What should a doctor do when faced with rudeness of a patient? "People related to your zodiac sign often experience similar ailments." "no" therapeutic communication

The trust a patient has in a doctor is extremely important factor. Without it, healing is impossible or very difficult. Unfortunately, there are cases when the doctor and the patient not only do not coincide in character. There is a chance to meet an economically biased or not quite competent doctor.

Source: depositphotos.com

By Russian laws every citizen can choose how medical institution, and the doctor (therapist or narrow specialist) who will deal with his problems. Unfortunately, our compatriots exercise their rights in this area very rarely - partly because of the habit of "automatically" visiting doctors at the place of residence, developed by decades of life in the Soviet state, and partly because of ignorance of their rights.

Sometimes, while continuing to visit bad doctor, the patient simply does not understand what such treatment brings rather harm than favor. As a rule, the idea to consult other specialists comes rather late, when the patient's condition for a long time does not change for the better, and even worse. However, it is not necessary to take things to extremes. The professional and personal qualities of the person who is going to treat you can be recognized quickly, almost at the first conversation. Today we will acquaint readers with those statements of doctors that should be the reason for contacting their more competent colleagues.

"You shouldn't get sick here"

An experienced doctor would never say that. He understands that everyone human body unique. The same disease different people manifests differently, symptoms (including pain) can vary greatly in intensity and localization. If a patient complains of pain in a non-standard place, this does not mean that he invented it, and the statement that “there is nothing to hurt there” will not make him feel better.

Pain syndrome indicates a serious malfunction in the body, that the patient needs careful examination. An attempt by a doctor to ignore your complaints indicates incompetence or unwillingness to help. We need to look for another specialist.

"It's a reaction to the weather"

Meteorological dependence does exist, but is not independent disease. If the patient notes a connection between the deterioration of his health and the weather, the doctor should take this fact into account and prescribe studies that will help find out real reason ailments. Weather changes often act as a factor that exacerbates the symptoms of the underlying disease.

"It's your age"

All people age, while no one's health improves. The patient's age cannot be a reason for refusing to medical care. If the doctor claims that the cause of your ailment is exclusively “senile” changes, this is a sign of his dishonesty.

Every person complaining about painful symptoms, should get full examination and adequate treatment.

"Your malaise from nerves"

List of diseases in the development of which play an important role psychological factors, wide enough. It includes bronchial asthma, some types arterial hypertension, gastrointestinal pathologies and many others. In people suffering psychosomatic illnesses stressful situations worsen general state and exacerbate pathological processes. In addition, depression Bad mood and an overly acute perception of life's troubles can weaken the body of any person and increase his likelihood of developing diseases.

An experienced doctor usually takes into account the psychosomatic factor and prescribes appropriate treatment (including taking sedatives). But to see the only cause of the disease in the "nerves" is unacceptable and means danger to the patient.

"You will benefit from regular unprotected sex"

Prolonged absence of sexual intercourse contributes to the development of hormonal disruptions and general deterioration in health. However, this factor is far from being as radical as some medical professionals tend to believe. There are simply no ailments for which daily sex would be a substitute for any adequate treatment.

The advice to have unprotected sex in order to improve or rejuvenate the body is evidence of the absolute incompetence and irresponsibility of the doctor. No therapeutic effect unprotected contacts do not, but greatly increase the likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

“We will carry out diagnostics on a device that allows you to identify any disease”

There is no diagnostic device that can detect any pathology, as well as a cure for all diseases. A competent doctor makes a diagnosis based on a complex of laboratory and hardware studies.

Statements about the need to check on the next "magic" device, as a rule, precede the appointment of treatment with dietary supplements, dubious procedures and other expensive, but ineffective methods associated with informal medicine.

“There are several hypotheses about your condition”

The patient goes to the doctor in order to take advantage of his knowledge and get qualified advice. The more complex the diagnosis, the less the patient is able to independently understand its results. Therefore, the doctor should not show the patient his doubts and talk in too much detail about all the options for the origin of the disease. Such explanations only upset and frighten the patient, reduce the degree of his confidence in the specialist.

“You don’t need to know how you will be treated”

For a long time in our country, the paternalistic principle of communication between a doctor and a patient was adopted, suggesting that informing the patient about the specifics of his disease and treatment options is harmful. This approach allowed doctors to literally decide the fate of patients without their knowledge and consent. Needless to say, this did not contribute to maintaining mutual trust between doctors and patients, especially in cases where treatment for some reason turned out to be ineffective.

