Therapeutic swimming for bronchial asthma. How beneficial is sport for asthma patients? Swimming as the best way to prevent

What kind of sports can you do if you have bronchial asthma? This is one of the common questions that people with asthma ask their doctor. Moreover, experts themselves have been arguing for decades about whether sports and bronchial asthma are compatible. And discussions about this nuance of the disease are absolutely not groundless, because on the one hand, playing sports can provoke the development of an attack bronchial asthma, and on the other hand, dosed loads and well-chosen workouts strengthen all muscles and prepare the body for a lack of oxygen, which ensures mild degree course of the disease.

Based on the mechanism of development of bronchial asthma, experts recommend choosing the following sports:

  • swimming;
  • Athletics;
  • volleyball basketball;
  • dancing;
  • aerobics;
  • Exercise therapy and...

Any physical exercise It is recommended to carry out exclusively at the stage of remission. It is also necessary not to forget that a severe course of the disease completely excludes active forms of sports, regardless of the presence of attacks. In severe cases of bronchial asthma, simple gymnastics with minimal stress on the respiratory system is recommended.

Answering the question which sport is more compatible and recommended with bronchial asthma, we can definitely say that it is breathing exercises. It is most useful in the development of bronchial asthma. Moreover, it is recommended to practice it in cases of forms and advanced stages of the disease.

However, you should still consult your doctor before exercising. The main characteristic of breathing exercises is not only physical, but also speech exercises, performed when exhaling. Initially, training should be carried out in a calm rhythm and sitting, gradually adding physical activity and introducing new exercises. In addition, the training room should be well ventilated and have basic air humidity levels.

IMPORTANT! With the development of bronchial asthma, Pilates and body flex exercises are well tolerated. But it is advisable to engage in these sports after consultation with a specialist.

If we talk about swimming as a sport for asthma, then it quickly activates and trains the individual’s respiratory system, because the load is evenly distributed between upper muscles human and respiratory system, which improves ventilation of the lungs and bronchial tubes through their intensive work. Swimming also contributes to the enrichment of oxygen and the “development” of the bronchi and blood vessels, and this in turn eliminates bronchial spasm, shortness of breath, etc.

Dance lessons and athletics classes should be conducted systematically. This approach will ensure good ventilation of the respiratory system and eliminate the feeling of tightness in the chest and cough.

The training complex must also begin with simple movements, gradually adding new types, complicating the ones learned and adjusting the inhalation and exhalation to the load or rhythm of the music, if we're talking about about dancing.

According to most doctors, playing any sport is in a basic way therapy of bronchial asthma. In addition to the use of physical exercises and individual ligaments, If you have bronchial asthma, you can play tennis, martial arts, cycling and race walking. Doctors do not recommend resorting to winter sports and running over various distances, because these types of sports involve constant, strong and long-term physical activity with considerable strain on the respiratory system.

Sports and asthma in childhood

We can definitely say that sports and physical exercises for bronchial asthma in children will only bring positive treatment results if they are used in a normalized load. After all, a growing organism simply needs physical tension which will help train the diaphragm and tract muscles respiratory system.

Any activity of the baby will make the course of the disease easier and faster, and also minimize negative symptoms. However, it must be remembered that a child can play sports only in combination with a disease and only after the permission of the pulmonologist and the attending doctor.

Movement is life. All people need physical activity to stay fit and maintain their body. But what if a health condition puts this opportunity at risk? Are bronchial asthma and sports compatible?

This question worries many asthmatics and parents whose children suffer from it. Doctors have differing opinions on this matter. Prolonged physical activity can cause dryness respiratory tract and bronchospasm, which will provoke an asthmatic attack. But on the other hand, regular training strengthens the muscles, gives them a greater supply of oxygen, and allows the patient to become more resistant to attacks. This makes it much easier to cope with the disease and makes living with asthma more comfortable.

On modern stage In the development of medicine, doctors strongly recommend making physical exercise an integral part of the life of an asthmatic. But you need to approach the choice of sport consciously. A lot depends on the decision of what exactly to do.

It is believed that coughing fits and choking can easily be provoked intense load. These factors include fast running, strength exercises. Apart from the cough typical of asthma, symptoms can vary depending on individual characteristics. The patient may feel pain in the chest, severe shortness of breath, panic, and darkening of the eyes. They can appear both during training and 15–20 minutes after it.

Nowadays, medicine has stepped forward quite a lot. Doctors give some recommendations, following which you will not only be able to do what you love, but also reduce the frequency of attacks.

