Nettle masks for fast hair growth. Mask with nettle leaves and vitamin E

For centuries, nettle has been the basis of all hair care treatments. The burning of young shoots did not stop the girls from collecting huge baskets of medicinal herbs. And today, using home remedies with nettle, you can become the owner of thick, shiny curls.

Benefits of nettle for hair

  1. Restoration of the epidermis of the head;
  2. Giving curls a glossy shine;
  3. Hydration and nutrition of each unit;
  4. Strengthening and awakening the follicles;
  5. Improves blood flow and oxygen respiration, stimulating increased growth.

The leaves, shoots and rhizomes contain:

  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins K, A, C,
  • organic acids;
  • tannins.

Contraindications – individual intolerance. Preliminary testing of the composition will help allergy sufferers avoid harm from herbal treatments.

Result: restores thin colored curls, prevents hair loss, makes curls shiny and elastic.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


  • 18 gr. nettle;
  • 200 ml water.

Preparation and method of application: pour freshly picked leaves or dry herbs with liquid, cook over low heat for twelve minutes. After cooking, strain and pour into a cosmetic bottle. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Use after shampooing, rinse hair with nettle decoction and apply conditioner. In case of hair loss, apply the spray evenly over the parting at the root zone. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times a day. The use of hair decoction is indicated for all types of curls. This herb does not cause changes in color or structure.

Result: nettle recipes reduce the increased secretion of the glands of the scalp, eliminate brittleness and split ends of the hair along the entire length.


  • 14 gr. nettle;
  • 120 ml cognac/alcohol.

Preparation and method of application: place leaves or herbs in a dark glass vessel, add alcohol. Leave for five days, shaking occasionally. Store for six months. We recommend adding 15-20 drops per 10 grams to masks and balms. main cast.

Rinsing hair with nettle

Caring for hair with nettle allows you to get rid of dandruff and fungal infections of the scalp, improve the condition of your curls, and prevent dry areas from tangling. When rinsing, you can use the cooled, strained decoction in its pure form or an infusion diluted with water (10 ml of infusion per 300 ml of liquid). The procedure must be repeated after each wash; for oily hair, add lemon juice; for dry hair, add 15 drops of herbal oil. Rinse with nettle accelerates growth, saturates curls with vitamins, and prevents brittleness and dryness of curls.

Rich in vitamins and acids, it is used in its pure form and as part of masks against hair loss and excessive fat content. The composition is rubbed into the scalp, distributed over the entire length, after half an hour the curls are thoroughly washed with natural shampoo. Hair after nettle is very soft and shiny. Using after dyeing, the created pigment is sealed inside the strand.

The best homemade recipes for hair masks with nettles

Nettle mask for hair loss

Result: this nettle hair recipe helps strengthen hair follicles and restores curls along the entire length.


  • 35 ml nettle infusion;
  • 7 ml olive oil;
  • 8 drops of tangerine essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: prepare a concentrated infusion of nettles (10 g, pour 40 ml of water), then cool and add the yolks, nourishing oil and citrus essential oil. Apply by rubbing into the roots, put on a plastic cap, and cover with a towel. After two hours, rinse with organic shampoo, use nettle for hair loss at least twice a day.

Nettle mask for hair growth

Result: young nettle for hair growth is an indispensable remedy for those who want to quickly grow long, healthy curls.


  • 17 nettle leaves;
  • 14 gr. brewer's yeast;
  • 8 ml St. John's wort oil.

Preparation and method of application: collect the leaves from the upper shoots, pour boiling water over them, then prepare the pulp in a meat grinder. Crush the tableted yeast into powder, add medicinal oil and nettle mass. Distribute over the entire root zone, leave the mask on for about thirty minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo without fragrances or dyes.

Nettle mask to strengthen hair

Result: hair treatment with nettle strengthens curls along the entire length, preventing fragility and split ends.


  • 7 gr. nettle;
  • 6 ml cognac;
  • egg;
  • 22 drops mango oil.

