Russian guard dog. Photo of the Moscow watchdog

The Moscow Guard Dog is a breed with an ideal balance between the discipline of service breeds and the uncompromising nature of guard dogs. From the former they inherited learning ability, balance and the desire to obey a person, and from the latter - a certain amount of aggression and territoriality, which makes them a first-class watchman. Recently, representatives of the breed have also been trained as guide dogs.

At the end of the Great Patriotic War, there was a need for a dog that would meet all the needs of the national economy: it was large, unpretentious, hardy, controllable and capable of performing any functions assigned to it, adapting to different climatic conditions, even the most severe. The goal was determined and the dog handlers of the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel near Moscow began breeding several breed groups, among which were: the Moscow Great Dane, the Moscow Diver, the Black Terrier and the Moscow Watchdog itself.

According to a simplified version, the Moscow Watchdog was obtained by crossing a St. Bernard and a Caucasian Shepherd, but in fact, breeding the breed was much more complex. Mixed breeds of the Russian pinto hound and the East European Shepherd were covered with St. Bernards, and Caucasian shepherd dogs and their crosses were covered with Newfoundlands. The selection for the required qualities was very strict; all dogs were evaluated, trained, tested for work, and only the best were retained. Since 1950, representatives of the breed group began to appear at exhibitions. Further, very close cooperation was carried out with various service dog breeding clubs, puppies were given into the hands of only competent dog breeders. In 1985, the breed was officially recognized. All experiments with blood admixtures have since been strictly prohibited.

Appearance and standards

The Moscow Watchdog is a large dog with a strong constitution and a slightly elongated body of a rough type. The muscles are voluminous and well developed. The height of males should not be lower than 68 cm, females - 66 cm. Weight - 45-70 kg.

  • The head is wide and massive. The forehead is convex with a clearly defined transition to the nose. The lips are thick, dark in color, slightly drooping. The brow ridges are well developed. The nose is large and always black. The ears are hanging, triangular in shape. The eyes are medium-sized, wide-set, round in shape. Scissor bite. A slight dewlap around the neck is allowed.
  • The abdomen is moderately tucked. The chest is deep with rounded ribs. The croup is almost horizontal and wide. The stance of the front and hind limbs is parallel. The hind legs are slightly wider apart than the front legs. The tail is set high and wide. In a calm state it is lowered, and in an excited state it rises slightly above the back.
  • The coat is coarse, dense, long. The undercoat is well developed. On the head and front side of the paws the hair is slightly shorter than on the body. The decorative hair is more developed in males. The color is red-piebald spotted. Mandatory white color on the tip of the tail, chest, to the elbow on the front legs and to the shin on the hind legs. There may be dark specks on a white background.


They begin raising a puppy as early as possible, paying special attention to its socialization, understanding of all prohibitions and obedience. Some difficulties may arise during a special age period: 6-12 months, then the owner will need maximum patience and understanding. There should be no cruel measures at this age; given its impressive size, the dog is still a puppy with appropriate behavior and a fragile psyche. The stubbornness and independence of this breed is corrected by training and the manifestation of the strong character of the owner. If a dog realizes that it is lower in the hierarchy, it will become infinitely loyal and obedient.

The Moscow guard dog is an intelligent and sociable dog, so it is easy to train. It is not recommended to develop anger and aggression; these are qualities that are initially inherent in character and intuitively manifest themselves in certain situations. It is also worth remembering that these dogs can be somewhat leisurely; they need to think about each command.

Such an active dog needs to be provided with very good physical activity. At a young age, when bones and ligaments are not yet fully formed, they limit themselves to long walks, perhaps light jogging and games. After a year, you can accustom your pet to barriers, stairs and traction loads. Moscow watchdogs usually love to swim, so the best pastime for them in the summer will be walks to a pond.


A true Moscow watchdog is a dog with a balanced, strong and independent character; it gets along with children, obeys older people and listens to every member of the family, although it gives preference only to the chosen owner. Strength, power, courage and intelligence make her an excellent watchman who will defend the interests of the family to the last.

Puppies mature late; physically and psychologically they are fully formed only at 2 years of age. The watchdog gets along well with dogs of other breeds, is loyal to cats, and patient with children, but it is better not to leave her with a child who is too small. He is always wary of strangers. The Moscow Watchdog is not prone to excessive barking, and male dogs can even attack silently.

Features of maintenance and care

Long, thick hair is brushed once a week. They bathe rarely, usually no more than 2-3 times a year. Periodically examine and, if necessary, clean eyes, ears and teeth. If a dog has sufficient physical activity, its claws will grind down on their own, otherwise they need to be trimmed.


The optimal type of food for such a large dog would be natural food. The basis of the diet should be raw frozen meat and offal, with the addition of cereals, vegetables and fruits. Following a strict regime will promote good digestion and help avoid possible health problems. It is important that the dog eats the entire portion at a time, after which it can rest for a while. Feeding with treats is allowed as a reward for obedience. It is also possible to feed prepared foods with a high content of animal proteins. The diet must be balanced and meet the physical activity of the animal.

