What are the benefits of pears for the body. Potential danger and contraindications

A pear is one of those products that combines wonderful taste and significant nutritional value. The pear contains a large amount of fiber and sugars, so it is an excellent treat for children and adults. And the content of vitamins P, PP, B1, C, iodine and others chemical elements makes the pear very useful for the body.

Useful properties of pears

First of all, it should be noted that maximum benefit a pear brings in the event that it is eaten on an empty stomach or at least half an hour after a meal, without drinking anything other than ordinary water.

Pear contains arbutin, which is a natural antibiotic. Therefore, ripe fruits increase the body's resistance. various infections, struggling with inflammatory processes, strengthen the immune system. Pear also helps to eliminate toxins and other harmful substances, cleanses the body of toxins.

Organic acids, pectin and other substances contained in the pear, improve digestion. They inhibit the activity of microflora in gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the release gastric juice, increase appetite. Fiber improves intestinal motility. Pear also has a diuretic effect.

Pear improves performance of cardio-vascular system . It is believed that the stronger this fruit smells, the more benefits it brings to the heart and blood vessels. Pear stimulates hematopoietic function, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle. This is facilitated by potassium and sodium ions.

Pear accelerates growth processes and slows down the aging process. Therefore, it is recommended for both pregnant women and children. It is also worth noting that the pear is a hypoallergenic product, so even kids can enjoy it. Naturally, in reasonable quantities.

Due to the large amount of easily digestible fructose, pear can also be consumed by people who have a tendency to obesity, as well as diabetics.

Noted positive influence pears on the nervous system. This fruit makes it easier to endure stress, soothe "shattered" nerves, and improve overall well-being.

Pear promotes recuperation after severe mental or physical work, accelerates tissue regeneration.

men pear allows you to conduct a full sex life , protects the prostate from diseases.

  • Deterioration of capillary permeability.
  • Cough.
  • Nervous disorders, depression.
  • Overweight, metabolic disorders.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Kidney disorders.
  • Poor wound healing.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Imbalance of the microflora of the stomach and intestines.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Gastritis.
  • cholecystitis.

Pear contraindications

It is advisable for the elderly and children to eat only soft ripe fruits. Unripe pears are high in solid fiber, which irritates the stomach and can cause indigestion.

Limit or eliminate the use of pears should be:

  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines. Hard cells that are in the pulp can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Diseases nervous system(hard and sour fruits).

Pear - delicious and useful fruit, natural sweetness and a source of vitamins, enzymes, digestible sugars. Eating this fruit and diet helps to control weight, maintain youth. However, the raw food menu is not suitable for everyone, it requires correction under individual characteristics organism. What are the benefits and harms of a pear, how to properly use it for nutrition, treatment?

The benefits of pear fruit

The fruit pulp contains useful substances. Pears are 85% water. The remaining 15% is a treasure trove useful minerals, vitamins, fiber, acids. We list the most important for a person:

  • Vitamins of group B, as well as C, K, carotene, folic acid.
  • Enzymes are substances that are necessary for the digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients. Contained only in raw fruits. Dried pears can also contain vitamins and enzymes if dried at a temperature not exceeding +40°C.
  • Trace elements (iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, cobalt, copper, iron, sodium). Among them, the champions are potassium (up to 150 mg), boron (130 mg), copper (120 mg). Potassium increases the elasticity of blood vessels, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and nervous system, and lowers cholesterol. Copper - is part of enzymes, is involved in metabolism. Boron - improves calcium absorption, provides skeletal strength, and also regulates the level of sex hormones. The calcium + phosphorus + magnesium complex makes bones and ligaments strong.
  • Pectin - controls cholesterol, lowers sugar, provides peristalsis, digestion.
  • Organic acids are essential for digestion and metabolism. They prevent the stagnation of food mass in the intestines, stop putrefactive processes and suppress pathogenic bacteria.
  • Arbutin (a natural antibiotic) - its content in wild fruits is higher than in garden pears.
  • Cellulose ( alimentary fiber) up to 3 g per 100 g - necessary for intestinal peristalsis. There is especially a lot of fiber in the peel, however, it is also enough in the pulp.
  • Tannins (tannins) - provide astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Their maximum amount contained in the peel. Therefore, people prone to constipation are advised to peel the pears before eating.
  • Sugar (mainly fructose and some glucose) - up to 10 g per 100 g of pears.
  • Proteins (0.4 g).
  • Fats (0.3 g).
  • Essential oils - provide the aroma of the fruit. The stronger the smell of a ripe pear, the more beneficial vitamins and micronutrients.

