Dried apricot: benefits and harms for the body. The benefits of dried apricots for weight loss

Dried apricots are a type of dried fruit obtained from apricot fruits in dried form.

To give a product a marketable appearance, manufacturers often use technology, adding chemical components that negatively affect the human body. This is mainly sulfur dioxide. Benefits and possible harm Dried apricots for the body are preserved by preparing the product in the old fashioned way by placing the fruits in the sun for a week.

There are four varieties of the product, depending on the method of preparation - table, first grade, premium and extra.

The apricot is dried together with the pit. Its main difference is its small fruits, second only to their size. If moisture gets on them during drying, the product becomes more dark color and distinctive taste.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body depend on the drying method - with or without the use of chemicals, which give it a faded color. gray– the presence will fill the fruits with a bright orange color. This is usually done during mass production.

Dried apricots, cooked in a natural way, has a brownish color. The presence of an unusual taste, like wine, indicates the use of low-quality source fruits or a violation in technology.

The product contains vitamins C, A, BB and B1, 2, 5. Mineral components in the form of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, copper and cobalt. The fruit contains 5.2 g of protein per 100 grams, 51 carbohydrates and only 0.3 grams of fat. At the same time, the carbohydrate composition consists of fructose and glucose, which are easily digestible by the body. This property allows even diabetics to consume dried fruit in limited quantities.

Dried apricots contain ash, fiber, starch and organic acids.

8 beneficial properties of dried apricots

Low calorie content - 215/100 g gives dried apricots benefits for the body for people watching their weight, while filling everyone nutrients without adding weight, thanks to complex carbohydrates in the composition. Dry fruit is useful:

  1. Removes harmful substances from the body, including heavy metals, radionuclides and other chemical compounds.
  2. Dried apricots are good for the heart due to the potassium they contain.
  3. Dry fruit helps to recover faster after surgery by replenishing lost iron reserves.
  4. Dried apricots contain more fiber than fresh fruit 9 times. For the gastrointestinal tract to function normally, a couple of handfuls eaten per day is enough.
  5. The benefits of dried apricots for the body also extend to the kidneys, pancreas and thyroid gland.
  6. The product reduces the negative effects of antibiotics used during illness.
  7. The rich antioxidant composition prevents the development of cancer.
  8. Helps resolve skin and vascular problems.

Dried apricots are useful for cardiac activity by cleansing blood vessels, improving blood supply to organs and systems, prevents atherosclerotic development and normalizes blood pressure.

Dried apricots are useful for men in combination with other foods because they have the ability to enhance sexual desire and improve potency.

Raisins with dried apricots

You can strengthen your immune system with healthy recipe, which includes dried apricots with raisins.

Take 1 glass walnuts, raisins, dried apricots, and one lemon. Dried apricots and raisins are washed and dried. The nuts are sorted, the lemon is doused with boiling water, then cut into slices and the seeds removed. Everything is twisted using a meat grinder, honey is added and mixed. The resulting mass is placed in any container and stored in the refrigerator.

The composition is taken by an adult twice a day, 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals, gradually increasing the dosage. Children's body 1 tsp is enough. also 2 times a day.

The combination of raisins with dried apricots is beneficial for pregnant women and nursing mothers, protecting against anemia, strengthening the central nervous system, relieving insomnia and strengthening the heart muscle.

Dried apricots in folk medicine

Traditional healers have long used dried apricots to normalize the functionality of all organs. human body. For men and women, dried apricots are useful for their ability to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

To get rid of constipation, you need to pour boiling water over dried fruits in the evening and leave them overnight in any container, covered with a lid. In the morning, the fruits are eaten on an empty stomach. Within a month, intestinal function returns to normal, no longer disturbing the person.

Women who regularly consume dried apricots benefit by eliminating bad cholesterol and harmful components. The vessels are endowed with elasticity and strength, preventing thrombus formation.

Vision improves, and the skin remains youthful and beautiful. Kidney and genitourinary problems can be solved with a decoction or infusion using dried apricots, due to its diuretic effect.

Dried apricots are good for women preventive action against the development of malignant tumors.

Dried fruit has positive properties, helping with diabetes mellitus, vitamin deficiency, impaired work thyroid gland and other violations. Just 100 grams of dried apricots per day, not exposed to heat, is enough.

For women who are watching their figure, dried apricots are a substitute for sweets. The presence of glucose with fructose in the composition does not increase insulin levels in the blood, preventing excess weight from being deposited.


Dried apricots are useful during pregnancy with a mild laxative effect, relieving constipation. The product prevents anemia by replenishing iron reserves in the body.

