And carra is an easy way to enjoy air travel. Allen Carr (Alen Car) - The Easy Way to Enjoy Air Travel

Allen Carr was a heavy smoker and smoked hundreds of cigarettes a day. After countless and unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking, he developed a unique technique for quitting nicotine. His method received high praise from doctors and is a huge success in many countries of the world, he has helped millions of smokers to quit smoking - easily, painlessly, forever.

The Allen Carr method does not require willpower, because thanks to it, the smoker loses the very desire to smoke, fears disappear due to common misconceptions associated with smoking. The method will help every smoker, no matter how long and how much you smoke. No tricks and tricks, no intimidation and moralizing, no discomfort as a result of quitting.

The Easy Way by Allen Carr has already helped millions of smokers in Russia quit smoking. He will help you too.

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Allen Carr

The easy way to enjoy air travel

Dedicated to Adele Mirer.

She helped me realize that there are millions of people for whom flying in an airplane is not a pleasure, but a nightmare.

© Allen Carr's Easyway (International) Limited, 2000

© Edition in Russian, translated into Russian. Publishing house "Good book", 2007

The main idea that runs through the book of Allen Carr is the overcoming of fear. The value of the "Easy way" discovered by him lies in the fact that it helps to get rid of phobias and anxieties that prevent people from fully enjoying life. This is clearly demonstrated by Allen Carr's books: "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking", "The Only Way to Quit Smoking Forever", "The Easy Way to Lose Weight", "How to Help Our Children Quit Smoking".

The habit of smoking 100 cigarettes a day drove Allen Carr, a former successful accountant, to despair, until in 1983, after endless attempts to quit smoking, he finally discovered what many had been waiting for - "The easy way to quit smoking ". He has now established a network of clinics around the world that have a well-deserved reputation for successfully helping people quit smoking. His books have been published in more than 20 languages, and there are also video, audio and CD versions.

Tens of thousands of people have sought help at Allen Carr's clinics, and more than 90% of them have successfully quit smoking. He promises his patients that they can easily give up nicotine, and in case of an unsuccessful attempt, they will be refunded the money spent on the course of treatment. A list of Allen Carr's clinics is provided at the end of the book. If you need help, please contact the clinic closest to you. Some Allen Carr clinics also provide training for those who want to control their weight. In addition, a corporate customer service is offered, enabling companies to easily and effectively fight smoking.


For over 20 years I have been a confirmed smoker, smoking 60 cigarettes a day. Like most heavy smokers, I have tried several times to quit smoking. I first tested to see if I had willpower and quickly discovered that I didn't have it. On subsequent attempts, I resorted to acupuncture, hypnosis, anti-nicotine lozenges and patches. It turned out that all these methods worked only for a short time. Not that I climbed the wall, but I was constantly haunted by the feeling that I was a smoker who was no longer allowed to smoke. Like most ex-smokers, I sometimes had an irresistible urge to smoke a cigarette. I soon returned to my 60 cigarettes a day.

I heard about Allen Carr. I have seen him on TV and even met people who have successfully quit smoking after seeking help from his clinics. My husband bought me one of his books. Now I realize how stupid I was that I didn't bother to read it earlier, but I'm a skeptic by nature. I already knew then that smoking was killing me and that it took a lot of money. The problem was not to stop smoking. I could do it. But I did not understand how a book could help me get rid of the feeling of losing a support and a friend.

Three years after my last attempt to quit smoking, while looking for something, I stumbled upon this book by accident. At that time, I had already lost hope of quitting, so it's hard for me to say why I started reading it. The book captured me. It seemed to me that I was reading not about the life experience of Allen Carr, but about my own biography. After reading the book to the end, I smoked my last cigarette, and I never had the desire to smoke again.

In addition to smoking, there were two other problems in my life that gave me trouble. Ironically, one of them was that since the age of 20 I have been constantly fighting with fat deposits on my body. Although it's ironic if most middle-aged married women with two children have the same problems. However, I have always maintained that I started and continue to smoke primarily because I want to lose weight.

By that time, Allen Carr had become my guru. However, when I found out that his technique is effective for weight correction, that losing extra pounds and being the way you want is as easy and joyful as stopping smoking, I was again skeptical about it. After all, Allen himself says:

“Smoking is a contagion, a poison and a killer, while eating is a pleasant, wonderful and life-sustaining process.”

I am ashamed now that I doubted the words of Allen Carr. He is absolutely right. You probably already guessed that my third problem was a manic fear of flying. Allen explains in detail why smokers, alcoholics and other drug addicts are forced to resort to lies and self-deception. I don't need to explain to my fellow sufferers that there are far fewer of us than those who are prone to fear of air travel. I will not describe in detail the panic that seized me at the very thought that I needed to fly, and the intricate web of lies that I wove to avoid flying, since all this is detailed in the book that you hold in your hands. Now I understand that the deceit I resorted to not only misled me, but also did not convince my family or my friends. They were just too polite and sincerely sympathetic to let me know that my fear of flying deprives not only me of this pleasure, but also them.

Allen told me that he, too, was once terrified of even thinking about a plane, and now flying for him is not a frightening ordeal that you need to go through in order to later enjoy a vacation abroad, but an interesting, pleasant and exciting part of a vacation or business trip. I asked him what contributed to such changes. By that time, I believed Allen so much that I had no reason to doubt his words. However, I was confused. After all, people smoke and overeat, often without meaning to. But flying is a completely different matter, many would like to enjoy it, but cannot achieve this.

