Disease of the bones and joints. Bone diseases

Bones are an integral part of the anatomy muscular system our body. 206 bones various forms and sizes make up the skeleton of an adult.

Some are hard and compact, some are light and porous.

The muscles, ligaments and tendons that support them play a vital important role helping us move. Minerals such as: phosphorus, calcium, protein and collagen are of great importance for maintaining the skeleton in healthy condition. Their deficiency can lead to bone disease.

Types of violation

Bone disease can occur various reasons. Both congenital - as a result of gene defects, and degenerative changes that develop with age are possible.


A bone disease characterized by a gradual loss of mineral density bone tissue. Calcified tissues are capable of self-healing, however, in old age, mineralization may fail. This leads to the development of cavities, and, as a result, to brittleness and fragility. Even with osteoporosis minor injury may cause cracks or fractures.


No less common disease. This form Arthritis is characterized by degeneration of the joint due to the destruction of cartilage. Cartilage is a connective tissue found in areas bone joints, and perform protective function. As we age, friction leads to inflammation and the development of outgrowths called bone spurs. Joint pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion in the affected joint are symptoms of this bone disease.


Not only calcium and phosphorus are necessary for healthy development. Vitamin D is also on the essentials list. nutrients. Vitamin D deficiency in early age can lead to a developmental disorder called rickets.

Softening of the bones is the main symptom of this disease, and, therefore, the victims become extremely vulnerable to fractures. Bones can bend and break easily. Muscle pain is also characteristic. This violation possibly in adulthood. In the case of adults, this metabolic bone disease is called osteomalacia.


Also known as Marble bone disease and Albers-Schoenberg disease. A rare form that is characterized by hardening of the bones. hereditary disease, and is believed to be caused by mutations in genes associated with the formation, development and functioning of specialized cells - osteoclasts. These multinucleated, giant cells play an important role in breaking down and replacing old bone with new. Thus, if osteoclasts cannot perform their functions, new tissue is formed, and the old one is not destroyed, which leads to abnormal compaction.

Paget's disease

This disease strikes as a result of abnormal bone remodeling. The disease usually affects adults. Children rarely get sick. As a result, deformation and expansion of the bones occurs, which causes pain. As a rule, the hip joints, skull, spine, collarbones, shoulder joints. It is believed that there is a genetic predisposition to Paget's disease, especially if there has been a history of the disease in the family. A common viral infection can become a catalyst.

bone cancer

Accompanied by uncontrolled division of malignant cells. Osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma are cancers that affect the bones from the inside. The disease can start in any part of the body. Swelling, weight gain and severe pain in the affected bones, fatigue are some of the symptoms.

Bone diseases can be congenital or degenerative. Their occurrence can be caused by infection, abnormal cell division, etc. A healthy diet helps in preventing some of these diseases, especially if they are caused by nutritional deficiencies. Long and painstaking treatment is required for genetic bone diseases.

The skeletal system is susceptible to damage, wear and tear, infection, tumors, and metabolic diseases that lead to bone damage.

The human skeleton is made up of 206 bones that are connected together through ligaments and connective tissue. The skeleton not only provides motor function, but also protects vital important organs(brain, heart, lungs and organs abdominal cavity). However, our skeletal system is susceptible to damage, wear and tear, infection, tumors, and metabolic diseases that lead to bone damage that can become life-threatening. Below are some common diseases skeletal system.

General diseases of the skeletal system

Arthritis: a disease of the skeletal system characterized by wear and tear of the bones and joints

Arthritis exists in two main forms. Osteoarthritis is the wear and tear on our bones and joints that occurs with age. Obesity is one of important factors, which can accelerate osteoarthritis, especially of the knees and hips. All joints of bones are lined with cartilage and synovial fluid which help lubricate the joint during movement. Over time, these tissues break down and wear away, leading to the formation of bone spurs, joint narrowing, inflammation, and pain. Treatment for severe osteoarthritis is pain medication and steroid injections. In advanced cases, joint replacement is required.

Autoimmune arthritis occurs when the body attacks and damages its joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is one example of such diseases. Over time, they lead to destruction of the joints and chronic weakness. Treatment aims to manage pain and modulate immune system, which limits its further destruction.

