Mineral water benefits the body. How are mineral water harmful and beneficial? Mineral water is drinking water that contains minerals

As a rule, mineral water is sold carbonated. The basis of bubbles in water is carbon dioxide, which in itself is not harmful. But small bubbles stimulate gastric secretion, which leads to an increase in the acidic environment in the stomach and, as a result, provokes bloating. If a person has gastrointestinal diseases, such as ulcers or gastritis with increased acidity, then it is not recommended for him to drink water with gas. To get rid of gas bubbles, just shake the bottle with mineral water, and then leave with the lid open for a couple of hours.

Natural water is useful because such water is structured. Structured water replaces water with a destroyed structure in the human body. At constant use quality natural water the body is charged energetically, which means it can cope with infections, viruses and other pathologies on its own.

However, water mineral solutions there are various. Very concentrated solutions are very harmful to humans. You should be extremely careful with mineral water, which contains radioactive gases radon and hydrogen sulfide. These substances can cause a large number of side effects in the body.

Medicinal mineral water should be drunk in courses; it is not recommended to drink such water constantly. You cannot drink this water as usual; there must be a strict dosage under the supervision of a specialist.

Bottled mineral water, even if it is natural, was bottled by special machines and machines, and this happens almost without human intervention. No one knows whether the conditions during extraction and storage were taken into account, whether sanitary standards were observed, etc. Cases of poisoning with bottled water have already been recorded more than once.

During long transportation, the liquid crystals of natural water are destroyed and the water ceases to be structured, which means it is no longer so useful.

From the very beginning, man received salts from ordinary water and food. This amount of salt is enough for a person even now. But people have long learned to season with salt to improve the taste, and excess salt is not good to the human body. Dietitians constantly say that the amount of salt consumed should be reduced - this is necessary to prevent various diseases.

Now, with such abundance mineral water, it’s even easier to overdo it with a set of salts. Every year everyone more cases urolithiasis, salt deposits in joints, gout, etc.

The harm from carbonated mineral water increases many times over if you drink it with alcoholic drinks or drink it to combat a hangover. Mineral water, which is saturated with salts and carbon dioxide, is mixed with alcohol and reactions occur in the body that lead to irreversible metabolic disorders.

Carbon dioxide dissolved in water becomes very active after entering the body. It combines with biologically active substances, accelerates or stops the flow biochemical reactions, and this affects metabolism as a whole.

Water with carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid, which irritates the walls of the stomach, as a result the stomach begins to digest its walls.

Under the influence of carbonic acid, if it constantly enters the stomach, production increases gastric juice. In addition, carbon dioxide stretches the walls of the stomach and causes belching. With gas, acid from the stomach enters the esophagus, and this can lead to cancer.

Cold mineral water, which has high level carbonic acid, once in a warm stomach with an acidic environment, begins a gas formation reaction, and this can lead to the formation of holes in the stomach or rupture of the esophagus.

The beneficial properties of mineral water lie in its ability to accelerate metabolic processes, and especially the process of digesting food.

Healing properties of mineral water

Mineral water is rainwater that has been naturally purified over thousands of years and enriched with substances that are healing for our body. The quality of mineral water depends on the depth from which it is pumped and on the ecology of the area.

Many mineral water sources have existed on Earth for several hundred thousand years. As a rule, they are underground, but there are also surface ones, which are valued much more because they contain a greater biological composition active substances. These substances have amazing chemical and physical properties, which divide water according to the principle of application: external or internal.

Depending on the mineralization (the amount of mineral salts dissolved per unit volume), mineral water is divided into medicinal, table and medicinal-table.

The benefits of mineral water. What are the benefits of mineral water?

Mineral water is useful for people with impaired digestion and slow metabolism. It is consumed to prevent many diseases - this is precisely the main value of mineral water. Along with this, mineral water is indicated for severe cough or a cold.

It is known that mineral water prolongs life, stimulates the functioning of human cells and has a comprehensive beneficial influence for the whole body. The main components of all mineral waters are bicarbonate, chlorine, sulfate, magnesium, sodium and calcium. In general, mineral water contains almost the entire periodic table in minute quantities.

Chloride water - trouble-free remedy in the fight against diseases of the stomach and intestines. Hydrocarbonate water is used for urolithiasis and to normalize the secretion of gastric juice. And sulfate water is responsible for normal work gallbladder and liver, so it is recommended for people suffering from diseases biliary tract, obesity, diabetes and hepatitis. Doctors strongly recommend drinking this water on fasting days.

