Medical rehabilitation of cerebral palsy. Choosing a rehabilitation center for children with cerebral palsy

It is important to understand that any brain damage that affects areas involved in planning and controlling movement will cause the person to move differently from other people. It is very difficult for him to learn new movements and adapt to constantly changing conditions external environment, it is difficult to control your posture. Rehabilitators help restore harmonious muscle function and learn those things that are not available to people due to their illness - maintain posture, walk, talk, etc.

Any specialist who is faced with the need to rehabilitate a child with cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders, knows that there are no and never will be two identical patients. There is no universal collection of recipes and set of exercises that will be ideal for everyone.

If a disabled person with cerebral palsy faces problems of lack of strength and physical endurance, lack of balance and coordination of movements, then we conduct part of the classes on the Galileo vibration platform. These exercises save time and greatly facilitate the labor-intensive rehabilitation process. Plus, they are fun, since most children really like the vibration.

Stretching activities are also carried out on the Galileo platform. The effect of such activities comes faster and lasts longer:

The vibration platform can be rented for a while, so that young patients can practice at home and be able to consolidate the results.

Not all rehabilitation techniques are like play. But the use of some of them, for example Vojta therapy, is especially justified at the age of up to 18 months. Vojta therapy helps to develop an excellent sensorimotor base, sufficient for building other types of therapy - speech therapy, defectology, occupational therapy, functional integration.

All rehabilitation programs are developed strictly individually, based on physiological state patient. With us you can undergo both individual procedures (classes using Vojta or on the Galileo platform) and comprehensive rehabilitation. In addition, our specialists can always come to your home to adjust your exercise program.

Since parents are full members of the rehabilitation team, we always actively share our knowledge with them. By teaching parents therapy methods, we help them gain a wealth of knowledge that will allow them to continue the process of rehabilitation of cerebral palsy at home and consolidate the results achieved.

Our team of rehabilitation doctors

All professionals involved in the rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders must continually develop their skills in observation, assessment and analysis of movements. Most of our movements are automatic. But in order to teach a child to move, a specialist must have a clear understanding of the algorithm and sequence of each movement.

Indeed, in order to better understand other people's movements, you need to learn to analyze your own. Our profession is closely related to physical impact on the patient’s body, therefore we must know and subtly feel how much force can be applied, with what rhythm and intensity the exercises can be performed. We also teach this to parents.

Experienced rehabilitation doctors, whom we have gathered in our Center, will help you understand what exactly is wrong with your child. After observing his movements, they will conduct a diagnosis right at the initial consultation, and then set goals and objectives that they will focus on in further work with the patient.

It is very important not only to help the baby learn to roll over, hold his head up, sit, crawl, walk and feed himself, but also to avoid secondary deformities such as joint contractures, dislocations hip joints, instability ankle joint etc. All these deformations significantly inhibit motor development.

Speech pathologist and speech pathologist clinical psychologist work closely with rehabilitation specialists. We teach children to express their thoughts and desires: if it is not possible to voice them in language, then this can be done with the help of signs and cards. The satisfaction of being understood provides a powerful incentive for further development.

Cerebral palsy is a pathology that is characterized by impaired motor activity due to damage to the brain - damage to the cortex, brain stem or capsule occurs.

Detrimental effects on life important organ a bunch of. They are divided into three groups: pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum activity of the baby - depending on the time of receipt of the pathology.

Phases of development of cerebral palsy

The course of the disease varies, of which there are three:

  1. Early stage– age up to 5 months. It manifests itself as a delay in the child’s development, preservation of reflexes, like in newborns, and the inability to play with one of the hands due to impaired muscle tone.
  2. Initial residual phase– age up to 3 years. By the age of two, the child does not try to speak, asymmetry in the body and movements is noticeable, increased sweating is noted, and the baby often chokes on food or his own saliva.
  3. Late residual phase– age over 3 years. It manifests itself as stiffness, shortened legs on the affected side, impaired swallowing, hearing, speech, vision, urination and defecation disorders, dental pathology, and convulsions.

It is important for parents not to ignore. When found alarming symptoms you need to see a doctor immediately.

Modern approach to treatment and rehabilitation

Treatment and rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy are aimed at social adaptation in society.

Methods, means and rehabilitation programs are based on a complex, diverse impact on the child, which includes many diverse approaches: medical, physical, mental, socio-economic, professional and personal.

