Dream interpretation of finding a broken rose. Why do you dream about a rose - interpretation of sleep

Why does a woman dream of roses:

to love and happiness

1 Roses by Love dream book

Seeing roses in a dream means:

If you saw roses in a dream, consider that fortune smiled on you.

Blooming roses seen in a dream promise you the approach of some joyful event and an amazing kinship of souls with your chosen one.

If you dreamed of withered roses, this means that true love has not yet come to you.

A dream in which you see white roses foreshadows a spiritual or physical connection that will change your whole life and make you look at the world with different eyes. You will feel true pleasure and experience hitherto unknown feelings.

If you dreamed that you were inhaling the scent of roses, life will be favorable to you and will bestow its blessings on you, let you taste the fruit of love and reconcile with others.

1 Roses by Daniel's medieval dream book

Seeing roses promises health.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Roses by Gypsy dream book

Roses in a dream mean:

According to gypsy beliefs, this flower is always a happy omen.

A blooming rose flower symbolizes health, joy and happiness.

Bud - a wonderful friendship blossoming.

Faded means that you are neglecting an old friend.

White symbolizes innocence, and red symbolizes satisfaction.

1 Roses by Dream interpretation for women

Rose dream meaning:

Every woman probably had a dream at least once in her life in which there were roses. These luxurious flowers, which in real life are considered a symbol of romantic love and passion, are interpreted differently by dream experts, which largely depends on the situation in which roses acted as the main image.

So, for example, if a young girl dreamed that she was cutting roses in a dream, this means: soon she will be given a marriage proposal that she will like. Withered roses reflect the loneliness that reigns in the soul and the desire to find your other half. White roses dream of illness, scarlet roses - of fulfillment of hopes.

If a girl dreams of an armful of roses or how she cuts them and makes chic bouquets, this means that she will be infinitely happy when she receives a marriage proposal from a person whom she values ​​and loves very much. Seeing an unblown bud or a whole unbloomed bush in a dream means that material well-being awaits you. It is worth thinking about a girl who in a dream decorated her hair with a beautiful scarlet rose: deception and betrayal await her.

1 Roses according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

Blooming rose - dreams of joy and happiness; picking a rose means a quick marriage; receiving it as a gift is a sign that true love and a happy future await you; smelling a rose in a dream is a sign of long life.

Seeing a rose bush in a dream means happiness in love and joy.

Scarlet rose - symbolizes love, something connected with relatives, your spiritual strength.

A bright red rose - dreams of separation, danger for a loved one, a yellow rose - of jealousy, a blue rose - a sign that you will forget the past and start a new life.

Faded - symbolizes joys that have passed away irretrievably, the end of something good.

Crumpled - towards the end of a serene life.

Finding a dried rose means awakening old feelings in vain.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Roses by Women's dream book

A dream in which you cut roses from a bush or make a bouquet of them promises you cloudless happiness. You will finally receive a marriage proposal from a very worthy person whom you respect very much. Advice and love to you! However, if in a dream you decide to decorate your hair with a rosebud, and even a red one, you will be deceived and disappointed.

1 Roses by To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

Roses in a dream mean:

Seeing roses blooming in your home portends happiness and joy for a healthy person, and death for a sick person; to see roses in a dream at an unusual time - has a completely opposite meaning to its previous meaning; seeing scarlet roses means great joy and good news.

1 Roses according to the Dream Book of Tarot

Love date.

The white rose is a symbol of transformation, for example in the Death card, thereby showing what awaits behind the door of darkness.

The red rose represents activity, passion, courage and masculinity. Often depicted in the Tarot along with the white lily.

The rose with five petals in Tarot decks is associated with the symbol of the Rosicrucian Order, meaning a combination of the four elements and the fifth element in the form of Spirit.

1 Roses by Romantic dream book

Why does a woman dream of roses:

  • Fragrant roses in a dream - to a happy marriage and fidelity of your loved one.
  • Dreaming of withered roses means a long and fruitless search for a life partner.
  • If a girl dreamed of cutting roses and making bouquets out of them, she will soon receive a marriage proposal from her loved one.
  • Why do you dream of red roses with which a girl decorates her hair? You shouldn’t expect anything but deception.
  • You pricked yourself with a rose thorn, you will soon catch your loved one cheating.
  • Breaking a rose means separation and mental anguish due to this break.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Roses by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Why does a woman dream of roses:

To a pleasant conversation.

1 Roses by Esoteric dream book

Seeing roses in a dream means:

Someone wants you to receive trouble and death as a gift.

Cutting it off means tears and grief.

Sniff - your love will bring you pain.

To give is to wish misfortune on another, to become the cause of someone’s grief. Your conscience must stop you.

Planting with your own hands means creating problems.

Putting it on a grave means feeling guilty.

1 Roses according to Azar's Dream Interpretation

Roses in a dream in the dream book are interpreted as:

Roses - a new flirtation, a love adventure; white - a happy choice of a couple, pure love; a bouquet of roses - happiness awaits; rose bush - happiness in marriage; yellow - hidden love; red - passionate love, the darker the color, the more passionate; to receive as a gift is true love; with large thorns - troubles and fear, obstacles in love; to rip off - a quick marriage; fading - your inclination will disappear; blooming - love joys and joy await.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

Roses in a dream mean:

temptation, infatuation, flirting.

1 Roses according to the Dream Book of Yogis

Rose dream meaning:

1 Roses by Dream interpretation horoscope

What does it mean if a woman dreams of roses:

A rose on a tall stem is a stormy passion.

Tea houses - to sad news.

White - meet your loved one

Black - to sad news.

Roses in the snow - a period full of contradictions awaits you.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Roses according to the Small Dream Book

What roses can mean in dreams:

A dream in which you see blooming and fragrant roses promises a joyful event and fidelity to your loved ones. For a young woman, a dream in which she cuts roses means a marriage proposal. If there are countless roses and she collects them in armfuls, then the groom will be a rich and respected man. Seeing dried roses in a dream means that you have not yet met your one and only. White roses portend a serious illness. However, if you see them on a sunny morning with drops of dew that have not yet dried, then you have nothing to fear. Inhaling the scent of roses in a dream is a sign of pure joy.