Osteoporosis: a disease of the skeletal system characterized by a decrease in bone density

Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone strength and mineral density. Age, hormonal status and diet play a vital role in the development of osteoporosis. Bones become gradually weak and prone to fractures with minor trauma.

Rickets: a disease of the skeletal system associated with vitamin D deficiency

Rickets/osteomalacia is due to severe deficit calcium, vitamin D and phosphate. Bones soften and become weak, lose their normal form. Bone pain, cramps, and skeletal deformities are noted.

Tendinitis: a disease of the skeletal system caused by trauma to the tendons

Tendon injury leads to inflammation and pain. Tendons "connect" the muscles to the bone and facilitate movement. Painful areas are the knee, elbow, wrist and Achilles tendons. Treatment includes rest, ice application, and changing activities until the pain and inflammation resolve.

Bursitis: a disease of the skeletal system associated with the accumulation of fluid around the joints

Bursa is a specialized fluid around our joints. It provides cushioning between joints and nearby muscles, tendons and ligaments. Known state water in the knee is an example of prepatellar bursitis. This condition causes pain, redness, swelling, and soft tissue. Treatment includes over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen. You also need to avoid pressure on the affected tissue area and rest.

Cancers of the skeletal system


White blood cells - leukocytes - are partly produced in the bone marrow. Usually, whole line blood cancers are called leukemia. The onset of leukemia is generally insidious. Until a critical mass of abnormal cells has formed, most people are asymptomatic. Early symptoms leukemia: bone pain, severe fatigue, night sweats, unexplained loss body weight and bleeding gums.

bone cancer

Cancers can also develop in bones. Bone cancer can be the main type of cancer, and can also occur due to metastasis to another location. cancerous tumor(lungs, breast and prostate). The main types of bone cancer are osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma.

Congenital diseases of the skeletal system

Clubfoot is a birth defect

Clubfoot is a congenital defect in the development of one or both feet that curve inwards and downwards. As a result of this disease, it is very difficult for a child to learn to walk. Often specialized orthopedic therapy or surgery is needed.

Spina bifida

Spina bifida is a congenital defect that is associated with incomplete closure of a vertebra around the spinal canal. Many people have mild forms of this disease and are not even aware of it. More severe forms diseases are accompanied by nerve defects, difficulty walking, and problems with bowel and bladder function.

Other diseases of the skeletal system

Osteogenesis imperfecta is a spectrum of diseases of the skeletal system, ranging from mild to severe and life-threatening. People with these diseases are prone to fractures even with minor injuries. The most severe forms of these diseases also lead to intrauterine death. In people with these diseases of the sclera ( white part eyes) often have a bluish tint.

Osteopetrosis ( marble disease) – rare disease skeletal system, in which the bones become literally petrified and can easily break.

Paget's disease causes bones to break faster than they can repair. Usually in the body, this process is in balance. However, in Paget's disease, there is an accelerated breakdown of bone tissue, and the bones become brittle. It leads to increased risk fractures.

In this way, diseases of the skeletal system can be classified into 4 main groups: 1) congenital/genetic (clubfoot, spina bifida, osteopetrosis, Paget's disease; 2) age-related (osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis); 3) cancerous (bone cancer and leukemia); 4) caused by trauma (tendinitis, fractures).

Diseases of human bones and joints.

In the human body, there are approximately 245 different bones, on which soft tissues lean. To bones a large part of the muscles is attached. joints serve to articulate the bones of the movable. Often bone and joint diseases as a result of injuries appear or diseases of the internal organism.

What is this disease and how to treat it?

Classification of the skeletal system of human diseases

Avascular necrosis (osteonecrosis)
Also avascular necrosis known by the names "osteonecrosis", "aseptic (non-infectious) necrosis", or "ischemic bone necrosis», it is a state that occurs when lack of blood circulation in the bones. Because human bone the same is a living tissue, like others in the body, and it needs a constant flow of blood, otherwise the death of cells is inevitable. And if this destructive process is not stopped, it will lead to complete destruction of the bone.

Arthritis rheumatoid
Arthritis is a generic term for inflammation in the joints. Inflammation of the joints with redness is characterized by local hyperthermia (increased T), joint pain and swelling.
Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis: pain, swelling of the joints and ligaments, inflammatory face processes, swelling of the joint, shortness of breath at rest, crunching in the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis. Video

Bursa (in singular- bursa, from the Latin bursa - "bag" means) is called a fluid-filled space, softens the movement that is between the bone and the ligament or with the skin. In the same way as with air bubbles, bags reduce friction in moving parts of the body, for example: in the shoulder, hip, heel, knee, elbow.