The activities are aimed at correcting motor defects, improving motor activity, communication opportunities, and developing skills for the patient to act independently in Everyday life, emotional and social development, training and education.

The goal of rehabilitation is the physical and social adaptation of the sick child and the expansion of his individual capabilities. Each child with cerebral palsy is prepared individual program rehabilitation, which is why doctors work with him in rehabilitation centers.

Set of events

The main task of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy is the maximum development of skills and abilities. Correction method movement disorders– this is the formation of motor actions by stimulating rectifying reflexes.

The following methods are used for this:

Children with cerebral palsy need to regularly engage in exercise therapy - this helps to stretch the muscles, relieve tension from them, expand the range of movements; sets of exercises have been developed aimed at endurance, preparing for walking, relieving cramps, and improving balance.

For children with cerebral palsy they are used more often than others the following programs and means of rehabilitation:

Ready-made rehabilitation programs

The most effective program is the “Early Rehabilitation” program, intended for children under one year old. Aimed at correcting delayed psycho-speech and motor development resulting from lesions nervous system during gestation, childbirth or in the first months of life. It includes consistent and long work doctors and parents of the child.

Rehabilitation can begin from 3 one month old. The course lasts 5 days and is repeated monthly if necessary. The admitted child is carefully examined.

The complex of activities of this program includes: biomechanical correction of the spine, reflexology, massage, breathing exercises, exercise therapy, paraffin baths.

Completing a set of measures normalizes muscle tone, improves motor activity, breathing rhythm, blood circulation, tissue metabolism - this stimulates the child’s psycho-speech development and motor skills.

The Early Rehabilitation program reduces neurological disorders in young children and gives a chance to avoid physical disability in the future, helps them adapt socially and be full-fledged people in society.

Rehabilitation centers in Russia

There are not many rehabilitation centers in Russia. Most of them are located in Moscow. There are 4 rehabilitation centers here. Also there are similar institutions in Tula, Voronezh, Samara, Vologda, St. Petersburg, Elektrostal and Belgorod.

Not only children, but also their parents undergo rehabilitation at the centers.

All of them are equipped with modern equipment, each employs only experienced doctors and other medical personnel.

Effective rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy includes a set of measures. Attention is paid not only to the physical, but also to the mental development of the child, the acquisition of independence skills and social adaptation. For children with disabilities, free observation, vouchers for treatment in sanatoriums, and provision of medicines and means technical rehabilitation.

Causes of the disease and risk factors

Causes development of cerebral palsy divided into intrauterine provoking factors and postpartum. The first type includes:

  • difficult pregnancy;
  • unhealthy lifestyle of the mother;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • difficult childbirth, during which fetal asphyxia occurred;
  • spicy or some chronic diseases mothers;
  • children born ahead of schedule and with low weight;
  • infectious processes occurring in a latent form in the mother’s body;
  • toxic poisoning of the child’s brain due to incompatibility of mother and fetus in blood type and Rh factor or liver failure of the child.

Postpartum triggers include:

  • baby weight up to 1 kg at birth;
  • the birth of twins or triplets;
  • head injuries in early age.

In every third case, however, it is not possible to identify the specific cause of the pathology. And as a rule, rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy does not depend on the causes of the disease. can be reconsidered only in the case of premature and low birth weight babies - such patients often require more careful care and medical supervision.

Main phases of the disease

Rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy depends on the phase of the disease, the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. There are three phases of the course of the disease:

  1. Early (up to 5 months). Cerebral palsy is manifested by developmental delay and preservation of unconditioned reflexes.
  2. Primary (up to 3 years). The child often chokes on food, does not try to speak, asymmetry, hypertonicity or excessive muscle relaxation are noticeable.
  3. Late (over three years). It manifests itself as shortening of one limb compared to the other, disturbances in swallowing, hearing, vision, speech, convulsions, disturbances in urination and defecation, and mental retardation.

Early signs of cerebral palsy

TO early signs Cerebral palsy includes the following deviations:

  • delay physical development: head control, rolling over, sitting without support, crawling or walking;
  • preservation of “childish” reflexes upon reaching 3-6 months of age;
  • one hand dominance by 18 months;
  • any symptoms that indicate hypertonicity or excessive relaxation (weakness) of the muscles.

