Spasm of the masseter muscle treatment. Trismus of masticatory muscles and its treatment

BMFD- this is a violation of the function of a particular muscle, which occurs, as a rule, in connection with its overload and is accompanied by pain.

Etiology and pathogenesis. At present, the role of local muscle hypertonicity has been established in the development of pain repercursive phenomena. The latter arise under the influence of afferent flows due to various reasons, including pathological impulses from periarticular tissues, fascia, and prolonged muscle tension. Local muscle hypertonicity can be the cause of short-term painful muscle spasms or sustained muscle tension. In the latter case, secondary disorders occur in the muscle: vascular, metabolic, and others. These areas become constant sources of local and reflected pain. The facial area is one area where BPMD occurs quite often. In addition, the face is a region where pain in IMFD can be reflected in other muscles, especially the sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, and posterior neck muscles. Occlusal disharmony plays an important role in the origin of BMFD of the facial region. At the same time, on the side of premature occlusal contact of the teeth, the lateral and medial pterygoid muscles are affected, and on the opposite side, the masticatory and temporal muscles. Another important etiological factor is emotional stress, leading to involuntary muscle tension, in particular to clenching of the jaws or grinding of teeth in anxiety and frustration. Chewing muscles easily respond to stressful stimuli. Constant mouth breathing can also lead to muscle tension in the masticatory group by keeping the mouth open.

Clinic. BMPD is characterized by local muscle spasm, which appears on palpation in the form of dense muscle bundles; local and reflected pain provoked by muscle contraction or stretching; characteristic local muscle twitches in response to irritation. A common symptom of BMPD of masticatory muscles is lockjaw, expressed to varying degrees, S-shaped movement of the lower jaw when opening and closing the mouth, often deviation of the lower jaw towards the affected muscle.

Local and reflected pain occurs mainly during functional loads (chewing) and palpation of areas of hypertonicity. In this regard, palpation of the masticatory muscles, as well as the detection of trismus, is an important component of the examination. To identify mild degrees of trismus, the three-phalangeal test described above is used. A decrease in the vertical size of the oral fissure in the absence of pathology of the temporomandibular joint indicates a spasm of the masticatory muscles. it must be remembered that paroxysmal bilateral trismus is pathognomonic for tetanus, unilateral non-paroxysmal trismus most often develops as a result of local inflammatory processes (pulpitis, periodontitis and due to surgical complications of tooth extraction, etc.) or therapeutic (penetration of the material when filling teeth into the canal of the lower jaw. along with this cause of trismus is the formation of local hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles.

BMFD masseter muscle(Fig. 1) causes referred pain in the lower jaw, molars and the corresponding part of the gum, upper jaw, molars and the adjacent part of the gum. Less commonly, pain is reflected in the brow, temple and in the region of the temporomandibular joint. Increased tooth sensitivity to shock, cold, heat, pressure may occur, which requires differential diagnosis with pulpitis and periodontitis. When the trigger point (TP) is located in the deep layer of the masticatory muscle, pain may be reflected in the ear, often in combination with noise in it, due to a reflex increase in the tone of the muscle stretching the eardrum.

BMPD of the temporalis muscle (Fig. 2) is characterized by pain in the temple area, the corresponding eyebrow, as well as in the teeth of the upper jaw, sometimes in the jaw itself and the temporomandibular joint. There may be hyperesthesia of the teeth and lower jaw to cold and hot.

Lateral and medial pterygoid muscles. (Fig. 3 and 4) Local hypertonicity and trigger points (TP) in the medial pterygoid muscle lead to pain, irradiation (see Fig. 4.) to the posterior parts of the mouth (2) and pharynx (3), deep into the ear (1) , sometimes in the base of the nose (5) and larynx (4). There may be difficulty in swallowing, baroacusia, since an increase in the tone of the medial pterygoid muscle can block the action of the muscle that stretches the soft palate at the base of the auditory tube. The lateral pterygoid muscle in the origin of myofascial facial pain is of particular importance, since its spasm is often the cause of painful dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (6 - see Fig. 4). This is due to the fact that it, in particular, is attached to the disc of the temporomandibular joint and can be called a protractor of the articular disc, which, as you know, moves when opening and closing the mouth. Long-term existence of TP in the lateral pterygoid muscle leads to spasm, shortening and, as a result, a change in bite. Pain in addition to the temporomandibular joint can also radiate to the upper jaw, accompanied by hypersecretion of the mucous glands of the maxillary sinus, which usually leads to an erroneous diagnosis of inflammation. As a rule, the range of motion of the lower jaw is limited not only when opening the mouth, but also in the opposite direction.

