Chondrodermatitis nodular helix of the auricle. What to do if the cartilage in the ear hurts

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

ear pain

Our hearing organ consists of the outer, middle and inner ear. The outer ear includes the pinna, outer ear canal and eardrum. The latter is the boundary between the outer and middle ear. The middle ear is located in temporal bone skull and consists of tympanic cavity, auditory (Eustachian) tube and mastoid process. The inner ear is a labyrinth and contains formations, some of which (semicircular canals) are responsible for the sense of balance, and others (cochlea) for transformation sound vibration into an impulse, which can then be recognized by the cortex cerebral hemispheres brain.

Pain in the ear area can be directly related to the inflammatory process in the ear area or be of a reflex nature in acute and chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the upper jaw joint specific and non-specific. Pain in the ear area can be caused by pathologies of the jaw, inflammation of the tonsils, sinusitis, but most often - pain in the neck, spine, myofascial pain, as well as neuralgia. Only a medical examination of the ear, head and neck area can reveal the true cause of ear discomfort.

What causes ear pain?
Otitis (ear inflammation) can be external (limited, diffuse and moderate). Limited inflammation of the outer ear is more often called furunculosis (inflammation of the sacs and sebaceous glands Under the influence mechanical factor- manipulations in the ear canal with matches, hairpins, etc. against the background of a certain readiness of the macroorganism - reduced immunity in diabetes, gout, hypovitaminosis (A, B, C), as a result of activation or addition of a staphylococcal infection). Diffuse inflammation of the external auditory canal is observed mainly in chronic purulent otitis media due to the penetration of various bacteria and fungi into the skin and subcutaneous layer. The inflammatory process often extends to the eardrum

Otitis media can be acute and chronic, purulent and catarrhal. Degree of expression inflammatory reaction depends mainly on the virulence of microorganisms and the condition protective forces macroorganism, in addition, microorganisms activated by viral or bacterial inflammation nasal mucosa, contribute to the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction such as superinfection, reinfection or autoinfection.

The mechanism of penetration of bacterial pathogens can be as follows: when coughing, sneezing, especially when blowing your nose ineptly, bacteria enter through auditory tube into the middle ear. This path, the so-called tubar path, is one of the main ones. Much less often the infection gets into the middle ear hematogenously and in exceptional cases - through a damaged eardrum.

The high virulence of microbes, a decrease in the general reactivity of the body, the presence of a chronic pathological process in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx contribute to the transition of acute purulent otitis into a chronic form.

What diseases cause pain in the ear area:

Types of ear pain
Meet different kinds pain in the ear area. It can be caused, for example, by infections of the tonsils, jaw and sinuses.

Types of ear pain depending on the area of ​​the ear:
The pinna (the part of the ear that picks up sound). Strong wind may cause a painful bruise in the ear area that becomes larger and blue in color. Frostbite or a burn to the ear can cause ear pain or itching.

Another disease that can cause ear pain is periochondritis (an infection of the skin that protects the cartilage). Cartilage is thick fabrics, giving shape to the nose and ears.

External auditory canal. A foreign body lodged in the external auditory canal is the most common cause of ear pain in children. This can cause the outer ear to become inflamed.

Acute inflammation outer ear. It is often caused by contaminated (bacterial) water entering the ear. The pain is severe and may increase with jaw movement.

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Does your ear area hurt? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor to not only prevent terrible disease, but also support healthy mind in the body and the organism as a whole.

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The symptom chart is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions or suggestions, write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

When ear cartilage hurts, a person experiences severe discomfort. Painful sensations can radiate to other areas of the head, sore ear becomes very sensitive, against the background of which sleep is disturbed and irritability increases.

Why does ear cartilage hurt? A variety of factors can provoke such a disorder - mechanical damage, frostbite, pathologies infectious nature, inflammatory processes, neuralgia, enlarged lymph nodes, osteoarthritis, allergic reaction of the body, etc.

Treatment for this disorder is prescribed taking into account the factor that provoked its occurrence. Next, we will analyze in detail the reasons why the ear cartilage most often hurts and treatment methods in each specific case.


Why can the ear, and in particular the cartilage, hurt? This disorder is often caused by trauma to the hearing organ. cartilage puncture, swipe can cause bruising, tissue damage, and development inflammatory process. Painful sensations in this area may occur under the influence negative factors environment- strong cold wind, burns, frostbite, contact with chemicals on the skin.