Today the situation has changed radically. The doctor is obliged to provide his patients with complete and reliable information regarding their state of health. If the doctor does not answer your questions and generally behaves as if you are preventing him from treating you, find another specialist.

Source: depositphotos.com

“People related to your zodiac sign often experience similar ailments”

Outside of the performance of professional duties, a doctor, like any person, may have certain religious views, to be a supporter of views that are not confirmed by official science. This does not give him the right to explain the patient's condition by being born under a specific zodiac sign, belonging to any confession, observing moral and ethical standards, etc. Such behavior is illiterate and unprofessional.

According to Russian laws, a doctor prescribes not a drug, but active substance and recommends the regimen of its administration (dosage, frequency, etc.), guided by the diagnosis and the characteristics of the patient's condition. The doctor has no right to insist on the use of a certain medicine trade name, especially when buying at a specific point pharmacy network. The principles of professional ethics do not allow a doctor to be economically engaged and act in the interests of any manufacturer or seller of medicines and medical services.

When talking with a doctor for the first time, the patient must be very attentive. For the patient, this is not easy - he already experiences discomfort and anxiety. However, it is worth focusing and trying to evaluate how professional the doctor is. If he does not inspire complete confidence in you, do not hesitate, contact another specialist. This will help avoid complications and increase your chances of a cure.

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Comments on the material (12):

Quoting Daria:

The doctor's working day is on average 8 hours, the therapist, who first sits at the reception at the clinic, then picks up house calls, there may be 1, or maybe 5 at his site at once. As a rule, transport is not allocated in the city and the doctor goes to calls on foot. And if you live on the other side of the city, the doctor should, it turns out, spend his non-working time on the way to you and back ... Of course, you are sick and nothing else worries you. Laws, by the way, our government publishes such.

Quoting Catherine:

Quoting Daria:

I completely agree with Natalia. I was also told that the doctor only leaves the clinic to which you are attached at the place of residence. the doctor will not come from there, because "it is far away", and the doctor will not come from the polyclinic at the place of residence, since I was already about to detach myself from there and leave. These are our “half-thought” laws, or again ignorance of one’s rights: maybe a doctor should come on call from the clinic to which he is attached, even if it is not at the place of registration?

The doctor's working day is on average 8 hours, the therapist, who first sits at the reception at the clinic, then picks up house calls, there may be 1, or maybe 5 at his site at once. As a rule, transport is not allocated in the city and the doctor goes to calls on foot. And if you live on the other side of the city, the doctor should, it turns out, spend his non-working time on the way to you and back ... Of course, you are sick and nothing else worries you. Laws, by the way, our government publishes such.

No, everything is thought out, you don’t understand it, or you don’t want to understand it. The call must be accepted, and the patient should come to the patient from the half-ki at the place of registration. Get sick leave too. But where to be treated, your right.

George / 11 Sep 2018, 02:28

Quoting Natalia:

Regarding the choice of honey. institutions and doctors.
When changing the place of residence and registration within the same city, I decided not to change the clinic. But when I asked the local therapist if I could continue to contact this polyclinic and this doctor when changing my residence permit, i.e. not to go to another clinic, I was surprised to hear the following: (with a displeased expression on my face) Of course, this is your right. But in this case, if you need to call a doctor at home, you should still call the clinic at your place of residence.
I rarely get sick, but aptly, as they say. And if I go to the doctors, then if I have high temperature. Those. I have to call first at home, because I won’t get to the clinic myself.
When I went to the polyclinic at the place of residence and asked if I could call a doctor at home if I was attached to another clinic, I heard a surprised answer: But you are not attached to us, we will not be able to serve you under the policy, only under the economic calculation .
As a result, I had to attach myself to the clinic by registration.
The same is true if you are not satisfied with a registered therapist. It’s easier to go to a paid clinic than to try to change a specialist in your clinic. Only with scandal. And if you are not a brawler by nature, this becomes a problem.
Therefore, not always the reason is not knowing your rights. It often happens that in the medical institutions themselves they are in no hurry to recognize the rights of patients.

..the costs of manipulating officials at the top)(!) And nothing can be done about it!!!

