Red beans recipes for weight loss. Red bean lobio

Champignon mushrooms - 250 g
Onions (medium) - 5 pcs.
Garlic - 3 teeth.
Red beans - 1 cup.
Walnut (or cashew, whichever you like!) - 50 g
Vegetable oil (refined) - 50 ml

Soak 1 cup red beans in plenty of water overnight. Boil the beans over low heat for about 1.5 hours. The beans should barely boil, then they will not boil and remain whole. The quality of the beans is very important, buy expensive ones or ones that have already been tried. I take Mistral beans.
Chop the mushrooms coarsely! And fry in oil until golden brown. Place the mushrooms on a plate and immediately squeeze the garlic into the hot mushrooms and stir, the aroma is SUPER!!!
Chop the onion and fry in the oil in which the mushrooms were fried. If there is not enough oil, add only refined oil.
Chop the nuts coarsely!
Connect all components. Add salt and pepper as desired.

Kirkazh, simple bean salad

Beans (dry, subsequently boiled or canned) - 300 g
Coriander (fresh, also known as cilantro) - 1 bunch.
Bulb onions ( average size) - 1 PC
Black pepper (ground)
Vinegar (wine is a must) - 1-2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil (or sunflower, not refined) - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Cook the beans (or use canned ones) and drain and cool. The color is not important, the main thing is that the beans are whole.
Finely chop the cilantro, cut the onion into half rings. Then I lost the photo, so I’ll just say it in words: mix the beans with herbs, onions, salt, pepper, season with vinegar (first try one spoon, if it’s not enough, add more), oil and mix well.
Set aside for half an hour so that it infuses and soaks and the salad is ready to eat.

White bean and celery salad with mushrooms

Beans (white, large, canned) - 1 cup.
Petiole celery - 3 pcs.
Champignons (I use fresh ones, but you can also boil them) - 1 cup.
Parsley - 1/2 cup.
Olives (pitted) - 1/2 cup.
Spices (to taste)

Wash and chop the champignon mushrooms.
rinse and cut.
Place in layers - mushrooms, celery, white beans, parsley, ... black olives and, if desired, olive oil or mayonnaise, as you like. You can also add white chicken meat, naturally boiled and finely chopped.
The last step is pepper.

Bean casserole

Cottage cheese - 200 g
Beans, (boiled, you can take canned) - 1 cup.
Semolina - 3 tbsp. l.
Kefir (or fermented baked milk) - 150 ml
Egg - 2 pcs
Salt - 1/2 tsp.
Butter (for greasing the mold)

Let's take beans. Fill it with water for 12 hours, change the water and then set it to cook until tender, add salt at the end of cooking.
The products are ready. Pour fermented baked milk or kefir over the semolina and let it brew. While the semolina is brewing, beat 2 eggs with salt, add cottage cheese, mix.
We combine the egg-curd mixture, semolina, beans, grease the mold with oil, sprinkle with semolina, pour the mixture into the mold, I have a silicone one. Place in a preheated oven at 160-170 degrees for 50-60 minutes.
This is the resulting casserole. Can be eaten both hot and cold. Serve with sour cream natural yoghurt. Mine is garnished with pickled ginger.

Beans baked with vegetables

Beans (Dry, preferably white) - 500 g
Carrots (large) - 3 pcs.
Onions - 5 pcs
Tomato (in its own juice, preferably without skin) - 1 can
Seasoning (to taste)
Vegetable oil (for frying)
Sugar - 1-2 tsp.
Salt (to taste)
Black pepper (to taste)

Soak beans in cold water overnight, and then cook until almost done, adding salt. Drain the water.
Prepare the remaining ingredients. Cut the onion into half rings. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
Fry the onion in oil until golden brown.
Add carrots and continue to fry, stirring constantly so as not to fry. Fry until the carrots have a slight crunch.
Finely chop the tomatoes. Add to the pan with vegetables, add seasonings, sugar, stir and keep on the heat a little longer, stirring. Of course, in the midst of vegetables, tomatoes can be fresh. Then take the juicy and sweet ones.
Place the beans in a deep bowl and mix with vegetables. If necessary, add salt and pepper to taste. Fill tomato juice from a jar. Don't oversalt. The dish should have a sweetish vegetable taste.
Close the lid and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees to bake. About an hour and a half. On a small fire. Test for doneness: vegetables should be soft. Otherwise, place back in the oven. Ideally, cool it there without removing the lid.
You can eat it both hot and cold. It’s delicious either way. But only when cold does this dish evoke nostalgia. Believe me, it's incredibly delicious.