In this case, the wound is treated with an antiseptic; if a hematoma forms, an ointment with a resolving effect is used, and a dry bandage is used. During the tissue healing process, severe itching occurs. Antihistamines can be used to relieve discomfort.

Inflammation of the cartilage of the auricle can be combined with damage to the outer ear.

In this case, apply to a cotton swab medicinal ointment(Flucinar, Vishnevsky ointment) and inserted into the ear canal after preliminary cleansing of the ear cavity.

Serious ear canal injury requires use antibacterial drugs systemic action (Amoxicycline, Augmentin). This will prevent the development of infection.

Emergence severe pain in cartilage may be associated with partial avulsion of the auricle (complete avulsion is also possible). In this situation, emergency surgical care. Part of the auricle is placed in a cold tank and urgently taken to the emergency room, where specialists will perform plastic surgery. It is also possible to develop an inflammatory process, which can negatively affect the outcome of the operation.

If the cartilage of the auricle hurts, the cause may be an allergic reaction of the body. People who suffer from dry ear canals due to insufficient production are more susceptible to this disorder. earwax. A hypersensitivity reaction can develop under the influence of a fungus that can easily penetrate the ear cavity and begin to actively multiply.

The development of allergies, in which the outside of the ear and the cartilage hurt, is also possible due to excessive accumulation of wax in the ear cavity. Wax blocks the ear canal, resulting in decreased hearing. To remove wax plugs, a specialist in a hospital setting rinses the ear or instills special drops that promote the removal of wax.

Painful sensations in the cartilage and a feeling of tightness in the ear cavity are often observed with allergic rhinitis.

Neuralgia and pathologies of the jaw joint

The cartilages of the ears often hurt due to inflammation of the intermedius, trigeminal, glossopharyngeal nerves. With occipital neuralgia, pain occurs in the outer part of the ears. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, most often, occurs only on one side and develops near the auricle. With the development of the inflammatory process in nerve trunks near the face, painful sensations are localized in the cartilage of the ear. There is pressure in the ear cavity, severe pain when the mouth is opened wide, and after 3-4 days a herpetic rash forms on the skin. To solve the problem, medications that have an analgesic effect are used, vitamin complexes, physiotherapeutic procedures.

In case of inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, painful sensations develop in the jaw, and the pain spreads to the ear area. Jaw movements cause pain in the cartilage of the affected joint. The wide opening of the mouth is accompanied by a click. To treat arthritis of the joint, it is necessary to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, perform physiotherapeutic procedures and special exercises. If deforming osteoarthritis of the jaw joint develops, jaw movement becomes difficult, which is accompanied by tension and pain in the ear cartilage.

Inflammation can develop in the outer, middle, and inner ear. With otitis externa, the ear cartilage often hurts, and pain also occurs in the area of ​​the shell itself.

The cause of pain is most often bacteria that penetrate the ear canal and cause the development of an inflammatory process.

Inflammation in the outer ear can be the result of mechanical trauma to the cartilage. Against the background of this disorder, the development of furunculosis (inflammation of the sebaceous glands) is possible. The course of pathological processes is complicated by the presence of other disorders - a decrease in the body’s defenses, diabetes, deficiency of vitamins in the body, staphylococcal infection. In this case, pain in the ear area can be quite intense, especially during jaw movements.

Bacteria and fungi penetrating the ear tissue can trigger the development of diffuse otitis media. Painful sensations in this case occur both inside and outside the ear. The pathology can spread to the eardrum. The ear cartilages hurt very badly due to perichondritis - infectious tissue damage ear cartilage. Painful sensations throughout the ear are accompanied by mastoiditis - inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, which is located behind the auricle. At this violation there is pronounced swelling posterior region ear.

The development of inflammatory processes in the ear is accompanied by decreased hearing, increased temperature, discharge from the ear canal and a deterioration in general well-being.

Painful sensations in the ear cavity can develop against the background of mumps, rhinitis, sore throat, sinusitis, tonsillitis, enlargement of nearby lymph nodes, and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

In such cases therapeutic measures are prescribed taking into account the underlying disease. In one case shown warm compresses, in another - they are strictly contraindicated (for example, at elevated temperatures). In case of development infectious diseases appointment required antibacterial agents, which are used strictly as directed by a specialist.