Do you know that:

The well-known drug "Viagra" was originally developed for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Weight human brain makes up about 2% of the total body weight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen entering the blood. This fact makes the human brain extremely susceptible to damage caused by lack of oxygen.

Scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not to completely exclude fish and meat from your diet.

Most women are able to get more pleasure from contemplating their beautiful body in the mirror than from sex. So, women, strive for harmony.

Our kidneys are able to purify three liters of blood in one minute.

If your liver stopped working, death would occur within a day.

Dentists have appeared relatively recently. Back in the 19th century, pulling out diseased teeth was part of the duties of an ordinary hairdresser.

There are very interesting medical syndromes such as compulsive swallowing of objects. In the stomach of one patient suffering from this mania, 2500 foreign objects were found.

If you smile only twice a day, you can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Millions of bacteria are born, live and die in our intestines. They can only be seen with strong increase, but if they came together, they would fit in an ordinary coffee cup.

According to WHO studies, a daily half-hour conversation on mobile phone increases the chance of developing a brain tumor by 40%.

In an effort to get the patient out, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Jensen in the period from 1954 to 1994. survived more than 900 operations to remove neoplasms.

Caries is the most common infection in a world that even the flu cannot compete with.

Many drugs were originally marketed as medicines. Heroin, for example, was originally introduced to the market as a cure for baby cough. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as an anesthetic and as a means of increasing stamina.

An educated person is less prone to brain diseases. Intellectual activity contributes to the formation of additional tissue that compensates for the diseased.

The term " occupational diseases» combines ailments that a person with highly likely can get at work. And if with harmful industries and services ...

I came to see the gynecologist. To be honest, I was disappointed that the doctor barely asked questions, spent more time on the phone. But I was very surprised that a friend of the doctor entered the office out of any queue, and she was offered to wait right in the office. The doctor discussed with the visitor questions not related to medicine (about repairing an apartment, a trip to Taiwan, etc.), then she conducted a quick examination of me, put a prepared piece of paper with a list of examinations into my hands, and different drugs for treatment. I regret that I was confused and did not tell the doctor about this, but I felt very uncomfortable in the presence of another person. Also, during my examination, a doctor from a neighboring office came into the office and asked how much money was collected from a person for a gift to the head of the department. Tell me, who can be present at the appointment and during the examination, and are the actions of the doctor adequate? How should a doctor behave when seeing a patient?

Each of us is a buyer of our own health. It is the patients who directly or through taxes provide salaries to doctors. We want to get results for our money.

What can we expect from a doctor?

1. The amount of information that we want.

This means that we have full right know your diagnosis, prognosis and alternative methods treatment, get necessary recommendations and know what they are based on.

Fundamentally correct position, however, it is sometimes difficult to fulfill it for moral reasons, for example, when a doctor is dealing with a patient whose prognosis for the course of the disease is unfavorable, especially if his relatives ask the doctor not to tell the whole truth.

2. The opportunity to take your time to state your questions and doubts.

If the doctor in currently there is no time to answer your questions, ask him to set another time for the conversation.

3. Possibility of regular communication with the attending physician.

You need to talk to your doctor about the possibility of repeat consultations and decide whether they should be regular or as needed.

4. Participation in decision making - your opinion should be taken into account by the doctor .

The question of who replaces your doctor if he falls ill or is temporarily absent should be resolved.

6. Information about who has the right to access your medical history.

How confidential the information contained in the medical history is, whether the doctor discloses it to your employer, insurance companies or authorities, what obligations he has in this regard.

7. Information about the cost of treatment.

Your doctor should tell you the cost of each item separately so that you know exactly what you are paying for and how much. He should also tell you which of the examinations and treatments your insurance covers.

Be sure to remember this advice, because in our conditions it is especially relevant. Our compulsory health insurance does not cover certain diagnostics and treatments. In addition, although we declare the right of the patient to choose a doctor, Insurance companies conclude an agreement only with certain medical institutions, where they send patients. If you contact a medical institution with which your insurance company does not have an agreement, then you will most likely pay out of your own pocket.

8. Guarantee to be accepted at the appointed time.

If the doctor has appointed a specific time of admission, it is necessary that he must be on the spot. An exception, of course, may be urgent calls.

