What is hypercoagulability syndrome and how is it treated. Hypercoagulability syndrome during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman’s body is constantly changing, all organs and systems adapt to carrying a child and his birth. Blood clotting is one of its most dynamic indicators during all 9 months. Towards the end of the term it increases, preventing blood loss during childbirth. A coagulogram during pregnancy allows you to timely identify the risk of blood clots and some other conditions that complicate the process of bearing a child and put it at risk.

Such an examination must be completed three times in 9 months, that is, every trimester. If there are indications and deviations in the results, a coagulogram may be prescribed more often and with expanded indicators.

Coagulogram is an analysis of blood clotting ability. It shows whether there are violations of hemostasis - the system responsible for ensuring that blood flows through the vessels and clots when they are damaged.

There are two types of bleeding disorders:

  1. Hypocoagulation – low performance hemostasis, lack of thrombus formation and, as a consequence, large blood losses even with minor damage vessels.
  2. Hypercoagulation – high performance hemostasis, fast education blood clots with a risk of thrombosis, heart attack and stroke.

During pregnancy, these disorders are dangerous and can lead to miscarriage, premature birth of a child and large blood losses during childbirth. Throughout the entire period, a natural change in clotting indicators occurs, as provided by nature.

Why is a coagulogram needed during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is important that blood clotting parameters remain normal. Hypercoagulation can lead to complications during pregnancy. The fetus receives all the necessary nutrients and oxygen through the placenta, which is penetrated by many vessels. If blood clots appear in them, blood circulation is disrupted, and the child develops hypoxia, a deficiency of vitamins, microelements and some other compounds important for development.

As a result, the risk increases congenital pathologies. Poor circulation in the mother-placenta-fetus system can also lead to miscarriage, fetoplacental insufficiency, severe gestosis and the formation of blood clots in the mother’s vital vessels.

Hypocoagulation during pregnancy occurs against the background of a natural decrease in immunity, which protects the fetus from rejection by the maternal body.

Low coagulability is dangerous during childbirth, as it occurs big risk blood loss incompatible with life. On later such a violation can cause placental abruption. After birth, a child sometimes also experiences hypocoagulation.

How and when is the analysis carried out?

To test blood for clotting, a sample from a vein is needed. It is best to take the test in the morning, since it needs to be done on an empty stomach. At least 8 hours must pass from the last meal to the blood sampling procedure. Drinking during this time is only allowed clean water. You must tell the laboratory assistant about taking medications during the day before the analysis or make an entry on a form with personal data.

Normally, a coagulogram during pregnancy is performed once every trimester. In case of vascular, immune and hepatic disorders, this examination is performed more often. Also additional procedures may be required for women with negative Rh factor and with unsatisfactory previous results (after a course of treatment).

Decoding the result and norms of indicators

The coagulogram reflects five main indicators by which deviations in blood clotting are determined:

  1. Fibrinogen. These are the protein molecules that form most of the clot during coagulation. Usually their norm is from 2 to 4 g/l, but during pregnancy the figure can increase to 6 g/l. Every month this protein becomes more and more maximum amount observed at the time of birth.
  2. APTT. The indicator reflects the time period during which the blood has time to clot. The norm for pregnant women is 18-20 s, for others – up to 35 s.
  3. Thrombin time. This is the duration last stage coagulation. U healthy people the indicator ranges from 11 to 18 s. During pregnancy it increases slightly due to more fibrinogen, but is within upper limit norms.
  4. Prothrombin. One of the blood proteins involved in the formation of clots. The thickness of the blood and the possibility of timely clotting depend on its concentration. The normal indicator should fall in the range from 78 to 142%.
  5. Platelets. These are blood components that are produced bone marrow and participate in the coagulation process. The norm is 150-400 thousand/µl, but in pregnant women a reduction to 130 thousand/µl is permissible.

The data given indicates average rate, but in practice they may be higher or lower than those indicated, even with normal course pregnancy. Coagulability is affected chronic diseases, taking certain medications and even eating habits. Therefore, the results must be interpreted by a doctor.

