Indications for head massage. Massage techniques and techniques

Massage techniques have been known to humanity for more than five thousand years. With the help of certain finger movements you can eliminate headache, relieve stress, improve blood supply to the scalp. The “head massage” procedure can be used by a specialist or independently at home, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, helps to relax, weaken psycho-emotional stress.

What is head massage

Professional scalp massage is a procedure during which massage movements are performed in the scalp, in the forehead and temples. Knowing the location of certain points, you can remove spasms and improve work sebaceous glands, restore proper blood circulation, remove keratinized scales. You don't have to be a professional massage therapist to massage your head. All that is needed is a favorable environment and basic knowledge of this procedure.

Indications and contraindications

Such health technology Head massage has its own indications and contraindications. In most cases he is useful procedure, which has a positive effect on the state of the body and health. But sometimes it is better to refuse it so as not to aggravate some diseases. So, indications for head massage:

  • headache;
  • insomnia or other sleep disorders;
  • fatigue in chronic form;
  • state of anxiety;
  • constant stress;
  • emotional instability;
  • muscle spasm;
  • convulsions;
  • dandruff;
  • hair loss;
  • dry skin, hair;
  • seborrhea;
  • damaged hair ends.
  • head injury in any condition;
  • eczema;
  • scalp disease (fungus);
  • baldness;
  • dilated blood vessels on the face;
  • too oily hair;
  • recent surgery;
  • elevated temperature;
  • spondylosis;
  • spondyloarthritis;
  • thrombosis;
  • embolism;
  • acute stages any chronic diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart problems.

What are the benefits of head massage?

In ancient times, massages included medical complex for soldiers. Today is the similar procedures is an excellent way to eliminate pain and prevention of negative disruptions in the body. Massage is useful for people with reduced concentration, those engaged in active mental activity, sleep problems, eye fatigue and increased anxiety.

Massage movements of the skin have a positive effect in the form of strengthening hair, relieving tension and increasing local blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Smooth stroking up and down, forward and back, and light pressure with your fingertips on special points stimulate the necessary flow of oxygen to the scalp. As a result of this technique, mood and performance improve.

Types of head massage

There are two types of head rubbing – therapeutic and cosmetic:

  • Therapeutic eliminates problems associated with stress, tension, anxiety.
  • Cosmetic is more related to the health of hair and skin. With its help you can eliminate dandruff, get rid of dry hair, accelerate hair growth, and slow down hair loss.

Preparatory activities

No special preparation is required for skin massage. However, it is worth considering that massaging leads to active work sebaceous glands, so it is advisable to wash your hair after the procedure. Moreover, during therapeutic rubbing, oils or herbal infusions are often used to make the process much healthier and more enjoyable. It is highly undesirable to take alcohol five hours before any type of head massage.

How to do a massage correctly

The procedure begins by slowly massaging the temporal, frontal and occipital areas. This is done in order to improve blood flow in the venous vessels. Next, with light movements, a part of the head is massaged from the forehead to the back of the head, from the crown to the ears, from the crown down to all parts. There is no strict algorithm of movements; it is advisable to simply alternate stroking, rubbing, light pressure and vibration. Each action begins with stroking and ends with the same. The massage should be performed from 3 to 10 minutes. At the end the back is well worked out collar area.


Acupressure treatment for the head is performed to relieve headaches and tension. It is necessary to allow the patient to sit comfortably and carry out movements with the fingers of both hands. The movements should be light, the pressure should not be strong. It is recommended to dim the lights so that the brightness does not provoke an increase in headaches. Pain relief is achieved through acupressure. In those areas where pain is felt, you should pinch the skin with your fingers for 5-6 seconds and release. When letting go, you don’t need to remove your fingers for another 10 seconds. Such movements create a feeling of relaxation.

Massaging begins with circular movements with the fingertips on the back of the ears. Hands should be located on both sides of the head and at the same time squeeze it lightly. The skin can be moved from one side to the other. Then the base of the skull is massaged with transverse movements. After a few minutes, you can proceed to the remaining areas of the head. Using this technique will improve blood circulation and quickly relieve tension and pain.

