Why is fat an essential component of any person’s diet? Why do we need fats? What do fats do in the body?

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H A person who is constantly on a diet, limiting himself in everything, thinks much worse - and this scientific fact. Nutritionists have clearly established during long-term experiments: mental capacity hungry people are reduced by about 20%. However, the diet itself is not always responsible for this, much more - intrusive thoughts about your figure, hunger and calories consumed. It is fats (about 60-80 g per day) that can improve your mood and reconcile with some troubles. And the reasons here are not at all psychological.

Fats take much longer to digest in the body than proteins and carbohydrates, giving a longer feeling of pleasant satiety. In fact, long-term abstinence from consuming fats is not at all harmless to the body. Strange as it may seem at first glance, a lack of fat in the diet slows down metabolism and contributes to the accumulation of unnecessary pounds.
Consumption of fats, including vegetable fats, is extremely important for absorption fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin D, which is responsible for strong bones, vitamin E, vital for heart function, and carotene. If you delve deeper into science, fats are used by our body not only as sources of energy, but also as plastic material. They are one of the most important components of cell membranes and, in fact, the cells themselves, from which our entire body is built. Fats also provide us with active and unsaturated fats. fatty acid, which are irreplaceable because without them human body cannot function. They are not synthesized in the body itself.

As you know, you need everything in moderation - no more and no less. If it’s more, the clothes stop fastening; if it’s less, the arteries become clogged. And we must not forget that fat enters the body not only in the form of oils. High fat content is typical for most types of sausages, cheeses, all cookies, soft drinks and chocolate.

Of course, it is better to give preference to fats plant origin, for example, vegetable oil. In addition to beneficial substances, animal fats contain a lot of cholesterol, which negatively affects the condition of blood vessels.

Trying to cover everything daily requirement in vitamin A solely from butter (which is about 4 tablespoons) would be unreasonable. It is quite high in calories, and besides, it is one of the easiest fats to digest, because it consists of tiny fat globules (its digestibility is 98.5%). Alas, this cannot but affect the figure. Therefore, we will stick to the golden mean - no more than 20 g of butter per day, and the rest of vitamin A can be obtained by eating vegetables and fruits rich in it, carrots, green cabbage, spinach, lettuce, apricots and plums. The ideal supplier of healthy polyunsaturated fats is vegetable oil. The facts show that by dressing your salad with vegetable oil five days a week, you reduce the risk of heart problems by exactly half! So the best thing is to buy two or three types of vegetable oil and use them alternately. This will diversify the menu and improve the condition of the body.

Various types of vegetable oils

Sunflower oil
Sunflower oil contains a large number of(60-70%) polyunsaturated linoleic acid, which is very valuable for our body. It is she who is the best ally in the fight against atherosclerosis, the most common cause emergence cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular accidents.

Soybean oil
This oil is obtained from soybeans. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3, which reduces “bad” cholesterol. In addition, soybean oil, like all other soy products, contains phytoestrogens (plant hormones), which have an extremely beneficial effect on intestinal flora gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of it reduces the risk of breast cancer and menopausal problems. Thus, Japanese women who regularly eat soybean oil and other soy products are much less susceptible to similar diseases compared to similar age groups women of European countries.

Pumpkin seed oil
You can't confuse it with anything else by its appearance - it's dark green. In addition to nitamine E, it contains unsaturated fatty acids, mineral compounds and trace elements, including selenium. Helps with heartburn, gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis. And also when various types allergies, diathesis, dermatitis.

Flax oil
It has the highest content of polyunsaturated linoleic acid among vegetable oils. The use of flaxseed oil is indicated for people with stomach and intestinal problems. But it has a drawback - it is not stored for long and only in a cool place, and it cannot be used at all for preparing heated dishes - it acquires a repulsive smell and bitter taste.

Wheat germ oil
It contains more vitamin E than other types of vegetable oils. It is called the vitamin of fertility and youth. The oil increases resistance to stress, promotes fast healing wounds, reduces cholesterol levels, promotes renewal cellular composition. It promotes normal functioning heart muscle, prevents the formation of blood clots.