Patients with bronchial asthma require constant supportive therapy and medical supervision, do not forget about this. Unfortunately, exercise will not help cure asthma, but it can give you more comfortable life. Before you start training, be sure to consult your doctor - you may need additional medications.

Bronchial asthma, especially in children, gives a large number of contraindications. This must be taken into account when choosing an activity. Benefits of exercise for asthmatics:

  1. Metabolism and elimination of toxins are activated.
  2. Resistance to negative factors (infections, hypothermia, hypoxia, etc.) increases.
  3. The risk of deterioration of the condition and development of a chronic process is reduced.
  4. Strengthens musculoskeletal system, the risk of developing scoliosis, which also negatively affects the ventilation process, is reduced.

It is worth noting that in the absence of activity, blood circulation in the bronchi worsens. This leads to a decrease in local immunity, which makes a person more vulnerable to bacterial or viral infection.

Asthma is not a reason to forget about professional sports. Many Olympic champions suffered from this disease, but this did not stop them from achieving success. All you need is correct system and a conscious approach.

Asthma and child

We are all accustomed to thinking that a child with asthma should under no circumstances be seriously involved in sports, and even minimal physical activity he needs to avoid. But teenagers are always very active; they are not interested in just sitting on a bench with a book in their hands. And if you don’t enroll your child in a section, then it’s still unknown what he will be interested in (as a rule, this is hanging out in the “wrong” company). So it’s not surprising that parents wonder whether it’s possible to play sports if you have asthma.

Modern pulmonology insists: children with asthma should first of all strengthen respiratory muscles– this will help to cope with attacks in the future. Only physical exercise can provide such strengthening. But you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The child should be constantly examined by a pediatrician and pulmonologist.
  2. The baby needs to receive adequate drug therapy.
  3. Sports activities for children with asthma should be supervised by a coach or parents, so that it is possible to provide assistance in the event of an attack.

Which section do you prefer?

The choice of type of activity must be agreed with the doctor - only he can tell you with 100% certainty whether you can play sports. Don’t be too lazy to go to the doctor once again so as not to harm yourself or your child in the future.

Sports that asthmatics can do:

  • Swimming (excellently develops the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and respiratory tract).
  • Martial arts where breathing control is practiced (kung fu, taekwondo, judo, etc.).
  • Yoga.
  • Athletics.
  • Dancing.
  • Table tennis.
  • Volleyball basketball.

Doctors recognize swimming as the best activity for asthma. This sport brings the respiratory system into best condition pretty quickly. When a person swims, the load falls equally on the muscles upper half body and the respiratory system. This enhances ventilation of the lungs and gives muscles required amount oxygen for their work.

It has been proven that regular swimming significantly reduces the manifestations of bronchial asthma.

If speak about athletics or dancing, then first of all it should be noted that classes should be systematic, and the load should increase gradually. When choosing among the variety of athletics activities, it is better not to run long distances.

Rhythm is very important in dancing. Moreover, it should also be monitored in breathing. This is very important in sports for bronchial asthma. It is better to adjust body movements to breathing movements.

What is prohibited for an asthmatic?

There are many sections, but due to the nature of asthma, not every one can be attended by an asthmatic. Sports to avoid:

  • Outdoor training in the cold season (skiing, biathlon, hockey, figure skating etc.).
  • Long distance running.
  • Exercises on the horizontal bar.
  • Diving, mountaineering, parachuting and other activities that involve holding your breath or staying at altitudes where the percentage of oxygen in the air is reduced.
  • Boxing, freestyle wrestling and other activities in which you can get hit in the chest.
  • Horseback Riding.
  • Weightlifting.

It is better for a person with asthma to avoid hypothermia and excessive inhalation of cold air. Cold dries out the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, causing coughing attacks. And in combination with rapid breathing when playing sports, you should not expect best results. So in winter time You shouldn't run down the street.

During periods of exacerbation of asthma, it is better to wait sports training. To stay in shape during this time, take up walking. fresh air and breathing exercises.

Please note that in the case of a severe stage of bronchial asthma and the development of complications (for example, bronchitis), it is better not to be active. In this case it is allowed light gymnastics, which does not allow a strong increase in breathing.

Breathing exercises

If you have asthma, even if playing sports is not always possible, do not forget about breathing exercises. It has a very beneficial effect on the muscles that take part in the act of breathing.