For hair growth

Rubbing the skin is best done one hour before washing your hair. The procedure lasts 10 minutes in total, but the discharge sebum will continue to happen for some time. The first stage begins with massaging the forehead and temples with soft circular movements. Next, move on to the hair, stroking the entire length of the hair from top to bottom. After such stroking, all movements (pressure, circular, pinching, patting) should be used perceptibly, but lightly. It is recommended to finish with the same stroking as at the beginning of the procedure.

Massage according to Mashkov

Indications for head massage according to Mashkov are suitable for people who suffer from hypertension. Experts note that after such a procedure, many patients begin to experience positive changes in this problem. Patients gradually notice a decrease in headaches, pressure in the forehead and back of the head, and get rid of dizziness. The Mashkov massage technique is performed in a quiet room with dim lighting:

  • The patient should relax as much as possible.
  • The massage therapist stands behind the patient, starting the massage by lightly rubbing the head area with his palm, moving down to the neck. Stroking and rubbing occur alternately.
  • The massage therapist moves from the neck to the shoulder girdle, and from the ridge to the shoulder blades, then to shoulder joints;
  • Warm-up occipital protuberance.
  • Warming up the occipital protuberance moves to the crown area.
  • The patient tilts his head so that it rests against the massage therapist, in this position a massage is performed on the forehead and temples.
  • Using the palms, a massage is carried out from the eyes to the back of the head, the eye sockets are kneaded with the fingertips, and punctures are made on the lower part.
  • The masseur moves to the forehead area, massages it, moving to the back of the head.
  • Final point: rubbing the shoulder girdle, neck, area between the shoulder blades.


Massaging can be done using herbal infusions and oils. The environment should be peaceful, calm, providing the opportunity to sit comfortably. The relaxing process should begin with stroking, gradually moving to light pressure on the different areas heads. Relaxing is similar to therapeutic, all movements are repeated. The purpose of this procedure is to allow a person to relax and relieve fatigue throughout the body and muscles. It is better to do the procedure before washing your hair.


Traditional Japanese massage is accompanied by pleasant music, aromas of sticks or oils. This procedure not only relieves stress, relaxes and leads to good mood, but can also relieve depression. Rubbing is based on pressure on certain points. They are on the neck and face. Correct movements with influence on these points can provide good dream, restore nervous system, get rid of migraines.

Pressing on the points allows you to remove blockages from them and allow free flow of energy. Thanks to this process, a chain of reflex reactions is launched, and the general condition of the body improves. This type can last from about 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, several sessions per month are possible. The duration of the course is individually approved with the master.


Qualitative acupressure head is the best pain reliever during a migraine attack or sudden headache of another kind that takes people by surprise. When you don't have medications with you, acupressure can be a quick option that will save you from pain. It doesn’t matter whether a person is at home, at work or on the street, this type of rubbing can be done quickly and independently.

So that the technique is performed correctly and gives positive result, you need to know the exact location of biologically active points. To do this, you can carefully study the map of such points. The main thing is not only to know the location of the points, but also how to press on them. Recommendations for quality massage at home:

  • The pressure should be light, use one or two fingers, tightly pressed together, located one on top of the other.
  • You can put three fingers into a pinch and also press, but without using force.
  • Pressure on the point occurs for 3-4 seconds and is slowly released.
  • Intense characteristic pressure lasts 2-3 seconds.

Comb for head massage

The simplest and at the same time pleasant, relaxing and health-improving treatment can be done using a regular comb. The comb should be made of natural material. The movements can be very simple, for example: 100 gentle movements of the comb along the surface of the curls from the back of the head to the forehead and back, or combing along the parting. You can alternate massaging the hair roots with a comb and your fingers, then you can reduce the number of movements with the comb.


Scalp massage

Indications for use: headaches, sleep disturbances, hypertonic disease, neuralgia trigeminal nerve, osteochondrosis cervicothoracic region spine.

When starting to massage the scalp, you should remember that the lymphatic vessels go from the crown down, back and to the sides, to lymph nodes located near the auricle and in the neck area. The direction of hair growth is almost the same as the direction lymphatic vessels. Blood vessels form a dense arterial and venous network. The direction of the vessels is radial, from bottom to top; arteries run towards the crown, as towards the center, and veins descend in the opposite direction.

Massage lines from the top of the head, as from the center, are outlined along radii downwards, in all directions. Thus, the scalp is massaged only in the direction of hair growth, and therefore in the direction of stroke excretory ducts skin glands.


