Social protection for the disabled. With the adoption of the law, fundamentally new criteria for establishing disability appeared, characterizing a comprehensive assessment of the state of health, impairment of a person’s life, as well as determining his need for those and

This article will focus on the social protection of people with disabilities in the Russian Federation. We offer you information about what measures the state is taking to help people with disabilities successfully adapt to modern society.

Social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation

Social protection of the disabled is a set of measures taken by the state to fulfill its obligations to citizens with disabilities. The measures are prescribed in the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" and are mandatory for all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Rehabilitation and habilitation of the disabled

Rehabilitation - measures that will lead to the restoration of abilities lost due to illness. Goals of rehabilitation:

  • save life;
  • achieve a speedy recovery;
  • bring the person back into society.

The concept of habilitation of people with disabilities is measures for acquiring new knowledge and skills. Habilitation is necessary to regain skills and abilities lost due to illness.

Medical assistance to the disabled

By law, people with disabilities receive medical care free of charge. The country has built special medical facilities that are designed for their treatment. For those who are not able to serve themselves, the state has established boarding houses with a round-the-clock stay.

There is a list of medicines, medical equipment and products that can be obtained free of charge by prescription. If the pharmacy is not the right medicine, a request for delivery is made, and within 48 hours they must bring it.

People with disabilities apply for a free voucher to a sanatorium once every 3 years on the basis of a doctor's opinion.

Ensuring unhindered access to information for persons with disabilities

At the local level, self-government bodies are trying to ensure conditions for unhindered access to information for people with disabilities.

They are doing:

  • equipment with special devices for unhindered access to buildings;
  • transport equipment with special means for ease of use.

Providing housing for the disabled

The state provides housing for people with disabilities of all groups. It takes time to provide housing for those in need. Therefore, it is important to register on time.

Affordable housing is provided in 2 ways:

  • residential premises are allocated under a social tenancy agreement;
  • a subsidy is provided for the purchase of housing from the federal budget.

The subsidy is provided in the form of a certificate that is used only to purchase housing.

To do this, you must provide the following documents:

  • personal statement;
  • rehabilitation program;
  • certificate of disability;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • act of inspection of living conditions.

Education for the Disabled

In order for people with disabilities to receive education on an equal basis with other citizens, the state has taken measures:

  • special organizations have been created that carry out educational activities to educate children with developmental disabilities;
  • children with disabilities, disabled people of groups I and II are guaranteed benefits when entering educational institutions;
  • students are entitled to an increased scholarship.

It is important for people with disabilities to receive high-quality professional education in order to become in demand in the labor market.

Ensuring employment of disabled people

Disability often means a complete or partial loss of a person's professional ability to work. In cases where a person is able and willing to work, it is difficult for him to find a job that suits his qualifications. Not all employers agree to hire such a "problem" employee. Some unscrupulous employers shy away from hiring people with disabilities.

But if the level of qualifications and skills of the applicant with disabilities meets the required, the employer is obliged to accept it. If you refuse, ask to justify the reasons in writing. If you do not agree with the conclusions of the employer and consider them biased, go to court.

The Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation" obliges the employer

prepare workplaces for them and adapt technological equipment so that the employee can work without risk to health.

Material support for the disabled

People with disabilities receive material support in the form of:

  • pension payments;
  • allowances;
  • payments in respect of compensation for damage to health;
  • compensation.

The pension can be:

  • labor due to disability, it is accrued if there is at least a minimum work experience;
  • social, it is accrued if a person has not worked during his life for even 1 day, or upon the onset of disability due to deliberate infliction of harm to health.

To apply for a pension, you need to send an application to the Pension Fund by registration.

Social services for the disabled

Household service is carried out:

  • at home;
  • in inpatient departments social service;
  • in the form of consultations.

Home based programs include:

  • delivery of food and products;
  • drug delivery, medical care;
  • escort to the hospital;
  • House cleaning;
  • funeral services;
  • supply of water and fuel.

Payments and benefits

To improve the well-being of people with disabilities, the state makes cash payments:

  • monthly cash payment. This compensation is due to all groups of people with disabilities and disabled children. To receive a payment, send an application to the Pension Fund. Attach to the application a passport, a certificate of disability from the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, or a document entitling to a benefit and a pension certificate.
  • kit social services.

It includes:

  • provision of medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • voucher to the sanatorium;
  • free transport tickets.

Not everyone has a need to receive these guarantees in in kind. Upon a written application, the state compensates them with money.

Accessible Environment Program

Program " Accessible environment» was created so that people with disabilities no longer feel like outcasts, lead a full life and be successful members of society. The program started in 2011.

The tasks of the program include:

  • create a competent infrastructure;
  • create institutions to ensure a full life, vocational training and involvement in cultural and sports life.

Where and how to protect their rights to people with disabilities

To protect your rights, use the services of qualified lawyers.

The law guarantees that upon presentation of documents confirming the presence of 1 or 2 groups, you will be consulted free of charge. The same rule applies to children with disabilities and people with disabilities living in boarding houses.

Free legal services for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities are provided only by lawyers who participate in the activities of the state system of free legal aid. The list of bureaus and lawyers working with people with disabilities is listed on the website of state bodies and bar associations.

If you look at the level of social support for the rights of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation from a formal point of view, it seems to be quite high. But in reality, it can be very, very difficult to achieve all the benefits prescribed by law.

Legislative regulation

Topic 17. Technologies of social work with disabled people

1. The concept of disability and its types.

2. Legal bases of social protection of invalids.

3. Medico-social aspects of the protection of the disabled.

4. Managerial aspects of caring for the disabled.

Technologies of social work with disabled people.

The concept of disability and its types

Disabled person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to a disease, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limited life activity and causing the need for his social protection.

Life restriction is a complete or partial loss of the ability or ability of a person to carry out self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, control their behavior, learn and engage in work activities.

The crippled, the blind, the deaf, the dumb, the people with impaired coordination, wholly or partially paralyzed, etc. are recognized as disabled due to obvious deviations from the normal physical condition person. Persons who do not have external differences from ordinary people, but suffer from diseases that do not allow them to work in various fields as they do healthy people. For example, a person suffering from coronary heart disease is not able to perform heavy physical work, but he is quite capable of mental activity.

All disabled people are divided into several groups for various reasons.

According to the age - disabled children, disabled adults.

By origin of disability: invalids from childhood, war invalids, labor invalids, general illness invalids.

According to the degree of work ability: disabled able-bodied and disabled, disabled people of group I (incapacitated), disabled people of group II (temporarily disabled or able-bodied in limited areas), disabled III groups (able-bodied in sparing working conditions).

According to the nature of the disease persons with disabilities may belong to mobile, low mobility or immobile groups.

Depending on belonging to a particular group, the issues of employment and organization of the life of the disabled are resolved. Persons with limited mobility (able to move only with the help of wheelchairs or on crutches) can work at home or have them delivered to their place of work. This circumstance causes many additional problems: equipping a workplace at home or at an enterprise, delivering orders to home and finished products to a warehouse or consumer, material and raw materials and technical supply, repair, preventive maintenance of equipment at home, allocation of transport to deliver a disabled person to work and from work, etc.

Even more difficult is the situation with immobile disabled people who are bedridden. They cannot move without outside help, but they are able to work mentally: analyze socio-political, economic, environmental and other situations; write articles, works of art, create paintings, engage in accounting activities, etc.

If such a disabled person lives in a family, many problems are solved relatively simply. What if he's lonely? Special workers will be needed who would find such disabled people, identify their abilities, help to receive orders, conclude contracts, acquire necessary materials and tools, organize the sale of products, etc. It is clear that such a disabled person also needs daily care, starting with the morning toilet and ending with the provision of food. In all these cases, disabled people are assisted by special social workers who receive wages for caring for them. Blind but mobile disabled people are also assigned employees paid by the state or charitable organizations.

Legal basis for social protection of disabled people

A social worker needs to know the legal, departmental documents that determine the status of a disabled person. The general rights of persons with disabilities are formulated in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Here are some excerpts from this legal international document:

“People with disabilities have the right to respect for their human dignity”;

“Disabled people have the same civil and political rights that other persons";

“Persons with disabilities have the right to measures designed to enable them to acquire as much independence as possible”;

“Persons with disabilities have the right to medical, technical or functional treatment, including prosthetic and orthopedic devices, to the restoration of health and position in society, to education, vocational training and rehabilitation, assistance, counseling, employment services and other types of services” ;

"Disabled people must be protected from any kind of exploitation."

Fundamental legislative acts on the disabled have also been adopted in Russia. Of particular importance for determining the rights and obligations of persons with disabilities, the responsibility of the state, charitable organizations, individuals are legislative acts:

  • Law on Social Protection of the Disabled
  • Law on Compulsory Social Insurance against Accidents
  • Decree on benefits for disabled people and families with disabled children
  • Law on charitable activities and charitable organizations
  • Disability examination
  • Rights and benefits

Social services are carried out by decision of the social protection authorities in institutions subordinate to them or under agreements concluded by social protection authorities with social service institutions of other forms of ownership.

Social services are provided only with the consent of the people who need them, especially when we are talking about placing them in stationary social service institutions. In these institutions, with the consent of those served, labor activity can also be organized on the terms of an employment contract. Persons who have concluded an employment contract are entitled to an annual paid leave of 30 calendar days.

Various forms of social services are envisaged, including:

social services at home (including social and medical care);

semi-stationary social services in departments of day (night) stay of citizens in social service institutions;

stationary social services in boarding schools, boarding houses and other stationary social service institutions;

urgent social services (as a rule, in urgent situations - catering, provision of clothes, shoes, accommodation, urgent provision of temporary housing, etc.).

social counseling assistance.