Clinical manifestations of the disease can be either pronounced or almost invisible - it all depends on the degree of damage to the central nervous system and brain. You should seek medical help if:

  • the child’s movements are unnatural;
  • the child has seizures;
  • muscles look excessively relaxed or tense;
  • the baby does not blink in response to loud noise in one month;
  • at 4 months the child does not turn his head towards a loud sound;
  • at 7 months does not sit without support;
  • at 12 months does not speak individual words;
  • the baby does not walk or walks unnaturally;
  • The child has strabismus.

Comprehensive rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy provides the most top scores if it starts at an early age. At severe forms illness, untimely recovery physical activity or late development of social skills, the child may remain completely unadapted to life.

Is it possible to cure the disease?

Cerebral palsy is a disease that is almost impossible to cure completely. However, comprehensive and timely rehabilitation allows children with this diagnosis to undergo education on an equal basis with healthy children and lead a full life. Significant progress can be considered if the child retains a few symptoms of the disease.

Modern methods of treating cerebral palsy

The main task for children with paralysis is the gradual development of skills and abilities, physical and social adaptation. The techniques, which are developed individually for each child, gradually correct motor defects, improve motor activity, develop the patient emotionally, personally and socially, and develop independence skills in everyday life. As a result of systematic rehabilitation, the child can integrate into society and adapt to later life on one's own.

The rehabilitation program for children with cerebral palsy includes the following approaches:

  • treatment water treatments: swimming, balneo- or hydrotherapy;
  • PET therapy, or treatment with animals: hippotherapy, psychophysical rehabilitation in the process of communicating with dolphins and swimming;
  • application orthopedic devices, exercise equipment, gymnastic balls, ladders;
  • increasing bioelectrical activity of muscles;
  • massotherapy allowing to reduce the degree of lethargy and muscle spasms;
  • drug treatment: Botox, botulinum toxin, Xeomin, Dysport are used;
  • Vojta therapy, which allows you to restore natural behavior patterns;
  • physiotherapeutic treatment: myoton, ultrasound, magnetic therapy, darsonvalization;
  • Montessori therapy, which allows you to develop the ability to concentrate and develop independence;
  • sessions with a psychologist;
  • speech therapy classes that correct speech disorders (the Logorhythmics program);
  • special pedagogy;
  • shiatsu therapy - massage of biologically active points;
  • classes using the Bobath method - special gymnastics using certain equipment;
  • laser impact on reflexogenic zones, tip of the nose, joints, reflex segmental zones, area of ​​paretic muscles;
  • art therapy aimed at preparing the child for learning;
  • Peto's technique - dividing movements into separate acts and learning them;
  • surgical orthopedic interventions;
  • Spa treatment;
  • alternative treatment methods: osteopathy, manual therapy, catgut therapy, vacuum therapy, electroreflexotherapy.

Of course, not all methods of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy are listed above. There are many ready-made programs developed and currently being developed by rehabilitation centers, alternative approaches and techniques.

Physical rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy

Physical recovery of a sick child should begin as early as possible. Leading experts in the world have recognized that the rehabilitation of a disabled child (CP) brings the best results up to three years of age, but in Russia many centers refuse to accept children under one or three years of age, and doctors are in no hurry to establish a diagnosis and register disability. But still physical rehabilitation - the most important stage adaptation of a special child to future life, and you should start working with a young patient immediately after the diagnosis of cerebral palsy is established.

Rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy is necessary to prevent weakening and atrophy of muscles, to avoid the development of complications, and is also used to promote the child’s motor development. Therapeutic massage, physical education and exercises on special simulators are used. In general, any physical activity is useful, and the supervision of a specialist will help to form motor stereotypes, properly develop physical fitness and prevent addiction to pathological positions.

Rehabilitation Bobath therapy

The most common form of rehabilitation is Bobath therapy in combination with other equally effective techniques. The essence of the therapy is to give the limb a position opposite to that which it, due to hypertonicity, tends to assume. Classes should be conducted in a calm environment, three times a day or a week, each movement is repeated 3 to 5 times. The movements themselves are carried out slowly, because the main goal of treatment is muscle relaxation. Exercise sets are developed individually. Treatment using the Bobath therapy method can also be carried out at home - a parent or guardian is trained to perform the techniques with the help of a specialist in a rehabilitation center.

