What is an intact tooth? Possible reasons for deletion

Many of those people who regularly visit their dentist may have heard the term “intact tooth”. What is it? Should you worry if the doctor suddenly announced that you have intact teeth? No, there is no need to worry, in fact, you should be happy about it. The fact is that this term refers to normal, healthy teeth. Intact is a derived word from the Latin intactus, which means untouched, undamaged, not involved in any process. This means that such teeth are not affected by caries, stomatitis, periodontal disease, pulpitis and other diseases that affect the oral cavity. Needless to say, a person who has a whole intact set of teeth is simply lucky. It's not all about luck though.

Should you be afraid of intact teeth?

Everyone knows from childhood that there is nothing more important than one’s own health. This is one of those few things that cannot be bought with money; they can only slightly help improve the shaky state of health. But most people tend to take their health for granted until it's too late. This also applies to dental health. Everyone knows that preventative visits to the dentist should be made at least once every six months, but only a few do this. Usually a person does not have the time or desire for such seemingly pointless trips. What stops people from seeing a doctor is an unjustified fear of dentists. This fear is not supported by anything, since even the most minor operations are performed under anesthesia, which completely numbs the pain, even several hours after the procedure. medical procedure. Most often, the patient turns to the doctor only when the cheeks and gums become swollen, and toothache becomes unbearable. And therefore no one will be surprised by ignorance of basic medical terms, with such a negligent attitude towards your own health.

Be that as it may, intact teeth are good. And you need to understand that healthy and strong teeth are not a luxury at all. Most people have straight, absolutely healthy teeth since childhood. All that is required of a person is to maintain perfect condition oral cavity as long as possible. In theory, one’s own teeth can serve an individual throughout life, naturally, with proper care after them. The fact is that dentistry is a branch of medicine in which the vast majority of diseases can be prevented thanks to simple preventive measures. Such prevention does not require much effort from you, nor a large investment of time or money.

To all children from the very beginning early years explain that the main preventative measure dental diseases is oral hygiene. This complex means the removal of various food debris and harmful deposits from the surface of the teeth, cheeks and gums. An excellent assistant in this is the well-known toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss. But still, a brush alone will not be able to remove all dental deposits. To protect your oral cavity 100%, you should at least occasionally visit the dentist’s office for a complete medical preventative cleaning.

Do not overindulge in too hot or cold, sour or sweet foods and drinks. This can also have a detrimental effect on the integrity of the enamel. Don't expose your jaw to too much force mechanical stress. And don’t forget about taking vitamins and calcium.

But not all people are lucky with healthy teeth. Sometimes they grow uneven, crooked, and sometimes you can even lose a tooth due to some accident. Then, in order to prevent various inconveniences associated with eating food, as well as restore an externally attractive appearance, the dentist may decide to remove and further prosthetics. But since prosthetic surgery is a rather delicate and complex procedure, neighboring, healthy (intact) teeth can be used to effectively install a denture. Most often, they are cut in a special way, ground and covered with crowns. Sometimes healthy teeth have to be completely removed if, for example, their roots were exposed too much during the operation.

When getting prosthetics, you need to be prepared to make big sacrifices, especially if we're talking about about installing a prosthesis on the entire dentition. In such cases, unfortunately, it may be necessary to remove several intact, normally standing teeth at once.

For example, if there are only 1-2 healthy teeth left on one jaw, the doctor may decide to remove them and replace them with a complete denture that includes the entire dentition. But don’t be afraid, since modern dentures are not at all inferior to your natural teeth, you won’t feel any difference.

So, almost any person has a whole set of these healthy, intact teeth since childhood. And everyone’s task is to preserve them for as long as possible, following a series simple rules. But if this fails, technology and specialists modern dentistry they will always come to the rescue.

What is an intact tooth? What features does it have? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. The process of chewing food has depended on intact teeth since ancient times. Keeping them intact and healthy with the current variety of food and drinks containing chemical substances is the most important task for any person. Let's find out what intact teeth are.


There is no need to worry if the doctor said that you have intact teeth. Moreover, you should be happy about it. The fact is that this term refers to healthy, normal teeth.

The word “intact” comes from the Latin intactus, which means undamaged, untouched, not involved in any process. This means that such teeth are not affected by periodontal disease, caries, pulpitis and other ailments, affecting the cavity mouth

Needless to say, an individual who has a whole row of intact teeth is simply lucky. It's not all about luck though.

