How is blackcurrant seed oil used and what are the benefits? Blackcurrant oil for hair and face, application.

Black currant owes its name to the old Russian word “currant”, it means “ strong smell" Indeed, this berry has the brightest aroma of the entire currant family. Moreover, not only berries smell, but also leaves, branches and even buds.

Black currants were used by Slavic peoples as far back as the eleventh century as food and medicine.

At that time it was grown only in the gardens of monasteries, wide use the plant received in the 18th century.

Black currant is recognized as a real storehouse of active biological substances and vitamin C. Its content is second only to rose hips and

Our distant ancestors valued currants and called them “the home doctor.” Russian medical books of the XIV-XVI centuries mention this plant as natural medicine, healing many ailments.

Modern research has provided an explanation for currants. The “fault” is its unique composition, which, unlike the smell, is completely preserved in the oil obtained from the seeds by cold pressing.

- a rich source of antioxidants: vitamin, C, fatty acids; essential fatty acids are especially valuable for health:

Linoleic - 45-50 percent,
Gamma-linolenic acid – 15-20%,
Alpha-linolenic – up to 17 percent.

Gamma-linolenic acid(GLA) is the most valuable, it is not produced by our body, and is very rarely found in other oils. Being a source for signaling immune molecules, this acid. Suppressing sexual activity male hormones, GLA reduces skin oiliness and relieves acne. In addition, GLA reduces melanin synthesis, which means it whitens the skin and eliminates pigmentation.

Currant oil contains carotenoids (13%), pectins, tocopherols, fructose, glucose, acids (phosphoric, citric, ascorbic, malic, tartaric), flavonoids, vitamins B, C, E, P, copper, potassium, iron, manganese, aluminum, phytoncides .

The oil is used both externally (mixing with others in amounts up to 20% of the volume) and internally.

Cosmetic effect:

regenerates, moisturizes, nourishes, reduces wrinkles, restores skin elasticity, restores protective function, eliminates allergic manifestations.

IN pure form It is not recommended to use for oily skin, as sebaceous secretion increases. It is better to add to other oils, starting with 5% of the volume.

Fragrant, sweet and sour black currant is one of the most beloved berries in our gardens, and, perhaps, there is no person who does not know about its therapeutic and preventive properties. At the same time, such a drug as blackcurrant oil and its benefits are not known to everyone.

Beneficial features

The seeds contained in the berries are very rich in vitamins and minerals and have a unique composition.

Blackcurrant oil is obtained from the pulp of its fruit by extraction or pressing. It is a thick yellow liquid with a light aroma that dries over time. The product saves medicinal properties for a year if kept in a dark place.

The main components are fatty acid:

  • linoleic, or omega-6 (up to 50% of the composition), which plays vital role in the processes of cell growth and cellular metabolism, promotes hormonal balance and is vital for normal functioningall body systems;
  • oleic, or omega-9 (up to 13%), which prevents cholesterol deposition, regulates blood sugar, and has an antitumor effect;
  • alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) stimulates the immune system, suppresses melanin synthesis, and has antioxidant properties;
  • stearidonic acid, which is involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins.

In addition, the resulting vegetable fat contains large percentage sterols, as well as carotenoids, tocopherols, phytoncides.

The peculiarity of this product is a unique combination of vital for the body unsaturated acids, as well as other active components.

Therapeutic effectiveness has been proven by numerous studies. The oil is recommended as a biological active supplement for a number of diseases, they are included in drugs for treatment dermatological problems, are used to create caring cosmetics intended for the face, nails, and hair.


Blackcurrant oil belongs to the group of base oils. It is recommended for oral administration for:

  • immunity disorders;
  • rheumatism, colds and infectious diseases;
  • anemia, diseases gastrointestinal tract, as a choleretic and diuretic;
  • atherosclerosis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • eczema, dermatitis;
  • hormonal disorders, Alzheimer's disease, oncology.

Internal use of this drug is also recommended for strengthening nails, hair and for manifestations of varicose veins.

You can only take the product intended for this purpose, which is most often available in capsules with instructions for use.

It must be remembered that vegetable currant fat reduces blood clotting and is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, as well as for increased acidity and liver damage.