White bean salad with cheese

Ingredients: half a glass of white beans or a can of canned beans, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, a head onions, half a glass of Cheddar cheese, sugar, salt, vinegar, parsley - to taste.
If you are using non-canned beans, boil them and place in a bowl. Add finely chopped onion, sugar, salt and oil mixed with vinegar to it, mix everything. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with grated cheese and herbs.

White bean salad with mustard

1 cup white beans
2 onions
5 black peppercorns
4 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon mustard
1 Bay leaf
1 teaspoon sweet pepper (red)
1 teaspoon tomato puree
4 tablespoons vegetable oil

Soak the beans for several hours in hot water. Then boil it in the same water over low heat. As the water boils, add one by one: onion (pre-chopped), bay leaf, a little salt and pepper. After this, cook for another hour and a half. Then we take out the bay leaf and throw it away. Now we begin to prepare the marinade. To do this we take vinegar, mustard, pepper, vegetable oil, tomato puree and salt. Mix them until smooth. After this, pour the prepared mixture over the beans and refrigerate for an hour. Sprinkle parsley on top.

White bean salad

white beans – 200 grams
sparkling water – 200 grams
onion - one piece.
garlic – 1 clove
tomato puree - one tablespoon
tomatoes – 200 grams
vinegar 3% - one tablespoon
vegetable oil - two tablespoons
peppercorns - four pieces.
salt, ground red pepper to taste

Soak the beans for 6–8 hours in cold water.
Pour the swollen beans with sparkling water and cook over low heat until soft. Next, add salt to the water.
Combine the hot beans with finely chopped onion and garlic and pour in the sauce.
For the sauce, beat vegetable oil with vinegar, tomato puree, red ground pepper and salt.

White beans with meat

dry beans 2 cups
beef or chicken 250 g
vegetable oil 4 tbsp. spoons
large onion 2 pcs.
large tomatoes 2 pcs.
or tomato paste 2 tbsp. spoons
water 4-5 glasses
sweet pepper (red or green) 1 pc.
salt to taste
ground red pepper to taste

Soak the beans in water overnight. After this, drain the water and place the beans in boiling, salted water. Cook over medium heat for 30 minutes until half cooked, drain.
Lightly fry the finely chopped onion, add pieces of meat (the size of Walnut) and simmer, stirring, until the liquid evaporates.
Peel the tomatoes (to do this, put them in boiling water), cut into small pieces. Add tomatoes (or tomato paste, not diluted big amount water) to meat. Cut sweet green or red peppers into 4-5 pieces and also add to the meat. Add salt (about 2 tsp).
Close the dish with a lid and simmer the meat and vegetables over low heat for 15 minutes. Then add beans and water. Cover the pan with a lid again and simmer the beans and meat over low heat until the beans are soft. Sprinkle with red ground pepper and serve the beans with meat and vegetables on the table. Serve rice or pickles as a side dish.

It is not at all necessary to compose daily diet exclusively from overseas food or go on an absolute hunger strike.

Thanks to many publicly available products, it will be possible to cope with overweight and tone the body without significant costs, as well. Red is also used quite often, due to its many beneficial properties.

Red beans - a dietary product

Red beans are filled with a considerable amount of starch and legumin. In terms of the amount of protein, beans can be easily compared with meat. In addition, the peculiarity of protein plant origin is its ease of digestibility.

An important feature of red beans is their low calorie content and low fat content, which is at the level of 1–2%.

Can be found in red beans sufficient quantity useful vitamins, carotene, organic acids, copper, zinc, sulfur and iron.

Diet based on red bean broth

The red bean diet has almost only positive reviews. And this is not surprising, because everything larger number women daily confirms its effectiveness.

To the question of how red beans are prepared for weight loss, the recipes presented in such a wide variety will answer for themselves. Red beans form the basis for the preparation of many soups, cereals and side dishes, but in order to lose weight it is recommended to use them exclusively as a decoction.

How to cook red beans for a diet?

To prepare a dietary broth, red beans should be soaked for an hour, and then boiled until full readiness. The resulting broth should be strained into a separate container, and the boiled beans can be used as a side dish if desired.

The whole point of the diet is to consume 1 glass of the resulting decoction daily for 3 weeks instead of dinner. Along with the broth, you need to eat one fruit, chosen depending on individual preferences.

This way of dealing with extra pounds will have positive results only in conditions of rationalization of nutrition and exclusion of fatty foods.

According to the developers sample menu many bean diets designed for 7–14 days, following the rules will allow

The combination of such a diet with physical activity You will be pleasantly surprised by the results. In order to quickly lose weight on a bean diet, you can use the developed daily diet menu or create it yourself.