Great acid, mineral and vitamin content has a beneficial effect on the cardiac activity of mother and baby.

Dried apricots are useful during pregnancy for women suffering from high blood pressure. The iodine in the composition supports the activity of the thyroid gland. Fructose with glucose helps better work brain

Dried apricots are harmful in large quantities ah, disrupting work digestive organs. Daily norm– 150 grams. And it is best to consume it before 16 hours - at this time the body absorbs all the beneficial substances to the maximum.

Dried fruits processed chemical elements, increasing the shelf life of the product and improving appearance. It is not recommended to consume dried apricots for people with low blood pressure due to the ability of dried fruit to lower it.

Contraindication applies to the use of dried apricot fruits in food in the presence of chronic gastrointestinal ailments, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Diabetics in mandatory consult with your doctor and get permission from him to eat dried apricots. Obesity is also a contraindication, but in some cases nutritionists recommend fasting days based on this product.

And, of course, people with disabilities should not eat dried apricots. individual intolerance product, manifested in the form of rash, itching and swelling.

Culinary uses of dried apricots

Most often, dried apricots are added to desserts and baked goods. This product goes well with other dried fruits - raisins, including nuts.

Adding dried apricots to cereal porridges fills them with even greater benefits and taste. Gourmets use dried fruit in cooking meat dishes and side dishes. In Uzbekistan, dried apricots are added to pilaf.

This product is suitable for preparing for the winter in the form of preserves, jams and compotes. Heat treatment, of course, destroys most of the beneficial properties, but it replaces great taste and high spirits.

Dried apricots are considered a controversial product when it comes to dietary nutrition. There are various conflicting opinions. Some believe that this product should be categorically rejected by anyone who wants to lose weight, others express the opposite point of view, and still others choose the middle path. Most likely, this is what can be considered correct, since in this case the principle of moderation and reasonableness is observed.

Dried apricots in the diet

The effect of dried apricots on health and weight loss

First of all, it should be noted that dried apricots are a healthy product. It contains the whole complex biologically active elements that contribute to normal operation heart and blood vessels, strengthen muscle and bone tissue, provide good nutrition tissues and give a boost of energy. Such dried fruits help cleanse the body and stimulate intestinal motility. They are great for snacking, providing rapid attack feelings of satiety.

But even taking into account all these useful qualities, a natural question arises - is it possible to eat dried apricots while on a diet, because they are quite high-calorie product. The answer will be positive, but ambiguous. Consumption of dried apricots while on a diet may occur. But in order to benefit from it while avoiding excess weight gain, it is important to follow certain rules.

Rules for eating dried apricots on a diet

The main rule for eating dried apricots is moderation. And it concerns not only dietary nutrition. Even if you do not set yourself the goal of losing weight or maintaining it at a certain level, you should not abuse dried fruits. In addition to the fact that you risk adding a few extra pounds, you are also at risk of intestinal problems. When dieting, you should limit yourself to no more than 20 - 30 g of dried apricots per day.

The second rule determines the time of consumption of dried fruits. Since dried apricots are rich in carbohydrates and high in calories, you need to give your body the opportunity to burn the energy obtained from it. It's very easy to do. Eat dried fruits in the morning. Moreover, the most effective would be to use it as a dessert after lunch.

Dried apricots provide cleansing and elimination of excess liquid. And these processes directly affect weight loss. But in order for these qualities of dried apricots to fully manifest themselves, it is important to drink sufficient quantity water - at least 2 liters per day.

By observing these simple rules, you don’t have to worry about gaining extra pounds. If your diet is balanced and healthy, then be sure that your figure will remain in order. If you want to lose weight and are looking for an effective diet in which you can consume dried apricots, then pay attention to the options presented below.

Is it possible to eat dried apricots while on a diet: You can definitely consume dried fruits in reasonable quantities, as they have a positive effect on health and help you lose weight

Diets with dried apricots

Fasting day with dried apricots for weight loss

A great way to maintain a normal figure and cleanse the body is to arrange a fasting day on dried apricots. It can be done once every week or two. It will help restore balance in the body after overeating. There are two popular options for fasting days.

The first of them is the most strict. The bottom line is that you only need to eat 200 g of dried apricots per day and nothing more. You are allowed to drink tea without sugar in unlimited quantities, adding lemon and mineral water if desired.

Second option fasting day based on the consumption of purees. To prepare it, you only need two components:

  1. Dried apricots - 300 g;
  2. Freshly squeezed apricot juice or apricot puree - 200 g.

Combine the products by grinding them using a blender. The resulting dish will make up your daily ration.

