Wondering what to do. Focus on the activity and not on your worries about it

Suspiciousness is one of those unpleasant qualities that spoil the lives of its owners and, like black spots, are difficult to remove.

Like pride and resentment, suspiciousness is tightly woven into human character and national mentality. It is especially characteristic of women, but is not alien to many men. How to get rid of suspiciousness?

Suspiciousness is a kind of grief from the mind when a person really thinks too much, and all his thoughts are extremely negative and pessimistic. He is sure that if something unpleasant happens, it will definitely happen to him. He sees danger in everything, does not trust loved ones, is suspicious of friends and is extremely fearful.

He is confident in advance of defeat and does not hope for success. And if a meteorite falls to Earth, it will fall exactly at the point where our suspicious object stands.

A person infected with suspiciousness finds confirmation of his guesses in everything. If he suddenly gets sick or is called first in an exam, he will certainly remark: “I told you that everyone was against me! This teacher hates me, and all the viruses cling to me, because I’m so unlucky!”

This “Mr. Experience” is not only afraid of everything, he is sure that everything is already happening. Colleagues look at him strangely, and Tamara Ivanovna did not drink coffee with him...

This means that they are plotting and are going to set him up in front of the authorities! There were three pimples on his body... He probably has the incurable disease that was mentioned in the News.

Such a person never feels happy, and deprives himself of it on his own. And in “advanced cases,” paranoia and persecution mania may even develop.

There is a theory that with our words and thoughts we attract reality to ourselves. By sending signals to the Universe, we broadcast our desires and expectations and actually change reality to suit us.

Very much thin matter- our Universe.

Seeing the negative in everything (“He will definitely leave me, because he lives with me for profit”), we attract him to us. Therefore, you need to get rid of suspiciousness, and quickly!

Let's dig deeper and understand the origins of suspiciousness. Low self-esteem, complexes, lack of confidence in one’s strengths and one’s own right to happiness, distrust of people – all this gives rise to suspiciousness in a person.

Most often, it is precisely questions that were unresolved in early childhood, resentment towards parents and youthful complexes that lead to it. In addition, betrayal can become the birthplace of this feeling. loved one, which undermined trust in everything in the world.

1. To get rid of suspiciousness, always try to soberly assess the situation. Be objective and in controversial moments ask yourself the question: “Do they really want to offend me, or did I make it all up?”

Remember a similar case when you were offended, but it turned out that it was in vain. Analyze your past and present more often, only a rational approach can help.

2. The second question you ask yourself is: “ Is this so important to worry about?" Even if you suspect that the teacher higher mathematics doesn’t like you and deliberately underestimates you (maybe this is true, or it’s just a fantasy), think that this is all temporary.

In six months you won’t meet again, and people don’t have to love everyone. You never know what anyone thinks about you. Tell yourself: “No matter what others think, you can’t force yourself to be nice. But I still know this subject perfectly, I’m a good student and a kind person.”

3. When you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, force yourself to find positive aspects in it. Called in first in the exam? Great! Rather, you will get tired of it and go drink your favorite coffee in a cafe around the corner.

Was it not you who was sent on a business trip to Egypt, but the sycophant Vasya? Amazing! It’s very hot there now and, in general, the political situation is tense – it’s time to worry about poor Vasya.

Has your car broken down? Perfect! While it is being repaired, you will finally be able to walk to work - the air will be fresh, spring is in the yard, and you will get in shape!

4. It happens that in a team people with completely different, “conflict” character types encounter each other. They interpret all words in their own way, offending the interlocutor and taking offense at him.

It is painful for a suspicious person to find himself in such a situation: he will turn a simple misunderstanding and different mentality against himself, seeing much more behind it. And if you can’t cope with suspiciousness, it’s better to just change the team. You can refuse any unpleasant relationship!

5. It would be useful consultation with a psychologist, which will help you recognize the reasons for this feeling. By coming to terms with bad experiences and accepting yourself for who you are, you will learn to trust others too. The specialist will also teach you how to build armor against insults and not worry about little things.

Living with the words “I am the smartest and most beautiful, everyone adore me” is much more pleasant than with the confidence that everyone hates you. But, as in any capacity, a boundary is needed here. You can’t say “Everything is fine” all the time, wear rose-colored glasses and not notice the obvious hints.

If your husband regularly comes home at night happy and with lace lingerie in his pocket, don’t think that he bought it for you and forgot to pack it. On the other hand, if he was late at a meeting once, this is not a reason to cut off the ends: “This is the collapse of our marriage, he found a young and beautiful woman!”

Be vigilant, but not suspicious!

Suspiciousness Suspiciousness sometimes interferes with life to such an extent that it becomes simply uncomfortable to be alone with oneself. As a result, a person loses his inner balance and does not know what to do.

Suspiciousness is usually understood as a developed habit of worrying for various reasons. Often, increased suspiciousness is very strongly associated with hypochondria. This is a form of psychological disorder that prevents a person from fully enjoying life. A suspicious person listens so much to his own health that he ultimately misses out on life. All his daily activities are focused on monitoring his own well-being. Naturally, in this situation, there is absolutely no time to engage in personal development, to invest energy in success and creative activity. It turns out that the individual is wasting his resources in vain. He is captive of his own doubts and fears. Constant suspiciousness takes up too much strength and energy. As a result, there is a high risk of completely closing in fears and ceasing to adequately perceive the surrounding reality.

Symptoms of suspiciousness

Manifestations of severe anxiety are noticeable even to uninitiated people. If a person appears nearby who suffers from strong suspiciousness, then he is unlikely to be able to control his condition. In some cases, those around them also begin to suffer: it is not very pleasant to be around such a person, since pessimism can really be contagious.

Constant fears

Fear can ruin the life of any individual if you start living in it. At the same time, the character changes for the worse: people become overly susceptible, whiny and insecure. Fears extend to literally all areas of life: relationships with others, loved ones, and one’s own health are also subject to careful analysis. It seems to a person that he is losing all control over life and cannot influence it in any way. If you don’t work with fears, they won’t go away on their own.


Increased anxiety certainly affects the fact that a person loses certain ground under his feet. He suddenly discovers an inability to cope with the most basic tasks. Communication with other people often becomes a burden, because it requires presence internal forces, of which there are still too few. Self-esteem begins to rapidly fall, because the individual cannot confirm to himself that he is worthy of something more. Terrible condition, requiring immediate correction. A suspicious person imagines that his capabilities are very small, although this may have nothing to do with reality. Self-doubt is a very serious obstacle to a happy outlook.

Health Anxiety

People get to the point where they start taking their temperature several times a day. Such alarmists, as a rule, have to forget about a successful career. Some people try to dress as warmly as possible in any weather to prevent hypothermia. It does not occur to them that their actions are absurd and cannot be regarded as adequate. Fears associated with the possibility of getting sick do not allow you to calmly enjoy life or try something new in it. What kind of personal development can we talk about if an individual controls his own condition twenty-four hours a day? Constant anxiety does not allow you to relax and calm down. Accordingly, rarely does anyone have the determination to calmly pull themselves together and take timely action. the right decision. Sometimes a person feels like he is constantly fighting with invisible enemy, and this struggle takes away all his vital resources.

Reasons for suspiciousness

Many would like to know where this disease comes from. In terms of gravity, hypochondriacal disorder can be compared to a disease that eats away from the inside for a long time and does not go away. In addition, the patient has no hope of recovery. Even a common cold can significantly unsettle you, give rise to terrible thoughts, and make you begin to prepare for death. This is because often a person cannot understand the reasons for what is happening. Every symptomatic manifestation seems terrible to him.

Psychological trauma

As a rule, it is associated with a loss of a sense of control over one's life. If something extraordinary happened to a person once, then in the future the negative experience inevitably influences subsequent decisions made. The shock experienced very soon develops into an internal conflict, which makes it impossible to objectively assess the events taking place. Anxious suspiciousness is not just a bad mood, but a disturbed perception of reality; you need to know how to deal with it. Fear can become so overwhelming that there are no resources left to act actively.

Fear of a specific disease

It happens that a person has a fear of contracting a certain disease or acquiring it as a result wrong image life. Most often, people focus on the work of the cardiovascular system, reproductive system or gastrointestinal tract. They naively believe that by constantly measuring pressure or temperature, taking unnecessary medications, they can correct an unsatisfactory situation in better side. Endless testing and visiting doctors also does not lead to anything good: the individual drives himself even more into a box and cannot find a way out. The more one clings to medicine, the more despair and suspicion grow. Over time, a person generally loses the habit of trusting himself and expects the support of others in everything.

How to get rid of suspiciousness

Many people are convinced that this is quite difficult to do in practice. After all, you have to fight with yourself, overcome your reluctance to live. In fact, the issue is quite serious, but this does not mean that there is no need to act. The sooner the necessary measures are taken, the better. Treatment of suspiciousness requires a certain presence of mind and determination from a person. How to get rid of suspiciousness? Let's take a closer look.

Taking responsibility

Understand that no one will do this for you. It is impossible to live constantly complaining about the slightest ailments. This way we will only become even more confused and will not be able to understand where the lie is and where the truth is. If we constantly suspect that we have a serious illness, then sooner or later we will definitely stop believing in our own resources. A large number of nervous shocks cannot be in vain. At some point, a person discovers that he has stopped living, but simply exists automatically, like a robot. Gradually, everything affects not only physical condition, but also on the functioning of the nervous system. That's why suspicious person often feels a certain loss of strength, he does not want to do anything, he is afraid of the future. Taking responsibility is necessary if you want to change things. You need to realize how hopeless fears are and how they eat up your internal resources. Changes are possible. You just need to not despair, but constantly look for help, try to show some activity yourself.

