She became suspicious. Psychotherapy in the fight against anxiety


Only an overly suspicious person can grow a tiny “fly” into a large “elephant” in a short period of time. The appearance of a cough is the beginning of an incurable disease, and not a symptom of ARVI. A bad mark at school received for an incorrect answer is a “cross” on a future career, and not a momentary weakness that can be corrected in the next lesson. A gift from a student for International Women's Day is not a reason to please the teacher, but bribery of an official during execution. Signs of attention from a wealthy man are not a manifestation of sympathy, but an attempt to “drag” the chosen one into bed. In the daily sequence of events, we often encounter people who are devoid of hope and faith.

Suspiciousness is an acquired character trait that is formed in the subconscious of a child between the ages of 2 and 10 years. In the allotted period of time, the baby’s worldview takes shape, so excessive anxiety becomes part of the adult’s personality. It is not surprising that hypochondria is a common mental illness of the 21st century, which affects people of different genders and social statuses. The main feature of this phenomenon is the projection of negative options for the outcome of events. It is not surprising that living with such a disorder is unbearable. In addition, a person doubts those around him, independently making mountains out of molehills.

Reasons for the appearance of suspiciousness in a person

Excessive suspicion and “twisting” oneself through self-hypnosis are not innate qualities, so it is possible to identify a set of prerequisites due to which they appear in a person’s personal appearance. The predisposition to project negative events that explain the emergence of suspiciousness invariably has its “roots” in the childhood of a hypochondriac. Practicing psychologists observing patients with a similar diagnosis identify the following common reasons:

Trauma caused to a child in his youth. A certain situation had a negative impact on the baby’s development, developing on a subconscious level a fear of new unpleasant events. An unconscious act of parents who compared their offspring with other children, or harmless irony that violated the child’s internal harmony and peace of mind are reasons that provoke the development of anxious suspiciousness in the child.
Excessive independence of the baby is another reason for the occurrence of hypochondria. The young researcher has to explore the world around him without the participation of adults, collecting numerous “bumps” and stepping on the same type of “rakes”. It is not surprising that a child who is disillusioned with the fairness of current events begins to have doubts about the positive outcome of the current situation.
Excessive parental care is also not an appropriate solution to the problem. Adults deprive the child of the chance to independently explore unknown distances and conquer new heights. The main thing is to find a “golden” mean, protecting the child as much as possible. If you do not pay due attention to raising your offspring, the child will not develop psychological immunity. The baby will overreact to events that happen, taking them to heart.
The most common cause of suspiciousness is heredity, which does not imply the transmission of hypochondria at the genetic level. During childhood, a child unconsciously copies the behavior of his parents. If adults are subject to excessive suspicion, then the baby adopts a similar personal quality. The offspring does not see a different model of perception of the world around him, perceiving the ongoing series of events from a negative perspective.

If you do not reduce the anxiety that has filled the subconscious in time, then there is a risk of a serious mental disorder. Often, due to the discrepancy between reality and projected events, a person develops a feeling that generates new images in his thoughts. Communicating with one's own prejudices does not lead to positive results, so it is important to diagnose the disease and begin searching for cures.

Consequences: how do suspicious people live?

Some people are convinced that excessive suspicion is a positive character trait that helps prevent unpleasant situations from arising. A person who questions his surroundings will not know the bitterness of parting with his chosen one and will remain unaware of the betrayal of friends. Psychologists consider such a statement to be unfounded, because a person will only exist, and not live, greedily “swallowing” air. Suspicious people who are different note the following set of negative consequences that befell their fate:

Over time, patients suffering from a mental disorder develop paranoia - a constant feeling of danger and anticipation of a catch. A person begins to see only negative components in banal things, projecting his brain onto a negative outcome of events. It is impossible to find spiritual harmony and enjoy a peaceful life in the current situation, because the subconscious is regularly in a tense state.
A person’s suspiciousness becomes the reason for illogical actions and inappropriate decisions. Anxiety forces people to travel from one end of the city to another area to find answers to the question: Is the iron turned off or not? Is the door closed or left open? The prerequisite for such behavior is not a lack of attentiveness, but a formed one.
The social circle of a suspicious person invariably narrows, because only a few are willing to be friends with a friend who is constantly expecting a catch and doubts the sincerity of the words. It is not surprising that melancholic people tend to experience oppressiveness that fills the mind and soul.
Excessive anxiety becomes a prerequisite for health problems. Patients who have hypochondriasis, in addition to mental disorder, receive the following diseases - high blood pressure and migraines, insomnia and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Considering the scale of the above consequences, it is important to realize in time the danger of suspiciousness, replacing anxiety with hope and suspicion. If you don’t learn to live and think positively in a short period of time, then the gloomy colors inherent in the world around you will only deepen. A person must understand that such a mental disorder can develop, giving rise to new phobias and fears.

How to get rid of suspiciousness?

The pathological form of suspiciousness and formed hypochondria bring discomfort to the owner of a mental disorder, depriving him of self-esteem and peace of mind. The only option to change the vector of the situation is to engage in self-development. and you can learn to believe in a positive outcome of events by adhering to the following recommendations:

You cannot underestimate yourself by speaking about your own skills, talents and abilities from an impartial perspective. Self-flagellation is a waste of time and only worsens a person’s mental state. If you do not love yourself, then it is useless to count on the respect of others.
Learn to appreciate your own. People are filled with positive and negative characteristics, so reproaching yourself for being too suspicious is not a practical solution. It is more rational to find a way out of the current situation.
Trust your friends, first weighing the sincerity of your friends’ words and actions. However, it is not necessary to inform your comrades about your thoughts - it is important that they feel calm and confident. Don't question your friend's position in public, but maintain your own perspective on the situation.
Get rid of minor bad habits that negatively affect your life. Quitting smoking or alcohol will help develop the necessary volitional qualities within, which are indispensable in the fight against suspiciousness and excessive anxiety.
Start keeping a journal to track your thoughts. Having studied personal behavioral signs, you will be able to project your own actions under a certain set of events. Analyze your actions, looking at the situation that happened from different angles.

Consciously project a positive development of the situation, clearly imagining the desired result. Learn by looking for benefits even in an unpleasant set of circumstances. There are too many unexplored peaks around that you have yet to conquer.
Come up with a mechanical action that restores . Massage your earlobes when you are overly suspicious. Over time, such manipulation will be streamlined at the reflex level. By touching your ears, you will feel calm and peaceful.
Develop positive qualities in yourself, learn to believe in the success of the current situation. Remember how you were able to achieve the desired results and achieve your cherished goals - improve these facets of your personal appearance.
Laugh at your own fears and look your secret phobias in the eye. Straightforwardness and the thought process, accompanied by humor, are effective “helpers” in the fight against suspiciousness, destroying excessive anxiety at the root.
Check out the undeniable benefits of aromatherapy, in which special essential oils become the main component. The variety of smells allows you to find peace of mind, organize your thoughts and restore “sobriety” of the mind.
Learn to come up with positive endings for unpleasant situations. In English, this phenomenon is called Happy Ending. By projecting a positive result, you will not notice how you begin to believe in its expediency.
Find a hobby that will help you distract from problems and a series of negative events. If you cannot find a positive way out of the situation, then replace the negative energy by taking up your favorite hobby. Whether it's biking or walking, bowling or coin collecting, follow your personal preferences and interests.