No matter which option you choose, the rules for following the diet will be the same. You should eat at equal intervals, dividing your daily diet into 5 parts. And the second point is to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

Keep in mind that dried apricots have a laxative effect. Try to spend a fasting day at home. And remember that such an extreme diet should only last 1 day. If you have problems with your digestive system, consult your doctor.

Strict buckwheat diet with dried apricots for weight loss

Dried apricots can be useful for anyone who chooses a strict mono-buckwheat diet. They are not suitable for everyone, and sometimes cause a feeling of weakness, dizziness, etc. unpleasant symptoms. If you realized that buckwheat diet is given to you with great difficulty, soften it by adding 5 - 7 pieces of dried apricots to your daily diet.

Diet of dried fruits and nuts for weight loss

This diet is quite strict, so it is not suitable for everyone. If you have any chronic disorders or digestive problems, be sure to consult your doctor.

The diet should last no more than 5 days. Its meaning is extremely simple. You will need to make a mixture by combining equal proportions of dried apricots, raisins, prunes and two types of nuts to your taste. The result should be 500 g of the composition. This is the amount that should be eaten throughout the day in small portions at equal intervals. There should be 5 - 6 meals in total. In this case, be sure to drink at least 2 liters of liquid. It is best to use clean still water without additives. If this dietary option suits you, you can lose up to 4 kg of excess weight in 5 days.

So, we found out that you can eat dried apricots on a diet. But it is important to take into account its features and follow simple rules. Use dried apricots wisely, and you will be able to maintain normal not only your figure, but also your health.

Going on any diet is not an easy task, because you need to give up most of your favorite and delicious dishes. With great difficulty, most people losing weight tolerate the lack of sweets. In this matter, dried apricots for weight loss are a real salvation, because healthy dried fruit Apricots do not contain as many calories as cakes or sweets. This is far from the only reason why this product may be included in the diet.

What is dried apricots

When apricot fruits spend about 8 days in the scorching sun, they dry out and acquire a unique taste - the result is everyone’s favorite sweet called dried apricots. Before drying, the seeds are removed from the fruit. Dark-colored products are considered more natural. It appears when apricots are dried naturally without any additives.

To make dried apricots, large fresh fruits are chosen. In order to get 1 kilogram of dried fruits, you will need up to 4 kilograms of apricots. Türkiye, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and China specialize best in this. Interestingly, Uzbek dried fruits are different from others in a natural way production. Only there they are dried in the sun, and not processed industrially.

Beneficial features

Dried apricots – useful product. During drying, it retains almost all vitamins and microelements. It contains more potassium and magnesium than other substances; it also contains iron, calcium and phosphorus, and vitamin B12. A few dried fruits will saturate the body with the daily requirement of potassium and iron, which cannot be said about fresh apricots. Dried apricots will help weakened hair, nails and skin. The substances it contains help with:

  • constipation, as they have a laxative effect;
  • obesity;
  • problems with the stomach and intestines;
  • hypertension;
  • anemia;
  • swelling;
  • immunodeficiency.

Calorie content

The main question that interests a person on a diet is: energy value product. Dried apricots are not quite suitable in this regard, because 100 grams contain 232 kcal. This is too much for someone who is on a diet. If we compare it with the calorie content of other sweets, such as cakes or pastries, then preference is given to dried fruit. For this reason, it is chosen during diets, when you have an unbearable craving for sweets. Rich in carbohydrates, it saturates the body, and fructose and glucose help the brain function.

Is it possible to eat dried apricots while losing weight?

The main problem of any diet is that sweets must be minimized or abandoned altogether, so whether it is possible to eat dried apricots on a diet is a natural question. Without glucose, a person is more susceptible to depression and irritability, which is why he is tempted to snap. Lack of sweets is the most common cause disruptions during fasting diets.

Dried apricots for weight loss help just in such cases. It won't break your diet, but it will help your digestion if you allow yourself to eat a few pieces of dried fruit per day. In addition, it will increase blood glucose levels, and with it your mood. When you are unbearably hungry, dried fruit will help again: 2-3 pieces, washed down with a glass of water, will become your dessert. In a few minutes they will relieve you of hunger and give you energy because they contain carbohydrates.

How many dried apricots can you eat per day?

Exist different recommendations, in what quantity dried apricots should be consumed during a diet. It depends on what regime you are currently following. If you want to snack on dried fruits as a sweet, then let them be no more than 30 grams per day. If you adhere to a diet, the main component of which is dried apricots, then the amount increases to 200-300 grams, which should be consumed in equal portions throughout the day.