Health and life expectancy

Representatives of the breed have excellent health. Problems most often arise due to improper feeding or maintenance. These could be food allergies or obesity with the ensuing consequences. Life expectancy is 8-10 years.

Puppies and prices

It can be difficult to choose a Moscow Guard puppy among several furballs. First of all, you need to ask the breeder about the parents of the litter, their merits, and even better, see the dogs live in order to imagine what will grow from a small acquisition. Puppies must be examined and objectively assessed. Check the bite. Lips, nose, eyelids and eyes should be dark in color. Only minor light areas are allowed, which should darken with age. Eyes should be dry and clear.

The puppy's physique is harmonious, and the coat is soft, shiny, clean, without bald spots. The ribs are checked for the presence of so-called “rosaries,” small tubercles that indicate the development of rickets. As for color, a dark mask on the face and a white tip of the tail are required. In general, the puppy should be energetic, playful and inquisitive. The cost of a Moscow guard puppy is from 300 to 1000 USD. e.

Differences between the Moscow Watchdog and the St. Bernard

Representatives of the breed we are interested in differ from the St. Bernard in some external qualities and character traits.

Distinctive external data:

  • leaner and stronger appearance;
  • a different head structure and a closer look;
  • eyelids tightly fitting, lips not drooping;
  • the transition to the front part from the forehead is not so clearly noticeable.

Features of character and behavior:

  • clearly manifested guard qualities against the background of healthy malice;
  • active mobility and high reaction rate;
  • smoothness and freedom in movements;
  • showing caution and suspicion towards strangers and animals.

The current breed standard prescribes the preferred color of the Moscow Watch, which is characterized by the presence of a dark mask and sable coloring, implying a black edging on the red spots - characteristics that are extremely rare in St. Bernards. The St. Bernard standard focuses on the difference between the lower height limit at the withers of the St. Bernard and the identical values ​​of the Moscow Watchdog.

Moscow Watchdog: mating features

The Moscow Watchdog becomes sexually mature during its first estrus. This event occurs between 6 and 8 months and is strictly individual for each animal. It is better not to mate during the first heat, unless the onset of puberty is delayed until 15-18 months, and even in this case, it is recommended not to take risks and wait. Moscow watchdogs grow rather slowly and fully mature by 2-3 years; females usually outstrip them. The best time for mating is the third heat. Males are bred from the age of two. It is important to ensure that by the time of mating your pet is not a puppy, but an adult, sexually mature!

Knowing how to breed a Moscow watchdog is necessary not only for organizing and controlling the process, but also for complying with documented rules if you own a breeding bitch. The club manager must be notified in advance about the upcoming event. On the first day of heat, contact the club, where you will be given a referral for mating. Try to immediately contact the owner of the selected male to avoid unpleasant moments - the dog may be taken away, he may be sick or breed with another individual.

To find out when you can breed a Moscow Watchdog, watch as closely as possible when the heat occurs to determine its onset. Often dogs lick their genitals so thoroughly that the discharge is not noticeable at first glance. It is recommended to check the nature of the discharge every day by applying a clean cotton wool to the vulva area of ​​the bitch. Their light pink hue will indicate your pet’s readiness for ovulation. As a rule, mating is possible 10–13 days from the start of estrus.

Popular nicknames for the Moscow watchdog

Usually, owners of dogs of this breed choose nicknames for them, following the traditions of the Russian canine school. Within the framework of these traditions, nurseries that specialize in breeding purebred animals are also called.

As a rule, a purebred puppy purchased with a pedigree already has a name that matches the prefix and is documented. If possible, it is original, although it is not very convenient for calling a dog at home. However, recently many dog ​​breeders have become interested in Russian nicknames, so such a “stately” nickname, such as, for example, Marvelous from the House of Baryshev, no longer seems overly pretentious.

Choosing a nickname for a Moscow watchdog is a creative activity, during which you can immerse yourself in Slavic mythology and remember your native history, discussing the future name of your pet in a cozy homely atmosphere with other family members.


Photos of the Moscow guard dog breed:

Video with Moscow guard dog:

The Moscow Guard Dog is the result of selection work to develop a guard and guard breed. And its representatives turned out to be just like that - strong, powerful, efficient dogs with a stable psyche and innate qualities. But such large dogs require a special approach, and the owner will have to take on greater responsibility. How do Moscow guard dogs differ from other giant dogs and what should the owner expect?

The specialists of the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery began breeding a new breed in the 50s of the last century. St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherds, and hounds took part in the selection; the work continued for several years. From the original breeds, watchdogs received the best qualities: the appearance and poise of St. Bernards, distrust and anger towards strangers from Caucasians, endurance and a sensitive sense of smell from hounds.

Yes, dogs do not have a long history, everything is simple and clear, but they almost immediately gained popularity, which is understandable. In the post-war years, people needed good watchdogs, and the breeding of Moscow watchdogs met the needs of the national economy. These dogs faithfully serve humans, are well trained and perform the work entrusted to them.

Description of the Moscow Guard Dog breed

Modern representatives of the breed are often confused with Caucasian Shepherds or St. Bernards, and indeed they have inherited the common features of these giants. But with a more detailed comparison, you can see that they are distinguished from Caucasians by color and general proportions, and St. Bernards by the width of their bones and muscles.

