during pregnancy for a child:

Consequences for children in adulthood

Children of smoking mothers start smoking earlier and become more dependent on nicotine. Early start Smoking leads to growth retardation, decreased lung capacity, poor posture, and muscle weakness.

Damage caused by nicotine intrauterine development, manifests itself even if the children of a smoking mother do not smoke.

Circulatory system

Children of smoking parents develop hemangiomas - benign tumors that arise when blood vessels. The danger lies in squeezing the surrounding blood vessels, neighboring organs, as well as the transformation benign tumor to malignant.

The pathology occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and is often diagnosed immediately after birth.

Respiratory system

In smoking families, children are susceptible to respiratory diseases throughout his life. Mostly affected respiratory system girls. Maternal smoking increases the risk of diseases of the paranasal sinuses, oropharynx, and trachea.

By age 7, children of parents who smoked during pregnancy are 35% more likely to develop asthma. more risk You are afraid of getting otitis media.

Organs of the reproductive system

When a girl is pregnant, maternal smoking leads to the death of the embryonic eggs of the fetus. As she grows up, a girl may face the impossibility of having her own children.

A connection has also been established between the birth of a girl with a deficiency in birth weight and breast cancer in adulthood. Suffering and reproductive system boy. Spermatogenesis disorders in adult life can lead to decreased sperm viability, a decrease in their number, and infertility.


The number of children with renal pathologies related to smoking. Every 6 children under the age of 10 who visit a doctor seek treatment for their kidneys. A child may be born with kidney defects that are incompatible with life. There are positional anomalies of the kidneys - prolapse or rotation of the kidney in space.

Pathologies Bladder are less common and are usually found in boys. A rare pathology for a child is the underdevelopment of the bladder, which leads to the death of the baby.

TO congenital pathologies development includes hypospadias - a disease characterized by a violation of the dissolution of the final part of the ureter. Treatment of the disease is surgical, to form urethra are carried out plastic surgery, replacement tissue is taken from the child himself.


Smoking in early stages leads to liver pathologies. Children smoking parents 2.3 times more likely to develop liver cancer.

The risk of getting sick in adulthood increases almost 5 times if parents smoked before conception and during pregnancy.

Brain and mental activity

On later Smoking affects developing intelligence and increases the risk of having babies with developmental delays. In smoking families, children often experience difficulties with speech until the age of 3-4 years. The possibility of having children with mental retardation among smoking mothers increases by 75%.

The mental development quotient (IQ) of such children is below average, and there is a dependence on the number of cigarettes per day and the degree of developmental delay. Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day increases the risk of having a child with an IQ below 70 by 1.85 times.

Smoking in numbers

Here are the figures characterizing smoking during pregnancy:

  • In 40% of infants fed smoking mothers, are noted intestinal colic. For non-smoking mothers – 26%.
  • Smokers have a 2-fold increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Smokers suffer from chronic colpitis 5.22 times more often than non-smoking women. cardiovascular pathologies occur 20 times more often.
  • Spontaneous abortions occur due to smoking in 11% of cases.
  • The risk of placental abruption due to smoking increases 2.4 times.
  • The likelihood of placenta previa increases 3 times.

When pregnant with a girl, the probability of presentation increases almost 5 times; stopping smoking reduces the risk by 33%.

Risk stillbirth The rate of birth in smokers is 50% higher than in non-smokers. Death in children of smokers in the first days of life in approximately 40% of cases is caused by smoking. Vasospasm and premature rupture of membranes occur 3-4 times more often in smokers.

Lack of infant weight caused by mother's smoking leads to learning problems. Such children are 3.3 times more likely to have difficulty reading, and they have 6.5 times more difficulty in mathematics at school age.

Developmental defect spinal cord in children of smoking mothers it is 1.4 times more common, and facial clefts are 2.5 times more common. Shortening of one of the limbs is 30% more common. Maternal smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of otitis media. A third of children of smoking parents have obesity and diabetes by the age of 16.

The consequences of smoking during pregnancy in numbers:

Maternal health

Smoking while breastfeeding is dangerous for the baby and mother. During lactation in a woman high speed metabolism. Smoking during breastfeeding leads to rapid wear and tear of a woman’s body, aging.

A smoking mom risks:

  • deterioration of visual acuity, color perception;
  • hearing loss due to thickening eardrum, decreased mobility of the auditory ossicles;
  • loss of complete or partial taste sensations, sense of smell.

A cigarette lover is 3 times more likely to experience degenerative changes retina, 2 times – inflammation eyeball that can lead to blindness.