Treatment with mineral waters is slowly becoming a thing of the past. However, there are adherents who still use mineral water for preventive purposes as a remedy for thousands of diseases. Today's market is full of this drink; you can find brackish mineral water with or without carbonation. For this reason, given its prevalence, it is worth knowing what benefit or harm a miraculous drug can bring.

Types of mineral water

  1. Dining room. Mineralization of table water can be carried out if you have a laboratory and that’s it necessary equipment. The end result is a mineral water with a minimal content of salts and compounds compared to a natural drug. The drink can be useful for people who are deficient in one or another element. In one type of mineral water, sodium predominates, for example. The second is rich in phosphorus or calcium, the third is sulfate, and so on. But it is worth understanding that all this is achieved artificially.
  2. Therapeutic. The mineral water is exclusively natural, it is extracted from deep well, after which they are processed and cleaned. Therapeutic Narzan is tested by everyone possible ways for the absence of salts heavy metals and others harmful impurities. A person should get maximum benefit from using such a product. Due to its extensive concentration, mineral water should not be drunk in large quantities. The cost of such a drink is higher than the price possible analogues. Medicinal water should be consumed only as prescribed by a doctor for therapeutic purposes.
  3. Therapeutic dining room. Mixed type, which gained popularity. There are no strict restrictions on intake; however, the drink is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The concentration of active substances is reduced by 1.5-2 times than in purely medicinal mineral water. The mixed type includes not only table and medicinal water, but also regular filtered water. However, in terms of usefulness it is not inferior to the second type of mineral water.

The benefits of mineral water

  1. The drink is obtained from the depths of the earth. Water passes through the layers, thereby freeing itself from harmful impurities and becoming enriched nutrients. When consuming real mineral water, the activity of absolutely all vital functions is normalized. important systems and human organs. It’s not for nothing that our body consists largely of water.
  2. The healing mineral water truly works wonders. This is a real lifesaver for people with diseases gastrointestinal tract, heart, circulatory, endocrine, nervous system. Very often, mineral water is consumed for genitourinary, cardiac and intestinal disorders.
  3. Any purified water is a source of youth and longevity, mineral water in particular. When consuming mixed, table or medicinal mineral water, the body is rejuvenated on all fronts. The skin improves, wrinkles smooth out, and the person loses weight naturally.
  4. Since this drink contains a lot of calcium, the condition of teeth improves, bone tissue and nails. The drug has the pleasant feature of lowering cholesterol levels and cleansing blood channels. In view of this, maximum prevention of thrombophlebitis is carried out, varicose veins veins, atherosclerosis.
  5. It is useful to use Narzan for patients with diabetes. The mineral water contains all the compounds that are responsible for lowering blood glucose levels. On this basis it improves general state, insulin dependence is reduced.
  6. The beneficial properties of mineral water apply to people with overweight. The drink is included in absolutely any diet, therapeutic or preventive. It allows you to lose fat several times faster than if you lost weight with a small amount of daily water consumed.
  7. Mineral water improves bowel movements, relieves constipation and, on the contrary, diarrhea. Due to its diuretic properties, the kidneys are cleansed, sand and small stones are removed from their cavity. Narzan also has a positive effect on the liver, increasing the outflow of bile.
  8. Girls during menstrual cycle, ladies with menopause, expectant mothers simply need mineral water without gas. This drink will normalize the water-alkaline balance, increase hemoglobin, and normalize the psycho-emotional environment.
  9. Heated mineral water is used in health resorts for the treatment of pneumonia, bronchial asthma, lingering cough and other ailments associated with respiratory tract person. Mineral water promotes the removal of mucus and partially eliminates smoker's cough.
  10. You can prepare a facial tonic based on cool mineral water; narzan is also often frozen to obtain cosmetic ice. Subsequently, the use of these natural remedies will help you maintain youthful skin and cope with fine wrinkles.
  11. It is worth mentioning the obvious fact that a person should not be allowed to become dehydrated. Mineral water copes with this task perfectly if consumed regularly and in full doses. Also, against this background, digestive processes will improve, intestinal motility will improve, and stomach pain will go away.

  1. Women's doctors advise expectant and new mothers to drink mineral water in doses to give general tone body.
  2. During pregnancy, almost all women change their eating habits and suffer from toxicosis and indigestion (heartburn, constipation). Mineral water will help cope with these delicate problems.
  3. Nursing mothers simply need to consume water to get all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other elements. They will be passed along with the milk to the baby.
  4. The main thing is to remember that the reception should be carried out after releasing gases from a bottle of mineral water. To do this, leave the vessel open for 50-60 minutes.

