Why is hypertension dangerous and why? The danger of hypertension

When does our person go to the doctor for help? That's right: when something hurts, or when it gets so bad that you can't stand it. And the fact that the pressure sometimes jumps to as much as two hundred is often also a reason for bravado: they say, you’re lying flat at one hundred and fifty, and I’m doing great at two hundred. Why does arterial hypertension need to be treated?

Reason one. Hypertension significantly increases the risk of stroke (bleeding in the brain). This complication is not only life-threatening, but can make a person helpless and disabled and bedridden. Some patients lose the ability to speak after a stroke, others are paralyzed - some for a while, and some for the rest of their lives. Such a prospect is unlikely to seem attractive.

Reason two. A hypertensive person has a much greater chance of being hospitalized with a heart attack than a person with normal pressure. And how many people with heart attacks do not have time to wait for an ambulance!

Reason three. Hypertension plus atherosclerosis plus heart attack equals heart failure. Hypertension itself does not lead to its development when the pressure does not tend to rise above 200 mmHg. Art., but high blood pressure is the first step towards the development of atherosclerosis. The second step could be heart attack. The more components in this equation, the faster the weakness of the heart muscle develops with its manifestations: shortness of breath, swelling; when climbing the stairs even one floor seems almost impossible.

Reason four. Hypertension does not spare kidneys, which cleanse the blood of toxins. Their work will be disrupted - the body will be filled with toxins. On late stages With kidney failure, a person can live only if he is connected to an “artificial kidney” machine.

Reason five. Hypertension is the most common reason development dissecting aortic aneurysm, himself large vessel in the human body. Aneurysm rupture, although relatively rare, is formidable complication, leading to sudden death.

Reason six. Experienced hypertensive patients often complain that they have difficulty remembering phone numbers, stop recognizing the faces of acquaintances and do not remember their names. Bad memory - a consequence of impaired blood supply to the brain.

Reason seven. Changes in the vessels of the fundus with hypertension lead to vision impairment, and retinal hemorrhage at the height of one of the pressure rises (crises) it can result in blindness.

Reason eight. Headaches, dizziness and other Bad mood noted by almost all hypertensive patients. They often do not even suspect what is to blame for their feeling unwell high pressure.

Reason nine. In some hypertensive patients, increases in pressure lead to nosebleeds, which, although usually not life-threatening, are also not enjoyable.

Reason ten. And finally, hypertension steals the already short years, released to man in this world.

Lack of sleep increases blood pressure

Scientists say that it can lead to increased blood pressure lack of sleep. The American journal Hypertension published the results of a study showing that women who sleep less than 7 hours per night have increased risk development of hypertension. The study involved 10,300 women aged 35-55 years over a period of 5 years. Compared to women who slept 7 hours, women who slept 6 hours the risk of developing hypertension was 42% higher. In women who slept no more than 5 hours a day, this risk was 31% higher.

It's quite logical that hypertonic disease Stage 2 develops after the first stage. Most often on initial stage patients do not seek medical help. The reason for this is the lack specific symptoms. In the second degree there are more signs and they are more characteristic.

  • Symptoms, diagnosis and complications
  • Classification of the disease
  • Treatment of the disease

Symptoms, diagnosis and complications

At the second degree, hypertension becomes stable and persistent. At this stage, the disease can be called moderate. Systolic pressure ranges from 160 to 179 mm, and diastolic pressure from 100 to 109 mm. The following phenomena are observed:

Physical diagnosis helps evaluate peripheral vessels and tissue to identify swelling. It can also be used to listen to the heart and lungs and perform percussion vascular bundle, and also determine the configuration of the heart by percussion. All these details contribute timely detection complications from the heart or kidneys, and also help make a more accurate diagnosis.

Instrumental diagnostic methods are aimed at recognizing disturbances in the functioning of any organs that contribute to the development of the second stage of hypertension. Examination methods such as ultrasound and ECG are often used.

Timely diagnosis is very important, as complications may arise. These include constant heart pain, heart failure, atherosclerosis, and impaired renal function. As a result of complications, patients may complain of insomnia, nausea, headaches, dizziness and increased fatigue. In addition, much depends on the type of disease.

Classification of the disease

Stage 2 hypertension is classified according to risk. However, before considering the degree of risk, you need to understand the aggravating factors of the disease, as well as which organs it can affect. Five such organs can be distinguished.

  1. Heart. Possible development of heart failure, heart attack and rhythm disturbances. In addition, coronary death is possible.
  2. Brain. These include memory loss, DEP, dementia and lacunar strokes.
  3. Eyes (hypertensive retinopathy).
  4. Kidneys (CRF).
  5. Vessels (aortic aneurysm, lesion peripheral arteries).

Aggravating factors are those that have a bad effect even on healthy person. In general, they can be generalized into three groups: Not correct image life, accompanying illnesses and age threshold. The first group includes such phenomena as obesity, smoking and physical inactivity. This also includes increased amount cholesterol in the blood, as this phenomenon is often observed with poor nutrition.