In medicine, there is such a thing as “swimmer’s ear.” For people who are professional swimmers, the ear is almost constantly in contact with water. Under the constant influence of moisture, the skin of the ear swells and softens. As a result, infectious agents can easily penetrate into the ear cavity and cause inflammation of the shell, cartilage, eardrum.

In order to eliminate fluid, a thin and long cotton wool should be inserted into the ear canal, which will quickly absorb excess moisture. To prevent such a disorder, it is recommended to swim in a rubber cap and use earplugs. You should also avoid swimming in dirty waters.

Any disturbances that occur in the ear area threaten complete hearing loss. Therefore, it is necessary to treat these disorders correctly and in a timely manner. The brain and optic nerves are located nearby, so inadequate treatment can lead to irreversible serious consequences.

Until a person is touched by any trouble, he, in principle, has no idea about its existence. The various forums we have looked at indicate that quite a lot of people are familiar with the phenomenon of soreness of the ear cartilages.

At first glance, this seems like a strange formulation, and many forum users seem to speak out very hesitantly at first, for fear of being ridiculed. But in fact, they find understanding and “friends in misfortune.” So why does ear cartilage hurt? Let us consider in more detail this phenomenon and the reasons for its occurrence.

Cartilage is the basis of the human auricle. It depends on what kind of relief it has appearance outer ear. It is worth noting Each person's hearing organ is individual, as well as the pattern on the fingers.

Cartilage consists almost entirely of specific tissue, which is based on 2 types of components:

  • cellular;
  • non-cellular.

It should be noted that the basis of cartilage tissue is precisely noncellular elements, representing its most important functional link. In addition, the presented components are divided for the following types:

  1. Structures (collagen and elastic).
  2. Substance is the basis.

If noncellular components ear cartilage is considered to be the first fundamental link of such tissue, then matrix is considered as the second link in importance and necessity.

Matrix- this is the intercellular space between fibers and cells, combined into a system of a kind of channels. Thanks to the processes occurring in the matrix, the tissues of the ear cartilage are fully provided metabolism and biomechanics.

The structure of the human auricle

As for the cellular components, they are directly involved in the building of cartilage tissue, as well as in its continuous regeneration and further restoration.

Reference. The cellular and non-cellular components of the ear cartilage seem to float in the main substance, which has a gel-like consistency, which is a metabolic environment. The function of such a substance is a buffering and integrative effect.

Having familiarized the reader with the features of cartilage tissue, let us move on to consider the question of why the cartilage of the auricle hurts.

Causes of ear cartilage pain

There are plenty of reasons why the outside of the ear and the cartilage hurt, and they can be caused by a wide variety of factors. It is noteworthy that any type of pathology provokes a certain reaction, since the body tries with all its might to reject the disease that disrupts its normal functioning.

Let's look at common culprits that cause painful sensations auricle.

Important! When studying the proposed facts, it is still worth remembering that only a competent and qualified specialist will be able to diagnose the true cause of the disease and prescribe the necessary therapy.

The causes of ear pain are varied.


Any injury can lead to pain in the cartilage of the auricle

The ear cartilage may hurt if it is injured by something.

A puncture of cartilage or a strong blow can cause bruising, damage to areas of tissue, or the development of inflammation.

Cartilage injury can also occur due to negative impact environmental factors.

This can be strong gusts of wind, burns, frostbite, as well as contact with skin covering various harmful chemicals.

Let's give an example: many people are probably familiar with the unpleasant tingling of the ears and tip of the nose in severe frost. This is the same damage caused by one of the environmental factors.

Reference. Inflammation of the cartilage tissue of the concha may be accompanied by damage to the outer ear.

Among obvious reasons the appearance of acute pain in the cartilage is noted serious injury to the auricle, for example, partial or complete tearing off. Such cases are far from uncommon, due to the fact that a person is not insured against various accidents.

The only thing the right decision in such a situation it is urgent surgical intervention , designed to save the victim’s life and his ear.

Allergic reactions

Allergies are one of the causes of ear cartilage pain

Sometimes the source of why ear cartilage hurts may turn out to be the most unexpected.

Allergic reaction of the body any irritant may well provoke unpleasant pain in the cartilage, and it will also add itching.