A patient experiencing a mental disorder can overcome persistent and progressive paranoia by seeking qualified help from a practicing professional. A psychologist is able to correctly diagnose a disease, identifying the causes of its occurrence and ways to solve the current problem. However, only a few people are ready to entrust their inner world to a stranger, so the above tips are effective ways to learn to think and live in a positive direction.

The main goals that suspicious people pursue in an attempt to get rid of excessive anxiety and excessive suspicion - and balance, enjoy the delights of the world around them and learn to appreciate a love relationship with a loved one, feel the scale of career success and “taste” the benefits of true friendship.

March 15, 2014

What is suspiciousness? Suspiciousness is a strong fixation on some problem that appears as a result of prolonged exposure to the psyche. As a rule, a person does not notice how he gets caught up in this problem. He begins to suffer even more when he realizes that those around him do not want to share his fears. Often even relatives do not want to listen to such people, considering their phobias far-fetched. No one becomes suspicious just like that. There must be serious reasons for everything in life. Often, suspiciousness appears after some kind of illness (not necessarily serious), when a person was afraid of his condition and expected a worse outcome. Suspicious people are extremely susceptible to outside influence. They are constantly worried about how others will look at them and what they will say about their personal person. Suspiciousness actually hinders a person greatly, preventing him from living fully and developing in accordance with the chosen direction. Suspiciousness gradually destroys from within and subjugates the personality. Subsequently, it becomes difficult to think about anything else.

Symptoms of suspiciousness

We can say that suspiciousness is one of the forms of addiction that an individual can have. A person becomes so fixated on his own feelings that he stops noticing the reality around him. He refuses to participate in anything, from now on he is only concerned about the problem he has identified. What are the main symptoms of suspiciousness? Let's take a closer look.


Anxiety is the main symptom of suspiciousness. Suspicious people almost constantly feel uncontrollable attacks of fear. Their anxiety does not have a clearly defined direction. They just constantly worry about their health, that nothing bad happens to them. However, it is hardly possible to insure against all the troubles that may happen in the future. It seems that a suspicious person expects only troubles from life, and betrayal from close relatives. As a rule, they have few friends, because to build relationships they need to open their souls, share their most intimate things, and it is difficult for them to do this due to distrust of others. Suspicious people themselves suffer from their anxiety, but often cannot cope with this symptom on their own.


Suspicion causes a person to constantly experience doubts about his own strengths and capabilities. Such a person does not believe that he can truly achieve any significant results. Doubts block any endeavors and prevent you from trying your hand in different directions. A suspicious person first of all listens to the voice of his own fears. He doesn't look for opportunities because he doesn't believe that anything in his life can really change.

Feeling of fear

Fear is a symptom that clearly characterizes suspiciousness. A person does not look for reasons why everything in his life has not changed for the better. Fear fetters any attempts to correct the situation and prevents full development. A suspicious person greatly limits himself and does not allow him to gain new experiences. He doesn't know what to do next and is constantly in a hopeless situation. Over time, fear destroys his inner world, making him even more vulnerable.

Fixation on the problem

Suspicious people pay too much attention to their problems. From the outside it may seem that they do not think about anything else at all, but are constantly revising their own fears in their heads. They have such a strong fixation on any difficulties that there is absolutely no time or internal resources left for joy. Constant worries undoubtedly undermine the psyche. It becomes difficult for a person to adequately perceive the surrounding reality. Against this background, apathy and indifference to everything that happens is formed, resentment and sensitivity worsen.

For what reason does a person suddenly begin to doubt his own strengths and capabilities? Why does his worldview change so much? What are the reasons for the development of suspiciousness?

Psychological trauma

Any negative experience has a strong impact on the human psyche. The personality becomes nervous, irritable, and sometimes even uncontrollable. Sometimes this is enough to create limiting fears and doubts about one’s own person. Psychological trauma is a serious reason for the formation of suspiciousness. A person loses a part of himself, his inner world is destroyed. To preserve your essence, you often have to resort to self-defense. Suspiciousness often acts as such an unconscious reaction to negative events. A person subconsciously strives to protect himself, but in fact he drives himself into even greater limits. A vicious circle arises, from which it is not so easy to get out.

Protracted illness

When you have to spend a lot of time in illness, you involuntarily give up. When the disease is serious and lasts several months, the human body weakens and its energy is depleted. A person simply will not have the strength to move on, to develop in a certain way. A prolonged illness deprives one of internal strength and confidence in the future. A person thinks only about how to feel better and forgets about everything else. Often for this reason, an involuntary habit of constantly listening to your body develops. A fear is created that the body can fail at any moment and therefore requires careful monitoring.


Self-doubt is a serious reason for the formation of suspiciousness. If a person by nature does not have a strong core within himself, then many circumstances in life can interfere with its formation. Self-doubt in itself is a powerful reason for developing the habit of constantly monitoring the activities of your body. At the same time, it often happens in reality that a person is terribly afraid of doctors and avoids turning to traditional medicine. But there is a feeling that you should expect only a trick from everywhere. Such people, as a rule, greatly torment themselves and those around them with constant mood swings.

How to get rid of suspiciousness

Symptoms of suspiciousness can haunt a person throughout his life. This is a very heavy burden that puts a lot of pressure on the psyche. Being in such a state, it is impossible to develop, to feel really happy. How to get rid of suspiciousness? What steps should I take? Let's try to figure it out.


When a person has something he loves, he has no time to be bored. Having an activity you enjoy releases a lot of energy, helps you feel happy and self-sufficient. That's why you need to try to find some kind of passion or hobby. It is important that this activity gives strength to live on and helps not to dwell on problems. Remember that everything is temporary, you should not worry too much about anything.


In order for fears and doubts to go away faster, it is important to start a dialogue with yourself. At the first signs of panic, you should explain to yourself why this situation has now developed and what it really threatens you with. This approach will help you avoid uncontrollable fear. Rationalization will help you avoid a state where emotional tension becomes too great. When you have the opportunity to think through each step, it becomes clear how to proceed. Having let go of fears, you can begin self-realization.

Thus, in order to know how to get rid of suspiciousness, you must first of all act. You can’t get hung up on your problem, no matter how terrible and insoluble it may seem. First, you need to understand the reasons for what is happening, and then look for ways to overcome the destructive state.

Do you feel anxious about future events? Are you too worried about the opinions of others? If such feelings are intrusive and cause anxiety, this is suspiciousness...

What is suspiciousness?

So, suspiciousness is a feeling of constant anxiety: worries about the future, about the ideality of relationships with loved ones, professional growth, the opinions of others, constant torment over illnesses and many other reasons... The problem is that a suspicious person (this is a proven fact) makes up or exaggerates the problem, if there is one at all. Often such people have low self-esteem, constant thoughts that they are doing something wrong all the time...

The relatives of suspiciousness are suspicion, distrust, timidity, cowardice, timidity, and complexes. In other words, a suspicious person is a carrier of one or more phobias. It constantly seems to him that those around him do not really like him, that someone wishes him harm, trouble... Such feelings lead a person to a mental disorder. And the deeper they are, the stronger these disorders are. Ultimately, a suspicious person is no longer someone who is able to cope with his emotions, and he needs the help of specialists! Suspiciousness often acts not only as an independent unit, but as part of a deeper mental disorder, for example, an obsessive neurotic state, hypochondriacal, pathological jealousy, a state of constant persecution ...

