Pressotherapy. Pressotherapy is the price of a light, beautiful body and soul. The principle of pressotherapy

It's no secret that female beauty is a gift that nature itself gives. However, there are factors that can negatively affect attractiveness. Therefore, women do everything possible to preserve their natural characteristics for as long as possible, resorting to cosmetics and beauty salon services. This phenomenon cannot be called a whim of the weak half of society. Since all this is done by women not only for themselves, but also for men. After all, how nice it is to see a pretty girl with ideal looks passing by, and sometimes it even makes you forget about pressing problems.

Pressotherapy procedure. What it is?

The development of cosmetology does not stand still. Every year, more and more advanced ways to become more beautiful are offered. But when choosing a particular product or service, you should be sure of its effectiveness and harmlessness to the body. Such qualities are inherent in pressotherapy. What kind of procedure this is will be described in detail below. This process allows you to completely relax, and in the future feel younger and more energetic.


Today, many modern beauty salons have equipment for pressotherapy and lymphatic drainage. The procedure using it involves exposing the human lymphatic system to compressed air. This is serious manipulation. After all, most citizens underestimate the importance of the lymphatic system. And such a disdainful attitude towards it over time leads to:

The appearance of extra pounds;

Cellulite formation;

Unhealthy complexion;

Regular headaches;

Decreased immunity and performance.

It is safe to say about pressotherapy that it is a modern alternative to massage. It usually replaces more than 20 sessions of an outdated procedure. Due to the change in feed, alternate muscle contractions occur. This leads to improved blood circulation. In this way, toxic elements and excess fluid are removed from the body. And this directly affects the appearance and gives beautiful shape to the body.

Pressotherapy device

Let's take a closer look at this device. The pressotherapy device, first of all, removes excess fluid from the body that interferes with the normal functioning of the lymphatic system. This is an important property of this device. It also normalizes the movement of lymph and prevents its stagnation in the body.

The pressotherapy apparatus is a special suit through which compressed air is supplied, controlled by computer equipment. It is able to remove toxic elements from the body, normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system, get rid of extra pounds, and also increases productivity and raises morale.

Description of the procedure

Pressotherapy has Dutch roots. Since it was in this country that the apparatus for this procedure was created by the scientist Van Der Molen. He was well aware of the beneficial effect of massage, which resulted in rhythmic muscle contractions and improved functioning of vital organs. But at the same time, he understood that the speed of his fingers was not capable of providing the maximum possible effect. Therefore, he automated this procedure, providing the whole world with a new way of relaxation.

As already stated above, a pressotherapy apparatus is a special suit with built-in valves through which compressed air is supplied. It is he who plays the role of fingers. That is, the air acts on the upper layers of the skin, promoting rhythmic muscle contraction. The main advantage of the device over manual massage is its ability to simultaneously influence several parts of the body.

Many people are afraid of experiments, especially when it comes to health. As a result, some people are hesitant to experience the full beauty of the healing effect that a method such as pressotherapy can provide. Contraindications and indications for this procedure will be discussed below. Initially, you should pay a little attention directly to how exactly this process occurs. It looks like this:

  • First, the client is put on a special suit, to which air ducts are connected in the abdomen, upper and lower extremities.
  • Subsequently, air supply is carried out using valves. They are inside the suit.
  • The air supply is controlled using computer technology and involves alternating high and low pressure. Therefore, the effect on the body has various types of vibrations, which contribute to the rhythmic contraction of muscles.

As for the sensations that the patient experiences during pressotherapy, they cannot be called unpleasant, but rather the opposite. A person feels periodic soft and intense shocks, which can be compared to the touching of fingers. At the same time, their effect is much more significant.

Pressotherapy for feet

This procedure is quite popular. Pressotherapy of the legs involves providing a healing effect on the lower extremities of the body. At the same time, cellulite and unwanted accumulations of fat are eliminated, blood vessels are stimulated, and excess fluid is removed. What is an excellent preventive measure for the formation of varicose veins in the legs.

Combination with other wellness treatments

It should be noted that lymphatic drainage (pressotherapy) is perfectly combined with other treatment methods: electrical osteostimulation, hirudotherapy.

Process duration

One pressotherapy procedure takes about 45 minutes. It is recommended to carry out up to 15 sessions with a break of 2-3 days for a noticeable effect. After completing the full course of treatment, you should pause for at least six months.