Dried apricots for the night

The more high-calorie a product is, the earlier it should be consumed so that the calories do not “settle” in the body overnight. Same with dried apricots. It is best to use it in the morning or until a maximum of two in the afternoon. In this case, all carbohydrates will be used up before the evening and will not give you the opportunity to gain weight. Don’t forget that we eat dried fruit as a substitute for other sweets, so you need to exclude sugar from your diet no matter what time you enjoy dried apricots.

Fasting day on dried apricots

Any body could use a fasting day, which will give the opportunity digestive tract relax. It is useful to choose dried apricots for it to activate intestinal cleansing and removal of excess fluid. The rules for unloading are simple. In the evening before the fasting day, steam about 300 grams of dried fruits in 400 grams of water. In the morning you need to drink the water from them, and divide the fruits into portions and eat them throughout the day. In addition to dried apricots for weight loss, consume as much liquid and green tea as possible to thoroughly flush the intestines and not gain weight.

Diet with dried apricots

Losing weight on dried apricots is not a difficult task, but a diet involving this delicacy will force you to muster your will. Duration this method weight loss - 5 days, during which the body must be cleansed. The result will be a loss of 5 kilograms of excess weight. For the entire period you will have to eat only dried apricots for weight loss. The menu is very simple: take 300 grams of dried fruits, rinse, let stand in water, then pour apricot juice(0.5 l) and grind in a blender. The puree is divided into equal parts and eaten in 4 doses.

There is another diet option that is more gentle. In addition to dried fruits, he allows the consumption of other food products. It is important to count calories. For women, their amount should not exceed 1500 kcal per day, for men no more than 1900. You can choose dishes according to your preferences, the main thing is that they are low-fat. When creating a menu, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Breakfast. 70 grams of dried apricots, optional tea or coffee, but no sugar added.
  • Dinner. 50 grams of dried fruit, diet soup and no more than 100 grams of low-fat boiled meat. Meat can be alternated with fish.
  • Dinner. Porridge with dried fruit (50 grams). On other days, you can replace porridge with cottage cheese.

Video: dried apricots for weight loss

Topics about the benefits of dried apricots and apricots for the body are always popular. But the dangers of this product are talked about much less often. And in vain. Because Negative influence available. And you should definitely know about it before including the product in your diet.

What it is?

Dried apricots are the dried half of an apricot. Quite often, kaisa, which is a whole dried apricot from which the pit has been removed, is sold under this name.

The presence of a seed is the difference between apricots and dried apricots.

There is also this type dried apricots, like ashtak. This is a whole dried fruit, from which the seed was first removed and then returned, but in a peeled form.

In this article we will talk about how dried apricots are useful or harmful. However, everything that has been said fully describes the benefits and harms of apricots or kaisa. It’s just that the name “dried apricots” is more understandable to most people.


The calorie content of dried apricots per 100 grams is 241 kcal. This amount of product contains:

  • 7.3 g fiber, equivalent to 29% daily norm;
  • 72% of the daily dose of vitamin A;
  • 33% potassium;
  • 22% vitamin E;
  • 17% copper;
  • 15% iron;
  • 13% niacin;
  • 12% manganese;
  • 8% magnesium;
  • 7% phosphorus and vitamin B6 each.

Also chemical composition dried apricots includes vitamins K, B2, pantothenic acid, folate, calcium, zinc, selenium. Carotenoid group antioxidants are also present in dried fruit.

From fresh fruit dried apricot features:
  • lack of vitamins C and B1, which disintegrate when dried;
  • 4 times more high content carbohydrates and calories;
  • more high concentrations vitamins A, E, potassium, fiber.

In addition, the properties of dried apricots are often not due to its natural composition, but with those additives that many manufacturers use today when drying apricots.

So quite often they use sugar. As a result, the calorie content of apricots, kaisa and other varieties of dried apricot fruits increases noticeably, as does the amount of harmful carbohydrates in their composition.

Another compound that is present in the products of most manufacturers today is sulfur dioxide, which is necessary to preserve bright color dried fruit, improving its presentation.