Dental health

Everyone knows from childhood that there is nothing more important than your health. This is one of those things that money cannot buy. After all, they can only help a little to correct the undermined state of health. But many people take their health for granted until it is too late. This also applies to dental health.

Everyone knows that for preventive care you need to visit the dentist at least once every six months, but only a few do this. As a rule, a person does not have the desire or time for such seemingly useless trips.

What stops people from going to the doctor is usually a groundless fear of dentists. This fear is unfounded, since even the most insignificant operations are performed under anesthesia, which completely numbs the pain, even a couple of hours after the medical procedure.

Most often, a patient consults a doctor when the gums and cheeks become swollen, and the toothache becomes unbearable. And that is why many with such a negligent attitude towards their health do not know basic medical terms.

Preventive measures

Many people ask: “Intact tooth - what does it mean?” If a person has such a tooth, that’s great. And you need to understand that being strong and healthy is not a luxury at all. Many people have absolutely healthy and straight teeth since childhood. All that is required of a person is to maintain impeccable oral health for as long as possible.

In theory, an individual's own teeth can last a lifetime, of course, if they are properly cared for. Dentistry is a medical field in which many ailments can be prevented thanks to simple preventive measures. This kind of fencing does not require you to spend much in terms of finances or time, or require significant effort.

Each child is explained that the basic preventative measure for dental ailments is oral hygiene. This complex means the elimination of various harmful deposits and food debris from the surface of the gums, cheeks and teeth. An excellent assistant in this are the well-known dental floss, toothpaste and brush. It is impossible to clean your mouth of all deposits with one brush. If you want to protect your oral cavity 100%, visit the dentist's office occasionally for a complete preventative cleaning.

Do not overuse too cold or hot, sweet or sour food and drinks. This can negatively affect the integrity of the enamel. Also, you should not expose your jaw to very strong mechanical influences. And don’t forget about consuming calcium and vitamins.

Reasons for deletion

But not everyone is lucky with healthy teeth. Sometimes they grow crooked, uneven, and sometimes you can lose a tooth due to some kind of accident. To prevent various inconveniences associated with eating, as well as restore an outwardly attractive appearance, the dentist may decide to remove and replace the tooth.

It is known that prosthetics is a very complex and delicate operation, therefore, neighboring, intact (healthy) teeth can be used to effectively secure the denture. Most often they are cut, then ground and covered with crowns. Sometimes they have to be removed completely if, for example, their roots were greatly exposed during the operation.

When getting prosthetics, you must be prepared to make significant sacrifices, especially if you need to install a prosthesis on the entire dentition. Here, unfortunately, you may need to delete several at once healthy teeth.

So, if there are only one or two intact teeth left on one jaw, the doctor can remove them and then install a complete denture covering the entire dentition. There is no need to be alarmed here, since current dentures are identical to your natural teeth and you will not feel any difference. It should be noted that the placement of teeth according to the intact dentition during such an operation plays an important role important role.

Removal of healthy teeth in children

Almost all babies have intact milk teeth. Milk healthy and cured incisors in childhood removed to mold the bite and regulate the growth of the jaw system. The fact is that the size and number of teeth, their pattern of change, and the relationship with the type of face affect the harmony of appearance. Intact primary canines and incisors are removed by the time of their natural replacement.

The timing changes taking into account the personal characteristics of the body, so the indication for the removal of a healthy tooth becomes its stability later than the physiological average period or mobility ahead of schedule shifts.

To find out why he became mobile, the doctor takes an x-ray. An intact incisor may be pulled out due to tightness in the row to prevent malocclusion. The orthodontist determines the presence of indications for the removal of healthy baby teeth based on the results of testing.

As a rule, teeth are removed symmetrically so that the bite is formed correctly and the pressure is distributed evenly. With permanent and mixed dentition, the doctor can pull out intact permanent teeth if they grow out of line. To make room for a misplaced tooth, a decayed or less valuable tooth may be removed.

Preventing bite problems

Effective way to correct the growth of the jaw bones, to form the correct bite is to remove permanent tooth. This leads to the fact that nearby rudiments move and will immediately erupt correctly.

This procedure prevents the worsening of bite problems and speeds up orthodontic treatment. Usually, symmetrical elimination of the rudiments of third molars, premolars on one or both jaws is prescribed.

Trephination of the tooth cavity

Let's touch on the topic of trephination techniques for intact teeth. Opening a tooth cavity - creating a point connection between a carious cavity and a tooth cavity or forming access to the tooth sinus at one point. Dental cavity opening - removal of the arch of the tooth to create access to the root canals.

