When they start collecting birch brooms for a bathhouse. When is the best time to prepare bath brooms? When to harvest birch brooms

The Russian bathhouse, first built in Rus', is still being built to this day. Even in those days, it was considered a place where the spirit was purified. Many residents of suburban villages strive to build this extension on their site. What kind of bathhouse can you imagine without a broom? Few people know, but preparing bath brooms is an entire art that requires observing many little details.

Features of the workpiece: every detail is important

To begin with, it is worth saying that this attribute is simply irreplaceable. As you know, the air temperature in the bathhouse is very high, and with the help of a broom you can control it. In addition, under the influence of steam, the skin begins to breathe, the pores open, and therefore it’s time to perform a massage using this bath attribute. for a bath, they proceed from the fact that this particular tree is capable of providing a restorative, disinfectant, diaphoretic and diuretic effect. However, you can use branches of any trees - it all depends on the preferences of each person. Linden, oak, coniferous, bird cherry and even eucalyptus broom - any of them can be safely used both in the bathhouse and in the sauna.

Many, when going for a bath, turn this process into a whole ritual. After all, the quality of the massage will depend on the right approach. Ideally, you should start harvesting in late spring - early summer; most often, villagers focus on It is believed that it is at this time that birch is best suited for making brooms. To prevent the product from quickly losing all its foliage, it is worth cutting off the branches in dry weather, after lunch, since at this time the branches will be dry.

When choosing only healthy trees that are located away from various enterprises. It is clear that infected branches are unlikely to bring any benefit. To make blanks, you should select young shoots, carefully cutting them with a knife or pruning shears. The length of the branches should be no more than 50 cm. Be sure to sort the branches, getting rid of the lower leaves and twigs. Branches collected in a bundle should not be pressed too hard with a rope - this will make them easier to store.

When birch brooms are prepared for a bathhouse, much attention is paid to the degree of drying. Under no circumstances should you dry them in the open sun. The most practical option is to store them hanging in a cool, dark place such as a shed. Brooms should not be close to each other, as this will interfere with their proper ventilation. This approach will preserve this important bath attribute not only its aesthetic appearance, but also all its medicinal properties.

Before that, it is worth studying the features of their various types. For example, oak bundle has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, and linden bundle is useful for the prevention of respiratory diseases and colds. Juniper broom (by the way, quite rare) has a disinfectant and bactericidal effect, and bird cherry broom is incredibly fragrant. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. The main thing is to skillfully use the gifts of nature so that the finished broom can benefit the body.

It is impossible to imagine a Russian bathhouse without a broom. This is an indispensable attribute that is present not only for beauty and to give a certain flavor.

No wonder the proverb says: “The bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules, the bathhouse will fix everything.” The medicinal purpose of brooms has been known for a very long time; their beneficial effects on human health have already been proven.

Going to the bathhouse and denying yourself the pleasure of taking a steam bath is not in the rules of those who enjoy bathing procedures. A good broom is highly valued, and experts can accurately indicate the time of its preparation by the size of the leaves. Soft, non-burning steam, plus whipping, similar to a kind of massage, helps get rid of many diseases.

What types of brooms are there?

The most famous and widespread birch brooms. And not because Russia is a land of birch groves. It is easy to breathe in a birch forest, thanks to the release of biologically active substances, they purify the air, killing pathogenic viruses.

Brooms are knitted not only from birch; other trees, herbs and shrubs are also suitable for them.

What can you make a broom from:

  • Linden;
  • Juniper;
  • Nettle;
  • Currant;
  • Cedar;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • Fir;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Rowan;
  • Tansy;
  • Ash;
  • Birch.

Harvesting brooms for a birch bath occurs according to certain rules and at the appropriate time. This is very important, because the leaves should contain the greatest amount of phytoncides, vitamins, and essential oils. If you cut the branches at the wrong time, then there will be no benefit from it, and sometimes the leaves simply fall off.

The best birch brooms are traditionally prepared for Trinity. It was believed that they have special healing powers, since the leaves are young at this time and exude a unique aroma. The collection of raw materials continues from mid-June to mid-July.

