New effective methods of treating alcoholism. What do you need to know? Family therapy as a method of treating alcoholism

Alcohol addiction treatment

Since alcoholism has become one of the biggest social problems in the world, it is the subject of numerous studies that lead to the discovery of effective ways to get rid of this disease.

The most effective are medicines which cause alcohol intolerance. These may be drugs such as Esperal, Disulfiram, Lidevin or Colme. Most often, after taking these medications, a person who has consumed alcohol begins to experience discomfort, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

In addition to using a psychological or physical method of combating alcoholism, doctors also practice complex treatment in a hospital, including procedures that exclude physical dependence, and psychological impact on the patient. It can lead to complete abstinence from alcohol, but it takes several months.

Alcoholism is a pressing problem for many families that are destroyed under the influence of this disease. But in addition to ineffective persuasion and appeals to conscience, you can also use more effective methods to help cure a loved one from alcohol addiction forever.


To save person from, first determine the stage of development of this disease, assessing how often the patient drinks alcohol, whether he experiences regular hangovers and how long he falls into. By assessing these criteria, you will quickly determine the degree alcoholism to you person and you can choose optimal method treatment for a serious illness.

Analyze the factors that have a direct or indirect impact on the alcoholic. Wanting to get rid of alcoholism patient, pay attention to the influence of the environment and bosom friends, which can stimulate the alcoholic’s craving for alcohol, the influence of society, as well as mental problems. If everything is simple with drinking buddies, then hidden psychological dependence from alcoholic beverages needs to be identified more carefully.

Ask the patient about his life values, about the attitude towards society, about the situation in society, about work, since troubles in the professional field often force the problem of drinking alcohol to be extinguished. Let the patient understand that avoiding problems leads to negative impact on his health and ultimately will not lead to anything positive.

The most effective motivating factors influencing the patient are maintaining health, the welfare of the family, independent choice, respect from relatives. Motivation is directly related to the reasons a person drinks, and if main reason the disease is nervous and stressful work, then the conviction to lead healthy life should also be associated with the professional field.


And people are increasingly asking the question: how to get rid of alcoholism? Alcoholism is a type of substance abuse; this disease is characterized by addiction to alcohol, despite Negative consequences. People who drink constantly and often go on a binge can only be helped by alcoholism treatment in specialized drug treatment hospitals.

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That's why the main objective alcoholism treatment – ​​to rid a person of alcohol addiction. From the point of view of psychologists and psychiatrists, any addiction is a person’s pathological subordination to something or someone. How to get rid of alcohol addiction? Fighting alcohol addiction is the whole complex measures To get rid of alcoholism there are various methods, but they have one thing in common - the patient must voluntarily or forcibly refuse to drink alcohol.

Effective treatment of alcohol addiction is really only possible if the patient himself has consciously made a decision. In most cases, alcoholics do not consider themselves such and this fact is fiercely disputed. If you cannot do this in the family, you should use the services of doctors - narcologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists.

You will need

  • - detoxification therapy;
  • - conditioned reflex therapy;
  • - sensitizing therapy;
  • - psychotherapy.


Treatment, depending on the patient’s condition at the time of therapy, is carried out either inpatient or outpatient. In cases of severe mental and somatic disorders, the presence of psychotic episodes in the recent past, inpatient treatment is recommended.

The first stage is detoxification therapy using parenteral routes of administration. medicines. They use Magnesium Sulfate, Unithiol, vitamins, Nootropil, Piracetam, etc.

The patient is shown drinking plenty of fluids With simultaneous administration diuretics. During this period, enhanced nutrition, high in calories and rich in food, is recommended.

When positive results of detoxification are achieved, anti-alcohol treatment begins. The choice of methods and its consequences must be discussed with the patient and his relatives.

One of the common treatment methods is conditioned reflex therapy. The patient develops a conditioned reflex reaction in the form of a gag reflex and a taste for alcoholic beverages. This result is achieved through the combined use of emetic drugs and in small quantities. The method is indicated in the first stage of the disease and those who usually do not tolerate vomiting well.

The goal of the sensitizing therapy method is to suppress the craving for alcohol and create conditions for forced cessation. It is achieved by taking Teturam, Esperali or other drugs that have the ability to accumulate in the body and, when alcohol enters it, cause severe and often unpredictable symptoms.

Psychotherapy – component anti-alcohol treatment, aimed at explaining to the patient the severity and harmfulness to his health of further consumption of alcohol-containing liquids.

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After discharge from the hospital, the most difficult period begins for the patient - remission and adaptation to a new lifestyle. Moral support from relatives, family, friends, and co-workers can be the only barrier on the way back.

Alcohol deprives a person of a full and vibrant life - as well as his loved ones, who are often helpless and unarmed in the fight against the green serpent. Unfortunately, an absolute cure for drunkenness has not yet been invented, and in the hospital drinking people They don’t like to be treated - it’s expensive and the doctors around are strict. In this case, treatment at home can come to the rescue.

