Therapeutic profile, which specialties are included. Medical professions: list

Most people do not know what types of doctors there are besides those with whom you can make an appointment at a regular clinic. Actually exists huge amount There are quite rare medical specialties that require higher education.

Common professions

There are several main professional areas that are well known to everyone. These are the ones most often received by those young doctors who have just graduated from medical university and internship. Thanks to this, even children know what doctors are like. The main ones are:

  • general practitioner;
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • pediatrician.

No less often in demand are:

  • otolaryngologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • dermatologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • pulmonologist

We must not forget that the following specialists may be needed:

  • dentist;
  • oncologist;
  • radiologist;
  • urologist;
  • nephrologist.

The work of these professionals is the basis for the functioning of the entire medical industry. They are the ones who are most often directly involved in treating patients.

Second line doctors

Patients often learn about what doctors are like in cases where they fall ill with a relatively rare pathology. In this situation, as a rule, doctors who do not belong to primary care are hired to work. The main ones are:

  • hematologists;
  • immunologists;
  • allergists;
  • hepatologists;
  • vascular surgeons;
  • rehabilitation doctors;
  • infectious disease specialists;
  • nephrologists;
  • orthopedists;
  • phthisiatricians;
  • valeologists;
  • psychiatrists;
  • psychotherapists;
  • traumatologists;
  • doctors functional diagnostics.

Such specialists also have direct contact with patients. Thanks to them it is possible to treat enough rare diseases, which primary care doctors cannot cope with.


With the development of medicine, new branches are gradually appearing. Accordingly, professions are emerging that did not exist before. The most interesting in this regard are the following specialties:

  • epileptologist;
  • mycologist;
  • vertebrologist;
  • audiologist;
  • radiologist;
  • reproductive specialist;
  • cosmetologist;
  • geneticist;
  • nutritionist

Such specialists work in a very narrow direction. Their task often does not even imply the direct treatment of certain diseases. It consists of restoring the patient after their occurrence or after the end of the pathological process.

About sanitary doctors

The main areas in which students can study at medical universities are:

  1. Medicinal.
  2. Diagnostic.
  3. Sanitary.

Doctors of the first two specialties work in different areas. At the same time, the sanitary doctor carries out completely different activities. The main section of his work is monitoring compliance with sanitary and hygiene standards and rules in a wide variety of institutions, including medical ones.

In addition, this doctor is engaged in analytical activities in order to early detection and effectively counteract various epidemiological outbreaks of certain diseases. That is, it is within its competence to prevent socially significant illnesses at the level of any administrative unit.

About veterinarians

Almost every person who has a pet knows what kinds of doctors there are, in addition to those who treat people. After all, pets are also susceptible to diseases. In this case, someone who is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases in animals comes to the rescue.

A doctor of this specialty, in addition to various veterinary clinics can also work at enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. Here he monitors the health of farm animals. The work of such a specialist is extremely important, because he is responsible for the prevention of epidemics among livestock, correct set weight, the rate of increase in livestock and even the quality of the products obtained thanks to it (milk, eggs, meat, hides, wool, etc.).

Administrative positions

In addition to treating specialists, such as a general practitioner or surgeon, there are other doctors. They manage healthcare organizations, plan their activities and determine general direction development of this industry.

This kind of work is extremely important. The cost of a mistake made by a dentist or operating surgeon can be several times less (despite all the possible tragedy) than what happens to a minister or the head of a regional health department.

Among administrative positions, the most common are the following:

  • chief physician;
  • deputies of the main part, for MEiR, for outpatient care and others);
  • head of the clinic;
  • heads of departments and structural units.

All of these doctors are not typically involved in the direct treatment or management of patients. At the same time, they often contact them no less frequently. This is due to the fact that the administration’s responsibilities include analyzing and resolving conflicts, as well as any controversial situations that arise between doctors and patients or their relatives. In addition, an administrative position obliges a doctor to contact the leadership of other departments and industries to solve problems of a social nature, in which medical workers are also involved.

