What contains the most vitamin B2? From the digestive system

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a necessary component for ensuring the full functioning of the body. It is important to get it with food and to replenish your supplies occasionally required substance by using pharmaceutical drugs. To do this, you need to understand where vitamin B2 is found most, and which vitamin complexes guarantee complete absorption of the substance.

Riboflavin is involved in every process in the body. With its deficiency, various malfunctions and diseases begin. But it’s quite difficult to achieve an excess if you don’t eat dishes with increased content B2.

The role of vitamin B2 in the human body:

  • important for maintaining carbohydrate and lipid metabolism;
  • children need for full growth;
  • without it, proper protein absorption and muscle mass gain are impossible;
  • helps the process of hematopoiesis and participates in the production of other important enzymes such as glycogen (burns sugar);
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • facilitates the process of absorption of fats from the intestines;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • reduces eye strain and improves vision;
  • in combination with vitamin A, helps maintain the beauty and health of skin, hair, and nails;
  • strengthens sleep;
  • relieves stress;
  • prevents the occurrence of mental disorders.

Which foods contain the most?

Vitamin B2 is found in many vegetables and fruits. However, among the richest in riboflavin content, animal products predominate. Moreover, there is more of it in red meat and offal than in fish or chicken.

Record holders in the list of foods rich in vitamin B2 per 100 g:

  • beer and baker's yeast– from 2 to 4 mg;
  • lamb liver – 3 mg;
  • beef and pork liver– 2.18 mg;
  • chicken liver – 2.1 mg;
  • beef kidneys – 1.8 mg;
  • pork kidneys – 1.56 mg;
  • – 1 mg;
  • almonds – 0.8 mg.

It is important to consider that from simple products Not all 100% of vitamins are absorbed from the diet. Some of them are lost when heat treatment, and part - in the process of growing animals, poultry, fish, crops for mass food production.

Other foods rich in vitamin B2

One way or another, vitamin B2 is included in many foods, but not all foods are rich in riboflavin in sufficient quantities. To provide the body with the necessary amount of B2, you should pay attention to additional products.

Here are more food groups containing vitamin B2 in concentrations from 0.1 to 0.5 mg per 100 g:

  1. Vegetable oilsgrape seed, almond, wheat germ. It is important to use unrefined products. Butter Animal origin is also rich in vitamins.
  2. Natural juices from vegetables and fruits. There is a lot of B2 in grapes.
  3. Nuts- , cashews, pecans, pistachios and Brazil nuts.
  4. Porridges and cereals- buckwheat, rye, wheat. When choosing flour, give preference to whole grain or coarse, but not the highest grade.
  5. Cabbage all varieties, as well as green salad And spinach rich in vitamin B2.
  6. Dried fruits- figs and dates.
  7. Dairy. In 100 g quality cottage cheese and hard cheese contains 1/5 of daily dose vitamin A. But there is not much of it in yogurt and kefir.

If you follow the principles of proper nutrition, you can provide your body with the necessary amount of B2 to a greater extent.

Daily intake of vitamin B2 and rules for absorption by the body

For the full functioning of the body, you need to take a certain amount of vitamin per day:

  • women- 1.8 mg;
  • pregnant women- 2 mg;
  • nursing mothers- 2.2 mg, in some cases up to 3 mg;
  • children and newborns- from 2 mg to 10 mg;
  • men- 2 mg.

For complete absorption, riboflavin requires additional microelements - copper, and. They are found in meat and organ meats, so liver and other meat ingredients are considered better suppliers of riboflavin.

The best pharmacy complexes with vitamin B2

Riboflavin is included in the majority multivitamin preparations, and is also available in mono products - ampoules and tablets. They are most often prescribed for the treatment of diseases when it is necessary to increase the dose of the enzyme tens of times. These forms should not be used without the advice of a doctor.

The optimal amount of vitamin is contained in complexes, Vitrum. Special men's and female drugs, for example, Men’s Formula or Complivit Perinatal for pregnant women also contain the right dosage enzyme.