9. The right to choose a doctor.

You have every right to change the doctor if he does not suit you for any reason. In this case, you must be given all Required documents on examination and treatment.

However, think carefully before you do so. Your new doctor will have to re-acquaint himself with everything related to your disease in order to determine the most suitable method of treatment for you, medications which can take quite a long time. Surgeons don't like to perform repeated operations a patient previously operated on in another institution, and they are always advised to go to the place where he had the first intervention.

10. Second opinion.

If the doctor cannot make a diagnosis or you have doubts, you can insist on going to another doctor.

However, remember that some problems may arise due to the fact that among doctors there is no complete unity on many issues.

Doctor's Rights

1. Full frankness of the patient.

Doctors are not telepathic, if you hide anything from your medical history, treatment or heredity, you should not be expected to be diagnosed with correct diagnosis. In addition, you may be prescribed the wrong drug to which you are allergic, prescribed the wrong drug, and so on.

People rarely deliberately hide any information about their diseases. Elderly patients often simply forget about how their disease proceeded, what studies were performed, and what treatments were used. Therefore, keep the ones given to you medical documents especially information about surgical interventions and bring them with you to consultations.

2. Mutual courtesy.

Treat your doctor no worse than your business associates. If you have agreed on a consultation, be at the appointed time, if you can not - at least call and warn the doctor about this.

It happens that a patient scheduled for hospitalization, due to some circumstances, cannot come to the hospital at the appointed time. If he does not inform about this in advance, then unnecessary difficulties may arise in the work of doctors, especially if the operation was planned in advance.

3. Consider what you will say to the doctor.

If you are going to an appointment, think over the complaints that you are going to present so that, on the one hand, the doctor does not have to pull them out of you, and on the other hand, do not listen to irrelevant stories for an hour. If you have bad memory, it is better to write down your complaints so as not to miss important details the course of the disease.

4. Understand the doctor's questions and answers.

If you don't understand something, ask again. Interrupt, if necessary, the doctor's explanations and ask to state the same in a form more accessible to you. Do not later blame the doctor for giving you insufficient explanations.

Feel free to ask again. It is not at all necessary that your misunderstanding is due to insufficient erudition. It is possible that the doctor is simply not able to formulate his thoughts clearly for you.

5. Do not unnecessarily annoy the doctor.

If you need a medical consultation, try to arrange it in the usual way and come at the appointed time. It is not necessary to constantly call the doctor at home at 4 o'clock in the morning or 10 times a day at work to state each new complaint.

6. Give your doctor enough time to make a diagnosis.

Diagnosis is not immediate. Give the doctor time to necessary examinations. Don't expect a miracle in fifteen minutes. You will most likely have to reapply after the doctor has all the necessary results of your examination.

Extremely sound advice, try to follow it. Sometimes the patient sincerely wonders why the professor cannot make a diagnosis immediately after he crossed the threshold of his office.

7. Follow your doctor's advice punctually.

Take your medications as prescribed by your doctor, without changing the dose or time of administration. However, if your condition worsens after taking the medicine, inform your doctor immediately.

8. Disagreement with the doctor.

If you think that your interests do not match what the doctor suggests, tell your opinion and give him the opportunity to explain his position. Don't slam the door and threaten to sue the doctor - he might be right.

If you have read in the newspapers about multimillion-dollar lawsuits by patients against doctors that satisfy insurance companies in the West, then remember that this does not apply to us. Even if you sell a Russian doctor with all his property, you can hardly expect to receive any significant sums.

If you violate these provisions, the doctor has every right to refuse to deal with you and suggest that you look for another specialist.

A good doctor must be very tactful. The ability to talk to patients is the main skill you will need to develop.


Part 1

Basic Strategies
  1. Before you say something, think about what exactly you want to say. Once you know exactly what to say, think about the best way to express yourself before the patient enters your office.

    • You do not need to write down everything you say, but if you have general idea about what to say, it will be easier for you to remember all the necessary details. It will also give you the opportunity to think about how best to express yourself.
  2. Listen carefully. Ask patients questions about their problems. Pay close attention to the reactions of patients and respond to them in the same way.

    • Pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal responses.
    • Repeat the patient's answers. This will help you understand the situation better while you reassure your patients that her or his problems are solvable.
  3. Consider the needs of the patient as a whole. The patient is more than just medical case. You must look at him as a person with his own unique fears, beliefs and circumstances.