1 Roses by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Roses in a dream mean:

Seeing a rose in a dream is a sign of love affairs.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

If a girl dreams of roses, it means:

What do Roses mean in a dream - A joyful event is approaching. Imagine that your entire house is filled with bouquets of blooming, fragrant roses.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Why does a woman dream of roses:

If a girl dreams that she is cutting roses, in reality she will receive a marriage proposal that will bring her joy.

Dreaming of withered roses means that you do not have a loved one.

A girl who dreamed that she was decorating her hair with roses will be deceived by her loved one.

1 Roses according to Dream Book 2012

Seeing roses in a dream means:

Reflection of love and/or beauty.

1 Roses by To the psychological interpreter Furtsev

Interpretation of a dream about roses:

Why do you dream of roses of different colors, according to the dream book? We associate roses with great feelings. What events are happening in your life now? If you dream of pink roses - you feel tenderness, red roses - passion, white roses - love, black roses - wariness, yellow roses - insecurity.

In any case, dreamed roses are just a reflection of your emotional palette. The only thing you can do is put your mental state in order. But why change anything if you feel in seventh heaven? Just enjoy pleasant dreams.

1 Roses by Russian dream book

Interpretation of a dream about roses:

What does Rose mean in a dream - a symbol of blooming femininity and love.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

Roses in a dream predicts:

A new flirtation, an interesting love adventure. Pricking yourself on a rose thorn means experiencing heartache due to jealousy. Rose bushes in bloom - the approach of a joyful event. If a girl dreams that she is cutting roses for a bouquet, this means a quick declaration of love. If she sees armfuls of roses - a marriage proposal. Receiving roses as a gift is true love. Pink bouquet - happiness in love. White roses are a happy choice for a couple. Withered roses - absence of loved ones. Yellow roses - to betrayal or separation.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Why do you dream about Roses?

For one person, a rose can mean passionate love; for another, its thorns indicate that not everything that is beautiful is safe.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Love. Beauty. Innocence.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

New flirtation, love adventure

1 Roses by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Symbol of mystery.

Rose bush - happiness in love / joy / something related to the holy virgin.

Tearing is a joy.

Receiving roses as a gift is a wish fulfillment / some kind of secret.

Giving is the death of hopes.

To prick yourself on thorns - you will suffer / suffering from love, the disease of love.

Scarlet rose - love / something connected with your blood / your spiritual strength.

A very red rose - hot love, passion.

White - separation / danger to the life of a loved one / hermit, monastic lifestyle / someone’s virginity, purity, chastity / someone’s soul on the verge of entering life / the pure soul of the deceased.

Yellow rose - fidelity.

Blue - forget the past, a new life begins.

Withered rose - life and health in danger / irretrievably flown joys / the end of something good.

Crumbling - the end of a serene life.

To find a dried rose is to awaken old feelings in vain.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing roses blooming means health, success and a joyful mood; smelling roses - you need to be able to improve your mood; plucking - to a feeling of love, searching for a sexual partner; seeing roses with large thorns is a sign of danger, possibly stress and accompanying negative emotions.

Seeing one rose flower means a possible deterioration in your health.

1 Roses by Persian dream book Tiflisi

Why do you dream about Roses?

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

  • Why do you dream of multi-colored roses in buds? This flower dreams of fulfilling a wish. You saw a bud, it is a harbinger of passion, love and harmony in relationships.
  • You give a red rose, according to the dream book - you are prone to treason. The dream suggests that you want to change something in your life. Try to diversify your sexual relationships and everything will work out.

1 Roses by Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Blooming and fragrant roses foretell the approach of some joyful event and the fidelity of your chosen one.

Withered - a symbol of loneliness and sadness.

If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, material well-being awaits you.

A bright bush of scarlet roses means the hopes of your family members have come true.

A dried rosebush can portend the illness of people close to you or other sad events.

If in a dream you smell the scent of roses, unclouded joy awaits you.

If you see in a dream white roses on which the sunlight does not fall and on whose petals there are no drops of dew, a serious illness may overtake you.

If a girl sees armfuls of roses in a dream or dreams that she is cutting roses and making bouquets from them, she will be very happy when she receives a marriage proposal from a wonderful person.

If a lover decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, this portends her deception and destroyed hopes.

1 Roses by Modern dream book

Seeing blooming and fragrant roses in a dream means the approach of a joyful event. Your lover will be faithful to you.

If a young woman dreams that she is picking roses, in reality she will soon receive the marriage proposal that she has long dreamed of.

Dried roses seen in a dream mean that you have not yet met your one and only chosen one.

White roses, if you see them not in sunlight and without drops of dew, portend a serious or even fatal illness.

Inhaling the scent of roses in a dream is a sign of pure joy.

If a young woman dreams of armfuls of roses, which she collects and ties into bouquets, in reality she will be proposed to by a man whom she greatly respects.

1 Roses by Dream book about plants

This is perfection, pleroma, completeness, the mystery of life, its focus, the unknown, beauty, grace, happiness, but also voluptuousness, passion; in combination with wine - sensuality and seduction.

Damask - symbolizes shy love.

White - symbolizes sadness.

Yellow - symbolizes infidelity, betrayal.

Red - associated with great love

1 Roses by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Roses?

Love. Red - passionate love; yellow - friendship; white - purity, romantic love; black - separation; death; being pricked by thorns is an insult; relationship dissatisfaction; blooming and fragrant roses - joyful events and fidelity in love; cutting roses - hopes for the upcoming wedding; inhaling the scent of roses is an unclouded joy; unbloomed rose bush - you are not yet ready for love; dried rose bush - gone feelings.

1 Roses by Imperial dream book

Since ancient times, many nations have considered the rose the queen of flowers and the personification of the beauty and diversity of the world.

In folklore and literature of different countries and times, there are many legends about the origin of red roses - they are red from the blood of a nightingale that was cut on the thorns, or they are red from the blood of a poet who pressed the roses to his heart, or the roses became red because a girl pressed them to her chest, to place on the grave of a loved one.