Reasons for deviations from the norm

Depending on which indicator or their combination in the coagulogram deviates from the norm, the doctor may suggest one or another pathological condition or disease:

  1. Fibrinogen. The amount of this protein decreases with toxicosis, liver disease, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, taking anticoagulants, vitamin B12 and/or C deficiency, as well as chronic myeloid leukemia. Increased performance found in pregnant women with infectious diseases, hypothyroidism, myocardial infarction, stroke, pneumonia, cancer, and in those who have undergone surgery or burns.
  2. APTT. A decrease in the indicator is observed in phase 1 of DIC syndrome, an increase is observed in antiphospholipid syndrome, hemophilia, decreased coagulability and in the last phases of DIC syndrome.
  3. Thrombin time. It increases with changes in the amount of fibrinogen, taking medications with heparin, liver disease and DIC syndrome. A decrease may indicate the onset of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome.
  4. Prothrombin. The amount of this protein in the blood may increase in women taking certain drugs(for example, corticosteroids), as well as for thrombosis and oncological diseases. A decrease is observed in diseases gastrointestinal tract, DIC syndrome, hereditary disorders circulatory system, leukemia and taking certain medications.
  5. Platelets. The level of these elements increases with inflammatory processes, anemia, blood loss, cancer, blood pathologies, as well as physical stress. A decrease may indicate infection, systemic lupus erythematosus, thrombocytopenic purpura, enlarged spleen and disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome.

How do coagulogram data change during pregnancy?

As pregnancy progresses, blood clotting constantly increases, reaching a maximum towards childbirth. From the third month, fibrinogen levels begin to increase. Further, it constantly grows until the end of the term.

In parallel, there is an increase in the activity of the internal blood coagulation mechanism; in the results of the coagulogram this is reflected in a decrease in APTT. During pregnancy, the antithrombin III level decreases, which corresponds to the general trend towards increased coagulation.

Changes in coagulogram data during pregnancy are natural and physiological. They occur due to the appearance of another circle of blood circulation - the uteroplacental. The body increases the volume of circulating blood and its coagulability - these two mechanisms prevent the risk of blood loss during the birth of a child.

Indications for extended coagulogram

In some cases, an extended coagulogram during pregnancy (with additional indicators) is required. Such an examination is indicated if, as a result of the previous analysis, deviations from the norm were observed. It can also be prescribed to pregnant women with diseases accompanied by blood clotting disorders (liver pathologies, heavy menstruation or frequent nosebleeds, thrombosis and thromboembolism).

During pregnancy, a woman’s body is in a state of constant smooth restructuring. As the fetus develops, changes occur in all organs and systems of the mother that allow both to function. The hemostatic system also adapts to new living conditions. It should ensure the liquid state of circulating blood on the one hand and prevent blood loss on the other.

After the birth of the fetus and rejection of the placenta, the bleeding must be stopped; nature took care of the solution - during pregnancy, a woman’s blood gradually acquires increased viscosity.

A characteristic increase in blood clotting occurs during the second and third trimester. The hemostasis system is rebuilt in such a way as to increase important factors coagulation (from VIII to X). By the end of pregnancy, fibrinogen increases by 50%. Pregnant women do not experience these physiological changes.

If the indicators of the blood coagulation system exceed the norms accepted during pregnancy, they speak of pathological hypercoagulation syndrome. It can be congenital - occurs due to the breakdown of certain genes or acquired during life (as a consequence of certain diseases).

Hypercoagulation can lead to venous thrombosis. This is facilitated, characteristic of pregnancy, by slow blood flow in the lower extremities and dilation of the veins.

Congenital bleeding disorders include:

  • Leiden mutation (antithrombotic clot breaking factor is lost).
  • Mutation in the prothrombin gene region.
  • Impaired production of homocysteine.
  • Antithrombin III deficiency.
  • Increased VIII, IX, XI factors, or fibrinogen.
  • Fibrinolysis disorders.
  • Sticky platelet syndrome.
  • Polymorphism of the PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1) gene is the most common cause.
  • Hereditary deficiency of C protein and S protein.