Massaging against the normal inclination of the hair is not recommended, since such a massage can lead to clogging of the excretory ducts of the glands and injury to the hair roots.

The massage therapist is behind the patient during the procedure. The following massage techniques are used: stroking, circular rubbing with fingertips, effleurage and vibration.

Massage technique

Patient position- sitting on a chair, the shoulder girdle is as relaxed as possible.

Stroking. The technique can be performed: a) one tightly placed palm of the massage therapist is placed on the forehead, and the other on the back of the patient’s head, and both are directed along a longitudinal line towards each other; b) the massage therapist’s hands are located on the patient’s head, fingertips touching each other. The movement of the hands is made towards ears and towards the neck along the longitudinal line of the head. When the massage therapist's fingers pass the first row from the bridge of the nose to the crown and down to the neck, they again return to their original position, but retreating downwards by two transverse fingers, and the movement of the hands passes through the temple area to the back of the head. Then the fingers are located at the outer corner of the eye and also through the temple area to the back of the head. This stroking technique can be performed alternately with one or the other hand or with both hands at the same time.

Rubbing, which can be: a) longitudinal and b) circular.

a) longitudinal rubbing: the massage therapist’s hand is positioned so that the pads of the spread fingers lie on the top of the head, and the base of the palm is facing down. Rubbing is carried out with small, in most cases vigorous longitudinal movements from the crown to the border of the scalp.

b) circular rubbing: the position of the hand is the same as in the first case, but the fingertips do not move longitudinally, but, squeezing the scalp, perform small circular movements. Additional rubbing with pads is possible thumbs. In this case, the massage therapist’s four fingers are placed on the top of the head, and the thumb carries out circular rubbing downwards and radially.

Tapping is performed with the pads of three to five fingers, using both hands at once or alternately. Tapping should be done gently, quickly lifting the hand from the head.

Vibration. For this technique, an elastic vibrator is used.

During the procedure, it is necessary to carefully monitor the patient's condition.

All massage techniques in the scalp area must be performed gently, rhythmically and painlessly, without using great strength pressure.

Caution must be exercised when massaging the head in people suffering from frequent dizziness and in patients with a history of hypertension.

The average duration of a massage is 8–10 minutes; Each massage technique is repeated 4–5 times.

At a certain disease The massage therapist must choose the most effective techniques from the massage techniques described above.

6. In some cases, a massage of the scalp is preceded not only by a massage of the back and front surfaces of the neck, but also by a massage of the forehead area.

Contraindications to massage: open wounds in the scalp area, purulent diseases skin, presence or suspicion of a brain tumor, acute inflammatory diseases brain and its membranes, atherosclerosis with frequent spasm of cerebral vessels.

Massage of the back of the head

In some cases, the back of the head area is massaged separately, separating it from the general plan of scalp massage. The following massage techniques are used in the procedure:

Stroking the back of the head and back of the neck.

Zigzag rubbing of the scalp (hand movement from bottom to top).


Spiral rubbing with four fingers (movement from bottom to top). The technique is performed with one hand, the other hand fixes the patient's head.


Spiral rubbing with the thumb.




Forehead massage

Plane stroking. The technique is performed with the palmar surface of the hands and fingers of both hands simultaneously. The movement begins from the midline of the forehead, then the hands move to the temple area, where they arc down to the corner lower jaw.


When performing the technique, it is necessary that the skin of the forehead area does not stretch too much and does not gather into folds under the massage therapist’s fingers.

Zigzag rubbing is performed with one hand (with the pads of four fingers). The massage therapist fixes the patient's head in the crown area with one hand, and with the other carries out a zigzag rubbing in the direction from temple to temple (horizontally).

The fingers should not greatly displace the skin of the forehead; the pressure force is insignificant; lateral movements are not wide.

Wave-like stroking is performed with the palmar surface of the hand and fingers of one hand. Sliding, light, wave-like movements are carried out from temple to temple, without lifting the hand from the skin of the massaged area. Movements should be rhythmic, smooth and slow.

Alternate rubbing. The massage therapist places his hands on the patient’s scalp so that they rest on it with the base of the palm. The technique is performed with the pads of two index or two middle fingers located parallel to each other.


