Open third eye in 60 seconds. How to open the third eye - exercises and techniques for future psychics

Proper activation of the brow chakra allows you to master unique abilities and immerse yourself in the mystery of visions of the future or the past.

Esotericists are interested in how to open the third eye, most often hoping for instant and positive results, but in reality all-seeing eye requires many years of practice. Do not forget about the large amount of responsibility that falls on a person after practices, because a person can change the whole world.

  1. Work with the energy flows of the Universe. Ideally, attention should be paid to this twice a day so that the body is permeated with light, washed by it and freed from dark clots negativity. For this practice, exercises from Chinese system Qigong, which teaches how to turn the body into a real conductor of energy for the chakras. You can read more on our website.
  2. Focus on your intention and say it as often as possible. Opening the third eye requires automatic recognition of oneself as an instrument of spiritual growth. Therefore, strive for high energies and find the factors of true motivation for improvement. Feel the fullness of life and stretch this feeling for as long as possible.
  3. During any practice, remember to correct breathing . Deep inhalations and exhalations at the same intervals ensure the correct circulation of energy in the body, its rise through the channels and concentration in Ajna. You can learn traditional breathing practices such as Pranayama.
  4. Listen to your inner voice. If you are interested in how to open the third eye, the practice of awakening intuition should not be something new and unknown to you. Moreover, at the time of any difficult situation it is useful to focus on the brow chakra and send intimate questions there. Watch out for higher signs that may come in the form of divination results, unexpected visions, or just the right book.
  5. Constantly improve your skills not only in practice but also in terms of theory. Knowledge in the realm of clairvoyance, telepathy and other manifestations of third eye activity must be accumulated to prepare you for the activation of any supernatural skills. You can study esoteric literature yourself or sign up for lectures.
  6. Don't expect extraordinary results from the first day. The work of the third eye is arranged in such a way that visions are constantly improved as a person trains. To wait for unique pictures from the future or the past, you will have to work for several years, or even decades, on your brow chakra.
    Over time, the process of expanding consciousness will occur much faster, and you will be able to learn how to pierce the third eye, i.e. lift the veil to a higher informational and energy level. You also need to be prepared for the fact that the cleaning of the sixth chakra will periodically be required.
    These practices are described in detail in our article.
  7. Try to sleep at the same time. Compliance with daily rhythms is useful for maintaining performance. In addition, timely rest will ensure the appearance of high-quality and vivid dreams, which in a short time (with sufficient work with the third eye) can become quite conscious and even prophetic.
  8. Take care of the pineal gland. Surprisingly, the opening of the third eye is felt not only at the mental level, because the source of many changes is the pineal gland - the brain process that produces hormones. So that this gland endocrine system was active and even began to grow, it is necessary to observe plant based diet, which is based on products with high content melatonin: rice, bananas, barley, tomatoes, oats.
    Also, pay attention to the B vitamins. fatty food should be avoided in the same way as any bad habits that worsen the human aura and the state of the chakras. But it is very useful to consume a lot of water every day, since it is this component that helps to increase energy production.
  9. Practice yoga. Following the appropriate asanas, i.e. postures of the body in space, ensures the work of consciousness in harmony with the body, and also relieves a person of rough thinking patterns. The activation of the third eye is actually very closely related to our physical shell.
    From the point of view of the impact on the pineal gland, the position of the hare or Shashaungasana can be considered the best, which stimulates the gland by pressing on the top of the head. In addition, most asanas make a person calmer, develop concentration and memory skills in him.
  10. Meditate. It is not necessary to focus on practices directly related to the third eye. You can concentrate on the sixth chakra, visualize the all-seeing eye, but this is not at all necessary in the first stages. It is enough just to meditate in your favorite way, preferably between midnight and three in the morning, as well as during the new moon.
    Each relaxation technique is able to balance the energy flows of the human cerebral hemispheres, improve control over emotions and, therefore, help to accept right decisions. How to open the third eye through meditation? You can learn about this from the article on our website “Meditation on Ajna”.
  11. Don't forget to ground yourself while practicing.. Working with the ethereal shell often poses a threat of separation from the physical body, especially if the third eye is opened for the first time and the person is too keen on entering the astral plane. At first, it is not worth trying to get away from the world by the violent method of accelerating training. Continue to pay attention to the mundane chores of being so as not to create problems for yourself in this reality.

Simple exercises

The first lessons on activating the brow chakra should be as simple and straightforward as possible. First you need to learn to focus on Ajna and the energy in it, and only then move on to the skills of mental vision, clairvoyance, telepathy.

You can learn more about such practices in the article on our portal. Below are the most basic workouts.

Exercise #1

Many esotericists are interested in how to awaken the third eye through contact with higher energies and at the same time lead to a general balance of the entire chakra system. To do this, it is enough to carry out the so-called rotations.

  • Simply stand in the center of the room and rotate clockwise at least 33 times. Repeat the exercise daily, focusing not on objects, but on a finger extended with a hand in front of you. Otherwise, you will quickly lose control of your body and fall.

Exercise #2

To harmonize breathing and energy speed, take the correct meditative position: legs crossed with ankles in sitting position, the head looks north or east, the palms form a bowl between them, while the thumbs are connected. Then focus on your breathing: the inhalation and exhalation should last the same number seconds.

The peculiarity of the exercise is that it is necessary to smooth out the phases of breathing. After practicing several times, you can make the movement of air completely invisible, but at the same time as free as possible.

Exercise #3

To establish contact with the all-seeing eye, sometimes it is enough just to concentrate on the brow chakra. How does the third eye open through this practice?

You collect all the energy in the forehead, send the necessary request to the Cosmos and tune in to the wave of mental vision. At the same time, the eyelids should be closed, using the abilities of only the internal look. Look at the third eye until a clear pulsation begins in the forehead.

With enough experience during this exercise, you can begin to see colors. The main thing is to maintain maximum detachment from the process and be a calm observer of your own feelings.

Exercise #4

Looking at objects is also useful, because it is on immovable objects that one can first train in studying the aura and ethereal shells.

One should not only consider the object unfocused, but also hold the gaze on it unexpectedly, so that the energy channel leading to the third eye begins its activity.

Exercise #5

Eastern practices rarely do without images, so a person’s third eye also has its own specific symbol. How to open the brow chakra using visualization? This simple exercise will help.

  • Start focusing on the middle of your forehead. Imagine a large lotus blooming at this point or, if such a detailed representation is still difficult, just visualize a dynamic funnel.
  • Keep these emerging images, achieving real physical sensations in the third eye. You may feel pressure, itching, stinging, or burning.