Antidepressants and sedatives

It makes sense to contact them when the situation is really getting out of control. If a person constantly cries, suffers from severe fears and depression, conversations with a professional alone cannot be done. Your own strength becomes too little to cope with the problem. Special medications aimed at reducing anxiety will help you avoid driving yourself into a dead end. They can help in difficult case when there is no hope left. However, you can’t rely on them alone, as you can become dependent on medications. Still, the main thing is your own decision to act.

Thus, you need to have special knowledge on how to get rid of anxiety, how to overcome suspiciousness. Without this, it is impossible to move forward and make positive plans for the future. Remember that you must act before the situation reaches a dead end and makes you believe in your own futility. If you cannot solve the problem yourself, you can seek help from the Irakli Pozharisky Psychology Center. Working with a specialist will help restore peace of mind, outline ways out of a personal crisis.

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A suspicious person can be described as a person experiencing constant anxiety, which has no justified reason for its occurrence. People suffering from suspiciousness often experience panic attacks and treat the world around them with increased suspicion. Often the phenomenon under consideration is intertwined with hypochondria (excessive concern about one’s own health). Most suspicious people suffer from various phobias and rarely show a desire for their own personal development.

In order to get rid of this condition, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence. Let's look at what suspiciousness is and consider various aspects of this phenomenon.

A suspicious person is a person who constantly and usually for no reason experiences a feeling of anxiety about any future events

  1. According to most experts in the field of psychology, suspiciousness has three forms of manifestation: In this situation, a person prefers to put his own interests above the needs of others. Synonyms for this type of suspiciousness include words such as “arrogance” and “pride.”
  2. Problems with making a choice. Suspicious people often have problems making specific choices of actions, fearing that their actions may be a mistake. IN similar condition a person tries to relieve himself of responsibility for various actions, and gives the right to make decisions to those around him.
  3. Increased anxiety. Constant negative experiences regarding future events are another form of suspiciousness. A person suffering from this form of suspiciousness is constantly in a state of anxiety. This condition can be caused by various factors, including the opinions of others, level of health and social climate.

According to experts, the hypochondriac state has no basis and often appears without a specific reason. The transition to this state is accompanied by distrust of other people, the appearance of obsessions and indecision. The above “symptoms” lead to a significant decrease in self-esteem, causing a person to feel afraid to make decisions that could affect their quality of life.

It is in this fear and fear of mistakes that the roots of the problem lie.

  1. All of the above forms of suspiciousness have certain similar features. A suspicious person is a person who has problems concentrating in the objective world around him. Based on the facts given above, one can ask a completely logical question: is a suspicious person aware of the existence of a problem? According to psychologists, there are two main reasons for the appearance of suspiciousness, which are divided by gender and based on the level of socialization of the individual: Suspiciousness in men
  2. - manifests itself due to the fear of various mistakes that can negatively affect normal life activities. Such fear is born of an incorrect approach to education, when a child is punished for various minor mistakes. This fear, over the years, leads to the fact that a man tries to avoid responsibility and the choice of specific actions.– is a peculiar habit of giving the right to choose to a man. This problem also has childhood roots, since many girls, faced with various life difficulties, seek advice from adults. Getting used to such “easy” solutions to problems, girls carry this habit into adulthood. Lack of support from such people can lead to stupor when encountering various life difficulties.

Psychologists note that such a division has a certain convention. In practice, both of the above reasons occur in both men and women.

A suspicious person is usually a very suggestible person, obsessed with constant doubts and a sense of fear.

Is suspiciousness a pathology?

Is suspiciousness a disease or a character? This question has a high degree of prevalence among people familiar with this condition. Increased anxiety can lead to various borderline states requiring professional treatment. The feeling of anxiety itself is not a pathology, but its presence over a long period of time can cause mental disorder. It should be noted that the strength of expressiveness of suspiciousness has important. Often, such a character trait is a symptom of the hidden development of serious diseases, of which psychasthenia should be distinguished. Based on this, we can say that a feeling of suspiciousness is a serious signal for contacting a specialist for advice.

Suspiciousness manifests itself not only in the form increased anxiety, but also in manic concern for one’s own health. Being in such a state, a person may react painfully to public opinion and experience constant doubts about his abilities. Often the phenomenon under consideration is combined with suspicion and mania of persecution. According to most people, this phenomenon typical for female representatives, however, in fact, the reason for the appearance of this condition has a close relationship with the character of the person.

Experts note that it is almost impossible to eliminate feelings of anxiety on your own. In order to normalize your life, you will need to undergo a long course of psychological correction and learn to take responsibility if necessary.

Causes of suspiciousness

Increased anxiety in adulthood often stems from childhood. Low self-esteem and other inferiority complexes are often associated with the obsessive desire of parents to make successful individuals out of their children through harsh upbringing. It is the constant feeling of guilt that acts as the cause of insecurity and weak will.

Instilling in children such qualities as shame, fear and uncertainty is one of the best ways to raise a suspicious person.

Most often, a hypochondriac state is causeless, and this is scientifically proven

The appearance of suspiciousness in more mature age may be due to various failures in the past. Negative experiences in relationships with other people lead to uncertainty and fear of public attention. This perception of the world around us contributes to the fact that suspiciousness becomes part of the individual’s character. The feeling of fear and obsessions “sit” so strongly in the subconscious that you can only get rid of them with the help of a psychotherapist.

Often, suspicious people suffer from a disorder called hypochondria, which is characterized as a manic concern for one’s own health. This mental disorder manifests itself in the form of constant “soul-searching” in search of various symptoms, complex and sometimes non-existent diseases. A slight deterioration in health prompts the patient to visit a specialist and have a complete diagnostic examination of your body. Often, hypochondriacs try to take care of their health on their own, which can negatively affect the patient’s condition. After reading about the symptoms on the Internet rare diseases, hypochondriacs attribute them to themselves, thereby convincing themselves of the presence serious problems with health.

The need to overcome anxiety

What does a suspicious person mean, as well as the various features of this condition are studied by psychology. In order to get rid of increased anxiety and internal conflicts, it is important to discover the root cause of these symptoms.

A person who is afraid to take responsibility for his own life should understand that he is one step away from a complex mental illness. The presence of internal conflicts and problems with self-esteem interfere normal life because of obsessive fear

making catastrophic mistakes. Words such as “I have doubts,” “I’m afraid,” “I’m not confident in my own abilities” are fixed in the subconscious. It is difficult for a suspicious person to get in touch with people around him due to his special character.

Based on the above facts, we can say that therapy should be started as early as possible. However, most people prefer to deal with internal conflicts on their own. Refusal of medical care only complicates the situation, since in this case the opportunity to objectively assess one’s behavior is lost. Thus, attempts to self-medicate can lead to increased levels of anxiety and fear.

Close “relatives” of suspiciousness are timidity, indecisiveness, distrust and other conditions that do not allow one to get rid of fears Experts also say that constant stress due to high levels of anxiety, it affects physiological health. Chronic suspiciousness provokes a decrease in the synthesis of serotonin, a hormone that is necessary for normal functioning internal organs and systems. A decrease in hormone levels leads to the appearance various problems with health. In addition to reducing the quality of the immune system, suspicious people often experience various chronic diseases in the acute stage. In order to cope with such problems and normalize your well-being, you should first solve.

internal conflicts

Fighting methods When considering the question of what the word suspiciousness means, we should mention methods of combating this condition. There are several effective techniques that help get rid of the disease once and for all. First of all, you should direct all your efforts to personal development. Search hidden talents

, which will help you realize yourself in life, helps not only to overcome past mistakes, but also to prevent them from occurring in the future. Constant self-development of the best qualities and use of acquired skills helps you find your place in society. To feel confident in your actions, you should objectively approach the analysis of your own life. Keep a diary where you will describe various positive moments in your life. In the same diary you should record various experiences and thoughts that appear during the day. This technique allows you to create a list of various problems and their solutions that will simplify later life. In similar conditions, a suspicious person who is faced with a similar problem will not fall into a stupor, but will begin to act confidently, since he already knows the methods and answers to various questions.

Many experts recommend their patients to reconsider their lifestyle. You can change your life in small ways, using unusual wardrobe items and new routes while commuting to work. Small changes in your usual life will allow you to tune in to more global changes in your life.. It is very important to learn to perceive various events that occur positively. Internal mood is very important in human life. Encouraging yourself and smiling program your mind to achieve success. If on your life path You will encounter various difficulties, you should not despair, since every person encounters various obstacles.

Suspicious people usually lack self-confidence and think that they are constantly doing something wrong

Experts pay special attention to combating internal fears. In order to get rid of them, you should reconsider your attitude towards your own complexes. Many psychologists recommend art therapy sessions to their patients, which help them “throw out” accumulated problems on paper. Visualizing your own fears helps you see their insignificance and eradicate the problem.

In order to get rid of internal fears and increased anxiety, a person must have willpower. The above tips will help achieve your goal only if the patient has a determined attitude.

