How to use salicylic acid correctly. Preparations derived from phenolic acid

Salicylic acid- this is serious chemical drug, which should be used with caution and preferably according to the recommendations of a doctor. Indeed, if used irrationally, the aggressive composition of the solution can cause a chemical burn. Therefore, dermatologists recommend using salicylic acid not in pure form, and prepare various masks, ointments, lotions and peelings based on it.

How does salicylic acid help fight acne?

The main one is clogging of skin pores due to increased sebum production. As a result, they are formed small bumps, in the center of which small ulcers appear. Inflamed skin begins to turn red, itch, and in some cases even hurt.

Other causes of acne:

  • consumption of harmful foods.

Despite advances in the medical field and the abundance modern drugs for acne, salicylic acid has been the number one treatment for decades. This is due to the fact that this particular drug is most effectively able to cleanse the skin and relieve inflammation in as soon as possible.

After a pimple forms, the skin pores become clogged with excess sebum, which is why comedones appear - small cystic formations. Due to the fact that there is no outlet for excess sebum to the surface of the skin, bacteria penetrate into the deepened comedones, which cause inflammation and redness of the affected areas.

Using salicylic acid helps destroy harmful bacteria, and also prevents their reproduction and spread to nearby areas of the skin. A few hours after the first application, pimples will significantly decrease in size, and redness will not be too pronounced. Once salicylic acid enters the skin, sebum production is regulated, which helps eliminate the appearance of rashes.

Properties of salicylic acid:

  • antiseptic. Kills bacteria that cause acne;
  • whitening Helps get rid of post-acne spots;

  • regulating secretion sebaceous glands. Helps prevent the appearance of new acne on oily skin in the future;
  • vasoconstrictor. Helps narrow pores;
  • exfoliating. Helps get rid of dead skin cells.

Also, the properties of salicylic acid help restore beauty to the skin. After inflammatory process will be eliminated, post-acne often remains on the surface of the skin - dark spots that form at the site of acne. Salicylic acid is able to penetrate deep into the pores, thereby stimulating excellent blood circulation in all layers of the dermis, which contributes to faster and better tissue renewal. Under the influence of the drug, post-acne lesions become invisible, accordingly, improving appearance skin. Another advantage of salicylic acid is the dissolution and elimination of blackheads on the skin.

Terms of use

As noted earlier, salicylic acid promotes quick elimination inflammation due to the drying effect. Best effect is achieved if the drug is applied to the reddened skin tubercles pointwise. Appropriate actions help not only reduce inflammation, but also protect healthy skin from drying out.

The acid is made in different concentrations. For cosmetic purposes, it is best to use salicylic acid 1% or 2%. If the drug will be applied pointwise, it is recommended to use a clean cotton swab. If there are too many pimples, then you can use a cotton pad.

Step-by-step instruction safe use salicylic acid:

  1. Cleanse your face of dirt, oil and cosmetics. This is required so that the pores are not clogged and the drug can penetrate as deeply as possible. An excellent solution would be additional procedure– steaming the skin over a container with warm water. Then blot the remaining moisture with a dry towel and wait until it dries completely;
  2. Soak a cotton pad or swab in salicylic acid and gently apply to the affected area of ​​skin. It is important to wipe in one direction to protect yourself from the spread of rashes and injury to healthy areas. During the procedure, the skin should tingle slightly;
  3. Re-soak the disc or stick in the acid and apply to the lesions or entire face. After application, wait 3-5 minutes. If you feel strong (not light!) tingling or even burning, wash it off immediately;
  4. On final stage The face should be washed with warm water to remove salicylic acid residues to avoid drying out and flaking.

Do not rub the acid into the skin too much; movements should be light and careful. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in evening time days, before bedtime. To avoid drying out the skin, you can use a moisturizer after using salicylic acid.

The duration of the course is no more than a month, as the skin gets used to the properties of salicylic acid and stops reacting to it.

Despite the fact that the main purpose of the drug is to eliminate the inflammatory process on the skin, if used carelessly and (or) immoderately, it can cause great harm. Constant use of acid on skin prone to dryness will provoke backlash. That is, overdried skin will begin to increase the production of sebum, which in turn will provoke the appearance of acne. If even after the first use of salicylic acid, itching and irritation appear, the skin begins to peel off or spots appear, it is better to avoid the drug, it is too aggressive for your face type.

Video instructions for using the solution:

Recipe for mash with chloramphenicol

Besides direct application salicylic acid, it can be combined with other components. The so-called ones are very popular, since they contain several additional medicinal components. The most famous of them is chloramphenicol, which has antimicrobial effect, and is also great for clearing germs from lesions. In some cases, ethanol is added, camphor alcohol and streptocide.