This diet is based on daily use beans. Depending on individual preferences, you can choose a canned or boiled product.

For breakfast, it is better to choose hard cheese, low-fat kefir or yogurt. It is recommended to supplement dairy products with toast, but it is important not to overdo it with the amount.

What do the experts say?

Bean diets limit, but do not exclude, the consumption of meat and fish dishes. So, beans can be combined with fish or meat, but you must adhere to certain cooking conditions. It is better to give preference to baked or boiled meat without adding huge amount spices, as well as boiled fish.

If during a diet a person suffers severe hunger, it is allowed to eat fruits, berries, dried fruits or a small amount of kefir between breakfast and lunch, as well as after dinner. Tomato juice will also help you cope with the feeling of hunger.

Correctly create a menu for weight loss and don’t harm your body with thoughtless things!

Video about dietary bean dishes

Beans are inexpensive, low in calories and healthy looking plant nutrition, which has great energy productivity, perfectly saturates the body with nutrients and a large amount of plant fiber. And if you watch your weight and stick to dietary nutrition, then beans can do a good job by replacing fatty and high-calorie foods.

Beans contain a lot of protein, so they are a good alternative to meat. This makes them an indispensable product for vegetarians. There are about three hundred species, but about sixty are used as food.

Beans contain no cholesterol at all, are an excellent source of fiber and are not fatty. vegetable protein. It also contains the amino acid lysine, which is very rarely found in plant foods and is vital for the body to synthesize carnitine, which is important for energy production.

Beneficial properties of beans during a diet

  • Quick saturation of the stomach
  • Low calorie content
  • Short glycemic index, blood glucose levels rise slowly, without causing sudden spikes
  • The content of complex carbohydrates interrupts hunger for a long time
  • The price is much cheaper than dietary varieties meat or exotic fruits
  • Contains virtually no fat or cholesterol, which can provide complete and healthy eating during a diet

Black Eyed Peas

It's hard to argue with the benefits of green beans. These are very tasty beans that are successfully used in various diets. Green beans are a type of green bean, they have long and thin pods, they taste more tender and are richer in protein. Unlike green beans, green beans can be consumed together with the pods.

She have low calorie content and high nutritional value, containing a number of useful components. These are vitamins, Omega-3 amino acid, manganese, plant fibers (16% of total mass), copper, chromium, magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron.

This type of bean is distinguished by its high content easily digestible protein, in composition close to the protein composition of meat. Bean decoctions help remove toxins from the body and are useful for those suffering from kidney stones.

  • Having flavonoids, green beans can prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins and arteries, prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Has great antioxidant potential.
  • The calcium and potassium contained will help improve the condition of bones and connective cartilage tissue.
  • Helps with diabetes to lower blood sugar levels.
  • Containing carotenoids, it will help boost immunity.
  • Contains a lot of fiber, therefore it eliminates constipation and neutralizes acid reflux disease.

Weight Loss Benefits

  • It is low in calories (100 g contains only 37 kcal.)
  • Contains a lot of vegetable protein (2.8 g per 100 g of beans)
  • It contains a lot of fiber (up to 15%), which has a positive effect on digestion and cleanses the intestines of toxins.
Delicious and no calories Learn more about What is more effective: exercise or switching to proper nutrition? Massage, running or fasting?

Fresh green beans

What kind of beans are these, you ask? This is an ordinary unripe green beans. It is the most useful and valuable for weight loss because it has the lowest calorie content (31 Kcal per 100 g).

Also, per 100 g of green beans there are:

  • Protein - 2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 3.6 g
  • Fat - 0.2 g
  • Cholesterol - 0 g
  • Water - 80%

It contains many vitamins (C, E, A, B vitamins), minerals, fiber, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, large amounts of crude protein, lecithin, choline.

Useful properties of green beans

It is not a bad diuretic. Removes from the body harmful salts and slags.

It is considered an excellent food product for those suffering from hypertension, gout and urolithiasis.

Green beans contain arginine, which stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin.

And another one distinctive feature– does not absorb from environment toxic substances. Therefore, it can rightfully be considered an environmentally friendly product.

It should also be noted the benefits of vitamin (C) and antioxidants contained in beans, which help preserve the youth of cells and delay the aging process, prevent the oxidation of fats and their further deposition on the walls of the arteries, which can prevent cardiovascular diseases in the future.

After consumption green bean does not cause flatulence or heaviness in the stomach.

Decreases bad cholesterol due to the existing fibers, which absorb and remove excess fat consumed in foods.