Taking these factors into account, we can list the degrees of risk of hypertension.

  1. The first degree is different in that there are no aggravating factors. The probability that any of the organs we talked about at the beginning of this subtitle will be affected is less than fifteen percent in ten years.
  2. The second degree of risk is similar to the first; there may be no aggravating factors or no more than two. The likelihood of organ damage increases to twenty percent.
  3. With the third degree of risk, more than three factors are observed, and the probability of damage is from twenty to thirty percent.
  4. With the fourth degree of risk, the probability of organ damage is already thirty percent. There are more than three aggravating factors. Associated clinical conditions are also present.

Treatment of the disease

It is worth noting that it is impossible to treat the second degree of hypertension, like any other, on your own. This can lead to complications that will be life-threatening and also lead to disability. The surest way out is to see a doctor who will necessary examination and will appoint effective treatment. The doctor may prescribe a diuretic - thiazide. He will help bring out excess liquid from the body, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Along with a diuretic, the doctor may prescribe some other drugs:

  • ACE inhibitors. They help relax blood vessels, blocking the production of hormones that constrict them. Such drugs may be captopril, enalapril, and so on. However, these inhibitors should not be taken by pregnant women or people with certain arterial or kidney problems. Before prescribing any medicine from this group of drugs, your doctor will likely tell you to take a blood test to check your kidney function. The same analysis will be done again two weeks after starting the drug, and also two weeks after increasing the dose. It is also important to take such an analysis once a year.
  • Angiotensin receptor blockers. Their action is similar to the action of the above group of drugs. This could be losartan, candesartan, and so on.
  • Beta blockers. They slow down the heart rate, thereby reducing the load on it. This group of drugs includes timolol, pindolol, and so on.
  • Blockers calcium channels. They control the effect of calcium on the blood vessels and muscle of the heart. These are amplodipine, felodipine and other drugs.

An important point in treatment is strict adherence to the doctor’s prescriptions. If the pharmacy offers similar drug, which contains the same substance as the prescribed drug, you should immediately, without hesitation, refuse the pharmacist’s recommendations. The attending physician is located in the clinic, not in the pharmacy! It was the doctor who conducted the examination and took into account many factors when prescribing treatment. In addition, even if some of the substances in the two drugs are the same, their actions differ, as do the complications.

If you want to try folk remedies, you should also consult your doctor. Basically, products that have a calming effect are used. This could be chamomile, valerian, mint, lemon balm and hawthorn. Citrus fruits, honey, green tea and rosehip.

Of course, it is best to prevent the development of hypertension not only of the second degree, but also of the first. If this cannot be avoided, you need to start treatment on time and manage healthy image life. Hypertension will not develop if you constantly monitor your health.

Left ventricular hypertrophy of the heart: treatment, causes, symptoms

Left ventricular hypertrophy is a syndrome characteristic of most diseases of cardio-vascular system, which is to increase the muscle mass of the heart.

Unfortunately, today everything is stated more cases left ventricular hypertrophy in young people. The danger of this is complemented by a large percentage fatal outcome than in older people. Men with left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy die 7 times more often than the fairer sex.

Development mechanism

In normal physiological state The heart, pushing blood into the aorta, acts as a pump. From the aorta blood is flowing to all organs. When the left ventricle relaxes, it receives a portion of blood from the left atrium. Its quantity is constant and sufficient to ensure optimal levels of gas exchange and other metabolic functions throughout the body.

As a consequence of the formation of pathological changes in the cardiovascular system, it becomes more difficult for the heart muscle to perform this function. To perform the same amount of work requires more energy expenditure. Then the natural one turns on compensatory mechanism– an increase in load leads to an increase in the muscle mass of the heart. This can be compared to how increasing the load on the muscles in the gym results in an increase in muscle mass and volume.

Why can’t the left ventricle “increase” its muscle mass and not disturb its owner. The fact is that in the heart tissue only cardiomyocytes increase. And they make up only about a quarter of the heart tissue. The connective tissue part does not change.

The capillary network does not have time to develop after LV hypertrophy, so rapidly hypertrophied tissue may suffer from oxygen starvation. Which leads to ischemic changes in the myocardium. In addition, the conduction system of the heart remains the same, which leads to disruption of impulse conduction and various arrhythmias.

The tissue of the left ventricle, in particular the interventricular septum, is most susceptible to hypertrophy.

For intense physical activity the heart has to pump large quantity blood, work hard. Therefore, professional athletes may develop moderate left ventricular hypertrophy, which is physiological or compensatory.

Etiology of hypertrophy

In almost all long-term heart diseases, left ventricular hypertrophy is an obligatory consequence.

Left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy is observed with:

  • hypertension;
  • aortic valve stenosis;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • intense long-term physical activity;
  • obesity;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol.