The product is part of the medicinal dermatological preparations, which are used for neurodermatitis, eczema and other diseases. The use of such drugs must be carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician.

As for external use, it can be used without restrictions.

  1. Promotes healing of wounds, bruises, burns.
  2. It is widely used in skin and hair care cosmetics, but it must be taken into account that the oil is quite fatty and can cause the appearance of comedones.

Beauty Recipes

Currant seed oil is classified as “heavy” and “long-lasting”, and also has the property of stimulating work sebaceous glands. It is used as the basis of masks for skin and hair, in massage compositions for:

  • eliminating excess dryness, irritation and flaking of the skin;
  • increasing its elasticity;
  • whitening and UV protection.

In its pure form, it is used only for very dry skin at night, as well as for rubbing into nails and cuticles.. In other cases, its share should be no more than 20% of general composition cosmetic product. The same applies to masks for the treatment of dandruff, psoriasis, dry and brittle hair.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

“Smorid” - in the old days this was the name of the bush black currant emitting a strong, unpleasant aroma. In the Middle Ages, currant bushes were cultivated by monks. Currant leaves and buds were used to make infusions, decoctions, and elixirs against lung and heart diseases. Dried fruits sick people took high temperature and diarrhea.

Why are currants used not only in medicine in the 21st century, but also widely used in cosmetology and cooking? By chemical laboratory research scientists have proven: berries and bush leaves contain high concentration essential oils, ascorbic acid, potassium, iron, phosphorus, group of vitamins “B”.

How to make currant essential oil

Currant ether is produced industrially in two ways:

  1. Extracting currant oil using an extractant

"Extraho" translated from Latin language- “extract”. Swollen currant buds with young leaves are placed in a special funnel-shaped vessel with divisions. Under the influence of an organic solution - extractant, oil is released, which accumulates in the lower compartments of the funnel and is extracted through the tap into a special container. The solvent does not mix with the original product when processed by the extraction method.

Extractive olive-colored currant oil has Strong smell musk with fruity notes and a menthol undertone. In cosmetology, currant oil is used as an odor stabilizer for cosmetics and to create modified fragrances in combination with other esters.

  1. Cold pressing of currant grains

Berry seeds are pressed industrial method. As a result, it stands out oil solution yellowish tint with pleasant smell berries Cold-pressed ether is added to medications, as a fragrance decorative cosmetics, in the composition of masks, creams and other cosmetics for home preparation.

Description of the composition of blackcurrant seed oil

Natural blackcurrant oil ester contains beneficial natural ingredients, affecting the condition internal organs, skin, hair condition, immune system. Chemical composition:

  • Omega 6 fats. They contain gamma-linolenic acid, which is involved in the formation of eicosanoids - substances that distribute energy into the cells and tissues of the body. Fatty acid promotes premature aging body, participates in reducing arterial blood pressure, tissue regeneration at the cellular level.
  • Omega-3 acids. Promotes production hormonal substances in the body, participate in the formation of membranes of brain cells, retina, sperm. Have a beneficial effect on nervous system, liquefy thick blood, prevent the formation of sclerotic plaques.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Normalizes metabolic processes between folic acid and iron, promotes the supply of oxygen to the blood, stimulates the growth of fibroblasts and collagen fibers. Reduced quantity ascorbic acid promotes the development of malignant neoplasms.

  • Flavonoids. Plant polyphenols are involved in the recovery protective functions against ultraviolet radiation, slow down photoaging of the skin, increase metabolic processes in the body. Slow down the growth of certain bacteria and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.
  • Tocopherol. Immunomodulator, participates in the antioxidant process during the formation cell membranes. Reduces blood cholesterol levels. Vitamin E promotes the production of collagen fibers, participates in the formation of bones, muscle tissue, restoration of liver cells.
  • Fructose. The monosaccharide compound regulates metabolism in subcutaneous fat and reduces manifestations of inflammation.
  • Succinic acid. Participates in cellular respiration, has a rejuvenating effect, prevents the premature structure of cells and the body as a whole.
  • Phytoncides. Active substances of biological origin. Suppresses the development of fungus and pathogens. Reduce purulent and inflammatory processes, stimulate the work of the heart muscle.