Red roses - in any case, turn out to be a symbol of flesh and blood: a symbol of life, but also a symbol of sadness, since human life is not eternal.

White is a symbol of aspiration to heaven, a symbol of the immortal human spirit and joy.

If most people, despite the difference in tastes, love roses, it means that these flowers give them heavenly and earthly energy. But like all powerful magical objects, roses are not always favorable for everyone and not in all seasons. After all, any gift requires a response: if a bouquet of white roses is a gift symbolizing heavenly energy, this may require some sacrifices in the name of heaven, and on earth roses can easily turn into a crown of thorns. In the interpretation of dreams, personally experienced emotions will mean a lot here.

Walking among roses in any season or walking among white roses in the fall is beneficial for everyone in the absence of negative emotions. In autumn, this means good accumulation of energy in accordance with the tasks of the season; in other seasons, this means obtaining the necessary energy.

Seeing white roses with a solemn feeling means preparing for an act that requires spiritual effort and receiving help in a dream.

Walking in a dream among bright red roses causes excessive delight, has a stimulating effect on the mind and heart and symbolizes a waking situation heated by passions. But for ordinary people, the state of insensitivity to one’s problems is unfavorable: one’s own heart may not be able to bear the tension, those around them may not want to share the unnecessary tension, and the result will be damage to relationships and affairs. In special cases, bright red roses in such a dream mean taking on some responsible and dangerous task that requires sacrifice.

Seeing rose bushes dead or torn out in a dream is unfavorable: this is a loss of the energy of Heaven and Earth. The same thing means a dried bouquet in water. If the dreamer definitely knows who gave the bouquet, then the dream means a break in the relationship or direct hostility hidden under the guise of friendship.

In a dream, giving/receiving roses as a gift - flowers collected by human hands and some feelings acquire a special symbolic meaning. Roses especially have the ability to absorb and then give away feelings and emotions, so it is not recommended to give roses just like that, and in a dream you don’t just dream of roses, with roses you give away a part of yourself. What has been said here about white and red roses individually (according to inclination) can apply to any flowers of the corresponding color.

From the point of view of Eastern philosophy, a rose is a male yang flower, so a man should not give roses to a woman; whoever gives roses to a woman, she gives only tears in return.

In an illness, seeing yourself among roses or being given roses in warm colors means recovery; red or scarlet roses - illness crisis; white roses - can symbolize parting with earthly life, which is favorable for the spirit: earthly life was not lived in vain and Heaven looks at it favorably.

To see roses blooming in a cemetery - the abundance of energy of the family and the favor of the ancestors will bring good luck.

Dead, dried roses in the cemetery - the depletion of the energy of the family does not bode well for the descendants. Perhaps the burials were done incorrectly.

1 Roses according to Miller's dream book

Blooming and fragrant roses in a dream promise the approach of some joyful event and the fidelity of your chosen one.

If a girl cuts roses in a dream, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal that she will like.

Withered roses indicate that you do not have the only one you love.

If you see in a dream white roses on which the rays of the sun do not fall and on whose petals there are no drops of dew, it means that a serious illness awaits you.

If in a dream you inhale the scent of roses, this will bring you unclouded joy.

If a girl dreams of armfuls of roses or she dreams that she is cutting roses and making bouquets of them, it means that she will be very happy when she receives an offer from a person whom she values ​​very highly.

If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, lasting material well-being awaits you.

A dried rosebush portends illness among your loved ones or other sorrows.

A bright bush of scarlet roses foretells the fulfillment of great hopes in your family.

If a lover decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, this promises her deception.

To receive a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream in the spring - fortunately, in winter - is a vain expectation.

1 Roses by Family dream book

Blooming and fragrant roses seen in a dream promise a joyful event and fidelity to the chosen one.

If in a dream you inhaled the scent of roses, there is unclouded joy ahead.

If a girl dreams that she is cutting roses, it means that she will soon receive a marriage proposal, which she will be happy about.

Withered roses speak of your loneliness.

If you see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed in a dream, know that lasting material well-being awaits you.

If a girl decorates her hair with a bud of a scarlet rose in a dream, her lover will deceive her.

A bouquet of scarlet roses given to you in the spring is a dream of happiness, in the winter - a vain expectation.

1 Roses by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

To an innocent romantic date.

1 Roses by Jewish dream book

Why do you dream about Roses?

You dreamed of Roses - a rose bush torn out of the ground. A dream in the spring means trouble; in the summer - to illness; seen in the fall, it means that you need to be careful not to become a victim of scammers; and in winter - to loneliness and melancholy. Lots of roses - for fun. Black rose A dream in the spring - to a calm life; seen in summer, it means the revelation of a secret; and the dream in the fall warns that you will miss a rare opportunity to improve your affairs; a dream in winter means meeting a proud and arrogant person. Red Rose A dream in spring is a sign of joy; a dream in the summer means that a variety of experiences await you; seen in the fall, it promises the end of separation from a loved one; in winter - to weakness, headache or toothache. Yellow Rose A dream in the spring is a sign of luck; in the summer - to the whims of your friends; in the fall - to troubles for a loved one; in winter - to pleasure with a slight aftertaste of sadness. Pruning roses A dream in the spring is a sign of prosperity; seen in the summer, it means that you will put all your affairs in order; and in the fall - to good luck in all matters; a dream in winter means that you will sort out your relationships with people. Smelling roses A dream in the spring is a joyful event; in the summer - to flattery; in the fall - to a pleasant message, which may turn out to be true, or perhaps false; seen in winter, it means that you will indulge yourself with unrealistic hopes. To be pricked by a rose thorn is to show excessive gullibility and be deceived. Receive a bouquet of roses as a gift. For a woman - to the fulfillment of a cherished desire. For a man - to promises that will not be fulfilled.

1 Roses by American dream book


1 Roses by Danilova's children's dream book

In order to achieve love, you will have to overcome a lot of obstacles.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Love, reciprocity, joy; beloved woman.