The lecithin present in beans cleanses the artery walls of sclerotic plaques.

: how to cook, freeze, compatibility with foods.

Benefits for weight loss

Fresh green beans are ideal for dietary nutrition because:

  • It is 80% water, and water has no calories at all.
  • Has a very low amount of calories.
  • 3% consists of fiber, which accelerates intestinal transit, removes toxins and quickly suppresses hunger.
  • Virtually no fat.

And another great thing about green beans is that they don’t need to be soaked before cooking or cooked for long periods of time. It takes only about twenty minutes to prepare, and this will also save your time.

Of course, it does not contain as much protein as white or red beans, but it contains more vitamins and antioxidants. And if you have just finished a diet, then green beans are ideal for consolidating the result. All you need to do is include it in your daily diet for at least a month, consuming it once a day.

From the above, we can conclude that the most dietary bean is green green beans, which may well be a serious competitor to all other types.

Green bean pods can be brewed as a tea and used as a diuretic.

White beans

White beans have a very delicate texture and pleasant taste. It contains a large amount of vegetable protein (in 100 g of beans there is already 7 g), calcium, potassium (in 100 g - 530 mg), magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, folic acid and niacin.

These beans contain a lot of zinc, which is good for proper development reproductive system V adolescence in boys, and in the future for a full-fledged men's health and increased libido. An insufficient amount In a man's body, zinc can cause infertility. So, dear girls, cook white beans more often, not only for yourself, but also for your men.

Beneficial properties for the body

Having plant fiber will help cope with constipation and eliminate relapses of hemorrhoids, stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin, which in turn is responsible for lowering blood sugar levels. This property is indispensable for diabetics.

White beans contain a lot of protein, and it is vital for the muscular system.

The only drawback is that before cooking it needs to be soaked for eight hours and cooked for about two hours (necessarily without salt).

And if you add marjoram, cumin or thyme during cooking, this will significantly reduce the amount of oligosaccharides in beans, which are the root cause of unpleasant flatulence.

Benefits for weight loss

  • Low calorie content (100 g - 102 Kcal).
  • These beans contain plant fibers that help reduce appetite and improve intestinal transit of waste and toxins.
  • White beans are low in fat (1.6 g per 100 g), which consists of unsaturated fatty acids what makes her dietary product.
  • High nutritional value helps fight annoying appetite.
  • Blocks starch, thereby significantly improving weight loss results (starch is known to be the root cause of weight gain).

Red beans

Beneficial features

  • Possessing a diuretic property, it removes mild swelling
  • Reduces cholesterol levels
  • Stabilizes insulin production, normalizing blood sugar; diabetics can take advantage of this property
  • Recommended for hypertension, as it lowers blood pressure
  • Improves digestion and intestinal motility, acts as prophylactic from colon cancer.
  • Very valuable for pregnant women. A serving of boiled red beans can cover daily requirement body in folic acid (200 mcg). Folic acid is used in pregnant women to prevent neural tube defects in the fetus.
  • Helps in the formation of red blood cells.
  • They have a diuretic effect and can dissolve kidney stones.
  • The available phytosterols, flavonoids and glycosides can improve mood.
  • The absence of cholesterol makes red beans a dietary product for the prevention of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Benefits for diet

  • Excellently breaks down and removes fats.
  • Low in calories (100 g - 97 kcal), which makes red beans an excellent product for weight loss.
  • Contains a large amount of fiber, thanks to which you can eat less and feel full faster. Therefore get minimal amount calories and stay hungry longer. And between main meals, you won't want to snack on sweets.
  • Found in red beans vegetable fiber will help cleanse the intestines, which will help get rid of a couple of extra pounds.
  • Decreases during diet muscle mass, and the glutamine found in red beans prevents this and you will only lose body fat.

Black beans

Beneficial features

  • Vitamins B and E found in beans improve the structure of the skin.
  • By adding black beans to a salad or any other dish, you will increase your fiber intake, which can later prevent cardiovascular disease and constipation.
  • It is recommended for use by diabetics, as it normalizes blood sugar.
  • Is an excellent dietary product for people with increased performance cholesterol.

Benefits for weight loss

  • The high protein content (27.2 g per 100 g of beans) will speed up metabolism, which will help you lose weight faster.
  • Black beans do not have many calories (100 g 132 kcal). This is of course more than in white or asparagus, but not as much as in many other products.
  • Having a large amount of soluble fiber (15 g per 100 g of beans), which is slowly digested, will help you stay full longer. And this will prevent overeating.