The main causes of suspiciousness and anxiety

Experts say that the causes of suspiciousness have roots in childhood. The hypertrophied desire of parents to make their children too successful by constantly poking at shortcomings leads to complexes and suspiciousness. When a child often feels guilty, especially without guilt in fact, in the future he will turn out to be a suspicious person. This is the worst thing parents can do for their children.

A common cause of suspiciousness is failure, the negative experience of betrayal, gossip, a person stops believing and thinks extremely negatively about himself, begins to dislike himself, sometimes even hate him extremely ...

Psychologists say that anxious people drive themselves crazy with their doubts. Any slightest problematic situation can turn into a disaster for them! Fear of making a mistake makes them scroll through the options in their heads dozens of times, or even more. It is sometimes impossible to convince such people. The situation is interesting in that a very suspicious person, despite the pathological distrust of relatives and others, expects help from them and counts on understanding.

If a person is constantly preoccupied with thoughts about illness, poor health, and looking for diseases he has heard or read, he is a hypochondriac. He is a regular client of clinics, undergoes all kinds of examinations and so on. Such people are dominated by self-hypnosis, which over time leads to fear.

Is it necessary to fight suspiciousness?

If a person is suspicious, what to do in this case? This feeling, which can develop into a pathological character trait, must be eradicated. After all, in a state of suspiciousness, a person cannot feel all the joys of life. He constantly looks for the bad in all events that happen. Constant dissatisfaction makes a person a grouch, and added anxiety generally blocks the path to positive emotions in life. It is difficult for such a person in the family, he cannot trust others, and tries to solve all problems himself. This plunges him into even greater suspiciousness and dissatisfaction from accumulated problems, and a vicious circle of unexpressed negative emotions arises. Of course, you need to get rid of suspiciousness; it does not lead to good things, but, on the contrary, ruins the life of both the anxious person and those around him.

How does this character trait affect human health?

Constant dissatisfaction and a chronic feeling of fear lead to a decrease in the production of the hormone of happiness (serotonin). And it takes part in many processes in the body. As a result, the processes lack essential substances, their deficiency occurs, which affects a person’s well-being. He feels constant weakness, nervous breakdowns, weakened immunity, and, as a result, exacerbation of chronic diseases may occur. It has been proven that suspicious people get sick more often. A person associates this with what he thought up for himself in a state of anxiety, but does not understand that, by getting out of this state, he will solve more than half of his health problems.

It’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. Suspiciousness primarily affects the human nervous system. He convinces himself that everything will be bad, begins to believe in it and seek confirmation of his faith.

Can a successful person be suspicious?

Of course not! For a successful person is, first of all, self-confident. As a rule, he thinks positively and is ready for new discoveries. A successful person, even if he has fears, drives them away from himself. If he cares about the opinion of the world around him, then not to such an extent that he engages in self-criticism. Everything in moderation, self-criticism is useful, but should not reach the limits of rejection of oneself as an individual. Everyone knows that a person’s personality should be developed harmoniously. Fear is the basic instinct of self-preservation, and it must be present in a person to a certain extent, but if fear controls a person, then the person drives himself into a corner and does not know a way out... Such a person cannot live fully, breathe deeply, or make himself happy and loved ones... He suffers in the literal sense of the word. Therefore, he needs help...

Self-worth as a way to overcome suspiciousness

When the question arises of how to stop being a suspicious person, you need to sit down and understand the causes of the illness, analyze the life situations that cause fears to constantly resurface inside. Often, having sorted it out, a person understands that people did not wish him harm at all, that everything was far-fetched... Of course, the situation must be considered from all sides. Having realized the groundlessness of suspicions, it is easier to move on, removing from the soul such an ailment as suspiciousness.

If the situation that you are sorting out on the shelves causes pain, then it is better to protect yourself from communicating with the offender, without clarifying any relationship, forbidding yourself to blame him, yourself and anyone else. Just stop communicating and try to live as if there was no offender! The main thing is to stop eating yourself for the situation, look for the positive, draw conclusions and move on. There is something good to take from every negative situation! And this is important! Life is a school where we learn, improve, and whoever does not live does not make mistakes. It’s okay to make mistakes, but the main thing is to draw conclusions and not repeat mistakes, and you need to stay away from negative people. Let them be left to their own devices with their claims...

Changing habits for self-confidence

So start valuing yourself. You are an individual, you deserve to love and be loved, and you are a unique person, there is no other like you, live, breathe and give joy to yourself and those around you.

It happens that even a strong person cannot cope with his suspiciousness and suspiciousness. But if there is a desire, then you need to change your habits, since it is habits that push us to act every time according to the script. You need to start small, for example, take a different road to work. Or change your daily schedule a little, introducing more positive things into it. Changing habits entails changing your mood and lifestyle. Then there will be no place for suspiciousness.

An attitude towards the best - victory over suspiciousness

Now we understand that the main thing lies inside a person. And his position in life determines his mood... According to the definition, a suspicious person is a synonym for the word suspicious, distrustful, which means seeing danger in everything. Therefore, believing and setting yourself up for the best is the first aid for such an illness. Self-hypnosis is a very effective thing, but if it is aimed at creation, that’s good! You also need to listen to positive assessments of yourself from others. Perfectionism helps a lot - that is, the belief that is the opposite of fears, the belief that I can and should strive for the best. Then there will be no trace of suspiciousness left.

Psychotherapy in the fight against anxiety

  • Instead of negativity, we look for positivity.
  • We criticize ourselves in moderation (only one on one with ourselves), only in order not to fall ill with the other extreme - narcissism.
  • We don’t talk badly about ourselves in front of people, even as a joke.
  • When we get out of bed and go to bed, we give ourselves a positive attitude.
  • We force ourselves to smile, even if it costs incredible effort.
  • We destroy fears, we can laugh at them.

The role of busyness and rational thinking for a suspicious person

It is necessary to occupy yourself more so that there is no time for empty thoughts - a person busy with work, worries or hobbies does not have time to indulge in self-criticism - he lives! What does a suspicious person mean? One that does not have constant logic, coherence and a specific goal that motivates to achieve success, without which it is impossible to achieve a positive result in any endeavor. Therefore, to combat suspiciousness, it is necessary to develop rational thinking, which allows you to pull yourself together, discard the sensory sphere, think soberly and logically, and therefore correctly and adequately assess the situation. A rationally thinking person will never allow the emergence of disturbing thoughts that are not justified by logic. And if some difficult situation really arises, sober thinking and rationalism help solve it in the shortest possible time with maximum efficiency.

One visitor asked me to write this here. And I promised that the next article will be about suspiciousness. I keep my promise. But first I looked through my websites.

It turns out I already wrote about this in an article with a long title: . It's about suspiciousness.

But I still surfed the Internet to listen to the authoritative opinion of psychologists. And I found an interesting article with a step-by-step guide to action, which I offer you today.

I will only note that I myself am a rather suspicious person. But I’m already at such an age that I treat such character traits of mine with a smile, realizing that this is not the worst thing in life... :)

As the article progresses, I will make short remarks, as usual: in simple italics.

18 steps to combat suspiciousness

Suspiciousness as a character trait can be quite painful for its owner. Suspiciousness can only worsen over the course of life, or, on the contrary, it can decrease.