Over time, after the disappearance of the presented pictures, visions will pop up in the place of Ajna, reflecting different people or events.

Exercise #6

To develop the skill of the inner gaze, use the practice of imagining the astral sun.

  • It is necessary to sit down one and a half meters from the wall, which is not protected from you by furniture, and relax. For 5 minutes, just look in front of you, keeping calm.
  • Then raise your eyes higher without changing the position of your head. Look as high as you can, but don't make yourself uncomfortable.
  • Fix your gaze at this point and imagine that a huge golden sun is shining along the trajectory of your gaze. Imagine that the wall is transparent and you are watching a bright star in the sky.

After a few minutes, you will feel pressure in the area of ​​the third eye. Focus on the forehead for a while and then finish the exercise.

Exercise number 7

The method of opening the third eye often includes self-hypnosis. In particular, it is useful to organize a training in which the vision of the aura will be imitated.

  • First, look at people with a normal gaze, and then turn on the gaze with an all-seeing eye, convincing yourself that you already see the aura.
  • Give yourself a powerful command that you want to consider this shell around a person and make efforts.

Such imitation of experience helps in removing various blocks on Ajna. You can explore other self-persuasion techniques in our article “How to open the third eye with self-hypnosis”.

Exercise #8

  • Position yourself near the mirror so that the distance to it is 20-30 cm at the level of the pupils. Look at your reflection exactly between the eyebrows. Try to penetrate a couple of centimeters deep to visualize a small sphere behind the frontal bone.
  • Focus on this one point completely, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli. With such a gaze, peripheral vision will capture the reflection of your real eyes, so about 30% of the total concentration will go to these images.

Repeat the practice regularly if you find it difficult to work with visualized focus on the all-seeing eye.

Exercise #9

How to activate the third eye through simple work with light? It is enough to go to the window during the day, move the curtains and stand as close to the glass as possible. look open eyes to the sky without sudden movements of the head.

Try to focus on the area behind your eyes. As you do this, keep an eye out for any streaks or points of light that come into view. Focus on these visions, and when the concentration reaches a maximum, you will be able to notice how bright lines and circles are already moving in front of your inner eye.

For a moment you won't be able to see anything but these corpuscles of light. it normal reaction which is not to be feared. You can refer to this exercise even at the time of being on the street.

In order for all methods of opening the third eye to be effective, try to combine them with work on special symbols that activate energy in the brow chakra.

Complicated practices

Experienced esotericists who have already learned how to work with the visualization of different images and concentration on individual objects also pay special attention to exercises in which the third eye is open. What means to apply for a more advanced level of Ajna development? Most practices also deal with the inner gaze, as well as the all-seeing eye massage.

You can get acquainted with the very first techniques in the article of our website “”. More modern and popular techniques are presented below.

Osho meditation practice

It is used in any position in a relaxed state of the body. Get comfortable, but don't cross your legs, and for three massage the area between the eyebrows with the bottom of the palm of your hand.

Make movements from the bottom up, without accelerating and without pressing on the third eye area. Imagine at the same time that you are trying to open a window to another world. After three minutes, you should feel a change in the movement of your energy, if this does not happen, massage the eye clockwise in a circular motion.

The ways to open the third eye with this technique can be different, so you can also try to drive first with your palm not from the bottom up, but from the top down. Then you need to imagine a point of light in the forehead. Close your eyelids, look with your inner gaze at your all-seeing eye, feel it. It looks like a burning star.

Look up with your eyes, while not raising your head, so that complete peace comes in the body. Stay in similar condition not less than an hour.

Exercise to destroy the protective inner screen

How to open the third eye completely and get access to the most secret information of the Cosmos? Try the exercise of breaking the protective inner screen with the help of the astral tool. This technique is very effective, but it requires a lot of dedication, so as a result there may be headache.

  • Accept comfortable posture with a straight back and restore peaceful, deep breathing. Close your eyes, focus on Ajna. Imagine that a drill is growing inside the head. It gradually drills the bones of the skull from the inside, just in the zone of the all-seeing eye. The tool penetrates the bone tissue and destroys the protection, forming a hole in it.
  • Feel how the third eye is instantly activated and gives you special vision. Focus on internal state open chakra. Feel that you are already seeing everything with the third eye. Formulate your intention as precisely as possible, do not be afraid to get ahead of events.

Repeat the practice a couple more times. In the next session, imagine already laser ray and not a drill.

Multi-stage practice

Most esotericists are especially interested in knowing how to learn to see high-quality and voluminous pictures of reliable reality with the third eye. Exit to new stage clairvoyance will help this multi-stage practice.

  • At the beginning of eyes closed need to represent white space with black dot In the middle.
  • When you can imagine the smooth movement of this speck, add two more to it and visualize a triangle. Rotate it first as a flat object, and then as a 3D object. The main thing is to clearly draw with your mind's eye all the movements and at the same time maintain the shape of the figure.
  • Next, turn the triangle into a pyramid. After rotations, create a four-sided object from a three-sided object. Work in space and with it too. Add one square and make a cube.
  • Then you need to imagine two pyramids with 3 faces at once, which must rotate not only in a plane, but also in volume, and at the same time. The same must be repeated with the cube.
  • Gradually connect pyramids with 3 and 4 faces with a cube, increase the number of items to 4-6. Also try to imagine one of the figures moving around your body.

The complicated stage of this practice involves the representation of all figures - both flat and voluminous - colored, and in different colors sequentially. You need to learn how to rotate and multiply multi-colored objects in your imagination.

When you manage to work with a palette, you can move on to materials, imagining a pyramid, a cube, a sphere made of plastic, wood, stone, fire, water, metal, paper, energy. Feel the material first, then blow the figurine up and watch it shatter into pieces. At the very end of the exercise, compile all the objects and change the material and color one by one, not forgetting the movement of the figures.

Technique for opening the third eye based on contraction and relaxation of the brain

The technique is also considered to be highly effective, although difficult to understand. Focus on the area in the center of your head. Relax this area and then sharply squeeze. Of course, tensing a place without real muscles may seem impossible, but it can be done. Just refer in your memory to a situation when you needed maximum responsibility and concentration on solving an important task.

Bring that tension back inside your head. Then relax and do it all over again. At first, you can help yourself a little by tensing the muscles of the neck or head.

This practice helps to stimulate the development and growth of the pineal gland, which leads to the activation of clairvoyance.