Despite their impressive size, representatives of the breed are very mobile, hardy and dexterous. The minimum height for males is 68 cm, weight - 55 kg, females are slightly inferior: with growth from 66 cm, weigh they are 45 kg or more. The standard describes dogs as follows:

Coat and colors

The skin of Moscow watchdogs is thick, covered with dense, thick, straight hair with abundant undercoat. On the dogs' necks the decorative hair forms a luxurious mane, and there are fringes on the paws. In the area of ​​the lumbar girdle, croup and hips, the standard allows for slight waviness. There are two breed types: dogs with long and short hair.

There are individuals with the following coat color:

  • spotted - the main tone is white, the spots are brown, red or fawn;
  • fawn – dogs have a dark mask on their face.

The most spectacular are the red color with a white chest, mane, tail tip, limbs up to the elbows and knees and with a dark mask, black hair on the ears and the area around the eyes.


Moscow watchdogs look very impressive, but at the same time they have a submissive disposition. They are confident in themselves and their own actions, and are naturally endowed with pronounced guard and protective instincts. For household members, this is a friendly, affectionate pet, but on the street it becomes a formidable guard. The angry dog ​​looks scary and resembles a bear. He will not fawn and flirt with strangers.

Dogs of this breed have a balanced psyche, they get along well with children, but any threat makes them agitated and aggressive. Owning such a large and serious animal is not worth it as a pet for teenage children, elderly people, beginners and those who do not have the strong character to raise it. With a weak-willed owner, the dog can become overly angry or cowardly, and lose its excellent qualities.

Watchdogs are well trained; their sharp mind and quick wit help them in this. A well-mannered dog will not raise his voice without a reason. But he is capable of being independent and stubborn from time to time. Therefore, he requires mandatory training and education in order to correct his behavior.

These dogs' hostility towards strangers extends not only to people, but also to animals. Therefore, under no circumstances should the dog walk the streets alone, being a threat to others.

Education and training

First of all, the owner must show the pet its place. He must show the puppy that he is higher than the rest on the hierarchical ladder and is the leader in the house. Dogs of this breed are prone to dominance, so this aspect should not be missed - you may not even notice how the dog takes a leadership position.

Representatives of this breed, especially males, may not immediately come to terms with the current state of affairs. A person should not show fear if a puppy tries to bite; he should not pull back his hand - it should be slowly released, grab the animal by the scruff of the neck, shake it and give the appropriate command. This should be done when the dog has not reached a large size and has become uncontrollable.

When raising such a serious dog, you should behave correctly so as not to make it angry and overly aggressive. If any manifestation of dissatisfaction occurs, you should immediately put the dog in its place - it should not forget about its place and responsibilities.

It is necessary to lay the foundation of obedience in puppyhood, as soon as the pet crosses the threshold of a new home. Otherwise, in the future you may not be able to cope with such a large, headstrong dog. The dog remembers the acquired skills for the rest of his life.

If the owner understands that he cannot train the pet properly, you can always seek help from experienced dog handlers who know the characteristics of representatives of this breed.


Already when breeding the breed, it was assumed that its representatives would be hardy, efficient, but at the same time unpretentious. However, the dog still needs basic grooming procedures:

  • It is recommended to comb out abundant hair weekly; during periods of seasonal shedding, it is advisable to use a slicker brush or furminator;
  • wash Moscow watchdogs once every 5-6 months using a special detergent;
  • street dogs are usually not washed; it is enough to brush the pet’s fur with snow or treat it with a mitten made of coarse cloth;
  • You should regularly examine the mouth, ears and nasal mucosa - they should not discharge purulent fluids or emit an unpleasant odor; if necessary, clean the ears with cotton swabs soaked in water, wash the eyes with a tea solution or chamomile decoction;
  • trimming the nails - usually on street dogs they wear down naturally, but on apartment dogs they should be trimmed.

Like representatives of other breeds, Moscow watchdogs should receive the necessary vaccinations, treat their fur against fleas and ticks, and be given anthelmintic medications every 4 months.


The breed is distinguished by good health and good stamina, but dogs are not protected from diseases that most representatives of giant breeds suffer from: large dysplasia, food allergies and a tendency to obesity. Other diseases are diagnosed in Moscow watchdogs no more often than in dogs of other breeds.


Dogs are essentially carnivores, which means that the basis of their diet is meat. It should be given to watchdogs raw, cut into pieces, but it is not recommended to feed your pet minced meat. To ensure adequate nutrition of joint and cartilage tissue, the dog should be given stringy meat with cartilage. Beef, lamb, and horse meat are best suited. But pork is very harmful for dogs, as it puts a lot of strain on the liver.

Large bones with cartilage and tendons are a healthy treat - they are rich in useful minerals. The dog can be fed with offal, pre-boiled: liver, kidneys, stomachs, lungs, etc., they contain a number of necessary enzymes.

A couple of times a week you can give your animal boiled eggs, boiled sea fish, kefir, cottage cheese, and yogurt. Additionally, the animal can be given vegetables and cereals seasoned with vegetable oil. In addition to healthy foods, it is necessary to introduce vitamins to keep your pet healthy.