Examples of breathing exercises for asthmatics:

  1. Lying on your back, bend your knees more strongly, breathe, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Do this for a few minutes until you feel tired.
  2. Starting position: stand straight, hands on your waist, breathe through your nose. Inhaling, inflate your stomach to the maximum, while exhaling, pull it in.
  3. You can stand or sit during this exercise. Use your fingers to close one nostril, inhale through your mouth and exhale through the free nostril. Then repeat on the other side.
  4. Exhale air into the container of water through the straw, while taking as deep a breath as possible.
  5. Starting position: stand straight, cross your arms behind your head. Lean forward sharply, imitating a lumberjack chopping wood. On an incline, exhale. Inhaling deeply, we return to the starting position.
  6. Lie on your back, place your hands under your buttocks. Inhaling sharply, draw in your stomach to the limit. Stay in this position for a few seconds. As you exhale, inflate your belly. Then repeat again.
  7. Standing on your toes, place your arms to the sides, at shoulder level. As you inhale, bend forward and backward with your arms raised. Bend over, exhaling and sharply crossing your arms, reaching to your shoulder blades. Return to the starting position.
  8. Exhale calmly through your nose. Then inhale through closed teeth, trying to make hissing sounds.
  9. As you inhale, raise your arms up, and as you exhale, lower them sharply, making coughing movements.
  10. Pursing your lips into a tube, take deep, slow breaths in and out through your nose.

Repeat these exercises daily with sufficient oxygen (after ventilation) and the result will not be long in coming.

Inflating will be useful balloons. But at the same time, take breaks and monitor your well-being, do not allow dizziness or darkening in your eyes. Sing songs. Singing perfectly develops the respiratory system and provides an opportunity to learn correct distribution air.

Rules for playing sports

In order to get the maximum benefit from classes and not cause harm to your health, you must strictly adhere to certain rules established by doctors:

  1. Before the first training session, it is better to undergo an examination and pass necessary tests to assess the condition of the body. After some time of training, the trip to the doctor must be repeated. The doctor will be able to re-evaluate your condition and come to a conclusion: whether playing sports gives positive dynamics or is it better to stop.
  2. Diligently take medications and follow the recommendations of your doctor.
  3. You need to change the intensity of exercise based on how you feel. At the same time, control the frequency and rhythm of breathing.
  4. Always carry an inhaler and necessary medications with you.
  5. The increase in loads should be as smooth and gradual as possible. Don't overload yourself on the first day of classes when everything seems so easy. This is fraught with serious deterioration in health for an asthmatic.
  6. If unwanted symptoms appear, you should immediately stop training and use an inhaler.
  7. Training should be carried out in a well-ventilated area where wet cleaning is carried out regularly. It is important that the air is not dry. During the heating season or in dry climates, use humidifiers.
  8. Avoid allergens. In the spring, when there is a lot of air pollen, it’s better to work out in the gym.
  9. Keep your workouts regular. Gymnastics or any other type of activity will give the desired results only if you do them every day (1-2 days off is allowed).

Drawing a conclusion, we can say that sports and asthma are quite compatible. Moreover, activity must accompany people suffering from asthma to help them cope with the disease. It is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations and not forget that illness is not an obstacle to living a full life.

One of famous writers as he called swimming “a sport specially designed for lazy people.” Experts are inclined to think that this fairly popular sport can be considered perfectly suitable for asthmatics, since the warm, humid air above the pool does not provoke attacks, as often happens with other sports. At the same time, as the Internet resource reports on its pages, in Lately Increasingly, you can hear the voices of scientists who are alarmed that pool water treated with chlorine for sanitary purposes may well contribute to the development of asthma in children.

An example of this is the results of the work of a group of Belgian specialists who were able to establish a direct connection between the duration of swimming and the incidence of asthma by analyzing the results of swimming in outdoor pools among schoolchildren. The authors of this work are inclined to believe that chlorine vapors above the surface of the water irritate the child’s upper respiratory tract, which ultimately can lead to the development of this disease.

The research reported here was led by Professor Alfred Bernard of the Catholic University of Brussels. The scientist and his colleagues analyzed the medical records of 847 school students, whose average age was 15 years.

All children included in the study underwent blood tests, and, in addition, all of them had their lung function tested using special simulators. In addition, the parents of all examined children were asked to fill out special questionnaires, the questions of which made it possible to identify the degree of exposure of the child to the influence of domestic animals, passive smoking in the family, as well as various allergens that could increase the risk of developing asthma. The children’s parents also answered detailed questions about their children’s well-being after swimming lessons.

Based on the results of the study, scientists were able to determine the number of hours that study participants spent in open chlorinated pools during their lives. According to expert calculations, those children who swam an average of one hour a week for 10 years spent a total of 500 hours in the pool. Scientists say these children were five times more likely to develop asthma than their peers who had never been in an outdoor pool.