Suspiciousness is an increased tendency to have anxious concerns for various reasons. Suspicious people are usually full of various anxieties that prevent them from enjoying life. The most intense experiences concern relationships with loved ones, health, and professional success.

The origins of suspiciousness

Suspiciousness usually arises from self-doubt and low self-esteem. Morbid suspiciousness is a kind of manifestation of an exaggerated instinct of self-preservation.

Many experts rightly believe that the causes of suspiciousness lie in those negative, and often psychologically traumatic, childhood impressions and experiences, which subsequently grow into neurotic complexes.

Suspiciousness is a heterogeneous concept. It can be an independent character trait, or it can be part of a disorder, for example, obsessive-compulsive neurosis, hypochondria, pathological jealousy, and delusions of persecution.

Suspiciousness is a common problem, in one way or another.
one third of the population of our planet suffers from it.

Why fight suspiciousness?

Even the usual, and not pathological, form of suspiciousness causes a lot of inconvenience to its owner. And if you need to fight the latter with the help of specialists: psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, then you can try to eradicate the former yourself.

Suspiciousness not only darkens a person’s life, but also paralyzes his activity, prevents him from achieving success on his path, and building a harmonious personal life. There are a number of ways in which you can get rid of the constant feeling of anxiety about your abilities, capabilities and health.

Rarely does suspiciousness come in such a form that it “paralyzes a person’s activity,” although this does happen. Most often, suspiciousness is mild and transient. Read on to learn how to deal with it.

Fighting suspiciousness: 18 steps to success

Step 1: Train Your Success Skill
Try to develop in yourself the best things that helped you cope with difficulties in the past.

Vague wording. Let's leave it to the author's conscience and read on.

Step 2: Appreciate Your Strengths
You should not concentrate on your negative (often imaginary) qualities. You need to try to find the positive things in yourself that distinguish you from others.

I think that you don’t need to concentrate on yourself at all. You are such or such as you are. And who cares! 🙂

Step 3: Don't talk bad about yourself
It is not advisable to talk badly about yourself. If you constantly, even jokingly, in the face of minor failures, say: “What can you take from me? I’m a coward and a bungler!” – then soon, no longer as a joke, you will involuntarily strive to meet this definition.

I often scold myself, but with love. “Well, what a softie you are,” or something like that. This is not scary and does not lead to any consequences.

Step 4: Confidence in Friends
Don't be shy about sharing your fears, doubts, and worries with good, trusted friends. When a person “verbalizes” a problem (that is, expresses it in words), he has already partially solved it.

I do not recommend sharing with friends or family. They'll blow it up to the skies. Work on yourself - more benefit and less harm.

Step 5: Journal
You can keep a diary or notebook in order to record your experiences due to suspiciousness. Could not communicate with the person you are interested in? Try to write down what you felt at that moment: confusion, heart palpitations, embarrassment, etc. At first, you will just take notes. But soon, knowing what can happen to you in a given situation, you will no longer be lost in similar circumstances.

A diary is a good thing, but it takes time. Few people have time for a diary. However, it's worth a try, it's good advice. At least better than with friends.

Step 6: Change Habits
Try changing your habits. Not forever, but for a while. Trying to change, even in small things (for example, putting on shoes in the morning starting with a different foot than usual), will gradually set you up for the possibility of more serious, profound changes in your attitude towards life: you will feel, think, act differently.

Three weeks of doing something every day, and the habit is formed. I checked it on myself. Now I simply cannot live without my walking and barbell.

Step 7: Set yourself up for the best
Try to give yourself instructions. This is a very important skill. For example: “All this day I will be as joyful and cheerful a person as possible! I will certainly smile at least seven times during the day!” (precisely seven times, because it’s a lucky number!); “I will give sober, calm, reasonable, adequate reactions to any situation!”; “On this day I will not allow any pessimistic, let alone negative assessments of my actions and qualities!”; “I will simply ignore negative traumatic circumstances!”; “I will definitely try to live this whole truly new day with the belief that success in my life is simply inevitable! Perhaps to achieve it you just need to be patient.”

Advice for joyful idiots. I hope you are one or you are not.

Step 8: Massage your earlobes
In the fight against suspiciousness, you can also use physical pressure: if you tend to worry and panic in any significant situation, try pressing on two special points, one of which is located inside the auricle, in the upper part of the ear, and the second in the middle of the lobe. You can also rub the entire surface of your ears, focusing on the earlobes.

Yes, I wrote about this too. You can rub your palms, you can rub your ears. The first method also calms, the second invigorates. In general, it would be good to master reflexology, it helps a lot just in everyday life.

Step 9: Laugh off your fears
Learning to laugh at your fears is not easy. To do this, you can use one trick. Write statements on separate pieces of paper that you don’t like about yourself, for example: “I’m embarrassed by the fact that I immediately blush when talking to strangers”; “I’m worried that my nose (mouth, ears...) is not the same,” etc. Place or pin these notes near the largest mirror in the apartment. When you look at these “paper confessions”, try to arrange comic mini-performances: laugh at your fears, make faces at yourself in the mirror! Sooner or later, the intensity of your experiences will subside, and you will begin to overcome suspiciousness.

Laughter can do wonders. Reread this paragraph number 9 often.

Step 10: Write down your fears
You can write on a piece of paper everything that you fear because of your suspiciousness. For example: “My heart is tingling, but it’s just nerves, that’s what my doctor told me!” Looking at this recording (it will be better if you make it with colored markers), you will gradually begin to get used to the idea that there is “nothing wrong with you.”

Also good advice. When we write something down, we relieve ourselves of psychological responsibility. And then the sheet is lost ... and nothing happens! 🙂

Step 11: Love Aromatherapy
To combat suspiciousness, you can use aromatherapy. Try adding 1-2 drops of rosemary or vanilla essential oil to your handkerchief. They give confidence in their abilities, relieve shyness and anxiety.

Don't overdo it just to keep your head from spinning. I advise you to change the smells more often, since there are a lot of them. And then it can become addictive.

Step 12: Replace Fear with Pity
If you are afraid of some kind of disease or infection, you can fantasize, imagining it in the form of an intrusive guest, skinny, frail and frightened. This will help ease fear (well, really, how can you be afraid of such an insignificance?!) or even drive it away.

This also applies to humor, one of the components. Like I said, you can do a lot with laughter!

Step 13: Draw Your Anxiety
Well helps in the fight against suspiciousness drawing. You can try to depict your fears in the form of drawings, funny and absurd. You can decorate the walls of your apartment with them in order to have a good laugh at them.

This is for those who like to draw, not write. But the meaning is the same.

Step 14: come up with a happy ending
Modeling the situation that you fear as an event with a successful outcome can also help suspicious people. For example, you are afraid of doctors. Imagine that it is not you, but one of your friends or relatives who needs to visit the clinic. Laugh at their concerns and fears. And then try to model your own trip to the clinic as a calm and safe event.

This is for creative people, but you can try. In fact, it is creative individuals who most often suffer from this bullshit suspiciousness.

Step 15: scare... your fear
Usually suspicious people drive away their fears and anxieties and thereby simply drive them inside. Try doing the opposite. For example, at the dentist’s office, fearing not so much toothache as the possibility of getting some kind of infection, tell yourself: “Please, dear fear, come in and do me a favor! What do you have there? Some kind of stupid infection? Bring her here!” In this way, you paralyze not yourself, but your fear.

This is for super creative people. I don’t know, I haven’t tried it, I’m not one of those people.