Rules for preparing branches for brooms

The best time to harvest birch brooms for a bath is in the morning in dry, sunny weather. If the leaves on the trees are wet, then during the drying process they will darken and fall off. Therefore, harvesting is not carried out in rainy weather.

Rules for cutting branches and choosing trees:

  • Birch trees for harvesting are chosen to grow in environmentally friendly places. Far from roads and large populated areas;
  • Cut off branches that are closer to the ground. Their length should not exceed 50-60 cm;
  • The most suitable are lateral branches from young trees;
  • The leaves should be soft, velvety, tender, and the branches should be thin.

The size of the broom is not of fundamental importance, the main thing is that it is comfortable to hold. Some people like small ones, while others like big ones.

Their shape should resemble a fan, not a broom. In order for them to be stored until the next season, it is necessary to comply with the deadlines for preparing birch brooms for the bathhouse.

To get a good broom, it is not enough to choose and prepare the raw materials correctly. This is only half the battle, the second half is observing all the conditions.

Methods for drying and storing brooms

The quality of the final product, as well as its safety, depends on the choice of place for drying. The instructions for choosing a room indicate what conditions it must meet. It is not difficult to comply with them; usually every private household has buildings suitable for this purpose.

Requirements for drying and storage space:

  • Dry in the shade, carefully protecting from sunlight. This will prevent the leaves from burning out and curling;
  • It is necessary to build a canopy with shelves or special hanging devices;
  • Avoid drafts;
  • The room should be dry and cool. A barn or attic is ideal for both drying and storage;
  • Turn over during drying to ensure even drying.

Their beneficial properties depend on how properly the brooms are stored. Cardboard boxes with holes for fresh air or a hayloft made from dried meadow hay are suitable for this.

Residents of large cities who have country houses or dachas with a bathhouse do not always have time to prepare their own food. In addition, not all of them know when it is better to prepare birch brooms for a bathhouse. There is a way out in this situation - you can buy ready-made ones.

This is convenient and eliminates the need to look for the right material, cut branches, knit and dry. All bath accessories and brooms are sold in specialized stores or departments of large shopping centers. The price for them is not high, quite affordable for the average buyer.

The healing properties of birch brooms

Visiting the bathhouse improves health, helping to cope with many diseases. Using a broom greatly enhances this effect ().

Hitting the body with it is a kind of massage; in addition, the movement of hot air promotes water-salt metabolism. Such procedures help train blood vessels, strengthening their walls.

When they prepare birch brooms for a bathhouse, they first of all think about what benefits it will bring.

What beneficial substances does birch broom contain:

  • Tannins;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Essential oils and phytoncides.

All of the above has a calming effect on the body and promotes wound healing. It is very good for relieving inflammation from the skin and muscles, as well as eliminating joint pain.

It is also useful to use it for all kinds of respiratory diseases. All beneficial substances penetrate the body through the pores on the skin, cleansing them and helping them open.

Note! Before using a birch or any other broom, you should consult a doctor if there is the slightest doubt that your health allows it.

How to knit birch brooms

The most important thing before starting work is to clear the branches from knots where the handle is supposed to be. There should be no leaves here so that it is comfortable to hold on to and the broom does not injure your hands.

It can be big, but you shouldn't make it heavy. First of all, it should be comfortable. The most preferred branch length is 40-80 cm.

The branches are carefully collected and tied with twine, holding them with your left hand. On the side opposite from the leaves, the broom is wrapped with a piece of flat cloth - this prevents chafing of the skin during use. The broom should have a long handle, at least 15-20 cm - this way it will be comfortable to hold it with your hand.

Before starting to knit a broom, the branches are sorted out. It is advisable to sort them according to the length and density of the leaves.

They should be distributed evenly over the entire surface. It is not advisable to use branches where there is very little vegetation or where it is dry.


A broom is an integral attribute of a bathhouse; more than one visit is not complete without it. The unique aroma of birch fills the steam room, improving your mood and well-being. Afterwards it’s nice to plunge into a cool body of water ().

Only a broom assembled according to all the rules will serve as a good assistant in strengthening the protective functions of the body. The timing of material collection is of paramount importance. The video in this article will go into more detail about the nuances of this process.

