Manchurian Aralia tincture: instructions for collection and use. Aralia honey - beneficial properties

Aralia is a tree belonging to a genus of plants with 35 species. It can grow to a height of about 15 meters and has few branches and a trunk covered with thorns. Leaves of the plant big size, with long petioles, which gives it some resemblance to a palm tree. When talking about the plant, it is sometimes called the Far Eastern palm. With the onset of autumn, the leaves acquire a yellow or red tint. The flowers are small, white with yellowish tint, form inflorescences, which are composed of several umbrellas that look like panicles up to 45 cm long. The plant blooms in mid-summer, and the fruits ripen when autumn comes. The fruits are small, black, containing five seeds, each of which is protected by a stone.

The distribution area covers Australia, the Far East and North America. The plant can grow either separately from other trees or form small groups, found mainly on forest edges. The plant is characterized by a fairly high growth rate and rapid life cycle, and almost never reaches the age of 25.

The amazing properties of the plant are its resistance to severe frosts, and also the fact that it never develops fungal diseases. In addition, it is not susceptible to pests with the exception of some types of slugs.

The root of Aralia, or as this plant is also called - devil's tree, has pronounced medicinal properties. In addition to the roots, leaves and bark are also used as raw materials for the manufacture of medicines. The plant is collected and prepared in the spring season in April and May, and in the fall - from September to October. Medical use They find mainly the roots of Manchurian Aralia.


A13A General tonics

Active ingredients

Aralia Manchurian roots

Pharmacological group

Homeopathic remedies

pharmachologic effect

Antiasthenic drugs

Indications for use of aralia root

Today, there are many clinical cases in which the use of aralia root can fully demonstrate its benefits. medicinal properties. Produced healing effect can be compared with beneficial effects on the human body of ginseng root.

The tincture is recommended for use when neurasthenic reactions and asthenic conditions occur, manifested as a consequence of a traumatic brain injury. It may be useful when infectious diseases, post-influenza arachnoiditis, in cases where psychasthenia occurs due to prolonged emotional and physical stress. The indications can also include cerebral atherosclerosis accompanied by complaints of a hypochondriacal nature. The use of this drug is justified in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia for the treatment of asthenodepressive conditions. small degree gravity. The plant is also a remedy effective against erectile dysfunction and for the treatment of impotence.

Using aralia root tincture twice or thrice a day for a month helps improve appetite, increase work capacity, and normalize sleep.

It also has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. According to the results of an oscillographic study in patients with asthenic and asthenohypochondriacal syndrome of varying severity, hypotonic type normalization revealed blood pressure, which is reflected in oscillographic indicators.

Having the properties of a positive effect on the functioning of the internal secretion organs, medicinal products based on aralia root can also perform well in the fight against skin diseases.

Thus, the use of aralia root in medicine is quite different. wide range its possible use in medicinal purposes and is effective in many disorders of the healthy functioning of the human body.

Using Aralia Root During Pregnancy

According to existing medical recommendations The use of the drug should be avoided by a woman preparing to become a mother, as well as during the period of time after the birth of the baby during which she is breastfeeding. The question of whether it is possible to use aralia root during pregnancy should be discussed during a woman’s consultation with her gynecologist.

On the one hand, since the Aralia root is distinguished by its content of vitamin B2, which is necessary for the embryo, and subsequently the fetus, to grow and develop normally, medications, created on the basis of aralia root could fill the need female body in riboflavin during pregnancy. In addition, this drug has tonic properties and helps prevent excessive fatigue, both mental and physical. This becomes relevant due to the fact that a woman’s body, in which a new life grows and develops, is subject to a large expenditure of energy, which is often associated with a significant loss of strength. The plant also has a beneficial effect in resisting stress, and pregnancy, as is known, is an almost continuously lasting stressful state until successful resolution by childbirth.

However, with all these above advantages from the use of drugs based on aralia root, we should not forget that they bring the central nervous system into a state of excitement, which can become a factor that adversely affects intrauterine development child. It should also be noted that the plant can interfere with such postpartum recovery processes in the female body as involution of the genital organs. During them, the uterus and vagina gradually return to the state in which they were before pregnancy and childbirth.

Use during pregnancy, therefore, requires carefully weighing the pros and cons so that the degree of its usefulness and the beneficial effect produced exceeds the possibility of leading to negative consequences for the health of the mother and child.


Contraindications for use are justified based on the medical history of each individual patient, the state of cardiovascular and individual characteristics functioning of the central nervous system, the possible presence of a number of chronic diseases. The use of this medicinal product is allowed only after consultation and on the recommendation of a qualified medical specialist.

Those who have hypertension should refrain from using drugs based on aralia root. arterial hypertension, hyperkinesis, the nervous system is characterized by a persistent tendency towards increased excitability, epileptic conditions and sleep disturbances occur. You should not take tinctures and decoctions from aralia root a short time before going to bed, as this can lead to difficulty falling asleep and insomnia. Aralia root preparations are excluded from the list of acceptable medicines for people who have an individual intolerance to its components.

The plant does not contain substances that can cause intoxication of the body, and if used correctly, the likelihood of significant side effects is small, but it is not recommended to independently decide on its use for medicinal purposes. A course of treatment using drugs containing it can only be started after consultation with the attending physician.

In order for the treatment to be effective and not lead to all sorts of accompanying complications and side effects instead of improving health, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the pros and cons of using this remedy, including taking into account all existing contraindications for use.

Side effects of aralia root

Side effects include the possible occurrence of allergic reactions, insomnia, rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure, and in addition to this, the appearance of a state of euphoria.

