Purulent tonsillitis treatment with folk remedies. Purulent sore throat - treatment

Acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis is an acute infectious disease that affects areas palatine tonsils. According to the pathomorphological classification, this disease can occur in several forms: follicular, catarrhal, necrotic and lacunar form. The last three types of disease differ from the first by the presence of purulent discharge on the tonsils, due to this, they are popularly united common name- purulent sore throat. The disease not only causes severe pain, but can cause serious complications. What to do and how to treat purulent sore throat at home?

Cause of purulent sore throat

The cause of this disease is infection bacterial origin . The pathogen passes into the tonsils from foci of chronic damage in the body or from the outside. Main number of cases acute sore throat is caused by a bacterium called group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, and only 25% of the disease is caused by streptococci and their combination with staphylococci.

The main risk factors for acute tonsillitis are:

  • reduced immunity;
  • local (near the throat) or general hypothermia of the body;
  • bad habits(especially smoking);
  • excessive air dryness, gas pollution and dustiness;
  • sudden changes in temperature.


Purulent tonsillitis is one of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory canals. This disease most often affects children over 7 years of age, as well as adults of working age. The disease is characterized by a pronounced seasonality - the peak of the disease occurs in spring and autumn.

The source of infection is an asymptomatic carrier of streptococcus, as well as a person with tonsillitis. The main method of transmission of the disease is airborne, however, the role of both nutritional (that is, with food) and contact-household (using household items) mechanisms cannot be ruled out. This is a highly contagious infection, the greatest susceptibility to this disease is observed in children and adults with lesions in the oral cavity of chronic infection.

Symptoms of the disease

This disease, as a rule, begins acutely and passes very hard. The incubation time (from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease) is several days. In the foreground are the general symptoms of body intoxication:

Against the background of intoxication symptoms, a person develops a sore throat, mild at first, but over time they become stronger, reaching their peak on the 4-5th day of the illness. At this stage, the pain becomes more pronounced, bothering the patient constantly, interfering with nasal rest and making the swallowing process impossible - the person cannot eat food.

Often observed inflammation of regional lymph nodes– they are painful when touched, hurt when swallowing, and increase in size.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis purulent sore throat is based on examination data of the oropharynx - pharyngoscopy, anamnesis data ( acute passage course of the disease) and human complaints (characteristic clinical picture). During pharyngoscopy, the doctor will determine what form of acute tonsillitis the patient has:

A general blood test may show an increase in the number of leukocytes - leukocytosis, displacement leukocyte formula V left side, an increase in ESR, in some cases up to 45-55 mm/h.

You need to know that infection of the tonsils is not always primary - in some cases it appears against the background of such serious infectious diseases as Infectious mononucleosis and diphtheria. In doubtful situations, a sick person may be prescribed specific blood tests to identify the pathogen or a bacteriological examination of plaque, which is taken from the surface of the tonsils. To prevent the spread of infection, the patient may be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital.

Purulent sore throat: how to treat purulent sore throat in adults?

Treating purulent tonsillitis should only be done under the supervision of a doctor. Delayed or incorrect treatment can lead to serious complications, which in some cases can even lead to death.

Treatment is unacceptable of this disease exclusively using traditional medicine!

Since purulent tonsillitis, as a rule, goes away with obvious symptoms of intoxication of the body, then when acute course indicated for the patient's illness bed rest maintaining vocal rest and limiting contact with other people.

To prevent injury to the inflamed mucosa, the food consumed by the patient during the illness must be warm and soft, and to increase immune system human body - fortified. For a faster release of toxins, the patient is advised to drink plenty of fluids, naturally, warm: green tea with lemon, vegetable and fruit fruit drinks, mineral alkaline water still, milk with honey - these drinks should be almost the basis daily menu a patient with a sore throat.

Drug therapy includes: healing procedures like inhalation medicines, irrigation and rinsing of the mouth with antiseptic solutions, use of products parenterally (using infusions and injections) or orally (that is, by mouth - tablet preparations).