Canned beans

Depending on the variety, 100 g of canned beans contains from 215 to 227 kcal, about 13 g of fiber and protein, and up to two grams of fat. It also contains a lot nutrients, But less vitamins. And you don’t even need to waste time cooking.

Also canned beans has a lot of sodium, which can cause flatulence. Agree, this is not a very pleasant problem. It has been proven that bisphenol A is found in most cans of these canned foods, and this additive is one of the main causes of obesity and diabetes.

If you decide to add such beans to salads, then choose canned beans that do not contain salt and at least rinse them well before use. This will reduce your calorie content a little and get rid of some harmful additives.


  • Stomach ulcer
  • In people with low acidity stomach can cause heartburn and flatulence
  • Not suitable for people with digestive problems

People who constantly monitor their weight limit their diet to the same low-calorie foods. By eating monotonously, they are deprived of many beneficial nutrients. When losing weight, many people forget about beans. For a long time, nutritionists advised excluding it from the menu due to its high calorie content, but in Lately The opinion about the product has radically changed.

What are the benefits of beans for weight loss?

Still it is unclear whether to protein or carbohydrate products beans should be included. It contains a large amount of proteins (21 g), which makes it recommended during fasting as a replacement for meat.

On the other hand, beans contain 47 grams of carbohydrates. But this complex carbohydrates, which for a long time are broken down in the intestines and create a feeling of fullness.

The glycemic index of beans is 35. After eating it, there are no sudden changes in blood sugar, therefore, the feeling of hunger is dulled.

A group of Canadian scientists have put a lot of effort into rehabilitating legumes.

Beans are a reliable companion for those who want to get rid of excess weight.

Weight loss averaged 750 grams over 6 weeks. Although the result is not very impressive, however, all participants did not make any effort special effort for weight loss.

Study leader Russell de Souza (Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto) explains this by saying that Beans increase satiety by 31% and help you eat less of other food.

After all, it is the feeling of hunger that makes people quit weight loss programs. Beans are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and reduce the percentage of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Canadian researchers also concluded that regular consumption of legumes prevents weight gain, even when calories are not restricted. They may become a worthy replacement fats and animal proteins during lunch.

Beans have a positive effect on weight loss for the following reasons:

Beans are a multi-component product that contains antioxidants, significant amount vitamins, minerals, fiber, lots of protein and complex carbohydrates.

Which beans should you choose?

Boiled beans retain vitamins.

It is unlikely that anyone would think of chewing dry beans, and besides, they have toxic properties. Before eating, they should be soaked for several hours, then boiled without salt until tender.

Cooked beans contain almost the same amount of protein as raw beans. During cooking, it retains many vitamins and useful material. Depends on the type of legume beneficial features product.

Red beans presents special value thanks to great content antioxidants, preventing aging of the body and having an anti-cancer effect. It also contains arginine, an amino acid that is essential for immune defense, works nervous system. It improves mood, promotes collagen production, and normalizes metabolic processes.

White beans are the most common product among the population. It contains a lot of fiber, as well as a special substance that blocks the enzyme alpha-amylase. Due to this, starch is not completely broken down, but transits through the intestines. Consequently, a person consumes less carbohydrates and loses weight. These data were published in Nutrition Journal in 2011.

Green beans can be safely recommended as an ideal product for weight loss. They are easier to digest than regular beans and contain minimal calories (30 per 100 grams). Among the advantages are the speed of preparation, high content vitamins and the presence of carotenoids. The pods are used to prepare salads, soups, add to omelettes, vegetable stews, or serve boiled as a side dish.

Is it possible to gain weight from eating beans? It all depends on the amount of food eaten and how it was prepared.

Fried green beans contain 175 calories, so the dish is not recommended when losing weight.

Canned beans retain all their beneficial properties. The product, which is sold in stores in its own juice, is a ready-made meal containing only 80 calories.

How to use it correctly?

Green bean salad is an excellent option for a small snack, healthy breakfast or a light, delicious dinner.

Knowing about positive impact legumes on metabolic processes, you still shouldn’t make them the main dish of your diet.

To reduce bloating, you need to change the water several times during the soaking process.

During compliance low calorie diet It is enough to include bean dishes in the menu 3-4 times a week. However, beans are not recommended for people with gastritis. peptic ulcer, gout and heart disease. Beans are allergenic product, it should not be eaten if others are intolerant legumes(peas, soybeans).

Despite all the beneficial properties, the product is considered heavy on the stomach and is not recommended as a main dish in the evening for dinner. To avoid suffering from bloating at night, it is better to eat a portion in the morning or lunch.

What to combine with?

Treat yourself to vegetable stew.

Excellent dietary dishes can be obtained by mixing beans with.



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