Pressotherapy: indications

This procedure is applied in the following cases:

  • Cellulite.
  • Prolonged venous insufficiency.
  • Noticeable appearance of extra pounds or obesity.
  • Significant overloads that directly affect muscle mass.
  • Swelling and feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • Gout.
  • Decreased intestinal efficiency.
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • Constant stress, insomnia, chronic fatigue.
  • The period after various operations.

In such cases, the procedure brings the body’s performance to an optimal state. Of course, lymphatic drainage is also used for preventive purposes. Namely:

1. Prevents the formation and further development of thrombosis.

3. Has relaxing properties and improves well-being.

Consequences of pressotherapy

During this process, the patient does not feel discomfort or pain. Since one of the objectives of this procedure is to provide a person with complete relaxation and pleasure. What happens after pressotherapy?

  • Your well-being improves significantly.
  • The client receives an additional boost of energy.
  • Body volumes are noticeably reduced, and excess fat is removed from the body.
  • Pressotherapy can significantly reduce the postoperative recovery period.
  • Prevents the development of varicose veins.
  • The skin is transformed and becomes smoother, acquiring a healthy pink tint.

Contraindications to pressotherapy

This is important to know in order to avoid unwanted results and side effects. So, it is not recommended to resort to pressotherapy services in the following cases:

  • In the presence of incomplete skin.
  • For problems with kidney function.
  • If you have tuberculosis.
  • In the presence of malignant and benign formations on the skin.
  • For unrecovered fractures.
  • During menstruation.
  • During periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Pressotherapy at home

This lymphatic drainage is not a complicated process. It can be used at home without any problems. In this case, it is necessary to become more familiar with the indications for the procedure.

To begin the procedure itself, you need to acquire special equipment and carefully study the instructions. As a rule, the above device is compact and does not take up much space. However, it is better to do this procedure in a clinic or beauty salon. At home, you may not achieve a strong enough effect. In this case, pressotherapy will be intended only for preventive purposes. Namely:

  • It prevents the development of varicose veins.
  • Eliminates the possibility of blood clots.
  • Has excellent relaxation qualities.

In this case, you should remember that when carrying out this procedure, you must put aside household chores and not walk around the room.

Service cost

Currently, the popularity of such a method as pressotherapy is growing. Prices for these procedures in different beauty salons and medical institutions may vary. They range from 20-30 dollars per session. Therefore, knowing the duration of complete treatment, it is easy to calculate how much it will cost approximately.


To date, there are many positive reviews from satisfied patients. They have already experienced the full effect of pressotherapy. You could find out what this procedure is by reading the above text.

A safe alternative to liposuction is pressotherapy - an original method of lymphatic drainage based on the massage effect of compressed air. This procedure ensures the achievement of aesthetic results and heals the entire body, reduces varicose veins, and promotes recovery after plastic surgery or physical activity. In addition, it does not cause complications, does not require rehabilitation and is not accompanied by pain.

Operating principle

To carry out pressotherapy, a special suit is required, consisting of separate fragments for each part of the body, which, according to the principle of operation, resemble a cuff from a mechanical tonometer (a device for measuring pressure). Air is pumped into them, and the material compresses soft tissue, affecting the movement of intercellular fluid and blood circulation.

The pressure force is regulated using a computer, which is connected to the elements of the suit by a pipe. The air wave is not constantly applied to the skin, but intermittently from several seconds to several minutes. It literally squeezes out excess fluid and harmful toxins from the body. The exact parameters of the intensity and frequency of exposure are determined based on the patient’s health characteristics.

Pressotherapy provides a complex, deep effect on the skin and muscles, veins and lymphatic vessels, and fatty tissue. Thanks to its implementation, the following occurs:

  • Establishing metabolic processes (including water balance).
  • Cleansing the body of toxins, harmful substances, excess fluid.
  • Increased tone of vascular walls.
  • Forming a feeling of lightness.
  • Reduced swelling.

Indications and expected results

First of all, pressotherapy is carried out for weight loss and the fight against cellulite; these two areas are the main indications for the procedure. Rhythmic pressure destroys fat cells and promotes their removal along with excess fluid naturally. In addition to reducing volumes and kilograms, eliminating the orange peel effect, the technique is capable of:

  • Prevent the development of thrombosis.
  • Reduce swelling and pain in the limbs.
  • Increase decreased skin tone.
  • Relieve muscle tension caused by active physical activity.
  • Reduce the manifestations of venous insufficiency.