Observed by MFBD digastric muscle(Fig. 5) and circular muscle of the eye(Fig. 6). With TP in the anterior abdomen of the digastric muscle, patients complain of pain in the neck, and with TP in the posterior abdomen - pain when swallowing. Muscle overload can occur due to its constant tension when breathing through the mouth, with bruxism, with mechanical irritation of the muscle by an abnormally elongated styloid process. In the latter case, the pain is felt mainly around the angle of the mandible, and the styloid process and the ossified stylohyoid ligament can be felt from inside the mouth. Overstrain of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle contributes to the displacement of the lower jaw in front in its direction, the pain sometimes increases with forced opening of the mouth. Localization of hypertonicity in the orbicular muscle of the eye can cause slight ptosis and narrowing of the palpebral fissure. Twitching pain in the orbit, radiating to the forehead and perinasally. The cause may be uncorrectable myopia (the patient constantly squints), but more often TP of the circular muscle of the eye occurs secondary under the influence of TP in the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Treatment first of all, it is aimed at the cause of BMFD - normalization of bite, occlusion, prosthetics, etc.; it is necessary to eliminate the stress factor, take benzodiazepines, antidepressants, etc. It is necessary to use post-isometric relaxation (PIR - three-stage resistance exercises. The mouth is wide open, for 10 seconds the patient tries to smoothly close it, while the hand of the doctor or himself the patient holds it wide open.Then the patient relaxes simultaneously with a decrease in the resistance of the arm and then tries to freely open the mouth wide, helping with the arm and increasing the range of motion.At the end of the procedure, the arm prevents the patient from actively opening the patient's mouth, which causes reciprocal inhibition of the masticatory muscle.These three steps the exercises are repeated three times, after which the patient is usually free to open and close his mouth to the maximum extent possible.After that, passive self-tensioning of the lower jaw is performed: grabbing it with II and III fingers from the inside and with the I finger from the outside under the chin, slowly moving forward and then down, maintaining in this position for 10 seconds and gradually stopping the stretch. The procedure is repeated several times. TP are subject to inactivation. In addition to post-isometric relaxation, blockade with anesthetics or dry needle puncture is used. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antispastic drugs are used: sirdalud, baclofen, mydocalm, etc. In case of BMPD of the digastric muscle, due to the elongated stylomastoid process and ossification of the stylohyoid ligament, they are resected and removed.

© Laesus De Liro

Trismus of the jaw is a special spasm of the masticatory muscles, which is accompanied by a restriction of the movement of such a condition is a persistent irritation of the trigeminal nerve, which occurs as a result of the development of certain diseases of the oral cavity, a fracture of the lower jaw, and improper surgical treatment of teeth. Trismus of the jaw is considered an early sign of rabies, tetanus, epilepsy, meningitis (of a certain type), and can also be observed at a time of strong emotional arousal - for example, with hysteria. In some cases, this condition occurs as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage, when the patient needs immediate medical attention.

The main symptom of trismus of the jaw is a strong tension in the area of ​​the temporal and masticatory muscles. The teeth at this moment, as a rule, are clenched, which makes it impossible to open the mouth, fully speak and eat. In some cases, after the onset of trismus, a slight opening of the mouth is possible.