All social services included in the federal list of state-guaranteed services can be provided to citizens free of charge, as well as on the basis of partial or full payment. Social services are provided free of charge:

1) single citizens (single married couples) and disabled people receiving a pension in the amount below the subsistence level;

2) elderly citizens and disabled people who have relatives but receive pensions below the subsistence level;

3) elderly and disabled people living in families whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level.

Social services at the level of partial payment are provided to persons whose average per capita income (or the income of their relatives, members of their families) is 100-150% of the subsistence minimum.

Social services on full payment terms are provided to citizens living in families whose average per capita income exceeds the subsistence minimum by 150%.

The sphere of social services for the disabled is divided into two main sectors - state and non-state.

Government sector form federal and municipal bodies of social service.

Non-state sector social services unites institutions whose activities are based on forms of ownership that are not state or municipal, as well as persons engaged in private activities in the field of social services. Public associations, including professional associations, charitable and religious organizations, are engaged in non-state forms of social services.

Significant issues of social protection of persons with disabilities received legal framework in the Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation". The law determines the powers of the bodies state power(federal and subjects of the Russian Federation) in the field of social protection of disabled people. It reveals the rights and obligations of the bodies of medical and social expertise, which, on the basis of comprehensive examination of a person establishes the nature and degree of the disease that led to disability, the group of disability, determines the mode of work of working disabled people, develops individual and comprehensive programs for the rehabilitation of disabled people, gives medical and social conclusions, makes decisions that are binding on state bodies, enterprises and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership.

The law establishes the terms of payment medical services provided to disabled people, reimbursement of expenses incurred by the disabled person himself, his relationship with the rehabilitation bodies of social protection of disabled people.

The law obliges all authorities, heads of enterprises and organizations to create conditions that allow people with disabilities to freely and independently use all public places, institutions, transport, move freely on the street, in your own home, in public institutions, etc.

The law provides for benefits for the extraordinary receipt of housing, appropriately equipped. In particular, disabled people and families with disabled children are provided with a discount of at least 50% from the rent and utility bills, and in residential buildings without central heating - from the cost of fuel. Disabled people and families with disabled people are given the right to receive land plots in priority for individual housing construction, gardening, farming and dacha farming.

The Law pays special attention to ensuring the employment of disabled people. The law provides for financial and credit benefits for specialized enterprises employing disabled people, as well as for enterprises, institutions and organizations of public associations of disabled people; setting quotas for hiring disabled people, in particular, for organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, with more than 30 employees (the quota for hiring disabled people is set as a percentage of the average number of employees, but not less than 3% ). Public associations of the disabled and their enterprises, organizations whose authorized capital consists of the contribution of a public association of the disabled, are exempted from the mandatory quota of jobs for the disabled.

The law defines the legal norms for resolving such significant issues of employment of disabled people as the equipment of special jobs, working conditions for disabled people, the rights, duties and responsibilities of employers in ensuring the employment of disabled people, the procedure and conditions for recognizing a disabled person as unemployed, state incentives for the participation of enterprises and organizations in ensuring the life of disabled people .

Issues of material support and social services for the disabled are considered in detail in the Law. Significant benefits and discounts are provided for utility bills, for the purchase of disabled devices, tools, equipment, payment spa vouchers, for using public transport, acquisition, maintenance of personal vehicles, etc.

In addition to federal laws, social work specialists need to know departmental documents that provide reasonable interpretations of the application of certain laws or their individual articles.

A social worker also needs to know the problems that have not been resolved by law or resolved, but not implemented in practice. For example, the Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled” does not allow the production of vehicles that do not have facilities for the free use of urban transport by disabled people, or the commissioning of housing that does not provide facilities for the free use of this housing by disabled people. But are there many buses, trolleybuses on the streets of Russian cities, equipped with special lifts, with the help of which disabled people in wheelchairs could independently climb into a bus or trolleybus? As decades ago, so today, residential buildings are put into operation without any devices that allow a disabled person to freely leave their apartment in a wheelchair, use an elevator, go down the ramp to the sidewalk adjacent to the entrance, etc. and so on.

These provisions of the Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled" are simply ignored by everyone who is required by law to create the necessary conditions For normal life disabled people.

The current legislation practically does not protect the rights of disabled children to a decent and secure existence. The legislation provides for disabled children with such volumes of social assistance that directly push them to any job, since a person deprived of everything necessary since childhood is not able to live on an invalid pension.

But even if resolved financial difficulties, the living environment of disabled people has been completely reorganized, they will not be able to use the provided benefits without appropriate equipment and devices. We need prostheses, hearing aids, special glasses, notebooks for writing texts, books for reading, wheelchairs, cars for transportation, etc. We need a special industry for the manufacture of disabled equipment and equipment. There are such enterprises in the country. They largely meet the diverse needs of the disabled. But in comparison with Western models of disabled equipment, ours, domestic ones, lose in many respects: they are both heavier and less durable, and large in size, and less convenient to use.

It is all the more gratifying to know that a shift for the better has begun. For example, in Moscow, the disabled themselves organized the rehabilitation center "Overcoming", which not only provides moral, educational, organizational assistance, but also launched the production of wheelchairs, superior in many parameters (weight, strength, mobility, functionality) to the world-famous Swedish strollers. For a social worker, this example is important because it suggests that there are many talented organizers among the disabled.

One of the tasks of social work is to find these people, assist them in organizing their business, form a team around them and thereby help many.

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Domestic experience of working with people with disabilities in the Russian Federation is based on the legal framework of documents of the world community (constituent acts, declarations, pacts, conventions, recommendations and resolutions of the UN, ILO, UNESCO, UNICEF, etc.), legislative acts of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States , laws and regulations of the USSR, the RSFSR and the Russian Federation.

The fundamental documents of the world community are

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966). Declaration social progress and Development (1969). Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (1971). Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons (1971). Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989, especially articles 23-27), World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1990), Convention and Recommendation on the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities (1983), etc.

The general basis and guidance for taking national and international action in the field of protecting the rights of persons with disabilities is the Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 9, 1971. 20

According to this Declaration, a disabled person is any person who cannot provide for himself, in whole or in part, the needs of a normal personal or social life due to a deficiency, whether congenital or not, of his (her) physical or mental capabilities,

According to the Declaration, persons with disabilities have an inalienable right to respect for their human dignity; regardless of the origin, nature and severity of the handicap or handicap, have the same fundamental rights as their fellow citizens of the same age, i.e. first of all the right to a satisfactory life, which should be as normal and full-blooded as possible.

Persons with disabilities also have the right to economic and social security and an adequate standard of living. At the same time, they have the right to medical, mental or functional treatment, including the use of prosthetic and orthopedic devices, to the restoration of health and position in society, to education, vocational training and rehabilitation, assistance, counseling, employment services and other types of services, which will allow them to maximize their potential and abilities and will accelerate the process of their social integration or reintegration. Persons with disabilities also have the right to live with their families or in substitute conditions and to participate in all forms of social activities associated with creativity or leisure activities. If the stay of a disabled person in a special institution is necessary, then the environment and living conditions in it should correspond as much as possible to the environment and conditions of the normal life of persons of his (her) age.21

In order to draw the attention of the world community to the problems of disability and to explore the potential of this population group, as well as to explore the possibilities to fully realize the contribution of persons with disabilities to the development process, from 1983 to 1992. United Nations International Decade of Persons with Disabilities. According to the decision of the PLO, December 3 is considered the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

In Russian legislation, the rights of persons with disabilities are recorded in such important documents as the Declaration of the Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen, adopted by the Supreme Council of the RSFSR on November 22, 1991, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993. The Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Persons with Disabilities in of the Russian Federation" dated November 24, 1995, Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens, adopted by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on July 22, 1993. Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation "On additional measures of state support for the disabled" and "On measures to create an accessible living environment" of October 2, 1992. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the "Regulations on recognizing a person as disabled" of August 13, 1996, etc.

In Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, our country is proclaimed a social state, whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person. The social state acts as a guarantor and defender of the interests of the rights and freedoms of any one social group or several groups of the population, but of all members of society.

Adopted on November 24, 1995, the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" determined the state policy in the field of social protection of the disabled, the purpose of which is to provide disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in the exercise of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution Russian Federation.

The law introduces a new concept of a disabled person as a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, and leading to a limitation of life and causing the need for social protection.

With the adoption of the law, fundamentally new criteria for establishing disability have appeared, characterizing a comprehensive assessment of the state of health, impairment of a person’s life, as well as determining his need for certain measures of social protection.

As criteria for determining disability groups, various degrees of social insufficiency are considered, which may be associated with a violation of the ability to self-service, movement, orientation, communication, training, control over one's behavior, work.

The first group of disability is established for persons with complete permanent or long-term disability, in need of constant care (assistance or supervision), including those who can be adapted to certain types of work in specially organized individual conditions (special workshops, work on home, etc.).

The second group of disability is given in case of complete or prolonged disability to persons who do not need constant assistance, care or supervision, as well as in cases where all types of work are contraindicated for a long period due to a possible worsening of the course of the disease.

The third group of disability is established when it is necessary to transfer persons for health reasons to a less qualified job due to the inability to continue working in their previous profession (specialty). And also, if necessary, for health reasons, significant changes in the CONDITIONS of work in their profession, leading to a reduction in the volume of production activities.

Since the degree of disability may change as a result of treatment, as well as under the influence of favorable social factors, the terms for re-examination of disabled people have been established: for disabled people of the first group - once every two years, for disabled people of the second and third groups - once a year. Disability due to anatomical defects or irreversible chronic diseases at any age - as well as for men over 60 and women over 55. installed indefinitely.