The technique is relevant as a therapeutic effect and for preventing the formation of aesthetic defects in the future.

Algorithm for the procedure

The massage lasts 20-30 minutes and is carried out according to a certain algorithm of actions. Manipulations at home are no different from treatments in the salon and are carried out in the following sequence:

  • Applying cream, enhancing the effect, and putting on a disposable suit (if necessary, optional step).
  • Putting on a reusable suit, consisting of one-piece pants for the legs (sometimes separate) and separate elements for the rest of the body. The pressotherapy suit is connected to the main apparatus using special pipes through which air is supplied.
  • Treatment. The main stage involves increased impact on the problem area. It is carried out by alternating pressure by pumping and pumping out air.

The procedure is painless, many patients leave reviews of relaxation during the procedure. It does not require effort, does not violate the integrity of the skin and is accompanied by light, pleasant vibrations that you can fall asleep to.

As a result of regular procedure, there is an acceleration of local metabolism and blood flow, increased muscle tone, breakdown of fat cells, and removal of excess fluid.

The average duration of the course is 10-20 sessions, the exact number of which is determined by the cosmetologist depending on the type and complexity of the problem. Pressotherapy is carried out on a regular basis, but not every day; the optimal schedule is 2-3 procedures per week.


The pressotherapy procedure is prohibited if:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Menstruation and the first months after childbirth.
  • Fractures.
  • Purulent formations and inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Thrombosis, blood clotting disorders.
  • A number of diseases of the liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular system.

Pressotherapy is often carried out to combat increased swelling, however, if the cause of the problem is pathologies of internal organs, the effect is strictly prohibited.

In no case should you ignore the restrictions; this can lead not only to a lack of results, but also to a significant deterioration in the patient’s health.

Side effects

Pressotherapy falls into the category of safe procedures associated with minimal health risks. For the most part, any side effects during its implementation are explained by violation of safety precautions or neglect of contraindications.

Thus, if excessive pressure is created on the problem area, bruises, internal hemorrhages, and hematomas may occur. In case of this kind of side effects, you should increase the interval between sessions one-time, use natural creams and compresses, and then simply adjust the strength of the effect.

You should also pay attention to the fact that a natural consequence of the procedure is a pronounced diuretic effect. It cannot be fully classified as a side effect, but it can cause some inconvenience for the patient.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after No. 1

Photos before and after No. 2

Photos before and after No. 4

Clubsante is the exclusive representative of the manufacturers Marutaka Techno and DS Maref (Doctor Life) in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe since 2006. With us you can buy massage equipment in Moscow for home and salon use: pressotherapy devices with different options and cuffs and foot massagers. There is no need to visit other stores - in addition to massage devices, you can purchase professional Geltek cosmetics, cosmetic mirrors, dietary supplements, disposable underwear and consumables from us.

The use of medical devices allows you to cope with swelling, venous insufficiency, lymphostasis, varicose veins, spider veins, and swelling of the hands after a mastectomy. They are suitable for use after operations, rehabilitation, treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as for relieving fatigue with massage.

The long-term cooperation of the Clubsante massage equipment store with leading clinics of vascular surgery and phlebology has demonstrated the high effectiveness of massagers in solving various problems - medical massage helps get rid of swelling, venous insufficiency and lymphostasis. Participation in scientific conferences and communication with manufacturers allows us to influence the improvement of products from model to model and add new technological solutions.

Doctor Life products are equally effective for solving and preventing health problems and for hardware body correction in a salon or at home. At a time convenient for you, you can restore skin tone, reduce swelling, perform lymphatic drainage or compression massage to lose weight and get rid of cellulite. It's ideal for when you can't diet and exercise, or to complement your workout and nutrition routine to achieve rapid results.

Pressotherapy devices are designed for figure correction and weight loss, eliminating even the most minor flaws that spoil your mood. Cellulite can be defeated at home, armed with high-quality equipment and the right cuffs (leg cuffs, belt, shorts, weight loss overalls).

Our advantages

Advantages of purchasing professional massage devices from our company:

  • representation of Marutaka and Doctor life massagers in Moscow and Russia since 2006;
  • having your own showroom with an exhibition hall and the opportunity to receive a free procedure;
  • support from reputable beauty salons;
  • the popularity of massage devices among theater, film and show business stars;
  • flexible payment terms;
  • possibility of purchasing in installments;
  • 1 year warranty;
  • availability of a registration certificate from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
  • free and prompt delivery;
  • own service center.