Practice for Opening the Ajna Channel

Often, psychics are interested in how to activate the third eye, using additional constructions for concentration and inner gaze. One of the practices, for example, works great for opening the Ajna channel.

  • Roll a sheet of white paper into a hollow cylinder. Glue the ends together so the tube doesn't unroll. The diameter should be approximately 5 cm.
  • Secure one end of the cylinder with a bandage or rubber band to secure it completely. Position the paper tube so that one side is pressed against the third eye and the other end is perpendicular to the forehead.
  • Attach the design to the head with the help of an elastic band.

Take a calm sitting posture and begin meditation, concentrating on the cylinder along its entire length.

Practicing Dealing with Darkness

How can one open the third eye without working with light or energy? In fact, interacting with complete darkness can also be effective.

  • Turn off the lights in the room, relax and close your eyes. Look ahead with an inner eye. Visualize the gaze as clearly as possible, study the darkness.
  • You can imagine that you are looking for a way home in the night forest or looking at the silhouettes of trees.
  • Place right palm in front of. Feel her presence, remembering exactly what she looks like.
  • Focus on this image, try to really see the hand, using the third eye as an x-ray. Then move your palm a little while maintaining concentration.

Finish your practice.

“How to open the third eye?” - this is the hardest question, to which psychics have been responding for thousands of years, accumulating invaluable experience of clairvoyance and telepathy. Of course, a specific technique must be selected based on the skills of a person and his energy field, possible blocks and plugs.

After reusable one or two exercises, you can always notice the first successes in mastering intuition and inner vision. True, over time, esotericists indulge in other thoughts: if the third eye is open, what to do next? In no case should you stop at activating Ajna, you should go further and master new workouts.

Believe in yourself, be persistent and constant, and then the all-seeing eye will be guaranteed to work throughout your life.

Hello my dear readers and subscribers. I am with you again, Oksana Manoilo. Now let's talk about opening the third eye.Almost everyone who was involved in esoteric teachings, and not only, heard about the third eye, but not everyone understands exactly what it is. In this article I will try to explain in an accessible way what the function of the third eye is, how important it is for a person. I will tell you how to open your third eye and even give you techniques to open your third eye.

Every person has a third eye, but for most it is closed, and its capabilities are very weakened, or not available at all. It is located in the region of the blue chakra, that is, in the region of the forehead of a person, and therefore the state of this chakra directly affects the third eye. With a clean and open chakra, the third eye, respectively, is also activated and opens, giving a person new opportunities.

At its core, the third eye can be compared with an intangible sense organ, which provides an opportunity to perceive reality in a completely new way, to see the energy component of the universe, which is a sign.

At the beginning of his life path, each person has open third eye, so the perception of children and adults is so different and often there is a misunderstanding. However, under the influence of parents and other organs of society, such as where a child is depersonalized and false values ​​​​are instilled in him, the third eye closes until the person no longer tries to open it. But, as a rule, not knowing about it, or not believing in its existence, people do not use it, and society continues to drive them into social boundaries, and decide for them what exists and matters, and what does not. And in the end, the situation only gets worse.

How to open the third eye?

How not to allow this to happen, and regain the once lost abilities? As you probably already guessed, the probability of opening the third eye directly depends on the person's knowledge of its existence, and the existence in addition to the well-known ones. Accordingly, the first thing to do for this is to stop thoughtlessly and unconsciously taking at face value everything that strives to reach your mind.
At the present time, a person is very firmly addicted to the information "needle". Due to the endless stream of, as a rule, useless information, the human mind is constantly in a half-sleep. Of course, quite a lot of other factors are to blame for this, such as synthetic and chemical-laden food, dirty air, a lot of unnecessary medicines and others. But these are physical factors, while information garbage refers to mental blockers of consciousness.

Checking your level of awareness is quite simple. The principle is a bit similar to training mindfulness in dreams. You need to stop as often as possible and ask yourself: “What have I been thinking about for the last five minutes?” Believe me, you are unlikely to be able to answer this question. After that, try to control the flow of your thoughts for as long as possible, gradually increasing the time, which at first will probably not exceed a few minutes. And this is a ubiquitous phenomenon. It is necessary to strive to be aware of yourself for as much time as possible, preferably constantly. Of course, this is very difficult, but self-development has always been very important.

Techniques for opening 3 eyes

Now directly about techniques.

The first practice for opening the third eye is called the "crystal sword".

Sit in a comfortable position where you can spend at least 15-20 minutes without moving and close your eyes. For a few minutes, just breathe deeply and measuredly, relaxing all the muscles in your body as you exhale. This will bring you closer to a meditative state. Imagine a crystal sword in front of you, adding as many details as possible. Next, fill your sword with the energy of your body, observing all the changes in it. Feel how the crystal of the sword thickens and becomes stronger, how its color changes. Rotate it in your mind, without imagining a hand, but using only the power of thought. The clearer the image, the better. Then open your eyes and continue the practice for a while, already imagining the sword in front of you.

The second technique is to open the third eye.

The following technique should also be performed in a meditative posture. Close your eyes and do breathing exercises as described in previous practice. Imagine how strong energy flows enter your body through the Fontanelle (located on the crown) and through the Source (lower chakra located on the coccyx), meeting in the chest area and forming an energy ball. Enlarge the ball for a while, and then compact it by compressing it to the size of an apple. Mentally lift it from the chest inside the skull to the area of ​​the third eye and hold for several minutes without changing the rhythm of breathing. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times

The third technique for opening the third eye is with a candle.

For the next practice, you will need a candle. Light it up, sit next to it and relax. There should be no other light sources in the room. Look carefully at the fire, concentrating only on it and trying not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts. Next, imagine a golden ray of fire energy coming out of the candle flame and penetrating your forehead in the area of ​​the blue chakra, clearing it and filling it with light. Listen to your feelings and maintain this state for several minutes. The stream does not need to be interrupted.

  1. Vivid and vivid dreams that do not disappear from memory even after waking up, as well as more frequent self-awareness in a dream. You begin to understand the information that the dream brings to you.
  2. The level of intuition rises. It is easy for you to understand what the person you are communicating with is really thinking. You begin to perceive the clues of the universe and understand its signs.
  3. Increasing creativity and developing cognitive abilities, i.e. curiosity and the desire for development.
  4. Enhanced visual and auditory perception. With proper training, you can begin to see the aura of people.
  5. Improved orientation in space and on the ground. It becomes almost impossible to get lost, and even with your eyes closed you know where to go indoors.