    • Respect all of your patient's beliefs, even if you do not agree with them.
    • Encourage patients to ask questions.
  4. Speak to the patient in an accessible language. If possible, avoid medical terminology Do not speak professional language with patients. Speak slowly and clearly to avoid unnecessary confusion.

    • Divide important information about a condition or treatment into small parts. Make sure the patient understands one part before moving on to the next.
    • Provide technical information only if asked. Too much complex information can make many patients feel discouraged.
    • Some say that reading comprehension is stuck at the 6th grade level. Try replacing the words you would use to describe the situation to another doctor with words that a sixth grader would understand.
  5. Build your discussions on past experiences. When describing the meaning of specific actions, try to use words that were understood by your previous patients.

    • If the patient has recently been discharged, explain that neglect of the prescribed treatment may lead to re-hospitalization.
    • If a family member or friend of the patient had the same illness, speak of good and bad ways caring for a loved one.
  6. Explain everything to the patient carefully and accurately. The information you provide about his illness, condition, and treatment must be complete and accurate.

    • Explain the essence of the diagnosis in an accessible language.
    • Describe the course of treatment and the expected result. If there are alternative methods of treatment, explain their essence too.
  7. Make sure you are understood. After you have said everything the patient needs to know, ask him to repeat what you said. This will help you make sure the patient understands you.

    • Clear up any misunderstandings right away.
    • You can also provide sources additional information if the patient is eager to learn more.

    Part 2

    Meeting new patients
    1. Introduce yourself. When you first meet a patient, you should introduce yourself and explain that, as a doctor, your main task is to take care of the patient in the best possible way.

      • Let the patient know that you are sensitive to their concerns and beliefs and will try to take them into account when choosing a treatment.
      • Reassure the patient that he can discuss everything without fear of judgment and ridicule.
      • Present yourself as an ally of the patient. It helps to set a good relationship between doctor and patient.
    2. Break the ice with a short conversation. A short conversation creates a relaxed friendly atmosphere in which your patient will feel more comfortable. You can also accomplish this by ending the conversation on a light-hearted note.

      • A short conversation can be helpful when meeting a patient for the first time and in cases where you need to communicate with him in the future.
      • Distracted topics of conversation can be the weather, the economy, the latest medical news, or current events.
      • If you think that you will establish a long-term professional relationship with the patient, you can also move on to personal topics. Tell about your family and ask about the patient's family. Discuss your patient's career, education, likes and dislikes.
    3. Double review the patient's medical history. You should have your patient's medical history on the table in advance, in a conversation you can clarify doubtful points.

      • Ask for clarification of any points in the medical history that are incomprehensible to you.
      • Review the medical history of your patient's family members and find out if they have any family members with diseases related to the diagnosis.
      • Before prescribing any medications, ask the patient if they are allergic to them.
    4. Ask about the patient's values ​​and ideas. Ask if the patient has any beliefs that you should take into account from the start. Regardless of the answer, you must assess the patient's values ​​and goals as you work.

      • Ask questions to make sure the patient believes you. When working with terminally ill patients, ask what is worth living for? From the answer, you will understand what the patient is ready for in order to prolong life.
      • Keep asking questions until you have a complete understanding of the patient's point of view.

    Part 3

    Use of non-verbal communications

    Part 4

    Discussing difficult issues
    1. Discuss difficult topics before a crisis hits. You must discuss some difficult questions, which may occur as soon as the diagnosis is made or if there is a fear that the condition may worsen.

      • It can refer to anything from radical methods treatment to lifelong patient care.
      • The perfect place to discuss challenging tasks This is your office, not the hospital. Patients tend to make wise decisions in a relaxed environment.
    2. Take time to discuss important decisions. Some issues may require immediate resolution, but patients usually have several days or weeks to think.

      • Insist on the importance of making a decision, but let the patient maximum amount time to think.
      • People often regret decisions made in a hurry. Try to minimize your regrets and the regrets of your patients.

Aggressive behavior is not uncommon for members modern society. Unfortunately, we can even notice that the assertive asocial style of communication is quite popular and is mistakenly associated with a sign of success, an active life position. However, the difference between these concepts is significant. A person who is active life position, in addition to the skills of defending one's rights, understands social norms behavior, knows how not only to put forward demands, but is also able to hear the answers to them (and refusal too), shows respect and tact in conversation. However, this does not apply to a simply aggressive patient.