Olive oil
Olive oil is an excellent base for making flavored salad oils. Place in clean, dry containers spices(pvtrushka, sage, lavender, thyme, even pods of hot or sweet hertz) and fill with oil. Fans of garlic flavor can put 2-3 cloves of garlic in bottles. Place the containers in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks, and then strain the oil. It will add piquancy to salads and flexibility to arteries.

Oil from grape seeds
Contains a large amount of bioflavonoids that fight free radioactive substances. Regular use Use of this oil when preparing salads has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, making it smooth and toned. Grapeseed oil can also be used for health cocktails. Here is one such remelt: a glass of milk, a banana, 2 teaspoons of sugar (vanilla can be used) and 1 teaspoon of grape seed oil.

Sesame oil
Not only a supplier minerals such as manganese, nickel and iron, but also has strong antioxidant properties. It is especially recommended for people prone to blood clots. It has a beneficial effect on blood formation, stimulating the production of red blood cells.

Fats have been anathematized completely undeservedly, Zozhnik believes and tells you why you need to eat fats and the dangers of low-fat diets and a low percentage of body fat in general.

What are fats?

Almost all fats are composed of glycerol and fatty acids and are called by the simple Russian word “triglycerides”. Therefore, if you see the word “triglyceride” somewhere in a product, know that it is just “fat.”

One of the components of fats, glycerin, is essentially an alcohol, but neither in taste, nor in smell, nor in consistency does it resemble the alcohol that you think about. And glycerol is similar to the alcohol you are thinking about (ethanol) by the presence of an –OH group, to which a fatty acid can be attached - the second main component of fats.

Fatty acids, among other things, differ in the number of double bonds between carbon atoms. If there are no double bonds, the acids are called saturated. If there is, unsaturated.Depending on the number of such double bonds, acids can be monounsaturated (i.e., one double bond) and polyunsaturated (several). The fat containing these acids also receives the corresponding name.

These chemical parts have serious and completely different consequences for your body, since they divide fats into conditionally good and conditionally bad.

What types of fats are there?

Not saturated fats

To live and not worry we need 4 polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic and docosahexaenoic. They belong to omega-3 and omega-6 acids, the usefulness of which is well known among those who are interested in healthy eating.

These wonderful and well-known “omegas” reduce cholesterol levels, cleanse and restore elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots, have an antioxidant (also called “rejuvenating”) effect, and normalize arterial pressure, prevent strokes and heart attacks, improve blood supply to the brain and limbs, promote the renewal and development of central nervous system cells, accelerate recovery bone tissue and formation callus for fractures, improve the condition of ligaments. Omega-3 acids also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

With a lack of omega-3, vision deteriorates and develops muscle weakness, numbness occurs in the arms and legs. Children's growth slows down. Research suggests that when levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood are low, people are more susceptible to negative thoughts.

Omega-3 is found mainly in the inhabitants depths of the sea: fatty fish (mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna, trout, salmon, sprats, mullet, halibut) and other reptiles (squid, anchovies). There are many of them in the plant kingdom pumpkin seeds, soybeans, walnuts, dark green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils ( linseed oil, grape seed oil, sesame and soybean oil).

Linoleic acid (or omega-6 acid) normalizes fat metabolism, reduces skin dryness, supports normal condition cell membranes, reducing fatty infiltration liver. Omega-6 acids are found in almost the same foods as omega-3. With a lack of omega-6, eczema can develop, hair loss, and dyslipidemia.

There is also an omega-9 fatty acid - monounsaturated oleic acid. The body can synthesize it, but it is advisable that it comes with food. Oleic acid is better absorbed and is the only one that has no effect on cholesterol levels. Find herCan be in olive and almond oil.

With a lack of omega-9: weakness develops, increased fatigue, poor digestion, constipation, dry skin and hair, brittle nails, vaginal dryness.

Saturated fats

They reduce sensitivity to cholesterol, and it leaves the bloodstream more slowly, which means the risk of cholesterol deposition in the walls of blood vessels increases. But saturated fatty acids have a plus: they provide the body with energy. The main thing is not to overdo it with them.

Saturated fatty acids hang out with unsaturated fatty acids. They are in butter, lard, meat.


They scare them from television screens and in vain. Cholesterol, like all other fats, is very necessary, but in moderation and harmful if consumed in excess.