Bursitis. Bursitis treatment. Video

Inflammation of the joints. Video

Here you can find recommendations that will help you protect your joints from damage and diseases such as arthritis for daily health maintenance and functional state normal joints.
Symptoms of inflammation of the joints: joint pain, cold hands, inflammation.

disc herniation intervertebral spine lumbar
This disease is also known as disc "popped out" or "knocked out". Herniated disc of the intervertebral occurs more often in the lower back. This disorder causes pain in the back more often than others, in the leg (due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve).

Lumbar disc herniation. Treatment. Video

Herniated disc of the intervertebral cervical spine
What to know about hernia disease in general? Hernia spinal disease is called, in which central part the jelly-like intervertebral disc breaks through the outer capsule more densely through the weak spot formed. This process can be compared with squeezing jam from a donut. Pain develops in the arm or neck if the hernia pinches or presses on a nearby spinal nerve. The first stage of treatment in most such cases is conservative and becomes a non-surgical restoration. Rehabilitation allows more than 90% of patients to return to daily activity after six weeks of treatment. If the patient does not agree to conservative methods of assistance, then the doctor surgery recommends.

Discitis - inflammation in the spinal disc space. This disease is atypical, which can develop in people of the most different groups age, but most often discitis in children affects eight years and older. In other ages, this disease occurs as a complication, mainly after back operations performed, but this occurs only in 1-2% of cases.

Acute rheumatic fever
Rheumatism- this is a rare, but potentially life-threatening disease, is a complication of untreated acute pharyngitis, caused by bacteria, belonging to the group of streptococci. The main symptoms of rheumatism - increased T, muscle pain, joints swollen and painful, in some cases the appearance of a red rash, scattered, mesh-like, and rough. Symptoms usually begin 1 to 6 weeks after streptococcal infection transferred, although in some cases the infection may be too easy to be noticed.
Symptoms: pain and swelling of the joints, wet hands, swelling of the joint, facial inflammation, crunching in the joints.

acute fever rheumatic in children. Video

Metatarsalgia. Video

Metatarsalgia is pain in the ankle joint. Metatarsalgia often occurs metatarsalgia for athletes involved in running and other sports that require high performance and great returns. Metatarsalgia referred to as a symptom, not a specific disease. it foot disease common, affecting the bones and the ankle joint. At metatarsalgia the pain center is often located in the areas of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th phalanx of the fingers and is often localized in the head metatarsal first (this is the base of the thumb).

Osteoarthritis. Video
Arthritis is general term in the designation of inflammation in the joints. Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, the most common type is arthritis. He is associated with articular cartilage destruction and it can occur in almost any joint, and in the joints most often, a significant load is experienced, such as the hip, for example, the spine, knee-joint. Yet osteoarthritis can affect the fingers, especially the fingers of the hands and feet, the neck, and usually does not affect the rest of the joints, unless they were only subjected to excessive loads or injury.
Symptoms of osteoarthritis :pain in the hip joint, pain in the middle of the back, cold hands, joint pain.

Osteoarthritis. Treatment of osteoarthritis. Video

Causes of arthritis. Video

Osteomyelitis the disease is called, the basis of which is inflammation and bone swelling associated with infection, usually. The aforementioned disease is caused by various reasons and is observed both in adults and in children. And most often these factors lead to infection of the bones.

Osteomyelitis. Treatment of osteomyelitis. Video

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes the bones to become thin and brittle. With this disease, cavities are formed inside the bones, the internal space begins to resemble a sponge. Patients with osteoporosis are frequently admitted to the hospital fracture of the hip, spine, wrist. Data damage significantly affects daily activities, may lead to forced changes in lifestyle. On X-ray images, it is easy to distinguish bone thinned after certain diseases transferred from a healthy skeletal element.

Osteoporosis. Treatment of osteoporosis. Video

Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis(adhesive capsulitis)
Shoulder-shoulder periarthritis shoulder joint disease is characterized by a significant loss of range of motion in all directions due to scar formation around the joint. The range of motion is not only limited when the patient tries to move independently, but when the doctor tries to force the joint to move, the patient is still relaxed. Shoulder blade periarthritis as adhesive capsulitis is also mentioned.