Women with increased congenital coagulation may experience complications such as implantation disorders ovum, miscarriage, placental insufficiency, fetal malnutrition, premature abruption of a normally located placenta, thromboembolism, HELLP syndrome, nephropathy in pregnant women, purulent-septic complications, bleeding during childbirth, DIC syndrome.

Causes of acquired secondary coagulation disorders:

  • Taking oral contraceptives.
  • Smoking.
  • Prolonged bed rest.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Heart surgery to install artificial valves.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Heart failure, hypertension.
  • Obesity.
  • Injuries.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Vasculitis.
  • Vascular aneurysms, varicose veins.

A number of diseases have a genetic predisposition. These include antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). The causes of this disease are not well understood. The predisposing factor for the occurrence is considered to be infectious diseases and hereditary predisposition.

With APS, the functioning of the anticoagulant system is disrupted: the adhesion and aggregation of platelets (the ability to stick and swell) increases, which leads to the development of blood clots in the lumen of blood vessels, disrupting the full blood supply to organs.

This pathology prevents normal implantation of the embryo, causes abortion, fetal death, chronic disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome and a number of other complications.

Outside of pregnancy, blood thickening can lead to strokes, heart attacks, thromboembolism, and retinal detachment. These complications can be avoided by timely diagnosis and treatment of increased blood clotting.


In this condition, there may be complaints of dizziness, headaches, heaviness in the head, lethargy, and weakness. When blood is taken, its increased coagulability is observed, and the veins quickly thrombose.

During pregnancy, a woman is recommended to undergo examination of the blood coagulation system (coagulogram). To do this, blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach; 12 hours before the test, it is necessary to exclude food intake and physical activity. With hypercoagulation, changes in generally accepted norms for pregnant women occur:

  • Increased fibrinogen levels.
  • Decreased protein C and antithrombin.
  • Shortening of APTT.
  • Decreased platelet count.
  • Shortening of clotting time and prothrombin time.
  • Increased prothrombin index, D-dimer, platelet aggregation.
  • At congenital disorders determine gene mutations.
  • With antiphospholipid syndrome - the presence of anticardiolipin antibodies and lupus anticoagulant.

An obstetrician-gynecologist interprets the test results and, if necessary, recommends an examination by a hematologist, vascular Dopplerography, fetal ultrasound, and electrocardiography.

To eliminate risk factors for thrombosis, prevent circulatory disorders, complications during pregnancy and childbirth, therapeutic measures are carried out.


In case of hypercoagulability syndrome, it is recommended to exclude smoked meats, legumes, walnuts, bananas, canned food, White bread, fatty foods, cream. The diet should predominate fresh fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils(especially flaxseed), juices, dairy products, fish, cocoa.

To prevent blood stagnation in blood vessels lower limbs recommend wearing compression stockings, physical exercise for pregnant women, walks in the fresh air.

Drug treatment depends on the cause of hypercoagulation, it is strictly individual, it requires constant monitoring doctor Prescribe anticoagulants, vitamins for pregnant women, folic acid, antiplatelet agents, plasmapheresis, iron supplements, polyunsaturated fatty acid, dipyridamole, low molecular weight heparins.

In the presence of autoimmune diseases, glucocorticoid hormones are prescribed. Delivery is carried out as through natural birth canal, so operationally. The choice of tactics depends on the obstetric situation and the woman’s condition. IN postpartum period It is necessary to carry out the prevention of purulent-septic complications.

Nature took care to make human body unique. The main living medium of the human body is blood, which provides normal functioning each cell of the body due to its ability to carry vital oxygen, nutrients, microelements, and also to promote the removal of breakdown products and carbon dioxide. The normal functioning of other organs depends on blood parameters. However, it happens that the viscosity of the blood begins to increase, and hypercoagulation of the blood develops, which many experts identify as separate species pathology, separating it from thrombohemorrhagic syndrome.