The main component of the treatment of acute purulent tonsillitis is and is constantly antibiotic therapy. This point must not be neglected, since the tonsils bacterial infection can move on to life important organs- kidneys and heart. The most commonly used are macrolides (Erythromycin, Azithromycin), 2-3 generation cephalosporins (Zinnat, Cefuroxime, Cefix, Ceftriaxone), phenoxymethylpenicillin and amoxicillin-clavulanate (Augmentin, Amoxiclav). The antibiotic must be taken for another three days after the body temperature has returned, and only after this period can the drug be discontinued.

Usage local antibiotic Bioparox during acute tonsillitis is also very important, as is systemic antibiotic therapy. This remedy acts on the source of inflammation itself, killing bacteria immediately at the site.

In addition to Bioparox, lozenges and sprays can treat the disease local action which have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties: Trachisan, Decathylene, Ingalipt, Neo-angin, Septolete, Faringosept, Kameton, Tantum Verde - these drugs are very a large number of, and every doctor has a few particularly favorite remedies in mind for the treatment of sore throat.

Also during purulent sore throat it makes sense gargling. For this purpose, solutions of various antiseptics (alcohol chlorophyllipt, Stomatidin, furatsillin), herbal decoctions (chamomile, chamomile) are used. The more often you gargle with this disease, the greater the effect will be noticeable. If you treat this disease, then 4-5 gargles a day will be pointless; you need to gargle at least once an hour, and even better, every half hour. The solutions used can be used one at a time.

Also, for purulent sore throat, Lugol's solution or, as people say, Lugol's is often used. It is not used as a rinse solution, but cotton swab applied to the tonsil area itself, while simultaneously removing purulent films from them. In addition to Lugol, this can be used oil solution Chlorophyllipta.

For purulent sore throat, treating this disease with inhalations is not relevant, but performing this procedure using a simple saline solution, solutions antiseptic herbs or alkaline mineral waters will improve sputum discharge and soften the inflamed mucous membrane.

To reduce swelling of the tonsils, the patient may be prescribed antihistamines(Zodak, Erius, Aleron).

For regional lymphadenitis, it is prescribed to the area of ​​infected lymph nodes and compresses with medications(may include antiallergic drugs, antibiotic, Dimexide, antiseptic solutions, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs) and warming compresses(for example, semi-alcoholic).

During the recovery stage, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures - electrophoresis And UHF on the tonsil area.

Purulent sore throat: treatment at home

In treatment positive result They give rinses with various infusions of plants and herbs. An infusion of eucalyptus, chamomile, sage, celandine, and calendula can help a sore throat. A decoction can be made from one herb or from several at the same time. If you want to make a decoction from one medicinal plant, then you need to take it in the ratio of one glass to one cup of boiling water. You need to give the mixture time to brew. As a rule, one hour is enough for this. Afterwards, express the infusion and gargle once every 2-3 hours.

When you want to gargle and treat with several herbs at the same time, you need to purchase 2-3 types medicinal plant and mix them in equal quantities. Then take one tablespoon of the mixture and add a glass of boiling water to it, let it brew, express and gargle the sore throat.

You can also make this solution to gargle and treat your throat. Take one teaspoon of salt and soda and stir in a glass of water. Three drops of iodine are dripped into it. The composition is thoroughly mixed. You need to gargle with this solution every 2 hours. This remedy perfectly relieves swelling and pain of the mucous membrane.

To cure purulent sore throat at home, you can use onion juice. It is taken orally, 1 tsp. 5-6 times daily.

To treat this disease you can use propolis. You need to chew a piece of propolis for 30 minutes. You can chew it every two hours.

Complications of purulent sore throat

In case of untimely or improper treatment acute tonsillitis may cause some complications that are conditionally divided into late and early:

  • Early ones are caused by the spread of infection to the tissues and organs adjacent to the tonsils. These are otitis media, peritonsillar abscess, purulent lymphadenitis regional lymph nodes, sinusitis. These conditions usually go away without leaving a trace, however, they require urgent treatment.
  • Late complications, as a rule, appear one month after treatment of purulent tonsillitis. These include arthritis, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, rheumatic diseases heart (formation of defect). These diseases require long-term, in some cases lifelong, treatment and can lead to disability for the patient.