In this case, the dental cavity cannot be deformed or expanded, but its bottom and walls must be visible. The opening and opening of the dental cavity of each group has its own character traits. Most often, these actions are performed through a carious cavity.

But sometimes the doctor needs to perform trepanation of the crowns of intact teeth. In this case, he prepares the carious cavity according to all requirements. Dental cavity open with a thin tip of a probe or a spherical bur No. 1. Trephination of the tooth crown is carried out with a turbine drill with a carbide or diamond bur.

Trepanation, for example, of the crowns of intact lateral incisors upper jaw performed from the palatal surface in the area of ​​the blind fossa. To avoid such a procedure, take care of your health from childhood and use high-quality hygiene products.

In generalized form increased abrasion noted throughout the dental arch.

Generalized uncompensated increased abrasion of hard dental tissues leads to a decrease in the height of tooth crowns, which is accompanied by a decrease in interalveolar height and facial height. The lower jaw is approaching the upper jaw, its distal displacement is possible. The facial skeleton in patients with this form of abrasion, according to X-ray cephalometric analysis (V.M. Shulkov), is characterized by:

1) decrease vertical dimensions all teeth, mainly due to the shortening of their crowns;

2) deformation of the occlusal surface;

3) decreasing the depth of the incisal overlap and the sagittal interincisal distance;

4) decrease in interalveolar height;

5) dentoalveolar shortening in the area upper canines and first premolars;

6) reduction in the length of the roots of the anterior teeth and premolars;

7) reduction of the alveolar parts in the area of ​​the upper front teeth, upper premolars;

8) changing the configuration of the lower jaw with a decrease in its angle;

9) bringing the lower jaw closer to the upper and base of the skull;

10) reduction in vertical facial dimensions and facial area; 1 1) reduction in the length of the dental arches;

12) an increase in the interocclusal space in the resting position of the lower jaw.

Generalized compensated increased abrasion of hard dental tissues is manifested by a decrease in the vertical dimensions of the crowns of all teeth, a decrease in the interalveolar height, and the height of the lower third of the face does not change. The reduction of the crowns is compensated by the growth of the alveolar process.

The facial skeleton in patients with this form of abrasion is characterized by:

By reducing the vertical dimensions of all teeth:

2) absence of changes in the position of the lower jaw and preservation of the vertical dimensions of the face;

3) deformation of the occlusal surface and a decrease in the depth of the incisal overlap;

4) dentoalveolar elongation in the area of ​​all teeth;

5) decrease in interalveolar height;

6) shortening the length of the dental arches;

7) increasing the length of the base of the lower jaw;

8) a decrease in the length of the roots of the anterior teeth and first premolars.

The generalized subcompensated form of increased tooth abrasion is a consequence of insufficiently expressed dentoalveolar elongation, which does not fully compensate for the loss of hard dental tissues, which contributes to a moderate decrease in the vertical dimensions of the lower third of the face and the approach of the lower jaw to the upper.

1) a detailed study of the patient’s life history and illness;

2) radiography of all teeth;

5) X-ray of the temporomandibular joints.

If possible, it is advisable to conduct an electromyographic examination masticatory muscles and radiocephalometric analysis of the facial skeleton.

Treatment of uncompensated generalized abrasion: Goal of treatment:

Restoration of the anatomical shape and size of teeth:

1) restoration of the occlusal surface of the dentition;

2) restoration of interalveolar height and height of the lower third of the face;

3) normalization of the position of the lower jaw.

Treatment of patients with generalized uncompensated abrasion in the early stages is preventive in nature and consists of prosthetics with counter crowns or inlays. Crater-shaped cavities are filled with composite materials. With increased abrasion of the second degree, prosthetics are performed with artificial crowns (metal-ceramic, metal-plastic, porcelain) or removable dentures with cast occlusal overlays.

Restoring the shape of a tooth with a third degree of abrasion is carried out using cult crowns. Root canals with increased abrasion, they are often obliterated and endodontic treatment of such teeth is difficult. Therefore, in prosthetics, cult crowns are used with fixation of the stump on parapulp pins. The creation of canals in the tooth is carried out taking into account safety zones and using an intraoral parallelometer. 3-4 canals should be parallel to the long axis of the tooth and located at an equal distance from the pulp and root surface.