Trismus of the jaw requires mandatory medical intervention, in rare cases - surgical. Diagnosis of this condition is very simple. One glance at the face of the patient is enough for a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis. If the cause of such a spasm is unknown, the doctor tries to establish it as quickly as possible, since his further actions depend on this. For example, the onset of an epileptic seizure, accompanied by trismus of the jaw, requires the introduction of an antiepileptic drug into the patient's body. If rabies is suspected, the patient is urgently hospitalized. The main ones appear after a few days from the moment of infection (after the bite of a sick animal). These include: insomnia, increased anxiety, restlessness, dry mouth, muscle pain. At the last stage of its development, the disease is manifested by an increase in temperature to +42 degrees, paralysis of the limbs, the occurrence of convulsions and trismus of the jaws. Treatment of rabies is impossible, its outcome is always fatal.

In the event that trismus of the jaw has arisen due to the development of inflammation in the oral cavity, physiotherapy and antibiotic treatment are prescribed. If the patient has hysteria, severe stress, depression, the basis of treatment is sedatives (sedatives).

The prolonged course of trismus requires mandatory hospitalization of the patient. Within the walls of the medical institution, the necessary measures are taken to maintain the normal state of his body: artificial feeding is organized, subcutaneous administration of the required amount of fluid to maintain water balance. In some cases, the patient is given a Botox injection in the jaw, which allows him to eat normally. At the same time, specialists get the opportunity to examine his condition and take measures to eliminate trismus.

Often, a spasm of the masticatory muscle accompanies a dislocation of the jaw, the treatment of which consists in repositioning the joint to its usual location. This procedure should be carried out by a specialist. If a dislocation is detected, you should call an ambulance and, before the doctor arrives, fix the dislocated place by bandaging it with a scarf. After the jaw is set, a special immobilizing bandage is applied to it, which limits all movements of the dislocation site. If the joint of the jaw hurts, pain-relieving injections may be prescribed. Then, for two weeks, the victim eats exclusively pureed soups and cereals. The reduction procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia. The outcome of treatment is favorable in most cases.

Despite many years of research, the etiology of painful jaw reduction syndrome is still not fully understood in medicine.

The genesis of the disease finds diagnostic confirmation in the field of mental disorders, neuralgia, ENT pathology, (temporomandibular joint).

Trismus of masticatory muscles - this is an involuntary spasm, as a result of which there is a closing of the teeth, restriction or complete absence of mobility of the lower jaw.

With the manifestation of spasm, a person is not able to fully open his mouth. As a result, there are difficulties with speech, eating and drinking, respiratory functions are disturbed.

This condition is reflected in the psyche and work of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). At the first signs of tonic spasms of the lower jaw, it is necessary to see a doctor.

A running process can bring the human body to complete mental and physical exhaustion.

Reasons for development

The triggers that cause muscle spasm are divided into two types - general and local.

Common reasons why trismus occurs:

  • neoplasm or tumor of the brain;
  • intracranial hemorrhage;
  • diseases - pseudobulbar palsy, stroke, epilepsy, cerebrospinal meningitis;
  • in dentistry - the consequences of anesthesia or treatment, malocclusion;
  • anatomical features - defects in the spine, uneven length of the legs;
  • psychosomatic disorders - neurosis, stressful, depressive states.

Local factors provoking spasm:

  • injuries - fractures, (or subluxation of the jaw);
  • phlegmon or abscesses in the face;
  • , bone or soft tissues, for example, osteomyelitis or pericoronitis, which is formed against the background of the removal or growth of a wisdom tooth;
  • chronic bruxism (clenching or grinding of teeth during sleep);
  • infectious processes;
  • inflammatory foci - the trigeminal nerve, arthrosis (arthritis), advanced pulpitis or caries.

Practitioners believe that the main triggers for muscle spasm are the following factors:

  • incorrectly installed orthodontic constructions, unsuccessful prosthetics;
  • diseases of a neurotic nature;
  • chronic psycho-emotional overstrain - often found in people with professions associated with increased responsibility and risk.

In addition to all of the above, trismus is characteristic of people whose activities are related to professional sports - scuba divers or divers squeeze a mouthpiece with their mouths, or weightlifters who experience severe muscle tension in a snatch.

Also, muscle hypertonicity sometimes occurs when taking a contrast shower or dousing with cold water. This may be a sign of the development of rabies or tetanus. In order to avoid the occurrence of a focus of infection, such diseases must be vaccinated in advance.