Experts also presented the results of blood tests of children prone to allergies. According to a study report published in the European Respiratory Journal, such children were 10 times more likely to develop asthma if they had to spend more than 500 hours in an outdoor pool. As for the study participants who had never swum in an outdoor pool in their lives or who had spent a maximum of 100 hours in the pool, their asthma rate was four times less common than among the other students examined.

In addition, the authors of the work were able to establish that children who regularly visit an outdoor pool under seven years of age were more likely to develop allergies to pets (particularly cats), as well as to dust, than those children who never visited outdoor swimming pool at such a young age.

It is also worth noting another important point that was established by Belgian scientists. Thus, among children swimming in pools where sanitation is carried out using copper and silver, the likelihood of developing asthma remained at the same level. From this, researchers conclude that asthma is a consequence of the influence of specific chemical elements being in the water, and not just swimming as such.

Summing up their work, the scientists concluded that visiting outdoor swimming pools with chlorinated water (whether at home or on vacation) is in any case associated with an increased risk of asthma. If we take into account the fact that such a dependence is not found when children visit swimming pools treated with copper and silver, then we can assume that it is a direct consequence of the harm caused airways person chemical compounds based on chlorine. In this case, of course, we mean those substances that are added to the water or spread over the surface of the pool as aerosols or gases.

If we translate all of the above into a simpler and human language, then Belgian doctors advise parents not to be overly zealous when disinfecting their pool using chlorine preparations. In addition, it is not recommended to send your offspring to such outdoor pools where there is strong smell chlorine on the surface of the water.

The results of the work of the Belgian specialists are commented on by the assistant director for research work in Asthma UK Lyn Mail: "This is not the first study to suggest that some chemical substances chlorine-like substances can cause or worsen allergies, including asthma. This likely occurs because chlorine-based products disrupt the protective lining of cells in the lungs, leaving people with allergy-based asthma even more vulnerable to allergens. However, for people who do not develop asthma due to allergies, swimming remains an excellent way to stay fit and improve lung activity, especially in indoor pools where the warm, moist air does not contribute to asthma symptoms.”

It remains only to say about such a device as an ionizer, which allows you to bind the chlorine present in water by adding chemical elements such as copper and silver to it.

Such a special device can be considered simply necessary if you have your own swimming pool in your home. This unit is built into a pipe system and connected to a power source. Inside this device there are copper and silver electrodes, which over time must be replaced with new ones, so they lose their beneficial features. These electrodes release copper and silver atoms into the water passed through them, which then flows into the swimming pool.

Exercise therapy for bronchial asthma can improve a person’s condition at any stage of the disease. Moderate physical activity helps prevent frequent attacks and have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. If used regularly special complexes exercise, you can prevent further progression of the disease. Also sports or physiotherapy indicated for people whose condition is characterized as pre-asmatic. At the right approach you can save for classes wellness for many years.

What are the benefits of exercise for asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways. He often gives it to him Chronical bronchitis, manifested by almost the same symptoms. The main symptom of asthma is the presence of asthma attacks. During periods of exacerbation, a person observes a violation respiratory function, which is accompanied by coughing and wheezing. When an asthmatic attack occurs, special drugs are used that expand the lumen of the bronchi. Also included complex therapy includes anti-inflammatory drugs aimed at eliminating foci of the disease.

To prevent all negative processes during the development of asthma that carry potential danger For human life, therapeutic exercises are simply necessary. Using it you can easily achieve the following:

  • the nervous regulation of respiratory function is restored, which leads to a decrease in the number of attacks;
  • There is a relaxation of many muscles in the body - on the neck, chest, and back of the head. They are often tense due to impaired respiratory function;
  • bronchial drainage improves, which prevents the accumulation of mucus in the lungs;
  • breathing is normalized due to the development of mobility chest;
  • increases endurance, strength and general development bodies;
  • blood circulation is normalized, the heart muscle is strengthened. This allows you to regulate the delivery of the required volume of oxygen to all tissues and internal organs;
  • is improving psycho emotional condition person.

Features of exercise therapy

Physical therapy for bronchial asthma is indicated during the period of remission of the disease, when there are no frequent attacks. It includes breathing exercises, which are combined with low-intensity physical activity. They can be performed only in cases where the patient does not have circulatory failure. Also, physiotherapy for bronchial asthma is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • serious condition of the patient, especially in the presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • at increased risk internal bleeding;
  • with the development of malignant processes in any organ or system;
  • increased body temperature;
  • respiratory failure 3 stages;
  • if there is shortness of breath, in which a person takes more than 25 breaths per minute;
  • if you have asthma physical stress It is necessary to avoid performing gymnastic and other exercises that are accompanied by the influence of cold air on the respiratory tract. Also, this type of physical therapy should be used with caution in other forms of the disease;
  • presence of acute pain in any part of the body that does not decrease with decreasing intensity of exercise.