If the owner decides to feed the pet commercial diets, then it should be food for representatives of large breeds, premium or super-premium class. Many brands produce separate lines of food designed specifically for large breeds.

Conditions of detention

It is advisable to keep such large animals in a private house with a spacious local area. For a pet, it is necessary to equip a booth of a suitable size; enclosure keeping is also allowed. Dogs tolerate high and low temperatures well, so they do not require special conditions. But if the puppy is adopted in winter, it is not recommended to immediately send him outside. It is kept at home in a warm and bright place.

Moscow watchdogs can also be kept in an apartment, naturally, having previously assessed the possible inconveniences. First of all, these dogs need a lot of exercise, which means that the pet will have to be walked twice a day, and the walk should last at least an hour and include classes, games, and jogging. Of course, a street dog also needs active exercises, but they can be done less frequently.

In addition, the Moscow Guard puppy is not distinguished by delicacy and obedience; he is capable of damaging personal belongings and furniture. Coming home from work, the owner may discover the consequences of this shaggy “tornado”. Of course, upbringing and growing up will make the dog more flexible, but this period is very difficult to go through calmly.

It should be borne in mind that such a large pet is quite expensive. First of all, this concerns nutrition, veterinary examinations and grooming procedures.

Photo of the Moscow guard dog

Video about the Moscow guard dog

Where to buy and how much does a Moscow Guard puppy cost?

If a family needs a good guard and watchman, and there are all the conditions for keeping him, then you can safely consider the Moscow Guard breed as an option. Today its popularity has decreased somewhat, which has affected the price, but there is no shortage of nurseries and breeders.

Naturally, it is important to purchase a dog without defects, genetic abnormalities, and most importantly, with a stable psyche. To do this, it is better to contact experienced breeders who strictly reject individuals with defects and do not allow them to be bred.

  • Grand Sentinel, Moscow;
  • Royal Guard, Kyiv

It is not recommended to purchase an animal without documents from random sellers, since the risks of buying a mixed breed or a puppy with serious physical or mental health problems are high. In addition, when purchasing breeding offspring from a nursery, the new owner enlists the support of the breeder, who will advise on any issues that arise.

The cost of Moscow Guard puppies with minor deviations from the standard - weak pigment, curly hair, etc. ranges from 6,000 to 18,000 rubles. The price of offspring admitted for breeding is 20,000-25,000 rubles. Puppies from titled parents with excellent breed qualities, suitable for a show career, can cost much more, more than 60,000 rubles.

The Moscow Watchdog is the result of painstaking selection, thanks to which these loyal, calm animals were obtained. Such a dog will fearlessly protect his family, but he needs a strong hand and mandatory education. By buying a puppy, the owner also acquires responsibility for its behavior and exploits.

The characteristics of the Moscow Guard Shepherd will be useful to those who want to become the owner of a puppy of this breed. The process of removing it was very difficult. For this purpose, several dog breeds were used at once. The Moscow or Russian watchdog today is represented by an average number of livestock; its working qualities are very relevant and highly valued. The breed is noble, large, friendly and reliable. The animal requires a particularly careful approach, because the breed’s temperament is very ambiguous.

The history of the appearance of the Moscow watchdog

The years of the Great Patriotic War claimed many lives not only of people, but also of dogs, which brought great damage to the cynology. Large service dogs were represented by single specimens. Because of the need for them, the state signed a decree in 1950 to develop a new breed. The case was entrusted to the Red Star military dog ​​breeding school, located in the Moscow region.

The best representatives in terms of appearance and training abilities were selected for breeding work. The Russian Watchdog was bred from the following breeds:

  • Newfoundland and St. Bernard;
  • Caucasian and German Shepherd;
  • Piebald hounds and hounds.

Breed characteristics

The peculiarity of the breed is that it was created by special order of the government. The reason was the threat of extinction for many animals in the post-war period. As a result of crossing many breeds, the work was very difficult. The goal was to create an animal that was easy to care for, had a powerful constitution, was active and learned quickly. By 1958, there were about 28 of these living in the nursery.


The modern Moscow Watchdog is a cross between the St. Bernard and the Caucasian Shepherd. In the photo you can easily find similarities between these breeds. The Moscow Shepherd has stronger bones and developed muscles. The main parameters are as follows:

  • height - 68 cm at the withers for males, 66 cm for females (but values ​​of 77-78 cm and 72-73 cm are considered more preferable);
  • weight – from 60 kg for males and from 45 for females.

Breed standard

In addition to height and weight values, the breed standard contains a complete description of the dog’s physique and its characteristics. It looks like this:

  1. The head is massive, deep and wide in the skull. The brow ridges are very developed, the forehead has a slightly convex shape. There is a massive bump on the back of the head.
  2. Muzzle. Voluminous, wide, has good filling under the eyes. The nose is large, fleshy, black, the nostrils are rounded. The lips do not hang below the lower jaw. They are also fleshy, large, and have a black rim.
  3. Jaw. Large teeth are adjacent to one another. Their set is complete - 42 pieces. The cheekbones are well developed, the bite is scissor-shaped - the lower incisors close, extending beyond the upper ones.
  4. Tail. Saber-shaped, has a natural shape, strong, with rich fringe.
  5. Eyes. Wide set, dark, small, round in shape. The animal's gaze is confident, but calm.
  6. Ears. The edges are rounded, but overall triangular, pendulous.
  7. Neck. The length practically corresponds to the massive head, medium, oval in cross-section with well-developed muscles. The scruff is especially pronounced.
  8. Frame. Slightly stretched, proportional, deep and voluminous.
  9. Withers. Muscular, tall, wide.
  10. The chest is wide and long. The ribs are large and convex, widening towards the rear.
  11. The back is strong, wide and large, and also has voluminous muscles.