Physician administrators are often not graduated medical universities. You can become them only in the process of your labor activity. At the same time, in postgraduate education institutions there are a number of primary retraining courses for administrative positions. Typically, doctors are referred to them after their appointment, and not before it.

Since people are constantly worried about their health and need quality proper treatment, medical science continues to occupy the first position among young people choosing a profession. But since the directions in the medical profession are very different, and accordingly the training is also different, future specialists face a large choice. To make the right decision for yourself, you need to obtain basic information about existing trends in this area.

What professions exist in medicine?

A medical specialty does not necessarily directly imply the profession of a doctor; in fact, there are many directions in this activity. It all depends on the desire of the person and the place of his training. For example, in medical college you get less complex training, and graduates receive the specialty of nurse or paramedic. After this, they can continue their education, choosing professions related to medicine, or enroll in a university on preferential terms.

There are also secondary professions in the field of medicine, such as veterinarian, speech therapist, psychologist, cosmetologist. They also require special training at universities, but the person will not necessarily work in medical institution.

Directly medical specialties taught in universities, for example, obstetrician, gastroenterologist, oncologist. Typically, applicants are offered several faculties that teach certain areas. Minimum term training in medical school is six years, and this is intense, in-depth training that requires patience, diligence and attentiveness, since the lives of future patients depend on its quality.

To choose a suitable specialization for yourself, you need to take into account factors such as the demand for this profession, how highly paid it is, whether it has a future, that is, whether it is promising or not. You also need to correctly assess your abilities in relation to medical activities.

The most in-demand professions in medicine

Despite the fact that trained workers are graduated annually medical field, statistics show a lack good specialists. According to research, the most popular professions in medicine in Russia are:

  • Dentist – does not stop occupying the first position of the most necessary professions. This is due to the continued growth dental clinics public and private importance, and accordingly free vacancies for good doctors;
  • Therapists are the most common field among students and rank second according to statistics;
  • Pediatrician – vacancies are mainly in public clinics or large private medical centers.

The most in-demand professions in medicine are still doctors with a narrow focus - ENT, radiologist, ophthalmologist, gynecologist, neurologist, functional diagnostics doctor and surgeon. But to the question of what profession in medicine is the most in demand, the answer is still the same – dentist, especially with a surgical focus. These analytical facts indicate either an increase in passivity on the part of young people in relation to this area of ​​working specialties, or an increase in the number of sick people. But be that as it may, training in the listed specialties has the prospect of career growth.

The highest paying professions in medicine

Scarce professions in medicine, unfortunately, are not always highly paid, which may be why they are not so popular among applicants. At the same time, the most paid professions in medicine are related to extreme conditions work, many difficulties and difficult diagnosis and treatment. In Russia, these are the specialties of neuro- and cardiac surgery, gynecology, and surgeons are always in demand. High salaries for scarce dental surgeons and massage therapists. But these statistics apply to clinics of national importance.

The most highly paid professions in medicine, regarding private clinics, these are cosmetologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, as well as resuscitators and anesthesiologists. Slightly less paid pediatricians and ultrasound specialists.

What are the types of professions in medicine?

Professions in the field of medicine are very different; during their studies, students are given a choice of directions:

  • General Medicine – this faculty allows doctors with a narrow focus to obtain a specialty. Some institutions offer more than 100 specialties to choose from. The list of professions in medicine at the Faculty of General Medicine includes the following areas: therapist, gynecologist, cardiologist, oncologist, cosmetologist, nutritionist and others;
  • Pediatrics - the faculty prepares pediatric doctors who are able to guide the patient from birth and notice in time alarming symptoms each of them. They may be general practitioners or with a specific specialty (e.g. pediatric cardiologist);
  • Dentistry - specialists of a wide range, these are therapists, surgeons of their specialty, as well as decision-making doctors various problems and defects of the jaw apparatus;
  • Pharmacology – prepares specialists who are able to select the right medicine, as well as produce a new one. Pharmacists may also occupy leadership positions on quality control of drug production or personnel management.