When selecting a physical therapy program, it is necessary to take into account the patient’s age, his general condition and the degree of physical development. Before starting training, you need to spend a few days preparatory stage. At this time, it is recommended to check the person’s physical and emotional state, which will help to choose optimal exercises for achievement positive result.

To achieve stable remission in bronchial asthma, it is recommended to use the following set of exercises:

  1. Breathing exercises. Performed while standing, arms hanging freely along the body. For 30-40 seconds. you need to breathe deeply, gradually reducing the gap between inhalation and exhalation. Also, such gymnastics also produces best effect, if you say while doing exercises certain sounds. For example, during inhalation - “f” or “w”, and when exhaling - “o” or “a”.
  2. It is necessary to lie down on a hard surface and stretch out your limbs. As you exhale, you need to pull one leg towards your stomach. When returning to the starting position, inhale.
  3. Starting position - sitting on a chair, arms hanging freely along the body. As you exhale, you need to tilt your body slightly to one side. In this case, the hand should slide along the chair leg. When returning to the starting position, inhale.
  4. You need to stand straight, leaning on the back of the chair. As you exhale, you need to slowly squat down, and as you inhale, return to your original position.
  5. A person needs to stand straight, lower his arms along his body. As you exhale, lift one leg up. Using your hand, you need to pull your knee towards your stomach. As you inhale, the leg goes down.
  6. You need to stand, spread your legs wide, place your hands on your waist. As you exhale, you should tilt your body forward, and when you inhale, return to the starting position.

To improve the patient's condition, gymnastics should be carried out in the fresh air or in a room with an open window. The number of repetitions depends on the physical endurance of the person (at least 5 are recommended). To achieve a positive result, you should train daily or take a break of 1-2 days. Physiotherapy for bronchial asthma should not cause discomfort. If a cough or sore throat occurs, it is necessary to stop the activity and continue it after the condition has completely stabilized, but with less load.

How beneficial is sport for asthma patients?

Is it possible to play sports if you have bronchial asthma? The opinions of doctors on this matter are identical. Asthma and sports can be combined with each other if you choose the right type of physical activity. It should lead to improved respiratory function, strengthening of all muscles and normalization general exchange substances in the body. Moderate physical activity can prepare the human body for hypoxia, which will appear during attacks. This will make it easier for the patient to bear everything unpleasant symptoms and be less influenced negative factors external environment. If you regularly exercise if you have asthma, you can achieve stable remission and forget about frequent attacks. But you can start training only when you feel relieved general condition when the manifestations of the disease are minimal.

  • swimming or water aerobics;
  • athletics or race walking;
  • team games – volleyball, basketball;
  • dancing;
  • aerobics;
  • martial arts;
  • cycling;
  • tennis.

When choosing the type of physical activity for asthma for both adults and children, preference should be given to the type that develops the shoulder girdle and diaphragm, which makes breathing easier. At severe course disease, excessive activity should be avoided and focus on simple exercises. In this case, Pilates, yoga, body flex, etc. are suitable. Before classes in mandatory

You should consult a doctor to help eliminate complications that are life-threatening and health-threatening.

Paradoxes of exercise in asthma Pulmonologists know: physical labor may trigger an asthma attack . The fact is that when doing it, we breathe deeper and more often because the muscles’ need for oxygen increases. Healthy man doesn't care about it special attention

, and for an asthmatic it is important that an additional portion of air enters his respiratory tract. As a rule, it is dry, and in autumn and winter it is also cold. Once in the respiratory tract, it dries out the mucous membranes and irritates them. As a result, the risk of an attack in a person with bronchial asthma increases significantly. Its likelihood increases even more when playing sports during the flowering season, since allergens enter the respiratory tract along with the air. The condition is also aggravated if a person has a cold. There is even such a term - physical exertion asthma. Its main symptom is the appearance of characteristic wheezing after exercise. This is especially true for children, since their airways are narrower than those of adults and are more easily clogged with spasms of the bronchial muscles and increased mucus production. If bronchial asthma is suspected, the doctor will definitely ask how the patient tolerates physical activity. While the course of the disease is unstable (medicines have not yet been selected, sleep is interrupted due to suffocation), it is necessary to refrain from physical activity, even if the person tolerated them well before. But if the disease is well controlled, then properly selected exercise is very beneficial. They train the lungs and heart, improve their functions, and increase the body's resistance to stress. Physical activity also exerts psychological impact on the patient, allowing him to believe in his own strength.