Aggression in itself cannot be regarded as an exclusive negative manifestation. If it's not about special composition temperament ( congenital feature functioning nervous system), aggression occurs as a reaction to certain situation causes tension, anxiety or fear. The body reacts with a sharp release of adrenaline, but the further course of events depends on all participants in the incident.

Aggressive behavior can be called when a person seeks to cause harm (psychological, physical), deliberately create a conflict, tense situation, openly demonstrates hostility. If countering physical aggression is within the competence of law enforcement agencies, then psychological aggression that occurs in the process of communicating with patients and their relatives falls on the shoulders medical personnel healthcare institutions. Overcoming such conflicts requires great effort and is a source of severe stress physicians. Such outbursts of emotions can disrupt a clear schedule for the implementation of medical prescriptions and the functioning of the department as a whole.

It must be understood that aggressive behavior is inherent in a certain type of patient. Such individuals can be found both among patients and among their relatives, so medical personnel must learn to recognize potential aggressors in advance and be prepared for aggressive attacks.

Usually this type of people defends their views and interests, ignoring the rights of the interlocutor. The tone of the conversation is one of arrogance, sarcasm, contempt, or even outright disrespect. In many ways, the behavior of such aggressors depends on the level emotional intelligence and social status.

People with aggressive behavior do not pay attention to the feelings of the interlocutor and the consequences of their words and actions. Most often, they try to achieve their goal at any cost, assert themselves through humiliation and provoke the same response.

If a healthcare worker is exposed to emotional outburst, the situation can gain an avalanche-like appearance. As a result, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the involvement of the administration.

The aggressor can also be recognized by a specific style of communication. Most likely, he will try to manipulate health care workers, allow himself personal accusations and personal insults against doctors. After talking with such people, there is often a feeling of devastation, anxiety, humiliation or disgust.

Conflict as a result of the patient's aggressive behavior

Aggressive communication between healthcare professionals and patients or their families often leads to conflict. Moreover, it does not necessarily immediately acquire the character of an open confrontation. Some people tend to restrain their indignation, hide images, endure humiliation. The risk of such an attitude conflict situation lies in the fact that at some point the hidden resentment will turn into uncontrolled aggression towards the offender.

To prevent conflicts from arising or further development Even in the early stages, medical staff must understand the structure of the conflict. Usually this clash of interests has several degrees, each of which increases the intensity of experiences and reduces the ability to critical thinking.

At the last stage, the so-called state of passion can set in, the consequences of which are often very dramatic. Therefore, it is necessary to translate the conflict brewing in time into a constructive conversation: this will save you from further difficulties. Important role this is the ability to respond to emotional condition patient or his relative, and only then - to the requirements or claims.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to trace the beginning of the conflict. Most often, this realization comes when emotions are already overwhelmed and are looking for a way out. The tone of conversation between the physician and the aggressive patient (his relative) rises and it becomes increasingly difficult to remain objective and impartial.

However, any dispute can be turned into a fruitful conversation if you are attentive to the manifestation of the interlocutor's emotions and control yourself. It's about not about suppressing the feeling of anger in oneself, but about consciously living it and regulating its intensity. Undoubtedly, this requires a certain emotional competence of one's own. Sometimes it is worth giving the patient the opportunity to get rid of the accumulated aggression, irritation, pain. Sometimes you need to listen to unpleasant words without giving them importance, ignoring the offensive tone. In some cases, this will relieve tension from an aggressive patient, make him regret what he did, and then build relationships with medical personnel.

Causes of cases of aggression on the part of the patient's relatives

In a hospital environment, able strong tension, uncertainty and overwork, manifestations of aggression on the part of relatives of patients are inevitable. Remember, it is difficult for loved ones to perceive all the information with calmness and gratitude, because sometimes it deprives them of hope, warns of difficult trials in the future. Of course, the reasons for aggression on the part of the patient's relatives may be less justified.

Features of the character and behavior of the patient's relative

People with bad balance are prone to manifestations of aggression. nervous regulation"Excitation - inhibition", they are also called impulsive. Often their actions and reactions are ahead of an objective analysis of the situation and making a responsible decision. As a rule, such people are quick-tempered, but quickly calm down. In this case, the medical worker should behave calmly and balanced, this will help the patient's relatives not to get into a state of passion and calm down.