Prevention of acute tonsillitis

Does not exist specific prevention purulent sore throat. To prevent illness, you need to pay maximum attention to your health: lead an active lifestyle, get proper rest, and eat right. Timely sanitation and diagnosis of foci of chronic diseases in the body, as well as hardening, are necessary.

To prevent the spread of an infectious disease, it is necessary to isolate the patient as much as possible, use personal hygiene products and individual utensils. In addition, it is necessary to regularly perform wet cleaning and ventilate the room where the patient is located.

Sore throat is the most common infectious disease of the tonsils. Inflammation of the tissues of the pharynx is accompanied by high temperature, redness or suppuration of the palate, as well as food obstruction.

It is believed that sore throat can be quickly treated at home. However, for treatment you need to know some features.

Treating a sore throat at home: first aid

Occurs in children and adults. Correct treatment reduces the risk of complications: rheumatism of the joints, heart and kidney diseases, infectious-allergic myocarditis.

This disease is dangerous not only for its complications, but also for the spread of infection throughout the body.

The etiology of the disease is most often viruses and bacteria. Infection through airborne droplets or household objects from a sick person is possible. Children get sick due to hypothermia in the cold season.

Types of sore throat:

  • Catarrhal. Most light form. Dryness and itching low temperature;
  • Follicular. Purulent formations form on the tonsils. The disease is accompanied by high temperature, complications are possible;
  • Lacunarnaya. Similar in symptoms to follicular. However, the course is much more complicated: the tonsils are greatly enlarged, the palate is swollen, the gaps are filled with pus;
  • Herpangina . The causative agent is the Coxsackie virus. Red bubbles form on the palate, accompanied by difficult breathing and high fever. Most often they get sick in childhood;
  • Necrotic. The most severe form of the disease. Accompanied by suppuration of the tonsils, the formation of ulcers, and high fever. The duration can be from 10 days to a month;
  • Purulent. Most often it is a consequence of hypothermia of the legs. High temperature and headaches, changes in taste and smell.

First aid consists of isolating the patient from others, bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids, which should also remove viruses. Actually, first aid is complete rest and constant warm (not hot) drinks.

Already on the third day, interferon is produced in the body, which helps the body produce required quantity antibodies to viruses or infections.

In children, the disease can occur in an acute form, causing emergency clinical conditions(dehydration), so it is important for children under 3 years of age to provide qualified assistance doctor

How to treat sore throat in adults?

Treatment of sore throat in adults at home is the most common and most effective. Folk remedies will not only help disinfect the body, but will also help cope with weakness, headaches and high fever.

The first thing the patient is interested in is how to numb the tonsils so that they can eat. Since in most cases a sore throat turns purulent, even drinking in small sips becomes a real “torture”.

It is important to use folk remedies that will help cope with the symptoms of pain:

  • Gargling every two hours with a solution of soda, salt and iodine.

Dilute baking soda and salt in warm water, one teaspoon each, add 5 drops alcohol solution iodine;

  • Infusion of calendula and chamomile.

Mix dry herbs in equal parts, infuse 3 tablespoons of the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water and rinse every hour;

Dilute 3 tablespoons of lean or olive oil in 100 grams of honey. Take one teaspoon before meals. It is necessary to dissolve slowly until completely dissolved. Do not drink water for 20 minutes.

How to quickly cure a sore throat in children?

Treatment of sore throat in children at home is associated with the risk of complications. Along with the fact that children can easily tolerate high temperatures, children cannot tolerate sore throats.