Features of the “home hospital”

The process of treating alcoholism at home is difficult and long work, which does not guarantee one hundred percent success. Maximum results can be achieved if a person himself gets rid of addiction, realizing the extent of its destructive impact on his life. The intake of special medications prescribed by a doctor for treatment in diarrhea must be carefully monitored - this will have to be done by one of the caring close relatives.

If a person does not want to quit drinking, do not despair - perhaps in this case the intervention of qualified psychologists will help.

Before starting any treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist so as not to harm the person even more. People who drink often refuse to visit a doctor, citing the absence of a problem as the reason for their decision. In this case, a relative who is most knowledgeable about the patient’s health condition can consult a doctor. It is strictly not recommended to start using drugs purchased on the advice of the Internet.

Treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies

Some traditional medicine recipes have proven themselves well in official medicine. So, if the patient agrees to this, you need to take dry logs, sprinkle them with sugar and set them on fire. The fire should be extinguished, the patient should be allowed to breathe the smoke coming from the smoldering logs and a glass of vodka should be poured.

The method with birch firewood has repeatedly caused a complete rejection of alcohol even in the most avid alcoholics.

The following recipe is considered no less effective: three tablespoons aspen bark, Chernobyl root and thyme, pour three glasses of cold water in an enamel bowl in the evening. In the morning, boil the infusion over low heat for half an hour and strain. Give the patient the decoction three times a day, an hour before meals, one glass.

Another popular remedy is wormwood, thyme and centaury mixed with half a liter of vodka in a 4:1:1 ratio. The mixture should be infused for a week, after which it should be given drinking man three times a day, one tablespoon for three months. Advantage this tool the fact that it can be discreetly added to tea or any alcoholic drink.

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Alcoholism is a disease that ruins many lives. Most often, it is impossible to overcome the craving for alcohol on your own. Treatments for alcoholism can be a real salvation.

Alcohol addiction has long been considered serious illness and tried to treat with herbs and other folk remedies. In 1951 World Organization The public health system recognized alcoholism as a medical problem, and in 1956 the American Medical Association named it a treatable disease. Since then, pharmaceuticals have been developed for alcoholics and various modern methods of treating alcoholism have been invented.

Today, you can get rid of alcohol addiction both in specialized medical institutions and at home. The pharmacy sells many drugs to help you stop drinking, and many clinics offer a narcologist to visit your home. On the Internet you can find a considerable number of folk recipes that allow you to cure addiction without outside help.

Important! Effective treatment of alcoholism must first begin with awareness and acceptance of your illness. A person must voluntarily decide to get rid of addiction. If he does not agree to stop drinking, it is useless to persuade or force him.

You can cure a person in only two ways: by causing him an aversion to alcohol or by completely suppressing the craving for alcohol. Without exception, all methods of treating alcoholism pursue one of these goals.

To get rid of the disease, the following methods are used:

  • drug treatment of alcoholism;
  • psychotherapy and hypnosis;
  • homeopathy;
  • acupuncture (acupuncture);
  • use of folk remedies;
  • modern methods of treating alcoholism (laser, ultrasound).

It is believed that the most effective methods of treating alcoholism are drug coding and the use of the “double block” technique. The latter combines the use of special medications and psychotherapeutic suggestion. This treatment allows you to get rid of ethanol addiction for a period of 5-7 years or more.

In medicine there is also such a thing as complex treatment of alcoholism. It involves the simultaneous use of several techniques. For example, you can combine pharmaceutical or laser coding with visits to psychotherapy sessions. It would not be superfluous to add to the treatment the fight against codependency among loved ones.

Drug treatments

Drug treatment of alcoholism involves the use of pharmaceuticals that cause a person’s aversion or indifference to alcohol. An alcoholic must be treated strictly with his consent and after a full examination. During therapy, the patient must be under constant medical supervision.

By the way, drugs for alcoholism can also be used at home. However, most of them are available only with a prescription from a doctor. Therefore, anti-alcohol drugs can only be used after consulting a specialist. Under no circumstances should you mix them into the food or drink of an alcoholic without his knowledge. This is prohibited by law and extremely dangerous to human health and life.

This technique is one of the most effective remedies against ethanol addiction. Its essence lies in the formation of a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages in the drinker. To do this, he is given disulfiram-containing drugs that cause intolerance to alcohol. As a result, a person becomes ill from just the taste or even the smell of alcohol.

Disulfiram-based drugs act on liver enzyme systems, disrupting metabolism (cleavage) ethyl alcohol. Because of this, human blood accumulates a large number of acetaldehyde, which causes sharp deterioration well-being. People experience high blood pressure, headaches, nausea and vomiting. Similar effects occur only after drinking alcohol.

The following drugs are used for coding:

  • Teturam;
  • Esperal;
  • Antabuse;
  • Disulfiram;
  • Tetlong-250.