These are just a few of the benefits you will gain by mastering your now dormant organ. Sometimes your inner voice can give you a hint that no one else is able to give.

Keep improving and one day you will find yourself. To gain access to more advanced practices, as well as to get detailed information not only about the third eye chakra, but also about other hidden possibilities of your body, I recommend that you purchase my esoteric training course.

Good luck with your development!

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The third eye is an amazing human ability see the world in its entirety. Everyone knows that we use the abilities of the brain in best case on 10%. From birth to death, we live in a raging world about which we know very little.

What a world, we don't even know ourselves! But it is never too late for a person to wake up and begin the process of his spiritual transformation. Opening the third eye is one of the stages of this development.

What is the third eye?

The development of the third eye includes whole complex on learning the perception of information. Traditionally, this practice includes clairvoyance, dreaming, telepathy and development of intuition.

In the doctrine of the chakras, the third eye corresponds to Ajna - the sixth energy center, visually localized in the interbrow of a person, which is why it got its name. In fact, Ajna is associated with the pituitary gland and mental plane.

An open third eye always symbolizes a certain degree of spiritual purity and elevation to new heights. It is believed that the vision of the true world should be available to a person when he has already embarked on the path of spiritual struggle. What a person can see can greatly frighten him and hit him in the very heart.

Some practitioners compare this process with training in the army and real military operations. There is a similarity, because the very fact that we do not see many terrible creatures and the background of events is a certain mercy of the Creator to his creations. On the other hand, all this reminds us of our spiritual imperfection and encourages development.

The practice of awakening intuition

Practice spiritual awakening and the opening of the third eye is present in many doctrines and beliefs: from Hinduism to the teachings of Castaneda.

Intuition is one of the important factors of spiritual development, so the training of the so-called sixth sense sharpens perception and speeds up the process of perception of information.

There are many practices for developing inner flair. In fact, it all depends on your imagination! Someone flips a coin and trying to anticipate Which side will it fall on? Others also roll dice or draw cards from the deck.

For the first time, you can try to feel only the color of the suit, then the suit itself. Further, it is recommended to learn to catch the vibrations of the card and calculate the 8 or the king is in front of you. Aerobatics - full vision card being drawn face down.

One of the popular working exercises is considered work with flowers. Separate the positive and negative events of your life by color: green color- good, orange - potentially dangerous, red - bad. Fix these definitions and correlate them with the feelings that you experienced in certain situations.

In the future, you will learn to hear your inner voice, due to the subconscious coloring of a potential situation in a specific color.

The most effective and proven exercises to open the third eye

Vision etheric body- one of the first and most important techniques. Bring your palm up to a white piece of paper or a computer monitor with a clean white background.

The distance between the palm and the white background should be a little less than 10 cm. Scatter your eyes and contemplate your palm for 2-3 minutes, focusing your eyes on the outlines of the brush. Soon you will see a glow on the palm of your hand - this is your etheric body.

For practice, it is also necessary to learn how to feel human energy, so subject exercises alone will not be enough. To learn to feel people, you can sit on a bench somewhere in the yard with your back to the sidewalk and try to identify the approaching person. First, it will be enough to learn to feel the gender of a person, then age, the number of approaching people, etc.

Another interesting exercise is related with an attempt to split. Stand in the middle of the room, unfocus your eyes, and start slowly looking around, trying to capture your presence in the room. Then quickly leave the room and also stand in another room.

The essence of the task: try to feel your presence still in the first room, trying to continue to see its situation now with the inner eye. This bifurcation is very useful for your astral travel in future.

On the Internet, you can go to various resources, for example, the library of writers or artists who worked at different times. Try determine from the photo whether a person is alive now or has already died is a very important technique for feeling alive and dead energies.

The same can be done with photographs of buildings. From a random photo of the house try to feel What function did or does this building perform? You can try to catch the sounds, see, as it were, from inside the walls, the events and people taking place there. The results you get will surprise you. The main thing is not to stop.

Feelings when opening the third eye

Don't wait quick results. There will definitely be success, but the time interval from the moment of the first exercise to the initial flashes of consciousness may be different.

To help you navigate this difficult process, we have put together a short list of the most common sensations when activating Ajna:

  • Feeling the play of sunbeams in the area between the eyebrows
  • Vision of mist with eyes closed, followed by clarification of the transmitted picture
  • Instant transmission of any picture in response to our thoughts, for example, we want to look out the window, but already we mentally see the landscape with our inner eye
  • Sudden clear vision of any events from the past or future
  • Enhancement of taste and smell, sense of smell and food properties before we touch the host

Opening the third eye is a serious practice that leads a person to a true spiritual awakening. But not everyone is ready for this. Experienced esotericists warn that before embarking on clairvoyance, a person must develop the will and overcome his fears. Only then will a person be ready to conquer new mountain heights, and his development will be harmonious.

It is believed that absolutely all people have a third eye, but often it turns out to be closed and practically not involved. The third eye, or ajna chakra, is located in the middle of the forehead. With its help, you can see and hear not only on the physical, but also on the intangible level. Some believe that such an organ came to us from alien inhabitants who once visited the Earth.

Astral vision can be used not only by psychics, but also ordinary people. The third eye allows you to better control your emotions and mind, awakens intuition.

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    What is the third eye?

    The third eye is most often called the pineal gland - the pineal gland in the brain. Normally, he is responsible for circadian rhythms(biorhythms of sleep and wakefulness), the production of certain hormones.

    In ancient times, this gland was considered the habitat of the human soul, the point of contact between mind and body. It is believed that the pineal gland plays the role of an antenna, serves as a conductor of cosmic energy into the human consciousness. And despite the fact that in this function this organ is usually not used by a person, if desired and diligently, it can be trained: to awaken super-intuition and open the third eye.

    General rules for performing exercises

    To open the third eye, when using any of the methods, you need to follow a few basic rules:

    1. 1. Privacy. It is important to find a quiet and peaceful place - one where you could be alone with yourself. During the exercise, it is required to turn off electrical appliances, eliminate any possible irritants.
    2. 2. Proper breathing. It is this that allows the body and mind to enter into resonance, releasing energy. Breathing should be measured, inhalation and exhalation should be the same in duration and intensity. It is very important that the breath falls in time with the beating of the heart. It should be continuous, smooth, without sharp transitions between inhalation and exhalation.
    3. 3. Relaxation. When doing the exercises, it is important to be calm and have a positive attitude - otherwise there is a risk of attracting negative energy.
    4. 4. Competent teacher. He helps the future clairvoyant by following the course of studies.