Preparation and method of application: prepare nettle for hair - pour 50 ml of boiling water over the dry raw material, leave for three hours. Then add cognac, egg, fruit oil, mix everything well. Apply over the entire length (for thick curls all components will be required twice as much), wrap with film. After forty minutes, rinse with cool water and apple cider vinegar. Strengthen hair with nettles at least once a week.

Mask with nettle and burdock

Result: this mask recipe helps restore the strength and shine of colored curls.


  • 12 gr. nettle;
  • 7 gr. burdock;
  • 15-20 gr. honey;
  • 7 drops of bergamot oil.

Preparation and method of application: pour dry herbal raw materials with hot (90 ◦) water, cover with a lid, strain after half an hour. Add candied honey and aroma oil. Distribute the mixture over the entire length, put on a protective cap and towel. After twenty minutes, rinse with warm green tea.

Mask with nettle and chamomile

Result: folk recipes prepared at home restore the natural strength of curls.


  • 8 gr. dry nettle;
  • 5 gr. chamomile flowers;
  • 17 drops of jojoba oil;
  • 6 drops of rose essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: add liquid (35 ml of water) to the herbs and cook for no more than fifteen minutes over low heat. After straining, add oils and mix well. Apply to clean, damp curls with a coloring brush, extending three cm from the roots along the entire length. Without rinsing, dry your hair naturally.


Mask with nettle and burdock oil

Result: nettle hair masks prevent hair loss and depletion.


  • 18 gr. fresh nettle;
  • 7 ml burdock oil;
  • 15 drops of grape oil;
  • 3 drops of sage essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: turn prepared (scalded with boiling water) fresh leaves into a homogeneous paste in a kitchen machine, add healing oils and ether. Apply first to the root zone, then distribute along the growth line. After half an hour, wash off with Ayurvedic shampoo.

Mask with nettle and olive oil

Result: get rid of dandruff, flaking, cleanse the scalp, activating dormant bulbs using nature's recipes.


  • 17 gr. nettle root;
  • 12 ml olive oil;
  • 9 gr. sea ​​salt (finely ground).

Preparation and method of application: wash and dry the root, grind in a blender, add salt and unrefined oil. Rub into the scalp for about six minutes, then rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo.

Mask with nettle and honey

Result: fresh nettle for hair strengthens curls and improves blood flow to the scalp.


  • 6-9 nettle leaves;
  • 15 gr. honey;
  • yolk.

Preparation and method of application: brew the herb in 60 ml of boiling water, strain, add honey and yolk. After washing your hair, apply the composition along the entire length, wear a protective cap and warm it with a hairdryer (warm air). After about twenty minutes, rinse with a decoction of lemon zest.

Mask with nettle and henna

Result: nettle juice in combination with natural colorless henna is effective against hair loss.


  • 8 ml nettle juice;
  • 25 gr. henna;
  • 6 ml pomegranate seed oil.

Preparation and method of application: dilute vegetable powder with hot liquid, add juice squeezed from fresh leaves, moisturizing oil. Apply the composition, starting from the roots and along the entire length, except for the ends. After twenty minutes, rinse with shampoo and be sure to apply conditioner so as not to dry out your curls.

Mask with nettle and vinegar

Result: homemade masks add shine and elasticity to the curls, soldering the scales of the curl.


  • 12 gr. nettle;
  • 10 ml apple/wine vinegar;
  • 18 drops of peach oil.

Preparation and method of application: grind the leaves scalded with boiling water into a homogeneous paste in a food processor/meat grinder, add vinegar, fruit oil and 30 ml of water. Distribute the mass, retreating 3-5 cm from the roots, wait about twenty minutes. Afterwards, rinse with warm water.

Mask with nettle and calamus

Result: prevents hair loss and destruction, eliminates dandruff with a DIY herbal mask.


  • 12 gr. nettle;
  • 10 gr. calamus rhizomes;
  • 4 ml burdock oil;
  • 17 gr. rye bran.

Preparation and method of application: pour dry herbs into 75 ml of hot liquid (90-110°), leave for half an hour. After straining, add bran and medicinal oil. Apply to dry hair, rubbing the resulting mixture into the roots. Putting on a hat and wrapping a towel, warm it with hot air. After half an hour, wash your hair with baby shampoo.