What is suspiciousness? A suspicious person - what is he like? “I have become very suspicious and fearful, I constantly beat myself up...” “I am very suspicious, I constantly think that everyone is looking at me, evaluating and condemning me.” “I am suspicious and constantly worry about work, I am afraid of the failure of my projects.” “I think all the time that everything will be bad, I cry, I spoil the nerves of my family and friends. I also constantly feel like I’m terminally ill...” Sound familiar? We can hear such words from friends, relatives and acquaintances, and often from ourselves.

In this article, cognitive psychologist Elena Skob will tell you what suspiciousness is and what are the characteristics of its manifestation, analyze the causes of suspiciousness and tell you about ways to get rid of it. You will learn about what methods exist for diagnosing suspiciousness, and also receive recommendations on the communicative sphere of suspicious personality and correction of suspiciousness. How to deal with suspiciousness?

What is suspiciousness?

What is suspiciousness?

Anxiety is one of the most pronounced personality characteristics. An anxious person is easy to spot: such people stumble during conversations, make a lot of unnecessary manipulations, and ask a lot of predictive questions. One of them is suspiciousness. Often suspiciousness is compared with suspicion, mistrust, timidity, timidity, cowardice, and complexes.

suspicious person is a person who is regularly exposed to serious concerns with or without cause. A person with this syndrome is constantly in fear that something bad will happen soon. Frequent worries arise from excessive worries about future possible disasters that may occur and the fear of losing control over circumstances.

What are suspicious people afraid of? The two main fears of suspicious people are:

  1. Fear of being deceived. Suspicious people have negative attitudes that often say out loud: “You can’t trust anyone,” “There are enemies all around, everyone is looking askance at me,” “Everyone around is lying and wishing me harm,” etc.
  1. Fear of getting sick. Suspicious individuals are fixated on health, study medicine on their own, love to look out for fatal diseases (hypochondria - manic concern for one’s own health)

Nowadays a very common question is: Is suspiciousness a disease or a character?

Anxiety as a character trait is not a pathology, however, its presence over a long period of time can cause mental illness.Find out more about what it is. Often such a character trait is a symptom of hidden development serious illnesses, from which it is necessary to highlight psychasthenia And hypochondria.

Reasons for suspiciousness. How does it manifest itself?

Why does suspiciousness appear and what are its causes?

As mentioned earlier, a suspicious person constantly thinks about the negative and his inadequacy. Soon such thoughts develop into a feeling of doom, which is reflected throughout life.

The patient begins to have problems with interpersonal communication, because the feeling of insecurity becomes stronger every day. A person begins to worry about his health, relationships with family, friends and significant other, and career. Not everyone can survive something like this. Often, suspiciousness leads to isolation, loss of friends and little communication. How to improve?

Suspiciousness can manifest itself in all people, regardless of gender, race, or age category. It affects children and adults, men and women equally.

According to most experts in the field of psychology, suspiciousness has three forms of manifestation:

  1. Heightened self-esteem: In this situation, a person prefers to put his own interests above the needs of others.
  1. Problems with choosing actions: suspicious people are afraid that their actions may become a mistake.
  1. Increased anxiety regarding future events.

Psychologists believe that suspiciousness arises in people for the following reasons::

  • Incorrect parenting . Constant prohibitions, punishments, and negative labeling can lead to the child feeling guiltlessly guilty in any situation. When parents put the opinions of others first, forgetting about the interests and experiences of the child, constantly reprimanding him, forcing him to behave in one way or another without explanation, the likelihood that the little man will grow into a suspicious and insecure adult increases.
  • Self-doubt, complexes . Such people tend to doubt the correctness of their actions and are afraid of making a mistake. If something doesn’t go according to plan, then anxiety grips them with even greater force. Find out, .
  • An event that happened in the past and traumatized the psyche something that happened unexpectedly and unexpectedly. Once having experienced a significant loss, betrayal, moral or physical violence, a person will try to avoid a repetition with all his might.
  • Long-term bad life experiences . For example, a long-term close relationship with an insincere and dishonest person.
  • Psychical deviations . When disharmony in personal positions and behavior becomes too noticeable, people talk about things like paranoid personality disorder, hypochondria, and psychasthenia. If a suspicious person does not want to fight such a condition, the syndrome develops into a full-fledged disease, as a result of which physical and psychological health is undermined.

Suspicious people are afraid that their actions may be a mistake.

Suspiciousness is dangerous because it leads to psychosomatic problems such as: depression, respiratory diseases, depression, irritability. Suspiciousness not only darkens a person’s life, but also paralyzes his activity, prevents him from achieving success on his path, and building a harmonious personal life.

Diagnosis of suspiciousness

Perhaps the only “advantage” of suspiciousness is that itit's easy to notice.

Currently, psychologists have developed diagnostic methods that will help answer the question: are you suspicious?

Methods for diagnosing anxiety and anxiety in schoolchildren:

Test school anxiety Phillips;

Diagnostics of anxiety conditions in children (CMAS);

— Academic anxiety scale.

Methods for diagnosing anxiety and anxiety in adults:

Situational (reactive) anxiety scale;

Personal scale of manifestation of anxiety (anxiety);

Anxiety scale;

Personality Anxiety Scale (Spielberger Questionnaire);

— Diagnosis of professional and parental anxiety;

— Scale for determining anxiety and depression.

There are also personal techniques, where anxiety acts as a diagnosable component.

Methods for diagnosing personality traits in preschoolers and schoolchildren:

— Graphic technique “Cactus”;

— Test “Hand”;

— Methodology “contour S.A.T.-N”;

— Children's apperception test (DAT);

— Family Drawing test.

Methods for diagnosing personality traits in adults:

— Test “Home. Tree. Human";

Self-Esteem Test mental states» Eysenck;

Personality questionnaire Bekhterev Institute (LOBI);

— Test “Non-existent animal”;

— Clinical questionnaire for identification and assessment neurotic conditions;

— Assessment of neuropsychic tension, asthenia, low mood;

— Questionnaire of characterological accentuation of personality and neuropsychological instability;

— Questionnaire for determining the level of neuroticism and psychopathization (UNP).

Do you suspect yourself or someone close to you is suffering from depression? Find out with innovative help whether there are worrisome cognitive signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of this disorder. Receive a detailed report with recommendations in less than 30-40 minutes.

  1. Learn to understand your emotions and experiences , determine the very moment when a wave of anxiety approaches. Say “Stop!” in time. bad thoughts, fear, excitement, panic.
  2. React to troubles “factually” . There's no point in thinking ahead bad consequences any situation.
  3. How to overcome suspiciousness? Stay positive. Gradually move away from it, trying to focus on the good things. Think about yourself and your surroundings in a positive way. Live “here and now”, find the positive and enjoy it.
  4. Try to plan rather than predict . Save common sense always and in everything. Develop logical thinking that will allow you, regardless of the situation. If there are no grounds, you should not make accusatory assumptions.
  5. How to deal with suspiciousness? Change your attitude towards people . First, you need to understand why you lack trust in others. Keep a notebook, write down your feelings, make notes in it every time when someone humiliated, offended, or betrayed you. Be sure to look for reasons for behavior. Thus, you will quickly come to your senses and realize what exactly caused such emotions.
  6. How to deal with suspiciousness: try to look at others from a different perspective . It is important to understand that they exist in almost identical conditions to you. Always put yourself in the shoes of another person to see life through someone else's eyes. If a person has offended you for biased reasons, try to understand him. You should not get hung up on petty situations; accept other people’s mistakes more easily. Stop thinking that every person you meet is harmful. Learn to trust others and yourself. If you push people away because of your suspiciousness, distrust, and suspicion, you will remain lonely. Vicious circle needs to be torn apart.
  7. Develop personality traits such as: confidence in itself, , self-discipline, optimism, cheerfulness, ability to trust people.
  8. Don't project mistakes of the past onto the present and future. . If you have previously suffered failure in your career (personal relationships, friendships, etc.), you should not transfer this drama into your present life. Learn to let go of the past, become a wise person who does not carry a heavy load with you.
  9. Get rid of negative thoughts . As soon as I sneaked in bad thought, cut it off and throw it out of your head. Replace the empty space with pleasant memories or joyful events. Don't argue, don't analyze, cut off the thought forever.

How to overcome suspiciousness?

Suspicious people need help from loved ones, ask and even demand it, but at the same time suspect them of infidelity and betrayal. If among your acquaintances, friends, or relatives there is a suspicious person, then stick to a few practical advice communication with him:

What do we have to do:

  1. Show that you are a reliable person, sometimes little things are enough for this: not being late, answering his letters on time, actually showing that you are a prudent person.
  2. Help him realize that it's not so bad if it does happen.
  3. Jokes softly and kindly.
  4. Suggest contacting a specialist.

What not to do:

  1. Fall into slavery.
  2. Arrange surprises, even pleasant ones.
  3. Share your own concerns.
  4. Talk about difficult topics.

Even the usual, and not pathological, form of suspiciousness causes a lot of inconvenience to its owner. And if the latter needs to be fought with the help of specialists: psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, then you can try to eradicate the former yourself.

The article was prepared with the participation of Belozerova Y. V., Goncharova V. Yu., Zhurinskaya V. O., Stovb E. A., Sychevsky O. V.

Are you a suspicious person? How do you deal with suspiciousness? As always, we welcome questions and comments on the article.

