Egg yolk benefits. All about egg yolk

Chicken eggs are perhaps one of the most indispensable products on our table. Many people simply cannot imagine their breakfast without an omelet or scrambled eggs, or simply boiled eggs for a sandwich. And this is easy to explain, because it is not only delicious product, but also very useful. But we invite you to find out a detailed chemical analysis of its composition right now.

Composition of chicken eggs

Athletes, in particular bodybuilders and people leading active image life, regularly consume chicken eggs. Why? It's all about their chemical composition and calorie content - this is a very nutritious and at the same time healthy product. The weight of one medium-sized egg fluctuates around 35 grams, and 100 grams of the product contains more than 155 kcal. With the help of valuable nutrients, eggs can satisfy the body's energy needs.

Chicken eggs contain 12 vitamins, of which rare groups B, for example, B12, B6, B3, B7, B5, B1, as well as vitamin A and D. They also contain a very large amount of minerals - calcium, iodine, iron, cobalt and others. Due to its chemical composition and high nutritional value, this product is almost completely absorbed by the body - 97%.

If we talk about a more detailed chemical composition, then it is important to consider the structure chicken egg under the shell: white and yolk. These are different components in their properties. In one medium-sized product, a little more than 55% is protein, about 35-36% is yolk and the rest is shell.

Protein composition

Despite the fact that, according to the chemical composition, chicken egg white contains up to 90% water and only a little more than 10% protein itself, it is still very nutritious and healthy. In 1889, a unique discovery was made - scientists deduced clean look protein - ovalbumin. Wherein egg white contains more than 50% of it. In addition, the protein contains conalbumin or ovotransferrin - a protein with antibacterial properties. Another bacteriolytic enzyme is lysozyme and ovomucoid, an allergic substance.

Complete composition of chicken egg white:

  1. 85% water;
  2. about 13% proteins;
  3. up to 1% (0.7%) carbohydrates;
  4. the rest is glucose, vitamins and other nutrients.

Yolk composition

The yolk is the fatty part of the chemical composition of eggs. It contains about 55 calories, which is twice as much as protein. However, the yolk is not devoid of protein and carbohydrates. If we consider its composition in more detail, then approximately up to 3 grams will be pure proteins, 0.61 grams of carbohydrates and almost 5 grams of fat. It is also important to note that important element like choline - vitamin B4. No other product contains it in such quantity as the yolks of chicken eggs.

But perhaps the most main value egg yolk is high content polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. So, it includes:

  • linolenic and linoleic acid- polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • oleic and palmitoleic acids - monounsaturated;
  • stearic, palmitic and myristic acids - saturated.

Shell properties

Egg shells should also not be separated when considering the value of the product as a whole. After all, this is no less useful part of them. For example, everyone known fact that eggshells contain a lot of calcium. It is enough to wash it well, dry it and crush it into powder with a mortar to get the most valuable food supplement. By the way, it can replace pharmaceutical calcium to improve the condition of nails, bones and hair.

Eggshells also contain many other microelements, for example, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and others. In addition, it even contains amino acids. Of course, not the same amount as in the yolk or white, but still. This all makes the shell very valuable and useful product. For example, shell powder can be added to prepared dishes or washed down with water separately, as natural spring calcium. Absorbed almost 100%.

How are they useful?

A lot has been written about the benefits of eggs. We will not pay particular attention to this, since when considering chemical composition this product, its benefits are already becoming clear. However, we still note some properties. For example, regular consumption of eggs helps fight depression, improves mood, and increases performance. Scientists have also proven that the product prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and even cancer.

What is the difference between C1 and C2 - let’s look at the markings

Probably all of us, when buying a tray, saw that C1, C2 or C3 was written on the shell. What does this mean? Therefore, poultry farms Russian standards Eggs are marked by expiration date and size (by weight). Let's look at it in more detail.

Letter marking

The letter on the egg means the sell-by date for the product. So, she could be C and D.

  • D - dietary product, which is no more than 7 days from the date of production;
  • C - table product for a period of 7 to 25 days.

Numerical and alphabetic markings by weight

The number or letter on the marking is always placed after the first letter of the sell-by date. This designation allows you to differentiate eggs by weight. For example:

  • IN - highest category or eggs weighing 75 grams or more;
  • O - selected, which weigh from 65 to 75 grams;
  • C1 - first category - standard from 55 to 65 grams;
  • C2 - category two - from 45 to 55 grams;
  • C3 - third category - from 35 to 45 grams.

Does shell color matter?