The menstrual cycle of a smoker is disrupted, menstruation is accompanied by pain and spotting. Women who smoke more than a pack of cigarettes per day have a 1.6-fold increased risk heavy menstruation with great blood loss.

Smoking increases testosterone synthesis, which leads to a relative lack of estrogen. Subcutaneous fat is distributed on the abdomen according to the male pattern.

When answering the question of how smoking affects a mother’s health, one cannot fail to mention thin skin, hoarse voice, darkening and decay of teeth, varicose veins veins caused by a violation peripheral circulation, osteoporosis, insomnia. And this is far from a complete bouquet of diseases that nicotine addiction gives a woman.

At any stage of pregnancy, inhalation tobacco smoke causes irreparable harm to both mother and baby. Loving mother will not risk the health of children for the sake of his death-bringing whim.

Smoking during pregnancy

Nicotine is the main harmful component of tobacco, it is a neurotropic poison, easily penetrates the brain and produces changes in it that lead to persistent addiction. The addiction is so persistent that many pregnant women sacrifice the health of the child for the sake of their pleasure.

Even before birth, the baby is poisoned with strong poisons, including carbon monoxide, benzopyrene, ammonia, lead, methane, methanol. A pregnant woman smokes with her baby, stupefying his brain, lungs, and heart with nicotine, causing mutations in the child’s genes. And these are not all the consequences of smoking during pregnancy.


For a child

The health of the child is laid down before the onset of pregnancy during its planning. A woman who smokes before conception deliberately creates unfavorable conditions for the formation of the egg and embryo.

As a result, the following are possible:

  • In children, the brain and heart are especially affected by nicotine.
  • When smoking during pregnancy, the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen (hypoxia), caused by impaired oxygen transport, vasoconstriction, with every puff from the mother.
  • The fetal breathing movements stop in response to maternal puffing, which increases the risk sudden death in children in the first months of life.
  • Long-term consequences of hypoxia during intrauterine development are developmental delays and hyperactivity syndrome.

Complications of intrauterine oxygen deficiency due to cerebral palsy, epilepsy, mental retardation. These destructive changes cannot be cured. A child who has survived the entire pregnancy in amniotic fluid saturated with nicotine has little chance of surviving.
In the video about the effect of smoking on the fetus during pregnancy:

For Mom

When smoking, benzopyrene is released - a polycyclic hydrocarbon of the first hazard class, a carcinogen. Benzapyrene causes mutations due to its ability to form complexes with the DNA molecule.

When benzopyrene integrates into DNA, it separates the double strand. After which, each chain forms its own double helix, which leads to mutations. Including the p53 gene, which causes cancer.
It hurts great harm pregnancy, or rather both the mother and her future offspring. The child may not necessarily be born with a visible mutation. It is impossible to predict in advance exactly how maternal smoking will affect the child, what genetic disease A caring mother provides for her baby.

Since smoking affects the severity of toxicosis, pregnancy is accompanied by headaches, swelling, and high blood pressure.

Alarming statistics

Total number smokers in Russia make up 27%, 40% of them are girls school age. The total number increases annually by 1.5%. The lungs of expectant mothers, already from adolescence, begin to accumulate radioactive polonium-210, lead-210, nicotine, arsenic, methanol, toluene, and hexamine.

Here are a few more numbers:

  • 40% of smokers do not give up tobacco during pregnancy.
  • In 5% of cases, a smoker's pregnancy ends in intrauterine fetal death.
  • Risk pathological pregnancy 2 times higher.
  • Sudden infant death occurs in 90% of cases in mothers who smoke.
  • Premature births occur 2 times more often in women addicted to tobacco, and early miscarriages occur 1.7 times more often than in women who do not use tobacco.
  • Spontaneous abortions in smokers occur 4.6 times more often.
  • Stillbirths among smokers are 30% higher, children are born with less weight and reduced lung function.

With each puff, a pregnant smoker supplies her baby with 18% of what she receives. Of these 18%, only 10% is excreted from the fetus’s body, which indicates the accumulation of poisons in the child’s body. The nicotine content in the blood of the fetus is higher than that of a pregnant woman who smokes.

The likelihood of asthma in children of a mother who smokes before and during pregnancy is 1.5 times higher than in a non-smoking parent, and if both mother and grandmother smoked, then the risk of asthma in the child increases 2.6 times.

Danger mental retardation in a child born by a lover of a cigarette or hookah, it ranges from 50% to 85%, if the smoker did not stop poisoning the child until the end of pregnancy. In the latter case, the child will also be deaf.

