The name Bella or Bella is correct. The meaning of the name Bella, history and fate

A female name with Latin roots, so popular in European countries in various variations, has long taken root among compatriots. According to linguistic sources, the meaning of the name Bella is “beautiful,” and indeed girls named so are often distinguished by their delicate and fragile beauty.

In addition to beauty, Bella combines the contradictory qualities of nature. Since childhood, she has behaved very balancedly, carefully thinks about the meaning of current events, and can perfectly analyze any actions due to her natural curiosity. But behind such characteristics, which are more characteristic of introverts, Bellochka hides emotionality, and most often, a choleric temperament.

For her, there is a clear separation of reason and feelings, and therefore in many situations that touch the strings of her vulnerable soul, she can behave very expressively, one might even say inappropriately. She attaches particular importance to self-esteem. Selfishness and vanity prevent even a child from getting along with many of his peers.

Therefore, parents, when choosing the meaning of the name Bella for a girl, need to immediately focus on choosing a more suitable education method that will help tame the baby’s egocentrism, which will undoubtedly be useful to her in the future.

Also, the meaning of the name Bella for a child implies the ability to become attached to people and be responsive, but most often behind her help lies the same selfishness, which requires a kind of “feeding” in the form of praise. The girl is very attached to her parents, so she does not stand out as independent.

Given this interpretation of the name, it is best to teach a child from an early age that no one will do anything for her. Of course, there is no need to create Spartan conditions for the girl, but you should not allow her laziness and desire to command her elders either. Otherwise, what the parents did not attach much importance to will successfully transfer into Bella’s adult life.


The unapproachable beauty Bella will often catch the eye of quite interesting men, but she is extremely picky when choosing a partner. For her, both social status and behavioral characteristics of a potential chosen one are important. She will never tolerate a familiar attitude or impudent advances. This means that the “candy-bouquet” period is important for her, and it will not be easy for a man to get a kiss from the impatiens.

But having chosen her betrothed, the girl finally thaws out, but her addiction to communicating at arm's length in society remains. She does not like to show off her feelings, everything that is going on in her soul is hidden, and even having started living with a man and getting ready to marry him, she will fully open up to him only after many years of trust.


Bela cannot be called a good housewife. No, she doesn’t do everything badly, she does an excellent job of cooking, cleaning, washing, but only when she’s in the mood. She values ​​her time and leaves household chores at the very back of her mind, so her husband will have a hard time if he is accustomed to perfect cleanliness and the constant presence of food on the stove.

Such a serious disadvantage as the lack of homeliness is completely covered by a woman’s communication abilities. This fact means that she receives guests as expected; there is never a dull moment in her company. And if she gives birth, then the child will become the center of her microcosm, and her shortcomings will themselves be covered by the tenderness and care that she gives to her baby without reserve.

Business and career

Bela is recommended to choose a profession in accordance with her innate qualities. Most often, she has a very well-developed sense of rhythm, words, and hearing, which means she will make a great musician, poet, and she will also feel good as a dancer. If she is not drawn to creativity, then it is better to choose opening her own business than working under someone else.

Having opened her own business, her chances of winning depend entirely on her intuition. First of all, she must listen to the voice of the soul, which very rarely fails her. In addition to her own career, she will be an excellent inspiration for her husband - she always has creative ideas, she easily analyzes and predicts the development of business affairs.

Origin of the name Bella

The origin of the name Bella is Latin, and in translation its meaning is beautiful, beautiful. According to other versions, the country where this name came from is Portugal, but in the end the etymology traces its roots back to the same word. The secret of the name is that its use with one letter “l” gives a completely different meaning, and according to historical information it can be judged that in this case the word has Muslim roots.

Some call women whose name sounds like Isabella or Belladonna, and this is completely acceptable, but do not forget: what our loved ones call us directly affects our destiny and character, and all three names presented carry completely different meanings .

Characteristics of the name Bella

The main characteristic of the name Bella is an unwavering adherence to principles, which can be attributed to both positive and negative character traits. Following her principles, she often makes the only right decision, but at the same time, in everyday situations, she can hurt a loved one and not attach much importance to it.