Step 16: Find a Hobby
Try to find an interesting activity or hobby for yourself. This kind of bright and joyful passion will protect you from many fears for the future.

In other words, get distracted. And a hobby is best suited for this. Or call someone just like that, about nothing.

Step 17: Apply Autotraining
In the fight against suspiciousness, you can “adopt” a special technique of autogenic training - self-hypnosis, proposed even before the “inventor” of this psychotherapeutic technique, Johann Schulz, by the famous poet Maximilian Voloshin.

Copy his poem “The Spell” (written back in 1929) with colored felt-tip pens and hang it in a visible place, re-read it every day, instilling in yourself everything that is written in it (or even better, learn these lines by heart):

All your organs are working properly:
The progress of eternity is counted by the heart,
The lungs and stomach are incorruptible!
Communion of flesh turns into spirit
And the excess waste is thrown away.
Intestines, liver, glands and kidneys -
"Concentrations and Altars
High Hierarchies" in music
Consent. There are no worries
Calls and pain: my hands don’t hurt,
Healthy ears, dry mouth, nerves
Hardy, clear and sensitive...
And if you, persistent in work,
You will exceed the norm of physical strength,
Your subconscious will immediately hold you back!

It is best to repeat these blank verses while sitting in the most comfortable position with your eyes closed, breathing easily and freely.

You can search for prayers and use them. I treat such things with respect.

Step 18: Think Rationally
One of the most important skills in the fight against suspiciousness is rational thinking. You can’t think only about the bad, worrying, exciting or scary all the time. This is especially not worth doing when you are alone with yourself, in the evening or before bed. Everyone knows how these kinds of thoughts and experiences interfere with finding peace of mind, which contributes to normal falling asleep and restful sleep. And a bad dream, filled with disturbing dreams, plunges a suspicious person even more into the abyss of worries. Therefore, before going to bed, it is better to dream, fantasize about something pleasant, and remember joyful moments.

It’s best to be SO physically tired during the day that you don’t have time for such thoughts.

In a positive way

If you can master these steps and add your own to them, you will gradually begin to think in new ways. And you will understand how much in life you have lost because of your suspiciousness.

Yaroslav Kolpakov, clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences: “Suspiciousness is a complex psychological phenomenon. It is associated primarily with such a concept as anxiety. Anxiety means a certain potential readiness of a person to react to new situations, life circumstances, events with one or another manifestation of anxiety.

Suspicious people have a fairly high level of anxiety. Suspiciousness in the physical sphere can manifest itself in the form of hypochondria. A person tends to very sensitively and carefully “listen” to all the signals of his body, attribute to them a painful meaning, interpret them as threatening health or even life, and often seek help from doctors.

Suspiciousness in the social sphere can manifest itself as paranoia, that is, a tendency to be wary in communication, a distorted perception of the attitude of other people as hostile. The result of a kind of “protection” from suspiciousness can be perfectionism, that is, an almost obsessive belief that “I must achieve only the best results, I must be the best.”

In a pathological form, this is manifested by the conviction that “no personal result achieved is ideal,” which could be even better. The fear of not achieving the best result leads a person to procrastination - constantly putting off making important decisions, putting off important things “for tomorrow.”

Because of this, a person’s anxiety can only increase, and a kind of “vicious circle” is formed: anxiety – suspiciousness – paranoia – perfectionism – procrastination – anxiety. If you cannot break this circle with the help of the advice given in the article, it is recommended to seek the advice of a psychologist.”

Expert: Yaroslav Kolpakov, clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences

P.S. You can fight suspiciousness. But you can not touch her - let her live. So you’ll get used to it and stop noticing! 🙂

The complaints of a patient with hypochondria are usually concentrated around one or two organs and systems, while the assessment of the severity of their condition and the degree of conviction in the presence of a particular disease is constantly changing. The diagnosis is established on the basis of complaints, anamnesis and additional research data. Treatment – ​​psychotherapy, drug therapy.


Hypochondria (hypochondriacal disorder) is a mental disorder manifested by constant concern about one’s own health and persistent suspicions of the presence of a serious illness. According to some researchers, patients with hypochondria make up 14% of the total number of patients seeking help in general medical institutions. Opinions about the prevalence of hypochondria among men and women vary.

Some experts argue that men are more likely to suffer from this disorder, others believe that the disease equally often affects representatives of the weaker and stronger sex. In men, hypochondria usually develops after 30 years, in women - after 40 years. In 25% of cases, despite adequate treatment, there is a deterioration in the condition or no improvement. In half of the patients the disorder becomes chronic. Treatment of hypochondria is carried out by clinical psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists.

Causes of hypochondria

Mental health experts identify several causes of hypochondria. Endogenous factors that provoke the development of hypochondria include hereditarily determined character and personality traits: suspiciousness, excessive impressionability, anxiety, hypersensitivity. It is assumed that a specific interpretation of bodily signals is of some importance - a feature characteristic of all types of somatoform disorders. Patients with hypochondria and other similar disorders perceive normal neutral signals from various organs and systems as pathological (for example, as pain), however, what this interpretation is associated with - with disorders of the brain or with changes in the sensitivity of peripheral nerves - remains unclear.

Psychologists consider parents’ excessive concern about the child’s well-being and severe or long-term illnesses at an early age as exogenous factors causing the development of hypochondria. A real or imaginary threat to one’s own health encourages a patient suffering from hypochondria to show increased attention to their bodily sensations, and the conviction of one’s own illness creates fertile ground for the formation of a “sick person’s position.” A person who is convinced of the weakness of his health involuntarily looks for illness in himself, and this can become the cause of hypochondriacal experiences.

Acute stress, chronic traumatic situations, depression and mental disorders of a neurotic level play a certain role in the development of hypochondria. Due to mental and emotional exhaustion, mental vulnerability increases. The attention of a patient with hypochondria begins to randomly focus on various insignificant external and internal signals. Increased attention to the work of internal organs violates the autonomy of physiological functions, autonomic and somatic disorders occur, which the patient interprets as signs of a serious illness.

Experts believe that hypochondria is a pathologically acute instinct of self-preservation, one of the manifestations of the fear of death. At the same time, many psychologists consider hypochondria as “the inability to be sick,” which can manifest itself as both pathologically acute and pathologically weak reactions to disturbances in the functioning of the body. It has been established that patients with hypochondria, when identifying a really existing somatic disease, pay less attention to such a disease than to their hypochondriacal experiences, sometimes perceiving the real pathology as insignificant and insignificant.

Symptoms of hypochondria

Patients with hypochondria complain of pain and discomfort in various organs. Often they directly name the suspected somatic disease or in a roundabout way they try to draw the doctor’s attention to the possibility of developing a particular disease. At the same time, the degree of conviction in the presence of a certain disease varies from one appointment to another. Patients suffering from hypochondria can “jump” from one disease to another, more often within one organ or system (for example, at a previous appointment the patient was worried about stomach cancer, and now is leaning towards a diagnosis of peptic ulcer), less often there is a “migration” of painful sensations.

Most often, the concerns of patients with hypochondria are related to the state of the cardiovascular system, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract and brain. Some patients suffering from hypochondria are worried about the possible presence of infectious diseases: HIV, hepatitis, etc. The story about unpleasant sensations can be vivid, emotional or, on the contrary, monotonous and emotionally inexpressive. The doctor’s attempts to dissuade the patient cause a pronounced negative reaction.