Classic recipe talkers with chloramphenicol. You will need:

  • chloramphenicol 10 grams;

Levomycetin tablets
  • salicylic acid 10 ml, percentage 2;

  • boric alcohol 100 ml;

Boric alcohol in ml
  • ethanol 100 ml, percentage 86-97.

It is used by applying the mash to the entire oval of the face, thereby preventing the appearance of new lesions.

Medical recipe for mash with chloramphenicol. Required:

Streptocide tablets
  • 8 tablets of chloramphenicol;
  • 120 ml camphor alcohol.

This recipe is recommended by dermatologists. It is used according to the same principle as described above. The talkers can be used every day, but only in the evening, as there is a danger that the skin may become dry and begin to peel.

Alcohol-free solution

Previous methods may ultimately be too harsh for your skin type; if appropriate, try preparing an alcohol-free solution that will help reduce the drying properties. To do this, you will need to purchase not a solution of salicylic acid in alcohol, but tablets. One tablet of the dry solution needs to be crushed and poured with a small amount warm water.

To improve the dissolution process, you can put the mixture on the stove and evaporate the liquid to half, and then add a little more running water. The resulting solution can be used not only for spot cauterization of acne, but also add a few drops to clay masks. As a result, when applying a mask to the face, it will also help treat and prevent the appearance of acne on the skin.

Masks and lotions with salicylic acid

The recipe is intended to get rid of age spots that have arisen at the site of acne. For fifteen drops salicylic solution add 10 grams of clay blue color and 5 ml cream. Apply the prepared mixture thin layer for age spots. The procedure time is no more than 20 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, it is useful to wash off the corresponding composition with plantain tincture, but it is also possible with warm tap water.

Mask from oatmeal and with fennel seeds. The composition perfectly cleanses the skin of dead cells, protects the skin from toxins and fights the inflammatory process. To obtain a mask, mix 2 teaspoons of flour, a coffee spoon of fennel seeds and a coffee spoon of salicylic solution. Apply the mask to your face once a week for ten minutes. Rinse off with water at a contrasting temperature.

- most popular among girls who suffer from open comeds (blackheads). Crush an activated carbon tablet and add 2 ml of salicylic acid. Before starting the procedure, steam your face thoroughly. Apply the mixture for twenty minutes 1-2 times a week.

Mask with activated carbon: before and after the procedure

Mask with natural honey and cocoa butter. A homemade mask will not only help you cope with acne, but will also significantly improve your complexion. For ten drops of solution, add 10 grams of natural liquid honey and 5 grams of cocoa butter. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply light circular massage movements to your face for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, wash off the mask with warm water.

Lotion with chamomile and grape oil. Homemade lotion is another product that can be used to burn pimples safely. Natural composition folk remedy will help cope with inflamed acne and blackheads. Prepare a chamomile decoction, then strain 150 ml of the resulting infusion, add 5 ml of salicylic acid and 2 ml essential oil from grape seeds. Apply to problematic skin twice a day - morning and evening.

Recipe for chatter with aspirin

It should be remembered that it is used exclusively externally. Aspirin has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the skin of the face, which determines the effectiveness of its use against acne. It can be classified as a drug complex action. Unlike other drugs, aspirin is able to gently dry out inflammation, helping acne “mature.”

Recipe for chatter with aspirin:

  • one package;
  • chloramphenicol – 1 package;
  • calendula tincture – 1 bottle.

To obtain the required mixture, grind aspirin and chloramphenicol to a powder state. Then add it to the calendula and stir. The mixture should sit for three days. During this entire period, shake the bottle regularly. After the expiration date, place the mash in the refrigerator and use it for its intended purpose - apply to the entire oval of the face once a day.

Chatter with aspirin: before and after the procedure

Benefits of using aspirin:

  • minimal risk burn the skin;
  • cleanses pores, thereby helping to fight blackheads, and not just acne;
  • acts as a whitening agent, as well as salicylic acid can improve complexion;
  • has a keratolytic effect, exfoliates dead skin cells, helps it regenerate.

Two types of solution – salicylic and boric – can be used together only on the recommendations of a specialized doctor. It is strictly forbidden to use a mixture of salicylic and boric acid, and also apply them to the face at the same time, since their combined reaction can cause burns.

The complex use of these solutions is advisable only in exceptional cases, for example, when the acne is quite abundant, large and inflamed. A combination of salicylic and boric acid is required for mycosis, which can enhance antiseptic pigmentation. In this case, apply boric acid externally in the morning to wipe the inflamed skin, and salicylic ointment before bed. The duration of treatment is adjusted by a specialist on an individual basis.

Scheme for using salicylic and boric acid: at skin diseases(fungus, pimples, blackheads) the treatment procedure begins with boric acid - wipe the face and inflamed areas of the skin morning and evening. The next day, in the morning and afternoon, use salicylic acid, and at night on the same day, apply boric acid.