The use of tincture from aralia root throughout long period time leads to the possibility of developing hypertension manifested in increased blood pressure.

The next side effect produced by the root is related to the time factor, namely: it is directly dependent on what time of day the drug is taken. So it is not recommended to take aralia root tincture in the evening, especially shortly before going to bed, as this can lead to disruption healthy sleep, cause insomnia.

the plant brings the central nervous system into a state of excitement. This makes the use of drugs containing it unacceptable if a person has a tendency to increased nervous excitability; there are sleep disturbances, manifested in the form of frequent insomnia; as well as with a persistent increase in blood pressure.

The plant can provoke a change in heart rate, leading to a decrease in the number of beats per minute to less than 60, which makes its use undesirable if there are disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as when febrile conditions and epilepsy occur.

When deciding on an appointment this drug, it is necessary to take into account what side effects Aralia root can be caused in the body based on the general health condition and the individual characteristics of each individual patient.


Exists a large number of confirmations and positive feedback about beneficial action medical supplies made on the basis of medicinal raw materials from aralia root. However, in order for the use of this drug for medicinal purposes to have a positive effect and the practical benefits of it are not negated by the concomitant occurrence of various side effects, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations medical specialists and follow prescription requirements regarding drug dosages. So, the tincture of aralia root is taken orally twice during the day - after the morning meal, and then closer to the middle of the day, for from two weeks to one month. Children over 12 years of age and adults are prescribed 30 to 40 drops at a time.

The appearance of such signs may indicate that an overdose is occurring. negative phenomena such as increased blood pressure, condition overexcitement central nervous system, sleep disorders. In some cases, difficulty breathing and loss of consciousness may occur. Exceeding the permissible dosage of the drug is associated with an increasing possibility of side effects manifested in the occurrence of nausea, vomiting, nosebleeds, as well as the development of hypoglycemia. The presence of any of these phenomena makes it necessary to refuse to continue treatment course, and if such symptoms do not go away, it requires mandatory consultation with a doctor to prescribe symptomatic treatment.

As the ancients said: “metron ariston”, which means - in everything you need to have moderation. This statement is especially true with regard to pharmacological drugs, because their uncontrolled use and, as a result, an overdose can lead to, often quite serious, disturbances in the functioning of the human body.

special instructions

Roots of Aralia Manchurian

Aralia Manchuria is a small tree reaching a height of 3 to 5 meters. The leaves located at the top of the trunk are of the double-pinnate type, have long petioles and together look like a thick whorl. In the center between them there is an inflorescence, which is a spreading complex panicle, on the branches of which there are simple umbrella flowers of a white-yellowish color. The fruit is a blue-black berry-shaped drupe containing 5 seeds.

The plant is widespread in the Far Eastern region, Northeast China, Korea, on the island. Sakhalin and the islands located next to it. You can meet this plant, which, due to the fact that its trunk and leaves are strewn with prickly thorns, is also popularly called “devil’s tree,” in the undergrowth of deciduous and mixed types, in clearings, clearings, etc. The tree usually grows in well-lit areas, both separately from other trees and forming small groves.

The roots of Manchurian aralia are the main component that is used in the manufacture of medicines obtained from this tree. The chemical composition of the roots, and mainly in the bark covering them, contains triterpene glycosides represented by aralosides A, B, C, which are derivatives of oleanolic acid. The structure of their carbohydrate part is characterized by the predominance of araloside A, which, being an oleanolic acid trioside, contains arabinose, glucose, glucuronic acid, one residue of each of these substances. The roots are also distinguished by the presence of aralin alkaloid, trace elements, resins and essential oil.

Harvesting of roots is carried out in the spring and autumn seasons. After the roots are dug up, they are thoroughly cleaned and washed, and cut into pieces, left to dry in special dryers, where they are constantly maintained temperature regime in the range of 50 to 60 degrees Celsius.

In order to meet the criteria allowing the use of Manchurian aralia roots in the manufacture of medicinal products, they should be light fibrous cylindrical pieces with a diameter of up to 3 centimeters, covered with a flaky gray-brown cork. Their bark should be thin and easily separated from the wood.


The properties are manifested primarily in the provision of a strong tonic effect, in intensity exceeding the effect of the use of ginseng root and eleutherococcus. The history of the discovery of such remarkable properties is connected with the fact that when searching for a plant with an effect similar to that produced by ginseng root, this tree from the Araliaceae family was identified.

A distinctive feature of drugs created on the basis of raw materials from aralia root is that their use is not accompanied by significant changes in blood pressure. In addition, the plant is an effective remedy for helping to cope with the consequences of stressful situations.

Aralia root tincture has proven itself well as a drug that stimulates the functioning of the central nervous system and promotes the flow of strength and energy during conditions increased fatigue during mental and physical activity.

The plant exhibits its medicinal properties as effective remedy in the presence of diabetes, stomach diseases, colds, sleep disorders, insomnia. A decoction of the rhizome produces a general strengthening effect on the body.

Based on all of the above, we can summarize that the properties are such that they make medicinal products made from it useful and advisable for use to restore health in many clinical cases. However, you need to keep in mind that when using a plant, there is a possibility of a number of negative consequences and side effects. Therefore, treatment with this drug should be started after consultation with a medical specialist.



Price, UAH.)