Symptoms and stages

Spasm of the masticatory muscles has one priority sign - closing (squeezing) of the mandibular joints.

Other prominent symptoms:

  • compaction, hardness, swelling of muscles;
  • feeling of sharp pain when opening the mouth;
  • pain on palpation;
  • difficulty speaking, breathing, difficulty chewing and eating in general;
  • sometimes there is asymmetry of the face, fever.

Localization of pathology is of two types:

  • unilateral - on the right or left, usually formed as a result of injury or inflammation;
  • bilateral - manifests itself symmetrically on both sides in various diseases.

The difference in the stage of development, determined by the distance between the incisors:

  • light - mouth opening is possible up to 40 mm;
  • medium - mouth opening no more than 20 mm;
  • heavy - the jaw is tightly compressed, you can unclench it by a maximum of 10 mm.

How is the treatment carried out?

Trismus of masticatory muscles has similar characteristics with some diseases. Only a specialist can differentiate spasm from inflammatory processes of odontological origin, maxillofacial fractures, arthrosis, or TMJ arthritis.

When diagnosing, it is important to distinguish the disease from others, to reliably understand the problem, and most importantly, to identify the root cause of the pathology.

Trismus treatment is selected relative to the diagnosis, based on the opinion of the doctor. First, Botox is injected into the affected area.

Complex therapy includes the following algorithm of actions:

  • severe pain syndrome of the trigger zone is stopped with the help of an anesthetic blockade;
  • with spasms on a nervous basis, antidepressants, sedatives, sedatives (persen, dormiplant, novo-passit) are prescribed;
  • inflammatory processes, the focus of infection are eliminated by opening an abscess, removing a tooth, medications (antibiotics, NSAIDs, sulfonamides);
  • after CLT (maxillofacial trauma) - an operation is required to reconstruct the shape or reduce the dislocation;
  • muscle hypertonicity is relieved by post-isometric manual therapy (relaxation), physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage;
  • compaction, swelling, hardness will help remove the compress with dimexide on the temporal and chewing muscles;
  • with dental problems, correction of occlusion, prosthetic errors, the imposition of a new filling, treatment of carious foci, and restoration of enamel are required.

Severe forms of trismus are treated permanently, since artificial feeding of the body with liquid and food is required (subcutaneously and through a probe).

How dangerous is it?

Trismus of the jaw causes its squeezing, jamming. A person cannot eat, speak, even breathe normally.

First of all, the human psyche suffers from this. The situation can end with a severe disorder of the central nervous system (central nervous system), the restoration of which is very difficult to treat.

In addition, a spasm of the masticatory muscles can cause serious gastrointestinal problems and literally bring the patient to dystrophy.

Dysfunction of the respiratory system can provoke hypoxia (oxygen starvation). This is a dangerous pathology that will entail cephalalgia, a lot of problems with blood circulation, heart, blood condition, cerebral vessels, etc.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the state of muscle hypertonicity, which appears against the background of an infection (meningitis, tetanus or rabies).

No less dangerous is this pathology, provoked by oncology or diseases of the cardiovascular system. Especially dangerous is the long course of the disease, requiring inpatient treatment under the supervision of specialists.

If the mild stage can be cured in 1-3 weeks, then systemic diseases give much less chance of a full recovery. And rabies, in the vast majority of cases, ends tragically.


Prevention of spasm of masticatory muscles includes a whole range of measures, including preventive measures to prevent tetanus, rabies, infection of the body.

Simple rules to help avoid trismus:

  1. Carrying out daily hygiene procedures - brushing your teeth, rinsing and flossing after each meal.
  2. Regular visits to the dentist for examination of the teeth and oral cavity.
  3. Do not delay caries treatment, dental fillings, bite correction or prosthetic errors.
  4. Wash your hands and fruits before eating to avoid infection.
  5. Try to avoid injury that violates the integrity of the skin.
  6. Even small scratches should be immediately treated with any antiseptic.
  7. After an animal bite, a burn of any origin, frostbite, you must contact the emergency room.
  8. Get vaccinated against tetanus, rabies and other diseases recommended for vaccination in time.
  9. Control the amplitude of the opening of the mouth, for example, when yawning, so as not to cause muscle spasm.
  10. Eliminate solid foods from the diet, do not try to crack a nut or open something with your teeth. An awkward movement can provoke a severe spasm.
  11. Stop being nervous about and without it, avoid stressful situations. Pessimists tend to be in a tense state and are more likely to experience muscle spasms.