The complaints of patients suffering from hypochondria are unique and do not fit into the clinical picture of a particular somatic disease. Patients with hypochondria often note the presence of paresthesia: a feeling of tingling, numbness or crawling. The second most common condition in hypochondria is psychalgia - pain not associated with the pathology of any organ. Senestalgia is possible - unusual, sometimes bizarre pain sensations: burning, twisting, shooting, twisting, etc. Sometimes with hypochondria, senestopathy is observed - difficult to describe, but very unpleasant sensations that are difficult to associate with the activity of any organ. In addition, patients often complain of general malaise, a feeling of unclear but global somatic distress.

Hypochondria affects the character of patients and their relationships with others. Patients become selfish, completely concentrated on their painful sensations and emotional experiences. They interpret the calm attitude of others towards their condition as a sign of callousness and callousness. There may be accusations against loved ones. Other interests become insignificant. Patients with hypochondria, sincerely convinced of the presence of a serious illness, spend all their energy on preserving the “remnants of their own health”, this causes the breakdown of close relationships, problems at work, a decrease in the number of social contacts, etc.

Types of hypochondria

Depending on the nature and degree of thinking disorders, psychiatry distinguishes three types of hypochondria: obsessive, overvalued and delusional. Obsessive hypochondria occurs during stress or is a consequence of excessive impressionability. It is more often detected in sensitive, emotional patients with a rich imagination. This form of hypochondria can develop after careless words from a doctor, another person telling about their illness, watching a program dedicated to a particular disease, etc.

In a mild transient form, hypochondriacal experiences often occur in medical university students (“third-year disease”), as well as in people who first came into contact with medicine due to their profession, life circumstances, or ordinary curiosity (the famous “I found all the diseases in myself, except puerperal fever ”from the story “Three in a boat, not counting the dog” by Jerome K. Jerome). In most cases, such experiences are not clinically significant and do not require special treatment.

A distinctive feature of obsessive hypochondria is sudden attacks of anxiety and fear for one’s health. The patient may be afraid of catching a cold when going outside in bad weather, or afraid of getting poisoned when ordering food at a restaurant. He understands that he can take specific measures to protect himself from the disease or significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence, but this does not help cope with fear. Criticism in this form of hypochondria is preserved, thoughts about a possible disease are hypothetical, but anxiety does not disappear, despite logical conclusions and attempts at self-persuasion.

Overvalued hypochondria is a logically correct, understandable to other people, but extremely exaggerated concern for one’s health. The patient makes a lot of efforts, trying to achieve an ideal state of the body, and constantly takes measures to prevent a certain disease (for example, cancer). With overvalued hypochondria, attempts at self-medication, excessive use of “folk healing methods,” attempts to construct pseudoscientific theories, etc. are often observed. Health becomes an absolute priority, other interests fade into the background, which can lead to tension in relationships with loved ones, deterioration financial situation and even dismissal or destruction of the family.

Delusional hypochondria is a disorder based on pathological conclusions. A characteristic feature is paralogical thinking, the ability and need to “connect the unconnected,” for example: “the doctor looked at me askance - that means I have AIDS, but he is deliberately hiding it.” Delusional ideas in this form of hypochondria are often implausible and clearly fantastical, for example, “a crack has appeared in the wall, which means the wall is built from radioactive materials, and I am developing cancer.” A patient with hypochondria interprets any attempts to dissuade him as a deliberate deception, and perceives the refusal to carry out therapeutic measures as evidence of the hopelessness of the situation. Delusions and hallucinations are possible. This type of hypochondria is commonly seen in schizophrenia and severe depression. May provoke suicide attempts.

Diagnosis and treatment of hypochondria

The diagnosis is established on the basis of the patient’s complaints, medical history, data from additional studies and opinions of general practitioners. During the diagnostic process, depending on the complaints, patients suffering from hypochondria are referred to a therapist, cardiologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist, oncologist, endocrinologist and other specialists. Blood and urine tests, ECG, chest X-ray, MRI of the brain, ultrasound of internal organs and other tests may be required. After excluding somatic pathology, hypochondria is differentiated from other mental disorders: depression, somatization disorder, schizophrenia, delusional disorders, panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.

Depending on the severity of hypochondria, treatment can be carried out either on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting (environmental therapy). The main treatment method for hypochondria is psychotherapy. Rational psychotherapy is used to correct erroneous beliefs. In the presence of family problems, acute traumatic situations and chronic internal conflicts, Gestalt therapy, psychoanalytic therapy, family therapy and other techniques are used. In the process of treating hypochondria, it is important to provide conditions under which the patient will constantly be in contact with one general practitioner, since contacting a large number of specialists creates a favorable environment for manipulation and increases the risk of unnecessary conservative treatment and unjustified surgical interventions.

Due to the high risk of developing addiction and possible fears of the presence of severe somatic pathology, which doctors allegedly hide from patients with hypochondria, the use of medications for this pathology is limited. For concomitant depression and neurotic disorders, tranquilizers and antidepressants are prescribed. Antipsychotics are used for schizophrenia. If necessary, the drug therapy regimen includes beta-blockers, nootropic drugs, mood stabilizers and vegetative stabilizers. The prognosis depends on the severity of hypochondria and the presence of concomitant mental disorders.

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If you constantly suspect someone of deception, think that someone is weaving intrigues behind your back and constantly doubt when making decisions, you have increased suspiciousness. About 30 percent of people on Earth are susceptible to this tendency to anxiety and fears for various reasons or without them. Constant anxiety destroys self-confidence and strength, and prevents you from enjoying life. Frequent reasons for worry are relationships with friends, relatives and loved ones, and also relate to health and success at work. and become freer from prejudices? What symptoms of suspiciousness exist? About this in our material today.

Symptoms of suspiciousness

You can determine increased suspiciousness by analyzing your own behavior and attitude to what is happening around you. Let us highlight several symptoms that indicate excessive suspiciousness of a person.

Suspicious people are characterized by constant doubts, irritability and fatigue. Such a person can understand any conversation in his own way, unearthing the hidden meaning in it. He also treats his words with great attention, constantly worrying that his interlocutor will not understand him correctly. At night, a lot of disturbing thoughts are born in the head of a suspicious person: “I didn’t fulfill the plan at work, I’ll be fired. If they fire me, I won’t be able to support my family. I urgently need to look for a new job, otherwise my wife will leave me and take the children.” A tangle of thoughts can lead a person to the most incredible conclusions. Suspicious people behave modestly and shyly with others; they are often low-level employees because they cannot take responsibility. Each solution to problems becomes torment for such a person; he is tormented by doubts about the correctness of his choice, and feels uncertainty about the consequences.

Suspicious people do not live in the present, they are only concerned about what happened and what will happen in the future, how any word or deed will turn out for them. People who are very suspicious of their health are very sensitive; any ailment can cause panic. A person begins to search on the Internet for the name of his disease based on the symptoms that he himself has identified. Even if a doctor convinces a suspicious person that everything is fine with him, the person doubts. Suddenly the doctor was in a hurry and did not identify the disease or the device was faulty. It’s especially difficult for suspicious girls; doubts about pregnancy become the main problem for them; tests are purchased in dozens.

Constant anxiety can lead a person to nervous diseases. To avoid this, suspicious people are referred to work with a psychologist, who allows a person to dispel unnecessary fears and feel more confident.