Recipe with additional ingredients. You will need:

  • 40 ml salicylic acid 1%;
  • 40 ml boron solution 3%;
  • one plate of chloramphenicol (10 tablets).

Grind the tablets into powder and thoroughly mix all the above ingredients, pour the resulting mixture into one container. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe your inflamed face twice a day after washing.

The main side effect of complex application salicylic and boric acid - increased skin dryness, allergies and irritation. If symptoms occur, you should stop using boric salicylic acid.

Recipe with bodyaga

To treat and prevent the occurrence of pimples, blackheads and comedones in the future, cosmetologists recommend using a special bodyagu. However, it is worth considering that the use of bodyagu is contraindicated if you have inflamed acne and open wounds on the skin of the face. Making such masks is allowed only after the exacerbation has passed and the damage has healed.

The bodyagi recipe is easy to use - mix 1 tablespoon of bodyagi, twenty drops of salicylic acid and one tablespoon of strong-brewed green tea. Apply the appropriate composition onto the acne with light movements and after 10 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.

Duration of treatment

In the case of targeted use of salicylic acid, the duration of treatment is not limited by time frame. But if available large quantities rashes all over the skin, and accordingly, when applying the solution to the entire face, experts recommend adhering to certain rules. Use lotions and mash in courses - rubbing your face twice a day every day for a month, until the main inflammatory process is stopped. In the summer, salicylic acid is used only in combination with sunscreen to protect the skin from pigmentation.

Masks with the addition of salicylic acid, prepared at home, are recommended to be made no more than once a week, and also mandatory combine them with other anti-inflammatory skin medications.

Use of salicylic acid during pregnancy

Pregnant women are strictly contraindicated from using salicylic acid both internally and externally. The acid has the ability to be quickly absorbed and penetrate deeply into the skin of the body, thereby being absorbed into the blood and transmitted to the child through the placenta. Also, all creams, lotions and masks containing salicylic acid can cause serious harm to the child.

Being in the womb for 9 months, the only source of strength and nutrition for the child is the body of his mother. High concentration percentage harmful substance penetrates into the blood both with food and through the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to refrain from using this type of drug not only during pregnancy, but also during lactation.

Scientists have officially proven that the use of salicylic acid during pregnancy is harmful to the child. The solution may cause fetal anemia or chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system. Also, the use of salicylic acid will negatively affect the woman in labor, which will lead to a decrease in labor activity and more painful contractions.

The most serious disease that leads to overuse salicylic solution is Reye's syndrome. This syndrome does not occur often, but it is extremely dangerous because it leads to serious problems in the development of the baby or even to fatal outcome. Most often observed in children from 4 to 12 years old. The use of salicylic acid causes such serious illnesses such as heart disease, kidney problems, disruption of brain activity in a child and can cause problems reproductive function in boys.

During pregnancy, carefully read the ingredients of even the most common creams. If they say “hypoallergenic”, this does not mean that it does not contain prohibited components.

Contraindications and harm

Contraindications to the use of salicylic acid:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • If used irrationally, it is possible serious problems, in the form of abundant peeling, dryness, allergic reaction, irritation and itching;
  • It is strictly contraindicated to use in conjunction with other lotions (Zenerit, etc.), which will aggravate the inflammatory process;
  • Use on dry skin is not recommended, as it dries even more when using salicylic acid. For hypersensitive and delicate skin, it is worth using “softer” products to avoid severe irritation and allergies;
  • Many people are mistaken in thinking that the more concentrated the solution, the better the effect. Damage caused in the appropriate way can be many times more dangerous and worse than acne and acne. You may get burns, traces of which will remain on the skin of your face.

Avoid using more than one or two acne medications along with salicylic acid. The combined use of drugs can excessively dry the skin, as well as cause new rashes and redness at the site of a chemical burn.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! The company is not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the website

In the fight for clear and healthy skin, salicylic acid for acne is affordable and high effective means. It is sold in every pharmacy and has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties, which makes it possible to cure acne and lighten the remaining pigment spots.

Typically, salicylic acid is not used alone and is supplemented with some other acne remedy to increase effectiveness. Salicylic acid (alcohol) is a good opportunity to get rid of skin defects using minimal financial costs.

When is acid most effective?

Salicylic acid fights against purulent acne, internal acne with papules and pustules, against comedones (blackheads - pores clogged with dirt), excessive activity of the sebaceous glands and against age spots remaining after the rashes have healed.

Blocked pores lead to the appearance of blackheads on the face and the development of intradermal inflammation. This can be avoided by regular exfoliation. For the peeling effect, salicylic acid is used in combination with glycolic acid. The results of this method are strikingly effective: a powerful renewal of epidermal cells occurs. This method is suitable for absolutely every woman, even during pregnancy. The only exception is individual intolerance to the drug.

Salicylic alcohol for acne can be used at any stage of their development, but care should still be taken when using it. An overdose of it leads to overdrying of the skin and the development of an allergic reaction. Therefore, there are certain instructions that should be followed during the process of cosmetic procedures.