Coat and color types

The Moscow Watchdog has thick skin. It does not sag, only suspension is allowed. The undercoat is well developed. The awn is close-fitting, thick and straight. On the chest, the thick fur appears fluffy, and on the back of the limbs and tail there are feathers. It protects the pet from harsh climatic conditions during the cold winter, but when kept in an apartment it causes inconvenience. The Moscow Shepherd is two-colored and has several markings:

  • base – white on the neck, chest, tip of the tail, lower limbs;
  • additional color - sable, red, black-red, red spots;
  • Markings – ear area and dark glasses.

Moscow Shepherd - character

The main character traits of the Moscow Shepherd are confidence and restraint. Even with large sizes, dogs are distinguished by their obedience. They have the following qualities clearly expressed:

  1. Security guard instincts. The menacing growl and frightening appearance leave no doubt that the guard dog will not be nice to strangers. The animal has well-developed security and guard qualities.
  2. Devotion to the owner and family. The dog's main instincts are protective. They are very devoted to all family members and are a devoted friend to them.
  3. Balanced psyche and lack of aggression. In normal circumstances, the dog is very calm, not aggressive, but is easily excited at the slightest threat to those whom it considers its family. She will not bark for no reason, but if necessary she will react to what is happening with her voice.
  4. Love for children. At home, the Moscow Watchdog is a good-natured and affectionate “bear”. Children love to play with him. The dog treats them like a nanny.
  5. High intelligence. The breed is distinguished by its intelligence and ability to train. Its representatives are even considered intellectuals.
  6. Stubbornness and independence. These qualities are smoothed out by proper training and the owner’s own character.

Moscow Guard puppies

The best option is to choose a puppy aged 1.5-2 months. Before purchasing, you should decide on the gender of the animal, because the Russian Watchdog has very pronounced differences in the appearance of males and females. The latter guard the territory entrusted to them with great zeal, but at the same time they are more aggressive towards members of the owner’s family. The bitch recognizes the authority only of the owner. Males are also cocky, but towards other dogs. When choosing a bitch, it is worth considering that when performing service, she will sometimes be released from it. The cause may be estrus, childbirth and feeding of puppies.

How to choose

Having decided on the gender, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Certain dog qualities are important to different owners. To choose the right puppy, you should consider the following criteria:

  1. Documentation. When purchasing, you need to consider the pedigree of the puppy's parents.
  2. Territory protection. If you buy a dog as a watchdog, then you should ask the breeder for certificates of the mother and her work.
  3. Contact. The optimal choice is a puppy who himself began to communicate, even at the first meeting, and showed curiosity. Although cautious and mistrustful pets will be excellent guards.

How much do Russian Guard puppies cost?

Today you can buy a puppy in many nurseries. The price will be higher, but you will be sure that you have purchased a pure breed and not a crossbreed. Such a puppy acts as a carrier of genes, is in good health, and has no errors in rearing. You can purchase an animal at a lower price on the market or through an advertisement. It is worth considering here that it is possible to buy a puppy with flaws in character and appearance. The average cost for a Moscow Shepherd in different kennels is presented in the table:

Raising a puppy

Immediately after the arrival of a new family member, it is necessary to begin raising him. Already at an early age, the puppy must understand the limits of what is permitted, which in the future will need to be adhered to. The character of the Russian watchdog is active, but not energetic. The breed is distinguished by its agility, calmness and ability to make decisions independently. A distinctive feature is stubbornness. The animal clearly understands what is wanted from it, but may simply resist. For this reason, it is important that the owner is an authority for the pet, and that he understands that he is not the head of the family, but simply its friend.

Stages of growing up

A dog is considered fully mature at the age of 3 years, but it must be trained from the very beginning, since the foundations are laid when a puppy appears in the family. The owner's patience and restraint will help socialize the pet, but to properly carry out this process, it is important to understand the stages of the pet's maturation:

  • from birth to 3 years – puppy and teenager;
  • from 3 to 6-7 years – adult dog;
  • 7-11 years old – an older animal.

Rules of conduct for the owner and family members with the dog

The difference between the breed is that even with a friendly, calm character, it can unknowingly harm family members. This is especially true for young children. For this reason, it is important to immediately stipulate the rules of behavior with the animal:

  • avoid bites even during play;
  • when a pet is eating, a child should not be allowed to approach it;
  • Congenital food aggression is first dealt with by the owner himself, after which the rest of the family can do the same;
  • Physical punishment is unacceptable, because the Moscow Watchdog has a good memory and regards such influence as a sign of disrespect.