How to choose the right exercises? Basic rule: you need to choose those types of movements that give you pleasure, but pay close attention to how you react to this or that type of physical activity. Those who suffer from bronchial asthma may need to urgently take medication during exercise. This must also be taken into account when choosing a sport, since such an opportunity may not always present itself.

It is believed that Some sports are contraindicated for asthmatics. For example, skiing: the load is long and monotonous, and it will definitely get into the respiratory tract cold air. Long distance running too may cause an asthma attack. It is better to choose sports where the load alternates with rest, for example, tennis.

Especially swimming is good for asthma, because a humid environment does not allow the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract to dry out. And the swimming movements themselves have an excellent effect on the muscles of the chest, lungs, and heart. In the water you can not only swim, but also do aerobics, which will add variety to your workout. It is only desirable that the pool was enough warm water . Choosing your type physical activities, do not immediately start with heavy loads and do not set yourself difficult tasks, even if doctors characterize your condition as remission (persistent improvement). The main thing is that classes are regular.

It seems like a paradox: physical activity can provoke an attack, but regular exercise, on the contrary, help improve the condition of asthmatics. Why? The fact is that the more you train, the more perfect your physical fitness becomes. This means that the body requires less and less stress to perform the same amount of work. And you will no longer breathe as heavily as before, because the reaction of the bronchi to large quantities dry air will decrease. The threat of an attack, of course, remains, but only if you forget about caution and overdo it with training. Normal mode physical activity helps achieve more sustainable remission. Moreover, thanks to training, attacks may disappear completely over time. The more often you practice, the better. The load should be increased gradually, exercises should be performed without excessive stress and regularly - at least three times a week for at least 30 minutes.

To protect yourself from an attack, immediately before starting classes, a few minutes before a sports game or training, it is recommended to take a bronchial dilatator. If you take these medications daily, several times a day, space them out to coincide with your workout. Then the daily dose of the medicine will not have to be increased.

Always start your workout with a warm-up. Before the main workout, you need to warm up. Preparatory exercises should be given at least 40 minutes. It is also recommended to gradually reduce the intensity of the load.

During class try to breathe through your nose. If this becomes impossible and you have to open your mouth, it means that you have chosen too much load that your body cannot cope with.

Swimming in the treatment and prevention of bronchopulmonary diseases

None of the currently proposed treatment methods, for example, for bronchial asthma, leads to a 100% cure, but the integrated use of therapeutic and preventive measures will help achieve long-term remission and a high level of quality of life.

Bronchitis and bronchial asthma not only significantly reduce the quality of life of a sick person, causing discomfort and reducing the overall resistance of the body. The outcome of this pathology when uncontrolled is pulmonary emphysema and, as a consequence, chronic respiratory failure, which develops both in old age and in the working population.

The most common diseases of the bronchopulmonary apparatus

Bronchitis- This inflammatory disease parts of the bronchopulmonary apparatus, usually of a viral or bacterial nature. With reduced immunity, accompanying harmful factors(such as smoking, working in hazardous industries with high level air pollution, children's, or elderly age), frequent bronchitis lead to bronchial obstruction– disruption of their patency due to sputum clots that accumulate along the tracheobronchial tree. This is how it develops obstructive bronchitis, the outcome of which is emphysema– significant decrease in elasticity lung tissue and, as a result, an increase in lung volume with a decrease in the useful volume of inhalation and exhalation.

Bronchial asthma- a disease that is caused by a number of factors, often allergic nature, is accompanied by pathological narrowing of the bronchi, but the result long term The process may also result in emphysema and respiratory failure.

Treatment of bronchopulmonary pathology with swimming

One of the most important areas in non-drug treatment bronchitis, pulmonary obstruction and bronchial asthma is swimming as an independent procedure.

What does swimming do for the respiratory system?