We talked for two hours. Don't forget that until that time, not only had I never flown, I hadn't even dared to go to the airport or even think about booking a plane ticket. When we finished our conversation, I had tears in my eyes, but, I emphasize, they were tears of joy. I was impatient to wait for the holidays so that I could finally book a plane ticket and spend my holidays abroad. It was not that I needed a rest, but that by the end of our conversation I had already lost my sense of fear of flying, and I needed to prove it to myself.

Adele Mirer

So, who wants to fly abroad?

It was a time when vacations in sunny lands - in Mallorca or the Canaries, and for more prosperous people in Florida or the Bahamas - were not only commonplace, but became a relatively inexpensive and fashionable pleasure.

I recently graduated as an accountant. My income was higher, my car and house were slightly better than the average of my friends, and my mortgage was slightly lower. However, while I considered two weeks of vacation at the popular and comfortable recreation center in Bognor Regis the best vacation of my life, my friends were already blissful under the Mediterranean sunshine.

Why didn't I follow fashion? Maybe because I was loyal to the British leisure industry? No. Or because the weather in Bognor is better than in the Mediterranean? This question shouldn't be answered at all. Or maybe because I really enjoyed a two-week vacation only at the recreation center? I hope I don't sound like a snob, but the answer is no. Or was it all about the food? I have no doubt that the food in the Mediterranean was tasty and healthy, like much that is available in exotic resorts these days, but at the end of each vacation, I again enjoyed home cooking with great relief. Then the answer is: probably it's all about the price, and two weeks at the recreation center in Bognor cost half as much as a two-week vacation in the Mediterranean. Surprisingly, it was just the opposite. In the end, when I did muster up the courage to take my first flight (sorry, I'm still kidding myself: when I was first forced to make this terrible flight), we spent two weeks in Mallorca. Including return tickets and full board at a four star hotel, it cost us £32 per adult and half that for children.

Current page: 1 (total book has 10 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 7 pages]

Allen Carr
The easy way to enjoy air travel

Dedicated to Adele Mirer.

She helped me realize that there are millions of people for whom flying in an airplane is not a pleasure, but a nightmare.

© Allen Carr's Easyway (International) Limited, 2000

© Edition in Russian, translated into Russian. Publishing house "Good book", 2007

about the author

The main idea that runs through the book of Allen Carr is the overcoming of fear. The value of the "Easy way" discovered by him lies in the fact that it helps to get rid of phobias and anxieties that prevent people from fully enjoying life. This is clearly demonstrated by Allen Carr's books: "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking", "The Only Way to Quit Smoking Forever", "The Easy Way to Lose Weight", "How to Help Our Children Quit Smoking".

The habit of smoking 100 cigarettes a day drove Allen Carr, a former successful accountant, to despair, until in 1983, after endless attempts to quit smoking, he finally discovered what many had been waiting for - "The easy way to quit smoking ". He has now established a network of clinics around the world that have a well-deserved reputation for successfully helping people quit smoking. His books have been published in more than 20 languages, and there are also video, audio and CD versions.

Tens of thousands of people have sought help at Allen Carr's clinics, and more than 90% of them have successfully quit smoking. He promises his patients that they can easily give up nicotine, and in case of an unsuccessful attempt, they will be refunded the money spent on the course of treatment. A list of Allen Carr's clinics is provided at the end of the book. If you need help, please contact the clinic closest to you. Some Allen Carr clinics also provide training for those who want to control their weight. In addition, a corporate customer service is offered, enabling companies to easily and effectively fight smoking.


For over 20 years I have been a confirmed smoker, smoking 60 cigarettes a day. Like most heavy smokers, I have tried several times to quit smoking. I first tested to see if I had willpower and quickly discovered that I didn't have it. On subsequent attempts, I resorted to acupuncture, hypnosis, anti-nicotine lozenges and patches. It turned out that all these methods worked only for a short time. Not that I climbed the wall, but I was constantly haunted by the feeling that I was a smoker who was no longer allowed to smoke. Like most ex-smokers, I sometimes had an irresistible urge to smoke a cigarette. I soon returned to my 60 cigarettes a day.

I heard about Allen Carr. I have seen him on TV and even met people who have successfully quit smoking after seeking help from his clinics. My husband bought me one of his books. Now I realize how stupid I was that I didn't bother to read it earlier, but I'm a skeptic by nature. I already knew then that smoking was killing me and that it took a lot of money. The problem was not to stop smoking. I could do it. But I did not understand how a book could help me get rid of the feeling of losing a support and a friend.

Three years after my last attempt to quit smoking, while looking for something, I stumbled upon this book by accident. At that time, I had already lost hope of quitting, so it's hard for me to say why I started reading it. The book captured me. It seemed to me that I was reading not about the life experience of Allen Carr, but about my own biography. After reading the book to the end, I smoked my last cigarette, and I never had the desire to smoke again.

In addition to smoking, there were two other problems in my life that gave me trouble. Ironically, one of them was that since the age of 20 I have been constantly fighting with fat deposits on my body. Although it's ironic if most middle-aged married women with two children have the same problems. However, I have always maintained that I started and continue to smoke primarily because I want to lose weight.