Master's student at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at Moscow Pedagogical State University, specialty - “Cognitive psychology in education and management.” Has a basic psychological education, graduated from the Pacific State University. Currently working as a teacher-psychologist in the department of social services for adult citizens. Professional interests: studying cognitive processes, including mnemonic techniques; studying emotional intelligence teenagers and adults.

Behavioral characteristics characteristic of a hypochondriac are:

  • preoccupation with one's illness– such a person is completely focused on the symptoms, consequences and treatment of an imaginary illness;
  • special attitude towards your body– patients spend a lot of time monitoring temperature, pulse and other physiological indicators;
  • selectivity– with this disorder, the patient filters incoming information from the outside, choosing only that which, in his opinion, is related to his illness;
  • avoidance– hypochondriacs try to avoid circumstances and situations that could cause an exacerbation of an existing disease or the development of a new disease.
All actions of a simulating person are aimed at gaining the support and sympathy of others. Often he complains not only about his own health, but also about his fate, injustice, and misunderstanding. The whiner is concerned about the reactions of others, and therefore he may use elements of artistic behavior - wringing his hands, rolling his eyes, speaking in a lowered or suffering voice. If you pay close attention to the problems of such a person and offer him to undergo an examination, there is a high probability that he will refuse. Particularly effective would be the offer to undergo a number of unpleasant procedures such as colonoscopy ( colon examination), gastroscopy ( diagnostics of the stomach using a probe inserted through the mouth). It is possible that in soon the malingerer diagnoses himself with a disease that does not require such unpleasant examinations. Unlike a hypochondriac, whiners rarely torment themselves with debilitating diets, exercise, or taking medical supplies. Malingerers are not persistent in their desire to get rid of their disease, while patients with hypochondria are sincere in their intentions to be cured and take active steps. Against the background of constant fear, people with hypochondriacal disorder may develop physiological symptoms such as shortness of breath, digestive problems, and increased heart rate. Whiners, as a rule, do not experience such symptoms.

Treatment of hypochondria

Hypochondriacal disorder is difficult to treat because sufferers do not accept the fact that their symptoms are due to a mental illness. The hypochondriac is sure that the lost time spent on such treatment will lead to irreparable changes in his somatic condition, which will cause complications of the imaginary illness.

When treating hypochondria, the doctor sets himself the task of changing the patient's behavior and thoughts. Changing stereotypes allows the patient to return to normal life even with remaining symptoms.

The first period of treatment is the most critical, since it is very difficult to establish contact with hypochondriacs. Being confident that the doctor does not have the necessary level of competence, the patient attempts to find another specialist whose position will be similar to his opinion.

In most cases, in the treatment of hypochondria it is used A complex approach, the features of which depend on the form of the disease and the patient’s response to therapy.

How can you help a person in this condition?

In the treatment of patients with hypochondria, correct behavior and support from the immediate environment play an important role. Often, the relatives of such patients provide them with excessive care or, conversely, do not pay attention to the person’s problems, considering him a malingerer and a whiner. Both models of behavior are erroneous. Exaggeration of concern provides justification for the hypochondriac to become convinced of the reality of his fears. Failure to be taken seriously by family members can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and increased anxiety about one's health.

Measures to help a patient with hypochondria are:

  • taking seriously the fact of the disease;
  • compliance with a number of rules in communicating with the patient;
  • involving the hypochondriac in household chores;
  • assistance in treatment.

Awareness of hypochondriacal disorder
Those close to a person who suffers from hypochondria have to face a number of problems. To provide effective support, relatives need to recognize the fact that their family member is truly ill and suffering. Consulting a doctor will help the patient take this disorder seriously and understand the role of support provided to the patient. At the appointment, the specialist will talk about the features of the course and symptoms of hypochondria, and provide advice on how to properly help a hypochondriac.

Many people attribute manifestations of hypochondria to such character traits as pessimism, a tendency to whine, and tediousness. It should be noted that this disorder has a number of characteristic features. Thus, a healthy person most often complains about life, injustice, misunderstanding. Hypochondriacs are focused exclusively on their illness and their anxiety is associated only with searching for an opportunity to be cured. Also, people suffering from this disorder agree to undergo examinations and tests without any problems, while pessimists and whiners shy away from such offers.

Rules of conduct when communicating with a hypochondriac
A patient with hypochondria should not be denied the desire to talk about the problems that bother him. But a conversation about illnesses should not last more than 30 minutes, and there is no need to support the patient in his fears and beliefs. Just listen to his complaints, asking him to describe in detail the symptoms that bother him. Ask clarifying questions if he has any assumptions about the diagnosis. By maintaining a balance in communicating with such a person, you will provide him with the required attention, which will reduce the level of fear. When finishing the conversation, distract the patient by inviting him to watch a movie or go outside.

There is no need to argue with a hypochondriac or try to convince him that he is healthy. A person with hypochondriacal disorder is well aware of his illness and is able to defend his point of view for a long time. An attempt to prove to such a patient the inconsistency of his fears and beliefs can lead to conflict.

In everyday situations, relatives need to mention the symptoms that bother the patient, attributing them to themselves and emphasizing the absence of a health hazard. So, if the patient often complains of numbness in the extremities, you can casually say: “My leg is numb, I’ve been sitting in an uncomfortable position for a long time.” After this, do several exercises in the presence of the patient and note that everything has passed and nothing else bothers you.

Carrying out household chores
Occupational therapy can help a patient with hypochondria take his mind off his worries. When inviting a hypochondriac to do housework, one should not do this with malicious irony. You should not use phrases such as “Stop pretending” or “Don’t act sick.” Ask him to help you, while emphasizing that you understand how difficult it is for him. If the patient has completed the assignment, reward his behavior in a way that is most effective for him. Hypochondria is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased fatigue and chronic fatigue. If possible, include chores in your daily to-do list that require going outside. It will be useful to work in the garden or in the yard of a private house. Involve the hypochondriac in performing collective tasks, as he needs communication.

Assistance in receiving medical care
Hypochondria is one of the most difficult to treat diseases, because in most cases patients refuse to visit a psychotherapist, being confident of his incompetence. Therefore, if the need for consultation with a specialist is obvious to relatives, they should make every effort to persuade the hypochondriac to go to an appointment. You should not be afraid to scare or injure a person by suggesting that they see a doctor. To ensure that your proposal is not rejected, you need to choose the right moment, best option- during a confidential conversation.

  • Use arguments that are meaningful to the patient without trying to refute his beliefs. Suggest visiting a doctor, citing the fact that constant fears can put additional stress on the nervous system, which will worsen his well-being.
  • Do not lie. You cannot offer to visit a therapist and, under this pretext, take the patient to a psychiatrist. Having revealed the deception, the hypochondriac will close in on himself and will not agree to contact the doctor.
  • In some cases, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is useful, who can give advice on how to convince the patient to undergo a consultation.
Treatment prescribed by a doctor often includes medications that patients with this disorder refuse to take. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor your medication intake. If the patient categorically refuses to take them, this fact must be reported to the doctor. The medic may suggest alternative drugs or suggest the possibility of secretly giving medications.
At severe forms Hypochondriasis patients may refuse to eat, heavily take self-prescribed medications, or take other life-threatening actions. In such cases, the patient's relatives should be prepared for the fact that hospitalization is necessary.

Psychological trainings

In medical practice, there are more than 400 methods of conducting psychotherapeutic training. The choice of treatment method depends on the individual characteristics of the hypochondriacal disorder and the patient's response to the techniques used. In most cases, therapy for this disease involves the use of several techniques, that is, an integrated approach is used.

The following psychotherapy methods are most often used in the treatment of hypochondria:

  • individual;
  • family;
  • group;
  • psychodynamic;
  • cognitive-behavioral;
  • rational;
  • suggestive;
  • existential.
Individual psychotherapy for hypochondria
Main healing factor In individual therapy trainings, a trusting relationship between doctor and patient is essential. By instilling trust in himself, the therapist encourages the patient’s cooperation, helping him discuss his fears without nervous tension. During such treatment, the doctor teaches the individual a new model of behavior, using himself as an example. Also, the patient’s behavior is corrected with the help of encouragement or condemnation from the physician.

Family psychotherapy
In this type of therapy, the patient is not the individual patient, but all members of his family. This type of treatment is aimed at correcting interpersonal relationships that lead to conflicts, which in some cases are the cause of hypochondria. Thus, the development of this disorder can be facilitated by the patient’s awareness of his own uselessness due to emotional and behavioral disorders in the family.

Group psychotherapy
This form of treatment involves creating a group of patients whose members share common problems and goals. The role of the therapist is to ensure meaningful communication in the group. The purpose of such training is to resolve internal conflicts, combat fears, and correct pathological deviations in behavior. By listening to the stories of other group members, the patient has the opportunity to better understand the motives of his behavior, realize incorrect beliefs and change his attitude towards the disease.

Psychodynamic therapy
According to the main tenet of this therapy, hypochondria, like other neuroses, is based on the patient’s internal conflicts, which manifest themselves on a subconscious level. A common example is the presence of a strong resentment towards the environment, coupled with the desire to be a role model and gain the approval of others. Another cause of the disorder may be a desire for independence combined with a desire to receive help and care from other people. During psychodynamic therapy trainings, the doctor searches for the sources of problems by analyzing the patient’s personal life.