Doctors' opinion

Academician F. G. Uglov, famous surgeon, who lived 104 years, considered smoking to be a slow suicide, had a negative attitude towards the fashion for female smoking. Due to the nature of his work, he had to see the consequences of smoking every day, performing operations to remove malignant tumors, observing metastases spreading throughout the body.

Despite the busy work schedule, Fedor Grigorievich Uglov Special attention devoted to the problem of smoking during pregnancy. He pointed out that a common complication of smoking is spontaneous abortion at up to 36 weeks, which is 2 times more common in smokers.

Children of a smoking mother are developmentally delayed, often get sick, and absolutely all of them start smoking adolescence. The academician noted an increased mortality rate during childbirth among smoking women, high risk use of contraceptives in combination with smoking.

Reproduction doctors note the dangers of not only active, but also passive smoking, both during pregnancy and when planning it. This habit not only reduces the likelihood of natural conception, but subsequently becomes the cause of failures in the IVF protocol at the stage of fertilization of the egg and attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

To increase the viability of embryos, they are placed in a special anti-stress environment, which increases the chance of a healthy child being born.

Considering the above, we can definitely say that smoking during pregnancy will harm not only the baby, but also the mother herself, complicating the lives of both in the future.

How to quit smoking

An attempt to say goodbye to dangerous habit The most heavy smokers have attempted it at least once in their lives. To help women, and seemingly for good purposes, electronic cigarettes and nicotine-free hookahs appeared on sale.

Electronic Cigarette

When advertising, manufacturers forget to mention that main danger in tobacco it represents nicotine, disease-causing, gene mutations transmitted to offspring.

And most importantly, the electronic cigarette does not eliminate mental dependence, nothing in the life of a smoker changes. The physical addiction to nicotine will not go away either.

A woman who smokes e-cigarettes will go through the same stages of dependence on tobacco smoking as when using regular cigarette. The declared composition of the cartridges, as it turned out during inspection electronic cigarettes American quality control organization (FDA), did not coincide with the actual one and contained carcinogens.

The danger of consuming nicotine when using an electronic gadget is no lower than when smoking a regular cigarette. Thanks to the calming effect of advertising, a smoker who switches to an electronic surrogate will smoke more confidently and more often.


Any method of using tobacco is dangerous. A hookah with a tobacco mixture or even without nicotine is no exception. The most dangerous carcinogen is benzopyrene, carbon monoxide is formed during the combustion of any substances.

And inhaling combustion products of aromatic mixtures of unknown composition or with unknown properties can be no less harmful than smoking tobacco. Such dangerous product combustion, like carbon monoxide, is highly toxic. When smoking one hookah, the same amount of it enters the body as from smoking 20 cigarettes in an hour, therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to smoke in this way during pregnancy, the answer is a categorical no.

When smoking a hookah with nicotine, aromatic additives mask the taste of tobacco. Under the cherry, vanilla taste, nicotine, a dangerous product of its metabolism, cotinine, arsenic, and chromium, penetrates into the body.

There are no safe smoking mixtures, therefore, even fearing stress, no matter what the deadline. Human lungs are designed by nature to inhale clean air. No living being will enjoy inhaling combustion products containing poisonous gases.

Smoking when planning pregnancy

Women who smoke are more likely to face the problem of infertility. This deviation is registered in them 2 times more often than in women who did not smoke tobacco. Difficulty conceiving occurs as a result toxic damage ovaries, disorders of egg formation.

The outer membrane of the eggs (pellucidum) thickens in a smoker and becomes a difficult obstacle for sperm to overcome. Having once arisen, this quality of pellucidity is fixed and becomes the cause of idiopathic (unexplained) infertility.

Even if the fusion of sperm and egg has taken place, it is difficult for the fertilized egg to implant into the wall of the uterus, and for the embryo to develop in the thickened membrane.

When the pellucida is thickened, infertility often cannot be eliminated even with the help of the procedure in vitro fertilization(ECO). To treat infertility in these cases, they resort to the ICSI method - intracytoplasmic injection of sperm into the egg.

Thickening of the pellucida is more typical for women over 35 years of age, and with smoking, these phenomena are also observed in young women. The changes are irreversible, because all the eggs in a woman have been deposited since childhood.

Smoking causes disorders menstrual cycles, shortens the duration of childbearing age.

Doctors' opinion on smoking during pregnancy:

What does nicotine addiction lead to?