The fingers should make mutually opposite movements down and up, rubbing the skin of the forehead area in a transverse direction. In this case, both fingers gradually move from temple to temple. The application should be carried out easily, without displacing the skin.

Planar stroking along the fibers of the frontal muscles. The massage therapist's hands are positioned in the same way as when performing alternating rubbing. Stroking is carried out with the pads of four fingers of both hands simultaneously. The bases of the palms do not move. The fingers move in the direction from the eyebrows to the front border of the scalp.


When performing this technique, you must ensure that no folds of skin form under the massaging fingers.

Spiral rubbing with four fingers. The massage therapist's free hand fixes the patient's head in the crown area; the other carries out a rubbing technique from the midline of the forehead to the temple. Wherein right hand moves from the midline of the forehead to the left temple, and left hand- to the patient’s right temple.

Stroking from the midline of the forehead to the temples with both hands at the same time.

Intermittent pressure. The technique is performed with the pads of two or three fingers in the direction from the midline of the forehead to the temple. In the initial position, the fingers of the massaging hand are positioned as in spiral rubbing.

The reception should be performed gently, painlessly, slowly. The massage therapist's fingers should not be raised high.

Neck massage

Indications for use: diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, diseases and injuries spinal column, cosmetology.

The drainage of lymph in the neck area is directed to the deep and superficial cervical supraclavicular nodes. Neck massage includes massage of the soft tissues of the neck, larynx and laryngeal nerves. The neck muscles are massaged simultaneously with the trapezius muscle. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is selectively massaged using forceps-like stroking and rubbing techniques along its fibers from the mastoid process to the sternoclavicular junction. To relax the muscle, the head is turned up and towards the muscle being massaged.

Patient position: sitting astride a chair, arms folded in front of the chest, head resting on outer surface forearms; or lying on your stomach, arms bent in front of your head elbow joints, the forehead rests on the hands, the chin is tucked towards the chest. When massaging the soft tissues of the neck, sit with your head tilted back.

Massage therapist position: standing behind the patient, longitudinally; when massaging the front surface of the neck - on the side of the patient.

Direction of movement: along the lymph nodes, from top to bottom from hairline to the shoulder joint and supraclavicular regional lymph nodes. The massage therapist's palm is located on the side of the neck in the following way: the thumb is abducted, lies in front of the earlobe, the second finger is under the earlobe, the remaining fingers are adjacent to the corners of the lower jaw. When moving, the second finger slides along the inner edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the rest - along the belly of the muscle from top to bottom to thyroid cartilage larynx, here the hand turns palm up and continues to move in the direction of the supraclavicular fossa, to the jugular notch of the sternum. When performing the technique with one hand, massage both sides of the neck alternately.

When massaging the front surface of the neck, one hand fixes the back of the head, the other moves from the lower edge of the jaw down to the sternum.

The larynx is grabbed with the thumb and second finger, shifted from right to left and from top to bottom.

Stroking - planar, grasping, comb-shaped, forceps-shaped.

Rubbing - circular, straight, pincer-shaped, sawing, crossing, shading.

Kneading - transverse and longitudinal with a pad thumb, four fingers, phalanges bent fingers, pincer-like, stretching.

Vibration - puncturing, tapping, patting with fingertips.


To prevent dizziness, massage should begin on the side of the neck, with one hand, avoiding intense exposure.

During the massage you should not hold your breath.

To prevent the cough reflex, do not press on the hyoid bone.

Monitoring of the patient's condition is necessary; if signs of intolerance appear (nausea, pain, dizziness), the procedure should be stopped immediately.

The laryngeal nerves are massaged only when indicated with vibrating movements, while the patient's head is tilted forward.

Contraindications for use: diseases thyroid gland, exacerbation of various dental and ENT diseases.