Therefore, all recipes are initially aimed at eliminating severe swelling and inflammation of the larynx:

Cranberry infusion. Squeeze fresh berries and chop dry ones. Pour 250 grams of boiling water over 50 grams of berries, let cool and take 50 grams 5 times a day;

Honey and garlic mixture. Squeeze garlic juice (1 head) into honey (250 grams). Allow the child to suck before meals 20 minutes 3-4 times a day;

Raspberry branch tea, currants and apple trees. Brew and give instead drinking water in any proportion;

Aloe and linden. Grind the aloe pulp to obtain a paste in the amount of 3 tablespoons. Prepare a steep decoction of linden flowers (2 tablespoons of flowers per 250 grams of boiling water). Then mix aloe juice and strained linden decoction, dilute with 300 grams of boiled, cooled water and give the baby 50 grams to drink 3 times a day.

Important: This recipe is strictly prohibited for children with kidney disorders and diseases!

Cure a sore throat at home in 1 day, even if initial stage disease is impossible. This is justified by the fact that tonsillitis is extremely difficult, with high fever and suppuration of the tonsils. The body accumulates antibodies for the first three days, and only then can we talk about recovery.

Recipes for sore throat and dry cough

There are several effective recipes and traditional methods that help eliminate such symptoms at home:

  • Beet juice and honey.

Extract juice from raw beets. You need a volume of 250 grams. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to the juice. Take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day. It is important to store the infusion in the refrigerator and warm it slightly in a water bath before use.

The shelf life is no more than 3 days, and therefore you need to calculate the required amount of juice in such a way as to receive a new portion every two days;

  • Cabbage and honey.

Taken as a compress. Treatment is effective in complex treatment. You need to scald a cabbage (old) leaf with boiling water, spread it with honey and apply it to your throat. Wrap with oilcloth and a warm scarf. Leave for at least 5 hours.

If you have a dry cough along with a sore throat, you can apply compresses to the bronchial area.

Recipes for gargling

Treating a sore throat at home using folk remedies is familiar to everyone. This allows you not only to save money, but also to carry out painless and quick treatment within the walls of your own home.

So, how to gargle at home - recipes:

How to treat a sore throat at home traditional methods? Used to eliminate soreness and swelling of the throat different methods rinsing, long-term treatment. Washing out plaque various solutions helps to get rid of difficult swallowing. For rinsing, herbal inhalations, soda-salt solutions, and sage decoctions are effective.

  • Recipe No. 1: rinsing

You need to prepare a familiar and well-known solution of soda and salt. It is advisable to use large salt crystals coarse. Add 5 grams citric acid. This solution disinfects, reduces pain and practically eats away the white plaque on the tonsils.

Rinse an arbitrary number of times, depending on the pain. Afterwards, do not eat or drink.

  • Recipe No. 2: hot inhalations

You need to prepare a container for inhalation in which only your nose and mouth can breathe (there are special inexpensive inhalers in pharmacies). Prepare a steep decoction of sage, plantain, calendula flowers and fir oil.

Prepare a solution for inhalation in an arbitrary proportion. Add fir oil in an amount of no more than 5 drops to the finished hot mixture. Breathe at least 3-4 times a day until the steam cools completely.

Recipe No. 3: throat ointment

Important feature tonsillitis is suppuration of the tonsils. Pain and symptoms can be eliminated only in one case - direct impact on the source of the sore throat. Can be used in combination with inhalations next method treatment:

  • Honey – 50 grams;
  • Onion juice (1 pc.);
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. badger fat;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of currant jam;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.

This mixture should be dissolved in an amount of 1 tablespoon until completely dissolved. Carry out manipulations at least 5 times a day. After resorption, do not eat or drink.

Treatment methods for sore throat during pregnancy

Sore throat during pregnancy and its treatment on its own is a life-threatening condition for the child. Dangerous and infectious diseases and high temperature. Detrimental to the unformed nervous system and viral spreading infection.

Self-medication in such a situation can be dangerous. Treatment with traditional methods at home is effective only in combination with antibacterial therapy.

You can use honey with garlic for the throat, decoctions of chamomile and calendula, cabbage compresses. Sage is prohibited for use and treatment during pregnancy.

How to treat purulent sore throat?

Purulent sore throat treatment at home in adults is accompanied by high fever and distortion of taste buds.

  • Potatoes and vinegar.

Grate two medium potatoes on a fine grater and mix with 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Apply to the throat as a compress;

  • Treatment of sore throat with kerosene.