By that time, Allen Carr had become my guru. However, when I found out that his technique is effective for weight correction, that losing extra pounds and being the way you want is as easy and joyful as stopping smoking, I was again skeptical about it. After all, Allen himself says:

“Smoking is a contagion, a poison and a killer, while eating is a pleasant, wonderful and life-sustaining process.”

I am ashamed now that I doubted the words of Allen Carr. He is absolutely right. You probably already guessed that my third problem was a manic fear of flying. Allen explains in detail why smokers, alcoholics and other drug addicts are forced to resort to lies and self-deception. I don't need to explain to my fellow sufferers that there are far fewer of us than those who are prone to fear of air travel. I will not describe in detail the panic that seized me at the very thought that I needed to fly, and the intricate web of lies that I wove to avoid flying, since all this is detailed in the book that you hold in your hands. Now I understand that the deceit I resorted to not only misled me, but also did not convince my family or my friends. They were just too polite and sincerely sympathetic to let me know that my fear of flying deprives not only me of this pleasure, but also them.

Allen told me that he, too, was once terrified of even thinking about a plane, and now flying for him is not a frightening ordeal that you need to go through in order to later enjoy a vacation abroad, but an interesting, pleasant and exciting part of a vacation or business trip. I asked him what contributed to such changes. By that time, I believed Allen so much that I had no reason to doubt his words. However, I was confused. After all, people smoke and overeat, often without meaning to. But flying is a completely different matter, many would like to enjoy it, but cannot achieve this.

We talked for two hours. Don't forget that until that time, not only had I never flown, I hadn't even dared to go to the airport or even think about booking a plane ticket. When we finished our conversation, I had tears in my eyes, but, I emphasize, they were tears of joy. I was impatient to wait for the holidays so that I could finally book a plane ticket and spend my holidays abroad. It was not that I needed a rest, but that by the end of our conversation I had already lost my sense of fear of flying, and I needed to prove it to myself.

Adele Mirer

So, who wants to fly abroad?

It was a time when vacations in sunny lands - in Mallorca or the Canaries, and for more prosperous people in Florida or the Bahamas - were not only commonplace, but became a relatively inexpensive and fashionable pleasure.

I recently graduated as an accountant. My income was higher, my car and house were slightly better than the average of my friends, and my mortgage was slightly lower. However, so far I have been counting two weeks of vacation at the popular and comfortable recreation center in Bognor Regis 1
Bognor Regis is a trendy resort in England.

The best vacation of my life, my friends were already blissful under the Mediterranean sunshine.

Why didn't I follow fashion? Maybe because I was loyal to the British leisure industry? No. Or because the weather in Bognor is better than in the Mediterranean? This question shouldn't be answered at all. Or maybe because I really enjoyed a two-week vacation only at the recreation center? I hope I don't sound like a snob, but the answer is no. Or was it all about the food? I have no doubt that the food in the Mediterranean was tasty and healthy, like much that is available in exotic resorts these days, but at the end of each vacation, I again enjoyed home cooking with great relief. Then the answer is: probably it's all about the price, and two weeks at the recreation center in Bognor cost half as much as a two-week vacation in the Mediterranean. Surprisingly, it was just the opposite. In the end, when I did muster up the courage to take my first flight (sorry, I'm still kidding myself: when I was first forced to make this terrible flight), we spent two weeks in Mallorca. Including return tickets and full board at a four star hotel, it cost us £32 per adult and half that for children.

I realize that I must be like one of the Monty Python characters who used to say, “I remember the time when you could hire a carriage with four horses to Romano, enjoy ballet at Covent Garden, then dine at the Ritz and still have half a crown of change left.” 2
Monty Python is a British television series that aired in the late 60s and early 70s of the twentieth century; "Romano" - a network of popular restaurants with traditional Italian cuisine; Covent Garden - Royal Opera House; The Ritz is a chain of hotels and restaurants.

The thing is that a holiday in Bognor cost me twice as much as a trip to Mallorca, which is probably why this resort has become unpopular. But that's their problem, not mine. The real reason why I didn't really think about traveling abroad was because I was afraid of flying, although I didn't realize it at the time. After more than 30 years, I find it hard to remember how I really felt then, but I know very well that alcoholics, nicotine and drug addicts can deceive themselves.

I grant that anyone who has taken the trouble to read this book not only suffers from the apprehension associated with flying, but will find the word "panic" more appropriate to describe their condition. However, I can say with confidence that at that time it was the words “foreboding” that best reflected my true state. In fact, I preferred to serve in the air force rather than in the infantry or the navy. True, the only Air Force aircraft that I saw in two years of service was the Spitfire, 3
The Spitfire is a World War II fighter plane.

Installed at the entrance to the base at Padgate. 4
Padgate, a World War II RAF base, was located in the vicinity of Warrington, the largest city in Cheshire.

I still applied for a desire to study as a pilot. Needless to say, I was not accepted. But the whole point is that I would not have written such a statement if at that time I was really afraid of flying.

But back to my vacation. The offer came from one of our familiar couples and struck by the cheapness. Is it really only £32 for two weeks including flights and full board? We could not refuse such a holiday. Before leaving, we met several times with families and spent evenings excitedly planning a vacation and looking forward to having a great time. By the way, I highly recommend this practice. Even a carefully planned vacation can be a disaster, but the thrill of anticipating it (an amazing vacation, not a disaster!) can be experienced many times before the actual event.