People who suffer from the presence of dryness in the ear canal caused by a lack of sulfur formation.

Also reaction hypersensitivity may occur under the influence fungi, capable of easily getting into the ear and starting to multiply there.

Also development allergic reaction, provoking cartilage pain, can also become excessive accumulation. In addition, sulfur can block the ear canal, resulting in significantly reduced hearing.

Pain in the cartilage and a feeling of tightness in the ear cavity can also be caused by allergic rhinitis or sinusitis.

Neuralgia and pathology of the jaw joint

Location of major cranial nerves

Sometimes the ear cartilage hurts due to inflammation trigeminal, intermediate or glossopharyngeal nerves.

If observed occipital neuralgia , That pain syndrome appears in the outer part of the hearing organ.

For inflammation trigeminal nerve, which is often only unilateral, the manifestation of pain is noted in the parotid region.

If the inflammatory process develops in the nerve trunks near the face, then the focus of the pain syndrome is located in the cartilage of the ear. In this case, such inflammation is characterized such manifestations:

  • pressure in the ear cavity;
  • severe pain when opening the mouth wide;
  • the appearance of herpetic-type rashes after a few days.

As for inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, then the pain syndrome appears first in the jaw, and then spreads to the ear area.

Jaw movements cause pain in the cartilage from the inflamed joint, and a loud click is heard when the mouth is opened wide.

Reference. Articular arthritis It is quite easy to treat, which cannot be said about deforming osteoarthritis, in which the movement of the jaw becomes very difficult, and there is pronounced tension and pain in the ear cartilage.

Inflammatory and infectious diseases

Infections provoke various kinds diseases, and as a consequence cartilage pain

The inflammatory process of the human hearing organ can develop in its various departments:

  1. Inner ear.
  2. Outer ear.

Most often it is outer provokes pain in the cartilage, as well as unpleasant sensations in the concha of the ear.

Cause of pain syndrome- these are various kinds of pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the ear and causing development inflammation.

Such a pathology as perichondritis, which is infectious lesion cartilage tissue, can cause severe pain not only in the cartilage itself, but also in the entire outer ear. In addition, pain in the ear cavity and cartilage can occur against the background of such ailments as, rhinitis and etc.

In people, swimming, quite often there is pain in the cartilage of the ear. This is due to the fact that the ear almost always interacts with water and under its influence the skin becomes soft and swells, as a result of which various infections it is much easier to penetrate the ear cavity and cause inflammation of the shells, cartilage or eardrums. Medicine dubbed this phenomenon as "swimmer's ear".

Why does my ear hurt after sleep?

Many of us have noticed this phenomenon when, after a rest for some unknown reason the auricle begins to ache and, as a rule, only one. If there are no symptoms of the above diseases and everything is fine with the ears, then you should pay attention to some factors.

Perhaps you are resting incorrectly or you have chosen the wrong bedding? Whatever it is, in any case it is worth reviewing the following points, among which perhaps yours will be Cause of ear pain after sleep:

  • the pillow is too hard or not at all- in this case, you can press very hard on both the cartilage itself and the entire auricle. It is no wonder that in the morning the exhausted ear will make itself felt;
  • wrong sleeping position– quite often there are cases when a person tired after a working day falls asleep “without hind legs” and at the same time does not at all watch how he lies. And, by the way, the auricle can turn in the opposite direction, closing the ear canal, which will result in aching pain in the morning;
  • disturbance of blood microcirculation– this can happen if a person lies in one position for a long time, in this case on his side. To the auricle, located under constant pressure, blood begins to flow poorly, resulting in painful sensations.

If similar factors are missing in your life, then it is best in this case to visit a competent specialist who will help you deal with the problem that has arisen.

After waking up from sleep, you can sometimes feel pain in the ear area.

Whatever the cause of painful sensations in the ear cartilage, it is not worth self-medicating and eliminating such a problem. Close proximity of the brain and optic nerves– this is the very reason why it is necessary to obtain a qualified medical care, to avoid irreversible consequences.

The main symptom of perichondritis of the outer ear is pain in the ear canal and/or in the auricle. Later, edema and hyperemia appear (filling the organ with blood), and purulent foci are formed between the cartilage and the perichondrium, which look like tubercles. Pathological process gradually covers the entire auricle with the exception of the lobe - there is no cartilage there. The auricle is enlarged, thickened, its surface is red and shiny. If there is suppuration, the ear hurts when touched. Body temperature is high, 38-39°C, accompanied by weakness and weakness. Because of constant pain in the ear a person suffers from insomnia. After some time, the cartilage melts into purulent process, dies, and the auricle becomes deformed.