True bath lovers are well aware that in order to get real pleasure from visiting the steam room, they need dry steam, and of course, a healing folk remedy for strong health - a good-quality broom. Proper preparation of brooms for a bathhouse is a very responsible process. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Let's look at the types of brooms, their healing properties, time and rules for harvesting. How to make a broom yourself - watch useful video tips from a specialist.

The right brooms for a bath

Brooms are most often prepared from birch, oak, eucalyptus, linden, juniper, and young nettle. And each of them is good in its own way.

Birch broom

He is everyone's favorite. Its properties:

  • perfectly massages and calms the nerves;
  • relieves pain;
  • heals wounds;
  • cleanses the skin.

It’s not for nothing that people say “sticks like a leaf.” It is thanks to the porous surface that the sheet adheres tightly to the body and absorbs sweat. Thus, unnecessary, harmful substances with toxins and waste are removed from the body through the pores.

The volatile substances released by birch brooms not only create an unforgettable aroma in the steam room, but also purify the air, destroying various microorganisms. Breathing this air is very beneficial for lung diseases.


It is best to harvest birch brooms in the first half of summer. By this time, the leaves on the birch had already grown stronger. Young birch trees that have not yet bear fruit are suitable for harvesting. Their foliage is smooth and delicate, and their branches are flexible.

Such trees are most often found in low, fairly damp places. And also near reservoirs, ponds, rivers, that is, closer to the water.

At the same time, you should remember to respect nature, cut young shoots from several trees without harming the tree. If the upper surface of the leaf is already rough and rough, then such shoots should not be cut off - they are not suitable.

Oak broom

Many bath lovers prefer it. It is more massive and durable. The dense leaves of oak branches allow you to generate intense heat over the body and perform an excellent massage.

It is better to harvest oak brooms from June to August, choosing damp places in the forest for this.

Preparing bath brooms from other plants

Brooms made from linden and currant branches are less durable. But the high content of vitamins in them allows them to have a beneficial effect on the entire body and restore strength.

There are many fans of brooms made from juniper, and in Siberia - from fir and cedar. They relieve any fatigue and stress, and illness goes away. They are especially good for treating rheumatism, muscle and joint pain.

Of course, you need to get used to the tingling sensation of brooms made of juniper, fir, and cedar. However, the resinous aroma and excellent massage are worth a little patience and a lot of pleasure.

Brooms made from young nettle branches are useful, as they contain many vitamins, iron and other valuable substances. Before the steam room, it should be placed not in hot, but in warm water. They need to be harvested in the spring during the flowering of nettles (they are not stored in reserve).

Steam room lovers often use mixed brooms, for example:

  • from birch and oak;
  • birch and wormwood;
  • eucalyptus and oak.

But no matter what he is, his presence in the steam room is simply necessary. And the therapeutic effect will be enhanced.

How to knit a broom for a bath

After harvesting the branches, they begin to form them. Knit them in a certain sequence:

First, thicker branches are laid, they serve as a frame.

Then thin branches are tightly arranged around it, bending inwards.

The number of branches may vary. The main thing is that the broom turns out to be quite dense and thick, but at the same time convenient for a free swing.

For a more visual representation, watch how the preparation of brooms for a bath takes place and the rules for knitting them in the video.

Preparing brooms for a bath according to the rules

Now let's remember a few general requirements:

1. Places for harvesting should be chosen away from busy highways, wastewater treatment plants, and polluted water bodies.

2. Branches and young shoots must be cut carefully, without causing harm to the tree or plant.

3. It is best to store finished brooms in a dry, dark, but ventilated area. In bright light they turn yellow, become less durable and lose their aroma.

4. It is not only in dry weather that raw materials need to be prepared. Under no circumstances should moisture be allowed to enter during storage.

It is important to know when to prepare brooms for a bath. The Russian bath tradition involves the use, more often, of branches of birch and oak trees. “A bathhouse without a broom is like a flower without scent,” people say.

The broom not only warms up the body of the bath attendant with the help of steam, but at the same time gives a massage, provides useful inhalation, helps get rid of various diseases, gain health and longevity. The aroma of birch and oak leaves creates a good mood, you become calmer and rested.