  • After getting rid of acne, you will need to know, or - all these are the main problems that await everyone after cleansing the skin of acne.
  • If the experience of using salicylic acid in the fight against acne is negative, then we advise you to read about it, they work more gently.

Rules of application

  • Choose treatments acne based on an aqueous solution of salicylic acid. Alcohol-containing products should be avoided as they can worsen the problem of dry skin.
  • Do not use salicylic acid with an acne treatment, which can dry out your skin. This may lead to disruption protective properties skin and the appearance of even more rashes.
  • A 1-2% acid solution provides a therapeutic effect, but a higher concentration will lead to undesirable consequences.
  • If signs of dryness appear, the skin is lubricated with panthenol-based creams or ointments (for example, Bepanten).

Products with acid

In order to increase efficiency, the use of salicylic acid for acne is always combined with other agents: folic, boric or glycolic acids. Pharmacy products Salicyl based products are sold in the form of ointments, gels, lotions, powders, and pastes. Each of the means has its own characteristics.

Powders are used exclusively before bed, when you don’t have to go anywhere. Their downside is talc, which can clog pores. Salicylic ointment For acne, it is much easier to apply to the skin, but the petroleum jelly it contains can also clog the sebaceous glands.

Salicylic-zinc acne paste has a beneficial effect on the skin, but when using it you should be vigilant and prevent skin burns or drying out of the epidermis.

Based on reviews from the fair sex, we can say with confidence that the safest and most effective are - aqueous solutions salicylic acid. These solutions in the form of lotions are produced by global cosmetic companies for any skin type (normal, oily, combination, sensitive, aging).


If lotion is used for acne, wiping it should not exceed 2 times a day. All other drugs are applied after it (this increases their effectiveness by 25%). If salicylic acid is used as a peeling, then before the procedure you need to pay attention and read how to use it so as not to harm the skin.

An anti-inflammatory mask with the addition of salicylic alcohol gives good results. For this cosmetic clay mix with, dilute to the desired consistency with warm water and add a few drops of salicylic acid to the pasty mass. Regular use A similar mask (once a week) relieves not only rashes, but also their consequences in the form of pigmented areas of the skin.

A fairly common question among female audiences: “Is it possible to burn acne with salicylic alcohol?” The answer lies in the principle “Do no harm!”, and for this it needs to be diluted, making a weak concentration (1-2%).

There are others traditional methods the use of salicylic acid, which are little known, but no less effective.

Folk methods of use

Few people know that acetylsalicylic acid helps against acne in the fight for clear skin. Something familiar? Yes, you read that right - this is the most ordinary aspirin. How to get rid of rashes using pills? Very simple, read:

  • 1 aspirin tablet is crushed into powder and diluted with water. The resulting paste is applied to the problem area for 5-10 minutes. After this, it is washed off with warm water, and the face is blotted with a napkin (it is not recommended to wipe the face with a towel, as it contains particles of dead skin in which microbes multiply, causing acne). An aspirin mask is used up to 2 times a week.

Acetylsalicylic acid exfoliates dead cells that clog pores and has an anti-inflammatory effect. This explains its effectiveness.

Another guaranteed remedy getting rid of acne problems - propolis. Propolis tincture is mixed with petroleum jelly (500 g is boiled and poured hot), then 25 g of salicylic acid is added to the resulting mixture. The finished ointment is stored in glass jar in a cool place. The method of using the ointment is the same as any other.

Self-made pharmaceutical product

Going to the doctor about skin rashes often ends with a prescription for a drug prepared in a pharmacy. We will consider a recipe for such a product, prepared at home, now. To do this, you will need chloramphenicol and salicylic acid for acne in the form of aspirin (2:2.5 parts). To these components are added 90% alcohol, sulfur (2.5 parts) and boric acid (1 part). Everything is thoroughly mixed and used daily instead of tonic.

Of course, such a mash is also sold in the pharmacy, but then it is recommended to add a few drops of brilliant green to it to enhance the effect. In general, it is better to purchase an anti-acne gel at the pharmacy and use it during an exacerbation of acne. Remember that proper handling of medications rarely leads to negative consequences. Therefore, in order to avoid side effects It is necessary to follow all recommendations and treat treatment consciously.

We hope that after reading the article you have no doubt whether salicylic acid helps with acne. Now you know how to use it and what to mix it with in order to get the maximum healing effect. Health and beauty to you and your skin!

Stories from our readers

Every girl or woman knows what salicylic acid is used for acne on the face.

Most people have it in home medicine cabinet. Judging by numerous reviews, this remedy is popular among teenage children during the period when they develop acne.

Features of using the product

Salicylic acid - available, inexpensive medicine. Available in different consistencies from one to ten percent solution. Only 1-3% are used in the cosmetics industry.