The maximum amount of nutrients is found in fresh fruits. They are used for food or to obtain freshly squeezed juice, from which vitamins and trace elements are absorbed much better than from the pulp. Therefore, in the treatment and as a vitamin and mineral support, fruit juice is more effective than just eating the pulp.

Almost completely therapeutic medicinal qualities preserved in dried fruits. Dried pears are used to maintain health during the cold season. They are added to compotes, teas, insist for several hours in cold water(without heat treatment). The absence of heating and boiling allows you to save vitamins, trace elements, get them in a digestible form.

The flowers and leaves of the plant are also used in the treatment. They make tea, make infusions, decoctions.

Beneficial features

The benefits and harms of fruits are determined by the biological substances. The pulp, peel and juice of a pear have the following effect:

  • Bactericidal - the ability to disinfect, suppress the reproduction of pathogens, counteract infections.
  • Diuretic and diaphoretic - these properties are used to reduce high temperature with a cold or viral infection, as well as to remove toxins and toxins.
  • Astringent and fixative - used to treat the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Antitussive - stops infection in the lungs and promotes coughing up mucus.

Benefits for digestion
Pear effectively eliminates stool disorders. Its tannins and pectin substances "knit" the intestinal masses, neutralize microbes, and establish a useful intestinal flora and digestion.

For hematopoiesis and blood vessels
Folic acid and iron provide the formation of new blood cells, prevent anemia and thickening of the blood. They also cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol deposits, and thereby improve their elasticity, lower blood pressure.

For the genitourinary system
The diuretic properties of fruits are in demand in the treatment of kidney diseases, Bladder. The composition of the fruits includes a natural antibiotic that counteracts infections and pathogenic microorganisms. And yet - together with urine, toxins from inflammation are excreted from the body. The area of ​​infection is shrinking painful symptoms are getting weaker.

For women
Freshly squeezed fruit juice also helps to heal female diseases. Its components stop the infection and remove toxins. Juice and pulp are taken orally, as well as douching with freshly squeezed juice, putting tampons.

For diabetics
The benefits of pear fruit for diabetics are due to the high fructose content and low glucose content. The human body does not require insulin to absorb fructose. Therefore, this sweetness is allowed in the diet of diabetics. varying degrees. Pear juice with bactericidal properties reduces spread various inflammations that accompany diabetes.

For weight control
Pears are often included in diet food. With a sweet taste, they retain a low calorie content, allow you to saturate the stomach, and control weight. The number of calories is only 40 kcal per 100 g. Therefore fruit diet helps to lose weight, improve skin condition.

For immunity
Purifying properties of pears bactericidal action provide effective support for the immune forces of the body. For good nutrition tissues and maintaining protective forces, the composition of the blood is important. Minerals and vitamins support required amount erythrocytes and blood flow. Due to the establishment of the body, cleansing and restoration of tissues, when using pears, they raise the tone, mood, depression decreases.

When coughing
Cough various origins V folk medicine treated with raw pear juice. Fruit juice enhances the separation of sputum, stimulates expectoration. For the treatment of lungs, not the fruits themselves are used, but juice or decoctions.