Nettle mask for oily hair

Result: hair care with herbal infusions will reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, dry out the root zone a little, giving the missing volume.


  • 18 drops of nettle tincture;
  • 22 ml kefir;
  • 15 gr. blue/black clay.

Preparation and method of application: combine kefir with clay and alcohol tincture, dilute with green tea for a thinner consistency. Apply the mask to clean, damp curls, 5-7 cm in the root zone. Put on a cap and wrap in a heated towel, wait about eighteen minutes, then rinse.

Nettle mask for dry hair

Result: after using a recipe that saturates with nutrients, the curls will become soft and more manageable.


  • 12 ml nettle extract;
  • 2 yolks;

Preparation and method of application: dilute the liquid extract in 60 ml of water. Combine with yolks and melted African butter. Distribute the composition over the entire area half an hour before washing your hair. Use Indian organic shampoo.

Video recipe: Decoction or how to brew nettles at home

A rich, aromatic and very healthy decoction of nettle for hair is used in the most problematic situations, when curls have begun to fall out in droves or have stopped growing altogether. With regular rinsing and masks based on nettle decoction, the most damaged strands can be restored.

People call this medicinal herb differently: witch’s, fiery, burning, “bachelor’s kiss”, Siberian tenant and many other beautiful names for this plant. The healing properties of nettle have been known to people since ancient times, and they concerned not only the health of the body. Beauties have long used nettle decoction for hair against hair loss and to promote normal hair growth. . Today, interest in ancient recipes for rinsing and hair masks prepared with nettle is being revived. In today's unfavorable environmental situation and too many chemicals and synthetic products, natural ingredients are highly valued. Therefore, nettle, known for its general strengthening and restorative properties, is now actively used to restore beauty and health to hair.

Effect of nettle on hair

The effectiveness of nettle decoction for hair is determined by the chemical composition of this unique medicinal herb.

The leaves of young nettle contain a large amount of vitamins and other substances useful for hair, which, penetrating into the cells, begin to function for their intended purpose.

As a result, the condition of the curls improves significantly after the first rinsing procedure or applying a mask. Each element in nettle works for the beauty and health of strands.

  • The burning hairs of the plant contain a caustic liquid containing acetylcholine, histamine and formic acid : When heated, these elements lose their irritating properties. At the same time, formic acid breaks down into water (it remains in the cells, due to which dry strands are automatically moisturized) and carbon dioxide (it is able to displace dirt and sebaceous excesses from the cells to the surface - therefore, after rinsing with nettle, the hair shines clean.
  • Vitamin A: retinol has excellent restorative properties, thanks to it, nettle decoction is able to heal various hair damages, bringing back to life root follicles that have frozen in development. Therefore, nettle for hair growth is one of the best natural, time-tested remedies.
  • Vitamin C: Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant that affects the production of collagen fibers in tissues, which makes hair smoother, bouncier, stronger and more elastic. The same vitamin improves blood circulation in the scalp, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth and strengthening the roots.
  • Vitamin K- a natural aid to natural pigmentation: it gives hair a beautiful shine and shine. Brunettes and brown-haired women will be surprised at how rich and bright the shade of their curls has become. But blondes are likely to be disappointed here: vitamin K, coupled with carotene, can give their strands a reddish tint.
  • Carotene- another natural pigment in nettle that provides active hydration. This is why nettle is so beneficial for dry hair. However, this same carotene is able to control the functioning of the sebaceous glands, so that after rinsing oily hair with nettle decoction, it does not become dirty as quickly and does not become covered with a sebaceous sheen as abundantly as before.
  • Tannins, of which there are a lot of nettles, soothe any irritation of the scalp (stop itching in the presence of dandruff), have an anti-inflammatory effect (nettle is not used in vain), smooth out hair scales, making the strands after nettle rinses smooth, elastic and very manageable.
  • Flavonoids strengthen the roots, prevent intense hair loss caused by interseasonal vitamin deficiency.
  • Organic acids actively participate in almost all metabolic processes occurring in the scalp, which has a beneficial effect on the internal health and external beauty of curls.