From gloomy foreboding to paranoia

All of us, including our children, not only flew on an airplane for the first time, but also for the first time in our lives we were going to spend an exotic vacation abroad. However, our meetings before the vacation did not inspire me at all, but, on the contrary, turned into hellish torment. Long before departure, my gloomy foreboding, having passed the stage of ordinary fear, developed into paranoia. I understood why I was afraid, and although I knew that, statistically, airplanes are the safest mode of transportation, I was overcome by thoughts of all those things that could get out of hand. As it turned out, there were many such things, and at an altitude of 10 thousand meters one of them is enough.

During the weeks leading up to the flight, I could not concentrate during the day, and at night I lay awake, imagining everything that could happen. It may seem ridiculous, but my biggest fear was that I would not have the courage to endure this ordeal. The actual flight was a nightmare for me. I remember the details vaguely now, but I can't forget that the feeling of panic that gripped me was not alleviated even by the eight-hour flight delay, which ended in a crazy run along the runway to the plane, with one arm dragging the eldest child behind me, and under dragged the youngest with the mouse.

I'm not usually claustrophobic, but the plane looked very small. I hoped that it would be no worse than in a telephone booth, but my hopes soon crumbled to dust. Inside, everything seemed just microscopic, and when the access hatch closed, there was a feeling that a giant hand was squeezing my throat. I spent the entire flight in a state of panic fear.

It soon became clear to me that the runway was not long enough for the plane to take off, that it was all my fault, that I should not have insisted on taking golf clubs with me. Obviously, there are problems associated with overload. I interpreted every crack and creak in the hydraulic system, every increase or decrease in the sound of the engine, every change in altitude and direction of flight as impending disaster. Even the rather pleasant monotonous sound emitted by the public address system meant imminent death. "Beep" - oh my god! The captain is about to announce that we are about to crash into the sea! The panicked seconds felt like hours before we knew we were just being told that we could now smoke, or that we could unfasten our seat belts, or that drinks, food, and duty-free goods would be served.

Finally, we landed safely. The plane was rapidly decelerating, from my reckoning, from 800+ km/h to 96 km/h, I experienced a huge sense of relief and thought: “If something goes wrong now, then at least we will stay alive.” ". When the plane stopped, there was a moment of inexpressible euphoria. We arrived safely. Now I could happily spend two weeks in the sun before flying back. The joy ended when the meaning of the last three words hit me. Even before I left the plane, I began to worry about the return flight, and for two weeks I was haunted and tormented by the thought of it.

It seems to me that society as a whole is too light-hearted about people suffering from a fear of flying, which I will hereafter refer to as FFS. Throughout the year, we turn inside out to earn our reward of a couple of weeks of vacation in some exotic place. We set aside a significant part of our annual earnings to pay for this trip. It is not our fault that we suffer from SPD. Our annual vacation becomes not a reward, but a nightmare that lasts more than two weeks. This nightmare begins at the moment when we doom ourselves to flight, and drags on until the return flight is successfully completed. But even then the problem does not go away, because you know that you will have to go through this suffering for the rest of your life.


Not only will you not have to suffer. I assure you that by the time you have finished reading this book, you, like Adele, will be "fighting" and looking forward to your next flight, even if it is your first. However, this will happen only on one condition - you will follow all my recommendations, the first of which reads:

The only difficulty may present the implementation of the following two recommendations. The second recommendation reads:


We all like to think of ourselves as open-minded, open-minded, receptive to new trends, and you must have smugly skipped this recommendation without thinking. If so, then you are definitely not doing it. I need you to be skeptical and question not only everything I tell you, but everything you hear from others, no matter who. In particular, I urge you not to reconsider your own views or even decide if you really have a fear of flying until you have read the entire book.

At this stage, you are probably scared. Perhaps it is because you are afraid of failure or that I will persuade you to take a flight that will turn into a disaster. I do not mean that the plane will crash, but only that the flight will become a psychological trauma for you.

Now it's hard for you to understand, but the fear of flying is a purely psychological problem, and if so, then anyone can overcome it. Airports are exciting and exciting places, and flying can be a joy, as long as you don't suffer from PDD. If you are really afraid of flying, then they are a real curse for you. You are in a happy situation where you have so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose. The saddest thing that can happen to you is that I won't be able to rid you of your fear. But even then your situation will not worsen.

If you start reading this book with a feeling of doom and gloom, this does not mean that you will fail, but you make it much more likely, and you will most likely have to re-read the book, perhaps even several times.


Now I'm in an ambiguous situation. If I had been able to convince you from the beginning that this book would help all those suffering from SPD to get rid of their fear, you would already be in a good mood. However, if you start out feeling doomed and discouraged, then you are more likely to stay with that feeling. I need you to trust me. In the end, I do not require you to test your willpower for strength. I do not even insist that you muster all your courage. The only thing I ask is that you read my book without prejudice. Nothing bad will happen. On the contrary, something amazing will happen. See it as a challenge. Experience a sense of pride and pleasure as you overcome your fear. And let me help you with that.

When I ask you to trust me, I do not require blind faith. Throughout the book I will explain my position to you. By the end of the book, you will realize that I am right. You can probably start in the right frame of mind if I go into more detail about


My technique

From the foreword written by Adele, you can conclude that I was proud to have discovered a technique that made it possible for any smoker to quit smoking easily, immediately and permanently, without suffering from the pangs of withdrawal, without testing their willpower and without resorting to all sorts of tricks and substitutes for nicotine.