The concept of disability and its types is given in the Federal Law "On Social Protection in the Russian Federation" - a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to a disease, the consequences of injuries or defects that lead to limited life activity and necessitate his social protection " .

"Restriction of life activity is a complete or partial loss of the ability or ability of a person to carry out self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, their behavior, study and engage in labor activity]

Crippled, blind, deaf, dumb people with impaired movement, completely or partially paralyzed are recognized due to obvious deviations from the normal physical condition of a person. Disabled persons are also recognized as persons who do not have external differences from ordinary people, but suffer from diseases, it is not for them to work in various fields in the same way as healthy people do.

All disabled people are divided into several groups for various reasons.

according to the age - disabled children; disabled people - adults;

by origin of disability - invalids from childhood, wars, labor invalids, invalids due to general illness;

according to the degree of ability to work - disabled able-bodied, group 1 /disabled/, disabled 2nd group disabled or able-bodied in limited areas/, disabled 3rd group / able-bodied in sparing working conditions/;

By character diseases - may refer to mobile, low mobility or immobile groups.

Depending on belonging to a particular group, the issues of employment and organization of the life of the disabled are resolved. Persons with limited mobility / able to move only with the help of wheelchairs and crutches / can work at home or have them delivered to their place of work. This circumstance causes many additional problems: equipping a workplace at home or at an enterprise, delivering orders at home and finished products to a warehouse or consumer, material and raw materials and technical supply, repair, preventive maintenance of equipment at home, etc. Even more difficult is the situation with immobile disabled people who are bedridden. They cannot move without outside help, but they are able to work mentally: analyze socio-political, economic, environmental and other situations, write articles,

If such a disabled person lives in a family, many problems are solved relatively simply. What if he's lonely? Special workers will be required who would find such disabled people, identify their abilities, help identify orders, conclude contracts. Such a disabled person also needs daily care, starting with the morning toilet and ending with the provision of food. In all these cases, disabled people are assisted by special workers who receive wages for their care. For the blind, but mobile disabled, workers paid by the state or charitable organizations are also assigned.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Regulations on the recognition of a disabled person and the Approximate Regulations on the institutions of the state service of medical and social expertise / Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 1996 No. 965 /. The procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as a disabled person, carried out by these institutions, are determined.

The Regulation states: “Recognition of a person as a disabled person is carried out during a medical and social examination based on a comprehensive assessment of the state of his health and the degree of disability. Depending on the degree of impairment of the body and disability, a person recognized as disabled is assigned 1, 2 or 3 disability groups, and for a person under the age of 18, the category "disabled child" Appropriate classifications and criteria should be developed and approved.

Medical and social examination can be carried out either in institutions at the place of residence, or at the place of attachment to the state (municipal) medical and preventive healthcare institution, or at home (if a person cannot come to the institution for health reasons), or in a hospital (if a citizen is there for treatment). Correspondence medical and social examination is also allowed on the basis of the documents provided. This requires either the consent of the citizen undergoing the examination, or his legal representative. They also have the right to invite any specialist to participate in medical and social examination with the right of an advisory vote at its own expense.

A medical and social examination of any citizen is carried out upon a written application, which must be accompanied by either a referral from a healthcare institution or a social protection authority, as well as medical documents confirming a violation of his health.

Before receiving a referral for a medical and social examination, a citizen will have to undergo a number of necessary diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures in a medical institution. And only in the presence of data that firmly confirms the violation of body functions (due to diseases, the consequences of injuries and defects), he

sent for medical and social examination. As for the social protection authority, it can refer to it only if there are clear signs of disability and the need for social protection, if there are medical documents confirming the violation of body functions. Vagabonds are accepted for such an examination at the direction of the social protection authority.

Three features are identified as the necessary grounds for recognizing a citizen as disabled. This is a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions, limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss of the ability or ability of a person to carry out self-service, move independently, communicate, control their behavior, study or engage in work), the need to implement social protection measures. The presence of only one of these features is not a sufficient condition for recognizing a person as disabled.

The date of establishment of disability is the day of submission of the application with the necessary documents.

The time for which disability is established is determined. Disability of group 1 is set for two years, groups 2 and 3 - for a year.

The category "disabled child" /person under 18 years of age/ may be established for a period of 6 months to 2 years, from 2 to 5 years and up to the age of 18.

Re-examination of disabled people of the 1st group is carried out once every two years, 2nd and 3rd groups - once a year, and disabled children - within the time limits established with medical indications.

Disability is established even without a re-examination period: for men - over 60 years old, for women - over 55 years old, for disabled people with irreversible anatomical defects.

If a person is recognized as disabled, a rehabilitation program is developed for him.

2.2 Legal basis for the social protection of persons with disabilities

To influence public opinion regarding persons with disabilities and develop recommendations to governments on this issue by the United Nations, the period 1983-1992. was proclaimed the Decade of the Disabled. At the beginning of the UN Decade, the "World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities" was also adopted.

The Russian Federation, focusing on the achievements of Western civilization, proclaimed itself a legal and social state, brought the country's constitution and federal legislation in line with international standards respect for human rights, and first of all with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 adopted by the UN General Assembly, the Declaration of Social Progress and Development, the Declaration of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 1975, the Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities of 1993, the World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities.

A social worker needs to know the legal, departmental documents that determine the status of a disabled person. The general rights of persons with disabilities are formulated in the UN Declaration:

"People with disabilities have the right to respect for their human dignity";

"disabled persons have the same civil and political rights as other persons";

"Persons with disabilities are entitled to measures designed to enable them to acquire as much independence as possible";

“Persons with disabilities have the right to medical, technical and functional treatment, including prosthetic and orthopedic devices, to the restoration of health and position in society, to education, vocational training and rehabilitation, assistance, counseling, employment services and other services”;

"People with disabilities must be protected from exploitation of any kind."

Fundamental legislative acts on the disabled in Russia have been adopted. Of particular importance for determining the rights and obligations of disabled people, the responsibility of the state, charitable organizations, individuals are the laws: "On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" / 1995 /, "On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people" / 1995 /.

In July 1992, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Decree "On the scientific support of the problems of disability and the disabled".

These normative acts determine the attitudes of society, the state towards the disabled and vice versa. Many provisions of these documents create a reliable legal field for the life and social protection of disabled people in our country.

Significant issues of social protection of persons with disabilities have received a legal basis in the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation". The law defines the powers of state authorities / federal, subjects of the Russian Federation / in the field of social protection of disabled people. It reveals the rights and obligations of the bodies of medical and social expertise, which, on the basis of a comprehensive examination of a person, establishes the nature and degree of the disease that led to disability, the disability group, determines the working regime of working disabled people, develops individual and comprehensive programs for the rehabilitation of disabled people, gives medical and social conclusions, makes decisions that are binding on state bodies, enterprises and organizations, regardless of the form of ownership.

The law establishes the terms of payment for medical services provided to disabled people, reimbursement of expenses incurred by the disabled person himself, his relationship with the rehabilitation bodies for the social protection of disabled people.

The law obliges all authorities, heads of enterprises and organizations to create conditions that allow people with disabilities to freely and independently use all public places, institutions, transport, move freely on the street, in public institutions.

The law provides for benefits for the extraordinary receipt of housing, appropriately equipped. Disabled people and families with disabled children are provided with a discount of at least 50% of the rent and utility bills, and in residential buildings without central heating - from the cost of fuel. Persons with disabilities and families with persons with disabilities are entitled to receive priority land plots for individual housing construction, gardening, maintenance and dacha farming /Article 17 of the Law/.

The Law pays special attention to ensuring the employment of disabled people. The law provides for financial and credit benefits for specialized organizations of public associations of the disabled; establishment of quotas for the employment of persons with disabilities by organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, the number of employees in which is more than 30 people. Public associations of the disabled and their organizations, authorized capital which consists of the contribution of a public association of the disabled, are exempted from the mandatory quota of jobs for the disabled.

The law defines the legal norms for resolving such significant issues of employment of disabled people as equipping special jobs, creating working conditions for disabled people, the rights, duties and responsibilities of employers in ensuring the employment of disabled people, the procedure and conditions for recognizing a disabled person as unemployed, state incentives for the participation of organizations in ensuring the life of disabled people.

The issues of material provision of social services for the disabled are considered in detail in the Law.

Significant benefits and discounts are provided for utility bills, for the purchase of disabled devices, tools, and payment for sanatorium and resort vouchers.

The Federal Law "On Social Services for Elderly Citizens and the Disabled" sets out the basic principles of social services for the elderly and the disabled:

observance of human and civil rights;

provision of state guarantees in the field of social services;

equal opportunities in receiving social services;

continuity of all types of social services to the individual needs of the elderly and the disabled;

the responsibility of authorities at all levels for ensuring the rights of citizens in need of social services, etc. /Article 3 of the Law/.

"Social services are provided to all elderly and disabled citizens regardless of gender, race, nationality and official position, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations and other circumstances / Article 4 of the Law /.

Social services are provided by decision of the social protection authorities in institutions subordinate to them or under agreements concluded by social protection authorities with social service institutions of other forms of ownership /Article 5 of the Law/.

Social services are provided exclusively with the consent of the people who need them, especially when it comes to placing them in stationary social service institutions. In these institutions, with the consent of the serviced, labor activity can also be organized on the terms of an employment contract. Persons who have concluded an employment contract are entitled to an annual paid leave of 30 calendar days.

The law provides for various forms of social services, including:

social services, at home /including social and medical care/;

semi-stationary social services in departments of day / night / stay of citizens in social service institutions;

stationary social services in boarding schools, boarding houses and other stationary social service institutions;

urgent social services;

social - consulting assistance.

All social services included in the federal list of guaranteed public services can be provided to citizens free of charge, as well as on the basis of partial or full payment.