When to prepare brooms for a bath

Summer is harvesting time.
By preparing it ourselves, we save money and enjoy communicating with nature, we make a high-quality product from good (selected) raw materials, we adjust the length of the branches and the thickness of the finished product in a way that is convenient for us.

When to prepare birch brooms

The harvesting of birch brooms in Central Russia begins at the end of the Trinity church holiday - this is the beginning of June, and the harvesting ends in early August.
You can independently determine the time of collection; when trying to tear a birch leaf from a branch, it must hold tight and reach its greatest size. The main rule for collecting is dry weather; if the weather is rainy, you need to wait a couple of days.

When to prepare oak brooms

Oak trees begin to be harvested at the same time as birch trees. It is best to harvest them on trees located at the edge of the forest; the branches here are not as high from the ground as in a dense forest.

Preparing brooms for a bath

The preparation must be done in dry weather, in the first half of the day or closer to the second, when the morning dew has dried on the leaves. Pay attention to the leaves; they should not have any damage indicating tree disease (yellowness around the edges, traces of caterpillars).

Take a good look at the birch leaves; damaged or diseased leaves are not suitable for the bunch.

Preparing brooms for a bath. Technology

For birch blanks, choose branches without catkins; 3-4 skeletal branches should be quite thick, the remaining 20-30 branches flexible and thin. They need to be cut with a knife or use pruning shears; if the branches are simply broken off, this will harm the tree.

Cut branches from 50 to 65 centimeters long (depending on the height and preferences of the harvester) are stacked on top of each other with the back side of the leaves facing up, laying the branches in a circle, in a spiral. Gradually forming a tight bun.

Don’t try to straighten the ends, they are leveled after the bunch, with a knife or pruning shears, the main thing is to evenly fold the base, where the leaves begin.

How to knit a broom for a bath

When the preparation of brooms is completed, they must be tied correctly.

Most often they are tied with a nylon thread, in the upper part, as tightly as possible and without cutting the thread, a new dressing is made at the bottom.

how to tie a broom for a bath

This makes it possible to use the thread that stretches from the top to the bottom bandage to hang on the wall or string on a line for drying. This way, your broom will be tied in two places, which provides an additional guarantee of reliability against branches falling apart.

Make the length of the handle twice the width of your palms, removing leaves from this place.

For convenience, the handle can be wrapped in fabric, then it will not scratch your hands. Do this immediately before using the broom. Its handle should fit comfortably in your hand (not be too thick or thin), then you will not get tired while using it. Finally, so that the branches at the end of the handle are the same length, they are trimmed with pruning shears or chopped off with an ax.

You need to dry the broom in the shade (the leaves will turn yellow in the sun) in a ventilated area, preferably in a frequent draft. If you pile them up instead of hanging them on the wall, they will become covered with mold and become unusable. After about 7-8 days, the brooms must be removed, tied with renewed vigor and put on a rack in a dark and dry place in the dressing room or roof.

How to knit a broom from bast

Previously, our ancestors tied brooms with linden bast.

Bast is the inner side of the bark of tree branches; the surface of the bark was torn off and a thin thread of the inner side of the bark remained, from which in the old days many products were made, washcloths, bast shoes, baskets, etc. They try to tear off the bast longer, then peel it from the bark on one side, carefully without tearing it.

Brooms are tied with prepared bast directly during collection, when, for example, a broom is urgently needed, but there is no thread for tying. The collected bundle is clamped with the knees with the leaves facing down, and the base is tied very tightly, wrapping it several times. This method is very reliable and strong.

how to tie brooms with bast

You can tie any kind of brooms in this way, however, if you still have the opportunity to find a dressing thread or other material, try to use it so as to cause less harm to nature.

Useful properties of a broom

The use of oak and birch brooms is recommended as a disinfectant and tonic.

Birch broom and - often helps with pain in muscles and joints, after intense physical activity - has a calming effect on the muscles. The birch version with 3 - 4 branches of viburnum will help you get rid of skin itching after a mosquito bite.