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3. Massage the scalp Start by alternately stroking the palms of both hands in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head. Then, using stroking movements, massage the same part of the head from its midline to the sides and down towards the temples and ears (see Fig. 25). After

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Head massage Head massage is divided into massage of the scalp and facial massage. Massage of the scalp is used for seborrhea to improve hair growth, strengthen it, as well as for migraines, diseases of the central nervous system, and mental fatigue. Before

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Head massage Try to find a place where no one will disturb you - it is best to retire to a quiet and dimly lit room. Sit freely, relax, unbutton your collar so that it does not constrain you, close your eyes. Take your mind off all your problems, throw away all your thoughts,

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Massage of the scalp Indications for use: headaches, sleep disorders, hypertension, trigeminal neuralgia, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine. When starting a massage of the scalp, you should remember that lymphatic

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Massage of the scalp The skin of the scalp is quite dense, but moves freely, contains significant amount sebaceous and sweat glands. Blood supply to the scalp is carried out by arteries that are part of the internal and external carotid system

From the author's book

Massage of the scalp with skin exposure. It is carried out along the partings, the first parting is combed in the sagittal direction from the middle of the scalp border of the forehead to the back of the head, stroking with fingers flat from front to back, 3-4 passes. rubbing, shading,

How attractive is lush hair with a healthy shine. Maintaining healthy hair is not difficult; to do this, massage your hair and scalp at least two or three times a week for 10-15 minutes. This procedure will improve the metabolic process in the scalp, stimulate blood circulation by expanding capillaries, and improve nutrition of the hair roots.

It is necessary to warn that massage is contraindicated in cases of hypertension, spinal or head injuries, fungi, ulcers on the scalp, and eczema. It is strictly forbidden to massage the scalp of people suffering from baldness, as it can intensify this process.

Benefits of hair and scalp massage

1. Scalp massage is beneficial for all skin types. Doctors recommend for anyone with dry skin, dandruff or initial stage hair diseases

2. Scalp massage helps relieve headaches, accelerate hair growth, improve the tone of the general condition of the body due to improved blood circulation by increasing the elasticity of blood vessels.

3. Professionals advise for dry and normal hair do a massage after washing your hair, for oily hair before washing, due to the fact that during the massage, hair becomes more greasy.

4. For all hair types it is very effective, especially if you suffer from dandruff, to carry out massage procedures while washing your hair.

Application will also enhance the effect medicines and tinctures as recommended specialized specialists. Some tinctures can be prepared at home.

How to massage your scalp and hair

1. First, you need to warm up the scalp, massaging with gentle circular movements to relax the scalp muscles. We gradually increase the pressure, but control it so that there is no pain. We complete the massage process by stroking the hair with soothing movements. The massage is done with the fingertips or palms.

2. When performing a massage, we use basic techniques: stroking, rubbing, tapping, vibration, combing.
Before massaging the scalp, it is advisable to massage the temples, behind the ear and frontal parts.

3. Using the palms of both hands, lightly stroking us from the frontal part to the back of the head, as if combing the hair along the partings (the distance between the partings is about 2 cm and repeats everything again). We relax the muscles and calm the nervous system to get maximum effect from massage.

4. Next, rub vigorously from the top of the head, moving down, then up, trying not to move the scalp. Fixing index fingers, using the fingertips of both hands, gently perform light tapping over the entire scalp, trying not to cause pain. Grabbing the hair between your fingers, we pull it upward with oscillatory movements (airing the hair).

5. Moving down from the crown, we vibrate the scalp with the pads of our fingers, trying not to take our hands off the head during the massage.

6. Combing - important procedure to saturate hair with oxygen, correct distribution subcutaneous fat when massaging hair.

At the end of the head massage, give a small massage to the back of the neck, which also promotes blood flow and relaxes the muscles of the neck and head. Wrap a towel around your head and relax.

Effective and in a pleasant way Massage practice has long been considered a remedy for scalp problems. After all, head massage is carried out without specialized equipment and medications. And the benefits from it exceed all expectations.

Its health benefits are obvious. Acceleration of metabolic processes, increased blood circulation in the cells of the scalp, normalization of lymph circulation - all this provides a head massage. Massage of the scalp is also useful because it removes old dead epidermis, which accelerates blood circulation, improves cell respiration, and saturates them with oxygen. As a result, skin cells are renewed more intensively, increasing tone skin. And on healthy skin thick and beautiful hair grows.

Indications for which head massage is performed are:

  • the appearance of dandruff,
  • dry scalp, irritation, itching,
  • hair loss,
  • swelling,
  • headache,
  • stress tension,
  • overwork.

For different types massage techniques, the indications in each case are more specific.