Disulfiram-containing drugs have a variety of forms of release. On pharmaceutical market they can be found in the form of pills, injections, and stitching implants. The tablets can be taken at home, but disulfiram-ethanol tests should only be performed under the supervision of a doctor. Injections or suturing of implants can only be done in a specialized medical facility.

Fact! Prolonged action of filing or intramuscular injection- a consequence of the gradual release of disulfiram. The substance gradually leaves the depot, preventing the alcoholic from drinking alcohol. This helps a person stop drinking and for a long time wean from alcohol.

Blocking opioid receptors

Everyone drinks alcohol for pleasure. Once in the blood, alcohol spreads throughout the body, crosses the blood-brain barrier and enters the brain. There it binds to opioid receptors and stimulates them. It is because of this that the alcoholic experiences euphoria.

If these receptors are blocked, they will become insensitive to alcohol. This can be done with drugs such as Naltrexone and Vivitrol. The action of opioid receptor blockers is aimed at suppressing the pleasure of drinking alcohol. Not receiving pleasant sensations, the alcoholic will no longer see the point in further drinking. Thus, blockade of opioid receptors helps to quit drinking completely painlessly.

Psychological methods of combating alcoholism

Psychotherapeutic treatment of alcohol addiction consists of purposefully influencing a person’s subconscious in order to induce in him an aversion to alcohol. Today, coding with hypnosis and psychotherapy is no less popular than the use of medications. Unfortunately, it has one huge drawback - high risk get an appointment with a charlatan or a bad specialist.

Treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis is quite effective, but it is not suitable for all people. If a person does not want to be treated or does not believe in his recovery, most likely this method It won't help him. Hypnosis for alcoholism should only be used when the alcoholic is susceptible to it and sincerely wants to stop drinking.

Treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis involves putting the patient into a trance state and influencing his subconscious. The hypnotist instills in the alcoholic an aversion to alcohol, its taste and smell. After the session, it becomes unpleasant for a person to even think about alcohol. Coding for alcoholism using hypnosis can be carried out as in medical institution, and at home. Many clinics offer home visits by a specialist, which is very convenient for people who do not want to advertise their illness.

Quite often, psychological assistance for alcoholism is used together with drug coding. Qualified psychologists work with sick people. They help recent alcoholics return to a sober lifestyle and learn to behave in society and family. Psychologist help with alcoholism is provided both individually and in the form of group sessions.

Many drunkards are embarrassed or do not consider it necessary to attend the so-called “alcoholics anonymous societies.” But in vain, because they often really need such support. People who have recently returned to a sober lifestyle find it extremely difficult to integrate into society and find some interests and hobbies. Psychological help helps alcoholics adapt faster and significantly reduces the risk of relapse (return to drinking).

Dovzhenko method

Exist different kinds psychotherapeutic coding, but the Dovzhenko method is considered the most popular and effective. It allows you to cure even severe addiction. This psychotherapy for alcoholism does not require immersion in a deep trance - during the session the person is conscious.

Dovzhenko's method works even on people who cannot be hypnotized. The only but extremely important condition for successful coding is sincere and desire stop drinking. If the alcoholic does not want this, treating him using this method is pointless.

Shichko method

This technique is used exclusively for self-disposal of alcoholism. It is a step-by-step program that the alcoholic must carry out on his own, without anyone's help. Shichko's method is more effective on initial stages alcoholism, when a person is still able to control his own actions.

Like psychotherapy for alcoholism, this technique helps a person to realize the dangers of drunkenness. Step by step closer to recovery, he feels better. Gradually, the former alcoholic ceases to depend on alcohol, finds new hobbies and returns to a sober lifestyle.

Advice! The treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis, the methods of Shichko and Dovzhenko should be used with extreme caution. They are effective only in relation to persons with high hypnotizability (sensitivity to suggestion).

Laser coding is one of the most modern methods of treatment for many types of addiction. It is also great for getting rid of alcoholism. Laser treatment is not yet very popular today, but is available in many modern clinics. With its help, many people have already managed to quit drinking.

Laser radiation affects active points human body, specifically associated with certain areas of the brain. This depresses the centers of alcohol addiction, located specifically in these areas. Thanks to laser coding, a person loses craving for alcohol and the desire to use it.

Contraindications to laser treatment:

  • mental disorders, traumatic brain injuries;
  • defeat nervous system infectious, inflammatory, traumatic nature;
  • any malignant neoplasms;
  • decompensated heart and vascular diseases.

Laser coding can cause the following side effects:

  • lethargy, apathy, lack of initiative;
  • frequent and causeless mood swings;
  • aggressiveness and temper;
  • loss of appetite and dyspepsia;
  • anxiety, insomnia, depression;
  • decreased potency and even temporary impotence.

As a rule, all consequences of laser coding are harmless and go away on their own. The risk of their occurrence largely depends on psychological state person and the degree of his dependence. In most cases, all symptoms completely disappear within several months or six months.