This is how useful and effective nettle is for hair if used correctly. Preparing a decoction involves boiling the raw material, so the burning formic acid, which “bites” while the nettle is fresh, does not pose any danger to the scalp.

The complex healing and restorative effect of nettle infusion can be appreciated almost instantly - immediately after the hair dries after rinsing.

If significant changes are not noticeable, find out whether you did everything correctly. Nettle is a unique plant that requires special attention. Little tricks for handling it will help you avoid unpleasant sensations and annoying disappointment.

Any homemade nettle hair mask involves the use of a decoction, which you need to know how to prepare correctly. The effectiveness of the product used and the expected results will depend on this. Moreover, each stage of this procedure is quite important in the overall scheme of the manipulations performed.

Stage 1: collection and processing of medicinal raw materials

  1. Nettle decoction can be prepared using dry collection, which you can purchase at the pharmacy. However, laboratory studies have shown that A decoction of fresh, young nettle is most beneficial. Therefore, you need to be able to assemble it correctly.
  2. It is better to do this in May–June When the nettle is very young and light green, the stem is soft, the flowers are just beginning to appear. Collection must be done in dry weather. It is not recommended to harvest a wet plant.
  3. Plants damaged by insects and diseases should not be touched.
  4. If the plant is tall, only the tops are cut off. If it’s still small, it’s almost at the root.
  5. The collected raw materials are thoroughly rinsed under running water (cold).
  6. After this, you can prepare a decoction from nettles. If the goal is to harvest grass for the winter, its processing continues.
  7. The collected grass is laid out on newspaper in a well-ventilated, dry room, protected from sunlight.
  8. The grass needs to be turned from one side to the other 3-4 times a day so that it dries evenly and does not lie stale.
  9. Nettle is dried for 8–12 days.
  10. Separate the dried leaves from the stems and place them in paper bags or cardboard boxes.
  11. Properly dried nettle can be stored for two years.

Stage 2: preparing a healing decoction

  1. Pour 100 grams of fresh or dried nettle with 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Place on the fire and simmer over low heat for half an hour.
  3. Cool until warm.
  4. Strain.
  5. Use as directed.

Stage 3: rules for using the decoction

  1. For masks, it is enough to add a decoction to them, according to the dosages indicated in the recipe.
  2. For rinsing, a glass of broth is diluted in 500 ml of warm water, which can be softened with 1 tablespoon of baking soda beforehand.
  3. Bend over the basin, generously water your hair with the resulting solution from the ladle (even better if someone helps you with this) for several (3-5) minutes.
  4. Pat the strands dry with a cotton towel without wiping them dry.
  5. Allow the curls to dry naturally; do not use a hairdryer during this procedure.
  6. You can rinse your hair with nettle every other day for a whole month if the problem is very serious (seborrhea, alopecia, etc.). As a preventive measure, masks and rinsing with nettle decoction can be done 1-2 times every 7-10 days.

Now you know how to prepare nettle for hair so that it is as beneficial as possible and lives up to all the hopes placed on it for restoring and healing the weakest and sickest strands. Difficulties are possible only the first time: with each new preparation of nettle decoction, the process will be automated. After just a few procedures, this event will take very little time and will require a minimum of effort. You just have to start! The variety of homemade hair remedies prepared with nettles suggests a wide choice of exactly the recipe that will be most convenient and effective in each specific situation.

Nettle hair product recipes

Nettle is most often used at home because it is fast and effective. Some people add decoctions and infusions of this herb to masks instead of regular water - and also achieve good results.

Try different options, test new recipes, don’t despair if everything doesn’t work out the first time.

Often, to achieve the desired result, regularity is required: by the 3rd or 4th time you will definitely succeed.

  • Classic nettle decoction

Pour 100 grams of nettle (fresh or dry) with a liter of boiling water, keep on low heat for half an hour, cool, strain.

  • Classic nettle infusion

Pour 100 grams of nettle (fresh or dry) with a liter of boiling water, cover, leave for an hour, strain.