    The main rule, the observance of which is necessary to open the third eye, is faith. Negative thoughts, such as failure, block the flow of energy. In this case, the awakening of clairvoyance becomes almost impossible.

    Candle exercise

    This is one of the most ancient ways to awaken the ajna chakra. It will help to concentrate, adjust the course of cosmic energy through the body. It needs to be done on regular basis.

    The exercise must be performed in the dark. Gotta take it comfortable position: Sit in a comfortable position. Place a lit candle in front of you. It is required to concentrate all attention on the flame, look at it, not forgetting to breathe correctly. It is advisable to blink as little as possible. If you want to close your eyes, then this can be done, but slowly, then gently open them again. Making sudden movements is highly undesirable.

    You should try to see all the shades of the flame: from red to blue and white. It is advisable to try to see as many colors as possible, even their halftones: white with a hint of purple or red with a hint of crimson.

    After some time - usually 1-5 minutes - close your eyes again. Colored spots will remain after the image of the flame. You must try to see them as best as possible. The essence of the exercise is that the practitioner learns to see "through the eyelids."


    This is the oldest, proven method. It was invented by Tibetan monks more than one millennium ago. It takes enough time, but despite this, it is considered one of the most effective methods awakening intuition.

    Starting meditation practice, you need to relax as much as possible and take a comfortable position, close your eyes. After that, begin to take slow breaths and exhales to the beat of the heartbeat, relax the mind, let all everyday thoughts "leak" from consciousness. There should be a feeling of stopping, like a meditator standing still in time. This feeling must be preserved, listen to the silence. It is important not to forget to breathe properly.

    By resorting to meditation, a person learns to focus on himself, his body, mind, while not thinking about anything. To help yourself, you can turn on relaxing music or mantras. Over time, the state of meditation will become more like lucid dream.

    Key moment with this practice - concentration on oneself. You should focus on the gradual expansion of your own mind, as if it is slowly going beyond the body, covering more and more space around the person.

    During meditation, it is necessary to periodically focus attention on the point between the eyes. Heat or vibration in this area will indicate that the practitioner is on the right way.

    Meditations are aimed at developing the energy body, increasing the aura. Without this, it is impossible to open the third eye.

    blue ball method

    This method is a kind of meditation, performed for 10-15 minutes. Step-by-step instruction for its implementation:

    1. 1. The practitioner takes a comfortable position, calms down, stops the inner fuss. You can turn on music or mantras.
    2. 2. Closes eyes.
    3. 3. Directs the inner gaze to the area of ​​the third eye. When heat or vibration appears there, it is necessary to imagine in this part a small blue ball, no larger than the eyeball in size.
    4. 4. You need to imagine its rotation, no matter in which direction: the ball itself must begin to rotate, the direction is usually chosen at a subconscious level. In different sessions, it often changes.
    5. 5. Next, the work of the imagination begins. The practitioner imagines how the blue ball attracts pure bright blue energy from the surrounding space. So a person subconsciously absorbs positive energy that saturates him energy body. She will protect the novice psychic in the future from the negative energy that he may accidentally attract during further training.
    6. 6. On exhalation, it is required to imagine how this pure energy flows into the ball, is sucked inward, making it denser and brighter.

    It is necessary to ensure that the flow of energy entering the ball is pure. of blue color- if it is dirty and muddy, then it is recommended to postpone the lesson.

    Signs of the effectiveness of this exercise are the appearance of a feeling of pressure in the area between the eyebrows, a slight headache or dizziness. This means that the meditator is doing everything right, and indicates the "awakening" of the third eye.

    Exercises for every day

    There are a few quick ways to awaken the ajna chakra in just 60 seconds.

    1st way

    It is extremely simple: you need to rub the center of the forehead with the index and middle fingers of both hands. This stimulates the energy channels of the third eye, opens it slightly. After the exercise, the ajna chakra opens slightly a short time: The person may notice unusual visual patterns, disturbances of light and shadow.

    If there is no effect, then this method not suitable for the practitioner.

    2nd way

    It is like a quick meditation. The meditator should take a comfortable position, close his eyes. Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, feel the pulsation in that place. Trace the energy triangle: from the earlobes to the center of the forehead. It is necessary to achieve a sensation of vibration along the perimeter of the triangle, in the direction from bottom to top. After that, a person can begin to see with the third eye for a short time: blurry images or colored spots appear in the field of vision.

    Features of awakening the ajna chakra

    Third eye training takes for a long time, express methods do not always work. In addition, they are enough for no more than 5-10 minutes from the moment of the event. It takes from two or three months to a whole year before astral vision becomes controlled and begins to benefit the practitioner.

    But the initial manifestations are possible even at the first lesson. Astral vision manifests itself differently in different people: from a cloudy white veil with fuzzy outlines to clear color pictures reflecting past or future events.

    For self-study clairvoyance requires not only the presence of peace of mind, but also the right motivation. Selfish, earthly goals will not help open the cosmic eye - they will clog energy channels. After all, the opening of the third eye should pursue the goal of knowing oneself, gaining spiritual integrity and a deeper understanding of the world around.

Before starting this practice, please read the treatise Opening the Third Eye. All descriptions of techniques are recommended to be read many times for their full understanding and re-read them again from time to time as you progress through the practice. I intentionally wrote everything down as briefly and clearly as possible, so that your consciousness is protected as much as possible from various interpretations of what was written. The result from the correct passage of this practice can include both the very minimum - for example: the vision of the aura and the movement of energies in space, and the initial maximum - the vision of the spiritual worlds and Beings of higher dimensions.

Description of techniques
practices for opening the third eye


  1. In the evening (required in the evening or better just before going to bed) look at the candle flame (removal of 10-30 cm from the eyes) from 5 to 10 minutes, without blinking if possible. Also try to see the glow around the candle flame (which will increase in size as the Third Eye opens). The room must be dark.
  2. Then close your eyes and only after that (this is important) blow out the candle. Relax. After that, look at the colors that will change in front of your eyes (with your eyes closed). Yellow, red, blue, green...
  3. Watch until the colors disappear. Sometimes the picture can get lost or "float" to the side when your concentration decreases or distracting thoughts appear. At this moment, you just need to relax even more and concentrate on the colors in front of your inner eye.