Thus, for any heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy is a mandatory syndrome.

Hypertension, especially persistent and poorly treated hypertension, is the main culprit. If the patient says that high blood pressure numbers are familiar and “working” for him, if hypertension was corrected only occasionally or not treated at all, then he certainly has severe hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart.

Excess weight is a risk factor for hypertension, which causes left ventricular hypertrophy. In addition, in case of obesity, blood supply to an enlarged body requires big job to ensure blood supply to all tissues, which also leads to changes in the myocardium.

Of the congenital diseases, the main place is in heart defects with impaired blood outflow from the ventricle.

However, left ventricular hypertrophy will show the same symptoms for any etiology.

Types of hypertrophy

According to the degree of change in the shape of the left ventricle of the heart and its thickness, eccentric and concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricular myocardium is distinguished.

Concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle is characterized by thickening of its walls. Its cavity in this case does not change. It is formed when the ventricle is overloaded with blood pressure. This form is typical for hypertension. This etiology accounts for at least 90% and has a high risk life-threatening cardiovascular complications– more than 35%.

Eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy is characterized by relative preservation of the thickness of the walls of the ventricle, an increase in its mass and the size of the cavity. Risk severe complications about 25%. This type develops when there is excess blood volume.

How to suspect a disease

For a long time, left ventricular hypertrophy of the heart has minor symptoms or the heart does not let you know that it is working through force. When compensatory capabilities are exhausted and a person begins to complain, the changes in the myocardium are already significant.

Appears in varying degrees severity following signs left ventricular hypertrophy:

  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia;
  • cardiac pain;
  • feeling of weakness and fainting;
  • fast fatiguability.

Timely early detection reduces the risk of developing severe complications. ECG signs Left ventricular hypertrophy is easily determined by any therapist. This method is cheap and informative.

Left ventricular hypertrophy on the ECG is manifested by an increase in the pulse transit time, ischemic changes on the ECG, impaired impulse conduction, deviation of the axis to the hypertrophied area, a shift in the electrical position of the heart, and the location of the transition zone.


If there is difficulty breathing, there is a desire to stop and catch your breath with the usual load, if there is pressure in the chest, or causeless weakness occurs, then you should consult a doctor.

The cardiologist will prescribe a complete clinical, biochemical and instrumental examination. Upon examination, specific heart murmurs and an increase in its boundaries may be detected. X-ray examination will show how enlarged the heart is and in which parts. An echocardiogram will help determine the location of disorders and the degree of decrease in heart activity.

Once a diagnosis of left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy has been established, treatment depends on the degree of its severity and the severity of the patient’s general condition.

Changes in heart size are a consequence of other diseases. When treating a patient diagnosed with left ventricular hypertrophy, the causes that led to it are of primary importance.

Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition and how severe the left ventricular hypertrophy is, treatment can be carried out in a hospital or at home.

A prerequisite for successful treatment is a correct lifestyle. If this recommendation is ignored, any therapy is useless.

Constant monitoring of ECG and blood pressure levels and regular examination by a cardiologist are required.

If your condition is satisfactory, regular walks on the fresh air. Also, moderate left ventricular hypertrophy does not exclude exercise race walking, swimming at a gentle rhythm. Excessive physical activity is avoided.

Medicines are taken throughout life. These are calcium channel blockers, beta blockers, antihypertensive drugs, metabolic cardiac medications.


Complications are more than dangerous. This includes circulatory failure, rhythm disturbances, and ischemic changes, and myocardial infarction.

Cardiovascular failure is the inability of the heart to perform its pumping function and provide the body with blood.

Rhythm disturbances occur as a result of the fact that the conduction system of the heart does not have the ability to hypertrophy. The time and quality of impulse conduction changes. Areas may appear where impulses do not pass through.

Ischemic manifestations (lack of oxygen in the tissue) occur due to the relatively slow development capillary network in hypertrophied heart tissue. As a result, she does not receive enough oxygen. On the other hand, working with increased load, the myocardial oxygen demand increases significantly.

For hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart, treatment continues for a long time. It has been proven that early treatment and the patient’s responsible attitude towards it can significantly improve the quality and length of life of patients.

Video about left ventricular hypertrophy:

How is hypertension treated?

Long-term arterial hypertension leads to severe disturbances in the functioning of many vital organs and systems of the human body.

And in the absence of adequate help, it ends in the development of blindness, heart attack or stroke. Therefore very important issue is correct treatment hypertension.

Why and how does blood pressure increase?

This disease is diagnosed when the patient exhibits a persistent increase in blood pressure to 140/90 mmHg. Art. and higher.

In the vast majority of cases the real reason the disease cannot be identified, and therefore experts talk about essential hypertension, which accounts for up to 95% of all cases of high blood pressure.

In other cases, high blood pressure is secondary (with endocrine or kidney diseases), that is, acts as a symptom of the underlying disease.