Indications for use in medicine

In therapy, the oil is used externally and internally.

External use:

  1. Pustular skin lesions;
  2. Dermatological diseases;
  3. Slowing hair growth;
  4. Seborrhea;
  5. Rheumatism;
  6. Arthrosis of the joints;
  7. Eczema;
  8. Neurodermatitis.

Currant seed oil relieves itching and heals scratches on the skin.

Indications for oral administration:

  1. Dystrophic changes in the heart muscle;
  2. Reduced symptoms with hormonal changes female body during menstruation, menopause;
  3. Decreased stimulation of liver cells;
  4. Education cholesterol plaques in the gaps blood vessels;
  5. Malignant neoplasms in the genitourinary system.

Useful qualities of oil for the skin of the face and body

Can currant oil be used for treatment in cosmetology? The answer is positive: the ether solution is able to solve a large number of cosmetic problems. Currant seed oil:

  • Promotes tissue regeneration at the cellular level;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the stratum corneum of the skin (hair, nail plates);
  • Prevents the appearance early signs skin aging;
  • Has a rejuvenating effect;
  • Gives skin elasticity;
  • Moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis;
  • Eliminates the effects of red acne;
  • Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Participates in the formation of a natural protective barrier against negative impact external environment(frost, wind, dust, ultraviolet radiation);

Used after mechanical cleansing of the face to soothe the skin and relieve inflammation; after body scrubbing with peelings. Currant essential oil gently lightens freckles by 1 - 2 tones.

Black currant oil for hair treatment

Essential oil from currant seeds can not only improve the condition of your hair, but also cure many scalp diseases.

Indications for use:

  • Psoriasis plaques on the scalp;
  • Pustular lesion of the scalp;
  • Cut ends of strands;
  • Increased hair loss;
  • Dehydration of hair follicles;
  • Violation nutritional function in the bulbous apparatus;
  • The effect of chemical dyes and curling compounds on the hair.

Nuances of using black currant seed oil

  1. Not recommended for use oil base in its pure form in large quantities. To use, the oil is diluted with a basic fatty base at the rate of: fifteen drops of currant oil per twenty milliliters of liquid or creamy cosmetic product (no more than 20% of the total mixture).
  2. IN Massage Oil blackcurrant ether is added in the following proportions: one part ether + five parts base oil.
  3. Before using the oil orally (inside), it is recommended to consult a doctor.
  4. Oil should not be stored under the influence sun rays: the composition of the ether is oxidized, the product loses its healing qualities.

Side effects: contraindications

In some cases, currant oil is contraindicated for external and internal use. When it is not recommended to use seed oil solution:

  1. Age of the child (up to 14 years);
  2. Carrying a fetus in any trimester of pregnancy;
  3. Feeding breast milk newborn;
  4. Low blood clotting;
  5. Thrombosis lower limbs, vein blockage.
  6. Tendency to allergic reactions to plant components;
  7. Individual intolerance.

Home use: the best recipes with blackcurrant oil

Based on black currant essential oil, you can prepare your own effective cosmetics for treating the skin of the face, body and hair.

Hair mask “Diamond shine”


  1. Sweet almond oil – 50 ml
  2. Blackcurrant essential oil – 10 ml
  • Wash the curls; dry with a terry towel.
  • Components oil mask mix in a heatproof glass container.
  • Heat the composition to a temperature of 27 - 30 0 C.
  • Distribute the oil mixture onto the skin; rub into the root zone of the hair.
  • Distribute the remaining oil through the hair to the very ends using a wide-toothed wooden comb.
  • Secure the hair at the back of the head.
  • Create a thermal effect: wrap your hair in cling film.
  • After a couple of hours, remove the oil from your hair using natural shampoo. It is recommended to rinse your hair twice.
  • After removing the oil, rinse your curls with conditioner.

How to whiten age spots using currant oil

  1. Baby cream without additives – 20 g
  2. Currant seed oil – 2 drops
  • Squeeze the creamy suspension from the tube into a bowl.
  • Add currant essential oil to the cream.
  • Mix the mixture with a wooden stick and immediately apply to problem areas of the face.

Attention: the composition should not be applied to the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids. It is recommended to use the product twice every seven days.