  • Nettle for hair growth

Mix crushed nettles, coltsfoot, flax seeds, burdock roots, string (1 tablespoon of each herb), pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave covered for about an hour. Before applying to your head, pour 2 tablespoons of fresh onion juice.

Homemade nettle hair masks are your way to achieving healthy and beautiful curls! The recipes for folk remedies that we have collected for you, dear readers, although they are easy to prepare and use, have a powerful effect and can give a head start to branded cosmetic formulations! Try a couple of home procedures with masks and see for yourself their healing power!

Nettle hair masks at home can quickly and effectively improve the condition of hair follicles, restoring strands along their length. And most importantly, nettle masks are suitable for every hair type and do not require special skills in preparation!

About using nettle for hair

Nettle has been considered the main medicinal and cosmetic plant of our latitudes for hundreds of years. It is available (it grows on every corner), and its composition is full of microelements that hair needs for volume and shine!

Usually, young shoots of stinging nettle are used to improve the health of hair bulbs and nourish hair. And if you want to speed up the growth of strands or stop their loss, use roots and leaves.

If you want to look great and be the queen of any beach, then use it like a surgeon’s scalpel!

Plant composition

If your hair has become dull and weak, please treat it with nettle hair masks at home, which contain elements necessary for strands such as:

  1. B vitamins;
  2. carotene;
  3. pantothenic acid;
  4. vitamin C, etc.;
  5. beneficial acids and essential oils.

The best nettle masks

Vitamin hair mask from nettle

It is necessary to cut five to seven stems of young nettles, wash and chop them as finely as possible (I chop them in a blender). Now mix the gruel with 50 grams of warm burdock oil and three dessert spoons of honey. Let the mixture sit for about fifteen minutes so that the nettle releases its juice.

After this, rub the mask into a clean scalp using finger massage movements, warm it up by putting on a shower cap and wait 25 minutes. You can then wash off the home remedy with water and a mild shampoo.

Nettle anti-dandruff mask

We will need five to six dessert spoons of the following ingredients:

  • dry nettle;
  • calamus root;
  • coltsfoot grass.

Pour all the listed herbs into a liter of boiling water and place in a steam bath. We steam for ten minutes, after which we wrap the broth in a warm towel or blanket and leave to infuse for another hour. We wash clean hair with this decoction twice or thrice a week. Usually dandruff goes away after five treatments.

Nettle against oily seborrhea

Take six teaspoons of the following herbs:

  • heather;
  • hop cones;
  • stinging nettle;
  • burdock roots.

Grind the ingredients and simmer in a liter of water for twenty minutes. Strain the finished broth and use it twice a week to rinse your hair.

Nettle mask against severe hair loss

To prepare another nettle hair mask at home, take one large spoon at a time:

  • onion juice;
  • Flaxseed;
  • burdock roots;
  • sequences;
  • nettle;
  • coltsfoot.

Pour everything except the onion juice with a liter of hot water and cook the mixture in a steam bath for half an hour, then cover with a lid and wait for an hour. Before use, add onion juice and apply the mixture to clean hair. Repeat twice a week.

Nettle decoction for hair restoration

Pour one hundred and fifty grams of dry nettle into two glasses of boiling water and add a glass of sea buckthorn juice. Cook over low heat for half an hour, filter and use, diluting with purified or melt water for rinsing.

The natural healing power of stinging nettle for hair will restore and maintain the health and beauty of your strands!

In ancient times, nettle was a very popular plant. It served as a universal raw material that was used in many fields. Nettle was used to make strong ropes, fabrics, fishing nets, it was eaten, used for punishment and treatment. Nettle has also found application in cosmetology. It was especially often used for hair care. Today we will talk about what exactly nettle is good for hair, how to prepare and use it correctly.

Nettle - beneficial properties for hair

In ancient times, there were no expensive shampoos and conditioners containing keratin or arginine, yet women managed to look their best and conquer others with luxurious hair. Of course, our great-grandmothers owe much of the good condition of their hair to a favorable environmental situation, a diet that did not contain harmful additives and any chemicals, and their lifestyle was completely different, much healthier than the current one. But natural cosmetics made from the gifts of nature also played an important role in the beauty of hair.