This type of therapy explains the occurrence of hypochondriacal disorder as a result of incorrect processing of information that enters the patient's brain. Making mistakes entails incorrect conclusions and pathological abnormalities in behavior. The purpose of the training is to identify and correct the patient’s destructive beliefs and teach him a more effective model of behavior. During the treatment process, the doctor changes the patient’s attitude towards himself and his problems. This allows the patient to stop feeling like a victim of a serious illness, and see himself as a reasonable person who is characterized by mistakes that can be corrected.

Rational therapy
When conducting such trainings, the therapist influences the patient’s beliefs with the help of logical explanations. The doctor’s statements are supported by arguments and are aimed at developing in the patient a correct perception of his symptoms. The doctor explains to the individual the characteristics of the disease and provides facts that can convince the person of the falsity of his beliefs.

Suggestive therapy
During trainings using this method, the doctor influences the individual’s psyche, instilling in him certain beliefs. This may be a desire to be cured or other thoughts that the patient perceives without understanding their meaning. Unlike rational therapy, the suggestive technique is based on emotional rather than logical influence. During training, the patient can be either in a state of wakefulness or in a trance. Suggestion is carried out in an imperative tone, and statements are specific and understandable to the patient.
A variation of this type of psychotherapy is self-hypnosis, in which the individual independently instills in himself the attitudes recommended by the doctor. Initially, the patient reaches full muscle relaxation, after which he concentrates on the required thoughts. Hypnosuggestive therapy can also be carried out, in which, before suggestion, the patient is put into a state of hypnotic sleep.

Existential therapy
This method is one of the newest trends in psychotherapy, which is quickly gaining popularity. Existential therapy determines the cause of hypochondria as a result of the patient’s rejection of such “givens” life cycle like the inevitability of death, the meaninglessness of existence, lack of meaning, loneliness. The goal of treatment is for the patient to realize his uniqueness and the ability to change his life. During the training process, the doctor explains to the hypochondriac about the need to learn to make decisions and take responsibility for them, make choices and take steps to implement them. The main task of existential therapy is to explain to the patient that he has the power to make his existence fulfilling and meaningful.

Stages of psychotherapeutic training
Psychotherapeutic treatment, regardless of the tactics used by the doctor, consists of several steps that are performed sequentially. In some cases, with particularly severe forms of hypochondria, the order of stages changes.

The stages of training are:

  • establishing contact with the patient;
  • eliminating symptoms and causes of the disorder;
  • personal activation.
Establishing contact with the patient
Hypochondriacs, as a rule, are reluctant to agree to treatment with psychotherapy. Even if relatives brought the patient to an appointment against his will, it is difficult for him to make contact with the doctor and difficult to get involved in the treatment process. Therefore, the first stage of treatment is to establish a trusting relationship with the patient. During this phase, the patient’s main experiences are identified, and work is carried out to reduce nervous tension. Using special techniques that depend on the type of therapy, the doctor helps the patient express his fears and problems. An important task is to analyze the thoughts and sensations that a person experiences during attacks of hypochondria.

The techniques used at the first stage of psychotherapeutic training are:

  • free associations;
  • interview;
  • dream analysis;
  • confrontation;
  • phone conversation.
Free associations
When performing this technique, the therapist listens to the patient's assumptions about his illnesses without asking any questions. Next, the doctor pronounces the words in a certain order and asks the patient to name the associations that arise in him. A person must express emerging thoughts, regardless of their content and the presence of meaning in them. This technique helps a hypochondriac talk.
To analyze the patient’s condition, both the answers and possible pauses made by him are used.

Dream Analysis
Dream interpretation is an additional tool in psychotherapeutic treatment, which helps the doctor understand the cause of the patient’s problems. By analyzing the images that the patient describes, the therapist is able to better understand him and choose more effective ways to establish contact. Dreams are explained using special knowledge about the symbols that appear in dreams and associative techniques.

Interviewing can be done directly or indirect way. The first method involves the patient answering questions prepared by the doctor or filling out a special questionnaire. In an indirect interview, a person talks about fears that bother him. The therapist repeats or paraphrases the patient's statements, while describing the emotions experienced by the patient. The patient must correct the doctor or confirm the fact that the doctor understands him correctly.

This technique involves the doctor entering into a confrontation with the patient. This method allows us to identify the patient’s ambivalent behavior, which prevents him from realizing the cause of his disease and starting to fight it. Confrontation can be used to draw the patient's attention to contradictions in his behavior. An example of a contradiction is the common statement among hypochondriacs that they want to be cured, but at the same time refuse to take medications or follow doctor's orders. This method is also used to indicate to the patient that he is avoiding discussing certain topics.
Confrontation is a complex technique and is used in cases where trust has been established between the therapist and the patient.

Phone conversation
A telephone conversation can reduce the barrier between the doctor and the patient and is indicated for patients with high levels of anxiety. The lack of direct eye contact allows some patients to feel more relaxed and not perceive the therapist as a threat.

Eliminating symptoms and signs of hypochondria
All therapeutic methods used in the second stage are aimed at correcting the patient’s erroneous behavior in relation to his imaginary diseases.

The techniques on the basis of which the second phase of treatment is carried out are:

  • relaxation;
  • fixed role;
  • imagination;
  • consequences;
  • psychodrama.
The therapist teaches the patient various exercises that the patient can perform independently in order to control the level of his fear. These techniques include progressive relaxation according to Jacobson, breathing exercises, meditation.

Fixed role
At the beginning of the training using this technique, the patient is asked to write a description of himself from a third person. Next, he needs to describe the second image of his personality, but at the same time add some character trait that is unusual for him. After this, the therapist informs the patient that his real image is going on vacation, and during this time he needs to play the role of a second image. This is done so that the patient realizes that he can control his behavior and has the power to eliminate the factors that provoke hypochondria.

With the help of a doctor, the patient achieves muscle relaxation, after which he imagines pictures in his imagination, the details of which the doctor tells him. The therapist asks the patient to imagine those situations or sensations that make him afraid of getting infected or convinced that he is sick. At the beginning of the exercise, the hypochondriac imagines scenes that he can easily cope with. The session ends with a picture in which the patient experiences severe anxiety. Being in a relaxed state, the individual learns to control and adequately respond to the thoughts that visit him when fear arises.

The principle of this method is for the patient to imagine all types of consequences if his suspicions about the presence of the disease are correct. The therapist asks to divide all consequences into three groups - positive, negative and neutral. This method is valid for patients for whom hypochondria serves as a way to adapt to real life. Thinking about the consequences of his behavior, the individual comes to the conclusion that it is not correct.

This technique uses role-playing games, dramatization, and other techniques to allow the patient or therapist to become the illness or symptom that is tormenting the patient. Psychodrama allows you to get closer to the fears you experience and realize that hypochondria can be cured.

Activation of personality
The goal of the third stage is to return the patient to a full life.

Psychotherapy techniques in the final phase of treatment are:

  • art therapy;
  • indirect contact with the patient;
  • modeling situations.
Art therapy
Involving the patient in creative activities allows him to learn to express his thoughts and desires, which helps improve communication skills and quickly integrate the patient into society.

Indirect contact
This technique is performed with the participation of family members or people close to the patient. The therapist draws up various tasks that the patient implements independently in a familiar environment.

During the training, they play out various situations, in which the patient must demonstrate adequate behavior. The purpose of such sessions is to practice healthy responses under circumstances that previously caused concern for the patient.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment for hypochondria is resorted to only in extreme cases. This is due to the fact that medications can only strengthen the patient’s belief that he is terminally ill. Some patients may abuse medications; others, on the contrary, will not take the treatment prescribed to them.

It is important to remember that medications are prescribed only in cases where hypochondria is a symptom of an underlying disease.

Thus, in the treatment of hypochondriacal depression, antidepressants with anti-anxiety and antiphobic effects are used. Drugs from the benzodiazepine group are used similarly.

Drugs used in the treatment of hypochondriacal depression

A drug Mechanism of action How to use
Paroxetine It disrupts the metabolism of serotonin, producing an antidepressant effect. Eliminates symptoms of hypochondria. Taken once a day, from 10 to 20 mg in the morning. Use with caution in patients with liver pathology and kidney disease.
Fluoxetine Eliminates symptoms of deep depression. Normalizes mood, eliminates fear and anxiety. Taken once in the morning. The initial dose is 20 mg. In extreme cases, the dose is increased to 40–60 mg.
Sertraline Reduces anxiety, agitation and depressive symptoms. Taken orally, once, regardless of food intake. The initial dose is 25 – 50 mg.

If hypochondria is a manifestation of schizophrenia or manic psychosis, then antipsychotic drugs or mood stabilizers are used ( Surge Protectors).

Prevention of hypochondria

What should you do to avoid hypochondria?

Experts believe that the development of hypochondria is influenced by factors such as certain character traits, behavioral characteristics, negative life experiences and genetic predisposition. The disorder is often diagnosed in people suffering from various mental disorders.

Measures to help avoid hypochondria are:

  • work on triggers ( provoking the disease) character traits;
  • limiting factors that can cause the disorder;
  • improving personal and social life;
  • timely detection and treatment of mental illnesses.
Working on trigger traits
You should not exaggerate the significance of negative events, as this does not allow you to pay attention to positive events. Another factor that does not contribute to optimism is the search for all sources of problems in oneself. Another reason for pessimism is the desire to divide all events into “black” and “white,” good or bad. Such people always strive for an ideal result, otherwise they consider themselves losers. There is always an intermediate option, which must also be accepted as an acceptable result.