He is part of the cell membrane, from which sex hormones (estrogens, testosterone, progesterone) and stress hormones (cortisol, aldosterone), vitamin D and bile acids. Cholesterol also increases the production of serotonin, the “hormone Have a good mood", That's why depressed look with a low-cholesterol diet it is quite natural.

However, the body produces most of the necessary cholesterol (about 80%) itself and about 20% comes from food. Excessive use cholesterol threatens the formation of plaques in blood vessels with all the ensuing diseases, such as atherosclerosis.

Cholesterol is found in animal products: eggs, dairy products, meat. The most cholesterol is found in animal brains and bird eggs, and slightly less in fish.

By the way, two egg yolks contain about 400 mg of cholesterol or the daily value.

Trans fats

This is a type of unsaturated fat. These fats are characterized by the presence of trans-isomers of fatty acids, that is, the arrangement of hydrocarbon substituents along different sides carbon-carbon double bond - the so-called trans configuration. Actually, this explains their strange name for the average person.

The main breeding grounds for these not-so-healthy fats are margarines and spreads, which were created with good intentions as a cholesterol-free alternative. natural products. A small amount of trans fat is present in milk and meat.

Trans fats significantly increase the shelf life of products, which is why they are now replacing more expensive and perishable natural solid fats and liquid oils. The critical limit for trans fat consumption is 6-7 g per day. In order not to go over this norm, be especially wary of margarines, spreads, and cooking fats.

In addition, the problem with trans fats is the following: as a result of various manipulations, they lose most positive properties and become negative. They not only increase cholesterol levels, but also prevent the breakdown of unwanted fats and the formation of vital fatty acids.

How much fat should you eat?

The classic proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (by weight) in healthy eating 1:1:4.

It is recommended to consume no more than 30% of the total calorie content of food. And the optimal ratio is daily diet: 70% animal fats (fats from fish, meat and dairy products) and 30% vegetable fats (nuts, vegetable oils).

In general, it is recommended to consume saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in a ratio of approximately 3:6:1. However, almost every product contains fatty acids in combination, so it is necessary to meet the “average” needs for them at balanced diet It’s not difficult and you don’t have to worry about proportions. Accept nutritional supplements containing beneficial fatty acids is recommended if there are direct indications.

Central phrase: know when to stop. Yes, all of the fats listed are healthy, you can’t live without them, but too much fat is harmful. And you certainly shouldn’t dramatically increase the amount of fat in your diet in order to get rid of some health problem.

Until recently, it was believed that fats were harmful to health and especially to the figure. Many people who gave up fat consumption noticed a deterioration over time. vitality, appearance and the weight not only did not go away, but also increased. Over time, scientists have proven that there are different types of fats. There are fats that are necessary, important and even necessary, they also contribute to weight loss.

Functions of fats

  • Fats are involved in the construction of cell membranes, since cell membrane almost 30% consists of lipids
  • Brain tissue is 60% fat. For full-fledged work brain to body
  • Fats are involved in the production of certain hormones. With a lack of fat, the hormonal and reproductive systems suffer
  • Fats are necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A and E. These vitamins are considered important for maintaining female beauty and attractiveness, they are called “vitamins of youth”; without fats, these vitamins are not absorbed, skin, nails, and hair suffer.

What types of fats are there?

Fats are:

  • saturated (solid: animal and poultry fats);
  • unsaturated (liquid: fats plant products, fish, oils).

Unsaturated ones, in turn, are divided into polyunsaturated and monounsaturated.

Saturated (solid) fats are poorly absorbed and digested by the body. Excess animal fat leads to the formation of “bad” cholesterol, causing the risk of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and obesity. But you shouldn’t completely give up saturated fats, since they are involved in metabolic processes.

Unsaturated fats are not deposited in subcutaneous fat; they promote the breakdown of fats and weight loss. reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, prevent its oxidation, and prevent the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques on vessels.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in sea ​​fish, sunflower and linseed oil, walnuts. Products with polyunsaturated fatty acids protect cell membranes from destruction and oxidation, improve blood counts, regulate fat metabolism, normalize, regulate the production of serotonin (the hormone of joy).