What is blood hypercoagulation and why? modern science gives her the status of a separate pathological condition?

Hypercoagulability is a disease in which the blood becomes more viscous, but does not occur; If blood clots still appear, their characteristics differ from blood clots formed during thrombohemorrhagic syndrome - their structure is not elastic, but loose.

May have extreme negative consequences, because changes in blood parameters entail changes in the processes of intracellular oxidation, which, in turn, will lead to changes in the processes of tissue regeneration (that is, the brain, kidneys, liver, and other vital organs will suffer).


The causes of blood hypercoagulation in men and women are numerous and varied, the most common among them are:

  • physical inactivity;
  • bad habits, primarily smoking;
  • excess weight, and the stage of obesity does not matter;
  • vascular damage, including and;
  • history surgical interventions on the heart for valve replacement;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • (thrombophilia, erythremia, hemangioma and others);
  • changes in the body associated with reproductive function(use of hormonal and chemical contraceptives, pregnancy).


The patient has virtually no symptoms of blood hypercoagulation; general character and similar to symptoms large quantities others, less dangerous diseases. In particular, if there is this syndrome lethargy and fatigue are noted. But only laboratory examination, in particular, a coagulogram, can show the presence of this disease, and no difficulties arise.

Decoding indicators

Interpretation of the analysis for hypercoagulation:

  • (normally the indicators fluctuate in the range of 2.00 – 4.00 g/l) – the level of content increases.
  • Prothrombin (normal percentage– 78% - 142%) – increases.
  • Plasma tolerance to heparin (normally 7 – 15 minutes) – reduced to less than 7 minutes.
  • RFMK - test (normal - 3.36 - 4.0 mg/100 ml) - increases.
  • TV, thrombin time (normally 12–16 seconds) is reduced.
  • APTT, partial thromboplast time, activated (normal values ​​- 25 - 35 seconds) - is reduced.


In matters of treating blood hypercoagulation, self-medication is unacceptable. Blood hypercoagulation requires drug correction, which is selected by a specialist strictly individually based on the data laboratory diagnostics and patient history.

There is a certain list of drugs that affect blood clotting, but only a doctor can decide which of these drugs to give preference to, only certified specialist can develop a regimen for their administration and calculate the dosage.

As a rule, for the treatment of this particular pathological condition they use medications, active substance which is acetylsalicylic acid. For a certain category of patients, treatment of hypercoagulation based on the use of low molecular weight heparins. That is, common approach There is no choice of treatment for hypercoagulability syndrome; a specialized approach to this issue is required.

The most common in use are such industrial medicines from thick blood, such as aspirin, Thrombo ACC, pentoxifylline, chimes, clapidogrel, Warfarin, Sincumar. There is still debate among doctors.

Along with drug treatment, doctors prescribe the use of homeopathic remedies, do not go unnoticed and . Thus, we can note the meadowsweet plant, the components of which have the same effect on the human body as aspirin. Tinctures made from meadowsweet are widely used in the treatment of cardiac diseases.

To combat this disease, drug intervention alone is not enough.

The positive effect of using medications enhances and consolidates the patient’s compliance with the following recommendations:

  • organizing a healthy lifestyle, getting rid of bad habits;
  • refusal of excessive physical activity;
  • increasing the duration of stay in the fresh air;
  • development correct menu, strict adherence in the presence of a diagnosis of blood coagulation: smoked meats should be excluded from the diet, canned food, citrus fruits, potatoes, flour products, alcohol, carbonated drinks, do not consume spicy or excessive salty food. On the contrary, emphasis should be placed on daily use With minimum percentage fat content, fresh fruits, vegetables; It is better to replace tea and coffee with cocoa; For sweets, stick to dark chocolate. Citrus fruits that can be used for hypercoagulability syndrome include lemon; seasonings - ginger root, garlic.

The category of patients whose development of hypercoagulation syndrome was provoked by physical inactivity should not neglect the recommendations outlined above and should radically reconsider their lifestyle, paying attention, first of all, to the intensity of physical activity. This is due to the fact that in the future such patients face a real threat of stroke.