How to overcome suspiciousness?

As we were able to see, suspiciousness prevents a person from living a full life, does not allow him to develop and build a personal life. But there are tips from experienced psychologists who can help get rid of this illness.

  • Do not look for symptoms of any diseases in yourself; this should be done by a doctor. If you have any doubts, go to the clinic and get examined. Only it will show the presence or absence of the disease. Self-diagnosis usually only leads to panic and depression.

Remember: the Internet is not the best help in identifying a disease, since the symptoms of many diseases are the same. Don’t ruin yourself by treating a non-existent disease!

According to experts, suspiciousness is a psychological process associated with increased human anxiety. Over time, suspiciousness can develop into serious nervous diseases and even paranoia. Fears and constant anxiety do not allow a person to develop; he puts off important matters and decisions for later (procrastination). Suspicious people suffer from hypochondria (excessive attention to their health, imagination of non-existent diseases of the body), do not trust doctors and try to treat themselves, which only worsens the situation.

With the help of the tips given in our article, you can get rid of unnecessary anxiety and finally overcome suspiciousness. But if you feel that you yourself cannot cope with the oncoming illness, then contact a psychologist for a thorough analysis of the problem that has arisen.

Suspiciousness - what is it? How to get rid of suspiciousness?

With the modern rhythm of life, a person is constantly exposed to stress, a tense state of the nervous system, breakdowns, and emotional instability. The race for a career, earnings and various benefits of civilization costs us very much and gives rise to various ailments. We become too suspicious and worry about everything. How to characterize this condition? Scientists gave it a name - suspiciousness. These are all fears and anxieties that arise in people and are caused by various reasons. Gradually they become more frequent and can take a form in which a person develops a fear of death, the possibility of contracting a serious incurable disease, etc.


After a while, negative emotions become so strong that a person does not stop thinking about the bad, and he has a feeling of doom.

Often, suspicious people worry most about their health, relationships with loved ones, with their other half, and career growth. This condition of a person has a very bad effect on communication with family and friends, and as a result he may find himself isolated.

Suspiciousness is a mental property that manifests itself in both children and adults equally. When a person has this condition too developed, he is touchy, has complexes and experiences constant anxiety. Such people believe that those around them are potential offenders and want to show them in an ugly light. They are also constantly tormented by various negative emotions, which has an extremely bad effect on their overall mental and, subsequently, physical well-being.

Suspiciousness develops due to the fact that the child was raised incorrectly in childhood, as well as a developed lack of confidence in his own abilities, and a number of failures that befell him in life. Mental disorders also play an important role.

Don't give in to your guesses

Gradually, negative thoughts begin to take over a person, and this literally drives him crazy.

Some insignificant situation that happened to him becomes a whole tragedy. Any event seems to him to be a global problem. He plays all this in his head a large number of times.

Those susceptible to this condition are constantly haunted by thoughts that they are being deceived or are being bullied. People of this kind believe their guesses and trying to convince them is an extremely difficult task.

Constant anxiety, which is caused in a person by self-hypnosis, takes possession of him, and his life, as well as the life of all those around him, becomes unbearable. Such people begin to consider themselves losers and slaves of an unfortunate fate.

At the same time, they want their loved ones to help and provide support. But at the same time, they are also viewed as traitors.

Made-up diagnoses

If a person is too suspicious, he invents the diseases that the body supposedly suffers from. Scientists have even developed a special name for such people - hypochondriacs. Those around them, by the way, often make fun of them.

A person suffering from such a phobia constantly tries to find various diseases in his body, thinks only about his own well-being, looks for symptoms of complex ailments, regularly visits doctors, and takes medications. Such people like to watch TV shows on health topics, follow periodical medical journals, and search for articles on the Internet. After which they are increasingly overcome by the thought that they are terminally ill. They are no longer able to think about anything else: health is all that interests them. Most of all, hypochondriacs are interested in advertising of medications, as well as various methods related to health prevention.

Control your imagination

For hypochondriacs, as well as people susceptible to suspiciousness, their fears associated with illness or deception are not an imitation, but a reality caused by self-hypnosis. It turns out that after a certain period of time, the imagination begins to deviate from the norm and draws pictures in the head that distort reality. At the same time, a person begins to think that he is sick and his body is unhealthy, although, in fact, this is not the case.

How to fight?

How to overcome suspiciousness when you are offended? In such a situation, you can tell your opponent about this or stop all contact with him. Of course, there may be another option: you were wrong or the words of the offender were true. Then it’s worth adopting some internal criteria for yourself so that you can accurately determine in which situation which of you is guilty. Do not show unnecessary self-criticism, taking full responsibility upon yourself. This behavior will not benefit your mental or physical health.

It should be remembered that suspiciousness is an unpleasant feeling that constantly reduces self-esteem, while a person is always in a bad mood, and therefore life in general does not bring him any joy. You should get rid of such negativity quickly. All people have inner strengths that will help them cope with bad emotions. You should remember that no one can offend you, and you are able to protect yourself.

Impact of negative information

When a person gives up and falls under the power of the feelings discussed above, he may soon be overcome by suspiciousness.

Information that comes from the outside world will be perceived as negative. In this regard, a person will lose the opportunity to receive joy from life.

Excessive suspiciousness develops psychosomatic problems, which are expressed in diseases of the respiratory organs, constant depression, a person becomes irritable and depressed. It turns out that, succumbing to negative thoughts, we develop them to a global scale, and they begin to eat away at our psyche from the inside like a worm, as a result of which experiences become an integral part of everyday life.

How to get rid of suspiciousness

To do this, you should start analyzing your actions. Think about your lifestyle.

You should remember those moments when you were hurt and offended, and how you felt about it. It is possible that you will be able to understand that those around you did not want to harm you.

If suspiciousness begins to take hold of you, the symptoms of its manifestation should be overcome immediately. Otherwise, in such a situation, you will quickly be drawn into a prolonged depression.

In most cases, you can handle this on your own. When you begin to understand that you are gradually developing suspiciousness (the reasons for it can be any - bad thoughts, troubles at work or at home, etc.), then you should try to abstract yourself from what is happening as soon as possible and look at the current situation from a positive side. The joy of everything that happens can overcome the symptoms.

You are able to cope with all problems on your own, because suspiciousness is just our internal fears. We bring to your attention a few more lights to combat this condition.

Look for the good in yourself and think positively

First of all, try to identify your positive qualities. Celebrate your successes, find your strengths. At the same time, try not to think about any negative qualities of your personality.

Do not talk about yourself in a negative way, even as a joke, since you will never be able to get rid of suspiciousness in this way, because you will subconsciously follow this attitude.

Be sure to think only in a positive way. Change your established habits. Start small, and then you will be able to change yourself as a whole. Let's set ourselves up for a certain result.

Don't be afraid to laugh and fight your fears

Look for humor in everything. Laugh at yourself or at your surroundings. It's difficult, but if you try, it's quite possible. Also try to transfer all your fears, worries and concerns onto paper. Place these notes where you can always see them. Time will pass and you will get used to not being afraid of them, and your phobias will begin to gradually disappear. Draw your fear, for example, like a comic strip.