Perichondritis of the outer ear develops when infection enters the perichondrium. The most common cause of this disease is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. And it gets there in case of injuries to the auricle, burns, insect bites, abrasions of the ear or external auditory canal, and the abrasions can be microscopic. Perichondritis can also develop as a complication of influenza, tuberculosis or a boil formed in the external auditory canal.

Depending on the origin, primary and secondary perichondritis are divided. The primary develops as a result of injury, and the secondary develops as complications after an illness.

There are serous and purulent form perichondritis of the external ear. For purulent perichondritis there is purulent inflammation, involving not only the perichondrium, but also the cartilage itself. This form is severe and leads to a change in the shape of the auricle. In the serous form, the cartilage is not damaged, and the disease itself is not so violent. However serous form, if left untreated or treated incorrectly, it can develop into purulent.


At the first symptoms you need to contact an otolaryngologist. Put correct diagnosis easy, enough visual inspection and careful questioning of the patient. However, you will need to take two more tests - a general blood test and bacteriological examination purulent discharge.

It is necessary to differentiate perichondritis of the external ear from phlegmon, erysipelas or otohematoma.


First, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy, and antibiotics are chosen depending on the sensitivity of the microorganism that caused the disease. Locally or make lotions from 70 percent alcohol, boric acid or Burov's fluid, or lubricated with iodine solution. Then physiotherapy is prescribed - UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, microwave and x-ray therapy (type radiation therapy, at which x-rays irradiate an organ or a limited area of ​​the body).

If there is suppuration, the help of a surgeon is required. It is necessary to make a wide incision parallel to the contours of the auricle, remove necrotic cartilage, scrape out the abscess cavity and insert a swab with an antibiotic. The abscess cavity is washed 3-4 times a day with an antibiotic solution and drained.

During treatment, the patient needs rest and proper nutrition.

The prognosis of the disease is favorable, however, even with timely and proper treatment It is not always possible to avoid deformation of the auricle.


Prevention of perichondritis outer ear is to properly treat any mechanical damage ear. These include injuries, scratches, wounds, abrasions, bites and bruises. In case of such damage, the wound must be properly disinfected. It is also necessary to promptly treat ear infections so that they do not cause purulent inflammation and require surgery. If purulent inflammation has developed, you need to determine exactly what caused it and choose the right antibiotic.

Almost every person has encountered one-on-one with debilitating pain in the auricle, which “radiates” to the tooth, cheek, and head. A person with such pain cannot work or even live in peace, since pain in the ear is usually sharp, severe, sometimes paroxysmal (shooting) or constant aching.

If the outside of the ear hurts.

The human ear is complex mechanism, which is enough even for hypothermia or viral infection to get sick. Even any, even the most light form A runny nose can cause an ear infection.

So, if you have pain in the outside of your ear, first of all it may be periochondritis, that is, inflammation of the ear cartilage and perichondrium. Periochondritis occurs due to penetration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa into the auricle, due to, for example, severe bruise or ear injury, burn or frostbite, the appearance of a boil, as well as an insect bite, for example, a bee.
The occurrence of pain in the ear canal, swelling and swelling throughout the earlobe, except for the earlobe, is initial symptoms periochondritis. Next, a kind of “ soft bump", inside which is purulent exudate.
At this stage, you immediately need to go to a competent doctor who will prescribe the appropriate medications to resolve this lump, otherwise the pus will “eat away” the cartilage, and it will melt and lead to deformation of the auricle.
Typically, recovery is promoted by antibacterial therapy, coupled with physiotherapeutic measures - microwave, ultrasound, magnet, ultraviolet.
In severe cases, when purulent exudate has accumulated in sufficient quantity, they perform a small operation - they cut the affected part of the ear and drain the abscess, and then apply cotton swabs soaked in antibiotics.
Treatment usually gives positive results And fast recovery.
If outside surface If the ear is damaged by a blow or bruise, it generally only requires treatment with iodine, and also to protect the ear from severe overheating or cooling.
However, it also happens that a person tears his ear at work or in an accident. The pain in this case is so strong that the person may not be able to stand it and lose consciousness from painful shock. If you do not go to the hospital in time, an ear infection may develop, interfering with surgery.