Pani Pharmacy

Kyiv, st. Bogdana Khmelnitsky, 14 (m. Teatralnaya)

Aralia tincture 50ml, Viola (Ukraine, Zaporozhye)

Odessa, st. Panteleimonovskaya, 21 (Novy Privoz)

Aralia tincture 50ml, Viola (Ukraine, Zaporozhye)

Pani Pharmacy - reservation service

Dnepropetrovsk, st. Monitornaya, 2

Aralia tincture 50ml, Viola (Ukraine, Zaporozhye)

Pani Pharmacy - reservation service

Donetsk, st. Kuibysheva, 47

Aralia tincture 50ml, Viola (Ukraine, Zaporozhye)

Pani Pharmacy - reservation service

Zaporozhye, st. Ladozhskaya, 14

Aralia tincture 50ml, Viola (Ukraine, Zaporozhye)

Pharmacy Good day

Kyiv, Independence Square 1, shopping mall globe

Aralia tincture 50ml, Viola

Pharmacy Lyudmila-Pharm Co.

Kyiv, st. Zodchikh, 54 (terminal stop of tram No. 3)

Aralia tincture 50ml, Viola

Pharmacy Lyudmila-Pharm Co.

Address: Zhitomir, Mira Avenue, 37

Aralia tincture 50ml, Viola

Pharmacy Rosa+

Kyiv City. st. Petropavlovskaya 50-B

Aralia tincture 50ml, Viola

Pharmacy Zholdifarm

Kyiv, st. Degtyarevskaya 12/7, metro station Lukyanovskaya

Aralia tincture 50 ml, Viola

Pharm. factory Ukraine, Zaporozhye

Pharmacy "Recipes for Life" No. 3

Chernivtsi, st. Home, 204-B

If we adhere to a strict botanical classification, then high aralia and Manchurian aralia are two varieties of the same species. The leaves of the first are wider, and the inflorescences are looser, and there are many more umbrellas on them than in the second variety. However, given that all these signs are not very significant and are not always strictly manifested, in many reference books both of these plants are classified as one species.

Aralia high or Manchurian (thorn tree, devil's tree) - Aralia mandshurica rupr. Et maxim - belongs to the genus Aralia L., family Araliaceae. The genus includes 35 species, growing mostly in the tropics. The flora of Russia includes five species, of which one is recommended for landscaping.

On this page you can see photos and descriptions of Manchurian Aralia, as well as learn how to grow these trees:

What does Manchurian Aralia look like?

Aralia high is an ornamental tree or shrub, a very interesting and unique plant that grows singly or in small groups in the undergrowth of mixed and coniferous forests. For centuries, the beauty - the tall Aralia - was known as the “devil’s tree”. Because of the thorns, people did not notice its palm-like appearance, lush flowering, or exotic beauty. But Aralia looks very impressive in alleys, on the edges, in single and group plantings of our parks and garden plots.

Aralia manchurian tree– fast-growing, short, reaching only 25 years of age. It can reach a height of 1.5 to 6 m. Under very favorable conditions it grows up to 12 m. The root system is superficial, radial, horizontal to a depth of 10-25 cm from the soil surface. At a distance of 2-3 (less often 5) m from the trunk, the roots bend sharply downwards and reach a depth of 50-60 cm, forming numerous small branches.

The trunk is straight, few branches, with clearly visible leaf scars and numerous thick, horizontally arranged sharp spines. They are especially strongly developed in young individuals. The bark of young trees is gray with light gray spots, finely wrinkled, with light brown lentils, and peels off longitudinally as it ages. The tree is usually unbranched. When describing the Manchurian Aralia, it is worth noting that if the apical bud is damaged, branching specimens with up to 30 axes with apical inflorescences are often formed.

The leaf arrangement is alternate, spiral. The petioles are green or green-brown, up to 20 cm long, widened at the base into a short, almost stem-encompassing sheath.

As you can see in the photo, the leaf blades of the Manchurian Aralia are up to 50-70 cm long and wide:

There are also plants with larger leaves: in some specimens they are up to 1.5 m thick and over 1 m wide. The leaf blades are doubly unpaired-pinnate. The leaves are ovate, sometimes elliptical, 4-18 cm long and 2-8 cm wide, sessile or on very short petioles, bright green above, much lighter below, jagged along the edge. The petioles and petioles of the leaves are sparsely pubescent and lined with spines.

IN natural conditions Aralia Manchuria blooms in the fifth year of life; the flowers are small, white or cream, collected in umbels, forming complex multi-flowered (up to 70 thousand flowers) inflorescences, consisting of 6-8 apical panicles. The flowers are five-membered, bisexual and staminate. The calyx consists of five triangular bare teeth. Petals are yellowish-white, oval-triangular. There are 5 stamens, the ovary is five-locular, there are 5 styles, they are free.

Look at the photo - the fruit of the Manchurian Aralia is a syncarpous, five-locular drupe:

The fruits are spherical, 3-5 mm in diameter, blue-black, with five seeds. The number of fruits varies greatly depending on the age of the plant, habitat conditions and other reasons. Up to 12 thousand fruits are formed on the plant; the average weight of one fruit is 50 mg. The seed productivity of Manchurian aralia is high: up to 60 thousand seeds are formed on the tree, but a significant part of them do not ripen. The seeds are oblong-elongated, light brown or grayish, 2.5 mm long, 1-2 mm wide (7). Weight of 1000 seeds is 0.928-0.935 g. Blooms in July - August; the fruits ripen in October.

Root-sprouting individuals usually bloom and bear fruit already at the age of five and have a well-developed root system. By the age of 15, many dead and woody parts appear in its root system and the roots become less suitable for medical use.

On Sakhalin Island and the southern Kuril Islands (Kunashir and Shikotan), aralia blooms in September. On Sakhalin it bears little fruit, which is explained by a lack of heat. In Kunashir, full fruiting is observed at the end of September and the first ten days of October.