For beginners, it is better to start with a 1% solution. The point is that salicylic alcohol destroys bacteria that provoke their formation. It cleanses the skin as it penetrates through the pores, thereby preventing the formation of fatty deposits.

People with dry skin types should use this cosmetic with caution. In this case, it is better to use another drug, otherwise there is a risk of getting a burn. When using for the first time, it is better to try to apply it to a small area of ​​skin to prevent unwanted consequences.

After application, slight tingling may occur. But if there is a strong pain effect, you need to quickly wash your face. In this case, try a solution of salicylic acid that does not contain alcohol - Stopproblem tonic.

It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, but is much more delicate. Besides this, there are many other drugs that contain acid. Due to the fact that the skin quickly gets used to the product, you should not use it for more than one month.

If so, then you need to treat it with an alcohol solution more often. Procedures are carried out every 3 days with an interval of 2 days. The course of treatment will be two months. If after two months there is no result, you should consult a doctor.

How to use the drug for acne

There are a number of rules that must be followed when using acid in order to get rid of annoying ulcers, as well as relieve inflammation on the skin.

Let's look at them:

  • in order not to harm the skin, you need to use the medicine no more than twice a day;
  • can be used not only on individual pimples, but everywhere;
  • It is best to do a cosmetic procedure in the evening, before going to bed;
  • Before application, it is necessary to prepare the skin: remove makeup, wash;
  • depending on the number of acne, use cotton swabs or cotton pads to apply salicylic alcohol to the damaged areas;
  • to avoid the formation of peeling or burns, do not rub the product vigorously into the skin;
  • When using a 2% solution, you should wash your face after a short period of time.

It will be good if after finishing cosmetic procedure apply moisturizer or nutritious cream. Everything must be integrated, then the result will not take long to arrive.

To forget about this problem forever, you should reconsider your lifestyle:

  • start eating right;
  • eat more fruits rich in vitamins;
  • forget about bad habit– stop squeezing pimples.

When the acne disappears, you should cleanse your face (peeling) once or twice a week. And also apply a cleansing mask.

Advantages and disadvantages of salicylic acid

Any drug, no matter how good it is, has its pros and cons. This also applies to him.


  • very cheap, costs only 40 rubles;
  • can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription;
  • works quite effectively;
  • penetrating inside, destroys pathogens - bacteria;
  • easy to use.


  • It is not suitable for everyone because it is very strong;
  • loses effectiveness with prolonged use;
  • in addition to bacteria, it destroys microflora;
  • cannot be used by pregnant women.

Despite the fact that salicylic acid fights acne perfectly, it is necessary to use full complex events. Each person is special, so the causes of problems are different for everyone. For this reason, it would be better to approach this issue individually.

You can consult a doctor at any time if you cannot cope with this disease on your own. The most important thing is to be careful and listen to your body, it knows what suits it best.

How to make a mask using the product

This cosmetic product can be used not only in its pure form. You can prepare a mask, or simply put a mash, with its addition. They may be different. Accordingly, each will work in its own direction. Let's look at some of them.

To give your face a lighter tone and remove age spots, you need to:

  • mix the product, lemon juice and clay, preferably white, in equal proportions;
  • apply to face;
  • hold for 10 minutes;
  • wash off the mask;
  • apply moisturizer.

It will also quickly and effectively help remove acne and comedones. To do this, apply the drug to problem areas of the skin using a cotton swab or cotton pad and leave for 20 minutes. After this, wash with warm water.

If you have problems with oily skin, the following mask will help. To prepare it, you need:

  • mix black clay with bodyaga in the same proportion;
  • dilute with water and add 2-3 drops of salicylic alcohol to the resulting mixture;
  • apply to previously cleansed face;
  • after fifteen minutes you need to wash your face.

Anti-pigmentation mask

To get rid of age spots and tighten small wrinkles, use a mask with acetylsalicylic acid from acne.

To make it you should:

  • take 4 tablets and crush;
  • add lemon juice and stir;
  • apply and leave for ten minutes;
  • then rinse and apply moisturizer.

Masks against inflammation and rashes

You can also make a mask with salicylic acid and levymycetin for acne. It will dry them well.

It is correct to apply it before bed. For preparation you need:

  • take 0.05 liters of boric and salicylic acid, mix it all;
  • add 0.05 l of medical alcohol and 5 g of chloramphenicol to the resulting mixture, mix;
  • apply to face at night;
  • wash off in the morning.

To remove severe inflammation, a mask with honey will help. To prepare it you need:

  • crush two aspirin tablets;
  • mix the resulting powder with one tablespoon of honey;
  • apply for ten minutes;
  • then rinse off.