The amniotic fluid of smokers is saturated with nicotine. Pathologists say that smoking women who die during childbirth have amniotic fluid publish strong smell nicotine

The child develops in a toxic environment, is born weak, with insufficient birth weight, pathologies of the lungs, heart, and central nervous system.

IN early age The baby is receiving treatment for endless bronchitis, otitis, and acute respiratory infections. Such children get pneumonia more often than usual and take many injections.

As adults, they will experience shortness of breath, problems with physical education at school, and with their studies. They will most likely have to face infertility and undergo long-term treatment in order to give birth to a child.

All these problems arise during pregnancy, in every case when a woman takes up a cigarette, depriving the child of health, reducing his life expectancy with each puff.

The content of the article:

Smoking is one of the most common addictions that causes great harm human health. Due to nicotine addiction, people become weak-willed, worsening their condition every day. IN special category smokers include pregnant women. Often, expectant mothers who smoked before conception cannot get rid of this habit during pregnancy. And this has a very bad effect on the condition of the unborn child.

Gynecologists tell pregnant women about all the “delights” addiction, however, not everyone is able to get rid of it. Many of them are really afraid of the consequences of smoking for the fetus, and therefore they are wondering whether pregnant women can smoke hookah or e-cigarettes. According to doctors, there is no need to look for a replacement; it is better to try to quit smoking correctly.

Smoking during pregnancy: consequences

During pregnancy, mother and child are one organism, and therefore any habits of a woman in one way or another affect the fetus. According to medical research, in about 75% of cases, pregnant women noticed Negative consequences smoking. Many mothers claim that they smoked during pregnancy, but the child’s health is fine. However, they do not understand that the consequences can overtake the baby some time after birth.

If a pregnant woman smokes, then nicotine penetrates into her body (and as a result, into the body of the fetus). This insidious poison can harm a child even through long time(in adulthood). The carcinogen makes children absent-minded, impairs memory and sleep, and negatively affects the central nervous system. Some of them become very hot-tempered, while others, on the contrary, slow down their reactions.

According to doctors, pregnant women should not smoke, otherwise the likelihood of the following consequences increases:

The amount of oxygen in the body of a smoking mother decreases. As a result, less gas penetrates the placental barrier to the baby, and this can lead to dangerous complications.
The fetal heart rate increases.
The likelihood of spontaneous abortion or stillbirth increases.
There is a risk that the baby will be born between 22 and 37 weeks or will be premature.
Increased risk of disease respiratory organs The child has.

Expectant mothers should know that early(up to 4 weeks of pregnancy) it does not matter whether the woman smokes less often or buys cigarettes with a lower nicotine concentration. Less strong cigarettes also contain harmful substances, despite the fact that the amount of resins in them is smaller. In addition, the expectant mother must understand that cigarettes have a bad effect not only on the fetus, but also on her condition. Smoking increases the likelihood of gestosis (late toxicosis) or worsens this state, sleep disorders occur, metabolism is disrupted, the woman quickly and sharply gains weight.

But sometimes the expectant mother, against her will, becomes a victim of smoking. This is about passive smoking, which no less negatively affects the body, moreover, it can accelerate harmful effects. This is explained by the fact that when a person smokes inhales smoke, the lungs are affected not only by carcinogens and poisons, but also by oxygen oxides. These chemical compounds negatively affect the central nervous system, provoke sleep disorders, hypoxia and uterine contractions.

To improve your health and prevent all negative consequences, you should avoid any influence of smoke. Do not visit smoking areas, ask your loved ones to refrain from smoking in front of you.

Time to get rid of a bad habit

Doctors recommend quitting smoking while planning pregnancy, although giving up bad habit it's never too late. In the early stages, smoking carries the greatest danger, and all because Negative influence carcinogens are directed to the developing central nervous system of the fetus.

Many pregnant women who smoke are interested in the question of whether it is possible for a pregnant woman to suddenly quit smoking if she did so before conception. It is not recommended to suddenly give up cigarettes before the 13th week of pregnancy. It is better to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes in order to gradually get rid of addiction.

In the 2nd trimester, the formation of the brain occurs, all internal organs and limbs. When smoking in the period from 14 to 26 weeks, the likelihood of physical abnormalities increases and development may be impaired. important organs or even systems. Most at risk the respiratory organs and central nervous system are affected.

From 27 to 40 weeks, pregnant women develop lactation capacity. Nicotine from cigarettes accumulates in tissues, and the later a woman gives up smoking, the greater the risk that she will feed her baby poisoned milk. As a result, the baby gets used to nicotine, he suffers from colic, diarrhea, and sleep disorders.