Shoulder periarthrosis. How to treat? Frozen Shoulder. Video

Gout- one of the types arthritis. Gout can cause sudden attacks of pain, joint stiffness and swelling, usually the finger suffers big feet. If treatment is not started, the attacks can be repeated many times, and over time cause significant damage to the joints and adjacent tissues. Gout occurs most frequently in men.

Gout. Treatment of gout. Video

Psoriatic arthritis
Arthritis psoriatic a form of inflammation of the joints is, which can be observed in some of the million, psoriasis sick. Skin psoriasis disease is, manifests itself with a characteristic red, scaly rash, on the ankles, on the elbows most often, on the knees, feet, hands, less often in other places.
Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis : pain in the upper middle parts back, swelling of the joints, joint deformity, joint pain, pain when breathing, wet hands, neck deformity, spots on the skin, swelling of the joint.

Psoriatic arthritis. Treatment of psoriatic arthritis. Video


Scoliosis idiopathic- a common type of curvature of the spine - has no clearly defined cause. It develops in children and adolescents most often, and its appearance is associated with several reasons, among which the predisposition is genetic.

Scoliosis. Scoliosis treatment. Video

The human body contains approximately 245 different bones that support soft tissues. Most of the muscles are attached to the bones. The joints serve to move the bones. Very often, diseases of the bones and joints appear as a result of injuries or internal diseases organism. What are these diseases and how to properly treat them?

Classification of diseases of the skeletal system

Numerous diseases of the skeletal system can be grouped as follows:

  • diseases of traumatic origin
  • inflammatory diseases
  • dystrophic
  • dysplastic

Traumatic diseases include, first of all, fractures and fractures of bones. The bone itself is different. high strength. However, it can also break down, unable to withstand the pressure exerted on it. A fissure is a condition where the bone barely withstands pressure and does not break, but a trace of overload remains. Fractures are divided into open and closed. From fractures in the human body, complex and profound changes occur. This is due to the breakdown of certain substances (carbohydrates, tissue proteins, etc.), as well as metabolic disorders in bone tissue.

A striking example of an inflammatory bone disease is osteomyelitis, which is inflammation bone marrow. This disease arises from an infection of the bones and joints, which penetrates the bone through the bloodstream from a distant focus or from an external source (wounds, operations).

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the most dangerous dystrophic disease bone is rickets (childhood disease). This group of bone diseases is caused by malnutrition.

Finally, dysplastic bone diseases develop as a result of a violation of the shape of the bones, and this changes the structure of the skeleton as a whole.

Common bone diseases

Adults suffer from their "rickets". These are osteomalacia and osteoporosis (largely due to a lack of vitamin D). In osteomalacia, the bones are very flexible, resulting in their curvature. This disease is often observed in pregnant women. In osteoporosis, bones and bone tissue are very porous. Vitamin D deficiency is explained by:

  • lack of absorption due to disruption of the kidneys and intestines
  • poor environmental conditions
  • insufficiency of ultraviolet

Osteochondrosis is a very common disease of the skeletal system. It manifests itself as a dystrophic process in bone and cartilage tissues, especially in the intervertebral discs.
A very common disease of the skeletal system is the curvature of the spine, which manifests itself in the form of: scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis.

Classification of diseases of the joints

Pain in the joints of the hands, fingers, legs, knee and hip is very common.

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joint. It can be an independent disease or a consequence of another disease. Main clinical manifestation arthritis - pain in the joints, especially in the morning. After movement, the pain decreases.

Arthrosis is a group of diseases when all components of the joint are affected: cartilage, bone adjacent to the cartilage, synovial membrane, ligaments, periarticular muscles. The pain is felt in the depths of the joints, it decreases at rest and increases with exertion. Arthrosis is caused by a change biological properties cartilage.

Osteoarthritis appears in joints that experience maximum stress. Among large joints knee joints (gonarthrosis) or hip joints (coxarthrosis) usually suffer. Much less often - ankle, elbow and shoulder joints.
Often found rheumatic diseases among which rheumatoid arthritis is the most common.