Why do my ears hurt?

Pain in the ears is almost always associated with inflammatory processes occurring there. To diagnose otitis externa(inflammation of the outer ear), you should press on the tragus. If there is a sharp pain, then this is it. Otitis media (acute) is characterized by fever and shooting pain in the ear. Otitis media usually affects children because they have a short Eustachian tube, which is easy to “reach” bacterial infection- the cause of the disease.
If a child under 5-7 years old is sick, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to enter the sore ear. In general, methods of self-medication, for example, heating, compresses and pain relief with all kinds of medications can give the absolutely opposite effect, up to damage to the eardrum and lifelong deafness, so the help of a specialist is inevitable here.
There is, however, another answer to the question: “Why do the ears hurt?”, and the answer to it is very prosaic. Just clean your ears. Yes Yes! Sulfur plugs in the ears - good reason for ear pain. This can be treated with one trip to the otolaryngologist and thorough rinsing of the ears with a special solution.
It is worth noting that pain in the auricle can also cause complications after sinusitis, headaches or toothaches. It would not be amiss to repeat that the ear, throat and nose, as they say, are interconnected.

If the auricle hurts when pressed.

It also happens that the ear itself does not hurt, but when you press on it, or on the tragus, severe pain or even strange discharge occurs. If the auricle hurts when pressed, then you should look for the cause in the following diseases:
1. Otitis externa is an inflammation of the outer ear area, and the reason for this lies in various factors– from complications after infectious diseases of the nose or teeth, to swimming. It’s not for nothing that otitis externa was dubbed “swimmer’s ear” - under constant exposure to water, formations are created in the ear cavity. favorable conditions for the development of infection.
2. Mumps - inflammation parotid gland, having infectious nature. It affects almost all glandular organs (from the salivary glands to the pancreas). There is severe pain around the entire ear; when pressure is applied, exudate is released from the ear.
3. Diseases not directly related to the auricle. For example, VSD during periods of exacerbation, meningitis, toothaches, etc.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that timely contact with a competent specialist can preserve the patient’s hearing and contribute to his speedy full recovery!

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Many people who have ear pain prefer to ignore this symptom, but it is worth considering that the cause of the pain may be serious illnesses. Pain is the primary signal indicating that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body or an infection is present. ABOUT possible changes It’s worth finding out in advance so you can take preventive measures.

Causes of external ear pain

Unpleasant sensations in the inner part of the ear and outer area of ​​the auricle most often appear due to bacterial or viral infections, various injuries, fungal diseases and other reasons. The most common disease is otitis media, which usually spreads to the entire part of the ear or its edge, including the cartilage tissue. With this disease, patients also note that their ear is very painful on the outside. People with weakened immune systems who have suffered hypothermia, mechanical injury or infection are at risk.

If appropriate treatment is not prescribed, the disease can actively progress, it reduces hearing acuity, and subsequently leads to deafness.

Diagnosing otitis is quite simple, you just need to press on the tragus, if after this the patient feels a sharp pain, he is given such a diagnosis and prescribed appropriate treatment. This disease is also characterized by fever and “shooting” pain in the inside ear.

Because of large quantity possible diagnoses, you should consult your doctor to establish exact reason pain and to avoid the development of the disease.

Even more dangerous disease is periochondritis, which develops as a result of Pseudomonas aeruginosa entering the auricle. Its symptoms are similar to otitis media; it provokes an acute inflammatory process in the area of ​​cartilage and perichondrium. As it develops, a soft lump with purulent contents forms in the ear. Usually, otolaryngologists prescribe medications to patients that help resolve this compaction, since without treatment, pus can destroy and completely destroy the cartilage tissue.

Pain in the external ear can also occur for other reasons that are not associated with infections and soft tissue injuries. Such symptoms occur after accidental entry of water into the ear canal or violation of ear cleaning rules. the formation of boils, frostbite or burns. There are other pathologies, the list of which includes:

Problems due to poor hygiene

The ears can also hurt due to a large amount of accumulated wax, which gradually reduces the patient’s hearing and subsequently begins to cause unpleasant and painful sensations.