Vitamin B2 should be present in optimal quantities in the diet of every person and especially a growing baby. To maintain the required amount of riboflavin in the body, it is not enough to limit yourself to animals and plant products. It is also important to select proven, popular vitamin complexes with vitamin B2, having first consulted with your doctor.

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is part of the B vitamin group, which is essential for human health. We can say that B2 is vital for the functioning of all body systems. What exactly is vitamin B2 for, what is it mandatory norm and where to find sources of this substance? More on all this later in the article.

Vitamin B2 is a flavin (monoamine oxidase), that is, part of the enzymes that make up cells. This substance yellow color, having amazing property- remain intact when heated. However, when exposed to UV rays, it is destroyed.

What processes occur in the body with the assistance of vitamin B2? Riboflavin performs the following important functions:

  1. Accepts Active participation in converting fats and carbohydrates into energy, helping to break them down.
  2. Promotes better absorption other substances, such as vitamins B6, A and K, as well as iron and zinc.
  3. Is important for the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) - chemical compound, providing energy for all biochemical reactions of the body.

Thus, without B2 we cannot live fully. If you dig deeper, you can learn a lot more amazing things about different biochemical reactions our body, in which vitamin B2 also takes part.

Benefits and harms of B2 for humans

Chemistry, of course, is an interesting science, but it’s better to talk about the benefits of riboflavin in simple terms. human language. Due to sufficient supply of B2 in human body the following positive effects are provided:

  • the condition is normalized nervous system, is eliminated Negative influence stress;
  • skin turgor improves, hair growth accelerates, nails become stronger;
  • blood hemoglobin level improves;
  • visual acuity is restored (especially in the dark), susceptibility to bright sunlight is reduced;
  • strengthens immune defense the body becomes resistant to infections;
  • the thyroid gland returns to normal;
  • mucous membranes throughout the body are strengthened;
  • brain activity increases.

These are just a few of the worthy mentions positive effects from the presence of riboflavin in the body. As for harm, it occurs only with uncontrolled vitamin B2, that is, due to its overdose.

How much B2 does a person need?

Any substance has its own norm, violation of which is fraught with the development unwanted complications. Riboflavin must also be ingested daily in a certain amount, which differs depending on the gender, age, activity and environment of the person. A small sign will show what the B2 entry rates are for different categories of people:

The requirement for B2 intake may increase by 0.1-0.5 mg depending on special circumstances:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with increased mental and physical stress;
  • during the period of acclimatization;
  • in stressful situations;
  • at hormonal imbalances in organism;
  • in unfavorable environmental conditions.

In these cases, vitamin B2 will help the body maintain performance and stay healthy.

Sources of vitamin B2

Like other beneficial substances, riboflavin enters our body as part of food. Although it is found in almost all food products, it is best to compensate for its deficiency with the help of those in which B2 is present in larger quantities. These are the foods listed in order of their riboflavin content:

  • liver (especially beef), kidneys, heart, lard;
  • dry whole or skimmed milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt;
  • black and green tea;
  • yeast;
  • hard cheese;
  • chicken eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach, cabbage, green pea, onion;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • nuts.

Including the mentioned products in your diet will not only enrich it with vitamin B2, but also make it varied.

Dangers of deficiency and excess of vitamin B2

Moderation is the key to avoiding adverse reactions. Both insufficient consumption of B2 and overly active fortification with it are equally harmful.

Riboflavin deficiency The body can detect as follows:

  • cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, peeling of the lips and skin around them occurs;
  • the eyes begin to water, turn red, there is a burning sensation in them, photophobia, vision deteriorates;
  • the skin turns gray and becomes irritable with long-healing lesions;
  • children may experience a decrease in growth and mental development;
  • the nervous system suffers, various mental disorders appear - from depression to neurosis;
  • felt constant fatigue, indifference to everything.

Few people immediately attribute these disorders to a lack of vitamins, but often this is exactly the case.

Vitamin B2 is easily excreted by the body in urine, so its excess is extremely a rare event. The danger it poses excess vitamin B2, is small and manifests itself in the form of individual reactions, for example, burning in the muscles, sensations of numbness and tingling.