During pregnancy

The development of hypercoagulation during pregnancy deserves special attention when considering this pathological condition. In this period female body is undergoing huge changes that are aimed at preparing for upcoming birth. This does not go unnoticed circulatory system. Pregnant women tend to become hypercoagulable because the blood coagulation system is in a state of increased activity. The body thus protects itself from during childbirth.

In addition, the development of hypercoagulation in pregnant women can be affected by concomitant health abnormalities:

  • kidney and liver diseases,
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and vascular system,
  • nervous tension, stress, depression,
  • age factor (the tendency to increased blood clotting increases after 40 years).

For early detection For this pathology in a woman, the doctor monitoring the pregnancy prescribes a blood coagulogram study of the pregnant woman once a month. When diagnosing the onset of a pathological process, a woman is selected with a suitable safe drug treatment, recommendations are being developed that relate to her lifestyle, as well as daily menu; In this case, blood coagulogram monitoring is carried out every two weeks.

Subject to strict compliance with all medical prescriptions a woman is able to carry a pregnancy to term normally and give birth to a healthy baby.

Hypercoagulation (hypercoagulation syndrome): causes, forms, symptoms, tests, treatment

Hypercoagulation - medical term, meaning a state of increased activity of the blood coagulation system. This pathology May be independent disease or the manifestation of concomitant ailments. Hypercoagulation syndrome in most cases is accompanied by an increased tendency to. The resulting blood clot is loose in structure and lacks elasticity.

Blood - living environment organism that performs transport function and providing oxygen delivery and nutrients to all internal organs. It consists of plasma - the liquid part in which cellular elements are located. The number of blood cells and plasma is in the ratio of 4:6. When this balance is disturbed and the amount cellular elements begins to prevail, the blood thickens.

Blood thickening is a serious problem that must be actively combated. When the blood begins to thicken, its viscosity increases, and the processes of oxidation and tissue regeneration are disrupted.

Hypercoagulation is primary. Its cause is hereditary predisposition. Secondary hypercoagulation develops against the background of pathologies existing in the body.


Causes of hypercoagulability very diverse. Pathology never occurs spontaneously. This pathological process provoked by the following factors:

  • Occurs during pregnancy additional load on the fragile female body, as a result of which the functioning of the blood coagulation system is disrupted.
  • Intoxication with signs of dyspepsia - vomiting and diarrhea, as well as polyuria caused by diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, pulmonary edema, burns and injuries are common reasons hypercoagulation. Excessive loss of fluid makes the blood highly concentrated. When dehydrated, brain function and health are impaired. blood vessels. After the diseased body is restored, the volume and viscosity of the blood are normalized.
  • Taking many medications also leads to dehydration. Long-term treatment women hormonal contraceptives impairs blood flow. Its concentration becomes normal after the end of therapy.
  • develops as a result overuse fatty foods. In this case, the blood becomes very viscous. To push it through the blood vessels, the heart begins to work harder.
  • Viral or bacterial infection of the body and helminthic infestations accompanied toxic damage target organs, damage to blood vessels, blood thickening.
  • Acquired and congenital enzymopathies slow down blood flow and lead to hypercoagulation.
  • Liver diseases - hepatitis and cirrhosis disrupt microcirculation and oxygen imbalance.
  • Oncopathologies - hemangioma, fibroids, lipoma, some forms of leukemia, myeloma.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Diseases of the blood and blood vessels - erythemia, and disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome.
  • Lifestyle features - smoking, and overweight bodies.
  • Surgical interventions on the heart, replacement of its valves.
  • Systemic diseases connective tissue- vasculitis, scleroderma.
  • Adrenal dysfunction, amyloidosis.

