Is it possible to cleanse blood with nettles? Proper harvesting of nettles

In today's material, we decided to tell you about the use of nettle for blood purification in an accessible and in a safe way. All people are familiar with this burning plant and everyone has experienced discomfort after contact with its leaves. Nettle contains vitamins and other useful components, thanks to which it is used to prepare various medicinal products. Next, we will figure out how to brew nettle to cleanse the blood and how to prepare it.

We prepare natural ingredients correctly

For an infusion, tea or decoction of nettle to cleanse the blood to work, you need to properly prepare the plant. We recommend collecting it in the spring, preferably in May. It turns green and the maximum concentration of nutritional components accumulates in it. Young nettle herb is best suited for cleansing the blood.

Try to cut off light green leaves that do not burn the skin too much, but it is better to do this with gloves. The tops of the plant are the most useful - they are plucked before they have time to grow old. It is forbidden for a long time Store leaves in a cool place - use it while it is still fresh.

To store nettles for blood cleansing ahead of time, dry them. We wash the leaves thoroughly and leave them on the table in the shade. Once dried, the plant can be stored for a year without losing healing properties, so you can clean the blood any time you want.

How to prepare a healthy decoction?

Let's figure out how to brew nettle to cleanse the blood to get useful decoction. To prepare the drink, rinse some fresh leaves and add two liters of water, boil and keep on low heat for about 5-7 minutes, and then leave for several hours in a warm place.

The result is a nettle decoction for blood purification, suitable for consumption warm or cold. It is better to start cleansing with lunch, drinking two liters of drink before nightfall.

Sometimes women wonder if nettle decoction can cleanse the blood during lactation? This period is important in the life of every woman, so it is better to consult a doctor. read here.

Preparing the infusion

Nettle infusion cleanses the blood just as well, but to prepare it you need to pour 10 tablespoons of fresh crushed nettle with a glass of vodka and leave to infuse in a cool place in a glass container. After 10 days, the product will be ready - strain it through several layers of gauze.

You need to take the prepared nettle infusion for blood according to the recipe twice a day, 30 drops, diluting them with 50 ml of water. The duration of the course is two weeks, after which a break for several weeks is needed.

When should you not cleanse blood with nettles?

Recipes with nettle for blood cleansing have some contraindications. The plant not only normalizes biochemical composition blood, but also has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, eliminates drowsiness and regulates cardiac activity. Healing remedies based on nettle are contraindicated in case of high blood clotting, atherosclerosis, and hypertension.

Sometimes people have allergic reactions to nettle, so it is not recommended for them to cleanse their blood with plant-based products. Before starting a healing or restorative course, it is better for you to consult a doctor.

Cleansing blood and lymph with nettles

Cleansing with nettles is very effective method. In addition to purified blood, the body will receive colossal vitamin therapy. Nettle infusion stimulates the kidneys and urinary system. Moreover, nettle relieves drowsiness and fatigue. Nettle herbal medicine is widely used not only to cleanse the blood, but also as a remedy for hair strengthening, restoration water balance skin and etc.

There are many recipes for purifying the blood using nettle infusion. I I will give the most effective and proven ones.

There are several varieties of nettle in nature. One of the species grows everywhere in Russia - this is the white jasmine, which has small white flowers. They are exactly what we need to prepare a medicinal infusion.

Infusion of nettle flowers

Pour 1 tablespoon of nettle flowers (can be dried) into 1 cup of boiling water. Leave in a warm place for 30–40 minutes. Take the resulting infusion 0.5 cups 4-5 times a day for a week.

The cleaning result is assessed by the color of the urine. If it is discolored, then the blood is pure.

The following recipe is suitable for year-round blood cleansing.

Nettle herbal tea recipe

To prepare a cleansing tea, it is advisable to use young, undried nettle leaves. Brew 2 tablespoons of herbs with 2 liters of boiling water. After brewing a little, the tea acquires a beautiful greenish tint. Drink nettle tea for 14 days, warming it until warm. 2 liters of prepared infusion should be enough for the entire 2 weeks of the course. Then a break is taken for 1.5–2 weeks, and the cleansing is carried out again.

Dried nettle leaves can be brewed in winter to stimulate work internal organs and the circulatory system, but they have little cleansing effect. A course of blood purification using nettles for people suffering from colds, renal failure or intestinal diseases, should be longer than usual, approximately 3–3.5 weeks.

An excellent skin cleanser - Banya broom with nettle branches. Thanks to small injections, the pores expand, cleansing under the influence of steam and high temperature.