Smokers come into my clinics with various forms of panic and leave four hours later happy non-smokers. After two years of work, I became so famous that smokers from all over the world began to flock to me. Trying to find time to help them all soon became a notoriously hopeless endeavor.

So I set out my methodology in The Easy Way to Quit Smoking, which has been a bestseller for 14 years since it was first published by Penguin and has now been translated into more than 20 languages. As I already wrote, she is a bestseller in Holland and tops the list of top sellers in Germany.

At first, I thought that my discovery only had to do with smoking. But after doing thousands of group sessions, I gradually began to realize that my technique could be just as effective for getting rid of any kind of drug addiction, including alcohol and heroin, or, in fact, for solving any purely psychological problem or getting rid of a phobia. However, I didn't express myself clearly. Alcohol and heroin become a problem only because we use them. Arsenic and strychnine are also strong poisons, but they are not a problem for us, because we have neither the need nor the desire to take them.

The belief that we will get pleasure or some kind of support from nicotine, heroin or alcohol is the true root of evil. Even if, in your opinion, the problem of drug addiction is associated in whole or in part with the physical condition of a person, it still exists on a psychological level. Get rid of the need or desire to take poison, and the problem will disappear.

Adele imagined that quitting smoking and getting rid of the fear of flying had nothing in common. How can the same technique solve both of these problems? I have to admit that at first her point of view seemed to me quite logical. Smoking can be unmistakably defined as follows:

a pastime that has a one-in-two chance of being fatal, but that doesn't stop smokers from continuing to do it.

Airplane flight can be described in approximately the same words:

a pastime that certain people would terribly want to indulge in, but are thwarted by the one-in-a-million chance of being in mortal danger.

Ironically, there are literally millions of people on the planet who suffer from both problems. The famous golfer Neil Coles was a classic example. His fear of flying prevented him from earning millions of dollars in the American game cycle, but at the same time he had a habit of smoking one cigarette after another during the game.

Stop smoking and get rid of the fear of flying - at first glance, what do they have in common? Someone who suffers from SPD, as I once did, may conclude that trying to persuade someone to quit smoking is like trying to convince a person to stop enjoying, arguing that it is dangerous, but convincing someone to overcome their fear of flying is like forcing him to do something that is extremely unpleasant, because it is not dangerous.

So, am I clearing up the confusion? Of course not. On the contrary, I do my best to confuse you even more. It is confusion that creates complexity. Let's look at both problems again. Smokers usually fall into a lyrical mood, describing the delights of smoking. They tell you how amazing cigarettes taste and apparently don't even think about the fact that cigarettes are inedible. They explain that smoking helps them get rid of boredom and relieve stress, focus and relax, and do not understand that boredom and concentration are completely opposite, just like states of stress and relaxation, or that one cigarette from a pack cannot give a different result than any other.

Ask any smoker if he will encourage his children if they start smoking? Despite all the amazing benefits that he claims cigarettes have, everyone will answer no, and you will be left in no doubt that any smoker on the planet cannot imagine that his children will fall for this hook. Ask a smoker why he doesn't coax his kids into the pleasures and support that smoking provides, and he'll start talking nonsense and getting confused.

Isn't the real problem with smokers that logic tells them not to smoke, while the irrational part of their mind is at the same time trying to convince them otherwise? That is why smokers hate the very idea that their children will become the same.

Isn't the real problem with people who have a fear of flying that they realize it's perfectly safe to fly, but their subconscious tells them the exact opposite?

In both cases, the problem is the same - it is a split consciousness. We simultaneously represent two different people: one says: “Smoke!”, the other says: “Don't smoke!”. Part of consciousness advises: "Fly", and the other warns: "Flying is dangerous."

Perhaps it seems to you that it is the rational part of your mind that advises you not to fly, and the irrational convinces you otherwise. Neither one nor the other matters. Only schizophrenic bifurcation and confusion cause this problem. There are many people on the planet who have never flown and do not suffer from schizophrenia. They are quite satisfied with life without flying, and many of them are very reasonable people.

From what has just been said, you can conclude that your problem will be solved if you join their ranks. It would be truly unfortunate if you acted in this way, because these people, although happy with their lot, do not realize what they are missing. So what! Ignorance is happiness. Yes, but it is happiness only temporarily. One day I got to the point where I just stopped trying to quit smoking. I reasoned as follows: it is better to live less, but, as I then believed, happier, remaining a smoker. I argued that the misfortune of living without cigarettes is much greater than the misfortune of being a smoker. Fortunately, I quit smoking, because the life of a non-smoker gives much more joy. I'm sorry I didn't reveal the secret of how to quit smoking easily sooner.

"All in your hands". I don’t know who first coined this expression or how long it has been around, but regardless, it has never been more relevant than it is today. Is it possible to envy someone who never could learn to drive a car? After all, this is tantamount to the inability to walk! Isn't the fact that you can't fly or will be traumatized if you still dare to fly a sign of weakness? Air travel is relatively inexpensive these days and is no longer an exclusive pleasure for the wealthy. Now the world has become available to everyone. Flying in an airplane is an amazing and joyful event, it is safe, and the fear of flying is irrational. And this is the purest truth.

I asked you to let go of your preconceptions and start reading the book with a sense of joyful excitement. The argument that the pessimist sees the glass as half empty and the optimist as half full is inappropriate in this case. We can safely say that the glass is actually full, while those suffering from SPD think it is empty.