Means of technical rehabilitation

During physical recovery motor activity for children with cerebral palsy, means of technical rehabilitation of children are also used. Severe cerebral palsy requires mobility aids (walkers, wheelchairs), development (exercise bikes, special tables and chairs) and hygiene (bath seats, toilet seats) of the child. Also, rehabilitation means for children with cerebral palsy involve the use of orthopedic devices and exercise equipment. For example, the Adele suit is used, which redistributes the load and develops motor skills, the “Veloton”, which stimulates the muscles, the “Spiral” suit, which allows the formation of new stereotypes of movements, and so on.

Social rehabilitation of disabled children with cerebral palsy

Closer to school age More attention is paid to the child’s social adaptation. Efforts are directed toward developing independence skills, mental development, and preparing the child for collective learning and communication. In addition, the patient is taught to dress independently, take care of himself, perform hygiene, move around, and so on. All this will reduce the burden on those caring for a disabled child, and little patient- adapt to life.

Psychologists, speech therapists and teachers work with special children. The role of parents or guardians who will work with the child at home is extremely important. Social rehabilitation of children (CP) pursues the following goals:

  • extension vocabulary and outlook;
  • development of memory, attention and thinking;
  • developing personal hygiene skills;
  • developing self-service skills;
  • development of speech, formation of culture.

Children with this diagnosis can study in experimental classes, which are often formed in private schools, but if there are significant restrictions, it is better to think about boarding or homeschooling. In a boarding school, a child can communicate with peers, gain special skills and participate in career guidance activities. Homeschooling requires more parental involvement and daily medical supervision.

In many cases, further work activity of a person diagnosed with cerebral palsy is possible. Such people can master professions mental work(teachers, but not junior classes, economists, architects, junior medical staff), work at home as programmers, freelancers and even (if hand movements are preserved) as seamstresses. Employment is impossible only in severe cases.

Disability due to cerebral palsy

It has several forms and degrees of severity. Disability for cerebral palsy is registered if the disease is accompanied by restrictions in relation to normal life, training, self-care, speech contact. Registration of disability is possible only after medical examination. Mother and child will have to see a neurologist, surgeon, psychiatrist, pediatrician, orthopedist, ophthalmologist and ENT specialist. The “adventures” do not end there. Followed by:

  • draw up a final conclusion from the head of the medical institution;
  • go through the document verification procedure in an adult clinic;
  • give the package of documents to the paper collection point for medical and social examination.

Depending on the period of establishment of disability, it is necessary to conduct a medical and social examination (and therefore re-examine all doctors) again after a certain period of time. You also need to obtain a new opinion if the completed individual rehabilitation program undergoes changes - for example, if a child, as prescribed by a specialist, requires a new means of rehabilitation.

Benefits for disabled children with cerebral palsy

Registration of disability is vital for some families important issue, because this makes it possible to receive cash payments for rehabilitation and benefits.

Thus, families with disabled children with cerebral palsy are entitled to the following benefits:

  • free rehabilitation in federal and regional centers and sanatoriums;
  • a discount of at least 50% on payment for municipal or public housing, as well as housing and communal services;
  • the right to priority receipt of land plots for individual construction, gardening and housekeeping;
  • provision of medicines (as prescribed by a doctor), medical nutrition products;
  • free travel to and from the place of sanatorium-resort treatment, as well as on public transport (benefits are given to a disabled child and one accompanying person);
  • compensation for the services of a psychologist, teacher and speech therapist, determined by the individual rehabilitation program (in the amount of no more than 11.2 thousand rubles per year);
  • exemption from fees in kindergartens;
  • compensation payments to unemployed persons caring for a disabled child (a parent, adoptive parent or guardian can receive 5.5 thousand rubles, another person - 1.2 thousand rubles);
  • pension for a disabled child and additional payments (in total 14.6 thousand rubles as of 2017);
  • the period of caring for a child with a disability is counted as part of the mother’s work experience;
  • the mother of a disabled child with cerebral palsy has a number of benefits labor legislation: cannot be attracted to overtime work, business trips, has the right to work part-time, retire early, and so on;
  • a single mother raising a disabled child cannot be fired, except in cases of complete liquidation of the enterprise.