Monounsaturated fats ( olive oil, peanuts, avocados, almonds) contribute to weight loss, despite their rather high calorie content. It is important to adhere to the acceptable daily portions: oil - 2 tablespoons, nuts - 30-40 grams, avocado - 1 fruit per day. Avocado contains L-carnitine, which is a fat burner and is well known for weight loss. It should be taken into account that it works subject to the presence of physical activity.

basis proper diet is understanding the difference between harmful and healthy fats how they act on the human body, how animals vegetable fats are really harmful to health.

Minimizing or eliminating fat is the main mistake many people make when starting to eat dietary nutrition. Butter is replaced with margarine, whole milk- low-fat. Instead of fried food, they start eating steamed food. This is due to the connection that a person finds for himself between what he eats and the fat he has on his body.

Such tactics are wrong. Low-fat foods most often more harmful than their analogues. They are fat-free but contain simple carbohydrates. Balanced and healthy diet implies the obligatory presence of fats, but only the right ones. exclude this important element from the diet it is impossible.

Unsaturated and saturated fats

Fatty acids, which are fats, differ in the number of carbon atoms. Each fat of plant or animal origin is a mixture of dozens of fatty acids, the most common of which are five to seven to varying degrees.

The classification of fats, as a rule, has no connection with the number of carbon atoms. It is most often caused by “saturation” of hydrogen atoms, that is, the absence or presence of free bonds. Trans fats include fatty acids with chemically identical but geometrically different formulas.

The value of fatty acids is determined by how they are absorbed and digested. Fats, the number of carbon atoms in which does not exceed 15, are absorbed by the body from the intestines and spent on metabolic processes. They make up the fourth part cow's milk, eighty percent coconut oil.

Coconut fat is considered dietary due to the fact that it is difficult to convert into body fat. This quality makes refined palm oil, from which margarine is produced, quite dangerous. It is a trans fat that has a low amount of carbon oils and immediately enters the bloodstream, making it harmful to health.

Omega-3, -6 and -9

They are fatty acids with 18 carbon atoms, present in any type of oil and fat, prevailing over other substances. Depending on the position of the double chain in the structure, they are Omega-3, -6 or -9.

The latter are considered neutral and occupy second place in the body after Omega-6. They are present in olive, corn and avocado oils, yolks and beef fat.

Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio

The balance of these two fatty acids is of utmost importance. Omega-3 is not synthesized in the body, but is essential for maintaining immune system, work of the cerebral cortex, exercise metabolic processes. These fatty acids are considered the most beneficial. Their positive influence on the body is reduced to a minimum in the presence of Omega-6.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the concentration of Omega-3 in food is minimal. Half, and sometimes even a little more, of the composition of corn and vegetable oils falls on Omega-6. Consequently, as a result of cooking, their ratio shifts, which leads to metabolic disorders.

Animal fat - benefit or harm?

The composition of animal fat is a combination of various fatty acids, the concentration of which depends on the diet of the animal. Cows kept in industrial conditions are given corn. It increases percentage Omega-6 in the resulting product. Therefore, the actual situation may differ from the tabular data.

Saturated animal fat is called palmitic acid. It contains 16 carbon atoms. Its excess in the diet provokes the development of many pathological conditions. Palmitic acid makes up 25-30% of general composition fat in butter, about 20-25% egg yolk and beef fat.

Harmful and healthy fats

Dangerous to health are corn and sunflower oil, whose fat profile is 50-60 percent Omega-6. Depending on what the animal is fed under industrial conditions, these fatty acids may be present in chicken and beef meat.

Olive and avocado oils are healthier than their sunflower and corn counterparts, as they contain Omega-9. It is best to fry food in coconut oil, which tolerates well high temperatures. Animal saturated fats become truly dangerous when they are abused and have an imbalanced diet.


Oils and fats are important for metabolic processes and health. And to avoid numerous problems, you need to maintain a balance in your diet and be able to recognize the fat profile of the fat source.

Video review

True, not all fats are harmful. At the same time, dietary fats are considered much worse than carbohydrates. They are generally considered to be the cause of heart disease and other health problems.

These macronutrients are finally starting to get a better reputation, thanks in large part to fitness and nutrition science. But for some reason, many people still don’t understand that dietary fats are good for us.

The government still shows food products through a lens that lists dietary fat as something you should really limit your intake of. Even some nutritionists explain to people that all fats are harmful.