Black is a sign of trouble, bad news; thorns - obstacles, grief, evil reproaches, resentment.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell

You had a dream about Roses - you see roses in a dream - nothing will darken your joy; it will be a real holiday - the name day of the heart. You dream of a blossoming rosebud - nothing will disturb your material well-being. A girl dreams that she is cutting a rose - this girl will soon get married - for love. It’s as if you are enjoying the scent of a rose - the dream suggests that you are a sensitive person; you know how to make even the little things serve your pleasure; you will enjoy some kind of perfection. You dreamed of withered roses - you will respond to infidelity in love with infidelity.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell

Why do you dream about Roses?

This is a symbol of the most beautiful period in a person’s life - youth, love, passion.

Rose - personifies the world of love and harmony.

In all cultures of the world, the rose embodies love for the opposite sex, even the name of the goddess of the dawn Eos (and later the god of love Eros) is translated as “rose-fingered.”

Also, the rose is a symbol of the unification of the spiritual and divine and the base and mortal. In other words, a rose combines two principles, masculine and feminine, and it is from this position that the corresponding dreams can be interpreted.

1 Roses by Slavic dream book

What is a rose for - a sign of love. Love affair. 5th house of the horoscope.

1 Roses by English dream book

Seeing roses blooming in a dream is a sign of happiness, prosperity and long life. If the roses are large and fragrant, then this dream promises a young man an intelligent and friendly girlfriend; A worthy and happy marriage awaits them. This is a good dream for traders and for everyone in general, because it portends great success! If you see withered roses, this dream promises troubles or poverty, from which, however, you can quickly get out by showing some ingenuity.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Well-being in life.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

A universal symbol of love and beauty. In many cultures, the rose is considered the mystical center of the heart, a symbol of Venus and a mystical sign of divine beings.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

A bouquet of roses - close personal happiness, a love confession (Krada)

1 Roses according to Hasse's dream book

blooming - joy and happiness
tear off - quick marriage
receive as a gift - true love
with large thorns - trouble and fear
yellow roses - betrayal and fear
white - a happy choice of a couple
fading - habits will change.

If you dreamed that you were buying a rose, there will be no scandals or quarrels in your family in the near future.

In a dream you picked a rose - you yourself are the smith of your family happiness.

You dreamed that you were selling roses - you will have the opportunity to reconcile one of your relatives.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Roses, especially red roses, with their velvety petals, rich color and delightful scent, are often given as a gift to express love. In dreams, they symbolize love, but also a hidden threat: the thorns of a rose can hurt. If you run into them in a dream, it means that although someone or something looks like a rose on the surface, there may be petty problems lurking inside. Why do you have a dream: Did someone give you a rose or did you give it to someone? If the latter, was it someone unexpected, perhaps a stranger? This may indicate your dissatisfaction with your current emotional attachments and a tendency to look for something else.

1 Roses by French dream book

Seeing roses blooming in a dream is a lucky sign. If you give them to your loved one in a dream, this portends long-term mutual love. If you dreamed of withered roses, in reality you will lose your happiness.

1 Roses by Dream book alphabetically

Seeing a fragrant bush of blooming roses is a sign of reciprocity for lovers. A rose bush covered with snow is a harbinger of sadness and longing from separation from a loved one. A crushed or uprooted rose bush means trouble at work.

Picking roses means early marriage, smelling them means joyful experiences, putting them in a vase means you’ll get yourself a new admirer. A bouquet of roses means that in real life they will try to persuade you to accept unfavorable conditions.

Withered roses - you will be deceived and abandoned.

White roses threaten to complicate your relationship with your boss as a result of your refusal to sleep with him, scarlet roses are a sign of a pleasant holiday and useful activities, cream roses - be careful in real life so as not to buy into flattery and deception. Seeing black or yellow roses in a dream is a harbinger of separation or betrayal.

Receiving roses as a gift is a vain expectation of attention, love and affection. Giving roses yourself means fulfilling your hopes; buying them means lasting material well-being awaits you. An unopened bud on a rose means childlessness, a rose with fallen petals means early old age.

1 Roses by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

See also Flowers.

Walking among the rose bushes and enjoying the aroma of blooming roses - you will find yourself in an elegant society where you will have a pleasant time. Picking a rose: for unmarried people - for an imminent wedding. For married people - to conjugal love and harmony in relationships.

Buy roses - you will achieve reciprocity. If you wanted to buy roses, but you didn’t have enough money, your loved one will not return your feelings.

Imagine that the seller gives you a big discount and you buy the most beautiful bouquet.

Caring for roses in the garden - your courtship of a gentle person will be successful. If the roses bloom, it will end in a wedding. Seeing dried or fading roses - you will meet your first love, and this will make you sad.

If you don't want the dream to come true, imagine throwing roses into the fire.

Pricking yourself on a rose thorn means a quarrel with your loved one.

Imagine that you didn’t inject yourself too much, the pain went away immediately.

Roses in the house dream of material well-being in the house and good relationships between all household members.

Imagine that your entire house is filled with bouquets of blooming, fragrant roses.

1 Roses by Dream book of the 20th century

They symbolize a great feeling.

Pink color of petals: a sign of tenderness.

Blooming rose bush: promises family happiness and prosperity.

Red rose in a dream: means passionate friendship.

White: a sign of purity and defenselessness.

If your chosen one gives you white roses: in this way your heart tells you about the purity and sincerity of his thoughts.

Black rose: portends mental suffering.

If her appearance attracts you, then this dream promises you a fatal passion.

Broken: symbol of separation and tears.

A prick of rose thorns: this is a warning of possible betrayal.

Withered roses: promise disappointment. Perhaps in reality you are trying to revive feelings that have long been burned out.

1 Roses by Creative dream book

You dreamed about Rose, what is this for? 1. A rose in a dream is endowed with great symbolism. She represents love and admiration. In a bouquet, the number of roses and their color will have a special meaning (see Numbers and Colors). The rose can also suggest fertility and virginity. 2. As a psychological symbol, the rose represents perfection. It contains within itself the mysticism of life through the circle of its own growth. 3. From a spiritual point of view, the rose has a dual meaning. It implies perfection and passion, life and death, Time and Eternity. It also represents the heart, the Center of life.