Treatment of alcoholism with acupuncture

Acupuncture (this Eastern technique is also called acupuncture) belongs to alternative methods alcohol addiction treatment. During the session, the specialist uses needles on special acupuncture points on the patient’s body, responsible for the craving for alcohol. To avoid unnecessary injury to a person, the doctor uses the most subtle views needles

To stop drinking with the help of acupuncture, you need at least 10-14 sessions. Procedures should be performed 2-3 times a week for a month. They can be done both in the clinic and at home by inviting a specialist. As a rule, the doctor acts on points in the ear or back area. During the session, the alcoholic’s body begins to produce endorphins (hormones of happiness), which dull the craving for alcohol.

Acupuncture for alcoholism causes much less side effects than all types of drugs used for drug treatment. Moreover, after a course of acupuncture, a person’s blood circulation improves, the functioning of many organs is normalized, and almost all unpleasant symptoms. An alcoholic's headaches disappear muscle cramps, sleep and emotional state are normalized.

Treatment of alcoholism with homeopathy

In addition to acupuncture, there are others unconventional methods alcoholism treatment. Homeopathy is quite popular and effective – treating “like with like”. The person is given medical product, causing symptoms, similar to the symptoms of his illness. This allows you to stimulate the body and helps a person quit drinking faster. You can treat alcoholism with homeopathy yourself, at home, but before doing so it is better to consult a specialist. He will select the most suitable medical remedy and give useful recommendations.

Various homeopathic drops are widely used to combat alcohol addiction. Together with them, experts recommend using enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Smecta, Polyphepam). These remedies help relieve intoxication and promote the removal of harmful substances from the body.

Homeopathic drops to combat alcoholism:

  • Conium;
  • Nux Vomica;
  • Nux-Vom plus;
  • Capsicum;
  • Acidum-S;
  • Hamomilla.

Almost all homeopathic drops are made from natural ingredients vegetable, mineral or animal origin. They extremely rarely cause allergies and are very well tolerated. Any homeopathic remedy causes fewer side effects than pharmaceutical drugs against alcoholism.

Important! Homeopathic drops can only be used with the consent of the person. Mixing them into food or drink without his knowledge is strictly prohibited. This is not only dangerous to health, but is also prohibited by current legislation. Drops are best used after consultation with the doctor and the alcoholic himself.


Many people prefer to treat alcohol addiction at home, without seeking the help of a specialist. The use of traditional methods against alcoholism has both advantages and disadvantages. In addition, it is possible to treat a person without the help of doctors only in the initial stages of the disease.

The advantages of traditional medicine include low cost, convenience and the use of exclusively natural medicines. People who are ashamed of their problem do not need to advertise it by turning to strangers for help. Therefore, relatives often prefer to treat an alcoholic at home. They prepare decoctions, infusions, drops or other remedies and give them to the drinking person.

Disadvantages of traditional medicine:

  • lack of a full examination and examination before starting therapy;
  • high probability of complications (many herbs used to combat alcoholism are quite toxic and can cause poisoning if used incorrectly);
  • high risk of relapse (return to drinking after a certain time).

In some cases, treating an alcoholic at home is extremely undesirable. For example, during a prolonged binge, severe withdrawal syndrome or alcoholic psychoses hospitalization is inevitable. In these situations, all attempts to treat a person on their own can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Folk remedies to combat alcoholism:

  • decoctions, drops, infusions of thyme, centaury, wormwood;
  • alcohol tinctures of bay leaves and lovage root;
  • drops, tinctures, decoctions from the root of the European hoofed grass;
  • crayfish shell powder;
  • bearberry drops and decoctions;
  • sour apples, honey, soda and others folk remedies.

The most difficult problem to treat alcoholism are not how to free alcoholics from addiction a short time, but how to keep them from returning to alcoholism for a long time.

Practice shows that in many cases, abstinence from drinking alcohol, imposed on alcoholics either by the situation or by relatives, ultimately fails. This shows the difficulty of all therapy alcoholism . Therefore, the search for other therapy and other approaches to reducing consumption continues. alcohol such patients. Japanese authors developed new therapy to reform problematic drinking habits by prescribing to alcoholics COLME and called it "Sesshu Ryoho" or abstinence therapy. The authors of this technique are trying to reduce the patient’s tolerance to alcohol and thus allow him to drink as much as they drink ordinary people, instead of completely depriving him of the pleasure of drinking. This technique is far from suitable for all forms and courses of alcoholism. Therefore, consulting a specialist will not hurt.

We present to you an article by Hiroshi Mukasa, Takashi Ichihara and Akira Eto, working in the Department of Neuropsychiatry, Kurume University, Kurume School of Medicine, Japan.