Services are provided free of charge:

1. single citizens / single married couples / and disabled people receiving a pension below the subsistence level;

2. elderly citizens and disabled people who have relatives but receive pensions below the subsistence level;

3. elderly and disabled people living in families whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level.

Social services at the level of partial payment are provided to persons whose average per capita income /or the income of their relatives, members of their families/ is 100-150% of the subsistence minimum.

Social services on full payment terms are provided to citizens living in families whose average per capita income exceeds the subsistence minimum by 150%.

The Law "On Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens" divides the system of social services into two main sectors - state and non-state.

The public sector forms the federal and municipal bodies of social services.

The non-state sector of social services unites institutions whose activities are based on forms of ownership that are not state or municipal, as well as individuals engaged in private activities in the field of social services. Public associations, including professional associations, charitable and religious organizations, are engaged in non-state forms of social services.

In addition to federal laws, social workers need to know departmental documents that provide reasonable interpretations of the application of certain laws or their individual parts.

The current legislation practically does not protect children with disabilities for a decent and secure existence. But even if financial problems are solved, the living environment of the disabled is completely reorganized, they will not be able to enjoy the benefits without appropriate equipment and devices. We need a special industry for the manufacture of disabled equipment and equipment. There are such enterprises in the country. In Moscow, the disabled themselves organized the rehabilitation center "Overcoming", which not only provides moral, educational, organizational assistance, but also launched the production of wheelchairs, surpassing Swedish wheelchairs in many respects in the world. There are many talented craftsmen and organizers among the disabled. One of the tasks of social work is to find these people, assist them in organizing their business, form a team around them and thereby help many.

Adopted on November 24, 1995, the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" laid the foundation for modern legal social protection of the disabled, defining as state policy in this area - providing disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in exercising civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It legislated a new concept of social protection of persons with disabilities, which is based on the principles and norms of international law adopted in relation to persons with disabilities. The system of measures for the social protection of the disabled, established by federal law, creates the necessary prerequisites for the social adaptation of the disabled and their integration into society.

This federal law is formation of an accessible living environment for the disabled as one of the directions of their rehabilitation. In particular, it contains a provision on the obligation of bodies and organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, to provide disabled people with conditions for free access to social infrastructure facilities and for unhindered use of public transport, means of communication and information. The first document of this series was the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 1992. No. 1156 "On measures to create an accessible living environment for the disabled." In pursuance of this Decree, by a resolution of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation with the same name and a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.08.94. 927 "On Ensuring the Formation of an Accessible Living Environment for the Disabled" provides for the introduction into legislative acts on construction of requirements for a mandatory examination of design estimates for the development of cities and other settlements, the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures from the point of view of ensuring accessibility for the disabled. These acts establish measures of responsibility for violation of these requirements.

In the regions of Russia, local expert bodies should establish control over the quality of design documentation for the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures in terms of ensuring access for people with disabilities to buildings and structures for the unimpeded receipt of the necessary range of services.

Despite the obvious priority and relevance of the problem of social support for the disabled, the current situation in Russia in this area is critical.

Airports, railway and bus stations, sidewalks and road crossings should also be equipped with special devices that make life easier for the disabled. There should be separate parking lots and rooms for disabled vehicles, special toilets, which is common in many countries of the world.

In recent years, in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, there have been trends in resolving this problem. For example, the Moscow City Duma adopted the law of the city of Moscow dated 17.01.2001 No. No. 3 "On Ensuring Unhindered Access for the Disabled to the Objects of Social, Transport and Engineering Infrastructures of the City of Moscow".

This Law defines trends towards the integration of disabled people into society, the elimination of the discriminatory impact of architectural, transport and communication barriers that infringe on the rights and freedoms of people with limited mobility.

Similar laws have been adopted and are in effect in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The state provides for the provision of qualified medical care free of charge or on preferential terms, and

free provision of medicines and products medical purpose. The procedure for providing various types of medical care to disabled people is determined by a number of regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation. However, in violation of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation", the Government of the Russian Federation long time did not determine the procedure for financing the qualified medical care provided to the disabled, including drug provision. As a result, many were deprived of the opportunity to receive specialized care in federal medical centers, their rights to free or subsidized drug provision are violated.

On a positive note, since January 2001, the procedure for financing the constituent entities of the Russian Federation began to be determined to restore shortfalls in income to organizations that provide benefits to disabled people.

Thus, in the Kaluga Region, by Decree of the Government of the Region of 19.01.2001 No. No. 19 "On the procedure for reimbursement to organizations of expenses related to the provision of benefits to residents of the Kaluga region, provided for by the federal laws "On Veterans", "On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation", "On the Status of Military Personnel", the procedure for reimbursement of expenses to organizations associated with the provision of benefits Pharmaceutical organizations began to dispense medicines by prescription to disabled people in our region somewhat better in accordance with the List of Essential Medicines approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated January 26, 2000 No. 30 and agreed with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy of Russia.

But, nevertheless, in most of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in violation of the above List, which includes more than 400 items of international generic names of drugs, they limit the prescription of drugs to disabled people on preferential terms with their territorial lists of drugs that do not include the most important items. This happens despite the fact that the subject of the Federation is not entitled to accept a list that does not correspond to the federal one.

One of the stages of the process of medical provision of disabled people is Spa treatment . The sanatorium-resort complex of our country has no analogues in the world. However, some world-renowned resorts, such as Caucasian Mineral water, formed over the centuries, are currently experiencing serious difficulties. Health resorts are empty due to events in the Chechen Republic, high prices for passenger transport, treatment, food, reduction of preferential (paid by enterprises, trade unions) vouchers.

Today, in general, the situation in the country regarding the provision of disabled people and people suffering from various diseases with sanatorium and resort vouchers is difficult.

According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the need, at the request of the subjects of the Federation, for the cost of sanatorium treatment for disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War in 2001 is 2 billion 233.3 million rubles, and the actual financing is planned in the amount of 995.8 million rubles.

One of the constitutional rights of citizens proclaimed by the state is the right to education. The Federal Law "On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation" and "On Education" grants the right to preschool and out-of-school education, basic general and secondary education, primary, secondary and higher vocational education.

For practical implementation by disabled people right to education Currently in Russia there are educational institutions of various levels, provided with special programs, auxiliary technical means, allowing for joint education of healthy and disabled people. However, the provision of ordinary schools with special aids for the unimpeded access of disabled people, their perception and assimilation of educational material, as well as the psychological readiness of students and teachers for joint learning is still insufficient. According to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 360.5 thousand children with disabilities and another 279.1 thousand children in special (correctional) educational institutions are isolated from healthy children only in preschool educational institutions of a general and compensatory type.

Currently, work continues on the next version of the draft law "On the Education of Persons with Disabilities".

The system of social protection of the Russian Federation has its own specialized institutions that provide students with secondary vocational education. These are 30 vocational schools and technical schools. Under an agreement with Germany, two centers have been opened in St. Petersburg and Novokuznetsk, where training is carried out at a higher quality level.

However, along with positive moments reforming the system of vocational education for disabled people, it should be noted that the necessary amount of funding for its constituent institutions is not provided, the system of employment and social adaptation of disabled people from childhood after they graduate from correctional educational institutions has not been formed.

inalienable the universal human right of a disabled person is the right to work, despite the fact that his ability to work is limited The right to work is also established by the Federal Laws "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" and "On the Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation", which are aimed at creating real opportunities for the disabled to engage in useful, income-generating activities and provide specific mechanisms for their implementation. For implementation

They need this right to have a clearly defined state policy to promote the employment of people with disabilities, due to the fact that the position of people with disabilities in the labor market in Russia remains inconsistent with their potential, and their employment is unjustifiably low. Working disabled people make up less than 10% of their total number (5-6 years ago they were 16-18%), employment among disabled people of working age does not exceed 15%. It is especially low for disabled people of groups I and II (8%).

One of the main measures aimed at solving the problem of employment of disabled people is the establishment by the authorities executive power subjects of the Russian Federation for organizations, regardless of the organizational and legal forms of quotas for the employment of this category of citizens. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, in 2000 about 12,000 disabled people were employed within the established quota. During 2000, about 86,000 people applied to the employment services for assistance in finding employment, and 42,700 citizens with limited ability to work were assisted in finding jobs.

The most problematic issue of providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation in the Russian Federation is free provision of their specialcialsvehicles. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the social protection authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the number of disabled people in need of vehicles is 156 thousand people, of which 80 thousand people are disabled in getting a car, 76 thousand people need motorized carriages .

Inadequate funding has led to a long queue for special vehicles in the subjects of the Federation and gives rise to numerous appeals from disabled people to various government agencies.

In violation of Article 30 of the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation", the Government of the Russian Federation has not developed a procedure for assigning and paying certain categories of disabled people (excluding war invalids) monetary compensation for expenses on gasoline or other types of fuel, repair, maintenance of vehicles and on spare parts.

For war invalids, the procedure under consideration is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. However, its funding leaves much to be desired. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the need of the subjects of the Federation for the provision of vehicles in 2001, with the need for expenditures for these purposes for war invalids, is 4 million 195.5 thousand rubles, and it is planned to allocate 1 million 247, 9 thousand rubles

One of the most important components of the social protection of persons with disabilities is pension provision. The provision of pensions for disabled people is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On State Pensions in the Russian Federation", which, in comparison with old-age pensioners, contains seemingly significant advantages for them. The law provides that the disability pension of groups I and II with the necessary length of service, including those disabled since childhood, is set at 75% of the earnings from which it is calculated. For disabled people, depending on their age, a significantly shorter length of service is required than for old-age pensioners. The latter are entitled to 75% of the rate, according to general rules, with an experience of 40 years for women and 45 years for men.