Benefits of mineral water for the face

  1. Proper use of the skin product will give amazing results. This water can be consumed internally and used externally. The composition is mixed with other components when preparing homemade masks.
  2. It is important to know that for cosmetics It is necessary to use water without gas. Carbonated mineral water has a detrimental effect on the dermis. Carbon dioxide accelerates the aging process and destroys skin cells.
  3. To ensure proper hydration and toning, it is recommended to carry out a simple procedure every day. Freeze still mineral water in molds in advance. Wipe skin covering prepared ice cubes.
  4. To eliminate oily shine and improve activity sebaceous glands, you need to use mineral water with increased rate salts in the composition. As a result of systematically rubbing the face, the skin will acquire an even tone and the pores will narrow.
  5. To eliminate swelling on the face and get rid of bags under the eyes, you should prepare a simple tonic. Combine non-carbonated mineral water and chamomile decoction in equal quantities. Wipe your face with the product twice a day.
  6. To cleanse the skin and pores of impurities, brew calendula with boiled mineral water. Use the product as a lotion. Leave the composition on your face for a quarter of an hour.

  1. Currently topical issue What remains is whether mineral water can be given to children and at what age. There is definitely an answer, a child can only drink the product a certain type. You should not give mineral water to babies under six months. During this period, the body receives everything it needs from milk.
  2. If you are feeding your baby with an artificial formula, mineral water will not be superfluous at all. The drink can be included in the diet from 1 month. Keep in mind that it is necessary to use a special mineral water for infants. This water is often called children's water. The product undergoes thorough testing.
  3. It is not recommended to give mineral water to children natural origin With medicinal qualities. If there is such a need, consult your pediatrician in advance. The doctor will determine what mineral water should be given and with a certain composition.

Harm of mineral water

  1. It is important to understand that almost all mineral and table water is carbonated. An excess of carbon dioxide in the product provokes increased secretion gastric juice. In most cases, heartburn appears. After some time, gastritis and ulcers may develop.
  2. If you often drink an additionally mineralized product, the body may receive an excess of active substances. As a result, the water-salt balance is disrupted. May develop renal failure, sand and stones appear.
  3. Mineral water extracted in natural conditions, undergoes additional processing at the enterprise. As a result, most of the natural elements are lost. Similar product does not provide any benefit.
  4. If you consume natural narzan, it is important to understand that mineral water can provide benefits to the body. But, consuming raw materials in unlimited quantities, poisoning often occurs.

There are certainly benefits to mineral water. Consume the product wisely and study the composition. Natural springs It definitely won't harm your health. As for the product being sold, it all depends on the manufacturer. Before purchasing, always study the composition, date of manufacture and expiration date.

Video: mineral water - medicine or poison?

The Mail.Ru Health project asked experts whether it is possible to drink mineral water every day, is it used in the treatment of obesity, or how to choose it?

What's the salt?

There is a classification of natural mineral waters depending on the content of mineral salts per liter. Table waters - the least mineralized - contain no more than 1 g per liter of minerals, medicinal table waters - from 1 to 10 g of salts per liter, medicinal waters - more than 10 g per liter. You can drink table water every day, but you shouldn’t get hung up on any one type. Otherwise, there will be too much of some mineral salts in the body, and, on the contrary, not enough of others, explains nutritionist Yulia Bastrigina.

As explained by Yulia Moskvicheva, Ph.D., leading nutritionist, European Center aesthetic medicine EAC, table waters improve digestion, but, in fact, do not have pronounced medicinal properties, so they can be drunk in almost any quantity. This water helps remove toxins from the body and, as a rule, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to Bastrigina, you can drink medicinal table and medicinal waters only for a certain time, as they have a pronounced therapeutic effect. Self-prescription may cause exacerbation of some diseases or lead to the emergence of new ones. It is better to drink this water in a course with breaks and only after consulting a doctor.

Mineral waters can be classified based on chemical composition: hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate, sodium, calcium, magnesium and mixed composition. Another classification divides waters according to gas composition and individual elements: carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, bromide, iodide, arsenic, ferrous, silicon and radon. Also, water can be divided depending on the acidity of the environment into neutral, slightly acidic, acidic, strongly acidic, slightly alkaline and alkaline, says Evgeny Arzamastsev, nutritionist at the Margarita Koroleva Center for Aesthetic Medicine.