Rehabilitation centers in Russia

In special centers, rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy is carried out comprehensively and under the supervision of relevant specialists. As a rule, systematic classes, an individual program and professional medical support for both children and parents make it possible to achieve significant results in a relatively short period of time. Of course, to consolidate the results, you need to continue studying according to the proposed program at home.

Russian Scientific and Practical Center for Physical Rehabilitation and Sports (Grossko Center)

There are several rehabilitation centers in Russia. The Grossko Center in Moscow operates according to a comprehensive program: upon admission, diagnostics are carried out, then specialist instructors in physical rehabilitation work with a special child. Physical rehabilitation Children with cerebral palsy at the Grossko Center include physical therapy classes, swimming, exercises with special simulators that allow them to develop coordination of movements and consolidate motor stereotypes, exercises on a treadmill, and roller skating. Based on the results of pedagogical testing, programs are adjusted so that the rehabilitation meets the needs and condition of a particular small patient.

The cost of rehabilitation of a child (cerebral palsy) at the Grossko Center is, of course, not small. For example, for initial appointment you will have to pay 1,700 rubles, and the cost of 10 physical therapy sessions (45-50 minutes each) is 30 thousand rubles. One session with a speech therapist (lasting 30 minutes), as well as a massage session (30-40 minutes according to the doctor’s indications) will cost 1000 rubles. However, there really are results from the classes, and the Grossko Center itself is a prominent institution.

Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. R. R. Vredena

The Rehabilitation Center for Children with Cerebral Palsy named after R.R. Vreden (RNIITO - Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics) in St. Petersburg provides its clients full complex services: from diagnostics to surgical intervention, including, of course, treatment and recovery. Highly professional specialists of the center with many years of experience are at their disposal. practical experience more than twenty fully equipped departments.

Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities Due to Cerebral Palsy

The Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities due to cerebral palsy is considered one of the most accessible and well-known. The center’s doctors work on the basis of several dozen rehabilitation programs, use all modern domestic developments and find individual approach to every patient. The center accepts children from three years old. In addition to directly physical recovery, speech pathologists, speech therapists, professional massage therapists and conductologists - teachers who work with children and adults who have disorders of the central nervous system - work with young patients.

Institute of Conductive Pedagogy and Regenerative Movement Therapy in Budapest, Hungary

Rehabilitation of a disabled child (cerebral palsy) at the Institute named after. A. Petyo in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, is a center where hundreds of families strive to get to. The institution is famous for its excellent specialists, the use of the most modern developments in the treatment of young patients, as well as the visible results achieved by children with cerebral palsy who have completed a rehabilitation course.

There are many other rehabilitation centers and sanatoriums that accept children with cerebral palsy for rehabilitation. Only in Moscow, for example, there are the “Movement” Rehabilitation Center for Children with Cerebral Palsy, the “Ogonyok” Rehabilitation Center, the “Overcoming” Rehabilitation Center and others. Some institutions also offer free rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy. Families with disabled children are also supported in charitable organizations and social centers.

Treatment of cerebral palsy in Russia

State centers

Scientific and Practical Center for Child Psychoneurology (NPC DP) of the Moscow Department of Health

Scientific and Practical Center for Child Psychoneurology (NPC DP) of the Moscow Department of Health is one of the leading medical, scientific, organizational and methodological institutions in Moscow and Russian Federation. Scientific and Practical Center for Pediatric Psychoneurology is government agency, works in the Moscow healthcare system and is subordinate to the Moscow Department of Health. The clinic was opened on July 1, 1983. During our work at the Scientific and Practical Center for Children's Care, we have accumulated a wealth of experience in the treatment and rehabilitation of children with congenital and acquired pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system, pathologies of the spine and chest, deformities of the limbs, joint contractures.

State Autonomous Institution "MNPC for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities due to cerebral palsy"

The center was established by order of the Moscow City Government No. 1979-RP dated September 21, 2010. The purpose of the Center is to create innovative technology, which significantly affects the quality of life of Moscow families with disabled people with severe limitations (in movement, communication, training, orientation, etc.).

Center for Medical and social rehabilitation disabled people with severe forms of cerebral palsy State government health care institution of the city of Moscow "Center for medical and social rehabilitation with a permanent residence department for adolescents and adult disabled people with severe forms of cerebral palsy cerebral palsy, who do not move independently and do not serve themselves at the Department of Health of the city of Moscow" (GKUZ TsMSR cerebral palsy of the Moscow Health Department).

Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center for Children's Health" of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

The center provides outpatient and inpatient care medical care children and teenagers of Moscow, Moscow region, Russia, near and far abroad countries. Children from the neonatal period to 18 years can receive specialized medical care at the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
The provision of paid medical services is carried out in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 27 of January 13, 1996, Regulations on the commercial sale of medical services in the Scientific Center for Health Care of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences of January 15, 1999. Possible medical service both upon application for registration of a voluntary medical insurance monopoly, and under contracts with attachment through leading Insurance companies Moscow and regions.

Morozov Children's Hospital

At the Morozov Children's Hospital city ​​Hospital has four city advisory clinics:
  • advisory clinic;
  • children's ophthalmological advisory clinic (eye);
  • Consultative and diagnostic cardiology department;
  • consultative and diagnostic department for children with central nervous system lesions,
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
Thanks to this combination - a clinic and a dispensary, a hospital and a sanatorium - it is possible to carry out step-by-step treatment and dynamic observation for the sick.
On the base Morozov Hospital students are trained in 20 departments of two medical universities(RUDN University and Russian State Medical University). The third medical school of the Moscow City Health Department operates on the territory of the hospital.

Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education

The institute conducts research and experimental work, analysis of experimental data, programs and methods for teaching children with intellectual disabilities are being developed, and scientific and methodological materials are being produced. The institute's staff includes specialists in the field of physiology and neurophysiologists, general practitioners, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, child psychologists, teachers of the deaf, typhlopedagogues, speech therapists, and oligophrenopedagogues.
The CDC provides consultation to children starting from infancy and up to 18 years of age, with no special referral required. The CDC provides consultations to children and adolescents living in any region of the Russian Federation, CIS countries, near and far abroad.

St. Petersburg Scientific and Practical Center for Medical and Social Expertise, Prosthetics and Rehabilitation of Disabled People named after G. A. Albrecht

The center includes a multidisciplinary clinic with 500 beds, which has several orthopedic departments. The children's rehabilitation and recovery center for disabled children provides comprehensive rehabilitation of children aged 14-18 years, mainly with limitations in the ability to move, self-care, labor activity, training.

OSU Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities

Regional state state-financed organization"Rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities» has been operating since 2003 on the basis of the Decree of the Head of the Administration of the Belgorod Region dated March 27, 2001 No. 200 “On the organization regional center medical and social rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities.”
Property owner (founder): Belgorod region.
The functions and powers of the founder of the Center from the Belgorod region are managed by social protection population of the Belgorod region.

Rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities, OGBU SO

Our Center is a modern state rehabilitation institution equipped with rehabilitation, diagnostic equipment for medical and social rehabilitation and equipment for psychological and pedagogical correction, development of communication skills, socialization of children with disabilities.

The main components in the work of the Center with special children are an individual and differentiated approach to each child, complexity, continuity, systematicity and continuity in rehabilitation work.

Regional rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities “RODNIK”

Created in 1997 for the purpose of social adaptation and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities from 3 to 18 years old. It is a specialized institution with year-round operation. During the year, the Center organizes 14 races, of which 4 are in summer period. The duration of the rehabilitation shift is 21 days. The center is unique, has an excellent material and technical base, and is equipped with modern equipment.
Every year, more than 1,000 children with disabilities undergo rehabilitation courses at the center. various types diseases.
The youngest children and children in need special care, come to the center with their parents. An individual rehabilitation route is drawn up for each child - schedule medical procedures, correctional, educational classes, leisure.

GUSO Kusa Regional Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities

The inpatient unit of the Center accepts disabled children with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system aged from 4 to 17 years inclusive, who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and who need constant outside care and do not have established medical contraindications for admission to this institution.
The complex rehabilitation department accepts disabled children, children with disabilities, children under dispensary observation in healthcare institutions, as well as family members and other persons accompanying them.
The main pathology of children undergoing rehabilitation is a disease of the musculoskeletal system:
- cerebral palsy;
- arthrogryposis;
- Perthes disease;
- congenital malformation of the limbs;
- consequences of traumatic brain injuries and conditions after removal of spina bifida;
- myopathy.