Causes of bone diseases

What causes diseases of the bones and joints? There are a lot of them, but the most common are the following:

  • systematic hypothermia
  • genetic predisposition
  • excessive physical exertion
  • lack of physical activity
  • nutritional errors
  • injury
  • colds and infectious diseases
  • muscle inflammation
  • lack of vitamins
  • nervous systematic overload
  • overweight and others

Bone and joint pain may be caused by other diseases, such as endocarditis ( infection hearts). One of its main symptoms is joint and bone pain. Similar pain occurs in chronic inflammatory processes in the liver, as well as cirrhosis of the liver. Pain in the joints and bones is also manifested in blood diseases (leukemia, agranulocytosis).

With age, metabolism slows down, which destroys the spine and joints.

A complex of methods for the treatment of joint diseases

Joint diseases are treated with a complex of measures, which includes various methods treatment:

  1. medical method. It includes drugs: painkillers, anti-inflammatory, improves blood circulation, as well as ointments and creams. These remedies contribute to the superficial disposal of the main symptoms of diseases.
  2. Physiotherapy. For diseases of the joints good effect give exercises to strengthen muscles and stretching, as well as swimming and dosed walking. It is very important to avoid heavy loads on the joints, which are distinguished by running, squatting, jumping, etc.
  3. Diet food - complete, balanced, but not excessive. Alcohol is completely excluded, salt and sugar are limited. In the presence of arthrosis, it is necessary to consume foods containing calcium and gelatin.
  4. Mud therapy improves metabolism and blood circulation.
  5. Massage is an indispensable part of the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis. It improves tone, strengthens muscle and skin tissues.
  6. The method of manual therapy helps to restore the position of the joint, improve blood supply, relieve pain.
  7. Physiotherapy treatment activates the metabolism in cartilage and bone tissues. These are electrophoresis with dimexide, laser therapy, magnetotherapy, EHF-therapy.
  8. Acupuncture (acupuncture) and acupressure (pressure on active points) have a beneficial effect on joint pain.
  9. Applying ancient methods traditional medicine mainly aimed at reducing pain and swelling, removing toxins and salts, restoring metabolism.
  10. There are many surgical methods of treatment. This is the restoration of damaged areas, and the replacement of joints. Meanwhile, this is a last resort when the others have not given positive results.

Each of these methods has individual contraindications. That is why it is first necessary to carry out accurate diagnosis disease and consult a qualified professional.

Some of the methods will be discussed in more detail later.

How are joint pain and inflammation relieved?

With diseases of the bones and joints, a person sometimes experiences very severe pain. When she exhausts, I want to take analgesics. However, they give a temporary result, and even then not for long. That is why, when joints hurt, special medicines are needed, which, while relieving pain, would simultaneously treat. These include NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. True, not all of them are equally useful. You can only learn about these nuances from a doctor.

Affected joints are known to be inflamed. This inflammation arises from an infectious agent (with arthritis), or has a non-infectious, metabolic nature (with arthrosis). However, in both cases, damage is cartilage tissue- "heart" of the joint. The so-called chondroprotectors (literally translated - "cartilage protection") come to the aid of the joints. Thanks to these substances, cartilage tissue is restored. The most famous chondroprotectors are chondroitin and glucosamine. An additional effect of chondroprotectors is their strengthening pharmacological action NSAIDs, their reduction side effects(for example, negative impact to the digestive system).

Diet therapy for diseases of the bones and joints

In the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine, it is extremely important to eat well. During the day, it is necessary to distribute the meal into six times in small portions. For the health of the spine, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus are required. They can be found in fermented milk products, nuts, corn, cabbage, cheese, liver.

To regulate the metabolism in the bones, vitamin A is needed (found in yellow and orange fruits). Vitamin C normalizes the vital activity of connective tissue. There is a lot of it in rose hips, berries, sweet peppers. Sugar should be replaced with dried fruits or honey.

Contraindicated following products: grapes and all its derivatives, legumes, sorrel, green salad, concentrated broths, aspic fish and meat dishes.

Gouty arthritis is characterized by the deposition of urates (salts of uric acid). The diet provides for the exclusion of those containing purines and uric acid products, limiting salt and fat, avoiding alcohol and broths, eating citrus fruits, using boiled fish and meat.