Restoring the occlusal surface of worn dentition is a difficult task. It is carried out various methods. One of them is recording the movements of the lower jaw using a pantograph and subsequent modeling of fixed dentures or occlusal overlays in an individual articulator. The second method is to model bridges and crowns on individual occlusal surfaces, obtained using intraoral recordings of the movement of the lower jaw on bite ridges made of hard wax. Wax occlusal ridges are applied to the upper and lower dentitions along the width of the corresponding teeth and 2 mm above the expected height of the crowns. Next, the required interalveolar height is determined and a prosthetic plane is constructed. Then the ridges are rubbed in with various movements of the lower jaw. Modeling of artificial crowns is carried out in an occluder, first on the upper dentition along the lower plane, and then modeling lower teeth in accordance with the form of the antagonists.

The third method involves two-stage orthopedic treatment. At the nerve stage, according to the method described above, temporary plastic crowns and bridges, which patients use for a month. During this period, the formation of the occlusal surfaces of temporary dentures occurs. At the second stage, temporary prostheses are replaced with permanent ones. To do this, impressions are taken from temporary dentures, models are cast and they are compressed in a thermal vacuum apparatus with a layer of polystyrene. After removing the temporary dentures, impressions are taken in the oral cavity and collapsible models are prepared. The teeth impressions in the polystyrene template are filled with molten wax and the template is placed on the working model. After the wax has hardened, the polystyrene templates are removed and an individually shaped wax reproduction remains on the model. chewing surface. The final modeling of fixed denture frames and the remaining stages are carried out according to generally accepted methods (I.I. Abdullov).

Restoration of the height of the lower third of the face and the position of the lower jaw in the patient in cases with uncompensated generalized increased abrasion, it is carried out simultaneously or gradually. At the same time, the interalveolar height can be increased within 4-6 mm in the area of ​​the lateral teeth in the absence of disease of the temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscles. It is mandatory to maintain a free interocclusal distance of at least 2 mm.

A decrease in interalveolar height by more than 6 mm makes it necessary gradual restoration it on therapeutic bite dentures to avoid pathological changes̆ masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joint and periodontal teeth. Changing the position of the lower jaw in the sagittal direction during its distal shift is carried out simultaneously by means of prosthetics or on a medical device with an inclined plane and subsequent prosthetics. Simultaneous movement of the lower jaw is indicated in patients in whom wear has developed quickly and there is a habit of holding it in an extended position. Changing the position of the lower jaw should be carried out under x-ray control of the joint.

Treatment of compensated generalized abrasion:

The goal of treating this 1 group of patients is to restore the anatomical form and function of the teeth and the appearance of the patients without changing the interalveolar height. Methodology orthopedic treatment patients is determined, first of all, by the degree of tooth abrasion. For grade I abrasion, treatment is preventive in nature and consists of creating a three-point contact on opposing crowns or inlays without changing the interalveolar height. With grade II abrasion, there is a need to restore the anatomical shape of the teeth without increasing the height of the lower jaw! faces, since the latter has not been changed. Therefore, patients need special preparation, which consists of restructuring the alveolar part and changing the position of the relative functional rest of the lower jaw using a therapeutic bite block. To accelerate the processes of restructuring of the alveolar part, it is advisable to use corticotomy (compact testeotomy). After creating a place for dentures, restoration of the anatomical shape of the teeth is carried out with fixed and removable structures.

When tooth wear is grade III, orthopedic treatment is carried out in several ways. In some patients, special preparation is carried out for the purpose of restructuring the alveolar parts with subsequent prosthetics with cult crowns. Other patients undergo special preparation of the oral cavity, filling the roots of the teeth using the El-Brecht method and prosthetics with removable dentures. In third patients, special surgical preparation is carried out, which consists of removing the roots of worn teeth and part of the alveolar ridge. Prosthetics in these patients is staged: immediate and remote.

Conventionally, wedge-shaped defects are classified as increased tooth abrasion - these are wedge-shaped defects in the cervical part of teeth. Their etiology is unknown. There are various theories of the origin wedge-shaped defects: mechanical, chemical, endocrine, polyetiological. Clinic:

There are three forms of pathology:

1. Cervical defects.

2. Coronal defects.

3. Root defects.

Rice. 28. Three forms of wedge-shaped defects (A.S. Burlutsky): a - root; b radicular; c - cervical

Clinical picture

The clinical picture accompanying wedge-shaped dental defects is characterized by such symptoms as a feeling of soreness after taking sour fruits, vegetables, and drinks; mechanical pain or a feeling of aching in the teeth due to temperature influences; violation of aesthetics due to the formation of defects and their pigmentation; Impaired oral hygiene as a result of retention of food debris. The combination of all these signs in one patient, even with generalized lesions, is quite rare.