To restore skin elasticity and get rid of blemishes, a mask with glycerin will help. To prepare it, you need:

  • take one teaspoon of gelatin, half a tablespoon of glycerin, 1 gram of salicylic acid, then mix;
  • boil in a water bath;
  • Apply to facial skin, leave for 15 minutes;
  • after that, rinse off.

If the mask remains, store in a cool place.

Peeling masks

A peeling mask will help get rid of flaking and acne. Let's look at how to prepare it correctly and how to use it:

  • soak one tablespoon of bran in water, preferably wheat bran;
  • grind an aspirin tablet and add the resulting powder to the bran;
  • apply to the dermis with massage movements;
  • leave for 5 minutes, wash off.

This chatter will help give your face natural color. In addition, it will dry out the ulcers. To prepare it you need:

  • mix 50 milliliters of salicylic and boric acid;
  • add 7 grams of streptocide and sulfur;
  • apply to the dermis;
  • After 10 minutes, rinse off.

Levomycetin, which is part of this talker, will help relieve inflammation on the face.

To create it you need:

  • take calendula tincture, aspirin and chloramphenicol tablets, 5 pieces each;
  • crush the tablets, pour into the bottle containing the calendula tincture;
  • leave for 24 hours;
  • Shake before application.

Acne mask

An effective medicine in the fight against acne, which is applied to different time days, consists of a number of ingredients.

  • take salicylic and boric acid in equal proportions;
  • pour into two bottles;
  • add half a teaspoon of sulfur ointment to one, and the same amount of zinc ointment to the other;
  • Apply the mash with sulfur before going to bed, and with zinc ointment- in the morning.
  • in both cases, hold for 10-15 minutes;
  • After the time has passed, rinse off.

The above are the popular ones cosmetical tools which you can prepare yourself at home. We have discussed in detail how to use it correctly. Remember that when using an acne rub, you should not rub it too hard so as not to harm the skin.

While treatment is underway, you will have to forget about cosmetics or minimize use. This is a must to get rid of pimples faster. It is better to give preference to natural, expensive drugs.


So, to see the results of this drug, take a photo before and after using salicylic acid. Then you will understand whether it helped or not in the fight against acne.

Salicylic acid is an affordable, effective remedy for combating single pimples and unsightly acne. Valuable substance was first extracted from willow bark. Today synthetic drug produced in large quantities. The product is in demand by cosmetologists and doctors.

Acne treatment is effective with salicylic acid and homemade formulations based on it. For you - information about a useful product. Simple, inexpensive means will help even with severe forms acne.

Useful properties of the drug

On the Internet you can find many reviews about salicylic acid for the face. Most authors recommend this drug, negative opinions few.

What is the reason for the popularity of the product? There are many advantages:

  • active effect on inflamed areas;
  • Pharmacy preparations, available homemade formulations with this active ingredient can treat single or multiple acne on the face and body;
  • deep penetration into the inflamed areas;
  • effective dissolution of “reserves” of thick, oily secretions;
  • cleansing the epidermis of skin secretions;
  • reduction of skin greasiness;
  • disinfection skin;
  • fight against propionobacteria that cause inflammatory processes;
  • active cleansing of the epidermis from spots after acne (post-acne);
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration processes;
  • thanks to action highly active drug the removal of dead particles of the epidermis and the replacement of scar tissue with healthy skin are normalized.

Important! The drug is used both in pure form and as part of ointments, mash, creams, pastes, lotions. To treat the skin, a solution of 1 and 2% concentration is used. It is prohibited to use a “stronger” liquid for treating the epidermis.

Indications and contraindications

An effective drug suitable for treating many dermatological diseases. Salicylic acid is essential if you have:

  • single ;
  • excessive sweating;
  • fat.

Note! Available remedy With regular use, it gets rid of old calluses and softens rough skin on the heels.


Before using salicylic acid, consult a dermatologist. There are always nuances that you need to be aware of. Active acne medication is not recommended in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy. Medicine quickly penetrates deep into the epidermis and can cause an unpredictable reaction of the fetus to a highly active substance;
  • at individual intolerance drug. An allergy test is required before starting a course of treatment;
  • if you have already been prescribed any medication for acne, for example, or. Too aggressive effect on the skin when combining several potent drugs it won't do any good.

Stop using pharmaceutical drug, homemade formulations based on it with:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • severe inflammation of the skin;
  • open wounds, scratches, sores on the face and body;
  • too thin, dry skin;
  • acute stage of infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases.

Read the page about the properties, benefits and uses of black cumin oil for the face and body.

Helpful Tips:

  • use the drug according to the instructions;
  • buy the product at the required concentration (only 1 or 2%);
  • start therapy after visiting a dermatologist, examination, and receiving recommendations. Consider indications, contraindications, allergy test results;
  • treat rash areas 2 times a day. Too intensive use will dry out the epidermis and cause active secretion of sebum;
  • an alcohol solution of salicylic acid is recommended for spot application to the affected areas. Healthy skin To prevent new rashes, do not wipe.