These photos show what the Aralia Manchurian plant looks like:

Where does Manchurian Aralia grow?

Aralia high or Manchurian within Russia grows only by Far East: in the Primorsky Territory, in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory and the southeast of the Amur region, in the southern part of Sakhalin and Kuril Islands(Shikotan, Kunashir and Iturup).

The general range covers northeastern China, the Korean peninsula and Japan. In the Kuril Islands it is found on the southern islands. It often grows in fern fir forests, bamboo birch forests, and in the undergrowth of mixed forests. Prefers clarified places on northern, northeastern and northwestern slopes. On Kunashir it was recorded sporadically in elm-birch-maple forests in the lower mountain belt, on Shikotan - on the edges of forests with a predominance of Sakhalin fir, small-seeded spruce and yew together with velvet, maple, rowan and other species.

It is undemanding to soil and moisture, but grows well in fertile, well-drained soils, avoiding overly moist and dry habitats. It grows on the edges of Sakhalin fir and small-seeded spruce forests. At the northern border of its distribution (Sakhalin Island), high aralia is found scatteredly, never forming significant thickets.

The Aralia Manchurian plant is a floristic element of Manchuria. In real cedar-broad-leaved forests it occurs singly or in small groups, exclusively in cleared areas. When the natural vegetation cover of pine-deciduous forests is disturbed and in areas with unformed vegetation cover, Manchurian Aralia forms relatively large thickets, where its vegetative and often seed reproduction is always observed.

Aralia Manchurian is a pioneer in the settlement of burnt areas and cutting areas that arose on the site of cedar-broad-leaved forests.

In burnt areas, it often appears in large quantities just a few months after the fire, but after 5-10 years the number of its individuals per unit area sharply decreases as a result of self-thinning. However, due to the rapid growth of plants, its thickets remain quite dense and sometimes impassable. About 20 years after a fire in cedar-broad-leaved forests, Manchurian Aralia usually disappears completely, remaining only on roadsides, edges and clearings.

Growing Manchurian aralia from seeds and root suckers

High aralia seeds with an underdeveloped embryo and powerful endosperm. They are characterized by an intermediate morphophysiological type of endogenous dormancy. Seeds that are morphophysiologically dormant usually require two-stage stratification. However, with a two-stage 8-month stratification (4 months at 18-30°C and 4 months at 0-5°C), up to 48% of the seeds germinated. Faster and more vigorous germination was observed under conditions of frequent and sharp temperature fluctuations: 1 day at 18-20°C and 2 days at 5-7°C. With this mode of growing Manchurian aralia in 3.5 months. 50% of the seeds germinated. Treatment with gibberellic acid stimulated germination. Soaking them in a 0.05-0.25% solution and further germination at a temperature of 18-20°C ensured almost complete germination.

The sensitivity of seeds to treatment with gibberellin depended on the concentration of the stimulant, germination temperature and to a large extent on the timing of seed collection, i.e., on the degree of formation of the embryo.

It is known that under the conditions of Sakhalin, seeds germinate a month after two months of warm stratification at a temperature of +18..,+20°C and two months of cold stratification - at a temperature from 0 to +5°C. When propagated by seeds, the plants at the age of 14 years had a height of 1.2 m and bloomed. Positive results with vegetative propagation were obtained only when root and rhizomatous cuttings were used in plantings. Rooting of cuttings when planted in early spring in southern conditions

Primorye was 62-100%, under conditions of introduction (Moscow region) - 50-73.5%. Propagate from stem cuttings this type failed. In nature, it reproduces by seeds and root suckers, more actively in bright areas and fresh burnt areas.

Aralia is photophilous and frost-resistant. In the conditions of Moscow, during severe winters, it sometimes freezes to the root collar, but then recovers. It is undemanding to soil and moisture, tolerates replanting well, but has very fragile roots. Aralia is propagated by seeds and root cuttings. Fresh seeds have good germination. For more successful germination, they can be treated with gibberellic acid (500 mg/l with exposure for 24 hours). When growing Manchurian aralia, keep in mind that small and tender shoots in the first years need protection and careful care.

The plant is practically not susceptible to fungal diseases, and it is not affected by any pests except slugs.

Application of Manchurian Aralia

In Japan, the bark of the trunks is used as a diuretic and antidiabetic, sedative and anti-inflammatory agent, a decoction of the roots is used for gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes mellitus, in China - the roots are used as a diuretic for colds, carcinoma, rheumatism, diabetes, stomach ulcers. The bark of stems and roots is used as a tonic for heart, intestinal and nervous diseases. The Nanais used the roots for toothache and stomatitis, liver diseases and as a tonic.

Experimentally confirmed positive influence treatment of periodontal disease with saparal together with vitamins. In some cases, Aralia preparations were used externally in the treatment of certain allergic diseases skin. Experiments on animals have shown that preparations of the roots and bark of the Manchurian Aralia have an androgenic effect. Bark and roots in folk medicine Far East are used for diabetes.

The dried roots of Manchurian aralia are used not only as medicine, but also to obtain tincture and saparal.

The roots of Manchurian aralia are harvested in the fall, starting in September. The collected raw materials are dried in dryers at a temperature of about 60° or in well-ventilated areas.

The decorative value of Manchurian aralia is also undeniable. Its leaves are crowded at the tops of the shoots, which gives the plant some resemblance to a palm tree. In spring they are light green above, light gray below, in summer they are green, in autumn period are painted in pink-violet, sometimes reddish tones, and fall off very quickly.