Take 2 drops of distilled (purified) kerosene after meals twice a day for no more than 5 days;

  • Ginger and lemon.

Mix grated ginger - 3 tbsp. spoons and a whole lemon in a meat grinder. Mix with 3 tablespoons of honey. Take 1 teaspoon 5 times a day.

Home treatment for purulent sore throat in children

Treatment of purulent sore throat at home in children is a complex of measures: compresses, inhalations and ointments. Often a decision is made about local antibacterial drug:

  • Biseptol,
  • Lorangin,
  • Tantum Verde.

Aimed at eliminating sore throat:

  • Rinsing with a decoction of chamomile and sage;
  • 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide per 200 grams of water. Rinse in random order;
  • A decoction of red onion peel. Gargle at least 5 times a day;
  • Cabbage juice– 100 grams, propolis – 10 grams, dissolve, mix and take 1 tablespoon three times a day.


Because sore throat can cause complications. Then the doctor makes a decision on prescribing drug treatment:

  • Antibiotics: Flemoxin, Azithromycin, Ericicline;

To answer the question of how to quickly cure a sore throat, you need to find out what kind of disease it is. Sore throat is a disease during which the palatine tonsils become inflamed.

The disease is widespread among young people. It does not occur in infancy and rarely occurs after forty years.

If it is not possible to see a doctor right away, the question arises: how to cure a sore throat quickly.

Acute period of the disease

Sore throat always begins acutely: chills, headache, joint pain. A very short period of time passes from infection to the first manifestations of the disease: only from a few hours to 1-2 days.

A sore throat immediately appears. It's small at first, but gets worse very quickly. Sometimes the pain is so excruciating that it is impossible to swallow (both food and saliva).

The temperature rises to 38-40°C. The throat and tonsils become bright red.

How to act in an acute period?

  1. A quick way to cure a sore throat initial stage- is to gargle soda solution: 1 tsp. soda + 1 tsp. salt + 3 drops of iodine per glass warm water. This helps remove germs and mucus.
  2. Gargling with a solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin.
  3. If in home medicine cabinet there are herbs, we also gargle with infusions of chamomile, sage, marigold (calendula). 1 tablespoon of herb per glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Calendula is especially effective, try it.
  4. An excellent remedy is a decoction of plantain leaves. Available everywhere and to everyone. You can take half a glass of onion juice, mix with two tablespoons (tablespoons) of honey, and then lubricate your throat with this solution.

During the acute period, we gargle every half hour or hour. It is very important to gargle often! There are many methods to quickly cure a sore throat. Choose to suit every taste and material possibilities.

What does traditional medicine offer?

  1. Drink freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice in small sips. If not fresh berries, can be replaced with warm tea with sea buckthorn jam. If there sea ​​buckthorn oil, then lubricate the tonsils with it. After this, we don’t eat or drink for 30 minutes, but wait for the sea buckthorn to take effect. sore throat. Another option with sea buckthorn: gargle with a decoction of leaves, fruits, and bark.
  2. Fresh beet juice. Let's gargle them. Beetroot juice also helps with a runny nose.
  3. Rinse with calendula tincture. Pour ten grams of dried flowers into 100 ml of 70% alcohol. Leave in a dark place for 7 days. Use this way: 1 teaspoon diluted in 100 ml warm boiled water. We rinse several times a day. But this tincture needs to be prepared in advance, and waiting seven days for a sore throat is unreasonable. It's easier to use a ready-made one alcohol tincture- buy at the pharmacy.
  4. But if a sore throat happened to you in the summer(this happens often), then you can gargle with the juice of calendula flowers. We take fresh flower baskets and pass them through a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting slurry, dilute it with water (1:3) and gargle 2-3 times a day.

You can cure a sore throat at home, but it is better to do it under the supervision of a doctor. And most importantly - within acute period need bed rest and warm drinking plenty of fluids.

Interesting video about self-treatment sore throats:

How to quickly cure a child's sore throat?