Photo Lori.ru

To drink or not

The most common microelements in mineral waters include iron, bromine, arsenic and silicon, says nutritionist Larisa Mulyk. Every type of water helps with certain diseases, therefore it is prescribed only after examination.

For example, for urolithiasis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, use bicarbonate water (alkaline). According to Tatyana Korkina, deputy chief physician for clinical expert work at the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center, such water will be useful for those who play sports, as well as for diabetes, infectious diseases. But there are contraindications: for example, . Chloride water stimulates metabolic processes, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but is contraindicated in cases of increased blood pressure. Another example is magnesium waters. They normalize the state of the nervous system during stress, said Yulia Moskvicheva. But you shouldn’t abuse them if you have a tendency to.

“Sulfate - used as a choleretic and laxative, indicated for obesity and diabetes mellitus. Not recommended for osteoporosis, since sulfates interfere with the absorption of calcium from food,” adds Moskvicheva. When consuming these waters, the regimen, dose and temperature of the water are extremely important - these are the factors, as Bastrigina clarified, that will either have an impact therapeutic effect, or, on the contrary, aggravate the disease. In addition, it is not recommended for children and adolescents to drink such water, since sulfates interfere with bone growth by binding calcium in the gastrointestinal tract into insoluble salts, says Korkina.

How and how much

Reception frequency medicinal water And daily dose depend on the characteristics of the body, on the type of mineral water and on the tasks set by the doctor, warns Larisa Mulyk. As a rule, it is customary to drink mineral water 15–30 minutes before meals with reduced gastric secretion, with normal secretion- 45–60 minutes before meals, with elevated levels - one and a half hours before meals.

For daily use water with a mineralization of 1 g per liter is suitable, important condition- active physical exercise and good sweating, in other cases it is better to consult a doctor, Evgeniy Arzamastsev is sure. “If you drink a lot of mineral water with poor fluid outflow, there is a high chance of getting kidney problems,” the expert explained.

With or without gas?

Another question is what kind of water to drink - carbonated or not. Manufacturers have to preserve the beneficial properties and taste qualities water. As Elena Smirnova, leading expert of Ecobureau GREENS, explained, only some sources are characterized by the natural presence of gas. “The waters are saturated with carbon dioxide for better preservation. It is almost impossible to distinguish whether the water has been artificially carbonated without an examination, and besides, natural carbon dioxide differs little from the added one,” she says.

According to Evgeniy Arzamastsev, mineral water without artificial gasification is most beneficial, but after some time it will lose its healing properties, since the microelements contained in the water quickly oxidize. “Carbon dioxide is added as a preservative to fully preserve all the qualities of the drink. To get rid of carbon dioxide, you can shake the open bottle a little and leave it for a while. A highly carbonated drink can increase the acidity of gastric juice. This, in turn, can lead to inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract,” said the specialist.

Photo Lori.ru

How not to buy a fake

According to Yulia Moskvicheva, mineral waters are the leader among counterfeit products. “Of course, you will not get any benefits from fake mineral water. Probably no particular harm. If it at least matches sanitary standards tap water and does not contain lead, mercury or Vibrio cholerae. But who can guarantee this?” says the doctor.

Since natural mineral water is a certain set of dissolved salts and their ions, it is not difficult to artificially create water that tastes like real water, says Natalia Fadeeva, Ph.D., nutritionist. According to the expert, crude fakes are especially dangerous when soda and salt are simply added to the water in certain proportions.

Yulia Bastrigina recommends paying attention to the integrity of the packaging, the cleanliness of the bottle, and impurities in the water. Well, if when drinking water you feel a burning sensation or a too strong chemical smell, then it is better to throw it away. Tatyana Korkina advises buying mineral water only in trusted pharmacies or stores, and paying attention to the appearance of the bottle. Sometimes the label contains lists of diseases for which it is recommended to drink this mineral water. However, recommendations on the label like “Used for diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, biliary tract,” or “Used for diseases of the digestive system” will not allow you to easily navigate the choice of water.

Evgeniy Arzamastsev said that the name “mineral water” on labels is fixed by law. This means that the water was bottled straight from the source and has not undergone any additional processing. Another name included in the GOST system is drinking water. If there is an inscription on the bottle, this indicates the presence of water in it, artificially enriched with minerals.