When will the population - especially men - be told the truth about fats?

Where is the truth? Or what is the strength, brother?

Dietary fats are indispensable for human life. Men should consume them in large quantities to regulate muscle growth and hormone production. Let's look at dietary fats and what they mean for men.

What are Dietary Fats?

They are called dietary fats, mainly to indicate that they are fats that should be part of your nutrition program.

  • Monounsaturated fats
  • Polyunsaturated fat
  • Saturated fat (fat with high content saturated fatty acids)

The full term is technically fatty acids, but we never actually use the latter expression until we're discussing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

There is one fat you should stay away from. Which? (of them) This is trans fat.

This fat is currently banned in the US. It has already been banned in several other countries, such as the UK.

Fats are very important for your diet. You may have already come across the following terms or heard discussions about these fats. To refresh your memory, let's look at some sample products.

  • Monounsaturated fats include avocados, almonds, hazelnuts and even peanuts. Many nuts, including peanut butter, contain this fat.
  • Polyunsaturated fats, including margarine, canola oil, flaxseed oil and most other edible oils. Then you also have all the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (from 3-9).
  • Saturated fat – contains red meat, whole milk, cheese, egg yolk, Coconut oil, dark chocolate, pork and many others.

There are, of course, hundreds of others fatty foods foods that fit into one of these categories. But with this list, you'll at least have a good idea of ​​what to focus on.

Why Are Dietary Fats Good for Us (Especially Men)?

The main thing you should really know about fats is that our body uses them to store energy and produce energy. These two factors should already sound pleasant, but in fact, we will realize even more benefits ahead.

Fats have always been a source of energy for human beings, dating back to the days of our ancestors when they did not have so many carbohydrates to eat. We also have fat stores of energy in fat cells. This is actually a good thing if you eat right and don't store fats in your body for a long time (and use them quickly).

Now that we've cleared that up, let's take a look at the other benefits your body will get from consuming fat throughout the day. Here are some of the main arguments in favor of a stable and healthy intake of dietary fats:

  • A high-fat diet increases free testosterone levels.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K can be transported throughout the body through the bloodstream.
  • Fats that are consumed in food help in healing body tissues, such as skin.
  • Dietary fats also protect your nerves and brain, helping them function properly. Need proof? Nerve cells covered with myelin. They are made from fat, which helps transmit signals between the brain and body.
  • Fat essential acids must be consumed through food or supplements. Why? The reason is that your body cannot produce them on its own. This is why they are called essential fatty acids. Their consumption is very important for you!
  • Fats are used for energy after carbohydrate storage has been depleted by the body. Without fat, the body will use muscle mass instead of them to produce energy during training, by the time when the training has not yet ended, and you have already used up all the carbohydrates that have been accumulated by the body.

Knowing the first and last of the benefits that are listed in the previous points will play a vital role for you in light of how they relate to fitness and training.


Everything is very simple. They will influence your training. . It affects many factors, such as: bone strength, muscle mass and strength, energy and our (men's) life in general.

Women need testosterone just as men need estrogen, but the amounts vary significantly in ratio. Men with low level testosterone does not have enough energy for everyday activities such as work or even a long walk outside. Male body will simply be weak if a man suffers from low testosterone levels. This is one of the pillars of a peasant’s life.

In order to increase your body's energy levels and improve things like libido, you need to consider that consuming MORE dietary fat is best. Many men have been misled about fats, such as the idea that saturated fat is completely bad for the heart. It never made sense. After all, bodybuilders at all times ate a lot of red meat and felt more than great.

What a surprise, it is now believed that saturated fat intake in required quantities reduces the chances of heart disease. Plus, one study found that combining intake of high amounts of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids is a way to boost testosterone levels.

Some experts even say that the recommended daily norm The calories you consume should enter your body in the following ratio: about 35 percent dietary fat, slightly more protein than carbohydrates. Having established this, we move on - polyunsaturated fatty acids may actually be the cause of low free testosterone levels. This doesn't mean you should avoid these foods that contain them. It just means that you should not consume large quantities of them, because your strength will become like that of an effeminate man. Do you need it!?

You certainly have to exercise and train hard if you want to build muscle, and having plenty of fat available should calm people down, among other things. Since fats have been recognized as the main source of energy these days. After all, every gram of fat contains 9 calories.