Republican Center for Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy and Mental Disorders

The Republican Center for the Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy and Mental Disorders has been operating since 1992. Services are provided to children aged 1-2 months. up to 18 years of age in a day care department. Day hospital designed for 75 beds.
Children are admitted to the department on referrals from local neurologists, psychiatrists, orthopedists with various neuropsychiatric disorders:
. organic lesion central nervous system (cerebral palsy, congenital anomalies development, consequences of neuroinfections, perinatal lesion nervous system, brain injury and spinal cord, mental retardation, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, etc.)
. functional disorders(neuroses, encephalopathy of various origins, diseases of the autonomic nervous system, minimal brain dysfunctions and etc.)
. diseases of the musculoskeletal system ( movement disorders with cerebral palsy, scoliosis, flat feet, etc.)

Federal State Institution "Children's psychoneurological sanatorium "Teremok"

The sanatorium accepts for treatment children from 2 to 17 years old, with or without an accompanying person, with psychoneurological diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. An individual program is being developed rehabilitation treatment and rehabilitation.
The sanatorium is located in Kaliningrad region, resort town of Zelenogradsk, on the shore Baltic Sea(300 m.).

Federal State Institution Clinical Sanatorium "Progress"

In a picturesque corner of the Khostinsky district of Sochi, at an altitude of 150 m above sea level, the Progress multidisciplinary clinical sanatorium is located. The territory of the Progress sanatorium in Khosta is 15 hectares, the perimeter length is 2 km 800 m. In total natural factors The Progress sanatorium in Sochi is considered unique: the clean air of the foothills and subtropical vegetation create a special healing microclimate that promotes good mood, rest and treatment in Sochi.

ICR "Children" is modern center rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy in Moscow. We work with patients of different ages using advanced techniques, tested by Western and Israeli doctors. Every second child suffering from cerebral palsy (CP) needs our help, because without the necessary support, such people develop not only motor, but also mental disorders.

What do our patients get?

The Interdisciplinary Center implements comprehensive program, which includes hardware and drug treatment and subsequent psychological rehabilitation children with cerebral palsy. Its goal is the evolution of the strengths of the person affected by the disease and the restoration of body functions lost due to cerebral palsy. To do this, we use advanced medical technologies, involving both the patient and his family members in the work.

We rely on our own methods of physical and social rehabilitation of disabled children with cerebral palsy, offering advanced methods of encouraging the patient to active work. The main task of the team of specialists is to develop and stimulate the desire to achieve physical, creative and mental activity.

Experienced doctors - rehabilitation specialists, psychologists, physiotherapists, neurologists, speech therapists, massage therapists and art therapists - are busy ensuring this aspiration. Children are supported by a multidisciplinary team that can develop and implement an individual rehabilitation plan.

Our specialists offer truly effective techniques psychological and motor rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy in Moscow, therefore positive reviews you will see about the work of the ICR “Children” in any in social networks or on thematic forums.

Main directions of the rehabilitation program

At the Children's Children's Center, individual, group and mixed approaches to the recovery of preschool children and adolescents with cerebral palsy who receive comprehensive care are practiced:

  • medication and movement therapy;
  • development of self-service skills;
  • stimulation of the cognitive sphere, speech and hearing skills;
  • joint overcoming of difficulties during socialization.

The medical institution uses innovative technical means and unique simulators for the rehabilitation of disabled children with cerebral palsy. Our medical center has hardware and software systems with feedback, simulators, modern massage tables and other equipment at its disposal.

Features of group work

After developing an individual plan, the child is offered group classes. This approach to therapy increases socialization and improves the results of interaction with a speech therapist, psychologist and movement therapist.

Meetings are held from 9:00 to 14:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and from 15:00 to 19:00 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, which allows you to choose a schedule convenient for children and their parents. The composition of the group does not exceed five people, and in difficult cases it can only accommodate two babies.

Family support

The parents of our patients receive help from psychologists. During group classes People accompanying children and schoolchildren with cerebral palsy are in comfortable waiting areas. They can influence the scheduling by choosing convenient time visit to the doctor. Our managers will help you choose a charitable organization that is ready to solve the financial difficulties of the patient’s parents.

How to make an appointment

The interdisciplinary center “Children” is ready to work with patients of any age. We are engaged in medical rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy up to one year old, training of preschoolers and interaction with adolescents. To make an initial appointment with a speech pathologist, simply indicate your phone number in the form. feedback(it is located at the bottom of this page). Our consultants will contact you within 30 minutes and answer all questions.



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