Let's take a closer look at what is


Allen Carr (Alen Carr) - The Easy Way to Enjoy Air Travel - Read Book Online Free

Adele Mirer. Foreword

For over 20 years I have been a confirmed smoker, smoking 60 cigarettes a day. Like most heavy smokers, I have tried several times to quit smoking. I first tested to see if I had willpower and quickly discovered that I didn't have it. On subsequent attempts, I resorted to acupuncture, hypnosis, anti-nicotine lozenges and patches. It turned out that all these methods worked only for a short time. Not that I climbed the wall, but I was constantly haunted by the feeling that I was a smoker who was no longer allowed to smoke. Like most ex-smokers, I sometimes had an irresistible urge to smoke a cigarette. I soon returned to my 60 cigarettes a day.

I heard about Allen Carr. I have seen him on TV and even met people who have successfully quit smoking after seeking help from his clinics. My husband bought me one of his books. Now I realize how stupid I was that I didn't bother to read it earlier, but I'm a skeptic by nature. I already knew then that smoking was killing me and that it took a lot of money. The problem was not to stop smoking. I could do it. But I did not understand how a book could help me get rid of the feeling of losing a support and a friend.

Three years after my last attempt to quit smoking, while looking for something, I stumbled upon this book by accident. At that time, I had already lost hope of quitting, so it's hard for me to say why I started reading it. The book captured me. It seemed to me that I was reading not about the life experience of Allen Carr, but about my own biography. After reading the book to the end, I smoked my last cigarette, and I never had the desire to smoke again.

In addition to smoking, there were two other problems in my life that gave me trouble. Ironically, one of them was that since the age of 20 I have been constantly fighting with fat deposits on my body. Although it's ironic if most middle-aged married women with two children have the same problems. However, I have always maintained that I started and continue to smoke primarily because I want to lose weight.

By that time, Allen Carr had become my guru. However, when I found out that his technique is effective for weight correction, that losing extra pounds and being the way you want is as easy and joyful as stopping smoking, I was again skeptical about it. After all, Allen himself speaks.

The easy way to enjoy air travel

Allen Carr was a heavy smoker and smoked hundreds of cigarettes a day. After countless and unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking, he developed a unique technique for quitting nicotine. His method received high praise from doctors and is a huge success in many countries of the world, he has helped millions of smokers to quit smoking - easily, painlessly, forever.

The Allen Carr method does not require willpower, because thanks to it, the smoker loses the very desire to smoke, fears disappear due to common misconceptions associated with smoking. The method will help every smoker, no matter how long and how much you smoke. No tricks and tricks, no intimidation and moralizing, no discomfort as a result of quitting.

The Easy Way by Allen Carr has already helped millions of smokers in Russia quit smoking. He will help you too.

Allen Carr The Easy Way to Enjoy Air Travel

Dedicated to Adele Mirer.

She helped me realize that there are millions of people for whom flying in an airplane is not a pleasure, but a nightmare.

© Allen Carr's Easyway (International) Limited, 2000

© Edition in Russian, translated into Russian. Publishing house "Good book", 2007

about the author

The main idea that runs through the book of Allen Carr is the overcoming of fear. The value of the "Easy way" discovered by him lies in the fact that it helps to get rid of phobias and anxieties that prevent people from fully enjoying life. This is clearly demonstrated by Allen Carr's books: "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking", "The Only Way to Quit Smoking Forever", "The Easy Way to Lose Weight", "How to Help Our Children Quit Smoking".

The habit of smoking 100 cigarettes a day drove Allen Carr, a former successful accountant, to despair, until in 1983, after endless attempts to quit smoking, he finally discovered what many had been waiting for - "The easy way to quit smoking ". He has now established a network of clinics around the world that have a well-deserved reputation for successfully helping people quit smoking. His books have been published in more than 20 languages, and there are also video, audio and CD versions.

Tens of thousands of people have sought help at Allen Carr's clinics, and more than 90% of them have successfully quit smoking. He promises his patients that they can easily give up nicotine, and in case of an unsuccessful attempt, they will be refunded the money spent on the course of treatment. A list of Allen Carr's clinics is provided at the end of the book. If you need help, please contact the clinic closest to you. Some Allen Carr clinics also provide training for those who want to control their weight. In addition, a corporate customer service is offered, enabling companies to easily and effectively fight smoking.


For over 20 years I have been a confirmed smoker, smoking 60 cigarettes a day. Like most heavy smokers, I have tried several times to quit smoking. I first tested to see if I had willpower and quickly discovered that I didn't have it. On subsequent attempts, I resorted to acupuncture, hypnosis, anti-nicotine lozenges and patches. It turned out that all these methods worked only for a short time. Not that I climbed the wall, but I was constantly haunted by the feeling that I was a smoker who was no longer allowed to smoke. Like most ex-smokers, I sometimes had an irresistible urge to smoke a cigarette. I soon returned to my 60 cigarettes a day.

I heard about Allen Carr. I have seen him on TV and even met people who have successfully quit smoking after seeking help from his clinics. My husband bought me one of his books. Now I realize how stupid I was that I didn't bother to read it earlier, but I'm a skeptic by nature. I already knew then that smoking was killing me and that it took a lot of money. The problem was not to stop smoking. I could do it. But I did not understand how a book could help me get rid of the feeling of losing a support and a friend.

