Hydrargyrum solubilis Hahnemann - Mercurius solubilis - Mercurius solubilis, Black mercuric oxide, Mercurius solubilis Hahnemann.

(1) Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni. (NH2Hg2)2NO,H20. A mercury preparation isolated by Hahnemann as a substitute for the caustic mercury salts common in his time and at the same time, due to its softer and more effective action, which has become very popular in all countries as an antisyphilitic remedy. Mercurius solubilis is formed by the precipitation of mercury with the help of ammonia from its solution in nitric acid. This substance was used in the tests conducted by Hahnemann.

(2) Mercurius vivus. Pure metallic mercury. Hg (atomic weight 199.8). Although Hahnemann tested only Mercurius solubilis, he recommended the use of pure metal trituration in practice as the purest preparation of mercury, having a similar effect and being much easier to obtain. Potentized metallic mercury may be prescribed for the same symptoms as Mercurius solubilis. (Also an aqueous "decoction", prepared by boiling mercury in water for half an hour.)

Clinic[The letters “s” and “v” in the text only mean that the drugs - solubilis or vivus - are marked next to the corresponding nosology in the “Therapeutic Directory”; they do not indicate the preference of one or another remedy] A abscess (s). Anemia. Aphthae. Appendicitis. Balanitis (s). Bone diseases(s). Encephalitis. Bad breath (s). Bronchitis(s). Bubo (s). Gangrenous stomatitis. Qatar(s). Chancre. Chicken pox(s). Cold(s). Cough(s) Impaired teething(s). Diarrhea(s). Dysentery. Dyspepsia(s). Ecthyma (s). Eczema. Exhaustion. Irritation^). Eye damage(s). Gouty inflammation of the eyes. Fainting. Fever. Cracks. Enlarged glands and lymph nodes (s). Gout(s). Gum abscess(s).

Heart disease(s). Herpes (s). Rabies. Jaundice(s). Joint(s) involvement. Leucorrhoea in little girls. Liver damage(s). Lumbago(s). Mania. Measles (s). Melancholy (s). Meningitis. Softening bones. Plaque on mucous membranes. Parotitis. Noise in the head (s). Fetid odor from body(s). Ovarian damage. Pancreatitis(s). Parameterite (s). Mumps. Peritonitis. Profuse sweating(s). Phimosis (s). Pathology of pregnancy (s). Diseases prostate gland(s). Purpura (s) (v). Pyemia(s). Sublingual cyst (ranula) (s). Rheumatism (s) (v). Rickets. Rigg's disease. Drooling(s). Scurvy(s). Smallpox(s). Stomatitis. Suppuration(s). Postoperative fever. Syphilis(s). Taste disorders (s). Dental lesions (v). Deafness due to eustachitis (s). Sore throat(s). Tongue lesion (s) (v); geographic language (v). Toothache(s). Tremor(s). Typhus (v). Ulcer(s). Consequences of vaccination (s). Vomiting(s).

Characteristic The nature of the affections of Mercurius solubilis and Mercurius vivus is no different, so that I do not see the need to try to separate their symptoms. Although Hahnemann tested only Mercurius solubilis, in the preface to this test he writes that Mercurius vivus can completely replace the remedy mentioned above.

Hahnemann invented Mercurius solubilis back in the pre-homeopathic period of his activity, when he was trying to find a mercury preparation that would be both soluble in water and not corrosive; At the same time, this drug firmly took its place in conventional pharmacology and never lost it.

The method of identifying the healing properties of metallic mercury by successive rubbing was a later discovery, although primitive methods of diluting mercury existed before Hahnemann.

Later, Mercurius solubilis was added to the symptoms of Hahnemann's pathogenesis clinical observations consequences of mercury intoxication in mercury production workers, patients who took mercury as a medicine, as well as people who manufactured and applied mercury ointments patients, since many of them suffered serious injuries as a result of the absorption of mercury from their hands.

With regard to general modalities and signs, the symptoms of intoxication generally did not differ from the symptoms obtained in the trials, although particular differences and nuances occurred extremely often. The test symptoms generally contain more peculiar characteristics than the symptoms of pure mercury intoxication.

Here, for example, are the symptoms of the tests: “at night there is a severe toothache, and when it passes, severe chills begin throughout the body”; “dizziness: when sitting at his desk, everything in the head begins to spin, as if intoxicated; gets up and begins to walk around the room, staggering; then there is anxiety and heat throughout the whole body with nausea, although vomiting usually does not occur; at the same time there is a mild headache”; “severe, prolonged tearing pain, spreading from the back of the head to the forehead, where it acquires a pressing character.”

The predominantly Mercurius solubilis trials produced symptoms of nosebleeds and more accurately characterized symptoms of sore throat ("stabbing pain in the tonsils"; "stabbing pain in the ears when swallowing"; "a feeling as if something hot was coming up to the throat"), as well as most symptoms from the female and male genital area.

However, all this does not mean that Mercurius vivus will be worse at curing the symptoms listed above. Only once did I have the opportunity to compare the effect of these drugs: in a case of a cold, when all the signs of Mercurius were present, Mercurius solubilis 30 was prescribed and there was no effect, after which Mercurius vivus 30 completely cured the patient.

The current generation can hardly imagine the truly terrible destruction that mercury produced in the body. It was believed that until the medicine “affects the gums,” there could be no talk of any therapeutic effect. Hence the self-explanatory saying: “Drooling is salvation.” “When the possibility of curing syphilis with mercury without causing drooling was discovered in the 16th century, it was a significant event,” writes Teste and continues: “In place of one mistake, another arose; suggested that sweating, excessive diuresis or diarrhea, which occur under the influence of mercury, take on the role of absent salivation; The “grand humoral theories” could not provide a more intelligible explanation.

To clearly illustrate a common practice of the not so distant past, I will quote Bransby Cooper's Introduction to Surgery: “Mercury acts like a poison on some people [!]: they may experience palpitations, tremors in the limbs, shortness of breath and arrhythmia. When a patient experiences such side effects, we conclude that mercury has a toxic effect on the body [!].

As has recently been shown by Dr. Pearson, in cases where profuse salivation was considered necessary for the effectiveness of the treatment, some patients died suddenly. At first they experienced the symptoms described above, and death occurred when trying to make the slightest effort.

Clinical experience [!] Pearson showed that the death of these patients occurred due to toxic effect mercury on the body, causing a condition that can be called mercury erethism.”

Homeopathy has filled this picture with more detail and turned a toxic drug into a truly medicinal drug. It was not for nothing that Mercury was named after the winged deity. Its phenomenal mobility is used, among other things, in the tubes of barometers and thermometers (and those people whose health fluctuates along with the readings of these devices primarily need this medicine).

One electrician, who at a certain period had to work a lot with mercury, after that he could not stand the slightest electric shock at all, although previously even quite strong shocks did not bother him much. Thus, here is one of the most important characteristics of the Mercurius patient: extreme sensitivity to changes in temperature, both cold and heat.

In other drugs, sensitivity to changes in temperature concerns, as a rule, changes in one direction; the Mercurius patient becomes worse from both cold and heat. This is key symptom No. 1. Key symptom No. 2 is “worse at night.” This is closely related to syphilitic manifestations. This symptom is especially pronounced in relation to bone pain. Symptom No. 3: profuse sweating, which accompanies almost all pathological processes and does not lead to their relief; increased sweating may even make them worse.

Guided mainly by the last two clues, namely, "worse at night" and "profuse sweat without relief," I have been able to cure many cases of rheumatic fever with Mercurius vivus 12, without the use of other remedies. Key symptom No. 4: characteristic mercury odor. The Mercurial patient exudes a stench; has extremely foul breath; disgusting, sickly sweet smell of sweat. Key symptom #5: Tremor.

This symptom is so marked and obligatory that it makes Mercurius the remedy most commonly prescribed for Parkinsonism. Tremors of the head, hands, and tongue are characteristic. The tremor begins in the fingers. This is a tremor accompanied by weakness and paralysis; according to V. Cooper, these manifestations can affect the heart muscle and cause sudden death with the slightest effort. Close to these manifestations is the tendency to faint; and extreme exhaustion and weakness after defecation. Tremors can turn into twitching and even convulsions. Characterized by pronounced anxiety. The psyche is characterized by a state of “shaking weakness”; the patient does everything with nervous haste.

Hasty, fast speech. On the other hand: he answers questions slowly; has a weak memory; weak will. Confusion of thoughts. Absent-mindedness. Dementia. It seems as if time is running too slow. The desire to run away. Nostalgia. Suicidal tendencies. Tendency to violence. According to Hahnemann, Mercurius is a typical antisyphilitic, just as Sulfur is a typical antipsoric and Thuja is an antisycotic.

When using mercury for syphilis, doctors of the old school were very close to the truth, they just did not know how to use it. Mercury causes symptoms so similar to those of syphilis that many cases mercury poisoning even by experts it was mistakenly interpreted as syphilis. Damage to bones, lymph nodes and skin is typical. Inflammation leads first to compaction and then to suppuration.

Mercurius fully corresponds to the true Günther chancre. The ulcers characteristic of this remedy have a grey, greasy, ashy or curdled base. They experience a burning or stinging pain. Another important symptom of Mercurius, almost a key symptom, is the tendency to form pus.

The drug is specific at the suppuration stage of smallpox. Discharge of pus, especially mixed with blood, from any orifice of the body indicates Mercurius. The pus forms cavities to form abscesses, with stinging and burning pain. Discharge yellow-green. Gonorrhea. Offensive discharge from ears. Mercury is an excellent solvent; it dissolves metals, isolating them from ores, and it also corrodes living tissue, causing extreme emaciation.

First of all, roughly organized tissues - exostoses, compactions, and some tumors - undergo decay. Under the influence of the drug, swelling and pastiness disappear, including in rheumatism. If the dose of the drug was large, the pastiness disappears too quickly, causing tissue disintegration, and extensive fetid ulcers form in this place. Bones soften to the point of fracture. Along with eliminating pastosity and edema, Mercurius can also have the opposite effect, causing enlargement of the glands and lymph nodes with stabbing pain.inflammation and suppuration.

After syphilis, the second most important area of ​​mercury use in the past was liver pathology. Mercury has a pronounced stimulating effect on the liver. The liver is full of blood, enlarged, inflamed, stabbing pain, sensitive to touch, and unable to lie on the right side.

This kind of "worse lying on right side" is very characteristic of Mercurius, so that this remedy should always be kept in mind when such a condition is present. In addition to liver disorders, gastric disorders are also common. Sweet intolerance; aversion to meat, wine, brandy, beer, coffee, fatty foods, in particular butter.