The role of provoking factors for hypertension are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • constant emotional stress;
  • poor nutrition and consumption of excess salt;
  • obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits (smoking).

To the group high risk This pathology includes individuals who have high level cholesterol in the blood, age over 55 years, and diabetes.

The pathogenesis of the development of hypertension has several theories:

  1. Some authors argue that hypertension develops as a result of overexcitation in the cortex and subcortical zone of the brain under the influence of external irritating factors.
  2. There is an assumption that the development of persistent high pressure lies a hereditary defect in the renal mechanism of blood pressure regulation. In this case, sodium is retained in the body and the volume of circulating blood increases due to excess fluid.
  3. There is a theory about disruption of the potassium-sodium pumps in the smooth muscle tissue that forms the walls of blood vessels.

All these theories are complementary to each other and reliably explain the mechanism of the disease. It is possible that all three variants of violation occur when arterial hypertension.

Why is hypertension dangerous?

Hypertension with long term causes enough serious complications, many of which lead to disability or even death:

  1. The load on the heart muscle begins to increase, which is forced to push out blood with great effort. This leads to the development of hypertrophy of the left sections, with subsequent development congestive failure. At hard work the myocardial need for oxygen increases, therefore, against the background of vessels altered by atherosclerosis, it often occurs acute ischemia with attacks of angina pectoris and the development of myocardial infarction.
  2. Insufficient oxygen supply to the brain leads to transient ischemic attacks and strokes.
  3. With long-term hypertension, blindness develops due to constant spasm of the retinal vessels and atrophy of the optic nerve.

How to help with hypertension?

There is a standard of medical care for hypertension, which is accepted by specialists in many countries. The proposed scheme for this moment It is the most effective way treatment.

If hypertension develops and requires correction with medications, the patient should change their lifestyle. This will reduce the need to use medications and prevent the development of complications.

Hypertension, when detected, requires constant pressure correction using several groups of drugs:

  • thiazide diuretics, they help remove water and salts from the body;
  • beta blockers - reduce the frequency and strength of heart contractions;
  • calcium antagonists - relieve tone from blood vessels;
  • ACE inhibitors which help reduce the effect of angiotensin, which increases blood pressure;
  • sartans (act in the same way as ACE inhibitors, but more selectively);
  • sympatholytics (relieve tension in the smooth muscle fibers that make up the walls of blood vessels).

To prevent possible complications The patient is prescribed medications that thin the blood, thrombolytics, and lipid-lowering agents.

The main goal and criterion for the success of treatment is the patient achieving stable target blood pressure values, improving the patient’s well-being and normalizing laboratory parameters.

How to eat properly if you have hypertension?

The initial stages of hypertension can be corrected by lifestyle changes and proper nutrition. Based on your understanding of the cause of this pathology, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to exclude foods that can increase blood pressure - strong coffee and tea, drinks containing caffeine.
  2. Pickles, smoked meats, spices, spicy dishes. They increase thirst, due to which, and when excess fluid is consumed, the volume of blood in the vessels increases, increasing pressure.
  3. Fatty meat and any dishes containing animal fat, as well as eggs. These foods increase blood cholesterol.
  4. Limit water consumption to 1.2 liters per day.

You can eat:

  1. Boiled lean meat and fish (ocean fish, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, is especially healthy).
  2. Any types of cereals.
  3. Soups with vegetable broth.
  4. All dairy products except salted cheese.
  5. Unlimited fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to choose those that contain fiber, which helps cleanse the body, including low-density cholesterol.

Such a diet will help to significantly improve the patient’s condition, and will even reduce the dosage of medications taken.

How to prevent the development of hypertension?

Prevention of hypertension can be primary and secondary. Primary prevention is to use methods and means to prevent the development of the disease.

This is quite difficult, since changing a person’s lifestyle can be quite difficult. You should also eliminate the influence of stress, try to move a lot, reduce your weight, stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Task secondary prevention is to prevent further development disease and its complications. The patient is advised to follow the regimen, go on a diet, and take the prescribed treatment in a timely manner.

If he has a disease that could aggravate pathological condition, then you should pay close attention to them.

If a person often experiences increased arterial pressure, the doctor diagnoses hypertension. This problem worries men and women after 40 years of age. Influence arterial hypertension(hypertension) on vascular system a person and on his heart is extremely destructive. To normalize blood pressure, the patient is prescribed special medications.

The danger of hypertension

Why is hypertension dangerous: against the background of this pathology, a person may experience the following health problems:

  • decreased heart performance;
  • impaired blood circulation in the brain structures;
  • blurred vision;
  • renal failure;
  • persistent problems with erection;
  • cardiac asthma;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • violation of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in the body.

Hypertension is associated with increased production adrenaline. This substance stimulates the vascular walls, forcing them to constantly be in good shape. The lumen in the arteries narrows, because of this the person suffers from high blood pressure.