It is impossible to delay the treatment of a child’s sore throat. We need to act quickly. Otherwise there is no way to avoid serious complications: rheumatism, kidney inflammation, heart disease.

When asked how to quickly cure a child’s sore throat, any doctor will tell you that you need to determine the form of the disease: catarrhal, follicular or lacunar.

  • If your throat is red, this is catarrhal tonsillitis, the mildest form of tonsillitis.
  • If there are white or yellow purulent spots on the tonsils, the sore throat is follicular or lacunar, difficult to treat and very dangerous form diseases.

Catarrhal sore throat

The catarrhal form is considered the mildest. It is very similar to a cold. The child’s throat hurts, but not much. The child may feel nauseous and feel weak.

We use sprays and aerosols for treatment: Inhalipt, Hexoral, Tantum Verde. Also, frequent rinsing with infusions of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, and calendula. You can use propolis solution and ginger tea.

Under no circumstances should you lubricate your child’s throat with Lugol’s solution, iodine, or kerosene. The use of these products leads to the destruction of the protective film on the tonsils, and the microbes penetrate even deeper.

How to quickly cure a purulent sore throat?

Follicular tonsillitis accompanied by intoxication of the body, the temperature rises to 41° C. There are yellowish purulent blisters on the tonsils. In this case, treatment with antibiotics is necessary. It's complicated and dangerous disease. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. You cannot stop taking antibiotics, even if you feel better after 2-3 days. Be sure to finish your antibiotics, even if you already feel well.

At lacunar angina on the tonsils purulent plaque white-yellow color. Treatment, as with follicular, is with antibiotics. To choose the right drug, the doctor must do an analysis to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to a particular type of antibiotic. The answer to the question “how to quickly cure follicular sore throat? - only by combining antibiotics and rinsing.

For these types of sore throats, antihistamines are prescribed to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. Bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and rinsing every half hour are required. If necessary, antipyretics. To prevent rheumatism, aspirin is prescribed 1 tablet three times a day.

Remember that sore throat can be not only independent disease, but one of the manifestations of other dangerous diseases: diphtheria, scarlet fever, syphilis, tuberculosis.

Purulent sore throat - serious disease requiring immediate treatment. When the first signs appear, you need to put things aside and start treating purulent sore throat in adults at home. This article looks at home treatments for adults, although many of them are also suitable for children.

Important! When the described disease appears on the tonsils, it progresses streptococcal infection. It is necessary to carry out antibacterial therapy. The medications and dosage must be prescribed by a doctor.

The specialist will order tests. Maybe, curative therapy not finished. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse the tonsils special drugs, rinsing antiseptics And herbal decoctions.

Treatment without antibiotics

Sometimes patients begin to use folk remedies or solutions homemade. On early stage they may prove effective.

You can prepare your own solution for gargling: add 1 tsp to a glass of boiled water, cooled slightly. salt, 1 tsp. soda and 2 drops of iodine. Local treatment will also help:

  1. It is effective to use sprays in combination: Kameton, Givalex.
  2. Dissolving tablets are easy to use: Strepsils, Agisept.

Home remedies for treating sore throat

Tincture of calendula

To 1 tbsp. l. Calendula flowers need to pour a mug of boiling water. Cover with a plate and leave for 30 minutes. Then, after straining, gargle the sore throat with calendula decoction every 60 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide

Can be used as a rinse to quickly get rid of inflammatory process. Dilute 1 tbsp in a glass of warm water. spoon of peroxide, rinse. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, peroxide helps remove plaque from the tonsils.


Natural propolis is used for treatment. It can be bought at a pharmacy. Propolis should be sucked or chewed after each meal and gargling. Take no more than 1 tsp per day. propolis. Chew or suck one serving for half an hour.


  • tea (brew tea, throw in a few slices of lemon, let it brew for 5-10 minutes and drink, drink every 3 hours);
  • lemon-honey mixture (mix 1 tablespoon of honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice, dissolve in your mouth).

You should be aware that with severe inflammation of the throat, lemon can irritate the mucous membranes and cause pain. In this case, therapy should be abandoned.