Hypercoagulation is a problem from which no one is immune. When faced with it, you should not panic and self-medicate. You need to pull yourself together and see a doctor. Thoughtless use of blood-thinning medications can lead to dire consequences.

diagram - distribution of causes of congenital hypercoagulable states

Mechanistically, hypercoagulation occurs as a result of:

  1. Increased concentration of procoagulants in the blood and their excessive activation, which occurs with severe hyperprothrombinemia, hyperfibrinogenemia or;
  2. Suppression of the activity of anticoagulants in shock, burns,;
  3. Deficiency and inhibition of fibrinolytic coagulation factors in severe thrombotic syndrome, damage to vascular walls, atherosclerosis.

Hypercoagulation in advanced cases leads to the formation of multiple blood clots in main vessels and microvasculature.

Hypercoagulability and pregnancy

Chronometric hypercoagulation is often diagnosed in women carrying a child. This is due increased activity blood coagulation system of mother and fetus. In turn, hypercoagulability syndrome protects the woman’s body from large blood loss in childbirth. Hypercoagulation during pregnancy occurs in the second trimester and is a normal variant.

The pathological increase in coagulation in pregnant women is caused by various factors:

  • Diseases of internal organs,
  • Gene mutations
  • Stress, conflicts, depression,
  • Mature age - over 40 years old.

To monitor hemostasis, all pregnant women need to donate blood once a month for a coagulogram and coagulation test. If signs of hypercoagulation are detected, they are safe therapy , which does not harm the fetus. Otherwise, thrombosis of the spiral arteries occurs in a pregnant woman, which leads to serious complications

: delayed fetal development, rapid wear of the placenta, antenatal death.

Clinical picture and diagnosis Hypercoagulation is most often a symptom various diseases , but it can also be an independent illness that does not have a clearly defined clinical picture. The slowing down of blood flow, its formation, and the formation of microclots are clinically manifested by headache, paresthesia, and general asthenia of the body. Patients complain about deterioration general well-being , lethargy, lethargy, apathy, drowsiness, absent-mindedness, hypertension, dry mouth, Bad mood

, cold extremities. increased clotting blood is possible only based on the results laboratory tests, without which specialists will not be able to give objective assessment situations.

In the absence of timely and adequate therapy hypercoagulation leads to the development of thrombotic and hemorrhagic complications.

To detect hypercoagulability syndrome, it is necessary to undergo a complete laboratory examination. To do this, patients are tested by taking blood from the antecubital vein.

In the laboratory, indicators are determined and blood is examined for clotting. , measurement and indicators of acid-base status complement the data obtained.

Diagnosis is made by characteristic features And laboratory tests hemostasis systems.


To restore normal blood flow and get rid of hypercoagulation, you need to visit a specialist who will diagnostic examination and will provide qualified assistance. Doctors on an individual basis They will select a treatment regimen taking into account all the characteristics of the body.

Treatment of hypercoagulability is aimed at eliminating causal factors, holding antishock therapy, restoration of circulating blood volume, improvement of microcirculation, maintaining hematocrit at an optimal level, correction of hemodynamics and coagulation system disorders:

  1. Medicines: aspirin-based medicines that prevent thrombus formation: - “Thrombo ACC”, “Cardiomagnyl”, “ Acetylsalicylic acid"; - “Warfarin”, “Heparin”, “Fragmin”; fibrinolytics - Thromboflux, Fortelysin, Streptase.
  2. Symptomatic therapy - antispasmodics “No-shpa”, “Papaverine”, “Spazmalgon”; anti-inflammatory drugs - “Ibuklin”, “Indomethacin”, vascular drugs- “Pentoxifylline”, “Curantil”.
  3. If present in the body bacterial infection Antibacterial therapy is carried out with the addition of antiproteases, for example, Cefazolin and Contrical, Azithromycin and Gordox.
  4. To mitigate the developing state of shock administered intravenously saline solutions, plasma with heparin, "Reopoliglucin", albumin solution.
  5. When hematocrit develops and decreases, transfusions of red blood cells or suspension are performed.
  6. At autoimmune diseases plasmapheresis is performed and prescribed steroid hormones- Prednisolone, Dexamethasone.

In severe cases, patients are given intravenous drips of colloidal and crystalloid solutions and transfused with donor blood. Transfusions donated blood save the lives of patients after injuries accompanied by blood loss.