Aralia is also decorative during the flowering period. Its small white-cream fragrant flowers are collected in large complex paniculate inflorescences, crowning the tops of trunks and branches, very impressive at the height of flowering, which occurs in August, which not only enhances the decorative value of this species, but is also an aid for beekeeping, since Aralia is a wonderful honey plant.

It is especially decorative at the end of September, when the blue-black, berry-like, inedible fruits ripen. Until late autumn, large panicles with ripe fruits, bending under their own weight, decorate the tops of plants.

Despite its healing and decorative properties, popularly this plant is often called the devil's tree. The reason is its long spines.

Information about Manchurian Aralia can be found both on the Internet and on the pages of specialized magazines. But basically it describes her beneficial features and cooking recipes healing tinctures. Unfortunately, little information is provided about the nuances of cultivating this plant. Therefore, we decided to talk about growing Manchurian aralia.

Botanical description

In appearance it is a shrub or small tree, growing up to 3-7 m (sometimes up to 12 m). Trunk and branches gray, studded with sharp thorns. The plant is capable of vegetative propagation.

The leaves are green, large, openwork, the crown forms a spherical dome. During flowering, cream or white flowers appear at the top of the trunk, collected in large umbrella inflorescences. In autumn, bluish-black fruits ripen on the bush, and the foliage turns red.

Did you know? The life of modern man depends on the use of more than one and a half thousand cultivated plants.

Natural habitat - deciduous and heterogeneous forests of Primorye, southern Sakhalin, Amur region, Kuril Islands. They are successfully grown on an industrial scale in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk regions.


The genus Aralia L. includes 35 species of trees, shrubs and perennial herbs. Only 3 species grow on the territory of the Russian Federation, including Manchurian Aralia (high), the largest of all.

There are several varieties of aralia:

  • low deciduous trees;
  • multi-stemmed shrubs;
  • perennial large herbs.

The most commonly cultivated types of aralia are:


There are several ways to plant and propagate Manchurian aralia:

  • seminal,
  • cuttings,
  • shoots.

Therefore, every gardener can choose the one that is convenient for him.


The most common method of sowing is seed. To do this, take freshly harvested material that has good germination. The seeds are planted in late summer - early autumn in pre-fed soil. Planting depth - 1.5-2 cm (no more).

Important! The germination of Aralia seeds lasts 1.5 years.

Aralia Manchurian seeds

The distance between the holes should be 40-60 cm. 1 g of seeds per square meter is enough. Before planting, add 3 kg of humus and 20-30 g of nitrophoska to each hole. The top of the seedlings are covered with humus.

To increase germination, seed material is soaked for a day in a solution of gibberellic acid at the rate of 0.5 g per liter of water.

You can plant seeds in the spring, but then the seed material will have to be stratified before planting: kept for 3-4 months at a temperature of 14-20 °C and 4 months at 2-5 °C, and seedlings will appear later, only after 7-8 months.

  • 0-5 °C - 30-90 days;
  • 18-20 °C - 60 days.


The branches are planted until the buds open to a depth of 15-20 cm, at a distance of 60-80 cm from each other, watered well, mulched and protected from the sun (for example, with shields). After the first leaves appear on the cuttings, the bush begins to gradually become accustomed to sunlight.

Did you know? The smallest flower in the world is duckweed. For for long years it was considered an algae, but then inflorescences were discovered. Scientists still cannot understand how this amazing plant it doubles in size in a day, and in a week it can cover the entire surface of a reservoir.

Aralia began to be used in medicine recently, since its properties were studied only as a result of the search for a ginseng substitute.


For those who are not ready to wait a long time for the seeds to hatch and the cuttings to take root, there is another method of propagation - by root suckers. They have a good root system and are easily separated from the mother bush.

Children are ready for transplantation when they grow to 25-30 cm. High-quality offspring should not have damaged roots. If root system whole, but not on the seedling itself dark spots, indicating freezing, it can be planted.

To plant offspring in the spring (before the shoots appear) or in the fall (after the leaves fall), holes are dug 40-50 cm deep and 60-70 cm wide. Fertile soil (15-25 cm) is poured onto the bottom and the baby is planted, straightening its roots. After this, the sprout is mulched with a layer of peat crumbs 2 cm thick and the hole is filled.

Plant care

Caring for Aralia is not difficult. Special attention should be given to the plant only in the first year after planting.


In areas with hot summers and low humidity, it is advisable to choose a place for planting with such a location that the Aralia will be in the sun for up to 11-12 hours, and if the aggressiveness of the sun increases, it will be in the shade.

Important! Despite the fact that aralia is not afraid of sunny places, in the open sun its leaves can burn and curl.


IN natural environment habitat Aralia Manchurian tolerates frosts down to -30°C, but young animals can freeze slightly in the first 2-3 years of life. This is explained frequent changes temperatures when severe frosts give way to thaws. Therefore, it is better to protect young seedlings for the winter. When the bush grows to 1.5 m, freezing of the shoots will stop.

The soil

It is better to choose fertile, light and well-drained soil. Then growing will not cause difficulties, and the bush will delight you healthy looking. The soil should be moderately acidic, pH 5-6. The plant reacts negatively to alkaline and loamy soils.


Since the roots of the shrub are close to the soil surface, the plant is not able to fully receive moisture from underground sources and needs watering. This procedure is especially relevant during the period of fruit ripening and in the first year after planting - up to three times a week.


Aralia loves moisture, but does not tolerate stagnant water. Because of this, the plant may experience various diseases. It can also be cultivated at low atmospheric humidity.