Beneficial features

  1. Improved bowel function. Dried apricots are weak because they contain a lot of plant fibers. Nowadays, such activity of dried fruit is very useful, since the scourge modern man, leading sedentary image life, are chronic constipation.
  2. Support intestinal microflora . Plant fiber in the dried fruit, the main form of which is, nourishes beneficial microflora intestines. This helps to normalize work digestive system, and improve the functioning of the entire body as a whole, for example, boost immunity.
  3. Saturation of the body with potassium. A lack of this microelement leads to hypertension, osteoporosis, urolithiasis and many other serious ailments. Many people don't even think about how much they lack potassium. They try to limit their consumption table salt, whereas potassium intake should be increased. Don't remove sodium. One of the important explanations for the benefits of apricots, kaisa, etc. is the presence of large amounts of potassium in them.
  4. Protection of the heart and blood vessels. Dried apricots for the heart are not only potassium, which prevents hypertension and arrhythmia, but also fiber and antioxidants, which improve lipid profile and reduce chronic inflammation in blood vessels.
  5. Treatment and prevention of anemia. Useful properties of dried apricots for prevention iron deficiency anemia are associated not only with the fact that it contains a lot of iron. But also with the presence of copper, which is necessary for the complete absorption of iron from food.
  6. Vision support. Vitamins A and E are two key bioactive substances necessary to maintain visual acuity. And dried fruit provides these compounds.
  7. Saturation of the body antioxidants and fight against chronic inflammation. The basis of most serious illnesses, such as cancer or atherosclerosis, is negative impact free radicals on cell membranes and their genetic apparatus. As well as chronic, low-grade inflammation, which often occurs precisely because of free radicals. Dried apricots are useful because of what they give to a person a large number of antioxidants (vitamin A is also an antioxidant) and thus saves it from many diseases.

Is it possible to eat while losing weight?

Dried apricots and apricots have beneficial properties for weight loss. These dried fruits:

  • improve the functioning of intestinal microflora, which is useful for weight loss, since people with overweight body composition intestinal biocenosis always changed;
  • give the body a lot;
  • supply it with antioxidants that help fight chronic inflammation, which is one of the reasons for the accumulation of excess fat deposits.

However, dried apricots for weight loss are not the best a good choice. Moreover, due to several of its properties.

  1. The product has an intense sweet taste. All sweets, even those that have no calories at all, such as stevia, are harmful to weight loss. Eating a product that has a sweet taste negatively affects the brain, forcing a person to eat more and more, including other sweets. At the same time, giving up sweets, which is absolutely necessary for healthy, sustainable weight loss, becomes almost impossible.
  2. Dried apricots have a fairly high calorie content - 241 kcal per 100 grams. This wouldn't be so scary if the product saturated well. But it does not have such properties. Since it contains few compounds that a person really needs for active life– proteins and fats. And at the same time it has a sweet taste that whets the appetite.
  3. Dried fruit contains a lot of fructose, which is an isocaloric substance. That is, it stimulates weight gain, even though it does not overload the body with calories. However, its metabolism is such that all of it turns into fat.

Listed bad influence does not mean that dried apricots for weight loss are so dangerous that they are under complete ban. It can be included in the diet, but only in small quantities.

How to use?

Dried apricots, apricots, and kaisa should be eaten in small quantities. This is the basic rule for using these dried fruits, following which makes it possible to extract from them maximum benefit and minimize possible harm.

Anyone who wants to eat healthy, and even more so wants to lose weight, needs to remember the following.

  1. Dried fruit gives the body a colossal boost of energy. This is good for high energy expenditures, that is, with an active lifestyle, intensive physical labor. But if you are just sitting in a chair at the computer, and all your physical activity limited to a 15-20 minute walk a day, you will not be able to burn all the energy you get from the product. And therefore it will become fat.
  2. Dried fruits demonstrate their beneficial, for example, antioxidant, activity only when they are consumed in small quantities. Since when massively included in the diet, a lot of sugars enter the body. And the harm of these compounds often outweighs the benefits of the healing components.

How much can you eat per day?

It is impossible to indicate exactly, in pieces, how much dried apricots can and should be eaten per day. After all, this is not a medicine, but regular product nutrition. That is, no strict dosage has been developed for it.

If you do calculations based on the amount of fructose in this product, it turns out that:

  • people who want to lose weight, have a pre-diabetic condition, metabolic syndrome, can eat a little less than 1 glass;
  • healthy individuals – 1.5 cups.

However, in this case, the calculation based on fructose is not completely correct. Since dried apricots, apricots, kaisa are sweets. And they provide negative impact on the brain, regardless of what compounds they contain.

Therefore, if you eat a glass of dried fruits every day, you will constantly feed your brain with sweets. And he will demand more and more and more.

Therefore, if you really want to switch to a healthy diet, you must limit daily consumption dried apricots maximum half a glass. And that’s provided that this is the only sweet you eat during the day.

If you eat other sweets, baked goods, etc., then this amount should be reduced.

The optimal dose per day is 5-6 pieces.

