I am raising a disabled child alone. Benefits when a disabled child enrolls in a college or university

The federal and regional budgets of the Russian Federation for 2018 provide for social assistance for disabled children, their parents and legal guardians. State assistance is presented in the form of benefits, additional payments, benefits and allowances.

In addition, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the federal program “Accessible Environment” continues to operate.

What benefits are provided to mothers of disabled children and families with disabled children?

According to the standards approved by the government, the above categories of citizens are entitled to the following types of benefits:

1. Pension provision

Disabled children, as well as those disabled since childhood, are assigned a monthly social pension and a supplement to it (Article 18 of the Federal Law-166). A person caring for a child with a disability or disabled since childhood is assigned a monthly allowance, the amount of which is 60% of the minimum wage established in the region.

In addition, carers of children with disabilities are entitled to the following types of pension benefits:

The right to early retirement at the age of 50, provided that it is at least 15 years old (this right applies to mothers of disabled children);

Accounting for child care time in general insurance or.

In 2019, the amount of disability pensions is:

For disabled people of group 3 – 4215 rubles.

For disabled people of group 2 – 9919 rubles.

For disabled people of the 1st group, as well as disabled people from childhood belonging to the second group - 11,903 rubles.

For disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood belonging to group 1 – 11,903 rubles.

2. Monthly cash allowance for disabled children

According to Presidential Decree No. 175, a monthly cash payment was determined to strengthen the social protection of citizens raising children with disabilities. Payments are made on a non-declared basis, but for this, all relevant documents must be in the pension files of disabled children.

A monthly allowance is paid to a person raising a disabled child. Its size depends on the relationship between the applicant and the disabled child.

For example, the amount of the allowance for a parent, as well as an adoptive parent, guardian or custodian of a minor child with a disability or disabled since childhood, belonging to group I, is 5,500 rubles.

The amount of the same benefit to other persons raising a disabled child is 1,200 rubles.

If it is impossible to establish the degree of kinship or the status of guardianship due to the lack of necessary documents, representatives of the territorial body of the PFR, in agreement with the applicants, must take measures to finalize pension files.

In addition to the monthly allowance, persons who fit into the category of children with disabilities or disabled since childhood are assigned a UDV. The amount of this payment in 2019 is:

2,123 rubles (for children with disabilities and disabled people of the II group);

2,974 rubles (for disabled people of the 1st group);

1,700 rubles (for disabled people of group III).

3. Tax incentives for families with disabled children

Article 218 of the Tax Code states that parents (persons replacing them) who support underage children with disabilities are entitled to a monthly allowance, the amount of which is 3,000 rubles. This benefit can be extended until the child reaches the age of 24 if he is a full-time student and has a disability of group I or II.

The amount of the tax deduction can be doubled if the parent (guardian, custodian) brings up the child alone, or the other parent refuses this type of benefits.

To receive a double benefit, you must provide a pension certificate, a decision of the guardianship authorities, a certificate from the housing authority (on cohabitation with a disabled child), a certificate from the health authorities, and a document confirming that the second parent does not use this right.

3. Benefits of labor law

According to labor law, a woman raising a disabled child under the age of 16 may work part-time or part-time. Remuneration of labor for persons who have used this right is carried out in proportion to the hours worked.

In addition, one of the parents (custodians or guardians) of a disabled minor is entitled to 4 additional days off during the month. Additional days off can be used by one of the parents (trustees, guardians) or divided between them at their own discretion.

Labor legislation regulates the relationship between the employer and employees who are parents (custodians, guardians) of children with disabilities. According to the law, the employer has no right:

Involve women who are raising children with disabilities in overtime work and send them on business trips;

Deny women employment or reduce their wages because they are raising children with disabilities;

Dismiss single mothers of disabled children at the initiative of the enterprise administration. The exception applies only to those cases when the enterprise is completely liquidated.

4. Housing benefits

For families raising children with disabilities, a discount of at least 50% is provided for the following payments:

Payment for housing;

Payment of utility services;

Payment for fuel (within the limits established for sale to the population);

Subscriber payment for the use of the telephone.

In addition to the discount, families in this category may qualify for priority housing. According to the law, first of all, housing is provided to persons in need of better living conditions, as well as to persons suffering from certain forms of chronic diseases. The list of diseases that relate to this type of benefits is indicated in the order of the USSR Ministry of Health under number 330 of 03/28/1983.

For example, families with a child suffering from:

Chronic diseases of a psychological nature, accompanied by persistent psychopathic symptoms with personality changes (epilepsy, schizophrenia, etc.);

Organic lesions of the central nervous system with persistent dysfunction of the limbs, pelvic organs (cranial, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, etc.).

In addition, parents (guardians) whose children suffer from mental illness and require constant medical supervision, as well as from severe impairment of limb function, requiring the use of wheelchairs, have the right to additional living space.

The list of diseases for which persons have the right to additional living space in the form of 10 square meters or a separate room was approved by Government Decree No. 214 dated February 28, 1996, as well as by order of the Moscow Health Department dated March 26, 1996.