The required length of service for the disabled is determined on a single scale for both men and women. The maximum duration of such experience is 15 years.

But although the highest rate (75%) of the calculation has been established for the disabled, it practically does not work, since the pension is limited to three minimum old-age pensions, and as a result, in percentage terms, the actual pension is no higher than 25-30% of earnings.

Federal Law No. 21.07.97 113-FZ "On the procedure for calculating and increasing state pensions", a different method of calculating pensions was introduced using the individual coefficient of the pensioner. However new order does not make significant changes in the financial situation of the disabled. The pensions of most of them still remain below the subsistence minimum established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

As follows from the information of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 7, 2001. and the Pension Fund of Russia dated March 26, 2001. The average monthly disability pension is:

for disabled people due to a general illness - 698 rubles;

for disabled people due to an industrial injury or occupational disease - 716 rubles;

for disabled people due to military trauma - 627 rubles;

for disabled people due to the Chernobyl disaster - 709 rubles;

The average pension for a war invalid receiving two pensions is 1,652 rubles.

As part of the reform of the Russian pension system, the President of the Russian Federation in June 2001 adopted two new federal laws "On labor pensions" and "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation", which proposed the following innovations:

disability pension is proposed to be considered as consisting of basic, insurance and funded parts;

such a pension can be granted to disabled people with complete (100%) or partial (at least 50%) disability (the causes of disability and the time of its onset, except for disability resulting from illegal actions, do not matter);

a prerequisite for her appointment is the presence of seniority;

it is proposed to establish the basic pension for disabled people of groups 1, P, III, respectively, 900, 450, 225 rubles. (the specified basic pension increases depending on the presence and number of dependents of the disabled person);

the size of the basic part of the labor pension in the event of an increase in prices for consumer goods and services is indexed within the funds allocated in the federal budget for the corresponding year for these purposes (the indexation coefficient is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation);

Disabled people (disabled since childhood, disabled children) who are not entitled to a labor pension are invited to assign a social pension in the following amounts: disabled children, disabled children of groups I and II, disabled people of group I - 125% of the basic part of the labor pension; group II disabled - 100%; disabled group III - 85%.

However, the draft laws do not take into account the requirement of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On the Living Wage in the Russian Federation", according to which, in order to justify the established minimum wages, pensions, and the provision of the necessary state social assistance to poor citizens, a living wage is determined.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.02.2001 No. No. 99 "On the establishment of the subsistence minimum per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population as a whole in the Russian Federation for the IV quarter of 2000" the subsistence minimum per capita was set at 1,285 rubles. (for the able-bodied population - 1406 rubles, pensioners - 962 rubles, children - 1272 rubles).

3. Activities of the Kaluga social centers for the social protection of the disabled

3.1 Kaluga Territorial Center for Vocational Rehabilitation of the Disabled

The Kaluga Territorial Center for the Vocational Rehabilitation of the Disabled (KTC PRI) is a state special educational institution of primary vocational education established on the basis of the Decree of the Administration of the Kaluga Region N88 of March 20, 1995 "On the reorganization of the Kaluga vocational boarding school for the disabled" The Center is the assignee of the Kaluga Vocational and Technical School boarding school for the disabled. The founder of the Center is the department social policy Kaluga region. The rights and obligations of the Founder and the Center in property, financial, legal and other matters are regulated by the current legislation, this Charter and the Constituent Agreement. The Center has this Charter, based on the Approximate Regulations approved by the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Center for Medical and Social Rehabilitation of the Disabled", "On the Establishment of Primary Vocational Education" "On Special (Correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with developmental disabilities", as well as an annex to the Charter, approved by the director of the Center in agreement with the Founder "Regulations on training and production workshops", "Regulations on the Council of the Center", "Rules of internal labor and educational schedule" and others .

In its activities, the Center is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Decrees and Orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders and orders of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of Russia, the Founder, the Government of the Kaluga Region, the local administration, the Charter of the Center, the Constituent Agreement, as well as other regulatory acts . The Center is a legal entity. The Center is accountable to the Founder and the Committee for State Property Management of the Kaluga Region in terms of the state property assigned to it


The Center aims to provide highly qualified specialized versatile assistance to disabled people on issues of labor and medical rehabilitation and carries out the implementation of basic and additional correctional educational programs for primary and secondary vocational education in accordance with the established State standards

education, on the basis of the State license for the right to carry out educational activities, including:

1. Implementation of measures for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled people in the form of the implementation of basic correctional educational programs, including on a contractual and paid basis, namely: training of young people with disabilities (15-30 years old) who did not previously have a working profession under programs of primary vocational education;

training disabled people under programs of secondary vocational education; training disabled children of preschool and school age according to adapted and specialized labor training programs in the form of home work and basic training for the purpose of career guidance and initial vocational rehabilitation;

retraining and retraining of disabled people who previously had a profession, as well as advanced training of working disabled people;

vocational training, retraining and retraining of citizens on a paid basis.

2. Implementation of social rehabilitation and vocational guidance of young people with disabilities on the basis of additional correctional educational programs "Social Rehabilitation" and "Post-Professional Rehabilitation", including on a contractual and paid basis.

3. Participation in the development of individual programs of professional, social and medical rehabilitation and their implementation.

4. Implementation of psycho-correctional measures for the social and professional orientation of disabled people and their adaptation to work.

5. Coordination of the activities of public and state enterprises and organizations, funds in matters of professional training of social, medical and labor rehabilitation of disabled people, consulting activities with the provision of legal, practical, methodological, technical assistance in these matters.

6. Participation in research activities on the problems of rehabilitation of disabled people together with other educational and scientific institutions and the practical implementation of developments on this topic.

7. Carrying out cultural and educational work with the disabled, organizing communication and leisure activities for the disabled - rehabilitators.

8. Organization and conduct of non-cultural and recreational work, sports events, creation of a base for the development of imports in the region.

9. Implementation of medical monitoring at all stages of rehabilitation activities, prosthetics, treatment, counseling for people with disabilities in cooperation with medical institutions of the city and region,

10. Creation and operation of a specialized and transport service to ensure the transportation of disabled people.

11. Creation of student day favorable conditions for living and learning, including:

organization of consumer services with the provision of housing with furniture and equipment, bedding;

catering in accordance with established standards;

treatment and clinical examination, advisory and emergency medical care, as well as hospitalization of those in need in medical and preventive institutions, the implementation of appropriate sanitary and epidemiological measures:

providing students who are fully provided by the state with clothing, footwear, toilet and hygiene items, fulfilling the benefits and payments provided for by law.


Structural subdivisions of the center are combined into a number of blocks, which are managed by the deputy directors of the Center or chief specialists. List of blocks: administrative, children's rehabilitation, additional general education And. choice of profession, vocational school, medical and physical culture and sports rehabilitation, social rehabilitation, economic and technical support.

The ADMINISTRATIVE BLOCK includes the control apparatus, the dispatching service, the economics and accounting department, and the computer database group.

CHILDREN'S REHABILITATION UNIT includes a group of educators, including educators, primary and labor education teachers, psychologists, problem solving education, training in labor skills and socio-psychological orientation of disabled children from 3-5 years of age, both at home and in special children's groups on the basis of the "center, determining the possibilities of further education in accordance with medical indications, development of a promising individual plan of rehabilitation measures. Has a group of social assistance to the child's family -

disabled person on all issues related to the complex of rehabilitation measures using the possibilities of other blocks of the Center and other organizations.

THE BLOCK OF ADDITIONAL GENERAL EDUCATION AND CHOICE OF PROFESSION includes a group of teachers of teachers in the programs of a general education school and the department of choice of profession. The block ensures the alignment of the general educational level of disabled children who did not have the opportunity to attend a mass school or who have an education in the amount of 7-9 grades of an auxiliary and mass school in order to obtain the relevant documents on education and create an educational base for further vocational training or obtaining further education. The Department of Profession Choice carries out activities in close cooperation with employment centers, provides socio-psychological and professional testing of rehabilitators at various stages in order to determine the most accurate psycho physical abilities a disabled person in mastering the professions offered by the Center or for issuing recommendations to the relevant blocks of the Center for sending a rehabilitator to study at an appropriate educational institution.

VOCATIONAL SCHOOL BLOCK operates on the basis of curricula vocational training of various skill levels with differentiation of terms and methods of training in accordance with individual plans for the rehabilitation of a disabled person and trains qualified workers and specialists in a wide range of professions that are competitive in the labor market, including those providing self-employment upon completion of the rehabilitation course. Conducts training both on the basis of the Center and on leased educational bases of educational institutions of various profiles, creating the most favorable treatment for the rehabilitator with the provision of social and psychological support for the individual, including providing more high step professional education for the most prepared rehabilitators on an individual basis, provides training and assists in the admission of disabled people to higher educational institutions at their request.

This unit implements all types of professional educational programs of the Center. The training of qualified workers is carried out in the following specialties:

shoe maker

shoe upper maker shoe repairer seamstress-minder

tailor of women's light dress knitter of knitwear manufacturer of art products from wood artist

production pile

home appliances repairman

BLOCK MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL AND SPORTS REHABILITATION includes departments of prevention and rehabilitation treatment, group on duty service, department of physical rehabilitation and disabled sports Provides diagnostics, treatment, consultative medical care, prosthetics, classes in physiotherapy exercises and organization of sports and health-improving work in contact with sports organizations for the disabled.

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As you know, such a category of the population as the disabled is the most unprotected. This is due to certain restrictions in the scope of their activity. Russia in its legislative framework provides protection for the rights of persons with disabilities in all areas of life. What additional opportunities and benefits do Russian disabled people have? More on this later.