There are also contraindications for the use of massage manipulations:

  • the presence of cuts, abrasions and other injuries to the skin,
  • purulent rashes, the presence of fungus on the skin,
  • hypertonic disease,
  • heart diseases,
  • infectious diseases,
  • heat.

But this general contraindications, like indications, they are detailed in each individual case.

In order not to harm, but to achieve improvement in the condition of the skin, you need to know how to properly massage the head and when. Let's look at these points in more detail.

Due to the fact that massaging the scalp increases the secretion of sebum, it is advisable to do it before washing your hair. Since massage tends to relax not only the skin but also the entire body, it is advisable to do it in your free time from work, during rest or in the evening, before bed.

Head massage involves four fundamental techniques:

  1. First, gentle stroking movements are made in the direction of hair growth. At first it is very delicate, but then it is necessary to intensify the impact. As a result, the skin warms up due to increased blood circulation.
  2. Then rubbing is applied in the form of zigzag movements, which are carried out with greater force than just stroking. All this is done with bunches of fingers simultaneously with both hands.
  3. Next, the scalp massage is carried out with kneading movements, in which the skin moves back and forth. Usually the massage therapist's hands are on the frontal and occipital parts of the head. Directing his hands first in one direction and then in the other direction and thus moving the skin, the specialist makes kneading movements.
  4. Finally, vibration manipulations are applied in the form of vigorous tapping on the hair-covered area of ​​the head. These movements can be performed either with the fingertips or directly with the palms. Video can't be loaded: Classic massage heads. How to quickly get rid of a headache without pills (

Knowing how to do a scalp massage, basic techniques, indications and contraindications for its use, if desired, you can massage the scalp yourself without resorting to the services of salons and medical institutions. Thanks to simple massage movements, you can restore the health of the scalp and hair, get rid of headaches, and normalize intracranial pressure, restore the body’s strength without the use of medications and medical equipment.

Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular types of massages.

Acupressure and relaxing head massages.

Acupressure and relaxing head massages are designed primarily to relax the skin and muscles of the head, tone them, relieve stress, physical and moral fatigue, lift the spirit and restore a person’s internal strength.

Acupressure head massage

The acupressure type of massage technique originated in ancient China. According to Chinese philosophy human body covered vitally important points, having an effect on which you can restore health and psycho-emotional state.

Read also Head massage for headaches

Massaging the head, or more precisely, the active points that are located on it, reduces muscle tension, helps improve blood circulation, internal secretion, supplying skin cells with oxygen, as well as substances useful for their nutrition. By improving the condition of the scalp, the hair also becomes healthier, and overall beneficial effect over the entire human body.

After all, according to Chinese doctors, all health problems begin with the head. Spot technique, like everyone else, also has indications for use and a number of contraindications presented in the table.

Acupressure of the head is done in an intense rhythm long time, to calm the body, and vice versa, the use of short movements in a relatively short period of time brings the body into tone.

This technique consists of two parts: preparatory and direct work with active points of the head (massaging active points).

Preparatory. In order to properly influence active points The part of the head that is being massaged must be prepared. To do this, first carry out basic massage actions and techniques:

  • Stroking. With light movements of the fingers, stroking is carried out in the direction of hair growth. Then one hand moves from the forehead towards the second, which moves from the back of the head.
  • Trituration. From the crown of the head, dynamic linear and then circular movements are used to massage the scalp in the downward and upward direction.
  • Sipping. The master holds a strand of hair between his fingers and gently pulls, making slight vibrations.
  • Effleurage. The massage therapist makes light pressing movements, working only with the phalanges of the fingers.
  • Vibrations. Vibrating movements are made along the scalp, from the crown to the line where the hair ends.

Biologically active points of the head

Technique for massaging active points:

Despite the fact that acupressure head massage is far from the most difficult massage, if you wish, you can master it yourself; it is better to entrust such a massage to a master, he will do it better and help you relax as much as possible. Video can’t be loaded: How to quickly relieve a headache. Shiatsu acupressure massage on the head (

Relaxing head massage

A relaxing head massage is indicated for those people who feel constant fatigue, are in a pre-depressive state or just want to relax and enjoy the procedure.

When performing this type of massage, it is necessary to take into account the indications and contraindications given in the table.