  • To stop the "running" of closed eyes, you can apply fingertips to the eyelids. Need to feel the moment when eyeballs stop, relax, and nothing else interferes with concentration on the colors of the flame.

All-seeing eye

In the center of the left palm, draw an eye (iris and pupil; you can draw with a pen or felt-tip pen, the color and size of the image of the eye is whatever you like).

  1. Sitting in Padmasana (or any position in which you meditate), fix the position of the left hand so that the palm with the image is at eye level.
  2. The palm is straightened, the fingers are pressed one to the other. You should look without blinking at the image of the eye; intently, but without straining the eye.
  3. The muscles of the face are relaxed, the tongue lightly touches upper palate at the base upper teeth. During exhalation, the energy from the Third Eye is sent to the center of the palm, in the image of the eye.
  4. When inhaling, one should imagine how energy is radiated from the image of the eye and enters the Third Eye.
  5. At the end of the session, you should calmly close your eyes without straining your eyelids and show a visual image of the eye.

OM sign

Every evening you need to look at the OM sign located below. The look is calm and scattered. It is as if you are looking through this sign with your physical eyes (you are "turning off" them to allow Third Eye vision to take over). Try not to blink. Concentration on the area between the eyebrows, a little deeper. After ten minutes, close your eyes and try to see the sign of OM in the area between the eyebrows (in front of the inner eye). Be relaxed and not distracted by extraneous thoughts.


  • If your monitor is larger than 15 inches AND you want to place the OM sign on the whole screen - you can open the animation. In this case, a flash player is required to view.

Sri Yantra

Place the Sri Yantra in front of you at a convenient distance for you (this can be a sheet pasted to the wall with an image of the Sri Yantra printed on it or an image on the monitor; the central red triangle must be angled down).

  1. Focus your attention on the center of the Sri Yantra and try to cover all its parts with peripheral vision. Look calmly, without tension, breathing slowly and evenly.
  2. Continuing to look at the Sri Yantra, be aware that before you is a graphic image of the Universe, which contains all of its Energy in a "sleeping" state, which is awakened by your desire-intention to awaken it. Keep that desire in your mind.
  3. Further, while also continuing to look at the Sri Yantra, ask the Higher Self to unite the Energy contained in the Sri Yantra with Your Energy (It may sound like this: “Higher Self, I ask You: unite my Energy with the Energy of the Sri Yantra”). At this point, be completely open and relaxed.
  4. After that, close your eyes and try to imagine the Sri Yantra around you in volume (three-dimensional). In this representation, let there be triangles - pyramids, circles - balls, a square - a cube.


  • Don't try to be specific. In the representation, trust in the sensations and visions that will arise.
  • You can also download a picture of Sri Yantra in poster format and in better quality.

Vision of the etheric body

  1. Place your palm at a comfortable distance from your eyes. Behind your palm, you need to hold a white sheet of paper with your other hand at a distance of 5-10 cm from your palm.
  2. With a distracted look, look at the contour of the palm.
  3. After a while (from 1 to 2 minutes) you will see a glow emanating from the palm along the entire contour. This glow is the etheric body. Continuing this practice, attune the Third Eye to the vision of the astral body.


  • In seeing the etheric body, observation by lighting the hand from different angles can help. Best Option- when the light from the sun falls on your hand (for example, from the side of the window).
  • Also, always remember that the eyes should be as relaxed as possible, like the eyes of a sleeping person.

Third Eye Concentration

  1. This technique is convenient to practice during the day. For example, when you just walk down the street or go to work in transport.
  2. In order to practice this technique - concentrate in the area between the eyebrows and a little deeper (radius 2 - 3 cm).
  3. Concentrate whenever possible. There should be some pleasant pressure in the area between the eyebrows.
  4. Increase this pressure. Try to feel as if you are looking from the center of your head through the area between the eyebrows.

Volumetric vision

  1. The practice is to develop the ability to see what is shown in specific stereo images and then further development this ability in the form of a simple training set out on this page.
  2. Don't be discouraged if you don't see what's on the stereo pictures right away. Make attempts to see again and again, in a day or in a week. Everyone is able to see this, and failure can only be in the wrong technique of looking.
  3. Also, when you "suddenly" see what was hidden from you in the image - you can remotely imagine and understand what the essence of clairvoyance looks like - you just need to look differently, you need to change habitual image visions.

Corpuscles of Light

  1. Go to the window during daylight hours, preferably during the day. Move tulle, curtains or blinds away from the window. The window should be free and you should stand very close to the glass (50-100 cm). Look at the sky (eyes open), but do not raise your head too much. The line of sight is about 45 degrees relative to the ground. Concentrate on the area behind the eyes (1-2 cm).
  2. Pay attention to any glowing dots or moving strips in front of your eyes. Focus on this vision.
  3. As your concentration increases, you will see movement bright dots and stripes in front of the inner eye. Do not be afraid if at some point you will not see anything but this representation of particles of Light - at the first desire, you can return to normal vision again.

Do this exercise at home or just by walking down the street, but before that, having thoroughly studied it at home.

Light Energy

  1. This technique is described on this page and it is very important, as it quickly and significantly develops the pineal and pituitary glands, which are also one of the components of the general process called clairvoyance.
  2. Before using this technique, consult your doctor about your health and its compatibility with this technique.

candle flame

  1. Look at the candle flame with a calm and relaxed look for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Then close your eyes, blow out the candle, open your eyes again and turn on the light.
  3. Take a white sheet of paper (you need to put it near you in advance) and look at it with a calm, distracted look.
  4. You will see a colored dot that will change its colors: red, green, blue, etc. Concentrate on this point.
  5. At this time (with a frequency of 3-4 seconds) you need to make special blinks in the following way: You close your eyes tightly for 0.5-1 sec. (at this time, the dot will be visible brighter) and then again, opening your eyes, continue to look at the colored dot on a white sheet of paper. And so for the time until this point is visible.
  6. Achieve a distinct and clear vision of the colored flame of the candle.

inner view

  1. The apartment should be as dark as possible.
  2. Place the Double Pyramid (it is written about what a Double Pyramid is and how to make it) on the top of the head (the base is parallel to the floor, one of the corners "looks" at the tip of the nose).
  3. Relax and don't think about anything. Keep your eyes closed (and cover your eyes if possible).