General concept

Who is considered disabled by law? In the regulatory legal acts that are currently in force on the territory of Russia, a clear definition of such a concept as "disabled person" is proposed. The legislator determines that such is, first of all, a person who has some physical or other pronounced deviations. Under other deviations are meant mental, sensory or mental.

All disabled people are divided into several groups, depending on the severity of the injury and disability. The most significant is the third group, when a person is deprived of physical activity and does not have the ability to independently carry out certain vital actions. The simplest group of disability is the first.

The legislator considers disabled children as a separate group. For this category in Russia, special opportunities are provided, which are also enshrined in legislation.


All special rights and opportunities for disabled people are reflected in legislative acts. In the Russian Federation, both its own and international legislation apply to persons in this category. In the first case, the main normative act is the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of the Disabled". It reveals the whole essence of the features provided for the life of this category of the population.

With regard to international law, the concept of additional rights of persons with disabilities is widely considered in the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, on the basis of which Russian legislation is often interpreted in relation to such issues. For the attention of lawyers and ordinary readers, it presents 50 articles that describe in stages all the opportunities that people with disabilities can use.

In addition to these basic documents, Russian legislation has a lot of sectoral laws that spell out additional rights for people with disabilities. These are: Labor Code, Family, Housing, as well as some other codes.

Labor law

The protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation is widely covered in labor legislation. People who are legally employed have the right to work for less time than the average person - for 7 hours a day. In total, the weekly duration of working hours is 35. In this case, the employer is obliged to pay wages in full, as for an employee performing the same duties for 8 hours a day.

With regard to rest periods, a disabled person is entitled to 30 days' leave, which must be granted every year. Moreover, such an employee is entitled to use the possibility of free leave, the duration of which in total should not exceed 30 days per year.

At any enterprise, the employer is obliged to properly equip a place for the performance of work duties by a disabled person, moreover, in accordance with his physical characteristics. In addition, the legislation prohibits the use of the labor of this category of employees in the performance of overtime, night work, as well as on holidays and weekends. This option is allowed only with the written consent of the disabled person.

In order for the employment of disabled people not to be problematic, the state obliges many categories of employers to organize places for the disabled to work at their enterprises, institutions and organizations. For this, quotas are set. In the process of reducing the staff, it is prohibited to remove such workers from their posts - this is also the protection of the labor rights of people with disabilities.

housing law

In the field of housing legislation, some benefits are also offered for such an unprotected group of the population. The Russian law on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities states that certain groups of people are entitled to receive a separate housing area, their final list is proposed in the article of this regulatory legal act. These include people who are sick active form tuberculosis, as well as those who move in wheelchairs, having deviations in the function of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, separate housing is provided for mentally ill persons, for whom it is mandatory to establish the need for supervision by other persons. Disabled people with severe kidney damage and those who have recently undergone bone marrow or other organ transplants should also be provided with separate housing equipped according to special requirements.

Housing legislation also provides for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities who do not suffer from the above diseases. They can receive out of order housing or a summer cottage with land for maintenance. household. In addition, persons with disabilities are entitled to pay for all housing services in the amount of 50% of the cost of the total.

Family law

The law on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation guarantees some opportunities for persons with disabilities in the field of inheritance. So, in the process of dividing the inheritance, even if a person suffering from a disability is not registered in the will, he must be given a share of all benefits in the amount of at least 2/3. In the event that there is no will, such an heir receives benefits in equal parts with the rest.

The Family Code contains a note that a disabled person in the event of a divorce procedure has the right to demand maintenance from the former spouse or spouse. However, you can refuse this opportunity.

Education system

In the education system, the state also protects the rights of persons with disabilities. In particular, this is expressed in the provision of opportunities for students with disabilities to receive special technical aids for learning. In addition, they are entitled to a special scholarship, as well as the opportunity to study in a special program, drawn up taking into account the abilities of the person. Applicants with disabilities have the right to extraordinary enrollment in the ranks of students in all higher educational institutions in Russia.

During the session in each exam, the disabled student has extra time to prepare for the answer.

Disabled children have the right to attend specialized school and preschool institutions, which offer a full range of conditions created taking into account certain physical disabilities of a person. In order to exercise this right, parents must send their child to undergo a special medical commission, as a result of which a certificate is provided that is necessary for enrollment in institutions of this nature.

healthcare industry

The federal law on social protection of the rights of the disabled provides protection for this category of the population in the field of health care. In accordance with its norms, any disabled person has the right to preferential provision with drugs that are necessary to maintain his normal life, as well as medical and technical means and some personal hygiene items, the list of which is determined separately for each group. If it is necessary to carry out prosthetics, it is also carried out at the expense of public funds.

Every year, the local social insurance fund is obliged to provide disabled people with a one-time ticket to a sanatorium with payment for accommodation, food and travel in both directions.

branch of culture

Legislative acts that regulate the activities of cultural institutions of various types also offer a number of opportunities that are provided in order to protect the rights of persons with disabilities.

First of all, such regulatory legal acts state that every cultural institution must be provided with unhindered access in the form of special facilities. In particular, ramps and lifts can serve as an example of this.

Tickets for visiting cultural events in public institutions are also offered at an additional discount. In particular, this applies to museums where entry for the disabled is available at a 50% discount.

The broadcasting system also provides additional opportunities for this population group. In particular, this applies to TV shows, during which sign language translation is carried out, and a running line is also offered.

Pension provision

The Federal Law on the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities provides wide range opportunities and pensions. So, any disabled person who has not earned the necessary amount to receive a pension seniority, is entitled to receive a social pension until he or she reaches retirement age. In addition, all representatives of this group who have at least one day of service in their work record receive a disability pension calculated according to a separate program.

Tax law

In the field of tax legislation, the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation is also ensured. The range of its action is relatively small, but the activities of the state in this area are positively assessed by representatives of this category.

Persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation have the right to take advantage of social tax deduction. In addition, every person with disabilities can be exempted from paying land tax.

The tax legislation provides for a complete exemption from paying the state fee, provided that a disabled person I or II applies to the court with a claim, the cost of which is not more than 1 million rubles.

Protection of the rights of children with disabilities

The activity of the state in this area is the most relevant. This is due to the fact that children with disabilities are a particularly vulnerable group of the population that needs additional protection of their rights.

The Law on the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities provides for the possibility of obtaining a separate pension for a child, for which one should apply to Pension Fund. In addition, representatives of this group can use all housing and communal services with a 50% discount, as well as utilities on the same terms.

According to doctors' prescriptions, a disabled child can receive free medicines that are needed to maintain normal level life and activity. In public transport, a disabled child can travel completely free of charge, subject to the presentation of an appropriate certificate.

Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Disabled

In the system of public organizations in Russia, there is a separate society that is developing new programs to improve the lives of people with disabilities, as well as monitoring the proper implementation of laws on the rights of people with disabilities and guarantees for them. This structure has branches throughout the Russian Federation, thanks to which any representative of this population group has the right to seek help or advice.

Social protection of the rights of disabled people by this group is provided on a voluntary basis. As part of its activities, charitable funds are collected for treatment or the provision of special technical supplies. In addition, the organization is developing new programs to ensure a higher standard of living for representatives of the category. Any person has full right apply to this structure at your place of residence in order to protect the rights of people with disabilities, as the company has a team of professional lawyers who specialize in resolving such issues.

Social help

The legislation of the Russian Federation also guarantees the provision of social assistance for people with disabilities of various groups. As a rule, it is focused on people who are in a difficult financial situation.

Within the framework of such opportunities, a poor disabled person has every right to receive food packages, material assistance, and clothing from social services. In order to apply this benefit in practice, it is necessary to submit to the service located in the building of the executive committee at the place of residence an application of the appropriate content, a certificate indicating the presence of a disability, as well as its group, and, in addition, a certificate of family composition and its material position.

Every person with disabilities can get the opportunity to stay in social service institutions, rest homes, as well as in rehabilitation centers. In addition, if necessary, all needy people with disabilities can be provided temporary shelter, which organizes everything you need for a comfortable stay.

Responsibility for Discrimination of Disabled Persons

In order to ensure an adequate and full standard of living for persons with disabilities, the legislation provides for criminal liability for their harassment and discrimination. This article was introduced into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the basis of a similar provision found in Article 5 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It talks about total ban discrimination against disabled people and infringement of their rights. It is on the basis of this provision and the article in the Criminal Code that any disabled person has the full right to apply to the court for the protection of their rights in any sphere of life. As practice shows, most often the harassment of people with disabilities is carried out in the labor sphere, which is associated with the unwillingness of the employer to use hired labor of this population group.

Social and legal protection of disabled people

graduate work

1.2 Foreign experience social and legal protection of disabled people

In social practice, the idea of ​​equality of the rights of citizens began to be widely implemented only in the 20th century, and primarily through the protection of equal rights with others for certain sections of society.

Disabled people turned out to be the last among those who gained equal rights with all in the West. Society did not immediately realize that there is no point in democracy if there is social exclusion of the disabled. Nowhere did the well-being of the disabled come by itself. They fought for him with pickets and rallies. The struggle went in two directions: for the right to have equal conditions and opportunities with other people and for the right to development

innate abilities of the individual, the right to live independently, meaningfully, actively.

The systems of social protection of persons with disabilities that have developed in developed countries include a number of interrelated elements represented by the normative consolidation of the rights of persons with disabilities, the rights and obligations of state bodies, public and charitable organizations, the forms and methods of their activities in this area.

The constitutional and other normative consolidation of the principle of equal rights for disabled and non-disabled people, the prohibition of discrimination against a person on a number of grounds, including disability, is typical for the legislation of a number of foreign countries.