  • physical activity, which is accompanied by deep and rapid breathing(to provide sufficient quantity oxygen of our organs and tissues), due to which the so-called “dead spaces” are involved in the act of breathing - areas of the lungs that usually do not take part in inhalation. Their activation prevents the development stagnation and subsequent atrophy;
  • also "switch on" dead spaces lungs increases the vital capacity of the lungs, and increases the elasticity of the lung tissue. There is evidence that during the process of swimming in a person, the number of alveoli increases, in parallel with the involvement of “non-functioning” areas of the lungs;
  • for people suffering chronic diseases In the bronchopulmonary apparatus, it is very important to breathe correctly, observing the inhalation/exhalation ratio. Breathing should be deep enough and even, the swimmer takes 7-10 inhalations/exhalations per minute. Swimming classes are ideal for developing an adequate respiratory regime, which makes it possible to use swimming to treat diseases of the respiratory system;
  • bronchopulmonary pathology is accompanied chronic hypoxia body (insufficient supply of oxygen to the cells), an increase in tidal volume increases the concentration of oxygen in the blood, stimulation of the skin with water simultaneously stimulates blood circulation, and the efforts made during inhalation in water also increase blood flow to the heart, thereby compensating for hypoxic phenomena. Air retention during diving additionally provides high resistance of organs and tissues to hypoxia;
  • water activities optimal temperature(28-32 degrees) by relaxing the smooth respiratory muscles they reduce bronchospasm;
  • horizontal position of the patient's body in water in combination with inhalation of warm, moist air improves bronchial drainage;
  • the very fact of mechanical pressure of water on the chest and increased resistance during inhalation develops the respiratory muscles like a simulator in gym, while simultaneously ensuring a full exhalation.

Thus, swimming is both a breathing exercise and a massage, and also has its own effect on our respiratory system, and on the entire body as a whole. Undoubtedly, exercises in the pool are recommended for all patients with bronchopulmonary pathology, and swimming is great for preventing and increasing functional indicators respiratory system, as well as the resistance of the whole body. For people suffering from pathology of the bronchopulmonary apparatus, it is not only advisable, but vitally necessary to engage in swimming. In this case, swimming is a physiotherapeutic procedure associated with staying in water, massage, and breathing exercises at the same time.

Swimming and asthma

Scientists have found the perfect sport for asthmatics .

Swimming will significantly improve the health of asthmatics and allergy sufferers, according to Taiwanese immunologists from Medical University Taipei. Their research showed that children with asthma can control and regulate all symptoms of the disease through swimming.

Children from 7 to 12 years old were divided into 2 groups. One was engaged in a special program in the pool for 6 weeks, and the other was a control. In children from the first group, doctors noted a clear improvement in both well-being and clinical indicators. That is, doctors believe that swimming has been proven effective in the fight against asthma in children.

Pediatricians recorded a decrease in the severity of asthma, wheezing went away, breathing became easier, some children got rid of chest deformation, and the quality of life of asthmatic children also improved.

Unlike other sports, doctors say, swimming can be considered the safest sport and treatment method for children who suffer from asthma; it does not provoke asthma attacks.

In addition to the fact that respiratory processes have improved (lung volume has increased), swimming has psychological and physical development the child returned to normal after a year of such activities.

But, as you know, there is a problem in our swimming pools - the water there is chlorinated, and in such an environment, asthmatics and allergy sufferers feel uncomfortable due to irritation of the respiratory tract and skin. It is worth looking for a pool where the water is not chlorinated, but ozonized, ionized or purified with ultraviolet light.

Bronchial asthma is a very common disease. According to the most conservative estimates, from 250 to 500 million people suffer from it in the world. The incidence on average doubles every 2-3 decades, and therefore there is nothing strange in the fact that in last years We hear a lot about athletes suffering from asthma. That, however, does not prevent them from setting records and becoming champions.
Unfortunately, not all people are correctly informed about this aspect modern life how the relationship between asthma, physical education and sports. I have repeatedly encountered cases that are directly opposite: in some cases, physical education teachers in schools categorically objected to classes for children with asthma and demanded complete liberation, in others, on the contrary, they did not give any concessions and demanded that children with asthma study according to the general school curriculum. Not to mention the fact that most coaches in all sports are, to put it mildly, reluctant to take asthmatics “as athletes.”
This is what I wanted to talk about. In 1989, an interesting book “Asthma and Sports” (ASTHMA AND EXERCISE) was published in the USA, which provided numerous examples of how many athletes, despite their illness - bronchial asthma, achieved outstanding results in sports and even became Olympic champions . In Russia, unfortunately, practical doctors and scientists working in the field of medicine do not actually pay due attention to this problem. Therefore, briefly, in the form of abstracts, I will outline what patients themselves, their parents (if we are talking about children), physical education teachers and coaches should know about asthma and sports.

Asthma - serious illness, requiring constant medical control and supportive treatment.

Asthma, when properly treated, is well controlled and is not life-threatening. If you meet such a person in the gym or on the tennis court, you will not even suspect that he has an illness. Of course, there is no need to worry about such a patient.

Can a child with asthma go swimming?

If your child has asthma, you're probably worried, trying to protect him from anything that could trigger another attack. In some children, provoking factors include physical activity. But in most cases, children with asthma can play sports completely calmly.

In fact, regular exercise even strengthens your baby's lungs and helps him stay healthy. It is believed that swimming is a good choice for asthma, since during classes children breathe warm and humid air. But before you send your child swimming, it is still better to consult a doctor.