Only a doctor can clean the ear canals using a special syringe, injecting a special medicine that softens wax plugs.

It is extremely important to maintain hygiene and learn how to clean your ear canals in a timely manner. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the tissue, since there is a risk of mechanical injury, in which case the treatment will take a longer time.

If your ears hurt all the time, it is quite possible that traffic jams have already formed in the aisles. In this case, you should visit an ENT specialist as soon as possible to avoid worsening.

Pain in children

Otitis media often develops in children due to anatomical features eustachian tube, which is still too short, which is why bacteria easily penetrate into the auricle. Small children may also get into their ear canals. foreign objects, if the child does not inform the parents about this in time, an inflammatory process develops in the ear, which is accompanied by pain and unpleasant sensations when pressing on the ear tissue from the outside. You should not carry out treatment at home using improvised means; in this case, the child should immediately be taken to a pediatrician or pediatric otolaryngologist, who can diagnose accurate diagnosis. Serious signs include:

Diagnosis and treatment

When the ear hurts, a specialist usually prescribes specific treatment depending on the diagnosis after diagnosis. If an infection is present, antibiotics are usually prescribed in combination with painkillers; the drug complex may also include vitamin, antiseptic, antimicrobial and antihistamines. When patients show signs of improvement, they are offered to undergo a list of physiotherapeutic procedures, for example, heating, UHF or microwave.

In severe cases of periochondritis, doctors usually recommend surgery, during which the affected part of the ear is carefully cut, the abscess is opened and the pus is pumped out. If the ear is damaged as a result of a minor injury, it is treated with iodine solution and protected from hypothermia and exposure to high temperatures. Children are prescribed treatment depending on their age, despite the fact that children are often diagnosed with otitis media, not everyone is prescribed antibiotics. Therefore, it is so important to consult a specialist at the first symptoms of the disease, since it is not always possible to accurately determine why the ear hurts at home. In many cases, the problem can be eliminated after early stages and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Ear pain, like toothache, can be unbearable.

Its first symptoms can signal the development of various diseases, so they should not be ignored.

This article will discuss in detail what needs to be done if an adult’s ear hurts, and what pathologies can trigger the appearance of acute ear pain.

An adult's ear hurts: non-medical reasons

Ear pain may not always be caused by a disease. Sometimes healthy people it can occur for the following reasons:

1. Due to walking in windy weather. A strong wind will have a negative impact on the ear, causing a bruise. This condition It usually goes away on its own within a few days. It does not require additional treatment.

2. Due to water getting into the ear.

3. In case of untimely cleaning of the ear from wax.

4. Ear injury due to injury or fall. At the same time, it is important to know that if, in addition to pain after a bruise, blood flows from the ear, then in this case the victim should be shown to a doctor as quickly as possible.

5. Pain caused by sharp jumps blood pressure. Because of this, a person may experience an unpleasant tapping in the ears.

6. Painful sensations in the ears can also be caused by air travel, when the Atmosphere pressure. In this case, it is recommended to yawn, swallow and eat something often.

7. Availability foreign body inside the auricle. As a rule, this most often occurs in young children who accidentally push small parts of toys into their ears.

In adults, it may be an insect that flew into the auricle and was unable to get out of there. In this case, the person will feel an unpleasant rustling and pounding in the ears. Decreased hearing is also possible.

It is important to know that you cannot try to pull anything out of your ears on your own, as this can only worsen the situation (damage the eardrum, etc.). In this case, you should immediately contact an ENT doctor.

An adult's ear hurts: possible diseases

Ear pain can be caused by the following diseases:

1. Otitis. It is one of the most common diseases that provoke sharp pain in the ear. The cause of otitis is acute respiratory viral infection and influenza, which were not treated in time and caused complications in the ears.

Otitis may be different forms. Its course and symptoms depend on this.

2. Otitis externa develops due to infection in the outer area of ​​the auricle. He calls severe inflammation accompanied by purulent discharge. Also, otitis externa can occur with a weakened immune system, which cannot cope with various microtraumas of the ear.

Otitis externa, in turn, is divided into two forms:

Acute external otitis. It occurs due to the formation of a boil in the ear. During its course, a person may have purulent discharge, as well as pain radiating to the eyes and jaw;

Acute diffuse otitis occurs in the form of an inflammatory process in the ears. It is much more complicated than usual acute otitis media. It is usually accompanied high temperature, fever and purulent discharge.