The idea expressed and substantiated by the enlighteners of the 17th century in the concept of natural human rights, the idea of ​​the equality of all people on Earth, as a legal principle, was enshrined in the SITA Declaration of Independence of 1776, Later it was reflected in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of France of 1789, in other acts .

The achievement of world civilization in the humanitarian sphere was the adoption by the UN in 1948 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It did not directly include sections on attitudes towards persons with disabilities, but it proclaimed the equality of rights of "all people without exception."

This was followed by the adoption by the United Nations in 1975 of the Declaration of the Rights of the Person with a Disability. “Invalids,” it says, “whatever the origin, nature and severity of their disability or handicap, have the same fundamental rights as their fellow citizens of the same age, which primarily means the right to a satisfactory life that would be as normal and full-blooded as possible."

The principle of equal rights for disabled and non-disabled people assumes that the needs of all individuals without exception have the same importance. The means available in society should be used in such a way as to create living conditions for persons with disabilities in which they can carry out all the human forms of activity characteristic of each person in this society.

In the United States of America, the rights of persons with disabilities are enshrined in law and are included in common system civil rights prohibiting discrimination against a person. The basic legal act in this matter is the 1990 Law "On the Disabled", which protects the rights of this social group at the federal level and prohibits discrimination in labor relations, in state authorities, in public places, trade, and transport. The law requires governments at all levels to ensure that persons with disabilities have "equal access to the benefits of a variety of activities, programs and services". This includes using public education, health care, social services, courts, polling stations, and city meetings. The law requires "reasonable changes to policies, practices and procedures to avoid discrimination against persons with disabilities". In addition, relevant government agencies and construction companies should take into account the characteristics of persons with disabilities when erecting new and renovating existing buildings and structures in order to facilitate access to them for people using wheelchairs. Public transport authorities must not discriminate against persons with disabilities in the provision of their services. It is supposed to provide persons with disabilities with adequate facilities for boarding, disembarking and travel, or to provide special vehicles those people with disabilities who are not able to independently use the usual types of public transport. The United States Disability Employment Act prohibits discrimination against them in employment, promotion, vocational training, wages.

The Constitution of Canada also enshrines the principle of equality of persons with disabilities and the impossibility of discrimination on the basis of physical or mental disability.

In 1994, the Fundamental Law of the Federal Republic of Germany was amended with the following content: "No one should be infringed because of his shortcomings (mental or physical)." At present, the procedure for the adoption of Section IX of the Code of Social Legislation (Rehabilitation and participation of disabled people in society) has been completed in Germany, which summarizes legal regulations regarding issues of rehabilitation and ensuring the rights of disabled people. The addition made to the Code came into force on July 1, 2001.

The UK Disability Discrimination Act 1995 also includes the principle of equal rights for disabled and non-disabled people.

In Hungary, the principle of equal rights is enshrined in the 1998 Law on the Rights and Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities.

There are 36 laws in China that guarantee the rights and interests of persons with disabilities.

The availability of statistical data on the number of people with disabilities in the country, forecasting and identifying the dynamics of growth in the number of people with disabilities, the causes of disability, developing a system of measures to prevent it, and determining the possible costs of the state for these purposes are important.

In the third millennium, the population of the planet must realize the presence of people with disabilities and the need to create for them normal conditions According to statistics, on average 10% of the inhabitants of our planet (more than 500 million people) have congenital or acquired disabilities, one in ten people suffer from physical, mental or sensory defects and at least 25% of the total population suffer from health disorders. Approximately one family out of four has a disabled person in its composition.

These figures speak eloquently of the magnitude of the problem and, in addition to its general nature, testify to widespread this phenomenon in any country, especially in countries with a large population. According to the information and reference material of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (ref. No. 653 / dgpch dated April 25, 2001), there are more than 60 million disabled people in China, which is 5% of the population, in the USA - 54 million disabled people, which is 19%.

The forecasts of the growth dynamics of the number of people with disabilities in the world, especially of active working age, are alarming, for example, in Canada over the next 15 years their number may more than double. The most unfavorable is the situation among the indigenous population, where mental and handicapped almost 30% of the adult population suffers - an indicator that is more than 2 times higher than the national average (information from the Russian Foreign Ministry dated April 25, 2001).1 ()

The growth of persons with disabilities on an international scale is explained both by the growth of the indicator itself, indicating the deterioration of the health of the inhabitants of the planet, and by the expansion of the criteria for determining disability, primarily in relation to the elderly and especially to children. In the general contingent of disabled people, men make up more than 50%, women - more than 44%, 65-80% are elderly people.

The causes of disability in the world are:

disease of cardio-vascular system(more than 25%);

malignant neoplasms (more than 22%);

injuries (more than 14%);

respiratory diseases and tuberculosis (about 8%);

mental disorders (about 3%).

Of the class of diseases of the circulatory organs, the leading place is occupied by cerebrovascular diseases (more than 35%) and coronary heart disease (more than 37%), the level of which is 15.1 and 14.8 cases per 10 thousand of the population.

The prevalence of disability is generally higher among urban populations than among rural residents.

Increase total number of disabled people in all developed countries of the world, and especially the number of disabled children (there are from 0.12% in the UK to 18% in Canada of the total number of disabled people) has put the problem of preventing disability and preventing childhood disability among the national priorities of these countries (information from the Russian Foreign Ministry dated April 25, 2001)."

The term “prevention of disability”, according to the Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, means the implementation of a set of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of physical, mental, mental and sensory defects (first level prevention) or preventing the development of a defect into a permanent functional limitation or disability (prevention). second level).

In the Federal Republic of Germany, in accordance with the Code of Social Law, special attention is paid by the state to the rehabilitation of disabled people and measures for early detection of the disease using all available means to involve them as much as possible in a full life of society, to eliminate or reduce the consequences of the disease.

At the initial stage, as a rule, medical services are provided; treatment in hospitals, resort and sanatorium organizations and 19 special rehabilitation centers (for 3200 beds) through therapeutic gymnastics and sports, massage, special therapy, taking into account the nature of the disability. The centers make prostheses, provide orthopedic and other aids. In this case, preference is given, if possible, to an outpatient method of treatment.

At the second stage of rehabilitation measures, assistance is provided (taking into account physical capabilities, inclinations, professional suitability and experience) in obtaining the necessary skills for subsequent labor activity in the labor market, vocational training and retraining. These goals are served by 28 institutions of vocational education for adults (for 15 thousand places), the curriculum of which includes the acquisition of professions in the field of trade, management, industry, technology, as well as in the field of health and social services. If necessary, accommodation in a boarding school is possible.

For disabled people with mental disabilities, 8 special training centers with similar tasks (for 457 seats) have been established.

Young people who are under the supervision of doctors, psychologists and teachers and who, for health reasons, are contraindicated in industrial training, comprehend the basics of professions suitable for them in one of 46 special educational institutions (12.3 thousand places in total).

In the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Germany, as a result of the implementation of national programs for the prevention of childhood disability, almost 100% of newborns are examined for hereditary diseases - phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism, which makes it possible to detect these diseases in a timely manner, purposefully conduct treatment and avoid lagging behind in the mental development of the child. Through the use of cytogenetic and perinatal studies, it is prevented

the birth of children with genetic and congenital diseases. Early audiological diagnosis makes it possible to identify children suffering from congenital deafness and to carry out early rehabilitation.

The experience of these states in the issue of determining possible costs and real allocation of funds for the implementation of rehabilitation measures is positive. According to data for 1999, in Germany (6.6 million disabled people) 53 billion marks (about 675.2 billion Russian rubles) were allocated for these purposes alone, in Canada (4.2 million disabled people) - about 1, 5 billion canad. dollars (about 27 billion rubles), in the UK (5 million people with disabilities) - about 1 billion pounds. Art., which is 41 billion rubles. (Information from the Russian Foreign Ministry dated April 25, 2001).13

The legislation of foreign countries establishes the institutions of social protection of the disabled, determines the circle of state bodies involved in the implementation of programs for the protection of these citizens and responsible for them or coordinating the issues of social protection of the disabled.

Since the mid-1970s, a number of countries around the world have adopted special legislative acts on the problems of disabled people. They are of practical interest to Russia.

In Germany, for example, there are three forms of social protection for persons with disabilities, namely social insurance, compensation and assistance.

Issues of social protection of disabled people are regulated by laws:

About invalids of 1974;

On the Uniformity of Measures for the Rehabilitation of 1974;

About assistance to invalids in use of public transport of 1979;

On the fight against unemployment among the disabled, 2000;

Code of social legislation.

These acts contain legal prescriptions concerning the issues of ensuring the rights and rehabilitation of disabled people, including guarantees of their suffrage, training, education, use of public transport, special equipment for workplaces, improving their position in the labor market, and reducing unemployment for this category of the population.

The legislative basis for the system of protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in the UK are the laws:

On National Aid 1948;

About invalids of 1986;

On benefits for lifelong disability and for working disabled people of 1991;

on social security 1994;

on non-discrimination of persons with disabilities 1995, etc.

These laws, along with constitutional rights; proclaim the rights of persons with disabilities to training and education, easier and more convenient access to consumer goods, social services, educational institutions and housing, to employment. Laws and regulations require that all rail trains entering service be fully wheelchair accessible, including easy access for wheelchairs. Since the end of 2000, these rules have been applied to new city and long-distance buses.

In the implementation of social protection programs for people with disabilities in the developed countries of the world, along with government bodies, public organizations and charitable unions.

In the United States, the overall oversight of federal disability law enforcement and non-discrimination is vested in the Department of Justice.