Limiting factors that can cause the disorder
Identify areas of your life that cause negative emotions. Focus on the opportunity to transform this area in a positive way. Start with those aspects that you can change. Raise your intellectual level, develop relationships, optimize your workflow.

When problematic situations arise, you should not focus on blaming others or thinking that life is not fair to you. You should not indulge in uncertainty, doubt or self-flagellation. It is worth taking for granted that the problem has already occurred and focusing on solving it. To develop optimism, you need to surround yourself with people who have a positive outlook on life whenever possible. You should also avoid watching programs and films that contain violence. Give preference to comedies, classical music, and humorous programs.

Setting up personal life and relationships with the outside world
Most patients with hypochondriacal disorder do not have close relationships and have difficulty creating them. It is easier for such people to explain their loneliness with somatic ( bodily) problems, what to do to find the true cause. Inability to find mutual language with other people is an obstacle to self-realization in society. A person experiencing such difficulties rarely takes part in group activities ( sports, social activities) which leads to isolation from the outside world. Experts view hypochondria as a loss of connection with the outside world and the use of one's body as a partner. Some patients, experiencing a lack of communication, unconsciously use this disease in order to receive care and attention from people around them.

The physical state of the body affects the emotional background of a person. Lack of sleep or rest unbalanced diet, sedentary lifestyle life - all this hinders the development of optimism. To get rid of pessimism, you need to exercise, eat healthy foods, and follow the recommended amount of sleep at night ( 7 – 8 hours).
It is also necessary to devote time to doing those things that bring pleasure and help take your mind off problems.

To avoid hypochondria, you need to be active social life and develop the ability to find a common language with work colleagues, the opposite sex, acquaintances and family members. Today there are a large number of opportunities that help improve communication skills.

Tools that will help develop communication skills are:

  • specialized literature;
  • manuals in audio and video format;
  • contacting a psychologist;
  • attending trainings;
  • independent performance of various exercises.
Timely detection and treatment of mental illnesses
The development of hypochondria is facilitated by open access to medical information, therefore, to avoid illness, you should limit yourself in reading and listening to it.

Sources of such information are:

  • programs about diseases;
  • advertising medicines;
  • articles on incurable diseases;
  • medical information resources of dubious origin.

Taking care of your health is a natural desire, and today many people use the Internet for this purpose. Users turn to various reference books and online testing to familiarize themselves with the symptoms of a possible disease and methods of treating it. It should be noted that in such cases it is always necessary to check the source of the information, the date of creation of the resource and other characteristics. Thus, on a serious resource there is always a mention that all data is provided for informational purposes only.

In many cases, hypochondriacal disorder develops against the background of other mental disorders. To avoid illness, you should consult a doctor promptly if you have problems with your emotional health.

Pathologies that can cause hypochondria are:

  • psychoses;
  • neuroses;
  • presence of delusional ideas;
  • depression;
  • general anxiety;
  • panic disorders.

What can trigger the occurrence of hypochondria?

Due to the fact that hypochondriacal disorder is distinguished by the diversity of its manifestations, there are no precise definitions in medicine that can serve as the causes of this disease. Experts identify a number of circumstances that can contribute to the development of the disease, including both physiological and psychological factors.

The physiological reasons for the development of hypochondria are:

  • dysfunction of the cerebral cortex;
  • incorrect perception by the brain of impulses transmitted by internal organs;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
Of the psychological factors predisposing to the development of this disorder, experts note a number of features that can be individual personal characteristics, and a consequence of improper upbringing.

Such reasons may be:

  • focus on one's own person;
  • lack of empathy;
  • "thick-skinned";
  • inability to express desires and emotions;
  • tendency towards pessimism;
  • suspiciousness;
  • diffidence;
  • inability to find a common language with the environment.
The presence of close relatives with serious illnesses and other features of the patient’s personal life increase the likelihood of hypochondriacal thoughts. In many patients the disorder occurs due to premature death one of the parents due to illness. A healthy person begins to find symptoms in himself that indicate he has a similar disease.

Others external factors, predisposing to the development of hypochondriacal disorder are:

  • serious illnesses suffered in childhood;
  • experienced violence ( physical or mental);
  • being surrounded by sick relatives or friends;
  • similar behavior of parents.

How is hypochondria different from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

For obsessive-compulsive disorder ( OCD) hypochondriasis is characterized by constant worry about one's physical health. Because of this excessive preoccupation, a person remains in full confidence that he is already seriously ill.
OCD, like hypochondria, belongs to the pathologies of the neurotic spectrum. This disorder is characterized by involuntary intrusive and frightening thoughts ( obsessions). To get rid of anxiety, the patient begins to periodically perform a number of actions that are obsessive in nature ( compulsions).

Differences between hypochondria and OCD

Hypochondria Criterion OCD
In women, the peak incidence occurs after 30 years of age, in men - after 40. Onset of the disease First OCD symptoms most often appear between 10 and 30 years. The early age of onset of the disease is one of its main distinguishing features. In this case, the first visit to the doctor occurs between 25 and 35 years. The appearance of the first symptoms of the disorder in 70 percent of cases is associated with stressful circumstances.
Hypochondria occurs equally in both male and female patients. This disease often occurs in adolescents and older people. Who is more likely to show it? OCD affects both men and women equally. In females, the first manifestations of the disease occur at a later age ( more than 20 years) than men ( before the onset of puberty).
The main symptom of hypochondria is hypertrophied concern about one's health, which entails fear. Depending on the form of hypochondria, the patient may be afraid of getting sick ( obsessive), start taking steps to improve your health ( super valuable) and be firmly convinced that he is suffering from an incurable disease ( delusional). Most often, patients express concern about the heart, digestive system, brain and reproductive organs.

Symptoms of hypochondria are:

  • suspiciousness and anxiety regarding one’s health;
  • systematic analysis physiological processes body ( temperature, pulse, pressure);
  • fears that stomach spasms, headache, sweating and other signals are symptoms of a serious illness;
  • searching for information for self-diagnosis and self-medication;
  • acute reaction for minor physical discomfort;
  • intensive visits to doctors ( sometimes several times a day);
  • frequent passage medical examinations;
  • development of diets and physical exercises;
  • excessive intake of vitamins, dietary supplements;
  • avoiding situations that could be harmful to health ( excessive physical effort, communication with a sick person, going outside in winter);
  • fear of being in a situation in which the patient will not be able to receive medical assistance;
  • dissatisfaction with the prescribed treatment and lack of trust in doctors;
  • preoccupation with an imaginary illness ( discussion with family members, search for information).
In the most severe form ( delusional) Symptoms of hypochondria may include delusions, hallucinations, and suicidal tendencies.
Main symptoms Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder manifest as spontaneously occurring disturbing ideas and thoughts, followed by obsessive actions.

Examples of thoughts are:

  • fear of infection through contact with people, animals, household items;
  • concern for one's own safety;
  • fear of causing a fire, flood or other harm;
  • fear of showing aggression towards others;
  • inappropriate thoughts about religion;
  • doubts about the correctness of the actions taken;
  • obsessive thoughts about sexual perversions.
In most cases with this disorder, performing certain actions serves to defense mechanism from the fear that disturbing thoughts cause.

Obsessive actions include:

  • frequent hand washing or water procedures;
  • avoiding contact with objects that can serve as a source of germs or bacteria;
  • arranging objects in a certain order ( personal items, furniture, cutlery);
  • verification of completed actions ( closed doors, windows, gas valves);
  • obsession with cleanliness cleaning, washing, disinfection);
  • the desire to receive confirmation from others that the actions taken are correct;
  • saying prayers and spells out loud or silently;
  • collecting unnecessary things;
  • movement disorders ( hand movements in an attempt to remove hair from the eyes, frequent blinking).
Hypochondriasis is characterized by a tendency to long-term course and resistance to therapy. Among total mass In 25 percent of patients with this disease, the condition does not improve or changes for the worse. Half of the disease cases become chronic. In particularly sensitive individuals, hypochondriacal thoughts may persist throughout life. Treatment is more successful when the disorder develops at a young age, has an acute onset, and is simultaneously accompanied by anxiety and depression. Also favorable factors for effective treatment are the patient’s higher socioeconomic status and the absence of personality disorders. Course of the disease If treatment for the disease was started within a year after the onset of the first symptoms, a lasting improvement in the patient’s condition is achieved in two thirds of cases. If you consult a doctor later, there is a high probability that the disorder will become chronic. The disease progresses in waves - periods of improvement, which can last several years, are followed by exacerbations. When obsessive-compulsive disorder is accompanied by one type of symptoms, in most cases it is possible to stabilize the general condition, alleviate symptoms and social adaptation patient. If there are a large number of stressful events in the patient's life or the disorder has a pronounced pronounced manifestations against the background of psychasthenia, the disease is much more severe. Complex forms of the disease ( fear of pollution, pronounced ritualistic behavior, aggressive thoughts) may respond poorly to therapy. As a rule, the clinical picture in such cases is complicated by new symptoms. Among male patients, even with intensive treatment, in 30 percent of cases their condition does not change.