Top dressing

Mature shrubs need regular fertilizers:

  1. In the spring, substances are also added. In the first year - 20-30 g of mineral fertilizers for the bush and (rotted manure), diluted with water.
  2. In the summer, when the buds are set, feed.
  3. Repeat feeding in the fall, after harvesting the fruits.
In addition, at the time of planting cuttings or seeds, fertilizing is a prerequisite.


As the bush grows, it is necessary to give the plant shape, removing excess shoots, as well as diseased, damaged and dry branches as sanitary care.


Manchurian Aralia is successfully used as a fast-growing ornamental plant.

Moreover, it is suitable for both single and group compositions, as well as hedges.
You can plant shrubs not far from the apiary - Aralia is an excellent honey plant. The plant also has healing properties. Aralia roots are used in alternative (and traditional) medicine.

Medicine natural origin. It is made from the roots of the plant in an alcohol base. Thanks to many useful substances, which are part of the plant, has a wide therapeutic effect. Instructions for using Aralia tincture, price, reviews are presented in the article.

Chemical composition and release form of aralia

The tincture of plant roots contains:

  • choline;
  • vitamins C, B1;
  • flavonoids;
  • anthocyanins;
  • triterpene saponins;
  • tannins and resins;
  • mineral salts;
  • organic acids.

Take Aralia Manchurian tincture according to the instructions, in the required dosage.

The medicine is available in the form of a tincture of aralia roots, which were infused for a long time in 70% alcohol. It is a brownish-yellow liquid with a special odor. The product is available in bottles with volumes of 50 and 25 ml.

Beneficial properties of Aralia tincture

The product has a lot of useful properties, which include:

  1. Reduced blood glucose levels. The tincture will help people suffering diabetes mellitus. She is able to support normal level blood glucose. Improves the condition of the skin, hair and heals diabetic ulcers on the lower extremities.
  2. Improves the functioning of the excretory system. The tincture reduces swelling, improves metabolism and removes harmful substances from the body. It is useful to take the remedy for kidney diseases and Bladder during the period of remission.
  3. Strengthens immune system. The tincture is used in complex treatment colds. It improves immunity and allows you to cope with the disease in a short time.
  4. Increases Thanks to this property, the tincture is used by men who are involved in bodybuilding. As a result, the muscles return to normal and their mass increases during training.
  5. Relieves anxiety and nervous tension. This ability of Aralia tincture is the main indication for its use. It also relieves stress and psychological fatigue.
  6. Improves appetite. The tincture can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. In case of exacerbation of stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity, it is not recommended to take the drug.
  7. Improves skin condition. Aralia tincture, due to its properties, has a positive effect on skin covering. It is used in cosmetology to treat acne and skin inflammation.
  8. Removes radionuclides. After irradiation, the product rids the body of harmful substances and restores immunity impaired as a result of irradiation.
  9. Stimulates sexual activity. Tincture of Aralia Manchurian (instructions for use must be studied before use) can improve the functioning of the reproductive organs. Relieves pain during menstruation in women and normalizes erection in men.

Instructions for use of Aralia tincture, indications include the exact dosage and duration of use in the treatment of each disease. It is best to begin a course of treatment with the drug after consulting a doctor.

Method of administration and dose

Instructions for using Aralia tincture (reviews will be given below) are as follows:

  • It is best to take the drug in the morning and at lunch, before or after meals;
  • for an adult, a single dose is 40 drops;
  • To improve appetite in children, take 10-15 drops of the product, diluting with water to 1/2 teaspoon.

Aralia tincture therefore has evening time It is not recommended to take it due to possible violation sleep. The course of therapy ranges from 14 days to a month. After a 30-day break, you can continue taking the drug.

During treatment dental diseases use the tincture as a rinse: 1 tbsp. spoon for 200 ml of water. You need to rinse 2-3 times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

The effect of treatment occurs gradually over several days. If you compare Aralia with other similar remedies, its effect develops slowly, and you can feel the positive effect only after a certain period of time from the start of using the product.

Therapeutic effect of aralia tincture

According to reviews, Manchurian aralia tincture has the following properties:

  1. Increases body tone.
  2. Strengthens the nervous system.
  3. Normalizes sleep.
  4. Appetite improves.
  5. The body's resistance to stress increases.
  6. Mental and physical stress is relieved.
  7. Thanks to the diuretic effect, the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands improves.
  8. Blood glucose levels are normalized.
  9. Immunity is strengthened.

Women can use the properties of the tincture to care for the skin of the face and body. It has a rejuvenating effect and perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Thanks to the rich chemical composition tinctures improve the condition of the whole body and reduce the symptoms of many diseases.

Contraindications and side effects of tincture

In accordance with the instructions for use, Aralia tincture has the following restrictions on its use:

  • Chronic sleep disorders. If you have persistent insomnia, it is not recommended to take the drug, because the disease is caused by nervous excitability and requires special treatment.
  • Epilepsy. The tincture can cause convulsions due to its tonic effect.
  • The child's age is up to 12 years. Children's body During this period, it actively grows and develops, so the tincture can negatively affect the nervous system. The child may become moody and irritable.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug. The product is allergenic, so it must be used with caution. Before use, apply to a small area of ​​skin and observe the reaction.
  • Arterial hypertension and cardiac dysfunction. The tincture affects the heart rate and can increase blood pressure.
  • Mental disorders. The tincture should not be taken for diseases associated with aggression and increased nervous excitability.
  • During pregnancy and lactation. Aralia tincture is toxic, therefore it can negatively affect the fetus and cause abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system. During the feeding period, harmful substances can enter the baby through mother's milk, which can cause poisoning.

According to the instructions for use, aralia tincture can cause adverse reactions, which include:

  • the occurrence of itching and rash;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • stool disorder.

