Who are vegetarians? What is the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian? Other Reasons for Choosing a Plant-Based Diet

A banker is an owner of bank capital and a manager involved in the banking business.

bankers(top and middle management) are the owners of bank capital and managers involved in the banking business. The profession is suitable for those who are interested mathematics and economics(cm. choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Banking professionals are bank employees. The range of duties of a banker depends on the position held. Basically, this is work with clients: service, advising on various issues, as well as analytical activities, planning, forecasting.

Features of the profession Banker

Lending is one of the classic banking operations. However, this is not the entire activity of the bank. Most banks do different kinds operations and caters to different customer segments.

  • Credit department accepts applications for loans, analyzes the financial condition of the borrower, the business project under which the loan is taken, the reliability of collateral or other security; maintains a credit file and exercises control over the intended use of the loan, controls the safety of the collateral. The decision to issue a loan is made by a credit committee consisting of the heads of various departments jar.
  • Investment department is engaged in the analysis of projects requiring long-term investments (investments), including the purchase of enterprises, control over the implementation of these projects, financial condition and development of enterprises.
  • Department of valuable securities is engaged in placement valuable papers on the stock exchange and on the market, by investing in profitable securities; as well as issuing own bills of exchange in order to raise funds.
  • Dealing Department(treasury) carries out operations in the money and foreign exchange markets, earning profit on exchange rate fluctuations, buying and selling foreign currency to customers and other banks.
  • stock department places shares and bonds of the bank on the market.
  • Operations department maintains and services customer accounts, accepts from customers their instructions for making payments and transfers them to the settlement department for execution.
  • plastic department cards - an integral structure of a modern bank. Plastic cards for the bank are additional customers and additional income.
  • Legal Department. Work legal department begins with the opening of accounts for clients by checking the legitimacy of the registration of the client (enterprise). Another important job of the legal department of the bank is the conduct of arbitration processes, which inevitably arise in the work of each bank. The result of the lawsuit depends on how the lawyer represents the bank in court.
  • Reporting Department. Reporting is the face of a bank. A self-respecting client will not work with a bank without studying its statements, which reflect all aspects of the bank's activities: the profitability of its operations, the number of customers, the size of the loan portfolio and securities portfolio. In addition, reporting is studied not only by the bank's clients, but also by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In the event of reporting that does not comply normative indicators, The central bank may prohibit the bank from conducting certain operations (for example, issue loans or attract deposits), or may revoke the license altogether and close the bank.
  • Department economic analysis . Without analysis, there can be no right decision. Right Decisions- this is a high profit, wrong - losses.
  • Department information technologies and automation. The activity of a modern bank is impossible without computerization and the use of communication channels. The quality of the bank's work, and hence the number of its customers, largely depends on the quality and security of information technologies.
  • Marketing department must provide such advertising that customers choose this particular bank.

The larger the bank, the wider and more voluminous its structure. Banks provide the opportunity to work consistently in all departments. A senior manager needs experience in all departments to lead successfully.

Pros and cons of being a banker

The main advantage of working in a bank is rightly considered stability. Against the backdrop of a turbulent and unpredictable market commercial enterprises which spontaneously appear and just as spontaneously disappear, commercial banks are a bulwark of stability. In the banking system, it is quite possible to quickly make a career take-off. Working in a bank, a specialist independently chooses the path of development. If the manager wants to climb career ladder and reach certain heights, he will use every opportunity: to strive to intersect in the work of his department with the directions of other banking departments, to complete tasks on time, to linger after the end of the working day in order to start doing the work scheduled for the near future. There is a direct relationship between income and the level of professionalism. The higher the position, the greater the responsibility. The degree of risk is directly proportional to the position and salary.

The disadvantages of the profession include the highest responsibility, the lack of the right to make a mistake, irregular working hours.

Place of work

A banking specialist can work not only in banks, but also in the planning departments of various enterprises, investment design departments, financial institutions, insurance companies, credit organizations, stock exchanges.