You can buy professional massage equipment in our showroom at Podolskoye Shosse, 8, office 310. Here we also provide free procedures for future clients - test the quality of the massagers before purchasing. Clubsante invites you to visit the showroom in Moscow from 10.00 to 18.00.

Free delivery is available for residents throughout Russia - buy massage equipment in the online store with the option of paying in cash upon receipt of the goods, at the bank using an invoice, or by card in the office.

In the modern world, humanity has a huge number of problems, which are quite difficult to get rid of using old methods. With the development of new technologies, a large number of innovative solutions are emerging that can qualitatively improve health and correct many cosmetic problems. Among such innovations is pressotherapy, a procedure carried out using a special device.

What is the essence of this manipulation? Are there any contraindications to its implementation? And what should you consider when doing it at home? Let's try to figure it out.

Pressotherapy: indications and contraindications

The essence of a pressotherapy session is to restore the correct flow of lymph and venous blood through consistent rhythmic stimulation of the muscles of the human body. This procedure is very useful and important for excellent health and beauty of the body. After all, proper lymph circulation removes toxins and harmful substances from the body, as well as excess fluid from tissues, resulting in the absence of cellulite.

Pressotherapy affects the lymphatic system with compressed air, which is formed by passing through special sleeves in the device. Air pressure is controlled using a computer.

The device for pressotherapy or presso-massage takes the form of a special suit with inflatable boots, long gloves, a wide belt for the hips and abdomen, as well as several separate inflatable elements that are put on the patient. The air, entering the suit and controlled by a computer program, specifically affects all parts of the body.

Depending on the problem area, an experienced specialist, having familiarized himself with the patient’s health condition, selects a program and treatment regimen.

Indications for the use of pressotherapy are as follows:

  1. Phlebeurysm.
  2. Rehabilitation after surgery.
  3. Fight constipation.
  4. Strengthening intestinal motility.
  5. Increased body tone.
  6. Relieving pain as a result of physical activity.
  7. Fighting excess weight and obesity.
  8. Relieving post-traumatic swelling.
  9. Fight cellulite.
  10. Relieving heaviness in the legs.

Pressotherapy has positive reviews among patients. But, unfortunately, not everyone who wants this procedure can undergo this procedure. There are serious health problems that do not allow you to use press massage sessions. Namely:

  1. Hemophilia and vascular fragility.
  2. Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
  3. Severe endarteritis.
  4. Skin inflammation and suppuration.
  5. Fractures.
  6. Diabetes disease.
  7. Kidney failure.
  8. Pregnancy.
  9. Period of menstruation.
  10. Cardiovascular failure.
  11. Liver diseases and edema.
  12. Tuberculosis.

Before deciding on a pressotherapy procedure, any patient, even the healthiest in his opinion, needs to consult a doctor.

How often can pressotherapy be done?

Depending on which part of the body the procedure will be performed on, the patient is put on long gloves; on the stomach and hips - a wide belt, on the legs - long boots. All this “clothing” is connected by air ducts to the device and exerts a mechanical effect on the skin and muscles, lymph and blood vessels by alternating air pressure: low or high. At the time of the procedure, the alternation of compression and vacuum lasts from thirty seconds to two minutes. It is the reduced pressure in the cuffs that leads to vasodilation and active blood movement to the skin and muscles, as well as subcutaneous tissue.

The duration of a pressotherapy session is forty-five minutes. The course of procedures is designed for ten or fifteen times. There should be a break of up to two or three days between procedures. If necessary, the course of pressotherapy can be repeated after six months, not earlier.

Pressotherapy at home

Many people who want to correct their figure and improve their vitality simply do not have time to visit special clinics or beauty salons. Pressotherapy at home will help you keep your body in excellent shape without grueling workouts and strict diets. Until recently, this type of procedure was used exclusively in beauty salons. Now there is a unique, wonderful opportunity to purchase lymphatic drainage devices for home use. The device for performing pressotherapy has a low price and will pay for itself to the user after the first course of use.

The lymphatic drainage device for home use is easy to use; you just need to carefully read the instructions. If you have any questions, please contact a specialist.

The device has several operating modes, which makes it possible to configure it for your purposes. Pressotherapy at home is a real relaxation, because you can use such a procedure while lying in front of the TV, or sitting comfortably with an interesting book or magazine. One session of home lymphatic drainage will restore vigor to a tired person and increase vital energy.