Andrey Korshun,

narcologist of the highest qualification category

Cherkasy, Ukraine


Although treatment for alcoholism can be divided into well-known categories: psychotherapy and drug therapy, ultimate goal Therapy should include cessation of drinking, abstinence, or breaking the habit of drinking alcohol. Anti-alcohol drugs previously used to aid in the treatment of alcoholics were emetics, sodium thiosulfate, and disulfiram, introduced by Jacobsen (2). With disulfiram treatment, however, several the following shortcomings: 1) its effect manifests itself very slowly; 2) when taking disulfiram is accompanied by a small amount of alcohol taken during the test, due to excessive strong reaction"disulfiram-alcohol" causes some extremely unpleasant side effects; 3) because it is an alcohol withdrawal treatment, it often causes discomfort in patients; 4) the tolerable amount of alcohol is difficult to determine; 5) rehabilitation of patients by prescribing medication is difficult, and its use for abstinence treatment is impossible.

To get rid of these disadvantages of disulfiram, Nitrolim treatment was introduced. Many benefits have been reported for this treatment. However, some extraneous components, such as caustic lime and coal, contained in Nitrolim in addition to its main components, may have irritant effect on the skin and mucous membrane and cause bad smell And bad taste in the mouth. Therefore, Nitrolim is unsuitable for oral intake. Numerous studies and experiments were performed to purify the drug and make it suitable for oral consumption. Based on the results obtained by many experimenters, the authors found that the alcohol deterrent effect of cyanamide (calcium carbimide) occurs through a mechanism in which cyanamide (calcium carbimide) is absorbed by the stomach, accompanied by a reaction that converts the drug into acid in the stomach:

CaCN 2 + 2HCI -> CaС1 2 + HN=C=HN

After further experimentation, it was confirmed that cyanamide (calcium carbimide) should have many advantages as a medicinal product for complete failure from alcoholic drinks in the form of a stable solution for oral administration. This drug is now offered as an alcohol deterrent under the name "COLME".

Cyanamide (calcium carbimide) is odorless, white, needle-shaped crystals. It has a low melting point (42.9°C) and is unstable in nature. Progress in the use of KOLME has reached the point where a 1% solution, produced as a pilot batch by Yoshitomi Pharmaceutical Company, can be used to create a stable effect.

KOLME has a reliable and fast anti-alcohol effect. It is safe, has almost no harmful side effects and can be used in a simple way. Moreover. usage low dose(10-60 mg) KOLME prevents pathological alcoholism and allows the patient to regulate the patient's tolerance to alcohol by appropriate dosage without greatly affecting the patient's enjoyment of drinking alcohol. The appropriate dosage of KOLME varies for different people and cannot be categorically stated. However, roughly we can fix it in a volume of 10-60 mg. Since this drug works for at least 12 hours, starting 10 minutes after it is prescribed to an alcoholic, it is enough to use it just once a day. The patient should learn as soon as possible how much alcohol he can drink while taking KOLME regularly and should make it a habit. In Japan, the dosage of KOLME is determined in such a way as to turn alcoholics into people with state of the art alcohol consumption. Experience shows that the treatment period should be at least five months. The longer the period, the better the result. Since treatment does not require much effort from the alcoholic, it can easily be carried out on outpatients.


Summarizing the results of abstinence therapy, which was used in 250 cases over the past three years, the authors determined that such therapy has a beneficial effect. social indicator recovery rate 76 percent. Successful use of this therapy presupposes, among other things, good attitude on the part of the alcoholic, good understanding and cooperation in treatment on the part of his family, and close contact between doctor and patient, including appropriate conversations and guidance. Some alcoholics, however, begin problematic drinking again by adjusting their dosage of the drug during the treatment period or by stopping its use. Some other alcoholics, who have no intention of seeking treatment at all, are driven into trouble by their families and society. Therapy is a desperate need for these people.

KOLME is prepared in the form of a colorless and odorless solution. It is very easy to give by mixing it into the food of an unknowing patient. Moreover, KOLME is much safer than Antabuse and nitrolimine, and is not dangerous if the patient, without knowing it, takes alcohol after taking 5-10 mg. COLME. In this way, the patient's tolerance to alcohol can be safely reduced. The method of getting rid of the problematic drinking habit consists of small doses of 5-10 mg given at the beginning, and then gradually increasing the dosage. In cases where abstinence therapy was chosen, the authors continued to give the same dose without the patients' knowledge. Thus, the authors can successfully treat those alcoholics who refuse to take the drug or who have no intention of abstaining from drinking alcohol. The authors called this method “special therapy” for alcoholism.

The authors have tried this therapy in 110 cases over the past few years. In 43 of the 110 cases, the authors asked the family to treat the patient through their physicians and recognized the patient's readiness for therapy after receiving information from the family about the patient's medical condition. In these cases, the authors used specific therapy from the very beginning. In the remaining 67 cases, patients wished to be treated voluntarily, and during treatment a transition to special therapy was made. These alcoholics were first given a placebo (distilled water), temporarily, so that the special therapy could be introduced gradually.