Long-term tonic involuntary convulsions of the masticatory muscles are called trismus by physicians. This pronounced muscle tension without relaxation reduces the jaw and limits the motor function of the temporomandibular joint.

The spasm affects all the muscles involved in the chewing process. Normal chewing of food becomes impossible. In addition, chewing muscles are involved in the reproduction of speech and in the process of swallowing, and jaw spasm leads to a violation of these functions.

When feeling the site of the lesion, the compaction of muscle tissue, an increase in its volume, is characteristically expressed. Any touch causes a sharp facial pain.

Tonic spasm of masticatory muscles occurs as a result of a direct (reflex) irritating effect on the motor part of the trigeminal nerve that innervates them, or as a result of internal diseases.

The trigeminal nerve, when damaged, provokes trismus

Seizures are different

Trismus of masticatory muscles is of two types - unilateral and bilateral, which is also called bilateral. The name indicates a spasm of the masticatory muscles of one or two sides of the front of the head.

Bilateral trismus is especially dangerous. It is a manifestation of some infectious and neurological diseases. At the same time, the teeth and jaws are so tightly closed due to the lack of movement in the temporomandibular joint that there is absolutely no speech and the ability to naturally eat and drink.

Unilateral spasm is expressed on one side of the face. The lower jaw is pulled up to tense muscles so that it is skewed, which increases when the mouth is opened.

Bilateral trismus is more often diagnosed, unilateral occurs against the background of injuries, inflammatory and deformative diseases in the temporomandibular joint and in the presence of inflammation in the oral cavity.

Main provocateurs

The causes that cause trismus of the jaw are divided into general and local.

Common causal factors provoking the manifestations of trismus include a number of internal diseases of neurological or infectious origin (origin):

  • malignant and benign;
  • intracranial;
  • mental health disorders (, depression, hysteria);
  • tetanus;

Some maxillofacial diseases and injuries are called local factors:

  • osteomyelitis of the lower jaw (inflammation of the bone tissue);
  • abscesses and phlegmon in the lower jaw;
  • pericoronitis in the lower jaw (inflammation in the soft tissues around the wisdom tooth);
  • periostitis of the lower jaw (inflammation in the periosteum);
  • consequences of mandibular (mandibular) conduction anesthesia in dentistry;
  • fractures, cracks, dislocations in the lower jaw;
  • arthritis or arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint.

Untreated inflammatory processes in the mouth can also lead to trismus of masticatory muscles. Its cause can be one strong blow to the jaw, dousing with ice water and more.

Symptomatic manifestations and severity

The main symptom of tonic spasm of masticatory muscles is a complete or partial restriction of movements in the temporomandibular joint, and, accordingly, in opening and closing the oral cavity.

Other symptoms of trismus are also expressed:

  • compaction of muscles to hardness;
  • an increase in muscle volume (bloating);
  • painful biting, chewing and swallowing food or the inability to perform these processes;
  • soreness with any effect on the muscles;
  • impaired speech reproduction;
  • clenched teeth with bilateral spasm;
  • distortion of the face with unilateral spasm.

There may be symptoms of respiratory failure, nervous tension. A prolonged spasm leads to a sharp weight loss, problems with digestion and in the functioning of the digestive tract due to the lack of proper nutrition.

In the development of trismus, three degrees of progress of the disorder are noted, which are determined by the distance between the upper and lower central incisors when opening the oral cavity:

  1. Light. The opening of the mouth reaches 4 cm.
  2. Medium. Mouth opening - no more than 2 cm.
  3. heavy. The mouth opens up to 1 cm or less.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of tonic spasm of masticatory muscles begins after diagnosing and establishing the causes that caused it. Mild trismus that is not associated with inflammation or injury can be treated at home.