The device is small in size and can be stored on a shelf in a closet or in a nightstand. The device does not cause any inconvenience during transportation, so you can safely take it with you to the dacha or even on a business trip.

Pressotherapy sessions are absolutely painless, feelings of lightness and vigor are felt after the first procedures, and there is already a visible effect after three or four procedures.

Having a lymphatic drainage device in your home will save you and your family from health problems and will help you maintain a great figure at minimal cost and in a short time.

Remember that pressotherapy has contraindications, so before purchasing a lymphatic drainage device for use at home, consult a specialist doctor.

Which is better: myostimulation or pressotherapy?

Very often on TV screens we hear advertisements about a miracle device that relieves us of all problems at once: from fat deposits on the body to sinusitis. Before you completely trust advertising and rush to buy a magical device, you need to understand its quality yourself.

Let's talk about the myostimulator as a unique invention of modern science.

Myostimulation is the rehabilitation of the natural functioning of human internal organs, tissues and muscles through exposure to current pulses. That is, the electric shock is less pronounced, but more targeted.

In medicine, myostimulation is used in cardiac surgery: with its help, the heart muscle is brought into action and resuscitation is carried out using cardiac defibrillation. Directed currents affect the nervous system and are used for arthritis, osteochondrosis and pelvic diseases.

Cosmetology today uses myostimulators more often than medicine: acting on muscles and tissues, microimpulses not only get rid of fat deposits, but also strengthen muscles, put sagging skin on the face in order, making it elastic and taut in the area of ​​the chin and nasolabial folds, eliminates cellulite.

But if you read the annotation for the device, you will find the following: to achieve the maximum effect in losing weight and correcting your figure in the fight against sagging skin and its sagging, you need to eat a balanced diet and do intense physical exercise. That is, without diet and exercise, using only myostimulation, you will achieve minimal results and not for long.

Myostimulation has contraindications that must be taken into account:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Urolithiasis and gallstone diseases.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Thrombophlebitis.
  6. The presence of an installed pacemaker in the body.
  7. Alcoholism and drug addiction.
  8. Mental disorders.
  9. Oncological diseases.
  10. Kidney and liver failure.
  11. Purulent inflammatory processes.
  12. Active form of tuberculosis.
  13. Viral colds.
  14. Fractures and bruises.
  15. Postoperative scars for at least nine months.

So, the use of myostimulation is possible in excellent health and in the absence of special sensitivity to pulse current.

Everyone dreams of having a beautiful figure and elastic skin, but decide for yourself what methods to achieve this: go to the gym and achieve your goal with regular training; adhere to moderation in food; purchase a device for home pressotherapy and within a short period of time gain a figure like in the picture of a fashion magazine, or attend myostimulation sessions.

Before deciding on one option or another, consult your doctor. Be beautiful and healthy!

In the modern world, in order to have a toned body, with firm and elastic skin, you do not need to exhaust yourself with long workouts - you can simply subject yourself to a new hardware procedure in cosmetology - pressotherapy. It is also called lymphatic drainage hardware massage. The procedure involves performing a massage with compressed air, which affects the blood and lymph. What pressotherapy is, how it is carried out and what limitations the procedure has will be described in detail in the article.

Pressotherapy is a lymphatic drainage massage, the effect of which is aimed at removing excess fluid from the human body. This cosmetic procedure is performed using a machine that uses compressed air to affect the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system in the human body is important - it protects cells from the effects of harmful foreign substances, toxins and poisons. It also controls the process of absorption of metabolic products and water from body tissues, promoting the removal of toxins.

If there is a malfunction of the lymphatic system, then fluid is retained in the tissues and edema is formed, as well as infection of the body with tissue breakdown products - viruses, toxins, microbes. These failures lead to cosmetic problems: swelling, excess weight, cellulite and other disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems. The most common disorders include decreased immunity, headaches, and fatigue.

During the process of pressotherapy, the outflow of lymph from the center to the periphery is activated, as a result of which its stagnation is eliminated.

The results of pressotherapy are characterized by the following factors:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • normalization of water balance in the body;
  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • normalization of the outflow of venous blood;
  • increased tone of blood vessels;
  • getting rid of heaviness in the legs;
  • elimination of edema;
  • relieving muscle tension.