3. Otitis media affects the tissues of the tympanic septum, as well as the entire area in the middle ear. This disease is divided into the following subgroups:

Spicy otitis media(occurs due to infections respiratory tract that were not eliminated with medications);

Chronic otitis media (develops as a complication of acute otitis media). This disease requires long-term medication course treatment. It is accompanied by high fever, ear pain and purulent discharge;

Acute purulent otitis media is considered the most dangerous, since with this disease profuse purulent discharge can enter the skull and provoke meningitis, as well as chronic disorder hearing;

Spicy catarrhal otitis media affects the human auditory tube. It is caused by dangerous staphylococcal bacteria that enter the ears through the nasal passages.

4. Internal otitis develops as a complication from untreated chronic inflammation in the middle ear. It causes dizziness, ear pain and hearing loss. Just like otitis media, internal is divided into several subtypes:

Limited otitis – affects the bone labyrinth area;

Diffuse internal otitis– affects all parts of the bone labyrinth, causing a person to experience purulent discharge. If left untreated, this disease can lead to complete deafness;

Purulent otitis media is accompanied by high fever and purulent discharge.

5. Mastoiditis is a disease in which a small temporal region becomes inflamed. It is accompanied by an accumulation of pus and pain in the ears. It usually results from untreated otitis media.

There are several types of mastoiditis:

Typical mastoiditis is accompanied by redness of the skin at the site of inflammation;

Atypical mastoiditis is characterized by mild symptoms, but it promotes bone destruction.

An adult's ear hurts: treatment

Treatment for ear pain is selected depending on the disease detected and the patient’s condition. Also, when selecting drugs, the attending physician must carefully take into account the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant diseases and the individual susceptibility of drugs.

Classic treatment of ear pain involves prescribing the following groups of drugs and procedures:

1. Taking antibiotics in the form ear drops or injections.

2. Prescribing painkillers and anesthetics in the form of tablets.

3. Application alcohol compresses to the sore ear.

4. Warming up the ear cavity (this procedure cannot be done at high temperatures).

5. Ear rinsing antiseptic solutions. This procedure You cannot do it yourself, so as not to damage the eardrum. It should be done by an ENT doctor.

6. Inserting various tampons with medicinal ointments into the external auditory canal.

If the effect is insufficient drug therapy the patient is given surgery. Such operations can be of two types:

Maringotomy (piercing the eardrum to extract pus from there);

Antrotomy (extraction of pus from the inflamed area in the ear).

The above operations are performed under anesthesia, so you should not be afraid of them.

Rehabilitation after them is also simple, so within two weeks a person can return to their previous life.

Whenever sharp pain in the ears you need to know about the following first aid rules:

Examine the ear cavity;

Add two drops boric alcohol in ear;

Heat some salt and put it in a gauze bandage;

Apply it to the sore ear;

If the pain is severe, take a painkiller;

Call the doctor.

Many people have difficulty with the process of ear drops. In fact, everything is very simple. You need to follow this procedure:

Lay your head on the side;

Pull your ear up slightly to level the ear cavity;

Place potassium in the sore ear;

Lie on your side for about three minutes;

Place a small piece of cotton wool into it.

The method of preparing an ear compress involves performing the following actions:

Take sterile gauze;

Place a small plastic bag on top;

WITH reverse side apply cotton wool;

Place medicine (ointment, gel or other substance) on top of the cotton wool;

Apply a compress to your ear and wrap it with a warm scarf or towel;

Hold for the required time.

Sometimes, to treat ear pain, the patient is prescribed nasal drops. They need to be buried in this order:

Lie on your back;

Turn your head slightly to the right;

Place two drops inside each nostril;

Pinch your nostril;

Wait three minutes until the medicine completely penetrates the nasal cavity.

An adult's ear hurts: traditional methods of treatment

Most effective recipes traditional medicine for the treatment of ear pain are:

1. Instill almond oil into the sore ear (2 drops each).

2. Rinse the ears with chamomile infusion (1 teaspoon of chamomile per glass of boiling water).

3. Place crushed garlic wrapped in gauze into the ear cavity. This remedy helps with purulent otitis.

4. Instillation of lemon balm infusion into the ears (pour 1 teaspoon of lemon balm with a glass of boiling water).



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