The list of professions in medicine is very large, and most applicants prefer to choose a direction after enrolling in the course. They all differ in the purpose of their activities and the scope of their research, but it is almost impossible to answer the question of which is the most difficult profession in medicine, since each of them requires responsibility.

Harmful professions in medicine

Medical personnel according to a special labor assessment, compensation for harmfulness is accrued, additional leave is provided and daily pay is reduced. working hours, some specialties provide food products, compensating for the harmful effects on the body. Harmfulness in medical professions concerns the following categories of workers:

  • Health workers providing assistance in the treatment of tuberculosis and HIV-infected patients;
  • Psychiatric workers;
  • Persons involved in the production of antibiotics;
  • X-ray room workers.

These are just some of the existing harmful professions in the field of medicine.

Professions of the future in medicine

They are primarily related to the development of new technologies and work with equipment. According to WEF experts, such professions will be:

  • Lobbyists for robot surgeons – that is, those promoting technology in the medical market;
  • Telesurgeons are experienced surgeons who perform operations on people using robots;
  • Developer of organs for transplantation to solve the problem of shortage of donor organs.

Some believe that such specialties will be needed in 10-15 years, so they call them the future of modern medicine.

New professions in medicine

Despite what professions there are in medicine today, it would be prudent to choose training in accordance with developing technologies. Soon it is planned to introduce new specialties related to biotechnological treatment of the body and the transition to computer management of the health of each individual patient. This means a transition from the traditional stage of treatment to a completely new era.

Professions in medicine for girls

The choice of a medical profession for girls should be guided by their own abilities and inclinations for a certain category of work. There are no male or female specialties in medicine; everything depends on the personal desire of the young specialist.

Medical professions after 9th grade

To obtain them, a 9th grade graduate has access to medical colleges, and only then to universities. You can get the following specialties:

  • Nursing;
  • General medicine – paramedic;
  • Orthopedic dentistry, dental technician;
  • Laboratory assistant;
  • Obstetrics;
  • Pharmaceuticals.

Although during training the student receives school education in basic subjects, obtaining a medical specialty allows him to save time on learning a working specialty.

We all visit doctors throughout our lives. As you understand, many organs and systems function in the human body, and not always a general practitioner can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Most often, the patient is referred for consultation to a specific specialist with a narrow focus. There are quite a few specializations of doctors. Let's talk about what kind of doctors there are and what they treat.

General practitioners

This list includes doctors who make an initial diagnosis, and also send you for consultation with other specialists, and also make home visits.

In order to understand what kind of doctors there are, it is important to understand that in the human body there are some systems consisting of organs and tissues. For example, bone, digestive, cardiovascular, etc. Specialists in this group treat diseases of a specific system.

  • An immunologist is a specialist who treats immune system. Quite often this specialization is combined with allergology.
  • A cardiologist is a doctor who treats the cardiovascular system. Namely, diseases of the heart, large and small vessels in the body. In addition, if you have headaches or shortness of breath, your physician will often refer you to a cardiologist.
  • A dentist is a doctor with a fairly broad practice who treats a person’s teeth, oral cavity, jaw, as well as certain areas of the neck and face. Dentists also have their own specializations - there are specialists who deal only with the treatment or removal of teeth, or with prosthetics. But quite often a dentist combines several functions at once.
  • Endocrinologist is a specialist who studies and treats humoral or hormonal system body. In addition, such a doctor studies metabolism. Sometimes there is an endocrinologist with a second specialization - gynecology. Such a specialist deals with the problems of female hormones.
  • Pulmonologist - a doctor who deals with diseases respiratory tract such as asthma, pneumonia or tuberculosis.
  • An ophthalmologist or ophthalmologist is a specialist who examines and treats the organs of vision and studies the structure and functioning of the eyes. In addition, such a doctor deals with the prevention of eye diseases.
  • Neuropathologist and neurologist are doctors who treat the nervous system. Their area of ​​interest includes any pain associated with nerve disorders, as well as various types of neuroses.
  • A psychiatrist is a specialist who treats the human psyche. If we consider what kind of doctors there are from a historical perspective, then psychiatry is one of the youngest specializations, because before mental illness were not considered an object of medicine.
  • A dermatologist or dermatovenerologist is a doctor who treats skin diseases, as well as venereal diseases. It is worth noting that a dermatologist quite often has the additional specialization of a cosmetologist.
  • Gastroenterologist – disease specialist gastrointestinal tract. If you have problems with your intestines and you don’t know which doctor treats it, then first of all you should contact this specialist. Sometimes a gastroenterologist combines the functions of a nutritionist - a specialist in human nutrition.