This also includes people prone to manipulative behavior. The noise created around increases their chances of defending their own interests. It is even more important not to succumb to panic and irritation. As soon as the manipulator feels that the communication is not going according to his scenario, he will change tactics.

Uncertainty in the success of treatment, doubts in the forecasts of doctors

When the internal balance between confidence, relaxation, anxiety and tension is disturbed, a person most often experiences anger (aggression). In fact, at such moments, a person who is in a stressful situation stands out great amount energy to restore internal balance. There is an active search for a solution, resources, options. Therefore, right now the relative of the patient requires support and understanding from the nurse.

If the medical staff finds an opportunity to devote a few minutes to this person, instead of aggression, after a while, words of gratitude can be heard.

Alternatively, the nurse may ask the aggressive relative for help and cooperation. With a clear description of how it can be useful, a person will again feel his need and importance for the treatment process.

Referral of a relative from one health worker to another

Sometimes, in the absence of time or necessary information, representatives of the nursing staff may redirect the patient's relative to a colleague, realizing that he is also unlikely to help with solving the problem. This a prime example transferring or avoiding liability.

A relative in such a situation feels helpless, confused. It is quite possible that aggression expressed in a particular health worker- this is a team reaction to all previous cases of ignoring by representatives of the nursing staff.

It is possible to avoid a conflict situation if the medical worker sincerely expresses his sympathy and explains why he cannot help. If possible, point to a colleague who can help, or explain why the healthcare facility is currently unable to help on this issue. It should also be emphasized how sorry she is that the person cannot find someone specific who can answer the question posed.

Obtaining distorted information about the patient's condition

Sometimes there are situations when the patient's relatives receive distorted information about the patient's condition. This can happen as a result of an overheard conversation, and through asking questions to an incompetent person in this matter, and through banal errors in filling out documentation or when surnames, names match, and the like.

Unverified information or deliberate distortion of facts can cause a serious scandal. Therefore, it is very important to understand what is the relative's own claim, and what is a repetition of accidentally overheard information.

Ignoring the requests and wishes of a relative regarding the individual characteristics of the patient

It happens that even patient relatives reach the stage of aggression. This happens when medical workers are inattentive to their requests and wishes regarding the features of patient care, especially if the patient is a child.

In this case, it is important to find out exactly which requests were ignored and why they are of particular importance. When a person feels that she has finally been heard, she will calm down and reduce the level of aggression in communication with nursing staff.

Even if you cannot meet all the requirements, try to find among them those that can be met. If none of the requests can be implemented due to insufficient staff or special conditions, the rules of the healthcare institution, express your sympathy for this by repeating both the demand itself and the reasoned refusal. This will let the relative know if you really heard him and did everything in your power.

Staying a relative in a tense psychological climate

Disease loved one leads to severe psychological climate in family. To this is often added experiences due to a difficult financial situation, their own internal psychological problems and contradictions.

The person who is in stressful situation(eg, financial hardship, divorce, loss of a close relative), more likely to experience sudden unmotivated aggression. Nurse is not required to have all the information regarding personal life visitors, but, noticing such outbursts of aggression (if they are of a regular nature and interfere with civilized communication), he can in a friendly manner ask what worries and worries them.

Memo on behavior in a conflict situation

  • Be considerate of health facility visitors (patients) who contact you. Give them the opportunity to speak and be heard.
  • Show respect and be considerate to people, whether they are friendly or aggressive towards you.
  • Avoid manipulative speaking style, in particular don't be arrogant in your communication.
  • Show empathy and tolerance.
  • Focus on common goals and interests. Suggest a joint search for a way out of a difficult situation.
  • Enlist the help of the patient's relatives in caring for the patient.
  • Constantly control your emotions and watch your own psychological reactions to conflict situations.
  • Try not to be aggressive when communicating with patients and do not take images or unreasonable demands from them to heart.
  • Clearly operates with facts, rely on instructions, orders and orders. Have them printed out at hand.
  • Formulate thoughts unambiguously, as simply as possible and accessible. In a stressful situation, people do not perceive complex syntactic constructions well.
  • Express your vision of the problem, but do not forget to clarify the position of the interlocutor.
  • Maintain communication in verbal and non-verbal ways.


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