How does hypochondria manifest in depression?

If hypochondria appears together with depressive symptoms, then this pathology is called hypochondriacal depression.

Symptoms of hypochondriacal depression

Hypochondriacal depression belongs to the category of complex depression. In the clinical picture of such depression, affective disorders fade into the background, and come to the fore hypochondriacal symptoms. The main symptom of this disease is a constant, exaggerated concern about one’s health against a background of low mood. Patients are focused on their terminal illness and express anxious concerns about their lives. They complain of malaise, weakness, and inability to do any work. At the same time, they have enough strength to constantly search for their disease. Senestopathies are also present in the clinic of hypochondriacal depression. These are painful, excruciatingly painful sensations in the patient’s body. In this case, the patient cannot indicate a clear localization of his sensations or give them a clear description. But this does not prevent him from thinking that these sensations are a manifestation of a serious illness and may possibly cause death.

The severity of hypochondria can reach the level of delirium. In this case, patients are sure that they are sick and will die soon. They claim that their insides are rotting or that they have cancer, radiation sickness, or syphilis. If with pure hypochondria the patient mainly complains of unpleasant ( sometimes even pretentious) sensations in different parts of the body, then with hypochondriacal depression he is in full confidence that he is suffering from a serious illness, and his complaints recede into the background. These delusional hypochondriacal thoughts occupy all the patient’s imagination and all his leisure time. No medical evidence can dissuade him otherwise.

How does hypochondria manifest in children?

In children, hypochondria manifests itself in a slightly atypical form than in adults.
Typically, children do not talk about their health concerns. Instead, they surround themselves with certain habits that they believe will help them avoid getting sick. So, if a child suspects that he has infectious disease, then he will wash his hands or treat them with a disinfectant solution at certain intervals. He will also be selective about food, because consumption certain products is associated with health risks.

The difference between childhood hypochondria is a wide range of physiological symptoms.

The physiological manifestations of hypochondria in children are:

  • increased sweating;
  • periodic tremor;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting and pre-fainting states;
  • increased heart rate.
All these symptoms are caused by increased reactivity of the nervous system. After all, hypochondriac children are in constant fear and excitement. Yes, they are different increased irritability, suspiciousness, sensitivity to environmental factors. As a rule, the reason for this behavior lies in the excessive care of parents.

Constant concern for one's health shapes a certain type of behavior in children. They avoid being surrounded by peers and other people. Society becomes a possible source of disease for them. Hypochondriac children cannot tolerate hugs, kisses, handshakes and other displays of emotion. IN educational institutions They are relatively withdrawn, but continue to remain capricious and dependent on parental care.
Children come up with various excuses and reasons not to attend various sections and clubs. Long time they hide the true reasons for their fears.

How to test for hypochondria?

There are several options for testing for hypochondria. When conducting testing, it must be taken into account that test results are not an absolute guide for treatment. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment after a comprehensive examination.

Test number 1

To pass the test, you must answer the questions given in the table by selecting one answer option.
Question Answer
1 Do you like discussing your health with loved ones and work colleagues? 2 0
2 Do you believe that all medicines are beneficial? 2 0
3 Do you consider autumn to be the time when all living things die? 2 0
4 Does playing sports cause injuries? 2 0
5 Is the first aid kit compulsory subject, without which you don’t leave home? 2 0
6 Will you drink water from the tap if you are thirsty? 0 2
7 Is a small swelling on the skin the reason for your visit to the doctor? 2 0
8 When buying products at the market, do you taste them from the hands of the seller? 0 2
9 Do you eat fruit without peeling it first? 0 2
10 Are you able to go outside in winter without a hat? 0 2
11 Do you wash your hands twice before eating ( before and after meals)? 2 0
12 Do you limit your coffee consumption because this drink is harmful to your health? 2 0
13 Do you have concerns about the presence of a pet in your home? 2 0
14 When thinking about any disease, do you have any unpleasant thoughts? 2 0
15 Do you feel disgusted while on public beaches? 2 0
16 Do you think that vitamins do not bring tangible benefits? 0 2
17 Do you use alcohol solely for disinfection? 2 0
18 Do you like to be in the cold? 0 2
19 Is it easy to get infected with any disease in a public bathhouse? 2 0
20 Is there a high chance of catching an infection while standing in line to see a doctor? 2 0
21 Do you habitually ignore painful symptoms? ( headache, stomach cramps)? 0 2

Calculate the total number of points and read their interpretation.

The test results are:

  • From 0 to 10 points– this result indicates the absence of a predisposition to hypochondriacal disorder. In some cases, it may mean that you need to pay more attention to your physical health.
  • From 11 to 20 points– means low susceptibility to the disease. This test result may indicate that you understand the importance of medical examinations and are responsible for your health.
  • From 21 to 30 points– this number of points means strong concern about possible diseases, which indicates a high predisposition to hypochondria.
  • From 31 to 40 points– means high probability the presence of one of the forms of hypochondriacal syndrome. To confirm or refute this fact, you need to contact a specialist.

Test number 2

This test will help determine your tendency to hypochondriacal disorder. Answers to questions should be monosyllabic, like “yes” or “no.”

The test questions are:

  • Do you have fear? sudden death?
  • Do you often feel this way? extreme fatigue and helplessness?
  • Do you doubt the authority of a doctor's opinion?
  • Do you think that you have health problems?
  • Do you have thoughts about the possibility of getting sick more than 2 times a month? fatal disease?
  • Can we say that you do not feel discomfort discussing any diseases?
  • Are you interested in medical literature in printed or electronic format, without having a professional relationship with medicine?
Count the number of positive answers, assigning 1 point to each. If you have only negative answers, you are not inclined to this disease. If you scored from 1 to 3 “yes” answers, the likelihood that you will soon develop hypochondria is low. A score of 3 to 5 indicates a high susceptibility to the disorder. More than 5 points indicate that you need to see a psychotherapist.

What is the best method to combat hypochondria?

There are several methods to combat hypochondria, each of which has its own value. To defeat hypochondria, you need to take a comprehensive approach to its treatment, that is, use all methods.

The following methods of combating hypochondria are distinguished:

  • maintenance therapy;
  • psychotherapy;
  • drug therapy.

Supportive care

Mild forms of hypochondriacal disorder can be successfully treated, the basis of which is support from a doctor. The patient, being in constant contact with the doctor whom he trusts, ceases to experience strong fear and spend time on frequent examinations. The hypochondriac focuses on tracking the symptoms that are most significant from the point of view of the doctor, while ceasing to self-medicate. In some cases, doctors treat these patients with placebo drugs ( medicines, therapeutic effect which are based on a person’s belief in their effectiveness). The ultimate goal This approach is to convince the hypochondriac that he does not have a real disease, and he needs a course of psychotherapeutic treatment.

Psychotherapy in the treatment of hypochondria

On initial stage psychotherapy does not dissuade the patient about the presence of a somatic illness. This may increase the hypochondriac's reluctance to seek treatment. Most often, the therapist assures the patient that he has already encountered similar cases in his practice. This approach helps convince the patient of the doctor’s competence, since often people with this disorder are confident in the uniqueness of their imaginary disease. The physician suggests psychotherapy as an alternative treatment, based on the fact that the patient's previously used methods were ineffective. Relatives and friends of the hypochondriac are also involved in psychotherapeutic treatment, which makes the therapy more effective.

Psycho therapeutic methods Treatments for hypochondria are:

  • rational therapy;
  • cognitive behavioral therapy;
  • hypnotherapy.
Methods of rational therapy
This method of treatment consists in the fact that the therapist, using arguments and logical arguments, explains the hypochondriac the real reason the fears he has. The doctor’s task is to explain to the patient the mechanism of the disorder and to form adequate thinking in him. The doctor uses various techniques that allow the patient to independently come to the conclusion that his existing ideas regarding the imaginary disease are false. Thus, a doctor may ask a patient who believes that physical discomfort is always caused by a physical illness to make a list of situations in which this belief is not true. Examples include discomfort in the stomach after a heavy meal, back pain after a heavy physical labor, headache the day after drinking alcohol. This method is used for simple forms of the disorder with a low level of fear.

Cognitive behavioral therapy
Based on cognitive behavioral therapy lies the idea that a person’s behavioral model is explained by his ideas about himself and the outside world. Erroneous thoughts lead to pathological behavior. Therefore, the task of this technique is to identify the patient’s true destructive thoughts and combat the consequences that they entail.
During cognitive psychotherapy trainings, the therapist, analyzing the patient’s behavior and symptoms, identifies pathological beliefs that are the cause of the disease. Training within the framework of behavioral therapy is aimed at developing the ability of a hypochondriac to control their thoughts.

Hypnotherapy involves instilling certain thoughts in the patient that help reduce the intensity of the symptoms of this disorder. To carry out hypnosis, the patient is put into a trance, while the individual’s state is monitored by a doctor. In some cases, a physician can teach a patient self-hypnosis techniques to combat attacks of fear.

Drug treatment

Taking medications is not a requirement when treating hypochondria. Medicines are prescribed depending on the form of the disease and the nature of the symptoms that bother the patient. If you have severe anxiety or mental disorders Medicines may be prescribed to reduce the level of anxiety and normalize the patient’s emotional background.
If hypochondriacal syndrome complicated by depression, treatment is carried out with tranquilizers ( drugs that eliminate fear) and antidepressants. Such medications reduce the patient’s nervous tension, improve mood, and eliminate apathy and lethargy.