1 Roses by Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What do Roses mean in a dream - to reciprocity in love, an imminent wedding, for married people - to strengthening marital love. If you dream of reciprocity in love, imagine a flower shop filled with bouquets of the most luxurious roses. Here there are flowers of various shades, all of them exude delicate aromas. You choose the largest, most lush and luxurious bouquet of roses and buy it, and then give it to your loved one. If you dream of a quick wedding or an improvement in your marital relationship, imagine yourself walking through a garden where luxurious roses grow. You cut them and collect a huge bouquet, which you then put in a large vase.

1 Roses according to the Online Dream Book

The dream book interprets the blossoming buds of roses emitting a wonderful aroma - you will be happy in love, also expect something very good.

Enjoy their fragrance - nothing can spoil your wonderful mood.

If she has not yet fully blossomed her buds, you will live in abundance.

You hand them over to someone - your dreams will come true.

If you dream of withered roses, the one who will become your companion for life has not yet appeared on your horizon.

If you purchase these flowers, your capital will only grow in any situation.

Someone presents them to you - you are in vain hoping that someone will give you special attention.

To see a white rose in a dream means that in reality you will have serious health problems, yellow

Beige flowers warn you not to be too gullible and not to fall for the tricks of hypocrites.

If you dreamed of rose petals, this is a very favorable sign, indicating that your chosen one is sincere with you and your feelings will only grow stronger every day.

You see rose bushes covered with flowers in a dream - be prepared for troubles to start falling on you one after another, but your significant other will be able to cope with them and ensure your well-being.

If you saw a bouquet of roses in a dream, the dream suggests that someone has very strong and bright feelings for you, the sincerity of which will be proven by noble, romantic and tender actions.

If you dreamed of yellow roses, be careful, your chosen one or chosen one may betray you, which could lead to the final breakdown of your relationship.

If you saw black roses in a dream, your significant other is not sincere with you and can easily find a replacement for you; you will experience this blow for a very long time and painfully.

Blue roses in a dream - warn of an imminent breakdown in your relationship with your loved one and your separation due to his infidelity.

A dream in which you saw burgundy roses foretells you very ardent feelings, a love adventure filled with unbridled passions.

If you dreamed about red roses, they are a symbol of very strong feelings that cannot be unrequited, and are designed to bring you exceptional happiness.

If you dream of red roses, a happy event will soon take place in your home, which all relatives, without exception, have been waiting for.

If you dreamed of pink roses, know that very soon you will be completely overwhelmed by tender feelings, you will be in the clouds with happiness.

Seeing white roses in a dream is a warning about health problems; be careful about your well-being.

If you dreamed of them at dawn, generously covered with clean dew

If in a dream a flower was presented to you, but its leg was broken, you will be upset by the behavior of a person dear to your heart, there is a high probability that you will stop communicating with him altogether.

1 Roses by Russian dream book

To marriage, love, happiness; white roses - to tears.

1 Roses by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Blooming roses - joy, loyalty to a lover and friends.

Bouquet - you will receive a long-awaited marriage proposal from your loved one.

Red roses - hopes and dreams come true.

Cutting them in a dream and making bouquets of them is a hobby, light flirting.

Rose in a dream- Scarlet roses in a dream can indicate the presence of mental strength that you are wasting on a person close to you. In a girl's dream, a red rose standing in a vase is a good harbinger of love.
White Rose- tenderness, choosing a soulmate who will bring you happiness.
The roses you dreamed of are a symbol of beauty and love. Such a dream means that now is the best time to transform the external and internal.
Pale pink or yellow can speak of a new hobby, bright red and burgundy - of great love and marriage.
Seeing a rose bush in a dream- to a happy and calm family life.
Seeing roses blooming in a dream- to good news, pleasant changes.
Dreaming that someone is giving you roses- fortunately.
See growing but withered roses- losses, sorrows, sorrows, losses, separations and failures await you.
Seeing roses often means happiness and joy. This symbol is not always good. Its main meaning is liberation from a painful situation. Therefore, for a seriously ill person who can no longer recover, roses foretell deliverance from suffering.
Giving blooming roses to your loved one- happiness, strong, mutual love, understanding and support for each other await you.
Giving roses- choice of the chosen one.
Giving roses to someone else- on the contrary, a sign that you will be disappointed in your expectations and lose hope.
For a young man, a rose in a dream can mean good luck and achieving his goals.
If there is no object of close attention in your life yet, it means that such a dream predicts the appearance of a person in your life who will receive close attention and passionate feelings on your part. such a dream can also speak of unfavorable events in your life - deception or infidelity on the part of a person close to you.
If you dreamed of red roses, then such a dream is a sign of mystery, joy, happiness, passion and great mutual love.
If you like the smell of roses, then such a dream is very favorable. Dried roses in a dream are a sign of misfortune that will happen to one of your loved ones or relatives.
If you dreamed of yellow roses, beware of betrayal and betrayal.
If you dreamed of withered roses, it means that in reality you need to stop dreaming about anything and flatter yourself with hopes. Sometimes such a dream promises loneliness.
If you dreamed of a bush with roses, the buds of which had not yet bloomed, then in ordinary life you should prepare for difficulties in achieving your goals, but rest assured that the result of your efforts will exceed any expectations.
If you were given roses in a dream, one of your cherished desires will soon come true.
If in a dream you dreamed that red roses had blossomed and the flowers were fully open, then such a dream may foreshadow you reaching the climax in your relationship, experiencing sweet life moments.
If in a dream your lover gave you a bouquet of roses, then your romantic life will be serene and prosperous.
If you see white roses in a dream, it means that success, prosperity and joy await you in reality.
If in a dream you pick roses, then in reality you will have to resolve important issues that may affect your future.
If you saw a red rose in a dream, then such a dream should be interpreted as hidden strong and passionate feelings for a person.
If in a dream you prick yourself on rose thorns, then in reality you will face troubles and disappointments.
If in a dream you smell the suffocating smell of roses, then expect bad news.
If you or someone gives you roses, then this person can become a loved one, a friend, or a reliable business partner.
If you present wilted or dried roses, be on your guard - your love is in danger. Cooling of feelings, the appearance of rivals, disagreements and quarrels can darken your relationship.
If you saw fragrant blooming roses in a dream, then you should expect interesting surprises in life; maybe your personal life will “get a second wind.”
If you saw wilted or crumbling roses in a dream, then in ordinary life your romantic relationship may fail - try to be patient and wait for a slightly better moment for love encounters.
If a young girl dreams of cutting a rose, then she will have a romantic meeting or will soon receive a marriage proposal.
If you dreamed of one flower, then this is a harbinger of a period of some material difficulties in your life. Consequently, in the near future we will have to tighten our belts and introduce austerity regime.
in winter- you are waiting in vain for something or someone.
Sometimes this dream promises a quick marriage proposal or even marriage.
When you dream of roses, you can safely expect pleasant changes in your personal life in the near future.
Red roses- a new passionate romance or revival of old feelings.
Red roses seen in a dream promise wealth and a good deal.
It can be interpreted as a harbinger of meeting a person with whom you will have a beautiful romance.
A dream in which you saw a red rose in your hair or in your hairstyle is very unfavorable for a young girl. Such a dream suggests that your lover does not or will not remain faithful to you, will deceive you and hurt you.
Receive a bouquet of red roses in spring- Great joy and great happiness await you in the near future.
Betrayal, betrayal or separation are promised by yellow roses seen in a dream.
Dreaming of roses in most cases is a good sign, which indicates a favorable time in your personal and family life. Don't miss this moment.
Roses- beautiful flowers, most often symbolizing ardent passion and love.
Roses in a dream also portend happiness in family life and love, joyful events that you will remember for a long time. You will be successful in all areas of your life, but your personal life and relationships with your loved one will be especially bright. Please note that now is the time to diversify your relationship - add romance to it or go on a trip together.
Collecting bouquets of roses in a dream- to great happiness and to a happy family life.
Cut red roses- to a quick marriage proposal that you will really like.
Picking growing roses- probably a quick marriage, a celebration, a new love affair. Roses with large thorns mean difficulties, overcoming any obstacles on the way to a goal, or insults from loved ones.
For students, roses predict the successful completion of a session or diploma, for young girls - a quick marriage, that is, what makes the situation complete, defined, and always with a happy ending.
Seeing tight buds of red roses in your dream predicts that you will have the opportunity to make new wonderful friendships in the near future.
See a luxurious bush of red roses- a symbol that your greatest hopes and dreams will come true.
Withered roses also signify the denouement, but of a protracted, unpleasant event, and the ending is not always happy.
Prick yourself on rose thorns- to suffering from love, forced separation from a loved one.
Blooming, beautiful, lush roses in a dream- good sign. A harbinger of good luck, joy, surprises.
The brighter and more saturated the color of the roses, the more important the upcoming event.
This could be the end of a boring, outdated relationship (formally, separation is a sad event) or expulsion from a university for a student who does not want to study there.