Oak broom and - an excellent helper in the fight against oily skin - makes it matte and elastic. Helps to relax after stressful situations, lowers blood pressure, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Linden broom- cures respiratory diseases, its smell is reminiscent of fresh honey, having a calming effect on the body. Relieves headaches, increases sweating and cleanses clogged pores, has a wound-healing effect, and is very useful for dry skin.

Conifers- from pine, spruce, pine and fir are used as a tonic; thanks to essential oils, they have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, have expectorant and diaphoretic properties. You need to steam them carefully so as not to damage the skin. To make the needles softer, you need to pour boiling water and hold in it for 5-10 minutes. Coniferous brooms do not need to be dried; their needles will fall off, so they can only be used fresh.

Eucalyptus - used as a medicine against articular, neurological and respiratory diseases, strong against nasal congestion and runny nose. Has a very good antibacterial effect for the skin. Eucalyptus essential oils help improve immunity. Steam a broom in a bathhouse and bring it to your face, breathe for 3-4 minutes, repeat the procedure several times.

Rowanaceae- has a tonic property. It is recommended to use it in the first half of the day, as it can cause insomnia.

Nettles- eliminates muscle pain after physical activity, helps relieve pain in osteochondrosis and rheumatism. It has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic properties, improves skin condition. It is not recommended to brew nettle broom for more than 1-2 seconds; it must be used very carefully, otherwise the leaves may simply come off.

As part of other brooms or independently, you can use branches of nettle and wormwood, which enhance the healing effect and add a unique aroma to the bath procedure.
A good “bouquet” absorbs the products of the metabolic process, promotes rapid cleansing and healing of our body.

How to brew a broom

It is very important to know how to brew a broom correctly. If it is recently harvested and fresh, then simply rinse it with warm water and it is ready for use. Do not leave a fresh broom for a long time in a bowl of water, it will begin to stick and quickly become “naked.”

If it is dried, then it is not recommended to immediately brew it in boiling water; it must be kept in warm water for some time, and then pour boiling water over it - this way the leaves will hold stronger and longer, then shake the brewed broom over hot stones for 10-15 seconds and it is ready . You can also soak a dry broom in warm water for 12-18 hours, it will retain all the essential oils and beneficial properties.

Never pour out the water in which the broom is infused; it can be used to rinse hair, wash and add aroma in the bathhouse by pouring it over the stones.

At one time it was certainly considered, and still is considered by some, one of the most popular brooms for lovers of the Russian bath. The large population of brooms from young birch shoots is due to the unique properties of birch branches and leaves, which are expressed during bathing procedures.

Until now, birch brooms for baths are considered the most traditional

One of these properties is to disinfect the environment. This action is caused by the abundance of phytoncides in the branches and leaves of birch. Let me remind you that this substance is volatile and effectively destroys microbes and viruses in the environment. In addition, released from steamed leaves, phytoncides cleanse the skin of infections. It is not for nothing that from time immemorial birch groves are considered the cleanest and most calming.

It would be nice to remember that the disinfectant property of birch is successfully used in medicine. For example, for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc., folk healers prefer to use an infusion of birch leaves. It is recommended to rinse the nasopharynx and nose with the same infusion for inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, rhinitis, and adenoid growths.

Infusions and decoctions based on birch leaves help with inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, liver and kidney diseases. Also, and not least, birch infusions have an effective healing effect on atherosclerosis and rheumatism; hot compresses soothe joint pain in arthralgia of various origins, gouty and rheumatic inflammation of the joints.

You can still describe for a long time and in detail all the miraculous properties that a birch broom for a bath and its leaves contain, but then this article will not be about the broom, but rather about diseases and how to treat them. Therefore, we will return to “our sheep,” that is, to the brooms.

Properties of a birch broom for a bath

The high flexibility of birch broom branches allows it to be an ideal massager. Not every broom can boast of this property. Using different ways of using a broom, you can make a deep massage, for example, whipping or a superficial massage - stroking.

If you carefully examine a birch leaf, you can observe characteristic porosity on it. It is they who have the unique ability to absorb sweat from the surfaces of the body, and with it keratinized epithelial cells and the smallest impurities. Due to the sticky substance that birch leaves secrete, albeit in small quantities, all contaminants remain on the broom. That is why it is not recommended to use a birch broom for a bath by several people at once. On a well-dried birch broom, this sticky substance cannot be detected by touch.