The number of pears on the menu is limited during exacerbation gastrointestinal diseases. The fiber of the fruit is hard, it irritates the inflamed intestinal or stomach mucosa. Therefore, you should not use fresh fruits at peptic ulcer or with exacerbation of gastritis, colitis.

It is interesting to know: for a healing and healing effect, pears must be eaten correctly. They should not be consumed after meals or with animal proteins. Otherwise useful components are not digested, fruit pulp wanders in the stomach and intestines, forms gases, causes bloating.

Pears - tasty food and useful natural medicine. Medicinal properties These fruits help with coughs and infections. The benefits for the body are combined with the pleasure of eating a delicacy. Therefore, you can eat pears in any form throughout - fresh, dried or cooked (in compote).

The pear is a healthy nutritious fruit that people have been cultivating since ancient times. Initially, the tree grew in Persia and Armenia, then it took root in Greek and Italian soil and spread throughout Europe. The medicinal properties of the fruit are multifaceted. Its pulp is rich in natural sweets - sucrose, glucose, fructose. A pear contains less organic acids than an apple.

The benefits of pears for the body

The healing properties of pears make it possible to successfully deal with malaise and common diseases. Acids that enter the body from pear pulp improve metabolism, regulate the production of gastric juice and improve digestion. The antimicrobial properties of the fetus are expressed by the ability to suppress putrefactive processes occurring in the large intestine. Fruit fiber activates the body and heals it from disorders and disorders.

The benefits of pears are invaluable. The predominance of fructose over glucose does not create obstacles to the full absorption of both substances. The processing of pear fructose occurs without the involvement of insulin, which is important for pancreatic dysfunction.

Vegetable fibers that enter the body with pears accelerate the removal of cholesterol. Fruits are among the best prophylactic against diverse cardiovascular disease. Potassium prevents the deposition of salts in renal tissues and liver.

The harm of pears to the body

Dietary fiber and hard cellulose of fruits can cause exacerbation in colitis, gastritis. In limited quantities, it is allowed to eat pears with a tendency to chronic constipation. Tannins are concentrated in the skin of the fetus, therefore, in order to avoid gastrointestinal problems, treats should be cleaned.

For better assimilation it is desirable to use their pears in a baked form. A dish in its own juice, with spices or honey does not irritate and nourishes the body with useful substances. Unripe fruits are not recommended for consumption.

So that pears do not harm the body, they should be eaten for dessert in a ripe and moderate soft form. Eat fruits on an empty stomach and eat them heavy meat food forbidden - they overload the stomach. Drinking pears with water is not worth it, otherwise there will be problems with the intestines. Rotten fruits are dangerous to eat.

I heard this expression "Take an apple for food and a pear for taste". Is this wonderful fruit really needed only for taste, I decided to figure it out. Pear - health benefits and harms - the topic of our conversation.

I know one benefit for sure, without even delving into the topic. About this fruit they say: "pear is a big drop of summer" I would add the word "delicious" to this expression.

We, enjoying delicious, sweet, juicy fruit We get only positive emotions, right? But I want to talk about others useful properties oh this popular and beloved by many fruit.

Pear - health benefits and harms

A pear is a relative of an apple and quince, I have already talked about the beneficial properties of these fruits, you can read and. Since they are relatives, then the pear definitely has benefits.

This fruit has been known for at least 3000 years, it came to Europe from Asia through trade routes to Greece, then to Ancient Rome and already in the 15th century to Russia. At first they were wild varieties, they were not eaten raw. Later, cultivars began to be bred, and to date, more than 5 thousand varieties of pears have been bred.

Varieties are different - dessert, table, differ in taste, sweetness, color, shape, and each boasts its own composition - vitamins, minerals, essential oils.