A hypertensive crisis is a stern warning that the body cannot cope with the increased load.

As long as a person's vascular walls are strong, they can withstand pressure surges. Long-term hypertension leads to wear and tear vascular walls, which makes them vulnerable.

Sooner or later there will be a danger of violating the integrity of the vessel. If the disease is not treated, the situation may result in disability or death of the patient. Heart attacks and severe brain damage (stroke) often occur in hypertensive patients.

There are risk factors for hypertension over which a person has no control. This does not mean that the only way is to accept the problem and wait for your health to deteriorate. Knowing that you are in the crosshairs for hypertension can help you minimize the adverse circumstances that are in your control.

The likelihood of developing hypertension (syndrome) is associated with various factors risks that are a problem for people of both sexes.

  • Hereditary tendency. If your parents, grandmother, aunt or uncle suffered from hypertension, you are also at risk for this disease.
  • Kidney diseases (nephritis, pyelonephritis).
  • Diabetes.
  • Neoplasms in the tissues of the adrenal glands.
  • Tumor formations in thyroid gland.
  • Inflammatory process in the thyroid gland. It may be temporary or chronic, but harmful influence such a disease on the patient’s body will be significant.
  • Elevated levels of calcium in the blood.
  • Excess sodium in the body.
  • High blood viscosity. If the blood is too thick, the heart cannot move it smoothly through the arteries and capillaries.

Risk factors include atherosclerosis. The relationship between this disease and hypertension is very close. The formation of cholesterol deposits inside blood vessels provokes hypertension. It also happens that high blood pressure contributes to the development of atherosclerotic changes.

People over 60 years of age are significantly more likely to suffer from vascular diseases than young boys and girls.

There is no mysticism in this. In elderly patients, blood vessels become less elastic, which reduces their endurance.

Acceptable pressure values

Blood pressure readings from 100/60 to 140/90 are considered normal. These values ​​vary throughout the day, even for a person in excellent health.

Situational pressure surges are familiar to everyone. When you're stressed at work or running to catch the bus, your blood pressure rises. IN difficult situation the brain causes the adrenal glands to intensively produce adrenaline. Entering the human blood in significant quantities, adrenaline activates the heart. Muscle contraction occurs and blood pressure rises.

The body mobilizes its reserves to save itself (find a solution, win) in difficult conditions. When the situation turns in your favor (you have passed a difficult project at work, you are resting after a workout in the gym), the level of adrenaline in the blood decreases and blood pressure indicators return to normal.

If your blood pressure monitor regularly reads 140/90 or higher, you have hypertension. Blood circulation in your body is impaired.

In women and men, blood pressure can be increased due to other pathologies: kidney disease, malfunctions thyroid gland, but in such situations hypertensive symptoms are an addition to the main ailment. High blood pressure is often observed in women carrying a child. If the pathology develops independently, the doctor speaks of hypertension.

Hypertension is characterized by a synchronous increase in systolic and diastolic pressure. In men, the course of the disease is more complex than in the fair sex.

Eliminating unfavorable circumstances

Therapists and nutritionists remind that some factors contributing to the development of hypertension are created by a person himself: by his character, incorrect eating habits. This means that people can eliminate unwanted life scenarios.

Circumstances that bring you closer to hypertension:

  • addiction to strong drinks;
  • smoking;
  • drug use;
  • low physical activity;
  • lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • frequent nervous shocks;
  • abuse of fatty, fried foods and smoked foods;
  • habit of not getting enough sleep.

Obesity – serious problem, complicating the work of important human organs. Sometimes overweight are a bitter gift of illness ( metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, and the patient rapidly gains weight). This doesn't always happen. Not only can it make a person obese hereditary disease, but also his lack of food culture.

Medical research has shown that body fat, formed in the abdominal area ( abdominal obesity), negatively affect general state body. This adipose tissue more aggressive than subcutaneous fat. There are a lot of hormones in the deposits that are present in the abdominal area. Main hormonal substances: insulin and cortisol. If their level in the blood increases sharply, the patient begins to have problems with blood pressure.

Obese people not only suffer from high blood pressure, but often have problems with immunity.

It has been noticed that residents of megacities suffer from manifestations of hypertension much more often than rural residents. This is due to two circumstances.

  1. Pollution environment, familiar to cities.
  2. The inability of city residents to properly relax and disconnect their thoughts from everyday problems. A person who sees the beauty of nature every day (river, blooming garden, forest), it is much easier to think about pleasant things than his peer living among the bustle of the city.

The hormonal changes created by fat are unusual for the body. In representatives of the stronger sex who have folds on the abdomen, the level male hormone testosterone is reduced.


In the initial stages of hypertension, the patient may feel almost no discomfort. The first manifestations of the disease: heavy head, weakness, spots before the eyes. Some people ignore changes in their health, thinking that they are associated with a cold or overwork. If you are regularly bothered by such oddities, you should measure your blood pressure daily.