The professional employment of alcoholics is shown in Table. 1. All of them were breadwinners in their families. Their ages ranged from 20 years to over 70, as can be seen from Table. 2. Among them were thirty-year-olds the highest percentage. The dosage of KOLME varied from 10 to 60 mg, as shown in Table. 3. As can be seen from the table. 3, there were many cases where the dosage was maintained between 20 and 30 mg, since these patients were expected to become moderate drinkers. The treatment period lasted from three months to four years, as shown in Table. 4. In the 76 cases shown in the table where patients are in social treatment, treatment is still ongoing. In 34 cases, treatment was interrupted after three months for three years. In 20 cases, the social treatment condition was maintained, while in the remaining 14 cases it was confirmed that the treatment was effective and safe, but nothing is known about their condition after treatment.

Table 1


Clinical case



Civil servants

Company employees






table 2

Table 3

Table 4


Ever since 1948. Hald and Jacobsen (2) described disulfiram (Antabuse) as a substance with an anti-alcohol effect, pharmacotherapy has completely changed and made dramatic strides forward (1, 7, 9, 10).

However, in clinical trials of Antabuse, some researchers (1, 3, 7, 10) pointed out the disadvantage of increased variability in effectiveness. To get rid of this deficiency, Usuba (10) promoted anti-alcohol therapy with nitrolim. On the other hand, in the United States of America, COLME was invented by Ferguson (1). One of the authors, Mukasa (5, 6, 7), advocates KOLME for anti-alcohol therapy in clinical use. In practice, however, it is difficult to use this medicine long time completely deter alcoholics from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Jacobsen (3) described that the ideal therapy for the chronic alcoholic is not to develop an aversion to the pleasure of drinking, but to lead him back to moderate drinking, which is his ideal, but, unfortunately, such a method has not yet been found and the best possible method for him there must be a continuation of complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.

Lemere (4) is of the view that the most common and effective treatment for alcoholism in the United States is a combination approach. Its use is based on medical care, alcohol anonymity, disulfiram and unconditional psychotherapy to varying degrees.

From a psychoanalytic point of view, Navratil (8) is of the view that a heavy drinker should receive anti-alcohol therapy together with his wife.

Alcoholics are in different circumstances and the specific therapy suggested by the authors should be used in a manner appropriate to each alcoholic's condition, establishing rapport and possibly early cooperation with families. In practice, the success rate of abstinence therapy is very high. The alcoholic is freed from the painful thought that he must take an anti-alcohol drug every day. He begins to believe that he will be cured and becomes able to live in peace. It should be noted that during treatment the alcoholic receives only a little alcohol and his addiction to alcohol completely disappears as he becomes able to cope with a small drink.

The new abstinence therapy has an advantage over traditional abstinence therapy with anti-alcohol drug treatment because it is less distressing for the alcoholic, easier, and more effective and safe. Based on these facts, the authors believe that abstinence therapy is applicable to alcoholism.


The authors found new way anti-alcohol treatment by prescribing KOLME, which does not push chronic alcoholics away from the pleasures of drinking alcohol, but leads them to become moderate drinkers. The study participants were chronic alcoholics who had many health problems, including family life or in social life.

The amount of KOLME prescribed was 10-60 mg. In the first phase, approximately 20 mg was used. KOLME and, if the anti-alcohol reaction was not fully achieved, the dose of KOLME was constantly increased.

Regarding the method of administration of KOLME, it was sufficient to give one dose of KOLME once a day in the morning and at night. However, it was necessary that the medicine be given before the patient drank Sake.

When taking Sake after taking KOLME, it was advisable to drink slowly and avoid illness that comes as a result of drinking too much. For this reason, it was most advisable to drink 100 cc. see "Sake" with 15 percent alcohol content for 10-15 minutes.

As for the duration of the treatment period, the medicine must be taken continuously for at least five months and the longer the treatment continued, the better the anti-alcohol effect obtained.

The safety of the anti-alcohol treatment KOLME is very high and its procedure is so simple and safe that the use of this treatment for outpatients is very easy. Moreover, long-term hospitalization does not have special significance, although some patients early stage Treatment hospitalization is required.

When used in a mixture, KOLME has neither taste nor smell. It is easy to prescribe without the patient knowing about it. KOLME is comparatively safer than Antabuse and Nitrolim, therefore it therapeutic actions for chronic alcoholics and drug addicts who refuse to take it or absolutely do not want to achieve abstinence, can be achieved by discreetly giving first a small amount of KOLME and then increasing its amount. The authors call it "special therapy" for alcoholism. With its use, as shown by clinical results in 110 cases, the effectiveness rate is very high, and one can expect positive result treatment.

The successful application of this anti-alcohol treatment depends on the following three components: the patient's attitude towards the treatment, full understanding and cooperation on the part of relatives and, finally, appropriate guidance on the part of the doctor.

Literature :

1. Mokasa. H.: Clinical study on the anti-alcoholic action of Cyanamide (I). The Journal of the Kurume Medical Association. 22, 1632. 1959.

2. Mokasa. H.: Clinical study on the anti-alcoholic action of Cyanamide (II). Clinical Psychiatry. 2, 23. 1960 year.

3. Mokasa. H.: Studies on the physiological anti alcoholic effects of Cyanamide and its clinical application. Psychiatr. Neurol. Jap., 64,469. 1962 year.