Rules for inclusion in the diet

  1. Dried apricots should not be combined with easily digestible carbohydrates. Including fast cereals, even if the packages of such foods indicate that they are “whole grain.” And also with honey.
  2. You should not eat dessert after the main meal. Dried apricot makes a hearty snack rather than a light dessert.
  3. Instead of carbohydrates, dried fruits should be combined with fats and proteins. Especially with fats, as they help digestion fat-soluble vitamin A, of which there is so much in this dried fruit. Therefore, it can be added to natural fatty cottage cheese. And also eat it with nuts. Just don’t forget that dried apricots + nuts are a colossal boost of energy. And if you decide that your body needs it, then you must understand how you will burn it.
  4. Dried apricots are good to take with you on those days when you don’t have the opportunity to have a normal lunch and you need a lot of energy. But they cannot be used as a quality. Since this will complicate the process of burning fat deposits and will make the exercise useless if you are exercising specifically to lose weight.
  5. Dried apricots can be used for, which is indicated for those who train for athletic achievements, and not for weight loss.

How to select, store and prepare for use?

Selection rules

Manufacturers of dried fruits use various tricks to give their products the most attractive appearance. And these tricks do not add any benefit to the product.

The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing dried apricots is its color. The brighter it is, the yellower it is, the more likely only that it was processed by various chemical compounds.

Natural dried fruit is usually dark, wrinkled, and often dusty. Unattractive. But that is precisely what is useful.

Also notice the smell of dried apricots. Under no circumstances should they smell of gasoline or smoke.

How to store dried apricots at home?

It is best to place the dried fruit in a cool, ventilated, dark place. IN modern apartments Such premises are not easy to find. Therefore, the following storage options are used:

  • in a closed cabinet located away from the battery, in glass jar with lid or plastic container;
  • on the refrigerator shelf, also in a jar or container;
  • in the freezer in a freezer bag or plastic container.

The drier the dried apricots, apricots or kaisa, the longer they are stored. Sometimes you come across options that are not completely dried, but only withered. They are softer. Often have the best marketable condition. But they are stored much less.

If you purchased a soft, only dried product, store it in the freezer. Otherwise, it runs the risk of quickly becoming moldy.

Can you dry it yourself at home?

Yes, dried apricots can be made at home. But this is not so simple, since you will need either special equipment or bright hot sun for several weeks.

Do I need to wash it?

Dried apricots must be washed before use, since they contain both ordinary dirt and sulfur dioxide.

  • First you need to rinse with running water.
  • Then put it in a container and fill it with water at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.
  • Next, drain the water dried fruits rinse again under running water.

The more times you repeat this entire procedure, the more completely you will get rid of sulfur dioxide.

Never pour boiling water over dried apricots, as this destroys the vitamins.

Contraindications and side effects

  1. Strict contraindication for consumption is an allergy, which is rare.
  2. The dried fruits sold in most of our stores contain the preservative sulfur dioxide. There may be hypersensitivity to this substance, which can lead to death from suffocation. Patients with asthma are at particular risk, since they develop hypersensitivity to sulfur dioxide 5-10 times more often than those who do not suffer from asthma.
  3. When abundantly included in the diet, dried apricots cause unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms: bloating and flatulence, diarrhea, pain in the abdominal area. Dried apricots for constipation are an excellent natural laxative. Some people can feel its effect after eating just a few pieces of dried fruit.
  4. Dried apricots are allowed for gastritis, pancreatitis, and cholecystitis. But not acute phase diseases.
  5. You also need to remember how many calories and sugars are in dried apricots. And there are many of them. Therefore, with excessive and regular consumption, excess weight gain is possible.

Can diabetics eat?

Dried apricots are allowed for diabetes because they glycemic index even lower than fresh fruits, and is only 30.

However, the product contains a lot of fructose, which does not lead to an immediate rise in blood sugar, but gradually, with massive consumption, contributes to the development of diabetes or aggravates its course.

Therefore, despite the fact that dried apricots can be eaten if you have type 2 diabetes, you should not overload on them. Moreover, it stimulates the desire to eat sweets, which is painful for diabetics.

But it won’t hurt to take a few dried fruits with you on the road. Since they can help to escape from hypoglycemia.

Is the product allowed during pregnancy?

Dried apricots are allowed during pregnancy, as they have beneficial properties for expectant mothers:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps prevent anemia;
  • eliminate constipation, etc.

However, the number of dried apricots that pregnant women are allowed to eat per day is strictly limited to 5-6 pieces. Otherwise, you may gain excess weight.

In addition, the product may contain sulfur dioxide, the effect of which on the body of a woman expecting a child is highly desirable.

Is it possible while breastfeeding?

Dried orange fruits, like their fresh counterparts, are lactogenic foods. Therefore, dried apricots can, and even need to be eaten with breastfeeding. But still, it doesn’t hurt to be a little careful.

You should not include dry apricots in the diet until the child is 2-3 months old.