Features of education

Each stage of growing up has its own nuances of properly raising a dog. As a puppy, you will have to deal with various pranks. Then there will come a period of teenage storms and hormonal outbreaks against the backdrop of puberty. It should not be surprising that the pet has forgotten the commands learned 3-4 months ago. The same applies to the situation when the animal has stopped fetching and playing with its favorite toy. With age, the pet changes its priorities to protecting the family. By the age of 3-4 years, pranks will become uninteresting to him.

Moscow watchdog training

The training process consists of defining “do’s” and “don’ts” for your pet, so that as the dog grows older, it does not cross them. Feeding the animal should begin each time with one sound, for example, tapping on the bowl. It is better to place pieces of meat in the presence of your pet, so that he understands who is boss in the house. You need to walk the puppy hungry, giving him a treat for each approach when called. This will develop a reflex in which the pet will follow the owner everywhere.

At home

The breed is considered sociable and intelligent, but at the same time it already has aggression by nature, which is inherited from the Caucasian Shepherd. For this reason, it is important to raise your pet without physical influence. In addition, this breed is very leisurely, which is why it needs time to think about a command. Stubbornness or independence is suppressed solely by the strong character of the owner. The Moscow watchdog will be obedient if it understands that it is a step below its owner.

Professional dog training

If the owner does not expect the pet to participate in exhibitions or perform the role of a guard, then you can limit yourself to home training. In other cases, professional training with an experienced specialist in training courses is required. The same is necessary if food or territorial aggression does not go away and cannot be trained. Due to your pet's stubborn nature, it can be difficult to teach something, and training with a professional can help solve this problem.

Moscow guard dog - care and maintenance

Initially, the Moscow Watchdog breed was bred as unpretentious and not requiring special care, but several rules must still be followed. They relate to the place where the animal is kept, the care of its fur, and its diet. If we list the general rules, then attention is paid to the following:

The Moscow Watchdog has a dense, thick, long coat that requires special care. The dog must be brushed once a week, otherwise tangles cannot be avoided. This will make the animal look unkempt. It is mandatory to check for ticks after a walk in the park - you need to inspect the face, paws, and ears. You shouldn't bathe your pet too often. There should be no more than 3-4 washing procedures with a special shampoo per year. Other grooming features:

  1. During the shedding period, it is necessary to comb the coat daily. This is especially true for bitches, because they shed more. Molting occurs 2 times a year, it is more noticeable in the spring. During this period, it is better to use a metal comb with fine teeth, which rips out the falling out undercoat.
  2. If shedding is not observed, and it is already June, then it is necessary to bathe without shampoo. To do this, the wool is wetted and then combed.

A dog of this breed needs movement and spacious territory. The best accommodation option for her is a private house. The animal needs to build a booth, the entrance of which is covered with a rug. When a dog lives in an apartment, it is required to walk it at least 2 times a day for 1-2 hours. The walk should be active and include physical activity, training, and running. Other features of keeping a Russian watchdog:

  • the space allocated for the dog in the apartment should be light and spacious, the bed should not be placed near the radiator or in a draft;
  • bowls for food and water should be placed conveniently for food and should be washed with hot water;
  • a puppy bed should have medium hardness;
  • You can’t keep a puppy outside in winter; at first he will live at home.

Feeding the Moscow Guard Shepherd

An important element of proper animal care is diet. This is especially true for dogs living in an apartment, which are more susceptible to food allergies and obesity. For feeding, you can use special balanced food or natural products. The latter involves using:

  • seasonal vegetables;
  • lean meat.

Proper nutrition involves the periodic use of nutritional supplements and vitamins. The following are contraindicated for inclusion in the diet:

  • bread;
  • pasta;
  • fat meat;
  • sweets;
  • confectionery;
  • sausage;
  • river fish;
  • small chicken bones.

The Moscow Shepherd needs to be fed several times a day. Frequency increases for puppies and lactating bitches. The portion for immature dogs is 20% of their weight. It can be bran, greens, chicken, beef, kefir and other fermented milk products, rice, buckwheat, hard cheese. As your pet gets older, its diet may include sea fish, meat and meat by-products.

Health and hereditary diseases

On average, the life expectancy of the Moscow Watchdog is 10-12 years. This period is considered short, it is due to rapid wear and tear of the joints, heart and other organs, which is quite predictable. Diseases typical for the breed are:

  • food or seasonal allergies are a purely individual pathology due to the unpredictable reaction of the animal’s body;

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All about dogs on the DogGav portal

Having pets, such as dogs, every dog ​​owner will sooner or later be faced with the need to obtain information: about the characteristics of his pet’s breed, its treatment, and maintenance. A convenient option is a resource that can fully satisfy the information hunger of a dog owner who wants to take care of his dog correctly. Or a single service that will help you choose the breed that best suits a person’s interests.

The main thing is the breed

Dog breeds are determined not only by external differences. These are the characterological characteristics of the animal and a lot of physiological aspects. After reviewing this information, you can understand what care requirements a particular breed has. This is a very important layer of information, not only when you already have a pet, but also at the stage of choosing a puppy. By familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of a particular breed, you can understand whether such a dog can get along with your family, whether it will be comfortable, and whether you will be comfortable with it.