Three years after my last attempt to quit smoking, while looking for something, I stumbled upon this book by accident. At that time, I had already lost hope of quitting, so it's hard for me to say why I started reading it. The book captured me. It seemed to me that I was reading not about the life experience of Allen Carr, but about my own biography. After reading the book to the end, I smoked my last cigarette, and I never had the desire to smoke again.

In addition to smoking, there were two other problems in my life that gave me trouble. Ironically, one of them was that since the age of 20 I have been constantly fighting with fat deposits on my body. Although it's ironic if most middle-aged married women with two children have the same problems. However, I have always maintained that I started and continue to smoke primarily because I want to lose weight.

By that time, Allen Carr had become my guru. However, when I found out that his technique is effective for weight correction, that losing extra pounds and being the way you want is as easy and joyful as stopping smoking, I was again skeptical about it. After all, Allen himself says:

“Smoking is a contagion, a poison and a killer, while eating is a pleasant, wonderful and life-sustaining process.”

I am ashamed now that I doubted the words of Allen Carr. He is absolutely right. You probably already guessed that my third problem was a manic fear of flying. Allen explains in detail why smokers, alcoholics and other drug addicts are forced to resort to lies and self-deception. I don't need to explain to my fellow sufferers that there are far fewer of us than those who are prone to fear of air travel. I will not describe in detail the panic that seized me at the very thought that I needed to fly, and the intricate web of lies that I wove to avoid flying, since all this is detailed in the book that you hold in your hands. Now I understand that the deceit I resorted to not only misled me, but also did not convince my family or my friends. They were just too polite and sincerely sympathetic to let me know that my fear of flying deprives not only me of this pleasure, but also them.

Allen told me that he, too, was once terrified of even thinking about a plane, and now flying for him is not a frightening ordeal that you need to go through in order to later enjoy a vacation abroad, but an interesting, pleasant and exciting part of a vacation or business trip. I asked him what contributed to such changes. By that time, I believed Allen so much that I had no reason to doubt his words. However, I was confused. After all, people smoke and overeat, often without meaning to. But flying is a completely different matter, many would like to enjoy it, but cannot achieve this.

We talked for two hours. Don't forget that until that time, not only had I never flown, I hadn't even dared to go to the airport or even think about booking a plane ticket. When we finished our conversation, I had tears in my eyes, but, I emphasize, they were tears of joy. I was impatient to wait for the holidays so that I could finally book a plane ticket and spend my holidays abroad. It was not that I needed a rest, but that by the end of our conversation I had already lost my sense of fear of flying, and I needed to prove it to myself.

Adele Mirer

So, who wants to fly abroad?

It was a time when vacations in sunny lands - in Mallorca or the Canaries, and for more prosperous people in Florida or the Bahamas - were not only commonplace, but became a relatively inexpensive and fashionable pleasure.

I recently graduated as an accountant. My income was higher, my car and house were slightly better than the average of my friends, and my mortgage was slightly lower. However, while I considered two weeks of vacation at the popular and comfortable recreation center in Bognor Regis the best vacation of my life, my friends were already blissful under the Mediterranean sunshine.

Why didn't I follow fashion? Maybe because I was loyal to the British leisure industry? No. Or because the weather in Bognor is better than in the Mediterranean? This question shouldn't be answered at all. Or maybe because I really enjoyed a two-week vacation only at the recreation center? I hope I don't sound like a snob, but the answer is no. Or was it all about the food? I have no doubt that the food in the Mediterranean was tasty and healthy, like much that is available in exotic resorts these days, but at the end of each vacation, I again enjoyed home cooking with great relief. Then the answer is: probably it's all about the price, and two weeks at the recreation center in Bognor cost half as much as a two-week vacation in the Mediterranean. Surprisingly, it was just the opposite. In the end, when I did muster up the courage to take my first flight (sorry, I'm still kidding myself: when I was first forced to make this terrible flight), we spent two weeks in Mallorca. Including return tickets and full board at a four star hotel, it cost us £32 per adult and half that for children.

I realize that I must be like one of the Monty Python characters who used to say, “I remember the time when you could hire a carriage with four horses to Romano, enjoy ballet at Covent Garden, then dine at the Ritz and still have half a crown of change left.” The thing is that a holiday in Bognor cost me twice as much as a trip to Mallorca, which is probably why this resort has become unpopular. But that's their problem, not mine. The real reason why I didn't really think about traveling abroad was because I was afraid of flying, although I didn't realize it at the time. After more than 30 years, I find it hard to remember how I really felt then, but I know very well that alcoholics, nicotine and drug addicts can deceive themselves.

I grant that anyone who has taken the trouble to read this book not only suffers from the apprehension associated with flying, but will find the word "panic" more appropriate to describe their condition. However, I can say with confidence that at that time it was the words “foreboding” that best reflected my true state. In fact, I preferred to serve in the air force rather than in the infantry or the navy. True, the only Air Force aircraft that I saw in two years of service was a Spitfire, installed at the entrance to the base at Padgate. I still applied for a desire to study as a pilot. Needless to say, I was not accepted. But the whole point is that I would not have written such a statement if at that time I was really afraid of flying.

But back to my vacation. The offer came from one of our familiar couples and struck by the cheapness. Is it really only £32 for two weeks including flights and full board? We could not refuse such a holiday. Before leaving, we met several times with families and spent evenings excitedly planning a vacation and looking forward to having a great time. By the way, I highly recommend this practice. Even a carefully planned vacation can be a disaster, but the thrill of anticipating it (an amazing vacation, not a disaster!) can be experienced many times before the actual event.