What else do you need to know about vitamin B2?

Riboflavin can bring obvious benefits to humans if certain conditions are met. In order for vitamin B2 to be better absorbed by the body, you need to properly store and process foods containing it. For example:

  • cover dairy products with a lid;
  • freeze food for no more than 3 days;
  • do not reheat food several times;
  • wash vegetables with running water without excessive thoroughness;
  • Frozen foods intended for cooking should not be defrosted first.

It is worth remembering that riboflavin is destroyed by 40% during heat treatment, as well as when exposed to direct sun rays. Therefore, it is best to store foods rich in it in a cool, dark place.

Vitamin B2 is of great importance for our health, just like other vitamins. So even if you don't intend to be a chemist or a doctor, it's still worth researching the effects on your body. various substances to keep it healthy.

One of the most important elements to maintain human beauty and health - this is vitamin B2 (riboflavin). It can even be called a “skin” vitamin.

If our menu includes foods containing sufficient amounts of riboflavin, we can count on our skin to remain elastic, smooth, youthful and healthy for a long time.

Consequences of deficiency in the body of such vitamin as B2

A lack of this vitamin in the body has a very significant effect on human immunity. Vision deteriorates. Weakened nervous system, and, as a result, depression and nervous breakdowns- Another one unpleasant result lack of riboflavin in the body. For normal operation digestive system Riboflavin is also important.

Are you unhappy with the way your skin looks? Are you worried about recurring herpes, boils and styes? Then urgently change your diet, enriching it with foods high in riboflavin.

The effect of riboflavin is similar to vitamin B1 - it promotes fat burning and also enhances the functioning of energy mechanisms. In combination with phosphoric acid and proteins in the presence of any microelements, it forms enzymes that the body needs for normal exchange substances (saccharides) and for the transfer of oxygen to all cells and tissues of the body.

Wrinkles appearing at the corners of the lips, chapped lips, small cracks near the mouth, burning sensation in the eyes, greasy hair, flaky skin on the forehead, ears and nose, redness of the eyelids - all of these can serve as symptoms indicating a lack of vitamin B2 in the body. Similar processes can occur with a lack of iron in the body.

However, a lack of riboflavin affects not only beauty. Much more important is the state of the brain and vision, the functioning of the glands internal secretion, the functioning of the entire nervous system as a whole.

The healing of wounds on the oral mucosa or skin occurs through growth epithelial cells. If you increase the dose of vitamin B2, this process can be accelerated.

After successful experiments conducted on animals on the use of riboflavin for the treatment of cataracts, experiments were begun on humans. But as it turned out, riboflavin is not able to prevent cataracts; this requires other components; it can only slow down its development.

Let's figure out how much riboflavin is required for the human body.

The daily requirement of vitamin B2 is relatively small - 1.2 mg for an adult - but one should not underestimate its importance for the body.

Functions of riboflavin in the body

  • In combination with folic acid (vitamin B9), it takes part in the formation of red blood cells in bone marrow, prolonging their existence.
  • In the process of iron absorption, helping to improve its absorption in the body. In combination with thiamine (vitamin B1), it helps maintain normal levels of this trace element in the blood. That is why people suffering from anemia are prescribed iron supplements along with folic acid and riboflavin.
  • This is most important for pregnant women, since it has been noted that it is during pregnancy that iron deficiency occurs and folic acid. And in this situation, including foods rich in vitamin B2 in the diet along with iron can have a beneficial effect invaluable help not only for the mother’s body, but also for her child.

Now that we have found out that vitamin B2 is really necessary for the body, let’s find out what foods can be used to avoid its deficiency.

At daily use sour milk and 50 - 100 g of cottage cheese or cheese daily requirement in riboflavin will be practically satisfied. However, it should be noted that it is necessary to eat at least 3 glasses of yogurt or kefir per day, especially during periods when the body is subject to increased physical stress.

As for those who do not find dairy products to be appetizing, do not despair. In addition to kefir, cottage cheese and cheeses, a fairly high amount of this vitamin is present in meat, offal (liver, kidneys), leafy green vegetables, unrefined grains or bread made from them.