Man is responsible for those he has tamed. Taking home an animal, we receive not only a set of positive emotions from communicating with it and observing its development, but also responsibilities that we need to know about. In addition, only a satisfied and happy animal can give joy to its owners.

You will find this information on the pages of our website. You will be able to find out how many dog ​​breeds there are, what their characters are, the characteristics of the growth and development of puppies and their care. And much more.

Choosing a favorite

The world creates a variety of living forms, thanks to this you can find dogs that will be successful in the field of protection or hunting, adapted for living in an apartment, and simply decorative species. Our portal is ready to introduce you to shaggy and smooth-haired, big and small, kind and strong, playful and calm representatives of canines.

Our resource is designed not only for experienced dog breeders, but also for those who still dream of getting a pet. Our site is full of useful knowledge in the field:

  • breed characteristics of dogs;
  • rules for caring for them;
  • their basic habits.

Using our information as a basis, you can choose the dog breed that suits you and your family. Among the breed characteristics of dogs, their attitude towards their own kind, towards people in general and towards small children is distinguished. This is an important factor; it must be correlated with the purpose for which a person decided to get a dog. Another significant factor is the animal’s attitude to physical activity and level of activity. Some prefer a quick run, while others prefer a leisurely walk with their owner. Some people love to swim, some love active games with a stick, and some love to lie in the sun.

We have prepared a selection about the origin of different breeds, their primary purpose and antiquity. A number of breeds have deep roots that go back 2000 years.

We will tell you how certain breeds got from continent to continent, we will tell you about interbreeding and how they were able to adapt to external factors. Let's talk about pharaoh dogs and what breeds were preferred by French kings and English lords.

Dogs big and small

Are large dogs in the house your dream? Visit our portal and you will receive unique data about breeds, get acquainted with the rarest of them, and find out which one is best for you. Do you need a dedicated security guard, a nanny for your children, or just a loyal friend? Visit our website, we will tell you about the smallest details and behavioral characteristics of the dog tribe. And you can choose a pet that will make you happy, and that you will make happy.

If you live in an apartment, our resource will introduce you to those breeds that feel comfortable in a limited space. Apartment dogs are designed to be kept in confined spaces; they are healthy, cheerful and active, even if the room is not large, and will look and feel bad on the street. Conversely, animals adapted for life outside do not get along well indoors. When making a choice in favor of one breed or another, it is better to take this fact into account.

Indoor small dogs are a delight for any animal lover. Their cheerful disposition and ability to poke their curious nose into every nook and cranny will bring many pleasant moments. But a small dog is a big responsibility. She, like the large representatives of this family, requires care and attention. If you are interested in a husky dog, complete information will allow you to properly care for the animal and properly maintain it. Friendships and loves that resonate grow, strengthen, and make life richer. Both yours and your pet's. With our help, making the dream of friendship between humans and animals a reality becomes easier.

Estimation of breed characteristics

Adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

Level of tenderness The level and amount of tenderness and affection that a dog gives in return for attention to itself.

Need for exercise The dog's daily activity level.

Social need The required amount of contact between the dog and other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconveniences that a dog can cause to owners in relation to the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushing, and the required number of professional grooming sessions required by the dog.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Peculiarities of dog behavior in society with strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings.

Tendency to bark Tendency to bark and its frequency and volume.

Health issues The dog's potential health status.

Territoriality A dog's tendency to protect its owner's home, yard, or even car.

Friendly to cats Tendency towards tolerance towards cats and reduced expression of hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog’s ability to think and solve emerging difficulties (not to be confused with learning ability!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in training a dog to perform certain actions.

Child Friendly A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether it likes to play with them and tolerate some children's pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its very name, and, as a rule, occurs in almost all dogs.

Observation A dog's ability to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly towards other dogs The dog's tendency to find a common language with its other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

The Moscow guard dog breed has been one of the most popular among Russian owners for 60 years. Massive and impressive dimensions, which go in combination with kindness and loyalty to the owner, always captivate and distinguish dogs of this breed from many others. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their high growth (usually no lower than 70 cm), heavy weight (no less than 45 kg), developed muscles and strong bones. Males are superior to females of this breed in size. Most often, the color of dogs of the Moscow Watchdog breed is white with dark patches (black, brown, red). Dogs of this breed have characteristic floppy ears and a wide muzzle, thick hair and large teeth. The life expectancy of dogs of this breed is 10-13 years. The Moscow Watchdog was bred by crossing other breeds: St. Bernard, Caucasian Shepherd, Russian Piebald Hound. The main purpose for which the breeders tried so hard is the adaptability of the breed to Russian (sometimes harsh) climatic conditions, as well as the ability to protect the territory entrusted to the dog. Owners of Moscow Guard dogs note their loyalty and excellent guarding abilities. These animals are hard workers who are not afraid of difficulties. Strong muscles and large stature allow dogs of this breed to be a kind of weapon that protects the owner’s territory.