Bella's nature has its pros and cons, and one of the negative traits of her personality is her lack of ability to forgive quickly. She carries a grudge within herself for a long time, and the reason for it can be very banal; even an unsuccessful joke thrown at a woman can turn, in her understanding, into an evil mockery, to which she ultimately attaches too serious significance.

But in general terms, her impulsiveness and independence impress those around her; in her society, she is known as a strong-willed person who will never compromise her moral principles or betray a loved one.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Cat's eye, Topaz.
  • Name day - no.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Cancer, Gemini.

Famous people

  • Bella Thorne is an American singer and actress.
  • Bella Heathcote is an Australian actress.

Different languages

In most countries, the translation of the name Bella is the same - beauty. And most often, it is short for Isabel or Isabella. It is interesting how the word is translated into other languages; among different nationalities you can find quite exotic variations: Sabel, Chabela, Bebel, Bel, Izabe, Bell, Belia.

Using transcription, you can find out how the name will sound in Chinese - Beila, which is written using hieroglyphs as 貝拉. In Japanese, the sound will be very different from the usual one due to the absence of the letter “l” in the language - Berra, which can be written in katakana - ベッラ, or in Japanese characters - 裴等.

Name forms

  • Full name: Bella.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Bellochka, Belka, Bellushka, Bela, Bel.
  • Declension of the name – Bella, Bellu.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is not.

The name Bella has several versions of the origin and meaning of the name. About this and much more in our review article.

The most popular version says that The name Bella means "beautiful" or "beautiful", and the origin of the name has Latin (Roman) roots. Unfortunately, this version rather refers to folk etymology, since linguists do not find confirmation for it.

The second version says that the name Bella is a short form of the name Isabella, which in turn is the French form of the name Elizabeth. If this is so, then The meaning of the name Bella is “My God is an oath”, because this is exactly the meaning of the original name. The name Bella has long been used in many European languages ​​as an independent name. This version is considered the most likely among professional linguists.

The third version can be called the version of the Slavic origin of the name. According to this version, the name Bella means "white" or "bright". However, this version has not yet found documentary confirmation. The name does not appear in ancient Slavic sources.

The name Bella is also a short form of the names Arabella and Anabella. Naturally in these cases it inherits the meaning of the original names.

The meaning of the name Bella for a girl

Little Bella is an active girl prone to impulsive behavior. She usually acts first and thinks later. Unfortunately, this behavior is extremely rarely amenable to quick correction, and more often it only goes away as one grows older. You can also note the child's hyperactivity. It is much more difficult to concentrate, which imposes its own characteristics on the learning process. Bella has no close friends, because she is often harsh in her statements and actions. But this does not cause the girl any particular inconvenience. She calmly makes do with superficial communication.

Studying is difficult for Bella. She is restless and does not like to make efforts to get results. It is extremely rare to find a pedagogical approach to it. Bella is a difficult child for teachers. It is worth noting the girl’s creative talent. She has good musical taste, an excellent sense of rhythm and harmony. However, despite the inclinations, she rarely develops them. This is again due to her dislike of working on herself.

Bella's health can be called strong, and her vitality is high. She maintains her characteristic high activity for a long time and leads an active lifestyle. She loves to spend her time actively, to which she often attracts her loved ones. However, it is worth noting that Bella often chooses activities that are quite traumatic. This is especially true for her in adolescence.

Short name Bella

Diminutive pet names

Bellochka, Bellushka, Bellonka, Belchik.

Bella name in English

In English, the name Bella is spelled Bella and pronounced Bella.

Bella name for international passport- BELLA.

Translation of the name Bella into other languages

in Bulgarian - Bella
in Danish - Bella
in German - Bella
in Polish - Bella
in Portuguese - Bella
in Ukrainian - Bella
in Finnish - Bella
in Japanese - ベッラ (Berra)

Church name Bella(in the Orthodox faith) is not certain, since this name is not in the calendar.

Characteristics of the name Bella

Adult Bella is still as impulsive, temperamental and sensual as she was in childhood. She always looks great and knows how to impress others. Bella loves to surround herself with beautiful things and usually succeeds. At the same time, if Bella was not hardworking as a child, then the adult owner of the name cannot be accused of laziness. She becomes energetic, persistent and hard-working if this leads her to profit. In communication, she becomes more restrained, although sometimes her character makes itself felt. Bella has many good friends with whom she likes to spend time. She is quite a sociable person.