Control functions to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities in various areas are vested in other federal departments;

Ministry of Education (Department of Special Educational Programs);

Department of Health and Human Services (Office of Civil Rights);

Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (Departments for Disability Rights and Equity in Housing);

Ministry of Labor (management of programs for the conclusion of labor agreements);

Ministry of Transport (federal administration of urban transport under the Ministry);

Department of Veterans Affairs (disabled veterans);

Department of Agriculture (department for the distribution of free food stamps for people with disabilities, exchanged in stores for food);

commission on civil rights;

Commission on Compliance with Equal Opportunities in Employment, etc.

In Canada, disability programs exist in more than 30 ministries, agencies and other government agencies. The overall coordination of the social adaptation of persons with disabilities is carried out by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (Bureau for the Affairs of the Disabled). The Bureau cooperates with other state institutions and monitors scientific research in this area. The main activities of the bureau are;

ensuring observance of civil rights, training, employment, improvement of living conditions, solving the problems of transportation of disabled people, their access to various sources of information. Under the auspices of the Ministry of Human Resources Development, there are the Opportunity Fund, the Federal-Provincial Disability Employment Assistance Program, and the Social Development in Partnership program.

Canadian Heritage is involved in working with people with disabilities through the Office of Sports, which coordinates Paralympic sports, the construction of purpose-built sports and recreation centers throughout the country, and through the National Parks Authority, which runs a program to improve access for people with disabilities to parks and recreational areas.

Ministry of Transport deals with accessibility and safety issues transport system Canada for the disabled.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada provides free and accessible information to various categories of people with disabilities on travel suitable for people with disabilities, and provides them with consular services.

The experience of the USA, Great Britain, Canada and other countries shows that the payment of disability benefits provided for by their legislation is carried out through the implementation of a number of social protection programs for people with disabilities.

In the United States, disability benefits are paid through the Supplemental Poor Benefits Program (SIPAP). It is funded and controlled by a federal agency, the Rest of Insurance Administration. MPAP is an assistance program that guarantees a minimum level of income for people with disabilities in need. The system for calculating benefits is quite complex, determined by a number of factors (degree of disability, marital status, number of dependents, level of income received) and is compiled in such a way that with an increase in income, the amount of benefits decreases. In particular, the concept of a "substantial salary" is being introduced, which is currently set at $740 (about 21,460 rubles) for most disabled people, and $1,240 (about 36,000 rubles) per month for those who have lost their sight. If earnings exceed this level, this is considered as an indicator of sufficient opportunities for a disabled person to work and the ability to independently provide for themselves financially.

The allowance amounts are regularly reviewed and as of January 2001 they amounted to $530 (about 15,000 rubles) per person per month, and $796 (about 23,000 rubles) for a married couple.

For disabled veterans, the amount of benefits is constantly changing and currently ranges from $101 (for persons with 10% disability) to $2,100 (from 3 to 60 thousand rubles) per month for veterans recognized as completely disabled.

In Canada, the Disability Employment Program provides opportunities for young people to receive special or higher education and also take into account their work experience for subsequent employment. Within the framework of the special program "Youth Employment Strategy", there are certain benefits for employers who employ disabled people under the age of 30, and the cost of special equipment necessary for them is compensated. In accordance with the "Social Development in Partnership" program, educational institutions, social councils, voluntary organizations, non-governmental organizations and non-profit agencies working with persons with disabilities are assisted in organizing and funding special projects.

Direct organizations of people with disabilities can also use this program,

A disabled student enjoys a number of financial benefits and privileges under the Canadian Student Loan Program. It receives an additional grant of 5,000 Canadian dollars. dollars (about 90 thousand rubles) for expenses related to training (for example, for the purchase of a special recording device or payment for the services of an assistant).

Persons who made contributions to the Canadian Pension Fund in the course of their employment and stopped working due to disability are entitled to receive a preferential (up to the age of 65) pension.

Most of the social programs and payments related to persons with disabilities are administered by the federal governments of Canada (provinces). However, since 1996, the federal and provincial governments have made disability provision a collective priority, and in 1998 the Government of Canada and the governments of the provinces and territories signed the Together. which is based on three ideas:

1) persons with disabilities are full members of Canadian society;

2) persons with disabilities should be able to participate in all areas of society;

3) it is necessary to create conditions for the transformation of disabled people into the most independent members of society. The emphasis is on the fact that, regardless of the nature of the programs adopted in the future, disabled people become their participants, and not completely dependent, passive recipients of state subsidies.

Of interest is the government national program of Great Britain " New profession for the Disabled", established in April 2000 by the Public Commission on the Rights of the Disabled, in cooperation with government agencies and employers' associations, and establishes that the main income for people who are unemployed due to their disability is disability benefits.

Since April 2000, there have been three types of benefits:

1. Weekly benefits for the first 28 weeks of sickness (for the disabled and those who do not receive sickness benefit) of £50.90. Art. (more than 2 thousand rubles);

2. Weekly benefits of £60.20 Art. (about 2.5 thousand rubles) from 29 to 52 weeks of illness;

3. Weekly allowances of £67.50 Art. (about 3 thousand rubles), paid after 52 weeks of illness.

In addition to this basic allowance, the following types of allowances are paid to various categories of disabled people: allowance for lifelong disability - it is designed to provide additional material assistance to citizens with a severe form of disability over 65 years of age, as well as those who received disability in early age and those who did not have time to earn and accumulate capital for themselves. Eligibility for this benefit depends on the degree of disability of the applicant, the need for assistance in caring for him, and is awarded if the applicant needs outside assistance within three months. The part of the allowance which is intended to pay for assistance with care depends on the degree of disability and amounts to £53.55, £35.80 and £14.20, respectively. Art. (which is equal to 2200, 1500, 600 rubles) per week. The travel portion of the allowance is either £37.40. Art. (more than 1500 rubles), or 14.20 f. Art. (about 600 rubles) per week; Severe Disability Benefit is paid to UK citizens aged 16 to 65 after the first 28 weeks of disability who are unable to receive disability benefits due to insufficient National Insurance contributions. Benefit does not depend on size wages, not taxed, is £40.80. Art. (more than 1.6 thousand rubles) per week and, depending on the age of the recipient, may increase by up to 14 f. Art. (more than 560 rubles); Disability Income Guarantee benefits effective April 6

2001 for severely disabled people under age 60, which is income-based and paid in addition to other benefits, at £134. Art. (about 5.5 thousand rubles) per week (information from the Russian Foreign Ministry dated April 25, 2001).

Since October 1999, a tax credit (essentially an allowance) for disabled people has been introduced, replacing the previously paid allowance to working disabled people, in order to increase their income level. Since April 2001, the loan amount for one person per week has been £160. Art. (more than 6.5 thousand rubles) and 246 f. Art. (more than 10.0 thousand rubles) per week for a family with one child.

Since 2001, the British government has provided a one-time phant (cash loan) for work in the amount of £100. Art. (more than 4.0 thousand rubles) for disabled people over the age of 25 who receive disability benefits for one year and wish to switch from the system of benefits to work. Disabled people have the right to work if the work is beneficial to their general condition and at least 16 hours a week are spent on it. Wages in such a case shall not exceed £59.50. Art. (about 2.5 thousand rubles) per week.

Benefits for injuries received at work or work-related illnesses depend on the amount of income. Payments for industrial injuries are made if an accident happened to the employee at the workplace and if he paid income tax. Freelancers and British military personnel are excluded from this scheme. Benefits in this category include: disability benefits resulting from an industrial injury; paid weekly for 90 days from the date of injury. Its size depends on the degree of disability. For a 100 percent disability, £109.30 is paid. Art. (about 4.5 thousand rubles), with 90% - 98.37 f. Art. (more than 4.0 thousand rubles), 80% - 87.44 f. Art. (more than 3.5 thousand rubles), 70% - 76.51 f. Art. (more than 3.1 thousand rubles), 60% - 65.58 f. Art. (more than 2.6 thousand rubles), 50% - 54.65 f. Art. (more than 2.2 thousand rubles), 40% - 43.72 f. Art. (more than 1.7 thousand rubles), 30% - 32.79 f. Art. (more than 1.3 thousand rubles); supplement to reduced earnings (in addition to the main disability allowance, the maximum amount is £43.72, or about 1.8 thousand rubles); child allowance (£22.25, or more than 900 rubles);

disability care allowance if the applicant is between 16 and 6 years of age, excluding full-time students whose salary does not exceed £50. Art. (more than 2.0 thousand rubles) per week. Since April 2001, the weekly rate has been £72. Art. (about 3.0 thousand rubles).

International experience in organizing the social protection of citizens indicates that the costs for these purposes are mainly covered by employers' contributions or financed from insurance premiums. In addition, from The state budget annually allocates a certain amount, which covers an average of up to 10% of the costs.

In the UK, budget-added contributions are held by the National Insurance Fund.

The costs of non-contributory benefits, means-tested benefits and child benefits are fully covered by the UK general tax system.

According to German law, social protection costs are mainly financed from insurance premiums. The basis of the contribution is formed from wages and labor income. Income from contributions, together with other income such as capital, is sufficient to cover current year's expenses. Excluding the required reserve, this system operates on the principle of current funding.

Basically, only the employee pays the contributions, since the employer subsequently withholds this amount from the employees' wages for the amount of contributions he has paid. Employer pays contributions towards its costs only for workers with very low income and for insurance premiums for injuries.

In addition to contribution income, state subsidies also play a role in the implementation of disability insurance schemes. All social protection benefits outside of insurance schemes are also funded by the state. The source of this funding is general taxation.

Studying the experience of social protection of disabled people in the advanced countries of Europe, Asia, as well as Canada and the USA; in which the position of disabled people allows them to maximize the opportunity to lead a full life, to have equal rights along with other citizens, it seems useful for Russia, which is at the initial stage of its development in this matter.

Theory and methodology of social work, part-1, Moscow, 1999, p.139.



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