What doctors are there who specialize in women's health?

  • A gynecologist is a doctor who deals with diseases unique to female body– diseases of the female genital organs, disorders menstrual cycle, infertility, etc. In addition, in the maternity hospital, gynecologists accompany women during childbirth.
  • Mammologist is a specialist in diseases of the mammary glands. Besides this, he deals with everything cosmetic surgeries female breast.

What kind of doctors are there for men's problems?

  • An andrologist or urologist-andrologist is a specialist who deals with sexual disorders in men, as well as disorders reproductive sphere. In addition, a urologist also treats diseases related to the genitourinary system.
  • A proctologist is a specialist who deals with intestinal diseases. However, most often, people turn to him with the problem of prostatitis.

It is worth noting that if you are worried about hemorrhoids, your therapist will prescribe which doctor to see, however, most often a proctologist deals with this unpleasant disease.

Specialist doctors

  • A phlebologist is a specialist in venous diseases, so this is the doctor who treats varicose veins veins and thrombophlebitis.
  • A phthisiatrician is a doctor who treats pulmonary tuberculosis, but quite often a pulmonologist takes on his role.
  • A trichologist is a doctor who studies and treats diseases of the hair and scalp.
  • An otorhinolaryngologist or ENT is a doctor who treats diseases of the ears, nose and throat. In addition, it is engaged in the extraction of foreign objects from these organs.
  • An oncologist is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of various tumors and cancer.
  • A nephrologist is a doctor who deals with kidney diseases. However, quite often the functions of a nephrologist are performed by a urologist.
  • An allergist is a specialist in the treatment of various types of allergies, as well as autoimmune diseases.
  • Traumatologist is a doctor who treats various types injuries, damage and fractures.

What types of related doctors are there?

This type of doctor does not deal with any specific disease, however, their help is necessary in the treatment of many diseases

  • A surgeon is a specialist in the treatment of diseases that require physical surgery.
  • Anesthesiologist is a specialist who studies and selects means and methods to provide anesthesia during pain syndromes, surgeries and injuries.

What types of doctors are there who are not involved in the treatment of diseases?

  • Pathologist - studies diseases by autopsy and examination of human corpses. In addition, he makes a posthumous diagnosis, finds the cause of death, and also examines the effect of the disease on the body.
  • Forensic expert – separate species doctors doing research dead body in order to determine the place, time and cause of death. Such a doctor works purely at the request of law enforcement agencies.

It is very easy to get confused in the terminology of a huge list of doctors. Subject to availability unusual symptoms and diseases, it is difficult to know who to contact for professional help. A doctor is a person who has knowledge, skills and experience in the prevention and treatment of illnesses, to support normal functioning body. This is a person with a higher medical education.

Doctors' professions: list

Doctors are veterinary - this is a person who has veterinary education, dental - unlike a dentist, this person has a secondary medical education who provides first dental care, has restrictions on actions in dentistry.

Medical professions are divided into:

  • Preventative;
  • Clinical;
  • Pharmacology;
  • Medical and biological;
  • Theoretical;
  • Evidence-based.