One of the most popular hair products was, and remains to this day, . This amazing plant has the most beneficial effect on the human body. With its help, you can solve many internal problems, for example, getting rid of diseases of the bladder and liver, and external ones - healing wounds, ulcers, relieving inflammation, etc. Nettle also has medicinal properties that can best affect the condition of the hair and scalp. This effect is due to the high content and successful combination of nutrients in the plant. Nettle contains vitamin K, which is necessary for hair, such well-known vitamins of female beauty as E, C and B, carotenoids, calcium, organic acids and phytoncides that have a beneficial effect on hair. Due to its wide range of actions, nettle affects the curls and scalp as follows:

How does nettle work?

Almost everyone knows the ability of nettles to sting. But despite the discomfort, it is quite useful. After contact with nettle, blood actively rushes to the affected areas, reaching even the most distant and small capillaries of the skin. As a result, they are more saturated with nutrients and oxygen than usual, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The same thing, although with less intensity, happens to the scalp when using nettle juice or decoction. But the condition of the hair itself largely depends on its condition.

Nettle for hair - rules of use

For effective hair care, you can use both fresh and dried nettle. The herb can be used as an independent remedy, preparing infusions, decoctions or masks from it, or together with other components. But before you decide to care for your hair with nettles, you should familiarize yourself with some nuances:

  • Nettle products make hair stiffer and slightly dry, so those with dry curls should avoid rinsing and use herbal products only for rubbing into the roots.
  • Nettle has a slight coloring effect. After using it, blonde hair may acquire a greenish tint. To avoid this, it is recommended to add lemon juice to infusion, decoction or any other means made from nettle.
  • To make it easier to apply liquid nettle products to the roots, use a spray bottle.
  • After rinsing the strands, lightly rub the product into the skin and hair, and then massage the scalp.

Read also:

How to do hair carving yourself

Rinsing hair with nettle

Regular rinsing with nettle can successfully replace expensive salon procedures. As a rule, a decoction or infusion is used for rinsing.

Nettle decoction for hair

This product can be prepared in several ways:

  • Fresh nettle decoction. Thoroughly wash fresh nettles with stems (about fifty grams). Boil half a liter of water, then put nettles in it, simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  • Decoction of nettle leaves and roots. This product will help eliminate many hair problems. To prepare it, combine dry nettle leaves and roots in equal quantities in one container. Place a couple of tablespoons of the raw material in a saucepan with a glass of water brought to a boil. Boil the nettle for half an hour, then cool and strain. Use a product to rub into the roots. For rinsing, it is recommended to dilute the broth with boiled water.
  • For dry hair. Combine coltsfoot and nettle in equal quantities. Steam three tablespoons of herbs with half a liter of boiling water, and then boil them for a quarter of an hour.
  • Decoction for dandruff. Mix equal amounts of heather, nettle, crushed hop cones, chamomile and burdock root. Bring four hundred milliliters of water to a boil in a saucepan, then add a couple of tablespoons of a mixture of herbs, boil them for about ten minutes, cool and strain. Use for rinsing.

It is recommended to rinse your hair every time after you wash your hair. If you are used to carrying out this procedure every day, you still shouldn’t wash your hair with nettle products so often; do it about three times a week. By the way, if you have to wash your hair every day because your hair is oily, after using nettle, you can do this in a day or even two.

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Nettle for hair

It has been scientifically proven that many cosmetic problems develop due to nervous tension, against the background of constant stress. The skin becomes dull, wrinkles appear, hair becomes brittle and constantly falls out.

But not everything is so sad; you can restore the beauty and health of your hair with the help of herbal medicine. The benefits of natural herbs are undeniable: since ancient times, people have used tinctures, decoctions and masks to treat ailments and eliminate cosmetic problems. Few people know that ordinary nettle (Urtica dióica), which grows in wastelands and forests, is a real treasure trove of beauty and health. Since ancient times, people have been striving to solve two riddles: how to turn ordinary stones into gold and how to obtain the elixir of eternal youth and health. Of course, nettle tincture cannot claim to be a mystical elixir, but it is definitely capable of prolonging the beauty and youth of hair.