Since the goal of this massage is to relax the scalp and muscles, the main technique is rubbing and stroking. When muscle and skin tension is relieved, a person relaxes and achieves a state of calm.

Relaxation massage technique:

  • The massage therapist first strokes the scalp, with the fingers spread apart and in a bent state. Then there is a light rubbing of the skin along symmetrical lines with unequal, delicate pressure. In this case, both hands act simultaneously, alternating rubbing and stroking.
  • The next stage of the massage is moving the scalp. To do this, the massage therapist places one hand on frontal part head, and the other on the back of the head and, acting with both hands, makes directed movements in one direction or the other. In this case, movements should be soft and rhythmic.
  • Stretching the scalp is one of the important points in this type of massage. The hands, as in the previous case, are on the frontal and occipital parts of the head, the only difference is that this time the movement of the hands is directed in opposite directions, thus tensioning the scalp. It is worth considering that this procedure must be done very gently so as not to cause pain.
  • At the final stage, the back of the head (if necessary, the neck) is massaged using quick stroking and with stronger pressure, while the fingers are relaxed and the hands are pressed tightly to the scalp.

Master massage techniques, relax and be healthy. Video can’t be loaded: Head massage (

Also in old times head massage has been used both therapeutically and for cosmetic purposes. Various techniques practiced 5000 years ago have survived to this day. In every village there lived a healer who treated people with the help of massage.

Head massage helped restore the strength of warriors and improve the health of the wounded after a battle.

Today, scalp massage is most often used as a relaxing session. It helps relieve tension and relieves fatigue.

Types of massage and indications for the procedure

Do not underestimate the impact of a head massage on the entire body. Even if the area of ​​influence is small, but already 10 minutes after the start of the procedure you will feel pleasant muscle relaxation. Knowing where and what point is located, with the help of acupressure you will get rid of pain symptoms head and improve your vision. Active blood circulation during the session will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve mental abilities.

The scalp massage procedure can be therapeutic or cosmetic.

  • frequent headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions and painful condition muscle fibers;
  • pain in the collar area and discomfort in the cervical spine;
  • pain in the joints and spine.

Cosmetic massage is suitable for:

  • improvements hair follicles and scalp in general;
  • getting rid of dandruff and itching;
  • stimulation of hair growth;
  • decrease in dryness.

Benefits of regular head massage

By increasing blood supply to cervical spine and to the brain, you can achieve positive effect V general condition health. Massage is especially recommended for older people and people doing mental work. A head massage during your lunch break will give you the opportunity to work the second half of the day no less fruitfully than the first. Thanks to the accelerated metabolic process, literally after a few procedures you can notice a positive effect:

  • improves the appearance of hair and scalp;
  • puffiness of the face and bags under the eyes disappear;
  • improves memory and strengthens immunity;
  • insomnia disappears and mental activity increases;
  • there is a surge of energy and improvement in physical condition;
  • improves sleep;
  • nervousness decreases.


You cannot massage your head:

Cannot be consumed alcoholic drinks 5 hours before the massage, and before the procedure you need to drink a glass of warm water.

Preparing for the procedure and performing different types of head massage

None special devices No preparation or preparation for head massage is required for the procedure. If you are performing a massage for cosmetic purposes, then you can do it yourself, without focusing on the movements, just do it so that there is no pain and you feel comfortable.

Scalp massage for cosmetic purposes is carried out before washing your hair, and better during water procedures. For example, you can stimulate the skin while applying conditioner or shampoo by massaging your scalp with your fingers, moving them from the ears to the back of the head, or using your fingers in circles on the crown of the head. This will improve the growth of hair follicles and increase beneficial features care products.

Performing a head massage on clean and dry hair is not considered a contraindication. But it is worth knowing that improved blood flow provokes additional secretion of sebum, which contributes to an increase in oily hair. If you want to achieve maximum effect, you should use oils and herbal decoctions during the procedure. When manipulating dry scalp, use a wide-toothed comb to part the hair. Then moisten your fingertips with a decoction or hair treatment and massage.

Conducting massotherapy scalp, you need to have a little more skill than in cosmetic massage heads. Here it is worth paying attention to the location of the massage points and finding out what result the patient expects from the procedure. Having the skills and knowing how to properly massage the head, you can quickly get rid of migraines by massaging certain points.