Important qualities

A successful banker must have such personal qualities as attentiveness, responsibility, purposefulness, initiative, readiness for self-education; efficiency, the ability to quickly find right decisions; composure, clarity in the performance of professional duties, discipline; thrift, the desire to earn money, not spend it; sociability; the ability to conduct a balanced policy.

Where to study to be a banker

Higher education:

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our list of economic and financial universities in Moscow.

You can become a specialist in banking at specialized universities in Russia at the faculties of economics or finance in the specialties "Banking", "Finance and Credit".

Training in this specialty provides a set of knowledge in the field of:

  • banking operations
  • finance and money circulation
  • accounting in banks
  • economic analysis
  • accounting and economics of an organization (enterprise)

The educational program of the specialty "Banking" provides for fundamental and special study by students of legal and organizational framework activities of credit institutions, nature and technology of banking operations and transactions, accounting rules in credit institutions, threats to banking security and measures to eliminate them, legal framework audit activity. A special place is occupied by training in the skills of compiling reports on the activities of a credit institution, applying methods and means of protecting banking information, preparing primary accounting documents, maintaining synthetic and analytical accounting of banking operations in the relevant accounting registers.

Medium special educational establishments majoring in Banking:

  • Moscow Commercial Banking College;
  • Moscow Credit College.


Salary as of 03/26/2019

Russia 30000—100000 ₽

Moscow 500—5000 ₽

The banking community is among the leaders in terms of salaries, the level of which depends on the position held, the size of the bank. The Bankir.ru portal reports that bankers' salaries are growing faster than inflation.

Career steps and prospects

Higher education is necessary condition for a career and a launching pad to professionalism.
You can start a career in a bank from the position of a customer support officer, clerk, assistant accountant. The salary of a novice specialist, as a rule, is low. But there is an opportunity for career growth. Moving up the career ladder of a banker largely depends on the efforts of the employee himself, work experience, level professional development. Within a year, you can become a middle manager (head of department). With certain abilities and aspirations, there is an opportunity to become the head of a bank branch, deputy head of a bank, director of a bank.

famous bankers

Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild) (1744-1812) - the founder of an international dynasty of bankers, the founder of a bank in Frankfurt am Main. The business was continued by his five sons: Amschel Mayer, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer, James Mayer. The brothers created in 20 years the world's largest international banking consortium in largest cities Europe (Paris, London, Vienna, Naples, Frankfurt am Main).

Peabody George (1795-1869) Native American. In the middle of the 19th century, his bank, with the help of capital from the Old World, financed the industrial development of the young republic. Without Peabody, the US economy would not have developed at such a rapid pace. And certainly, without Peabody, the empire of J.P. Morgan would not have appeared.

Herbert Stepic (German: Herbert Stepic, born December 31, 1946, Vienna) is an Austrian banker. Herbert Stepic created a unique network of banks RZB and Raiffeisen International

Gerashchenko Victor Vladimirovich was born on December 21, 1937 in Leningrad. Professor, Doctor of Economics. Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia during the years of perestroika. In March 2002, he was replaced in this post by Sergei Ignatiev. Viktor Gerashchenko worked at the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In December 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the fourth convocation.

Portrait of an ideal banker

The well-known banker Yevgeny Bernshtam was asked in an interview a few years ago who a banker is. He replied that "a banker is, first of all, a sane person." A modern banker must have a good profile education, be able to understand not only banking products, but also life, and know the psychology of people very well. He needs to have constructive thinking and be conservative in good sense the words. Highly important quality for a banker - the ability to work effectively in a team. It is necessary to have your own position, lead a certain lifestyle, expand your horizons, be able to force yourself to go towards the goal and improve yourself. Some clients can give odds on economic literacy to many bankers. And if an economically educated client encounters a bank employee's ignorance, he ceases to respect, not the employee himself as a person, but the bank with which this employee is associated in the client's mind. The more professional, consistent and purposeful the employees, the more successful the bank in which they work, the more dynamic and confident the banking structure of the state is developing.