With the help of this ordinary, one might say weed, plant, many serious and dangerous ailments can be cured. Nettle helps with vitamin deficiency, alleviates urolithiasis, and cures many ailments of the upper respiratory tract. This plant is used in the treatment of tuberculosis. Nettle is valued for its bactericidal properties, its vitamin-rich composition, and its ability to improve blood clotting. But it turns out that these are not all the beneficial properties of nettle.

How to improve your hair with nettle

Hair that shines with health is the goal of almost all women in the world. Many representatives of the fair sex spend incredible amounts of money to achieve their goal, storming beauty salons or buying tons of cosmetics. Nettle decoction is the simplest, and most importantly, cheapest way to restore health and beauty to your hair. It is very easy to prepare. All you need is nettle and water. If possible, it is better to use a fresh green plant. But dried leaves are also quite suitable for these purposes. In addition, nettle root is used for hair. Dry leaves and rhizomes of nettle can be bought at any pharmacy.

How to brew nettle for hair

Green nettles need to be cut, washed in cold water and thrown into an enamel pan. Next, this “compote” needs to be slowly brought to a boil. It is not advisable for the leaves and stems to be boiled in boiling water for a long time; the beneficial properties will be significantly reduced. Next, the broth should be allowed to cool. If time is running out, you can add cold water to the hot water, diluting the broth to the desired temperature. If dried nettle was used, the decoction should cool on its own; it is not advisable to dilute it. Then everything is very simple: after your hair is washed, you need to rinse it with a healing decoction. If the liquid has not cooled down yet, then there is no need to be heroic; it is better to dilute it to an acceptable temperature, because self-care should be a pleasure.

A decoction of plants maintains hair thickness, preventing hair loss, and nourishes the follicles. When collecting a plant, there are certain nuances: it is best to pick young shoots, they are the most pungent and contain the maximum number of useful substances. It is also not advisable to use flowering nettles. If there are no plants without flowers, then before brewing you need to remove small flowers from the stems.

Beneficial properties of nettle for hair

Nettle is a universal plant that has a comprehensive beneficial effect on hair. It is an effective remedy for dandruff, and also adds shine to hair, strengthening and healing it.

Nettle for hair: recipes for preparing decoctions, tinctures and masks

Fresh nettle for hair

Squeeze the juice from fresh nettle and rub into the roots of your hair, after washing and drying your hair, wrap your head and leave for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This procedure will strengthen your hair and accelerate its growth. A fresh nettle hair mask is made every other day for 3 weeks.

Nettle infusion for hair

Pour 400 ml of boiling water over dry nettle leaves (4 tbsp), let it brew for 5-7 hours. Rub the resulting infusion into the scalp. Nettle tincture for hair will enhance growth and improve hair health. The procedure should be carried out every other day.

Nettle decoction for hair

Take 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves and rhizomes of nettle, pour 250 ml of water and simmer for 20-30 minutes, let the broth cool, then rub it into the hair roots and do not rinse. Nettle for hair growth is used after each hair wash.

Nettle hair mask with essential oils

In addition to decoctions, nettle masks are wonderful for healing hair. They are also very easy to use; a paste of the plant and essential oils should be applied to a clean head. Next, you need to carefully wrap your hair in soft cellophane and wrap it with a towel on top. You need to keep the mask for about half an hour and then wash it off. You can learn about the properties of essential oils.

Mask with nettle and burdock oil for hair

The composition includes burdock oil, young nettle ground in a blender or meat grinder and natural honey. Two tablespoons of plant pulp, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of oil should be thoroughly mixed together and applied to the hair, left for 30-40 minutes, then rinsed off. A hair mask made from nettle and burdock oil is used 2-3 times a week.

Vitamin mask from nettle for hair

Take 1 yolk, 150 ml of nettle decoction and 1 ml of ampoule vitamins B1 and B6, mix and apply the resulting mixture along the entire length of the hair, wrap your head and wait 40-50 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo. This nourishing hair mask should be done 1-2 times a week.