In most cases, the dream book interprets roses seen in a dream as a positive sign. Tender buds are always associated with love and happiness. But do not forget that roses have thorns, and they can symbolize danger and anxiety. So, let’s remember the details of the plot and find out why this flower queen is dreaming.

The Enigma dream book will delight the representatives of the fair half of humanity with its interpretation: if you see fresh fragrant roses, it means that happiness and love will “knock” on your home very soon. Open your soul to this feeling, even if falling in love is not part of your plans now, the interpreter advises.

But keep in mind that if you dreamed that the buds were sluggish, this means that a routine that kills love can “enter” into the relationship. Try to find time for your loved one, no matter how busy you are.

Why do you dream of a composition in a vase?

The Eastern dream book compares roses with a woman. If a man dreams of a vase or basket with pink buds standing in the bedroom, it means that several girls will fight for him at once.

But to see a vase with one flower, but beautiful, blooming and fragrant, is a sign that the man has made his choice and some girl is already “living” in his heart.

A basket of wilted roses warns the young man: if you take too long to choose, you will be left alone.

See the rose gardens bloom

There is nothing more beautiful to please the eyes - this is a garden in which roses bloom, they believe in the East. Many dream books agree with the opinion of the eastern sages and prophesy a lot of positivity and happiness to those who dreamed of a blossoming rose garden. Especially if in a dream all the bushes suddenly smelled distinctly, as if in reality.

You will live in a fairy tale, you will succeed in any project, your friends will delight you, and your loved ones will pamper you. Enjoy the moment, bask in the rays of happiness, because it, like a blooming rose, has a short lifespan.

Red, orange flowers

If you find yourself in a rose garden with red flowers, it means that you are in a romantic mood. Pink petals speak of the tenderness and ardor that is inherent in the young. Scarlet ones hint at mature feelings - you are confident in both yourself and your partner.

Orange roses signal: you will be full of vitality and optimism. The dream book, explaining why a flower with the color of fire is dreamed of, compares it with experience in some matter. Yellow roses predict success in matters related to money.

White buds

Those who have dreamed of gardens planted with white roses exuding a magical aroma need not be afraid of deception. They will intuitively sense lies and falsehood, thereby not allowing the envious person to gain their trust.

But if in the dream the white rose petals were withered, then most likely this is a hint that insincerity can lead not only to resentment, but also to separation.

Be surprised by the shade

Vanga’s dream book explains why purple “heads” are seen in dreams: it is a widow’s color, but in relation to plants, it symbolizes the end of old relationships and the beginning of new ones.

In a dream, did you see a lot of colorful buds? You will soon meet an interesting person. Growing green roses in a dream is a sign of increased vitality. But black buds predict a loss of strength and mood.

I dreamed of a very long rose

Deciphering the meaning of the dream plot, where you plant large rose bushes that grow very long before your eyes, Freud’s dream book associates such a vision with dissatisfaction and lack of variety in intimate life.

A dream in which you cut a rose with a very long stem has the opposite meaning: you want a calm relationship and traditional sex, but your partner has a different mindset.

In both cases, the best solution to the problem is a conversation with your loved one. If you both value your union, then you will come to a common opinion.