Professional holidays:

December 2nd- The Association of Russian Banks has declared Banker's Day (since 2004). The annual International Financial Forum is timed to coincide with this day. critical aspects development of the international banking system and global financial markets. And the best employees of banks on this day receive Honorary badges of the Association.

December 2nd- the most suitable date to establish a bank holiday. On this day in 1990, the laws "On the Central Bank" were adopted Russian Federation"and" About banks and banking activity ". Started from that day recent history banking in Russia

Strict vegetarians are those who call themselves the word "vegans", - people who do not eat animal products in any form: neither in the form of meat or fish dish, not in the form of milk or eggs, or processed food products containing ingredients of animal origin (gelatin, for example).

Many vegans also refrain from eating non-animal foods - sugar in particular and alcohol. There is, moreover, a discussion regarding the use of honey.

Vegans - no to eating animals and animal products

However, in addition to consistent vegans, there are many transitional or part-time vegetarian diet options. Some people follow them for reasons of more healthy lifestyle of life, and others because they cannot sustain a strict vegan diet.

The most common type of vegetarian in the world is lacto-ovo vegetarians: they do not eat beef, pork, poultry, game, fish, shellfish, but do not refuse eggs and dairy products. "Lacto" comes from the Latin for "milk" and "ovo" for "egg".

Lacto-ovo vegetarians - "no" to meat and fish, "yes" to milk and eggs

Definition lacto vegetarian used to describe a vegetarian who does not eat eggs but eats dairy products. Many vegetarian Hindus are, by the way, lacto-vegetarians who avoid eggs for religious reasons, but continue to eat dairy products.

Lacto-vegetarians - "no" to meat and eggs, "yes" to milk

Ovo Vegetarians- These are those who do not eat meat or dairy products, but allow themselves eggs. Some people become ovo-vegetarians because they are lactose intolerant.

Ovo-vegetarians - no to meat and fish, no to milk, yes to eggs

semi-vegetarians- this, of course, is not a very specific term, but it means "inconsistent" vegetarians: those who eat meat or fish sometimes - for example, on holidays.

Semi-vegetarians - usually vegetarian, rarely meat

Sand Vegetarians- this term refers to people who eat fish and seafood, but do not eat meat.

Sandy vegetarians - no to meat, yes to fish

Raw foodists - they are strict vegetarians (vegans) committed to a diet of raw foods that do not heat above 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius). Followers of the raw food diet believe that food cooked above this temperature loses a significant part of its nutritional value and is harmful to the body.

Raw foodists - "no" to heat-treated food

Adherents of the macrobiotic diet give preference to cereals, cereals. Their diet also includes fruits and vegetables, and the occasional, occasional consumption of fish is acceptable. At the same time, it is recommended to avoid sugar and refined foods, including oils. Perhaps the most unique focus of the macrobiotic diet is the daikon vegetable, as well as seaweed.

Adherents of macrobiotics - "cereals, cereals are the healthiest food"

Fruitarians- Raw vegans who eat mainly fruits of plants (at least 75%): fruits, berries, vegetables with the addition of a small amount of grains, nuts and seeds. Fruitarians only eat foods that don't need to be destroyed, so they eat cucumbers and tomatoes, but avoid potatoes, beets, or lettuce.

who are vegetarians

More than 15 million North Americans identify themselves as "vegetarians". About a third of them completely exclude meat, poultry and fish from their diet. The rest sometimes allow themselves a bird or fish, but refuse red meat. It may seem rather strange that there are so many people who eat meat and at the same time consider themselves vegetarians. Perhaps this can be explained by the fact that for many, vegetarianism is a smart choice and a serious step. .

Vegetarian life

Although vegetarians in no case can be called a homogeneous group, there are certain differences that distinguish this category of people from the rest of the population. The most characteristic and obvious of these differences is a strong interest in one's own.

Foods that have undergone minimal industrial processing are generally preferred, often avoiding salt and caffeine and opting for only natural products without artificial dyes, preservatives and food additives.

However, even among vegetarians, giving great importance health and environmental issues, there is a huge difference between individual groups, characterized not only by adherence to a particular diet, but also by the reasons for choosing this lifestyle.

For some people it is a way of gaining and maintaining good health while for others it is a matter of ethics, religion, ecology or animal rights.

Many vegetarians set themselves enough difficult questions regarding the degree of their involvement in a vegetarian culture, for example: "Can a real vegetarian eat marshmallows?" or “Will I still be a vegetarian by eating a Christmas turkey?” However, all this is not decisive.

Much more important is whether a person has an internal agreement with the chosen way of existence, and how vegetarianism corresponds to it. life path. Each of us goes through own way leading to vegetarianism, but the right moment for this comes individually.

" A "vegetarian" can be called a person who completely refuses to eat the flesh of animals, be it beef, chicken or fish. Those people whose diet contains both plant and animal food are sometimes called "omnivores."

Vegetarians are usually divided into groups, depending on which foods they accept and which they refuse. Each of these groups is divided in turn into many categories that differ from each other in religious beliefs, traditions and personal experience any vegetarian.

If a person refuses animal food for the sake of his own health, he can be flexible in his approach to vegetarian diet; however, if the choice is made on the basis of ethical or religious principles, such a person tends to have a stricter view of the chosen path.

Lacto-ovo vegetarians

Lacto-ovo vegetarians refuse any animal flesh, but include eggs (ovo) and dairy products (lacto) in their diet. AT North America this kind of vegetarians are about 90-95 percent.

Pure vegetarians or vegans

Pure (or absolute) vegetarians, which are also called vegans, avoid any animal products, including eggs, dairy products, gelatin, and even because it is produced by bees. Although the terms "vegan" and " pure vegetarian"can replace each other, there is a difference between them.

Vegan beliefs are somewhat broader than just dietary restrictions, as they avoid, if possible, everything that is of animal origin. They don't wear leather, wool or silk, they don't use fatty soaps, and they don't take photographs that require gelatin, which is based on bones and connective tissues animals. It is known that gelatin is also used for the preparation of some confectionery which vegans also refuse.

Other Reasons for Choosing a Plant-Based Diet

There are many people who are gradually moving to a vegetarian diet, reducing the consumption of animal foods. Some of them do not eat red meat, but sometimes they allow themselves chicken and / or fish. Others - periodically eat meat, but most of the time they try to stick to it. vegetarian diet nutrition. People who prefer a near-vegetarian diet are sometimes referred to as "semi-vegetarians".

The choice of a vegetarian lifestyle is often directly related to the corresponding philosophical or religious views, or the ideas of a social group. One of the most prominent philosophical groups of this type is macrobiotics, which preaches the need for a simple life in harmony with nature. Followers of the macrobiotic diet emphasize the importance of using whole, local foods such as grains, fresh grains, seaweed, and legumes.

Refined salt and sugar they replace sea ​​salt and vegetable sweeteners (such as rice syrup). Macrobiots ignore foods that have been industrially processed with chemicals. food additives and concentrated fats. Animal products (meat, poultry and dairy products) are not recommended in macrobiotics, with the exception of a small amount of white fish.

There are many similarities between the macrobiotic diet and current nutritional trends adopted by health authorities in different countries aimed at reducing the incidence of chronic diseases.

macrobiotic diet comprises minimum quantity fats and cholesterol, it is rich in fiber and saturated whole grains, vegetables and legumes. Such a diet has a very beneficial effect on the health of adults.

If you have a small one, you should find a reasonable balance between the principles of macrobiotics and modern scientific developments in the field of infant and child nutrition to meet all needs child's body. To do this, the diet should contain enough calories, as well as protein, fat and reliable sources of vitamin D, zinc, iron and other vitamins and minerals, which may be deficient in a macrobiotic diet.

Dietary concepts from the East, such as the macrobiotic system, offer an interesting explanation for a harmonious diet, which in to a large extent differs from the model adopted in Western countries.

You can take advantage of one or the other dietary concept, based on Western scientific theories for creating balanced diet, adding to them oriental knowledge about health and nutrition. Such an approach would create excellent system food for people of all ages.



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