The first degree of hypertension will manifest itself with pressure indicators of 145-159/92-99. By contacting a doctor and conscientiously following his instructions, you can count on getting rid of the disease.

The second degree of the disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • difficulty remembering information;
  • constant fatigue;
  • puffy face;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • swelling of the limbs in the morning;
  • increased sweating;
  • facial redness.

Average blood pressure readings for second-degree hypertension are 165/100.

The third degree of the disease is characterized by a significant deterioration in health. Patients complain that the heart is pounding and stabbing, and the head hurts excruciatingly. Blood pressure is consistently high (180/100 and above).

Prohibited actions for hypertension

If your doctor has diagnosed you with hypertension, you should take care of your health. Sharp increase physical activity, smoking and drinking alcohol can lead to a hypertensive crisis.

In case of hypertension, risk factors are the following situations:

  • lifting weights;
  • violent clarification of relationships in the family and at work (scandals);
  • eating salty foods;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • refusal of daily walks in the fresh air;
  • work that involves human interaction with harmful substances(gasoline, mercury).

The main engine in the body is the heart; it does not like extremes. Constant passivity harms him no less than excess activity.


With the problem of high blood pressure, people turn to a therapist. After asking you about your ailments, the doctor will prescribe the following examinations:

  • blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • assessment of the functioning of the heart muscle using ultrasound;
  • arteriography - this x-ray method diagnostics allows you to find out about the condition of the patient’s arterial walls;
  • Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

In addition to the above diagnostic measures, the patient needs to consult an ophthalmologist. With hypertension, the organs of vision undergo undesirable changes. Examination of the fundus will help the doctor see how dilated the retinal veins are.

Treatment of high blood pressure

Some people think that arterial hypertension should be treated only in cases where the deterioration in health is very severe, and when it is tolerable, you can do without pills. It's a delusion. Don't let hypertension wear out your blood vessels. Otherwise, you risk becoming a victim of a heart attack.

To eliminate painful symptoms hypertension and reduce the risk of stroke, minimize negative changes in the heart muscle, your therapist may prescribe you alpha-blockers. In case of illness, diuretics (drugs that reduce the level of sodium in the blood) are prescribed.

Experts advise older people to regularly take blood thinning pills.


Arterial hypertension is a disease in which a person’s blood pressure regularly increases. The main causes of the disease: smoking, frequent use fatty and salty foods, love of alcohol, lack of exercise, anxiety, scandals. People retirement age are more likely to face the problem of high blood pressure than young boys and girls.

Consequences of hypertension: vision problems, cardiac asthma, stroke. To alleviate the patient’s condition, the doctor prescribes drugs that reduce the production of adrenaline. For hypertension, patients should take diuretics.

Many people probably already know what hypertension is. The main cause of high blood pressure is a disturbance not only in the functioning of the heart, but also in vascular tone. It should be noted that the disease does not have a specific status, so hypertension is not associated with diseases of systems and organs.

The main danger is that it can occur against the background of vascular damage caused by chronic nature. Against this background, the walls begin to lose their elasticity. Due to this, there is a risk of plaque formation, in medical practice they are called atherosclerotic.

This mechanism leads to a series of dangerous consequences. For example, due to poor blood circulation, a person cannot function normally important organs: brain and heart. Kidney function is often affected by hypertension.

In order to study the danger more carefully, it is necessary to understand what it is and what symptoms appear.

general information

Arterial hypertension in humans is diagnosed when blood pressure is high. To make it clear, let’s consider the main indicators of blood pressure.

So, the upper systole is more than 140 mm, and the lower diastole varies within 90 mm of mercury. According to statistics, it was noted that approximately 90% of people develop essential hypertension. With such an increase in blood pressure, the patient experiences obvious changes in the heart, as well as in the blood vessels.

Note that about 50%, hypertension occurs at an older age, for example, after 65 years. The main reason is the influence of psycho-emotional stress and disruption of the cardiovascular system.

There are several other factors to note that can lead to hypertension. When a person is overstrained, regulation begins to disturb hormonal mechanisms. Against this background, arterial hypertension occurs.

If qualified medical care is not provided in a timely manner, this can lead to a stroke, heart attack or kidney failure.

Clinical picture (symptoms)

When a person’s blood pressure rises, this always leads to a change in blood circulation. Against this background, vital organs cannot function normally.

Where is the change happening? As a rule, with hypertension there is a change in the blood supply to the heart and brain. As a result of this, a person loses his ability to work and becomes fatigued. Note that fatigue increases even with minor physical exertion.

How is hypertension diagnosed? There are certain symptoms that help diagnose hypertension.

  1. A person develops an anxious state.
  2. Irritability appears.
  3. A strong headache, which is pulsating in nature. As a rule, with hypertension, the pain symptom radiates to the occipital region.
  4. There is pain in the chest.
  5. With persistent hypertension, a person’s vision begins to deteriorate. Therefore, “floaters and fog” appear before the eyes.