Factors that reduce vitamin B2 levels in the body

In most cases, this is due to medications, deficiency or increase in function thyroid gland and other diseases. Riboflavin can be destroyed when exposed to drugs used in psychiatric treatment, oral birth control pills, and boric acid, which is part of huge amount household products

Vitamin B2 can dissolve in water, it does not tolerate light, but it practically does not react in any way to high temperature. Therefore, its losses will be large when cooking in open containers.

It can be stored in the refrigerator, but it breaks down in light in about 14-15 hours if defrosted. beef meat and vegetables. Therefore, to preserve the vitamin, frozen foods are immersed directly in boiling water or an oven is used to defrost them.

Doctors noted that in women whose bodies contained sufficient quantity riboflavin, healthy children were born. These vitamins are essential for ensuring good development child's brain.

How much vitamin B2 does a person need per day?

For men - 1.6 mg/day, and for women 1.2 mg/day. Maximum permissible dose is about 3 mg/day for people who used large quantity meat, proteins or for pregnant women. But exceeding the dose of this vitamin does not cause harm. The best way to increase the amount of this substance in the body is to administer it with food, and not with pharmaceuticals, which are very expensive.

What foods contain vitamin B2?

  • dried baker's yeast, dried brewer's yeast, fresh baker's yeast,
  • milk powder and fresh,
  • cottage cheese,
  • veal, fatty pork, beef, lamb,
  • buckwheat and oatmeal,
  • almonds, peanuts,
  • wheat flour, rye flour,
  • chicken eggs,
  • cocoa,
  • green pea, cauliflower, spinach,
  • potato.

Cottage cheese can be different. If the cottage cheese is soft, it means it contains a large number of serum, and therefore vitamin B2.

If milk is kept in a glass container in daylight, a large amount of riboflavin is lost. Milk exposed to daylight for 2 hours loses about 50% of this substance.

In boiled peas, from which we drain the water, there is no vitamin B2 left at all. Therefore, when preparing food, you need to make sure that the pan is closed, otherwise more of all the beneficial substances will oxidize.

Excessive loads and strict diets lead the body to exhaustion. Against this background there arise neurological disorders, depression. Someone who is losing weight becomes weak and loses confidence in their abilities. To protect yourself from mental disorders, it is worth checking how much vitamin B2 you get from food. If a significant deficiency occurs, you should consider taking a supplement.

Features of vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin belongs to the group of water-soluble substances. He plays important role in the normal functioning of the entire body.

The daily norm for a person is 1.5 mg.

Riboflavin is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system, accelerates metabolic processes, takes part in the elimination of dangerous compounds, removes toxins.

Vitamin B2 is mainly supplied to humans through food, but in the process active activities sports or limited nutrition, this substance may not be enough.

Content in food

Subject to good nutrition a person can fully compensate daily norm vitamin B2. Riboflavin is found in the following foods:

  • Meat and offal;
  • Dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Eggs;
  • Fish;
  • Yeast;
  • Cocoa;
  • Dates;
  • Nuts;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Green onions;
  • Green peas;
  • Berries - blueberries, blackberries and raspberries;
  • Whole grain products.

By introducing all these products into the diet, a person can completely meet the need for vitamin B2. It is important to remember that during cooking the majority of riboflavin is lost.

Release forms and functions

Vitamin B2 is a water-soluble substance. Riboflavin is not able to accumulate in the body and is excreted by the kidneys in the urine. If there is an excess of vitamin, it may turn yellow.

Available in the following forms:

  1. Ampoules;
  2. Pills;
  3. Powder;
  4. Capsules.

When losing weight, a person does not receive the required amount of riboflavin. This is due to limited nutrition and exhaustion of the body. It is to solve these problems that an additional source of vitamin B2 is needed. Riboflavin is responsible for the following functions:

  1. Participates in the production of red blood cells;
  2. Takes part in the growth process of the body;
  3. Regulates work protective functions body;
  4. Responsible for normal functioning reproductive system;
  5. Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  6. Participates in the process of iron absorption;
  7. Responsible for good condition skin, nails and hair.