  • The fruits contain vitamin A, a group of vitamins B, vitamins C, K, PP;
  • Contain trace elements - potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, iron, cobalt, iodine and others;
  • There are also tannins, nitrogen, pectin, flavonoids, phytoncides;
  • Nutritional value of the fruit: proteins - 0.4 gr. per 100 gr. product, fats - 0.3 gr., carbohydrates - 10.3 gr., dietary fiber - 2.8 gr., calorie content - 47 kcal.

The benefits of pears for the body

Having such a vitamin and mineral composition, the pear certainly has a positive effect on our body.

  • A few fruits eaten will help restore the tone of your muscles, as they contain a large amount of potassium, which speeds up cell regeneration. It is because of these properties that the fruit is useful for people with weak wound healing. Potassium is also good for the heart. They say that the more aromatic the pear, the more potassium it contains.
  • Eating pears is useful because of vitamin K, because it reduces excess calcium in the blood, prevents calcification atherosclerotic plaques, which in turn prevents .
  • Vitamin B9 - folic acid - there is more of it in a pear than in blackcurrant. Folic acid is directly involved in the formation of red blood cells, is involved in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • The sulfur that is contained in this fruit is important element in the construction of bone, skin tissues and hair.
  • The use of this fruit improves the functioning of the urinary system, as it has a slight diuretic effect and is allowed in clinical nutrition with kidney disease.
  • The fruits contain organic acids which, in combination with hydrochloric acid gastric juice acidify the food in the stomach and act as an antimicrobial agent, creating an unfavorable environment for pathogenic bacteria. And the pectins and tannins contained in the pear deprive these bacteria of mobility. The fruits contain the antibiotic arbutin, which also kills various microbes.
  • Phytoncides and flavonoids contained in a pear can increase defensive forces body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, have tonic properties. These substances calm the heartbeat, improve mood, relieve tension, and help fight depression. No wonder I spoke at the beginning about positive emotions that this wonderful fruit evokes.

The role of pears in weight loss

If you compare a pear with a relative, an apple, it seems that it is sweeter, which means more high-calorie. But it's not. It is sweeter because of the small content fruit acids and has a fairly low calorie content - 42 kcal per 100 gr. fruit. Therefore, it can be included in the diet of people who want to reduce their weight, but due to high content carbohydrates, it is better to exclude from the evening meal.

What is useful pear for women

It is useful to eat pears for pregnant women. The mild diuretic effect of the fruit will help reduce swelling, which often occurs in the second half of pregnancy, and great content folic acid helpful for the baby.

Cosmetologists say that this fruit is very beneficial for the skin. Scrubs, masks, lotions, creams are made from pears. It is present in the composition of anti-aging cosmetics.

IN home cosmetology it can be used as well. Juice is able to relieve skin inflammation, clear blackheads and acne, has a rejuvenating effect and is able to prevent premature aging, smooth wrinkles. So women after 30 years are recommended to make masks, scrubs based on fruits.

The benefits of pears for men

Men should also pay attention to this fruit. Its beneficial properties are preventive action such a disease as prostatitis, prevents early baldness. Experts advise men to use a pear all the time, at least 3 pieces per month.

What is useful pear for children

This tasty and healthy fruit is also good for children. He will raise immune system child, will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, circulatory system. Useful for recuperation after physical activity which is important for children who play sports.

This issue is especially of concern to mothers of infants, because already at 6 one month old begin to introduce babies to other foods besides breast milk.

In addition to the contained vitamins and other useful substances, the value of the fruit is that it does not have allergens. This allows you to include it in the diet of even the smallest children in the form of purees and juices. Although a pear is more easily absorbed by a child's body than an apple, pediatricians do not advise giving pear puree and juice to children under 7 months old, since an unformed stomach will not be able to digest them.

Happens individual intolerance in infants fresh product, then it is recommended to give a baked pear.

Is a pear good for diabetes?

The peculiarity of the fruit is that of the sugars that it contains, the largest number takes fructose, which does not require insulin for its absorption, and therefore does not strain the pancreas. Therefore, a pear can be eaten by people with diseases of the pancreas. It is even allowed to use a small amount of sweet and sour varieties for people who are sick diabetes but in consultation with your doctor.