To replace wedge-shaped defects, composite materials, inlays made of gold, silver-palladium alloy, porcelain, and artificial crowns are used.

QUESTION 15. Reducing the height of the lower part of the face with increased

abrasion of hard dental tissues. Causes of occurrence. Pathogenesis, diagnosis, methods

orthopedic treatment.

Height reduction lower section of the face with increased abrasion is observed only in the generalized uncompensated form and the generalized subcompensated form and is a consequence of insufficient dentoalveolar elongation, which does not compensate for the loss of hard dental tissues.

Considering the ongoing changes in the dental system with increased abrasion for proper planning preparation of the oral cavity and orthopedic treatment are mandatory following methods examinations of patients:

1) a detailed study of the patient’s life history and illness; 2) radiography of all teeth;

3) electroodontodiagnosis of all teeth;

4) study of diagnostic jaw models

5) radiography of the temporomandibular joints. If possible, it is advisable to conduct an electromyographic examination of the masticatory muscles and an X-ray cephalometric analysis of the facial skeleton.

Treatment: Restoration of the height of the lower third of the face and the position of the lower jaw

in patients with uncompensated generalized increased abrasion, it is carried out simultaneously or gradually. At the same time, the interveolar height can be increased within 4-6 mm in the area of ​​the lateral teeth in the absence of disease of the temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscles. It is mandatory to maintain a free interocclusal distance of at least 2 mm.

A decrease in interalveolar height by more than 6 mm necessitates its gradual restoration on therapeutic bite dentures to avoid pathological changes in the masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joint and periodontal teeth. Changing the position of the lower jaw in the sagittal direction during its distal shift is carried out simultaneously using prosthetics or using a medical device with an inclined plane and subsequent prosthetics. Simultaneous movement of the lower jaw is indicated in patients in whom wear has developed quickly and there is a habit of holding it in an extended position. Changing the position of the lower jaw should be carried out under x-ray control of the joint.

Leveling the occlusal surface by increasing the interalveolar height

The method is indicated for mild forms of vertical movement with a decrease in interalveolar height. The interalveolar height is increased by single crowns, bridges and other prostheses. Thus, a one-time increase in interalveolar height should not be accompanied by separation of the teeth by more than 1 - 2 mm. Greater separation is acceptable if there is a significant decrease in the interalveolar height with a change in the height of the lower third of the face, for example, with increased tooth wear. This can be done in two stages to avoid unpleasant complications̆ from the temporomandibular joint (pain, muscle fatigue, etc.). An increase in interalveolar height should not be accompanied by the loss of multiple contacts on the remaining teeth and the elimination of separation of the dentition in the resting position of the lower jaw. Otherwise, the teeth that hold the interalveolar height will be in a state of functional overload.

Many of those people who regularly visit their dentist may have heard the term “intact tooth”. What is it? Should you worry if the doctor suddenly announced that you have intact teeth? No, there is no need to worry, in fact, you should be happy about it. The fact is that this term refers to normal, healthy teeth. Intact is a derived word from the Latin intactus, which means untouched, undamaged, not involved in any process. This means that such teeth are not affected by caries, stomatitis, periodontal disease, pulpitis and other diseases that affect the oral cavity. Needless to say, a person who has a whole intact set of teeth is simply lucky. It's not all about luck though.

Should you be afraid of intact teeth?

Everyone knows from childhood that there is nothing more important than one’s own health. This is one of those few things that cannot be bought with money; they can only slightly help improve the shaky state of health. But most people tend to take their health for granted until it's too late. This also applies to dental health. Everyone knows that preventative visits to the dentist should be made at least once every six months, but only a few do this. Usually a person does not have the time or desire for such seemingly pointless trips. What stops people from seeing a doctor is an unjustified fear of dentists. This fear is not supported by anything, since even the most minor operations are performed under anesthesia, which completely numbs the pain, even several hours after the medical procedure. Most often, the patient turns to the doctor only when the cheeks and gums become swollen, and the toothache becomes unbearable. And therefore, no one will be surprised by ignorance of basic medical terms, with such a negligent attitude towards one’s own health.