4. Navratil. L.: Die Rolle der Ehef rau in der pathogencse der Tranksucht. Wien 2. Nerv., 14, 90. 1957 year.

5. Takahashi. H.: Etude Psychiatrique sue les Toxicomanes Alcooliques. Psychiatr. Neurol. Jap. 62, 592

6. Ferguson. J.K.W.: A new drug for the treatment of alcoholism. Canada. M.A.J., 74. 793. 1956 year.

7. Hald. J. & Jacobscn. E.: A drug sensitizing the organism to ethyl-alcohol. Lancet. 255, 1001. 1948 year.

8. Jacobscn. E.: The treatment of alcoholism in Denmark. Transactions of the 16th Genera. Assembly of the Japan Medical Congress. 1959. Tokyo.

9. Lemere. F.: A comparison of the various of treating alcoholism. The joint meeting of the Japanese Society of psychiatry and neurology and American Psychiatric Association. May, 1963. Tokyo.

10. Marconi, J., Solari, G., and Gaete, S. Comparative clinical study of the effects of disulfiram and calcium carbimide. II. Reaction to alcohol. Quart J. Stud. Ale, volume 2, no. 1, 1961.

An acute problem in society is alcohol addiction, people suffer from it of different ages, gender, wealth.. Doctors, psychotherapists and scientists are constantly looking for effective means against this disease. Coding, “filing”, hypnosis, “Torpedo” and ethnoscience are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Research conducted in recent decades has made it possible to clarify the effect of alcohol on brain function and establish a connection with human behavioral reactions. This has made it possible to develop new methods of treating alcoholism that help reduce cravings for alcohol. However, still an important condition success is the desire of the person himself to become sober and healthy.

European approach to the treatment of alcoholism

The goal of this set of measures is to achieve stable and long-term remission in the patient. According to this modern method of treating alcoholism, it is necessary to go through a number of stages.

  1. Relief of hangover and its symptoms. This stage takes place for the patient in the hospital. He receives intravenous infusions of drugs for detoxification and restoration of normal functioning of internal organs.
  2. Prescription of drugs that cause aversion to alcohol. This stage can last for several years; at the end of the course, a person can hope for a lasting effect.
  3. Social rehabilitation. New methods of treating alcoholism certainly take into account the importance of resocializing a former alcoholic. At this stage, the support of loved ones and family becomes very important. Art and occupational therapy, group classes help a person find new interests in life and ways of self-realization.

Treatment of alcoholism with gas: xenotherapy

Doctors use the inert gas xenon. It was originally used for anesthesia during operations. The use of this gas has no contraindications or side effects. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and calming effects.

New method treatment of alcoholism is based on the ability of the gas to specifically bind to receptors and regulate their functioning. It instantly relieves withdrawal symptoms, helps relieve depression and relieves cravings for alcohol. In addition, xenon is capable of restoring brain activity impaired by alcohol intake.

Information-trance encodings

The technique involves studying the patient’s medical history and personal characteristics, and developing an individual multimedia program.

Stages of a modern method of treating alcoholism:

  1. preparatory. Includes psychological, pathopsychological diagnosis of personality, determination of indications and contraindications, assessment of personality resources;
  2. therapeutic stage. A new method of treating alcoholism involves a 50-minute session of watching a video clip on a computer screen with headphones.
  3. The video shows the brain of a sober person and an alcoholic, builds associative series that help a person understand the harmfulness of his habit. A hidden line with instructions for a sober lifestyle blocks the mechanisms of attraction to alcohol. At the end, the patient is fixed on a freeze frame in the form of an eye, which helps to strengthen the attitude towards sobriety created during the session;
  4. rehabilitation. To maintain the effect, the patient is recommended to have 5-7 sessions of viewing similar clips that are recorded on digital media.

The effectiveness of a new method of treating alcoholism is confirmed by statistics. In 79%, remission reaches a year, in 61% - about a year and a half. All trial participants noted a decrease in cravings for alcohol.

Laser therapy and intracranial translocation

Getting rid of addiction using a laser is based on physical and reflex effects. The laser beam is directed to bioactive points, with the help of which the internal processes in the human body. Thanks to this new treatment method, patients get rid of alcoholism by losing the craving for drinking alcohol.

Intracranial translocation is based on a neurophysiological effect on the brain, namely on the so-called alcohol centers. This modern method treatment of alcoholism creates conditions for deactivation (a kind of immersion in sleep) of the cells responsible for the craving for alcohol. The effect lasts for 1–5 years.

In addition, after intracranial translocation you should not drink at all, as a paradoxical reaction of the brain is likely. The functioning of the motor, respiratory, and cardiovascular centers is disrupted, which can lead to disastrous consequences.