Important! Use the highly active composition with caution if you have dry skin. Zeal can result in irritation, peeling, cracks, wounds, burns from the effects of a strong drying drug.

Recipes and instructions for use for acne

Five rules to remember:

  • treat acne daily, morning and evening;
  • use a solution with a concentration of 1–2%;
  • for single pimples, apply the drug pointwise; for large rashes, lubricate all affected areas, avoiding the delicate skin around the lips and eyes;
  • 3-4 minutes after the procedure, wash with cool water;
  • Apply a light moisturizer to the treated skin.

Salicylic acid is included in many homemade masks, solutions, and talkers. In this section you will find many recipes using available ingredients. Consult a dermatologist about which homemade formulations are right for you. Be careful with dry, flaky epidermis!

Strictly observe the procedure time, do not increase the frequency of use! You can get a lot of new problems, disrupt water supply, lipid metabolism in the epidermis.

Acne talkers

Popular recipes:

  • with chloramphenicol. Combine 1 part boric acid, 2.5 parts each of sulfur and aspirin, 2 parts levomycetin. Base – medical alcohol – 150 ml. Every day, in the morning, wipe problem areas with a drying, disinfectant composition. Do not treat healthy skin;
  • with erythromycin. The product is recommended for severe forms of acne. Remember: erythromycin is a strong antibiotic, use it for more than two weeks active composition undesirable. Grind 4 g of zinc oxide and erythromycin, 50 g of salicylic acid and boric acid. Method of application - similar to the previous composition;
  • with streptocide. Grind 100 g of salicylic and boric acid solution with 14 g of precipitated sulfur and the same amount of streptocide powder. Proceed as in previous cases. Moisturize the epidermis well.

Advice! Will help enhance the effect water treatments With tar soap. Buy quality soap from goat milk. Natural product contains protein – casein. With regular use, you will prevent excessive dryness of the epidermis.

Masks with salicylic acid

Helpful Tips:

  • use homemade formulations no more than once a week;
  • Apply homemade masks only to the affected areas;
  • Duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes, do not keep the active mixture longer;
  • Rinse off the drying agent well with cool running water. You can wash your face with the decoction medicinal herbs– strings, calendula, chamomile, sage;
  • be sure to cover the skin delicate cream with a light texture. Make sure that the epidermis does not dry out.

Take note:

  • recipe number 1. Combine an equal amount of blue, green or black clay, pour in purified water, prepare a mixture of creamy consistency. Add a few drops of salicylic acid. The composition copes well with post-acne, reduces the number of rashes, eliminates oily sheen; (Read about blue clay; about green clay - here page.

    general information

    The medicine is sold in pharmacies. The cost of an effective remedy for blackheads and acne is minimal. The price of salicylic acid is 7–27 rubles. Pay a symbolic amount and the treasured 40 ml bottle is yours. average cost may vary slightly depending on the manufacturing company and region, but remains extremely low everywhere.

    One bottle lasts a long time, especially if your face or back is not covered with heavy rashes. Remember that for small to medium amounts of acne on different parts of the body, treatment is carried out in a targeted manner.

One of the most affordable, budget-friendly and quite effective means for treating pustular rashes and acne on the skin is salicylic acid.

With this the old fashioned way acne treatment is familiar to many personal experience, but not everyone gets the desired result.

Due to the desire to quickly, dosages are violated, the time of exposure to problem areas increases, or even the entire adjacent surface is generously poured with alcohol. As a result, the resulting burns, redness, dry skin with intense peeling, and crusts on pimples are discredited good remedy.

Salicylic acid for acne

Before using salicylic acid, familiarize yourself with the effective

Salicylic acid – a derivative of aspirin, in natural form salicylic acid is found in raspberry leaves and willow bark. Its 1-2% alcohol solution is used as a pharmaceutical preparation.

It is better to avoid an alcohol solution, because alcohol has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin and destroys it protective barrier and very drying.

This remedy does not have an immediate effect; it will take a couple of months of patience to regularly, twice a day, apply the solution to the inflamed areas of the skin. If treatment of large surfaces is required (chest, back), lubricate the entire problem area, but without “cauterization.”

Medicinal properties of salicylic acid

The therapeutic effect of salicylic acid is based on its keratolytic properties - exfoliate old skin cells, penetrating inside the pores, it eliminates blockage of the sebaceous ducts and restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Recommended after application to skin alcohol solution, after 15-20 minutes, rinse the skin with warm water - this will not affect the therapeutic result, but will side effects alcohol can be on the safe side. This antibacterial agent It can also act as a basic cleansing basis for the use of other cosmetic medicinal preparations.

There are alcohol-free lotions with salicylic acid as active component, an example of this is the well-known Stop problem. It does not have the tanning side effect of the presence of alcohol, but the results of treating acne are usually more modest.