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Come on, in childhood, which of us didn’t climb into the raspberry patch for juicy berries and, shouting “Ay!”, “Oy,” “Ay-yay-yay,” endured and gobbled on? Who were we so afraid of? Babayek? Moles? No, in the raspberry fields, in the fields, meadows, forests - biting nettles or, according to science, stinging nettles lay in wait for us everywhere.

Nettle is, in fact, a weed that no one specifically grows, but everyone knows it: children and adults, doctors, cosmetologists and even chefs. What's interesting is nettle, medicinal properties which is known to everyone, grows exactly where there is something to profit from - in raspberry thickets, in, among, flowers. It’s as if the healer knows that we’ll go there - and she’s eager, really eager to treat us... And we, like the hedgehog from the well-known cartoon “Hedgehog in the Fog,” still climb into the thickets, getting burned, groaning, but heroically enduring these torments. We are not hedgehogs and oh, how we feel the sting of the grass.

What are the benefits of nettles?

Common sense dictates that since nettle stings, then probably the most useful thing is contained in the leaves, or rather, in the stinging hairs that frame both the leaves and the stems. This is true. Nettle contains so many vitamins and minerals that the first aid kit is resting. Remember what we said when nettle, the beneficial properties of which were unknown to us at that time, stung: “It’s all for health, don’t worry and chew raspberries.” And they endured.

Contraindications to the use of nettle

Stinging nettle due to its powerful therapeutic effect can also harm a person.

It increases blood clotting, so it should not be taken by people at risk of developing blood clots.

For the same reason, hypertensive patients and those suffering from atherosclerosis should be careful.

Scientists have proven that active substances, which are part of nettle, can cause growth cancer cells, if they are already present in the body. Therefore, cancer patients or suspected cancer the use of nettle is contraindicated.

Nettle heals the kidneys, liver, bladder. However, when acute course It can be harmful to diseases – take it in small quantities.

And do not forget that there may be allergies or contraindications to any other herbs included in a particular recipe.

In general, with such a list of contraindications, you should think carefully before using nettle internally.

By the way, this video tells you quite a lot about nettle in 4 minutes, including contraindications:

Nettle in cosmetology

The same vitamins and microelements can improve the condition of the skin and hair, help cope with acne, make the skin elastic, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, even out the complexion, moisturize the skin. Nettle is useful for hair; reviews of masks and decoctions can be found on various forums.

Lotion for oily skin and acne

1 cup of crushed nettle leaves pour 1 tbsp. vodka. Leave in a dark place for 10 days. Strain and dilute with 2 tbsp. water. Wipe cleansed facial skin. Do not drink under any circumstances, alcohol is a dangerous poison, do not forget about it.

Rejuvenating face mask

Grind fresh leaves nettles, add the same volume of honey melted in a water bath. Apply the mask and leave for no more than 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Anti-acne lotion

2 liters cold water(a lot of water, because it’s better to make more lotion - don’t drink it, wash your face with it), 12 tablespoons of nettle leaves - boil, strain and cool. Wash after sleep and before bed.

Mask for problem skin

1 tablespoon of crushed nettle leaves, pour the same amount of chopped plantain leaves into 4 tablespoons cucumber juice. Apply the mask and leave for no more than 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Against dandruff and hair loss

To solve hair problems, rub nettle infusion into slightly damp hair. This can be done no more than once a week, but the course is quite long - at least three months.

Pour a tablespoon of nettle leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours, strain.

Nettle in cooking

We talked about medicine, about cosmetology too. What about food? After all, what goes into your mouth is useful.

If young nettle is poured with boiling water several times, its pungency will disappear. Add it to salads and preserves, baked goods, and crushed into green oils and pates.

And what an amazing taste the sorrel soup will have if you add scalded nettles along with the sorrel. Try it, you will like it.

Oh, and nettle is useful, even though it stings. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare it with gloves so that your hands do not become covered with blisters. Although such treatment also has its place - in children's fairy tales, grass turns swans into people. Do you remember the fairy tale about a sister and her 12 brothers? They were doomed to remain beautiful swans during the day and only at night turn into young guys. They were saved by their sister, who picked nettles and knitted shirts with her bare hands. It’s just a pity that my youngest and most beloved brother didn’t have time to tie up his sleeve - so he was left with a wing instead of an arm. Although... The fairy tale is a lie and there is no hint in it, wear gloves and don’t play the savior of the swans!

Often various disorders in the functioning of the body occur due to the presence of various harmful substances in the blood. It is the blood that supplies all human organs with the necessary nutrients and oxygen, and also carries out reliable protection body from exposure to harmful viruses and bacteria. In order for all these processes to proceed with maximum efficiency, the blood must be cleansed regularly.. This procedure can be performed not only in a hospital setting, but also at home, using recipes from traditional medicine. So, an excellent folk remedy for purifying blood is nettle, which our ancestors used for these purposes.