Preventive medicine is responsible for sanitation and hygiene, the prevention of diseases in a person, a group of people or an entire population. Preventive medicine has sections and specialists related to them.

Hygiene – deals with the study of action external environment per person to optimize beneficial effects (hygienist).

Sanitation – deals with health protection and disease prevention (sanitary doctor). Recreational – develops methods of increasing the body’s immunity, sanitary-resort treatment, and sports. Massage therapists and therapists are often responsible for recreational medicine.

Therapeutic specialties of doctors: list

Each professional area has its own types of specialties. Doctors of therapeutic specialty are most in demand. Below is a list of doctors in the therapeutic area and brief description their activities


  • An allergist treats allergic diseases and monitoring its progress.
  • A gastroenterologist is responsible for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Hematologist - his competence includes pathologies related to blood and circulatory organs(anemia, autoimmune thrombocytopenia, lymphoma).
  • A hepatologist specializes in liver diseases.
  • The hirudotherapist is responsible for treatment with medicinal leeches.
  • Dermatologist – specialization, skin diseases.
  • An immunologist is responsible for diseases associated with disorders of the immune system (allergies, chronic cough, chronic fatigue syndrome).
  • An infectious disease specialist helps with infectious diseases (dysentery, measles, rabies, ARVI viruses, tetanus).
  • Cardiologist – diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Cosmetologist – studies, diagnoses and treats cosmetic defects skin(calluses, pigmentation).
  • A mycologist deals with fungal diseases of the skin and nails.
  • Ophthalmologist – prevention and treatment of vision organs.
  • Osteopath - searches for the causes of violations of the structural-anatomical relationship between organs and parts of the body, and treats with the help of manual massage.
  • Otolaryngologist – respiratory and hearing diseases.
  • Pediatrician - children's therapist
  • A psychiatrist searches for abnormalities and treats the psyche.
  • A psychologist studies the manifestations psychic phenomena V different areas activities.
  • A pulmonologist is responsible for diseases pulmonary system body.
  • A radiologist is responsible for making a diagnosis by examining x-ray images.
  • A somnologist deals with sleep disorders.
  • An audiologist helps people with hearing impairments adapt.

Therapist is a general practitioner who diagnoses, treats and provides preventive actions against diseases internal organs. Trichologist – responsible for the treatment and prevention of the scalp and hair. An ultrasound specialist studies the functioning of internal organs using an ultrasound machine.

A phlebologist treats diseases of the blood vessels;

A phthisiatrician is a highly specialized doctor responsible for the treatment of tuberculosis. Cytologist - doctors of this specialty examine the processes inside cells on early stage diseases, determine the presence of pathology . Endocrinologist – diseases of the human endocrine system ( diabetes mellitus, obesity, insulinoma).

Specializations of dentists

The role of doctors of narrow specialties who are responsible for genitourinary system(gynecologist, obstetrician, urologist, nephrologist, sexologist, coloproctologist, anesthesiologist), oncological diseases(mammologist, gynecological oncologist, oncologist, oncodermatologist), surgical procedures (surgeon, proctologist, cardiac surgeon, plastic surgeon, neurosurgeon).

Dentists are also divided by specialization, which have a similar name to therapy:

  • The therapist is a general practitioner who examines the oral cavity, makes a diagnosis and refers to a more specialized specialist.
  • Surgeon - conducts surgical operations in the field of dentistry.
  • Orthodontist – corrects the bite.
  • Orthopedist – dental restoration and prosthetics.
  • Implantologist – restoration of dentition using implants.
  • Periodontist – prevention and treatment of the oral mucosa.

Illegal distribution medical practitioners in many countries it is punishable. If illegal activities lead to tragic consequences, then such a doctor will face criminal punishment.

Main list of doctors of narrow specialization

Disinfectology studies preventive measures against infectious diseases (disinfector). Epidemiology deals with the localization and reduction of disease (epidemiologist). Clinical medicine is responsible for treating and preventing relapse in the patient.