Whenever similar symptoms Taking the tincture should be discontinued to avoid serious consequences.

Tincture analogues

Others have similar properties to Aralia tincture. medicinal substances which are made from natural ingredients. This is a tincture of ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus and Leuzea.

Terms, cost and storage conditions

The price of Aralia tincture (we have already studied the instructions for use) is budgetary and affordable for people to whom the remedy was prescribed by a doctor.

It is best to store the drug in a place that is not exposed to direct sunlight. If all rules are followed, the tincture can be stored for 3 years.

Manchurian Aralia - Aralia mandshurica Rupr. et Maxim.

High Aralia - Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem.

Araliaceae family - Araliaceae

Other names:
- thorn tree
- damn tree

Botanical characteristics. A small tree 3-5 m high. The leaves are located at the top of the prickly trunk in the form of a dense whorl, on long petioles, doubly pinnate. From the center of the whorl emerges an inflorescence in the form of a spreading complex panicle, the branches of which bear small simple umbrellas of yellowish-white flowers. The fruit is a berry-shaped drupe of blue-black color with 5 seeds. It blooms in July-August, the fruits ripen from mid-September. Due to the presence of prickly thorns on the trunk and leaves, aralia is popularly called the “devil’s tree.”

Related species: Heart-shaped aralia, or Schmidt's aralia (Aralia cordata Thunb), along with Manchurian aralia, is approved for use, but it is included in the Red Book (1978, 1984). Aralia cordiformis is a perennial herbaceous plant without thorns with a simple non-branching stem up to 1.25 m high. The root is thick, fleshy, slightly resinous, aromatic. The leaves are smaller, up to 50 cm long, on long petioles, double or triple pinnate, dark green above, glabrous, sometimes quite densely planted with short bristly hairs, lighter below. The inflorescence is large, up to 45-50 cm in length, in the form of one apical panicle, sometimes having small additional inflorescences below. Grows on Sakhalin and neighboring islands.

Spreading. Northeast China, Korea; in Russia - only in the Far East (Primorye and Amur region).

Habitat. In the undergrowth of mixed and deciduous forests, in clearings, clearings, near roads, it prefers sunny places. It grows singly or forms thickets suitable for harvesting raw materials.

Harvesting, primary processing and drying. When harvesting, only 5-15 year old plant specimens should be used. The roots are harvested in the fall, starting in September, and also in the spring before the leaves bloom (April–the first half of May). They are dug out with shovels, crowbars or special devices in the form of a long metal lever. They begin to dig from the trunk, carefully moving towards the periphery. Roots no thicker than 3 cm are selected. When harvesting, one root extending radially from the trunk must be left in the soil. In the future, the numerous adventitious buds located on it will ensure the restoration of aralia thickets. In addition, we can recommend planting a root cutting about 10 cm long and 1-3 cm in diameter in place of the destroyed specimen.

The dug up roots are thoroughly cleaned of soil, blackened or rotten parts are removed, as well as roots with a diameter of more than 3 cm, cut into pieces up to 8 cm long, and sometimes cut lengthwise.

The raw materials are dried in dryers at temperatures up to 60°C or in well-ventilated areas, and in dry weather - in the open air.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials must comply with the requirements of Global Fund XI, Art. 65.

Security measures. When harvesting raw materials, it is necessary to alternate collection sites and leave young plants to grow.

External signs. The raw material consists of cylindrical or longitudinally split pieces of roots up to 8 cm long and up to 3 cm in diameter with a few small lateral roots. The roots are light, longitudinally wrinkled, with a strongly flaky plug. The bark is thin and easily separated from the wood. The fracture is splintered, the color of the roots on the outside is brownish-gray, at the fracture it is whitish or yellowish-gray. The smell is strong, the taste is slightly astringent, bitter.

The crushed raw material consists of pieces of roots various shapes passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 7 mm.

Microscopy. A cross section of the root reveals a layer of highly flaky plug. The cortex consists of thin-walled parenchyma, among the cells of which secretory channels with a diameter of 7 to 20 microns are located in concentric belts. Parenchyma cells near the secretory canals and cells of the core of the rays are filled with starch grains. Starch grains are simple and 2-8 complex. The bark is separated from the wood by a thin layer of cambium. The wood is ring-vascular. The medullary rays are single to five rowed.

In the pressed preparation, spiral and porous vessels with simple or bordered pores, fibrous tracheids, and libriform fibers are visible; scraps of secretory channels and starch grains.

Qualitative reaction. 1 g of crushed raw material is boiled in a water bath (t = 80-85°) with reflux with 20 ml of methyl alcohol for 1 hour. 0.02 ml of the extract, settled for 5 minutes, is chromatographed on plates with a fixed layer of KSK silica gel. As a witness, apply 0.01 ml of 0.6% saparal solution in methyl alcohol. After 10 minutes, the plate is placed in a chamber with a solvent mixture of chloroform-methyl alcohol-water (61:32:7). Dry the chromatogram for 10 minutes, spray with a 20% sulfuric acid solution and heat at 105°C for 10 minutes in an oven. Three cherry-colored spots (aralosides) appear. Additional spots of cherry and other colors are allowed.

Numerical indicators. For whole And crushed raw materials the content of the sum of aralosides in terms of the ammonium salt of aralosides A, B and C, determined by potentiometric titration, must be at least 5%; humidity no more than 14%; total ash no more than 7%; roots blackened at the fracture, no more than 4%; organic and mineral impurities no more than 1%. For whole raw materials In addition, the content of pieces of roots more than 8 cm in length (no more than 15%) and pieces of roots more than 3 cm in diameter (no more than 15%) is limited. For crushed raw materials: particles that do not pass through a sieve with holes 7 mm in diameter, no more than 10%, and particles passing through a sieve with holes 0.25 mm in diameter, no more than 10%.

Chemical composition. Basic active ingredients Aralia roots - triterpene pentacyclic saponins of the b-amyrin group, derivatives of oleanolic acid. The main ones are aralosides A, B, C. They differ in the composition of the carbohydrate part and the place of attachment of sugars. The quantitative content of aralosides depends on the phase of plant development and the diameter of the roots. It is maximum during the budding phase and during the fruiting period in roots with a diameter of up to 5 mm (11-12%). With increasing root diameter, the content of aralosides decreases, since they are located mainly in the root bark, and with age, the proportion of bark relative to wood decreases.

Storage. In the warehouse - in bags in a dry, cool place, protected from light. The shelf life of raw materials is 3 years.

Pharmacological properties. Pharmacological studies of the roots of Manchurian Aralia have been carried out in the laboratory of pharmacology of the VILR since 1950.

Water decoction and alcohol tincture from the roots of Aralia Manchurian have a stimulating effect on animals - they increase motor activity, shorten the duration of anesthesia, increase the amplitude of heart contractions, slow down their rate, increase myocardial tone, somewhat stimulate respiration, and increase diuresis.

Tincture of Aralia Manchurian has a stimulating effect on the functions of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system. When using Aralia preparations, urinary excretion of 17-ketosteroids increases.

Liquid extract from the root of Aralia Manchurian and the purified sum of glycosides from the bark of the trunk have androgenic properties, increase the mass of target organs for androgens when used in immature male rats.

The sum of aralosides A, B and C has an exciting effect on animals, shortens the duration of experimental sleep, removes the inhibitory effect of chlorpromazine, rearranges the background of bioelectrical oscillations of the EEG towards high-frequency rhythms, reduces the threshold of excitability, increases the lability and performance of nerve cells, enhances activation reactions to light and sound signals, relieves drug blockade of the reticular formation of the midbrain, increases the electrical activity of the heart muscle, reduces the heart rate due to prolongation of diastole, and increases diuresis.

Aralosides stimulate immune activity, have an anti-stress effect, increase the body’s resistance to unfavorable factors external environment, to hypoxia, infection due to the activation of glycolytic enzyme systems and increased energy supply defensive reactions body. They increase resistance to toxic influences(poisoning with nitrites, chlorophos, methylhydrazine, fluorine), have protective effect in experimental radiation sickness, they have hypoglycemic properties and reduce the level of lipoproteins in the blood.

Preparations from Manchurian Aralia are low-toxic. They are active as parenteral administration, and when administered into the stomach.

Medicines. Tincture with 70% ethanol and the drug "Saparal" (in tablets of 0.05 g).

Application. The drugs are available only with a doctor's prescription, since saponins are contraindicated in hypertension. They are not recommended to be taken in the evening. The effect of the drug is similar to that of ginseng. In addition, the aboveground mass of aralia is studied for the content of saponins.

Aralia Manchurian tincture is used for asthenic conditions and neurasthenic reactions in patients who have suffered traumatic brain injury, infectious diseases and post-influenza arachnoiditis; psychasthenia after prolonged emotional and physical overload; at cerebral atherosclerosis with hypochondriacal complaints; for mild asthenodepressive conditions in patients with schizophrenia; with impotence.

Aralia tincture is prescribed orally, 30-40 drops per dose 2-3 times a day for a month. Most patients experience increased appetite, increased ability to work, and improved sleep.

In patients with chronic post-influenza arachnoiditis with asthenic syndrome positive action Manchurian aralia is observed by the end of the 2nd week, while when using other means (iodine electrophoresis, pine baths etc.) improvement occurs no earlier than after 1-2 months.

Of great interest are observations of the effect of Aralia Manchurian tincture on cardiovascular system. As an oscillographic study showed, in patients with asthenic and astheno-hypochondriacal syndromes varying degrees and a tendency towards hypotension, the use of the tincture led to normalization of blood pressure and oscillographic parameters.

Considering the positive impact on endocrine system and metabolism, Aralia tincture is used for skin diseases.

Under the name "Saparal" the sum of ammonium salts of triterpene glycosides (aralosides A, B and C) is approved for use. Saparal as a tonic is used to treat patients with asthenoneurotic and asthenodepressive syndrome that occurs against the background of skull trauma, schizophrenia, cerebral atherosclerosis, and cerebrovascular accidents; at functional disorders nervous system after prolonged emotional overload; for diseases of the peripheral nervous system; with pathological menopause (hypotension, asthenia, depression).

The best therapeutic effect was observed in patients with asthenodepressive conditions associated with fatigue and hypotension. Their health improved and their ability to work increased. The condition of patients with post-traumatic disorders, initial stages atherosclerosis. Noted beneficial influence: saparala for hypotension, psoriasis. For a number of post-infectious syndromes, saparal is used as a general tonic.

Tincture from the roots of Manchurian aralia (Tinctura Araliae) is prepared (1:5) in 70% alcohol. Transparent, amber color liquid with pleasant smell. Available in 50 ml bottles, stored in a cool, dark place. Prescribe 30-40 drops per appointment, after meals.

Saparalum (Saparalum) - tablets containing 0.05 g of the amount of ammonium salts of triterpene glycosides from the roots of Manchurian Aralia. Prescribed orally after meals, 0.05 g (1 tablet) 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications to taking Aralia Manchurian preparations: increased excitability, insomnia, hypertonic disease, epilepsy, hyperkinesis.



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