Salicylic acid paste

Widely used in dermatological practice are pastes containing, in addition to salicylic acid, microelements that bring their own healing properties, strengthening medicinal effect"salicylic acids".

Thus, zinc, which is its companion in salicylic-zinc paste, relieves inflammation And dries out acne even with a single application, and sulfur (sulfur-salicylic ointment) not only cleanses the skin of acne well, but also copes with subcutaneous mites.

Frequently asked questions about salicylic acid

— They say that the higher the concentration (%) the better salicylic acid helps against acne.

Unfortunately, it is not. Too high a concentration of salicylic acid, namely more than 2%, can dry out the skin very much. As a result, the protective barrier of the skin decreases and the properties of the skin become worse. In general, 1-2% is the best option.

— They say that it is not recommended to use other drugs to treat acne in combination with salicylic acid.

Everyone is correct, because in combination with other products, salicylic acid can damage your skin.

— Does salicylic acid help bring comedones to the surface?

Yes it helps. Just to start, use small dose to bring out comedones.

— Does salicylic acid help with ?

More likely no than yes. It is better to use other products, since the effect of salicylic acid against acne spots is too weak.

Salicylic acid reviews


One of my favorite remedies. In my opinion no better means for cleaning the skin. She cleans great sebum and all the dirt from your face. I only use 1% and it works just fine for me. I don’t recommend buying more than 1%. because it dries out the skin a lot. Whenever I get home, I wipe my face with a cotton pad soaked in salicylic acid. Sometimes I forgot to wipe it and the next day inflammation appeared. Therefore, I am closely monitoring this process.

Alex Free

This remedy really helped me. I've been stalked for a long time subcutaneous acne on the forehead, about 3 years old. I wasn’t too worried about it, but I wanted to get rid of it. Dermatolg said that everything would go away on its own, but it didn’t. I decided to buy salicylic acid and applied it to my forehead 2 times a day for 3 days. I was very pleased with the result and will continue to use it.


I recently learned about salicylic acid on the Internet. There, on some website they said that it helps get rid of acne. Well, I decided to try it. I went to the pharmacy and bought a 1% solution of salicylic acid, although they also offered 2%. Used it for 2 days. I really liked the effect, small pimples began to dry out and go away. But there was a little peeling, but the moisturizing cream from Garnier dealt with it well. I recommend it.


My situation has made me nervous for more than one year. The thing is that in connection with my adolescence, such a problem as acne. They just showered all over my face and even on my neck. In fact, in modern world, there are many drugs that can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. But the question is, which one should you prefer so that it helps? So I don’t know! Of course you can buy them, but they are not so cheap that you can try them all! And I want to get rid of acne. Well, naturally, I took two products, at first one was cheap, it didn’t help, then I went and took a more expensive one, they said it was effective. After using it, I began to feel irritated and even started sneezing from it. That's terrible. Quite recently, in some old newspaper, my grandmother wrote it out (if I’m not mistaken, it was “Peasant Woman”), and I found my salvation. It turned out to be salicylic acid! Previously, it was sold under terrible control and could not be found! But now it is in almost every pharmacy. Its use is very simple, you need to buy salicylic acid, no more than 2%, and wipe your face with it, only in the morning, but every day, then apply a moisturizer. After two to three days you will notice the difference! Not only have I noticed it, I walk around without a single pimple! I highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from this disease!


I would like to recommend to everyone who suffers from acne and acne a very good remedy for them! My mother works in a pharmacy. So one fine day, she came home from work and handed me that very thing - salicylic acid. I ask her what is this? Her answer was clear - try this for acne. I was at a loss for almost two years, my mother could not help me with anything, fight acne, but here she was just so businesslike - they say, do the job! I approached her and asked how and with what to eat it? She said that they came to her pharmacy and asked for salicylic acid, and for the first time in my life, I said, I asked why you need it? And they told me: what is this excellent remedy against various types of acne and even helps with blackheads. I asked her how to use it, and now I’m an expert on this matter! All you need to do is, in the morning, when you wake up, go, wash your face, and then wipe your face with a cosmetic sponge applying salicylic acid. Walk around for a while and then apply your usual cream. A week has passed - I'm delighted! My skin is clear, my face is without a single black spot and in general life is wonderful! Try it, you won't regret it!


Dear girls, I’ve read all the advice about salicylic acid, and I want to ask you - don’t use it, please! I’ll tell you why. My story is short. This “nonsense” was recommended to me, I wiped my face, everything seemed to be fine, until one morning I woke up and found areas on my face that were whiter than the whole face. That is, it turns out that I burned some areas of the skin of my face. After going to a paid cosmetologist, I, of course, got rid of them (spots), but I no longer use such methods. And the cosmetologist said that these were real burns!

From the reviews you can clearly see what kind of acid this is and what it is eaten with. Reference

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