“It is best to choose water produced according to old standards. You can find out by the final two digits of the GOST code, they indicate the year of its creation. The older it is, the more proven and reliable are the sources from which the mineral water was extracted. From water produced according to specifications ( technical specifications- ed.), it is advisable to refuse, since it may not have any beneficial properties,” advises Arzamastsev.

The label, according to Elena Smirnova, should be studied very carefully; it should indicate:

  • Number of the well(s) and, if available, the name of the field (field site) or the name of the source.
  • Name and location (address) of the manufacturer, address of the organization authorized to accept claims.
  • Ionic composition of water (as a rule, the content of calcium, magnesium, potassium, bicarbonates, chlorides is indicated).
  • GOST or technical conditions according to which the water is produced.
  • Volume, bottling date, expiration date and storage conditions.

“Compliance with GOST ensures that the standards for the safe presence of pollutants such as mercury, cadmium or lead, radionuclides in water are not exceeded, and there is no bacterial contamination,” says Smirnova.
Experts advise storing bottles of mineral water in horizontal position at a temperature of 4–14 degrees.

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Experts agree that it is best to drink mineral water directly from the source. For Russians, this is quite feasible - almost every region of the country has one.

Anna Koroleva

Reading time: 6 minutes


Drinking water is life. A person cannot live even a week without water. And mineral water differs from ordinary water in many healing properties.

Where did so much appear in the water? useful substances? The fact is that the basis of mineral water is rainwater, which has accumulated in the bowels of the earth for many centuries. Just imagine how many minerals and other useful substances dissolved in it during this time!

What is real mineral water: types and composition

The classification of mineral water is based on differences in composition, level of acidity and radioactivity. There is a separate branch of medicine - balneology, and specialists in this field painstakingly study the composition of mineral waters and their benefits for the body.

There are several types of mineral water

Table mineral water. This type is useful for general stimulation of digestion, however healing properties does not possess. Table water tastes pleasant, is soft to drink and does not have any foreign odors or tastes. Many drinks are made from table water. Food should not be cooked with such water.- when boiling minerals fall out as sediment or form compounds that our body is not able to absorb.

Medical dining room. This water has healing properties and is very effective when used properly. Moderation should be observed When drinking medicinal table mineral water, oversaturation of the body with minerals can lead to an imbalance in the salt balance.

Therapeutic. Healing mineral water You can not only drink, but also use it for inhalation and bathing. To achieve tangible effect, you must follow the correct dosage, diet, and drink water regularly.

Mineral waters can also be classified according to their chemical composition.

Hydrocarbonate. Thanks to a large number mineral salts, this water can reduce the acidity level of gastric juice. It is recommended to drink for heartburn, cystitis and diseases of the urolithiasis.

Chloride. Promotes stimulation metabolic processes in the body, improves the performance of the stomach and intestines, so doctors recommend including it in the diet for various disorders of the digestive system.

Sulfate mineral water. Restores the functions of the gallbladder and liver, and also cleanses the body of toxins and impurities. Sulphate water should be consumed by patients with hepatitis, diabetes and various stages of obesity. However, it is contraindicated for children and adolescents, as it can interfere with the absorption of calcium by the body.

In addition to the above, there are many more types of mineral water - sodium, calcium, sulfide, silicon, bromide, radon.

In addition to its composition, mineral water also differs in its temperature - it can be cold, subthermal, thermal and hyperthermal.

What should not be in mineral water?

The requirements for mineral water producers today are very strict, and there should be no additives of unknown origin in it.

The following information must be indicated on the labels:

  • Source location.
  • Shelf life.
  • Well number.
  • Date of manufacture.
  • Many labels also indicate a list of diseases for which it is recommended to drink a particular type of water.

On a note!

Beware of counterfeits and buy mineral water in trusted stores or pharmacies. On the shelves you can often find artificial analogues of mineral water, obtained by combining simple tap water and salts with carbon dioxide. This water complies with GOST, but no longer provides any benefit to the body.

By appearance mineral water can also be different - colorless, yellowish or greenish with sediments of mineral salts at the bottom of the container.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of mineral water are undeniable - it is a real storehouse of minerals necessary for our body. And since each type of water has individual properties, you need to choose mineral water very carefully.

Due to its mixed structure it is healing mineral water can be considered the best option for many of us.

Regardless of the subtype, it is useful for the following diseases:

  • Chronic hepatitis, biliary tract diseases.
  • Diabetes and obesity.
  • Anemia, thyroid disease.
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
  • In addition, mineral water improves blood clotting, strengthens muscles, bones and teeth, and also helps normalize blood pressure.