From gloomy foreboding to paranoia

All of us, including our children, not only flew on an airplane for the first time, but also for the first time in our lives we were going to spend an exotic vacation abroad. However, our meetings before the vacation did not inspire me at all, but, on the contrary, turned into hellish torment. Long before departure, my gloomy foreboding, having passed the stage of ordinary fear, developed into paranoia. I understood why I was afraid, and although I knew that, statistically, airplanes are the safest mode of transportation, I was overcome by thoughts of all those things that could get out of hand. As it turned out, there were many such things, and at an altitude of 10 thousand meters one of them is enough.

During the weeks leading up to the flight, I could not concentrate during the day, and at night I lay awake, imagining everything that could happen. It may seem ridiculous, but my biggest fear was that I would not have the courage to endure this ordeal. The actual flight was a nightmare for me. I remember the details vaguely now, but I can't forget that the feeling of panic that gripped me was not alleviated even by the eight-hour flight delay, which ended in a crazy run along the runway to the plane, with one arm dragging the eldest child behind me, and under dragged the youngest with the mouse.

I'm not usually claustrophobic, but the plane looked very small. I hoped that it would be no worse than in a telephone booth, but my hopes soon crumbled to dust. Inside, everything seemed just microscopic, and when the access hatch closed, there was a feeling that a giant hand was squeezing my throat. I spent the entire flight in a state of panic fear.

It soon became clear to me that the runway was not long enough for the plane to take off, that it was all my fault, that I should not have insisted on taking golf clubs with me. Obviously, there are problems associated with overload. I interpreted every crack and creak in the hydraulic system, every increase or decrease in the sound of the engine, every change in altitude and direction of flight as impending disaster. Even the rather pleasant monotonous sound emitted by the public address system meant imminent death. "Beep" - oh my god! The captain is about to announce that we are about to crash into the sea! The panicked seconds felt like hours before we knew we were just being told that we could now smoke, or that we could unfasten our seat belts, or that drinks, food, and duty-free goods would be served.

Finally, we landed safely. The plane was rapidly decelerating, from my reckoning, from 800+ km/h to 96 km/h, I experienced a huge sense of relief and thought: “If something goes wrong now, then at least we will stay alive.” ". When the plane stopped, there was a moment of inexpressible euphoria. We arrived safely. Now I could happily spend two weeks in the sun before flying back. The joy ended when the meaning of the last three words hit me. Even before I left the plane, I began to worry about the return flight, and for two weeks I was haunted and tormented by the thought of it.

It seems to me that society as a whole is too light-hearted about people suffering from a fear of flying, which I will hereafter refer to as FFS. Throughout the year, we turn inside out to earn our reward of a couple of weeks of vacation in some exotic place. We set aside a significant part of our annual earnings to pay for this trip. It is not our fault that we suffer from SPD. Our annual vacation becomes not a reward, but a nightmare that lasts more than two weeks. This nightmare begins at the moment when we doom ourselves to flight, and drags on until the return flight is successfully completed. But even then the problem does not go away, because you know that you will have to go through this suffering for the rest of your life.


Not only will you not have to suffer. I assure you that by the time you have finished reading this book, you, like Adele, will be "fighting" and looking forward to your next flight, even if it is your first. However, this will happen only on one condition - you will follow all my recommendations, the first of which reads:

The only difficulty may present the implementation of the following two recommendations. The second recommendation reads:


We all like to think of ourselves as open-minded, open-minded, receptive to new trends, and you must have smugly skipped this recommendation without thinking. If so, then you are definitely not doing it. I need you to be skeptical and question not only everything I tell you, but everything you hear from others, no matter who. In particular, I urge you not to reconsider your own views or even decide if you really have a fear of flying until you have read the entire book.

At this stage, you are probably scared. Perhaps it is because you are afraid of failure or that I will persuade you to take a flight that will turn into a disaster. I do not mean that the plane will crash, but only that the flight will become a psychological trauma for you.

Now it's hard for you to understand, but the fear of flying is a purely psychological problem, and if so, then anyone can overcome it. Airports are exciting and exciting places, and flying can be a joy, as long as you don't suffer from PDD. If you are really afraid of flying, then they are a real curse for you. You are in a happy situation where you have so much to gain and absolutely nothing to lose. The saddest thing that can happen to you is that I won't be able to rid you of your fear. But even then your situation will not worsen.

If you start reading this book with a feeling of doom and gloom, this does not mean that you will fail, but you make it much more likely, and you will most likely have to re-read the book, perhaps even several times.


Now I'm in an ambiguous situation. If I had been able to convince you from the beginning that this book would help all those suffering from SPD to get rid of their fear, you would already be in a good mood. However, if you start out feeling doomed and discouraged, then you are more likely to stay with that feeling. I need you to trust me. In the end, I do not require you to test your willpower for strength. I do not even insist that you muster all your courage. The only thing I ask is that you read my book without prejudice. Nothing bad will happen. On the contrary, something amazing will happen. See it as a challenge. Experience a sense of pride and pleasure as you overcome your fear. And let me help you with that.

When I ask you to trust me, I do not require blind faith. Throughout the book I will explain my position to you. By the end of the book, you will realize that I am right. You can probably start in the right frame of mind if I go into more detail about



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