The most common medications for hypochondria based on depression are:

  • amitriptyline;
  • trazodone;
  • sertraline;
  • diazepam.
For hypochondria that develops together with schizophrenia, antipsychotics are prescribed ( strong psychotropic drugs). Such drugs include, for example, haloperidol, rispolept, chlorprothixene.

How to get rid of hypochondria on your own?

The patient’s independent work on his illness is a prerequisite successful treatment. For self-help to be effective, it must be practiced every day. At the same time, we should not forget that treatment of hypochondria, like any other disease, should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Methods to independently combat hypochondria are:

  • confrontation social isolation;
  • working on yourself and your fears;
  • psychotherapeutic methods at home;
  • fighting fear.

Confronting social isolation

Symptoms of hypochondria often cause patients to limit their contact with the outside world. The fear of contracting some disease or being without medication at the right time gradually leads to complete or partial social isolation. To prevent this, it is necessary to find a strong incentive to contact the outside world as often as possible. It should be an activity that brings pleasure and allows you to realize goals or desires. Pretexts that can force you to leave your comfort zone are dancing or sports, learning a new activity ( for example, driving a car), refresher courses. Involving friends or relatives will help you increase your motivation when attending your chosen classes.

Working on yourself and your fears

Experts note that certain character traits are common factors that accompany hypochondria. Therefore, to increase efficiency undergoing treatment You need to pay attention to working on yourself. Suspiciousness is one of the personality traits that contributes to the development and interferes with the treatment of hypochondriacal disorder.

Measures that will help you reduce the level of suspiciousness are:

  • exclude the desire to speak badly about yourself or your body;
  • develop your positive traits and skills;
  • keep a diary in which you write down unpleasant situations that occurred due to suspiciousness, as well as the thoughts and feelings that accompanied you;
  • write down on a piece of paper the fears that visit you and try to ridicule them;
  • try to draw or describe in poetry all your fears, using funny words and images;
  • Make a movie in your imagination about your ideal life and watch it every day for 5 to 10 minutes.
Other character traits that provide a favorable environment for the manifestation of hypochondria are a tendency to negatively evaluate the world around us and self-doubt. There may be both successes and failures in the treatment of this disorder. It is necessary to emphasize even the smallest achievements and not focus on failures. It is useful to record and analyze all the positive experiences that, accumulating, will increase your self-esteem and confidence in defeating the disease.

Conducting independent trainings

There are a large number of different exercises, the implementation of which will have a positive effect on the therapy. One of the trainings involves a role-playing game, in which during the week you need to play various roles. Make a list of 7 characters, showing maximum imagination and creativity. These can be animals, fairy tale characters, inanimate objects. Also indicate the circumstances that influence the behavior and feelings of the characters.
If you have difficulty writing a list, use the examples provided.

Examples of characters for training are:

  • a famous director who is preparing to shoot a film;
  • the wall of an old mansion that is being rebuilt;
  • a tree in the forest in whose branches a bird has built a nest;
  • a man who saw his companion without makeup for the first time;
  • a middle-aged woman who was proposed to;
  • an expensive car in a car dealership that no one buys.
Complete the image of the heroes with various details. This will allow you to better get into the role and maintain it throughout the day. Keep a diary in which you must indicate all the events that occurred during the training period, both physically and emotionally. Over the course of a week, when you wake up in the morning, start playing the characters on the list. The game should happen more within you. Think and think as your heroes would do, while trying not to change your usual behavior. Observe how the attitude of others towards you changes, depending on the character you play.

The completed training will allow you to escape from your usual image and gain new experience. By playing a new role every day, you can distance yourself from anxiety and cope with the disease more easily.

Fighting Fear

Anxiety is a feeling that accompanies and intensifies the symptoms of hypochondria. At the slightest physical discomfort, fear arises, which inhibits the ability to think rationally. Special techniques that help achieve both muscular and emotional relaxation will help you control this feeling.

Ways to relax are:

  • breathing exercises;
  • physical exercise;
  • yoga, meditation;
  • progressive relaxation according to Jacobson.
You can help yourself during an anxiety attack by remembering that fear is automatically blocked by anger and laughter. You can be sarcastic about the situation you find yourself in, remember an anecdote, or turn everything into a joke. If you can't laugh, try expressing your anger. It is not necessary to be angry at people or circumstances in real life. You can express aggression towards a fictional character or the disease itself.

What traditional methods of treating hypochondria exist?

Treatment of hypochondriacal disorder with folk remedies is carried out in conjunction with other therapeutic methods prescribed by the doctor. Drugs manufactured according to folk recipes, have a soft ( tonic or, conversely, calming) impact. Therefore, fight hypochondria only with the help folk remedies not effective. Such medications will help reduce anxiety, but are not able to completely rid a person of fear and other symptoms of this disease.

Herbal decoctions

To prepare decoctions, dry raw materials are used ( unless otherwise stated in the recipe), which should be ground in a coffee grinder or other method. To prepare a standard portion of the decoction, you need to take the amount of dry ingredients indicated in the recipe and add a glass of hot water. The broth should infuse for about half an hour, after which it is filtered and taken according to the scheme indicated in the recipe. After 3 weeks of treatment, the same break is necessary.

Recipes for decoctions to combat hypochondria

Name Components and their norm
(1 part equals 1 teaspoon)
Effect Contraindications
Herbal collection Oregano;
Eleutherococcus root;
Hop cones;
Plantain leaves.
Mix all components in equal doses. To prepare a daily portion, use 1 part of the collection.
Divide the standard portion into 2 parts and take before meals in the morning. Stimulates the nervous system, helps with lethargy. It should be borne in mind that the decoction is a tonic, so if you have increased nervous tension, you should not take it.
Oat straw decoction Dry, clean, crushed oat straw – 3 parts. You should take 2 servings of the medicine per day, regardless of the time of day or meals. Gently stimulates the nervous system, helps fight apathy, improves appetite. Does not exist
Ginseng infusion For the decoction, ginseng roots or leaves can be used - 1 part. The standard dose should be reduced by 30 times! You should drink half a teaspoon of the decoction 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Is effective means for nervous exhaustion and depression. This decoction is not recommended for tachycardia, inflammatory diseases, and thyroid diseases.
Decoction of aster chamomile Chamomile aster flowers – 1 part. Divide half the serving into 3-4 parts, which should be drunk before meals. Has a tonic effect. Helps fight lethargy. At least 2 hours should pass between the last dose of the decoction and going to bed.
Decoction of knotweed herb Polygonum herb – 4 parts. The daily dose is equal to a standard serving. Drink 15 - 20 minutes before meals. Stimulates the nervous system. The decoction is contraindicated for kidney disease, thrombophlebitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Angelica decoction Angelica rhizomes – 1 part. The amount you need to drink per day is 2 standard servings. The daily dose should be divided into 3–4 doses. Useful for nervous exhaustion, apathy, and lack of strength. At long-term use Possible increased sensitivity to the sun. You should not take the decoction at high temperatures, various bleedings, or tachycardia.
Gentian pulmonary decoction Herbs and roots of gentian pulmonary - 2 parts. A standard serving should be divided into 3–4 parts and taken throughout the day. Increases appetite, stimulates physical and mental activity. Patients with ulcers and high blood pressure should avoid consuming gentian infusion.
Mint decoction Mint – 2 parts. Divide a standard portion into several doses and drink throughout the day. Has a sedative effect and normalizes sleep. May cause complications with low blood pressure. Mint is not recommended for infertility.
Motherwort decoction Motherwort grass – 2 parts. Divide a standard serving into 3-4 parts and take before meals. It is taken as a sedative and hypnotic. Patients with bradycardia, ulcers, or gastritis should not drink motherwort.

Alcohol tinctures for hypochondria

You can prepare alcohol tinctures yourself or purchase them at a pharmacy. To make a tincture at home, you should pour the crushed plant material with alcohol ( 70 degrees) in a ratio of one to ten. The mixture of herbs and alcohol must be placed in an opaque container and placed in a dark place for 7 - 10. After this, take in accordance with the recipe. The course of treatment with tinctures should not exceed 1 month.

Examples alcohol tinctures

Name Reception scheme Effect on the body Contraindications
Valerian tincture 20 – 30 drops ( about half a teaspoon) three times a day. Has a sedative effect and improves sleep. Valerian tincture impairs the ability to concentrate, so you should not drive a car or perform other activities that require attention after taking the drug.
Lily of the valley tincture The maximum volume that can be consumed per day should not exceed 90 drops, which should be divided into 3 to 4 doses. It is taken as a calming agent for anxiety and fear. Normalizes sleep. The tincture is contraindicated for myocarditis, endocarditis, liver and kidney diseases.
Aralia Manchurian tincture A single dose, which should be taken three times a day, is equal to 35 drops. If you are prone to high blood pressure, the dose should be reduced to 20 drops, which should be taken 2 times a day. Restores the patient's emotional background. Stimulates physical activity, increases appetite. For increased nervous excitability or insomnia, the tincture is not recommended. You should not take the drug if you have hypertension.
Rhodiola rosea tincture A single dose is 20–30 drops. Take 3 times a day. The tincture helps with increased fatigue, apathy. Patients with fever and high blood pressure should avoid taking the drug.



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