Consequences of vitamin B2 deficiency during weight loss

In the process of losing weight, the human body experiences a lot of stress. Against the backdrop of limited nutrition and exercise, fatigue occurs, and the normal functioning of systems slows down. If a lack of vitamin B2 is involved in these processes, the following consequences may occur:

  • The occurrence of trophic ulcers;
  • Peeling of facial skin;
  • Cracks around the lips;
  • Cracks in the eyelids;
  • Peeling and cracks on the ears and nose;
  • Cataract;
  • Loss of vision;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Depression;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Anemia.

Signs of vitamin B2 deficiency when losing weight

When riboflavin deficiency occurs in people who are losing weight, the following symptoms appear:

  1. Fear of light;
  2. Pain in the eyes;
  3. Inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  4. Clouding of the cornea of ​​the eyes;
  5. Cracks in the corners of the lips;
  6. General fatigue.

Vitamin deficiency during weight loss occurs mainly due to the refusal of dairy and whole grain products. Also, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can affect the absorption of riboflavin.


Riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin, so excess is excreted by the kidneys in the urine. Side effects are not observed in case of overdose.

Use for weight loss

Dreaming of gaining, a person is ready to take extreme measures. Severe restriction of products or monotonous food contribute to the body switching to self-preservation mode. This leads to a stop in the weight loss process. Against the background of exhaustion, the body experiences discomfort and manifests itself chronic fatigue, general deteriorates appearance person. These processes can be stopped. To do this, those losing weight need to include nutritional supplements in their diet. Among these drugs Special attention should be given vitamin B2.

Riboflavin starts the process of burning fat reserves and helps speed up the metabolism of every cell in the body. Taking vitamin B2, a person losing weight helps accelerate weight loss excess weight and the activity of the nervous system is normalized. Thanks to this, sleep is normalized, the immune system is strengthened, and physical endurance increases.

Including taking vitamin B2, you need to understand that riboflavin alone cannot trigger fat burning. It will help speed up weight loss only in combination with proper nutrition And physical activity. A bonus will be the ideal condition of your skin, nails and hair.


It is possible to improve your health by following a diet. To do this, you should include it in your diet. active additives. Among them special attention need to be given vitamin B2. Price policy the drug varies greatly. The gradation of prices depends on the form of release and the manufacturer. By choosing a one-component drug, the cost will be lower. When purchasing a complex B vitamin supplement, the price will be slightly higher.


Vitamin B2 has no analogues in its properties. There are many names of this substance on the pharmacological market. Among them:

  1. Vitamin B2;
  2. Vitaplex;
  3. Lactoflavin;
  4. Beflavit;
  5. Betavitam;
  6. Vitrum Centuri;
  7. Flavitol;
  8. Lactoben;
  9. Ovoflavin;
  10. Ribovin;
  11. Bioflavin;
  12. Vitaflavin.

All of the above drugs perform one function - they saturate the human body with vitamin B2. Before use, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will help determine the presence of a deficiency and develop a method to eliminate the problems that have arisen.

Anyone who is worried about their health should definitely know why vitamin B2 is needed and in what products it can be found.

This natural pigment is involved in all physical and biochemical processes body. Without taking this vitamin you will not have any good health, no beauty. That's why the question arises, where is it contained? useful substance. Let's figure out which foods contain vitamin B2.

Features of vitamin B2

This vitamin has several names: B2, lactoflavin, hepatoflavin, verdeflavin, riboflavin (translated as “yellow sugar”). Such a rich variety of names exists because riboflavin was previously obtained from whey, eggs, liver and plant products.

B2 is involved in the formation of blood cells(erythrocytes) and adenosine triphosphoric acid, in the formation of a healthy fetus during pregnancy, and is also important for improving reproductive function.

When riboflavin is consumed in combination with vitamin A, the necessary fragmentation of epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membrane is ensured, thereby preserving healthy stomach, intestines and other digestive organs, genitourinary organs, bronchi, lungs, cardiovascular and central nervous system.