Chinese pear and European - what's the difference

A pear is a source of indigestible fiber and, when compared with a relative, an apple, there is more of it in pears. We need fiber to form the right food bolus so that a person does not have constipation, so that he functions well digestive tract improved metabolism.

The fiber in pears is stony cells, scientifically they are called sclereids - this is a stiff fiber.

The peculiarity of these fruits is that already being plucked, they can ripen if they are removed from the tree not green, but in a state of technical ripeness.

  • There are varieties, they belong to the group of European varieties, which become soft when ripe.
  • There are varieties, they are called Chinese, this is the Far Eastern type of cultivated pears, which remain tough even when ripe. They will be juicy, sweet, but tough.

The difference between Chinese pears and European ones is that in the Far Eastern varieties there are a large number of stony cells, so people with chronic colitis it is not recommended to eat hard, crunchy pears, as they can exacerbate the disease.

By the way, the division into European and Far Eastern did not happen just like that. Most people in Europe and America do not like hard pears, so they are practically not grown. And the Chinese and Japanese do not like ours and they grow only their Far Eastern varieties.

Pear weakens or strengthens the stool

Often the question arises - the pear weakens the chair or strengthens, because it contains tannins in its composition.

Because of a large number fiber fresh fruits can have a laxative effect, but quite light. Fresh varieties of pears, which have an astringent taste, can be fastened. The pear strengthens in the form of decoctions or jelly from dried fruits, as they are rich in tannins, which have astringent properties.

By the way, dried ones, unlike fresh ones, no longer have such a low calorie content, it grows significantly - up to 249 kcal, do not forget about it, because this fruit is also very tasty in dried form. It is better to use it for making compotes, decoctions, which are very useful.

What does a pear treat

  • Oriental medicine recommends using pears as a medicine, and not just as delicious dessert. And since the fruit does not lose its beneficial properties when dried, pear treatment can be carried out almost all year round.
  • A decoction of dried fruits helps with cough and fever, with diseases of the urinary tract;
  • Compote from fresh and dried pears has long been known in folk medicine as a remedy for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis.
  • Decoctions and kissels from dried fruits are often used for intestinal disorders. And if you should not eat fresh fruits with a disorder, then pears from a decoction can not only be eaten, but also necessary.

Take note of a couple of prescriptions for treatment

For diarrhea:

½ cup dried pears and 3 tbsp. oatmeal boil in 2 glasses of water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take ½ - ¼ cup 4 times a day before meals.

As a diuretic and for diarrhea:

1 st. boil dried chopped pears in 0.5 l. water, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take ¼ cup 4 times a day.

IN oriental medicine pear tree leaves are actively used, the powder from the leaves helps people with increased sweating, they are actively treated for dermatitis, fungal diseases, pear leaf tea helps in the treatment of prostatitis.

Pear: harm to health

Studying this question, about some harmful substances contained in the pear, I did not see the information. I would say that when using this fruit, safety precautions must be observed.

  • You can not eat it on an empty stomach, as it will be difficult for our body to cope with coarse fiber And tannins. You can eat no earlier than half an hour - an hour after eating.

There is even a very ancient Eastern proverb: “In the morning an apple is a rose to the heart, in the morning a pear is poison to the heart”

  • You can not drink fruit with water, as it belongs to a series of heavy foods, and water will slow down the digestion process.
  • You can’t eat meat after a pear, as this is also heavy product, therefore, the load on the digestive tract will be increased.
  • You can not eat Chinese varieties for the elderly, and people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, as they can cause stomach problems and exacerbate diseases.

Having passed the safety precautions, I think you will not violate these rules, and then the pear will bring you only pleasure and benefit.

Legends and beliefs

Some plants are associated with different legends and beliefs. It did not bypass the pear. Different Slavic peoples had different attitudes towards this fruit.