Nettle mask for oily hair

A few tablespoons of nettle pulp, the same number of tablespoons of ground fresh chamomile and the whites of two eggs. These ingredients also need to be mixed and applied to the hair. But you need to keep it on your hair for no more than 10 minutes, since the protein tightens the skin on the head.

Nettle and burdock for hair

Take a decoction of nettle and a decoction of burdock roots, 150-200 ml each, rinse your hair with it after washing your hair. Rinsing your hair with nettle can be done regularly after each hair wash. A hair mask made from nettle and burdock will make your hair silky and healthy.

Hair mask with nettle and yeast

To 200 ml of nettle decoction add 50 grams of yeast, 4 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, apply the resulting mixture to your hair and leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Nettle and honey hair mask

Squeeze the juice from fresh nettles and add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots and wait 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Instead of fresh nettle juice, you can make 100 ml of nettle decoction. This nettle mask nourishes and strengthens the hair roots.

Nettle hair mask with henna

Take 5 tbsp. l. dry nettle leaves and 4 tsp. colorless henna, pour boiling water, mix thoroughly and let it brew, add beaten egg yolk to the cooled broth. Apply to hair, wrap head with a towel, wait 20-30 minutes and rinse with shampoo.
A mask with nettle and henna for hair can be used 2 times a week.

Strengthening nettle hair mask

In a deep container you need to mix 2 tablespoons of finely chopped mint, a glass of zero-fat kefir, 3 tablespoons of ground nettle. Mint helps cool the scalp and reduces oil production.

Nettle and vinegar hair mask

When boiling nettles, pour apple cider vinegar into the water in a 3:1 ratio. Rinse clean hair and let it dry naturally. Hair shine mask with nettle and vinegar makes hair smooth and manageable.

Nettle infusion for hair against dandruff

To rinse your hair, you need to prepare a simple infusion: three tablespoons of crushed coltsfoot leaves and three tablespoons of chopped nettle. The plants are poured with a liter of hot water and infused in a dark place for an hour. Before use, the liquid must be strained. Next, the washed hair should be rinsed with a decoction and dried without using a hair dryer.

Mask with nettle and coltsfoot for coarse, unruly hair

Take 60 gr. nettles and coltsfoot for 1 liter. water, bring the broth to a boil, then let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. Pour the resulting solution into a bowl, add about 2 liters of warm water. and leave your hair for a few minutes, then rinse your hair with this solution, do not rinse. This recipe for nettle decoction for hair will make it soft and manageable.

Nettle decoction for hair loss

Mix 150 gr. nettle with one glass of sea buckthorn juice (it is better to take freshly squeezed juice). Pour boiling water over and let sit for 20-30 minutes. Rub the resulting mixture into the roots of your hair in a circular motion for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Nettle for hair loss is applied every other day.

Lightening hair with chamomile and nettle

It turns out that with the help of a simple herbal decoction you can give your hair a light golden hue and shine. The main ingredient in this lightening decoction is chamomile flowers. Nettle does not affect hair color, but makes it healthier. To prepare the decoction, you need to take one tablespoon of crushed chamomile flowers and nettle stems. Plants need to be filled with hot water, but not boiling. The liquid should sit for about an hour, then it should be filtered and used to rinse your hair. After this procedure, you need to wrap your head in a towel for 15 minutes. Chamomile and nettle are essential hair products that will make your hair beautiful and healthy.

After cosmetic procedures, you can treat yourself to a light head massage. This is not only pleasant, but also useful. Touch improves blood flow, which facilitates better absorption of nutrients from decoctions and masks by the skin. Nettle for hair receives positive reviews; in addition, it is affordable and easy to use.

Nettle decoctions and infusions are useful and effective, but it is worth remembering that each person has individual characteristics; do not forget to test your skin for sensitivity to the components of a hair mask with nettle.

On April 17, Moscow will host the Mesopharm conference "Scientific approach to aesthetic medicine. Current issues and industry trends."

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