And it also contributes proper operation thyroid gland, protecting it from external influences, supports the ability of the eyes to see at dusk, to distinguish color scheme, helps nourish the vessels and nerves of the retina, reduces the risk infectious disease eye.

B2 promotes the synthesis and helps the body absorb other groups of vitamins and minerals: iron, folic acid (B9), pyridoxine (B6), vitamin K, participates in metabolism and releases energy needed for the body from food. Riboflavin helps keep hair and nails healthy.

Important! In some products, vitamin B is designated as yellow food coloring E101.

It enters the body not only with food, but is also synthesized intestinal microflora body. That is why it is necessary to monitor the health of the digestive system and promptly treat intestinal disorders.

Proper nutrition is the main condition for obtaining riboflavin. Maximum content vitamin can be found in yeast (including brewer's yeast, because they contain vitamins E and PP, as well as zinc, iron, chromium, magnesium, which help riboflavin to be absorbed in the body), liver, kidneys and other by-products, almonds, peanuts and quail eggs. All these products are record holders for riboflavin content.

You will find a little less of it in milk, buckwheat and oatmeal, whole grain bread, legumes, green vegetables, fish, beef and chicken. There is even less in potatoes, tomatoes, apples, semolina and millet. There are three groups of products, divided according to the content of this substance.

In order to maintain in the body the required level of vitamin, you do not need to constantly consume, for example, liver or almonds. It’s enough just to stick to a variety and balanced nutrition, be sure to eat porridge (buckwheat and oatmeal), vegetables, herbs and berries.


If you do not have time or opportunity to have a full lunch, then required portion riboflavin can be obtained by drinking two glasses of kefir or other sour dairy product.

Fruit drinks made from sea buckthorn, cranberries, currants or rose hips will be beneficial for the body. And sage tea and mint will not only replenish your body essential vitamins, but will also help in the treatment of infectious diseases.

Children get required amount riboflavin will help systematic use cocoa.

Let's summarize the data on the content of vitamin B2 in products in a table.

Product Content of vitamin b2 per 100 g of product
Hemp seed3,89
Egg powder1,77
Ready squid meat1,74
Pig heart1,71
Sour cream1,59
Liver sausage1,54
Goat cheese1,20
Raw eggs0,8
Chicken hearts0,75
Cottage cheese0,41
Soya beans0,37
Grape juice0,36
Raw spirulina0,35
Raw beans0,34
Porcini mushrooms0,31
Hard cheese0,26

How to maximize the benefits of the product

Riboflavin itself is quite stable, it tolerates thermal effects well.

Even adding acid to food will not cause harm, but... baking soda, ordinary baking powder or even nicotine smoke can destroy the vitamin completely in a second, because it does not tolerate an alkaline environment, and this must always be remembered.

Another enemy of riboflavin is bright light. That is why it is not recommended to store products in the sun or in transparent packaging. The best place For storage there will be a refrigerator or a closet.

When purchasing packaged milk or a dairy product in a store, you must take into account that more than half of the vitamins have already been lost. If you cook or soak a product containing riboflavin for a long time, remember that it tends to pass into the water and subsequently drains down the sink along with it.

It is better to cook cereals in water, and pour the milk into the finished porridge.

Symptoms of deficiency

So that you do not feel a lack of riboflavin, you must adhere to several rules:

The first sign of riboflavin deficiency is problems with skin: peeling, dermatitis, boils, oily sheen, seizing, dry lips. There are eye problems: fatigue, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, stye. And ulcers in the mouth may also appear or the tongue may simply become swollen.

With a constant lack of vitamin, a person may develop anemia (problems with iron absorption, muscle cramps, pain in the legs, itching of the external genitalia and pain when urinating). Loss of hair and eyelashes is allowed, nervous disorders and depression, constant fatigue.

Similar symptoms are observed when there is a lack of vitamin B12 complex (B12), B5 ( pantothenic acid), D12 and B1 (aneurin).

Riboflavin deficiency can develop due to various reasons: problems with the stomach, intestines, thyroid gland.

A lack of riboflavin is dangerous for children: growth slows down, delays in mental, mental and physical development are observed.



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