  • This technique can be performed without the Double Pyramid. But the pyramid greatly enhances the energy in the Third Eye - therefore its use is recommended.

aura candles

  1. This exercise must be done in the evening.
  2. Light a candle and turn off the light.
  3. Place the candle approximately 15-20 cm from the eyes, at eye level.
  4. Look at the glow from the candle with a calm and relaxed look for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Next, without turning your head, squint your eyes up so that you can continue to see the glow of the candle with peripheral vision (You should notice that the vision of the aura of the candle improves significantly with peripheral vision). Watch this way for 30-60 seconds.
  6. Then return your eyes to their original position and look straight again, trying to pay attention to the fact that the diameter of the candle's aura has increased and become more saturated (1-2 minutes).
  7. Then everything must be repeated exactly, but with the movement of the eyes to the right, and then to the left. Those. you need to squint your eyes to the left and look with peripheral vision at the glow of the candle, and then squint to the right.


  • Achieve vision of the glow from the candle as best you can large sizes peripheral vision when looking at an angle to the candle.
  • You should also notice how you see more of the glow from the candle when you lower your eyes and look directly at the glow from the candle.
  • When looking at an angle to the candle, you may also notice that the glow is different in intensity or color than when you look straight ahead.

Agni breath

  1. There is a candle in front of you (removal of 1-2 meters, flame at eye level).
  2. Connect the ajna chakra with the candle flame with a beam (or just a channel).
  3. Doing slow deep breath, imagine that the energy of fire (golden) from the flame of a candle along the beam (or channel) begins to move into your body, reaches the ajna chakra, then goes along the sushumna channel ( middle channel, spine), and then at the peak of inhalation, it stops in the region of the coccyx. Take a short pause in your breath.
  4. Start exhaling slowly. Exhaling, imagine how the energy of golden color (or the color of fire) begins to move along the sushumna channel, reaches the ajna chakra, goes along the beam (or channel) to the candle flame.
  5. A short pause on the exhale.
  6. And then all over again.


  • Energy can simply be represented as a flame. It is as if you are breathing in the energy of a candle flame through the Third Eye.

Vision of a doppelgänger

  1. Enter any room (for example, the kitchen) and turn on the light in it (if it is not bright enough).
  2. Stand in the center of the room. Relax (especially facial muscles). Unfocus your eyes. Silence in the mind, no thoughts.
  3. Look immediately at everything that is in the field of view (including also peripheral vision). You can only do this if you don't look at something in particular, i.e. subject to defocusing.
  4. At the same time, try to "feel" the room and the objects in it.
  5. Turn 180 degrees and do the same.
  6. Next, go to a completely different room (if you have only one room, then it can be a bathroom or a balcony).
  7. Get into a comfortable position (for example, sitting in a chair). Close your eyes (you can tie a bandage). Relax as much as possible. The room must be dark.
  8. Next, feel that your presence in the center of the room you just left continues (and it does, because the energy presence always continues for some time, despite the fact that physical body already left this place).
  9. Use this presence. Feel again everything that you felt and try to see everything the same way as you saw it, standing in the center of this room. Return the maximum sensations (first one position, then the position when turning 180 degrees). Try to feel exactly that you are in the other room, as if you are still standing there.


  1. Stand near the mirror (removing the eyes from the glass 20-30 cm). And start looking exactly at the area between the eyebrows, silent (2-3 cm) deep, as if you are looking at a sphere with a diameter of 2-3 cm located behind the frontal bone.
  2. Concentrate on this area and don't get distracted by anything else.
  3. With this view, you will also see your physical eyes with peripheral vision - distribute 30% of the concentration over two eyes.
  4. If you wear glasses, they must be removed.

Ajna channel

  1. You need to make the following device: fold a sheet of white paper so that you get a hollow cylinder (tube) and glue the ends of the sheet so that it does not unfold (about 5 cm in diameter).
  2. Next, you need to attach (glue) an elastic band (or bandage) to one of the ends of the tube, which will hold the tube in the following position: one end of it should be pressed to the forehead in the area between the eyebrows (and a little higher), its other end should be directed to the side from the forehead, the axis of the tube is perpendicular to the plane of the forehead.
  3. The design is put on the head as follows: an elastic band (or bandage) is placed around the head (like the edges of a hat), while the tube occupies the above position (like a unicorn horn).

Description of meditation

  1. The above construction is fixed on the head and you sit quietly, concentrating on the white paper cylinder along its entire length at the same time.

Vision in the dark

  1. The apartment should be as dark as possible. Relax and don't think about anything. Keep your eyes closed at all times (and cover your eyes if possible).
  2. Start looking ahead (with your eyes closed). Just peer into the darkness that will be in front of you, as if you were in a dense night forest and trying to make out the contours of the trees or the path leading home. Look in the literal sense, as you would look with open eyes.
  3. Next, place your right hand in front of you, feel its presence (remember how it looks when you looked at it with physical eyes). Concentrate on it, on its entire volume, and try to see it as if your eyes are X-rays passing through matter.
  4. After that, start moving it slowly - to the left, then to the right - without breaking your concentration on it and your desire to see it.

Drawing the invisible in the mind

  1. Looking at objects, try to "finish" their invisible parts. For example, you look at the bedside table, and naturally physical sight it is not possible to see the two hind legs, back wall, various partitions that are inside, etc. The meaning of the exercise is to switch to a three-dimensional vision of objects and the surrounding space.
  2. A car drives by - draw two invisible wheels, doors and other details, right down to the insides. When she leaves the field of view - still continue to "look" at her and see her off with your mind's eye, continuing to see her in volume.
  3. When walking down the street - try to keep in mind all the details of the street (in volume and around you) - houses, cars, streets, alleys, people passing (keep it all in mind at the same time).
  4. Just looking at a person - try to see him in volume (with internal organs, etc.). In the beginning, it does not have to correspond exactly to the one and only familiar reality that we know. You can look through the medical encyclopedia before that.
  5. When you hear any sound, try to create (draw) in your imagination that (or that) that this sound gave rise to. For example, you hear a car passing by - draw it in your imagination, and if possible look at it.
  6. Do the following exercise with the clock in the same way: look at the clock with a second hand (3-5 minutes). Then close your eyes and continue to "look" at the second hand with your eyes closed ("watch" how it continues to move). Achieve the result when, after 5 minutes, what you see with your eyes closed coincides with the real course of the arrow.
  7. From time to time try to walk around the apartment with closed (blindfolded) eyes. Very slowly at first, with good concentration before each step and action. Do some familiar actions, for example: turn on the TV, open the cabinet door by the handle (before that, focus well on where this handle is located), etc. When walking with your eyes closed, try not just to walk habitually, as you usually walk with your eyes closed - namely, try to see, but using (and activating as much as possible) for this all other available ways of orientation in space.
  8. Also do very good exercise to develop inner vision at a distance. It consists in the following. For example, for some time you were in some room (for example, a bedroom) and you leave it for the bathroom. Your energetic presence will continue for some time in the bedroom - use it this way: while remaining in the bathroom, keep in mind the feeling that you are still in the bedroom, feel it, try to "see" as many objects in the her, etc. This exercise can become a daily practice, for example, it is very good to do it right after waking up (when your energy presence in bed is very strong). You go to the bathroom (eg brush your teeth...) and still feel your presence in bed.