In addition to these signs, shortness of breath occurs with hypertension, and a person experiences palpitations. Often with hypertension there are also neurological disorders. In this case, confusion or severe dizziness occurs.

It should be noted that at the initial stage of hypertension, a person has morning time malaise, headache and nervous tremors occur. All these symptoms lead to the person being unable to concentrate on the task at hand.

Important! Complications of hypertension can become life-threatening because they can develop pathologies in target organs.

At the initial stage of development, a person increases systolic pressure up to 160 mm Hg. Diastolic pressure with this phenomenon reaches 90 mm. If you rest at this moment, the indicators return to their previous norm, but at short period time. Therefore, it is necessary to take more radical methods treatment to prevent blood pressure from rising again.

Who is at risk

Currently, there is a certain classification of risk factors. Here are the main reasons that contribute to increased blood pressure.

  1. Old age, since during this period there are age-related changes in organism.
  2. Often occurs due to alcohol abuse.
  3. In case of improper (immoderate) use of salt. For example, if a person is used to eating exclusively salty foods.
  4. Blood pressure may increase with diabetes.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system also often provoke this phenomenon..

There are a few more reasons to note. Hypertension occurs in people who adhere to dietary nutrition With low content calcium. In addition, the cause may be obesity or constant psycho-emotional stress, as a result of which a person’s sleep is disturbed.

Many people believe that hypertension develops quickly. Actually this is not true. The development of hypertension occurs gradually, but symptoms may appear at the initial stage. In order to prevent the development of hypertension, it is necessary to lead a correct and healthy lifestyle.

The danger of high blood pressure

As you already understood, with hypertension, the walls of blood vessels are damaged, smooth muscle hypertrophy occurs, and the lumen of blood vessels begins to narrow. All this leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

As a result of this, atherosclerosis develops, and this in turn leads to a decrease in vascular patency. Thus, the patient’s patency increases to a critical level.

Main complications:

  1. If medical care is not provided in a timely manner, a circulatory disorder (of an acute nature) occurs directly in the brain.
  2. Hypertension can lead to serious pathology in which damage to the intima (the inner lining of the heart) occurs. Against this background, blood begins to flow under the membrane and this leads to aortic dissection.
  3. Observed primary lesion myocardium or chronic ventricular overload. As a result, a person experiences acute heart failure directly in the left ventricle.
  4. Due to the fact that with hypertension, blockage of blood vessels occurs, this leads to pathological change blood circulation
  5. IN in rare cases a rupture of the heart wall occurs - a heart attack.
  6. Hemolytic anemia occurs.

With persistent hypertension, visual disturbances may occur. For example, narrowing or complete loss of vision.

What is the danger from vital internal organs?

As practice shows, high blood pressure can negatively affect the entire body as a whole. Problems often arise from internal organs.

For example:

  1. May lead to dementia or memory loss.
  2. On the part of the heart, high blood pressure causes rupture of the walls, thereby provoking a heart attack.
  3. On the part of the kidneys, renal failure may occur or, for example, replacement renal tissue to the connective, this disease is called nephrosclerosis.
  4. On the part of the visual organs, the patient may experience damage to the retina or blood vessels in the eyeball.
  5. On the part of the pancreas, disturbances in the functioning of the organ occur, and as a result, it develops.

Often, with high blood pressure, kidney function is impaired (leading to cirrhosis) and reproductive system(dysfunction occurs).

Changes in the nervous system

On initial stage development of hypertension, spasm occurs small vessels, so it negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system.

It was said above that with this phenomenon the patient suffers from severe headache and weakness. However, in addition to these signs, emotional instability occurs.

As it progresses, more pronounced clinical picture. Since in this case, not only adrenaline is released, but also norepinephrine.

In medical practice there is the concept of “hypertensive psyche,” in other words, a pronounced change in a person’s behavior before and after illness.

The main symptoms of damage to the NS:

  1. The person becomes more irritable.
  2. Fatigue increases.
  3. Anxiety.
  4. The process of remembering at high blood pressure slows down.

As you can see, the consequences can be very sad. But the list of complications does not end there.

Visual disorders

Elderly people who often suffer from high blood pressure may experience problems with their vision.

Angiopathy occurs with hypertension. This means that the patient is at the bottom eyeball The veins have dilated, and there is also a narrowing of the arteries.

In rare cases, angiosclerosis of the retina is observed, the main cause is hypertension, usually of the cerebral form. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that first the patient develops retinal angiopathy, which leads to deformation of the vessels directly in the organs of vision. As a result, the vessels begin to lose their elasticity, and this leads to angiosclerosis.

Doctors noted that retinopathy can occur with hypertension. In this case, damage to the retina occurs. If medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner, this can lead to impaired blood circulation, directly in retina. As a treatment this complication, doctors use cryosurgical coagulation or vitreoretinal surgery.