Suffering from pain in the joints, it is useful to use blackcurrants, apples, blueberries, plums, drink tea with sea buckthorn, mountain ash.

Natural cures for joint diseases

Nature has prepared a lot effective drugs from various diseases, including articular.

  • This tool helps to get rid of pain in the joints: elbow, knee, ankle, hip. In a jar (3 l), mix beet juice (0.5 l) with black radish and carrots (0.5 kg each) and aloe juice (a glass). Fill the jar to the top with honey. To mix everything. With a covered lid, insist seven days. Strain the composition and discard the sediment. Drink at night 40 ml. The course of treatment is up to four weeks or more, depending on the severity of the disease. Pains disappear.
  • The following tool improves the condition of not only the joints, but the whole body. Grate three washed and dried radishes and pour gruel in a three-liter jar with grape dry white wine to the top. Cover with a plastic lid and leave on the table for three weeks. During this time, the wine should acquire a honey hue. After straining and squeezing, let stand for another three days - the wine will brighten. Drink at night for 50-60 ml.
  • From pain in the joints, the following compress helps well. Pour one glass of kefir into a half-liter jar and crumble rye bread into it until the container is full. Add drinking soda(a teaspoon). Then put in heat for five to six hours. Then strain the contents and squeeze. Apply lotions with this composition on sore joints during the day, and put compresses at night. After three days, the person is relieved. The pain is completely gone within a week.
  • If joint diseases are caused by disorders endocrine system, it is necessary to prepare the following collection: - three parts each of marginal flowers and sunflower roots, as well as meadowsweet grass; - two parts each of sweet clover grass, grass and roots of marsh cinquefoil. Everything is crushed dry. Mix. Collection in the amount of four tablespoons pour cold water(1 l) in an enamel bowl. Bring to a boil and simmer for two to three minutes over low heat. Infuse for three hours in a wrapped state, then strain. Drink throughout the day until the condition improves.

Lifestyle during joint treatment

  • You can't overwork. If fatigue sets in, walk less. A two-hour rest is recommended during the day.
  • Weights to carry up to five kilograms.
  • Try to travel less.
  • In case of diseases of the joints of the legs, monitor the softness and smoothness of the step while walking. Don't jump or run. Going down the stairs, first go down to good leg, to which then attach the patient. Similarly, when lifting: first lean on a healthy leg, then attach the patient. Always remember that shock loading is much more dangerous than static loading.
  • Shoes should be soft and comfortable.
  • Sleep on a firm bed so that the spine does not sag.
  • A strict attitude to nutrition is required. Limit protein foods. Completely eliminate mushrooms, which will improve liver function.

Joint healing takes time and diligence. "Fresh" arthritis is overcome within a few weeks. While long-term arthrosis is treated for months. The age of the patient plays a significant role. The older he is, the longer and more difficult the treatment. However, it is always possible to achieve some improvement and protection against further development of the disease.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are a group of diseases that affect the bones, joints, muscles, connective tissue. I can be inflammatory, pathological, tumor and other. They most often occur as independent diseases However, sometimes they can be symptoms of other diseases.

The main symptoms that occur in diseases of the musculoskeletal system are pain in the joints, muscles, and spine, which can be aggravated by movement or "weather".

Consider in detail the 20 most common ailments of the musculoskeletal system.


A group of inflammatory diseases that affect the joints. Depending on the prevalence of the disease, monoarthritis (one joint is affected) and polyarthritis (several joints are affected). The disease may appear suddenly acute form) or develop gradually (chronic form).

Depending on the causes of the disease, arthritis is:

  • reactive;
  • rheumatoid;
  • infectious;
  • gouty;
  • psoriatic;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • traumatic.

Each type of disease is characterized by its own symptoms. Let's look at the common, for all types of arthritis, signs:

  • pain;
  • puffiness;
  • redness;
  • crunch (osteoarthritis);
  • fever(reactive and infectious arthritis).


Arthrosis refers to age-related deformity of the joints, which is most often manifested in older people. The disease develops due to the wear and tear of cartilage and their gradual destruction. According to statistics, arthrosis is the most common joint disease, which affects more than 70% of the world's population.

Arthrosis symptoms:

  • joint pain when moving;
  • crunching joints;
  • poor mobility of the affected limb;
  • change in the shape of the joint.