These patients have a very characteristic flabby, coated tongue bearing teeth marks, combined with foul breath and intense thirst. The throat is dry, while the distal part of the tongue is moist. Mercurius is rarely indicated in the presence of dry tongue. The presence of mucus in various cavities and secretions is very characteristic of this remedy. Slimy stools, as well as acrid, lumpy, sticky stools mixed with pus. Immediately before defecation, lightheadedness and fainting occur. During defecation, tenesmus is observed, or only tenesmus is bothersome, without stool. Dysentery with severe tenesmus; it seems to the patient that the urge will never end, although the feces are no longer passed.

Mucous diarrhea. "Mercurius is rarely indicated in the absence of mucus" (Guernsey). Mercurius has a profound effect on the sexual sphere of both sexes. Characterized by stinging, cutting pain in the ovaries; pain spreading from left to right in the lower abdomen.

For mercurial pain, a stinging shade of pain is very typical; "Stinging pains in the ovaries may as well require Mercurius as Apis" (Kent). Mercurius has almost all types of eruptions. Crusty, syphilitic, pustular, weeping, offensive eczema. Shingles. Smallpox. The condition of any rash worsens from heat and at night, as well as from cold. In former times, a patient receiving mercury treatment could be unmistakably identified by the way he tried to avoid hypothermia. Pathological tendency to colds is another characteristic feature Mercurius. In this case, the drug should not be taken too often, otherwise it can easily cause an exacerbation.

The patient requiring Mercurius is sensitive to any draft, and yet gets worse in the heat; nasal discharge acrid, nose red and irritated; “children with dirty noses” (Guernsey). The smell of old catarrh in the nose; burning and tingling inside the nose. Aching, tearing and bursting pain in the bones. “Kali iod. more effective for tearing pain in the face, fluent coryza, and aggravated by heat, including the warmth of bed" (Kent).

It has been my observation that a much larger percentage of cases of acute colds correspond to the symptoms of Sulfur and Chlorum than to the symptoms of Mercurius and similar remedies. In chronic cases I think first of all of Psorinum. Mercurius has a marked action on the eyes, and also on the bones of the orbits: "when the cold affects the eyes in gouty and rheumatic patients" (Kent).

Mercury and its salts cause different kinds and the degree of intensity of inflammatory processes and ulcerations. J. J. Hirsch of Prague (H. R., VII. 220) gives a curious experience of the use of Mercurius vivus, obtained in the manner taught to him by an old allopath. Mercury is boiled in water for half an hour, the patient takes two teaspoons of this decoction every two hours.

Hirsch describes cases of acute inflammation of the brain, most often requiring Belladonna, but in one of them there was an indication for Mercurius, which was prescribed (the drug was prepared in the traditional homeopathic way), but did not produce effect. Here is this case: a girl, 9 years old, dark-haired, fell ill with malignant scarlet fever. The illness began six days before Hirsch saw the patient (he was called in as a consultant).

Signs of brain inflammation appeared on the third day. When Hirsch examined the girl, she was unconscious, there was sharply limited redness on her cheeks, her pulse was 120, her skin was hot. From time to time the patient uttered a piercing cry; she buried her head in the pillow; Chewing movements of the jaws and grinding of teeth were observed. Lips brown and parched; there was no strong thirst; the girl didn't really want water, but the milk seemed to be nice. There were red spots all over the skin, here and there, especially along the neck. After a “mercury decoction” was prescribed on Hirsch’s advice, the girl slowly but steadily began to recover and recovered within a week.

Among the characteristic sensations of Mercurius are the following. Sensation of vibration in the forehead. Feeling of head being squeezed by a vice; it seems as if the head has become larger. Sensation as if sparks were flying out of the eyes; as if there was a foreign body under the eyelids; as if fuzz was growing in the corners of the eyes. Like a wedge driven into the ear; as if there was ice in the ear; as if ice water was flowing out of the ear. Ringing in the head, reminiscent of the sound of metal plates. Feeling of heaviness in the forehead; as if something were hanging from the forehead into the nose. Sensation of severe loosening of teeth; as if they were growing out of a mushy mass.

As if hot steam were rising into the throat; as if worms were crawling into the throat from the esophagus and the patient had to swallow them; as if there was an orange peel stuck in my throat. The mammary glands appear to be covered with ulcers. As if everything in my chest had dried up. Cutting and stabbing pain, burning, boring, gnawing, stinging and pulling pain. Soreness and hypersensitivity. Itching; voluptuous itch. Mercurius is more suitable for: fair-haired patients with loose skin and muscles; children and women. Scrofulous children. (U

Mercurius, in addition to antisyphilitic properties, has antipsoric and antisycotic properties.) The symptoms of Mercurius are aggravated by pressure and touch. Worse at night; before falling asleep. Worse from blowing nose. Worse during cold. Worse from cold air. Worse from hypothermia. Worse from artificial light, from fire. Worse by sweating; when warming up in bed.

Worse before stool. Worse during and after urination. Worse lying on the right side. Worse when moving; when walking; from the slightest effort. Worse in the evenings. It's better to rest. Better after intercourse. Better from crying. Worse when touching anything cold (this causes abdominal pain). Worse from bending the body forward (which immediately causes indigestion). Worse after eating (the slightest bite of food causes a pulling pain in the stomach).


Mercurius serves as an antidote for: the consequences of sugar abuse; insect bites; consequences of inhaling arsenic or copper vapors; Aur.,Ant. t., Lack., Bell., Op., Phyt., Val., Chi., Dulc, Mez., Thuj.

The antidote for Mercurius is: Aig. (suicidal mania; osteomyelitis, especially of the patella and nasal bones); Hep. (mental symptoms - anxiety; melancholy, suicidal and even homicidal tendencies; bone pain, stomatitis, ulcers and stomach symptoms); Nit. ac. (periostitis, damage to bone and fibrous tissue; increased bone pain at night; It's a dull pain in the legs in damp weather; ulcers in the throat, especially as a manifestation of secondary syphilis); Chi. (chronic drooling); Dulc. (increased salivation every time the weather changes to dampness);

K. iod. (combined effect of syphilis and mercury intoxication with damage to bones, periosteum, lymph nodes; ozena; thin, watery runny nose with irritation of the upper lip; recurring colds against the background of mercury intoxication, the slightest exposure to damp air causes a runny nose; heat in the eyes, lacrimation, swelling around the eyes; neuralgic pain in one or both cheeks; swelling and nasal congestion along with a runny, profuse, irritating runny nose; sore throat due to the slightest adverse effect);

Kali mur. (scurvy with bad breath); Asa, (bone damage; hypersensitivity of the affected parts of the body; severe soreness of the bones of the orbits); Staph, (emaciated state, exhaustion, sallow complexion, dark circles under the eyes, loose gums, ulcers on the tongue); Iod. (damage to lymph nodes and glands); Mez. (damage to the nervous system; neuralgic pain in the face, eyes, other localization); Bell., Caps., Carb. v., Fer., Guaiac, Stilling., SuL, Thuj. “if all symptoms coincide, Mercurius in high dilutions” (Guernsey). Incompatible drugs: Sil. (Mercurius should never be given immediately after Sil., and vice versa). Mercurius follows well: Aso., Bell., Hep., Lach., Sul. Mercurius is well followed by: Ars., Asaf., Bell., Calc, Chi., Lye, Nit. ac, Pho., Pui, Rhus, Sep., Sul.

Compare: Bell, (a close analogue, often additional means; brewing abscess; difficulty swallowing liquids; acute pain in the tonsils; pain occurs suddenly); Hep. (chilliness; feeling of a pain in the throat); Mepu. (feeling of cold in the ears); Puis, (thick yellow discharge from the nose, but in Puis it is never irritating; otitis); Nuxv. (runny nose and sore throat, with Nuxv. characterized by a scratching sensation, Merc. - rawness, pinching; dysentery - in Nuxv. tenesmus stops after defecation, but in Merc it does not stop, the patient feels as if “the tenesmus will never release him from the toilet"); A co. (dysentery occurring when the days are hot and the nights are cold; A co. often precedes Merc., while Sul. in the same condition often follows); Lept. (bilious disorders, extremely foul stool - after stool, Lept. still has abdominal cramps, but no tenesmus); Dig. (gonorrhea); Euphr. (eye damage);

Ars. (Merc. is aggravated by warmth, but ameliorated by resting in bed, while Ars. is ameliorated by warmth, but aggravated by resting in bed); Sul. (itching, pustules, eczema); Spo. (orchitis); Pho. (profuse sweat without relief); Ant. With. (dirty coating on tongue; inflammation of eyes, worse from bright fire or sunlight); Arg.n. (eye damage); Kalii. (stitching pain in the lungs; in Merc, it occurs in the right or left lung and shoots in different directions; stitches Kal. i. extend from the sternum to the back and are worse from the slightest movement); Borax (stomatitis); Coloc. (dysentery - the symptoms of Coloc. are relieved after defecation, and in Mercurius they are intensified); Chel. (bilious pneumonia); Cham, (diarrhea during teething); Caust. (gonorrhea); Mag. t. (pain in the liver, aggravated by touch and when lying on the right side); Plumb, and Chi. s. (testicular damage);

Syph. (syphilis; worse from heat of stove or bed; worse at night); Lyс. (hepatitis; painful sensitivity; spread of the process from right to left; rough, suede-like tongue; nausea immediately after eating); Sui, Puls, and Cham, (worse at night in bed); Nit. ac. (swarthy, dark-haired patients; Merc. - blond); Crocus (nasal bleeding of viscous blood, stretching in threads); Sang, (clogged tongue); Vgu. (tongue rough as suede; worse from motion; feeling of a stone in the stomach);

Apis (burning pain; offensive odor; ovarian lesions); Sabal. (burning pain in the ovaries); Dolichos (itching gums; jaundice); Magn m. coust, (ulceration of nails); Psor. and Medorrh. (fetid body odor); Am. (bad breath); Mez. (dental caries: in Merc. - crowns; in Meg. - roots); Led. and Sars. (bloody semen); Sul. (itching of the vulva, worsens at night and from contact with urine, which has to be washed off each time); Lac. With. and Con. (pain in the mammary glands, as if ulcerated, can be traced to the menstrual cycle); Chel. and Kal. With. (lower lobe lesion right lung; punctures extend to the back); Kal. With. (purulent processes in the lungs after pulmonary hemorrhage); Pic. ac. (boils in the ear canal); Teusg. and Thuj. (polyps); Can. i. (time goes by too slowly); Dulc. (sensitivity to cold and dampness; colds affect the eyes; rashes with peeling); Graph, (runny nose during menstruation; in Mag. s. - runny nose and sore throat before and during menstruation; in Merc, - dull pain in the forehead with chills, especially in women, with a runny nose, worse before menstruation and during her time).