You should start adding 1-2 items to your menu, carefully monitoring the baby’s condition.

When using dried apricots for breastfeeding, a nursing mother must be careful about the choice of this product and its purity. It is extremely important to thoroughly rinse the dried fruit, freeing it from sulfur dioxide.

At what age should it be given to a child?

Not earlier than 9 months. Preferably one year and older. The product contains a lot of fiber. And it is difficult for very young children to grasp it.

You should start introducing it into your diet with half of one thing. Then observe the baby’s condition for several days. And only then increase the dose.

Be sure to thoroughly wash the dried apricot before giving it to your little one. And try to choose those varieties of dried apricots that contain fewer chemicals.

You should also remember that even though dried fruit is a natural sweetness, it is a sweetness. And under no circumstances should you overfeed your child with sweets.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots and apricots for the body: conclusions

All varieties of dried apricots are rich vegetable fiber, vitamins A and E, potassium. And their healing effect on the body.

Dried apricots and apricots improve bowel movements (weaken), strengthen the immune system, preserve vision and help prevent hypertension.

However, due to the fact that they contain a lot of sugars, include them in the diet healthy eating These dried fruits are available only in limited quantities.

The best thing is to eat 5-6 pieces per day.

During the cold season, the body urgently needs an influx of vitamins and other useful substances. Therefore, everyone begins to more or less regularly consume foods rich in them. Standing apart in this row are especially the beloved dried apricots. Let’s consider why exactly it is useful and whether harm is possible from this “yummy”.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Dried pitted apricots are considered high-calorie product - per 100 g have to 215-232 kcal(the specific figure depends on storage conditions).

Among carbohydrates, the latter take precedence - there are about 51-53 g of them here. There is much less protein: 5.2 g, while fats are indicated symbolically (0.3 g). The remainder of the mass is water (20 g), valuable alimentary fiber(11 g) and ash with organic acids.
The same 100 gram serving contains compounds such as:

  • - 5.5 mg;
  • - 4 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 3.5 mg;
  • , among which niacin stands out, also known as niacin, in a dose of 3 mg. and are presented much more modestly (0.1 and 0.2 mg each);
  • - 583 mcg.

Among them, the main one is considered (1.7-1.8 g). and much less: 160 and 146 mg. Contents - 105 mg. and with their 26 and 17 mg the role of fastening components is assigned.

From the series it is usually mentioned in an amount of 3-3.2 mg. The dosage of copper and others is much less: their share is reduced to micrograms.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for the body?

Delicious dried fruit perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger and can replace other, sometimes more harmful, sweets. But this beneficial features are not limited at all - dried apricots suit everyone.

Did you know? It still remains a mystery from which region apricots spread to their current range. Many scientists believe that the center of origin was the Chinese Tien Shan, but there are a lot of contradictions in this version.


Men value this product for the following “abilities”:

  • normalization of work of cardio-vascular system. This is largely due to magnesium and potassium, which in addition also prevent the occurrence of muscle cramps;
  • supporting the body during heavy physical labor;
  • regulation blood pressure and accelerated cleaning of blood vessels - this effect is achieved by nicotinic acid;
  • removal of toxins and heavy metal oxides;
  • support of bone tissue due to. Thus, testosterone is redirected to work with other systems;
  • prevention of urological problems (in particular, prostatitis).

Athletes who pay a lot of attention to their diet note another quality of this product - it is an equivalent replacement flour products, and sugar. That is, boring menu items can be easily replaced with delicious dried apricots.


Women, among whom traditionally have more of a sweet tooth, have long noticed the valuable dried fruit. Moreover, it is completely deserved, because with moderate use it:

  • cleanses the body, removing mass harmful substances(including the extra one). This prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • strengthens blood vessels, making them more elastic;
  • Penetrating deeply into the skin, vitamins rejuvenate and cleanse it;
  • raises hemoglobin levels, which is used in the fight against iron deficiency anemia;
  • dried apricots in pure form(that is, without heat treatment) normalizes the functions of the endocrine system;
  • relieves symptoms of gastrointestinal problems, especially chronic constipation. This is a merit;
  • acting as a diuretic, helps in the treatment of diseases genitourinary system and kidneys;
  • with stable use, it reduces the risk of occurrence to zero malignant tumors(or stops development if they are present).

Those who watch their figure know about one more property of such drying: acting as a sugar substitute, it does not increase the level of insulin in the blood and, when taken correctly, blocks it.


This delicacy will appeal to both parents and children. In addition to its taste, dried apricots are powerful tonic And natural immunomodulator, which is relevant in the autumn-winter period.