Experts, in such cases, recommend a light and gentle massage of the masticatory muscles. In this case, stroking movements should prevail. Rubbing and kneading should be such that it does not cause pain. The purpose of the procedure is to relax the muscles.

Apply alternating cold and warm compresses to help relieve pain. Meditation and relaxation techniques will also be helpful.

Trismus caused by local causes is treated by dentists - therapists and surgeons, injuries of the lower jaw - by a traumatologist.

In case of dislocation in the temporomandibular joint, it is set, fixed, rest and physiotherapy are prescribed. They can prescribe electrophoresis, heat, UHF.

Anesthesia is performed before reduction. For this, Botox or Novocain is used. Not all doctors use Botox, there are opponents of its appointment in this case.

In the presence of purulent foci in the lower jaw, surgeons - dentists open them, clean, drain, apply intensive antibacterial treatment with drugs from the Penicillin group, antibiotics - cephalosporins, Metronidazole, sulfonamides. The cure of these problems leads to the disappearance of trismus.

If the cause of the spasm is damage to the temporomandibular joint by arthritis or arthrosis, then non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. It could be Ibuprofen or Naproxen. They also have a good pain relieving effect. To reduce pain in tonic muscle spasm, use Acetaminophen, Paracetamol.

During the treatment of trismus, it is necessary to prescribe - drugs of central and peripheral action, which reduce muscle spasm (, Mydocalm, Flexeril, Pancuronium, Ditilin and others). These medicines successfully reduce muscle tension.

Infectious and neurological diseases manifested by trismus are treated comprehensively and necessarily in a hospital setting by doctors in the areas.

The method of emergency care for the first suspicion of tetanus is the introduction of tetanus toxoid, and the rabies vaccine - in case of suspected infection with the disease virus.

Stress, depression and hysteria, leading to spasm of the chewing muscles, are treated with Valerian and bromine preparations - Sodium Bromide and Potassium Bromide. These drugs, in addition to sedative properties, also have an anticonvulsant effect. In severe cases, stronger agents are used.

Successful treatment of internal diseases leads to a gradual decrease and complete disappearance of the spasm of the masticatory muscles. In this case, the patient is prescribed special exercises to restore the mobility of the lower jaw.

Such patients are fed with a probe and intravenous administration of special drugs to support the body.

During treatment, it must be remembered that you should not try to open your closed jaws on your own.

Prognosis for recovery and prevention

Trismus of masticatory muscles of local origin has a good prognosis for complete recovery. Properly selected and timely treatment of pathology relieves muscle tension and restores the motor function of the temporomandibular joint within 1 to 3 weeks.

With internal diseases, predicting recovery is more difficult. Infection with the rabies virus in humans is most often fatal. There is a risk of mortality with tetanus.

Prevention of the occurrence of spasm of masticatory muscles will be the timely treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Vaccination against rabies and tetanus will not only prevent trismus, but also help save the patient's life.

It is necessary to protect mental health, to avoid injuries in the lower jaw.

Dehydration also contributes to trismus, so you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily.

Proper nutrition will provide the body with the norm of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. A healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports will help strengthen muscles and prevent tonic spasm of masticatory muscles.

If your jaw cramps, it is extremely important to find out the causes of muscle spasm and what to do in such a situation in the near future in order to avoid complications.

This happens suddenly and disappears on its own, but whether there is a threat to health is difficult to answer right away. If the symptoms recur frequently and bring you pain, then get tested to find out their cause.

Why does the jaw drop?

Single or multiple symptoms of jaw spasm can be in women during pregnancy, they are short-term and long-term. They occur in such cases:

  • when yawning;
  • if you suffer from bruxism ();
  • with nervous tension;
  • with osteochondrosis and other lesions of the cervical spine;
  • with muscle strain;
  • for some dental problems.

The causes of discomfort on the right or left in the jaw in a child and in an adult may be associated with trauma. From what reduces the jaw and how to cope with this condition - a specialist will tell you.