Another name is ankylosing spondylitis. Ankylosing spondylitis is a rather rare disease in which the intervertebral joints become inflamed, shrinking in size, which makes the movement of the spine very difficult or limited.


  • pain in the spine, sometimes radiating to the buttocks or legs;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Hygroma of the joint

Hygroma is a tumor-like formation in the joint area. Most often appears between the wrist and the radius, has the appearance of a bump.

In most cases, patients do not show any symptoms until the bump grows. The formation is located under the skin, it is mobile, but below it is attached to the joint. Gradually, the bump increases, appears Blunt pain due to mechanical pressure formations on tissues and nerves.

One of the main distinguishing features of hygroma from other tumor-like formations is its absolute safety, hygroma never degenerates into cancer.

hip dysplasia

Is congenital pathology buildings hip joint, in which it is incorrectly oriented in space relative to the pelvic cavity. With this disease, the musculoskeletal function of the limb is impaired.

Symptoms appear in infancy. What should mom pay attention to:

  1. For leg length. With dysplasia, they will not be the same length.
  2. On the symmetry of the gluteal folds.
  3. For extra folds on the thigh.
  4. On the symmetry of the divorced legs.
  5. On extraneous sounds (click, crunch) during the movement of the limbs.

If these symptoms are detected, you should contact an orthopedist as soon as possible.


Cocigodynia is pain felt in the coccyx area. Women are more susceptible to the disease than men, which is due to the peculiarities of the structure female body and reproductive function.

The main symptom is persistent or periodic pain in the coccyx. Most often, coccygodynia appears after injuries (falling back on the buttocks, coccyx bruises from the back). Pain may appear both immediately and within six months after the injury.

In addition, pain in the coccyx can be caused by other factors:

  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the coccygeal muscles and nerves;
  • constant use of soft or very hard stools;
  • spine diseases.

Osteoporosis of the bones

A disease that affects the human skeleton, violating the structure and strength of bone tissue. Translated from Greek, “osteo” means bone, and “poros” means “time”, if you combine these two words, you get the porosity of the bones. According to statistics, women suffer from osteoporosis much more often than men.

Symptoms on initial stage:

  • discomfort between the shoulder blades;
  • muscle weakness;
  • pain in the lower back and limbs.

In later stages:

  • reduction in human growth, visible to the naked eye;
  • curvature of posture (stoop, scoliosis);
  • frequent fractures.

Osteocondritis of the spine

Osteochondrosis is a violation of the structure of the intervertebral bones, in which the flexibility and mobility of the spine is reduced. The disease develops gradually. First, microtraumas of the cartilage appear, which can be caused by severe physical activity or injury, then intervertebral discs begin to lose their elasticity and "flatten".


  1. Pain, the location of which depends on the location of the damage. Arms, neck, chest, etc. can hurt.
  2. Muscle numbness.

When squeezed blood vessels, appear:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fainting.

flat feet

A change in the shape of the foot, in which the arch is lowered, is called flat feet. Most often it develops due to insufficient or excessive load on the feet, various diseases.

Flat feet are quite well defined visually. Find out what it looks like flat foot, you can not photo below.

Other symptoms:

  • pain during long walking;
  • pain when standing still (at later stages);
  • foot deformity;
  • the appearance of a "painful" bone on the thumb;

The arch of the foot plays a very important role in musculoskeletal system person. It performs a shock-absorbing function when walking. When the vault is lowered, this function is disrupted, and the spine takes over the cushioning. Due additional load, intervertebral discs wear out faster, symptoms may appear in the form of pain, pinched nerves.


Metabolic disorders, in which there is a deposition of salts in the joints. According to statistics, men over 40 are more likely to suffer from gout, and women after menopause are less likely to suffer from gout. Gout can affect absolutely all joints of the body, but most often the disease affects thumb legs.


  • joint inflammation;
  • skin redness;
  • an increase in temperature in the damaged area;
  • the formation of growths on the joint;
  • seizures gouty arthritis appearing in the morning or at night;


Rickets - childhood disease, in which the process of bone formation is disrupted due to a lack of vitamin D.