In parallel with traditional drug therapy apply recipes traditional medicine . Meadowsweet tincture, according to herbalists, is a substitute for aspirin. This plant is used to treat not only blood diseases, but also of cardio-vascular system. A decoction prepared from the fruits of hawthorn, meadow clover, valerian root, lemon balm, and yellow clover improves the condition of blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation process.

Diet therapy requires eating natural products prepared by boiling, stewing or steaming. Products enriched with vitamin E restore blood fluidity. It’s good to eat a tablespoon of sprouted seeds a day grains of wheat. The diet of patients must include fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish dishes, seafood. The most useful berries and fruits are: cranberries, currants, cherries, grapes, apples, citrus fruits, peaches. You should definitely exclude canned, smoked, fatty, fried and pickled foods, sweets, baked goods, buckwheat, potatoes, alcohol, and soda.

Patients suffering from hypercoagulability should follow the basic recommendations of specialists:

  • Quit smoking
  • Eat properly,
  • Walk a lot in the fresh air
  • Exercise,
  • Optimize your daily routine
  • Get enough sleep
  • Avoid stressful situations and conflicts,
  • News healthy image life,
  • Get blood tests periodically.

The prognosis of hypercoagulability syndrome is ambiguous and depends on the severity of the underlying disease, general condition body, existing changes in hemostasis.

Prevention of hypercoagulation involves identifying patients at risk - pregnant women, the elderly and people with cancer, as well as treating the underlying disease.

The process of blood clotting is very important for the human body. It allows you to avoid unnecessary blood loss even with serious injuries. Only in laboratory conditions the level of blood clotting can be determined.

During pregnancy, the body undergoes major changes. Preparation for the upcoming birth is sometimes accompanied by an increase in blood clotting. This process is necessary because the body thus reduces the risk of developing heavy bleeding from vessels on the placenta.

What is hypercoagulation during pregnancy?
Your gynecologist will always advise you on what hypercoagulation is during pregnancy. An additional blood circulation circulates through the placenta, which separates the baby’s and mother’s bodies. In the placenta, interaction between two organisms occurs, so this environment is quite active. If additional thrombosis of the spiral arteries is observed, then a pregnant woman may experience quite serious complications.

Hypercoagulability syndrome during pregnancy
Hypercoagulation during pregnancy can be quite dangerous. This occurs in cases where the hemostatic system changes quite strongly.
Hypercoagulation syndrome during pregnancy can cause some consequences that are undesirable for the woman and the fetus. For example, the fetus may be significantly delayed in development, and the placenta may wear out too quickly. The consequence of such deviations may be antenatal death of the fetus, or the fetus may develop abnormally, with abnormalities.

Treatment of hypercoagulability during pregnancy
Treatment of hypercoagulability during pregnancy is necessary. Only with the help of properly selected medications, approved by the pregnant woman by her attending physician, can the development of complications be prevented. Most often, for treatment, the doctor prescribes anticoagulants that block disorders and prevent them from developing. You should not use them independently, without the consent of your doctor. But there is no need to be afraid - all these drugs are approved for use by pregnant women.

Chronometric hypercoagulation during pregnancy
Chronometric hypercoagulation during pregnancy is enough common occurrence. The blood will thicken as the baby grows and the period increases. The body’s natural defense against blood loss may not work for the good, disrupting microcirculation in the placenta. Such a deviation can be dangerous at any stage of pregnancy.

Hypercoagulability during pregnancy may have serious consequences in women who have cardiovascular diseases, gestosis. If in previous pregnancies there were problems with premature detachment placenta - this can lead to hypercoagulability during the current pregnancy.

Typically, the doctor conducts a series of tests to identify genes responsible for microcirculation disorders. Then a study of the hemostasis system is carried out if the woman has variant genes that cause deviations. After a series of tests, the doctor selects hemostatic drugs and a regimen for taking them. In this case, once a month the condition and coagulability of the patient’s blood is checked.

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