Essentially, the likelihood of your entire workout going great from start to finish skyrockets when you consume enough fat (about 0.6 grams of fat per kilogram of body weight).

Fats are not like protein. They contain a higher number of calories per gram. before your workout, and fats generally don't work the same way and may not be necessary for your program.

Too Much Fat Is Bad for Us

As with most things in life, too much of something is simply not good for the body. First, along with fat, you will store too many extra calories, which are very difficult to burn. And, too much fat can lead to heart disease.

You will most likely have to worry about consumption sufficient quantity protein and vegetables to ensure your body receives a balanced diet.


Fats are good for you. Many people take this kind of information too seriously (although you should not forget that there is a chance for more than just heart disease). Basically, when people hear about how good a nutrient is, suddenly they want to consume more of it and also reduce their intake of other vital things.

No need!

High fat diets are useless. Diet with low content fat won't get you anywhere, either. Just eat the right products in close to ideal quantities and please stay away from body fat. If not, and you decide to make the mistake of increasing your fat intake while missing out on other vital things (macronutrients, etc.), then you risk gaining weight over time. And, you may be at risk for other health problems.

When you exercise at a higher intensity than usual, your muscles become microscopically ragged. These small tears become inflamed and cause you to feel pain. They will likely be even worse the next day. This is called sore throat.

Krepatura cannot be prevented, but the effect can be reduced by improving the muscle recovery process. This is where fats come into play because dietary fats actually help regulate inflammation, which can be caused by the stress they experience during strength training.

With low body fat, your body remains inflamed and doesn't know what to do when it's time to exercise.

Basically, you will experience high fever for much longer without consuming good quantity fat (as I already wrote - approximately 0.6 g per kg of body weight), to reduce painful sensations in the muscles. Omega-3 polyunsaturated essential fatty acids are the essential fats that you can benefit from in terms of reducing inflammation of micro-tears in muscle tissue.

Dietary Fat Consumption Before Workout

Dietary fats, as already noted, play important role in building muscles and for training in general. The goal of consuming fats at least an hour before your workout is to prevent them from messing with your post-workout meals.

Dietary fats slow down digestion. They may also interfere with proper absorption nutrients that were consumed post-workout. However, your task is to consume fats before training, because in addition to carbohydrates, they simply fuel the body. This is a good thing because cells transport carbohydrates to muscles for energy.

For this reason, you should definitely not consume dietary fat after a workout or even during a workout. Water even becomes a problem during the digestion process.


Your metabolism will be shut down once this process begins.

Peanut butter is a good option for pre-workout consumption as it contains both fat and protein in large quantities. The carbohydrates in peanut butter make it a well-rounded pre-workout food.

In addition to peanut butter, you can also gain energy from nutrient consumption by eating foods such as boiled egg before training. Either option is good to consume before an intense training program.

Basically, your job is to get all the macronutrients you eat to build the body of your dreams.


Don't be one of those guys who makes the mistake of going on low fat diets or some other crazy diet. Recent studies show that the right fats in the right amount, in fact, protects us from cardiovascular disease, and can even reduce inflammation of the fibers to speed up the recovery of muscle tissue.

Saturated fats are fairly safe. You need to be careful because a diet high in saturated fat can increase your body's production of low-density lipoprotein, which is a harmful type of cholesterol.

Essentially, if you want to be healthy, your goal is to make sure your diet contains all your macronutrients (fats, proteins, and carbohydrates). Don't cut any of them out of your life unless your doctor tells you to do so. Low carb diets almost always come with... low-calorie diets. Don't mess with them. Why? Such diets are useless and cause fat deposits to return to the body later (after completing the diet, and the rollback occurs with inertia and the fat content in the body will be even greater than it was before such a diet).

Eat a healthy amount of dietary fat and give up the idea that it's all bad for you. Instead of sitting still and limiting yourself to low-fat diets, train hard so that your body can convert all the fat you eat into energy to help with the carbohydrates you eat. Don't forget: burning energy or carbohydrates will take much longer if fat cells saturated (and what is important - this will help NOT to go out in the middle of a heavy and/or intense strength training). Eat a healthy, nutritious diet with all your macronutrients and train hard and then watch yours with pride!



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