Support for the baby’s growing body is also manifested in such properties:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of hemoglobin levels;
  • stimulation of the growth of intestinal microflora;
  • quick relief of constipation, which often plagues such a tender age.

But in the case of children, the issue of dosage becomes especially acute. If 100, maximum 150 g of dried fruit per day is considered the norm for an adult, then a child needs less. The maximum share for a baby is 50 g.

There are also age restrictions. Thus, small additions of dried apricots to main dishes are allowed to be given to healthy toddlers over 1 year old. If the baby develops an allergy (but the cause has not yet been established), you will have to wait until 3 years.

First techniques healthy treats will be trial: drying in the form of puree is given half a teaspoon, while assessing the reaction. After making sure that everything is fine and the product has not caused rejection, you can gradually increase its content in the menu (up to the same 50 g).

Did you know? Archaeologists claim that humanity has been cultivating apricots for at least 6 thousand years.

Is it possible for pregnant and nursing mothers

The abundance of vitamins and minerals makes this product indispensable for women in labor whose bodies work under double load. And they will benefit the baby himself.

Supporting the heart, blood vessels and kidneys - dried fruit can do all this. Gynecologists often advise expectant mothers to eat 4-5 slices a day to support endocrine system. If accompanied, dried apricots in the same quantities are included in the menu as an indispensable element.
True, its use will not benefit everyone. This technique is prohibited for women who have low blood pressure, bronchial asthma or allergic reactions.

With absence similar complications This type of drying is best used as an additive to muesli or porridge and cottage cheese. Although here you will have to start small: 1 slice, then 2 and so on.

Important! Ideal option for a while breastfeeding it is considered a compote of dried apricots that the mother will drink: the compounds in liquid form are absorbed by her body much faster than solid drying.

The same situation with: healthy woman And her baby will benefit from dried apricots in small doses. The main thing is to adhere to the measure (2-3 pieces entering the mother’s body have a good effect on lactation and milk content, while 5 or more pieces can cause serious disorder stomach).

Although there is one nuance here: when breastfeeding during the first 3 months of life, it is advisable to abstain from fruit.

How to choose a quality product when purchasing

Let’s make a reservation right away - it’s better to buy dried apricots at the market, where they are offered by weight. Purchasing a packaged product in a store or anywhere else calls into question its benefits.

The fact is that industrial processing of raw materials often involves sulfur dioxide. It extends shelf life, but at the same time neutralizes some of the beneficial substances.

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • Color. Natural dried apricots are visible by their dark orange or brownish color (a grayish tint is allowed). At the same time, the surface itself seems a little dusty and matte. But a uniform and too bright orange color indicates that “chemistry” could not be avoided.
  • Shimmers on the skin itself. The surface should not be transparent or shiny. If you notice this, put the dryer aside: it was probably rubbed with glycerin or oil to give it a marketable appearance.
  • Size. It is advisable to take the largest slices - the larger the fruit, the heavier the ripe apricot was (hence, there are more vitamins here).
  • Taking the fruits in your hands, make sure that they are wrinkled, but without cracks, slightly crumbly and not sticking together. Naturally, no traces of mold or insects. If the product has been stored correctly, it will feel firm to the touch and a little tough. A soft, damp “smudge” indicates that the product has been stored improperly;
  • Smell and taste. Usually sellers give you a couple of pieces to try. If they have a distinct fruity taste and smell pleasant, you can take them. A barely perceptible aroma of gasoline is characteristic of apricots that have been left in the oven, and a distinct sourness is the result of accelerated fermentation.

Did you know? In Chinese culture, apricot symbolizes timidity.

Choosing the most quality product, many are wondering how best to store this sweetness in order to retain the vitamins longer.

How to store at home

Dried fruits purchased for future use are stored in clean and sealed glass or plastic containers (a tight-fitting lid is required).

Ordinary plastic bag Suitable only for temporary maintenance. For the longest possible storage, the slices are poured into a sterile wooden container, not forgetting to check it for the absence of insects.

The easiest way is to put the covered workpiece in, or even in the freezer. Frozen food will thaw at room temperature. No heating is required: heating too quickly destroys the beneficial substances.

Particular caution should be taken by pregnant women and people suffering from. They should coordinate the use of dried apricots with their doctors. They will determine the dosage and frequency of use.

Remember to use a sense of proportion: too much additive in the form of valuable dried fruit can result in side effects. Their list is quite modest, but there is something to think about: these include allergies and digestive problems (diarrhea, constipation), as well as dangerous attacks Hypoglycemia is a drop in blood glucose levels.

As you can see, moderation in food will not hurt. We hope our readers will take this information into account, and delicious dried apricots will only be beneficial. More sweet moments every day!



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