Be that as it may, intact teeth are good. And you need to understand that healthy and strong teeth are not a luxury at all. Most people have straight, absolutely healthy teeth since childhood. All that is required of a person is to maintain the ideal condition of the oral cavity for as long as possible. In theory, one’s own teeth can serve an individual throughout his life, naturally, with proper care. The fact is that dentistry is a branch of medicine in which the vast majority of diseases can be prevented thanks to simple preventive measures. Such prevention does not require much effort from you, nor a large investment of time or money.

How to Maintain Oral Health

All children are taught from a very early age that the main preventative measure for dental diseases is oral hygiene. This complex means the removal of various food debris and harmful deposits from the surface of the teeth, cheeks and gums. An excellent assistant in this is the well-known toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss. But still, a brush alone will not be able to remove all dental deposits. To protect your oral cavity 100%, you should at least occasionally visit the dentist’s office for a complete medical preventative cleaning.

Do not overindulge in too hot or cold, sour or sweet foods and drinks. This can also have a detrimental effect on the integrity of the enamel. Do not expose your jaw to too much mechanical stress. And don’t forget about taking vitamins and calcium.

But not all people are lucky with healthy teeth. Sometimes they grow uneven, crooked, and sometimes you can even lose a tooth due to some accident. Then, in order to prevent various inconveniences associated with eating food, as well as restore an externally attractive appearance, the dentist may decide to remove and further prosthetics. But since prosthetic surgery is a rather delicate and complex procedure, neighboring, healthy (intact) teeth can be used to effectively install a denture. Most often, they are cut in a special way, ground and covered with crowns. Sometimes healthy teeth have to be completely removed if, for example, their roots were exposed too much during the operation.

When getting prosthetics, you need to be prepared to make big sacrifices, especially when it comes to installing a prosthesis on the entire dentition. In such cases, unfortunately, it may be necessary to remove several intact, normally standing teeth at once.

For example, if there are only 1-2 healthy teeth left on one jaw, the doctor may decide to remove them and replace them with a complete denture that includes the entire dentition. But don’t be afraid, since modern dentures are not at all inferior to your natural teeth, you won’t feel any difference.

So, almost any person has a whole set of these healthy, intact teeth since childhood. And everyone’s task is to preserve them for as long as possible, following a number of simple rules. But if this fails, technology and specialists of modern dentistry will always come to the rescue.

Daily care oral care ORAL CARE | Whitening, bleeding gums and more How to brush your teeth correctly. The ABCs of Health How to brush your teeth correctly


What are intact teeth

Health is our main wealth. It cannot be bought with money. Health can only be improved a little for money, and then, most often, insignificantly. Everyone knows this from an early age, however, not everyone regularly visits doctors as a preventive measure for the most various diseases. Usually we visit the office of a surgeon or, say, a dentist when we have developed a dislocation or caries.

It is not surprising that with such an often negligent attitude towards our health, we rarely think about the name of a particular disease or its symptoms. And this, perhaps, saves most of us from hypochondria - a human condition manifested in constant worry about your health and fear of getting sick. And yet, few of us will be able to correctly answer the question “What are intact teeth?”

Most of us will begin to see crooked teeth, “eaten away” by caries or, say, periodontal disease. Some may think that the term “intact dentition” actually means the absence of these same teeth. However, answering the question – what are intact teeth?” - the answer turns out to be ridiculously simple.

Intact teeth are nothing more than completely healthy teeth. The term “intact” itself (lat. intactus untouched) means undamaged, not involved in any process. This means that a person who has an intact dentition is lucky. He was spared caries, periodontal disease, pulpitis, stomatitis, and other dental diseases.

Intact teeth are not a luxury. After all, many of us have completely healthy teeth from birth. And our only task is to keep them healthy for life. Dentistry is a branch of medicine where almost all diseases can be avoided through prevention. And preventing dental diseases will not require much effort, financial or time expenditure from you.

The basis for the prevention of dental diseases is oral hygiene. Oral hygiene involves removing various dental plaque from the surface of the teeth and gums. At home, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss will do the job perfectly. But do not forget that it is impossible to get rid of all contaminants on your own. To solve this problem, you just need to visit the dentist’s office, who will carry out complete prevention of dental diseases.

It would be a good idea to avoid foods that are too hot, cold, sweet or sour. You should not expose your teeth to excessive mechanical stress. Also, don’t forget about calcium!


What is an intact tooth?

Since ancient times, the process of chewing food has depended on intact teeth. Keep them healthy, undamaged in today's variety of food and drinks with different chemicals- This important task for any person.

Many patients, especially parents with children, when they come to the dentist for an examination, may hear or see a note in the card that the teeth are intact - this can cause misunderstanding.