Many buyers believe that the color eggshells affects quality and taste. For example, some people only buy brown eggs. But this actually has nothing to do with taste, much less with the quality of the product. The color of the shell depends on the color and breed of chickens. IN in rare cases There may be unusual shades or spots on the shell, which may indicate that dyes were added to the bird’s food.

Can an egg be harmful?

They can! And this is due, first of all, to the allergen included in the composition. Yes, chicken eggs can cause allergies. It is also important to remember that this product is perishable and without observing the necessary standards and hygiene, it can be dangerous infection salmonellosis. Therefore, if you are not sure of the quality of the product, it is better not to eat it raw or with little heat treatment. Experts advise that all store-bought and especially market eggs be subjected to thorough heat treatment.

Some people are sure that fats and carbohydrates in egg yolks can affect their figure. This is partly true, but only if you do not comply with the norm. Or eat eggs with bacon, cutlets and others fatty foods. Supplement the product with vegetables and fresh herbs. The norm is no more than 3-4 eggs per week. This sufficient quantity to maintain health and well-being.

Beneficial features egg yolks are not subject to skeptical assessments and doubts - if only because they have been widely used in cosmetology, home and beyond, for a long time. Yolk masks are known to help maintain youthful skin and healthy hair for a long time. This part of chicken and quail eggs is often included in the composition various ointments, prepared according to folk recipes and intended for the treatment of burns and serious injuries skin. Healing mixtures on a yolk basis speed up the process of treating pneumonia and some other diseases respiratory system. And the story about the benefits of egg yolks does not end there.

The famous one is based on the high nutritional value of this product. As you know, egg yolk has long been considered one of the most safe species complementary foods for children infancy. True, modern pediatricians are no longer so unanimous in their assessments - many believe that one should not rush to introduce it into the baby’s diet, otherwise it can provoke an allergy. And sometimes adults should be very careful with yolks. There is a point of view according to which the abuse of egg dishes results in an increase in blood cholesterol levels.

The benefits of egg yolk: irrefutable evidence

The group of micro- and macroelements present in the yolk includes potassium, calcium and phosphorus. According to the content of potassium, which is extremely necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis and normalization blood pressure, the yolks of chicken and quail eggs may well compete. Calcium and phosphorus are primarily needed for healthy bones, teeth and hair.

The vitamin “palette” in the yolks is represented by vitamins A, B (almost the entire group), PP and E. One cannot help but highlight the presence of vitamin D in it, which is deficient in children infancy rickets develops. Uniqueness vitamin complex contained in each yolk is manifested in the fact that it simultaneously exerts beneficial influence on the functioning of the immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Under its influence, metabolism is activated, protective functions body and muscles are strengthened.

The yolks contain lecithin - an important structural component cell membranes. The importance of lecithin is very great for the formation and development of nerve cells.

Egg yolk and cholesterol: truth and myths

At the end of the twentieth century wide use received information that, together with egg yolks, a person absorbs impressive doses bad cholesterol, which is then deposited on the walls blood vessels, impedes blood circulation and causes atherosclerosis, which often ends in stroke. Disputes on this topic continue to this day. However, for example, in the USA, egg yolks have already been “rehabilitated” by doctors: special research has shown that the increase cholesterol levels and in the blood with regular consumption of eggs - only individual reaction. In fact, thanks to the lecithin found in yolks, the rate of cholesterol accumulation in the body is significantly reduced.

Calorie content of egg yolks

It has become a common belief that the calorie content of yolks can be determined by the intensity of their color: a pale yellow hue is associated with dietary qualities, and a bright and rich one is associated with an excess of calories. In fact, the intensity of the color is determined by the presence of carotenoids in the product - natural “dyes” yellow color, setting the tone for carrots, oranges, pumpkins and many other vegetables and fruits. The yellowness of the eggs indicates an excess of carotenoids in the chicken feed. For example, the yolks of poultry eggs that receive a lot of fresh greens for food in the summer are always bright.

And you shouldn’t bother counting the calories in eggs, including the yolks, since there really are a lot of them. It’s no wonder that people who are prone to hoarding overweight and obesity, it is recommended to limit their consumption. IN as a last resort, you can be content with the whites alone, excluding the yolks.

The egg yolk even looks like a real treasure, because it is a rich storehouse of nutrients and biological substances that are extremely necessary for the body. active substances. It contains both complete protein and easily digestible fats. Lecithin, which is a fat-like substance, has a positive effect on the body’s fat metabolism and is supplied to the body, nourishing nerve cells with it.