Some beneficial properties of nettle and how to collect it correctly

For cooking effective means To cleanse the blood, you need to use only fresh nettles collected in May. It is better to cut off the top leaves of young grass, which have a pale green tint. To avoid causing irritation and burns to the skin on your hands, you should wear gloves when collecting the plant. Nettle should not be stored in the refrigerator, as it very quickly loses its beneficial properties and becomes ineffective.

Nettle not only has a beneficial effect on circulatory system, but also helps to quickly restore strength after a difficult physical labor, and also increases general performance human body.

In the nettles large quantities contains microelements that have positive impact on the blood and quickly remove toxins from it and harmful substances. The herb contains carotenes and vitamins B and K. In addition, it contains ascorbic, formic, gallic and other acids, carotenoids, as well as large group trace elements such as iron, manganese, barium, aluminum. Chlorophyll, contained in sufficient quantities in the herb, has a strong tonic and stimulating effect on the blood.

Nettle is an excellent remedy for blood purification

The content of protein and the whole group in nettles various vitamins allows you to increase hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood, as well as normalize carbohydrate metabolism, which in turn strengthens the body weakened by disease. IN medicinal purposes To cleanse the blood, the plant is used in the form of tinctures, decoctions and special teas. In addition, its use in cooking allows you to effectively cope with many complex diseases.

The protein contained in nettle increases hemoglobin

Recipes for blood purification

Nettle tea will help cleanse the blood of various toxins and harmful microelements. To prepare it, you need to take two tablespoons of fresh chopped nettle and pour boiling water over them. Next, the tea should be placed in a dark place for several hours so that it infuses well and gains strength. It should be consumed several times a day for two weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for the same period of time and repeat the course again.

To prepare this tea, two tablespoons of crushed nettle is enough.

Nettle has been used for medicinal purposes since Ancient Greece. Thus, the famous Greek healer Dioscorides knew about many of her beneficial properties ah, and recommended the herb to patients with urolithiasis.

You can cook it from nettles alcohol tincture which will help to effectively cleanse the blood. To prepare it, fill glass jar fresh grass leaves, pour vodka over them and leave to infuse for one week in a dark place. Immediately before use, the tincture should be strained using gauze. Ready product take thirty drops with a small amount of water three times a day. The course of cleansing is ten days.

It should be remembered that blood purification cannot be carried out in winter time. To prepare nettle remedies, only young and fresh leaves should be used. When cleansing the blood with herbs, it is necessary to take into account a possible allergic reaction of the body. It is not recommended to use the plant for people who suffer increased coagulability blood, atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis, as well as hypertension. In all other cases, nettle helps improve the biochemical composition of the blood and normalizes metabolic processes.

Nettle against inflammation, nettle for blood cleansing, first spring vitamins in nettle - you won’t find any number of beneficial properties in this inhospitable, at first glance, plant. Let's figure out how to collect and prepare it to get more benefits.

How to prepare nettles for juice

Nettle travels a long way to reach the juicer. First of all, harvest it in the right season. The leaves are especially juicy in early spring. They should be picked and processed carefully so as not to get burned. Use a bag or gloves for this.

Never consume nettle without mechanical processing. It is not the nettle juice itself that burns, but the stinging surface of the leaves. Heat or grinding in a juicer will help cope with these properties. So dry the nettles and put them in herbal teas. And it’s even better to squeeze the juice from just the plucked plant, because fresh it is ten times more useful. A drink with fresh nettle helps with allergic reactions. It makes it easier for the body to cope with infections.

Make sure you have ingredients other than nettle. Its juice is too concentrated in both taste and effect to be drunk without additives. As a last resort, if you decide not to drink anything else, limit your daily consumption of green juice to 30 ml.

Preparing nettle juice

Lemons, limes, pears and Exotic fruits like kiwi or pineapples. More green juice Suitable for enriching the familiar fresh juice of carrots, ginger and apples.

Nettles and all the fruits that you select for juice should be washed, cut and squeezed using a screw juicer. The lime can be squeezed straight with the peel if you think it is clean enough.

Please note that a centrifugal juicer will not work. Better take any twin-screw model: or Omega Twin Gear.

Nettle for cleansing blood, intestines, kidneys

In general, nettle juice has a more than positive effect on the body. It's kind of vitamin bomb: Vitamin K promotes blood clotting, C stimulates the immune system. In just a week, using nettle juice you will cleanse not only your blood, but also your intestines - all at the expense of accelerated exchange substances.

However, you should not drink the juice for longer. The maximum for one course is 10 days, otherwise you may harm yourself. Also avoid drinking juice during pregnancy or if you have a disease related to sex hormones.



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