Garlic for inhalation

Peel one head of garlic and cut into slices. Place in a saucepan with a liter of water and bring to a boil. Dissolve 1 tsp. soda Do inhalations three times a day for 20 minutes.

Decoction of aspen bark

To prepare you need to have on hand aspen bark. Moreover, its thickness should be from 2 cm or more. The bark is crushed and filled with water (the proportion is taken to be one to two). Boil for 15 minutes over low heat. When the broth has cooled, use it to gargle after each meal. Be sure to gargle at night.

Fruit drinks and jelly

Another folk version to cope with a sore throat. Jelly based on red berries is suitable for drinking: raspberries, currants, cranberries.

Important! You should not drink more than one liter in one day. It is advisable to take lingonberry decoction instead of tea or other warm liquids that are recommended for general systemic treatment.

Other options for gargling solutions:

  1. Dilute potassium permanganate powder with water to a pale pinkish color.
  2. Buy calendula tincture at the pharmacy (dilute no more than 1 teaspoon of infusion in a mug of water). The product is not suitable for children.
  3. Chamomile solution (1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers is brewed with a glass of boiling water).
  4. Iodine. In this situation, you should take up to 8 drops of iodine per glass of boiling water.
  5. Salt and soda. The most popular solution for rinsing the mouth during illness. Dissolve 15 g of salt and soda in a glass of water.

These are the main options for treating purulent sore throat in adults at home. Remember about preventive measures: hardening and increasing general level immunity. This will prevent the development of such a serious and complex disease.

Purulent tonsillitis is caused by bacteria and viruses, mainly streptococcal groups against the background of decreased immunity. It occurs severely and, in the absence of proper therapy, entails chronic diseases. Fast treatment purulent sore throat and appropriate prevention will help achieve long-term remission or complete recovery.

How to recognize

The diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a doctor, by general examination throat and history taking. You can also recognize the disease yourself.

During a purulent sore throat, a pronounced coating on the tonsils

7 reliable signs sore throats:

  1. Severe pain in the throat when swallowing.
  2. Plaque on the palate and tonsils.
  3. Redness of the throat.
  4. Temperature 38-39 degrees, rarely 40-41.
  5. Swelling of the submandibular lymph nodes.
  6. Weakness, apathy.
  7. May join.

Only together do these symptoms indicate the presence of a disease. A single sign indicates a simple ARVI.


Divided into four forms. The approach and treatment for each of them is selected personally by an otolaryngologist.

  1. . Characterized by severe swelling of the neck and tonsils. It is difficult and accompanied by high body temperature (up to 40 degrees). Requires urgent hospitalization.
  2. . Present on tonsils white coating, which is deleted surgically, for example, with the Tonzillor-M device.
  3. . In itself it does not pose any particular danger. The patient complains of a sore throat and difficulty swallowing. During the examination, hyperemia (redness) of the palate and tonsils is visible.
  4. . Advanced form of catarrhal disease. It is characterized by severe swelling in the throat and enlarged lymph nodes. Purulent white dots are found at the site of the lesion.


Like any microbial disease, sore throat can appear due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. Carious teeth and lack of oral care are risk factors.

Since the ear-nose-throat system is closely interconnected, untreated otitis media and sinusitis are also the cause of the disease. Decreased immunity and hypothermia provoke the development of purulent sore throat in an adult. As well as direct contact with an already sick person.

What to do at the first manifestations

When treating purulent sore throat at home, there is a main rule - do no harm. In order to provide first aid to yourself, you need to be sure that this is it.

What to do before the doctor arrives:

  • eliminate drafts;
  • The main rule of treatment is to minimize contact with family members, since the disease;
  • do not drink cold drinks, as this will increase inflammation and swelling of the tonsils;
  • drink more warm liquids with the addition of natural antibiotics - lemon, honey, ginger;
  • chop and place onions and garlic around the room.

After examination and collection of relevant tests, the ENT doctor will prescribe antibacterial treatment and will tell you how to quickly cure a purulent sore throat. Start gargling with topical solutions:, and.