IN clinical medicine includes the following sections and specialists:

  • Dietetics/nutritionist;
  • Gerontology/gerontologist;
  • Cardiology/cardiologist;
  • Neurology/neurologist;
  • Ophthalmology/ophthalmologist;
  • Pediatrics/pediatrician;
  • Psychiatry/psychiatrist;
  • Dentistry/dentist;
  • Therapy/physician;
  • Urology/urologist;
  • Surgery/surgeon;
  • Endocrinology/endocrinologist.

Pharmacology is a science that studies the effects of medicinal substances on the body. Biochemical pharmacology observes processes in the body. Clinical pharmacology engages in action research medicinal drugs on the patient.

Molecular pharmacology studies the molecular effects of therapeutic drugs.

Pharmacogenomics is responsible for studying the interaction between a specific gene and a drug. Pharmacy - this discipline is responsible for searching natural sources medicinal substances, their production, safety, storage and release. Pharmacoepidemiology studies the effects of drugs on a group of people. Experimental pharmacology studies the action medicines during the experiment.

Different specialties of doctors (video)

The remaining branches of medicine are auxiliary for clinical and preventive medicine. But, none of the sections can exist without each other. Practicing physician in his professional activity prevents, recognizes and treats various diseases and injuries. Constantly improves his knowledge and skills by studying new research in the field of medicine.

The profession of a surgeon is one of the most important and most difficult in medicine. Being independent medical field, surgery deals with the treatment of acute and chronic diseases by surgical intervention. A surgeon is one who, in his area of ​​specialization, has perfectly mastered surgically treatment.

To become a surgeon, you must obtain higher medical education, then practical experience while constantly improving your knowledge.

Surgery today does not stand still. It is constantly developing and moving forward. In it, like nowhere else, innovative methods and technologies are quickly and efficiently introduced, constantly mastered modern technology surgical treatment.

To master all of the above, a surgeon of any specialty must study throughout his entire practice.

To become a real surgeon, only one medical education not enough. For a doctor of this profession it is necessary be healthy physically and psychologically.

Carrying out operations is difficult, intense physical and emotional labor. And daily contact with seriously, sometimes terminally ill people requires mental strength and resilience.

At the same time, like any doctor, a surgeon must possess such qualities as humanity, compassion, and the ability to hear and understand the patient.

At the same time, he needs determination, firmness, confidence in yourself and your actions, composure, restraint.

Doctors of the surgical profession must be able to communicate with different, mostly unhealthy, people. They need to be responsible, purposeful, hardworking, and resilient.

Surgeon's working day is not limited to eight to five. Emergency surgery may be required at any time of the day.

Therefore, the surgeon, as a rule, does not belong to himself. He belongs to his profession, which requires complete dedication.

In any field of medicine Surgeons collect anamnesis, make a diagnosis, competently prepare the patient for surgery, operate on the patient, manage him during the postoperative period, and monitor him during rehabilitation. In addition, surgeons describe each patient and the medical procedures performed in the medical history.

From surgeons knowledge required all the subtleties of the structure human body and impeccable mastery of operating technique. The doctor performing the operation must be able to use numerous surgical instruments and complex equipment.

He must perfectly understand the principles of asepsis and antisepsis, the mechanism of pain relief, both general and local. The surgeon requires knowledge of health laws, physical therapy and radiology skills.

Real surgeons are those who are not afraid to entrust their lives. Such doctors perform every operation with their hands, mind and heart, using all their accumulated knowledge and experience.

IN modern medicine exists many surgical specialties.

To work in one of the areas, a surgeon must pass postgraduate training in the chosen field. The existence of narrow specializations in today's surgery is quite justified. The branching of surgical activities occurs depending on the nature of the disease and its severity.

Surgical specializations can be divided into:

  • Planned surgery.
  • Emergency surgery.

Treats acute stages of diseases emergency surgery. Along with this, there is a specialization of surgeons elective surgery, which deals with hernias, diseases of the liver, kidneys, biliary tract, endocrine system body.