  1. Some nationalities revered this tree and worshiped God not in church, but under a pear tree.
  2. In Belarus, it was believed that the Mother of God rests under a pear tree when she descends to the ground, so it was impossible to cut down this tree.
  3. Among other Slavic peoples, the pear tree was considered a habitat evil spirits and no one ever sat under a pear tree, did not sleep, did not arrange halts.
  4. In China, "pear" and "separation" sound the same - "li", therefore in China among lovers and friends it is not customary to cut the fruit and share it, this is to separation.

This is such a wonderful fruit, and now we know for sure that we need it not only for taste. I hope the information about the health benefits and harms of pears was useful and interesting.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

In this article, you will learn about the beneficial properties of pears. Beautiful, juicy, sweet, fragrant - all these definitions perfectly characterize the pear. No wonder so many people are enamored with this fruit.

Pear has a lot various properties. But! Perhaps the most important can be safely called a general strengthening effect on the body. Note! The organs work much better for the person who eats 1-2 kilograms of pears a week. And a person who eats this fruit from time to time is more susceptible to diseases and infections.

Useful properties of pears for the heart and blood vessels

Pear is very useful for the cardiovascular system. With regular use, thanks to her:

Pear tree in the country. Is not it? A familiar and so pleasing to the eye picture of the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, when the hour comes to collect the "pear" harvest.

  • heartbeat normalizes;
  • the walls of blood vessels are strengthened;
  • blood circulation is accelerated;
  • improves blood composition.

Pear for the gastrointestinal tract

Pear is also indispensable for the work of the stomach:

  • normalizes the processes of digestion;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • has antimicrobial activity.

Also, a pear is useful for:

  • beriberi;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • some diseases of the stomach.

However, before adding the pear to medical menu It is recommended to consult with a dietitian.

What is useful pear for weight loss

Pears are very useful for obese people. And it is on these fruits that they are effective. fasting days and diets. But! Before losing weight with pears, it is also not superfluous to consult a doctor.

Useful properties for the abdominal organs

For many people, a pear is a favorite and long-awaited fruit of the end of summer!

Thanks to the regular use of pears:

  • the work of the bladder, kidneys and liver is stimulated;
  • excess fluid is removed from the body;
  • pass faster inflammatory diseases organs of the genitourinary system.

Pear for stress relief

What are the benefits of pears for the nervous system

The pear has a great effect on the nerves. Thanks to her:

Note! The organs work much better for the person who eats 1-2 kilograms of pears a week.

  • mood remains upbeat for a long time;
  • easier to tolerate stress;
  • depressive states are overcome faster;
  • the work of the central nervous system is normalized.

What are useful pears for men

Pear and various pear drinks (teas, compotes) are effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis. And even if, fortunately, you do not suffer from this disease, it is still recommended to sometimes use a pear to prevent diseases of the reproductive system.

Useful properties of pears for treatment

  • cough passes faster;
  • fever decreases;
  • other symptoms of a cold are relieved.

And most importantly - the pear helps to quickly eliminate the cause. colds inside the body. It is noteworthy that both fresh and dried pear are equally effective for treatment.

Pear salads

Pear goes well with cheese (especially with mold, for example, Dorblu)

Contraindications to the use of pears

Pear can not be eaten with exacerbations of diseases. It is not recommended to eat a pear on an empty stomach. And it is desirable that 30-40 minutes pass after eating before eating this fruit. By the way, for people old age soft pears are more useful.

A special summer delight is pear pies and chocolate cakes!

As you can see, a pear is not only tasty, but also a very interesting and healthy fruit. And you should not forget about it, especially if your family has kids or elderly people. The only disadvantage of this beautiful fruit is that its harvest season is short. Therefore, you need to have time not only to enjoy pleasant taste, but also to nourish the body with the necessary supply of useful properties for the winter.

Are pears included in your diet?



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