  1. At excessive consumption Any mineral water can harm the body. That is why any mineral water should be consumed in courses, taking breaks.
  2. Mineral water contains a lot of salts, and it excessive consumption– this is a threat of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.
  3. Under no circumstances should you drink mineral water. alcoholic drinks- the result will be irreversible damage in the metabolic system!
  4. The daily consumption rate of mineral water is no more than half a liter. At various diseases Before taking it, it is better to consult with your doctor.
  5. Mineral water, like other products, has an expiration date, so when choosing your treasured bottle, do not ignore the bottling date. Mineral water can be stored in glass containers for up to a year, and in plastic containers – no more than six months.

The whole truth about mineral water – we answer readers’ questions

About mineral water, its beneficial properties and the extraction process can be told for a very long time. Here's one of the most frequently asked questions, which buyers themselves ask manufacturers - why do they carbonate water?

As a rule, there is no carbon dioxide in natural mineral water - it is added during the bottling process for greater preservation. Carbon dioxide, when consumed in moderation, can be beneficial - it has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. And some people just like the tingling bubbles in the water.

On a note! It is still better to give to children still water, and for the gas to escape from the bottle, leave the container open for 15-20 minutes.

At what age can a child drink mineral water?

  1. Of all types of mineral water Babies can only be given table water top quality. This water is perfect for diluting food mixtures.
  2. Medicinal table mineral water can only be prescribed by a pediatrician children over one year old.
  3. It is contraindicated to give medicinal mineral water to children, as this can subsequently have a detrimental effect on the kidneys and metabolic system.

On a note! And remember that an opened bottle of mineral water can be stored for no more than two days.

Mineral water in the diet of pregnant and breastfeeding women

Mineral water can enrich the body expectant mother the most useful elements which are necessary for the healthy development of the child. It works here Golden Rule– it is important to follow the norm, otherwise unpleasant problems may appear side effects in the form of heartburn and flatulence. In addition, it is better to drink non-carbonated mineral water, since carbon dioxide can harm pregnant women.

A balanced consumption of mineral water will help strengthen the body before childbirth and cope with the nausea that appears during toxicosis.

During breastfeeding, you should adhere to the same rules - beneficial substances will reach the baby along with the milk, and mineral water will only be beneficial for a nursing mother.

What mineral water should athletes drink?

Mineral water is the main source of fluid that athletes are recommended to drink. Best choice is bicarbonate mineral table water - it perfectly quenches thirst and replenishes salt deficiency in the body. In addition, it is preferable for athletes to choose non-carbonated mineral water.

The healing properties of mineral water directly for athletes:

  • Mineral water helps accumulate energy in muscle tissue.
  • Helps increase physical strength.
  • Reduces muscle weakness and spasms.
  • Helps to better tolerate stress and increases endurance.
  • Improves metabolism, as a result of which protein is better absorbed and muscles grow faster.

Rating of mineral water in Russia

Every day, shoppers take thousands of bottles of mineral water off store shelves. IN Lately the number of manufacturers has increased significantly, but time-tested brands enjoy the greatest trust among buyers.

Perhaps we can call this brand the most popular and recognizable in Russia.

The Borjomi mineral spring is located in Georgia, and its composition has remained unchanged for about a hundred years. So we can say with confidence that this brand is time-tested.

Essentuki. This famous brand boasts a large assortment - water is extracted from 20 sources, and the production plant itself is located in the city of the same name.

Narzan. This brand has been familiar to many Russians since childhood. Narzan springs are famous for their antiquity - they were mentioned in ancient chronicles back in the 14th century. And the name in the Kabardian dialect means “drink of heroes.” The main difference between this brand and other manufacturers is the natural presence of carbon dioxide in mineral water.

Slavyanovskaya mineral water. Many experts compare this water with the famous Czech springs in Karlovy Vary, and consider it just as useful.

In stores you can find mineral water from different manufacturers, but the main rule of choice at the time of purchase is to indicate that the product is manufactured in accordance with GOST.

5 myths about mineral water

Myth No. 1. Mineral water is salty. And salt is very harmful to the body.

Many people mistakenly confuse the usual table salt with minerals. Between table salt There is a huge difference between the salt we use every day and the salt created by nature. When consumed in moderation mineral salts will only bring benefits.

Myth No. 2. The supply of water in wells does not last forever. Surely the water is artificially saturated with minerals.

The production and extraction of mineral waters is carefully controlled and tested. The natural presence of salts and nutrients is the advantage of mineral water.



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