As stated in the addition to the above documents, additional living space provided to disabled people cannot be considered excessive and must be paid taking into account the benefits provided.

5. Transport benefits

The right to travel without paying in public transport (does not apply to taxis) in urban and suburban traffic has: disabled people, disabled children, their parents (trustees, guardians), social service workers caring for disabled children, as well as accompanying persons (rebate applies to one person).

To take advantage of this benefit, a disabled person, a disabled child and an accompanying person must provide a pension certificate and an identity document.

For free travel in urban and suburban transport, the parents of a disabled child (trustees, guardians) are issued a uniform certificate from the social protection authorities.

Free travel to the place of treatment (medical examination) by suburban, intercity and intraregional buses (provided to disabled children and accompanying persons);

Free travel for disabled children and disabled people of groups I and II to the place of treatment (no more than once a year);

Benefits for parents of a disabled child in 2019 represent a measure of state support for families with children with obvious health disorders, and are not limited to payments to persons caring for disabled people. The legislator provides for mandatory assistance measures for children themselves with disabilities, which guarantees such families constant support for the possible recovery and adaptation of the child to social life. Benefits for a disabled child, his parents or guardians are varied. They can be expressed both in the form of benefits and other material incentives, and in other social benefits.

Who is recognized as a disabled child?

Obtaining and realizing the status of a disabled person is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 181-FZ "". Persons who have serious health problems due to acquired or congenital diseases, injuries and defects are recognized as such. This also includes disabled children, whose difference is manifested in the fact that they do not have a division of disability into groups, like adults.

The status of a disabled child and the benefits that are provided for them can be obtained only if a number of conditions are met:

  • significant impairment of the body and its functions (serious illnesses, trauma, other visible defects);
  • inability to fully function;
  • establishing the need for support in meeting needs, social protection.

These criteria are confirmed by a certificate issued by a special commission of experts assessing the child’s condition.

Age is also an important condition. Only those persons who have not yet reached eighteen years of age can be considered a disabled child and, accordingly, have no restrictions on the privileges granted to disabled people due to the presence of a particular group. After reaching adulthood, a person must undergo a re-examination, which will determine the required group. If a person has been recognized as disabled since birth, then after the age of eighteen his status will be determined as disabled since childhood.

Taking into account the fact that a disabled child has not reached the age of majority, his parents or guardians should be involved in the timely assignment of the status in question. The same principle applies when it is necessary to receive benefits for disabled children, as well as when applying for benefits to care for a disabled child. At the same time, the disposal of all provided funds and other types of social. assistance should occur for the child.

Speaking about the subjects of receiving benefits and benefits from the state, special mention should be made about parents and other persons caring for disabled children. They act as independent subjects of such preferential programs and certain types of concessions are provided for them. To obtain it, it is enough for the legal representatives of a child with disabilities to act and represent his interests, starting from the moment he receives the status of a disabled person.

Benefits for children with disabilities

Preferential programs from the state for the case when a family is raising a disabled child are divided into two groups. Some are implemented directly for sick children, while others are aimed at helping parents.

The legal framework is very broad. Allowance for caring for a disabled child in 2019, monthly and pension payments to disabled children and other benefits are provided for by acts such as “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”, as well as the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation and Resolutions of the Government of Russia.

Speaking about a disabled child and the assistance options available to him, we should talk about such types of support as:

  1. Pension for a disabled child. According to a disabled child or a minor child with a disability, he has the right to a mandatory payment in the amount of 12,082 rubles 06 kopecks (Article 18).
  2. Regular payment. It is established by Federal Law No. 181-FZ in Article 28.1 and for disabled children is 1,544 rubles.
  3. Social assistance, which involves a set of services. This includes measures for the treatment of the child, the provision of medicines, tickets provided free of charge for public transport, as well as the transport services of Russian Railways to the place of treatment.
  4. for education. The right to is expressed in the form of free admission to a university, and the provision of general educational services free of charge is also established.
  5. Alimony. According to the RF IC, alimony payments are provided for disabled people who, after reaching eighteen years of age, are unable to work and are recognized as needy (Article 85).

Other support options are also possible: free meals at school, advantages when enrolling in preschool programs, a simplified exam regime, and so on.

The specified programs for beneficiaries of the category in question will be applied jointly. At the same time, the state is obliged to ensure that children receive such assistance. The authorized body cannot refuse this.

Benefits for disabled children and their parents in 2019 are provided by applying to the Pension Fund. Moreover, it is allowed to first apply for a pension (this is done immediately after establishing the fact of illness and receiving the relevant documents), and then submit an application for the appointment of other benefit programs. If the pension is not accrued, then the social protection authorities will help in implementing the benefits.

Benefits for parents of disabled children

This form of support, such as benefits for parents of disabled children, is established in 2019 by the Labor Code, a number of federal laws, as well as the Tax Code regarding the implementation of the right to deductions. At the same time, the legislation defines a wider list of concessions for those who act as the legal representative of disabled children and are forced to care for them.