Prick yourself with a thorn in a dream

Picking a rose in a dream and being pricked by a thorn is a sign of love disappointment. It seemed to you that the chosen one treats you with the same tenderness and passion that you treat him, but it turns out that he simply feels good next to you.

Do you dream that you are breaking off the thorns in a bouquet that your loved one gives you? This is good! The women's dream book assures that you will be able to remove alienation from relationships and rekindle the fading fire of passion in the soul of your chosen one.

Do the thorns grow back after breaking off? Someone is jealous of you and says all sorts of nasty things about you. Perhaps it's a rival.

Artificial beauty

To be fair, it should be noted that roses can be seen not only as living plants, but also as an object of art. Dream books will help you understand why this or that “hypostasis” of the flower queen is dreaming. So:

  • artificial - you are insincere in your feelings;
  • tattoo - lack of love makes you cruel;
  • crystal - you are very afraid of losing your lover;
  • made of gold - you put the status of your chosen one first;
  • mosaic - your partner has no time to be bored next to you;
  • stone - do not close your soul from your loved one.

What to expect if the rose has dried up

A young man gave you a big pink armful as a gift, and they dried up in a couple of minutes? Tsvetkov’s dream book will tell you why you dream of such a nuisance.

You are looking for only external beauty and gloss in a relationship, forgetting about the soul. You are ready to put up with the fact that you are not happy with everything in your relationship with your partner. Such sacrifice will only bring suffering. Think about it, do you need them?

And if tea roses in a pot wither in a dream, then feel free to break the connection with the giver - your love is just an illusion and self-deception.

Did you dream about one rose or more?

Two roses symbolize a couple in love. If the flowers are of the same shade, then harmony will reign in the relationship. Are they different colors? Well, what can I say, you definitely won’t be bored!

An even number of roses in a dream speaks of the pragmatism of your chosen one. He always calculates everything and rarely uses intuition.

And if you see a bouquet in a dream, it means that you will not have to make decisions on your own. There will always be a person next to you who will help you make the right choice.

Where was the rose in the dream?

Did you dream about roses? Great! The family dream book suggests clarifying exactly where you admired this flower or bouquet. Here, for example, is what she dreams about:

  • in a cemetery - to the resurrection of “dead” relationships;
  • in the house - to flirting and coquetry;
  • at work - expect a promotion;
  • on the water - to vain expectations;
  • on a bench in the park - to a casual connection;
  • in the forest - to surprise;
  • in the ballot box - someone will not appreciate your impulses;
  • in the car - they will invite you on a trip;
  • in the hospital - you need to think about loved ones;
  • in the bank - income will increase sharply.

What does it mean to smell flowers in a dream?

Medea’s dream book will tell you why you dream of smelling roses. If you inhaled the aromas emanating from the huge buds, then soon you will fulfill your wish.

Rubbing the petals with your fingers in a dream and smelling a bitter smell is a sign of deception or betrayal. The same interpretation has the plot in which you pick roses, throw them on the floor and, trampling with your feet, enjoy the smell that the dying flowers emit.

Wanting to buy roses in a dream, did you choose them by smell? You trust your intuition more than common sense.

Pluck for something

Dream books advise: if you dreamed that you picked roses, remember why. This will help shed light on some of the nuances of interpretation. So, pick flowers to:

  • sell - soon the family’s well-being will improve;
  • give - you will make an interesting acquaintance;
  • draw - you will have a new hobby;
  • consider the root - you will solve someone’s problems;
  • free the wall of the house from them - be careful with criticism;
  • there are petals - you lack positive emotions.

What does Miller promise?

Miller's dream book most often characterizes dreams about roses positively. In a dream, a man found large armfuls on the road - signifying an engagement to someone he cares about.

A girl replants large Chinese bush roses in the greenhouse - this is a signal of meeting a foreigner and possible departure. Cutting them off in your dream is a symbol of an imminent wedding. If the groom is not there yet, he will appear soon.

Did you happen to water a rose bush that is falling apart? This is a sign of a desire to prevent separation from a loved one, says Miller.

Prophecies of the Islamic dream book

The Islamic dream interpreter also has a number of interpretations of what roses mean in dreams. For example, breaking a flower in a dream, but not throwing it away, but sprouting a root is a symbol of decency and the desire to help others.

But throwing away dry ones and putting freshly cut ones in a vase instead is a sign that a person knows what he wants and is going towards the goal.

Did you dream that you were so intoxicated by the smell that you felt sick? Be careful with hypocrites, such people will never miss the opportunity to gain profit at the cost of someone else’s trust, the Islamic Dream Book assures.

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Questions to the author

Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    I asked my son to dig up roses from the cemetery and bring them home, he brought them and said they were the most beautiful. I see two bushes there, and the flowers have been cut.

    5-Sep-2019 Anna:

    I dreamed of a rose garden with roses of unusual colors, I smelled the most open ones and enjoyed the aroma, they gave me a rose from this rose garden.

    • You are surrounded by kind and generous people - it is a great blessing to have such wonderful friends! In this circle you are valued and will never be left alone with your problems 😊.

Why do you dream of fragrant, beautiful rose flowers? The dream book calls them a symbol of love, success, joy, happiness. For a young girl, a vision in a dream promises marriage, for a guy - a benevolent life partner. But if they were withered and dried up, the interpretation is unfavorable.

Pay attention to the color

When interpreting a dream, you should focus on their color:

  • white - a good choice of a pair;
  • red - passionate feelings;
  • blue - possible conflict, discord with a partner;
  • yellow - hidden love;
  • black - mental suffering;
  • multi-colored in a bouquet - a frivolous relationship.

Did you dream of one bud with multi-colored petals? A handsome man will show attention to the dreamer.

In a dream, red rose flowers promise the fulfillment of desires, especially in matters of the heart.

Happiness, quick marriage

Why does a young lady dream of many rose flowers - a whole armful? The dream book states: she will soon get married.

These flowers were given to you in the spring? There is joy and happiness ahead. When the gift is presented in winter, the dreams will not come true, but will remain illusory dreams.

The Chinese rose is a symbol of longevity, wisdom, great happiness, which cannot be overshadowed by anything.