Fright. Suppression of gonorrhea. Suppressing foot sweating.


1. Psyche - Severe anxiety and restlessness (the patient constantly moves from place to place), agitation, with fear of going crazy or with deep mental anguish, usually in the evenings or at night in bed, as if he had committed a terrible crime. ( Postpartum psychosis; the patient is trying to throw the child into the fire.) Stupor; coma. Mental depression with severe lethargy, indecisiveness, fear of work and aversion to life. Extreme indifference to everything. Doesn't even remember food. Concerns. Desire to run away due to anxiety and foreboding at night. Bad mood, malice, prone to fits of rage, strong touchiness, tendency to quarrel, distrust and suspicion. Sullenness and aversion to society. Moans. Constantly moans and wails. Excitement and strong excitement; timidity. The consequences of fright, as a result of which a state of severe anxiety persists, worsening at night. Nostalgia with night anxiety and sweating.

Absent-mindedness, the patient cannot concentrate. Complete inability to think, often makes mistakes when speaking. Slowly answers questions. Weakness of memory and will. Confusion of thoughts that constantly crowd out each other. Exuberant excitement. Delirium; delirium tremens. Dementia; imbecility. Mumbling delirium. Attacks of mania or dementia with tearfulness. Fast, hasty speech. Loss of consciousness and speech. Insanity with aversion to liquids.

2. Head - Confusion of thoughts, as if intoxicated, with dizziness, disturbing mainly in the morning on waking and getting up. Dizziness usually occurs when standing up or raising the head, or when the patient sits or lies on his back (dizziness with headache); also during or after walking in the open air, or in the morning, often with nausea, darkening of the eyes, excruciating fever and desire to lie down. Systemic dizziness. Dullness and dizziness.

Heaviness, fullness and aching in the head, with a sensation as if the forehead were tied with a tight bandage, or as if the skull were about to burst (with a feeling of fullness in the brain). (In the evenings) painful hypersensitivity of the brain, with fatigue from noise, with relief when resting the head on the hands. Pressing headache, head as if in a vice, nausea; worse in the open air, after sleeping, eating or drinking; better indoors. Extremely severe headache, causing head to be clutched in hands.

Severe, constant, tearing pain from the back of the head, spreading to the forehead, where it acquires a pressing character. Heat and burning, or tearing and drawing pain, or shootings in the head, often only in one half, radiating to the ears, teeth and neck. Burning in the head, especially in the left temple, worse at night when lying in bed, better when sitting up. Inflammation of the brain with burning and throbbing in the forehead, with a feeling of a tight band on the head; worse at night and better on rising. Weakness in the head, dullness, with a sensation of vibration in the forehead and a need to move the head. Constant rotational movements of the head, even while lying down. Flushes of blood with boring beats and pulsation in the head. Pain, as if bruised, in the forehead, in bed in the morning.

Night headache. Pain in the bones of the skull, especially in the protruding parts. Open seams; big head; early mental development. Head enlargement; scalp soreness; acute burning pain in the periosteum of the skull bones. Sensation of subcutaneous ulcer all over the head; worse at night when warm in bed; better after getting up. Tearing pain in one (left) side of the head and temple, extending from the neck, with intolerable heat and sweating; worse at night and in warm bed; better in the morning and in a lying position, at rest.

Tension in the forehead, as if from a tight band placed on the head, worse at night in bed; better after standing up and when supporting your head with your hands. Rush of blood and heat to the head. Hydrocephalus, Sensation of scalp tension. Scalp soreness when touched; worse from scratching (the patient scratches the skin until it bleeds). Tearing and stinging pain in the bones of the skull. Itching of the scalp, as well as the skin of the forehead and temples; worse from scratching, which causes bleeding and inflammation of the skin, resembling erysipelas.

Dry, stinging, burning, fetid rashes in the form of yellow crusts on the front of the head and temples, then inflammation with itching, later acquiring the character of erysipelas. Exostoses with a feeling of a subcutaneous ulcer when touched and worsening pain at night in bed. Open fontanelles with a dirty complexion, restless sleep and night sweat with a sour smell. Hair loss, mainly on the sides of the head and temples; in combination with a weeping rash on the head or after the release of sticky sweat on the head; with itching in bed at night; worse scratching; burning; severe sweating. Severe chills with squeezing-tearing pain in the scalp, extending from the forehead to the neck. Oily sweat on the head with a fetid sour odor, icy coldness of the forehead with a burning sensation in the skin; worse at night in bed, better after getting up. Dry rashes on the scalp; small crusts on the scalp, sometimes with burning itching; weeping crusts with scalp irritation and hair damage. Sweat on the scalp and forehead, sometimes cold and sticky.

3. Eyes - Cloudy, dull, with blue circles around them. Sensation of pressure in the eyes, as if from sand, mainly when looking closely at an object. Shooting, itching, tingling and burning in the eyes, occurring mainly in the fresh air. The eyes are red, inflamed, with redness of the conjunctiva and cornea, injection of the vessels of the cornea or the vessels of the outer corners of the eyes. Profuse lacrimation, mainly in the morning. Blurred vision. Amaurosis with opacification in the left eye. Twitching of eyelids. Hypersensitivity of the eyes to light and bright fire. The light of the fire is very blinding to the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes with swelling and eversion of the eyelids. Pupil dilation. Cannot open eyes properly, as if eyelids were glued to eyeballs. Pustules on the conjunctiva and ulceration of the cornea. The eyelids are red, inflamed, swollen, ulcerated at the edges and covered with crusts. Sensation of a cutting object stuck under the eyelid. Swelling of the eyelid, as with barley. Gluing of eyelids at night. Spasmodic closing of the eyes with difficulty opening them. Crusts on the skin around the eyes. Amblyopia and blurred vision; sensation as if looking through a thick fog (periodic loss of vision); black dots, flies, lights and sparks in the field of view. When reading, letters jump before your eyes.

4. Ears - Tearing, shooting and drawing pain in the ears, sometimes with a feeling of coldness, as if there were ice in the ear; worse from warmth of bed. Sensation of ice water flowing from the ear; this sensation occurs suddenly, lasts several minutes, disappears, then resumes; Periodically occurring extremely severe itching in the ears. Inflammation of the middle ear and auditory tube, with spasmodic and shooting pains. Soreness is felt inside the ear. Swelling of the external ear canal with severe pain in the ear when chewing. Small ulcers located in front of the left eardrum. Extrusion of pus from the ear canal with ulceration of the external ear. Irritation and ulceration auricle. Purulent otorrhea and fungal growths in the ears, with tearing pain in the head on the affected side and in the face. Discharge of blood from the ears. Heavy discharge earwax. Subcutaneous swelling, as well as pimples, weeping and covered with crusts, on the earlobe.

Deterioration of hearing, sometimes with congestion in the ears, which relieves when swallowing or blowing the nose (or congestion is provoked by enlarged tonsils), or with a pronounced echo of all sounds in the ears. Ringing, roaring, tinkling and buzzing in the ears, usually in the evenings. Constant noise in the ears. Painful sensitivity, inflammation and swelling parotid glands. Inflammation and swelling of the right parotid gland with stinging pain.

5. Nose - Changes in the bones of the nose (outer bones - the bridge of the nose can bulge greatly in both directions) with painful sensitivity to touch. Itchy nose. Tension, pressure and heaviness in the nose. Blackish tint to the skin of the nose. Inflammation, swelling and shiny redness of the nose, with itching. Crusts in the nose (bleeding when separated). Discharge of greenish, corrosive and offensive pus from the nose. "Children with dirty noses." Frequent and heavy nosebleeds, even during sleep and sometimes when coughing. Nasal congestion and dryness. Frequent sneezing. Dry rhinitis with nasal congestion or runny nose with copious corrosive serous discharge. Foul odor from the nose. Painful pustules in the nose.

6. Face - Pale or yellowish or leaden or sallow (with dull eyes). A haggard, distorted face. Bluish-red circles under the eyes. Feverish heat and redness of the cheeks. Swelling and puffiness of the face, mainly around the eyes. Swelling of one side (right) of the face with heat and pain in the teeth. Swelling of the cheek. Tearing pain in the bones and muscles (on one side) of the face. Aching and stitching pain in the zygomatic process. Feeling of tension in the skin of the face and head. Facial sweating. Red eczematous spots on the skin of the face. Yellowish crusts on the skin of the face, through which a fetid fluid seeps, with constant itching, day and night; bleeding after scratching. Milk scab. The lips are rough, dry, blackish, with a burning sensation when touched. Salty taste on the lips. Swelling and ulceration of lips.

Yellow crusts, purulent pustules and small ulcers on the lips and chin. Burning pimples on lips with yellow crusts. Cracks and ulcers on the lips and corners of the mouth. Curvature of the mouth line and convulsive movements of the lips. Spasm masticatory muscles making speech difficult. Atrophy and thinning alveolar processes. Clenching of the jaw due to inflammation and swelling lower jaw and neck muscle tension. Trismus with burning pain and enlargement of the parotid glands, with or without throbbing or shooting pain. Osteomyelitis of the jaws. Facial paralysis due to hypothermia, left- or right-sided (almost a specific remedy - R. T. Cooper).

7. Teeth - Tearing, shooting or throbbing pain in the teeth affected by caries or in the roots of the teeth, often radiating to the ears and the entire cheek of the affected side, sometimes with painful swelling of the cheek or submandibular lymph nodes, drooling and chills. Night throbbing pain in the teeth, radiating to the ears. Toothache appears or intensifies, usually in the evenings or at night, in the warmth of bed, when it becomes unbearable; renews from fresh air, as well as during food and when something cold or hot gets into the mouth. The teeth are set on edge, the teeth turn black, become loose (become painful when touched with the tongue), the gums peel off from the teeth, and the teeth fall out.

Itching, burning and redness of the gums. The gums are loose and bleed easily. Bleeding gums even at the slightest touch. The gums recede from the teeth and swell, mainly at night, with burning pain and a feeling of stripped mucous membrane when touching them, as well as during eating. The gums are purplish-bluish and extremely sensitive. The upper edge of the gums stands out and becomes white shade and becomes covered with sores. The gums are swollen, with white, raised, ulcerated, pointed edges. Ulceration of lips.

8. Mouth—The mouth remedy generally corresponds to all affections of the mouth and throat; right half of the pharynx; right side of neck; the back of the neck (i.e., lesions of any of these parts of the body); Mercurius is rarely indicated for dry tongue (Guernsey).] Fetid breath. A bluish tint, irritation, inflammation and swelling of the oral mucosa. Burning pain, vesicles, blisters, aphthae and ulcers in the mouth. Pain in the mouth.

Feeling of dry mouth and palate or accumulation of viscous saliva. Ulceration of the outlet openings of the ducts of the salivary glands with profuse secretion of extremely foul-smelling saliva, sometimes bloody (or viscous). Islands of irritation on the mucous membrane of the tongue in children, with a desire for fat (v).

Induration, inflammation and swelling (suppuration) and ulceration of the tongue with shooting pain. Long crack on tongue with stitching pain. Sensation of needles in the tip of the tongue. The tongue is swollen, flabby, soft, with teeth marks along the edges. The tongue is red and swollen; ulcerated; black, with red edges; wet with intense thirst; with gray spots along the edges and with a dirty yellow coating on the upper part. Aphthae in the mouth; bluish and spongy; ulcers spread over the surface without penetrating into soft fabrics. Inflammation and superficial ulceration of the oral mucosa. The salivary glands are swollen and painful; saliva is foul-smelling or has a coppery taste. Stiffness, numbness and immobility of the tongue. Sensation as if tongue were burned. Trembling tongue. Rapid speech with stuttering; complete inability to speak.

Loss of speech or voice; the patient hears and understands everything, but can only respond with gestures and facial expressions; haggard face, crying because of his illness; cannot sleep, feels completely exhausted; a good appetite, desire for beer; stool and urination are not changed; the condition lasted three days; complete recovery under Hyosciamus. Ranula (sublingual cyst). Ulceration and osteomyelitis of the palate.

9. Throat - Prolonged painful dryness in the throat; while the mouth is full of saliva. Painful dryness in the throat, making it difficult to speak. Pain, as if the mucous membrane had been torn off, or a tingling sensation in the throat or a sensation of heat spreading into the throat. Shooting pain in the throat and tonsils, mainly when swallowing. Elongation and swelling of the uvula. Suppuration of the tonsils. Pressure and pain, as if from irritation or ulceration, in the esophagus. Syphilitic ulcers in the mouth and throat. Inflammation, swelling and redness of the back of the mouth and throat. Erysipelas of the soft tissues of the mouth and throat. Inflammation and redness of the palate. Sore throat, especially with stinging pain, worse from empty swallowing, at night and in cold air. The throat and pharynx are swollen, copper-red in color.

Accumulation of thick, viscous mucus in the throat. Feeling of swelling or foreign body in the throat that you always want to swallow. Constant desire to swallow. Sensation as if a worm is crawling from the esophagus into the throat and one always wants to swallow it, so the patient constantly swallows, why the feeling it goes away for a while, although the patient does not feel anything going down into the esophagus. When swallowing, shooting occurs in the tonsils and punctures in the ears. Painful, difficult, sometimes spasmodic swallowing with the threat of suffocation. Burning in the throat, as if hot vapors were rising from the stomach, with dryness in the throat when swallowing and a constant desire to swallow, and with accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Can't swallow either the slightest amount fluid that comes out of the nose. Sore throat often radiates to the ears, parotid, submandibular glands and cervical lymph nodes; The pain in most cases intensifies from empty swallowing, as well as at night, in the fresh air and when talking, and is often combined with hypersalivation.

10. Appetite - Putrid, salty, sweetish or metallic taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in the mouth, usually on an empty stomach, in the morning. Rye bread has a bitter or sweetish taste. Sour and slimy taste during eating and at other times. Salty taste on the lips. Intense burning thirst, day and night, with desire for cold drinks, especially milk and beer. Desire for wine and vodka. Insatiable hunger (or complete loss of appetite) against the backdrop of the fact that any food seems tasteless. Desire only bread and butter; aversion to oil. Bulimia with severe weakness. Wolfish hunger, even after eating. Loss of appetite. The patient does not want to eat, but when he sits down at the table, he enjoys the food. Thirst is more pronounced than appetite. Fills up quickly. Sensation as if the stomach was full and compressed. Aversion to any food, especially solid food, meat, sweets, cooked food, coffee. The patient does not like dry food, but likes juicy, watery food.

Severe weakness of digestion, with a prolonged feeling of hunger and a feeling of pressure in the stomach, frequent belching, heartburn and other unpleasant phenomena that occur after eating. Bread feels heavy in the stomach.

Stomach - Severe nausea and vomiting, often with piercing and pressing pain in the stomach, chest and abdomen, anxiety and restlessness, headache, dizziness, darkening of the eyes and hot flashes. Nausea is often worse after eating, and is accompanied by a feeling in the throat as if something heavily sweetened with sugar had been eaten. Belching air. Belching, mainly after eating, often with a putrid, bitter, sour or rancid taste. Violent belching of air. Belching (eaten) after eating and drinking. Heartburn, belching of rancid liquid and hiccups during and after meals. Vomiting and vomiting of mucous or bitter substances or bile. Violent vomiting with convulsive movements. Extremely severe burning pain and severe sensitivity of the stomach and chest area (especially to touch). Tension, a feeling of fullness and pressure in the pit of the stomach, as if there were a heavy stone lying there, mainly during and after eating, even from the smallest quantity; a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and its sagging down. Acute compressive pain in the chest area. Cramping pain in the stomach, even after eating a small amount.

12. Abdomen - Painful tenderness of the liver with shooting and burning pain, aggravated by the slightest movement of the body or the affected area. The liver area is bulging and painfully sensitive to touch; the patient cannot lie on the affected side. Chronic atrophy of the liver with emaciation and exhaustion of the whole body. Enlargement and hardening of the liver. Jaundice. The abdomen is hard, retracted, painful to the touch, especially in the navel area. Colic that only stops when lying down. Severe colic (with diarrhea): cutting, stabbing pain, painful contractions and squeezing cramps in the abdomen, mainly at night or in the cool evening, especially when touching any cold object.

Tension, distension and heaviness, as if from a stone, in the abdomen, mainly in the navel (with soreness when touched). Burning in the abdomen, around the navel. Severe, unbearable pain in the abdomen, stopping only when lying down. Abdominal pain during chills. Sensation as if the intestines were not fastened in the abdomen and dangled while walking. When lying on the right side, there is a feeling as if all the intestines were beaten.

Abdominal pain is often accompanied by chills or fever with reddening of the cheeks, as well as severe sensitivity of the abdomen and chest area to any contact or the slightest pressure. Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Flatulence, mainly at night, with bloating, rumbling and violent peristalsis. Cutting and punctures in the lower abdomen, spreading from right to left; worse while walking. Tension, aching pain and sharp blows, like a knife, in the groin. Inflammation of the peritoneum and intestines. Boring pain in right groin area. Blockage and inflammation, enlargement inguinal lymph nodes, with redness and painful sensitivity when walking and standing.

Damage to the medial parts of the liver; abdomen, with tension in the abdominal wall and painful sensitivity; damage to the inguinal ring, right or left (H. N. G.). Soreness, tension, heat, tenderness and swelling in the projection area of ​​the ileum or cecum. Ulceration and suppuration of the inguinal lymph nodes. Buboes. Abdomen cold to touch.

13. Stool and anus - Stool: acrid; bloody; lumpy; mixed with pus; viscous. Complaints precede the passage of stool (immediately before defecation, lightheadedness and a painful fainting state occur). Complaints during bowel movements; tenesmus; tenesmus does not lead to the passage of stool; mucous diarrhea (Mercurius is rarely indicated in the absence of mucus in the stool - N. N. G.). Constipation with hard, sticky, lumpy stools that do not pass without straining. The stool is small; in the form of a ribbon. Barren though frequent urge to defecation, especially at night, sometimes with tenesmus, protrusion hemorrhoids and nausea. Liquid, dysenteric stool, usually at night, with colic and severe pain, persistent urge to defecate, tenesmus and burning in the anus; with heartburn, nausea and belching, anxiety, heat or cold sweat on the face, chills and trembling, emaciation and trembling of all limbs.

Diarrhea (preceded by colic) occurring in the open air in the evening. Chills between attacks of diarrhea. Nausea and belching during diarrhea. Scanty discharge of bloody mucus. The stool is slimy, bilious, putrid, acrid, greenish, brownish, reddish, yellowish like sulfur, or grayish-white. Pasty stools that are foamy or resemble minced meat. Stool in the form of a corrosive and burning mass. Discharge of bloody mucus in combination with colic and tenesmus; dysentery. Passage of blood or mucus from the rectum, even if the stool is not liquid or does not occur at all, sometimes with tenesmus. Protrusion of hemorrhoids. Excavation of roundworms and others roundworms. Itching, shooting and irritation in the anus. Rectal prolapse; the anus has a blackish and bloody appearance. Discharge of either undigested food, a black mass, or a mass similar to minced meat; discharge of blood and mucus, undigested food with a sour odor and irritation of the anus.

14. Urinary organs - Urine is acrid; cloudy; often stands out; various complaints during and after urination. Damage to the urethra. Prolonged urge to urinate, day and night, sometimes with fruitless efforts or scanty discharge. Very weak stream of urine. Sudden irresistible urges. Frequent and copious passage of urine, as in diabetes, severe exhaustion of the patient. Involuntary urination.

Frequent urge to urinate with inability to hold urine. Amount of fluid released more quantity drunk liquid. Nocturnal enuresis. Discharge of urine drop by drop. Urine: deep yellow, or red, brown, or white, as if chalk or flour were mixed in it, or the color of blood. Foul-smelling, cloudy urine followed by sedimentation. Bloody urine with a pungent or sour odor. Corrosive and burning urine. Thick sediment in the urine. White flocculent turbidity in the urine (or purulent impurity); scanty; fiery red. Discharge of thick or flaky mucus or white strings during or after urination. Discharge of blood from the urethra. Piercing and constricting pain in the region of the kidneys at night. Throbbing, piercing pain, burning and shooting in the urethra, even without urination. Inflammation of the external opening of the urethra with thick, yellowish or serous whitish discharge. Thick greenish (or yellow) discharge from the urethra, more profuse at night, (gonorrheal), with phimosis; chancroid.

15. Male genital organs - Increased sexual desire and lust with frequent erections and wet dreams. Reactions: even in small boys, lasting all night, causing exhaustion; the child constantly tugs and tugs at the foreskin, which can lead to death from exhaustion; the same constant tugging of the penis can also occur in adults; it is provoked by something like itching and the feeling “that you want to do this”; accumulation of smegma around the head of the penis. - N.N.G.] Complete sexual impotence. Painful nocturnal erections, sometimes bloody emissions. The penis is small, cold, flabby. The head of the penis is flabby and cold. Voluptuous itching, tingling, tearing and shooting pain in the glans penis and foreskin. Swelling or inflammatory pastiness of the foreskin, sometimes with burning pain, cracks and rashes. Burning in the urethra during intercourse. Accumulation of pus between the foreskin and the glans, sometimes with pastiness, heat and redness of the anterior part of the penis.

Swelling of the lymphatic vessels along the penis. Vesicles and phagodenic ulcers (chancres) with a greasy or cheesy base and raised edges, on the glans and foreskin. Feeling of coldness in the testicles. The testicles are enlarged and hardened, with a glossy redness of the scrotum, drawing pain in the testicles and spermatic cords. Itching, tingling and shooting in the testicles. Profuse sweating of the genitals when walking. Irritation where the thighs and genitals meet. Peeling of the skin of the scrotum.

16. Female genital organs - Suppression of menstruation. Menses too profuse, accompanied by restlessness and colic. Metrorrhagia. Bloody discharge from elderly woman, twelve years after the cessation of menstruation. Before the onset of menstruation: dry heat, “boiling of the blood” and rush of blood to the head.

Rush of blood to the uterus. Inflammation of the uterus and ovaries. During menstruation: redness of the tongue with dark and burning spots, salty taste in the mouth, sore lips and white gums. Beli; complaints combined with leucorrhoea. The discharge of leucorrhoea is always worse at night; greenish leucorrhoea; pinching and corrosive, with itching and burning after scratching.

Purulent, corrosive leucorrhoea with itching of the genitals; with relief after washing with cold water. Hard bumps on the skin of the labia majora. Itchy pimples and nodules on the skin of the labia. Itching of the genitals, worse after contact with urine. Inflammation and swelling of the vagina with rawness and a feeling of torn mucous membranes. Swelling of the labia with heat, hardness, glossy redness, marked sensitivity to touch and burning, throbbing and shooting pain. Prolapse of the uterus and vagina; the patient feels relief after intercourse. Infertility due to very heavy menstruation.

There are never any problems with sexual intercourse, which almost always results in conception. Hardening and engorgement of the mammary glands, with pain as if from an ulcer (during each menstruation); or with suppuration and real ulceration; ulcers in the nipple area. Discharge of milk from the mammary glands instead of menstruation; galactorrhea in boys and girls. The baby refuses the breast.

17. Respiratory organs - Cold with feverish chills, hypochondria, aversion to all food and constipation. A cold with cough, hoarseness, runny nose and sore throat. Constant hoarseness and loss of voice. Nasality. Burning and tingling in the larynx with hoarseness. Dry cough: sometimes debilitating and shaking the whole body, usually in bed, in the evening or at night, also during sleep and on waking in the morning, provoked by a tickling or a feeling of dryness in the chest, aggravated by talking. Cough caused by irritation in the stomach. Convulsive cough with urge to vomit. Spasmodic cough (whooping cough); two attacks quickly follow one another, they are provoked by tickling in the larynx and upper parts chest; The cough occurs at night (there is no cough during the day), accompanied by expectoration of acrid yellowish sputum, sometimes mixed with blood clots, with a putrid or salty taste.

The cough is worse in the night air, at night and when lying on the left side. Shortness of breath (feeling of spasmodic muscle contractions when coughing and sneezing). Pain in head and chest when coughing, as if they would burst; shootings in the back of the head; raw pain in the chest and pain in the lower back. The urge to vomit and attacks of suffocation when coughing. Cough with expectoration of clear blood. Hemoptysis in tuberculosis. Hoarse cough with a feeling of dryness and shooting in the throat.

18. Chest - Difficulty breathing, as if short of air, or loud, rapid breathing. Bad breath. Increased breathing when climbing stairs and walking quickly. Anxious tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing with a desire to take a deep breath, mainly after eating or during attacks of suffocation at night and in the evening when lying in bed (on the left side). Feeling of dryness in the chest. Lack of air with spasms and tension in the chest at the slightest movement or attempt to speak, while the patient feels as if he is dying. Acute pain and a feeling of bruising in the chest muscles.

Aching pain in the chest, sometimes radiating to the back, with the inability to take a full breath. Burning in the chest, sometimes spreading to the throat. Rawness and burning in the chest. Sharp punctures (like stabs with a knife) in the chest and sides, as well as in the back, mainly during breathing movements, sneezing and coughing. Punctures in right half chest, extending from the scapula; pneumonia. Sensation of spasm or bloating; pain like irritation or ulcers in the chest. Suppuration of the lungs after pulmonary hemorrhage or pneumonia. Emphysema.

19. Heart - Palpitations occur with the slightest effort. Fainting. Collapse.

20. Neck and back - Burning and drawing pain in the back and back of the neck. Compaction of lymph nodes. Stiffness and rheumatic changes in the cervical spine and the entire neck. Shootings in the muscles of the neck. Enlargement, inflammation and swelling cervical lymph nodes with shooting and pressing pain. Shooting pain, looseness and weakness in the lower back. Pain, as if from a bruise, in the sacrum, back and shoulder blades. Erysipelas spreading from the back, in the form of a belt, around the abdomen (herpes zoster).

22. Upper limbs - Acute (rheumatic) pain in the shoulders and arms, mainly at night and when moving them. Twitching in hands and fingers. Heat, redness and swelling (arthritis) of the elbow joint, spreading to the hand. Itchy miliary rash on the skin of the hands. Scaly and burning eczema on the skin of the forearm and wrist. Trembling in hands with weakness; the patient can neither dress nor eat on his own. Cracking, weakness, feeling of paralysis in the hands. Sweaty palms. Rash on the hands, reminiscent of a weeping scabies rash, with severe itching at night. Spasmodic contractions of the hands and fingers. Swelling of the finger joints. Deep bleeding cracks on the hands and fingers. Spasmodic pain and stiffness in the arms when moving them. Stiffness in the wrists. Painful stiffness of the right wrist joint. Ulceration of nails. Peeling of nails. Numbness of fingers.

23. Lower limbs - Sharp piercing (rheumatic) pain in the hip joints, as well as in the thighs and knees, usually at night and on movement, often accompanied by a sensation of coldness in the affected parts of the body. Tearing pain in hips and knees; worse at night; or throbbing pain against the background of beginning suppuration. Burning in buttocks. Irritation at the contact points between the thighs and genitals. Burning in the periosteum of the tibia. Drawing pain in the tibia. Severe weakness, heaviness and painful fatigue in the thighs and legs. Weakness in the knees; they bend, and the patient can hardly stand. Feeling of stiffness, numbness and spasms in the thighs. Itchy pimples on the skin of the thighs. Edema, transparent swelling on the thighs and legs. Swelling of the legs. Tension in the back of the thighs, with a sensation of shortening of the tendons. Itchy miliary rash on the skin of the legs. Eczema on the skin of the thighs and legs. Cramps in the legs, spasms calf muscles and toes. Swelling of the instep or heel, with sharp or shooting pain. Torque pain in foot. Cold sweat stop. Soreness and swelling of the metatarsal bones. Swelling of fingers. Ulceration of nails.

24. General - Swelling of the face, hands and feet combined with anemia. Cellulite is a lumpy unevenness of the skin anywhere on the body. Periostitis with necrosis. Tearing and drawing pain or shooting pain in the limbs, mainly at night, in the warmth of the bed, and the pain becomes unbearable. Inflammation and swelling with glossy redness of the skin. Inflammation progressing to suppuration and ulceration. Bone pain at night. Softening of the bones, expressed to such an extent that they bend (rickets); bone damage, osteomyelitis; bone inflammation; stitching and tearing pain in bones. Damage to the shoulder blades; shin bones. Symptoms are worse at night or in the evenings, also in the fresh (evening) air. Throbbing pain, pain as if from a dislocation, arthritic pain in the joints, with swelling. Rheumatic and catarrhal inflammation. Rheumatic pain with profuse sweat, which brings no relief. The patient feels much better in the morning and at rest, especially when lying down; worse sitting and walking.

The whole body feels bruised, with soreness in all the bones. Great restlessness in the limbs, with pain in the joints, mainly in the evening. Severe fatigue, weakness, quick loss strength, combined with severe mental and physical anxiety. Flushing of blood, palpitations, often with trembling, occurring at the slightest effort. Rush of blood (to the head, chest, abdomen) and bleeding. Limbs often go numb. Spasms in various parts of the body. Spasms, convulsive movements, epileptic attacks at night with screaming, tension of the whole body, bloating, itching in the nose and thirst. Feeling of coldness in the outer parts of the body; burning, cutting in the internal parts; punctures in the outer parts; punctures in the bones. Earthy complexion. Belching; vomiting bile. Blackening of the skin; bleeding from internal parts of the body; restlessness throughout the body; inflammation of internal parts of the body, as well as mucous membranes; copious secretion of mucus by all mucous membranes.

Scurvy, especially against the background of severe salivation; thinning of soft tissues; post-inflammatory strictures; inflammation and swelling; redness of the usually white parts of the body; shingles. Tonic convulsions; tetanus. Cataleptic rigidity of the whole body. Fainting. Paralysis of individual limbs. Weight loss and dystrophy of the whole body. Irritable state and hypersensitivity of all organs. The patient cannot lie on his right side.

25. Skin - Yellow tint to the skin, leaves sweat yellow spots on linen. The skin is dirty yellow, dry and rough. (Jaundice.) Enlargement, inflammation and ulceration of the lymph nodes, with throbbing and shooting pain, with thick swelling, redness and shine of the skin, or with no visible skin manifestations.

Miliary rash, urticaria, pimples, pustules or purulent rashes. Exanthema: burning; similar to smallpox (therefore, when dealing with smallpox, it is worth remembering this remedy); scarlet; swollen skin; purulent rash with ulceration; bruises, black and blue spots, without previous injuries. Erysipelas.

Brown areas of skin necrosis. Eczema; with burning; with suppuration. Ulcers; with burning edges; with tight edges; with discharge of bloody pus; corrosive pus; ichorous pus; with very scanty discharge; very thin discharge; with thick, viscous, viscous pus; with swelling and inflammation; with greasy bottom; with stitching, throbbing pain; with painful edges; with swelling around the edges. Flat, painless ulcers, pale, covered with mucous pus; on the scalp, skin of the penis and other places. Primary and secondary syphilis; round copper-red shiny spots on the skin.

Itchy pimples with burning after scratching. A scabies-like rash that bleeds easily. Wounds easily fester (with the development of gangrene). Red and raised spots; liver spots; spots resembling scurvy. Small and very itchy pimples that ulcerate and crust over.

Areas of eczema, irritation, weeping, or dry, itchy, flaky eczema. Peeling of the skin. Ulcers: phagodenic; or bluish, mushroom-shaped, bleeding easily; or superficial, initially looking like insect bites; or with the discharge of ichorous and corrosive pus.

Chancroid ulcers. Intense and voluptuous itching of the skin of the whole body, more often in the morning or at night, aggravated by the warmth of the bed, sometimes with a burning sensation after scratching. Thickening of the periosteum; exostoses and osteomyelitis; joint abscesses; severe brittleness of nails.

26. Sleep - Marked drowsiness, day and night; long and deep sleep. Severe daytime sleepiness. The patient feels drowsy, but cannot fall asleep. Sleeps late in the evenings or wakes up too early. Sleeps late; painful symptoms that interfere with sleep (toothache, pain in any other location, etc.); insomnia most often before midnight. Very shallow and restless sleep with frequent awakenings, startling and fearfulness.

Insomnia due to nervous excitement. Dreams are frequent, disturbing, terrible, fantastic, historical, vivid and voluptuous; robbers dream that the patient was bitten by a dog, a revolution, a flood, gunshots, etc. At night there is excitement, anxiety, restlessness, tossing in bed, pain, fever or sweating, cardiovascular paroxysms, screams, crying, palpitations, dizziness and many others symptoms.

When falling asleep: the pain intensifies, the patient shudders, he sees frightening ghosts. During sleep: he speaks, groans, sighs, breathing quickens, his mouth opens and his hands become cold; upon awakening, she sweats, screams, cries, and mutters intelligibly.

27. Fever—Chilliness occurs early in the morning on rising, but is worse at night when the patient lies down in bed, with a sensation as if he were being doused with cold water; without relief from the heat of the stove. Chills at night with frequent urination. Chills appear between attacks of diarrhea. Internal chill with heat of face. Heat in bed; chills begin immediately after getting up. Heat after midnight with strong desire for cold drinks. Heat with anxiety and constriction in the chest, alternating with chills.

Sweating in the morning, with thirst and palpitation; from the slightest effort, even while eating. Sweating in the evening, before going to bed. Extremely debilitating night sweats. Sweat does not bring relief and accompanies any ailment. Intermittent fever. Chill in bed in the evening, then fever with intense thirst. Chills and fever without thirst, thirst appears closer to morning; During periods of profuse sweating, palpitations and nausea occur, and the sweat has a sour or foul odor. Coldness, chills and trembling throughout the body, more often after falling asleep, either day and night or only at night, or in the evenings and mornings in bed, sometimes with bluish skin, icy cold hands and feet, muscle twitching, convulsive movements of the head, arms and legs , pain, as if from a bruise, in the limbs, a desire to lie down, trembling in the limbs, acute headache.

Flushing of blood and palpitation with trembling, occurring at the slightest effort. Heat of the face and head with redness and burning of the cheeks, while chills, coldness and trembling are felt throughout the body; or fever alternating with chills and sweating. During hot periods, there is an unquenchable thirst, desire milk and increased pain when opening. Feverish attacks at night or in the evenings, fever against the background of inflammatory symptoms; typhoid fever; adynamic and hectic fever.

The pulse is either arrhythmic, fast, tense and intermittent, or weak, slow and trembling (usually full and fast, with strong pulsation of the arteries). Very profuse liquid sweat, day and night, morning and evening in bed, while eating, sometimes fetid, sticky, sour; or oily, leaving yellow stains on linen and burning the skin. Sweating with nausea and retching, extreme fatigue, thirst, anxiety, shortness of breath, stabbing in the side, etc.

from the book George Vithoulkas, The Essence of Materia Medica

The study of Mercurius is the first example of how the concept of the essence of a drug can clarify the mass of data that seems to overwhelm the student. Mercurius is one of the widely tried and widely used remedies of the Materia Medica and presents a solid array of symptoms for the beginner to study. This is a real textbook of pathological conditions. However, after repeated and prolonged study and reflection on the Materia Medica, it is gradually possible to discern a thread, a theme that runs through this entire preparation. Once it is understood, all the “data” falls into place in one unique image.

For Mercurius, there is no single word or phrase that adequately describes this thread. The main idea is the lack of reaction power combined with instability or ineffectiveness of functions. A healthy body has a defense mechanism, reactivity, which allows it to create a stable, effective balance after exposure to many physical and emotional stimuli in the environment. In Mercurius this force of reaction is weakened, becomes unstable and does not perform its functions. Almost all stimuli are absorbed by the patient without sufficient protection, resulting in a pathological condition.

The lack of defensive power makes the Mercurius patient sensitive to everything. When we study the Materia Medica we find that the Mercurius patient is WORSE from everything - heat, cold, open air, damp weather, change of weather, warmth of the bed, sweating, tension, different foods, etc. On the contrary, there appears to be very little improvement. The patient can absorb very little that would make him comfortable because the system cannot properly adjust to anything. As an interesting demonstration (though not recommended as a general study method), you can look through the "General" section of the repertory for the many rubrics where it is listed in italics or in bold as a drug aggravated or ameliorated by physical influence. There are only 7 areas with improvement (5 of which are related to the situation when the patient lies down) and at the same time 55 rubrics describing deterioration. Because of this extreme vulnerability we see that the Mercurius patient has a very narrow range of tolerance for everything; for example, such a patient feels comfortable only in a very narrow range of temperatures and begins to feel discomfort at the slightest heat or cold.

Intolerance to heat and cold illustrates the instability that characterizes Mercurius's particular weakness. As Kent said, the patient is a “living thermometer.” At one moment he suffers from cold and strives for warmth, and having warmed up, he experiences worsening from heat. This occurs not only during fever, but also chronically. There is also weakness and instability of emotional expression, alternating crying with laughter. Unlike Ignatia, in which this symptom is a manifestation of a hysterical state from uncontrolled emotion, the crying and laughing of Mercurius is due to a more mechanical instability. While crying, Mercurius feels the arising of some mood, which leads to a deviation to the opposite extreme - laughter. Mechanically, laughter and crying are often very similar, and thus Mercurius madness causes the patient to move from one state to the other very easily.

The instability and ineffective functioning of Megcurius can be perfectly illustrated by thinking about the physical state of mercury. If you break mercury thermometer, it turns out that mercury exists in a state between a liquid and a solid. It flows like a liquid, but usually retains its shape to some extent, like a solid. If you try to pick it up with your fingers, it will seem that it is avoiding you: it does not allow itself to be grabbed like a solid body, and does not stick to your skin like a liquid. In its physical form, Mercurius exhibits erratic functioning, similar to how it is unstable and ineffective in its pathological state.

Thus it is easy to see that the weakness of Mercurius is not the same as that of other remedies. Arsenicum may show weakness in the form of prostration, but this is quite different from the instability of Mercurius.

Of course, Arsenicum has many specific pathological symptoms in common with Mercurius, but the intolerance of cold in the Arsenicum patient is relieved by warmth; Of course, it is also true that psychically Arsenicum demonstrates a much greater capacity for reaction - anxiety, incessant mental activity, insight. Also, remedies with very weak reactivity, but without the instability and ineffectiveness of Mercurius, are Stannum, Helonias and Baptisia.

This weakness of Mercurius reaction is not a sudden event. This is a slow and insidious process that can be difficult to understand in the early stages for the patient and therefore the homeopath. It develops so slowly that the patient barely mentions vulnerability to stimuli. By the time a patient consults a homeopath for a particular complaint, most of the symptoms have been forgotten and are no longer considered abnormal. Having learned to adapt to a narrow range of tolerance, the patient reports only the immediate symptoms that brought him to the consultation. In the early stages, patient, skilled and thoughtful questioning is required to identify homeopathic symptoms that may not be different from other people's experiences.

Since the mental state is the center of personality, we will describe in detail the stages of development of pathology at the mental level. The first effect observed is the slowness of the Mercurius mind. The patient answers questions slowly (like Phosphorus and Acidum phosphoricum and other drugs). He is slow to realize what is happening or what is being asked of him. It's not confusion at first or weak memory, but real slowness, misunderstanding, a kind of stupidity. Slowness of mind is, of course, inherent in Calc. carb., but Calcarea is a smart person; having understood the thought, Calcarea can use it effectively. Mercurius is both slow in mind and weak in understanding.

The Mercurius mentality is characterized by some inefficiency at work. Mercurius is one of the remedies characterized by haste and motor restlessness, but this is a rush in which a person does nothing. A task that takes half an hour to solve will take a Mercurius patient one and a half hours. Remedies such as Tarentula, Acidum sulphuricum, Nux vomica and Natrum mur. are also rushing into use. pathological degree, but their work is nevertheless productive and efficient.

The second stage is characterized by impulsiveness. Because of its vulnerability to stimuli from both outside and inside, the Mercurius mind is unable to focus exclusively in one direction. A healthy person can focus his mind on a subject or task, despite the many chaotic thoughts and ideas that may try to interfere. The Mercurius mind does not have the strength for such concentration. Every random thought that comes to his mind becomes an event to which the patient considers it necessary to react. This trait refers to the inefficiency of the mind, but becomes even more extreme as the pathology develops. Eventually the Mercurius patient becomes susceptible to every impulse imaginable. He may have an impulse to hit, break things, kill someone over a slight offense, or even kill a loved one (Mercurius, Nux vomica and Platinum are the only remedies indicated for this impulse).

However, it is not easy for the interviewing physician to see these impulses. The Mercurius patient feels the urge but resists it. This is a closed person, slow to respond, reluctant to reveal his feelings to others. He is sufficiently aware of his position, and knows about his vulnerability to irritants and impulses. Realizing that this sensitivity could bring him trouble, he simply keeps them inside, preventing them from being socially visible. This is a fragile strategy; the person is also vulnerable and must expend considerable energy to maintain control over himself.

As the pathology progresses to the third stage, mental inefficiency, poor understanding, impulsivity and vulnerability ultimately create a paranoid state. The patient feels so vulnerable that he begins to consider everyone his enemies. The fragile control mechanism has failed, so the patient inevitably perceives everyone as an adversary, as someone from whom he must defend himself.

By this time the patient is not truly insane, but sometimes feels that he is going crazy and experiences fears of madness, especially at night.

At the final stage of mental pathology, we do not observe the development of open psychosis, as with many other drugs. Mercurius has such a lack of reaction power that he cannot even generate a state of psychosis. Instead, imbecility develops. It seems as if the mind has softened and is unable to react at all. All stimuli are absorbed, but are no longer conscious.

The sequence of events in the development of Mercurius disease on the physical and mental levels is one of the classic examples of the development of pathology, well understood by the science of homeopathy. Although Mercurius can affect any organ system, most often we see that its “ultimate target” is first the skin and mucous membranes, then the spinal column, and finally the brain. The slow and insidious progression of the disease in these organs suggests that Mercurius may have a special predilection for structures of ectodermal origin. As is well known in biology, the embryo differentiates into three derivative tissues: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Each of these tissues performs its own function in a mature organism. Ectodermal structures include, in particular, the skin and mucous membranes at the surface of the body, the eyes and the nervous system. These are the structures that Mercurius is prone to.

The weakness of the defensive reaction is evident throughout the physical symptomatology of Mercurius. As stated earlier, Mercurius patients have one of the narrowest ranges of heat and cold tolerance of all drugs. Due to weakness defense mechanism There is great instability in the Mercurius system. This is evident in many ways physical symptoms, for which Mercurius is well known.

Mercurius is known for the ease of sweating and the lack of relief from it. Sweating is a normal function designed to cool the body when overheated, as well as to release toxic products. However, in Mercurius the slightest stimulus or exertion causes sweating due to his hypersensitivity. This is an overreaction to a minimal stimulus. Sweating itself then becomes a source of aggravation for a person with such a narrow tolerance range.

Insufficient reaction force is main reason characteristic aggravation of Mercurius from suppressed discharges, such as discharges from otorrhea and other diseases accompanied by suppuration. In Mercurius this suppression occurs very easily under orthodox treatment. Unlike the healthy defense, which ultimately has the power to restore the secretions in one form or another, the Mercurius system simply absorbs the disease-causing influence, allowing it to cause pathology at a deeper level.

There is a tendency to chronic suppurations of all kinds, which can persist for many years. There is simply not enough defense power to eliminate the infection and so a stalemate ensues until the homeopath intervenes and suppresses the infection to a deeper level.

Mercurius has many ulcers, especially on the skin and mucous membranes (aphthae). These are phagedenic ulcers that the body cannot get rid of and therefore allows them to insidiously spread over ever wider areas.

When suppuration or ulceration occurs in Mercurius, Mercurius has insufficient strength to fight it, and so progressive decay occurs. This is best seen by the decay of the gums. The gums are destroyed, which leads to loosening of the teeth, the formation of sinuses with pus and the appearance of a very disgusting odor. The disgusting odors characteristic of Mercurius are the result of decomposition, which is inevitable in a system that does not have the strength to react.

Just as we see sweating due to the hypersensitivity of the system to any burden, we can also see a similar process leading to excessive salivation in Mercurius. The stomach is torn by almost any influence, and then even the slightest upset in the stomach causes excessive salivation. Drooling can be observed at any time of the day, but is most pronounced at night, which is a typical time of aggravation of Mercurius. With such low reactivity, the patient is constantly weakened during the day by all influences, until finally the weakness becomes most obvious at night: pain in the bones, inflammatory symptoms, complaints about nervous system, fear of madness and drooling worse at night.

As an intermediate stage on the way from the surface of the body to the brain, Mercurius pathology affects the spine and peripheral nervous system, causing tremors, especially common in the arms. Such tremor is often diagnosed as a consequence of Parkinson's disease or arteriosclerosis, but in the case of Mercurius its more fundamental cause is a weakness of the defense and the resulting instability of function. The patient finds that he cannot hold a glass of water in his hands without spilling it unless he leans on his elbow or forearm. This tremor is symbolic of the Mercurius essence. Insufficient reactivity - weakness in the face of all the stimuli so easily absorbed by the system - ultimately leads to instability of normal functions. Just as the temperature control mechanism oscillates back and forth between mild extremes of heat and cold, constantly and ineffectively attempting to compensate, so the hand oscillates back and forth in an ineffective attempt to perform its function. normal function, which is what causes the tremor.

Having understood the essence of the Mercurius image, one can re-read the various Materia Medica and find that the ocean of data now fits into a single coherent picture.

Where did the tonsils go?

2 years ago A mother and a 6-year-old boy came to the appointment with complaints of frequent colds that end in either sore throat or sinusitis; gets sick every 2 weeks, the “healthy” period is a maximum of a week. Visit kindergarten In this regard, extremely rare, any trip to a children's group turns into a new wave of illnesses, as if all the infection that is in the preschool institution is immediately “grabbed.”

Observed in a children's clinic with a diagnosis: " Chronic tonsillitis. Chronic sinusitis. Adenoiditis grade 2-3.”. Every month he receives antibiotics and vasoconstrictor nasal drops, with temporary improvement. The tonsils and adenoids enlarge after each exacerbation. Surgical treatment was repeatedly proposed, but was invariably refused. We decided to try homeopathic treatment as a last resort to cope with the situation.

History: full term birth, breastfeeding for up to 8 months. During the neonatal period - sinusitis, which I received in the maternity hospital. The BCG vaccination gave me a high temperature, so I had to take antipyretics. He sweats a lot at night and needs to cover himself with a blanket, although he loves warmth.

Does not tolerate onions, garlic, milk.

Upon examination: a boy of small stature, with large facial features, puffiness around the eyes and general swelling of the face, so that the folds are barely contoured when frowning or smiling. The body is wet and sweats a lot. Nasal breathing is difficult, the mouth is open. "Blue" under the eyes. On examination: huge tonsils, loose as walnuts, with crypts entwined with a red vascular pattern, almost block the entrance to the nasopharynx. The nasal mucosa is swollen and pale.

Seeing this picture, I immediately prescribed the drug. Thuja 30, as the most similar medicine in this case, three times a week.

At the control appointment after 2 weeks: improvement in nasal breathing is noted, nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane are significantly less. Puffiness of the face persists. The tonsils are just as huge. During this time I was not sick.

The next visit was not long in coming. The boy caught a cold once again, thick green nasal discharge and low-grade fever appeared. But there were no antibiotics, since my mother decided to use the possibilities of homeopathy in a more acute situation. Remedies have been recommended for acute condition and Thuja 30 - 3 times a day. During treatment, the runny nose worsened, and copious nasal discharge appeared, first green, then yellow-white. During the day there were not enough tissues to blow out all the mucus. The situation continued for a month, with a gradual decrease in discharge. His nose cleared and the boy breathed freely for the first time. The swelling around the eyes and the puffiness of the face have gone away. But the tonsils remained hanging in the throat like large “cherries”.

Throughout summer period and in the fall the boy was not sick and felt well. The parents sighed calmly; their son went to school quite healthy. The boy continued to take Tuyu 30 all this time, 2 times a week.

But the prosperity lasted only until winter cold. Another cold, stay in children's team- and again high temperature, sore throat. This time I had a sore throat. And as always, antibiotics were prescribed and a course of treatment was carried out. However, the boy did not fully recover from the sore throat. Weakness, fatigue, and sweating in the evenings and in warm weather persisted. He became inattentive in class and his performance worsened. The simplest tasks became overwhelming. Once again, the mother brought her son to a homeopathic appointment.

The child gave the impression of being tortured and tired, although it was a day off. Swelling of the face and blueness under the eyes reappeared. In the throat there are still the same large, loose tonsils with red vessels along the contour. The redness of the eyelids and mucous membranes attracted attention. “Does he often sit at the computer?” I asked. Having received a negative answer, I decided to ask about seizures and stomatitis: “Has this ever happened?” And his mother confirmed that these troubles began to overcome him recently.

New appointment - in accordance with the changed situation: Mercurius solubilis 30, three times a week. And left Thuja 200 in rare cases. Taking the drugs at this rate continued for 5 months. First, the seizures and stomatitis went away, then fatigue and malaise, sweating and redness of the eyelids decreased. The face seemed to have lost weight, and gray eyes, which previously seemed cloudy and of an incomprehensible color, became visible. But most of all we were all pleased with the condition of the throat: the tonsils were not visible, as if they were not there!

At the next visit, the pediatric ENT doctor who observed the boy exclaimed: “Where did the tonsils go? Did you delete them? There was no limit to surprise! And the mother risked reporting that all this time she had been treating her son with homeopathic granules!

Truly, the possibilities of homeopathy are endless!

Mercurius solubilis is a homeopathic preparation of mercury. Its effect on the body has been studied further. Doctor medical sciences I took mostly soluble mercury or its black oxide for research. As a result, it was found that the effect on the body of both is absolutely identical, so both can be prescribed. The first three dilutions are made by rubbing. The pathogenesis of Mercurius solubilis can be found in the work “Pure Medicine”.

How does Mercurius solubilis affect the patient’s body?

Main action large doses mercury on the human body is expressed in inflammation of the oral cavity, abdominal pain and dysentery. Profuse salivation begins, the gums swell and fester. The tongue becomes covered with a white coating, and sometimes ulcers appear. The tonsils and pharynx also become inflamed. The submandibular glands become swollen.

Abdominal pain is the next thing a person who has been poisoned by mercury experiences. Painful sensations are accompanied by vomiting. The large intestine becomes covered with ulcers, and profuse diarrhea begins. The liver increases in size. In addition, urine output decreases or stops.

Chronic mercury poisoning shows slightly different symptoms that differ from the symptomatic picture of acute poisoning. The first and most important thing is mental disorders. Patients become more impressionable and irritable. Then mental abilities weaken, memory loses its sharpness. Dementia gradually sets in. Over time, some patients cannot even stand and eat on their own, or speak intelligently.

Another symptom of chronic poisoning is trembling, a kind of vibration of various parts of the body. Paralysis is often observed along with trembling.

Finally, with chronic poisoning, a skin rash appears much more often than with acute poisoning. Its appearance can be very different. Sometimes the periosteum becomes inflamed.

Indications for use of Mercurius solubilis

The homeopathic medicine Mercurius solubilis is recommended for certain groups of ailments. Let's list them. The first category is diseases of the digestive system, including various... Further, mercury helps with dysentery, which is accompanied by greenish, bloody stools. Severe pain and a large number of blood - a sign that Mercurius solubilis will be especially effective in treatment. This homeopathic remedy is even used to treat children.

To combat liver diseases, it is good to take small doses of mercury. At respiratory diseases, such as a runny nose, mercury also helps. It is also prescribed for various types of cases.

It is worth adding to the above that Mercurius solubilis is a very good remedy for local inflammatory processes. Finally, a homeopathic remedy is prescribed in cases where blood and pus are discharged and hearing is dulled.

Non-traditional methods of treatment have become very popular in modern medicine. Supporters of new concepts willingly purchase drugs to treat various diseases. This article provides information about the homeopathic remedy “Mercurius solubilis”, the substance of which is metallic mercury.

Use of chemicals in medicine

According to one of the wisest doctors of his time, any substance can become a medicine and a poison, and the decisive factor in either case is the dose. This statement belongs to Paracelsus, a Swiss philosopher and alchemist who lived in the 14th century. Although this person is not the founder of homeopathy, there is reason to remember and take into account his opinion, since the article will discuss unconventional method treatment, and specifically the drug “Mercurius Solubilis”, which causes a lot of controversy among specialists.

It has been proven that the dose of medication and the therapeutic course play a key role in the recovery of patients. scientific medicine. Today, a science such as homeopathy successfully uses in the development medicinal products even strong poisons reach positive results when treating patients. For some people, just the mention of such drugs can cause panic and fear for their lives. However, over a long period of time, experts recommend their patients to use Mercurius Solubilis. Homeopathy is a rather interesting treatment method that deserves consideration. Before we start discussing the drug mentioned, let’s find out what kind of science it is?


The roots of homeopathy are not that deep. Opening alternative medicine happened in the 18th century in Germany. From the personal observations of the chemist and linguist Samuel Hahnemann, it turned out that the component that provokes the symptoms of any disease in healthy person, is able to cure an illness with similar symptoms. For example, onions cause watery eyes, red eyes, nasal discharge and sneezing. This means that the medicine obtained from it can help with colds.

Positive results were achieved by reducing the dose to the lowest possible degree. Based on this, some people mistakenly believe that homeopathy is a conventional therapy using small doses of a medicinal substance. However, this is not entirely true. Medicines carry only the information of the element used and do not have physical molecules. If the instructions for pharmaceuticals always contain numbers defining the amount of medicinal substances contained in the product, then in the case of homeopathic drugs the number of dilutions of the component from which they were obtained is indicated.

Therefore, the drug “Mercurius Solubilis” is far from pure mercury, which can poison you. Pure metallic mercury has an atomic weight of 199.8 and was recommended by Hahnemann in the trituration method. It is important to remember that the principle of preparation of all homeopathic remedies is the potentization and repeated dilution of raw materials of animal, plant and mineral origin.

The goal of an alternative treatment method is to defeat the disease from the inside. Homeopathic doctors treat the body as a whole, and not its individual organs.

General information about the medicine

When talking about the benefits and treatment of mercury, it is important to remember that this is only within the limits of homeopathy. "Mercurius solubilis" is obtained by precipitation of this substance with the participation of ammonia and nitric acid. The homeopathic remedy is effective for many ailments and has a very wide list of indications. At one time, the resulting mercury substance replaced the common caustic salts used to treat syphilis. Its action turned out to be much softer and more effective.

It is most often prescribed to people with lymphatic problems and those suffering from exhaustion. It is used to treat patients with weak mental and physical abilities, susceptible to rheumatic and catarrhal ailments provoked by the slightest drafts and dampness, and accompanied by light sweating at night. It was noted that such symptoms are more common in women. There are basic indications for the use of this product. "Mercurius solubilis" in homeopathy is most often prescribed for diseases of the oral cavity, esophagus and digestive system.

Research results

Mercury, in particular, was tested in its soluble or black oxide form. Samuel Hahnemann believed that there was absolutely no difference between this substance and the metallic mercury. The first 3 dilutions are obtained by rubbing. The scientist tried to identify a product made from mercury that would not have a corrosive effect and would dissolve well in water. Another discovery in his practice was the discovery of the healing properties of mercury after each subsequent rubbing with this substance.

The similarity on which the principle of homeopathy is based, “Mercurius solubilis” showed in the treatment of syphilis. Some healers, using mercury to treat this disease, could not always distinguish the expression of symptoms from the disease itself. These same properties of the substance were noticed by professor of medicine Zlatorovich during a lecture, who immediately decided to seriously study homeopathy. For him, this situation was the impetus for him to become a specialist in the field of homeopathy.

The substance we are discussing, when ingested, exhibits three main symptoms that are a consequence of poisoning. Let's look at them one by one:

  • Oral lesions. Manifestations in this area are characterized by several pathologies. A person's salivation significantly increases, gums become swollen, and an extremely unpleasant odor emanates from the mouth. The tongue becomes covered with a whitish coating and ulcers, increases in size to such an extent that the contours of the teeth are imprinted on it. The inflammation spreads to the pharynx and affects the tonsils with ulcers. There is suppuration of the parotid glands and swelling of the submandibular glands.
  • Gastroenterological disorders. Sharp pain in the epigastric region, vomiting with characteristic greenish bile and bloody discharge.
  • Dysentery. Severe inflammatory processes in the intestines are observed. Along with these signs, there is extreme bloating and intense pain, mainly on the right side. On initial stage Poisoned stool is usually mucous and bile-like. Subsequently, blood and small particles of mucous are found in it. Basically, the symptoms are dysenteric in nature, accompanied by the continuous formation of ulcers on the rectum.

If the above symptoms appear as a consequence of the disease, then this is a signal for the use of Mercurius Solubilis. In patients, the skin may become pale and yellow. Yellow, sticky sweat stains are visible on the underwear. Also characteristic are small rashes on the epidermis, aggravated by the warmth of bed and disturbing severe itching at night.

Mental disorders may be accompanied by mood swings, excessive sadness, incoherent rapid speech, dullness and increased sleepiness.

Characteristics of patients

Patients for whom a medicine made from the substance of mercury may be suitable are characterized by inconstancy. Experts try to explain such manifestations by comparing the patient's inclinations with the qualities of the source material and find striking similarities in them. Mercury does not spread and retains its shape, creating the appearance of a solid, but at the same time it is a liquid. When you try to hold it in your hands, it slips away. We will try to clearly describe how such characteristics manifest themselves in people. Treat similar diseases drugs that cause similar symptoms is the basic principle of homeopathy. Indications for the use of "Mercurius Solubilis" are the same conditions.

One of the most pronounced symptoms is increased sensitivity to temperature changes. When a person is cold, he looks for a way to avoid this feeling, and when he warms up, his condition worsens. Such a patient cannot feel comfortable at any temperature.

With syphilitic symptoms, the patient's condition worsens at night. This affects the bone tissue to a greater extent, and the patient experiences severe pain.

Any pathology is accompanied by profuse sweating. Sweating worsens rather than alleviates existing symptoms.

Taste of mercury in the mouth and discomfort. A repulsive, cloying odor of sweat and heavy breathing that emits an unpleasant odor.

Involuntary rhythmic vibrations of the limbs and body parts such as the head, eyes, jaws of the tongue and, less commonly, the torso. If the heart muscle is damaged, death can occur. After physical activity and stress, tremors increase significantly. Such people are prone to paralysis, fainting and are very weak.

Purulent bloody discharge from various body cavities. Often such manifestations are accompanied by an abscess and burning, stabbing pain.


In connection with the existing spectrum of the above symptoms, a fairly decent list of indications has been formed. In homeopathy, "Mercurius solubilis" is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • colitis, with the presence of ulcerative formations, purulent discharge, accompanied excessive sweating and swelling of the tongue;
  • pronounced dysentery with characteristic greenish stools;
  • lesions of the salivary glands;
  • infectious inflammation of the parotid gland, with worsening pain at night;
  • damage to the salivary glands;
  • stomatitis and bleeding gums, all kinds of erosion in the mouth;
  • hepatitis with decreased appetite and bowel movements characteristic of it;
  • rhinitis accompanied severe inflammation nasal cavity, redness and mucous discharge;
  • necrosis of the tonsils with tonsillitis, changes in the pharynx until blue with the presence of ulcers, heavy odor, excessive salivation;
  • rheumatism with increased pain at night;
  • purulent skin diseases, eczema, severe itching;
  • neuritis with acute night pain and negative reaction to cold and heat.

"Mercurius solubilis" (Hahnemann) is also used for liver diseases in small doses. It also helps cope with local inflammatory processes such as ear pain, runny nose and respiratory tract diseases.

A product made from mercury substance is also used in the treatment of children. Typically, such patients are capricious, irritable, too mobile and very sensitive. After talking with them, doctors note that children have a great need to drink, and their food preference is bread and butter. It is prescribed for such ailments as flu, fever, otitis media, tonsillitis, and mumps.

Forms of medicine

There are several forms of the homeopathic remedy, varying in concentration. The most popular of them are “Mercurius Solubilis” in dilutions of 6 and 30. Since the tactics of homeopaths is to individualize prescriptions, specialists usually approach this issue competently and with great caution. Depending on the stage and course of the disease, as well as the area of ​​inflammation, the doctor determines the optimal concentration. Sometimes an easier remedy is selected, and subsequently reassigned.

Need for consultation

Treatment course Homeopathy should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist. A qualified doctor is well versed in the dilution scale, which can be in decimals or hundreds. His task is to correct selection medications for each specific patient. When prescribing a drug, a homeopathic doctor takes into account not only the patient’s diseases, but also his individual characteristics and even taste preferences. The psychological and physiological state of the patient is taken into account, as well as heredity, bad habits, the amount of stress suffered and marital status.

In addition to a thorough conversation with the patient, a specialist can prescribe a traditional examination of the body and make prescriptions based on these results. All existing ailments in the human body are taken into account. Most often, the doctor’s recommendations are not limited to just the indications for the use of Mercurius Solubilis. Since homeopathic doctors mainly use monotherapy, after a course of treatment the next drug may be prescribed if other symptoms occur. However, in no case should you resort to this method without proper consultation and self-medicate. We must not forget that the raw materials for obtaining the medicine are toxic and incorrectly chosen treatment can aggravate the situation and even lead to death.

The homeopathic monocomponent preparation is commercially available in the form of granules and drops. Standard dose granules - 8 pcs. 3-4 times a day, in the form of a solution - five drops 3 times a day. The medicine is taken either 30 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after it. More accurate and detailed instructions for “Mercurius Solubilis” are included with the drug upon purchase.



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