Massage will help speedy recovery after illness or injury, it will add strength and energy to you. During the procedure, you should work with your fingers. It is better for the patient to sit or be in a reclining position. Try to create a relaxing environment in the room. It will be very good if during the procedure there is no one else in the room except you and the patient. Create a comfortable temperature in the room, turn off the bright lights, this will help you relax and calm down. To improve the effect, you can turn on calm, quiet music and use incense.

Execution order

  1. Start the massage from the area behind the ears. Massage the scalp using circular movements. Work without strong pressure or sudden movements. This part of the procedure will relax and muffle muscle pain, as well as headaches, if any;
  2. Place your palms on the sides of your skull and lightly squeeze your head. This procedure serves to improve blood circulation. You should do 3-4 identical movements;
  3. Now place your hands where your neck ends and your head begins. Do 2-3 pressure manipulations in this part of the head. Such movements improve blood supply to the shoulder area and relieve pain in the cervical region.


Don't forget about point impact while doing a relaxing head massage. Stimulating at certain points scalp head, you can get rid of headaches and other unpleasant symptoms.

  • Determine where the discomfort is most felt, and use acupressure of the head to localize it;
  • Correct acupressure is carried out only with fingers, with pressing for 4-5 seconds at each point;
  • Particular attention is paid to the temporal zone. Doing a massage temporal zone, you improve the condition of blood vessels and lymphatic system the whole head. The duration of this procedure is 5-6 minutes. Pressing on points in the temple area with two fingers, you need to make small circular movements.

Quick, rhythmic pressure can also help with headaches.

  • Having moved to occipital part, move your hands up and down, clasping them. Move from the very base of the hair, located at the front of the head, to the cervical region;
  • With this massage you can get rid of drowsiness, activate brain activity, relieve stress and improve the walls of brain vessels;
  • Acupressure helps improve vision and enhance concentration.

Indian massage technique

It is done in a sitting position. It includes massage movements of the head, face and neck. It is recommended for people with puffiness around the eyes and face. This procedure helps make the skin more elastic and gives a rejuvenating effect.

The main movements in Indian head massage are pressure, rotation and compression.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • balance and opening of chakras;
  • getting rid of fatigue and the massage itself.

This massage will be more effective if someone does it for you, although self-massage is also possible, but the benefits will not be as great.

  • The massage therapist is behind the patient, placing his hands on his head, on the sides of the skull, fingers pointing upward;
  • You need to move along the side of the head, starting from the ears and ending at the top of the head. In this case, at the base of the head it is worth influencing the area of ​​the points only with the pads of your fingers. Having risen higher, you can add compression with your palm. Similar movements with the palms should be made on the frontal part of the head, placing one palm on the forehead and the other on back heads. Do 4-5 compressions. This will help with blood supply to blood vessels and improve memory;
  • The stage ends with stroking in the same parts of the head. The duration of the session is from 40 to 50 minutes. After the massage, ask the patient to lie down for 15-20 minutes.

Burmese massage

It is used more for relaxation. This procedure will help you relax after a hard day at work, restore strength and collect your thoughts. Everyone knows about the benefits of relaxation massages. You can calm the nervous system with this procedure only with the help of a massage therapist.

Take advantage essential oils scented with lavender or other calming scents.

  • Accept sitting position and dim the lights. It is better not to use additional massage creams during this procedure;
  • Make smooth circular movements in a chaotic manner, using the skin of the face and neck;
  • By massaging the neck and scalp at the base, more vigorous movements are used to warm up the muscles and relieve pain.

Important! Patients who have received a Burmese massage note that the neck becomes so relaxed that it can support the head. In this state, maximum muscle relaxation is achieved. The session lasts 15-20 minutes and ends complete relaxation or even putting the patient to sleep.


Rubbing herbal decoctions into hair massage movements, you can see results that improve the condition of your hair in just a few weeks.

Many patients write in reviews that after the procedure they feel a surge of energy and a desire to work, this is especially true for the Indian procedure. Massage for cosmetic purposes will reduce redness and itching on the skin, and get rid of dandruff after 2-3 sessions.

During a Burmese massage, you will receive relaxation and results right during the procedure.

Important! Remember that any massage has contraindications and instructions. Before you start doing self-massage, think carefully, do you know everything about it?



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