But when properly steamed, it is clearly expressed, especially on young leaves.

Steamed birch bark and leaves release not only phytoncides, but also minerals, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which has antioxidant properties (it destroys viral and microbial infections and prevents the development of cancer cells) and nourishes the skin, which, with prolonged use of a birch broom gains elasticity and firmness.

How and when to prepare birch brooms for a bath

People who have “eaten more than one pack of dogs” during bath procedures and have knitted many birch brooms in their lives give recommendations regarding making and drying birch brooms for baths:

The best time to collect birch brooms(they need to be prepared in advance for the year) - this is the last ten days of June and the beginning of July. It is at this time that the leaves and bark of the birch are, as they say, in the juice itself - they are the richest in chemical composition and juice; young branches are flexible, not yet roughened, and the leaves are tender, soft, distinguished by the greatest aroma;

The weather also plays a significant role in the harvesting of birch branches. The most suitable is dry. Many years of experience prove that if you harvest brooms from birch, even not in rainy, but in humid weather, then the leaves will quickly lose their “marketable” appearance - they will darken or turn yellow. As people say, they will burn. And such a broom will no longer be suitable for bathing procedures - the leaves will not hold on and will fall off immediately at the first whipping;

For making birch brooms for a bath, branches of young trees 2-4 meters high are best suited. Although there are lovers who prefer to steam with brooms tied from weeping birch (more mature trees). But it is better to give preference to those branches that have not yet had time to bear fruit - they have the greatest healing power;

It is recommended to cut birch branches for a broom from the middle part of the tree. The lower branches are most often curved and rough, the leaves are rough and contain a little sticky substance. The upper birch branches have good straightness, but they are too stiff and not yet elastic enough. But the branches from the middle part have all the above positive qualities - flexible, straight, long, the leaves on them have a delicate, slightly velvety surface, which distinguishes them with the necessary porosity and there is enough adhesive substance on them;

It is recommended to knit a birch broom for a bath from branches cut from several birch trees. This can be explained simply - for a young tree, each cut branch is a serious loss, and stripping a young birch tree by a whole broom means destroying it. Can you imagine how these barbaric events will end;

The technique of knitting a bath broom also has its own tricks and subtleties (and everyone has their own, individual ones). You can simply take a bunch of birch branches, tie them and go to the bathhouse. But it is unlikely that you will get true pleasure and healing from this “broom”. To correctly tie a bath broom, you need to take the tougher branches as a basis and lay them on top with more flexible and soft ones with lush foliage. All this is laid out in two or three rows, or even more. Brooms knitted using this technique better demonstrate all their healing properties and retain their original shape for a long time. In subsequent articles, I promise to talk in more detail about the technique of knitting bath brooms;

The length of the handle and the working part of the broom are individual. It all depends on the taste and habits of the person who likes to take bath procedures. Short people do not always prefer to steam with a small broom and vice versa. But I’ll tell you for sure that the average size (the golden mean, so to speak) of a broom in length (handle plus working part) is 50-60 cm. At the same time, as a rule, no more than 15 cm is allocated to the handle;

It is impossible to imagine a bathhouse without traditional birch bath brooms

The tied broom is pulled in two places. Under no circumstances should you use wire, fishing line or other particularly hard strands as a dressing for a bath broom. Linen twine is best used for tying. By the way, once upon a time only bast (thin strips of bark cut from an aspen trunk) was used as a dressing for a broom. Even in our time, when there are a lot of special twines, you can meet people who pull bath brooms strictly with bast. The internal distance between the twines is the width of the soaring palm;

Before sending the broom to dry, there is no need to pull it too tightly (both twines are tied into a bow). All the same, after drying it will have to be re-tightened; besides, a broom that is not tied too tightly dries faster. This means there is a greater chance that the inside of the broom will not become moldy. And only after final drying is the broom pulled tightly.

Let's take a break for a while, and all the aspects of drying and how to steam We’ll look at it in the next article, which I’m sure you won’t miss if you subscribe to blog updates in the form just below.



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