Getting ready for a swim

Thinking about classes? Is your child learning to swim or wanting to compete? In any case, consider the following.

The main thing is the ability to control the situation. The disease must be under control, that is, attacks and symptoms such as coughing and wheezing should only bother the child occasionally.

If your child develops symptoms or gets worse, talk to your doctor. You may need to choose a different medicine.

Find out if your child should take medication before exercise. Perhaps inhalation 5-15 minutes before classes will help him tolerate physical activity more easily.

Receive detailed written instructions from your doctor in case of an attack of illness, duplicate them and distribute them to teachers, coaches, instructors summer camp And medical personnel. Make sure your child has all necessary medications with him.

Use a peak flow meter - a portable measuring device peak speed exhalation, i.e. maximum speed air flow during forced exhalation. If indicators decrease, refrain from physical activity and consult a doctor, even if the child says he feels fine.

Swimming pool, chlorine and asthma

Swimming is good for asthma

A new study conducted Breathe Well Center UTAS School of Medicine has shown that swimming has positive effect for young people with bronchial asthma without side effect on the course of the disease.

“The analysis was designed to determine the effectiveness and safety of swimming in children and adolescents with asthma. Our study showed that swimming is well tolerated by children with stable asthma, improves physical and cardiopulmonary health, and improves lung function,” the scientists report.

The authors noted that while swimming is an exceptional form of exercise for children and adolescents with asthma, there are concerns that it may worsen disease control. According to experts, swimmers with bronchial asthma have a better course and outcome of the disease.

“This study provides a strong scientific basis decision making to recommend this type of exercise,” the researchers say.

I’ve been smoking since I was 15 years old, mostly light cigarettes, but as the weather got colder I started to have a cough in the morning, maybe I should go see a doctor?

Swimming helps with childhood asthma

Swimming is one of the best ways to monitor signs of childhood asthma. This was recently stated by experts from Brazil.

In their opinion, swimming is very effective means treatment for children who suffer from this breathing disorder.

To explore this topic, scientists conducted a study in which children aged 6 to 12 years old with asthma took part.

All participants were divided into two groups. One group completed a training program in swimming pool for a period of 6 weeks and standard therapy against asthma. The second group was the control group and no special procedures were not carried out for her.

The results showed that children from the first group showed a significant improvement after some time various symptoms, including clinical ones. In addition, children's statistics on hospitalization and school absences, which are associated with health conditions, have decreased.

Overall, asthma symptoms became less severe. Pediatricians noted a decrease in the severity of symptoms and easier breathing, a reduction in signs of wheezing and snoring, as well as chest deformation. In other words, the pool made life a little easier for children suffering from asthma.

Swimming, when compared with other sports, is completely safe for children who are being treated for asthma, since it does not provoke painful attacks of suffocation, which are so important for asthmatics.

In addition, swimming helps normalize respiratory processes, because it increases lung capacity and teaches correct technique breathing, not to mention psychological and physical development.

We all love swimming, but few of us understand that it is not only a fun pastime, but also a healthy activity. Swimming has a beneficial effect both, in particular, on all the muscles of a person, and on his body as a whole.

It should be noted that swimming lessons are great for people of all ages. During this procedure, the muscles of the back, arms, abs and legs are strengthened. All life processes return to normal - breathing and blood supply improve, the heart begins to work more efficiently. correct mode. Thus, this fun procedure will help improve efficiency. traditional treatment many diseases. For example, doctors say that swimming and varicose veins are incompatible things. And this is not just a statement - after all, while in water, a person’s vessels get rid of excessive load, which in itself is an effective prevention of many diseases, so we can say that swimming and varicose veins will win, and from possible problems They will relieve your cardiovascular system.

Another example - it is known that the vast majority of sports are contraindicated for asthma. But as soon as a sick person masters swimming, asthma in many cases recedes. With regular exercise in the pool, many people suffering from this disease experience easier breathing, wheezing disappears, and swimming does not provoke attacks of suffocation.

There are many reasons to start swimming. Some people are planning to master marathon swimming, while others use going to the pool as a way to effective procedure for recovery. Experts say that regular swimming from a very early age significantly increases a person's chances of living a long and healthy life.

About the benefits of swimming for weight loss

For older people, swimming will help lose weight and keep muscles and joints in good shape. When a person swims, all muscles work, and blood quickly flows to them. Due to this, additional warm-ups and muscle loads are not required. An hour of swimming can burn up to eight hundred calories. Swimming trains a person's endurance and increases the vital capacity of the lungs.



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