Another way to deal with suspiciousness is the need to drive away your fears. Make an effort of will and force them out using, for example, pity. Don't try to get rid of your obsessive thoughts. After all, with suspiciousness, a person immediately tries to drive away all thoughts, but in this way they take over the consciousness even more. You should make it clear to your fears that you are not afraid of them and expect new dirty tricks from them.

Think positively

Try to think rationally. Don't just think about the bad. Experiences should not take over you. Try not to think about others' opinions of you. Find yourself a useful activity, a hobby. Being passionate about certain things gives a person enough strength not to feel negative and to boldly move on.

Record the events of your life

Start keeping a personal diary. He should be trusted with all fears and worries. Try to write down every little thing. Write down your experiences in different situations in a diary. And also how you behaved, your emotions. Analyze the situation. If you find yourself in a similar position again, just read your earlier entries and you will understand that it is not worth the trouble.

Try to start using all the above methods. Little by little at first, and then every day. This way you can overcome your fears and start thinking rationally. You can come up with your own recipe for getting rid of the disease. Time will pass and your thinking will change: you will think only about good things.


If a person is seized by suspiciousness, symptoms can be noticed almost immediately. So, he begins to convince himself through negative thoughts that his life is worse than that of others, he can become infected with a fatal disease, he is constantly in danger, and those around him laugh at him. This is all easy to explain by self-hypnosis. Every day such a person draws himself more and more into a web of suspiciousness. He meets all the events of his life only with negative thoughts, blaming himself and others for everything. This behavior ultimately does not lead to anything good.

However, if self-treatment does not help you, you should seek the help of specialists who can competently tell you how to deal with suspiciousness. Otherwise, you may face prolonged depression and deterioration in well-being.

How to get rid of suspiciousness?

Suspiciousness is a strong fixation on some problem that appears as a result of prolonged exposure to the psyche.

What is suspiciousness? Suspiciousness is a strong fixation on some problem that appears as a result of prolonged exposure to the psyche. As a rule, a person does not notice how he gets caught up in this problem. He begins to suffer even more when he realizes that those around him do not want to share his fears. Often even relatives do not want to listen to such people, considering their phobias far-fetched. No one becomes suspicious just like that. There must be serious reasons for everything in life. Often, suspiciousness appears after some kind of illness (not necessarily serious), when a person was afraid of his condition and expected a worse outcome. Suspicious people are extremely susceptible to outside influence. They are constantly worried about how others will look at them and what they will say about their personal person. Suspiciousness actually hinders a person greatly, preventing him from living fully and developing in accordance with the chosen direction. Suspiciousness gradually destroys from within and subjugates the personality. Subsequently, it becomes difficult to think about anything else.

Symptoms of suspiciousness

We can say that suspiciousness is one of the forms of addiction that an individual can have. A person becomes so fixated on his own feelings that he stops noticing the reality around him. He refuses to participate in anything, from now on he is only concerned about the problem he has identified. What are the main symptoms of suspiciousness? Let's take a closer look.


Anxiety is the main symptom of suspiciousness. Suspicious people almost constantly feel uncontrollable attacks of fear. Their anxiety does not have a clearly defined direction. They just constantly worry about their health, that nothing bad happens to them. However, it is hardly possible to insure against all the troubles that may happen in the future. It seems that a suspicious person expects only troubles from life, and betrayal from close relatives. As a rule, they have few friends, because to build relationships they need to open their souls, share their most intimate things, and it is difficult for them to do this due to distrust of others. Suspicious people themselves suffer from their anxiety, but often cannot cope with this symptom on their own.


Suspicion causes a person to constantly experience doubts about his own strengths and capabilities. Such a person does not believe that he can truly achieve any significant results. Doubts block any endeavors and prevent you from trying your hand in different directions. A suspicious person first of all listens to the voice of his own fears. He doesn't look for opportunities because he doesn't believe that anything in his life can really change.

Feeling of fear

Fear is a symptom that clearly characterizes suspiciousness. A person does not look for reasons why everything in his life has not changed for the better. Fear fetters any attempts to correct the situation and prevents full development. A suspicious person greatly limits himself and does not allow him to gain new experiences. He doesn't know what to do next and is constantly in a hopeless situation. Over time, fear destroys his inner world, making him even more vulnerable.

Fixation on the problem

Suspicious people pay too much attention to their problems. From the outside it may seem that they do not think about anything else at all, but are constantly revising their own fears in their heads. They have such a strong fixation on any difficulties that there is absolutely no time or internal resources left for joy. Constant worries undoubtedly undermine the psyche. It becomes difficult for a person to adequately perceive the surrounding reality. Against this background, apathy and indifference to everything that happens is formed, resentment and sensitivity worsen.

Reasons for suspiciousness

For what reason does a person suddenly begin to doubt his own strengths and capabilities? Why does his worldview change so much? What are the reasons for the development of suspiciousness?

Psychological trauma

Any negative experience has a strong impact on the human psyche. The personality becomes nervous, irritable, and sometimes even uncontrollable. Sometimes this is enough to create limiting fears and doubts about one’s own person. Psychological trauma is a serious reason for the formation of suspiciousness. A person loses a part of himself, his inner world is destroyed. To preserve your essence, you often have to resort to self-defense. Suspiciousness often acts as such an unconscious reaction to negative events. A person subconsciously strives to protect himself, but in fact he drives himself into even greater limits. A vicious circle arises, from which it is not so easy to get out.

Protracted illness

When you have to spend a lot of time in illness, you involuntarily give up. When the disease is serious and lasts several months, the human body weakens and its energy is depleted. A person simply will not have the strength to move on, to develop in a certain way. A prolonged illness deprives one of internal strength and confidence in the future. A person thinks only about how to feel better and forgets about everything else. Often for this reason, an involuntary habit of constantly listening to your body develops. A fear is created that the body can fail at any moment and therefore requires careful monitoring.


Self-doubt is a serious reason for the formation of suspiciousness. If a person by nature does not have a strong core within himself, then many circumstances in life can interfere with its formation. Self-doubt in itself is a powerful reason for developing the habit of constantly monitoring the activities of your body. At the same time, it often happens in reality that a person is terribly afraid of doctors and avoids turning to traditional medicine. But there is a feeling that you should expect only a trick from everywhere. Such people, as a rule, greatly torment themselves and those around them with constant mood swings.

How to get rid of suspiciousness

Symptoms of suspiciousness can haunt a person throughout his life. This is a very heavy burden that puts a lot of pressure on the psyche. Being in such a state, it is impossible to develop, to feel really happy. How to get rid of suspiciousness? What steps should I take? Let's try to figure it out.


When a person has something he loves, he has no time to be bored. Having an activity you enjoy releases a lot of energy, helps you feel happy and self-sufficient. That's why you need to try to find some kind of passion or hobby. It is important that this activity gives strength to live on and helps not to dwell on problems. Remember that everything is temporary, you should not worry too much about anything.


In order for fears and doubts to go away faster, it is important to start a dialogue with yourself. At the first signs of panic, you should explain to yourself why this situation has now developed and what it really threatens you with. This approach will help you avoid uncontrollable fear. Rationalization will help you avoid a state where emotional tension becomes too great. When you have the opportunity to think through each step, it becomes clear how to proceed. Having let go of fears, you can begin self-realization.

Thus, in order to know how to get rid of suspiciousness, you must first of all act. You can’t get hung up on your problem, no matter how terrible and insoluble it may seem. First, you need to understand the reasons for what is happening, and then look for ways to overcome the destructive state.

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