Vision of Energy

These dynamic meditation exercises are designed to develop the ability of the Third Eye to see energy in space, its movement (movement) and colors. These exercises should be approached after mastering the above candle techniques.

Description of meditation

  1. Light a candle (it is better to use a thin wax candle in this meditation).
  2. Hold the candle away from you - near your shoulder. You can touch the fist in which the candle is clamped to the right shoulder. Candle flame at about eye level.
  3. Then relax and try not to think about anything. Relax your eyes and look at infinity in front of you (during the entire exercise, try to blink and move your eyes as little as possible).
  4. As soon as you feel that the fifth point has been passed well enough, start slowly (but not very slowly - the movement is smooth, like a smooth fall of a light feather) to move the candle in a circle around the head in front of the eyes to the left shoulder.
  5. Stop near the left shoulder.
  6. Observe in front of you a beautiful long strip left by a candle flame.
  7. When the strip disappears, start the movement of the candle from the left shoulder to the right and then repeat everything again.
  8. Make such movements a pleasant number of times (for example, 10 times to the left and 10 times to the right).
  9. When you finish the above exercise, move on to the next one.
  10. The next exercise is similar to the previous one, only you need to move the candle in a straight line.
  11. From the position when the candle is in a position near the left shoulder - begin to straighten your right arm and move the candle forward from you and to the right. After the arm is fully extended in front of you, observe the beautiful stripe left by the candle flame.
  12. Make such movements with your right hand a pleasant number of times (for example, 10 times). Then switch hands and repeat these movements with the other hand.
  13. At the end, do voluntary movements candle. For example: from the lower right corner to the upper left, from the lower left to the upper right, etc.
  14. While observing the streaks left by the candle flame, think that you are observing streaks of energy that are right in front of you.

Description of meditation

  1. The exercise must be done in total darkness or with the minimum amount lighting, preferably in the evening (any time after sunset).
  2. Take any comfortable sitting position (for example, on a chair, in Turkish, lotus position, etc.) so that there is free space in front of you. For example, if you sit near the wall in your room, then there will be a dark space in front of you about 2-3 meters.
  3. Light a candle and place the flame of the candle as close as possible to the eyes (eg 5-10 cm).
  4. Look at the candle for about 5 minutes.
  5. Try to blink less and not move your eyes. The eyes are relaxed, the gaze is calm.
  6. After that, put out the candle and without closing your eyes - look into the space in front of you, observing a colored spot in front of you.
  7. At this moment, think that you are observing a colored clot of energy, which is located exactly in front of you at a distance of 1-3 meters.


  • Don't let your mind conclude that it's all just an optical faculty of the eyes - don't think about how You see, focus on what You see (and be sure to think that you see this is in front of you in the form of real objects).
  • Once again, I want to emphasize the importance of the fact that you need to concentrate on the images that appear after the candle as on real-life objects that are in front of you in space, otherwise these exercises will not have the desired effect.

Right hemisphere of the brain

These exercises will allow you to focus on right-handed thinking and shift your consciousness towards intuitive perception.

Description of the first meditation

  1. Take a sheet of paper and a pen (you can use a pencil or something else that is convenient).
  2. Hold the handle in your left hand (i.e. not in right hand, as usual - but in the left, as a mirror image).
  3. Start writing from the right edge of the sheet of numbers in their mirror image.
  4. Start with 1, 2, 3...etc. Write on the first day up to 100 (or more). The next day, continue like this: 101, 102, 103...etc. And so on until you write up to 1000 (or more).
  5. Do not forget that you write in mirror image. Those. for example, you write the number 395. Usually they write the number 3 first, then 9, then 5 (from left to right). You need to write the number 5 first, then 9, and only after that the number 3 (from right to left), and this rule applies to all numbers ().


  • Try to make the numbers look neat enough both in the writing itself and in an even arrangement on the sheet.
  • If the stated way of writing numbers turns out to be too complicated, then use the writing scheme presented.
  • This exercise is only recommended for right-handers. For those who have been dominant since birth left hand- this exercise can not be done.

Description of the second meditation

  1. You need to take any posture for meditation (for example, sitting on a chair, in Turkish, etc.) and relax.
  2. Imagine inside the skull - in the area between the eyebrows there is a blue ball, in the area behind the right ear there is a red ball, in the area behind the left ear there is a white ball. Spheres represent approximately in these places. The diameter of the balls is within 2-3 cm. (You can view this diagram)
  3. Concentrate on the blue ball for 1-2 seconds. then the same number on the red ball and the same number on the white. Then again on blue, red...etc. Do this for about 10 minutes, gradually bringing the time of concentration on one ball to about 0.5 seconds (ie, accelerating the pace).
  4. In the end, many will have a good feel for the areas where these balls are located.
  5. Finally, concentrate only on the red ball and keep your concentration on it for a pleasant time (for example, 1-2 minutes).


  • You can represent just areas instead of balls (i.e. just moving your concentration from one specified area to another without defining it as a ball).
  • While practicing these techniques (which can take 3-5 days) I also recommend reading poetry (even if you don't like or understand poetry), listening to any classical music (even if it seems boring), and drawing something ( even if absolutely nothing happens and crooked and unsuccessful drawings come out).

Techniques with animation

These techniques also have a positive effect and development. In addition, many people like them for their ease of use and pleasant visual effects.


  1. If you wear glasses, then techniques that require looking at images are best done with glasses (unless otherwise stated).
  2. Don't strain your eyes in none of the techniques I have cited. Remember that the only gaze that is required is that of a sleeping person, as if you are daydreaming about something (imagine a schoolchild who daydreams about something in a math lesson, his eyes are open, his body is in the classroom, but he himself is somewhere somewhere else, his mind is in a distant land of imagination...)

It is advisable to view every day. Be relaxed. Do not tense the muscles of the face and mainly always control the relaxation of the Third Eye area.


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