The treasury of the yolk contains almost all vitamins, and yellow it is obliged to vitamin A. But the main thing is that it contains vitamin D, the lack of which leads to rickets, disorders in nervous system and damage to teeth. There are also respected vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, and many useful ones should also be added here. minerals. Armed with this information, pediatricians are sure to prescribe yolk to young children up to three times a week.

The eggs of domestic waterfowl have the same valuable qualities, as chicken eggs, however, when eating them, it should be taken into account that these eggs are often contaminated with salmonella, which is the causative agent of acute intestinal diseases. Moreover, Salmonella multiply in the yolk, and appearance, the smell and color of the eggs do not change.

Goose and duck eggs are consumed only after prolonged cooking; they must boil for at least a quarter of an hour to ensure that they are completely neutralized.

Although in addition to everything, in chicken yolk There is also cholesterol, an excess of which in the body leads to the development of atherosclerosis, but choline, which is also in large quantities Contained in the yolk, it prevents harmful cholesterol deposits.

Plus, egg yolks are good for your heart . This familiar product is important means prevention of cardiovascular and oncological pathologies. The yolks contain the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan, which are reliable antioxidants. Famous argument about egg yolk, as a source of cholesterol, has long been refuted by scientists. It has been determined that lecithin, which is part of the yolk, counteracts the increase in cholesterol levels in the blood. If you eat two yolks every day, then the strengthening and anti-inflammatory effects on the body are comparable only to apples or cranberries. This statement only applies because heat treatment reduces the beneficial properties of egg yolks by half.

There is an easy way to determine the freshness of an egg . To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in half a liter of water, then dip an egg into it. A fresh egg will sink to the bottom, but a stale one, on the contrary, will float up, which means it is not suitable for food. An egg of average freshness will remain somewhere in the middle, and can only be used as a gift.

However, there are still restrictions on the consumption of eggs. Older people should not eat more than two eggs per week. At chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis and liver diseases and biliary tract, it is advisable to avoid eating egg yolks.

Egg yolk is a collection of nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the full development of a living organism. The yolk is present in all animal and human eggs, but its quantity and composition varies significantly. Egg yolk ranges in color from pale yellow to bright orange. It depends on the color of the bird's plumage and its diet.

Norms and rules of use

For normal development body and active work Doctors recommend eating 1-2 eggs per day. Eggs should be eaten as fresh as possible. When the shell is broken, the egg should not have a cloudy color and characteristic smell hydrogen sulfide. To check the freshness of an egg at home, place it in a glass of water. A fresh one will sink to the bottom, and an egg that has lain for more than three weeks will float to the surface and part of it will be above the surface of the water.


The egg should be stored in the refrigerator with the pointed end down for no more than three weeks. This will prevent the yolk from touching the air chamber and keep it centered.

Calorie content of yolk

The yolk is different increased content proteins and fats. Its calorie content is 352 kcal per 100 g fresh product. In dried form, it contains 667 kcal per 100 g. It is very nutritious, and its excessive consumption can cause obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of yolk

Composition and presence of nutrients

Egg yolk contains 12 vitamins vital for the human body, and percentage some is the daily norm. Most of all vitamins, B9, B1, B2, B12, F, . Nature also took care of supplying the yolk with all the necessary microelements. There are more than 50 of them, most of them contain phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfur and chlorine. In addition, the yolk contains proteins, lipids, carotenoids, lecithin and cholesterol. Another advantage of the yolk is that its nutrients are absorbed by the human body by 95%. Maximum vitamins and useful substances is preserved in the raw yolk, but in this form it can only be consumed if you are completely confident in the health of the bird.

Lycetin contained in the yolk nourishes nerve tissue And human brain, being prophylactic against sclerosis. It also helps normalize the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts. Carotenoids increase visual acuity and have a preventive effect on the development of senile cataracts. Compared to other foods, yolk cholesterol is not saturated fat and therefore breaks down easily.

Egg yolk also contains phospholipids, which bind and remove excess cholesterol. Nutrient yolk cholein interferes with the formation and development malignant tumors, in particular breast cancer.

Egg yolk substances are involved in the process of hematopoiesis and are a good stimulant. immune system, stimulate brain function, strengthen joints and bones. It also stimulates bile outflow, which causes better peristalsis of the stomach and intestines. Eating yolk during pregnancy prevents the risk of developing pathologies and birth defects in newborns.