What it is?

To a person who does not understand dentistry, the concept of “intact tooth”, “intact dentition” will seem “scary”. At the same time, many problems and diseases will appear, such as caries, periodontal disease, stomatitis, pulpitis, but this is not so.

Intact – represents healthy tooth, which is not affected by more than one disease. WITH Latin language intactus - translated “untouched”.

If the dentist tells the patient about intactness, then do not be afraid. Most people have intact (healthy) teeth from birth, which must be maintained throughout their lives by performing correct hygiene procedures, using healthy food, clean water.

How to save?

Preserving human health, namely his teeth, is an important task, the solution of which will help satisfy physiological (obtaining food) and aesthetic ( appearance human) needs.

With the appearance of the first tooth, it is necessary to carry out cleaning procedures; upon reaching 1-2 years of age, start using toothbrush and paste, rinses, thread.

Eat not only soft food, but also rough food, visit the dentist for preventive procedures, massage the gums, refuse bad habits, do not use in large quantities carbonated drinks, coffee, sweets.

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sour, spicy, sweet, hot, ice foods and water, which have a detrimental effect on the oral mucosa and tissues. Eat more foods containing calcium, fiber, and vitamins.

An important procedure is to clean the tongue in the morning and evening with a special rubber brush to prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

If your enamel is weak, it is better to undergo fluoridation and use vitamin complexes, which include: fluoride, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3, A, E, C. To rinse the mouth, use strengthening decoctions of oak bark, St. John's wort, and chamomile.

In old age, especially careful care and professional cleaning of plaque, stone and constant surveillance at the dentist.

Video from Dr. Malysheva:

Possible reasons for deletion

It happens that the treatment of an unhealthy tooth requires complex operations, in which the intact one is affected (its root is exposed in the cavity), then it has to be removed.

When removing uneven, damaged dental units, a prosthesis is installed, to hold which it is necessary to use adjacent, intact ones. They are ground and crowns are put on them.

There may also be a need for removal when installing a prosthesis that fully matches the dentition, when 1-3 remain healthy and the rest are damaged.

Often, when prosthetizing the anterior incisors, it is necessary to remove the lateral ones.

Installation of dentures on video:

The reason for removing an intact unit may be to straighten crooked or malformed teeth to create a normal bite for the patient.

Also, an indication for removal is disharmony in the development of the jaw, when the size does not match normal growth, which disfigures a person’s facial expression.

In childhood, when teeth change or pathological processes or damage occur, prosthetics are used and temporary healthy ones are removed, which is very important for shaping the development of the child’s dental system in the future.

To remove or several intact units there must be good reason.

The decision to remove or use a tooth for other purposes is made only by the attending physician - the dentist. Self-removal will entail problems associated with the development of pathologies, deformation of the row, as well as changes in facial features.

In order not to resort to such a procedure, you should take care of your health from childhood and use high-quality hygiene products.


Intact tooth

Intact means healthy teeth that are not affected pathological processes(stomatitis, caries, pulpitis, periodontal disease). If the dentist talks about intact units in the patient’s mouth, there is no need to fear this - we are talking about the fact that a certain number of jaw units remain intact.

I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then treatment may indeed not come to the point - it won’t be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on teeth can be removed with regular toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I highlight Denta Seal. Try it too.

Should I be afraid of intact teeth?

Health is the most valuable thing a person has. You cannot buy it with money; you can only try to correct the condition to an acceptable standard. For the most part, people perceive good health, as the norm, until they begin to feel the opposite. This can also be applied to the jaws.

As long as they don’t bother you, few people bother with preventative visits to the dentist, although it is known that you need to visit a doctor once every 6 months. This is not a meaningless procedure at all, since during the examination the doctor will promptly identify and eliminate emerging problems. Sometimes people are afraid of dentists for no reason, even though modern capabilities allow any procedure to be carried out in comfort, without pain. Often, doctors are consulted when the gums are swollen and painful.

Unlike the above condition, intact incisors and canines do not cause problems. However, this is not luxury. Since childhood, many people have had smooth, healthy molars, canines, and incisors. To keep them that way longer, you need to adhere to certain hygiene standards. It is theoretically possible to use your teeth for the rest of your life, since most dental diseases can be prevented.

Prevention is a simple and inexpensive way to get beautiful smile. There is no need to be afraid of having intact incisors; you need to strive for this with all your might.