The guy dreamed of fresh rose flowers - large, fragrant? The dream foretells him a benevolent and intelligent girlfriend. Their marriage will be happy and worthy.

Success of business endeavors, trade

Seeing living roses in a dream, abundantly decorated with tinsel, means, according to the dream book: the sleeping person is surrounded by a person who persistently tries to impose his own views on life and relationships on him.

Seeing large, seemingly random, fresh flowers is a very favorable sign for traders, promising them a good profit.

For a man, roses and carnations together promise success - when they are beautiful, fresh, and fragrant. Ahead is a good period for business endeavors, concluding deals, and implementing plans.

Miller's Dream Book: joy ahead

Why do you dream of blooming, fragrant rose flowers? In reality, some joyful event is approaching. For a man, the vision portends fidelity to his beloved. Does a girl cut blooming roses in a dream? She will soon receive a marriage proposal that will delight her.

Unfavorable meanings

The crumbled ones symbolize the end of a serene life. Withered - something good will end, joy will pass irrevocably.

Did you dream of finding a dried bud? The dream book is disappointing: you will try in vain to awaken faded feelings.

To be pricked by thorns is to suffer from love.

To see artificial ones - people whom you considered friends will try to deceive you. They will display false feelings.

Be more attentive to your loved ones

Why do you dream about buying one flower? In the near future, the dreamer’s family life will not be overshadowed by quarrels or scandals.

Seeing one flower given as a gift in a dream, according to the dream book, means: you should not rush to draw conclusions, you need to pay more attention than usual to your loved one.

Mutual feelings, but beware of conflicts

Did you dream of a luxurious flower on a long stem? Soon the sleeper will receive joyful news about the engagement of one of his relatives or friends.

If you are given this beautiful flower in a dream, this is the personification of upcoming mutual, long-term love and fidelity.

Did a young girl dream of giving roses to someone? The dream book warns: in reality, a conflict situation awaits her with the one to whom she gave them.

Good luck in love affairs

A man giving them to a woman he likes in a dream means that he can count on her favor.

  • Primary elements - earth, metal, water, wood, fire.
  • Elements - humidity, dryness, cold, wind, heat.
  • Emotions - sadness, fear, anger, joy, thoughtfulness.
  • Organs - spleen, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder, gall bladder.
  • Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars.
  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • Since ancient times, many peoples considered the rose the queen of flowers and the personification of the beauty and diversity of the world. In folklore and literature of different countries and times, there are many legends about the origin of red roses: they are red from the blood of a nightingale that was cut on the thorns, or they are red from the blood of a poet who pressed the roses to his heart, or the roses became red because a girl pressed them to her chest, to place on the grave of a loved one. Red roses, in any case, turn out to be a symbol of flesh and blood: a symbol of life, but also a symbol of sadness, since human life is not eternal. White roses are a symbol of aspiration to heaven, a symbol of the immortal human spirit and joy. If most people, despite the difference in tastes, love roses, it means that these flowers give them heavenly and earthly energy. But like all powerful magical objects, roses are not always favorable for everyone and not in all seasons. After all, any gift requires a response: if a bouquet of white roses is a gift symbolizing heavenly energy, this may require some sacrifices in the name of heaven, and on earth roses can easily turn into a crown of thorns. In the interpretation of dreams, personally experienced emotions will mean a lot here. To see/pluck/give roses in a dream - a red rose is the mi energy of the Earth, a white rose is the yang energy of the Sky, adding energy to all systems of the body. In a dream, seeing/smelling/walking among roses with an even, bright feeling - walking among roses in any season or walking among white roses in the fall is beneficial for everyone (see the article White color this season) in the absence of negative emotions. In autumn this means good energy storage in accordance with the tasks of the season; in other seasons it means obtaining the necessary energy. Seeing white roses with a solemn feeling means preparing for an act that requires spiritual effort and receiving help in a dream. Negative emotions for white roses - the inability to perceive information from Heaven, aversion to red roses - the inability to take the energy of the Earth, which leads to mental illness and illnesses of the spirit, brain and body. Walking in a dream among bright red roses causes excessive delight, has a stimulating effect on the mind and heart and symbolizes a waking situation heated by passions. But for ordinary people, the state of insensitivity to one’s problems is unfavorable: one’s own heart may not be able to bear the tension, those around them may not want to share the unnecessary tension, and the result will be damage to relationships and affairs. In special cases, bright red roses in such a dream mean taking on some responsible and dangerous task that requires sacrifice. Seeing rose bushes dead or torn out in a dream is unfavorable: this is a loss of the energy of Heaven and Earth. The same thing means a dried bouquet in water. If the dreamer definitely knows who gave the bouquet, then the dream means a break in the relationship or direct hostility hidden under the guise of friendship. In a dream, giving/receiving roses as a gift - flowers collected by human hands and some feelings acquire a special symbolic meaning. Roses especially have the ability to absorb and then give away feelings and emotions, so it is not recommended to give roses just like that, and in a dream you don’t just dream of roses, with roses you give away a part of yourself: give/receive red or bright roses as a gift
  • - the ardent earthly feelings of the giver for the one to whom he gives flowers, but it will be difficult to predict whether it will be favorable or not; Giving roses in white or calm tones is a sign of calm, faithful and long friendship;
  • to give white roses to a young woman - to propose; man gives white yang roses to woman
  • - gives himself. What has been said here about white and red roses individually (according to inclination) can apply to any flowers of the corresponding color. From the point of view of Eastern philosophy, a rose is a male yang flower, so a man should not give a woman roses: whoever gives a woman roses, she gives only tears in return. In an illness, seeing yourself among roses or being given roses in warm colors means recovery; red or scarlet roses - illness crisis; white roses can symbolize parting with earthly life, which is favorable for the spirit: earthly life was not lived in vain and Heaven looks upon it favorably. To see roses blooming in a cemetery - the abundance of energy of the family and the favor of the ancestors will bring good luck. Dead, dried roses in a cemetery - depletion of the energy of the family does not bode well for descendants. Perhaps the burials were done incorrectly.


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