Only the lower jaw

If you have cramps in the lower jaw, this may indicate a lesionresponsible for the innervation of the face. Therefore, such pains are given to the teeth and to one half of the face, they differ in an average duration of 10 to 20 minutes.

It is necessary to exclude oncological diseases of the head, muscles, nasopharynx and oral cavity. If you suspect oncology, contact the surgeon, he will correct your examination and prescribe treatment.

Jaw and cheekbones

It can also reduce the jaws with the following diseases, such as:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • joint dysfunction.

The same symptoms are observed in diseases of the vessels, when they are not sufficiently supplied with blood. It is enough to start treatment on time and you can avoid surgery. Contact a vascular surgeon and apply the latest technologies to treat the disease.

Jaw muscle spasm when yawning

Convulsive muscle contractions during yawning or at the end of the process often occur. The cause of the disease will help to find out the dentist, neurologist or surgeon. Perhaps there was an injury, but now only a spasm when yawning or the appearance of slight swelling reminds of this. In this case, cold compresses can help.

Try to change your diet and switch to soft foods, because chewing hard foods causes severe muscle tension. When you yawn, some muscles lose their tone, and then acquire hypertonicity at the end, if they have experienced tension before.

Jaw cramps and headache

There are many reasons for the appearance of pain in the temples or in the entire head in the presence of a reduced jaw. It could be:

  • fatigue;
  • long sedentary work;
  • migraine;
  • nervous tension;
  • a consequence of injuries of the spine and jaw;
  • work at the computer;
  • lack of fresh air.

Try to eliminate the causes or just take a break from work when the whiskey presses, a light massage and a cold compress on the head if the back of the head hurts.

Clenches jaw and stuffs ears

With such symptoms, consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary. The reason can be from tonsillitis and damage to the larynx, to tumors in this area. Neuralgia can also provoke spasm and stuffy ears.

Get rid of the habit of propping your head up and talking on the phone, holding it between your ear and neck. Massage under the ear and apply heat to relax the muscles.


It is easy to determine this disease: if your jaw is tightly clenched in a dream, there is a grinding of teeth. As a result, after waking up, a person is disturbed by severe pain in the jaw and in the head. The teeth lose part of the enamel, the crowns are erased, the position of the teeth is unstable, they become loose.

It is unrealistic to notice bruxism on your own, but if from the outside someone hears teeth grinding in a dream, then its presence will be obvious.

Jaw cramp from nerves

The nervous system always reacts to any changes in our body, and this can manifest itself with discomfort in the jaw and spasms. Psychosomatics explains the presence of such symptoms by the fact that there may not be any nerve damage, but the muscles that are in constant tension, as a result, lead to spasm.

If there is no tone, we panic because of numbness and weakness in a certain place. With nervous tension, the jaw can reduce in a dream. Then you need to take light sedatives and consult a neurologist. Nervous stress does not go away without a trace if you have the following symptoms, like cramps or muscle pain, you have experienced:

  1. Strong fear.
  2. Anger.

Try to distract and relax by massaging your jaw yourself. Cramps in the jaw may indicate neuralgia, inflammation of the nerves, or the presence of mental illness.

While eating while chewing

Spasms can occur with minor damage or injury to the joint. It can occur when chewing solid food.

If you had, even a slight one, then muscle tension while eating leads to involuntary muscle contraction.

Pay attention to when and in what place you have convulsions, what they are accompanied by. A visit to the doctor is necessary if:

  • spasms in one part, there is an increase in temperature,
  • swelling;
  • severe pain;
  • cramps in the lower part of the face and pain radiates to the eye;
  • persistent pain of a protracted nature;
  • throbbing pain with spasm.

Relieve the jaw from the load: do not talk a lot, do not eat solid food, do not open your mouth wide. If the pain can be tolerated, do not take analgesics until a doctor's examination, so as not to lubricate the symptoms of the disease. Take an x-ray of the jaw and exclude dislocation or damage to the bones.

Video: how to relax the muscles of the jaw?



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