Some women wonder what to do if they smoked and found out that they were pregnant. If the pregnancy was sudden and smoking woman I found out about it at 2–4 weeks, then the embryo had already received a small dose of nicotine. At this time, they are formed digestive organs, spine and brain, which may be affected by maternal nicotine addiction.

Expectant mothers who have recently learned about their situation are very worried that they have already poisoned their baby with this poison. However, reduce bad influence nicotine on the fetus is possible. For the expectant mother It is recommended to immediately notify the gynecologist that she has recently quit smoking. In this case, the doctor will prescribe vitamins based on ascorbic acid and iron. A woman should avoid tonic drinks (coffee, tea, sweet soda). It is advisable to include vegetables, fruits, and freshly squeezed juices in your diet. Recommended to drink more liquid: filtered water, kefir, green tea etc. It is also worth doing daily hiking, avoid smoking areas. Only by observing these conditions will a woman be able to correct the harm she has caused to the baby.

Smoking herbal mixtures and hookah

Some women smoke weed while pregnant; this is very dangerous for the fetus. Herbal mixtures violate mental development of the unborn child, they depress the activity of the central nervous system, but at the same time excite nerve endings brain.

When smoking weed, there is a threat not only from within, but also from without. Herbal mixtures slow down nervous system women have impaired coordination, and therefore the likelihood of falls and blows increases, which could result in harm to the fetus.

Effects of smoking weed during pregnancy:

The development of the fetus is disrupted, its body is constantly poisoned by toxic substances, and it develops a dependence on “weed” even before birth.
Every 3 children whose mother smoked weed has impaired brain functionality, which is manifested by memory loss, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and other pathologies.
As a result of regular smoking by the mother, the fetus may simply die in the womb.

Many people are interested in whether pregnant women can smoke hookah. According to doctors, hookah during pregnancy is perhaps even more dangerous than cigarettes. Is in the smoke a large number of dangerous chemical substances(including nicotine and carbon monoxide). Many smokers believe that the water through which the smoke passes cleanses it of toxic substances. However, this opinion is erroneous, since they are completely absorbed into the blood. After smoking a hookah, a person is even more poisoned by nicotine and carbon monoxide, since the process itself takes longer.

Pregnant women are prohibited from smoking hookah frequently, otherwise the risk of dangerous consequences: low weight, respiratory diseases, sudden infant death.

The question of how to quit smoking during pregnancy interests many expectant mothers. This is quite real, as proven by many women! The following rules will help facilitate this process:

Don't do things that make you think about cigarettes (don't drink coffee, don't drink alcohol, avoid stress, etc.).
Check out the popular book " The easy way quit smoking” by A. Carr.
Change your daily routine, fill in the blanks interesting activities(handicrafts, sports, dancing, etc.).
Take walks more often fresh air. If you smoke on the street, the unfriendly reaction of passers-by will make you feel shy and awkward. As a result, you will not get pleasure from the process. In addition, during a walk, oxygen spreads faster through the tissues, and the craving for cigarettes decreases.
Replace cigarettes with sweets. Give preference to dark chocolate, sweets and lollipops.

After 2 - 3 weeks, your weight will increase slightly. However, don’t worry, things will get back to normal soon. metabolic processes and work endocrine glands and you will return to normal.
Watch films about the intrauterine development of a child and pregnancy more often. This improves your mood and adds confidence that you are doing the right thing by giving up a bad habit.
Sign up for courses for young parents and talk to your doctor about this topic.

By following these rules, you will soon be able to quit smoking.

If you can't quit

And in some cases, the expectant mother fails to quit smoking, but she realizes how dangerous it is for the fetus and is very worried. In such cases, you can resort to auxiliary means.

The nicotine patch can replace cigarettes, and the harm from it is much less than from cigarettes. This method is used by many mothers who are faced with similar problem. As they write on the forums, he helped some women give up their addiction. The patch contains the same amount of nicotine as a cigarette, but without inhaling the smoke.

According to doctors, smoking electronic cigarettes is not a solution. This is explained by the fact that a woman is forced to independently control the flow of nicotine into her body, and this is quite difficult. Future mother may consume more nicotine, but not feel it, since he inhales vapor, not smoke.

Now you know how to quit smoking while pregnant. The most important condition is own wish get rid of nicotine addiction for the benefit of the unborn child. Stay positive, stay calm and enjoy the experience. healthy image life.



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