Cardiac disorders in hypertension

With hypertension, spasm occurs not only in the coronary arteries, but also in the peripheral arteries. As a result of the violation – leads to poor circulation heart, as the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels is lost and their lumen narrows.

With prolonged overload of the heart muscle itself, the patient may experience heart failure and left ventricular hypertrophy.

It should also be noted that hypertensive crisis capable of provoking severe pain in the heart area, vascular edema and shortness of breath.

Does damage occur in the brain?

Yes, with hypertension, complications in the functioning of the brain can occur, since at this moment the patient develops morphological changes.

Main complications:

  1. Mental disorders occur, this phenomenon in medical practice is called vascular dementia. The acquired disease occurs against the background of a clear disruption of brain function. Symptoms: memory deteriorates, narrowing of interests, periods of apathetic mood, speech is impaired, social maladaptation (gets lost in the area, cannot pay for travel or purchases on their own).
  2. Diffuse pathologies can lead to changes in cerebral blood flow.

In addition to these complications, the patient may experience impaired cognitive function. What does it mean? With this phenomenon, a specific deviation occurs, against the background of which the patient experiences personality disorders. After all, when cognitive function is impaired, a person simply loses cognitive interest.

Important! Cognitive impairments are divided into 2 categories, it all depends on the nature of the origin. For example: functional (temporary) or organic, in this case the disorder is associated with an irreversible pathological process.

Additional complications

Doctors noted that in addition to the complications described above, kidney and sexual dysfunction may also occur.

In case of kidney failure, the following is noted:

  1. Inflammation of the adrenal glands.
  2. Kidney failure.
  3. Nephrosclerosis of the kidneys (wrinkling).

From the reproductive system:

  1. Inability to perform sexual intercourse (full).
  2. There is no nighttime erection, and there are also common problems with an erection.

Now you know why hypertension is dangerous. Therefore, at the first signs, you must immediately consult a doctor to prevent all possible complications.

Doctor, pharmacist Titova L.A.

This disease is very common, but most often for a long time people don't suspect it because hypertension is almost asymptomatic. Only when blood pressure readings go off scale do patients with hypertension first learn about their problem. The norm is considered to be a blood pressure of about 120/80 mm Hg. Art.. The reason to pay attention to your own health should be pressure readings of more than 140 by 90 mm.

Hypertension is diagnosed if the blood pressure is elevated three times during regular blood pressure measurements.

Why is hypertension dangerous?

In a healthy person, the vessels are elastic, expand or contract perfectly, ensuring normal blood circulation throughout the body. High pressure provokes damage to the walls of blood vessels, they become fragile. Because of this, cholesterol penetrates into the blood vessels, forming atherosclerotic plaques. Plaques clog blood vessels and thereby interfere with the functioning of human internal organs. The brain, kidneys and heart are primarily affected by high blood pressure. If hypertension causes blockage of blood vessels in these organs, the health of such a patient will be in great question, and a heart attack or stroke may occur. Due to blockage of the vessels of the heart, it increases significantly in size; if these are the vessels of the brain, then its cells die, and if the kidneys, they shrink and stop working.

« The silent killer“Hypertension is often called hypertension, because against the background of general, seemingly normal health, a person can die at any time or become disabled. After all, for example, a stroke (cerebral hemorrhage) provokes paralysis, and a heart attack often leads to death, because not always health care may arrive on time. Most often, hypertensive patients constantly complain of memory impairment, they are tormented by headaches, such patients are highly likely to sharp decline vision.

Who is at risk?

People with overweight. In this case, the vessels simply cannot supply all organs with blood, which is why the endocrine system and blood pressure rises. Patients are also at risk diabetes mellitus, as well as people who drive spend a lot of time without moving. The likelihood of developing arterial hypertension increases several times in those whose relatives have hypertension or cardiovascular diseases of varying severity. Frequent lack of sleep or sleep disturbances for one reason or another can also lead to hypertension.

How to deal with hypertension?

If you are diagnosed with hypertension, pay attention to your diet and lifestyle. Three simple advice will help you cope with the disease:

- Minimize salt intake (it retains water in the body, leading to an increase in the volume of fluid in the blood vessels and hypertension).

— focus your efforts on losing weight (measure your waist: normally, women’s waist circumference should not be more than 88 centimeters, and men’s – 102 cm).

- Stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Hypertensive patients must have a tonometer on hand to regularly measure their blood pressure.

Pressure should be measured on the upper arm by placing the tonometer cuff in upper section hands. Before measuring blood pressure, the person must be in calm state at least three minutes.

Of course, you must definitely use medical supplies blood pressure lowering medications prescribed by your doctor. If financial capabilities allow, then it would be best to undergo treatment in Israel.

In no case should treatment be interrupted on your own when, supposedly, your health has improved. It should be remembered that hypertension— the disease is chronic and hypertensive patients require constant maintenance therapy.



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