Bella doesn't like to work, but she loves to earn money. It is material reward that is the main motive of her activities. Bella strives for financial independence and starts working early. She often becomes a professional in her field, because professionals are paid more.

Bella's family relationships are more often successful. She is a caring wife and an excellent housewife. Bella chooses a man who will be like her as her husband. She is skeptical of romantics, and loves men who stand firmly on their feet. It is worth noting that Bella is quite a jealous person. This can lead to unnecessary tension in a relationship and even destroy a marriage. She should trust her husband more.

The mystery of the name Bella

Bella's secret can be called her ability to compete unfairly. Moreover, even her close friends are not immune from this feature. Most often this manifests itself in cases of division of property or funds. You should be more careful in dealing with Bella if these matters concern money issues.

Planet- Proserpina.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Doe.

Name color- White.

Tree- Silver poplar.

Plant- Lily.

Stone- White agate.

If you looked here, it means you want to know more about the meaning of the name Bella.

What does the name Bella mean?

The name Bella means beautiful (lat.)

The meaning of the name Bella is character and destiny

A woman named Bella is sociable, loves making new acquaintances, talkative, and can talk on the phone for hours. She is intelligent and reasonable, although impulsive in solving complex problems. Amorous, kind, enthusiastic nature. She doesn't have enough patience. A woman named Bella attaches great importance to her career and much less to housekeeping. She cooks dinner without much pleasure, although she will do it perfectly if necessary. She is witty, easy to talk to, and naturally behaves in any society. If she is truly attracted to a man, then she gives herself all to him, without reserve, does not play a double game, does not try to increase her worth. Bella takes a long time to choose her husband, taking into account everything: his appearance, position in society, material wealth, sexual potency. However, the first marriage is often unsuccessful. A woman named Bella has a difficult character; she is stubborn, unyielding, principled and demanding. Often, after the first divorce, Bella lives in a civil marriage for a long time, not daring to start a family again. However, Bella is a very sympathetic woman, she knows how to sympathize and empathize. She can stubbornly re-educate a man she really likes, tolerate his shortcomings, fight his addiction to alcohol until she understands that it is useless. Bella often has a wonderful career. Bella doesn't have many children; more often than not, she has a son. You can't call her the darling of fate. The life of a woman named Bella is not easy, but she is an optimist. Bella is sexy, but she can’t always find a worthy partner. If this happens, he will never let him go of his own free will. The breakup occurs violently, with scandals, intrigues, and revenge.

Bella name meaning for sex

In Bella's life, sex is not the last place. She is sensual, curious, craves new sensations. Bella has good self-control, but in moments of intimacy she throws away all conventions. She engages in sex selflessly, loves to command, she does it naturally and unobtrusively. During love games, she enjoys telling her partner about her feelings and encouraging him. Winning the love of a woman named Bella is not as easy as it might seem; only a very smart man with a strong character can subjugate her. She herself knows how to talentedly disguise her masculine mentality with ostentatious femininity.

The character and fate of the name Bella, taking into account the patronymic

First name Bella and middle name....

Bella Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Tarasovna, Yuryevna, Yakovlevna gentle, sensitive, attentive to others, ready to rush to the aid of everyone. A woman named Bella is in dire need of love, constantly feels the need to take care of and patronize someone. She often becomes intrusive to a loved one, but she herself experiences failures acutely and is easily vulnerable. A subtle psychologist knows how to take advantage of her weakness, she can seem fragile and defenseless, causing a desire to patronize her, and at the same time she is generous, knows how to understand, forgive, and refuse a man she doesn’t like, so as not to offend him.

Married twice, divorce occurs most often on sexual grounds. Bella has a hard time finding a partner who meets her high standards. She needs an affectionate, loving friend.

First name Bella and middle name....

Bella Alexandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Kirillovna, Natanovna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Timofeevna, Fedorovna, Eduardovna good-natured and generous, but restrained in expressing feelings, afraid of disappointments. This is a theatergoer who tries not to miss a single new performance and loves attending concerts, exhibitions, and presentations. He knows how to carry on small talk, feels confident in any society and loves to be the center of attention. She skillfully manages the house, is hospitable, cooks well, but does this only when absolutely necessary. The wife chooses someone who is smart and cheerful. Does not tolerate boring, grumpy men. She is irritated by their excessive scrupulousness, pettiness, and importunity. She is very jealous and can cause a scene, a loud scandal involving outsiders in family relationships. It is difficult for such a Bella to find a life partner; more often she is limited to short-term novels. The first marriage, as a rule, quickly breaks up.

First name Bella and middle name....

Bella Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna straightforward and emotional, but in the interests of the matter she knows how to be diplomatic. A woman named Bella is very proud, does not love and does not know how to adapt to anyone. Therefore, she has been looking for a spouse for a long time, and may be married several times. Her strong character attracts passive and indecisive people, but such men are not for her. It is not easy to win Bella's love; she is demanding and can be capricious.

Only a person with a stronger character, smart and decisive can subdue her. Bella is quite charming, feminine, but with a masculine character. Sex is of great importance to her; not every man can satisfy her needs. Jealous, does not forgive betrayals. In family relationships, her difficult character manifests itself especially clearly.

First name Bella and middle name....

Bella Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Emmanuilovna, Filippovna sensitive, romantic and friendly, talented. She has a creative nature. She has great success with men; they are attracted by her extraordinary charm. And Bella herself is in dire need of warm family relationships; she cannot be alone, so she gets married early and, as a rule, unsuccessfully. In her second marriage, a woman named Bella is happier, because she tries not to make previous mistakes, and is more strict and careful in choosing a spouse. At home she needs an atmosphere of peace, then she is able to establish strong family relationships.

First name Bella and middle name....

Bella Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna has a strong, masculine character. She is usually pretty, charming, diplomatic, knows how to manipulate men and play with their feelings. Surrounded by many fans, she knows how to benefit from it. Likes to make necessary acquaintances and influential connections. She loves to be in society, where she shines with wit and extraordinary thinking. Practical, smart. Men play a big role in her life, and often intimate relationships with them are a way to achieve her goal. In choosing a spouse, a woman named Bella is careful and prudent. She doesn't get married for a long time. She chooses a husband who is middle-aged, has an established career, and is wealthy. The material side of life is very important to her. And if Bella’s sexual needs in a marital relationship are not satisfied, she can have an affair on the side, again deriving some benefit from this. Usually has a son whom he is overprotective of.

The origin of the female name Bella is associated with the Latin language, where its meaning is interpreted as “beautiful”, “beauty”. In some sources you can find a version about its formation from the Italian word “bella”, which in translation also means “beautiful”. There are two spelling options for the name - Bella and Bella. There is no difference between them as such. It was originally a diminutive form of some names for girls, such as Isabella, Arabella, Gabriella. But today it is a completely independent name.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Aquarius
  • Patron Planet: Uranus
  • Talisman stone: rock crystal, amethyst
  • Color: purple
  • Wood: aspen
  • Plant: alpine rose
  • Animal: electric eel, electric stingray
  • Favorable day: Wednesday, Saturday

Character traits

Bella is a very sociable and friendly girl at any age who loves to make new acquaintances, and she is quite good at it. Despite the fact that she is prone to impulsive actions, the girl is characterized by such important character traits as integrity and prudence. This makes her a responsible and interested person.

As a rule, the owner of the name Bella has many similarities with her father, but only in appearance and facial features. The girl's personality is similar to her mother's, which is clearly noticeable even from the outside. She is a night owl by nature, goes to bed late, and getting up early in the morning is a real punishment for her. He is also a very emotional person who can simply “explode” from an excess of feelings.

The secret of the name lies in the fact that the actions of its owner never hide self-interest, cunning or deceit - she always sincerely tries to help or make friends. Bella attracts people with her natural femininity. She always looks natural, approaches everyone with good intentions and enjoys life. She also has pride, which a woman knows how to use wisely. She never offends people, she is always happy and ready to help everyone. She quickly develops affection for friends and loved ones. But sometimes stubbornness awakens in her, and she tries to prove her independence to everyone.

Interests and hobbies

Bella often has many different hobbies. She can play the piano and then run to freestyle wrestling practice. But in any case, such a girl should not be prohibited from doing what she chooses. After all, she has a lot of energy that needs to be directed in a peaceful direction.

Profession and business

Bella, as a rule, grows up to be a very businesslike and practical person. She finds the best use of her skills and knowledge in the trading field or as an economist. The girl always copes excellently with any problems and tasks, but she rarely manages to open her own business.


Bella is very inquisitive as a child, constantly on the move, so she needs an eye and an eye so that the girl doesn’t break anything. In adolescence, one may often suffer from ARVI, and stomach problems are also possible. In adulthood, she should pay attention to her spine and joints, and also visit a gynecologist more often.

Sex and love

Bella is a very sensual and passionate person, sex means a lot to such a woman in a relationship. Passive men are drawn to her because her character is too lively. She knows how to care and patronize, quickly falls in love and immerses herself in new relationships. As a rule, her gentlemen are simply crazy that such a lady pays attention to them. However, if a girl with this name doubts the fidelity of her partner, then a huge scandal awaits him. Of course, after the outburst of emotions, she will forgive the unfaithful, but next time a breakup is inevitable.

Family and marriage

To create a strong marriage, Bella needs only a man with a strong character, who can tolerate the fact that his beloved loves to be the center of attention. Such a woman does not bother much with the housework; she cooks only in exceptional cases. It is these features of her character that cause the first marriage to break up in most cases. However, she does not despair and soon marries a second time. Loves children. She is a faithful wife if her husband treats her with respect and takes into account her opinion.

Are you interested in the secrets of names? Then this publication is for you! In it you will learn about what the name Bella means, its meaning and origin. The article will reveal some of the characteristics of the owner’s character, her behavior at different periods of her life, some astrological signs and the names of the men with whom it is best to marry.

What does the name Bella mean and how was it formed?

Translated from Latin, Bella means “beautiful” or “beauty”. According to the first version, the name is a shortened form of Isabella, which later became an independent value. According to the second version, this name comes from the names Bella or Bela, mentioned in the work “Hero of Our Time” (M. Yu. Lermontov).

for a child

The girl looks very similar to her dad. However, he takes his character from his mother. Bella is very talkative, loves to chat, and it costs her nothing to make new acquaintances. For this reason, she makes many friends and acquaintances. This person is very impulsive, sensitive and impatient. The child is extremely stubborn and if he decides something, he will stand his ground until the end. He studies well at school, masters all subjects without problems. Her classmates love Bella very much and are ready to spend a lot of free time with her.

The name is Bella. Meaning for an adult woman

As an adult, the owner of this name can be called principled, practical and capable of reasoning. In life, she is an unlucky person, but she overcomes all the obstacles that arise with dignity, fighting them to the end. Bella is a wonderful friend for women and men. Towards her friends, she is very kind, optimistic, loyal and honest. If we talk about her work life, then, as a rule, she does not have any serious achievements. However, she will make a good teacher, economist, educator, trade worker or sociologist.

The name is Bella. Implications for family life

The girl is in no hurry to enter into serious relationships with men; she looks closely at them for a long time. And even if she decides to get married, her marriage may not last long, especially the first one. This happens because Bella has a very strong character and rational ability to think, which is why the girl is interested in weak men who need support and support. She simply does not have the opportunity to be feminine and soft. Bella is often left without children, or fate gives her one child. The owner of this name cannot be called a wonderful housewife: she sleeps for a long time in the morning, does not like to cook, but “sins” by having long conversations with her friends on the phone.

What does the name Bella mean in astrology?

  • The owner of the name is protected by the planet Uranus.
  • The talisman color of the name is purple.
  • Stone-amulet - aluminum, amethyst and rock crystal.
  • Amulet plant - aspen and
  • Animal mascot - electric stingray and eel.
  • The most successful days are Wednesday and Saturday.

Men with Alexey, Victor, Sergey, Nikolay, Nazar, Fedor, Boris, Artem, Efim are more suitable for marriage. It is very difficult in relations with Leonty, Klim, Naum, Ludwig.



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