Pressotherapy is effective in the fight against cellulite, varicose veins and swelling. It is a preventive action against the presented manifestations.

Indications and prohibitions

Everyone needs to know the indications and contraindications of pressotherapy so as not to harm themselves. Pressotherapy is safe and allowed even in cases where physical procedures such as ultrasound, electrophoresis, and manual massage are contraindicated. But there are still contraindications.

These include:

  • the presence of wounds and abrasions on the skin;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of chronic diseases at the site of pressotherapy;
  • diseases of the heart and vascular system;
  • kidney diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • the presence of a malignant or benign tumor;
  • the presence of thrombosis or a predisposition to it;
  • non-united fractures;
  • menstruation period;
  • pregnancy during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, breastfeeding.

If there are no contraindications, the procedure is recommended for the following problems with the body:

  • presence of cellulite;
  • overweight;
  • fat deposits in certain places;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • muscle strain;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • gout;
  • decreased intestinal motility, constipation;
  • adhesions in the intestines and abdominal cavity;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • swelling after surgery or injury;
  • stress, fatigue, insomnia.

Consequences of exposure

The pressotherapy procedure affects the entire body, so it has side effects. Since the device is used with a mechanical effect on the skin, traces of “bruising” remain on it, although they quickly pass. For a lymphatic drainage session, it is better to wear clothing that will cover the areas where the device is exposed. Pressotherapy has a diuretic effect - this is a sure sign that this procedure is working. If you configure the device incorrectly and do not calculate the compression force, hematomas may form. It all depends on the experience of the specialist and the modernity of the device. You should choose a good clinic and not hide your health problems from the specialist.

About performing the procedure

The procedure is performed using a special apparatus and a suit consisting of several sections. Lymphatic drainage sessions can be performed separately on the arms, legs, abdomen or the whole body. The suit is similar to the cuff that is used in the apparatus for measuring blood pressure, although the operating principle is the same. The device pumps air into individual parts or the entire suit, and it presses on certain areas of the body or as a whole.

Please note: During the pressotherapy procedure, the patient lies down on the couch, the parts of the device are put on him and compressed air is supplied to them. The duration of the session is no more than 30 minutes. Air is supplied by a pulse wave from bottom to top. Breaks between feeds of different durations - from a second to 2 minutes. Air pressure and wave are controlled by a special computer sensor, which is adjusted individually.

It is the computer setting that allows you to accurately determine both the force of pressure and the time of exposure, according to the goals of pressotherapy. The patient does not feel discomfort or pain. The procedure is pleasant, containing the effect of relaxation. After the end of the session, you feel a pleasant warmth throughout your body and your mood lifts. The patient does not need to do anything - the device will do everything.

How many sessions are required?

Cosmetology specialists using hardware techniques say that pressotherapy replaces manual massage. True, the effectiveness of one session of the procedure in question is equal to 10-20 sessions of manual massage.

Please note: It is recommended to perform the pressotherapy procedure no more than 2-3 times a week. The recommended full course is about 20 procedures. The number of sessions is assigned by the attending physician individually to each patient.

Pressotherapy programs

The pressotherapy program for each patient is carried out according to his wishes or taking into account the standard.

Programs are divided according to areas of impact:

  • whole body pressotherapy procedure - a person is completely wrapped in a large cuff;
  • pressotherapy for legs;
  • pressotherapy for hands.

The most popular program is the procedure for the legs, because it is in the lower extremities that lymph stagnation occurs, which is determined by inactivity in general and sedentary work. During pregnancy, women experience enormous stress on their legs, and the blood vessels require rehabilitation after childbirth. The pressotherapy program for the legs can be light, which performs a minor correction, or intensive, which can reduce the circumference of the legs and make them slimmer.

Full body programs reduce the client's volume and eliminate cellulite. Pressotherapy helps tighten the skin and make it smooth and elastic after liposuction.

Can it be done at home?

In order to perform lymphatic drainage massage at home, you need to purchase a special device. It is offered by various trading companies with delivery and installation. Devices for home procedures are much more compact and not too expensive - about 30,000 rubles. Home pressotherapy is no different from the same procedure in the salon, and even saves time on visiting the salon. The hardware massage procedure is much more effective than manual massage, helping to eliminate lymph stagnation and lose weight. To maintain the results obtained, you need to move more, choosing walking or dancing lessons. And to reduce the volume, you will have to stop eating junk food, because even frequent massages in this case will not help you lose excess weight.



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