Benefits for parents of disabled children in 2019 can be implemented in the form of cash payments and deductions, and also in the form of social services:

  1. Allowance for caring for a disabled child for a non-working parent. In 2019, such payments vary in amount depending on who is caring for the children. If this is a parent or guardian, then the amount of accrual is 5,500 rubles, if another person, then 1,200 rubles.
  2. Compensation payment to a non-working parent or guardian. According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 551 for 2019, it is 120 rubles, regardless of whether mother or father apply for it.
  3. Tax deduction. This option is considered a standard type of tax benefit according to Art. 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The deduction is provided for each child in the family. If his parents are caring for him, then his amount is 12,000 rubles, and if he is cared for by a guardian, then 6,000 rubles.
  4. Early retirement. The age limit is reduced for persons forced to raise a disabled minor. For women, it is fifty years, for men - fifty-five.
  5. Maternal capital. This option of material support should be aimed only at the child’s adaptation in the social environment.
  6. Benefits according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The labor law also offers relief, which manifests itself in the form of an additional four days off per month, exemption from overtime, the inability to fire a single mother, and so on.
  7. Provision of land or increase in living space. This option is possible only if it is necessary to improve living conditions (Article 17 of Federal Law No. 181-FZ).
  8. Compensation for utility bills. The discount is fifty percent of the total utility bills.

Parents can also implement all support options, as this contributes to improving the living conditions for their child.




Monthly allowance for the care of a disabled child in 2019

Families with disabled children are one of the most vulnerable groups in the population. That is why the state provides material assistance to such families. The goal of state policy is to provide such families with everything necessary so that disabled children lead a full life. Below we will find out who can count on receiving assistance, what is the compensation payment for caring for a disabled child, what additional payments exist for a disabled child under 18 years of age, and so on.

Who can receive payments for children with disabilities?

To receive benefits, you must undergo a medical and social examination (), which must recognize the child as disabled. The main objective criteria for recognizing a child as disabled:

  • There are health problems that are caused by various diseases, injuries or defects.
  • Health problems limit normal life activities.
  • The child needs social protection and/or rehabilitation.

If your child meets the above requirements, MSEC recognizes your child as disabled. You also need to remember that the degree of disability is not established for the child, but only the status of a disabled child is assigned. If the child's condition does not improve, then after the age of majority he will be assigned the status of a disabled child of 1, 2 or 3 groups (depending on the severity of the violations). A parent or guardian must handle the registration of the pension. To apply for an allowance for caring for a disabled child in 2019, you must submit the following documents to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) or the Multifunctional Center (MFC):

  • Statement.
  • Passport or a document confirming the fact of permanent residence of the applicant in the Russian Federation.
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • MSEC conclusion.

Amount of payments and benefits

A child under the age of 18 who is recognized as disabled is entitled to a social pension. In 2019, the amount of payment for caring for a disabled child is 13,170 rubles. A Monthly Cash Transfer () and a Social Service Bundle (NSB) are also provided. NSO means the provision of free medicines, the right to free travel in public transport, sanitary and spa treatment, and so on. Parents or guardians of a child with a disability may opt out of NSI in whole or in part in favor of cash payments. With a complete rejection of the NSI EDV for children with disabilities in 2019 is 2.527 rubles, and upon receipt of the full package of the NSI EDV will be 1.478 rubles.

The state also provides various benefits and payments to parents of disabled children:

  • Monthly allowance for a disabled child to a non-working parent, guardian or other person. How much do they pay to care for a disabled child? Non-working parents or guardians will receive 5,500 rubles. There are also compensation payments for caring for a disabled child to persons who are not legally the child’s guardians or parents, but are actually looking after him. Such persons can count on receiving a small benefit of 1,200 rubles.
  • Payment for days to care for a disabled child. By law, one working parent/guardian has the right to 4 paid days off to care for a disabled child.
  • One-time cash benefit for the adoption of a disabled child. It amounts to 124,929 rubles, but only when adopting a disabled child over 7 years old.
  • Tax deductions. Tax credits are fixed, tax-free payments given to working parents/guardians to boost the family's net income. The tax deduction amount is 12,000 rubles for parents or 6,000 rubles for guardians. An important difference between deductions is that, firstly, they are provided at the place of work and, secondly, they are provided in proportion to the number of disabled children.
  • Other social benefits and guarantees. Among them are early retirement for the parent, discounts on the purchase of housing, partial government compensation for utility bills, and so on.

Regional features

There are also regional and social payments to disabled children in 2019, which are provided by local budgets in addition to federal benefits. The size of social benefits depends very much on the region. Let's look at several examples of social assistance in various regions of Russia:

    How much is the allowance for caring for a disabled child in Moscow? The additional monthly benefit will be 6,000 rubles. If the parent/guardian does not work, then he can receive an additional 6,000 rubles. In the event of the loss of a breadwinner, a small allowance of 1,450 rubles is also provided.

  • The additional monthly allowance in St. Petersburg ranges from 6,220 to 14,020 rubles, depending on the type and severity of the disease.
  • Additional monthly allowance in Novosibirsk ranges from 318 to 900 rubles, depending on the type of disease.



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