Photo of the Moscow watchdog:

Photos of dogs of the Moscow Watchdog breed |

Origin story

The name of the breed itself speaks about the main purpose of these dogs. It was for the purpose of breeding guard dogs that this breed was created in the second half of the twentieth century. After the Second World War in the USSR, the need for breeding a new breed of dog increased sharply - unpretentious, easy to care for and extremely responsible for the territory allotted to it. The country's Ministry of Defense instructed the military dog ​​breeding school to recreate an unpretentious and physically developed breed. Moscow watchdogs are the brainchild of the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel; they combine the best qualities of their ancestors - St. Bernards, Shepherds and hounds. The demand for dogs of this breed has not dried up for many years; they have become known and loved not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The character of the Moscow watchdog

Sad and slightly melancholic, Moscow watchdogs are an excellent friend to their owner and his family members. These animals are distinguished by their endurance, fearlessness and desire to protect their owner. The presence of such a dog allows owners of country houses and those who live in the private sector to sleep peacefully. Moscow watchdogs never give in to difficulties; they are always aimed at protecting their entrusted territory. In addition, Moscow guard dogs get along well with children and other animals, which captivates many owners. These dogs are very smart and loyal, they always stand guard over their human family. It is worth noting that the Moscow guard breed is not a “barker”; barking is only done when necessary, when there is a threat from the outside. These dogs are well trained and obedient, which makes them highly qualified guards. The Moscow Watchdog loves movement, but easily adapts to the calm rhythm of the owner’s life. With proper training and a competent approach, dogs of this breed become true friends of a person, leaving an indelible mark on a person’s soul from such friendship. But you should not fearlessly trust such animals with the life and health of your baby; Moscow watchdogs can harm a child unwillingly, due to their large size. It is advisable to purchase such a dog for the defense of land and private property, since keeping Moscow watchdogs in apartments is undesirable.

Such dogs can live either in a small apartment or on a large plot of land, but they need freedom and space. It is noteworthy that they get along well with people, obey them, but are always ready to fight an enemy who has encroached on the life and health of the owner.
These dogs shed twice a year, but their coats constantly need grooming. The luxurious, silky coat should be brushed daily - ideally. But the realities of life are such that weekly “hairdressing services” for Moscow watchmen may be the norm.

The most important thing is to accustom your dog to a brush (or slicker) from an early age, then there will be no problems with the abundance of hair on furniture and clothes, and the animal will always be neat and beautiful. It is worth remembering that neglecting combing threatens the appearance of tangles, which cause discomfort to the animal and pose a huge problem for the dog owner. These dogs should be bathed at least 4 times a year, but manipulations can be performed more often if the animal is dirty. Moscow watchdogs consider it a joy to be able to swim in an open body of water, so the owner should not interfere with his dog’s active pastime. Swimming in ponds, rivers and lakes perfectly strengthens and entertains these large dogs, so this is beneficial to the owner.

To live with a Moscow watchdog family, the owner should take care of purchasing food bowls, brushes, a muzzle, a leash and a collar. It is also worth allocating a place for the animal in the apartment, where there will be no too frequent human foot traffic, drafts and too dry air. But it is preferable to keep dogs of this breed in the wild, providing their enclosure and kennel with insulation. Moscow watchdogs tolerate heat and frost well, which makes them versatile. Walking with a dog of this breed involves a two-time promenade, which will last at least 30-60 minutes.

Feeding the Moscow Watchdog breed involves focusing on raw lean meat, which will be mixed with porridge or vegetables. Under no circumstances should you feed dogs bony food - it will not do any good, but it can cause serious harm. You can give dogs of this breed sea fish as food, but river fish can cause the appearance of worms. Fermented milk products can fit harmoniously into a dog’s diet, provided that she loves them.

Training and education

From a very early age, it is worth teaching a dog to order and obedience, because such a breed can even accidentally harm humans and other animals. From the age of 2-3 months, the dog should know the owner’s basic commands (“No!”, “Come to me!”, etc.). A distinctive feature of these animals is their long stay during childhood, which significantly complicates training and education. However, with the right approach, Moscow watchmen can quickly learn the necessary skills, which usually involve protecting the life and possessions of the owner. If you lack patience and training skills, you need to contact a specialist who will find the key to the animal’s heart and will be able to influence the Moscow watchdog in such a way that it will become obedient, easily and quickly accepting the owner’s commands. The character of dogs of this breed requires communication with an adequate, calm, self-confident person. If we translate the mood of the Moscow watchdog into human terms, then we can say that these animals love to act more than to bark.

Health and illness

Some interesting facts

  • There are cases when the owners of these dogs left them with childcare. And it is worth noting that these animals coped with their duties brilliantly. Moscow watchmen are always on guard for threats, vigilantly monitoring the apartments and people entrusted to them.
  • Moscow watchmen are called upon to serve people, which they do brilliantly. Huge, somewhat clumsy-looking dogs are always kind to people. They can withstand heat and cold, and have been protecting their owner’s friendship and trusted territory for more than ten years.
  • Moscow watchmen never lose their dignity; they are proud, but kind and obedient. Only in inept hands can these dogs grow up ill-mannered and uncontrollable. Inept training (or lack thereof) can turn a dog of this breed into an uncontrollable, large monster that will annoy both the owner and those around him.



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