For a sore throat it is added. It helps cure purulent sore throat at home. The presence of iodine and glycerol in the solution gives an antibacterial and softening effect. Irrigate the throat 3-5 times a day, unless the doctor prescribes otherwise.

To fight the body against microbes, take antibiotics that are resistant to streptococcal groups: Amoxicillin, Flemoxin Solutab, Ceftriaxone. Before prescribing, the doctor is required to conduct a blood test for bacterial culture. This will help ensure that the medicine is prescribed correctly. And also do an allergy test. It guarantees the absence of allergies to the components of the drug.

Home methods

There are many tips on how to treat purulent sore throat at home. Everyone has a different opinion about recipes, some help, some don’t. Ideally, the advice is applied in conjunction with drug therapy.


Wash the fruit thoroughly with soap to remove any dirt and grease that has accumulated on the peel. Cut into round slices, add 2-3 tsp. Sahara. The medicine is ready! Dissolve the slices or chew them along with the zest. After the procedure, do not eat or gargle for 30 minutes.

Tea with the addition will help with the treatment of purulent sore throat in adults, or you can simply pour it hot water, and drink warm without any additives. It is recommended to eat 1-2 fruits per day, unless you have allergies.

Cabbage juice

Grate the cabbage and squeeze. Leave for 40 minutes, then drain the juice. Gargle 2-3 times a day, warming slightly. As tonic- drink 50 ml of juice per day.


Heat the milk to 40–45 degrees. Add two teaspoons of honey and half a teaspoon butter. Drink one glass in the morning and evening. Honey and milk will help quickly boost immunity, which will affect the speed of recovery.

Calamus root

Cut the root into 2-3 cm pieces and chew up to 5 times a day.

Prepare a decoction for rinsing: 1 tbsp. l. crushed calamus root, pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes, then leave for another 20 minutes, strain. Gargle with the prepared solution 4-5 times a day.

Beet juice

Grate it and squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp through cheesecloth. Add a tablespoon of 6%, dilute with water if desired. If you also mix with apple juice, the remedy helps get rid of cough and sore throat. Gargle 3-4 times a day.

3 glasses rule

  1. In the first glass, dilute a tablespoon of soda.
  2. In the second - a tablespoon of salt.
  3. Add 3-5 drops of iodine to the third.

Gargle one at a time. First, a soda solution to soften the tonsils. Then salt - kills microbes. Finally, rinse with iodine to prevent the development of new bacteria.


Solution recipe: add one teaspoon of soda to a glass of warm water. As a rule, it is harmless for many, so gargle your sore throat 6-8 times a day.

Follow the dosage so as not to dry out the throat mucosa.

Herbal decoctions

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of herbs into a glass of boiling water, be sure to cover with a lid for 10-15 minutes. The only way beneficial features will go into the water.

Suitable for such procedures:

  • rose hip;
  • raspberries;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Linden;
  • peppermint;
  • currant;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • anise;
  • thyme.

Decoctions can be drunk 50 ml 2 times a day or gargled 3-4 times. But before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Possible allergic reactions!

Onion and garlic

Squeeze the juice from one onion and five cloves of garlic, mix with 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. ghee. Take up to 5 times a day.

Do not exceed the dosage, because... overuse This medicine has a detrimental effect on the walls of the stomach.

Essential oils

This folk remedy is used with caution, as allergic reactions are possible.


In order not to wonder: how and how to cure a purulent sore throat, you need to remember about prevention. What reduces the risk of developing the disease:

  1. Correct selection of clothes in the autumn-winter period. Things should not be cold, but not hot either. Having sweated a lot, a person is even more susceptible to diseases in winter than being cold.
  2. Avoid drafts.
  3. . Boost your immunity by eating high-quality, healthy foods.
  4. Visit an otolaryngologist regularly.
  5. Avoid contact with infected people until they recover.
  6. Treat diseases associated with angina in a timely manner.

A purulent infection can be quickly cured only in combination with drug therapy and under the close supervision of a doctor. The main thing is to ask for help in time, and then there is a chance for speedy recovery there will be more.



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