Allen Carr Method

A new method of treating alcoholism can be called the Allen Carr system, outlined in the book “The Easy Way to Quit Drinking.” She has helped thousands of people, through their own efforts, without drugs or hardware, gross interference in brain activity or prohibitive attitudes, to overcome addiction. Try it too!


Currently, the problem of alcoholism in the Russian Federation and in the world is very acute: there is an increase in patients with the most severe manifestations, the course of alcoholism is often complicated by severe somatic diseases, teenage alcoholism is progressing, there is no preventive anti-alcohol work with the population, intrusive alcohol advertising is progressing, it is decreasing existing system drug treatment service, there are no effective anti-alcohol treatment methods that can create high-quality remission and prevent early relapses. This leads to an increase in social problems.

The author of the project offers his own unique treatment scheme for alcohol addiction, using the most advanced technologies and based on modern concepts in medicine. The proposed method is protected by a patent of the Russian Federation and represents modern complex therapeutic methods for treating alcohol addiction, including infrared photobiostimulation and EHF therapy, which carry out structural restructuring of cellular metabolism and psychotherapeutic effects consisting of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and Ericksonian hypnosis. Infrared photobiostimulation stimulates and activates the system of endogenous opioid neuropeptides and the adaptive functions of the adrenal glands, which leads to biological disappearance and relief of alcohol dependence; EHF reflexotherapy is capable of completely eliminating neurovegetative disorders, polyneuropathy, vascular disorders, as well as trophic-metabolic disorders within one or two procedures. NLP carries out a personal transformation of the patient and changes the patient’s attitude towards the disease, Ericksonian hypnosis in the treatment of alcohol addiction allows you to gain therapeutic access to the unconscious and, at the level of the unconscious, create motivation for sobriety, form an unconscious readiness to achieve results and create a dominant part of the personality responsible for sober behavior. Simultaneous use NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis allows you to successfully overcome alcohol anosognosia, create a mindset for treatment and sobriety, stop the primary pathological craving for alcohol and create indifference to the sight and smell of alcohol, as well as new motives of behavior associated with the need to abstain from alcohol.

We noted that infrared photobiostimulation has such abilities as the formation of artificial stable functional connections of the second type, provides high-quality relief of the primary pathological craving for alcohol, since selective communication channels are formed in the cerebral cortex and subcortical formations of the brain between various subcortical structures of the brain, the basis of which is long-term memory matrices. This allows you to quickly form structural functional systems indifference to alcohol. At the same time, NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis enhance the effect of infrared photobiostimulation, which allows the patient to independently realize and work through his deep-subconscious reasons for the development of addiction and form a negative conditioned reflex for alcohol.

The advantages of using this method are that it allows you to change the alcoholic attitudes of the individual, while the change in these attitudes is carried out directly by the patient himself, but under the supervision of the attending physician, which allows the patient himself to realize and overcome pathological patterns alcoholic behavior and significantly improves the quality of remission. Moreover, after the first session, the pathological attraction to alcohol disappears.

Treatment individually takes into account the patient’s personality characteristics, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. The proposed method of treating alcohol addiction does not use drugs, which reduces the cost of treatment.

During the year, 276 people with a diagnosis of alcohol use were treated using this method. harmful consequences and dependence syndrome, of which 211 were men and 65 women. The course of treatment consisted of three procedures, the interval between which was three days; maintenance sessions were carried out after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.

After the first procedure, an improvement in well-being was noted in 83% of patients: appetite appeared, sleep improved, and mood normalized. Obsessive primary pathological craving for alcohol disappeared in 64% of patients. After the second procedure, 72% of patients noted a change in attitude towards the sight and smell of alcohol in the form of indifference and indifference. After the third procedure, 96% of those who applied noted that, at the sight of alcoholic beverages and in the presence of drinkers, the appearance of indifference or aversion to the sight and smell of alcohol. Everyone who completed the treatment noted improvement physical well-being: improved sleep, appetite, mood, increased performance. At the same time, 14% of patients continued to have complaints of irritability.

After 3 months, 238 people came to the maintenance session, of which 4 people returned to drinking alcohol, 20% noted a periodic craving for alcohol, occurring mainly on an empty stomach and passing after eating. 30% reported occasional irritation, increased fatigue, decreased performance, worse sleep. The rest noted persistent indifference and indifference to the sight and smell of alcohol.

After 6 months, 231 people applied. Of those who turned to drinking alcohol, 11 people returned; 17% noted a periodic craving for alcohol that occurs on an empty stomach and during quarrels.

After 9 months, 198 people turned in - all of them maintained a sober lifestyle and noted the presence of indifference to the sight and smell of alcohol.

After 1 year, 216 people applied for consultation. All those who applied maintained a sober lifestyle and noted improvement physical health And psychological climate in family.

The proposed method meets all modern requirements and allows you to qualitatively and effectively stop the main manifestations of alcohol dependence, and is also able to form high-quality remission.

Bibliographic link

Saberov R.R. NEW IN TREATMENT OF ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE // Basic Research. – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 114-115;
URL: (access date: 02/19/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"


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