Use of yolk in cosmetology

Thanks to your nutritional properties the yolk is used in the preparation of masks, creams and other cosmetics. It prevents dry skin and hair, relieves inflammation and irritation, and has a rejuvenating effect. Washing your hair with raw egg yolk does hair strong, soft and obedient. It can also be applied to the facial skin for 20 minutes, which will ensure smoothness and elasticity of the skin. The mask is suitable for all skin types. But to further moisturize dry skin, you can prepare a mask consisting of honey (1 tsp), steamed oatmeal(1 tbsp.), olive oil(1 tsp) or any other oil and yolk. Mix everything thoroughly, apply to the face and décolleté and leave for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

To remove excess fat and shine from the skin, you should prepare a mask based on cosmetic clay(0.5 tbsp) and yolk. Apply for 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

A mask made of burdock oil (2-4 tablespoons depending on the length) and one yolk will help get rid of dandruff and moisturize your hair. The mixture must be mixed and applied with rubbing movements to the scalp and along the entire length of the hair. Under plastic bag The mask must be kept on for 40 minutes. For oily hair Burr oil should be replaced with camphor and kept for only 5 minutes.

In cooking

The yolk is used in cooking in the preparation of sauces, mayonnaise, creams, casseroles, poached eggs, salads and other dishes. Dishes using eggs and egg yolk should only be stored in the refrigerator.

There is an opinion that eggs and the yolk in particular are difficult to digest. However, this process fully depends on the degree of heat treatment. Soft-boiled eggs and fried eggs are digested in the stomach within 1-2 hours, and hard-boiled eggs and fried eggs on both sides take 3 hours.

Hello friends!

The debate about the benefits or harms of egg yolk continues to rage. The main stumbling block was the cholesterol contained in the yolk. But is this the one you should be afraid of? Maybe egg yolk is still somehow useful? Let's figure it out right now.

Egg yolk: benefits and harms

When it comes to cholesterol, many doctors, in addition to fatty foods, draw our attention to egg yolks. The yolks actually contain about 200 mg of cholesterol, but it is easily leveled out by the lecithin contained in the same eggs.

It is also necessary to understand that when there is a lack of calcium in the body, cholesterol begins to, as it were, replace it. So if your vessels have very thin walls, then this good (healthy) cholesterol tries to protect them. The main problem with egg yolk is its consumption in excess. Now let's talk about everything in order.

Egg yolks are a source huge amount nutrients, vitamins and minerals (80% of a whole egg) Therefore, if you separate the white from the yolk and consume the white alone, you are depriving yourself of the following:

  • Unsaturated()
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamins A, E, D
  • Selenium
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Biotin (Vitamin H)
  • Choline (a substance from the B vitamin group)
  • Beta carotene
  • Phosphorus

Despite this, many experts argue that by consuming egg yolks, you are risking your health, hinting at the presence of cholesterol in them. But if you look at the composition of the yolk indicated above, it becomes clear that these substances (mostly B vitamins) have the properties to effectively regulate the level of good cholesterol.

Despite the obvious benefits, the disadvantages of yolk are cholesterol and fats. Therefore, this product is not recommended to be abused by people with various cardiovascular diseases and those suffering from obesity. In fact, you really should be wary of saturated and trans fats (fatty pork, Palm oil, margarine, etc.), rather than egg yolk.

Raw, boiled or fried yolk

1. Raw egg

Eggs are much easier and faster to consume raw. But for many this is not entirely pleasant. By the way, a raw egg only half is absorbed by the body. In addition, eggs may contain harmful bacteria - salmonella. If the egg is not thermally treated, then the chances of poisoning will be much greater.

Note: “In raw quail eggs no salmonella."

2. Fried egg

Fried egg (scrambled egg) is one of my favorite dishes. What could it be easier to prepare scrambled eggs? Unfortunately, with this type of heat treatment, almost all beneficial substances are destroyed and trans fats are released. But still, absorption by the body occurs much better than a raw egg.

3. Boiled egg

When boiled, an egg is 98% digestible, retains most of its nutrients and has no traces of fat after cooking. I think it's a choice healthy way preparation for the consumption of eggs is obvious.

Egg quality and quantity

IN currently presented on store shelves wide choose various egg producers, but not all can boast of excellent quality. The yolks should be bright orange and have a strong shell, but I rarely see such, and the chickens are raised in an unknown way. In this regard, farm eggs have more advantages over factory eggs.

The amount of yolk and eggs consumed in general should be such that cholesterol and fats do not exceed the norm. About 6 eggs per week for an adult will be enough. Athletes to increase muscle mass consume 3-4 times more (almost without yolks), but also physical exercise they have others.

That's all for today. I hope you have emphasized for yourself the benefits and harms of egg yolks.

An interesting video about how to separate the white from the yolk. How do you do this?



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