Anti-acne mask for oily skin


  1. Chicken egg – 1 piece
  2. Oatmeal – 5 g
  3. Black currant oil – 50 ml
  • Remove the yolk from the egg; beat the yolk mass with a mixer.
  • Add ingredients according to the list.
  • Mix the solution until it becomes a slurry.
  • Before using the mask, it is recommended to wipe your face with lotion.
  • Apply the product with light movements to problem areas or the entire surface of the face.

Remove the mask after half an hour with a cotton pad soaked in mineral water.

January 15, 2014

Among the basic esters in cosmetology, black currant seed oil stands out. This product is obtained using the cold pressing method without filtration or any chemical treatment.

Thanks to this method of extraction, blackcurrant oil retains all its natural qualities - color, smell, beneficial properties and active ingredients. Using this product on the face helps prolong the youth and health of the epidermis.

Blackcurrant seeds are a rich source of phytonutrients, vitamins and fatty acids. This is a powerful natural antioxidant that restores skin condition, gives it elasticity, actively nourishes and tones.

Beneficial properties of currant oil

The ester obtained from currant seeds contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, B vitamins, minerals(phosphorus, potassium, iron) and polysaccharides that help moisturize the skin. The oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties, and also stimulates the production of elastin and collagen.

The product protects against photoaging, neutralizes the action of enzymes that cause inflammatory processes, and also reduces the permeability of blood vessels. Blackcurrant is a natural sunscreen.

A unique feature of blackcurrant oil is that it contains several forms of vitamin E - gamma, alpha, delta. This allows us to talk about high antioxidant protection, stimulation of regeneration and reduction of oxidative processes.

In addition, the product contains two fatty acids that are not often found in nature - gamma-linoleic (GLA) and stearidonic (SDA). These components have a positive effect on blood circulation, nourish and improve the structure of the skin. When these acids are deficient, allergic reactions, dryness and peeling, loss of elasticity, acne appears. Currant oil is especially indicated for problem skin.

We can say that currant ester has the following beneficial properties for face:

  • reduces irritation;
  • eliminates redness;
  • nourishes the skin and restores;
  • strengthens the lipid barrier;
  • promotes regeneration;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • powerful antioxidant;
  • protects against negative external influences (including ultraviolet radiation);
  • strengthens capillaries.

Blackcurrant oil improves general state skin, has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects.

Using currant oil for the face

Black currant seed oil is suitable for all types of epidermis and the area around the eyes. It is recommended to use this product after any cleansing procedures.

Oil does not conflict with others cosmetics. It can be stored at room temperature. Heating to high temperatures is not allowed.

It is recommended to use currant essential oil as a night cream. To do this, the product is diluted with other cosmetic oils(jojoba, almond, coconut), and also added to the usual cream (5-6 drops are enough).

Currant oil can be used for massage in combination with any other base oil. Let's say you can take 20 ml of olive and add 5-6 drops of currant.

Masks with currant and almond oils (in a 1:1 ratio) are very effective. They need to be applied using a soaked napkin. It is applied to the facial skin for 15-20 minutes. You can repeat the procedure every other day.

Blackcurrant seed oil has a pronounced healing effect. It can be used to treat wounds, abrasions and other skin injuries. Gently rub in the oil and secure with a bandage.

This plant is generally popular among gardeners and can be grown without much difficulty. Black currant is widely used by specialists traditional medicine, but in addition it is actively used to obtain amazing healthy oil. Let's talk about whether and how blackcurrant oil can be used for hair and face, and discuss its use in a little more detail.

The seeds contained in blackcurrant fruits are a source significant amount oil that has with a unique composition. This substance is usually obtained from berry cake, by extraction or pressing. Blackcurrant oil looks like a thick yellow liquid with a pleasant currant aroma. Over time, this substance dries out. Experts say that this oil can retain its unique qualities for a year, but it must be stored exclusively in the dark.

Currant oil for face

Blackcurrant cosmetic oil is especially popular. This love for it is explained by the presence in its composition of a significant amount of unique acids. This substance has a fairly pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and also stimulating effect on skin cells. Black currant oil causes the epidermis to renew itself, improves skin tone and adds youth to it. It can be used to care for any skin type. This product will be a great find for women after chemical peeling or hardware facial cleansing, as it will help quickly and effective recovery skin elasticity.