Symptoms at the initial stage:

  • restless sleep;
  • tearfulness and irritability;
  • very strong sweating;
  • damage or hair loss in the occipital region;

In later stages:

  • delay in fontanel closure and tooth growth;
  • muscle weakness;
  • deformation of the legs with rickets, they become X-shaped or O-shaped;
  • deformity of the pelvic bones in girls;
  • the appearance of parietal and frontal tubercles;
  • deformity of the chest (indentation or protrusion).

When touched internal organs appears:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • disruption of the intestines;
  • liver enlargement;
  • blanching of the skin.


It is an inflammation of the sacroiliac joint, which can affect both the joint itself and the tissues around it. Depending on the form of the disease (rheumatic or infectious), the symptoms of the disease also differ.

Rheumatic form:

  • pain in the buttocks, radiating to the thigh;
  • pain is severe at rest and weakens with movement;
  • stiffness in the lower back after sleep.

Infectious form:

  • sharp pain in the sacrum;
  • pain is given to the buttocks and limbs;
  • the pain becomes stronger with leg movements or pressure on the affected area;
  • redness of the skin.


synovitis - inflammation synovium joint, in which fluid accumulates in its cavity. In most cases, synovitis affects the knee joint, but others can sometimes be affected. It is very rare for more than one joint to be affected.


  • an increase in the size of the joint (acute form);
  • feeling of pressure from within;
  • pain;
  • weakness (rare)
  • increase in general and local temperature;
  • limited movement of the joint;
  • pain on pressure.

With acute purulent synovitis:

  • elevated temperature;
  • chills and malaise;
  • delirium (very rare);
  • strong pain;
  • swelling of the joint;
  • increase lymph nodes(rarely).

In chronic synovitis, almost all of the above symptoms may be present, but they will be mild.


It is a curvature of the spine to the side, accompanied by asymmetry of the body and a protruding rib or scapula.

Visual symptoms:

  • shoulders are not at the same height;
  • one of the shoulder blades sticks out;
  • the waist is not symmetrical;
  • the folds on the body are not the same;

In addition, scoliosis can be accompanied by pain, rapid back fatigue, and difficulty breathing.


It is a disease of the spine, in which one of the vertebrae is displaced forward or backward relative to the entire spinal column.


  • pain in the lower back, aggravated after exercise;
  • difficulty in movement lower section spine;
  • tingling, numbness in the limbs;
  • loss of control over urination and defecation (when squeezing a nerve).

Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis refers to a narrowing of the diameter of the spine. The disease is most common in the elderly, but sometimes occurs in younger people. The main cause of the development of the disease are congenital problems with the spine.

The main symptom of spinal stenosis is pain in the spine, which can radiate to the leg.

Other manifestations:

  • leg cramps;
  • pain in the buttock, descending down the back of the thigh;
  • difficulty in maintaining balance;
  • bowel and/or bladder dysfunction.


Tenosynovitis is an inflammation of the tendon sheaths. Most often, the disease affects the hands, feet, forearms.


  • pain in the affected area;
  • redness and swelling of the skin;
  • edema;

With infectious tendovaginitis, fever, chills, general weakness.

Tuberculosis of the bones

Tuberculosis of bones - chronic inflammatory disease musculoskeletal system. After pulmonary tuberculosis is the most common type of disease. Most often localized in the spine.

At the initial stage of the disease, the symptoms are mild or they may not be at all. Usually there is an increase in body temperature up to 37 ° C. The patient has:

  • lethargy and weakness;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • muscle pain;
  • drowsiness.

On the next stage disease, all symptoms become pronounced, they are accompanied by pain in the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bones, which occur most often during movements. Violated gait and posture. When the spine is affected, the muscles along it become inflamed and swell.

For last stage characteristic:

  • spread of tuberculosis to other bones;
  • heat;
  • severe pain;
  • if the spine is affected, its movements become very difficult or impossible.

Heel spur

medical name plantar fasciitis. The disease is an inflammation of the connective membrane of the foot, most often caused by injuries.


  • pain when loading the heel;
  • sharp pain in the heel during the first steps in the morning;
  • feeling of tension in the Achilles tendon.

Epicondylitis of the elbow joint

It is an inflammation in the elbow area. More often, the disease develops as a result of a monotonous load on the arm, causing constant flexion-extension of the elbow.

The main symptom of the disease is pain in the forearm, which can radiate to the shoulder and intensify with exertion (for example, with a handshake).

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