Reasons for removing intact teeth

Not all people have smooth and beautiful incisors and canines. Sometimes they grow crookedly, in others they are lost due to injury. Then, to eliminate discomfort while eating, to restore the aesthetics of the smile, the doctor may remove some jaws with further prosthetics. The procedure is complex; installing dentures often requires the use of neighboring teeth, even when they are intact.

Sometimes it is enough to grind them down and cut them off to cover them with a crown. But there are situations when they have to be removed, unfortunately for the doctor and the patient. Particularly sacrificial is prosthetics, which involve covering the entire jaw. Several healthy, straight incisors may be removed. We are talking about situations when there are only a couple of healthy teeth on the jaw, the rest are empty spaces. Then the doctor needs to install the prosthesis, having first eliminated all interference.

Units located behind the alveolar arch, as well as curves, even healthy ones, if they violate the aesthetic appearance of the jaw, are subject to removal. Usually the doctor cuts/grounds down the teeth and covers them with crowns. Those that, due to the lack of antagonists, move out of the alveoli are subject to shortening. Only if their roots are heavily exposed is removal possible.

Teeth located behind the alveolar arch must be removed

As for intact teeth, when it is planned to install a large prosthesis, even healthy units of the jaw must be removed. The doctor can leave one tooth on the upper jaw if there is a fairly pronounced tubercle on the other side of the upper jaw. Then the prosthesis is strengthened on two supports - the tooth and the tubercle. If the tubercle is weakly expressed, the only intact tooth is removed, since the prosthesis will not hold well on one support.

All that remains is to rely only on the suction mechanism for attaching the prosthesis, and this is only possible with a continuous valve, without gaps through which air flows.

When it comes to lower jaw, due to installation difficulties complete denture, every incisor and canine must be preserved, even if there is only one left and it is defective.

Removal of intact teeth in children

In childhood, intact and cured incisors are removed to regulate the proper growth of the jaw system and bite formation. The fact is that the number and size of teeth, their relationship with the type of face, and the nature of the change affect the harmony of appearance. Intact primary incisors and canines are removed at the time of their natural replacement. Deadlines vary depending individual characteristics body, therefore, the indication for removal of an intact tooth is its mobility before the replacement period or stability later than the average physiological period.

It is advisable to take an x-ray to identify the reason why a healthy tooth has become excessively mobile. This may be a previous injury that did not affect the crown, but led to periodontitis, accelerating root resorption. Another reason is a true tumor, cyst, systemic diseases. In order to detect oncology in time, they carry out additional research, otherwise the removal of an intact tooth will provoke the growth of a tumor.

When a primary incisor stays in place, this is due to a number of reasons. For example, it could be a cyst, granulomatous periodontitis, which delays the process of root resorption. Sometimes the cause is the absence of a permanent premolar rudiment or lateral incisor.

A healthy incisor may be removed due to tightness in the row to prevent malocclusion. There are many cases where facial disharmony is associated with inappropriate sizes of the jaw and teeth. In such cases, deletion becomes important procedure complex treatment. The orthodontist determines the presence of indications for the removal of intact primary teeth based on research results.

On early stage In a mixed dentition, the baby teeth are removed to make way for the erupting front teeth. If there is not enough space for the permanent incisors, the primary lateral incisors are removed; if this does not help, the canines are removed. Typically, teeth are removed symmetrically so that the bite is formed correctly and the pressure is distributed evenly.

With shifting and permanent dentition The doctor may remove permanent intact teeth if they grow out of line. The conditions for the procedure are: correct form row, close contact between units so that articulation is not impaired. To make room for a tooth that is misaligned, a less valuable or decayed tooth may be removed. Do you feel nervous before visiting the dentist?

An effective way to form correct bite, to correct the growth of the jaw bones, is the removal of a permanent tooth. This leads to the fact that neighboring rudiments move intraosseously and will immediately erupt correctly.

Such removal serves to prevent the worsening of bite problems and speeds up orthodontic treatment. Usually, symmetrical removal of the rudiments of third molars, premolars on 1 or 2 jaws at once is prescribed.

How to properly care for your oral cavity?

The basis for the prevention of gum and dental diseases is regular proper hygiene. This means removing plaque and food debris from the mouth after meals, morning and evening. At home, a brush, paste, and thread are used for this. But home care does not completely solve the problem.

Therefore, it is recommended to undergo professional cleaning, at the same time checking the condition of teeth and gums in the dentist’s office. Additionally, you need to take care of your teeth and avoid mechanical damage, quit smoking, take vitamins.



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