When caring for oily skin face blackcurrant oil will help eliminate irritation, rashes and destroy germs. In addition, it will reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and add elasticity to the skin.

How blackcurrant oil is used - application for the face

Some experts advise using blackcurrant oil on the face as an alternative to night cream, but no more than a couple of times a week. This procedure is recommended for owners. This product is great for applying to the skin around the eyes, it saturates it with moisture and adds elasticity to it.

In addition, it can be added to different masks and creams, both factory-made and homemade.

To prepare a rejuvenating, moisturizing and whitening mask, you need to combine equal parts of currant oil, kefir and fresh. Mix all the ingredients and apply them to the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. Leave this mask on for twenty to twenty-five minutes, then wash with warm water.

To achieve the maximum rejuvenating effect, it is worth combining a tablespoon of blackcurrant oil, puree from one ripe one, and half a tablespoon of honey. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply them to the skin of the face, as well as to the neck and décolleté. Leave the mask on for twenty minutes, then wash with warm water. Use this remedy twice a week for one month.

Blackcurrant oil will help whiten your skin. To achieve this effect, you need to prepare fifty milliliters of either sage. Connect this herbal remedy with five drops of oil. Use the resulting solution as a tonic twice daily, shaking before each use.

Currant oil for hair

Blackcurrant oil is an excellent hair care product. It perfectly nourishes the hair useful substances, adding strength, shine, silkiness to them. Black currant oil copes with excessive hair fragility and split ends, eliminates dandruff and scalp psoriasis. When used systematically, this substance will add volume to the hair and activate dormant hair follicles.

How black currant oil is used - application for hair

At severe dryness Hair blackcurrant oil can be used in its pure form, applied to the entire length of the curls. After this procedure, you should wrap yourself in plastic and a warm towel. Next, wash off the mask warm water with shampoo.

For the care of dry and normal hair You can combine equal parts of blackcurrant oil. Heat this mixture a little in a water bath, then apply it to the entire length of your hair and rub into the scalp. Next, wrap yourself in plastic (you can use a shower cap) and a warm towel. You can leave the mask on all night, rinse it off with warm water and shampoo.

You can also cook amazing useful mask based on black currant oil. Mix a couple of tablespoons of this substance with fresh yolk chicken egg and with a teaspoon. Mix this mixture thoroughly and apply it to the scalp and root zone of the hair. Next, gently distribute the mask over the entire length of your hair. Leave for half an hour or an hour under plastic and a warm towel. Afterwards, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

It is worth noting that essential oil“blackcurrant” can cause quite severe allergic reactions. Therefore, before using it, it is advisable to test for the presence individual intolerance. Just apply a drop of oil to inner area forearm or wrist. Wait at least twelve hours and use the oil for skin care only if there are no negative reactions (redness, rashes, irritation, itching, etc.).

Treatment with black currant oil

Traditional medicine specialists advise using blackcurrant oil not only for personal care, but also for treatment and prevention. various violations health. So, to cleanse the skin (face and body) from rashes, such a substance can be taken internally. To do this, mix a tablespoon olive oil with a third tablespoon of blackcurrant oil. Take this mixture on an empty stomach once a day.

Also, taking one teaspoon of blackcurrant oil per day will help patients with impaired immunity, rheumatism, colds and infectious diseases. This addition to the diet will help cope with atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases (and prevent their development). In addition, black currant oil domestic consumption It treats eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases well. It is believed that this technique will also be beneficial for hormonal problems, Alzheimer's disease and even cancer.

Blackcurrant oil, when applied externally, is also excellent for treating skin with excessive dryness, eczema, dermatitis, etc. It can be used locally on its own, but it is better to use it in combination with almond oil (in equal proportions). Some experts advise soaking a napkin in this mixture and applying it to the affected area of ​​skin for a quarter of an hour.

To get rid of wounds, abrasions and skin lesions, you should carefully rub in the oil and secure it on top with a clean, loose bandage.

Blackcurrant oil is amazing useful product given to us by nature. It is great for body care and even for treating certain health problems.



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