On the other hand, surgical professions are classified as:

  • General.
  • Specialized.

For example, a trauma surgeon belongs to the general surgical field. But a surgeon working in microsurgery is specialized, since microsurgery itself is one of the branches of cardiac surgery.

Surgery can be distinguished separately:

  • Purulent.
  • Children's room.
  • Plastic.
  • Connective tissue.
  • Musculoskeletal system.
  • The field of life-threatening drug pathology.
  • The area of ​​diseases associated with professions.

Along with the designated global areas, there is a specialization in surgery of more narrow focus.

Cardiac surgeon is a specialist who performs heart surgery and corrects various cardiac pathologies.

He heals operationally heart defects, both congenital and acquired, anomalies large vessels, manifestations and complications coronary disease hearts. Cardiac surgeons perform heart organ transplants.

Neurosurgeons perform diagnostics and perform operations on the head and spinal cord person. This is a very delicate and responsible work, since it affects nervous system person.

Patients who have:

  • Tumors of the spinal cord and brain.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Injured peripheral as well as central nervous system.
  • Developmental pathologies and infectious diseases nervous system.
  • Cerebral circulatory disorders.

Specialists microsurgery perform the most delicate operations based on high technology, in particular on the eyes.

Separate specialization is provided pediatric surgeons. The pediatric surgeon conducts regular examinations of children, from birth to the age of 14, in order to identify or exclude the presence of hernias, scoliosis, dysplasia, phimosis, orchitis and others. possible deviations from the norm.

Oncological surgeons are being treated operative method cancerous tumors.

Operations on blood vessels(arteries, veins) do angiosurgeons. To prevent possible heart attacks or gangrene due to vascular disease, angiosurgeons engage in diagnosis and prevention vascular diseases, in particular, atherosclerosis.

Abdominal surgery is the area that heals promptly organ diseases abdominal cavity. A specialist in this field operates on infectious, congenital and malignant diseases liver, kidneys, spleen, esophagus, stomach and pancreas. He also deals with the intestines, appendix, and gall bladder.

Thoracic surgeon performs diagnostics and surgical treatment diseases of all organs located in chest. These include the lungs, mediastinal organs, trachea, pleura, and diaphragm. The most common pathology that a thoracic surgeon has to deal with is lung cancer.

Urological surgeons are engaged in the surgical treatment of genitourinary diseases of both men and women.

There is such narrow specialization How nephrologist surgeons, who deal exclusively with kidney diseases.

A narrow surgical specialization is andrology. In this field of medicine, surgeons operate on diseases of the male genital organs.

IN gynecology surgeons operate on infectious diseases, congenital or acquired pathologies of the female genital organs. The gynecologist also operates on women's cancer diseases.

Surgeon-coloproctologist treats diseases using surgical methods anus, rectum, perineum, colon. The main pathologies include cancerous tumors, cysts, polyps, condylomas, acute and chronic inflammation.

Diseases of the glands internal secretion requiring surgical intervention, treats endocrine surgery surgeon.

Ophthalmological surgeons perform vision correction surgically, also treat various anomalies and diseases of the visual organs.

Orthopedic surgeons carry out diagnosis and treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Their areas of expertise include the spine, musculoskeletal system, joints, ligaments.

Trauma surgeons treat injuries of various etiologies, fractures, bruises, dislocations, sprains.

Otorhinolaryngologist surgeons make diagnoses and carry out surgery for diseases of the ear, nose and throat. These specialists perform operations on the tonsils, maxillary, frontal, maxillary sinuses, and bronchi.

They delete foreign bodies, operate congenital anomalies, cancerous tumors.

Dental surgeons They perform both tooth extraction and tooth-preserving operations. They operate on injuries, tumors, as well as infectious and inflammatory processes affecting oral cavity, facial joints and jaws.

They also control diseases nerve fibers, salivary glands, purchased or available birth defects this area.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs